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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1899)
Rinhon Wattereon. of Nebraska, was aos mistsken for traveling) salesman commercial traveler, who met him a railway train, "Do yon represent a big booteT'V asked the traveler of the bishop, "liiggeet on earth," replied the bleh - mp. "What li the name of the fiiiu?" "Lord and Church." "Hum! Lord and Church. Never heard of It. Got branch house any where?" "Branch h on sea all over the world." That's queer. Never heard of 'ein. Is It boots and shoes?" No." "Oa, dry goods, I suppose?" "Yes, they call my sermons that some . imee." Christian Endeavor World. From the World. Mr. Eryan has expressed hisconndenc - that Ohio and Kentucksy wdl be carried by the Democrats at the approaching lection, and ;he ecouta the idea that Nebraska ii in dangvr. Nevertheless lie purposes to make assurance doubly tare In hit own state by speaking in every ooanty. The Republican have carried Ohio in - (be last nine elections, their plurality ia 1896 was nearly 60,000, and last year .. ft was over 60,000. It is the President's - own State, and the whole power of the national Republican machine, under the -., iiereoual direction of Chief Engineer Hanna, is being used in his behalf. It would be an extraordinary thing, in view of all these facts, if the Democrats - were to carry it. And yet under the able and indefatigable leadership of John K. McLean the party in Ohio is putting op a fight against military expansion, im perialism and monopoly that has inspir ed Uanna with obvious fear and has en nraiMul th Demacrs'a to hope for victory. .in Nebraska the republicans are straining every nerve to defeat the Brjao ticket. They are after ' moral eitect,' - and the rjjistration in their favor gives tham encoarazement. especial ivss the - fusion Dluralitv f - Governor last year was only 2,721 . The effect upon political chest chess v fcoard of the defeat of McXinley and Bry an iu their own ffsalts would at leaat be . interesting Tbe three hundred and tenth thous and of David Harum is now on press, nd the vitality of thia phenomenal . book is shown by the '.fact that on one - day in the first week of October the or ' den amounted to over four thousand copies. It is also of interest to note one aignificant fact regarding the sales which is that the actual records show aa in crease. The average sale of David Ha ram for every business day in August . was thirteen hundred and six copies, -srhile the average rate in September was . fifteen hundred and twenty one copies. It ie of course obvious that no book .of re cent years has approached the record al-s- teady made by David Harum and tbe j future, judging from present sales, pro- ar.eee eyen more remarkable results . : Ex. Ex-Governor Thompson, of S. C, who 'has just returned from Earope. said a native approached bim in a village of Swifierleod, who aaid to bim: 'Excuse - aae.eir, but will you gratify my curiosity by telling me wual it was that tbe .Gov , errnor of N. O. said to th Governor of C?" Asked what r oly be made, -Gov . Thompaon aaid, "Why, simply re- syeeted tbe historic remark, and gave a practical demonstration of what fol lowed it, but it beats me how tbe fellow ver beard the story of tbe twogoverc- - ors " ."An Unappreciated Being. XT. (J. Danielle in Alameda Argue. A publisher of Stockton writes ns a courteous letter wanting to know if we cannot write something about editors - and tewspaper-msking for a new pnbli- - cation soon to be launched Tbe Pacific . Editor. We hardly know what to eay. Tbe editor (we mean the real editor, not tbe millionaire burnster) needs a cham" aion, bathe needs an able one. He ii v tbe most eut-opon cbatacier there is. . fle passes tbe meet of his life amiably - working for others Kis vocation is such a singular one that recompense's often - overlooxed, . People think be should fiirht their battles, gi ,e tbm a cantes .xnd Lelp tbem out with ' their cbaritier . st to "fill hp,' or for the good of tbe - cause. Tbe editor often sees nnwortb - aspiring to power and sometimes suffers . lor daring to protest. He boosts ingrates . to office, wbo tumble bricks down on him after tbey get to the top. He works forever and ever for bis community, -which often tees him in straits as be works. Hs publishes columns for tbe -hnbes which piously boycott bim if be allows a line to get in that they dis . .approve of. He is patient and long - enffering soul, end tbe good be does Is recorded in full only in heaven. Yo f hardly ever see a community that think tbe local paper bat done much for it yet . often the paper bai done wonders and exarvels . We know tbe editor well, and almost without exception be is a very -cworthy human being. '. At Honolulu. tu. nu...-iT has been shown a long letter from Harry Beard, of Tangent, on his way to Manila as a regular, and n. j i ii.nninin. . Front it we aondenee the following. T,....t.v. October St Lft aoeouver for Portland on the Telephone, arriving in Portland 5 :48 and boarding the Rio at 8 p. m. Wdnsday, October 4: Had regi mental parade. Meteome oia menu.. Left dock at dusk. Thursday, Oot. 5, and later: uown stream, struck the bar, which was very roimh. and fed the fiehe. Out on me ocean, sick considerably during succeed ing days. Concert by the band on board. Four s towawayt found ou board in the coal bunkers. On of tbe features ou wie trip was the sea water bath as follows: Every one goes on deck at 5:30 in the morning, where he stands while a china man with a bote, turns the water on bimasitispumpeddi.-ectly out of the . a i- CI. I.... ocean, tsaw eeveiai u. -. one week after Oregon disappeared land was discovered, Leper's Island. We steered along the coast a little ways, passed volcano and light bouse Just at dusk . There is not a sign of vegeta tion on tbe northern shore, and after wards at 6 :30 of tbe 12th reach ed Ilono Inln hav and at 8 o'clock were in Hono lulu, but no one was allowed n shore rhaCitv of. Fare also arrived to tne morning of tbe 13ih with .the 29th on board . Went ashore at 0 a. m. and aid not come back until 5 p. m. Took in the whole town, must have walked fif teen miles, not even stopping to eat din ner. I sampled most of the different varisths of fruit, eating bananas, grapes and figs until they dido't taste good. Bananas are ten cents. Tbe island is a very pretty one. Some of the residences are the prettiest I ever saw . Tbe houss are not generally very large, dut the lawns with their tropical planta and trees are more beautiful than yon can imagine and the flowers are Brand. The immense trees are covered with blossoms of all colors. Honolulu is quite a city. Tbe popula- ion -j : i all national. ties. There are so many trees that the whole thing looks like a forest and city combined. I was at tbe palace cf the oneenLil.. verv beautiful and tbe grounds are fine. It is now used as a U. 8. government building. While Uking a walk in tbe country an American wbo has lived here several years came along and took me in bis carriage and showed me the sights. We went to a oanquet given by an American lady. She gave na a wine that she made out of a nut, and gave each of us a sack so we could make eome onrselves. Heard tbe. fa mous Honolulu band, Queen Ltl's. liny re fine. The harbor is immense. Portland ie no where. Theieare hundreds of ships here, of all descriptions and all nations. One came in this morning from Australia and two more transports with soldiers. U. S. pottage doesn't go here, have to ose Honolulu stamps. A Pacific mail steamer that just arrived is a monster. Mail leaves for Frisco tomorrow morn log morning. From tbe Cincinnati Eoquirer. For tbe first time in the nineteen tb century, says tbe N. Y. World, alluding to tbe eonflct between .the Boers and British, two civilized nations are at war witbont any attempt by a disinterested people to avert it. . Naturally the peoples of a civilized world look to tbe government of the U, S. as mediator. Unrs is the great re public of ail time. We bave .a natural right to apeak up for the South African Republic,: and it is our dity to at leaat advise against a war between tbat gov ernment and Great Britain . Tins duty is emphasized by the conclusions o( tbe Peace congreee at The which oarcjontry and England were parties. Unless tbe agreement made tbere was a great international farce our right of in tervention is clearly established in in' national law, as it is unquestionably warranted on tbe general ground pf tbe promotion of public morals. F'om tbe World. Orders were given last week for no 1 than 302.000 tooe of steel railr, tbe Penn sylvania Railroad Company alone calling for 105,000 tone. This happens at a time wben the price of rails, already much bigber than for years past, bas just been advanced by another $2 ton. It means a still forth-1 er extension ot our rauroaa system, tbongb tbat system already covers mere than 187,000 miles against all Europe's 160,000 miles. We built 2.218 miles of ! railway during 1898 and are building more during tbe present year, with prospect of still farther increasing tbe mileage of extensions for year to come, in spite of tbe really excessive price of ails and other materials. Yet this is not "boom" extension. It in no way resembles tbe wildcat railroad expansion that bas several times brought disaster io tbe conntry and bankruptcy to railroads before tbey were needed. For tbe returns show that our railroads were never before so prosperous, and tbe ex tensions now in contemplation bave been conservative planned to handle traffic tbat actually awaits them, Theie is here another and s moatgrati tying proof of the conn try ' extraordin- ry prosperity. Misfit. We are showing for a few days what we enn do in the matter of weather when we liy I urd. ; Don't be hoodlume tonlgh! boys, just beeauce it is Hallowe'en. IVetroy no man's nrooertv and dun't tftkeitso far way that be cannot find it. Jeffries acd Sharkey are to bsvs their great fight next Fitday night. It might be honed that both ot the wind butt' would be knocked out for good. Moe'. men think they have done pretty well to get married once, Peter West ot Penuleton, bas been married twelve times and bad ten dllrent wives, tieinir mart ied over again twice in ordr to keep in practice. In digging down at the Young corner today to put some pipes in tor a drainage system there Mr. II. C. Ilarkness and his men paxeed several cross walks show inir that amount ot niling that has bevn done, the street being four or five feet hiftber than oriniua.iy. wtien down about four feet rib was found, which Mr. Martin Payne, one of onr oldest and beat informed citicens. savs wss from one of our earlier councilman, and near by were some oyster sheas, the relio of a .1 . . pioneer uy hwbi. After over a year's fighting in Liuoe the United States has succeded in get ting actual possession ot 117 square miles out of 42,000. A big shoe house in the east that is eivinx eome bin prizes for the best stor ies that shall show the merits of their shoes wants the Democrat to mention the tact in the interest ot the public t here is colossal cheek for you. Among those who; aw the footbal game last Saturday was Mr. Rosacrans, former quarterbrck ot Oberliu college, He saw the funny side of things at once, and was greatly amused at seeing a bald beaded football player, chrysanthemums beins the nroner tlnnu and an Aiuany player with his heal ablaze with the colors of tbe other team. Theoe he turn ed to good effect in the evening at bis chalk talk. The Chinese mandarin doctor ot Port and who has been in town several days went to Albanv today, probably to the great relief of metropolitan anitry in terest up there, ilis highnets wears thetkullcan of his profession with a wire hook throu b the top of it and trav els with two servants. He bas a sacred bone relic which rubbed tbe right way is sure cure for rheuma'ism. At leasi that is what some of his patients say, and they are not all Mongolians either. Salem Journal. Among the Salem eleven wbo played Saturday, the be.t men in the team were five men with credentials who had been entered in the law department simply that they might play on the team three of tbem being Mr. Savage, a Salem drayman, and Drs. Jeesupand Ohlinger to Kaiem dentists, old and expert players. This is dishonorable method of filling np a team which a reputable college like Willamette should not countenance. Tbe Eugene Guard ears with much feeling: It ia tbe unexpected tbat often bap- pens. That Henry J. Day sbonld have proved faithless to the trust repceed in htm is as if tbe writer bad been struck a cruel blow in the face by a trusted friend. We bave known bim intimately fur many years socially, politically, fra ternally, in business relationsand can say that in all these years, we never knew of bis doing a dishonorable act, or even making dishonorable suggestion. Yet the proofs are plain tbat he is a de faulter, fugitive from justice. Tbat he has robbed iu lest friend, tbe man wbo gave bim .profitable employment, and trusted him implicitly snenn miners. It pasees'our comprehension how such an outcome Ima been brought about to heretofore i unorable life. After the battle of Manila, wben the Olympia was in Manila harbor, a pow der boy lost his coat overboard, and ask ed permission to go over after it. He was ordered to remain on shipboard, but disobeyed, and slipping around to the other side of the vessel, dropped into tbe bay and swam around and finally recov ered bis coat. He was hauled on board and placed under arrest for disobedi ence of orders and was finally brought before tbe admiral. Dewey questioned him abruptly, and tears came to tbe boy's eyes. He reached into tbe pocket of the dripping coat and took out a wo man's picture. "It's my mother," he said. "The only picture I've got." "My boy," said Dewey, after a moment ol si lence, "a lad who would risk bis life to recover his mother's picture will not be punished by me. You ought not to have disobeyed the order, but I congratu.ate yon on having done it " - Tbere will be a meeting of Do. 3's at 8 o'clocs tonignt at no. z s nan. ah members are requested to be present Tbe Waeblngton regiment wre mas tered out in San Francisco today. Part of tbem will return borne by sttamer while the remainder win go tnrougn Dy rail. ' Tbe Marion coo Ay delinqnent tax list whicb appears in the tialem Journal cov ers 22 column's fatly set. . In tbe list appear the names of several Albany people, lawyer, painter, brewer, etc, C. H. Foster, wbo has owned tbe re-1 sort at Upper Soda springs for a good j many years, bas sold tbe property to Mr Bradley, and will take charge of a ranch on Moose creek, on the eastern slope of tbe Cascades.- E. A. In tbe recent term of circuit court in Crook county, Victor Davis, who shot Joe Elliot s few weeks ago, was indicted by the grand Jury for assault with a dan gerous weopon. The ease was tried sad the jury brought in verdict of not 'guilty. TELEGRAPHIC. Late News l Short Form. ; I A Pacific Const Iru t San Frantumx, Oct, SI. -It is. Hated that the oruiwilintlun of the l'ieillc UohhI iiIb.miK, Comtuinv taan MKMiired lrt. Tim syndicate U cnpitAllsed for 11,000,000 a ml while tiie lans ar not entirely perfect ed, it is rumored that the Issue will be l.fiOO.OOO in preterml 7 per cent and 12,600,000 common stork, with probably a bona issue ot ll.'-'W 000 at 0 per cent. ASmnll Matter. MAimui, Oct. 81. A sensation was caused in the senate today by tit decla ration of Count D'Almenas, that, owing to the iguonuice of the Spaitlah-Aiuerl-can peace treaty commissioners, turw Is land ot the Philippine group, the two Balance ami Oalayitu island, north al Luzon, were not included in the scope of the treaty. A ltl Hattlo LAinsMitit, Oct. 30, 11 :60 A. M. -Firing commenced at 6 A. M. this morning, the Boots shilling Ladysmith with 40 pouiider. After seven shot the British gunners sucitcdod in silencing the Boor force , , Home shcl'is were thrown into the town from the enemy's 40-iouudcre, at a range of over 0000 yards, but no ilam m viiii loii. The eneaaemeut lasted several hours, and resulted, on our side, in casualties estimated at from 0 to it. Our shells failed to dilodgn the Boers, and as our inUntry moved forward in extended order they came under a heavy ana wei uireciou nue nre. mw euv which was soon annarent. The battle bad then lasted tour hMire. durinst which the artillery tiro on both Fml ben aluioet incessant. Throughout the engagement the Boers neiu ineir grounu whii cvumnv mm m nacity, and, mmUWing t ie inUmeilv ol our art llery ft re. lie must have suffered severely. They Rev..l c '. Manila, Oct. 30, 8:30 1. "'.-Three companies ot Colonel Bell's retfi., -nt had two encounters with the insuricvi.f '"sr La Bam, and scattered them. Tne surgenta le t four otllcers and eight uu n on the field, and the Americans captured several gun. On the American side one man was killed and two officers and six men wounded. Our War. Kansas Citv, Oct. 81. A dispatch to the Times from staff correspondent traveling eastward with the Jtwenttetu Kansas rctriment states that a larue num ber of the nrivates of the regiment have revolted against their former auoerior officers, and registered an emphatic de claration of independence ami equality. The revolt came at Baretow, Cat., where the regiment arrived for breakfast at 10 o clock in tbe morning. Detvcy Again. Wabhisotos. Oct. 30 Admiral Dewey announced to some of his more intimate friends tonight the fact .of his engage ment to Mrs W. H. liazcn of this city. Mrs. Hazen ia the widow of (Jen. Haxen, formerly chief signal offices ot tbe army, wbo died about ten years ago, and ia a cikrrnf .Tnhn Mrljinn rfamocratlo candi date for governor of lObio, ' Ilohart III T Xsw Yoax Oct 30 Vice- President Ho- bart. who bas been ill for weeks at his home in Paterson, N. J., suffered re lapse this morning Me bad. s succes sion cf choking spells, resulting from an imperfect action of the heart, an old af fliction complicated with inflammation of the stomach. Yonng Advancing. Manila, Oct. 30. 8:30 A. M. Genera Young, with the infantry, is advancing nnon Cabanatuan under difficultiee. The country is furrowed with r vrs and deep ravines, tbe bridges over which were de stroyed : tbe mud is 3 If so, rations are Imrt anil the trunSDortation of SurtDlieS has been delayed by low water, and i tne poor condition ot the roads. There are . . . - - . sufficient i tores, however, to keep tbe brigade. The insurgents lor long lime bave lived off the country, impoverishing it England's War. Tiwimv. Oct. 30 The nositlon at IL dysmitb, without being alarming, is suf ncientiv dangerous to exciie anxiety Evidently the Boers are trying to repeat their Dnndee tactics. Roughly estima ted, they havt- 17,000 men against 12,000 British. Sir George Stewart White bas the b.-tter artillery, but bis is of lesser range. The delay in !tbe Boer attack is re nor ted to be due to the non arrival of Commandant-General Jonberts column. Another Fool Hunter. Glcxdale, Oct. 29. Another case cf a man being mistaken for a bear occurred abont five miles east of here yesterday. The result is that Gilbert UUbertsoo, a Swede, is crippled for life by shot from a 44-caliber Winchester in the bands of Chris Hagan. a 17-year-old boy with wborn he wax out bunting. The two bad separated and agreed to meet at a certain point. Gilbertson reached the pUce first and sat down to wait, ifagan coming op, mistook him for bear and fired at short range, the ball taking effect square ly in tbe left ebou'der and badly rbaiter in it. Protec.3d Ills Friend. Pendleton, Oct. 29. The Jury in tbe Tim Town send murder case returned a verdict today of not guilty. They had been out 24 hours. Although it was ad mitted that Townsend killed William Hale shooting bim with a Winchester ri fle, the verdict of acquittal was apparent Ip based upon the claim made by the de fense that Hale was on tbe point of kill ing TomTuttle, Townsend's friend. A Cuban Cyclone. Santiago b Cuba, Oct. 20. After five days of continuous rain storms, terrific hurricane from tbe southeast swept over Santiago today, causing much destruct ion. Twelve houses were Wrecked and others were badly damaged, The unprecedented rainfall continues. Eastern Style. North Salem, Ind., Oct. 29. A des nerate street flulit between members of a Tennessee colony recently located here, and citizens Of North Salem, today, re suited in tbe instant death of one man and tbe fatal wounding oftanother, and minor injuries for many others. Victorious Ooera. Londoh, Oct. 81. A dispatch from General White, commanding the British forces at Ladysmsth, reports that the Royal Irish fusiliers, mounted battery and the Gloucestershire regiment were surrroumled in the hills by the Boers and that, af'.er losing heavily, they were ob lige,) to capitulate. The Boers suffurod severely during tlto engagement, smite itersous estimating their Ions at 000 to 1000 klllid and wounded. In . Trap. London, Oct. 31. From the scant ad vices received up to li P. M., it suoms tolerably certain the disaster to tlencral White's forces was a simple repetition of the battle ot Majuba bill, though on a larger scale. The two regiments were allowed tonurcli Into a trap set for them by the Boers. It la simply a rase ot the Bcr spider and the guileless British lly. In fact, the whole engagement of Mon day scorns to liavo been brought on by Comiuandant-Uoneral Joubert. Skalko Biis will be received by the uhderslgned until Thursday, November itOth, 1SU9 sud then ojMjned by tbe Exec utive committee, for codplng, feedini atl.l .nrlim tor the txmltrV. etc.. Sill! l.tanina the show room at the annual exhibition ot the Oregon State Poultry Ass'ii., to bo held at Albany, Ore., Jan imrv ' 2.l. II 0 ). Full particular and blank proposals may be obtained by addressing tbe sic retary, F. Fkswkk, Portland. Or. M0TI6E OF FINAL SETfLf MEhT. NOTICE li HEREBY GIVEN THAT lbs undesigned, duitni.tra'rii of tne estate ot Audi rw lUUton, deeed, bss tiled witu tbe clerk of the county court f l.lnn county. Orenron, her ttnai sotoubi in uid estate and tbe court bas ttzed Moo .i... it l.itln m. to hear objection" to said account asd lit tbe settlement of takdsHate. M J. Kalston, f . . Wuithsv, Adtoieistratriz. Attorney tr AdinlnUtralrtx. SUMMONS. 1H TttClCt7ITC03TOr-TB STATE Or OasuoM ro the Co. or Lmw, De partment No. 2. I. I) Mtituton. blaintiff vs. Jatntm li SUmwnanJ Lida tttnison, bis wife.Frank li. Stlmson, Aoois Morgan and WilUsm Morgan, berbusbasd, L llie SBiitfc und A. J. Smith, her bounii, nmnoa iw ind K K. ll-tt'y, hf liunUiind, U. W. 4jtimoo and Martha K bt niou. bis wife. ..,1 I. mimaftil. ll-lti'Ull.lllla. T.. i.mra tt. .Hlwiunn nl Lida Si i in- wm bis wtt, and L. miuuou, three of the dofendtinis above named : , 1 N THE NAME VV l on siAir. ur I i)m,m. ou and each of yon are here by notified and required to apj ear in th iniitlMt aaun in the abuv eatltled mt and answer tbe complaint of tbe pUin tiff herein, on the20'h day of Novenibei, I8tr3, and you re hereby furtber notified tbat if you fi! to appear and answer said apuiclaiot as amrmwid tor want mereoi the plaintiff will take detn sfaios'.-yoo for the relief demanded is said complaint, Vnr Hi (nnxdoMure of tbe mortesge given by Jane A Sumnon and George W. Stimson, as trustee for sstdJsne a. sum sou, executed tbe 31t day of Aogo.t.UttS. o secure tbe paymeni oi in sun m IHOO.OO with ioleresl tbereos at tbe rats of 10 per cent per annum trora me nisi nay of August, I89S, and such further sum as tbe court might adjudge reasooaoie as at torneys fees. Which sail mortgage was upon tne following described rel estate, Wit: . . .. .. . Commencing at s point on too r. noe or Block So. 104 Backlemso s addition to tbe city of Albany. Linn asuntf , Oregon, ft M of tbe 8 E corner of said Hock and running thence N on said line MX ft, thence W 132 ft, thence S ft, thence 2 132 ft to lbs place of beginning ana ly ing and being In said block No. 104 ia llackteman's addition to the city of Alb any. Linn county, Oregon; the i land here by conveyed being tbe K H of tbe 8 K comer of saU blocs 104 in said Hackle- man's addition to said city ol Aioanj . And for a docrae directing the property bereiaabove described to be sold as by law directed cn execution, and tbe proceeds rising tram so h sale be applied, nrti to tbe payment of the costs and disbursements of this suit, to the attorney's fee in tbs sera of 175 00, to tbe principle sou wuw est due upon said note mentioned in said mortgage, and a further decree tbat tbe J..fu..l-nla and all MnDBI holding UV, through or under tbem be barred and fort- closed of any rigtit or line or rewnipi of said property except uet proviaeu ur law. . T!-l. a lirmnia la served UDOD VOO b publication once week for six consecutive weklr newspaper of general cir.ulmt'in in said uountyuod state, printed and pub lished in the city of Albany. Oregon. of the ordr of the Hon . Go D B irton, eountjr judge for -inn county, Oregon, which ordtr heart date ol rlept .ml, 99 h 1HQ0 and that Slid OT WT pre arMlKa IB CDS nTlTI n,IUIlTH IIMWIMI, a scribes tbat the Brut publication be made on tbe 8lb day of October. 1899. an i the 20 b day o November, I8W. as the day on which you sbou'd appear and answer said Aimnlatnt in aaid anlt. Dated at Albany, Oregon, Ibis 29th day at Sentamber. 1899. r , to.... WBATHEBroKU a "Itt Attorneys lor pUiouff, THI8 BIO BwtlM, .n.u.h. mt. AWA.vlhln anyUiiim mnaw ' ' . f 0 . ,f " rrT fTi aiC? coaUaa bflp ir I...... CWOld m. Actdnw, SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. aahM mints, thmissanria i . ttf , ZZ it A wiinfl-Tf ill plfla nt work, Waahlnpww wallonai Tnwiw i ...I.Ww;??"--'! ThCalloTU.awoiular.',-.Manchalr(N, H.ltnlnn. , jl V TV'.. f"uuT ""Saara, Klmok C. I ona nf tha lara.t houaaaiil 1U W XfcJJL -W 'OtlcaitaHttlM. (T,l-a(o."-( hlrawo Intrxn. .... HMIiiniiiri i i m aaaaaaaa ,.Th( , mMI,.Kua furni um of Um flout hopping madiuisi' td iw-wtWy b Mnt Into i!lrti1M."-Boye-v -ionuirr, t a W 'TiirraUl(nw la ft rast drtmnt ntor boiled down.' -AlMtn ThUloiralwirtAiiil)f-, ntitrcli-vridiiMi )nRyn.op-Mil." Vhi . . . . . . . U .. l. Ika nunf IhlSMta s a lass- nnnuiii im passrn i:ijini"cnnip .p '' - fefmllsvrvxtrarta. Hasl 1 IVhulley Promoted, Wasiunuw, Oct. 81. First Lieuten ant John li. Wbollcy, of the Twenly fourtli infantry, who rendered exee'lont service in the Philippines, as colonel commanding the First Washington vol unteer Infantry, has been nuointetl ma jor o! the Forty llrst volutiUter infantry and ordered to join that rrglitiout (or service lu th Phllipl-lncs. A Puudltfton llold'tip. PiNuwmm, Oct. 31. A bold highway inun performed within tlto HmitM ot the city of Pendleton at 7 o'clock ihls even ing, robbing three men ami woman and having thres rigs rounded up In the street at one time. Tiie affair happened In the west end of town near the cemetery Solid satisfaction fflvcn wa, wtth every purchase at Will V Stark's, deal ers In good wares, stiver, gold, glass and atones. NOTICE 18 IIKKKDY OIVKN THAT the untlcrslgiKMl as atmliitttriit3r of tht estate of Harriet Fuller, docfitsed, bas Hied bis Maul account la wld estate matter with tbe County Clerk of Lien conuty, Oregon, and the county court has IW. Mondny, the 4th day of Uwewlier, IHI, at the hour of One o clock p m ot said day I t I'Karing ssid account ind the final sot ilemmit l said estate. Any and all per sons faaie ol'jtwtloiis to the sam are hereby notified to be prcsr t at said lime and make tbe same. Dated Ibis 2?U dsy of Ctt ., !. 8 Mat, Administrator. WBATIIKarOllH Wtait, Atty s for Adm'r SUMMONS IhtmeCiscuitCovht or the Staie or Umsoon ron Lwe Cpumv. H....I l No. f. .... John Mlert pl.tatir. . n isjiFssivss "' husbanJl. U t W W Ub.rd. Lillie Wt.wr and AH ert husband, Biebrd Wisbsrd. Minnie Ma rSi r Maslrn. ber h.b.d. tU Wki.Md, biui.a rraicws Andcrtno asd lrly Antlrim er .". , "- Panthel', brt b.ibtd, At.taJihnMmaod (,'tas 1$ Jotmion. f" '1. u' m Van i..,..! and (irlo Dunbar, bw u b.I' V7n Vactor and Floyd Vm Vector, def..ndauis. f . t iv 1. 1. ant anil AHce WIS" , ? V" a wLi,ai aed Martha Wli- tard: WamnW ' 3 Forgey and Wiiiiaw A Foigfy. w'-u; " hard. Ltlli Wisner a;.d Albert Ktcbsrd Wisbari. " Fere Msxim. Hrt . V Ubard, loot Frsnws AoJrton and i arwj """ William Vaj Wlor. ltova Parsh I aod Llmon Parbil, DoUie HunUi Dunbar. Frances Van Vector and J lot d Van Vactor, the aoove named defendant. NKNAMEOFTmThO; AiEKS-J. : 7. tb. above entl-lvd eotirt in said suit, and answer lbs com plaint of tbe platnttu mm r . .i... .l.u nl November. lPt'J. i bat bting tbe date prrscritod in tbe eruw . ..i.i r thia summons and on . - . . i ..t .A mttntmr anfe nun )ou are rtquirru w rr" h- .mnlaint bmeint and SOU are I ferthrr noUSed tbat if o wit to appear f and awersto complaint. '. 1 f.?.i quired, for tbe want tberetf. tbe Pl' ill Uksa decree n4 Mguien. against y.m for tbe relief demanded in atd coui plaint, towlii for oecree declaring tbst fbe plaintiB herein dr- ereea to oe me " -- - . to tbe wbols ot said premises bereiee! rt descrilMal. free aod clear ol any i--o, '- or interest of any kind tb.t the de'endanti bovsmantd v any ot tbem or any frsosfl or pertoos boldieK by, tbrougb or uno-r j tbem or any of tbem may nave or claim tj have In or to tbe said premises or any part. thereof, and that the cloud now opos , plaintiff's title be remoea an-l itw wjs defendants be forever oarred from assert iff any claim lo or right In sa d premises a j any psrt thereof, which said premises art J. c'eioribed as follows, towtt: , f 1 li...... at a nAinl on the WSSi uouair er line of tbe Donation Land Claim ot oho w uilmore and wiie. noutiM-- ia. 5M.V l!lnim No. 85. in Township H South of Rsoge 2 West of the Wlllametts a-ridiaa. Oregon, which is 81.16 chalet Sou tn of tbe Northwest corner of siud donation land claim and running inems W..I !tu M xliaiaa num or leas tOlhS I.S' i -t.' n f ...I f'l .l nf llan l i linn ui fat uirawwu "" v - i, Crawford and wife, Claim No. 69, l lOWnRRip 1., oM. V. ..h.(Hv v ...... the Willamettes Meridian, Oregon, thenc south 63.24 chains more tr Irss toitt South line of the North H of the Nortb weit H of faction 13, In said last nam township, thence Kast 33.SI chains mo or le-s to the oulbw-t corner of sK Claim No. 85, thence N' rfh to tbs place t beginning, containing 20I.HQ acres, mi or lee, situated in Linn county, Ore40o Andforths coats and disbureutnls in' t- lu in a. ..ik wa3l iv-. I a ii cur red in Slid suit 1 This summons is servt-d upon- yon i publication in the State Rights Dssio-j ; chat by order of the Hon Geo D Uanosljy county judge of . Linn count), Orogtsl y mnde and done at Albsny, Oregon, jt yOthday of Ssptember, 1899. The data? ;( the first publication of this summons I A sniif newspaper is Friday. Ontolicr 0, lbi WEATHKRfOHD WTTT. Att'ys for PlsiufTfl 5' Barto; S Wi.hard and M.r.l.. v. l.hard his wile, Warren W WUhard, Ratio D Forge"aa William rorgey, m bus- Uftt. .mA mnti sllC i.rtiw ana iiurrr mi'. 4-POUHD CATALOGUE FREf CATALOGUE ff?fi"2 1'fX.ZZX'"', 10 (MM Illu.traU'Jt,.. Ik. UrfMt, m'mmI.I. MS l1MprtMl ..l"; uklt TNI liwtlT WMOltlAlt CHICAOS fSICtl 1 RVIBTTSISS lm'lu,lliif .ryltiliiatnvrM.rln, Bun lr 7 -u, Cl.tkl.(, tUUi, fhtam, lauart kn, HMkM, Imtrf, R -H.ri.m. Mmn. A.rtMilt.r.1 Im.I.m..U. r.rallar H.r.., S.M ! iMklaOT, l ntHTtllrriuM, S..I..I li-lmf ilJl In. ImliM. rh.lMi T.akla. SKxlM. riwUliW ,rai.iihcet """ Untntt, ru.iir T..1I., SI...IM, ntmfm Jlll jun wiwt Ttnir torrKii h. hni anil .m .MVMit him fi .00 bur 1 plaint ml how tuonlr, how Hilki Hil lull will bt on anylhin to jrour town. Ik kl(Si nrmrly SI l0, !,. i..t.L- alon 10 N ottiu, with IS rrala in lUinf III. M ram. UIK, . i Si IU.. -Ill .a.l "' k .ll r-.lwlS,nl If you don't think 11 1 worth l umaa mj uw ynu Mnii, a k.y tn thalowrat whnlmwl prlooxif avaritnlnf, ao and wa will toia.' rlr n II Mala. r ..... . 'f t it l i i, v.. a.VM . Il.l 1 'r THII f AT 4 IllJl 'ItlaamoDuniautiii tnuluaaa lufonuaUim."-MlnnuiHilM IS1 f . ... ... . . a ..ii..., Mta. wi CoTi.tmition. k I hloaffo Kpwnrlh llarmltl. 1 1 MU at aaaa .an aa alll rtMli. Ik. 4-pe.. baak III (Inc.), CHIQACO, ILLINOIS, U. pit bl 10 arnnoia. Tli.Hon.n. A,Sof 1