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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1899)
nT"l1 . v " - mm r At" r 1. if. i i v. i a JS "V'- Id? 'TlJ r a. " 33lllllgs f- . - - " 1 li i I wr Every cough makes your throat more row and Irritable. livery cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your throat and lungs In this way. Put the pjrts at rest and give them a chance to neat. You will need some hefty to do this, and you wliifind It la From the first dose the quiet and rest begin: the tickling In the throat ceases; the spasm weak ens; the cough disap pears. Do not wait for pneumonia and con sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr, Ayefa Cherry Pec toral Piaster shonil be OTcrthe lungs of every per son troubled with a cough. Write lo the Dodor. itppanwiltt-a ai.4 lone MriMW. KtititHilSf qtKttrf to. fr livtiie; fim wwlKwl ad.wie. Vfiu ftafif all b wruUf I tear M, Tli H. !( tovr tt bwm with wr I hmrtf rirel t'a l ) WtMt i7i wltftwit iMrm.tB.J.e.iTM,' C I)R.J.L.I.ILl ?n)SclanaadSl3:0, iftU fltixk - - Albny,,Or. J Liltleri Littler DSHIIsM Droadalbln St., Albany, Or. Uo. Collins D D 8 A. Jack Hodges D D 8 ' COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd Fsllow's Tsmpls, Albany, Or. Oliver PIows-njijp JtlOfKlNS dHUe.. Agunt. AIjhoj, Ortgoa "Oliver Ut9 th worl I th chilled And it hi eeved more mane) to the f armor of A merle plow ban any ormr" implement ever produced. Genuine OIIt ahilled r ton butt g eith. Tli 0 Ivor It promoter of tiappi bmi on the farm, and toe den If r wlio !! it know he i handling th bent. Look oa for immimion and touch nntbmii but the Konuin rovU, tnde enly by Oliver h led plow work. South Hund, Ind . I mm W Mockotioodi , 1 Iram laiXIO is .JiV y?sJ V. ly'rilB !! ft '16.000 loiter SHlNrfeC!.-Jl fltUL 11.500.(09, nrydr CT W own and occupy tho taltoit m.rcanllle btilldlnn In tho world. Wo bivo over ,,000,000 cuatomera. Sixteen hundred clerka are conatautly engaged Ailing out-of-town ordera. Ol'K OENER AL CATALOGUE la the book of the people It quote Wholcanlo Price to Everybody, has over 1,000 pagea, 16,000 illuatrationa, and 60,000 drcriplion of article with price. It coat 7 cent to print and mail each copy. We want you to have on. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to how your Koud faith, and we'll aend you a copy FREE, with all charge prepaid. MflHTRnUPPY WIPn JL fri , ui vii , w vilil.ll 1 nniiu 14 vvi TELEGRAPHIC MoodyVIDcttUu V,An 'KutTiirivi.ii, Man. 19I!, 22- dl-( at noon LhIbv. it iu h. u...L!...i Lt. AKMMItf. Ih.t In ....... 1 Uf.UI Renter. y ,y th inni,U r o( trt 'Jimily and hb Imnwdiat clroto l Irlem that locli ... .i... i nia iuneN, jh caom of dej wai a Kneral breaking doo le t work. MnJ lor EnglanJ. HoutU Afrkao dwfmtcliwt throw no Hubt ."f noflrmatkm of the re port that Ladyamiiu ouoid hold out mc Tli ZTAl h"r; " trft.1 tliat Rak or i'MiJruir. . Ut ii. twocanUidale for the vlfe-prra. Idcory, Li h Hoot, who ia the MckiW u.VJ " Uut)ant-Vtovernor W oodruff, whoia t Matt .nJi,-,- 1 ttatvnjaut ,ut out in the bar of feel a'JW .r?!lh 1Jot would lind it very aimcuit toflnd unatiimoua tupport itt ed with the machine. , . , , ' Unlucky OiiUren. cuool children wr drowdod today in an l accident a FrelinKhrB, pear the French Ironner. Tha children of the district had been given a holiday, with prruiiw on to piny on tlio frowm river, When the Bwriiiient wa at luil height, the Ice broke euil,inU ti.. llepa red. A few were reecued ball dead but tin Diajtrity were drowned. . , ; A Horrible Actldcnt. iivmcr, HI,. Dm. 22 i.a m,im. reo of tli nv. Fraticia' parochial achool, wera reiiear4t)(t thii afternoon for an anurtaionurnt to bo givvn nest Tuesday evening, the drtawa (done caught on fir lrm a vt j enj J0 linulci Mer aht ol thvut wwra burned to.ieath, two died p utnir wr ana nvo lire there died ifvr uidutght. i Half a down others luroca iiipre or h oe arerly, ' " i Ucflcleiicy. WAainsr.Tos, Ih;. SS.-Theurgewt" de-Oclu-y appropriation bii'.tbe flrtof the important eupply hilnfor the yovern neol ciiwneee, la practically wade op, wiU l,t o bout 171, . 'ln 'bava already ten tent by the aoveral dc oarlmenu, and tueee are beio put togotbrr o Uiat tha appropriation oomtuitua will be able to submit ih to th0 b0UM t,n after it atiwinblea. Acts gcntiy on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels C i CANSES THE YSTEM ri EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES LzSst. B.TUAtCONST'WTON wiiuau PERMANENTLY mBr.c,AtEffECT& Buy THJ (CNVINI MH'F'P 6 (aoi?iwuTg,Syrvp(s fM bUKIUMIWINU Mi fUMTM. lel.l9.n,...ndi.dl..nJtr.t CHIOAQO AliHANY, (mhOON FR!1A ii MISFITS. Freil Merrill baejutt relumed from the where ha l.ti-U a lot for lie houte m rortlaouDayton Herald. In the intercollegiate) debate between Foreet Orova and Wil!amte Uolvertity tha duettlon to ba !Mt.i in k. .r olve that England li jaetiflaWe In the r !, nun 01 me war against the boera." v(llmet b , c),c, o( ltJ;a Ifdlcate by ihj iwieriaiintic pr..e.dent it will probably take tha alfir matlre, .Where lathe aoterprle'mr cillxrn or ' l Albany who will do tha city a great amice by tbe enablitbment of a ity hotoltal bare, lleidee tbe advan tage to ibe city It would oavaa an in- veetntsot 11 properly run. Centrally lo cated, wilu a rptendld corpe of local pliyalclina tbia euy ie panici.larly well adapted for one. Who wllj ct. rroni tbe Eugene Journal : Tbs party now in power la rapidly becoming tba advocate of war re a great good and not aa evil as it baa been heretofore regard. aJ by a!! Intelligent ! people. Senator """"i 01 Aevaaa, wuo went lato the i!.1 ,lPblican anatorial caocot at v aabiniiton and ia r.ow back In tba par. !fcToUJr Mil " ,h" w" In b I'hilippiuea and In South Africa are a great benefit to tbe world and frequent ware are nMary to promote clviiiia tion and progieet. The Woodburn In dependent, a radical gold etaadard or gan, voicee tblt tama eolloieot, which ba been carried oit bv kinira and A. pota in all agt-a, and it now belug sdopt- can A merle. m- vrtei. 1 rineiDia dt iLcnnoii. BroHnsviIIe. ' From the Times; ' " ; Mre. A. 8 McDonald, ol Albany,' ha beenvU tlog her parent., Mr. and Mrs A. W, etanard, during tha pa it week. :- -t.4. - ( we 1 . . . . L0u"t2d.,L, T,?lk miVbU fMrV.Ve, the0".: Is no event of greater imort Lt .'t rurt'lri. br,Ca ' ,h,,' mttvJ.tffysHiiost of the son. . tu tbs annual Christmas tree re set at current prices about 3.00. I h i, .-!.!- V..-J membrane. ... Chrlstlsn tnd, V. rrS,' K1o.BiuL0ir'rf".1l '? tod in v. - . ... - - . v ..uii.ri i,M ana 11, sw lxnscbfd "JorsWs Urns;. bas nsso twellent.' , ,,Vja character to tiamp tbemastrta. liksa iLf fiiUi",i,- . 1 V ii'!L,t8kifIa fatmer,a leading sltisen noUry's seal sot to be eff:ed.;Cbrislmaa BrownYVire t'ZT K who "0 t ' " "d " U BOt lh era for local and four, nd cartel, ar. In .bale bTa mad IS JlT!l ?,pU w.w" h .Zn 1 'T",MU, lEip-'-,lij-'. avwryH. ....u, ,, iou uunnr toe Dt as Several droves of vara Ana k.. bavspstsed through. . Aia rego'ar meeting of Brownsville Lodge No. aa, A. F. and A. M., held on tha evening of Dm 15, tbe following o' ficera were elected for the ensuing year: K A fe vans, V M 5 J H Glass, WT; J M Fpencer, J W; Peter Hume, treat: JP Cooley, tec; 0 K Ktanard, HI); Peter fioiith. J I); J M Water. 8 8 ; I W Starr, J D; and FM Powell, Tyler. This and That Smiley's Cean Printing. In novelties Will etc Stark lead. Open till 12 o'clock p.m.atSietter't. Dr. J. H. fcrtkine is now in the Foster mock, znd story. Oysters cooket! any way you wish at Stetter'e. Leave your orders for Fresh Oystera at 8 tetter's. Oysters opened esb every day at tbe Leading Restaurant. French the Jeweler makes a specialty of engagement and wedding rings. Freeh Sodaville eoda-water a healthful summer drink, at Burkhart ALee'a. For tale, good carpeting, S3 cnla per yard, by f . S. Alexander, east end ot 8th street. A huge and fine stock of cigars and to bacco at Conn A Huston's. See the die plav. When you want a choice wk a nke realtor meat of any kind, call on Henry 'irodere. He kdeps tbe boat. The beat meats of all kinds and good treatment at the Albany Dreesed beef Company's market, just djwn Second treet. Good weight and prompt attnd ion. J. 1. Crawford, The Photo.her Hss refitted hie Studio elegantly, with many new back grounds especially adapted for chlidreu'a photos, snd sev eral new accesaoriea. it's work always ' ine iena. uaii and look through Lis elegant rooms. His line of viewa are an new and fresh, the finest in the cltv He does more to advertice Oregon than any one else through bis fina lines of views ..,,:,. " ! CASCAKarr m4 mm . taint a wrrr ItUDfiiKI wiln STJi tumfc J""1 ""I breath verr bad. Arle? a-r . . rVL'.'Z . PT improve im tuiiauDuuM U, CiuoinnaU. Ohio. PIfiajAnL Tl. Kt ii... n. . Good. Never Sica.o. ViTir GrtKxt'isS ... CURE CONSTIPATinti sw.i.t .y rri?, riM. im. m t.h BAB CANDY ILi CATHARTIC j " HOME AND ABROAD. ' Have your stoves polished by Owuwa Old papers ton cents a hundred at tba Wood boses bare arrived. The Sugar UOWI 111 hotter. tMiaira m,m.. t.,nr,M benanae, appla, Dgdtes, o'ocoanuia and bomemsde mine meat. . ouvnlr naner etitten, - mim nl tootli ipowde' jare, ink etands, spoons, iuiuuiit enKravod and very cheap at French's jawelry store. . . , ; The Cornbinatbm only six cliair shoo In the state out aide of I'ortlend. Strictly flrst claw besides the Met shinor and porter that has ever been In town. Come and sea,-' You are aozt. ,., ,. ..... r mnk?s to differfnes now - batf tbe wound if you oe UeWltt'a Witch llajtel Slve; it wtll quii klv faft and leara no ecar. obav k Msnn .. ,-..- . Now the time to (jet ah ironing ? . O'c'otbea rack, manufactured by F Iid on, ooder patent. Fine things Try one. Leave orders at Uop kins Bros. ' i'. - Tha tbankexiving turkeys at tlie Allw any Dressed Bf Co'a went like botcak- ee.and tba Chriatmaa turkef a are also liable to be abort aa it will U wll to I ordrarlr. Tha Co. will have a fine assortment. A son of L. T. I lennete at the ators of Conn A licutou last eveoing lost tbe and of u Anger in a cigar cotter. Only children under 14 will be admlU ted to tbe Elks banquet sest ' Monday afternoon. Tbera will be room for no otbera, that ta tbe reason. Tba boys and girla will all re there, who are yoong enooirb. W, II. McCall and Uhraof bilver Uka, Lake county, have fust sold all the calves they had to spare to ...William Connelly, at 16 per head, mora tban was aver paid for calves in tnat county before..,..:, ; ." -; Tbs same ol font bull hot wmb tha C!m tral and Itiu school on Christmas will i hegto atSo'cioes eharp. An adm'selon' fee) of 10 eenta will ha. K i vwii9 fvt&iiiRit kooqk Dim riff 1 ,,rw'lt ' lh Christmas tree tbi . mw of Albany bava presented a m-! aB we wuue wtijswg Christmas tree the irouoiiian miwiriia. i ..t nii,nu,. bas tatsiwl nptn Untith Colombia at a I hink rahir- iv, R.b n;,. 1 " - a av tuv arwavi vim Prmocrat. For real out-aod-ou ntgro plantation! urg ana camp-meeting rat loci tes they are really immense, and it can in truth be said they are at borne. Tbe entertain ment was pleasant, amusing and inter esting and very much enjoyed by all. New Urleaua Picevoee. At JAlbany 'an. 2, w eJWa VIST IViWI lUUkaiUI UV following atoryi -Hla downfall waa caused by sparkling wins and fast wo- men. It took Irom $3000 to S5000 of omer people a money to convince him uiainacDDunoi aatiaiv a rnaropagno to all points In tbe east. appetite with a beer Income." f ,Ure and aee tbe anti rut tinware at According to cob torn the Dcmocsat will Bopkia Bros, will las; a lifetime. IS-a TOl?B Th??. ' Ih' T1.11 60 10 Mi" Long lor high priced nho fnr.JPorint'Tl? packages to send to friends or any er-1 n. ,, tt ... . rands of that kind that will take only', sJlow the accumulations ia the three or lour hours to attend to will take J?"?' ?,?.fn2r9,,vi!em u P01 notice. ,oned. DeWitt's Little Farly Risers regnl- ' tbe Oregon Native Son of Portl ind, ia the beet magazine production of the Northwest. It ie well cottea ud. a de voted toOregon distinctively ,ts well illus trated and ia full of anan. The oeonle of theatateahouid give it a tupport that will inture ita permanency. Eueenebasacaeeotitsown. A pho tographer baa been arrested for libel in pottir.g the picture of a woman and of- lemng for sale the bill lor priming a I dozen pictures of her. It is claimed by f the plaintiff that it is conirarv to law to post the account of a debtor for tale. II tbia piovea true Albany may have a few j caeee. ' The Lucky Boy will begin crushing ore for the first time at 4 o'cloca Wednesday ! afternoon, so writes Geo, A. D) ton to' bis wife, who resides in thia city. One battery of five stamps was started first, I anJ after being run awhile the other bat-) tery waa tested. M. A. Blumb, amal-' gamator, and Mr. Baker have cleared tbe plates off snd every tbihg h in read iness for a steady run. tiuard. E. G. Briggs, of Sodaville, ia organiz ing a stock company for the purpose ol constructing a telephone line between Lebanon and Sodaville. The estiraaWd cost of the line ia S150, and stock is placed at $5 per share. Quite a number 01 snares have already been taken. A telephone line would be a great conven ience to the people of the two towns, and anoutd be built by all means. is. A. C. W. Oottain, the shirt peddler, has oeen ael down noon Hard bv Judse Bel linger ot the United States court Cot- tarn will be remembered as an Individ ual, who rue tlmu and again bored tbe people of Uieeon Citv almost to desoer ation to hny his ehirta. Two years ago tie ras arretted by Chief Burna fur sell- lag without a license, and waa fined by Recorder Ryan. Cottim refused to psy ma fine, and attempted to make a mar tyr of himself by remaining in jail over night, although tendered hie liberty un der certain conditions. He brought etiit 0 Juilue Bellinger's court to recover - 000 damages, A. 8 Dressei defending Hit city. Juee Bellinger tnstained Judge Bran's ruiinje iu the case. Or. Courier. juijn (laau. SATURDAY WIGHT THOUGHTS. Tbera has been ? ery little ebange in the Sooth African war during the past weak, wi'boot It is the increased alarm on tbs part of, England, who baa unquestionably made tbe mistake of he bitory no matter what the oatcome o' present war may be. Tba flifbting ca pacity of tba Boer baa astonished Eng land and the real of tba world. It need not. The Boer is f German blood, and tha Germans facv been the best filters from tha earliest days. In ' her avarlo loue effort to aeal t country' from s bardy people England bas raised tha Ire of liberty loving peopls the world over and tl many whocaisnothfng for Jiber ty. Tba two wars of the present day will play an Important part ia history mors than wee at first etu.ji,attd. . . ; , . Congreaasontfnueato work. In tba boots tbs financial bill has been n.Mo,t si H bad to be for political .pnrpoaee net necasaarily for tbs benefit ol the peopis. una of tba inoet tmpoTt ant noeeearee that would 1 of vastly nnre benefit to tbs cooofry, the Kicsr agna canal bill, will probably be shifted along from month to month and not act d upon at tbls sessfoa whatever prom ises may be mad. It may never pass. Why, beaos tbe greatest ' corporations St tba coontry the railroada, are 4 op posed to It, and money cooata In tbe do 'ogs of congress. ' , Congress may go tbroogb with tha form of trying to mak people tbink it Is favored, but tha out loot ia tbat ft wi I be delayed and final- J put over. . . . . Xhia week dotes with the Christmas eitlvitias on tbs boards as it were and tbs air foil of tbe rejoicings of the child ren cl tbe city. In tba live of bora and , jr "tfc - - ViUU , things may fade awev. fcnt tha rnmrvror in th lorjtis.. tuors. Usaaad to giva " wuacv uaaai man to nwolra mnA ,1,1. 1 Lu-t time an1 auein . proven a Tbe most difficult Stnctlv jtuuness French :be jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, agents. 1 Wall aV Qt..L ' Z Je'e- Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers ' only $20, 30, t35 and 150. OB Winn, ci?v ticket agent. Tickete aie ine uowei. iry tbem and you will always use them. Poshay A Mason . 1kw Goods. P. Cohen'a large ' - T . and :Z. ,,ra oct 01 new goods nas ar rived. It embraces late UD-to-date goods, which will be sold at prices in reach of all. Give him a call before buy ing. Car Cofettlpattoa Forever. Take Cnacareta Candy Cathartic 10c or XSe. If C. C. C tali U cure, rugg-iiita refund roooef. Uew Are tear KMatn I Pr. rfobba' Sparairae Pill rurr all kldnev Ills. Sara, pie tree. Add. bleriiu Kcmwl; Co.. Clucaxo otH.X ur In CARPETS and other kindred goods are of the latest patterns and colorings, our rug and art qsuare fines are very strong this season. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or. 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS. 018 A la tbe Oldest Furniture Dealer in tbe city and be keepe a compare line of Furniture and Beddina and if you want good goods cheap give him a ca'l He doesn't intend to be under sold. JS O 22 thing connected with giving Is tbe select ion of present, and bow tb brain la racked until tba bead almost acbea. to get Just what will be suitable and will ts appreciated. After all though It Is tbs spirit of tbs giving tbat counts, id ws Talus things abova pries that ars given In a spirit of love foes from all taints ot policy sod advantage. One should give accordine one's means. A prpsent from on who loaves the bonest creditor lu tbs cold In order to make a showing ean never be blessed. Give freely, bon sstly, uprightly, and Itt no one suffer br your generosity, 'be Uri loves a cheerful giver when be gives' bis own property or wealth and not what rightly belongs to others- Christmas season !a good time to forget wrongs done, slights and Jealousies and to be optimistic Let tbs earth be filled with tba sunshine of brotherly lovs and good will to all men. - ; . COUNTY BUSINESS. In estate of Jonathan Wiuon Anal accounting ret for Feb.. 1900. In eetate of P M gherer report of sala of personal property, i ghermaa Wai- jacs appointed admr de bonis son. A new ease in the circuit coort ia ZU Eudd avt O and A Jennings. II O Wat son and L L 8 wann for tha plaintiffs. Bocorder office Mary Burgs to Z K Fergneoi:, 80 acrea , ........,.,. tbQQ Eliza Warren to & A Leach, S lots Crawtrrdevills ; 150 Tbs Cottage Grove Leader says of the 'fen dd ng of Mr. Roilie lis cop and Mies Tbomaa; Tbs wedding wae a quiet affair, only a very few invited guests being present. The ia one of Cot tage Grove's popular younj ladies, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thomas. Tbe groom fs the son of one of Albany's prominent business men. Tbe happy couple departed on tbe 3:07 mornine; overland, Thursday for Albaev, where they will reside. The Leader eztenda congratulations. EevS A Starr, of Sannysiife, Or., and J Benson Starr and wife of Oljmpia, Wash., were in Monroe lest week. The latter have aold ont their road to Ari- zooia, where a similar business will be opened. F'or health is given at cauee for tbe chance. Mooroe or. Time. Mrs. Sissr ia a ditijjuter cl W. H.Ooltraof tiii city. - - Ed. Fronk, of the Ashland office, ia in the city for the Christmas festivities. No "ure. No Pay. I That is tbe way all the druggists: sail j Grove's Tastelexs Chili Tonic for Coif la, J malaria and tSiiliouin(ss. It ie aa pleat- ant to take as lemon syrup, 50c Or H H Haden, Summit, a la. aavs, MI tbink Kodol Dytpeptia Cure a splendid medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my conSd ence in it grows with continued nse." It digests what you eat and quickly 'eures drpeps:a and indigestion. For tale by Fosbay&Maaon 7':' ' - " ,; i Music. Mib Muarca BnrmeaMr eacher of plane or organ. System the Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifti et"Pt eppoeite 0 p chuich. Miss Joyce Biownell will take np bar piano elate during vacation through tha winter. The best German and Eastern methods. Leave word with W. F. Read OBleis by the pint or Leading Restaurant. quart at tba You never knew whit form of b'ood poi son wi i follow constipation. Keep tbs liver clean by nsins DeWi t'a Little Early Risers and you will aviid tmeb'ee. They are fatuou pills for constipation and liver and bowel trouble1. Fox:t e by Foshay at M.isoo. BRINK i