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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1899)
-.MONDAY. From South Africa. Tub Ciuct'M. U'ulUr L. Malu'i oJrcut, -popularijr lerimd by tie prett avaiy. I.m In I .a II,. "Vaatilnn l'lat 8I1OW of the World," now on imoentn annual tour, l said to U enlarged to twice Ita forinur !. Everything li brm new this teaton, and a perloct host of itartllng finvuii l. Hill im introduced lor me nri time. l-Brutti one oi vi.e m v ..wrr-- Mi returnilll( -1.1. ,, ..,.,,,. :IB Ing ot the many ftMiinw whi i wo to t,i credit. Ho I n young man of tn!hinant ol the famous Roosovo lio ugh . dld ,.1..-....,.,. IinJ ,i.irvphl. kh1 . r. . Mark E, Carry arrived In Albany yes terday morning direct from South Af rica lie wm mot here bvhia motlier Mri. K. K. Carey and alalar. Mli Alice. and left tliii morning by carriage (or their twine in I'riiieviilo. Mr. Carey left seven yean ago (or South Alrica to make Ilia fortune, mid hii sue eeded in doing Rider, alio Hough Rider from the Reg uiar U. 8. Cavalry, many of whom took an imlva tmrt fn the now historical t.atile of Han Juun 1 1 ill. Will exhibit at Albany, Wednesday, Sept. Oth. fortunu, made by bard work and tuitle. lie got oMt Inst abend of the trouble be tween l-'.i.glund nod Kmuvr. but nw it coin I u, Considerable plowing ha already be n uone. Bpauldlng't big log drive passed Salem lust Saturday. A new tntertirlsi In linker l reported w ill be a $71,000 hotel. The Town Talk as sixty btilldlngt have been erected in Ashland (he past year. W. It. liluln, cf thl city. bat "11 petition In bankruptcy, elving hla aet . ..... a t t "it . I f . i . an' l i tti nt ;wjo,o a no me iiiimiimii-s at pii.. If too need ulnBH't and full to consult lr. M)w you put a dent in your head where the bump of good Judgment .Mould bo. Warm Spring Jolny ha figured out tbatuuck may i anuj titer pepiem lor 1 under the old low, a the tew law ,haa noihiug on the subject. Well Fargo and the leh-graph office ol the Weetern -Union ar moving today to their new quarter in n o I'MiTer block where they will be d ing buainCM to. morrow. Two mile from Mem laat Saturday afternoon lluee lo), aon rtf Jan;e Wiley were playing blading tunie, when one of them, Ilolurt, atriick in the head with an ax by the oldest boy .aged eleven, ana hhum. Uoorge F. Mitchell, of Salem, while on hi wav home from Spokane fell from the car at Oregon City last Saturday and waa killed. Ilia body waa found on the track. lust north oi uign in, where be undoubtedly accidentally -off the car. The cittern at the DxtfocaAT corner and west ol it are now CMtnecied will the third airvel water atipply pipe line, which will furmh one of tin best tup- plies of any city on tbe coaU Two en gine could not lower the water eo a to be noticeable. The brkk work I being puhed on the .court houae be 11. C. Cbamherbtio and men aa fatt aa the weather will permit Home mlondod brick 1 Iwing put Into the atructure, which la already aaauming aha aulltcienlly to aliow that it will be One appearing court oue. The gun club and their deputy propoae to eee that every man who kill game outofaon ahall be nroecuted. and they will not eveo apaie Well Fargo driver. They have a big field for doing aome excellent work la protecting tlte same of the county and are to be com wended (or the energy being dlap'ayed. Tha member of 1 Co. will meet to- nitfht at the residence of Cattt. riiilllt) to wake arrangemenU for a reception to tbe citizen of Albany aome night thit week, orobablv Friday. Tbe aoldiert will take Hi. ir turn and have open door for our people having booth with their Manna curio, mnn unm una vi quealloa box, io which our cillaena of the i'ty', aa in Itofeburg In t to Cortland TUESDAY. Pague's Crop Report Axotukn Oaio k EooK. Dennl If. I Harver.ting of faJl-aowo grain I tuaally 8tovall. bright young oewapaner man, I advanced by Aagntt 1, bat thl year tr?0"..1""' hJ'inptihiiliiMl a look, It w generally commenced before that The Heart ol the Vallev," whlcb I. dalei tha remit wa. .lm ..l.!r ,k- hlHh'y lookrn ol. It e nlalna nna l.nn- dred pogo of iorl- xml poem of Ore gon iu ana me viiiiametie valley in particular. Oreotilani rlio'il I how their antireciation of Immn ia'nt liv alvirtg ucli prod action a lileral i up port. The Dkmockat ha not yet bad the pleat- oi perming tne new uregoo pioduct loo. .VVEDNESDAY... City fell be nermitled to ak any qu.ationa de-l Ired which will be anawered. A man alanine blmtelf "John tbe Nov- llt." It writing lo different pertona in Albany front Lebanon. in a manner to how that be la craxy. Now he aama to bet Ave dollar to one that he can plant the flag of liberty over Canada without the ue of bullet. If declare that be haa aa much right to do omethlng at Dewey and hat already written tbe iTee identand Queen Victoria, la conclu sion ha lout that "heaven and earth may paaa away but tha word of John the Novelitt will atay." Mr. O. B. Height returned thia noon from a trip through eaatern Oregon and Waahington, going aa lr aa Lewlcton, Idaho, wbere he waa a week ago yelet day In one ot the bliiRost rain itorm he waa ever in. The raina bad been gener al all through that country. Mr. Height pent yesterday with tha Pre. Uoer in watco. They are doing a fine buaineta and Mra. Been it greatly improved in health. Oliver Veatch. of Gottaae Grove, bat a bird doe- that mad a valuable "letch" (or him tha other day. A man putting np bay near Mr. Veatrti . retttJenc, lett bit vett containing a goiu watcii on cock of bay. The dog huud it and car ried It to Mr. Veatch'a home where It waa bung uo on the porch without ex- am'nation. The man mittrd tha v-e end atc'i. and thinking It the work of a thief, notified the marahal. Mr. Veatch beard of the loat and reatored the prop erty to the owner who had given tor loat. Guard. Judite K. 1'. Illue, the city jcitcrday. Khmer Hermann If ft night (or Washington. Mr. K. K. l'urrinh went thl noon on a week vinit. Kri. Ahby went to Portland thle noon to ieo the mtliincrv ojienlng. Ivan M.irk, the printer went to Hal .y ihu noon on lit eunimcr vacat on trip.' Mr. and Mi L, K. Hamilton went lo Cortland Ihi noon to 'he full oncn stig ol millinery. Mrt.O a rea:oik,of.i oodland Cel. re- turnei1 th nitn from tbe Itayand lllie guc' ot lion, I. J. fciste Mix Murturlio, if Halem, returned home ll.ii norm after a viit in Albcny llie gucat ol .Ml' lu-Mte isurkliarl. 0. C. Hathaway, of Aiiland, and Mia ,...! ff .1 ... 111. ried in Jiiekitouvu:e on Aoguet Z6 J. F. Merrill and W. N. Merri'l, of Al Uany, the vt iiite (ewinir macliino men were in town today on Lunneai. Salem Journal, J. H. I'oun i. of Jcfferron. and Ml Adulia Turnidge, o( l-aaunh, were mr ried at licouib jealerdny. Key. Oflorn oinciaiing. T.O. llaaer, of Soar-Creek and Mr. Prettyman, of Portland, have been In the city on their ay to the mountain on a nunt W. It. Steven, tbe merchant, return ed I hi noon from the et where he hat liern iMiylng gAJt (or Uie fall and win ter tMie, Mr. I'.rfect. of LaUrcnde. who hat Ucen viiiling in the city lur tome time the giel of her daughter, left thi noon lor iiome. Mr. Harry l.vne. of. Oakland, and Nellie KHey, of Allany. were auett at tne homo or.rxi i.yne. iiiuraday. Jel lemon lieview. J. It. Watkina, a wis! detective ot the American Delectlte Aeaociation, iHMed through Aloany Saturday fcr the nay, on ouaimrt. Mr. U. L. Walker, of Portland, where lie tiaa charge ol the Moen Waahburo branch liotiae, tnt bunday with Al uany rviauve. Among thoa returning from the Hay thi noon were Judge lloiae and family, Mr . ltaiimgart and chl dren. K. , Ooff and family. Mr. and Mr. Caufleld and children ol Oregon City, returned home thi noon alter a aeveral day viait -, witb tueir motnerand brothe One ot the afendant at the teachers' InalltntA l,l.l mt n.w.iittL. CMw last m-Mk l ft. j.. ft a ... . t v . " - , . . i j. in l waa in Aiauu ityw. vi airr-is ( viuv. "in. lixcKive. A a meeting lat evening at the boa e of Capt. Fi.illipt ar- rang meni wne mde lo give diluent a reception by the yotioir m-n o I Co. It will be i.eid at the W. C. T. U. ball on Hatnrday evening, and tl e doer wi.l bo open eiriy. Booth will be ananged wlib colloctione of ."hilioi.lnH 1.1 ,t..l .-nr io, which will be explained bv lira ,1,1- ir. At v o clock a qietion ink will ne oiiencu era all 0twtllOD wil bit an werrd tor an lour TheWa trL. Malntl.ow wh i-h will exhibit at Aloanr,, Kept 0, ha Hoftn Hack Ki.lii g P.ry In s .ui.j, iuia cnaroiing ,i lie (poneu HI.elUt.d Por.y be neen trained lo ride two lire at the lima tmia and i nown by the name o. (nan(Uuiia- it i tne moat wonderiul ant artistic per lormeaci of any rqneairaln pony. Vou mar nert r nave anuiiiar cbance of treins u nareet oi isovei cene, o rrlng lb iniurrn io in rnte little pony; tim r pirajre win repxy you. it up I" It tVentner. Tonight end Tburtday fair and wtroi- nf. - n a ..... r. ivivrr .o isei. F. M . Fbxmcii, DUplavman. Watcheal Wutcha! WatcheM Wa hav Juat received direct from the factory a large atocK oi me ceieuretea ""'"t'h'e WORLDS BEST, There wMchee were bought for cb and we offer toeclal bargains F. M. Fkknch, The Jeweler. If vou want ft Rooa and cleat .uok buv ciaar maJe) by our Al bany ulgar factor To Cora Couitlnatlon rorTr. Take CmtvareU Canily Cutliartta 10o or 50, It 0. 0. a lull to cure, druwlNU refund money. DAVIS JON HSON. In Albany, In tbe parlor of the Kevere House, on bun day. Ann. 27. 1S!. by Hv. M. C Wire, Mr. Wade II. Davi and Mi Klsie Johnson, both of Harrisburir. The groom iia son of Ex-UecorJer Davis and for many year a resident of Albany, now clerking in a store in liar- risburg, and tha bride i an estimable vou nil ladv. a daughter of Mr. Win dom. They have the best wishes of many. W a yonn r. jone. irave ina napaeneer g.nlof he Southern PaiiU--, baa just reiuined from a trip I hrougb the vil- lamette valley, and he btine encourag ing report oi tbe condition ol rrop. He haa a unin ranco of hi own in Ma'ioe county, and h m u than a theoretical knowledge ol Ibe buiiueee. Mr. Jonc ay I hat . I lh weai her shall he favor able l oin not nw till the harvett ahall be fuily out cf the way. the loe from Ibe recent raiot will not be appreciable.-Oregocian. On bit recent trio to the moiniaina J it. Criaford secured about aix'v floe view of a pretty mountain aceuery a Hi ponbeto ecae in the world, mong other aome fine viewa aroond run end Char Lake. He baa alao taken tome piciurri of I Co. reproduc ing the big picture nf the Co. taken in San rrancioco lo a site that tan b olJ for 25 rem, and yet presenting Ibe fac t very oisiiuciiy. Tbettreet Jurinkler beran runriim to day. It it to be hoped it a 111 be abl to uo tocontlDoally for Ibree wel Will it. grain wat In thock when the raina be gan. uing to the (act that uully tliete it no raio in Aagutt, it ha not been the practice to t ut a cap theaf oo thockt ; tha retult it.the rin thorough ly wet tne allocked grain. From the 8tb to tre 27th there waa not ufflcient dry a-eatber to permit the allocked uimIo to dry out, with the retult that epronting tetin. The damaee done by tne rain cannot be truly evtimated; tbe grealett uamage oc' iirreo io tne Vlllamette val ley and in nortbeattern Umatilla coun'y. Tbe damage will in no case jiceed 10 per cent, at only about one-ball tbe fall grain bad been cut; tbe total lot will not exceed o per cent. Toe raina iave been of benefit to priof town craln, to hop, coin, ertatoet. nat'.uraite. clover aod tardeo. and It la thought that tbe oeneut win tuny otl-tet tbe damage, ao that the only lost la in tbe delayed work. Harveting and threading will oe re turned ny Wednesday. tne piMpeci lor crop in iregon ar gooil, better than expected, and, on the who e.oearly a good a In former year. Working foMheU. of 0. The College Y. M. C. A. of the Stale Ui iverity, detiie Ibe publication ot tbe follow log: ProDectlvrf a'ti.lnla of thia lnailn'tnn houll not fail 10 writ for a free copy of tbb Studenit Hand book. It contaiot much information about bwrd and lodg ing, and ttudeut affaire not found io tbe catalogue. rhe Cbrittian association, tbe nub- lieher of the book, render invaluable teivice to tho new atudsntt by meeting mem at tne tiaio. nodtna: boardina place, and helping them to get eetiled in tbe college community. Any obtainable information regarllng Eugene aod the uoiveriity will be freely and cheerfully fornUhed. If deeired. ooard and lodeine will be arraneed for in advance. Those who know of prospective stu dents are requested jto send the name and addreea ot all aucb to the Young Lebanon. Fr.m toe E. A.j W. 8. Mayberry and A. Parrish left ye'erdy for Dalit, wbere they have tne contract for bull Jmg a Urge barn. Hugh Bryant will toon leave for San Franciaeo witb the loten'ioi of anlisting in tbe U. S. navy. Lloyd M olli Is now se. vloj aa one of the tralo ditpatcbera of tbe B. V. Co., in Portland. It i very eeldom that ao youog a man I placed In such a respon sible position, which thow tLekiod of (tuff be ie made of. Mis Hela Gilbert and Mr. A.M. Hammer returned to tbeir bom 3 in A l- Thi Ciacta.L'mlt d space sill atlotpr bat tbe mention of a few of the many novelties Introduced by tbe Walter L, Main Circa this tea ton wblch txblblta at Albany, Wednetday, Sept. 6. Amsng tba most prominent features will be a detachment of tbe famoua Roosevelt Bough RiJers; tbe smalleat elephant In existence; tbe celebrated Livingston family of acrobats; tba great Wernts family sit in number: MhsKos Dock- rill, the most beautiful and accomplished of ail lady riders; Martina Mowando,tb Brssilisn horseback and champion om eraaoit rider of tha world ; young Her-, bert, tbe ten-year-old clown; Lll Re-tale, a SpringSel J, Vt., farmir and hit troop of performing pigs: Wm. ConraJ with hi bone-back aiding monkey; Cooper, the giant, the tallest man: Wild Rote, the wild girlt Delavoyeand Fritx. tbe funniest aod most eccentric of a I circus comedians, and Cananditgus, tba nan V tCNlarH.v afta .un1iit. Iltn. wekwitn tbeir brother at tbe Gilbert ' on'y borae-back riding pony. . rarcb above Waterloo. j ' Mrs, Jot. Smith killed a large rattle- Bio Clcbbino Oh'ir. Alfumt Wiic enaae in ins 7ara at the Kb (Hi a Smitb' arm one aay last week. It bad seven r Bines, a -rattier" was also killed on Mr. Baltmtrth's firm a short time sioce. This kind ol make la now leidom found in thl aection. Oacar Hyde, who died a abort time sijee, was not only tbe yonngest member ol the A O U W of this place, but waa tbe youngeat man ever taken into thia lodge. He had been a member about nine months, and at the time of his death was aged 19 years and 5 months. He bad paid into tba beneficiary fund of the order $10.80, and in dues 2.60. and hi parent will now receive 12,000. Tennessee Gatherings. A. P. Hood bai returneJ from Monroe. Mre. riarah Fronk returned last week from the mountains. Remember tbe Sabbath school next Sunday rt 10:30 a. m. Key. A. B. Hood, auperintendeot. Rev. Black, of McMinnville. baa been visiting with friend in thi vicinity for tne past tew aay. C. V. Boas and A. W. Wieht "have been canvaatiog "Underwoods" tteriop- i.cbd vie we. Hon plckina will commence immed iately J. Q. Swink tbe Farm paper five tv Democrat one year and Jonrcal, an excellent farm year, for the price of the Dmocbat. $1.25. Daily nbcribera can have ad vantage of It by paying in advance a year. Now ia tbe time to subscribe. Or der early aa tbenomter ia limited to on hundred that can be taken. MntiyaLover Haa turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witn an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath bvits action on tbe bowels, etc., as noth eise will. Sold for years on absoiuta guarantee. Price 23 cts. and 60 eta. ro aale by rotbay A Mason. If yott toiler from tendernest or fullaett a tbe right ide, pain under shoulder lade, constipation, bitousaess, sick eadacbe, and feel doll, heavy and aleepy nr liver it torpid and oaeeated. lte- Witl' Little E-u-ly Riser wi II core you promptly, pleasantly aod permanently by removing tbe congestion aod causing tba tile duct to opta ana Hjw naturally. THXT ARJ6O0D piu. Q. Swink beein Thursday Men', or You re Womeo'a Cbrittian as-1 and O. R. Keebler next Monday : other t I ti! ... - ociaiion, u.oiu, cugene. I wut ioiiow toon. Will H. Ross and Ed L. Umnhru. nl tbia vicinity, were initiated into tba tl 11- I . . r I . uouero nooamea at lseoanon taat rriday evenisg. Tbe ' Woodmen" now nave eleven members from Tennessee. a graduate of A!'eny college Jasper Wyman.the drueuist. and Wil liam ilarria, the caterer and expert ba ker returned last fcaturday ewmng irom tne tsreiirnbukh hot spring. Mlr Maud Croaby returned PtturJay on the ove land Irom Portland where he haa been vicilina several days since her return from Los Angeles. , Miss Minnie Bishop died in Elgin on August ztst. 1 lie deceased waa born lu Linn county. She resided in Kentucky awbiie doing special cburcn work. Mre. a. G. Marvin, of WaiUbunr. ar rived on Saturday night' overland and will viait with her father Mr. Yea Can non and her brother and aiater in th city. Mr. Charles Miller Is in the city on visit, on a ten .ay lay on. lie ia now running out from Siiaons and on hi re turn will have a position as brakeman on a paatcnger out ot Siaeone. Lloyd Duncan will leave tonight for Sn Rafael, Calif., where be will resume bit ttudiet in the military academy, and wuere no is mating excellent progress preparatory to the study ol law. Mr. Chatlea McGhee. of Gilroy Calif., who tins bven work inn in his cousin's store (or several years, is In the city on a visit, taking lit summer s v cat ioi. by a vip to Oregon. Billy Miller, ot Shetburn. who' placed hull in Albany several yean ago, was in he city today. He haa botn playing in r.aetern uregon this yesr and recently a lew eamea n independence. Minor it one of tha beet catcbera in the state. Xf- f!.ir...A T I a , II.. Al I ..... v.v...v ..nil., lliyviHliil UI A wu.. left Saturday evening on the overland lor uran s fast, where, be will resume the practice of his piofession. He has the best wishes ot many Albany frlenda for success. Dr. Adams, the dentist, will not prom ise to do any more work at Kewport this year, as be hat been absent from bis noma practice some six weeks. We are informed that he w ill tamd the latter nart of this week visitimr relative and friends at Detroit. Sclo, Shaw and Jeffer son and will return to Albany ami be ready for business again at bis Dental Parlors next Monday . Rev. Mr. Memlnger, who for the past live years has been the pastor of the Methodist church, will preach hia fare well aormon next Sunday. It is not known where he will remove, as that questisn will be decided ly the M. E. conference which will miet next moiitb. Ash. and Town Talk. Chaplain Gilbert pa seed through th city this noon on his way to hugene from a visit on the West Side. He spent the twenty minutes stop here with Maj Ellia and sister. A good many very nice stories are being to'd by the boys ot the second regiment about Chaplain Gilbert, all ot them ehow'ng that the second reg iniont had the star chaplain of tbe Stli cori. A limited quantity of wood wid le taken in payment of an organ cr sewirg machine by E. U. Will. -w Eilnoat Tone Itowala With C Hi carat. Candy rmhnrtlp. cure constipation forever. 10c, 86c. II C 0- C. (ail, druggists refund money. Dr. and Mre. Adam returned this noon from tbe Bay and will visit friend aod relative in tbe valley several day oeiore rotaming to work a; tbeir office next aionuay. Mrs. unariea TilloOoa. wco bad an arm biokso in a nnaway aoident near independence, eeverat week ago. ia ill with pneumonia at her home in Beb- unconnty. Mr. and Mr. F. L.Soch arrived in Al bany this morning Irom Tacoma, where they have been with their dauuh'er Mrs. alter l'urreil, for sev eral we. ts. Mrs. W M. Wo! vet ton of Spokane, returned tbla noon from the Kay. Mr. W.i a daughter of Mr Louie Miller aid M'. Vio-verioa a broil er n Chief Jus. loe o vertoo. Daniel B. Briok.of Melvern, Kansas, arrived in Albany ibis noon, on a vt-n wtib bla bro ber, Thorn Brink and family, whom ha had not seen t 4 twen-ty-stveo yra-s. County O.erk Crabtree today issued tw o licenses for marriage, one to J. R. Towers aod Miss S. S. Sylvester of La comb and the other to Zenoa G. Ames and Miss May C. Henderson of Sweet Home. J.O. II est wood and W. D.Gotsara, f San Jose, passed through Albany on tbe overland lor bom witb live hundred pouois ol go.d dust which they bad digued out ct tbe ground around Daw aon. Mr. Fred Wallace, ot 1 Co.. went to Oregon City to accept a position in the mill, aeenred byoue of bit frllow sol- diets. There is a strong and lasting friendship between the Albany and Ore gon Lily boys. Bsrney Bond left today for to reeoiitt in tbe U. o. service. He recent ly closed a tnree yean aervice In tba 4tb infantiy. and wa dichatged after hav ing neen io botn tteuubsn aod fhilip pine war, aeeing some very active ser vice particularly in tbe former. Cbas. Briclers, tie tallest man in Or g.n, who resides at Dallas, csme over this morning via stage, lie measure tt feet and 19 inches in bis stocking feet nd is still growing, tie is L'5 rears f age ana weigh Tii pouud and is ooust. aatem journal. Capt. McGregor, ot the Salvatiob Army , leit tbis noon for Mosier, near Toe Daliet, in retptnte to word received yesterday that her mother who resides there was dangerously ill. A-jother Capt baa been secured lo take her place during tier ansence. ivnight t apt Hubbard will have obsrge ol the meet' ing. Tl e boost wbicb were offered ssioriset foe the beat examination pipers io tbe WilUmette university law school last spring havs been li tributed by 'Dean Kicnaraton. in the senior class w. Kl lis Richardson took the first piixe. Eo cyclopedia of Heading and practice, in twenty volumes, and F. W . Power, the second, Uo-operattve Digest, in six vol umes. in the jui lor e ass 11. A. John son, Jr., txtli t..e urn of Blackatone'i ;?omtnentariea, four volumes. Salem Journal, Qi W. W aits was busy yesterday get ting a file cf the Dsmorat lor two months to take back to Dawson arith bim. He will leave Seattle on Sept. 7, having re ceived a dispatch frm his paituer, Dr. Wilcoxaon, at Chicago, to he ready nn that day to start back lor Dawson. On bis way back Mr. Watts will have chtrge nt about ten car loads of mining machin ery, Urrat ttrides are being made at Dawsoi in the character of mining op srations, The old way ia fast giving w tones methods. W. F. Hammer is home from b i mrunlsin outing. J. A. Ploaimer. of LrooJ. is In He cny tociay on ttosioess. Miss Pbemia Hoffman haa coca lo Vancouver to attend scl ooi. Mrs. G. W. Simpson, of Portland, baa joinea ner nusDend et tbis city. Mies Ura Minn returned thia noon Irom her H bite Fata trip. Mrs. J. X. Hoffman is in Portland in specting the millinery opening. Mitt Chance, nf the public schools, te- tnrned this noon irom a3 outing at tbe Bay. Prof. Lee and family, a hi have bean in Portland aeveral weeks a, tha home of Rev. Lee, returned this noon. Mrs. Robert Brown who haa been at tha Bay for aeveral weeks is now at the Summit, on a visit with tba family of Lesley Mattcon. Colonel Parker, ot tba Wall Walla Statesman, passed through Albany tbia noon on hia way home from a aeveral days inspection ot tut goat ranch near Toledo. McK. OTSCE. I hare made arraneementa for free delivery of dressed chickens Sat urday aiiernoons. tava your orders early for good chickens at reasonable prices. F. G. Powbbs, tha Foultryman No rUre. No Pay. That ia tbe wav all the drne-ffisia sell drove a Tasteleat Chili Tonic for Chl' Is, malaria and biiliontmaa. It it at pleat ant to take at lemon tyro p, 60j. a . iyuj.1 mi. viuiv wr fining re frigerator and ice cream freezer. Tba fctewart & box Hardware Co., have soma of tbe best. I ettcr LL.t. Following i 11 list of letters remaining in tbe Postoffice at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Aug. 30. 1899, Pertona calling for these letter mwt give tbe date on which advertised: Bolton, Minnie Bryant, Mr G K Doran, Mr Jacob Hunter. Mr Roger Middleton, Mr Wm Budget, Mrs Cist Douglas, M iss Grace Deby, Mr Ben Kampla, Mrs Mary rarker, K Parrish. Mr Everett Peterson, Mr Swaa Rosa, Mr Wm Rhodes, Mr J A Rhodes, Ira Taker, Mr BT Thompson, Mies N Ilia Postal cards Hunter, Mr Marry Huston, Paul J . Willita, Elixa " 8. S. Tnanr. P. M, Wyoming has gone I meet tba returning I Tbe Governor of to SanFrancisco to Wyoming boys. Fifteen young men Dtss-td through Al bany laat ntgut lor tba fbilippinta, recruits for companies already there. Tbe Albany Trading Co. have moved their store front the Baltimore block to second s'reet, between Ellsworth and Lyon. Cspt. Willis is endeavoring to get no a company for the Ph lippioea made np entirely of veterane. whose metal he knows. A large number of threshers started on work this morning all over th count aud more will follow tomorrow. Several began aa early as yesterday. Mr. tiharlet Davis reooats tbe Lots in his yard west ol tbe city n splendid con dition. Tbe hop crip trom ses to be tbe best for years.with hops in fine condition J.G. Crawford has received a large or der for pictures for tbe Oregoolan's big new year edition. prer-araiiont (or a hich are already being made. Tba new postal orders sre being re ceived by tl.a valley p. m'e They are tmtuer and mora convenient than tbe old ones. The sender will receive a re ceipt, which will be a great convenience. Dr. Hullinger recently of Lebanon, - is being heard Irom in Portland He ie a rustler. He run a big advertisement in the Telegram that would do to a merchant for sixe. bdward L. Mima, a 1'endlrton iawver whotbotj. Henry Miller in a saloon baa been charged with murder b tbe coroner's j lry and will have to do eorue live rustling to prevent beiug stretched by hemp. A Portland man named Ford recently Inherited tl 000 from a California rela tive. He drew $600 out ol the bank and a couple ot Irienda bad it telore he had gone two blocks. Then he drew tbe other $400 out and invested it in the re cent Astoria races. A foot and bit money are soon parted. Recently an advertisement appeared asking for a gold watch'that bad been lost by Mi. henry McSee. Advertising doea sonde e, but failed to reach tbis rase. New, though the reason it plain. The lime iteeper.a small ladtet watcb.he was keeping tor a friend, was in an in side po -.tet ot another suit ol clothes. In the meautims Henry had bought an other watch to replace the supposed lutt one. The salary o train dispatchers on tbe Southern Pacific R. R. baa len fixed at $140 per mrnlh, dispatchers' operators at $90 per month and the minimum sal ary for tl'grphere at $70 (r month A set ot rules and regulators affecting tha work of those employed in the tele graph and rtatiun department haa been agreed to. w hich will have the effect ol making lit' more pleasant for them in the (nt ro Railroad Telegrapher, PeorisIH. Young FSaihasrs spS' i tsfii EagB Brand l "y-PjiX CONDENSED MIXK f- t-orrinr tMe. aa T-ell aa f-f A X mrrT.Tr 1 f-- cooking. It t. atood tba teat i farcy yean. V O """' lossirs CoMDieac stiui Co., New Voaa Q fx OL STATE H0BI1L M;oS. Orcp. . Training bchool 'or Teachers, new de partmenta, ungraded couotty school work. Gradnates secure cood positions. Strong conrees. Well equipped Train ing department. Koroial conrse,' quickest and best way to State Certificate. Expensa for year from $120 to $160, on rir eataloone. address P. L. CAMrBtU. board $2.60 to $3 CO per week. Tuition, Ptasident or W. A. Wahji, Secretary of $6 25 per term ot ten week. Faculty. Fall term begins Sept. 19ib. Summer 1 g P, 3 i as Ik XJS .ri . tJ J A f sf : Vour grocer, Veeps it. Th Magnolia Flour Tonigl warmer. it fair, Wednesday; River 2 feet. lair and A cn-i All. II- t.t-U S ,! f -1" No. a ttlhw I'd t.-.aiiuti l I : n. . . IICfHUl P Xr tV ?J .ilc .-.jnt in. i,..:.-r. In- i. ; JtV '' A bi-ni itl. j j...i lt! Jit ll -IL- t-'Hi- nHiiic Hkr tl. rr -i -i-t .t - - utc CMintt w oil' r tort utait r r S-l'o F-e-rw cm or fcr: f V s. " v. ' ' ; 1 CiiKXn or rr- . - r.!? rrni -. 1 U iw.l tut Uir BlUi.tb BlHtKS Tt t FARM JOORKAi layout mwi mart tm rn p r" tr- V ola. i( th frri hnitrt-iwn ht u. :n u tquit-nftT -yon-nw--iiMi-a Farm ? "J the worVti-thw' biPTktM't rrpn . m - r. v -of Ataericahavixifpovcr m milliuuaci. Ut ' , Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FATS J ' a YEARS (trni-wtn of ifloo, tofm iqoi tqu end -jci u fo any addrtss lot A DOLLAR BILL, Sample of FARM JOLRNAL and circular deacrlbtaa BWl.iJJI.r . wn.ur aTKmson AdOrcae. FAaux J1- cuaa jKnauia. -- I