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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1899)
vol xxxv. 7 Every cough makes your throat more raw and Irritable. Every cough congests the lining membran : of your lungs. Ceaae tearing your throat and lungs In this way. Put the pens at rest and give them i chance to heal. You will need some help to do this, and you will rind it lo CieiT! ikctmii From the first dose the aulet and rest begin: the ckling In the throat ceases; the spasm weak ens; the cough disap pears. Do not wait for pneumonia and con sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Avar's Cherry Pec toral Plaster should be over the lungs of every per son troubled with a cough. Write (o the Doctor. freair atl tenitere In roer -. Tall at what ur baa baa -tin mtt (harry reetwrai. ) win aaratv a tntapl rerl, wIUmmiI AMraw. DU. C. AVrn. t IP Tit: 1 nfmortantUas afcJl loan a qu.iiry a. 1"t I mwllral eA.lce. Wrlla TELEGRAPHIC. Iatii New n Short form. Horn Elulitliiu. . MiHIl.l. Ol'i- .V. Im column, wliluli left San Man laldro iay urcaa, moving northward in tho di rection of Mania Unaa .,.,, ni.,i ..... enemy strongly entrenched juat Ibeyond the lulxutln riv.r A brink light en- auou, aim me runei were repulsed. Two American were killed and one wounded. Pursuit was Immwirtbie, owing to the width and deiuli of tho stream. Tha Wnr lt tint Ion. ixjndow. (. zn( The war situation lllil lliurninir nruand nn nam r,...i It Is presumed in NatallUiat the lioera are reconstructing their pl-ns, and that in are, but telegram from JjMlv.iniUi, at express rate, etill OCCUDVMH lin.ira In lrn.....,U.!.... I Jon, and, therefore, it Jis not Impoa'ble that something ia happening. ' A Miirdcrc. HangcJ. - fvr. Ljii'ta Hot 07 a ... ii .i . i. . TT ' . . ' aiJasviai m vita Poet lii;tch from Dal as, Tex., ya : v. r., niorriaon waa hanged at iw at urnon. ior wiio-murdrr. lie met his death resignedly, Att'gl'ciil. La (lUAiiiiir. Oi- fVt 97 1 I.I,. ,!-.. I in real estate waa consummated here to day. N. W. rkhoflvld, of Nephl, L'Uh, purchased from Walter M. and Charlea Here what ia known ? the Harland .arm oi jwacree in vove. lor f:w,ooo. ThU ana That. DR. J.-L HILL ....... rb)a!rlaa aad Rorgejn, Hill Block - - - - Albany. Or. Littler& Littler DBHTIufj BroadalblnSt., Albany, Or. Deo. Collin D D 8 A; Jack Hodge DDK COLLINS & HODGES Dentist. Odd Fl.o'Tmpls, Albany, Or. OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 28 CLOSES OCTOBER, 28, 1899 Horticnlf oral and Asricallnra Product! of Oregon, Washington and Idaho in great variety and pro fuaioo than evr before. Bennett's Benowsed Military Band MISS ALICE RAYMOND America's Greatest Lady Cornet Soloist. The aneqoelled FLORENZ TROUPE of Acrobats, dirwt frra the Empire The. atre, London ; their Aral appearance in America. A Great FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM 3 GREAT SISTERS MAC ARTE Unsurpassed Aerlallsts.ln their thrilling acts AND OTUER GREaT ATTRACTIONS A Season oLGreat Karprlses and Astounding Keats. KeJu d Rates on All Transportation Llnei ADMI88lON,25CENT8 CIIILDRIN UHD8B 12 YCAKS, 10 CENTS DONT MISS IT! A large and One stock of ciitara and L bt:co at Conn A If uston'a. Hoe the die plav. Wlipnyon want a choice hwk a nice roaat or meat of any kind, call on llenrt Iroder. lie k.iep Ibe Iwat. Goto Wrick's shaving and hair cut ting parlura for first chuta work. Hot and coi-1 batha. Clean towels 10 every rat.'. It makes no difforencj how bait the wound if you use DeWiif. Witch llaael Halve- it will quickly heal and Ivave no ar. Koahaj Ma'nn. The beat meaU of all kinds and irood ireMtuienl at tbe Albany iirtwed Ueef Company ' market, Juat djwn Ke3ind ireet Oi J we.jfbl aad prompt attend ion. fJomeol I he rwuUa of oea'ecled J)8ptp tio condition of tbe alotuuh are cancer, conauinpUoo, heart diaasae and epilopay. Kndol llysneosialJure LrMvanla all Ihia bv rfkting a q iick cure in a I ces of dys- ppaia. rosnay maoofl Ri Tomatoes, pears and Appljs a w. i'. nrvwnen e. Solid satisfaction liven away with every purchase at Will A Stark's, deal ers in good wares, eilver, gold, glaas and atone. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels GteANSES the System OVERCOMES PERMANENTLY .tjaaai m w . " ajeia i-ae-we B W evy vnt sJr.HuiN.MN,r o fty " w- a.." w:a.v"n ma smi s au mm eu mi k ajrat. AtAZiiMlbGON PPAY. NOVEMBER 3. 1899 MISFITS. I HOME AND ABROAD. iNO 14 PATENTS." DFSIQNS TRADE-MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS OBTAINED ADVICS AS TO PATENTABILITY Kntlna In " InTontiv. Are " - Book "Uow to obtain PatonU" nkarma modml. Ke ft. till patent ia Letter, atrlotly oon6dentlnl. Addreaa, 7 g. 8. SldGERS, Patent Hwy.f. Wathlngtoa, 0. C. j FRE Oliver PIows-xjip H0fIClN3 B.-iOS., ABnts. Aluy, (trrgroa "Oliver save the world th chilled plow Ana ii nas uvea more monej to the farmer of A mcrlca ban ity otner im,ilem&t ever produced. Genuine Oliver chilled are tbe beet en earth. The Oliver is a promoter of happi ness on the farm, and the dealer who vella it knows he is handling the bent. Look out for immitations and touch nothing but the genuine poods, made enly br Oliver Chilled plow worki. South Uend, I id.. Helen Gou!d, of New York, has con tributed several thousand dollars . to a fund to fight Muroionlsm. Soma of the money might bo used In Oregon, thoueti In this state the proper thins is to nip any signs of Mormooism in the bud and not let It get a start in onr fair state. A report comes down fiom the upper Calapoola country to the effect that a certain Albany lawyer was recently no ticed located lor eeveral hours on a deer staod awaiting the approach of the wild aoi warj buck. Brownsville Times, lie got him too. The following funny Item '. at the ex pense of tbe newspaper men : The estate of tbe late Andrew Jenklna who was editor and publisher of the Otay Press, has been appraised at $1,790 64. It is easy enough to Imagine how h ac cumulated tbe eiaty four rents, but wherein tbe world did he ever cat that one thousand,seveo hundred and ninety Ave dollars from 7 It cost only f 812.95 for Oregon' bu colic governor and h's staff logo to San r rancisco to meet our soldiers. lnHnti la tbe amonot being the fare of the gov ernor aod the other members, and It Is a Down mai toe governor at least travels regularly cn a pass. The Orernn eol- dieri retur one home uald their nan fare. The Salem Sentinel, a repnbtlcan paper, says comment ia unnocesaary. In ?Iew of tbe eisggera'ed reports about Dawson the actual facts are very refreablng: The work of Iskin the annnal raatni of Dawson has just been completed br a L, (If at la w. a . ' i ne .1 ii ai r. j i nss &en done as thoroughly aa poasible under tbe ehift Ing conditions obtaining there. Accord ing to the footings of the several returns of tbe ceosns taken, the nooulation of Dawson is flsured on at 4444. Of theea 3049 are males aod 7H6 females. Includ ed m uie total aian are 103 children nn- drrtueege of 14 yeare. During tbe penoj oi one month, from August 26 to neptember Ztt, according to note kept oy me police. It is flgored that 73 people left Daw son for Nome aod the outside, and within tbe same time 136S people arrived In Dawson, tbe number of departures otor arrivals within that time being but 378. Will Study Law. -Mr. W. W. Bailev. our South Side merchant, contemplates gradually selling ou. of tbe mercantile business, and entering tbe atudy oi law; Mr. Bailey Is a gra tuate of Commercial Law at Lawrence, Kansas, aod taught several rears ago lathe Albany College, being at the time principal profeseor in lb Commercial Department of aaid col lege. He wit fit out an otlire in a part of bis store on the South Side, where, besides attending to bis dutieaaa Justice ol tbe Fe.ce. ha will givs ptompt atten tion to tbe drawing ot deeds, mortgage, and other conferencing. Mr. Bailey bas made arrangements so thst any per son deeiroue of leaving with bias an legal matters such as forwcloeura of mortgagee, actions, or suit at law, or tbe settlement 01 estate, requiring the sttentlon cf ao Attorney in County, Probate or Circuit Court, may do eo, aa the same will be promptly attended to by Mr. Geo. W. Wright, Attorney at Law aod Counsellor at Aloany, Oregon. Brownsville Time. Fun at the Chalk Talk. A rt, wit aod wisdom at tbe Chalk TakV. t See th Ulsaiog Link at lb Cbalk See tbe chalk talk and bear th chalk talker talk at tbe cbalk talk. Good groccrie and produce at E. F. Fenton'. First lit. Hill fclock. fTlio beat hav, oat and mill feed in tne cliy at K. F. Fenton Hill block. The most novel and enjoyable of en, Urtainments. What? The cbalk talk- Sjttipter.nesr Baker City is experienc ing the greatest boom ol any city in Or gon. Already it take thirty elictric light to illuminate it at right. A receiver ha been appointed for the firm of Brown A Smith, hardware deal ers, of Salem. Th application ahowed that tbe firm bad been running behind at about th rat of 12,000 a year. The stock of goode of W. It. DUn were old at referee aale yesterday afternoon to the New York Auction Co., of San 1 rancisco, represented here by the Presi dent Mr. J. Gollober. stock there. Deputy Sheriff D.y, of Eugene, is re- p0fil?:'.J,n ukeo '"cation trip with 12,110 pf the money o. Laneconnty. HI wbereaboil are be.'ng looked for. If it provee true tbe bondsmen olthe beriff will hav a bill to pay. lb Jury In th Mima ease At Pond!. too yesterday brought in a verdict of manslaughter with a recommendation for extreme mercy. The jury at first stood nine for acqo'ttal and three for murder, and bene the verdict was an odd compromise. 'Ihe sentenca will probably be one year in the penitentiary. It is reported that Mr. Perkin Ihe man, with the Broken leg and tbe email. pox, at Mrs. Moons will probably die. Walter Scott, who ieturnl laf,. dy '" Kaatern Oregon ia also report " mo vanoioiu. a sister baa just recovered from the chicken box. Chinese pheasanta are now somewhat sesree, but there are said to be plenty of ampw. vne aay tnis Week Mr. John Kobieon made snipe a specially and aineu eigtit, but ine doiog be shot seventy-nve times. We have the word 01 a ineo.i 01 bis lor tb fact. The Salem Sentinel ssys ditorially A perfect remedy and modifier or ameli orator ol smallpox lathe free ua of lemons. We doubt if that disease amounts to anyttiog if a Jlttle care be taken. It is not nearly ao dingeronsaa luwiea or ecarieuna. Ciaer vinegar may be taken if lemona be not on hand. At some Kaosaa town cider vinegar waa oaeu iDii Tear witn perfect success as preventive. Avoid meat and ail fau ana uaeaiet. Tb bicycle I a bone of coneotion all over tbe world in tbe effort lo find out what class it belong lo. Recently an English court baa decided that a bicycle i not baggage, since batgage is what a passenger carries, while a bicycle I some thing which carries tbe paaseoger. It would follow, accordingly, that a paa aenger might aa reasonably aak that bis bors be transported frej aa luggage a that bia bicycle sbou'd be taken cn tb am term. SATURDAY WIGHT THOUGHTS Tb Bor war continues at tbeliead of tho column attracting mora attanitnn uet now than any thing elae in the world It is already evident so far a can be learned that tbe English are too mnch for tbe Boers. Aod this wa to be expect- eu. 1 l English ars an advanced people in their methods, though behind tbe time In their imperialistic manner tf doiog things. As fighter they ar next to tb people of th United State. Mr. Kroger might have taved bimself a treat deal of trouble by fixed It op with Eog land tb best way Ucoo'dandeai derend on tb Lord iu a case like this. Bullets go jnst as aimed. lb Pbilippin war baa become a deal of asarne of a political foot ball, and men ar trying to mak President ont of It in different wayg. A campaign iti tb first place fast from tbe etait would bsve ended tb contest In a few months, but ihs policy pursued was a slow one. and it could not work against tbe fablao scheme efAqoinaldo. That ia'tbe long aod abort of it. Strictly fcuftinea French the jeweler. Creecent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, agent. Best Bicytl lot to money. Will Stark, jewelers. ' 'Crescent bicycle at Hopkins Brother for only f 20, 130, $35 aad 150. O B Winn, cur ticket agent. Ticket to all point in th east. Be sure and aee the anti mat tiawar at Uopkia Bto, will las': a lifetime. Go to Mies Longs for bigb priced pho tographa, and do not Jorget to take along tbe money. ...... Br allowipor the afcnmrilatinna fa the bowels to remain. thA antira avafcm ta nnia- oned. Da Witt'e Little Karl Risen regul ate tbe bowel. Try them and you will aiways use mem. roahay Masoa . In Albany there bat been a stats con vention of Sunday chool workere. This baa been a gathering of men and women for tb purpose of bettering tbe methods naed to give children tb right kind of a start io life. It is a fact that a the twig 1 bent so will be tb tree, and it 1 pe culiarly th provine of Sunday schools to giro children tb kind of an edoeatira that shall develop their tajte for th better tbicga of life. The imptrtance cf this canoet be too much empbacised. As a rule tba character of a boy or girl is formed to quite an extent by fifteen cr sixteen years of age, so that tbe seed most be town bef.v then that will bring harvest of wheat and not Urea. Tbi ia not a matter of wisbv-wasbr sentiment, but a fact demonstrated on every corner of the atreel and from tb first nwr to be garret. Potted CmiSAiminftJMa roa Saxt.- I have a choice selection including over 85 rarities of tbe latest and best Chria antbemums all potted and in fin grow ing condition. Which I now offer for sale. Call at residence or addreaa. Maa. R. A. Matrar. Cor.7tbandR.R.Sts. J. D. Bridire. editor and croorietor of Ibe Democrat. Laaceeter. N. H.. sar: 1 would not be without One Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled wuti a conga or cold. It is tbe best rem edy for croup 1 ever need." Foshay k Mason. - Mcsic Mia Mirarea - Burmester eacher of place or organ. System tba Haeon toncb ud technique. Keeidenc "iftbtt:eet,cp5oeite U P church. Mia Jovee Biowoell will take no ber piano clasa during vacation through tba winter, ibe beet uerman and feaetera method. Leave word with W. F. Bead Oyster by the pint or Leading Restaurant. quart at tb If you have pttee coax them, fto ne undergoing horrible operation that simply remove the results of the diseaae without disturbing tbe dixease itself. Place your confidence in DeWiU'e Witch HazelSalve. t has nsver filed t; it will ot fail to cure yo i- Foihiy tc Mason. Foot Ball. Tba Willamette ol Salem can to Al bany this noon, aod tbi afternoon wera meeting tba Albanlet of tb colltg to cauipus in foot ball combat. First half Willamette 10 "Albanv 0-. O - I a . a 0 . - a caiem iwo neavy lor A.oany. No rire.NoPay. Tbat is the was alt the droggista sell Grove's Tasteleas Chili Tonle for Cnitls, malaria and Billiousmss. Itisaa pleas ant to take as lemos syrup, 60c. From the E. A. M.A.Miller and Ralph E. Johnson returned yesterday from;Yoncalla,Doag U county, where they bad been to or ganise a lodge ot Modern Woodmen. Mr. and Mr. J. T. Jack to have sold their property in the northeastern nart l town to IN. N. Baahor. for $350. Mr. Jackson and family are thinking of mov ing 10 boutbern Uregon. JoeRlum returned to this neicbbor hood a few day a ago from Eastern Oregon, i where he baa been on bunch grass during j the last two years. While there ba waa fortunate enongb to tk unto himself a wue wbo baa returned with him. They will reside during tbe winter on bia father' la tm east of town. Deal Teheeee Salt aa Kaiaks Tear Life Away. To Quit tobacco eaalty and forever, be maa- netle. toll ot lite, nerve and vigor, take No To ll ao, the wonder-worker, that make weak men atrong. All druggists, too or l. Cure guaraa teed. Booklet and sample free. Addreaa Sterll.ig Itemed Co, Chicago or New Yore White Clover Honey, 10 cts. per lb. a C. E.Iirownell a. Have you tried our latest? Delicious beef tea ia what tones the system. New Good. P. Cohen' large and well selected stock of new goods baa ar rived. It embrace late up-to-date goods, which will be sold at prices in reach of all. Give him a callbefore buying. 099 Our Offerings. In CARPETS and other kindred goods are of the latest patterns and colorings, our rug and art qsuare Hnes are very strong this season. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or. 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS. THOM R8 BRINK Is tb Oldest Furniture Dealer in tbe city and be keep a complete, line of Furniture and Bedding and if you want good good cheap give him a ca'l lie doesn't intend to be under sold. i fll V' i-' We carry a ad We receira siaw'. IkTL ' j t XLL VyJSi-P' aiockolgood. Iron. laOOO to o?Z51irJS llrTilf-. yJi lued a A S&.UX) letter. !-rrvAfc: fV nPl We own and occupy the talle.t mercantne building In the world. We have Zr5"1 At-J. I over cuatomera. Sixteen hundrrd clerk. Rre conatantly Lt-, 1 lsAl engaged filling out-of-town oraera. li OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE lathe book of the people it ruotea i ytjj j Wholeaale Price, to Everybody, haa over 1,000 rS- llluatrationa. aad y. j!. . ij f j I deacriptiona of article, with pricee. It cota 71 eenta to print ar.d mail 1 i 1 fctl each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to ahow f II T your good faith, and we'll aend you a copy FREE, with all charge, prepaid. I r M0NT60MERY WARD & CO."" BIGGIE BOOKS . 1 A Farm Library cf tncqualld! value rrccal, rp-jo-date. Concise and Comprehensive Ha'-it-somely Printed and Beautifully tllcssratti, 3y JACOfJ OIUQLB N. l-CIGOLE HORSE DOOfC AH about Horse-a Ouimon-Senae Trratlr '"'kfref 74 illuatratioua ; a auuuianl ork liu No. 2 DIOOLE BERRY BOOK All about growrog Small Fruits rd nl k urn hovr . " contaiua 43 colored liie-likerrptoctiKtHitf flt .-.iiji ' rarteticaaatd iua other iilubttationb liux yiL..t No. 3 BIQQLE POULTRY B(JK All about 1-oultiy ; the best Tot.!!' v hot k in etl-'- race telle everything ; avith.3 colored 1-ir- t 1 t-?i.ui.L.&' of ail the prtnciia breU: iU i s ..unr i!l-jtruiXca lTKe, jo Cent. No. 4 BIOQLE COW BOCiC All about Cow. and the Dairy Butiuro ; r.nTta a y.-t aale; contain. S colored life-like rrprodtictTr- r-'ceiti breed, with tja other iUustrati. ta liu,y.ii. No. 6 BIOOLB SWINE BOOK Juat out. AU about Ilog Breeding, Feel!r. Tuh ery, Diseaoe., etc Contain over So btauni'il uli tone and other engravings. Price. 50 Cents. TheBlQOLE BOOKS are unique ,original,teful von never ea anything like them opractical.aoeeni'iblt liwy are having an enormous aale East. Wet, Ncrtlt nd South. Every one who keep a Iiorse, Cew, lit K rr Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to stU right away for the B1UOLE BOOKS. Tbe FARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for yon and sot a misfit ! la r: ye-ra Ola; it is the great boiled-down hit-the-nail-on tue-1 etid .-quit-after-yoaave-said-it. Farm and Household Br-r in the world tbe bitrer naoer of its site in the Utiiteo P.f.-es of America havuig over a million anla-balf regular icautrs. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, anil tne FARM JOURNAL I YEARS (remainder of tftjo, tooo, tool, loos and I003) will be sent by u.- 11 O any address for A DOLLAR BILL. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIQQLE COOKS free. WILMS ATTTxaow. Address, FARM JOTOTAl CHas. r. jsjiKiKa. i HiLautxruif i