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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1899)
1 1 ulr lis s vja. i.i, . 'NT 'Nyr sy Sgr f yrp VOL XXXV. ALBANY, OREGON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1899 NO, 7 I TELEGRAPHIC. AN IMPORTANT FOOD LAW. fir IF , i ,. , 6r ' a, a IVafl If you aro young you nat urally uppeM to. If you ara old, why ap. pear to? " ' I - ,1... rvcep young mwaiuijr, will look trier tbe out wardly. You need not worry longer about those little atreakt of gray; advance agents of age. AfefSB lis wipr SSSSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSSSSi stasis I.ttltf News lit Short Form. A Filipino Coiiki chm. Manila, BupU 8, A Filipino w ho has arrived bore from Tiirluc says nil extra ordinary session of the revolutionary congress took place at Turluc;, Aiii. 24. Ariiinallo prosified, ami choso Mablnl at president of tho supreme court and Uon salt M attorney-general. Mablnl, who recently resigned tho foreign secretary ship, li the ablest man connected with me revolution, lionwiga wna president ol tho hint fence eomnii.slon. The proceedings of the congress dis proved tho rejtort thut Aquinaldo had declared hiinorif. Indication) of Fence. 1i.mio!, J8pt. 0. Tho Anglo-Trunk" vim I hituniion wear today a mrro peace lul aspect. The associated Free account ol tho decision! taken at tho cabinet council yesterday are confirmed from tho best sources of information. In addition to the troop! from India, a brlgado of (our battnliona of infantry ia under orders to atart (or South Africa immediately. The Dreyfus Citse. AN OUTRAGE. An Innocent Man Declared Guilty. '', The military court of hirelings in ses sion at Henoes for several wteks, where they wnt through with the farilctl form ol a military trial of Geo. Dreyfus for treason, today rendered their verdict of guilty and sentenced the prisoner to ten yeaisiniprlsoiiuient, an outrane upon Justice. The entire world is indignant. Lebanon. From the E. A.: Miss Lillis Crawford cams river fcim Albany this morning to visit Iricnls and i relatives. J. K. Charlton has sold his residence on Htidge avenue to (i. II. IIk.i. n! . i . . .... . - y juariuu connir. WHO will take naiuii an the 15tb of this month. U.). Peterson aoes to Kimont Inmnr. row, where he will reside in the future. ma ismiiy win follow In a week or so; IS. H. Irvine, of Jordan vallav flnlat.a.1 inrening last week, and bis wheat crop Heavy Penalties for Stlllns Art icl of Food Containing Unhealthy Ingredients. The following law was passed at tbe last session of the Mitsourl L.-glslature taking effect August 20, 1899: Sat-nox!. That it shall be unlawful for any person or corporation doing bus ineees In this state to manufacture, sail ! or offer to sell any article, compound or. preparation tor ttie purpose ol Being used or which is Intended to be uied in the preparation of food, In which article, com pound or preparation there la any AIIHICMC, CALOMEL, BMMCTfl, AMMONIA OK ALCM, rise. 2. Anr rjerson or corocration violating the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be fined not leas man one Hundred dollars.wbich shall be paid into and become part of tbe road fund of ths county in which such fine is collected. Tbe opera' ion of this law will be main talned against baking powders. But the me manueci are or sale food or article intended to be nsed in Tl. l ?lJI7 ie3 M AzsQivtm'PvRE. Makes the food more defkious and wholesome ow.t nc jrn co., r vnmt. Strictlv bumness French tbe jeweler. Crescent Bicycli, Hopkins Urothert, agents. Best liicytle lot tat money. Will & Stark, jewelers. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers for only f 20, $30, 135 and 50. C B Winn, cur ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the east. Be sure and see the anti rot tinware at Qopkin Bros, will las, a lifetime. will surely restore color to gray hair: and It will also give your hair all the wealth and gloss of early life. Do not allow the falling of your balr to threaten you lonKerwith baldness. Do not b annoyed with dandruff. We will send you our book on the Hair and Scalp, free upon request. VWVw tm Ihm tfrofr. It f9 rio tiot obtfttn All th fern. Ill 1 mt tprUMt frm lb n( ta vigor, will Iho doeiuf l It. JNitMklf lh. I. MID. tflBI'Kllr im ftmr nanil ar.icat ulikb A44nJ, till. J. d. ATf.R. ' food which contains any of tho sob stsnces classed br tbe law aa tinbeathfnl KKNKtt. Pont. 8Ti.,t ("...uln Drev- ? 7U " ' v' shels per acre, -iro m arsecic m Ainm-is aosoioieiy fua will bs condemned ia the almost unl " " "D" l0- 4 proi.ioueo. versa) opinion heard In Konnes ton'iilil. Go to Miss Lonirs for bizh priced rho tjvrranhn. anil ln nnt lorcret to take aloDST il.- -.I.-. "I t . 1 1 i--r i m - .us mini i..iuit v saw vt mil j article it i (jjg money. Br allowiosr tbe accnmnlations In" tbe a Hitherto thero had always. Ix-cii adiverg once, out now boih camps, the I'reyiun nrds auil tho anti-1'rayfiisardn, evein nnantmoim tlint Iho verdict will go dainst mm. Proper Mnu. CiiicMio, Sept. th-A spocial to the lUs cord from Wahlngton ays: Nrlson A. Mlifs, general commandiim the army, w ill to to tho Fhiiititilnes to direct milt- tsry oporsiions during the next cam pHiun. Tli la statement, whlto not an tliorinod bv anv announcement from the preaiuoiu or me swetsry ot war, is made upon the nutiority of ono of tho oIDccrs of tho department. Tiic Philippine Quotlon. Wathixotos. Jfent. 8 Tbe cabinet meetinu was devoted a'tnoat entirely to a dmuuowion of the local eovernment whkh will l-o established in the Philip- iltiis on the censation of hoslililUs. bee retry Boot hssiriven the matter much thouuiit. ana Ina viewa aa exiirvMseu at the meetinir today were received with approval by all the mciulwrs pres-nt. Yellow ( raw ford peaches can now be touna at Bhowk ait's, 2nd St Ripe Tomatoes, Fears and A;-.p!ca at u. r.. tirowneu s. ,DH. J. L. HILL rii)sirlnn and Surgn, Hill Block - - - - Ihsny.Or. Whlto Clover Honey, 10 cts. per lb. C. K.l'.row nll s. at Uttleri Littler BroaJalbinSt.. Albany, Or. Geo. Collins DD8 A.Jack IlodgMtDDB COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. Odd Fsl.ow'e Temple, Albany, O.. OREGON Industrial Expcsiticn OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 28 CLOSES OCTOBER, 28, 1899 HoliltalaiiApilto Products of Oregon. Washington and Idaho In great variety and pro fusion than evr belore. EennBU'8 Benowoed Military Band MISS ALICE RAYMOND America's lireateit Lady Cornet Soloist The unequalled FLORENZ TROUPE of Acrobats, direct frm tha Empire The atre, London ; tbeir Oral appearance in America. A Great FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM 3 GREAT SISTERS MAC ARTE Unsurpassed their thrilling ecu The Univeral Bolter makes gooa flour The Maanolu. ine uaseuy Uomedy comoanr will soon leave for Eastern Or..n Th will play at Frlnevllle during ih eek ol fall races, after which they will visit other towns of the sagebrush countrr. Mr. Drucks, the new proprietor, bse ;u"w u" nama 01 tue tiounog mills. ii is now "ivshaoon flouriox mills," in stead of "Coamplon tlouring mills." ur private letter we lesrn that Eev a . 4. a jama, lormerly of this place, hks been tcHiiecud pastor of the Presbyter lan church at Cleveland, Wash., for tbe fifth year. L. A. Wllev will Aeenmnfiffi f tats lam . ant Wells of Portland, who will travel f.uVn ,u,te ,bta '''' Kivln lturea on . uuiiiidi isianas ana tils war ex l-erience. . It bas been learned our citmnt r oppowd to tht propoi wWU VI tUD CUT UtlVlfltT half lntamvaal in u,UUU. Xbe petition waa nnt'nrMKnlnl w very manv. bntnftha ...r.. gners oniy four pnt down "yes." P- inompson has traded tha St. UliarleS hotel pronart ant hnlnaa In B. 8. McCoOnell.Of Kinil. Air Thnmn. property at iu.ouo, and . '1.. enne lor tt a loor-thoos- "'r."Bcni100 cre- ,n Kansaa. - .... uaisnco m stock ana catn. . Mr. uvopwa went to Kanaaa nearly two wee sgo, otl will not return here. His family will lMr for their new home In a week or two. Mr. McConnell and fam ily era expected to arrive hern today or tomorrow, anh alii immAdn.i. s.. . . --. -- -nil av Kiiarga 0i me Hotel, bowels In remain. tbe entire system U pois oned . DeWitfs Little fcarly Risers regol ate the boweli. Try them and you will alwajs use them, ronbay & Mason. RELIGIOUS. Excursion Rates. The Corvallii & Eastern railroad have placed in effect their regular round trip summer excursion rates to Newport and Lietroit. Fare to Newport, IO. Fare to Detroit, $3 00. Tickets good for return until October 10,1899. Edwis stose, msnsger. The tVcnther. xoiiiuiit and Sundav. fair niniirm.r. ll1T.llu.r.lii.A T I a. . . . ' F. M. Fasucii. Displav man. Congregational cburcb : Service at 11 a. m. bubled of sermon "The Evolution ol tbe Manifestations of tbe Religious Instinct." Sunday school at 12:16. Lvenioc- service at 7:30 p. m., subject of sermon, -how to rind tbe Truth." All not attending elsewhere are cordially in vited to tbe above services. United Presbyterian: Mornins worship at 10:30. Mr. V. W. Reid will preach the morning sermon. Sabbath school at 11:45. Junior Endeavor at 3:30. Cl I a .1 ' Duuiur j.p'ior at, svening wjr- shipatJNS, subject of sermon. "Tbe alue of a Character." All are cordially Ial . - . . . ... . - mviieu io siuna inese services. Regular services in the Presbyterian ciiurtu tomorrrow morning ana evening who preaciung oy tte pastor Kev. H. L, Reed. I Mas. Kusi'i BratAL. Tbe Timra of CorvalJis gives the followlog acoont of the banal service of Mrs. L. Q. Klise at this city : At A'binr the train waa met by Beulab Lodge ot Rebekahi. Thara the train waa transferred to the South ern racinc tract ana ran to tbe cemetery, a short diatanee north of town. At tbe grave ttie.servicosnere brief and simple. Tbe grave had been prepared for the re ception of the remaina bv tha Ath.n. lodge of Kebekaha. The walla were ecv ereu with evergreens and aweet peas, symbolic of tbe colors of the order. The rauoi conducted a short aervice,and then the Retekaba, under command of Mrs. Henkle, noble grand of tbe Corvallia Lodee. tOOk Chanra of the ramaina. Jnat before the casket waa lowered the bus-! tsnd read a abort paasage Id Hebrew and 8. L. Kline, tbe eldest son, read an other in English. J. D. Bridife. editor and proprietor of tbe Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., says; I would not be without One Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled wttb a cougn or com. it is tne oest rem edy for croup 1 ever uod.'' Foshay k Uason. v' TOE IIOMLI ES r M AN I N A LB A S Y As well as the handsomest, and others are invited to call on anv drogi4 and get FRES a trial tcttle cf Kemp'i Balsam for tbeThroat and Lub, a remeoy tuai iaj SobH Tv ! ssS IMMkS Tear l ife Antf. Tn i nit tnfaaraso auilv etui forever, be ma netlc. laU of life, nerre ana visor. a. - r" mZS ,,:- . , rhronia Bac. the waaderrortar. was ?rVa"l- 7.1.: a.lhm. tWhitla strong. All arugsuw, uc or u ku;""r l"u ' 5 oil A a, teea. Booaiet ana aanipia irec vvnsuii. iiuu. nntwui wv. Sierliog Remedy Co, Chicaso or New York. STOP -1 Will ,A Stark's acd I I fhftlr lafM e.n.1 1 . 1 a. , . . ' SSiMW Pieoaiaiv teiected nor it rr rinr s. dwlgn yoo want. KiDR. for til DurDOM SBa,k a K.a.M.-.k a - . I. 4 . - " . 1 viu pncui lu U9 DDJ CO m WsCf ing, 1 chillin g . , www ai i asiiKVjujrjU ISJ i for free delivery of dressed chickens Sat urday afternoons, lint. -i ' ... " VIUCII early for good chickens at reasonabla P"c8 F.G.Powxm. , the Poultry man. ACT$ GENTLY ON THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r-,fAN5ESTHE5Y5TEM EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMISJW an. OIIUAU v PERMANENTLY Bv TMg fttHVIMIfAAH'fO tY. IfvRNUrTG.SYRVP T.alfiriaL . e HMIi.'w aaat Aa. Miss Joyce BiowneH will tske up her piano class during vacation through the winter. The best German and Eastern methods. Leave word with W. F. Bead Saw Goons.-p. Cohen'a large and well selected stock of new goods has ar i , braces late up-to-date Boods, which will be sold at prices in reach of all. Give him s call boW ing. ' V J . .ul ro u s u stuswn rm r wnt AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS - A Beaton of Great Surprises and Astounding Feats Redu d Rates on All Tranportation Lines ADMISSION. 2S CENTS CHILDB1H OHDBB 12 VKAHS, 10 CKNTS D0NT MISS IT! v f v vfvr " v PATEE1TS" " i DFSI0NS . TSADE-MAflKS AND COPYRIGHTS ADVICI AS TO PATENTABILITY V Notloe In " Innntlv. Aa " Book "How to obtain raianis- CKnnf moAmU. No tee till patent ! Moored. Letters (trlrtljr oonudentlal. Addreat, I. 0. SIGGER8, Ptienl Liwyr. Wathlnglon, D. C. i ob mint FREE OliYer Plows Hew Prices ! HOPKINS BUGS., Airents, AU&uy, Oregon, "Oliver 'oave the world tli chilled plow And it hai siTtcUroore in one j to the farmer of America hi'i my oiner nUtileiucnl ever produced, genuine Olivor chllei are the best on eertr-. The O iver is a promoter of happi oro on tbe farm, and iho dealer who vl!s it knows he is handling the best. Look nut for immitations an 1 touch nothinir but the genuine poods, made enly by Oliver Chilled plow worki. South Bend, Ind.. U. Sugar Mr.GraJwohl informs as that . """ "Pounas ol granulated su for 11.00. Kow is the time to bn ca liable to go no at anv timn Ti.i. i. net cash proposition, , All goods delivered free of charge.' . This and That. i . Vlereck's Sugsr Bowl Parlors for ice cream, i confectionery, soda water, cigars and tobacco. ' A laiire and flna ntnM. nf , bacco at Conn A Huston's. See the 4 is P'av. ; , Whea you want a choice steak a nice roaitor meat of any kind, cation Henry Sroders. He keeps the best. Go to Verick'a shaving and hair cut tlB? Pr! 'or first class work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to every t mer, ' The best meats of all kinds and good treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef Company a market. Just djwn Second treet. Owd weight and prompt attend ion. It makes no difference how bad tbe wound if you use DeWHt's Witch Hasel Salvsj it will quicklv heal and leave no scar, tosbay ft Alston. Some of I he results of neglected dysptp tio conditions of the stouiich are cancer, consumption, heart disease end epilepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevents all this by effecting a quiok cure in a'l cases of dys pepia. Fohay ft Masoc. FV ur 85c per sack. Best money-back tea and ' baking powder at Your Grocers No fure. No Pay. That is the way all the druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chili Tonio for Cbi.'ls, malaria and Billiouiness. It is as pleas ant to take as lemon syrup, 60c. , -Daw An Tawt KMacy t Dr. Hobbi' Spamros re all kldner Ilia. Sam. Sit free. Add. Hwrlina Kenwdr Co.. Calcaxo or N. V. r l SSBS fret cr.d ' 4 , vony ' o.:!i, I fl WltW. bUUt . ii i illliMiia ..! i.iu ( mcrr.:r.. : r.a , 0 crc-nj i.;a q cof'cc; r.o milk Q for tho bsby. Brand ' CONDENSED MILK Is always available. Has stood , first for forty years. Cs4 far Book on Babiaa." comkn'S coraxNsco ur.K co, r. v. iTy it. 't he Magnolia. Your Liver Will be roused to Its natural duties . and your biliousness, headache and . constipation be cured if you take Hood's Pills Sold by all druBtlsfs. 25 centa. V" - . 6 1 The Kind Too Have Always Bought, and which has fcetn In use for over 30 years, has born tho signature r - fnxxd nag been maae unucr u 1- j ya-z- sonal snpervlslon since its Infancy. "ZtttjiAf ' a Jiuwltra TAU ili tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex-1 wrlmentA tliat trifle with and enaanger xn Tf , nd Children-Experience against Expcrtmeiit.! CASTORIA lAflV4. Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil. Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other AareottC; substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays FeTerishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind j Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea TheJtfothersFriend. 'SmSSi. CASTOR! aTways Bears the Signature of Tbe Kind You HaYeAlways BpugM I n Use FoTo ver 30 Years. tmc ecaraua M.M.V, n araaaa irwit, mwm ro crrr. Floor (UOA renngs. FULLY DOUBLE the amount ever before shown by u, consisting of Carpets, Art Squsre, Co'taKe Art (a new and attriclive goods) Mat tings, L'noleum and Oil Cloth.- , Wo are also well supplied with Lace Curtains, Porliers, Shades and kindred goods. Fiece goods in Curtain material ar.d coverings. ALtUNY FURNITURE CO. masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or. 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS. W 018 BRINK Is tbe Oldest Furniture lealer in the city and lie keens a compli ine of Furniture and Beddins and it yon want gocd sods cheap gi IJa doeen't intenu to De unuer eoiu. 1 bioia cai compute give