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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1899)
in f 'v rcy n vi i II I .... arTYk . . . R Ifl snur: , -rrrmrr: : : J&r , f T . , . V -w -Vjf VOL XXXV. ALBANY, OBthGON FIUDA. NOVEMBER 10. 1899 When iho children ret their feet wet in J take cold give them hot foot t ail). howl of hot drink, do; i of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, r I put them to bed. The chancc.i are they will bo all right In t) a morning. Con tinue the Ch rry I'ectoral a few daya, utitil 1 1 cough haa die appeared. Old coujths ere alio cured; we mean the toughs of bron chilia, weak throaia and Irritable lunga. t;ven Hie hard coughs rit Anaun' pllnn ara alttava made caayrnd frequently cured 1 ry me continued uio or 'Cherrp perioral Every doctor knows that wild cherry bark la the beat remedy known to medical acience for soothing and healing InOamed throata and lunga. Put ono Of Dr. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral Plasters over your lunga Aafrtow Tf I We now ha. a tntn f the MI ami- teat thfikiiM in ihe lulled iuim, uuaual otwtlmlla sad lag sftMpf t eae amln.BU. 81 "" lr lvl IM4lnl ad. Ire. Will IreeiJ U Utt til. nn.j. l. hill rtijairlnn and Surgeon, Hill Ulwk - - - - llmny, Or. TELEGRAPHIC. I.ntc News In Short Form. hi South Africa. Lvhmh, Nov. 3. The Dally Mail pub hes tlio following dispatch from Lady ultli, dated Wednesday morning : Ms turns KhIhv mil.. n. n,.,... are apparently mounting more heavy Ilinn to Ilia north mil,...u .i.i.Y. are likely to ive us trouble. A Hoar contingent, 1M0 strong, la clarly visible Ironi liiacaiiiti. trnutnifiu ....... ... . Willtll. TIlM illliul.ifatil ..f I ..I . I. continue to loave the town. ArounJ Manila. Manila. Nn. i n. a m n i- troop of the Third cavalry , and Kivers troop of the Fourth cavalry swam the river and surrounded the Kurrleoii at lkn uabun, entering the town. The enemy vsiaped. His rifles and niianlily of imiiiuniU'm were raptured. , m ainirilJiail Willi the InaurueMta near Alnra killing five. gj, . - W Tliu Ui'cr'ii Lokmcs. w . ....... iohihik. ivov. a. iieialed diapatclies if0,i" t'.,e.iil,1, cP Udyamith sld "' loiuriiiBuou rvgarutog Monday a tight except eNtimsfs of the lloer Iowh-s. nil L'h in nnw lalil i U nr. l; 1 WO wouuded, tartly victims of artillery , winiii mvw wrougin aucn great havoc that It is said Uunoral Joubort haa written m. lHr tn n1.1... h.i.i.i. ..... ... .u.. , . . 1 1 1 bv, jiriviau commander, protesting aguint the ure w v t iVI Hiier Ca tight. Kl.l.KSIIIITIUI. N'rw. 9 Hhartlt rame in on a late train last night from Clwliim with the man he arrested for the Utiemke robbery. William Itbrmke was wiui mm. carrying the recovered twelry. Ihe fellow was "weated" after is arront ami flnalla- .llr...l - - - .lt.V'. to a cinder pits, where it was found. It is believed all is recovered excep on WaU'l). Fatal Fire. NW York. NOV. H Vir l, ontttA tke7-Storv buildina at HI (Ml at.. I ih Mm street, oecuyivi principally by the Man- 1 11 1 1 r!l'"nK,'npenyi it ts vt navo cauanu Ilia ucstll 01 9 per-oim. Michael Colin, an engineer, was killed and ICharlna Sn.lih r.rwl a youth named Kogera are mlsairg. Terrible Dmnater. AKTWIHf. Nov. 3. Tlin lamHna .lara 01 1 n avsianu railroad terry-boat, 00 the left bank of the Scheldt river, broke in 1 ma morning, on Hie arrival of Uie first train. ahlcli waa crowdml. It la nnw known that 33 were drowned, and no iew r mail ou otnere jnjureu Tonight and Friday, fair stationery temperature. 3.3 teet. NO 15 Littler & Lilite Brosdalbln St. Albatoy, Or. Oeo, Collins D D 8 A. Jack Hodges D D 8 COLLINS & HODGES. Dentitti. Odd Felloe's Temple, Albany, Or. OREGON Industrial Exposition OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 28 CLOSES OCTOBER, 28, 1899 HoHliialailAoiciillniai Product, ol Oregon, Washington and Idaho In great variety and pro fusion than evr belore. Eennett'8 Renowpsd Military Band MISS ALICE RAYMOND Amorlca'a Ureateat Lady Cornet etololat. The unequalled FLORENZ TROUPE ol Aorobata, direct trm the Empire The atre, London ; their first appearance in America. A Great FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM 3 GREAT SISTERS MAC ARTE Uosurpaiaed AerlallsU,in their thrilling acta AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Searon of Great Rnrpriaes and Astounding Feats. CoJu isd Rates on All Transportation Mne ADMISSION. 25 CEST8 CHtLDSIK UMDBB 12 YCAH8, 10 CCNTa 00NT MISS ITI M From the Times t , Chaa MttUmm tnn, w,A A II. J Monday, Mils Klva Hale went to Albany tbiat rt.hWln.. will. . . ... .. , l.... ...... .mi bit, a iiu Mrs. Ken wi. 'rook, wnere the will visit lor teveral County Treannrer Jack and family and r. and Mra. U,t ..... l ,.itn. - ..... . 1 1 ..ip i njm , i., o I w i n.ri' r,,0:'led to this city by the death of L.M.Bte vans. The i imes haa heard no inch atory as IS UltUtUU L . u. H..I..JII 1 Hrownavilis shout 20 cases of small-po in Albany I lie facts are n sut-b atory waa ni.oil" i.... ri.. i: t ,.. elaewliere. Saturday . r r imvsm vug win" be-ate court house and Albany's big i'lch eouoty pays for., Mra. K. O., Mrt. Jode Pearl and Miaa Wloois rearl sccompanled him. 1 Married, at the hnml nf tha krM.'a narenta. Mr. ani m .. w ni... Wednesday, November 1, 18W, Mr. Wil- V. '"rianu ana mis Etu Uber, Rev. HenJ. f Unman, of Alban v, official a. -uti. r. aou ira. naverianu lave resided near Brownaville lor lumber of vaira an4 and eateain of ma.ia fri..,i i.i. w MV W.VU them a long and happy life. lion, J. K. Weath-rford, Grand Win ter of the Independent Order of Odd rellowa of tha aiai ni t i.a. .hi the members ol Callapoola Lodxe on the . ui oaiuruar, XOV. 1110, 10W. Yeara ago Mr. Weatberlord waa a mem ber of Hie Odd Fellows Lodge of this city . , f ,'"ea into tois oraer S( this place. Hon. D.B.N. Blackburn. I Present Altorna faanaral nf ll. a lor nearly 3 score of yeara has beeu a member of the lodge In this city and atill retains bis membership. Rev. II. L. Reed went to Eugene this noon to preach tomorrow. Incidenllv be might see the loot balls game this alter noon between r.ngene una vuemswa. Fred Gaston, a son of W. II. Gaston, of Tacoma, a member ol the Washington regiment, stopped on today on a viait with Albany relatives and friends, end is ihe gueris ol u s grauuinomer Mrs. nev. I mci. Acts oentlv on the Kidneys. Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System r. EFFECTUALLY OVTBCOMF. ' rrri' C I .TUAC0NST.rA"ON PERMANENTLY evy Twg fttNuiHi m an'F'B By Gui?!IAfG,SYRVP(S rot SU Wu Qa,taiIT u to n WL Brownsville. Little Bob Stewart this noon, when the Washington train stopped at the water tank, got on a car to cross. The train started op with the little fellow on board. A soldier appreciated the situation and let btm to the ground when the train was going fast. Tfcs Washington troops passed through the city at 12:40 and awbile later in two sections for borne, and tbev were evi. dently in a bnrry to get thrre for the iraini oniy stopped lor water. There Lebanon. Rev. lillfuiTllOlliribMl ,f AII.antrt.iM preach at the Baptist churcb next Sun day morning and evening. , F.bert TllOUlliaon haa irUlwtraarn frkm Albany Col lego and will attend bantiim Aiauctny hi is winter. I W. M. Conlan. frnm l'nrtUmt i Ononsd anew atom in la Al.lrili l.iiTi.i. ing carrying cloth ng, gents, furnishing kuuuv, uais sna aiiocs lor men, womoj and children. R. M. Brash, a former well-known young man ol this place, is to be niar ried at Moro nest Sunday to Miss Cora Rsgsdale. Judge Barton and Commissioner Curl cm over irom Albany yesterday to iu spect some repairs that have been made on the ros'l aloog the river a few miles souineast irom town. HOME AND ABROAD. Have your stoves polished by Oatwo k Uvliii-st. Good groceries and produce at E. F. Fenton's. First et. Hill Block. The Jiest hsy, oats and mill feed in tne cky at E. F. Fenton's JJill block. A large number of farmers are In the city today who report a big acreage ol wheat sown for next year. The outlook Is good in this direction. The Hcott boy Is practically well, bnt will of course be kept at borne the neces sary length ol time. The little girl who bad tne cblcken pox a few weeks ago bas some boils now, and that fs ail. An Ex. says that "we hear tfc name of Attorney II, I). Norton of Grant's Pass mentioned as a candidate for Congress on the democratic ticket at the coming election. Harry would make a zood run here". Two foot ball ele vena naiiwHl llirmicrli Albany this noon, the Wi To, Corvtllis, the Cbemawas for Eugene. The Democrat's prediction is that the O. A.C.and the 0. of O. will be the winners. But they will have to rustl e. 4-POUND CATALOGUE fBF? .V 1 I ' IS I" irwa.;; V."BUa a'aTaTlr. HID Sm. if J .T ' A'OWMoaiVAl THIS 810 CATALOGUE '" ', !...!.. ' IllnatraUi,!.., IM lireM ami Matahw aa prin .lali(a VZlSmilt'tJW T" tSWUTWNSltSAlKlllCAM SSIEIt SS lUITHIS lullnjrTl7tl.Iiign4rMj Vram, ifj ala, iK -.u waa. roar aaor.Rai lrH) faalaanwala Tll Jurt what nor aloraliaapar at hum. mn p.. tuT roar 9tmat all will ha an anrthln to loor Viwn. Ika ala kaak V"?. " i" "til prairant hlai froia OTWrhanrinaT ' - 7 1 w vwum j now w oroar, haw aion tba f awalawa a.nrl r ai.aA. tha nnfi.t.a .Inn. I. taMnt nP Vr Iha U niu iKMaira, . la Swaa will Iwaaal lain, ! arw.ll aauaal4,anl If ron (ion'c It 1 worth IMtlmmth. ISsanM tm mnd, aa a kay to ih lowaat wholcaala arlaaa of araryUlllitf. fajf 0 .'"I . -Ifl tMji.4.l7 mwrrn Jmr II .t. W H A I THK V AKI1I T Till rATlrFl THMmT bk"""mM vt Iimm loiomaUOB.1 lUiuiMiwUa (Hiun.) wmwlaTfl alMw f wvrV-W.rtifnrton w.tlrmal Triton, t" Tha CalalogtM la a wonoar." Manchaalar I N. M. talon. Ttr Ktihnrk Co. I. on of ii Ur(t boBMa et 1U Ua4 la vuav- jnarinaan. eoaM snarlM MaMMl StatrVt '-tiny, imiSiioV"""''"" ThMreaUloarM la a rairt liMirtinl ra h-rtlrt )Wn."AtlntOnntltntlnn. ... irTi oartalnla a marchaiiiUaa ancjitlwDawlla." Chkavo l pw.,rtn Hrral law ajwafcl b pawwdrompelllni, tba mot tola rataioroalnall pablfa! -liona."Tha Hon. 0. 1 KnnthlMln, ai, SCARS, ROEBUCK CO. tlnoJ, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U.S. A. Strictlv buNDtif French the jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins Brothers, agents. Best BicyUe for toe money. Will Stark, jewelers. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers for only 20, f 30, $35 and 150. 0 B Winn, cttv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the east. Be sure and see the anti rut tioware at Hopkin Bios, will lasi a lifetime. Go to Miss Lonirs for biarh priced nho el (Albany peopls Tat J?P -d do not forget to Uke aJong if the oppTtonilyjtl'mfy: 2 , . uj kiiuwivk va iccomBiuioDi in me No rUre. No Pay. That is tbe way all tbe druggists sell Grove's Tastekws Chili Tonic lor Chills, malaria aod Btlliousofss. It is as pleas sot to take as lemon syrup, 60c. oned. DeWitt's Little Fsrly Bisersregnl- ste tbe bowels. I ry them and yon will always use them. Fosbay & Mason. New Goods. F. Cohen's large n4 well selected stock of new goods haa ar rived. It embraces late up-to-date goods, which will be sold at prices in reach of all. Give bim a call before buying. wet quite a number . i j . . . . i naj ucpvi io lee itiem lr t n a nnmirtnnit i offered. r ' Tbe Waterloo rarrMnAnwi ii.. howels to remain.tbe en'ire svstem U poia- 9 . . imuH IVIV . Ulll. a'.. Si.mL ueoanon r.. A.ssys: Tbere wts tumult In onr city, last Monday evening. Some rnde men, wbo claimed to think Mr. A. II., ol Albany, end a worth widow of our bnrg bad been joined in wedlock's holy bonds, came like a thief (or a band ol tbem) in tbe nigbt, armei with 160 cow bells, 20 dish pans, 100 rounds ol ammunition, ana ottier weapons, etc.. Deeuea lungs llseHioux warriors, and proceeded to make nteht sonorous with alt the noises ol the Inferno before mine host's bouse. Failiotr to set aov refresh- vore -"r"o -orew. mvnta tha HanaaiaT .k ' . . , tkb uaacareta caauy catnartia loe orzao ments, tney de parte J at they came. j u a c. a tmi to cure. drut;U.u niuaa toot. The loot ball game next Monday after-1 ' ' noon will give business men an oopor- Ar ' , lunuy to eee live game, where it was pi,fr. Aaa Swum tuweoj co..Ch.eto or a. x iuiiuHiu.g ior toem to get away irom their atores on tbe more nusy day of Sat urday. Tbe admission will be 25 cents, IS cents lor children. The game prom ises to be s fst one. Tbe general maae- OD Will ba ahnnt ilia Urn. aa In Ilia M. cent game, with two or three changes., Kamp will probably beat quarter. How ard at tbe end in place of Beeson who was Injured and McCiannaban at half. Or H H Hadn,, i la. ears, "I tbink Kodul Dyspepsia Core's splendid medicine. 1 prescribe it, aod' my con Bd- ence in it grows with continued use. It digests what you eat and quickly 'cures drppepsia and indigestica. For rale by Fosbay k Mason Mcaic Mia Muarea Burmeeter eacber of piano or organ. System tbe tiseon roncn M-d tecbniqne. Kestdence fiftJ3CtT3ot.rpeite U P chuicb. Miss Joyce Biowoell will take np her piano elaas during vacation through tbe winter. Tbe best Germ so and Eastern methods. Leave word with W. t. Bead Ostere by tbe pint or Leading Restaorant, quart at tbe You never knew what form of blood poi son will follow conntipatioD. Keep the liver clean by usins De Witt's Litti Early Bisersand you will avoid troubles. They aie famous pills for constipation and liver and bowel trouble. For;a!e by Fosbay k Mason. Our Offerin gs. AontrTlD. The hsatins plant at tha agricultural college has been completed sna was accepted by tbe architect, iu be half of the board of regents, fhuraday. Tbe entire coat uf the plant wi.l be about f 17,600. Tbe contract prices for tbo boilers, powsr house, pines and con nections, with Cawston A Compsoy, ol Portland, waa 115,454. Too appropria tion La tha laalalalnra araa aiO odt' Corrallii Times. ,f , in ........ Bond astuiacuon riven awa, with very purchase at Will A SUrkre, deal w.w . w ido, aiiTcr, goiu, giass anu toucaj. It IS S SiniPUlar laila that rinnnt ha suited in tie varied end large selection of jewelry at Will A Stark's. The best goods and reasonable prices. , Water afelnna a trout AfH srlnKrMMSi . "t wa WNesstaSVUSl On hand daily at t . E. Bbowkell's Dl. W. Winn. 1UI Hill. N T a.r. "1 beartilv reeommnnd Curs. It xav sir wife immediate, relief in suffxating asthma." Pleasant to take Never faila to onicklv rnra all mnirhi colds, throat and lung troubles. For salt oy rcsnay Mason. Deal Takaere 6U sas KaMks Taar Ufs Aws. To quit tobacco eaally and torater. be mas seilo. full of lit, narva aud visor, talis No-To-I3aa. tlis wnndcrwarker, that makes aak mas strong. All druggists, toe or SI. Curssuaran teed. Bookies and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co , Chicago or New Yora. In f.ADDPTQ anA niUor VirtArtA The follows. lll R Tni.' vl "V1 n s-r uuu va.aawa iM. vu V&mZfSVESZ goods are of the latest patterns and otyS.Fi;:, our rug and art qsuare Oliver' nbility: "Having heard the ' 1 r. At- s - arc very siron iiu (.uuii. most famona readers of tha nmaeBt dar. I take pleasure ia saying without hesita- tioo that Miss Kstberine E. Oliver has fiven me more pleasure ss reader and mpersonator than any other I bare ever heard. She ia a rare artist who will eive unmeasured delight to tbe most critical J . ,. , , Mond.revenVng Temple Bldg., Albany, Or. IfhArsxl A-Aa!lasrf.Af sswill Kaa. Stwnawl .A . . W wvsa-s W IVV'IVM Tf W VmyW,W ALBANY FURNITURE CO. County Business. In tbe recorder's office today a deed was filed COnvesina- 110.A3 anaa In 19R 1 w from K. U. Kline to Martha M.' VS ickbam. tonsideration, f 1200. I Deed. August LioK io Martha Grav. ' o.oi acies, it w a; skuu. Assirnmest 01 mortgage, f 250. -Kelease from sute of Oregon, $1503. Release of mortgage, $750. Mortgage on 110 acres for (1200. Mortgage lor (497. In the clerk's office a llcenaawaa lean! for the marriage of . M. mUlhollenend uary Smith ot Uakville. Sheriff's receipts we-e about 11500 at press time. Batker J. W. Cusicl. was in Sslgj yesterda,. II v lra. tbe rustling Pcrlland riiano man, hat teen Iu the city. Dr. V. II. Davis has been confined to bis home tod as with tl e grippe, but will probably be out tomorrow. 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS. WTjniTTTO nnirri inuivino Dnum Is the Oldest Furniture Dealer in tbe city and he keeps com pie 1 6 line of Furniture and Bedding and if you want good goods cheap give him a ca'l He doesn't intend to be nnder sold. DESIGNS TRADE-MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS i e OBTAINED 1 ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice In " Inventive Age " p Book "How to obtain Patents' f Cftorow modarole. No fee till patent ia seoured. uai. PATENTS' 9 UPIWIHUU 4 FREE liettere etrtctlv oonflden Addr g. g. SI06ERS, Pstsnt Lswysr, Wsshlngton, 0. C. 1 Oliyer PlowsHew p :H0PKlN8 BROS., Agents,1" Als.oy, (irrgon "Oliver gave the world th chilled p'rw And it has saved more mone) to the farmer of America ban my oilier implement ever produced, Uenuine Oliver chilled are the host en earth. The Oliver is a promoter of happi noss on the farm, and ine dealer who -ells it knows he is handling the best. Look out for immiUtions aud touch nothing but the genuine goods, mnde enly by Oliver Chilled plow works. South Dend, I I'd., ff We own and occupy the tallest mercantile huildinf la the world. We hive yJ" lis, a over s.oos.ooe cuetomera. Sixteen hundred clerk are comtantty VSJ S engaged filline out-of-town orders. fib if lU OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE it the book oT the people it quotea ISHsf Wholesale Price to Everybody, haa over page, 16,000 illustration, and W:. . jijA 60,000 description of articles with prices, ll cost 7 cent to print and mail 1iV l (XSJ eachcopy. We want you to have one. 8END FIFTEEN CENTS to show fVi Xl your good fslth. and we'll send you copy FREE, with all charge prepaid. I if, A FanD Library of tmeqsC'cfl- rrjci!cjil. rj m-jpt;. Coricl- aJ ,fr.rrri5','!'l. "d ionc'v printed atui tKSi'ti'i'iU Uiusiratsd, By J a CO fi Cl N:;. 1 CICOLC I10RS2 fJOOK A!llm Heisj ..u: mo -Stue ! rmt,r. viihotCt 7; il.t4tratHoa . rtfim.' r- u. rl. ; t.4' Cti.s- No. 2 KKtt n ur iN. ! r :C All :lK"il ifr.'vut T. .1 hf-..l J i.J "IhI K; -r-ti hoi; comuttus a.i4x.Ksr-i h tkt it .t' it. 1 1 ii-ni ml u-J ran-tic s'1 of -T.-.i- it itict, jfc.i.s No. 3 BKltM e PDUl.TPV & All atxil l-.Mi-tiy . tlw Un.i I rnjV t ; in ti-'. nee tcllsew-.'j Tiri in a o i.-i."' ' ii it r i. . iitia of ill Uh- rr.i, al tr. 1 !: v j . uK.l!imr.iiiz3. I CMC. & Ct.ULa. Now 4-DiaoLn co w co All bout C- ! tht lVr Hm ittr : h-!?t? r. -t . sale . cuntdm 8ooKit hir-lik- (.nxi.nitt-u rat:u bma, witb 13s itsat.uip.i Hiu, ..shl. No. 5-BSnOLQ SH INE RfX.K Just ont An aboirt Hoes Drrei'in. rertlina. Sntrh : erv. Diseases, rtc CchImuis ovt U. btautil:l fcalf tooca aud otoes- cngrav-egs rricc. jo Ccuis TbeBIOOLB BOOKS ere jiqi,oririnl.Tfi I -yontr-er siwsnythiug Uke them no p ti' bIc!'''-! i' are havinir aa eaormous sale Kb- I "'et, Noitl: i vl Booth Every one who keeps a Uorsr, Cow. JH k' ft Cuicken. or frmws Small Kruils, oiikM to seed ni;lit away for u blUULE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is tout paper . snade fot yoo and cot a asisfit I yspn old, it lathe great boiled-down hit-the-nail-wUl'C'.-quit-after-you-hBve-aaid-it, Farm end Hmischi rri r i in the world the bieseat paper ofitasisc in the tTtiiiei f-':.vta of America liavuigows million ooishflllregi.UJ icaUtrs. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FIRM JOURNAL a YEARS (remainder of 1890, loao, 1901, 190 aod goj) will be sent by nuul to any address for A DOLLAR BILL. bompie of FARM JOliitNAL and circular deecrfblng BIQOLE BOOKS tree. WTLvsa antnesow. Address, FAEUI JOURNAL . r. jsvnkuis. faiLADiu-rHia III 11 ' -"--Tl