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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1899)
Uw'" - a Lalia.1 ims !,(, aiiucation iNoa, Unltsd BUles Lund, j( ,.!H"ln -".' wr.. Nov, 4, im. ..... . " '""eby Klvan thitt In pursu ance of tthniitnr II ot rill 83, uf Ilia ItavlZJd r$A L,""-W,r . claiming EW.WK Here of plrnicr ground. rnn(nliili.2 ld, lying nnd butiig aiiuntoi will In he Wur xvlli. JUrh." No. t, "Sully or l.liiii and inia of Won, ha mufn l .li-iHllon to th United Hlitesfnr a Milling Cliilm, cons il lug i.r Ilia llixl ltork Kwinrulitovri' 11 Vib ?.S LV'"" K"1!', ''' tilttln" comprising lu .m cra which U,i B, rl fully described a t m,- and nmimi! iv iiih ..i-i ...... ....... . "-t !jwc,,y: rtb ir4 atonaa earlbad h . ''""!. . ml", B., 7M.I feat, to nr tree. 3 in.,),., ti, diameter, biased and im.i, t. 1 ' "wa nemioci. post 4x4 scrlbad IS-iKS h't, b.srs 8. 4?., in. tnetum " mln. H). 1I. feel, 'mid hemlock tFe ii?uZ&Zlib Jutu.ui. ot "iJ0" ""' Inches In diameter, biased indswibsd DJ if10.. nT trTi inches in Is-iU IIT, hears fcV. lu".;. VV IS feat- tiVl.1''1?" ,? n1, Kibd. ."" BT. thei.c N, llf. ml." virtiluun an." fi.f'f' ,,S ml,n' '' W d.g. JO.. 850 ?etj ul run "orlh- !..d X,i.,T"?lL"r, ". Mssad westerly lA fwt. to t'. "r No? , la"n- ?! mfnT'w4 i?'.!" 2' ? ; .h.ct'l'''e'' No. ot urvy No. Has. t ru 7 ,w'n ioa, hikI corner No. ft of lied nun iuij0. Ainu mii-viv A I PUNI 4m4 ihr(K' by 4 foot lllI'lll'M 111 iffitllHil HUH llli'liitM h ,i i . . . . ' : - - ?;. I'1, homlock tr."ii I. " ' Christmas Doings. Irece(JeJ by ont tb flnert weckf in tliehlitorjr of Oregon CbriatmM thii yeitrwM decidedly iucce0. Albany poodle did tticlr duty od mad the teu ton on of rejoicing for tbe yoong popl of Hi city. Tbe festivities of th occas ion began (Saturday evtning witb the tree exerclae customary in remem brance of th birth of Chriit. The Bab batbachoola of the, city all bad tbeir piograint. lue-cnaracter of the decorations and ,. . . "') nk riniier. -piiii.iiiir ni vrnr No. t, a hw4 IV ii " --' wnnnvo U, H. M. fL.N,i' ' '' . !. 4 ml". W i-mjir, i.l.oui ln.:l,.n in dliim. nn.1 ,.B It Inrlint In dlumtvr' ...w.i aim f i, a , r t,pur H ,4 hi, J6-T 'w ! N. 16 i. W f.'J"; w" variation m drif, to nilu. Hi., ?i?..rwil 1,',.,'or"'' fo. a, a howed hmlo k . 4l In. hn by 4 fnt lona". at 1 iitiiioa in tl.a around, wllh a mound of wnijmi whmic a homliH'k I tr liii'lma In .liMni.'lr, l.l...l and W. 1.14 ftt. at.d a hnn.lock trM 30 lnh.a In .lliuiii irr, ilnfd and iIIm..1 tM H'l'. ara N. .t,. 40 mln. W. W.T ferl tliBii.a N. .4 ;I.-k. 4 mln, B variation li aK. W nilu. 1C , IB1 rt to rornir No, a, A l.awKil lirml.J. k H.Bl 4x4 l.i. h.- by 4 fl lonif, m II lnlin In th around, wllh mound of al.m.- arrllwd a-aa; ft limlo.k tr j im-ltaa In dluinitier, ble.l and . rll-. aS3 HT. brura N. 86 ?2 I"1".' u' "d l.mlok ,rf. ! I' ht, I i diameter. I.laar.l and ?.7".11 ,t'1"' ,M,nr i 'a- mm. W. M.I ihniM N. d. . as mln. W.. vanaiion dr. u) mln. V., ZM ft to yiinrr nn, , A ntimiOCK tr CUt Off 8? fnot alMiva th around. Ilawnt tkiuure, with mound of L.tira .rll.l -a whnnra a hemlock lr l Inrhoa In dlamolPr, b!aad and . rll-d 4-S3 UT, boara N, 11 dnr. Itt mln. v m i f.i ..A a flr Irca M inrhna In rtlanicmr, and arrllmt 4tn 1IT. boaia H. 40 da, , t 4 fwl! thniica N. 44 d-. U mln. K., Va.m road ronnli.a aairly and wt. rriy iw ury aulrh runnlna witatrrly w fnot to rornvr No. t. tirwrd rdar poat 414 lllrllr by 4 fmt un, .t 1 KM w.M-.H'a ma cntr of a nlmft 47 I mm b,WiW.'';t bar. N.M di! .1 nun. W, n fm?t. 'j'ha wvnrlw ....pi ?;".r of f" "lldln of itSwi.'? o ,T, W. JI3, fnoti a ham nek alumn i in.T": auli'h runnlna northnrly 147S.7 tin L'tirnnr rvra. 17 a . .i..t v. 1 .. a. .ir, .ot 1 1 4a4 Inch-e ,y i'fZtln "V.P.! mound of In th around, wllh n.7.unrt At m8teri hlniwd and scrlbad la-aai 1 sjfffis skstj: 8adr2..L Cl"' iJ'"' 1 nnnnar.y zxw) fat I uiai area or iiuil Hrwk niti i ia l tnem. ffit nir .nfn f ha arairi. i Iia at. Cr ft, I.-!-,! alth itia. l.a.a..a. -i .. I a,a- .. . . . . I WVCT-vift n lU U liCRI Lf Ul LU 1UIC11. 1st laati ftilch rannlnxf northsriv I ...!.. ... ....... .1 ! 1 . N'o m'i. .V. ' "r.""r .? t furvay, to corner No. 1. tha uIbm S ""'J . . ,ul-" "lcy cn "7. .' . : r.nwfi nr i a . incnaa oy 4 ft onif, at 1 Inch. In Him around, with m.....,r li.'ZJ. L."T. ,n. ti.u . ... . " " . . . va ntifri'l I"'"', aray, of claim, Wt.lW acra. K0 Thtre ware trees at ail tbe churches. .:i.Al'ifpl'.,.' "nd hamlook trao 10 laaiu county, it 1. l...,... ill .lax irr tuT.,. u 'm . wniwi 1 wai ny the Coarao CJold lion' ai d !a K Wl.?,l''l', Ln' !.. '". .Hd lul.l lod clal'n Ti, on lint r t- . ?' "i..cur".nr "u,,r" "! llm, and ot Hull loda. a hawad fir anil Hi K "I"1 I . . Sv'T1 eovarnmant la MHX.-.1 and ftVrtW IIT0 b,r"."& ou, of-?0 cou,"K d w tfzr 7wff v1 " sfata is v? raa AS Kawla, VlV.r8 VJllil f"r1f ?r E1"1"!' d on IhZhiWJS faat: waann ..7... IV' "" "" ' I T1,r' aovrmmant land. T In ?hVf;ofVh;"uc"; t th Con(?reg.tlooat church there county of Unn, ait of W,n; 1 pjia two line trees, evergreens and a 7ld coJniv'"!4!-?' ."'."!." ror1 f wry I loaaing program. At tbe I'rtaby. Cter.l0",f,'h; t'f" chord! there was a tree and preV waann r.i ,i,m,.. 1: ."".mi w..i.iv m ?.""""!rr and ionniriina claims lw 111, ',. '" '"" funa nonnwnalar-IDIIrant. ' IT" roan runs northaa.t. I Th. rmn,. o,.ii ... .nq mu nw.H.r v t . . . . . I ..wwr vt rwrnra in L4ib ' ---'r ii. mff.i.n nr .ins n nr ha ......... u . "ft at rla nnal.-a bi I tZ,i ' 7. " '""'li?. of. ln of Oregon, at paca No, , h-.w"d hamlo l-h ' !. frnaraa4 of roluma 4. of Mining UarordS of y 4 tlXnnltiXimtt!, in,hT r"l 'O""- Is bounded on tha north with mound'yU'": : k?Ii':.i',u?d.,Tl? claim arVd HT. baara N. 'M dT I -.7r,T."? lit rrl! 11....... a i""' "." ,T "0 r 1 1 r M i J "" 7 0 vrn..4 i.i. r" ' mrna in the t "a '" iiMiunn or ainnM a'rlhil ii nil ! bamlotk tr inVhM aS .tri;lm',ln ty festoons and other tleitant decora and tha (U.iA I tions. with a choice nrncrram irraaLl aid. n.l 1'll..r. l . " VH.IWBMW UBWf- knowllld of ap? ti0n,"tthe M,E' church were of kaaiT vruer anil me tree waa wen laaeu with presents. Tbe program was full of tile. Tbe Baotist tie was beautifully lighted with tapers and there was a chimney for Mania Clans to comedown, while the provain was well carried out. The Evangelical 8. a bad two pretty trees anil an axrallonr nrnvrim. Thera hnra In rtn I ..i ... ... ... w a , 1 to the knowledge of ap. " . . wo u " c,Durca " vs. my I ami t ltaasll.lnal at A ma taA m .sfUul marA WHwrae aruviuv e UMO II m VUU Jl V gram and a genuine Santa Claus, the ex ercises were greatly aided by tbe Jenks quintette, ol Tangent. Every- ming was nice at tha ubriatian cliurch.a -' . , ,m iiu.mni hiiihhj 1111 II I "l 1 ' '"'l""l-"1''wf",'? j f... " . . a,nrT..-...... tf,lllt"-,-'-''tk"'''"'''"1" 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which ha heen la uie for oyer 30 years, ha borne the Isfnatore or i , and has been made unaer iu per il mln. K.'. pretty tree and some choice tsnsic. At I the U. F. church there was so immense tree, evergreen festoon and colored ugitts with a varied program. At iu uatnoltc church mass was belu I VlA nZ "y unurvyd govarnment land. Thara are no ron(llclln .iw.inif. oi applicant. Any and all tutrtuina . .. '" mining ground and pramtaea or any E'j'T4 fnd aitHd for. are hrby notil at midnight Christmas eve attended by! 3u?y,hfl.!rngd,oTaw' w" ,uiuwinui.unii uisuiUl, At roost ot the churches the gaobatn IIT. baari ii V 7.1 ".S' fT"tf. i. iir-nnfifK irt. lM..i... . : lira in th aroiiml. with m.iiiHd of aluniv. afrtlM.t f. - .T" ,r,nn,,. N m. j .71 I" dlamatar, blna-d and a'-rllifd 6-r.X hi. oaara n. ro flag, ) ml.l. W. 17,4 faat, and a hrinlnk irmn 14 l.,r.l, i rf.iHII,.. Ilaad and arrlluHt 6391 I IT. twara N. M Or.g. ss niln, K, 10 i fret; thnt- 8, 71 d.g. M mln, W.. vnrlnil.m IS d.. Ul mln. K C.4.S ft locornrr No, , a h.l hrn. ! mmi, ai is inrhaa In the around wnn minimi of alonra arrlhKil aat! wlirtu-a a hxmlnrk trsa 14 Im-hpa In .11. amrlrr, blnard and rilK.1 sasst UT, ara 8. k ilr-t. in mln. W. I'. 4 a,t a Or lra flfi Inrhna In diamairr, blasrd and aa.-a UT, nrara n, 4 rtr-g, K, i rw; inrnra n 13 ip 29 niln. v. la dug, M mln. K . 44 frat to roinrr No. T. a hawad hemlock r 4x4 Inchaa by 4 f.l lung, art x Inrhaa In tha aruun.i, wnn itmunn or atonaa arrlbad T s: whatire n rlr Ira 3 Inrhaa In dlam alar, l.lnxad and a'rllad 7-3il I1T. banra , ti dag, CO mln. V. 1? 4 faat. and a hamlnrk lr 3i Inahaa In dlamaiar, blnaad rrirau lai III, iiaara H. aag IH ttllH l i fn.. , t n... v U ., . a mln. V varlnilon 1 dag. 60 mln. K TM- a! fal. In rnrnar No. , a hrwnl plna pnal 1x4 Inrhaa by 4 faat long, ai-t 14 Inrhra In tha (round, with mnund nf alonra a. rll'd 1-3? : whanca a hrmlm-k traa 10 Inrhaa In dlamator. blaxad and acrllM-d I-S3I HT, liaaia N. dag. ii mln. W. TJ frat, and a nr Iraa Inrhaa In dlnmalar, blnaal and aml-ad a-us IIT, bara N. 14 dag, ' mln. V. 7 faot; thanr H 74 dag. 14 mill. W., variation JO dag. 10 mln. K . M T faat in rornrr No. . a hawad ham-Im-k Pat 4x4 Inrhaa by 4 frat long. aa 14 Inrhaa In tha ground, wllh mound of ainnaa arrlbad ft-ajl: whanra a hamlnrk Iraa 43 Inrhaa In dlamatar, blaxad and arrlbad IIT, baara N. U dag. 40 mln. W. XI faat. and a hemlock tr U Inrhaa In dlamatar, bluaad and arrlbad X IIT. baara H. M drg. 40 mln. K. Ul fat; thanra N. H drg. (o mln. W., varia tion SU drg. 10 mln. K . t feat. Oulrh runs aouihwrsiarly iim far I to rorncr No. R a hawed brmlork ixmt 4x4 Inrhaa by 4 faat long, aat IK luehaa In tha gruund, with mound of atonaa arrlbad 10 SH; whanra a yaw Iran 7 Inrhaa In dlamatar. blatal and arrlbad aXX I IT, baara B. M dag. 10 mln. W. lot faat. and a ham lork trea III Inrhaa In dlamatar, blnaad and -rrlbed 10-aai HT, bears N. 17 daff. V. & faat: thanra R. .4 dear. .06 mln. W.. variation SO drg. to mln. K.. 17 faat. (luli h runa anuineriy TJi real to corner no. li, a hawed hemlnrk pout 4x4 Inrhaa by 4 feat long, aat U Inrhaa In the ground, with mound of atonaa arrlbad 11 K: whanra a fir trea Ss Inrhaa In diameter, blnxed and arriiHHi ii aai i r, neara n, if org. r.. 17 I feet, and a Or trea 12 Inrhea In dlam atar, biased and scrthvd 11321 HT, bears n. 74 dig. 10 mln. W. 4 feat: thenee 8. M A.m iM I It. . .1 .. I .... A .1 t. Ti feel: aummit of rldga running nrlhely an auuiner.x ai fees ia corner r.o. is, a hawad nr Uoat 4x4 Inrhaa by 4 feet lona. art IX Inrhaa In tha ground, with mound of atonaa arrltx'd l-3a; whanra a fir tree 14 Inrhaa In dlumeter, biased and arrltied l!-.ta HT, beara 8. 79 dag. '& mln. K. 11.3 eat, ana a linmlork traa 33 Inrhaa In einmeier, ninxed and arrlbrd 12-Kai BT, Wars 8. 4.1 dag. 14 mln. W. 12 feat thenca 8. 7S dag. Ss mln. W variation org. n., ira raet; ripring gui,-n runs aOUtherlV E4 fr-l In rnrnar Nn. 11 hewed hemlork pnl 4x4 Inrhaa by 4 feet long, aat 14 Inrhea In tha round, with mound of atonaa avrthed 133211: whence a namiiM'K trea 43 Incha In diameter. biased and acrlhed IS aa HT, lienra 8. 1 dag. io mln. W. 10.4 feet, and a tlr trea feet in diameter, biased and aciili d ijiai iit, lienra N, 4 dag. SO mln. W, m leei; inanra o. u oeg. iv mln. K varla tlon JO drg. K., 7g faat to corner No, 14. a. hewed hrmlm-k poat 4x4 Inrhea by 4 feet long, art IS Inrhea In tha ground, wllh mound of atones scribed 14 32S; whence a tlr trea 4'4 feet In diameter, biased and scribed Usa HT. bears N, 4 dag. 2a mln. is in J r i,.i hemlork tree 0 Inrhea In diameter, biased nnd arrllMd 1S-S?H HT. beara 8. M da. min. w. i fact, and a hemlock tree iJ meneain ammeter, blnxed and arrlbad 15328 HT. beara R. SO drg, Jo Inches K. x.4 reet: thenra N 1.1 ,la- x -nr yarlailon M deg, R., f,.a;, to corner rry"te w-eisS Nn. I of pine, of baglnnlng. ' r"r regulatlung tharaundar, within CO days lr,'"H "If dl!. hrof. with tha rcglmar of tha United States land office at Ora- ,. T r ,nay will IM narred In vlr lua of the nrovlafons of aald atatute. t-IIAIturJ B. MOOKK14. Reglater. jMONDAY. Lanier Mac p. eon,.!-" No? ?l 1XSZ"2 !, and Vwn.a K? 5"0, "", " i-aa. v. h. at. ii w . i .."'"f'Tr "l""ea min. k iinT,zrx.:r?.'r 54 Inrhaa in .n.....:. r. """.' r trra ''&d MrN.rao 3odtif,;,a i t.r., ,,n '1 ht, bar, I was ai ooe urn mayor ol thenca NT drg ia mh v ainiaM-1 u,ra excellent er 'Vo a ff'"-,.Ri' 1Mj ' eo". cu '" n pnvate me. Tiled Itk JdieV ,',,h "-r No a r" r i a-Ti. ico ii, ,ii i..t.. i I hence N Ml drg nil va Ii nn mound n. whanra a nr am -no MX f-at din niel 2S mm. drg. k M i rU. i- UL" ' ""aiion iif.i'r' .'. Axmchc'nn .VJ 'uv.utr lonas arrlbad xr: -l-aVanr, , eST S iwl "ri .,i '' biased and or atonea arrl luwl jBi 2" feet Ith a l deg. K, 1 g services bad a line of Christmas thought I runntog through them. 'l be reception by tbe tlks at their I ball Christinas afternoon waa a novel and very commendable a flair. It was splendidly carried out and was ereatlv appreciated by a boet ot tbe children ol the city. Everything about it was full rti Win mrA art ia.i taala l.arni ssssA I M i vs Mva - iaf v vt-Ma VewaMa- -iv lieatn At I, V Plllchnrv played and a pretty program presented. " " Tbe children left with light Leans and nice souvenirs of the affair. A general I Mr. T. 8. 1'illabury, one of Browns- appreciation of tha affair was shown in lue large number ol people watching proceedings Irom tbe outside. At tbe U. A. K. hall Christmas night the Ladies of tbe G. A. K. gave a Christ mas entertainment attended by a large number. There was a hroirram inclutl- y wai engaged in the hotel business. He ng a speech by Commander Tor bet and lsrownsviile. everybody got something oa tbe tree. reputation as a I Gba.nob UrricBRi. Officers ot Har- risburg No . 23 P. of II. for tbe year 1900 : Master, Jessie Rotnine. O., tola Cornet. L., II. C. l'cwell. b J. J. Barrett. Chaplain, Lucy Romine. treasurer. ,. Worden. Secretary, J. M. tiettle. O. K.. J. Clem. F., Harriett SetUe. V.. May Powell, L. A. Kavilla Powell. Trustees. M. t Dawson. Dan Mc uregor. ville's leading citltena, died at that city last bunday evening, at tlo age of lixty years. He list! been a jeweler 'or a good many an, but left that business and recent- L. 0. T. M. Entertainment. min w viadM"n,L"y",p: 1 10,, ,hil grains on a virit with friends minors, inventory filed. Yaloe of pro;. : gulch rnnta?i.XM.S--E-. I erty, PetiUon for allowance for ornar No. 1. ,h, place orb: scribed 4 jmi hk i." : " , I , ,raa 3.1 , H .. ... biased and scribed 4-3W HT be.?. de, in min tr . oeara 8. 13 - "il- a - laai t a w uaff. I0 feet iaar in ginning. I'oarae 4iold IMacer. lhglnnlnx- corner No." u of juV It'orfc to "c"' w,,b urvay, V. 8. ii m ii T Mftcer. this 'lag. i mln V rfJrJ . t bBr 8. u v ', '''..' '1 a fact dlatam- .lTJ Idonilcal Utt :f.!?'i-. rner No. Pltcar. this : survey! tfi7 " "'" W.. variation 1 dca- la d'" corner No. a. a hi;J? If' . 'eat. to inches by i fao lon,T'.kK ground, wllh niuuiui K.t "." In the -S; whenrV. muK".d,."f.. ". aerlbed n diameter, blai ..'.T . J,". Jnche bears N. 7 da. sS "uV'T'.'T "T, lant . : ....... . 11. You will get your money's "worth it you attend the entertainment Friday evening, Dec 2Ui, at the K.O. T. M. ban. Matttary posinir. illustrated songs. two set drama, htuuheble farce, recita tions, uiirnimas tree, hot douhnu'i sua con c. ah lor io cent!. Miss McGee of Urownsvilla la ct r, A'tiany friends. The Drs. lieers. of AVaxco am !.;n.. their many Albany friends. Mis Mildred Burmester went to Port-! Probate court : In estate of Kichard Fox, citation issued. In esUte ot John Clyd Fox et ', t real oia. biased and SrvgS d'-meter. N. 41 deg! it mln Tve,d,r".",; ,h'ni ri mi., ti T.IP'Q' r - varluilon IS da k. " eei to curn. r i on aS T ii it P""1 . Inches by i ?ce, few EHre rC2"" btara 8. .la if .7..,",r.l,r HT, N. W dra u l w . iw; I nance W min 5' 4 ,"; U l variation 1 dag wrau'rlV e'T15 V,Pn running ,oui wl? -?r.r'Tli ""' -uth- feat. and'. "n7".."" .7 ."'.f " . n".n- W. 13 J - T V"? inrnra in a im.l.. X '.ii t -n .... " I t.?1." "hewed hemlock poat 4x4 Inches !V 4 feat long, art 18 Inches In the ground, with mound of atones arrlbad is 328 wheme a Br trea 4' feet In diameter. Maxed and scribed 15-32S TIT. bears 8. M jlcg 80 mln K. 4 feet? a'nd a fir tr"i iUi!'.?m,nt1lm''!.,,r' b'nsed nnd scribed . " "rra ei. 10 oeg. JO m n w 14.7 feet: thence 8. W degT 47 mln ' W viirintlon 30 deg. H 1W4 I feet to corner no. ii. a newed hemlock nn.t 4i in.i,.. Tnw M ... .... . -i ,,,,,,, Jn incnea in tna ground, with mound of atonea scribed 17 f 321' whence a hemlock trea 1 Inches In dlaml rlr. 11 HRUn anrl rltwl IT a Ai virn nenrs b. an nag. w. 1.3 feet, and a hem ' tree 10 Inrhea In dlnmeter, blnxed ... "ZT. ' "ears N. 17 flag, .OR mln. W. MS feet: thence 8. 13 deg 47 mln. 8.. varl.ilnn 1a ci o, . ? waron road running easterly arid weater iv km I feet; dry gxilch runs westerly 11M. i.ll ii V ri"r V1 J"- neweo nemlock ir .!nrf"i.n diameter, biased and acrlhed 14323 TIT, bear. 8. V deg. 40 mln. R. S4 3 feet; tlnra 7 deg. IS mln. W.. variation d.g. R., SOR.S feet to comer ijl "hewed hemlock pot 4x4 Inches hv 4 feet long, act IS Inches In tha ground, wllh mniir-d of atonea scribed 15-K.. A rinet 4x4 l-ahes by 4 feet long, art 18 Inches In tha ground, with mound of tones acrlhed 5-32: whence a hemlock tree n (nchea In dlnmeter, blnxed nnd rrlbed 18 1 S28 DT. bears N. 9 deg. 20 mln. W. 23 feat, and a fir trea M lnrh In dlnmeter. blnxed and acrlhed IS I .14 PT. hrara B. S drr. EL 65 feet; thenra N 73 dec. 31 mln. K.. Vflrlnllon 19 drr Rft mln. R HKW feet to comer No. 19. .tn. Moi wllh corner Ko, S of survey No. SCR, Onld flulrh !"dp a bea'd h""lork nnet 44 Inrhes ' bv 4 fet lomr. "t 1' Inches In the ground. wl" mound of i,pt ,x inrhea by 4 feet in i ne gmund. with In dlnmeter. bl 8 hemlock long, aet l.s i. t. " . - . w i t-s-i . ss ri4i i roA yj i .. ' fit i in (I I ii m .' g "io nlYn W' W InS'raT'x. ner No 7 a h..V , " leat to our by' licit a.5,e'.rT,!,T8k .,md,e.4X4U'I,h0a8 ?. "h mound of .?,h"."cr.!lt o. wnpnrB m. ni traa me a Va-L -ribad W'bt1. "tTS tTea 42 .."' '" !.?!. and Hr m.rber heara &. Sl'deg si-,, vnriHiion mi nir k! fuxi . erlv .,d .f.0-" ?. """" northweat- Na h Ji r iT , y ,M' ft,et o corner by 4 feet lV..h ' M P0."' 4x4 in- Si.h m!:..ll . J In the ground with mound of slonea scribed 8-3:5 The southeasterly corner of a toirbulldlrVi kn"nx?" ,,h Sr"n t-lty hotel bea Sf foctW.n'rHef 1, ISfW """ t,i-l -erlhTd ) ll..n in 1 i." vnria- corner No. a hewed heminrk post 4x4 nches by 4 feat long, aet 18 inches In the ground, wllh mnund nr ...,. 9 3?S: whence a hemlock In diameter, biased and scribed 9 s8 HT beara 8. 87 deg. 4 mln. E. 18.4 feet, nn.l n hemlock treo 3d Inches In diameter, hlnxcd and scribed 9328 HT. bears N. 85 nrg. w mm. w, a.s reel: tnence B. R3 deg. 18 mln. W variation 20 deg, 15 mln. K., 149 feet, to corner No. 10, a hewed hem lock poxt 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, act 18 Inches In the ground, wllh mnund of itonca scribed 10 32S ; whence a hemlork tree 21 Inrhea In dlnmeter. biased and rrlbed 10828 PT, bears 8. S deg. Rrt mln. W. 20.8 feet, and another hemlock tree 21 Inchra In diameter, blnxed ami scribed 10-328 HT. bears N. 42 deg. 20 mln. K. "3 , UU ey ajp 9, ;S OJuaio i loni Mi Es-Bervesnt Msior J-s. Rantn.,1 w.a visiting Albany friends recently. W ill llendren clerk with P. Cohen, left Saturday night for San Francisco to reside. Miss Maud Crosby, cfthe Portland schools, spent Chris-mas with her par ents and friends in this city. Miss Cad Warner ot Portland, Is visit leg with Albany relatives and friend' during tbe holiday seasoo. Mr. Bayn.rd Montany of Riparia, where be le engaged in one of the stores, is at borne daring tbe holiday ea on. Sieve 8anford. of Salem, spent Christ mei with bis friend Mr. O. A. Archibald hunting ducks around Albsny. Mrs. P. Cohen left lsst Saturdsv night for Ban Francisco on a visit with her daughters who resLe there, Mrs. Jay Blaia and family will leave for California to join Mr. Blain who is in business there. - Mr. E. B. Piper and family arrived in Albany this noon on a visit with Alb any relatms. Dr. Trimble yesterday was taken dan. gerottsly ill with ncuralois of tha heart and was in a critical condition fora while out ia re polled better. C. E. Sox )es(erday returned from a trip to Faryo, N. Dak., on a visit with iiisunrie Herman sox, twenty years ago a resident of Albany. Mr. Ole Tobieson, no an smplore of the 8. P, io tbe civil engireer's depart ment, bis been in the city on a visit wnn aiosny irienas. ... A ball wsi glvon in the Baltimore bloc, last night by a sehct company of yuung peopie. i no lautastio toe was tipped lor several hours. A stated communication ' of BarellU ro. lis, o. K. o. will be held in the Ma sonic hull Tuesday evening, Dec. 2d, jioyw, at i o ciock. Election ot otticers. George E. Fish, now with Cnn Brothers, ot Portland, bas been spend- Ino. PbalMlm.a In A lk.n. f! .!!. "'"""J J""""x, UIS WHO who naa neen nere several days.. Mis Jennie Clayton of Portland, pass ed through Albanv Sunday for Dillard, Dodglas county where she will visit rela tives during the holidsy season. On her return she will visit Albany people" and her sister near Corvallis. Charles Wheeler, who has conducted a barbershop on Main street, next to the ciectrio noiei rm'ding, since early last summer, bas sold out his entire business interests to C, Earhart. of Portland. Mr. Wheeler has taken a rition in a hnrber shop in Portland. Portland Tel egram. , . Mr. and Mr. U. G. Uayne, of Mano nund, near Fort Stevens, where Mr, Hayno has had a position several rears on the govern me it work, returned Louie today after pending; two r three days in Albany ou a visit with their m. iiv friends her, said minors. Io estate of Ben B. But'er, T. J. But ler waa appointed adminiitrator. Bond Recorders office : Deed, Achsah Hearn to Alice Bloan, I lot Lebanon i 25 xax aeea, xnetue Marr.s by sheriff, "n Jones, 1 101 bouaville. . . Mortpairt, lor Cbatel mortgage for , Mortgte for Chatel mortgage , S 200 200 100 30 75 2700 Satisfaction cbatel mortgage for.. I.vdoor Basx Ball.. Next Friday afternoon an all Albany indoor base ball team will go to Salem to play the Y. M. C. ib in the evening. Stellmacher and Hoaaid will be the battery. A round trip rate has been secured of $1.45 enabling ott ers to go with tbe boys at a man cost ana return on tbe overland. Strtctlv bUKincsa freiich tbe jeweler. Oe-cent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, ageuU. Best Bicyile for tu mouey Will A Jtark, jewe'era. Creatent bicycles at Hopkins Brother- foroolv f'JO, 30, 35 and 60. U B Winn, citv ticket agent Tickets to all points in tbe east. bo ura anJ see the aoti rut tinware at ilopkin Ui08. will las. a lifetime. Go to Miss Lones tor liwh nrlced rho tograpbs, and do not iorget to take along the money. Oy allowing- tbe accumulations in Ibe bowels to remain. the tn irit ucMem U pois oned. IieWitt s Little rsrU Kisarsregnl ate the bowel-. Try then and )ou will always use them. Posbay Mason. jiC4fSi- ' sonal cmprvlsion since IM infancy. ZS-tUcJUM, Allow no one to deceive TOO In thl-V . r, . ! TIIUm and RfliMltltutAfl ftTO l)Ot El"! IHrimcuts that 'trifle with and endanger the health of Infant and ChUdren-Expcrlcnce against Experiment What is CASTORIA Caatorla 1 a substitute for Castor Oil, raregrorie, Drop and Soothing- gyrnps. It 1 Harmle-e and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other KarcotiO Tt. a erA I. ifa nrntei. It destroT Tfonns auwiMuiA,, ... a - anrri .t and allay FererlshneM. It core Diarrhoea and TYlna ruxti. tt roMf-vf Teethlnir Trouble", core Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulate the Stomach and Bowels, glvlnp; healthy and natural sleep. The Children' Panacea The Mother Friend. CAST0RIAYa-wV8 Sears the Signature of S9 The Kind You Haie Always Bought In Us For Over 30 Years. SEND US OWE DOLLAR n HUTCHENS McPOKALD. At tbe M, E. psrsousge, Albany, Oregop, Sunday morning, uec. law, Mr. xm. . Hutchens, of McMinnville, Or., and Miss Madge M. McDonald, of Scio, Linn Co , Oregon. Dr. M. C, Wire officiating. DIED PAUf. At her home twelve miles east of Albany, Mrs. W. A. Paul, at the am of 74 years. The deceased, came to Linn county with her husbsnj in 1850 from Misson- il, since then residing on the original V. L C. of her husband. She was tha mother ol seven children, part of whom only and he' husband snrviing her, She left an excellent reputation ss citi eo, neighbor and mother. 11 T-'XOUB 333.50 WONDER J f LJZliily CTTTWIS t. m;v iunis to is ana sa stRUia, SSaVos w SPECIAL HIGH 6BA0E JJ) $38.50 TOCK 8ADPLK hi IMchX C D- afc im aaatoae arftfMly aaUafaaterr. axaaUy aa navnia., An Extra rine Mien Crade Saddle aad th.aqmal f aWla. .ld rTJ f" C, the ir-trnl ajtra-ne "af as sx-aar i i!e .aaatt, as- Wl-fc. ail ralM cnanrsa. Thia Saddle) la maoson a maw 16-lrtch Genuine Ladee.eia or Kelson Heavy steei rora . . .. r MirrTiXY tKLCTE haw hide C4veaem tr InTl, tntxnr bra, bvaad, aaOMlTML a kaaaS caa.aahaaUMrh.aaim4. M , . TREE IS MADE EXTRA STROWfl SJjjti-f 5S5 lo'Io. Ttrtrt4 Jic"i H-l nb, kiim Sftn BiiyVlnrB. coaaaeUBg ate.-. 1P saat. awl and lockay all oaa pieea, ELFCAWT HAWP BM9ED STAWtPIWO WlWFOS FE'ilS.CtE. HARNESS AND 0OLf CATALOGUE, shawiag a fall bee el CawBof anf Baacker OulfiisatUMlemmtprwwsrsraaataa. Address, r SEARS. ROESUCX & CO. (Inc.) CHICAGO, ILL fcl, t a-aaaaafaX-Wa Tha Christmas trade in Portland reported to have been immense, tbe beet for many years. A former railroad man of Portland. wbo bad loet his sight, was made a pres ent by tbe S. P. and employees of a thousand dol'ar cigar shrp stocked and ready for business. Tbe Dxmocsat man spent Christmas in Portland. It give one an opportun ity to brush against tbe people of the metropolis when tbey are in tbeir good clothes. Tbe Christmas displays this year were elegant ones.tboae of Meyer A Frank particularly being of a very ar tistic order. Portland is a hospitable Albany merchants report a good hoi-. an.l tha DaworaAT man and son suo lday trade, finer weatner tor me nus-1 ceeded in being invited to dinner at a inesa could not have been made to order. Let us continue tbe enterprise and posh the winter business. There are other thing beside Cbititmaa presents. Folio in g are tbe newl v elected officers of St John's Lodge, No 62. AK.ii.M, W. H. Davis, w. h.; A. H. Usnnon, f. W.:W Erraier. J. W: D. P. Mason, Treasure! ; J. P. Galbraitb, Sesretary; W. K. Baker, Tyler. The tax Davers' league of Multnomah bas msde a careful investigation of the finances of that county and have dis covered that during the present year the Oregoman has been paid iJJ, 629.14 for advertising delinquent tax liets for the sheriff. They lonnd that oiber tax collection costs amounted o a sura sufficient to bring the total up to $62,- 290.72 The Central and High School bys played a jery fast game ot loot ball on the' college cam pas Christmas sfternoon witnessed by a large crowd of citizens. It was gi oi amateur foot ball. The Central- made a touch iovn alter haid work in the first half, and tbe bigh school made tmoin the 9cnnd half, winning by II toft In Portland the" 'championeof Oregon" wer defeated by tbe Multnomsbs 11 to 0. The Willamette plsyed a very gooc defensive game, but aeie cut plaved in agitessivs work by the Tort'and men. It is sn interesting fact thatthe Multno mah have nit been scored against this year, and are liable to end the foot ball eaaon with that record. It is also not iceable that when they win it is nevir by a v-iry big tcore. Tbe Telegram says of Albany : Down tbe river from Eugene, 43 miles in tha diteclion of Portland, is Albany. It has a population ot about 5000. It is ou the Southern Pacific and the Cotvalns A Eastern railroad, and aso bas steam toat connections with Portland. It has flour and lnmber mills, woolen mil. 8. a brewery and several tmatler factoiies. 11 ia located in a fertile vallev. and has eiiterptising and substantial bank and stores. red house in a new and pretty part oa the east side. Alter the lively sights a ride borne after ra k on a train with a sick engine is a very steeply affair, and yet there are always things to enteitain one. Opposite the Democrat man were a nice looking couple who had celebrated Christmas with a wedding. They sent many thousand Cnpids darts ictoeach otht ra eyes, getting eff the car at Alb any. A man rn h a way from Itorth. Dakota to Los Angelee just back snored sonorioualy. A Salem reporter fixed np his account ol tbe foot ba 1 pa ma in which his home term bad ma e a gal lant fight. Several drummers Left in practice and an old maid gav? a fiiend i-er opinion ol things. Ci.o JSLN'Q Ratxs. Weekly Okmocbat ind Examiner $2.50 and Thrice-a-week World $2.00; and Republic $1.75: and Oregonian $2.25 and San Francisco Weekly Call $2.00 ;and Salem Weekly Journal 2.00 tf yon suffer f rom endercess ur fuilness n the right ride, pains under shou'dcr lade, consripation, bllonsness, eict eadache, snu fret dull, heavy and s'eepy ur liver is trrj id and congested. De Witt's Little Earl Risers will cure yen promptly, pleasantly and permananxly by removing the congestion and during tbe cile ducts to ope a and flow na'.nrally. THST ARi GOOD P1UA. at "I wou'do't be wilhoatDe Witt's Witch Raxal Slv for any consideration," writes Thna B Rh.drs. Centeraeld, O , Infallible forpil', cus, burns and tkin d l eases. . beware o counterfeits. For sale by 'os. hav & Musou. J D Biidges. E litor Deaiocrat,' Lan- s'cr, N ii, siys, ' Ooh Minu'e CVugh aire is t e bct remedy for croup I ever jad '' Iuiiuedialely relieves sod cures cooglis, col.U. eroop. athnia, pneumonia, hfonchi is, gnp;Je and ad thru? and lung trcu'i e. It prventk C'n-ainption. For u by Fokbu) ti Mason. "I bad dyspepsia Bf -fven years anii never found perma rent reli-f li" " used Kodol DjSpei'Sia Car. Now I am well nt) like a new man." writes S J FlemtniDg, Mm ray. Neb. It it the besl d'gota d knwi Cor." ail forms of in durertinn. 1'hviioiar.s everi-whera pre . scrile it. r'r sile b Foihay ft Mason- Itiripp w tr its alter effects, annua'ly .leatroys taiii'-antU of people It may be qt ick) curcl bv t'ne Minute Cough Cure, thennly rcmeiy that prndu-es immediate results in cotiht. culds, .mi p. bronchi' is, pneoinouia and throat and lung trouble, ft wtil prev.nt c-nsntnpt.ion K,,r sale by Po-bay & Mason. NOTICE OF FIMAl SETTLEMEHT NoiICK IS HEREBY GIVEN' TifAT 'b nedersigncd . AdtninMrat-w of lbaeKtieol J V. I.vrns c,.-afeiJ bas tile' with he county c'e:k i-f Lio c nnt, Dr.. hi titial acoin,! a sm-h a'lminutra fr in ill esta'e an ' 'h -yirt h fixtd, S.iur. ay anuur 6. !H0 ai 10n'?l.k . ci hoar ol'j-o ion to it acs nnt and f r fl e .."v un til r rf Th Iu'', A.loir", I J.-WiiiTNST, attcrue,, for sulmV.