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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1898)
cuwwat TERMS. IL1rrKMOCRAT'25centa Per month f 3.U0 per advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to unover months. Single copies 5c. StWuKLY. tl.25 In advance; 51.50 at end .year; $1.75 for second year; $200 for lrd and proceeding years, when not paid , advance. Club of 6ve new subscriber - to.OO. a few Ladies Long Cloaks that are be ing sold at a great redaction. If you want a targe amount of goo la for your money oe sure and see them . All the capes and jackets in the department sold at a reduc tion, A good serviceable umbrella for 50c Lota of style in the 75o grade and lots of "wear too If you want a better one "you will 6nd it hem at the same ratio of low price to good goods. R and G corsets in styles and shapes that will fit any form. Aline of French -corsets, good fitters, made of French coutil, drab and white, all grades to $3 50 -for $1 00 Have you seen our 50c and $1 tine. There are no better for that price. Agents for Buttorick Patterns. S E Young & Son, Albany, Oregon. READ, PEACOCK & GO, Albany. Oregon. CLEARANCE SALE' "Save the dimes and the dollars will save themselves." People have been saving money several years bv trading with us and they're still at it. ' Every article in our stock s as low as local rates for equal quality, but during this month and continuing until Febru ary 15th, "9S, we propose to give you 12 1-2 Per cent discount on each and every ar- Excepting Thread, which we are un der contract to sell at a fixed pric?, and out of style cloaks and shoes which are marked in plain figures at prices to close. We can only make this liberal offer - where the goods are paid ior when taken ana in no case wneie trie amount is en tered on onr books, if for only a short time. During the sale no premium checks Will be giveu, but checks now outstand i Jg will be redeemed at their face value in our premium silverware; bring them Don't delay your purchases until the last day of the sale, as the selection to Read, Peacock Co., COUNTY COURT. 'The Lowest Levy of Any County in Oregon in Linn. -A Xew Precipct Ordered, Tallman. Gx Burton, county judge; J Cmri. Commissioner!. 1 X. Watara D. L. The county court met this afternoon in an adjourned session and made tLe fol lowing levy : fctate levy 1 S Jj' mills County expenses 3 29-30 " Indige'nt eoldieis 1-30 " County schools. . ....5 " Total ...12 " The levy last year was 13 mills, which raised about S34,000 for the county ex penses, and there h a balance. It is thought $32,000 will ran the govern ment the coming yer in this county. A petition with 84 names was present asking for a new voting precinct with Tallman as the voting place, and was being considered by the court this afternoon-John Koper was placed on pauper list at $7 per month. In Oregon agt Cliff Alrams transcript of J P Avowed. Petifon of W S Weddle et al for change of road districts granted.. C I Kains was appointed sopervitor of dUt46 g after transacting the following ad- itinn&l bnainpf - Anew precinct was ordered, to be called Tallman, taken from North and Sooth Lebanon. Center and Prie. with Tallman as the voting place The vote in it will be about 100. Surveyor Fisher is making a map of the same. ' The connty clerk was ordered to com pote the tax on the amount of the as sessable property as equalized without regard to the action of the state board of equalization. The state board ordered the assessment on cattle and town lots raised 10 per cent The contract for bringing the present ownership book recot d np to date, was let to E. C. Neal for $100. TMi a ffrtlllrinT itirfvAB .nil . m Af election were appointed for the new precinct of Tallman : 'A C Harden, Geo . AIcKnigbt, b K Hammock, jr.dges; W Vr Crawford, D B Troutman, clerks. following road supervisors were ; appointed : District 714, Charles Rich- ardson; district 8, Henry Cyme; dist 48, . J B Davis:dist2.G W Arnold: diet 53. Ubbe Peters; diet 37, Frank Pierce; ditt . ax. w x liocnrau. Bills allowed: J M Waters, acct poor and as com.$ 8 00 1) L (Jurl, as com 3 00 M A Miller, acct poor. 350 2 60 Pat Mciiraevy, Bach & Buhl, " John Bryant, ro-ds & bridges.. A Nicdereon, " " Ubbe Peters, road supervisor 53. . M H Donnelly, eopt 20'A J B Davie, road sopt 48 Jode Pearl, road bud . W J Willbankt, roads and brdgs 9 64 75 27 72 14 CO . 52 00 . 8 00 44 00 I 35 uates. Mr Isaac Hisey of Minto has moved to Gates. He will be tbe future landlord ot the hotel. Mrs Gates returned from Mehama this week, where she bas been visiting ber daugnter, Mrs James Uox. Dr Hughes and lamily have moved into their house in the city. There has been a great deal of sicknees in and aronnd Gates this winter. Mr Bevier and Mrs Drais are quite sick with the la grippe. Mrs Henness, who bas been i'. I for about a month, is in a verv . attlftaf f.nnn'ition at thia writ In. Miss Lona George who is teachirg at Niagara, is the guest ot Mrs Hughes. There will be a general exodus from this place to Klondike. Messrs Collins. Warner, Craik, Foster and Lewis expect ' to start in a lew aays. The medal contest given at the ball last evening under tbe di rection of Miss Tavlor waa a perfect success. Tbe con testants who are pupils of our school. performed their parts so well tbat the contest was a verv close one. The beou- tiful W O T TJ medal was won by Miss Elsie Dilley. A p'easing feature oi the program was the good night drill of the nrimarv class. The proceeds of the en tertainment, $7.50, will be need in buy ing books tor a school library. Albany Market. Wha 63 rents. . OaU 23 Eirtrs 20 cents. Butter 15ro22 cent. Potatoea 25 ennta. Hams 11 to 13 cent. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 to 7 cents ' To Care Constipation rorevep. Take CiVBcarets Candy Cathartic. lOe or 250. It C. C. C. fall to cure. druiruiUi refund money. ! 6.00 buys a good Mandolin with boot $5.00 bay s a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choicecatgut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice "cat gut" Violin E strings. $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buysa5-drawersewing machine: high arm, light running ; guaran teed o years. 2TPrice8 on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on application. E. U. Will Albany. WHEAT. New York 92,S,(. Chicago 9ln San Francisco 82c. 1 Liverpool Ic higher. Kailroad Ru.nors. From the Astorian: The latest in railroad circles is the re port put out last night on good author lty that Mr. A. B. Hammond's latest scheme is the completion of the old Corey uuBuirouKa iueieuaietn toaconnection with the Southern Pacific, thus formimr an outlet tor Willamette valley Droducts u i reci to Astoria, in connection with this it is said that the Klickitat railroad, now partly constructed from Vancouver, Wash., will be finished to the eastern Washington grain fields in the same in terest. The presence of Corey Brothers' superintendent, Mr. Wattis, "iu Astoria, lends some olor to the statement. Two years ago it was stated in the Astorian that Mr. Hammond's plana probably contemplated the direct connection of Flavel with the Nehalem coal fields and the Willamette Vallev. Obituary. Daniel Wilson was born in Franklin county, Ohio, near Columbus, on October 14, 1814. and died at the home o! his sit ter , Mrs. Elizabeth Blain. in Albany, Oregon, on January 15, 1893, at the age of 83 j ears, 2 months and 27 days. At the age or fifteen he moved to Michigan, where he resided until about three rears ago, when he came to Albany, where he has since resided, in very poor health. He died a christian. The funeral eer mon was preached at 10:30 a. m. today by Rev- T. J. Wilson, of .Eugene, and was of particular interest from the fact that the two men had been acquainted since 1885, a strong friendship existing between them. President and Mrs. a ue leturned this noon from a trip to Portland. Mrs. Happersett went to Roseburg yesterday on a visit with relatives and friends. - D. B. Monteith left this noon for rort- land, on his wav to Skagwav, where he expects to do business for awhile. M. J Monteith is in the citv. In a few davs he will begin traveling for Hood, Foulkrod & Co., a big Philadel phia dry goods house. T. B. Merry, an old Oregon newspa per man, who has been lest mbt of tor several years, is now editor and mana ger of the Los Angeles Phoenix, a weekly paper of good circulation. Ex J. W. Blain was a passenger for Al- him nn lout ninht'e U. ... J v an... wigu. a liD C" Kpects to go to Los Angeles. California, in a few days, where he has secured a situ ation. Salem Statesman. The Toledo Leader says that: C. E. Hawkins a young attorney from Albany has located in Toledo and will engage in the practice of law. Mr. Hawkins comes well recommended, and wa wish him success. His office for the present is with C. B. Croeno. i Mr. Ralph Knapp was in the city to day on bia way from McMinnville to Eu gene to enter the state university, going into the sophomore year. Mr Knapp recently was interested in a joke that really didn't amount to much, but it cause J a good deal of feeling, and the re sult is the change stated . ' Mr. F. S. Kelly, managarof the Port-1 land Co's Red Crown Mills, of this citv ! yesterday went to Portland to reside, having been promoted to the position of Secretary of the head office of the com pany at that city. He will be succeeded here by Mr. Towneend, the present bookkeeper. Mr. J. A. Wilson, recently boook keep er of the Albany Breing Co. and a prominent Linn county politician, has secured a position as deputy U S mar shal under Marshal Houser, at Portland and left for that eity yesterday to assume his duties. He will make a competent omcisi. Deputy United States Marshal Hu np rey is once more at bis pott of -doty in : the marshal's office, having returned j from Albany, wbiiher be was called by ! the illness of hia wife. The many friend's ! of Mrs H um phrey will be pleased to learn that ber condition is not as senous aj at j first reported, and that she is on the road to recovery. Telegram. Tbis week Alexander Rennie received dispatch from Charlie Pearee of San Francisco, asking the former if be would ccept a position in a dry-goorfs store at Echo, Nev.. at a certain salary, proprie tor having asked Mr. Pearse to recom mend some person for the position. The inducements are such that Mr. Rennie has decided to accept the place, and with his wife, starts text Monday tor Sacra mento where he will meet hs future em ployer, and.should no obstacle intervene, make permanen arrangements to take up his residence in the silver state. Mr and Mrs. Rennie will be greatly mistei in almost every avenue of Corvallis' so cial world. Corvallis Times. In a drunken fight at Hjnen, Ky, over game of tarda last week eight roeu were killed. Any whiskey is bad enough, bat Kentucky whiskey always has a Hilar plexa blow. The Jefferson Review aavs: We bad the pleasure of attending tbe installation of Albany Tent, KOTM.and alo wiw newtd some initiatory work, which was superb. Albany Tent ia jnstly proud of its team . 1 be new commander is our old friend W A Cox, and we predict be will be a good one. DIED. KNIGHTEN. On Wedneadav morning. January 19, 1898, st his borne near Tansent, after an illness of several years, Mr. Perry Heighten, at tbe age of 75 vears. IU.. J I - m in 1Q1 taking up tbe claim on which he resided tbe remaider of bis life. He was a man of eood habits, an excellent husband, fa ther and neiehbor. and bia death will be generally regretted. Mr. Knigbten was twice married, having fourteen children, of whom seven, two sons and five daugh ters, are living. Tbe funeral services win be neid at tne .MO . a. m. residence tomorraw at 10 o'clock after which the remains will be brought to the Albany cemetery for banal. A LITTLE SUFFERER Face, Hands and Arma Covered With Scrofulous Humors How a Cure Waa Effected. "When five years old my little boy had scrofula on his face, hands and arms. It was worst on his chin, although the sores on bia cheeka and hand were very bad. It appeared in the form ot red pimples which would fester, break open and run and then scab over. After disappearing they would break out again. They caused Intense Itching and the little sufferer had to be watched continually to keep him from scratching the sores. We became greatly alarmed at bis condition. My wite'a mother had had scrofula and the only medicine which had helpd ber was Hood's Barsaparilla. We decided to give it to our boy and wo noted an improve ment In hia case very soon. After giving him four bottles of Hood's Barsaparilla the humor had all been driven out of hia blood and it has never since returned." WIIXIAM BABTZ, 418 South Williams St South Bend, Indiana. Yon can buy Hood's Barsaparilla of all druggists. Be sure to get only Hood's, eoreLirer Ilia: eay to take, nOOO 8 FllIS eay to operate. ceuU. - Ready for the Klondike Rush, . Dr. Adams, of the Albany Dental Par lors, is tontemnlattnor nulla a anrA rla.l rof extra work (or the coming season, so ne nas arranged a 1600 gallon cylinder to generate an nir pressure by means of pipes. It is conducted to his two dental chafrs where he allows it to Bteadily blow on the gums around the teeth carrying with it a chemical compound that dead ens the gum and nerves of the tooth to such a degree that one is surprised to reanze mat ins tooth lias been removed without any pain whatever. The Dr. is enthusiastic over the matter and has re ceived 1000 gallons of this chemical com- pound for painless extracting of teeth. uet tne goM work go on for if there is anv way under the Bun to handle the teeth without pain it ought to be done. Salem Men at Dawson A letter from Wilbur F. Cornell, of Dawson City, well known by old Albany people, to his brother in A ed recently, states that John Singleton and his two brothers, who went to Daw- aun irom oaiem, aoout iu months ago, had located a claim on Bonanza creek, and tna after a partial nrosnect of it. had recently sold a half interest for 2 . 000. Mr. Cornell baa been in the In ner Yukon country tor several years. He writes that be has some of the very val uable claims of that section. He thinks that halt the story of the vast riches buried in the frozen earth ot Alaska has not yet been told. A Guanos Kb-cxion. Last Saturday Harmony Grange had one of the happies't re-unions held in macy a day. the occas ion being the installation of its officers, under the direction of Deputy State Mas ter If B Springor f Oak Plain grange, as sisted by C II Walkerand Mary F Walk er of Grand Pranie grange. After the installation, an exceedinly fine dinner was partaken of by upwards of seventy grangers and invited friends, then fol lowed recitations bv aohonl hnra r,,l girls and also by several lad) members ui mat grange, borne sweet songs were sang ny me grange choir. A song in Chinook jargon by two members from Grand Prairie, brought down the house. Several earnest speeches were made. The officers for the year 1898 an J M Settle, M; J Clem, O; Dan McGregor, L; E Palmer, S; FM Powell, AS; Lucy Komipe, chaplain; N F Dawson, treas uror; J W Propst, secretary ; H O Pow ell, GK; Hattie Settle, Pomona; Savilla Powell, Flora; Etta Gentry, Ceres; Mollie Palmer, L A 6. The Cos Sxk. Several lots bxlonging to tbe Geo. S. Coj estate were sold tbis forenoon at referee's sale at the court house and were bid in as follows: Lot 3 block 4, and lots 3, 4 and 6, block 63 to tbe First National Bank for about ?50, lot 2 b'ock 6 to G. W. Wright for tlOO, lot adjoining residence of Dr. Wallace to Dr. Wallace for 190. Axonothb Northern- Lights. Wm. Loomia, of Toledo, wrote his mother from Dawson as follows : I am down for tbe last of my eupplies, we have plerty to last us till spring but it costs lota of money. My gt ub is worth (1500 at prs- en: prices id. Sullivan is on SknWam. he is staying with ns white be is building nis caoin, ne nas an interest in a claim next to ours. It is nearly all night here now, a little twilight, and there will not be any day in about week, but the northern, lights make u light enough to pit - up m iu an miuaignt, mey are not only in the north but ail around. A RrsawAT. Mr. Jack Miller, of Mil ler & Turner, was waiting t the St. Charles this morning fur a drummer, and went insde for a moment, leaving nisteam wnen the horse became fright ened and ran away. Being headed west they turned upon the bridge and ran across it at a terrific speed. At the junction on the other side they left tbe buggy in a smashed up condition, and went oa without it. Thev were finally recovered. At Yaqcisa. Large quantities of pil ing are being brought to Yaquina, from the front, by the O. C. & E.. preparato-y to repairing and enlarging the wharf at thatpia:e,wea!so are informed the comp any contemplates tbe erection of another large warehouse when wbsrf imdrove n.eota are completed. News. TTJE3DA X WHEAT. Liverpool lfc biRher Sew York JMc. Chicago 91, Sc. S n Francisco tSSc. Albany 63c. Hands Full of Suits. They are h,ving a cat and dog time in Lincoln county. Two suits have been' tied in the Circuit Court of that county a- gainet R. F. Jonee.aa county clerk and bis bondsmen forma last two terms, tore- cover the sum of (5288,00, money alleged to be do the county collected by tbe e'erk and re.ained aa bis legal fees and emolnments; also for money received in tbe redemption of property sold at delin quent tax aile. The rid contention that tbe clerk is on a alary is made in the' cowtplafnt, sa;s the Leader. Tbe case will be heard at the coming term of court. At tbe recent session of tbe Coontv Court the sheriff presented a bill of (8, 370 79, receipts of the office turned over to the county treasurer, and a com prom iae was ordered on a basis of (f .700, and a warrant wasdrnwn for thesame, where upon an injunction suit was brought against tbe treasurer by Beat Gaither, R. Butler and L. M. Starr, as citizens and taxpayers, toenjolu the payment of the warrant and also that in tavorof Geo. R. McKenzie lor -50 for experting tbe records. The allegation concerning the warrants drawn in favor of Sheriff Land- is that they were drawn for neither fees or salary, and that tbe aessioo at which they were ordered drawn was iilejcal and not properly held . F. L. Kenton, of Porilacd, came up luis noon. A Klein, ot Salem, returned n 8 ter- day from a trip to Mendota, III. Miss Lillie Farrel left today for Port land to spend seveial months. L . O. Ralston, a business msn otOlex, illiam county, is registered at the Per kins. Uregooian. J. Nat Hudson, a former Linn Couc ty man, is now J, P. at feutnpler, and also practices law. Mr. and Mrs, B. A. Stafford will leave tomorrow night for lower California for the benefit of tbe former s health, which bas been poor. At the U. P church tonight the sub ject of Rev. Stevenson't sermon will be Is Your Name Written There. Go and bear it. Everybody welcome. Judge Barton, C. B. Montague, Hon. J S. Smith, E. C. Neal, and II. Bryaut went to f ortland on the noon train to at, tend a meeting of populists in tbat city A copy of tbe New Era. published Wavtsburg, Wash., contains a number of academy items, among others an ac count ol an entertainment, in which former Albany young lady, now one of tbe teachers in the academy, took part and is referred to as follows: "Miss Mse Pollock recited in a charming manner tbe piece entitled "Tbe incomprehen sible too utterly too," or words to that effect. The recitation waa received with enthusiasm by the audience. An encore was insisted on." the enrollment in the academy is now 72. Klovdikkwabd. James Collins. F. W Pntts.T. W. Craik, L. E. Warner, Ev erett Kraemer, J. H. and W. T. Foster, G. T. Cox, Wm. Lewis. John linger, Jas, Agee and Chris Jarstaad, came dow from the Lpper Santiam last evening and lett lor Jfottland, where tuey win take the Oregon next Sunday for Alaska and the mines. On tbe same steamer there will go from Albany tor Alasks H. J. Sower, 0. G. Rawlings, D. B- Mon teith, Al Boenicke, Henry Williams, W. a. rieitter and John nolle. jNone ot the Albany men will probably go further man inngway. J. B. Cleland has been appointed cir cuit judge to succeed Judge Stearns at Portland, a good appointment. TOCUREXCOLO IN ONE DAY. Take Iikxatlva Brom- ;Qulutne Tableta All PrugKiits refund the money If It falls o Cure 2Tc. Tennessee Gatherings. Tenniss&e, Jan. 16, 1898. Ah 1 you ask me where I am. I am fortunately alive yet. Imbibed too much Xmas? Well, I guess yea. It did almost get your servant down, but, we should like to bear of the experience of our bro scribe and friend, "Little Rose Bud," (L. R. B.) on tbis particular occaeion. Tennessee has enlivened to such an extent since my last communication that a literary society baa been organized with several studious members, who mean business A strict constitution and set of by laws will be be sustenance of government, with a determined corps of otticers, who will meet all demands in the way of the execution of the laws. A society without parliamentary law is the same as no society, hence these words which constitute a part ot tbe preamble of the constitution which wa adopted by tbe society last Saturday eve : "tor the purpose ot increasing our knowledge in tbe usages ot Parliamentary Law We. the residents oi the Ten nessee school district resolve ourselves into tbe "Tennessee Literary Societv In the choice of .the first president, the members have acted nobly. G, Wash ington Columbus Davis, who received the high honor from our late president, jas. k. niacklaw, is a man superior in the knowledge of parliamentary law to any one in the society and is a man of high character and great presence of mind, being possessed of a wonderful magnetic governing power, wbich fits him beyond question for the highest honor which can be bestowed upon him by the society. He has acted fv-r four successive years as the 'first president,' and his election at this moment shows the confidence wbich the Tenneeseean places in the "fattier of his country." Other otlicers elected were : Vice D resi dent, Annie Blacklaw ; secretary, Charles V. Ross; marshal, C. ID. McKnight; critic, Jas R. Blacklaw, all of whom are blight enernetic ladiea and irentlemen. The question of the evening, for debate was won by tbe affirmative upon "Re solved that the world is round." Tbe question ior debate next (Saturday is an appropriate one: "Resolved that tbe monutae gold discovery win be a bene fit to tee Prcific coast." Every Mie is invited to this society, which ta bound bevond question to bo a suceas. Tbe local teacher's institute, which was held at the school bouse Saturday, jn, ta, proved to be a grand succeaa Many subjects of importance were riia. sussed, to a great benefit to maoy. The visiting friends and teachera spoke very highly of tbe 'hospitality shon them, especially oi the dinner. Ptof. Baker of Lebanon was champion p-e biter, over a? a leu m a. Miner by a majority oi several pieces, and by the way. as Sir. Miller is spoken of aa vice president under Bryan we were surprised" at tbe result. Some oi tbe most Dromiuent nrnt (mm abrod were Supt. Wheeler, Hon. M. A. Miller, Prof. L. H. Baker. L. A . Simons and Kev. Aaron Baltimore. T P. Mc Knight, as chairman, acted nobly, while Charles Roes, was in bis elements as secretary. One week from next Saturday eve Miaa Winnifred Wilds, teacher of the public school. will eive an entertainment at the school, wlrch promises to be a rare treat Misa Wilda ia an excellent teacher and the public should attend. Now Little Rose Bud can yon not come to the entertainment. We should like very much to wel.-oice you. Los Angeles Letter. Bovtas Hzights, Jan. 13, 1898. We will again wiite a few line from tbis beautiful place, called the Gaiden of Eden of California, and we can sar it is aa lovely a place aa ever ooe beheld. We bave such delightful weather here, we have just bad ooe of tbe nicest showers of rain fiat ever fell ia Southern Calif ornia and I tell you it waa badly needed by the (armors of this part of the country, tor the ground was dry and bard, and the farmers were afraid they -aere a boat gone no and were thinking there would be a draught. Tbe weather turned some hat cold and tome snow can be seen near here on the foot hills. At Red lands it snowed 4 inches, the deepest it haa ever been known, but none fell here. Badlands ia cloea to a large range of mooauina and no damage was done to the fruit belt to amount to anything. Quit a Urge crowd of people were at the depot )t-rday to see the re mains ot W. II. T. Durrani, which were brough here and taken to Pa sadena for cremation. Hia body will be cremated by the Pasadena Crematory Co. today. No one will be allowed to see tbe per formance but bia own relatives. Mrs. Dora Snaneler. of Kama Anna, a daughter ol Mrs. Mary Beard of Tangent. waa here a few days ago aad made us a short visit. Tbe weather here today ia clear and warm, a person coo id do without a coat. Can Oregon beat that for this time of the year. There was a light frost here this morning but tbe sky ia aa clear as a crys tal ! Los Aogeles river is hatdlv deep en ough to run a skiff down it. A great maoy people did not kcow why oung America came to California. He came here for the benefit ot bia mothor'a health, she is improving in many waja hea she hrst came ahe waa so weaa ehe could hardly walk, bot now she is gain ing some in strength and we are in hope she will still continue to improve, we ave found josoy people have come here (or the same puipote from all over the nited &!at8. We did not like to leave Taneent for we found some aa good people live there aa live anv where. We express our sin cere thanks to tbe kind friends who did so much for mv akk mother wbile we were there. We will always speak a good word tor Tangent and hope that some one will correspond to the Deocat while we are away lor we always like to bear from there. Wekoow tbe editor wilt accept a good correpondent from Tan sent. We served abont nine years for Tangent. Yotsa Amebic. Lisx W ill RaracarxTKo. Tbe State Poultry Association's show was opened f ortland this mcrmng and promise to be tbe greatest success in lis history So maoy birds bave arrived tbat it ia al most impossible to take care of tbemand find places to exhibit them. Mr C D. Bates, ol this city, is superintendent ol the show, a position he is eminently able to nil. Lion county is well represented among the exhibitors, those abowing birds from this conmy bring Mr. Hates, 8. and W. Ilulbart, U. o.hedd. U. O. Woodworth.R. Ackerman.T. W. Koss, Grant Thompson, r.. Adamsoa, r. Hul burt, E. Dow. A PLATtxcrf Bed. Dr. I. W. Mahon, of Elmira, Lane county, was a passenger on iuesdays train tor Newport, vr. Mahon goes to tbe vicinity of Otter Kock where where be believes there is a de posit of platinum ore- f hre is no ques tion but that platinum exists along that part of tbe coast. loledo Leader. I Salem's school tax will be 6 milk. Tbe republican congressional convention will probably be held in Eugene this year. A picture of Durrant painted by tbat rising young artist, Mr W ill Harris, msy be teen in tbe Dkmocsat' art gallery. Prosperity haa struck the cotton factor ies of the New England states, and seveial hundred thousand operatives have a'rujk or will strike, on account of a reduction in wagta. L,eusr List. Following is the list of letters remaiuing in the l'ostoitice at A limn v. Linn county Oregon, Jan. 18, 1898. Persons calling for these letters must give tbe date on which they were advertised. Andenon, Mr W P Merceo, W R D Baker, Mr . amie Baker M ra A E -Clark,' James Clay, Miss Funnie Cole, Mr Bud Dawes. II E Franyen, Andrew Friendly. Mr S U Girard, F M Hall, II B Hammel. John Mills, Mrs M J Morgan. Mis Myrll Montgomery, Mark Cox. Mr George Muncey, Miaa Amey Jaiseer, H Raw, Mr L Stoirs, Andrew J Troxel, J A 2 Wait. John H Woodcock, Miss M M Yates. Mr M J Ray, Mr Arthur 1 Rogers, Mr E T, package. T. J. Stitxb. F M J. Gradwolil Inform tbe general publiethat ha lellaalowas anybody ia the city tor ah. ' Come and get prices before you buy April 1st, 1897. J. Ueadwohl. VtMiJ-tJC XUOJJA SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Will Stites returned home this week. Mr. Henry Blakely, of Brownsville, waa doing business In Albany yesterday. Mrs 0. D. Kennedy, of Portland, is in the city the guest ot Mr. W. H, Parker Tbe Democrat is informed that Mr. Jacob Modi went to Eugene today to be married. License has been issued for the mar rirge of Charley Huston and Lottie Mil ler. B. F. Thaver and W. E. Kellev also ,' have the fever and will leave on the Ore gon for Skgway. Arthur, the eight Tear old son ol Mr Henry Taylor, ia lying dangerously ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Charles Batnford left this morn inj for Los Angeles, by war of Portland, intending to locate there Enos Amos and J. J. Rothelte, of Sweet Home, went to Portland today on their way to Alaska. Charles Hellenbrand.a young business man of Spokane, is in the city on a visit to relative! Salem Journal. M. L. Hubler, tbe newly installed lav nf V.llaarnrth Poat. f. A r of this city, enjoys the distinction ot bet ing, to tar as known, tbe youngest sol dier in tbe Union army Corvallis Times A San Francisco dup.tch says: Ex- Mayor Adolph Sutro Is both menlallv and physically incapacitated from at tending to his business affairs.and friends and relatives have tor soma time dis cussed tbe advisability of applying for letter oi guaroiansiiip Mr. Ralph Knapp ot McMinnville Las entered the U of O. Mr. Knapp was formerly a student ot McMinnville col lege where be gained considerable re putation as a man, a scholar and a cen terruah. We are glad to welcome! him. Eugene Register. j Chai!es Templeton of Halsey, a ter mer atudent ot the U of O returned home this morning, after a few days' visit wun lrieout in mis ci'y. He may return to Eugene soon and re-enter the university His brother Fred who graduated last June Is meeting with good success as principal ot the Banden public school. Harry, U ot O '16 L at tending tbe Prenbrtehan Theological Seminary in San Francisco this win ter. Register. Lively Skagnay A tetter was received this morning by Mrs. Ramp, from her husband who re cently went to Skagway with a view of doing business He and bia son and Mr. Moon, who went together, were each at work at $3 a day and expenses, and tbe other Albaay men were all doing well. Mr. Ramp and son and Mr. Moon were boarding at E. W. Acbieon'a, who with hia wife were running a boarding houre Table board waa " a week and meals at restaurants from 25c to (1, the latter (or a good meal. There were 6,000 to 7,000 people there, resiles and undecided, and many were starting for the mines every day, determined to get in aa soon as pos sible. Nearly every other place waa a saloon or gambling den, wide open, and men ana women drank and caroused aide by side. While seeing .for bimrelf now minga were being run he saw one miner iut from Dawson lose 135 pounds ol gold dust and another one 60 pound. Lota for business bouses were f 1000, just large enough for a cabin, and cabins Ux'JO rented for f 75 for business par poea. Land jumping occurred every night. A man mi hi go to bed with a lot to get up in tbe morning and find a cabin belonging to some on else on it. One night about midnight be heard $0 abota fired over a jumping business. Mercantile business was overdone, and everything waa so feverish it could not be told when there would be a rush to some other place. Tallman Precinct A established bv order of tha Conntv Court of Linn county at the January ! term 1S&8, Beginning at tha south east corner of Section 8 in In 12, 8 R, 5 west ot tbe Wil lamette Meridian, Oregon, ai.d runnirg thence north 5 miles to tha N E comer of Section 30. to 11, 8 R. 2 W. thence west t mites to tha N W corner of e- tioa 19, tp 11, S K,l W, thence south one mile.theoce weM2mitaetoibenor Ji- weet corner of feeclion 23. tp 11, 8 R, 3 W, thence south ooe mile to tbe north west corner oi Section SI in to II. S R. 3 W, thence south 3 miles to the south west comer of Section 10, S R.3 W, thence east five miles to the place of be ginning. The boundaries beia at the John Dennev farm, running north to tbe Ray mond Burkbart farm, west to the corner of tbe B N Hard man farm, sooth one mile and then wen to the Oloey Fry line. south into the old John Long farm and thence eaat to near John Denney's. A Sao Cse. According to the "Sis-! son Mirror" Mr. W. R. Cook.ol Brownr ville. Or., a brotbet ot Mrs. P. Newman, who waa drowned in Siseon Lake last week, as bas already been reported in tbe Tiding, cam down last Friday even ing and on Saturday took the remains of M ra. Newman to Brownsville for inter meot. He was accompanied by bia air ier Miaa May Cook and the two Newman children, Mr. Newman, the husband of tha unfortunate woman, who had been working a lew mile out from Colusa ae-. cidenlly came across an account ot bis wife a death in a newspaper and hormd home only to teach Siesoo Saturday even ing after he remains bad gone, lie fol lowed on Sunday's tram. YaortSA Bar at Wabhixotox. A dis patch saya tbat tbe Oregon delegation has been try tog for several weeks to bave a conference with Secretary Alger with reference to the contemplated improve ment at Yaquina bay, aod desnea to urge him to let the contract provided for in the last rivir and harbor act. Owing to thai illneae of the secretary, the dele gation has not beeu able to see him, aad nothing baa been done. Tne prooaim- itiea are tbat nothing will be done at l a- quina bay, because the engineers are aga'net it. and the otlicers of the govern ment do not be leve in it. The Pkeent Sitcatiox. An eastern man wishes to know tha present situa tion ot the O. C. & E. exteosion. The company haa been reincorporated under the name of the Corvallis A Eastern for the purpose ol extension, with the head olhce at Albany, and the wora oi nir. Hammond haa been given that the mat ter of extension will be taken np as soon as the Astoria road shall be completed, which will be in a few weeks or months. The money has been promised, and there is general conuuence ia mo hkumuu, A Stair Papkr The Ukmocrat Ik received copy oftbeSiam Free Pre a dailv naner nnbllotiea at nangaoa Siam. and dated November 15. It con tains several complimentary notices of John Barrett, Minister Resident and Consul-Gentral, besides a picture ot him anH a kelrh ol lHS lite. KeiemCg 10 lb tettlement ot the Keilet assault case the Press aays: "Mr. Barrett maybe sincerely congratulated in possessing tbat tact which ieide to such brilliant successes not only in diplomacy but in other walks of life." Mr. Barrett ii only SI year ot age. He i lorrner l'ortrand - t : . I .1 . man, having ueen a reeiuuu oi mm chj when appointed in 1891, Both Sieb. From tue Koseburg Re view : Some weeks go the Oregon'an prosperity edition stated that $137,680 in mortirairea were paid off in Douglas coun ty during 1897. Tbe Review is pained to say that during the same lime f l4,657. 45 of new mortgages were Hied, a com plete list ot which, taken froji tbe record In the county clera'a office, may be seen at this office. Since a large part of tbis ai37.6K0 ot cancellations was paid off by foreclosure, or the voluntary deeding ot mnrtoaired premises to the morteasee. the painful fact remains that our finan cial affair are in a worse shape than they were a year ago, a lact borne out by tue unusuauy i""K ueuuqueui tax net In a pigeon shoot at New York city laat Satnrdai between Fred Gilbert aod I Alt Rlliot.tbe two lit shctt in tbe United States, Gilbert won 06 to 91. The recent shoot of Geo Froman.of this kept up would equal 95, and ba can come pretty lore tctaaaing sucn a sccre. HOME AND ABPOAD. Twc telephone line now run from Dres to Lake Linderman. Brownsville has twelve miniUvi, several of whom bave retired from active duties. Mrs Stuttz.wifa of th OA 1 1 lrn1.. who bas been in Albany several times. iu uuuuisuo, uian, several aas ago, A fifOOd tnanV MUM nf maaataa . r iicuuing pnyscians are requested to see that In all caw a 11 ig ia placed out as provided for by ordinance. Marion county's tax levy has been placed juiMiiis. a ua amount for county ex pens is 6 4-10 mills, nearly double tbat of Linn county. Tne Saiem city tat will be 10 mills and the city school tax 6 mills, rawing a total of 31 mills Albany's to tal tax will probably be 25.J4 mills. B B Lndgs, a gardener on tbe tacKenzu sent a sample of celery to a big St Louis grocer, and immediately received an order for a car load, which would have been worth about tl OtO in 8t Louis at whole sale, but he bad not raiaed that . tenaively, and bad none to abip. He will go into tbe ouainesi on a larger scale next year. French the jeweler. Romona pure spices. 6mire 's clean printing. Romona Romona pure extracts . Try Schilling's Beat tea and baking powder. i be BeU Crackers in town t(!P Rm. Bulbs at Viereck'a ahavinir and hair cutting parlors. Picturra from 7K nrnti In t9L u At- . at Longs gallery. Get a set of carvintr Knives for an xmaa present at Uopkin Bros. Call at Honk in Krauil mam lh -.1 -t koires beat line in the city. C B Winn, citv tick etagent. Tickets to all points in the eaat. Set vonr wahrh with r.M.'. if you want the correct time. If VOU Want to "walra nn' In..- .I.. clock at French's jewelry store. Vrwford& Harntah for photographs Pricea from II to t?0 per dozen. Be aureaod se tbe aoti rut tinware at Uopkin Bro, will las. a lifetime. Saow Flake" flour ia mad by the Red Crown Mills of Albany. j one line of new macintoshes just re- - uwu uunoing to l. 1 TJ our pop corn ; it never fails to pop. r v a - v. o pwwnu. i.-u rown '-the standard of color ou ogui ia nour. All grocers have it . No one can affurd t -i ba aril see the low pricea al Franco's jewelry storel laae tne U U K cteamer for Portland down river on Sunday, Tnssday and Tbors day. Rsirrs Lon-d. set and pat in first ctaa orJer at Ytereck's shaving aad hair cul ling pariors. Lrge aaL-a and msL' oro6U ia tbe motto of Hopkn dm. and ihat n why Uiay are ala)tbuav. When you want a choice tUmk. a nice roator meat of any kind, call on Henry Broder. He keeoa the beat. uis M. b. and o K. Bers officm and mitKnce ia poat ortic building. Special attention given todbeaars of women. luteal meats of all kinds aad vond treatment at tee Albany Dressed tt4 Company's market. jat d)wo Second street Good weight and prompt attend tioa, Ifi th uniform Eo:h of the New Rd Crown flwr wjich m tcea it to input pea ab e to tne p!ry cook. It can alwars be relied upon for 1 results. Try it. Bridge Town. Jancary 10th, 1S88. Enrroa DexocajT. The froga are squeaking and the birds are smelling, indicative of an early anting. A good manvfiirmeiaareDlowinariffht Ulong regardless ot lb rain. They any j they want to get in as moca grain aa pee in foreign coon trie thev want to ret aon .we. in case oi another lailuraot crona more of the beoeS;s ot McKiniey proa There was a Sabbath school ornaiod at our Khool boat on last Sunday chr'!- ceu The Brdge Town Sunday School. The new officers are as follows: J A BU yeo, superintendent; George Arnold, as sistant; Frank Tnarp, li brat: in; Roy Sheltoo, assistant ; D Coneer. secretary ; L'rd Shelton, assistant; Nellie E Bilven. chorister; Maud Btlyeo, aasiaunt. Tbe Sabbath school meet every Sunday at 2 o'clock in tbe afternoon. I understand George M and Lr BiJ yea have rented the frowning aaw mill, wbich has been idle tor acme two years, and are now operating the ame. The mill is sitnated about four mile east ol Scio. It is a splendid steam milt and is locate 1 in a fine body ot Umber. Old Uncle Ueorge Bilyen and wife are now living with their son J. A. Bilyeo . Uncle George is 80 year and almost blind and bia wile haa been a crpple tor thirteen years. Code George a bets tamiliaty known, bas been one of the moat influential and leading democrats ot Linn county and is still strong ia the t&- A Bxoixxta. TO CUBE MTOHS DTSPfPSlA To Gain Flesh, to Sleep Well, to Know What AppctitcanJ Good Digestion Mean, Make a Test of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Interesting Experience ot an In diana polls Gentleman. -o trouble is more common or more misunderstood than nervous dyrpepeia. reopie having it tbin tbat their nerve are to blame aod are surprised that they are not cured by nerve medicine and spring remedfe: thereat seat of the roisciiid is lost aigm oi , ma siomaca is tbe organ to be looked after. ervau dyspeptic often do not have any pain whatever in tne stomach, nor perbap any ol tbe utual symptom ot stomach weakness. Nervous Dyspepsia shows itself not in the stomach so much as in nearly every other organ ; in some case the heart palpitate and is irregu lar; in other tbe kidneys are affected ; in others the bswels are constipated, with headache ; still are troubled wun loes of netb and appetite, with accumu lation of eas, sour risln - and heartburn. Mr A W Sharper of No. 61 Prospect St., Indianapolis, Ind , writes as tallows: "A motive of pure gratitude prompt mo to write there few line regarding tbe new aud valuable medicine, Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets. I have been a suf ferer from nervous dyspepsia for the last four years; have used various pateot medicine and other remedies without any favorable rerult. They sometimes gave tempoiary relief until the effect ot the medicine wore off. I attributed this to my sedentary habits, being a book keeper with little physical eiercise, but I am glad to state that tbe tablet have overcome all these obstacles, for I bave gained in flesh, sleep better and am bet ter In every way. The above is written not for notoriety, but Is based on actual tact." Respectfully yonrs. A V Sharper. 61 Prospect St., Indianapolis, Ind It is safe to say tbat Stuart' Dyspep sia Tablets will cur any stomach weak ness or disease except cancer of stomach. They cure sour stomach, gas, loes of flesh and appetite, sleeplessness, palpitation, heartburn, constipation and headache. Send for valuable little book on stom ach diseases by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. All druggists sell lull sixed packages at 50 cent. NO CURE NO PAY. . That la the wiv all dru-ulala GUOVK'STASTKLBS CHILL TNIC for Malaria, Cbllia and Fever, it ia simply Iron and Quinine in a taatelasa form. Chlldten iovet. Adulta prefer I to bit'er, naosaattng Tonics- Prlo. , 50o Catarrh la the head, that trouble some and disgusting disease, may be en tirely cured by a thorough course of Hood' Saraaparilla, the great blood purifier. Hood' Pills cure nausra, sick bead ache inligestion, bitliouaoess. All drug gist o. To Cava CcmatipatloB orTr, Pake Caacareta Candy Catharlla lOo orSE& If C C. C (all to cure, drugll refund incary. A. Large and Up-to-date Stock of WHEAT. New York 93c. Chicago 91 tc. Sao Francisco 83 Ic. Liverpool 'c lower. Albany 63c. Oakvilie. We often hearth expression, "I never saw so nice a winter." Perbap we bare, out tins winter 1 not onr yet. A half tarn bear haa been seen b eevora! In tbis community. It is quite plavful and alway satisfied when it geta an ii can ear. We atepped into the depot at Tangent a few day since. We found all of tbe earned meu of tbe village aaeembled there. Uncle Jesse McGbee, Henry Set tlemire, Alfred B-evins, Mr. Hudson, Mr. hmith ot' Tangent, Mr. Smith, of OakviLe, and a few others tbat we didn't know. Uncle Jeaaw aid that he was en gaged in "cleansing the church" tbat day but we learned tbat he waa only boa sod bad plenty of t'me to talk. Tbe learned (mil men we-e diaenaaing "tbe bad aud graft quaetion." Mr Smith of Oakville created qaita a sensation among them when be said : "Experience has clearly proved tbat the oae can he uc ceaafolly budded onto a pear tree, also tbat tbe pear ran be budded upon aa ash." See Psalm 71:17-18. Raymond Barton, son ot our county judge, returned last week !omeaat of tbe mountain where be ha been reaiding for mora than a year. Tb po iticiana are beginning to pre pare for the race. W aunatime wiab that we conla lay aside principle aod honor and go out oa the political race track, io be aucteaslnl ooe doesn't want to be too heaviiy loa Jed Littue Rosa Bro. Tag U. P. Meztixos. An excellent aermoa was delivered last evening on "In my name written there," and tbe at- tfccaooo Bible studies under Rer. Wilson are of murh interest. Tbe subject to night will be "Wbat Shall I Do With Jesus." Sailmo Date.-! be Steamer President ia doe to sail from Yaquina fur Saa Francis co at Booa Jaa 19 b . Paoengers hoaid leave Albaay at aooa Toetday to coomct. In Olden Times People overlooked the import ante of per manently beoeSeiai effects aai were tafia 6aJ with tranaieat actios ; but bow that it is geaefaJly known that r-yrupot Fia will permanently overcome bab'itUAl couttipa- Uoo, well-informed people will not boy other laxatives, which act for a time, bat iaally Injure the system Buy the genu ine, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. Dos'tGcb. Perfume aracstaia ta pWaue her, especially when you give Pal mer's, the best, -ee our awrtmeot in fancy boxes also oar line cf Toilet cases, aibama. irlove and handkerchief boxes. comb brun aad mirrer aet All new and op to date gonde, w ask your inspection. PCBKHAET ot UXE. How it this, Bnrkbart Lee are now offering guitar mandolin, banjo aod vio lios 25 aad 50 par cent cheaper than eve before ia Albany If yoo are 'hia king of purchasing any thing la that line yon will do well to call oa them. Regardless ot Cost. Jalio Gradwohl Intends to go out of tb crockery and gjaseware buaiaes, going ia to some other line of bo4oe$, aad heace wid sell hi good of this kind regardless of coat. When )ou cad and get hi price ion will be convinced that be meana btai ntet, and will believe wbat he sav J W Bently, theptorm boo, and shoe man, does first-elaaa work cheap. Calloa him, just north of the Democrat office. The office tbat doe high grade printing ngoiiitock, for the price of the o'taer and. Smiley, the printer. Let everybody come to tr.! Star Baker) and get ' )- ot lih bread for ft.or cash. C alarat TO CURE A CLD INOS DAY Take Latvive Brm Ultntne Tableta. All drugyUu refund tbe m oey if It fails oCure. 25c. Stop that Cough! Take warning. It mav lead to Coosumutioo. A 25 1 bottle of Shiloli adre niT rare your life. Sold ny roabay c Masou. Karl a Clover Rov Tea, far Con$tipa- hon U a th l!e' and if after using it you don't say a refUrn the package and get four miner, sndbr roanav A Mason CASTORIA Tor IxfanU and Children. Tit fia cail Itfutsn at h c Mraic Miss Milarcl Burtnestet teacher ot piano or organ. System the Mason touch and tec unique, tteeiaenct Fifth street, opposite U P cbuieb. The beat assortment of piper, lope cards and printer taM .narv of all kind ia tbe valley. Suu.av the printer TOCURE A COLO IN ONE DAY f.iTtiirt Bf siQl nins Tableta a n n ii r iM rafu 1 1 l is u. in y If t fall Cure. 25o. n f School diling. Merrill buys City, County and warrants. Office In Democrat EterylMMly Bays aw. Coacareta Candy Cathartic, the most won derful iiiixliertl diaooery ot the ape, lea aut aud refivaluna- to the taste, act gently nnd jioaiUvely on kidneya, Hver and bowfj. cleansing the entire avatem, dliel colda. cure iit'uunuu, ic'i iti.i.-. . . ' . and blllonaneaa. Please buy and try a box ottiCC. to-day; 10, 85. 50 cent, bold and guaranty.' to cure by all druggists. WINTER CLOTHING For Old and Young, At Low Prices At PI t O I IS CLEARANCE SALE .... AT THE LADIES BAZAAR ... - Having bought the stock of good of the Ladiei Bazaar, beginning on Thursday, January 13. for thirty day we will eell every thing in stock, except standard pat tern and thread, at T Pn.p in order to make room for spring good Call for bar VU I A gain, and watch thia space Ior nrice. L. E. & H. J. HA31ILTON. H.F. MclLWIN, 9 pkg Arbuckle coffee $1 "0 9 " Lion coffee 1 CO 4 " Arbuckle or Lion coffee 45 Beat brand of floor, ner raca 85 5 gal beat Pearl coal oil 60 cent Spider Leg tea, per lb 85 40 Notice our Grocery Display in show window. Cutprices in all lines. January 18, 1898. A SOCIETY EVENT AT THE Altoj Opera Hgisb Two Kighta, Commencing Fridav, Jan uary 2lt Mr a. Ada Dow Currier Present Miss Janet Waldorf and a strong supporting Company Friday night: IN60MAR, The Barbarian Sat night, Sheridan K row lea Celebrated Comedy The Hunchback. Mr Currier is the ladv who presented Jnlia Marlow to the Amerxaa po'uiic neaerved eatjoa sale at Burkhart & Lea' drug Mora Monday morning. Pricea: 1st 6 rowe. 73c. balance of dow a stairs SOc, reserve, gallery 50 and ii cents. STKWABT AND SOI HD. CO Dealers in Hardware, Faiitsani Dili. wagtm lateral Ins, Steel, Coal. Chain, etc bvova Wheat is a good price and there is no reason in the world why yon should not bay yoar wife a cook stove. w can nt yoo out with anytnutg in tne line of stove aad ranges, having a large stock of "Jewels" and "Lniversala" constantly on band. Ocss a.xd aaimrmx-Hunting ba now commenced and we are prepared for it with a fine line of gnn and a big stock ol ammunition. Uurs'ock of shot guns is particularly good and tbe price very low. Call early and get yoorchoice. BicTCLaa We still carry the two beet bicycle in tbe market tha "Columbia" d "Hartford." There isn't anv other wheel that will give aa good satisfaction, and the people are beginning to find it out. We also bave a repair shop, so ii vonr old wheel needs any work, come aronnd and we will put it in good shape tor you. JawaxDisK Hannow Doe your old iak harrow rear np in tbe middle un less yon ran a rail into it? When yon get a "Jewel" yon woa't bar thia trouble. It ha a aolid steel frame, ia the most durable harrow on tbe market, and it it doesn't do ae good work aa any of them yon can bring it back. Plow and Haaaowh Yon can't raise 30 bushels of wheat pet acre nnleea yon get tbe ground in good condition and we bave tbe implement to do it with a no want to sell them. We can sell yoa plow that will be light draft and will scour in any soil and we don't think any one can beat ua on price. The Bist Brocr brought into tbe val ley ia Studebak-r'a "laser," and wa in vite you to come aronnd and take a look at our slock. We have tbem in light and heavy sisea.brewster and end spring quarter leather an! full leather top and tne gear in lore different color. 100 BrnsL of wheat is a common every-dav load for a SV Studebaker wagon. It l not warranted by tne nia era under such a load, but it carries th.t much right along dunog tbe straw-Lani-ingaeaaon. However it i warranted to carry as much as a 8V; wagon ot any other manufacture. It yon ant a wag. on that will last yon during the teat ta your life, buy the "Studebaker." Scrtaioa Drill Wm Jordan. E U Farwell. Jno Hutchine, Wm Walker, J E Arcmbald, B J Becker, Al Perrv, 8 Freerksen, tieo E Edge, Z G Hayea, Frank Tntea, E D Barrett, If you think the Superior drill is not right at the top, aak any of tbe above named gentlemen, each of whom bought and used one laat spring. Wa have just received a ear load for tne fall trade, and they are not old bankrupt stock from Portland, but were abiPDed direct to a from the factory Aug. let, Come arc and and see tbe very latest and beat drill. Don't Forget that tbe place to buy al these article and many other tbat wa have not mentioned, ia at the store ot tha STEWART A SOX UDW.CO. Xdaeat. Yoar Bowala With Caacauwta, Candy Cathartic, ear. constipation forever. loe,sic. lU.uu.rau.orafKis'SiwiiuHiBacaay. t the CASH STORE. 20 yd standard print Men fin calf shoe Men oil gin shoe Ladies fine kid shoe from I 00 1 2S 1 00 1 00 25 25 '7 tb Arm 4 Hammer soda (bulk). It ox plug Battle Ax tobacco We Sell Chlnaware, Crockery, Glassware, Notions, Books Very cheap. KNICHT & ffiBEB CLEARANCE SALE at THE FAIR- Underwear. Hosiery. Gloves Xitts, etc Sal3 closes Jan. 18th J, Aa Weaver. T. 0. Shaver. (Successor to F. L. Kenton.) Second St. opposite, DzxornAT office. Will constantly kep on hand a good stock c groceries, fresh produce aad fruits, which wit be sold at living trices. Piano,Grgn.ToiC8 Cnlture.IamiQSj Haa Hda R. Gilrm, Xn FraaeaaG Ba Teachers of Music WaatuBgMa Swaattax C PCkaKfc, A'Aanj Wood For Sale. Good Er wood for sale by the cord, from to 10 cords, delivered, for 00 to 2.75 ner cord. Oa tbe ground. mile n-rth of steel bridge, from $1 00 to 2 00 par cord. Call oa or address J. ?. lanlweli, Albaay Or, or leave word at Dkxocjut office. Special School Meeting. KOTICKIS HERESY GIVEN TO THE legal voters of School District No 5 Una county, Oregon, taat a special meeting of said district win be new a' vxurrai scoooi building on tbe 26th dav of January A D, 1S9S, at tbe Hour ot 7 -j j ocjock pniw the following objects: Forth purpose of levying a tax oa taxable property or in district to supprrt tbe public schools for tbe ensuing year Dated this Hth, day of January, C G BrnManT. F E ailxk. Chairman, pro tern Clerc. 31111 lot Sale. For aale or wilt exchanee for improved real estate, a large, well equipped sawmill, in good running order. 1 bi mm i ana ated adjacent b. a large timber belt ana nashn snipping facilities, nere bargain for some one. For further par ticular enquire of The Stewart Sk Hdw Co., Albany, Or. STREET RAILWAY NOTICE. The motor on tbe Albany afreet rail way will connect promptly with all train to and from the depot, day and night. Special trip will be n ade at special t!a. l. K COHJJ, Conductor, K. O. T. M. Terr Saturday ewnina at K. O. T. M. hall. Viaitinir Knight inviied. W. A. Cox, Commander. FOR SALE.-Kew Barlock tj pewriter for aale cheap at Blain O tcre.