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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1899)
VOL XXXV. loss voir DacBAcke? In constant pain when onf your foet ? a la that QtaBglna, pulling aonsatlon with you from morn till night ? Why not put tho mfsdicino exactly on I ho disetwo 7 Why not apply tho euro right to thn a.,..t ito. If 7 You can (la It with Ci MKlcr Immediately after the ClPhmter is applied, you fool 'its warming, soothing In-M fluenco. Ita hoalino; remedies quickly penetrate down deep into tho Inflamed tiroea. Pain to quieted, soreneaa la re lieved and strength imparted. No slsatsr u mr Bass's llks It. No plsalcr over sett m eekkly sa4 Iborostnlv. No sUtUr over bad sat a complete control overall Kindt of polo. Placed over the chest it la a powerful aid to Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral; relieving congestion and drawing out all inflammation. POM ! IT Al l tMIt!.r J f arm . i rr. i UK. J. L. HILL rtijoirlun and Surgeon, Itm&lixk .... JUhany, Or. Uiflff tuner HMim BroaJalbinSt., Albany, Or. Geo. Oollint DD8 A. Jack Hodge D D 8 COLLINS & HODGES Dentiata, OJJ Fel.o's Temple, Albany, (V. OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 28 CLOSES OCTOBER, 28, 1899 Horticultnralani AricDitnra Product of Oregon, Washington and Idaho in great variety and pro fusion than evr bolore. Bennett's Eenowosd Military Band MISS ALICE RAYMOND America's Greatest Lady Ooruet ttolotat, The unequalled FL0REN2 TROUPE of Aorobata, direct frm tlio Empire The aire, London ; their first appearance in America. A Great. FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM 3 GREAT SISTERS MACARTE Unsurpassed Arialiats,ta their thrilling acts A2tctTrtER GREAT ATTRACTIONS ' A Beaton of Orest Surprise! and Astounding FeatB. iledu d RttM on AUTranaportation Line. ADMISSION, 25 OEST8 Clttl.DRRS UfDSR 12 YSAKS, 10 CBMTS DONT MISS ITI " DESIGNS TRADE-MARKS AND COPYM6HT8 C OBTAINED ADVICE At TO PATENTABILITY Notice In " Inventive am " Book "How to obtain Patents" PATENTS' 1 R 1 Chorget modern!. No fee till patent in secured. I. 0. 6)Q(1EB9. Plent Uwytf , WythlnylonTo. C, j TELEGRAPHIC. Boer Defeated. fllMlilW fl,. 'XI ..,..!.. ..J ........ ..... l . VIIIIW IVI'OdRU the following ofllcial dispatch from Lady I. - ft a .ilex . !.! ' iiimiu mv q-.iw ujis aucrnouri : e were attacked tint morning at day f'tflit by a force roughly estimated at MM. They had placed four or five guna In unaltlon on a I. Ill Slim ,.i ... - - ' " j ft n tliDft vi nitr camn. ami llmv HmiI ..I. .I..II. I- r'f ..... j iKft;. .noun, Tiiolr artillery did no Iuijiuk. Our in mini r lUfin'M lur nitHCK, nod we got Out tuna in ponlilon. After the position of the enemy hid been sholled, our infan try advanced to the attack, and after hard flubting, lasting until 1 :30 p. rn., the almoat Inaccessible position we ta ken, the enemy retiring eastward. All win liver Kiini were ca unreel. ftfti. tJr. i ii nrwari lostes are very aevere, but thoMt of the Ibier are mutti heavier. The final ruah wa mado with a trluin. nhant veil, and aa thn Itritlah chargrd to cloae quarter the enemy Mimed and liol, Ivavingalt tlKiirlmpedi- mvni aim guna oemnu mem in their lrn'i.iiiu flight. iiov 01 uiPiii aiirreniiert-d. A roilirll mitlniiita n'nmm tlm llri.UI. l(Mt at '2M killitftt f,r kiinn.UI .n.l !.. of the Itoera at f0 Temporary AdjuHiincnt WmiflKtlWiVI ft... tftt t4 f ItrillHlt i.Pinft I....... ft... department today and notified Secretary flay of the formal acceptance by his gov ernment of the prop anion for a tempo rary atljuatmeni ol the Alaaka boundary line propoaed by aocr-tary Hoy in lua note of yeaterday. WltU that note the long expected mount viveiidi, relative to tlio vexed Umml iirV ft I lea at I inn aasatttfr inln effect. A 0 rent Victory. KkW Youk. Ot-. Kl Thrniiftti EM ftl hoary aeaa, in a breeze that approached the lliirllit V of L'tt'w Ilia valiant minnn Oolumlila (ixlay vaniiialid tlie llritiah iimiiBiiKLT riminrocK iy o in in anil 18 wo. actual time, and 6 min. and 34 aec. orrrt-tetl lime, thu completing the se-ri-a for tho America 'a cup with a inagni- iuudi roupifweauicr uuei ana a giorioua III lot It. Hf. I'aCL. Oct. 20 A lima! VnrtJ.UFn oiliciai aaid today that the coocluaion had lieen rem hmj by the road that a utrike could not be averted. Higher of ficiate will talk, but the wholeaale merciieniehave been probing into the ituatlon, and their rr porta confirm the Itlatifmullt that (lilt (;( Vxrlnnrn la likely to witneno the moat effective lie-up vir vxpvrienccu in iue weat. A Ilorrlhli Crime. St. lAi m, Oct, 20. A special to t! I'it-I)ip,ilcli aaya: A Poaae taat niiiht cantured 3na m ftoie,a negro, who eunreeaed that be aod tiou Anaerann on tho preceding night, went io tlie house of S. IL.UambriU and lied lire, (ianibriil and four chaldren to getner , pitd a feather mat trees on them poor.a on on the pile, cremaleu tbe mily and roblied the houae. , Lellore was burned at tlie stake. An dereon was caught and ptrtly burned. Acts oentlv on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System INEFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES ftjCfr fi-tf? H4B,TUAlCoHSTwton i lUALv PERMANENTLY BVy TMg UNVINt-MANT o ey iRRNIA JIG -SyRVPCS fmniamwmnwaiaiwanit. NO 13 Obituary. Jarne Monroe, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Hale, was born May 8, 1853, In Linn county, Ore.on, at Syracuse ferry, a mile and a quarter below Jeffer son, where the early pioneers croaaed tbe tJantiam liver. The moat of hit life was p1!?1d ,Alt,r and vicinity, until within the laat aeveral yearslie has lived near Oregon City. His beahh facing, bis father sent for him and bis wife to come to "Hermit Howe" (Sodsvil.ei, where he had every attention that a kind father and devoted wife, with tbe uot.Jrl',.n'i'' Maid bestow. For a while the ehaogo seemed U be beneficial, but biadeaae, bear trouble, was such that It was only traoaitory. He passed to the higher life at 8 o' clock a. m . . .. .7 . . ..... j t ,j iaitf, ine interment taking place In ti e Dl cemetery, feetur lay, October 14th at 12 m.. the htiiir nf iha ft.ft.ft.ftft j in. r 7 ovhj anniversary of bis niarr age to Mrs. Llllie Kraute, of Portland, Oregon. His mother aod three ! ' '!!? A,,'r, the fourth and """VliuiliUMI, "Peatb Is bat a littl transit. Joat beyond the veil of sight, At hS P,ri 'd and raliant, OuIJes us ever to tbe light," A.B.B. Lebanon. From the E A. : Mra. I r ..tin . tftVi --"""? ui nionny, spent Wednesday in Lebanon with Miii Breck-"inriiljje. Olrd. at bis home In Lebanon, Oregon. Wednesday night October 18, 1899, Goo ry, aged 5 years, 9 months and 4 days working in the' St. Cb.rie, KMSJ W. P. Millat mn.l .i. - . r- Vihi7 uny win aoon leave tor Oiiliam countv. ti,. m peod the winter, and may locale tr nanent v. J ni. ". ,oc'r? .r . w wue??oajir H ill flAVII SeneT tb,"r f "heir . r t h.n..?.k.,ril1 "''n I'banon i h.nk-2! ri'?.,a,r: Wr- P' M- orogg:n, J,, n? V K,,rri,. bought a con! hii ?" ,Bta.rf,t ,0'1S b'non bank ('hougftthe papers haven't h.nkiT, u1"!1 'nd ' "durt a K"kJn buwoeaa In the same. Mr. iZtiZ!i?,!?in0" "Plehe building, oiner hank cuiidiag erected. HOME AND ABROAD. Fun at the Chalk Talk. Art, wit and wiadom at the Chalk Talk Bee the Link at the Chalk Sunday dinners at the Ha vera 60cts. tixei will House County Nov. 1. be delinquent on See tbe chalk talk and hear the chalk, talker L,k at tbe chalk talk. 60cU. for a fine Sunday dinner at the Kevere House, 5:30 till 7 o'clock. The moat novel and enjoyablo of en tertainments. What-? The chalk talk. Eieaant Sunday dinner atrvwl at the Revere House from 5 :30 till 7 o'oclock What will Lebanon do with two bank. "i "eT, pMl' food "n to keep one Ihoogb In the sue7"er '" 01 tiU .l?.n.l."M, 'ny vi'ited by a de- Lempke waa the firat man ta nave brick on tbe ground for new building. .iub!M,0,ordrtrl8! Pendleton ... -!fek b" UMCted t"at dral tf iiVL J 5 coount of tbe r romineoce of tbe defendant, who is a lawyer. .i,? ,A,b,n' Woolen Mill has ordars Alt . i u".0 ?.oat w"k fight and day. and It is sending out a higher grade of goods than ever before. BcoitWard.of Piainview, and Coun- Vlmllie,n,r' 0lhi, ci". return ed with a large band of cattle which t?.I!.,'!!mii U'?irJtj0mer Sod 'rn. mere win be a big demand for tbam. The Colbee aocietiea are settling the lwlrrr,,J'Mt evoin ih U.ofo debated the momentooa question of "ansva.L PUcr i0" tbe 4.POUWD CATALOCUS FP! - v"suu..7Sftr.cii0B.ft 1JT- w TT .vj. THIS BIQ CATALOGUE ? imimm 2,7. Is aria, errntollMlovor iW,( trsU(fri. SA is l14llli li)4 nn fu.wthftfiii. lift ttmmt. HMl W.p!'( ..4 ffi-.l piftliwftl . (ftStift. TUf I.MIK.T OfUftll ftl.ilf ftftUiffiflJI ..IPS. Al. IVCanHiNS lflciudili tverjr.hlrilAnrlt frag, lliy (Jn!., JT.. ftfc Clla!w. Unth P...., t. Hrf IHn, !. mi)tl, s H.r.ara, tlm, ArrlevHar.l I.mA, ranritw. DoH-llM. Kww, alM IhMm, Inln, OftM, rttmM, Snlral Mnanlfti tanMktaMi. , lUtrinra, fMitaf VMkto, rMUtnU'W t.ii. jurt what Tour wmkHMrU km mnat par ir into h Miyii an'i wlHnrirrmt him from armrvtomntlntl yon oik In jfm bnr i apl.tna jn.t How to ordar, how oin . II.. Ir-Mrai, nlB car th 34 eenu ujalaira, a laa HI. Boa wj .all aaalaaM,and If roti don't think it l vkfea-MMr M Into SIt1it.l'-ftr'W'. Momfcly, f 1,1'aa-i. ThalrfaUlmnM l a rut lpartnMml mum bvlll down." All: vAtaira ftlon. 1. M aanW. aavancftna anna wins IS Mum la atamtm to will aaaf i ..a ii worth teOtlmath Iftoama m arnd. an hef ta t h Inwant irla.a(.TrjUiiilg,iHijp mO mna w will ralara raar 1 1 ..ala. HAT THK rW A V AHftl T THI dATAIAOrKl 1. a mo&BBMnt t Milam Inlunnalioo."-aiunmiuoU IMlun.) Trltftun., H A wm.lrfn1 rH'vw oT work ."- WadWiHrton Rational Trlbon. Til. Cataf.rie 1 a wondar." Manrb.rr H. H.iCnlfMl. ear, Hoabnck t Co. U on ol th. lareaat houaaa of IM kind In Cl.tJ-airo i hlraftro IrttorftWan. -ti oi. catalogue form, one of ta. Saws aLopplnff c I ftbM A.M . A.lftftft IftM-ttnflft. "Th ratalftftirila la crtajnl a .rrliafutl.a aiw rl'.oawlla." I hMm Keworlh HaTatd VA law ahouM b aaaawit ranapalllni; uwimof UiM rai.(i.ln all pulill.. arh.K.l.."-Th Hon. O. A- AontMmn. Wftmllaota thmaaaaa of similar aitrarW. IMIInWHawaa raw will raatlmlw -pHn4 hawk hr ralara taw. AMnm, (CARS, ROEBUCK A CO. UnO, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. U. 8. A. Strictlv buiiinese French tbe jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkina Brothers, aenta. ' Beat Bii-yde for tue money. Will t Stark, iewelers. ' Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers for only 120, 130, $35 aod t-50. C B Winn, eitv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the east. . Be tore and see the anti rot tinware at Bopkin Bios, wilt las', a lifetime. Go to Miss Longs for high priced pho tograpbs, and do not forget to take along tbe money. By allowing tbe accomnlations in tbe bowels tn remain. tbe entire system is pois oned. De Witt's Little tarly Risers regul ate tbe bowel. Try them and you will always ne tbem. foahay k Mason . 01173" PhWi-luP JHOfKlNS BR0S Agenta. Albany, Oregon "Oliver irare the worM the chilled pbw And it ban tavtd more monej to the farmer of A mcrlca ban uiyotner iinolemenl ever produced. Uanuine Oliver chilled are tbe best on earth. The Oliver ia a promoter of happi (ha farm, and the dealer who 'Jells it knowa he is i.andling the best. Look out for immitaliona and touch nothmir but i the genuina pooda, made cnly br OiiweT J Chilled plowworkj. fouv.h Btn'', InJ.I Order of Pendo. fe Deputy Supreme Counsellor D. Brad Isy Is in the city n.aklng arrangement, lor the organisation of a lodge of this or der here. He Is meeting with great suc cess and no doubt will here. Tbe dis tinctive features are verv marvel an.1 speak for tbe organization. Here are tutus ui lllt-iu. In CBaa of alrknnafta ftsft. .ft.I.I.a it.. member draws 10 a wr ek. !a ? "f death tbe beneficiary re ceive (2(1 a mnni i rV - - . . i ol 2,400. ' upon reaching the ago of seventy yean member will receive 20 a month for ten yeera. , , Any one. a man nr vnman ... i. come a member from eighteen to fifty five years of age. Aiiere is a funeral fund of 75. ; ducted from tbe pension after death. p-yaoio monuny according to age, and the rate Is low. Whlla riU... II ... . C. B7owneTl .. 7' 1WC ,D ITftVA VVll twiu.4 ... l' 1 '' .ft a Tft.M . . j . , . " vu "' iftWiiciocai beef tea U what tones the system. ai , This and That. A Larira and fins atnrk nl i . bacco at Conn A Huston's. 8ee tbe die plav. When yon want a choice steak a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry irodera. He keeoa tbe beat. Goto Vnrlrb'a ihiul.. t.-! . tlm? narlnra fnr f.rmt n.. r . . . yia. aw and cold baths. Clean towels to ery : ft m .w ' It Mia Iffft. mtn A i ffar.nft ift.ftftM i ik. . wound if vnn naa II.WIn. U7it.u u i Salve, it will quickly heal and leave no scar, toahay ft Mason. The beat mmtta nf all k!..l. -J j treatment at tbe Albany Dreesod Beef Umpanya market, just diwn Second treel. x Good weight and prompt attend ion. . , Some of t ha amaiilta ftS .ft..l....J i tlO COndltlOn-l of Iha arnn..t. ... - - . . - v -wftM.v. ... vianri eonanmption, heart disease and epilepay. Kodo DyapepaiaCure prevents all this by afTftitiMft ft.:..L. t ii . ' """i . h-. uni in i i cases of dvs peptia. Fosbay Maaon. NSW GOODS. I'. Cohan'a larcr. an,t Well UPlnW A.1 llAlr n ). L I... ! t. v " gooua uas ar rived. It Dm mm. l-lftT 1-.- goods, which will be sold at prices in Maanh A Mil af? I..a k. ! a a . vu nim a can before buying. A game of football according to tbe". Nt rure.NoPay. flUi!J,D?lGu.,,r1.J lB" beeo arranged be-! That ia tbe way all tbe droggiata sell iween the Albany and second eleven of Grove's Taateie-s Chili Tonic for Cbiila, malaria and Billiouancss. It ia as pleas ant to take as lemon syrnp, 50c. Deal Tekacea Spit u tkaeto Tear Ufa kmtj. To quit tobacco easily and fore re r. be mac netie, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bae, tbe wonderworker, tbat makes weak men tlrODg. All druggists, Me or ft. Cure 1 teed. Booklet and sample free. Add wuUu ,Uniref,i'r. io this city on tbe ' . ueon ueciared olt. A bin bop meeting is called for bop growers at lfugene next Thursday at 10 a. m., to set-are protection sgein.t tiie rapacious bop buyers, wbom it is charg ed have combined to obtain low prices. Hop raisers in Lane, Linn, Benton and Douglas counties sre luvitej to attend. Mri. IVarcitss W. Kinney was elected Sterling Bemed Co., Chicago or Xew Yorm. president of tbe Oregon W. O. T. U. st j : : - Fortlsod, bnt declined Statin? that rnn' rcientioua reasons prevented ner accept- j ing another term, gbe will, however,! remain as that otHcer a few mon ba and ! will tben be ancceminil i.w ,i.. vio- nrM. ident. Mrs. Harford. A list of volunteers by cities is Ming printed. Eugene 89, Albany 54. Bakar City 66, La Oiande 65, Oregon City 69, . wuuiviui. ii, r on una tm, Kosoburg St, Porrso Chrisasthemcms fob Sale. I have a choice selection including over 33 rarities of tbe latest and best Chris antbemnmsall potted and in fine grow ing condition. Which I now offer for sale. Call at residence or sddreas. . Mrs. R. A.Mtrapitv. Cor.7tband K.Ii. Sts. J. I) Bridie, editor and nronriefnp of the Democrat. L&ncester. N. fl.. tart : "I would not be without One Minnie Congh Core for my boy, when troubled witn a onea or cold. It ia the beat rem edy for croop 1 ever ued." Fotha? k Uason. i Mceic Misa Muarca Burmester eacber of piarvr or organ. System the Maeon toncb ud teebniqne. Residence SUttciet,fprosit U P chmcb. Miss Joyce Biownell will take np ber piano claa during vacation tbrongh tbe winter. Tbe best Germsn and Eastern methods. Leave word with W. Y. Bead Oysters by the pint or Leading Restaurant. quart at the If yon huve pilea ccaa taem. No aae ondergoing horrible npsrationa tbat simply remove tbs results of the diea without disturbing tbe disease itself. Place yonr confidence in DWit:'a Witch Hazel Salve, tbnoiverf lilei ociMoraean: it will ot fail to cum yo i. ffoia iy A Mtsoa. Our Offerin In CARPETS and other kindred iSN latest patterns and xHawihr. . wealthy San' colorings, our rug and art qSuare Jpru,V.l0ac xzl; fines are very strong: this season. Siskiyou count. Tailf in fft. 7S nnn I u " ALBANY FURNITURE CO. masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or. Yellow Crawford peaches can now be found at Brow:bj.'s, Smiley'a Clean Printing. Tin and Granite ware at Ohuso & Hclbcbt'b. Eilncata Tour Hawela with t aaearfits. to1Sjr f,V.hnrJI'; nur """""Patton fortwer. Wo, SSo. 1( 0. C. C. fail, arugUsis refund money. Ripe Tomatoes, Pears aiui A; 0. E. Brownell's. 'Pi s at How Are Toor Kltlnry. Pr Itohh'inracnjPIHicurr-ttll kidney Ilia. Ssw te f re. Ad.. stcrUui; Kciuciit Co., Cblcaso ur JS. V J I 1. www v ft.,ww . Tbe foundation is built so as to span over StOmPS Of tree On thm anuinil I. antaii to leave natural land mark if 'mammoth trees cut away. u Ti?f ?'y ih. P! "f ippng np Til rord a five dollar dog law suit, we sbould not be surprised to see it bnrt bis jnstice conrt nractice. It shows tbs tremendous influence of the press, and it is high time Til was fixing it np with some of tbe newspapers. Til never did care a con tinental for dress or press Journal. Pendleton waa alan hilkaul aa la ikiiwi. by tbe following from tbe East Oregon ian: "Tbe Metropolitan Opera comp any, which appeared ia Pendleton, not paly Buffered the loss of their costume in iha Pocatetio fire, bnt tbey lost their voice a well. An opera company has little excose for existence) so long as it is short of costume., voices, orchestra and chorus. Under the new road law tbe county court will at their January taimi rMr. rang the road district of tbe county, so tbat tbey will oomform with the voting districts, and every two years thereafter make such changes as shall be deemed neorsaary. Ia Jane there shall be elect ed supervisor for each district ,wbo sball bold his office for two years. If be re fuse to accept tho office after being elect ed ha shall be fined $25. The county court shall fill all vacancies. Dunsmnlr has a boy prodigy in the person of Ralph VVestlske. the 4-year old son of Mr. and Mrs William West- lake, tie reads from a newspaper . as reanuy as average children of ten or twelve years, and has a wonderful mem ory .retaining what be reads and reciting it aftr a few perusals He has commit ted to memory "Curfew" and other long poems, snd evince a natural love for such reading and memorising. A bril liant future is predicted for the little fellow if bis health keeps psce w ith bis meutal facultivs. Ex. 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS. W OMRS BRI1 la tbe Oldest Furnitnre Dealer In tbe city and be keep a complete line of Furniture and Beddine and if you want good goods cheap give him a call H doean't intend to be under sold. Both mr wire and myself havre been sins CASCARETS and thev Bit-ticlne we ke ever had In the bouse. thev era tbs best week my wife was franiio with headacbe for twodava. ah tried some of yourCASCAKETS. and tbev roiioved the pais tn ber head almost immediately. We botbreeommeBdCaseareta." Chas. Stcpbtord, Pittsburg Safe A Deposit Co. , Pittsburg, pa. CANDY fS WMrwniiti rsAoa mask wsoanswca Plmaant. Palatable, Potent, Taut Good. I Good, Nurar sicken. Weaken, or Gripe, luo. iM.Un. ... . CURE CONSTIPATION. ... atarita Rw7 Cannna), Caknea,, (aw Tarh. Sir 3 A Farm ithrary of cccftiiia-'co Up-to-date. tAiaclse and ri-mprib. somcly frtcKd r I it-i.ti; v By J At'.Oa titti' ..Ui'lLE tSORSG BOOK at. I'ift. K ' X 1 11 allfti.J AUulfttwi HuiiirHi C-u.mJis-S- us. lcrit ! ,i 4irr NO-2--0.OQLE BkK' i i Alattrr STOvnn Stn.i" - r-" f i , t All about fmiltiy, the brt lm 'i ' of all tbe? rmciil bfared: No 4BIGGLE COW BWk i All aboot Cows and Itr Vw.i h- tit ; tmiin r. it -- i - .KaJle, contains ?oK.-re:(i lit? 'ik i pntWtis it No. 5 BIOQLB SWINE tHj" j JiHtOUl All about Hot UitiOig, f rr-rir. T,ulvr; cry, thsea.K9. etc Contam. o So tm.i.ii I tli '. tunes anil otitcr engrawiiiK Price, 50 Ccuis TbeBIOOLB BOOKS areutiiqiw.oriirTtial.nrcfiil v. . rsi aiwanythiog llkcthtm orractKal,KsiMt!i - j - are bavin an enormous sale Ea-t. Went. ISoi'..'. 1 i l f ' - South. - Every. one who keeps s Horse, Ccw, Iti.w, rr Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, oi'tht Io tail rijlft ' : away Cur the BI0QL6 BOOKS. Tl.e FARM JOURNAL Is jrour paper, made for yon and not a f . rs venrs Ola, it u the great boilnl-down hit-the-nnil; tiis hc i -tjuit-after-you-hnwe-said-U, Farm and Kmisch.i.l lain in tse worw-tnc mpect paper 01 its sire In the I'mtwi F.-am of America ba vuyi over a million ami a-half regular rt-i'ers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and tne FAItfl JOWIU L a YEARS (remainder of 1890, 1500, loot, 190s and tool) will be aei.i t.v 1. to any address lor A DOLLAR BILL. bam pie of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIQQLE BOOKS 1 h Mfl.Tft Rlf So'd stilt gnaramewl hy alltfrng. biy. I Uv BAlt (lata to CX tiH. Tobaooo Uablt. WILMSK ATKIS90W CUAS V. JEKKIKS, Address, FAR.9X JOl'RNAI. I-HiLirri.; bi