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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1899)
z? rl frt V- t ji n ALBANY, OCIM3GN FRIDAY. AUGUST 25. 1899 NO, 4 Lebanon. - 1 Fi .tYA'SON . IF! r u r 0-r VOLXXXV. ' ' " " ' : ' - " ' I RELIGIOUS, i I. a " " ' " ' ' "' ' " 11111 V II IVtWBftllftlll '".at I I M ; i J . .v Cdlitlt!r Prenaratlonibr As slmllatlng e.c Food and Hesuli Ung ihe Stooaclu nndDoweb of au. .UaibtfL. diVui, bmbh a saaawjasawjae- TWnntr TOdMfion.Cheerftil-' Tas andncsLContalM ndlhiT Upium.Horpnine nor tmnum. Not Nj.cotic. (dm . limn ww Hon. Sour Stomoch.Dlarrhoea. Worms convulsions. revcrisn dcsy and Lossof Sleep, TocSimiW Signature of anew yoi?k. EXACT COPT OF WMW(I. Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of M AM M. E. Chorobs Preaching by the pastor ( 10:30 a. tn. and 8 p. in. .Other services aa usual. Rv, T. J. W 11 ion Hi 'I preach in the U P church tomorrow u.ornlng eud eve ting. Other scrviie as usual. '.ev, A, J. Btu'levant will preach in (he Baptist church,' morning and even log ' Services In the M. K. church Sooth morning tnd evehing with pieechlng by Hie p.slr, lie v. Fen on. In Use For Over Thirty Years 1 From the E. A : alias Maggie Kirk, of Albai.y, went to Sweet Home yeterdsy to spend week with hrr (olka. Mre. W. A. McClsIn. of Alhanp, f ve iling Mr. and Mre. . L. Griggs, In 8an tiam precinct, Elmer ttead, recently from Kaneea, I t'ie new tinner in ployed by VV K. Chardler. The young roin it a nephe of Mrs. Chandler. From private letter we learn that Al totney H, M. Uarlard and family arrtveJ at hie father'a home la Ilictimoiid. Vi.. having nice time jiESClUIILV )?vnz Makes the food more de'icious end wholcscco novw jiimw, jntt,. wwww. A Missouri Editor Said: ' ! Mr. Parker who w!ll toon open a etore ' , V i ,n t0 Aldriih bnlldiuir. bae leaied the yofhiiwUit Montague reeidence ((nrnieMd) lor TELEGRAPHIC. The editor of the Tx-nton publican telli eolbutlaiticail atA'bany: At Albany we had a tnmntntm lunch. After noiicmz our meal ticket he aajre: Ofcourie the euitori a ere careful not togetcaueht. Tina ta the county et of Unn county Lla . I. 1) I .1 - - .1 enty inibe long Fatal Sturm i. Jackkokvuee, Fla., Aug. 18 -AocorJ- Tbii county ii forty mflee wide and oev yrnlUilong (jarelulem grain product d lavt year la ontiiriiA rH!lpnr nmimt.tA tnr a. Union and Citizen. Capt. Dtlion. of the conple of fflonthe, and will occupy the atearner Oocca, etatee that the town of nine who iiii uuiiir i loon tftrr r-1 eu xaj, uu mo .ibi-uva Vf. A..UIVVf iMkl. Marrtr f. Mr. MAnlan m ill ! lVflV Sfl the feCCDt trOplCftl hUlTlCanf. fin fiRinr DA iii i 'DRJ.LIIILL rbj alclao and Surge, n. HiIMJUk-V - - -n- ' ASbunjr. Or. AMI TO MGHT MORROW Careful emi aiatei of the iitfc In ttiia Annnl te valued at 1 1, 600.000, "a veritable Klondike at ourdmra" 8OO.C00 poondauf butler a', renumerative pricea. 96 car Ia.I .it lifif t.tnntttt A,.t la,. .al, ami. Uteng of ptunet, peara, plume, die rice and applet. Tbia county canied off the ntlc fur the beat fruit at Ralem fair laat rar. Oreiton ia o'ten termel the land uf pretty girlt end big red anplei. "T'ie iKie:r.ent ii ai true aa hole writ." Ir gation anJ drought are noknowo. Stale- mania cnnmrnlnir tliia ennnt ar eoiei from reporte of C. U. Winn and A.J. Johueon. I rnnlil a, 1. 1 tnanv mnrt Inat aa aa won ilr(iil hut I am rltiar lor Miaaonri, Trent, n, will, ana happy and contented in her new home, worda cannot da nrlhe the beautiful roaee aha save ui. Mr. Weaver la in buaioeta hero and it U pleaiurf to report that be ia doing well nd he and hia sosd wif are enjoying eice'lent boaUh. It waa not our .seas- ore to ae Mr. weaver aa be waa up tn the mouitUine with a party fishing for mountain trout. A letter Irom hi in ea oreeaed a atrone deaire to have na anend a week at Albany which we wouli bare been glad to do had clrcitmttancee per mitted. Mr. and Mr. Weaver think mat la Tit is country. apend moat of the winter in vi mn their children and other relaiirei at dil- That Mascot. E. V. Borden, the na driver of En gine Company No. 7, who waa a meoibsr I of compauy E, baa Jim, the Maacot o? the 2nd regiment, In charge, and that ii bow be comee to be at tbe engine comp any'a aaarleri. Jim baa many a in using Irickf and will amoke a pipe if cig.rainoke be b.own in 10 u, ooiuiog it in ma monin in regnia lation atyle, and evidently enjoyiog tbe amoae. jiui nee h apciai antipathy to email bore, end doea not alio them to come witbia reach. He bit a hole in one boy'e eboe yeeterd.iv, and ecratcbei .-.ii,.... m . ... r luunieii later, lowiru iutdu uu. Vw u,'- u,, . ' i "pugilist, who d email boy be ia pr telle ratte aod do- Jt! out by c!e. Jim alto bicyclee, and " nwda night, el one ie left in hie reach be neatly pane I zans wera jiaea: turea the tlret with bia needle iiaeteeiv. a pre. i nianv pereiea nave vienea r-o-gineNo. 7 eince Jim baa tieen there, all takinn-ereat ntereetln the "miaa."' Telegram The Weather. Toniirht fair. Sundnv fair and warmer. River 2.0. feet. r& unlet ItHMI Broadalbin St , Albany, Or. a A .h rfita anil dlvtit ifurinir tliia week you ran get at any druigit'i Kemp's Bal -aim for tbe Throat end Lung, acknowW in it. mrwl atiivAf!il rmdv evef ail ft t Cuoglia. Cruup, ilronfbitia, Aalb- i . . uk.I ('nti.nmnlinn . (let a bottle tO- uiy and keep it alaa in the bonne, ao en can eum:k tour conl ai on e Price i2n4 60c. Simple iw tl free. This and That. . M. Fbkxcm, IBplavmD. Geo. Oolliua D 1 H . , r, M A. Jack Ho-lg l l COLLI XS& Dentists. .M l Fel.o'a Temple, Alhany.'k.. Oliver" Plows hbw Prices HOI KIKS BBOS Aevn JUdaoy, Hregoi. Oliver cave the world tb ch Hed And i' ba sand mure oione) to the farmer of America plow bvtAyoner iiu.ilemenl ever pr.Hluced. Uenuiae Oliver chvHed are tne beat n earth. The O Iver la a promoter of bappi neea on tbe farm, and ihe dealer who U it knowa be ta uandllng the beat. U out t' imwiutioni au4 touch n.jtlnojt but the eenuina iraod. mde cniy . )!' Chilled plow work, tiouth IWnd I n- U trlctlv iumtia I 1 French be jeweb-r. tVerent Hlcyde, Hopkina brother, ageuta. tlttal I If). Ie for t-e oioi-ejf j Will .Hark, jewe'era. ' . rvHi.. bi.-v.-les at Hopkins Brother tor mix tai, a0, 135 acd 150. , O f wlun, citv ticket agent TU'keU j ail rw'nta In tbe east. I Hi -lire 4n I see (be ami rt tinware al ! Huukin Kioa. will las. a IHxtiuie. i Go to Mies Longs for high prloel pho tographa, and do not lorget to Uke along the money. Qf atlowirg tne accomu'a'iona tn tbe bowels t remaln.the en'ire avaiem u poia uo. d . DeWiife Little Farlv Bir regH aUflieboaelv Try the and ou wtll always ua Ibem. Poahay A Meson. J. t Bridge, etlitor anl proprietor of Ibe Deiuocrat. Lancaster, N aayet "l woa'd not be without One Cough C tre for mv bor. when troubled, with a e ug'o "r cold. U is the best rem edy for croup 1 ever ud roabay Uan. every Witt-heil Watvheat Watche. I We bav Inat received direct from the factory a Urge atock of the celebrated Uueber-llampdrawaMi Thee walchee were bought for caah end weoffrenefHai iHirgalna F. M. Fmknch, The leweier. Vlereck'a Sugar Bowl Parlors for Ice cream, confectionery, aoda water, cigars anil tobacco. A laiua ami Bna atn. li of clirera and U bacco at Conn k lluetoo'a. See tbe die plav. Whan von vast a ehoiaa aleak a nke rosftormeat of any kind, call on Henry 'iroders. He keeoe tbe best. GotoVerkk'a shaving and hair cnte Una- narloe for first daS work. Mot and cold batba. Clean towels to tner. rv. ual. nt all kinds aad -i iw. Aibaav Dressed tieef ,- ...k Jo. fUVMl mil UwJ weiirht and prompt eltewd ion. t. j;a..iu kid tbe wound if yw use Oe Witt's itch Haael heal and leave no erar. ' Foaba k Maeon. Some of I br reeu'ta of neglected djaptp- (ic condition, oi me aiomtca vw-w., uJ miileoav. t"l-U 111 I'l .''Mi H.HI w . L IL.n.MI.I'IIM RMYMIII .1 UJU mm w effeoting qtiok cure ia a l cases of dyi Derjaie. Foahav k Maeot. if you suffer from tenderness or fullness atberigot atue, pains onaor iwm- lak.l Mmt v-kifri ea KllgM1naUI. ilCst- lSU9 VWUM eakaat w Am A jiha aa nl n liveee 11 tatrtsld and r:. I ;.!. f l. Rluira ill cure vou IM jm.wo ' J . ' -" - ----- . nmmnila. uleaaaatlr and oermanensly by nn.nii. tka AnncMulinn and OAUStng the cile ducU to oon and fljw naturally. Thit ar sood rtUJ. e m . n I.f,kl tntnrma na that ha la selling 17 pound of granulated au- gar tor si iv. nv ia iu. nmw w j . ... . TKi. ia it ta itania to m no ai sot num. u. a net cash proposition All goods delivered free ot cnaege. THE HOMLIESraiAN IN ALBANY Aa well aa the handsomest, and others are invited ta call oa an drasrfxt and sret FREtC a trial bottle of Ketno s Balsam for tbe Throat and tunas, a remedy that .is i . i i: .i f i . . vnaranrrea ia cure ana nnieTS an iiuromt and Acu'e Coueba. Astfam. Bmccbttis Cooaun. ption. Pnoe 25c. and 50c, White Clover Honey. 10 eta. per lb. at . w it I. Ki, ..orowuait a ' Water Helena, catet atd delicious I on band daily at . j. Cm DEUWHU. P. and adout 300 Uvea lost. An eve witness of the ttorm estimated that the lose of life on the island was folly 600. Scatter ed tbrougn the wreck of honsee at Ked Kay after the storm aubeided, be said, were bund edaof corpses of persona of :ill agea and cUsaea. A Pugilist's Downfall. Infl 1 ft Taolr Uf TVtrm ark . AUU. MV, w-m. . a' I'l.iU.lBlnhit. knAfknl oilt Kiel McCoV in atmnt two minutes tonilfht. The bout was to have been for six rounds, and it was generally thought McCormeck stood no show at alL lit himself, before en Hiring tbe ring, aald tbat be waa going to do u i teat, ana lei eo mi ium. tt(.rit mram u innn mnn mn nninkiT wvt that there waa almon' nothing to it but . . . . . . . f . . i . tne puncn mat put .sicvoj w bict-. Frainey MurJcrcd. Sas Fkascisco. Aug. 18. The autopsy aA An i Iia remains of Jim Frainey, the ui?insi, wrio aiua inmiiij y t ran nictjouneii n eu almarnd that hie vital or- .ii, v.. if;aiaui that he was in no condition to enter we ring as prinui"j mi thit tui nail neen Duinnieicu -. beaten to death by Frank . Aicconneu, who waa arrested on a charge Of man slaughter. Town Wiojd Out. T.l.l.n 1.. . IS Y MKt nk'ht the AUMUU, . "fc r- .... .11 . I ...... v.. town ot riacervuie, in eowewuuvy, 7 : J 1 a... C. .. TK. hiiainM. tWUtlOll nr k. mram HsatmvAil and mOt of v. ...v ua.wa. " J -. 1 OTI 1... Ca ul at .Mnnnnfw.. a iih aanaaa in niiwi - The tire waa caused by the overturn ing of a lamp in Veaeay'e hall. Bi Explosion. Losdo, Aug. 18. explosion to day in the Lleat co liery, in Glamorgan-, shire, Walet, a number of persons were killed. The explosion occurred when there were onlv 50 men in tbe mine. There were many heroic acta in an en deavor to aave ibe survivors from tne et- lecta of tbe alter-danip. Trade Report. Nw Yons. Aug. 13. Braditreet.s to morrow will say : .t. The trade attnation gainere Bireiigin at summer wanes. Ke porta of expand ing fall demand arrive, accompaniaa oy verv cheerful advices aa to the in mt parte of the country. tie outlook Excursion Ratea. The CorveUia & Etern railroad have placed in effect their regular round trip summer excursion ratea to Newport and Detroit. Fare to Newport, US0. . fare to Detroit, 3 00. Ticket good for return nnttl October in tana Kdwis DT05B, juansger. It visr Dissapomnts. Tbu uone of m! tHvU t mtwioi Hjod'aiSiMparilla. It cure kcrufu!a, salt rheum, humors, stoaucb mil kilaey troubles, nervousness. Hood s HISs care aH liver ilia, v Eay ka, easy to opiate; w!ible, sure. Tl vnn trlah tn taVa tha lea 1. rida Cleveland. For sale by McFeroo k Tom- aneon. Try our bread at two loaves Ie Mi-Feron & T m!inson. W KESSK . ... X.V. . ar . tVi a j L.O Ia there a naa ibsev your mouth? anVB jvm . r appetisa and a weak aigca- ilry, always e " -drowsy. Vou bave cold banata and feet Toa get but bale benefit irom jour ..... ... m mbitioa to work and tbe sharp paina of neuralgia dart tbrougB batia tba canaa or all altia ms-.K1? taUISJ UVNUI- ConstJOStea Doweia. Notice to Bridge Contractora. 20 Years in Business THOfiBBRINK la tbe Oldest Fornllura Dealer in tbe city and he keepa a complele Has of ForXtVwd Bedding and if yo? want good goods cheap give him s call, lie doesn't Intend to be under sold. . ,yj'ifii.i,hiHJ.MUid-lrrl.l.l3a . ...,n.v niMinmo mtTO In oil diaaaees arising from THY DKUVI B . , . F disiration, self-abuse, exceseca or cigarette amoa og. u over W years. Brings hack your Manhood, curee depleted worn ' .!r men! makes rich blood and tiasce. Cure, was Inge , and 1 all Vu . . t a ... a. irvist nniHr. HniiBBiuiavi o..... makes joa Isstitlngiy strong, can. in . ..Diessneee. Svelio-. . Mks ills worm imng. , - ,-.. - BI9HOt"8 PILL8 aireng nsns '"T" .i Viin 1 . "of all. losses by "Vrica VVbn 6 for M by mail, mnd for IVt rale by Foe- CuJ bay A Mason, Albsny office in Albany, Or., sealed bids until c.n.nih 8th. 1899. at Ithe hour lof 1 --Vli. n, ika hnililina of two cylender piera under the Green rry hritk'e. ovrr the bantiam river neer Jef ferson, uregon. . .. u Plana and speclficationa for said work can be seen at tbe oince 01 me ciur v. Marion county, also at my omce n aiu- an Try aiikli T.- I.a tfl rakr.a'.nnV at a Hnti Klaiwh JtaHtll Dutchmeue a. Vlereck'a Sugar Bwl. hi a, ' . Se ibe Sugar Bowl's window, j Schillings Best money-back tea and baling powder at RCOM"'TsTPATI0N YourGrocers SSS ouy ve atHwiHt-taaH-r o ty V.h.. ar5f V. r?a Vi til nn Acts otNTLV on the ICi dneys, Liver AMn RniVELS r.cANSES the System 1 fM"-T.PATl0N li I ,rtffif j We buy. eell and atore rr-n. We make wama r"- Also whole wheat. Patent and g-rm tn-- M itt '' '- ive von prompt relief and certain cure. JTeav Fav fiooaf ftaeeto If you bave neglecied your case a long time, you Bad better take Acer's SiTSiPaTKa also. Get Uie liest flimt. t'llV Ul'Jt(llllM i.A toint eourU ot Marion and Linn .:. 11.. viirht. o rfiipct anV and all oris, uonua in uuui "i will bcfi'xacted of the auccesful bidder on award of contract. , . Clerk of Linn County, Ot. tree circular i VvMSo. ItaaC.fttll.uruiKlKisr'- ; Aroooey. tSm Doan Tsbaeto Spit ana Satak Taar lit Ay. m 1. and forever, be mag netle. full of life, nerre ond vigor, ttka No To Bae.thewnndeMorlter. tUot makes eak men strong. AH UrusRlsta, wo or .1. v-u""" teea. IJoouic aim "'i"" " J ; Z Bterllng KenioUj to-, unioago r ft l.aa eome. the time lor Uing arc- l.l....ain ami ! rrtAm inkier. Ibe Stewart & Sox llardware Co., have some of the Vest. CASTOR I A For Infiia and Children. nisKini You Hava Always Bought Small Annoyances ..disvrut.. a" . a,. V T OTICE.- Have yon a farm tor aale IV . a ,.n Vnow of anv Per- ran bo ding lands that they weh to die- t 11 . aaaa wrr ri r m in a. ii v aai us r.Ve'o'rrN.Co.ndhewille.nd1 vt .niwular whlffli wl'l inrg- It will remove au Impurities tbat have Men accumulating In your blood nd wUl greatly etrengtbea your nerves. your do,,or fTMlvi U " j UUU. " ' . , - V ...1 hi Will Vfc J " BMpawaapwpa"" m m , , a "V v fret and worry f one. Sour milk jf overnight; no ? milkman In the T morning; no 5 cream for the .coffee: no milk P tot the baby. aa S PHl 110 milk 5 f tg for the baby. O 1 Gail Borden! EagleBrandl CONDENSED MILK J ? is always available. Has stood J S 8aaa tar Book ea-BaWea." T gocDUrS CON0CNSCS WUl CO S. Y. ijmy 4Q. ,a -A 0SiS'lft-'aSt' FLOOR COVERING' kindred goods. . . ' ' Piece goods in Curtain material and covering.. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. masonic Temple BIdg., Albany, rATSANYiSiOlGR FAOTORV Bears tbe Htlfnatura of J. Joseph. Proprietor, J9 try '