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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1899)
s a m i era -m Brownsville. HOME AND ABROAD. Tli Kind You IIuvo Alwny Hoiifflit, and which ha been la uko for over 30 yearn, lift borne tlio itlflrnatur of ' . and lift htmrn iniulfl under hi twr yAvT HI)IU aiipcrvUIon aliice lt tnfancjr. V5f -CUcAK, Allow no ono to deceive you In tM. All Counterfeit Imitation and Substitute are but K . iKrliu'iiU that 'trifle with and endanger tho licuitb of lufhut and Children Kxrwrlonco aguinat Uxper Uncut.' What is CASTORIA Coatorla U a aubatltuto for Cantor Oil, Pareirorle, Drop and Soothhiff Syrup. It In I tannic and lleaaut. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic aubatanco. It afffi I It iruarantee. It destroy Worm a and allny Feverlahnea. It cure Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teethintr Trouble, cure Constipation and riiitulonry. It almllatc tho Food, reruhtt the Htoniach and llowel, giving liealthy and natural sleep. Tho Children' Panacea Tho Mother' Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of 7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. MiHmwMu. if WMUmm mnHn Mid Joyce B'0wnH ' 1 take no Iter piano ela during vacation throiih the winter. The bt tlirmin end K'trr, method. Leave word with W, . Read. ; DP.. J. L HILL 1 rbjalrlaa aad Surgecn, lilt Block - - -13- Albany, r. ( wmm SkXi0 Uro-tJalblu Si , ::W7T Albany, Or. Geo. Oolfin DOS A. Jack HoitCiw DDI COLLINS & UODfiES Dentists Odd Fsl.o ' Tmple, Albany, .. Oliver PlOWSHsw Prices H0PKIS3 3K0S., Agents Ortgo.. "Oliver gave lbs world lb chilled pluw And It bat tared more mane) . to (li f armer of A un-rk-1 bii myotnur im,lemnt ev r produced. Oliver chilled are " lt i n earth. The 0 ivat It promi'r of harpi note oa tbe farm, and tho il-i"' ho it knowe re u handling th hmd. 1 ok out for iromiuilon and touch U'trnnif iu the genuine gond, nude enly by nr Chilled plow work. South Mood, lud.. I. . Do voa et i with headache? I there a bad taate la rour mouth ? Then you have poor annetite and a weak dlges- tion. You are frequently duty, always icei cuii ana drowsy. You have cold band and feet. You get but little benefit from rour food. You have no ambition to work and tbe sharp paina of neuralgia, dart through your tody. - - ' What it the cauaa of all this trouble? Conttipited bowcla. It vr Dlaaapooint. Thia It one of tbe oecuiiawu ut llaod'a sir.aparilla. it curat tcrofula, tall rbtnin. huoiort, itnmauh and kiduei trjublet. DerToutnoti, Hood a Wl'a cjm all Mr illt - ET t , J ake, eaay to opi.ate, rili.vble, euro. ''' will give you prompt relief and certain cure. Kern Tamm fffowef Pmr. II you have neglecKd your caae a long time, you had better take ftfjeft sarsaparliu alto, it will remove all impuritiea that have been accumulating In your blood and will greatly strengthen your nervea. Writ th Doctor. Ikin nutv hm MHtt.thlne Sot iwint. Wrlu tlieueiot frwiljri 1. t . htm bow Ton ar mnnw. wilt irinutr Wit Ut m.Uloal Ktlvlf.. ArtdrwM. A i. J. U. AJWi MWm HM. f y TV mi Re fr Iterator, Ic cream freecere. At tit wart A box liar J ware Co'a. Call at the gagar Bowl for freia Fretb fruital Vierck'8ti?a'r Bowl par. lora. fAJlt MOVES IIl7uri'e. and Tinware t Odllnf A From tho Dmea. F. 0 Btanard and fkinllyare ia Al baor.wlirre Mr. dianarJ lut been atMtt inKlncuiuiMfnnif the tettbera' exauiit aiion. W. 0. Cooly enjoy the diailnction of having brought the titt deer Into camp atUca.lia. Hya well Jirected ahol he killed a fine one, on the run, Intt Tuea day. It la with if if ret cur cltlzene will traro lUmt Mm U. ... (l..l-.... I ... . I rangeineala to dote out hie buainere In. I rc"h vdl aoda-watr health.'ul trette loth It city, and he w'll depart iua" Uurkhart ALeelt. the fore pari of next week to aeek a loca- I or tale, go-d etrpetiair, 33 cn'a f t tloBeliewhere. j vard, by f. 8. Alesuder, eaet tod vt b.b A letter received by the writer, from '? Mr. H. E. Michenfr, whoia at preterit Mr. E C. Covert wliilednvleg ti.rouuli at Wichita, Kantaa.couvevt the inielli- M city loet two eide curtain (o tbe gensethat the weither there le ver the return of which alii b appreci' warm, butlnett acod. erooa ifiaaaiQcent ated. t Garden Hoee and Lawnoowert at Oh Unit k Ilulburt'e. The contract for painting the U. P, church haa been let to Jaiuea Irvin. an atturance of a good job, and the work be will begun neat week The color will be white. and the popultutt have fuird with the democrat. Nice apple an telling at 20 ceo it per battel. - Keen dleappoiotmeut ia felt by our chimin became of the fact that l'riva Frank Thompton and Will Tycer were uJge Croweil and charle Nickel of onab'e to r company home the Second Jack..n couutv, are havina a live tiii Oiegon. the being compelled to remain Mr. Nickel it'edltor of the lime but lo f eu Fraocltco undergoing Ireatmeut, tbe lode baa a trenchant pen ahd'aev' V: 'T oawie .i erai oi tite paptra are ooen to u 1 . iutn an.. II.. 1. 1 In. . ...... ..... ' ..a. . 1 . 1 Vl Wf VIV o( hdammatory rheumatitru. iZLVIZLY FURL Makes the food more dedous end wholesome vn errHi po jr no.. tfw vwtf. TELEGRAPHIC. in IjiN . w in Short Form. NIGHT AND TO. MG11T MORROW And each day aod night durinir tbi week you can grt nt any drutrgiot'a Kemp' Bal $m tot the Tbroat and Lung, ckoowl edgrd to te tbe uxwtueful remedy ever mid tet finuha. fV.inn Rrnnhitin. Aatl Root the Bore. Itaand Contumotion. Get a bottle to- Aug. Jl. -It ban already developed , oy aod keep it alwa in the bouw. to that ltoot intend to be aecretarr of t'. oo cad ciiaclr four coid at oa e. Price tj. - . P n . r n n . ..... movee caoiiout'y ana la aumpca os dj ovc. 'stmpieuo.iie rree. He Lebanon. Fiom the E. A. Mitt Joyce Brownell, of Albany, via itvd Irienua n L-binou a In day thia ek. Mn. F. C. Aidildi i daneeroualv II'. w ith little chance of recovery. lr L. M. Jouet it now in conttant attendance at her bcdaide. M!a I'nline Ad)ma. of Cleveland. Wath., will arrive la LeDtaon the latter partotoeat tk to pay a vielt to her aitny irtende. Mitt Adam will be the tut at oi Mia Fet Smith. Colonel J, L, Mitchell, aueerintendeat of the VV. V. aod U. M. Wagoo ltoad rompany, arriveu una rxiorcing lro-o fcrtiaodand will leave tomorrow morn leg lor a trip over the road for the pur poee oi impacting tbe tame. , Prof. II. L. Mack baa been ensaired aa principal of tho normal department of Mioetal hptinga college aad avaigoed to tnecnairoi tuatiiemaiice. All frienda ol the college ul e glad to know that ue te to oe reiatnea in oj old poaitico. J. L. Nye, who baa ctarge of the San tiam wagon road aero the mountain, ha the road ia fiitt-claa ehape, lu fact, better than ever beiore. lie haa pat ia a great deal ol labor in building new bridge and oiheraite getting ihe toad in good e"ndiiiop. 1 . TRY MORMON ElSOOr'S FILLS for all diwee arir,in from Fdliltation. aelf abate, exceteee or bhrarette amoklng. In ue mn ' r 1 I . f . .. l 1 - nv.p nu vnri. nrinoi rani vnnr niBiiiiuui. cuiti uvi'lieu nut men. makea rich blood and tiasre. Cure wa ingi and all run mik.i inn litltlnul atronir. eitrna imiolnC.T. Inat DOWer. emittloni, on of memory, bad dream, r.brunken organ, deepondenry, !eeplenee, 'arl,cele and unttlpation, add lustre to the eye, atop nervout twitchintr . f.tia ejsretioe. Make life worth living. A boon toyonng or old. MORMON fiTKHOfft P1I.1.S atrensthena end restores tinxll weak organ! Stop all In.., hv div nr mgrlit. Don't Helav. Price within '.he readi ol all. Uuaran ed toenri. Price a box 6 for 12.53 by mail. Pend for free circular AYraia fclSQOP K1U REMEDY CO., San Frnico.OM. For ale by Foa- SaSU hay & Maion, Albany ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor. paoera are ooen ta .. the race aeemt to be even. I A. Wilhelm, of Monroe, haa purcbtad the llarriatMirg mill and will enlarge tt to a hunared barrel a day mill. The Marrltburg mill baa been cloeed (or aome time, but will oow be run regularly. jack M. Oliver ia one ofih i.iuh.t priced colored actor o the America atage. Ill original patriotic toon on ou; war with is pain ao down in Mm. torJr' 1,4 11 ith tbe Georaia-Uo to. JUal Company ' la the count r ernrt;pj t.. """ name or J an Vthtr ao- liVmiAn. t(. ..ui.nll. .11 t whether of Alger, Milea or Corbin fac- " tion. Corbin ia playing a fine gjime to J. I) Brid, eJitor and proprietor of hold control aod keep hi plfvc with the ihe Democrat, Lireiitcr. N. H., ay: IretiJerit. ."lejoa'd not be without One JJinute tt - I . I -.... I. lA.t uougu v ire ror ray uoy, wuu nuuum with a oogti or com. ti i rue oet rem- Ilie War. HAxitA, Aug. 12. Advice from Calu lum, nnderdate of Ang. 11, report that Gen MacArthur took lue Ninth regiment a battalion ol tbe Twenty eecond detat h- ment of the first ar-illery from Calulum to Santa Rita, near Bacolor Friday morn nig. iuv cumiiw ui lue iroope irno mo town wa not opposed, the inturgenta fleeing aa the Aoiercana approached. The troop had a hard march of 10 milea in aome p.acea being obliged to wade waLtt'dcep in water. - Our New Subjects. " WAaiHscro, Aug. 11-The war de ed for croup Uay. 1 eyer usd.'' Fo.hay k Liat of Patents. Umni il to North eat inventora thia week. Repotted by C. A. Suow&Cd., Patent Attorne) , Warhington, D. 0.; 1J Ououinghain, Libetry, Dnv., tini vaporttor; A Doy.e, Seat le, ah, driving-gear tor bicyciea; Vv V 1'bil brick, tsealtle, Wath. mate her. head. For copy of any of the above patenta end 10 rente in poatage eiarope with date of tbla paper lo 0. A. now A Co., Wathingtou. 1.C. , f ; Thl and That. Wheat 18 cent. ' Vlereck'a Sugar Botl Parlora tor ice cream, confectionery, aoda water, cigar and tobacco. A large and fine dock of cigara and lo baoco at Conn A liunou'a. Se the die plav. ,.; When jou want a choice ebtak a nice roaitor uteBl of any kind, call on Henry JroJera. He koeo tbe boat. Go to Verick't thaving and hair cnt ticg parlora for Crat claaa work. Hot and cold batiia. Clean towela . mer. The beat meat of all kind and good treatment at the Albany Dmaed beef Compact 't umrkeN jutt djwn Second treat G kmI weight and prompt attend ion. " I' uiuke. no diffirt-DCi huw hat' the wound if yu U IM-Vin'i vvttch ituzel Salve; it will q itcklv heal and leave no tear. Fotbay Mama, - Sotneolthe reaa'laof neg'ectrd Japtp tic conditioa of the tomch are cancer, cooMtmptiori. beurt dieAe and epilpy. Kndol Dytpepaia Cure prerant all thia by tfeoiing q'lioa cure in a 1 cae of peptia. Fotbay ft Maaoc. it yo, tuiiar from teoderneii or uHnea nib) runt li-lo. pain under (boutdar Uiie, coniripa'i.n, bilouneu, aica eadache. and fl iluU. heavy and .'eepy nr liver i turpid and oincested. le- vvitt ' Little hwl U inert will cure you prompt I v, pleatantl., and permanently b removing tbe congestion and oiuatng tbe Hie duo't to opn and flj naturally Tbit ARaoonn piLia. - to every Tht tVentuer. Tonight and Fri lay fair, ttaUonary temperature. Kiver 1.9 leet. F, M. Faa'iCH, Displavm n. CASTORIA For Infasts and Children. fha Kind You Wm Always Boughl Bears the Signature "of KililPitte Tntir liuwen With CMoanta Cnnrty Cntlmrtlp, euro eonniliwitloa (orover. VKi. o. It O. C. C. tail. uriiireisiR refuul money. peareo in tup poor account for 118. Tula I partment uxiay toot prompt rreiauree wa paid for aervicea far nmilnu man being taken care of by the county and wae not for the aid of Mr. Uother at tome might imply. A wry important botmeg conaolida tion occurred laat week, in tbe partner abip formed by Lawyer. Y.iea, Y'ale andGibeon. W. E. and J. Fred Yate already recognized a one ol the leading law lirioa of the elate, have been atrengtheoed ty the taking in of Mr. J. H. faitron.a promniog young atttorney. Corvalha Time. One of the flneet and beat conducted receptione in the va ley wa tield al Cor vallt aod cootaloed many ncvel feat ore, among other thing there wa an elegant arch containing pitCe for a large number ol amall girl.. Aa tbe aoldiera patted they abowered flower upon tbeir beada, a ver pretty thing that waa ap preciated by the boy. There were elab orate apeeche. a bicyle parade and a bal loon acenlcn by Prof. EarUtoa. wnicn waa ms.ia h .. arch wa lighted at mirht ov 150 tm'.n. 'te lora lumber milt. The greater por deaiei.t luhu and lookid im niu Ition of theday waa apent in Cathlamet ered a desirable tocetion. In Samoa. Cnictoo. Am. it A epecial to the Tribune front Sn Franctaco aaya : A bul letin telegraphed here from Victoria. B. C, aava there baa been renewed fighting t . . i . . .... . to crmw. iAuueiaitare given. 'or the relief ol tbe hurricane aaffvrera in I'o'to Rico' When the preea di'patche and General Davit' rdvicea made known tbe extent of the disaster, steps were im mediately taken to tend supplies, and the transport Mcl'heraon wai ordered put in readiness to sail from New York Monday next. n . , Mississippi Style. Poar Grssox, Auz. 11. Fill Wilson, colored, was lynched hero today under naculiar circuma'ancM. Laat Tuesday Wilson waa arrestrd in Herman ville on a charge of aesault. This afternoon the jailer, upon entering Wilson's cell, dis covered the prisoner hanging to the county galtows with eeveroi bullet holes in his eck and shoulders. Seeking a MIH Site. A storm, Or. Ang. 1!. Representative Stone and Mr. W etmore of Pennsylvania were taken out along tbe wa'er front tbi' morning on what was announced to be a p easur trip, out really, to took for a -w- Schiliin est tea -sold only in Paclmges MaVaawavaKwawetM F1istako tabuyL-.3Ccn-der.LCd VAX T..e r.o b t!t;t3 f:r the ordon i 1 Oeii B i Eagle 1 BiM o o II l 1 1 Thera cro cheaper and In ferior brar.ds Ij 1.J Car;':, but nono thct cquJ U. It has stood fast for fartj years. Sea4t.rr.MipBwx. . MttBrs coracSTJ tax ctu u. v. ( ( r. V V Armory Hall. Gwia Du-lo-Date Iliislrels k Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver And Bowels ruANSE5 THE 5Y5TEM OVERCOMES JrfU i.C. mmm. Mm mmm. Ih m , rtKMAriuifkl. v. Strictly bUitineat. French the jewelef. Creecent Bicycle, Uopkin Brother, agvub. Best iiiyile for t. iu.ey Will Jtark, jewe'era. . Crescent bicycle at Hopkia Bi other for only 120, 30, 135 aid 50 - O P Winn, citv t cket agvnt Tk'krti to all points in the . - Be aura and we h anti ru t tinware t Hopkia Hi Oh, will laa a HfHtiuie. Go to Mies longs for high priced rho tograpbs, and do not fergvt to take along tbe money. 8y allowtfg tne acmraula'iona in tbe boweie" rem'iin.the tn ire v,ero U poi unrd . DeWiit Little Farlv Rimth r. ate the bowed. Trr th and "on will alwava um them Fiwhav Mmt . ITUAL Hae - ewy Twg wtHiftnt-MHf p fiUl?RNUTGfSYRV?(S - txcursiub Kates. The Corra'hs A Enftero rail'oad have placed in effeci heir tegu ar round trip enmuier excursion ric w i.c-M.. Detroit Fare ro Newrxr', 4. 0. Fare to Detroi', 3 W). . .. . Ticket good lor reitrn un'il Octoner 10,.189'J ElWi Sio!K, Manager. XI OTICE.- Have von a farm fr aa.e i o rent or do you know ol any p-r-ron ho ding lands that they w ah to rtis poee ol. If ao pleaee v rile lo . nr aKc nt of the O R A N. Co ami he will wnd oti oiru il r which wld inlreat yon. FLOOR COVERINGS. ' ULLY rX)UBLE the amour v-r lxore ahown by u, roni daiina Darpeta, Art Square-, Co-tage Art (a new and a uwtiv von,tO Mat- of Cam ., V - i m ri-,k We are also well supplied with Lace Curtain, P rHer. Sha.'e. and kindred good. !. Piece goods in Curtain material and covering. The Fashion Plate Minstrels of all. ' Co!o:ad Ladles and GenUet n 82 COMEDIANS, . SlNGEKS, MUI0IANS, DANCERS. CAKE WALKERS. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. masonic Temple BIdg., Albany, One Night Only, Monday Aug. 14 fri 2" and 50c. Seats at Burkhait & Lee's J 20 years in Business THOMAS BRINK 1 theOhle t Fornitnre Tea'er in the city and ho keeps a complete lire U Fmnitiireand P.e.ldin yon mt good goods cheap give himacal. He doe n't intend to be under told.