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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1899)
4 Our 1899Fackots, Oapes and Furs are on sale. , - SEYowiF&Son A High Grade Coffee The Flavor of which never changes. It is stimul ating and soothing. A trial will convince you of its merits. It is Jas HeekinsSt Co's Celebrated 8lo by McFeron & Wa make a tntc.aliy of COFFEE And Guarantee all we sell. F I. NUTTING, I'd. mtdProp. Kutared tMhi l"oUiffll Albnn; j-aor,aaeiti ela mall roettar.r The Bazaar. 3 c to C s CD Highly Attractive Values IN Ladles Muello Undergarment, Draw ers, Cortetcovtra, Kklrta. SPECIALLY many pretty styles In Niglildrestet , The Emplre.The Rewre.shottor deep yokes, trimmed with tacked lawn runlet, em broidery, Ute, etc. Length, Fullnett, StltcWng, Btyle, Material end Price all cre'ully coold tl and i ITered to yon right. , o NEW Taffeta, 8etln Velvot end Fancy Ribbons. L7E7& H. J. HAMILTON. At Our Hew Store. We are now located at onr new ore k on 2nd e re near Crawford a Gallery mm Imna In meet all OUf Old COt- toraertaawelt at many new ones We are now telling Tab'e Syrup and N.O. Molasaes at 0o per gallon. Uood Moe- nir at 15o tar ml on. uoou goour- a . i.p ntirnm la our motlO. r i .MiMi mrt f rvTlT1 fifl . LBAI1 1 lMlimu uv. m 1.0AK. tlOOOio loonrn good real A.i.ta nnnriiv at A ner cent, for in formation call on J.T. Ualbralth. Call on F. M. French The Jeweler, If you want a first claw w.tch. We have a large line of Nickle, Silver, liold-filltd aod Bolid Gold Watchet, that we bought tor ctth, and we are giving our cus tomtrt the benefit ol the extra ditcount. , ENGAGEMENT an! Specialty. WEDDING High Grade Cincinnati Roast. Tomlinson MISFITS. Afioria it imi about take at wet at Albany. Latt year the ralolall the.e row September 1 to Bept. 1 was laches. Here It was about ,". ttebtra no kick coming ttet at theiooppor una imiv wurn ll itll. ib Guard o( Eugene ttaiet that that city bat already received over tao bun drtd feelof advtrtttlog on account of the vitit ty tbe editors. That wouM 2,j incurs, wuctt 'attain! I aortb pretty near a uonar ao Inch. Al baoy did not receive quite at much tpace but all ttiat itcM derive at flrtt rata. Dutlhea ciJ'nt have any Skinner 'a butte lo take up rxtra trac. The whole etaie hat Imi wonderfully iniiimM wf rnurnancfl. ..v aifi.-i umj worm ma m veniremen A very Interettlug fratute o( the cir- eut la the unloading of the cut and the putting up ct the tenia: in the rarly mornlrg. It It a acme that brings back one's boyhood very vividly. Title morn ing when Main't circus arrived and after wardt there was a nrowd of boyt on hand to tee the proftedlpgft and take - a hand In the burinm lulliclrntly to earn their way In, lor which there it alwava ao opportunity, many bois preferring to ret in that way than tie urn a I ar. 1 oun inters belonging to our Uui Diet were on hand. After all thara 1 nothing lo take the plart of the circna forrxcitement and buttle. An exclude reporlt that it received the following communication Irom one of its patront : "Send roe a lew oopiet of the paper which had the obituary anj vertet a boot tl,e death r.f my child a month or iwoao. Vou will pleate pub lith tht encloted clipping about my neice'e mairiaee, and I with you would mention In vour local columns, it it doetn'i coat aryihing. that lam going to nv pnouo taut ami will rent part ol my farm; alto that I have a few extra calvee to tell at nubli- auction. Baud me a few copiet 1 1 the peer (hit wetk ; but ta my tim It out yon mav tt p my paper aa timet a a tohad to watte money o.i a ptper," STOP tie Wlil A Claik'a acd vr tlielr ama and tplendidly telected tiock of rlima. Anv detign you want. King! lor all purpoaet roni a preient io tna ory io a wov ing, Whita Clover Iloney, 10 ctr. per lb. at u. jb.nrowneii a. MARRED. COMPTONOARM1CAI.-Inthecr.ur. ty cleika oflice on ept, tt, 1S'9 Judne barton olllciatinir, Mr Otto W, Coin ton to Miet Urnthl ;E. Crf.Ml il botb ol eoto, Liun oounty. HORSKd FOP. SALE.-Two horree. and tt ycara old ; weigh 1100 and 1155. Alto now aet of harueta. Ohotn for cnth. uko. bTocKTON, Oakville. RINGS a SOCIAL ANDJERSONAL. Mack Bommervllle of Eugene Let been In I tie city on bnelneta. J. 19. VanWlnkle and family are home from their to miner outing up the ban. tiam. Mlrt Elma Parker returned latt ntgU from Attjria wbeie the hit bteo vltliing relalivet. Mitt r,rtht Klli re umed frrm Cor vallia ihlt noon where the had been to attei.d the Hayward-Louia wedding, 3. M Nolan of waa in the rlty today on hit way hou.e from Ml Angfl wfcere be Lad bn to place bii too TUmti. Mrt. Hale Hackentto, of Halem, la In the tity on visit with Albany Iriendt, Her brother Jemea Mnrry returned at noon tri m a trip to 8alem, Rev. M. O. Brink, of Cottage Grove. It In the city preparatory to going to the uonftrenc at fealeat li a few week, lie baa filled hit pretest iharge Miree yeare. Mlae Edit h Thorn pton arrived Mon day to be In readiueat to Ugln a ctmrte iu the Atrlcultural College tbeo euuool oprct. t'orviihla Timet. Mr. ard Mrt. Alexander 6emp!e, of Norfolk, Conn. , tie in the city on a vinit the guetttof thtlr ann, the tuperlntend ent of the woolen mill. Card, Witliti of Salem car.,? ud to Alb any I hit noon after rcrruita for a new rrgiment, the 4.ruli. The order tending blm to M. Knelling, Minn, waa changed. a! L. Chtmberla n hat been abnoint- ed clera of the title board of tibool land commiMirreie, totneceed W. H, Udell, ttld to bean txcel.ent appin: mem. Kx-tiovrrrj r Lord iait?d throuah Iha city tint nctn on hit way to hit hoo, at alm Irom bit trio to Kal Kock, w here be hat a cottage. Mai, C' U. Gantenbein, who rerentlv returned Irom Mtmla, where he trained, btt leen appointed adjiianl general of Oregon to tucceed Gen. 1 ut ile. Many are glad to tt-e a change. P. A. Carrell.of ISerrv. wat in thacitv yeterday on hit way Ik ma after an ex teded trip to Eattern Oregon and Tilla mook county- lie ex celt to locate at Humpter, in Baker county. Salem Jour nal. Ed and Got Logtden were tried by nry at Corvallla yettrdav fortbootmg i'lilnete phetaanta and were acquitted. Ttiey proved that all they had tbot wat inutkratt. Tber btdr. t even thot at tnlp-. The pleattnt letiderx-eof Dr. Wallace waa the arena of a voiy er.jnyable acal tttt evening, given by tht ladiea of the Uaptitt church. There w re gamee, io ciahility and a delicioua lunch of ice cream and cake. T. J, Bclcber the miner, and W. E. Yatet returned latt eveoioe from the ml jet. Since here before Mr. Belcber baa been at Daw ion once or twice, where ha baa aoma of the moet valuable property there. Mr. Enoch S'oan arrived in Albdny thia noon from Pendleton hit present home on a vUit with frienda here. Ha reporta a big atorm on Mondt y with a lot i.f hail thrown in, of which I.inn County had a.taata wiiboot the hail, Mr. E. E. T.arltnore, of the Portland Llnreed Oil Worka, waa in the city, after a vitit in Rcio, where he recently ttartjd op the threthert ol flax in connection with bit Portland worta While hrre Mr, Larrimore and Jack Sm'ler ex i hanged reininiecrneea ower bate ball in Albany when thev w ere the batter eight wart ago. The same between the Alb' aniet ai.d Linnt wat probably the botteat . vr p:ayed in the city. Senator L. L. Porter, of Oregon Citv. and Ura Spangter, formerly of Oorvallit, but at veral yeara a teacher io the Oregon City arhoolt were united in marriage yeaterday at II o clock at the rctidcnce ct the bridet parenta, Mr. and Mrt. John Spangler, former Albany peoplo. The groom it owner ct the Oregon City En terpriee, and detervet the ettlmable wife be bat aeccred. . Got IJxr Max. The Lebanon E. A nityt of tbe i'em In the Democrat about a Mitt Lainly bunting for a Mr. Menlo, a performer that "The man wanted ia doubtleta "Prof.." Menlo. recently of tbe St) per Comedy oinpany. The young man waa In Lebanon rrlday, and waa tn Albany latt week tend It probably there vet) arranmnif to ttart out with a new thow, tht "Turbedo Specialty Co ' The oung lady wat in Lebanon looking lor dm toon after be le t this place." Af ter the item botb the yonog man and the young woman returned to Albany, and had a meeting. Wbatthe wanted him lor ia a myttery. aa the refuted to div ulge to the Chief of Police the cause of her search. A Miitiiixas Fink. Tbe Woodbnrn Independent lella of It : "Marshal Miller made a complaint before Recorder Knight that Rev. C.G. tlarruonhad ben riding his wheel oa the tidewalk. The reverend gentleman, who bad tl.o tght lowly failed to abide by an ordinance tbat really cannot atand iqutroly on ita fnet, by tiding hit whes! 100 feet n Young street, paid the recorder an im posed fine of $2 50 last Saturday for his trantgi ration. It it rumored that Rev. Mr. Harmon ia not the onlr wheelman that patronises the walks, snd that there are worse evils existing in this city right under tbe notes of tbe authorities and within their knowledge. There wat another big crod at the Wilty B. Allen musio car last evening, hearing the musio and teeing the diag nose ofa high trade piano by Mr. Allan. Albany people bave become greatly in terested and are ont in force evenings. Tonight and every night thij week there will be a free concert beginning not later tbsn 7:30 o'clock. The first night Mr. Aliaa offered a piano at $100 redaction to the first person who culled for it be fore noon. Mr. Hugh Cleek now owner of the fine Isom property, who has eight children, called before nice o'llotk aod received the piano, "Ladies Aid Society. The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid Society will be held at the residence of Mrs. Irving, on Thursday, Sept. 7, at 2:30 P. M. At prers timeithie tfternoan arrange ment! were made to diemiM the case cf the state rgainei David Young cbargid with atsoult on E. R. Case. The new court houee been completed, J at Tolrt'o 1 THE CIRCUS. Tola it circna day, W. L. Maine clrcut dy, tbejonly one of tbe year. It arrived by train dirtct from 6alem and wat out at an early boor. Tb lepte were pitched InehV of the r-Hy !lm Ita on Ninth atreetont toward the o'd 0. A. E depot. There wt tbe otnal tiraod bun la and prt-lirn nary cxtiie men l. Theotual mm her of tide atirtrilone wera on band, ttracbing doan to Fuel treet. The toy ba'loon man put la an early appearance. Nocircua la ccn plaia with- out him. The parade at It o'clock waa a long and good one, cue of the Lett ever teen here, the hortea particularly being a 6oe lot, and there were novel tie j, among otbera the Urt automobile ever In the citv, occupied by Mr. Main bimteif and family. The afternoon performance wat In pro i n' ' 1 0,e Tbr c,rco, bi data. inruuiv HI J Tair and ia flrrt-clatt ard op to- One of Iha circna thia morniag while attiiting the unloading of the cart wee injured iu the bead, but not danger oualy. HOME AND ABROAD. Thl ia clrcut day, the only circut l tbe year in Albany. Thia yean coin crop will be tbe larg. ett in Ibebieliry ol the United Statce. The anpreme court ia in aettion wilb tw.i I utidr.d cfttet ahead on tbe docket. The Alatkan boutdrv ditnuta baa been tattled aa it wat bound to be be tween twocivilized i-oofatriee. A man coming In fiom towartia Ie -anon yeitrrday alurnoon uw a coutry cent Ii iii tn drop a couple of fine pheta ante, contrary to law. Yet'trdtv Ut-v. llartman received from Rev. Reed who hat been vitiiing in Vermont a email tprure tree at a re-minde- of Rev. llartman! boy hood daye the e. It will 04 pUnted here. The nine boboe inctrcerated veaterdav In the caiaboote were permitted latt;eve ning lo vamocte n ranch provided ihey lrft lb city, wh.h they did on the overland, taking a t!ei.e-, at the bot tom. J. W. Ikdrlck, the barber baa Juet re ceived bit three fine looking a'aeaee in combioailon frame auitable to tbe fixt ure t of bit oett aboo. tmooi the niceet gi tenet in the ttate, addibg to tbe op-to- aata cnaracier oi the anop. Tbe death of Mrt. L G. Kline at Cor- vallia wUI cauie gereral regret throogb uregon, wnere uer irieoda were many. Tbe deceated waa a meo.ber of the Reb- ekaht for 43 yeara. The remaina will be bnried it the Albany Jtwiab. eeme lerj tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. J. K. waa yeaterday elected to perinteident of ' Le ttate intane aayluni. He it well e,oaen of, and can not belp being an iu.rruvej.ent on the preteut otbeiaX i t-oat w hoiu there baa at leaf 1 1 eeu contidc i-alilo cuui plaint. He wat a member of the senate of '8a-"87. Tin arretl prcmitrd for today for kill ing Cl'ineae. pbearaiita occurred lat evening. E. Outing was the offender. Deputy Game Wardro Miller canght him in tbe act, and getting out a warrant Le fore Juttice PotcII made tbe formal ar- real last evening The A. 0. V. W. are making a big tight to increase the membership of tbe jurit diction 25 per cent and gain the prize of 12000 offered by the supremo lodge to Jurisdiction making the biggest gain within a certain time. E. E. Nicbolt, the e'ectrician, left yeaterday afternoon for Warm Spring Indian Agency in Eastern Oregon w heie he wili install the electric light plant that waa recently told by F. It.. Anson, of this city, to th KOirr.ment. -S ates man. Sen the 5ugttr JJjwi'a window display New Goods in All Lines. W-g THC UBIlOfTHg fAMOU TH1 LABCt OF THC fAMOUS - - ; V: GUARANTEED CtOTHlNd At the BLAIN CLOTHING Company's "a We lead with 70,000 . ! M D'tI l'm P"i'Pioni on file, n Make Mug recorded tgaintt oe. Yourpreirri ' yr.waj prompt aoo careiol M. F. M CashS A GENERAL MERCHANDISE Mens', Winter Ladies and Childrens Underwear at Cut Prices. Our Boot and Shoe ment is complete. Depart- Ladies' Mens and Childrens' Shoes at Bock Bottom Prices. : ' 1 " i t 1 7" flcciditi. On a Hat is a - pleasure here, we have spared neith er time, thought, toil or taste in our efforts to meet every Hat desire of mankind. Just your style at Just your price I j GUARANTEED CLOTHING m ... . ' - j"' ewvwioprioj without a rinele Iption at i.nritore attention. uor Syrupt, Tinctnrte Burkliart & Lee. ellwains' tore Ladies Capes and Jackets for Fall and Winter have arrived. Our Entire line of Wraps are Tailor Made and a perfect fit is guaranteed. Call and See them. Our entire Fall and Winter stock has been purchased for spot cash of the best factory in the east and will be sold at such Small Prices for High Standard Qualities. m Summer Cooking is made a idea ure by t he use ol theQuick Meal blue flame oi) stove. It is the most conven ient, simple, economical and easily managed of any cook'ng apparatus wade, and will Lake boil, Iroit or roast, and ie eure to give ll.oiccb mtitfnctkn. STEWAI.T&M'X IIDVi'. CO. V.lS n