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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1899)
it ptuwctat Tangent. Peril of Expansion. rrol. Arthur .M Wheeler, at the bead t..j im..,i j history oi ' rri brilliant man. says: Itam an expansionist, od. of what I call the "common-sense sort,' I bftl',v iotht sort ol expansion ui umwu States has bad. It hM been our policy to occupy uninhabited territory. We have .rowu by accretion, not by annex ation. The only exception to this wee .k. uij Mia. and the onus tor that affair W commonly laid at the door .1 . .1... hacause they wisneo t IUf n-m to extend thslr power. There le a wide difference between our traditional expansion and that involve ! th. Philmnine aueatlon. I can eee no ...,-, hat.een the two. Of course, the motive. We assigned onr motive to be "humanltar .,.... .t iha iioatnninB of our raid on Spain. We have now left that platform . ouiofsiaht. We lustily oureelvee by ay tog tbatclrcomatancea have changed That argument will justify anything. We have taken Cuba from Bpaln, and we eay that we are going to make that ieland independent. We are not going to do ant thina of the kind. Our record are full of ineUncea on the cate. It Cu ba baa left Spain the ieland will fall In to oar hand. Cuba will never be inde hn will ha iocorDoraled Into TTniiaa Rt&oa torritorv in eome form or other. In acquiring Cuba we have a problem Wnranaarlilrh Is verv similar to that - we had in the neero question. The gist of the Spanish trouble in Cuba le exact y that of the white in the South. I do not doubt that today the whitee In the South would daughter man, woman and child rather than submit to negro domi nation. In taking the place ol Spain in Cuba we fill tne poiiiion lormerly held . in the South by the elave barone. I anticipate a riot of materialism, of . icammoniam and capitalism and specu ation In Cuba and Porto Rico. II we take Cnba and Pcrto Rico we must gov ern them despotically. Tbat ii the only in thev can be governed by na. Our - men will goto Cuba aa the eugar plant ere went to Hawaii, and, representing kMOMrnnntioni and combination of -eauital, will take Cuba under their po litical control. We have no light to the Philippines. TLe war did not give them to n. The protocol did not give them to ns. "We are to teach the Filipinos eelf govern ment" is the iateat view. Self-government cannot be taught. Wherever I baa appeared in the v orld it ha been tbe result of a long .procesi of growth, and no nations other than those of Ger manic origin have ever been able to t get it in even tbat alow and pauJol manner. England has been in Egypt aicce 1831, but Sir Edward Dieev says ttet no prog ress baa been made in teaching the Egyptians self-government We hare realty only aiogle motive expansion greea of gain and trade. hvn tha most munificent domain Lord ever allowed any nation to have, and we e'looid be content to remain on it- There was a Christmas tree at the M. church In Tangent on Monday eve. The tree waa nicely arranged and well loaded with nice though not very costly pres ent. Toe exercises consisted of songs and recitation which were beautifully rendered by the choir and Sunday school children. Can any country but Oregon boast of having grass growing in the yard more ban a foot In light on Oliristmaa it Mr. a. W. Loiig.ot Davannort. vV.h arrived here last Sunday and joined ui wiie wno nas oeeu visilina ner naranta utiar uorv iur tu irci mould, James Warner of Albany, waa aan on our streets last Suudav. man J tne name of Doty, of Dnfur. Wasco countv.ha teas! th hi..ih hop and will commanra luialn... h... J -r...l.. IHI , do i au. i. Mack Jenka has Mi tha mn,i . - a w ana movea on bis brother lum an.l gone to nacning. Too bad. mere will be a shooting match here noxi oauiraay conducted by Prof. W. E. Olin. where turkeva. mm. r-hiban. other fowls will be carried 08 by the crack soots of this place. There hae been an effort made to se cam sunscripuon sufficient to start a "inimtng station in Tangent, whether it success or not will be learned later On. This would ha a nln.kl. anion 10 tne Indus tries ol Tangent, and wvuiu uwuuuot gooa ining tor tbe aiuioro wuo woo a mi u hiam im-. the product of the farm by feeding cows than by selling at the currant wlra Mr. 0. D. Bate makaa nwnl,, wuuKu tun country nuying em and poultry of ail kinds for whteh ha naa the highest cash price or any kind of gro ceries which ws need. Several of the O. A. 11. .tn.4.nt spenaing inetr vacation at or near Tan. gem. - tracers o( Tangent Grange: M, J E lla.aiiikaii a tar V ikl v, n j uoernmeyer: l, J u pcom; b, o uridgefarmer: A b, O A cnigaien; j, j a McUnee: T. L B Lu PrJ "reUrr, Minnie Bridgefarmer; o k P' 1 J Scott; F, Lotta vmvuuji w, v junper; u AS, N E The Rev. Worrell held a aeriaa of TELEGRAPHIC The Fenians Aanfnr Biwtok, Dec. 26. A movement V look- in to ine invasion 01 unnaua iy vu ! en inns and the advanced Irish nation aliats has been agltattd tor some time by leadararf those oruanixtvtlons in and around Boaton. Oolouul Kouror F. Scan- nel, who ha been Idtntulcd altlt Irian agi'ation for many years, ' anid that there waa to be a meeting of prominent Irish nationalists in riiiUdoh.liia next Sunday or Monday to Jibuuss the ques tion of invading Canada. What We Got. Wabhinutom. Deo. 2ttArUi;le 8 of the treaty of peace, which transferred the Spanish Island to the United SUtes. is just now giving this government a great deal of trouble. Bv this article the prop erty right, civil and ecclesiasiical, were; guaranteed. It is said on competent au thority, that inoae than three-fourth 01 toe best lamia ol Luaon is neia oy tne friars. Some Railroading. Nkw Yobk. Deo. 26. A special to the Herald from Washington avs Senator Aldric i. of lthoile Island, who will have charse of the republican cur rency bill in the senate, will try to put it tnrougu tbat body wilhont au amend ment. Thi is the tlan decided upon the ro publican leaders. Mo More Fighting. Ixndon. Do. 27. 4:50 A M Dispatch fa from South Africa are still greatly do ayed. but tner are arriving more ireoiy, whichshows the censorship has been re' taxed. There appears to be no great cbange in the situation. A Battle. Manila. Deo. 27. 0:50 A. M. General Santa Ana, with a force of iuanrgent 1 1 mated at S00. attacked the garriso Subig yesterday. A body ot ma were tent from Olongapo to rein tha garrison, andfthe Filipinos were en back, several being killed. T were no casualties on the Aaier side. 01111 mlAtlniM In . I. . 1 L . 1 1 . ti" . " " viru oaii oere laarks go to tbe point. m There is talk of a nrotraeted at this place soon. 1 see that several who live near here have latelv been buildin ahaiia fnr tha shelter of teams when they come to chnrch. This is a wiee act as It is too bad to drive a team fonr or flwa milaa mrt allow them to stand in the rain and cold during the time the family are attend ing church. iei. 26. 1899. Ccmtcx. for We tbe HOME AND ABROAD. Have roar stoves DolUhaJ 1 Out tun CL a VLBCKT. uia papers ten eent a hundred at the uimocbat omce. it mages no diflerenrA now Idd tha wound if younseUeWitt'a Witch Haael Salve; it will quickly heal and leave no war. r uauaj tt ajafOD. now is the tune to out an (mniM beard or clothe rack, manufactured by E. B. Davidron, nnder patent. Fine wings iryone. Leave orders at Hop The Original Plantation Singers. It is necessary to ;ay bat little.regard ng these c.lebrated colored vocalists; they have attained an almost world-wide reputation. After years of study, these Students started out to reptoduce tbe quaint, mirthful and melodious songs o' the negro, and to show the darky's char a'triHLica with out caricature, bat in a tmlv inatrnctive and amnsing to H. Thr m'ceBs'haa been phenomenal; bevhave entertained people in nearly teverv citv and town of this country and Canada,andfor years the mere announce ment that the JNasnvuie Diuueuia r oomingis sufficient to cause the public to turn oat, anxious to welcome tueee people and listen to their music-whlch was once so common, bat with tbe up lifting of the colored race has so rapidly disappeared, ana tne genuine reuivuuu- fconolwnicttisoniygiveu uy wm pany. Daring the past seasons this fam ous company has appeared in nearly all tbe large lyceum courses in both East and West,' and thev will all testify to the great merit of ;their performances. At Albany January 1. A Few Pointers. Tbe recent statistics of tbe number of deaths, show that tbe large majority die with consumption. This disease may commence with an apparently harmless cough which can be cured instantly by Kemp's Balsam for tbe Throat end Longs, which is guaranteed to cure and relieve all cases. Trice 25c. aid 50c. For sale by all druggists The University of California Glee Ctob wiu mate a tour of Oregon next week. uiini Aione has charge of them . The indoor game of bate ball will be played at Salem next Saturday evening instead of Friday evening. Tickets at i.o win d good to return Sunday noon. The midwinterexenrsion from Albany to 8a a Francisco of Dr.Rar- wa wur ed off, because not enough tickets were sold from this side of Ash land, and the excursicn was made np from that. city. ATeTTiniDg aoout a small-pox case cornea bigb. A ssmple was the bill re jected Dy ibe eonncil last night in which two men wanted ten dollars apiece for assisting in putting a man in bis coffin who really died from injariei received in an accident. A dispute this afternoon between Fred oenoers ana Thomas Chambers over loan 0124 by the latter to the former resulted in a short fight followed by offi cer juuviain accompanying the young " mo uiuce 01 me city recorder. Beginning tbe first of tbe year tbe Alb any rnrniture Co. will close their store tvery evneing at 6 o'clock except on 8at urday evening. Please take n tice and call during the day for bargains in furn iture. The Excitement Not Over. Tte rash at tbe drag store still conlin nes and daily scores of people call for 1 bottle of Kem o s Balsam for fha Throat and Lnngs for the cure of .Coords, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consumption. Kemp's Balsam, the sUndar.l famili ra. tueuy. I( aoiu nn a enaranrpa anrl nir iai's to tare entire itiiif action. Pt ice 25c and 60s. No fure. No Pay. - Tbat is the way all tbe druggists" sell Grove's Tastelexs Chilt Tonic for Chills, malaria and Billiousncss. It is as pleas ant to take as lemon syrup, 50c. UrflB Haden, Sumiuit, Ala. says, "1 think Kodol Dyspepsia Core a splendid medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my con fid ence in it grow with continued use." It digests what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and indigestion. For rale by Fhay & Mawn. Music. Miss Miiarea Burmesiei eacher of pianc or organ. System tb Mason touch and teebnioae. Resident Fifth street, opposite U F church. J. Cr.i wtord, The Photo,; -vhr Has refitted his 8tudio elegantly, with msny new back grounds especially adapted. for children's photos, and sev eral new accessories.' His work alwsys uiKea me iena, van ana lock through bis elegant rooms. His line of views are alt new and fresh, the finest In the city. He does more to advertise Oregon than any one else through his fine lines of views. Earaka Harness Oil la tha hat preaarvattTa nf nn iMih and the beat renovator ol old leather. Itolla.aoftan. hi&nir. ns and protect. Use Eureka Harness on roar beat haman, roor old hap. Wf and yoor carriage top, and ttaer will not only look betw but wear l"ngr. Bold evi7wbereto cam all lxa from bair pint to Bv (alloaa. f rnuw OIL to. An Explosion, Salxm. Den. 2S. A lamp exploded in the parlor of the residence ol L. It. Stin son, in JNorth aiem, tonight, damaging the piano and room to a considerable ex tent. Jurs. btinsou was at home 'with the children, the latter being in bed. She saw the flames in the room, and by throwing water on the are with a dish' pan succeeded in extinguishing them. The War Boer. this hour nothimr has arrived fix an South Africa that would indicate any change in the military situation there. The war office is isauire lists ot further deaths and wounded, as welt as counts of sickness. The most serious report of tbe last class is that horse slcknees has broken out in both the British and Boer camps in Natal. Four hundred Brtsh cavalry horses, it is said, hare already been shot owing to the occurrence of glanders. , , . Big Earthquake. Los Asoei.18, Dec. So At 4:25 o'clock this morning a severe eartnquake shock was felf over a lance portion of Southern Caiifornioa. ... The undulations lasted abovt 12 seconds. The enttr cehter oi the shock apoears to have been at Ban Jacinto, a small town in Riverside coun tv. Ten of 15 buildinss war damaaed chimdeys being toppled over and walls eracked and shaken. Big Storm. Clxvsland, Dec. 25. A furious snow storm accompanied by a 45 mile gale, has been raging throughout roruiern Ohio and over Lake Erie for tbe last 24 hoars In this city street car traffic badly impeded as a result of snow drifts piled on tbe tracks. Trains on tne trunk line railways are nearly all late. A R avbtirg Fire. Bosebcbo, Dec. 25. The large two- story warehouse opposite the depot, for, merly known as the Grangers warehouse Darned at iu o'clock tonight. The own er was Mrs. Josephine, and the lessee Miller A Aiken. The warehoute is total a New Miitiry Government. Manila, Eic. 26. 9 A, M. General S B. M. Young baa been appointed milifa rv governor of tbe provinces of North. western Luzon, with headquarters as VI flan. His command include the Thirty third infantry, unier Colonel Luther K. ifare, and the Third cavalry. He will establish permanent stations at San Fer nando and Laoag, with outposts where needed.! Many Pensions. New Yobk. Dec. 25. A suecial to the Press from Washington, says: tension attorneys are piling up case against the government as a result of the war with Spain. Already 2o,000 applica uons nave been nieaon Deiiaii ot the sol diersof the recent war. At Cape Nome. A MoMlnnville man is at Cape Nome. He writes to the Telephone-Register about the Dmlnc therv. Among other thing be aays t The beach digging have boon paying all the wav from II to 1100 per day. but tl was very spotted. The pay streaks In most places were la ruby sand from one Loan iuuiiaa tnittk. A mot a Moutaua man who 1 know took out 1000 In thres weeks. A lw took out I30C0, but the greater majority just about made wages whioh waa considered tlO tier day. al though they were not paying more than 17 ou the creeks. I got in a month's w.rk and trot near the :I00 mark. Hock ere. were selling lor all kinds of prices, and there were all kinds of sbaped nc it er. A 14x10 copper plate sold for 126 j nitric and muriatic acid for $1 per ounce ; mercury for tl.25 per pound. Market value tor sold here 1 Ho per ounce, but the beach sold rssnvsover tlS pur ounce, and the creek sold averages le than tltt per ounce. One claim has been tak ing out from I(XW to 17000 per day. There Is a nugget on exhibition here I - winch came from Anvil creea, mai weighs $300. Thi is the largest nugget found in the district. Lumber lor 14x1(1 cabin coat na 1125. but is now Se ing2thi. Beet soil at II per pound; provision were selling quite reasonable, out are gradually rising, anu wnen nnv gation close they will pop up. Our Offeriiigs.. In CARPETS and other kindred goods are of the latest patterns and colorings, our rug and art qsuare lines are very strong this season. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. 1 masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or' Oppressive. EoiTOK DlMOCaATl I tee the Herald rays the question ol the authorship of the "Autl-l'op" letter I becoming quite oppressive. No one appreciates the truth ol this statement more leeiingiy than tne ueraiu lor tne 1 verv evident reason that everybody In the community Is fully satisfied that the letter was writu .1 1 1 the Herald office. The matter is not ' pre8alve,, to the publlo The "oppu vonewa" applies 4 ii-; : ' .:Ttr ,nht ui 4. '.'.' J m Mm 1 'u i 1 P I1 1 ..m.mmmt n l',,ul -H aliB lvMn4 ' ' 4l 1 l4 U ltM llte, l4 1 - t f 1 i lftth tf lat rtO twt4 In pimm l4 . ' v 'rt- b.taxs. hsay, rrvx, Mtti4, l ..f sittstefU li!. rS)l lwi myih lr -). l .,! f ssm4 ! Mlaft ! only to t&e Herald. lUltftAlUAN. Cold Feet. ti4 citwri.ttU tmtttmt, talit( nswatl , 1 ai $rw-t4 M4 tt 44 S)4 !lfwllf IBfrJ Im 'tf- sv!, stos 4rt ) teW , vt . 4ia(i I. tmMM mt4 twr afro 1J , ava...,,. .n Mlrt II 1M( Or llir 1111 Vf Aitl tf 4,.4Vb Qi4isi Mh( lt f mmrkltA X '' ' ' wi f twaa 0&ttbf M tlll et.r -' ws fu,w M -iet- I"1 tlin4. ! IwVaWI: - Ir hlcttcro. Ill- The citizens and Sn sno, Dee. 20. football players oil Now that Christmas is over don't quit being generous. There are plenty of on ponuniuesoi ooing goou an arounu. Binger Herman denies having pledged bis support to Mc Bride. It might bave been guessed tbat be bad too much sense for that. Some of the paperelare trying to figure out that the recent panic was tbe natu ral result of prosperity. Comment is unnecessary. iixw Goods. P. Cohen's large and well selected stock of new eoods has ar, rived. It embraces late up-to-date irooas, which will ne sola at crlcea In reach of all. Give him a call before boy ing. Miss Joyce Biownell will take nn ber piano class during vacation through ths winter. The best Germsn and Eastern methods. Leave word with W, F. Bead Oyster by tbe pint or Leading Restaurant. quart at tbe ro Cora Cobatlpstlon oravr. v.TSHS Cuncareta Gundy Cathartic. 10c or 20. II u C. C. fall to cure, rug(lu ruiuou moner How Ar Trar Kldncr I T)r TTnhha'ft.,Mrat,n.tltl.MH.1l L. I . 1,1- ' plafraa. Add.buirllug Kemeor Co., Ctilco otti.V. Shedd think that Halsey bad a (light touch of cold lout last Saturday, They challenged Shedd (or a game of football to be pisyed at Khodds on the 33rd. Shedd accepted the challenge. Halsey came down in full bloom and because Shedd's line up were not all babies the I Halsey Jolinie would not play ball. Now what do you think of thatj a remarkable same of loot ball war played at San i rancisco yesterday, ons which elects the merit of 1'aclflo Coast players biith. In the game between the Carlisle ludlsns and the U of O the la- lans won only by a safety, masing tbe score 1 10 D. it was generally thought that tbe game would be ons sided. II there are any points in comparisons this means that the bugene hoys wonid play strong game against the seeand class I teams of the east, like Brown, Amherst 20 YEARS IN JiUSINESS. w A mm brink Is the Olde.t Furnllnre Desler In the city and be keeps a complete line of Furniture and lleddina and il you want good goods cheap give hlma call Ha doesn't intend to be undersold. Shedds Christmas. .ALBANY COLLEGE OFFERS A THOROUGH ! 'High-Grade College Education To every boy and girl tbat baa the ambition to attain one. The Normal There wat a quiet little meeting at Ibe M. fc. ennreb, ol Shedds, Saturday eve ning Dec. 23rd. The exercises consisted of singing snd speak'ng by the young folk snd music by tbe orr.bestia wbleb was followed by Uncle John's Lector on "Gentleman if I Must Cad You Such." Some people bave queer methods ol advertising tbelr business; tbe most oovel heard oils one of a Gentleman woo runs a chopper. His excuse is that ths roar of tbe machine still rang in bis ears and be was unable to distinguish the difference between that and the (tamping of tbe audience but the scheme worked for everyone we bave talked to (ffiwilldoth",rcboppiIg h! Irm" Albany, Oregon Ibe course Is complete, snd embrscee the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY ENGLISH AND ELECTIVE833 Coons leads up 10 a STATE Dll'LOMA. and tbs Commercial Course baa now become a Business College Equal to anything In the Stat Now Illustrated catalogue. Board at the Student Club at actual cost price. F)r particulars write WALLACE HOWE LEE, President Letter List. Following is tb' list of letter remaining in tbe Pontoffice at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Dec. pS. 1899, Person calling for these letter mat give tbe date on wbicb advertised: Acketmeu, "lenry F Denny. Mr Frank Hood. Mrs M K King. Mr Willlsm Utter, Miss Joltoan S. S. Tbaim. P. M. Elder. Mis S Gain. Mr Gu re Sesrion, Mrs This and That Smiley 's Clean Printing. In novelties Will & Stark lead. Open till 12 o'clock p.m.atStetter't. Dr. J. II. Krskine is now in the Foster Slock, 2nd story. Oyster cooked any way you with at Stetter'. Leave your order for Fresh Oyiters at Staffer's. Oysters opened esb every day at tbe Leading Restaurant. French tbe Jeweler makes a specialty of engagement and wedding rings. Fresh Sodaville soda-water a healthful summer drink, at Burkhart A Lee's, For sale, good carpeting. 33 cenla per yard,, by T. 8. Alexander, east end ot otb street. A larue and fine stock of cigars and to bacco at Conn A Huston's. See the dis play. When yon want a choice steak a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry Jroders. tie keep tbe best. The best meats of all kind and good treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, just d)wn Second treet. Good weight and prompt attend ion. - . mm t.jr.j I I 4 - LP ' - - A'eiCAaUlA7 POUND CATALOGUE FRflP THIS RIO CATALOGUE ! -, to ...tintf la mm, aantaiMt.-, quouii. 1 I..MJ0 ll'f , tb. l.'tMi. aMMl nmIm m. him. muimh. !-)", "( tsi iwursiiiAiiesicAs huh II toWHl PHMII. MU M. ..,., RMIMk ...T) a.i.waia. at.i. ImMMM tmrwitmf, ImM. a,tlM, a Iwf BUmt. lwAwr , Willi, PIMM. ImM MdlMMKii tM.fa, immt, IUhm, rhau fatk, SUiilifc Irftm"!, aia T.lw Jut wbai rout ManltMMr at b,tn. mul t-r I-, ...rvllili aa btl.l and will .rtvint him from n.rkanrlit J" " j aayiaina yoa bur; aiplala. )u.l a w antor, ana aitM'a i)m r a.Uill b on .orihlna la tour toaa. laa tela SM a..a. aa-tr, th. HM,tir alnn. 1. ft4-au, tn fiiin srnircr nrsrsrRi t ot ua. t out .m am4 1 yvn mcc vrrcn. h i m mwi' 3 E-Id Mir t''- " nnu pi-lw.. It. Bla ak -Ml b anri to pa Vul B fry aw It votiuu.'f Ibliill It M wrtais.iimti, nw" you Mtut. a a k.r to th toa.t alMlml. artoa of .vwryilOlijf, MM AT TNK l-Ur MYI A Hill T TNI CATAliMJt Tl "It I. a mvaunMHt vt tmMu tulumauoa." MiattMiwli. tax. 7T1M1B. ''4 wofHtarfnl plana of work. Wariilnrtna KaHonal Trttiaaa, fK. I '.L.liua I. a MiklW.'CMu.liMm f H it. 1 1 nltiti. ttoara. lulmrk (N. i. ooa el tha laiHaM awiuM ol IM klnl I ri,. Lr. M i I.-au l,it-.lloan. "Th. HI riailtt. torm. oo. ol th. SaartakoBDliia nadtaai. ttiai ooM BfMlM n anil Into fllrt "-no)r-. a.mihir.i nro. "TliinWwnaUrnWnlri oi.rohaiwtlM.ocr'-lnnaHlla." t htiaao KMrU Hllit. imm .knni,l h. MMMMiMllln. llauHnl till. ralaloM In .1 1 imblte anri,Mtl Th. Hoa. O. A aoqthlatif Waemildauot. CrVtiiMknii. nr.lrnll.r.ttrarta. 1 u .1 y. lll rMM i. .-awwa fc tMm4 aa, AdurM, (CARS. ROIBUCK CO. (Ino.), CHICAGO, ILLIN You never knew whit form of blood poi son will follow con.tip-ttion. Keep tbe iver clean by usinir De Witt's LittU Karly Risers and vou will avoid troubles. Thev ue famous pills for constipation and liver and bowel I rouble. . For:a!e by Fosbay : Mason, Wo-To-nao tar FTfty Cent a Guaranteed tobacco babtt cure, makv weak men strong, bleed pure. too. SI. A.'! druggists. t " OIS, U. l) , Vtt0 p!oS ' ho"o,o00 W fVrrM n ''"ti-an3i5,s.Jf 9ism ii;ii..i(.i--,.r'..!J,.i.aJ V I J If i 1 t in I JrTs ' l W. own and occupy tha lallett mercantile building in tha world. Wa hv over 1,000,000 cu.tomera. Sixteen hundred clerk are comtantly engaged Ailing out-of-town order.. OUR OENERAL CATALOOUE ii ths book of the people It quote. Wholesale Prices to Everybody, has over 1,000 pages, 10,000 Illustrations, and drscriptlons of articles with prices. It costs 71 cents to print and mall cath copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show yojr noo'l faith, and we'll send you a copy I'RKK, with all charges prepaid. fcMOSTGOiaERY WARD & C0.Mlchl"B';,H;s)AMao,4 01 M 211