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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1899)
Vt $hc Sctaorat WhatlaShiloh? A grand old remedy for Cough, Gold and Consumption; used through th world for halt a century, hai cured in numerable cast of incipient conaump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. If yon are not satisfied with the results we wiU refund your money. Price 25 eta,, 60 cU. and $1.00. For sale by Foshay A Maso i. TICKETS To all poir t East via Gret t Northern Railway. For rates, f (den and full information tali. oraddae ' Agent Albanv Moaic Mis teuarea Burmeeter acher of pianc or organ. System tht Mason ro'ch usd technique. Residence Fiftbciot, opposite U P church. Your grocerTteeps it. The Magnolia Flur If you hive piles cubs them. No use nndergoin t horrible operation that simn'y remove the results of tha disease without disturbing the disease itself . Place jour conBdenoein DWite'a Witch Basel Salm It has never failed to cu re others; it will not fail to cure yo. Fosuay & Mason. There is one little maxim That now I will name, Which may bring wha is better. Than rlsliei or fame. All those who heed it Uood appetite find, Strong nerves, roey cheeks, and vigor of mind. It will banish dyspepsia, Rheumatism and tout, That Tired Feeling conquer, Drive scrofula out. And here is the maxim Its wisdom is Bute- ' Take Hood's Sarsanarllta And keep your blood pure. Young Mothers. Cioup is the terror of thousands of rout) i? mothers because its outbreak is so eioaisirur ami frequently fatal. Bhiloh's Con jb and Consumption Cure acts like masto in cases of Grout. It has never Men known to fail. The worst cases re- ieved immediately. Prices 23 eta,, and 53 eta. and $1.00. For sale by Foihay & Mason. BRiours DISEASE For ' S'ck Headaches. The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover ttoot Tea, tho great blood punner and tissue builder. Money refunded it not satisfactory. Price, 25 cts. and 50 eta. For sale by Fosuay A Mason. Get the best fionr. The Magnolia Beaatjr la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Case rets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the laiy liver and driving all ira purities from the body, Begin to-day to banish pimples, bona, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking yuanreia, oenuty lor ten cents. All drug' guu, sauaiacuon guaranteed, toe, vac, aw. Pnfu nxiii. la grippe, cousrb. colds roup aa t w i o,jiag-CMgb readily yield to Une Minute uiuga Jure. L e thit remedy n tiuis i 1 siv4 iiwn bill r th) ua rtikr'. r'uhiy Jk VI mi. Don't think yoi cu curj that sligM at tack of Dyspepdaby dieting, or that it will cure twelf. Koiol Dyspepsia Cure waLCurs it; if'dieaU what yon eat" and nw'ores the digestive organs to health Foshay & Maaon . TERMS. 25 cents ner mouth nnnnervear In advance. 30c per month and Examiner $2.50 and Thrice-a-w fot in aAnce. By carrier;i0o per World $2.00; and Republic $1.75: i SSk 10 per cut added if allowed to Oregonian 12.25; and .San Franci run over month.. Single copoc if Tear; 175 for second year; 20w tot VhiVd and proceeding years, when not. paid in advance. Clubs of 6" subscribers at $5.00. ;- ot a.rwawT.oaaaoJ' Cubr.3 R.vTK.i. Wekiy Dahocbat eek and rancieco Salem Weekly Albany Market. P(MldBt. ... yter tdwt .. 0bl. ...irLISll S B.TODHO W.LANOUOS trajssacts -"""SS,a-M" No V-a maw.ww" - . tasnom) K Goon! . rwam C S. fUKlU , Wheat 50 vuu. Oatsb Eggs 17vnK Butter lito 17 cent. Potatoes bOceuU. Bams 15 enta Sides 10 Ok nts. Shoulders 8 otiata 1 in 1 1W JLY 0 n (Qliojio Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. rr n Vast Mail 8pm Spokane iyer ItartlflclallvdlMststhe food anA Ida Fitara m strengthening and recon- uruciicg toe eztiaustea aieestl ve or- MB I ( K A 1 Aft A liHuJJI. 6aP Law, Denver, Ft aal I ut and Ko olher DreDaratlon ... .1. Mmh, H. Ktl BimU . L 1. J . . - . nwiu,vi..i . . can approaca ll in cmciency. . lb IE as City, St Louis. : p m gtantly relieves and permanently cures umcgu i iypepsia, jnaigesuon, ueartburo. w.n. w.ila Book- Spokana ,la.t2.,en58 .S"r Stomach, Nauaea. Walla Walla, opoa " , RlckHearfar.lie.f?aat.i1Hw Hramn. I3 . r .... a &unr,niirrMiiiMfiTimnurrM.iiiAMiAii m - . . Z. " . , , TraraDc.tuwi'.SlCOttlC10O. J:10 pm Paul, Dninth, Mii v , wankee, Chicago, A East. gpm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 4 For Ban Francisco Sail every five days g n m COLUMBIA RIVER 1 p fttxnday STEAMERS. EaSunrta -Sawday To Astoria and Way iSgn Landings. 8am WILLAMETTE BIV, ExSun. Oregi Sal OREGON VIAVI COMPANY Cer. Morrison & Park Sts. LEWIS BUILDING. -, Portland , Oregou 4:30 n ,nr Oitr. Newbersr. Ex San' Salem A Wy-Land 3:30 p Moods Wed. and Sat Tm WILLAMETTE AND Tuesday, YAMHILL Biv. Thnrs., Oregon City. Daytom, and Sat. and Way-Luds. 6am WILLAMETTE BIV. 4 tSO. P Tnesday Portland to Corvallis foeU, Tbnr., and Way-UnLng8. Thur and Bat. nfl 6U T.Tlinaria Lv Lewistol lt ov iKK RIVER 12:00 r Daily RipariatoLewiston Daily W.H.HURLBTJRT, Gen. Pass. Agent, O. O.BAW LINGS, Portland, Or. Agent Albany. fntlRTHERH I-., 1 PACIFIC R. R, u JUR capacity . ;'neiiuled In the Valley. ; WSORK j. Li Unsurp-a In Oregon. Vh have the best stock u. sloct from and our price o always the lowest, quality c-iilred SMILEY, A"".'y, The Pri.iter Or Chroalo Inflammation ot th Ktdnors Is a vary eommoa ailment. ; t.Us all chronto dUeaaos th symptoiui com o inaldioualy. If proper trsatmsnt Is obtained 1 1 iU early stages, llrlnhi-i Dlwaae may pa curv'l, UtlDTANwlll cur II It It Is Uaa la Urn. Uliu. VAN will rUv all th armptoma. Do not delay too long. Don't wait on til your cass become In curable. Bfta the tiH ol UVDTANBOW.whll you mar b cured. THE EARLY SYMPTOMS ARE: 1. CHROWIO SICK Ok NAT8BOUB HBADAOHB. HUOYAN tak.assdlmtvd 1U rail la hMdaohs tnatanlly. 9-3- PUFFIN CSS O -TTrm artw VNDSB THE EYES, da to eoollectlan o nuia-motuerwoM.DBOPSY. HUDYAN will can th extra amount el fluid to b isaen up j it blood and b eliminated by 4-8. PALT.' DOTTOHV omipr n tOW. HUDTAH will rwtorsth circulation to lu normal condition and eauas th ehaaka 10 eeoom rd and rosy. 6. "WEAKNKas Or rrm nieanK nuum.i win atrena-tQcn th narraa and muaclss ot th heart and make It Hranr m.nA nsuuar in iia eaunf. 7 WXAKNE8S AND Pltw V n THB JKKQION OF THU KIDNIYH. nuuTAN wtueanae ue kldnert to Mrfnr thir tunoUon proptrly. Unbr nllain. it.. plaandakiiM. Gt BVDTAN at once end tak It nnl.fl,. BCOTAN I aold b all drunlat f sub. paekaf,or(ackacstort3.ak Uyoardnif. flat does not keep It, sand dlreet to lha ntu. YAM MNEOT COMPANY. San rr.r,., CaL Bcmembsr that yon can call and consult th Hl'DTAX DOCTOHS VHRS. r.11 sas them. II yea cannot ealt, Ht to th doe. wr ana tny win 4t1m you. Th adrlc will a (Iran Ira. Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Cw StMak., Market ad CHI Ste tao Pramhe, CL Notice of Fillna Final Account. ivToncE i iiEBE'iY given that 1 1 lai uri.'ersiuraed. al,ninuLratrir Of the estate of Clarenua Rtnnktnn iloAAau,! hu filed in the ounty court of Linn Coun- lJ wegon. ner nnai account as soch ad ministratrix of said eitale. anJ that IW day. the Vh day ot Septe.-nh?r. I8j,at the ooar or une o'clock in the afternoon, baa been fixed by said court as the lime for nearingor olfactions to said rvirt and mi wAiemeai mereor. Amanda 8tcc0!. Adminiatratrix of the mtato nt CUtanem SuH-sloo, deceased. Hswirr & Box, Aliy 's fir atlminislrairix. $40 cash $40 the Best Wheel Ever Built 1899 RAMBLER . Bicycles. Fitted Willi Special Heavy Tread U. A J, TIRES. Next to the Rambler lo quality and prise Is the G. A J. Tires IDEAL Fred T. JMerrill Cycle Co. South and East Route OKI Ha- ', S)utaara iaJiiu J Uahlnila lirM Train ! rorviaan llif vuUa T.W. a. I I HUAS I br 1.4 ., sAr Fartlan I Ml rranwxi NiM ""Vr'Ti ISA Ar) l a Aboss trains stop at i'lrta he ween Portland and Saleui Tui ser, arwo, jeiirsoi Aion. Tangent, XhwM, llslsey . fcagws Cottage Grove. Drsin, Uakland and all Nations froiu lloteburir )uh to and la. gli ding Ashland. iu a i ii tfiiH Ar aib .) Hus..-rs ItSSAMOS . 40 ar' ( S r n i. t S '. Bisncliss: fpokaoe, Taconia, Seattle. 105, 107, 100, 111 Sixth 8t., Porlland.tire. OJiling Hulbui't, Albany, Ore. Uav AlHtxf lr Ulun m Arrlv All Ire a Ul SiOa )W) M TrtsTi NEW YORK WORLD Thrice-a-Wetk i:ditfo w 18 Pages a Week ... ... 156 Paper a Teat For One Dollar wkllakedevwy AlSrraateaay eireytlaa 4 " Tbe Thrice-a-, Edition of Th N an IOBX WORLD t Brat anion ? all "weakl paper in size, freaoencv - of nnhlication and the fresht,s, aceuracy and variety ol iwcoi i-n-a- irniaa itna nwit of reat$8dily t be price of a dolla eekiy. l' pi iticslnswsis promrt.cojs i i -- I U v -n 'm.sjsjH f I B rT la fc V gf ! I V5.1 OV-e'ff I pm I -v. - raT nil iu jff- J vjav y a a ji.i h . t t hi : i 'T SB r 1M PULLMAI 8drM SLEEPER ;Al Ulnini tan on Odtn RoulO SECOND-CUSS SUtriNG CA Aliasbea ! all iar.aal rata rV.l ate WUI. "' srrwaas mtlabi a e)tai a aii r saiu Isiiswrt ossaeaa baii, waih it.) I lit iHtsal A Varllaad Cifil r I I iior 1 soral Ar tier a ar Biprm Train IMI (rl' Mjr ,Mlil At I ' a vltilt Lt MWll , I An trrn.11laji art uJlllmwl , . nodllMt ll-r U.aoi.aH u sJkma SftlM Offh S,u, q I WoH -M to aHj HMI a4 iH w. Ufa 0 it t v. it isuM' At sra. LU out b ehuiovl trum C A As Albany rr 0 Wlfc u.n rt r a muaaa 1j am vy A widow SlrtT-alrfct Mr old. Ilvtoa la Na Ta rt. k i wasraaaiaoilT Iruoblnl with paiaaon bor rtahl at.1. mUri . Up to Ut Jm i had bwe imM b Bmhf o pa b4 ca.ia.i-rb of iha "- ; axuhn ih.t it m lVa phyafcrtaa, eo 8be was coaaiaotl IIT -rr " mwimoimi ui that It oflloar 4 wwmUTaia r."1" raaoiu. ai nawe lb pain war ao am taai fc.L LiiZTZ pati.M wlhl let iwoixiai a eonplftaly nMnrT la Juoa oaijilitior laHaeatf awbiA Mini 4vT2 assais sap atBSMasav la ba iimm.ii b . 0lbaaUlZ 3 M DKCTOlD sjmmm rswini I in I fta. riaaa ava.sta.awa '- s 1 .!'- app-Uta. Party faJtio a Mi.tit.ur LmJ -.i.r ua.Dc in. -a l waacs lb paia a ad Muetlna f taa .if. CL.'Am Parlf la Juo a aatabtnr tlta aalaa aaa al.i . i u. m ..iv)a ..laiipk laanaiwt Sw4 salaad aiaraa fioouda. aavS eaala aaa . T y w"" panw aaa pnuHteaUr ramraaaS " - . vauai a , VUawat Ul i Kootcttnyj Rliidtni? District Ccrrailis & Railroad. TIME CARD. Puilman Sleeping Oars Elegant Ding Oars, Tourist Sleeping Oarp Uinneapolls Dnlntb Fargo, rn Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Butte TiaOUGH TICKE. TO blcago rVasblngtou fhiladelpbia Nework Boston and al. ninu East and Bonta Through tickdta to Japan and Ch na, vis Tacomaand Northern Pacific steamship Co., an American line For information, time cards reaps and tickets call on or write 0 G Burkhart aesnt, Albany, Or. A D Charlti. A-t Gen Fa. As rortland O Torturing i Disfiguring Humors Itching:, Burning, and Scaly Eruptions of the Skin and Scalp with Loss of Hair CURED BY CUT1CURA. The treatment I atmple, direct, arTMbla, and economical, and I adapted to the joanr est Infant a well a adult of arerr are. Bathe th affected pan with Hot Watib and Cdticoea Boar to clean the (kin of Croats and acalea, and aoftaa the thickened cuticle. Dry, without bard rubbing, and apply Cbtiodea Ointment freely, to allar itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and lastly tak th Cirnovaa KnoLTEirr to coot and clean tha blood. TtaU treatment afford instant relief, permit teat and sleep, and point to a tpeedr, perma. . nent, and economical core when all other ren edio and eren the beat pbyalclaa faU. hU'im ala.a Prfea, Taa Sit. SI h er. Cvncna So.r, 2Se.t Oiaraavr. m.i Kmoukt bC .mi. m& roTTIi DBoa .vd Cbbh. Coar..Soa Propt, BoMoa. aw "Um Can linmon." M-k anA, Om. K. O. T. ill. very ii'ur I v eraio at K. O. T. If all Visitin Knihu ioviied. V M Nia-port.OoiDinander. IIOX(i WAIT TU.VG CO, 8econd St near Lyon street, Albany. Sells Chi nese medicine, Chinese rice, Chinese tea and nnt nil. ADM! HSTRATOg'S SALE VTOTICEli 0ERE8Y CIVEN THAT 11 nnder ana b v virtne of an order of I ha County (Joert of Line county, Oreiroa. made and entered on the 51 h day of June, 1899.we Ibe nsderaiirnetf.a adminiatratma Of the estate Of . John Marshall, rleceuarf will.on 8atorda, the 23rd day of 8ptem- ,juvir, ai tun uuur ut UD O CIUCB lO me afternoon of sa d dav. at Iba front Annr oi ine conn noue in Aioasy, tiinn county, Oregon, sell at pablie auction to the bih- .l LIAA t u 1- I j .... V viuucr, ivs uuu in uajiu, ane wuowing described real prooertv heloneinir to the estate of saiJ deceased, to-vit: The 8 H of toe N K w and the N J4" of the 8 E X and the N fi V of the 8 W ui oec. loip.iiotvi y or toe vii lamelte Meridian, Oregon, containing 2C0 acres. The 8 of the NE and the N H of the 8 E M of Sec. 23 Xp. 11 8 R 1 W of the Willamette Meridan, Oregon, nontain- mg 100 acres. Also IbiS Wof the & E X of said Sec 23, containing 80 scree. The W i of the 8 W V of 8c. 21 snd the W of the N W X of 8c. 28 Tp 1 1 8 R 1 W of the Wi.'lsmette Meridiie. Ore gon, containing 160 acres. Also begin ning at the 8 E corner of iba N E K of Sec 29 in said Township and Rsnge and running thence North rods, more or less, to the south side of a coon tv road. tbence southwesterly alomr the south side of said connty road 74 ro is more or less, to the south line ol the N E Ji" ot said Sec. 29, tbence east to the place of beginning, containing 8 acres, more or leas, raid tract containing in lbs aff-egate 108 acres, all In Linn county, OreKon, Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 15th day of August, 1899. Jobk W. Gaiheb, H. 15BTAMT, Admioisliators of toe t state of Jobs aT an hall, deceased . Gao. W. Wrioht, Hawrrr It Box, Attorneys for Administrators, 2 For TaqnJaa: Train leaves Albany.. " arrives Ysqoloe 1 Return! ng: Leaves Ysquloa Arrives Albanv ., 3 For Detrcit: leaves Albany Arrives Detroit 4 Returning: Leave Detroit.. Arrives Albany 0 Leaves Albany. .... .. Arrives Corvallis. . . . SLeaves Corvallis.. , , Arrives Albany ...12:50 pi ro. ... 6:00 p. in. ... 7:00 a. m. ...12:25 p. m, ... 7:40 a. m. ...115 a. so, ...12:25 p. u. 6:S5 p. m. 6:05 p. m. 6.65 p. m 6:40 a. m 7:29 a. m One and tiro connect at Albany and Corvallis with Southern I'aciue trains, giving direct service to and from New nort and adiacent beache. No. , runs fro a Albany to Corvallis on Mjodaj-t, Wednesdsys snd Fridays only No. 5 runs mm Corvallis to Albany on Tuesdays,Tniirdaysnd Saturdays only, Trains for the mountains arrive at De troit at noon, giving ample time to reach camping on tns ureiioonusn and Ssntiam rivers the same dsy, Enwia Sroxs, II. L. Waldiw, Msnager, T, F. A P. A. J. Tobukb, Aitent, Alosny. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTiCE. Notice i hereby given th it lbs u id r signed has bea by the couity court of Linn county. Or., appointed administra tor of the estate of L'idlow Mizwell de ceased. All tiersns havlos claims aarainst said person and ertate a'S req tir ed tn present tbem to the nndeisitrned at Albany. Or., within six umths from the uate hereof, with the vojebers thereof. Albany, May 19, 1869, . J, WniTitir O. A. Archibald, Att'y for adm'r. Administrator. mums. No 1431. In TntCiaccix Co jt or run sraTa or Ohbook ros th a Co. or Ltnx, Hi, Da- niTaUT Ci 0,1, Sarah E. Morpby, plainUff, vs. W. P. Mnrphy, defendant. - To W. r. Marpby, the abort named defendant: 1 N THE NAME OF TOE STATE OF X Oregon, you era hereby noUUed and required to be and appear in said court in said suit, sad answer the complaint of the Slaintiff filed therein, on or before lbs I6tn ay of September, A. 0. 1899. and you are hereby further notified that if yon fail lo appear ana answer said complaint a aforesaid, for want thereof the pltialif win use a necree against you tor toe n- lief demanded In aald complaint, tc-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony and msr- nsge contract existing between tbs said Sleint.ff and Ibe aaid defendant be forever issolved and held for naught, and that lbs p'aintiff be forever divorced from the said defendant. and that the nlaia'iff have the cats and custody and control o their min or child Rom W. Mornby. and that Ibe plaintiff will take, judgment against you lor ner costs and disbursements lncurrrd in said suit. 1 his summons is eervtd anon t ou bv nul- lication for six consecutive snd socceisive weeks prior to the said 16 b day of Sept ember, A. D. 1899, in the Stats Riobts a weekly newspaper of arenernl t ... .. r.".t. t circulation inrousDoai said county and state. nntd ana nablisbe'i at the citv ol Albany in Linn coun'y, Oregon, bv order ol Honorable It. I', Uo ae, j.nlno of said Circuit Coort. which order bears dte, July, A. D., 1899. and that the said Hon, R. P. Boise, judge of sidd Circuit said ordtr lor the publication of this sum mons ODon you.basDrescrihed the said I din dy bf September.A. I)., 1899, as the time on or Deiore wbicb you stiali appear and answer the said complaint in said suit. The dale of the first iublhiion f this summons In said newspaper is August 4tb a. u. lew. W, T, 8iATKM awn V. M.Kaiskr. Attorneys for plaintiff. FOR SALEA second handSnger sew ing machine, cheap. Inquire at this oiTwe. LOST. One yellow Jersey cow, wilh baiter, chain and 30 teat of rope. The finder will please leave word at Ramp's Grocery store. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE 13 HEREdY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been, by the County Court of Lion county, Oregon, duly ap pointed administrator of Ibe estati of i. vv. Anderson, late oi uin county, uregon, deceated. All persons bsving claims against said estate are bereby required to present toe same properiy veriueu io me nndersigned at Albany, Oregon, with in six months from this date. This the 10th day of .lime. J. E. Wkathkbfobd, Administrator. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to weave carpets and rugs. Can make beautiful rngs from worn out ingrain carpetr. Do not hesitate to give the new weaver a trial order.. You will be pleased. Fifteen years expeiience. Prices reasonable. Place of business, fast end of 8th St. T-R. Alkxavpsr. 1NU 800 PACIFIC LINE. To All Points Solid vestibule trains, eonsUtin of l ace sleeping ears, luiu'lou dining car., elegant day coaches. magnlftVeol tonriri cars ind free colonist sleepers Irom the I b clfle to tlia Atlastlo wlthn-t ehanpe. IMPERIAL LIMITED olng the American eonllnint in 4 days. Finer and fas'er than any competitor . , COOT DIHKCT AHO CHSAraST BOUTa r aAicar, paw n!, suocAB err", i HSLSOK. BAtO, TBAlt, ' I aoaaLAKO aao Alt polnta la the Okantgao Country Ge a pamphlet giving a full Jewn idiot. of this wonderful eountry. Ask Ibe event for a eoy of the mining laws of Urltwr Colombia! lawe rates o snd fro.n IDXJXiOiii Atlaatie steamship iaes. Oauadian Pao. Ry, CJo.'a Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CASADIAD AUSTBAUAN STBAHBa UH TO I OROLCIO, SMI AKD A08TBAU. The shortest Hoe to tns Colonies. These steamers carry aa experienced medical man, and a stewardess oa every voyage. for time tables, pamphlets, or any is. ormation. eall on or address. EN 1 1' J 5 . i Vf.f. , VI A't. HI I't ri 6EO, McL,B I V. 0 P. A viuuver LEGAL DIRECTOR NOTICE OF FiLING final account NOTICE IS HEBEftr GIVEN THAT tbs undersigned, as sdministratrix of the estate of M. C, Uliatrbers, deceased, has filed ber final account as turn ad ministratrix with tbs County Clerk of Linn County, Oregon, and lLat said court las fire! Tuesday, the 5th day of Septem ber, 1899, at the hour of One o'clock in tbs afternoon, a the time for the bearing ot ni,jectinns to said account and for the set tlement thereof. Mabt M. Chambers, Administratrix of tbe estate cf M, '. Chamber', deceased. 11 tw ITT A: Box, Attorues fur ad-niulftralrix, Albanv. W R Bilyeu, Foshay A Masoa Mock tl Bryant, F O block. Anderson Cannon, PO')lock. J N Duncan, P O bloca T P IJackleman, Pesrce clock. Judge II 11 Hewitt, V O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank building L II Moitane, Pearce block, J C Powell, P O block. CESox, POblot k. L L wann, Bank building. H 0 Watson, bank building. Weatherford A Wyatt, Bank hnilding Whitney A Newport, Cualck block. O W Wright, PO block. Lebanon. S M Garland. Brownsville; A A fussing, TJ llson LINN CI- ABUaACr C3MPANY Albany 'jOreeon. Office Rink of Oregon Building. Only sec ot Abstracts of Linn County. fJorop'.ete set of maps and plats. What people aay about Hood's Bar- uparilla is itst it cures when all other ramnlim fyil. Therefore vou should take Hood's Ssraparilla is pretarence to all others. Caraats snA TroAs MarVa oMaliMd snd all Pat 1 ant buiinM. con doc tod (or Mooarrt pee. 1 Bimdmoilnl.drawlnsorcbota. WaaavlM Iff ntnUUo fro. of churja. On r fw a ot d" . till J natentlxmnrod. A Psmph let "llow toOb- lata Patant," vitb coat of aauslr th D.a.1 MA lorcbja sountrias saat tnt, l&Onu, r a ntrmi p. J uiiwt vfe wwa Opr. Parrar Orna. WSHIMeTiN. D. C. T ('.VW