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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1899)
thru andkcrchicfs WEDNESDAY. Make good Ohrlstmai gifts. We have lot of Handker chiefs) had tbsm Imported specially lor os laat inmnier. We have them at 2o eaoh and lor $2.00 each rod at about tweuty price between. We have Initial Handkerchief!, til linen, at 25a and at SlOa eaoh, Embroidered Handkerchiefs by the hundred. 16c, UOo, 2Rc,30o and a vary flneembroldertd.beiuatltched Handkerchief at 60o. lianukercbleli ol iheer llueo wlh lace trim at Mot look Ilka they would coat mora. Witb betteriaoeattl.60, 11 70 and 3.00 cacb. Gloves Coma to lha froot tbli tlma of year and we aia ready for trado. Wa have naarly ooa hundred down ol tbo new claan gloves. Wa havo them at $1.00, at 11.25 and at f 1.60 per pair. A I moat any it'ad, any rice. Then wa have a better Una at 1.79 In colore and I'JOOin blcek. Tbey are all tight. S. E. Younff&Son. At the 1 B azaar. or Christmas Fancy Work Ramped Kmbrolder Linens and , the alike, boop and thread. pattenburg Work the Patterne, Brelds.KButtoni ajd Thread. Crochet and Knitting Yarns Fancy Canvas. Down Cushions, ' ' New Cushion Cords, Pin Cushions. MISFITS. Yon wl.I be happier year out of debt. If you en I the SOCIAL AND PERSONAL A variety of EBB. ART CUSHION COV- Ilandkcrclilcf l.locn and Lc I'lain linen hemetlched, em , broldered and Bettanburg and Kenalseaneo lace, dollita and centerpieces ready made. LE.&1I. J. HAMILTON. The suggestion of an exchange that ona try ae 'iard to keep out of dobt ai out rf jail It not bad one. Here la a mlifit Item that appeared Id the Kugene Guard t "Albany, Deo 25. Albany College 11, MoMlnnvilieO." Tba Salem Journal eayt that "Some good preacher! bava been made out of newrpeper men, but eeldom the re verse." lu a recent election of a marthel at Sampler the three candldatee received 98, tn, an J 100 votea retpectively. A oloto cat! for all of them. The victoriona high school eleven have celebrated their Chrbtmai game by com. noting tba following, which Include! all tiieir loams acUoy lieada French in the (iarret, Ramp aaka lor Moore Por ter, Parker tbo Wheeler meeta bia Old eon Uilyeu. Tba moat popular beoki m New York city tba paet mootb aa Indicated by the call! for them ia tba librarlea and tie tale! at tba etoree war Janlca Meredith flnt, then Uicbard Carvel, David liar am, Young April. When Knlgbthood wai In Flower and The Market Place. In Albany tba three drat and When Knighthood waa In Flower bava been read moat. Tin and Granite ware at Oiiuaa&UcurcaT'e. HOLIDAY EXCURSION TO SAN FRANCISCO. Dr. Trimble la reoortad better afternoon. I. II. Van Winkle caueon from tialedi thiiBtfcn. I Mr. J. I. Matlock, of Hollev. waa in the city today, Joda Galbralth haa returned liome Irom Waehington. G A Weetgate last night left for fan Framisco on a holiday trip. Mte I. It. Borurn ami eon went to Lebanon tide afternoon on a vlilt witb frlende. C, 1'. Itolfo, a prominent business man ol Albany ,la at Esmond Portland Tele gram. L.K.lIol limbeck and Mlaa Edna Spoor, prominent Kugene people were married yesterday. re. jay i;mn and children left on the noon train for their new home at uaK.anu, Calif. The Western dlri.lon of tba Oregon niw jeacuers Association Mitten a aee- lion In Salem today, Several are attend ing from Albany. Licenses have been issued for the mar riage of W. A. Anion and Amelia A. llaveland. and Andrew J. Douahertv enu km we l ean Tiiompaon, Prof. II yram Tyree, principal ol the Dillon, Montana, public ecbooia, la In I'.ugone. enend inn the bo data with lite family. He report! pleasant weather in mat siawj. uuaru. Hon. G. E. Chambcrlian and J. C. Black, admliiietrator of the ertateof the late Hon. T. J. Black, were In tl.a citv on vusinees connected with the Battle ment ot the estate. tire. 3. K. Halght left laat night for loin her husband who loliing wagons through the South. She w;n spend ma winter with him. ML Fannie Edwards of Brownaville ia the guest of her sister Mre. Troutman, while MerlieTroutman ia at Shedd the srucet of hii grand lather Mr. Frank Troutuian. Fred Blount and John Warner Ml thii morning witb their boat in a wagon for leveral ml lea op the river to come oown eiream itiie afternoon Mter duck!. Tbey were loaded for a big klillog. A large crowd ol wple boardod the Ilutu this morning on her trip down etreatn. among othrra, Rev. and Mre. Rulua Thompaon, John Foahay and John Johnson for Indopendencs, Rev. Parker and children. Mr. and Mra. A. W. Bow ersox, Mra. Florence Hammer.Miea Ger tie O'Brien and Prof. McOonald.for Salem At tbo office of Prraident Lee, in the college, laat oeolrg, a reception waa tendered tba trueteea of the college by trie faculty, and only the faculty ana troiteee and their wivea weraDieaent. It waa a very fine affair, a choice holiday exebaoge of compliment. A program aa rendered and refreabmente aerved. The faculty and trueteee are working bermcnioualy and energetically for tbe upbuilding of tbie epleodid educational icititutlon. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Tneiday eveoiua, Dec. 26. Present Mayor, lacorder, chief of police, afreet luperlntendeni and Coun cil men Whitney, Daonali, Pfeiffer and Graham. Billa allowed s F W Spinks. 141 88: O P Dennate $5 25; S Conn, 18 00; Camming 12 06; M Sternberg, IS 00; J A Warner, 60; O M Westbrook, (5 00; N J Hemou, 10 60; JohnUiblin.tZoOj Chat Plelffer, 12 60; W W Roaell. $2W; Elec Light Co, f0 00; P Cohen, (9 00; Parker Broe, 1701 AM Martin. 14 60: K Groebv. 12 26; tloaton A Troutman, 13 60; Ulaes & Prudbomoie, ((018; Dr W A Davia, 100 Continued blltalof E B DavlJaon and J W White. Bill of F P French and M Londe of 10 each for aeeiellug In placing B. L 'Ickene, wliodicd at Mn. McWa, in t coffin, waa rejected. Liceneea to aell Honor were granted ?anl Schmidt, John Oiblin, Emit Etter, Colllni 4 McAlpbine and Daniel Marx. Tbe bill of W. E, Baker of 1176 for building Itieciatern at Pint and Mont gomery wai continued ontil Monday evening, thacietern in the mean time be given a thorough teat. Bllli for leaning mud from tbe atreetft were presented and allowed. Total amount ol billa: 1176.60. COUNTY BUSINESS. Probata record It Jo eitate of of Fortmiller A Irving rt. eeipt of Wm Fortmiller for $1207.21 and proof publijetfoo filed. Ia eatate of fowell A dim. notice of an. peal from d idnnof connty judge reject ing the will, filed. in guardlanahip of Chae F Swank, ia lane, petition for tale of real eatate filed. Kecordere office: Deed. L O Callr.way to Artilla Chance. 1.20 acrea ! 250 Dued, I Roberte to Oroba Temule- wo, ie.w arrea 170 u 8 toJobu TSplawn,160acrar.. Patent Noriaaeei lor liW and 1200. Chatel mortgage! for 180 and $100. nausiHcuon oi mortgage. The Modern Motbcr flaafouod tbat bir little onee are ku proved more by I be pleaiant Byrnp of tig -wbea in need of tbe laiatit e efftct f t a gentle remedy, than by as? otbrr. tbild rea enjoy it and it Wnttla llirm. Iba true remedy. Mvruo of u. is maeufaot ored by tbe California Fi Srup Co only Sonar Mr. GraJwobl Inform aa tbat ba fa aelllng 17 pounda of grannlated lu nar for 11.00. Mow ia tba time to buy aa it le liable to an op at any time. Thia la ia net caab propoaitioo. All goods delivered free of charge. See F Tl French, the Jeweler, for Holiday Goods. Oaoaa or Paxoo. All members of tbla order are requested to ba present at the meeting in tbe G. A. R. Hall, this eve ning, to meet Supreme Secretary .Ernestl1 Dnden, ol San P: a net tea. anJ P. A. Mac, Pberuo, Supreme Organizing Deputy Call in and aee our rp-ivdate line of lor uregoo. jonn K. Tilt, Alrtigbt neatera Freab oickled tiloe. pickled pigs feet. olives and manyotber delicaciea at Par ker ttros. Becretary. Go to Verick'a ibaving and bair cnt tiog parlors for first claee work. Hot and cold bathe. Clean towela to every ti mer. Ohliko A Hcibcbt. Farm Residence Robbed. Ona night recently tbe r jmdec-ce of Mr. G. W. Cline. west of tbia city, was entered by burglar! and robbed of a dia mond ring belonging to Miei Nina Cline, and of ibeeti, towels, a roll of butter and eeveral other things. Tbe indicatiooi are that It waa by aome one who reside! in tbia part of tbe United States. Go out to tub lecture to-night at tbe Presbyterian cburcb. It will be worth hearing. The Wet lie. - Tonight fair, Thursday fair and cooler. Kiver o.o teet. F. M. Fasaca Displaymaa See E Al French, See F M French, the Jeweler, for Holiday Goods. the Jeweler, foriAGATES ftiS Hohdayuoods. 6th and Thureton Ste.. Albany. Leave ordere at Frencb'e jewelry etore. THE FAIR We have had a very satisfactory Holiday trade and are ready to begin work for lft)0 be announcing our determination to greatly enlarge our line of Shoes and Dry Goods we will not be undereoldend will guarantee every item leaving our itore. Kerpectfully, Notice. The Portland Evening Telpcrani will be delivered at your door each morning beiore Hi o'clock lor W cenia per raonui, Kindly leave your orders at my oflice. . L. Ko, Mgr. Poetal Telcgrayb Co. A Ereeial Eicuralon will ba run on Iba Boutntrn Pacific to San Francisco, caving Aloaoy December 26, 1899 at 11 p. m. Fare for round trip $17. See poaten. For tickets or Information cell on C. B. Winn or addreie Dr. 0. W. Barr, Leb anon, Or. Tickets must ba secured two days Del ore tba excursion. To tba cltiaens of Albany and vicinity wa Invite you to call and loaet your ayes on tba many beautiful thlnea we bava on die- tilav Ia th ITnllr.v. ' J Lt rhriatmaa'f. M, FfOllCh s1"6. New Year 1000 (In Una a! Dlimnnda. Watcbea, Kings, Ohalns, Jewelry, Silverware and Silver noveltiea ia larger tban at any time during the 20 yeara of our builneea In Albany. SO Our Specials. Good for stock on hand. Wa bava a Special High Grade Co (Tee that cupi aa well as many 40a gradea. Our special price 25c lb. Try it. Cur Vinegar cannot be equaled, and wa atilt hold the price 15c gallon. Wa wlll.'glva youpki. Extra Choice Muib foronly 25c. Wa bava a fuli;ilna of Grocerlrefand Provisioned reasonable prices. Cell and examlnejour goodi. Albany Trading Co. Vance Building,"Second St. ; BcnaKAHS Cuaismaa Estistaikmskt, Tba Cbrietmaa entertainment given under tba auspices of Albany Lodge No. 4. L O. O. F. and Benlah Bebekah Lodge No. S5, 1. O.O. F. at tba Odd Fellows Hall laat evening waa emphatically the leading aociai event of the eeton, Tba preparation under tba efficient joint committee were elaborate and complete in every oeiau. rreeenta were lound on the two heevhy laden treea for all rree eot anii joyoua Cbrietmaa delight held undisputed eway. Tba committee do erve much credit for the great eoccere of the aeeeon. Tbe following la part of tbo program tbat waa rendered which bad to be seen to be duly appreciated. Tbey were all Boveland artistic in de sign. Music Violin and piano. Tableau Ella and Bertba Lamb. Kecltatlon Ara Martin. Tableau Evening prayer. Tableau -Cbristmaa morning. Muelo Violin and piano. Recitation Mamie Ma.inan. J .Tableau Under tba Mietletoe. Select reading (Odd Fellowship) Miss Minnie Merrill. Song and tableau. McGca AOAf.1. At Brownsville last Monday night Charlea McGee, who has been ostracised from Albany, was on ona of bia teara at a dance and made things verv tropical for awhile, but tba mar shal assisted by others waa equal to tbe occasion and handled him by knocking him senaeleea and then placing him in tba city jail. He iterted in to clean out tbe city, but thia waa tbe way It ended. Do Nor Fohoit Mri. Balley'a lectore tonisbt at tba lit Prebieriau church She ia an entertaining and forcible epeaker. A collection will be taken at the clone ol the lecture. Messenger System. Leave your CbrUtmai package! at Pos tal Telegraph Office, or call Phone No. 6 and a messenger will piomptly deliver vour notee. packaaea. or go on any er rand. All niesveniters mounted on bi cycles and perfectly reliable. J. A. WEAVER. Heat TetHKte SU aae am Iar Ufh Away. To quit lobaceo sully aod forever, be mac etle. lull ot life, nene end visor, take No-To-Bae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak me a etroof. All emaciate, toe or si. Cureewa Mel Booklet aod sample free. Addniae Burling Rented Co. Cnleaco or Wew York. See FM French, the Jeweler, for Holiday Goods. MARRIED. FLORY BOYLEs. In Salem on Dec. 2. b Rev. Jonn raraone, nr. . . Flpry.of 8odaville, Linn county, and Miss Dennia Boyles, of Marlon county. Try Parker Bros. For the best Groceries, ai Baked Goods, and "Pfcli Prniiiice and Fruits. BV.. JL VkAA " wwm.ww Stop at Will & Stark's For Holiday Goods. Tbey bava a large and elegant line o lewelry, silverware, watches, clocks aod many novelties, suitable for Cbriatmai remembrances. 6ee their souvenir ipooni. Bee their diamond!. See their beautiful rlngn. See their many lilver noveltiea. See their pretty cbaiui. Bee their cut gleia. Bee their gold and silver watcbee. See their causa. And many other choice linea of goods of superior quality at reasonable price! Annual Oregonian. Tba annual number of the Oregonian which wit ba issued on January let will aurpaaa even the great number of last year, it win contain over nve nunoreo lluatrationa, printed on the finest book aper. Tbe views will embrace many Linn county scenes. Price 10 centa per copy. Lave oraen at itoaa xsros., or at trench's jewelry atoro. See FM French, the Jeweler, for Holiday Goods HOLIDAY GOODS To Please Everyone. We have just received a nice selected line of Holiday Goods, tbat wo consider etrictly up-to-date, and kbould ? lease almoet everyone. Our line n composed of Albums, oilets Casts, Collar and Cuff Box's, Necktie Caee, Hand kerchief and Glove Boxes, Comb, Brush and Tray Sete, Madallions, Bonbon Boxes, Jewel Cates. a fine line of 1 diea Purees and tbe most complete line of new Perfumery ever brought to Albany. We guarantee every thing wa sell. ... . ' v Call and look our line over, jcuden't Lave to luy. V m want yon to aee tbe goods. Burkhart & Lee. WlatisHouWIoDiaCfi or a Oook or a Stove or Utene'la or Groceries or Diahee or Spoona " a Stove TJtensila ' Groceries " Diabea " Spoona ' Knives and Forka Let os supply ail except tbe Cook, ny good Kustlxb can get a co:k. F. E. Allen & Co. New Goods in All Lines. For Christmas. There are no mora suiuble Cbrietmaa presents than those kept In a firat clasa clothing itora. The Blaia Ciothlng Co. ia tbia year particularly welt equipped to meet the demands of the public. What ia mora appreciated by a gentleman than A fine necktie, A pretty handkerchief, . , A pair of slippere, A pair ol glovee, dress, driving or walking, A well made ahirt, A muffler, ' An artistic pair of suspenders, Or a auit ot up-to-date clotbea. Tbey have them. ' thi uinorTHi?iioui I ' v, " v " v r j l)Ougl)tful Careful clothing buyers never consider quality alone, or price alone. Its ths happy union so fully met with right here that strikes home to our consciousness like a bullet from a rifle. You know this make I )inwwl wwwiiMijMfdhi ttWAXAMTKKB CkOTHIBltt At the BLAIN CLOTHING Company's