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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1899)
Plaid Skirts Another lot lust put on aalit. Two ntimW, oho it fH.OO niul another ii $0.00 are especially ntat and good value. New kid Gloves Over 700 i.nirH' o( kid Glnvo. for Iu.ll.' Itit added to our .Vr.V,!!i,i,,,,,Lt. l..numt complote In this vicinity. Our $1.00, It 81 and f l.M linen ruo very strong. W o have mIko a lino assortment of now gloves rt 11.75 and 1 1'i k lit '.'.00. -Our 1 .',() Dniuurl, Poator and I.aUoine glove are being cli.aud out ut $l.0. ZZ2 nutt: SF.H EAST SHOW WINDOW. S. E. Yew & Son. A High Grade Coffee The Flavor of which never changes. It is stimul ating and soothing. A trial will convince you of its merits. It is Jas HeekinsS Go's Celebrated High Grade For Kale by McFeron & We nake a mtemliy of COFFEE And Guarantee all we sell. At theBazaar Novelties... In Ladles Neckwear. Just the finish suitable for the up-to-date costumes. Full fronts for Tailor or Evening gowns, Stock Collars, plain and fancy, velvet, corduroy, and silk Liberty, India and Surah silk, Chif fon and Net Scarfs. All in dainty and original designs from the cheap est to the best. NEW M ackintoshes, Umbrellas, Fur garments, Winter Footwear L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON. Cincinnati Roast. Tomlinson Call on R M. French . The Jeweler, .. , If yoa want a flrit claM Oo-d-filled and Solid Gold Watchet, that we bought tor caah, and wa are giving our can tomera tbe benefit; of the extra dUcouot,; ENGAGEMENT and WEDDING RINGS specialty Summer Cooking la made a oleavure by tbe nee of the Quick Meal blue flame oil stove. It ia the moat conven . lent, almple, economical and eaaily managed of any cooklnj apparatua maJe, and will bake, boil, broil or roast, and la sure to give thorough satisfaction. STEWART & SOX HDW.-CO. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL ieV.Uantia. a formar ('. er, was in the city today on his way to his homo at Lou Angulus. JIaify ,fKk,em"n. "'Ived last week from Ban Dlago California where h- had wvvu YiBiung rumuv. g. i'rluevllle Re- new. Albert Weddlo, slabbed by J. P. IlaJ.n at Sweet Home, is said to be gradually improving with good prospects of re- im uogree of Honor will hold their i i,.',i,nt ln new 7:30 uim it luniuriL. ri.ii'h mii .... ... t -. .. ... quests I to attend. Hon. Sol libmaur of Portland, pre lJ! . "i? V.V Oregon, 'will urdaV night. ""y "MHy "extM Mrs .0. 0. Lee. wffoof Albanseity tor Mr. Win. Stufgor, and returred to. day Niiliiri Journal. W. K . Jiilyeii and Jus. K. Weatierford, t0 Of the Jeudll a lii.r.i.l t ..... ..... were attending Judge Boise's court to- auurnai, .i T' I'-WMkmson has qualified aa Jus- tl(! Of ho mar in V:....... . ylco J.N. Hoffman, rcmovel fiom the . r 7."' u"ttl " witla iiioira. jneonfiaia for $1000, with V; rw vuiiianuon as sureties vorvaius ijmea. j-.xonnci man iSilly Garrt, now traveling for Wa(JJ,aiii A Co. .of Portland haa been in th miu :ur,.. n. i.. member of a city council of Albany who KiuBuicnon taxing Ijim ieft, tit wa in bliaillraa In Ailuinu ....... among other ihlnga running the Uevera ivuiv e vetr at 202 funerals, and haa tied the hyme- ' anonor jV3couplea. It falls to few feal wri,e ,uc, record, and it ia due Dr. Thompson to say that the enviable reputation heenjovsas a Christian min ister, haa been gained ty patient and ef fective tol'. The thousanda who have met him at the alter, the open grave and under the marriage Led, remember him meet kindly-Corvallie Tiroes. Recorded. The following filings were made In the County Recorders office today : rkie. O A 0 K R Co to F Donogaela.l lot El a 2i0 Mlasourl Tycer to Susan Martin, i6 aeres KUB Kerscb.'iYot'e u.b h? tl'ri; :;-.u:v 1050 M vt-nnee, ias acres 15 Wj , ' E t Jpblu. Geary 'Si in- ,,frestln 428 acres M U Uilbreaib to Citisena Nation al liana of Dayton, Wash.. inlereat la In n iv ' 600 1000 000 700 600 1600 J M Roach ij j n.i ". i"Vi of tlarrlsbarg propertv. . . F8 Miller to Chae W WalkVrib II O Mi'lier to"u w' WalerVio7 atcri . . 8rab Wllllama to'CbirleV Amoi', W W Parrish to Joce L CoV,"800 176 2100 vrv. ...i oruaa ixsTKcmxra. Mortirita for. . . .. 100 20(10 160 300 300 70 250 3M) 2000 800 Satisfaction of Miaf Cbawl Mtge for.........'.'.'.".'.'.,.' Mortaaira fnr Chatei mortgage for m 'aKS lor. . , . Fiaa Dkilu For several data th m. pile of tbe public schools, under tbe di rections of Superintendent Martlneale, have been nractfoinv in Artu tbeir satisfaction and onjoyment, as welt ivyiBir gran aavaniage. Tbe best record waa made this forenoon at the vi?" street school, when tbe entire building of eight rooms was cleared of pupils iu just one mloote Ave seconds Irom the blowing of tbe wbiatle, tbe SSlODftin ami ffattinn ik.i. on the way out. , . Lamu Aio Soctan.-Tha ina? oi tiia TdiM A lit Sai.iu.. k.u at the rraidenoeof Mre.O.W. Sean on iuunway xsov. Z. at J:30 r. M. An Important LMflcrcnte. To make It annarant Ia ilJ. think themselves itl, that they are not af flicted With an diamaa. hut tk tk. tern simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort borne to tbeir hearts, aa a costive condition ia eaailv ennui h of Fjgs. Man ufa-; tared by tbe California fK byrnp Co. only, and sold by alt drug gists. 9pcaklog,,ntme. - j a " " n re a larve and fine uWt nn i th i . . ? ea to be secured, time keepers that keep time. When vnn want m . fi on them. ' " " ... Lose no time in rallino mi Will X Cfl for the best watchea. keepers, and take your time in buying. i u pioaaure to auow meir gOOGS. Trv the RuirarRowl for tafrta a - - - mv wiw olate, beef tea and home-made chocolate creams. Tin and Granite ware at UHLixe & Hdlbpbt'b. Call in and see oar up-to date line oi Airtigni neaters. Ohunq & Huibubt. Ilave yoor stoves polished by Oblinq UULBl'BT. Ripe Tomatoes, Peers and Appha a 0. E. Brownell'a. AGATES Rl WSIK 6th and Tbnrston 8ts.. Albanv. Leave orders at French's jewelry store. Water Melons, sweet ard delicious on band daily at I Lajt Sunday cloacd the 13th year of r. Ihompaon'i aerviceas naatorofthe rirat l'reahyterlancLurrli. Uuring the time ha haa lutnn tl.a ...ii...... MISFITS. Recnot weather If mad. to rder couldn't be any better for tl.a tammr. Mow If the t)oliilcif, price of wheat In view of the ai roach- ing praaiueniial election they will confer a great favor on tbe tiller of the toil and raiaer oi wneat. Peop!e who have teen tteltirin Tight ened ftt every smallpoa "ncsre" report woutu nave ln.l their hair stand on end this morning hsd they gone aronnd the ciiy at an enriy hour. The jelhw flag is orni).j.rrncii', Mr. Hill it.. i ... - :.. ,.(. li.. . . . . . i,u uiuuuiaii. i n'orning cleaning up the i loere were any waKon;gft eraiyr were ascertained to he out of ana wwa and debris generally that wasn tienon the ateta or anrr.wi.r on Ihe gronm'e the owner will plesfte report. The bore of the lloers has proven a big and fast one. Fighting for tbeir liber ties and the right to run their own gov ernment the lover of (rixuh.m mH I has rat- publican form of government will rejoice n meir victory. Alter all the Lord seema to be somewhat on the side of the! Boer. In the long run though the pro- j pro - uaiiiiiiT is ll. at. Jvngland will much for the Boer, be too Liars Abroad. It was reported at Lebanon that there were thirteen casts of small pox In Al bany and that the entire city was quar antined. At Browusvtlle they raised the Lebeuon lie end msde it nearly tsenty cas. The fact is this: Tbere is n jt a single caso of small pox inth.cit". Af Matt Scott's tbere is a ease ot vari oloid in a Vrry light form, not pronounc ed at all. The flag is ud at Moon's on account of the man who was there who f m i . . ..... uiea. i ue I'SMOtftAT doesn't believe it will go any limber. bensihle and intelligent people will not nelteve everything iher hear, and decent people won t help spread false hood. Remember Miss Katharine Oliver, the great Scotch dialect elocutionist, at the U.r. church next Monday night Nov. 6. It costa nothing to get in, but those at tending will be expected to give as they can afiord and aa the entertainement will deserve. Theihurch should be 61 led. White Clover'IIoney, lucts. per Ib.'a C. E.Brownella. MARRIED. SULLIVAN FOX. On Hallowe'en, Oct. SI, 1899, at tbe rectory of and by Rev. Loots Metayer, Mr. Con Sullivan and Mrs. Maaale ioi. both of Albany. The ercom ia tbe superintendent of the Corvallis & Eastern and tbe bride an old rrsident of Albany. Tbev bave tbe beet wisbee of a large circle of friends. GOVRO ROYCE.-On October 29, at the residence of the bride's parents In Hodaville. by Rev. Dollar hide, Mr. Walter Govio and Miaa Peail Koyce. Genuine Bargains. On account of comtemplated removal to Seattle to reside, I will sell my stock of goods, consisting of many novelties, at less than cost, also all fixtures in store. Will sell at retail or in balk to country dealers. Big chance for a baigain. Will also sell my household lurmtare at a bargain. Call early aa I wish to close ouj. witbln tbe next thirty days. FOR SALE. A No. 1 oat hay for sale, $0.60 loose at tbe barn oi v . o. ioow. FOR BALE. A Hartford bicycle, in good condition, un account oi gomg east will eel. for only $12. ew Goods in All Lines. N epAeipnnfpffrl It, ' 5f! ' t ?t I Qothing is ttcogpszd in didr exquisite worlanaiisliip thdr exclusive styles didr handsome pat temstheir fashion able fit Character istics at once recog nized in our famous K., N. & Fa Coefs Fall and Winter line! i iiv 4, i ; Jti ; f lwuUalUvUiaihavvaevi4 At the BLAIN CLOTHING Company's Hallowe'en. The li vest night In tbe year is Hal lowe'en. There is nothing like it In the caliender. It began last night just as soon aa the shades of night had settled upon the earth and lasted onill mid night 'J he city was filled with running iquada of boys and yonng met, yee and Kirls, ont for a frolic. Tbe resnlt was spprecialed this morning when tbe bus. ineis man couirl'nt tell where be was Irom bis sign, the hntcber looaed for bis wagon finally to find it on ihe college cawpue oi some other place, when it was lonnd not necessarv to bother atmnt nn. i""'0?. t,,e hoai ben enough small irfiir na0a tr. . r. ,"-- " - " i"u auouv 10 tuauten even a stolcand when thine joint, ihere was enough energy and wore: pat into the btminesa to have inoveti Ml. iiood or rpht a thousand corns oi wood for poor people. By this uuie mougn nearly iverythlrg it in iini;c, and the boys all rsy they bad a ; be fa selling 17 round, of granulated su pine to show for it. igar for $1.00. Now ia the time to bny an way np At tbe K. of P. hall last niitht a Ane so- ic'"' Sobering was had by a live company oi young people, juenv kinds of stand (t'es and numerous old fashioned floor Kme wereplayed for eeveral boors with t'' were yiayoo .or reverai iioars wun routine; fun, restraint being thrown off j "onor o. uaiiQWfi'en. A delicious lunch of popcorn, banannasand peanuts " " u- i iud wtuyuuj .u ffijuaua. One of the DleaeanUt Hallowe'en af- fairs waa tbe party given bythevoung people of the M. E. church at the par- nonage. Hallowe'en games were played, Gnn I h. lafaft..! m.nv f Ih. ah. settled. The Methodist young Hallowe'en. people know how to tou Can't Afford To bay soap, blue, starch and fnel to wash at home. Its oor business to wash and tbe reason it don't cost aa much as it does you ie because we dj lots of it See? Mangle w rk 25c per dozen. Mag.nolia. Steam Lackdbt. Yellow Crawford oraches can now be lounu at Bbowskix ' t. Plain Clothes 25c per dozen at the Magnolia Steam Laundry. You Run No Risk In purcbating a Razors firm di. Tbia ia the way we do it. Should yon by one of our "BLUE cTEEL" razors and it proves unsatisfactory yon simply return it and get anothercr yror money back. Tbe manufacturer gnaranteee every one to as to we feel quite safe in guaranteeing tbem to yon. It don't rsv to buy cheap rsioie. We bave fine line of Strape, Btusbes and Soap. Call and tee onr lice. Wbat is Hoine Wit&oni a Cook: or a Oook or a Stove or Utensils or Groceries or Dishes or Spoons " a Stove Utensils " Groceries " Dishee " Spoons " Knives and Forks Let us supply all except the Coot, any good Kcstlxb can get a co:k. F. E. Allen & Co. The light running "NEW HOME sewing machine at E U. W ill's Master Stire prices Irom f 40 to $60. . The old reliable "DOMESTIC" sew -ing machine at . V, Will's Mnalo ui prices from 20 to $46. The latest Improved "WBllE" sew ing machire at E. V. Will's J'.ualc Sior Pr ice ::0 to $40. If tbey tell yon it ie not true, call and be convinced. Tbe leading sewing mscblnes for a boat "one bail" tbe price netted by cnvae ing agents at E. V. Will's Mnsic Store.' prices $23.60 to $30 the bert in tfco -world for tbe money. The leading High Grade I'ianoe at K V. Will's Music Store at prirea front $00 to $75 cl.eartr than sold in Portland or San Francirco. Sold on easy terms -organs taken as part pay. Kflolir V!r rir.4ili1 lnf.w. n . tt.Afr- j iti liable to go op at any time. This is c,", propoeiuon. All goods deltvered free of charge. OnpF) at Will ! O 1 Vl see th & Stark's atd x V X see their large and splendidly relected stock of rioss. An design you want. Kings for all rom a present to the baby to a WcH-disg, W 11 1 1 C VV lUI IC Otmnttrr Pnal, Dmnn- OUiULl LduU rilbbS All goods guaranteed strictly first elas. Freeh and fnilcoant and fall weight or money refunded. Fresh Sweet Potatoes today 17 lbs, full weight. Gran. Sugar., fi 09 18" " " Choice Ulce.... 1 00 7 " Rolled oats, good ones 2S 8" Beat W hit Beans 25- 2 pkg. Arbackle Coffee, ground to order 2& 2 pkg. Lion Coffee 2S Call and examine onr goods. ALBANY TRADING 00. Vance Building, Second Street. Burkhart & Lee (q ; A i I I ! U OUARANTCCO CLOTH I HQ