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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1898)
yawn WI.Mjgi mm (mm THE CHEAT FOR CURES PROMPTLY. LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. W R Bilvea, Foehay & Mason block. JEN Blackburn, P O block. H Bryant, P 0 block. Anderson Cannon, P 0 block . J N Duncan, P O block. T P Hackleman, Pearce block. O E Hawkins, Ousick block. Judge H H Hewitt, P O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Carl, bank building. L H Meotanve, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block. J M Somen, P O block. H 3 Watson, bank building;. Weatherford & Wyatt, Bank bnilding, Whitney & Newport, Ousick block. Q W Wright, P O block. Lebanon. S M Garland. Brownsville. A A Tuasing. 00. C, U, CHAMBERS,... Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem- oes. neuraliria and other diseases, with galvanic electricity. Office on Ferry Si, wmr ou ovro. .. i DR. J. L. HILL Physician and surgeon. Office, First St. IRST RATIONAL BARK, OVaUAHT.OBMOM VioaFTaklt .. a v rnti iii ! I. W.LAHODOM t TSASSACT8 A GSJfKKALbanktatfbaaa ACCOCNT8 KEPT subject to hwk. ma", w . rXJ luar -ni tmmrm.nhim bin Now York Saa madMO.CUeaco aa rl OLLIOTIOW aDKaa twraMe Itrmm S Tom- Laawsoa PAQooawra, t Fau C. I. Fusa. ROBERT A. OILLER ' ATTOBHKT AT LAW ' OBX003 OTT, ORBOOK Land Titles and Land Office Bus'nees a Specialty. Clubbing, Rate?. The San Francisco Weekly Examiner next year will give to its subscribers a $10,000 residence in San Francisco rent ing for $00 a month, a 13,390 U. 8. bond,a 1 1,600 gold nugget and hundreds of other things. You can get the Examiner and Wzeexy Dkmocbat for $2.50 a year, will the Daily Dkmocrat by mail for $4.25,by earner $5.75. in advance. The Dkmo cbat will order onlr on combination pay ment ST LOUIS "REPUBLIC, semi-weekly AAA nf the best Daren in the United S'aiea, and the Damocrat paid La advance, foe only $1 5. Honey at 7 Per Gent. 1 have a limited amount of money to loan on good security at 7 per cent inter it, five jeaxs or longer. Interest payable annually. Address Box 125. Albany Ur. JUST RECEIVED it En. J. S. nsrj to A complete line of Japanese Holiday Goods, Handkerchiefs, Fans, Table Mate and Fancy Basksts. Don't fail to call and get bargains. FOSHAY 4 MASON -Wholesale it Retail JRUBBISTo 1BD B00I81USU .. . ALB AST, OREGON. Pure Drugs; and the finest and LargeeJ - Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. LO0KHERE. ThB Oregon School Supply Eoase, ". .Incorporated, of Alliany, H er n n e to stay and is now prepared to furnish school districts with every I Ding ueeuea in uie line oi bcoooi jurni ture and apparatus, such as seats, desks maps, charts, globes, blackboards and in fact ail of the necessary articles which go to and are required in the school room. We are also general agents for the famous Kennedys Dissecting Mathe matical blocks for teaching of mensura tion and teachers instruction. . The blocks are indeepensiabl in the school room, and boards of directors will do well to come and examine tbem and see for themselves. Theee blocks are uni versally endorsed by the beet teachers and educators in the land and are to be seen to be appreciated. Give as a call Our prices are the lowest and our terms the best. Office Siraban Blcck, Room 20, oi stairs. s . Grbqox School Scfplt Hocbb. our capacity IsUnequaled In the Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurpassed In Oregon. We have the best stock to select from and our price are always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. The Printer ..;HERClLESiTheMa9nolia HAS AND GASOLINE s7.r,T!wi:.4 , ' - ' j Built in special lizes for printing offices and factories; State your wants and: write for prices and term. Illastratfd catalogue furnished .free upon app'ii a tion Amsricam Ttfb Fockdkbb' Co. ' Portland, Oregca. Eitneat.Yoar ttowel. Wttu tuenrau. CahUjr Cutnnrtlc. cure constipation forever 10s,S5a, l CO. O. tail, draygii'-refund mcuey wwmw khiI1 " 1 lllll ' I REMEDY Star Bakery Corner Broadalbin Jand First St CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR' -Dki in- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruit. Tobacco, Sugar, ( Coffee. Etc. Canned JlcM Queenro a Veget"cJef Cigars, Spices. Tca Etc. verytbing that U sopt in tood variety andgrc oery store. High est pt'-oe paid for ALL KINDS OF PKODfJCI SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. -FAIN Lei 1 ' No qoeation aNmt fall and prompt ' ment of losses by fire on insurance plaae ' with the leading agent of Albany. M. Senders. W-fiatHetaesPeopleFor Don't allow yourself to be roped into tn Tarioos "Local Mutuals" now being pushed on yon as being "cheapest in surance. "hen you insure you do not want to worry about getting your money t case of loss. M SENDERS Insurance. Hay. Grain and Woo!. Mai Cla Hoes. I wish to announce to the farmers with in the vldnity of Albany, especially those interested in hozraisinir. tbat I have pur chased the hog known as Common's Ideal, No. 3621 3 recorded tn the American Pol and China Record Co, the one tbat took the second premium at the fair this fall. He U a fine hog and a good breeder. J solicit Use patronage and inspection of parties interested in good hogs. He b accompanied ly a yearling of my oa raa ing which s recordable. I have three thoroughbred sows which 1 aoi raising pigs from. I have a few pig at present for sale, all recordable. They can be seen at the Skeels place, one mile oor h of Albany- F H HUGHsON. The Gardener. Mill tot Sale. For sale or will exchange for improved real mate, a large, well equipped sawmill, in good running order. 1 hi mill i sin atei adjacent U. a large timber belt and baa fine shipping facilities. Here iss bargain for some one- For farther par ticulars enquire of The Stewart A Sc. Hdw Co., Albany, Or. LINN CO-ABSTRACT COMPANY Albany, Oregon. Offices, Bank of Oregon Building. Only set of abstracts of Linn County. Complete set of maps and plats- Charges reaeanab'e. A Fine Heater. Hopkins Bros., of this citv.have taken the agency for the new International Domestic Beater, which is a great thing forhous-i keepers. - It fits noon an ordinary cook stove and beata the water in a tank without the old water back which to often destroys the cooking quaiitifta of the stove. They ut ilize the waste beat, taking the place of first joint of stove pipe and are great fuel savers. I hey are sure to come into gen eral nse. Tbey can be seen at Hopkins Bros, hardware and stove store. These beaters can now"be seen in nse at H. R. Hiydea and Councilman O. P. Dannals. 6 1 .AT .SMALL. V n a : s 1 'nr. ln..rh Cif. spin, or J -s-lt ktlt Rupture's .ws iastrocdona to ear. ytmrm i, i . rm WOK na AT OOB 1SUT . h.. Mil, aad Um atMot this great pad, as it iatar du it.ietksliy. For sale by J . A. Camming FRANK SKIPTOH Successor to John Scnmee-. Livery at Reasonable Kate W Jl keep teams for 10 cents, with feed 40 cents, all nieht $1 00 J. M- RALSTON BKOKEIte 3 D .ors East of Democrat Office. Money to loan on farm security, all mall loans made on personal tecurity. City, county and school warranto bought. Collections made on favorable terms. ' Fire insurance written in three of the arg-HiiompMnie. in tl e world, it lowest ate ' Laundry c siryipsow & sow 8 andarfl Prices Work Warranted "' off and pl-iuib'icg. ' -sane Oppokit 4& i& -3ttzA fiCOST Xyf' O'-Ofl'' a3 CongreiniiBii T.-uiiue teems to husy these days introducing bills the removal of charge of d be for The uprising ot Indians In Idaho has an old time sound to it. The govern ment shouldputitdownina canter. Senator John L Wilson, of Washing tan, has just settled a several thousand dollor note for ten cents on the dollar That is not a good example for a United States senator. The charges of bribery are being poured red hot into the Uanna camp. The Democrat' guess is that they are true, but who can prove it. The man taking a bribe will never tell, nor the man giving it. Some of the papers are writing about the decline ot the senate. It will con tinue to decline so long as such specta cles as that just exhibited in Ohio are common. The senate bas become a body of plutocrats, whose interests are common with the trusts and monopolies of the country. An Albany man got a job in Juneau thaniirht he reached there. People ..);.,.. M. .ill think that Juneau is I OSSVe ak just the place to go, but then you can not always tell. There will be lots more money left in these Alaskan towns than is ever taken out. Watrh that fact and see if it is not true. The Portland and &eattlepapers are having a warm discussion as to which all Klondike outfits tbeeheaper. At the present writing both cities undoubt edly sell the cheaper. The proof been clear and conclo.ive. has Because elected TJ S senator of Ohio Mark Banna says that God reigns. A rood many people are beginning to think tbat Mark Hanna is the one who reigns. Hanna'e esreer has been an unsavory one, and it is silly to connect God with his election, in fact maks sensible people tired. The man who reported an uprising of the Seminolee and the killing of a large nnmberof whites when nothing of the kind bad occurred deserves being placed in the center of their war dances. Down on t :e canard spreader and may he be kicked from auiong decent people, whether a private citisen or a newspaper man. The Oregonian devotes more e?ace to the meeting of the frnit growers ciation than it did to the Darrant hang' ing. This displays good judgment. Frnit raising is to be a great industry in the Northwest, and it is pleasing to see so much attention paid to it. As a newtoaoer the Oregonian is a model; It g.ves the news well without the gilded sensationalism of too many large papers, and devotee space to important industries as well as to prixe fights and hangings, tbat is, U seeks to give the news whatever it ie. An eastern paper that ia ezrmolarv in this respect is toe Washington Post, a newspaper devoid of sensations ; The political issue will be more em phatic than ever, tbat of the single gold standard against bimetaUsm. nr. Gaeehas thrown the gauntlet down. and it has been uken np, and will be k.r.( nn until tba oeoDle decide tbs issue. There was not a straight vote on it at the hut issue, as the promise of I nl.rn .f inn. I bimetalism prevented it. But inrnatiooai bimetaliam bas been proven to have been a wii'othewisp, and it will not again figure in the matter Other important issue will be tbe tariff and trusts and monopolies, each offering mnch to think about. Take your pencil out and do soma fignrina. The United States is becoming Civi lized enough to have lynching done away with. It is a barbarous relic, and yet so long as our courts of justice are run in red tspe styles, at horse ear speed, there will be lynching. The peblic pulse calls for prompt justice, and it wi'l beat very fast if there is a delay. Technicality ehould no longer rale. The spirit of tbe law is to secure justice, and there ahould be less hag gling over deUils. Processes should bs simplified and the court' should always have the end in view, tbat of convicting the guilty promptly and clearing the innocent. Here is a pretty book on our table entitled "Parasitic Wealth." It ia written by John Brown, and ia just from the prestes of Chicago. Tbe . author says it is tbe question of qnstiors, the paramount issue, besides which ali otber issues are trifling and unimportant. It is not a railing at millionaires, tbe au thor decteree- Tbe proposition seems to he a land tax scheme, providing for money based on land, values, all metal money to be demontlised, and tbe es tablishment of national mercantile and savings banks, and the establishment of a bank service charge. Tbe public is undoubtedly not yet ready for the plan proposed . Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of soiell and completely derange the whole systeu wben entering it through the mu coot surfaces. Such articles snoald never be used except on prescriptions from reput able physicians, ss tne damage tbey will do ia ten fold to tbe good you can possibly derive from. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu factored by F J Cheney ft Co, Toledo.Obio, contains no mercury, and is taken intern ally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces ( tbe system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sore jougettbe genuine. It ia taken interuahy, and made in Toledo, Ohic, by F J Cceney Co. Testimonials free. Sold by drugg sts, price 75c per bottle. Hulls Family Pills are the best. 'I hose Who Endure. Tbe pains of rheumtistn should be minded tbat a cure for this disease ma f befouad in Hood's SarsaparillaTbe experience of those who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for rheumatism, and have bee completely and permanently cared, prove the power of this medicine I 10 rout anil conquor tun uibci. ... . I Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Puri fier and it neutralizes the acid which causes the aches and pains of rbeuma tism. This is why it absolutely cures when liniments and other outward ap- . plications fail to give permanent relief, ' Be sure to get Hood's. II F B.:hool itding. Merrill buys City, County and warrants. Office In Utmociat TO CURE A COLO IN ONK DAY. Taks Ltxaiiv Brum Quiutne Tablets All Druggists re'und tbe money If It fall a Cure 25". TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEN. . TRIAL WITHOUT EXPENSE. The fimoui Annllanoe and Reined lea of the Kris MaJ leal Co. now fur the Unit time offered on trial wltoout eipeuso to anv ugmni we waia la advance. Curo RtTsoU of Errors or Exoeeees tn Old or Young. Kenbood Vullr Hflatored. How to Enlarire and Strengthen. Weak, Undeveloped Portion of Boar. Absolutely unfailing Home Treatment, vouu.uor otner aoneme. A plain oner ny a arm or nign standing. NIAQARAST. FPtU), Ft. Y The Economic Record. Tbe economic raoord for 1897, consists mainly in tbe enactment of a Unff bill which, nnder the pretense of incressing be revenue, basimpossd very heavy tax on the people which the Government does not receive but which tbe people pay. The greatest economlo event of the year bas been the abort crops of grain throughout the world, except in the Unittd Stales. This incident again illustrates tbe ssying of the French Min ister m tbe early 'part of the century that "the Lord takes care of the fools. tbe drnnken men and tbe United States. , The increased price of Western grain hod provisions have established the farmers of ti-s Mississippi Valley under most fa vorable eonditiona and have given an opportunity, which ought not to be lost, to make these eondiuons permanent. On the other band tbe growera ot cot ton have suffered from a beavjr decline in price, due to. the fact tbat the spin ning and weaving power of tbs manu facturing nations is for the moment ahead of the consuming power of other parts of tbe world. Tbe economic record of the year i also marked by the rapid development o the production of gold inampla measure for the needs of the world as a monetary standard or nnit ot valne. It has also been marked by tnerecord not only of the increased product ot silver, bat by its vry low cost, to the end tbat it has become apparent tbat probably mors than one naif tbe present silver product, exceeding the entire output at as lata a date aa 1880, is a by product of copper and' lead mines ; while en tbe other band improvement in mining and tbe discov sry of methods of saving tbe well as the copper, lead and gold of tbe great silver mines of Nsw South Wales, will bring silver down to the basis of a merely useful metal while totally forbidding its monetary use except for subsidiary coin age The export of this country have pass ed tbe billion dollar mark. Tbey con sist of examples of nearly every crude material drawn from tbe foret,ihe field, tbe mine or the workshop, ani from tbem np to the bigbset type of finished fabrics, especially in the iron and steel. The portentioos svent of lbs year has been tbe recognition of tbe fact tbat the para mount dominion in tbe making ot iron and steel haa paesed from tbe other side of tbe Atlantic to this conntry. Whatever nation posseese tbe para mooot control of making iron and steel at tbe highest rate oi wagra and at the lowest cost of this product, iu ty co itrol tbe commerce of the world whenever it choosei to exercito ita power by remov ing tbe obstructions which its own leg islators have placed in tbe way. Another economic rscord haa been made during tbe year tbe record of the fact that 0 par cent of the far-nersof tbe the great Mississippi Valley are free of any mortgage whatever. Owning their lands, their stock, their tools aod their crops, tbey have become tbe creditors ef tbe world. Tbey bold tbe command of tbe reserve of gold in every bang in every civilised country . Seldom bai there been a year when such an ecoosmic record could be made. Eowaao AraixsOii (Io tbe World) Scientific. A full grown man exhales IS ounces ot etrbonic acid gas every twenty four boars. A new discovered spot on tbe sun, which is visable jnst now. is said to be 30,000 miles in diameter. The lake of Urania, io Persia, contains more salt than tbe Dead Sea, which holds twenty six per cent, or eight times as much aa tbe ocean. Tbe difference between Ibe tallest and shortest races ia tbe world .is ona foot 4 inches, and tbe average height is five feet S inches. Singer, actors and public speakers. iocs the ir trodoction ot the electric light.have less trouble with their voices. and are less likely to catch cold, their throats are not so parcLed, and they feel better. This is due to the air not being vitaited and the temperatnre more even. Tbe largest bog ia Ireland is the bog of Allen, which alrMches aciosethe center of tbe island, east of tbe Shannon, and covers nearly 250,000 acrss. Altogether there are nearly 3,000,000 acres of bog in Ireland, tbat is to say, about one seventh of the total area of tbe eonntrv is bog. Tbe average eye cannot see over five bousand stars. Some persons hsving extraordmaiy strung eyes can see about eight thousand stars. Through the Lick te'escope anJ otber powerful instru ments about fifty million stars are visi ble. There are believed to he stars in existence beyond the reach of any teles cope yet constructed. - M Jacqaerain, a French pharmacist, bas invented a process by which he can form from the leaves of various fruit bearing treea and shrubs the flavors that are characteristic of the fruit themselves. From apple tree leaves, crushed and fer mented, be obtains a liquid possessing the fragrance and taste of apples, and rom vine leaves a beverage resembling wine. His theory is that tbe peculis. flavor of apples, pears, grapes and ther ries is prepared In and derived from the leaves ot the plant. Home First, The World atUrwards. Get good grcceiies for your family. Conn ft lias ton keep tbe best, whioh thev sell at the lowest uosiible prices. Fresh vegetables and fruits according to tbe season, alwajs on band. A tine line of crockery. A Itundr Nug;ei. Laundry patrona who want U'at class work done without paying exorbitant prices should patronize the Albany Steam Laundry which have employed regularly five of the best hand ironerson tbe coast for shirts, dresses, and shirt waists, and ten cents is the highest price charged for anv ot these articles. What Ur A E Salter Says. ' Buffalo, N Y. Gents :Frotn my personal knowledge, ga'ned in observing tbs effect of your Sblbb's Cure in cases of advanced Constipation, I sm prepared to say it is the most remarkable Kerned that bss ever been brought to my atten tion. It has certainly saved many from Consumption. Sold by lohy;ft Ma- so". SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. The inoet important political event of the past week was ths senatorial election in Ohio, ahich terminated as the Dkmo- csat predicted in tbe election of Mr. Hanna. While it is to bs regretttd th st such a man holds a seat In ths U S senate, yst he has plenty of company of about the same calibre, and it is a fact that he is so much a part of ths pres ent administration from its conception that it is only propsr that he be kept in something during it. Ii he would keep bis word and serve the people, dropping politics in bis nat'onal labcrs, a rustler of bis capacity could do a great deal for the people, bat it is safe to predict tbat there will be politics back of everything he Joe. Locally our cily council have elected such officers as come within their juris diction, doing it witl) an expedition and harmony that was so far as appearances went, due psrfl y to a previous caucus. The result seems to give sstisfaction, at least as 'much as usual on occasions wbsre there are several candidates. This Saturday night sees the Alaska fsver increasing, lhsrs is promise of a boiling before it ceases. Wtatever else t does it Is patting a great deal of mon ey io circulation, and it Is probable more money is being spent than will ever be brought oat from the frozen mines of the north . Tbe most important matter before congress this week has been Hawaii. The making of spread eagle speeches baa begun and it is probable tbat before a vote is tsken tbs eagle's wings will be tired. President Dole will go to Wash ington in person In order to help along in the annexation proposition. Teople on tbis coast generally bops to see it effected. Nearly evervthiba: connected with tbejitnatlon calls for the making of Hawaii a part of ths United States. tt . a. iiewcrsi aisaster ot tbs week was tbe lerrtb!eycione or tornado that saspt throngii parte of Arkacras,in Fort Smith alone killing fjrty three people. It sras unrelenting in its character, savsge in its mode of proceedure. People are fortnoate who do not live in a country subject to tbe cyclone, an enemy Ihst comes without waroiog and is merciless in ite treatment of its vic tims. Tbe advocate of the Klondike relief measure are now getting it into their heads that it is too late to do any good. Certainly, bat in the first plac Hi- re net is not needed io the starvation sne. This will go down as ihe most silly relief measure fa tt.e hi, lory o' Ids L oited slates, and the !&mocbai looses its patience when it contemplates the jobbing character of the ahol baioes. a-Milngton Ltt.r. Proa mu malar Cmxtmii Wbingion, Jan. 10 b. 1S9S. Mr McKinley, br working overtime and by using a shovel on tbe p e.managed to smd more nominations to the Sena's since Congress reeseembied than bav before gone in in any ainfle k since be took charge oi tne pie counter, but ii bas not leeeeoed ths pressure on him tot pie even a little bit. For every buogrt mouth be baa filled there are a thoosab 4 asking to e filled. S.-ostor Bal'er of Njrth Caroiina. haa offered a joint reeoluttou proposioa a constitotiooal amendment that would revolutionize the C S courts lr pre poses that alt the U S judges, locladicg those of the Saprems Court, shall be elected by the people, for terms of eight years, aod provides for a sit vision of tbe conntry inlo circuits for their eltction. Many democrats in Congress favor beginning tbe congressional campaign ot next Fall at once, on tiw fl urs of Con gress, snd keeping op a red hot, aggress ive fight upon tbe republicans from stsrt to finish. Among tbem is Rrpre seoativa Da ArroonJ, Mieeouri.wbo said on tbs sub; set. "We ought to bs sggress i?t. We want to force the fighting. W e ought to lose no time in exposing tbe hypocrisy and cowardice of oar pa.itic' opponent.' Senator Chilton, of Trxu, tays of IS nvd service hubbub in repnb'.icao ranks: "In my opinion, if Mr Brysn had been elected instead of Mi McKinley, the fly specs which re publican orators io Congress now imag ine to be blood spots on tbs civil service system would have escaped the'r aiten lioo altogether. Tbeir eudden reatizt tion tbat the idea of civil service reform has been carried too far is due solely to tbeir purpose to get republicans into offices now filled by equally capable dem ocrats, and no democratic senator or represenative should give them aid or comfort in their designs." Czr Reed it tbe only republican in Con gress wbo baa never buckled down to Boss Hanna. On tbe contrary, be not long sgo made Uanna eat a big chunt of bumble pie. Senator Teller made a manly and able speech in reply to tbe numerous news paper stories alleging tbat some of the silvsr men in Congress have no proptr conception of to financial question, and are trying to force it to the front m jrely to mass a breech between Mr McKinley and bis Secretary of the Treasury. He said that it was ridiculous to sucrose that Mr Gage would retrain in the cabin e.t an hour if he and the President were not In financial accord ; also that tbe Republican party was today fully coiu mitttd to the gold standard. Every eye in tbe Senate was upon Mr Teller when he uttered these ringiug words: "I attack, the republican party because it is tbs party of tbe gold standard. I hope to see it go down in 1900, and I pledge you that I will do everything in my power to drag it down. It's policy is not such as is demanded by a great and free people. I have no quarrel with the President, but be stands for the gold staudard, a policy which in my opinion wilt impoverish and wreck bur people.'' An exchange has figured out that the stale of Oregon will lose $89,0iK) in the interest on ths money that is hing idle in the sla,te treasury, and it it intimated that some one will make nearly that much buying up wariams or ia some other wy. The servants of the Male onght to be as faithful in their service as they are in their own service. If any one gets tbs benefit of the $300,000 lying la the state treasury, it onght to be Oregon. This is a matter that ought to bs probed to the roots, no matter what tbe previous custom has been. Any one with horse sense knows that the state treasurer does not live on the small salary of $890 a year, but how he makes his money is ot course guess work. To Car. tioasiipacton tonv.,, . Take Cnscarets Candv Culrmriie. 10c or Eta It U C. C. (all to cur, druggists refund munuv. TELEGRAPHIC r.rtlaad Lawest " ahiiihotoh, Jan. H The bid for building tbe coast survey veel for tbs Pacific coast are as lol o : Union iron works, of fan Francisco, Cal $185,000, the vessel tn be completed by Oct. 1. William K Woodell & Co., of Baltimore Md., IH.r),000; tbe vessel to be completed within I'i montbs from siguing of the con tact. Wolff and Zwicker, of Portland. $135. 000; tbe vessel to be completed within 12 months from signing of contract - The appropriation for tbis vessel is tut $125,000, The rat Week Nkw Yobk, Jan. 14. R ti L!un ft Go's. weekly review of trale will say tomorrow: I he year lias opened with a very sails factory prospect. It is all the better tbat there is no wild excetement in toe specu la'ive markets, and. while stock advance a little. Brain yields a little. . The pay nienta through principal clearing houses, notwithstanding a decrease at re w i ork owing to tbe inactivity in stocks, are tbree-sixtbs per cent larger tban in 1892. t .rb-U kax-krd mmt Washington. Jaa. 14. Tbe senate committee on privileges and elections to day decided to make an adverse report on H W Corbett ' claim to a set in tbe se nate from Oregon. Tbe vote was 4 to i on party lines, except tbat Senator Bur - Tfce fflar Rails J 1'oBTi.Asn, Jan. is lbs steamsbip J ueorire W bluer sailed for Alaska last nLrbt. She cat off from tbe Ainswortb dock about midnight with a foil paasanger list and cargo, having more tbin 3CO pas engers and 600 tons of freight that went as miners' outfits. Nearly U30 tons of freigdt was left on tbe wbaf A few bead ot bones and about iu dogs consti tuted tbe live stock shipped. Nothing went except whit was rlasei as miners' ou'.fita. BisriMws AirroitiA, Ian. 14 vVurd otnes from Skamokawa tonight thai from some un known canae Skamokawa creek overflowed its banks yesterday and tbe day before, flooding tbe valley and cairriss away one or two farm bouse aod barns. Al'Wasfclaat.w W AsnixoTOJt.. Jan. 13. The senate did not make great progress with the Ha waiian annex al ion treaty today several speeches were delivered, but in every in stance tbe speakers announced tbat today a remarks were merely preii-niaary- lbe hocse today completed the co'sid eration of ibe agricultural bill in cor. mittee nd tbea mi joorned Tber was tbe nsnal fight over ths question of free BMd distribution to the farmer, hat h) effort to strike out tbe appropriation re commending $130,000 failed, as asnal, the; m j irity against it today t,eizg 1& CotXMRCs, Jan. 13. Senator Hanna and tbe members of the Irrialature went bjme today. All will return by Tuesday next. 1 be leaden tn both till are still brre preparing, for another fight next erk . The opposition in Uaona was de feated ia bit elccuon but it proposes to (Uht against bis being seated for tbe long term, tiia enemios sav tbey h .ve act the lime to interefere on tbe short term bat tbey wil press tbe bribery charge Saw Ash Los A SGF.I.&S. Jan. 13 The body of mardertr of W H t was tneiaer- ated at tbe cremator ol rUjnolUa ft aa Nurs at Altedena tbu maroieg At 11 LLC remain of DirrranU ill ia tbe cas-1 ket were slid into tbe farne At 2 o dock be a ibex were removed and deliver! to tne paren'. anf the final act of the great tragedy was com pie tea No one saw in side the rremotory ex vp' the em plot eii lad ibe Durrani WaHisomx, Jsa 13. Tbe Spanish minister bas tern oo'.ntlf advi-ed of every Otvrloptnect wiihin 24 hooTS at Havana. aa4 be rammed ap oi ad sue Uiu afiemooo by savia tbat tbey show the uprising to have Iwo a rwt pure and .luip-c. ttat crcer has U en completely restored . rrskabty 14 :T-snot-M. Jan. I L Prof-:- Nor- dVo.kjjId, the arctic rap over, has inform ed tbf Sweedieh academy of sciences that be foreign oflke ba received tateHigencc that wveral persoa w. vhy of credeaos saw Prof. Aodree's Ualxy earlr ia Ana. ia Britb Co'umSU, seven mi e north of tjoetnelle lake, ia tbe district ot Gariboo. Tills kwl 1st Taatwa vVasni.toron. Jan. 13 Captain Fisk has reported against any charge ia tbe existing govern meat ptoject for the iro provetnen' of Tiilamook bay. which be mi s it sjffcient or tbe commerce of that vicinity. He sava tbe coat of tbe improve ment wi!lUe$l.-JM,000. A TrfttMe Cjeae. Fort Smitb. Ark,. Jan- 13. Nearly 50 human Uvs and upward of 51.0CW.Ou0 worth ol property we e destroved by a t-tnble tornado wMch bnrrt upon this ci:v a few minutes patt 1 1 o clock Us! nisht. rte storm struck near the national eemetry and swept its way through tbe en ure city, leaviog la palb neki3g witn dealt: and desolatioe. men, wo oeo and children sleeping in tbeir homes were. without a moments warning, awakened to meet death in the fearful storm. Trsable ta stavaaa Havana. Jan 12 At 10 o'c'ock this morning a'mut 100 army officers, incensed by tbe violent attacks ma le by some of tbe local Papers upon the genetal-ia-cbief and the principal oihoers ol the panu army tn Cuba, went into the printing office ot tbe daily journals, la liiscusuon and tA lis concent rado, and bgn smashing tbe win dows and destrovipa: the printing outfits. as well as earning the enployes. Tbe sendannes dispersed tbe rioters. Order was finally culaolifhed. XMklaala It- WicniT. Kao. Jan. 13 A rpecial to tbe Eagle from Gulbiie, O T aays: Tbe mayor of Shawaee, O T ba wired Govornor Barns tbat the reported Indian outbreak ia tbe Seminole country aa a whiskey scare. Tbe sheriff of Pottawato niie county bas also wired the gororaer tbat be does not believe tbat there were any murders committed, lie reports the ludians are tremendously excited but not threatening. A W.asaa a Swlrlde Davbspokt, Wash. Jan. 12. Mis R bert Tischner committed suicide here last night. She had been conducting ber bos bands drugstore and quarreled with his partner. She swallowed prusaic acid and fell on the steps of tbe store. At the last election she recived tww votes for mayor farsaer B.bber San'Josk. Jan 12 Isasic Irwin, alias Marvin, who Saturday morning robbed and nearly murdered E A Biot of Hol lstcr, in tuts city, was captured this eve. on a ranch 3) miles from town He was formerly a prosperous farmer of Klamath Or.. Last Twa Legs Tacoua, Jan. 12. Wm. B Norton traveling engineer of the Northern Pacific fell from a locomotive near Lter, 65 miles east of Tacoma, today. Both of his feet were crushed so badly that they bad to be amputated. Ths injured man was brought to racorai. asy to Take . asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's nils. Small m size, tasteless, efflclent, thorough. As one man saldt " You never know yon ' bare taken a pill till It Is all IQli His over." 25c C I. nood & Co, iF g 1 1 !9 Proprietors, to well. Mass. U The only pjlU STtaks with Hood's SarsaparlUA, K. O. T. 31. every Saturday evening at K. O. T, M. ball. Vlsitinir Knighta inviied. VV. A. Cox, Commanders FOR SALE. New Barlock typewriter for sale cheap at Blain Co 'a store. Uoodfo MISFITS. Tbe tax levy of Eueene baa been in creased from 6 to 6 mills, and yet it is 2 mills ahead ot Albany. A Marion county paper as vs that conn ty will have the next governor of Oregon. The Dimocrat predicts it will not. It is pretty well settled that Mr Cor bett will not be seated. There is one man on tbe committee who Las a sood legal head . tla L 1 1 1 1 . t . , . , iiuo our koiu ouipuv is worm aoii 600,000. onr corn is worth $491,000,000, our wbest $310,000,000. and our oats $132,500,000 a year. Tbe great men of Oreeon are all beinu booked (or lectures at Hodaville. Gov. Fletcher baa already been there and to be louoweo Dy Holer, Irwin and Thompson A Butte, Montana, man haa been ar rested for stealing a car load of coal. It was a daring robbery, but the thing stolen wsa too big to escape observstion. Tbe tax levy in Josephine county bss been pieced at 27 and 16-30 mills. A Linn county tax payer would very prop erly kick from morning to night over such a levy as that. "God reigos, and the republican party sun uvea. Tbe lawyers are to tbe front. Of the 89 members of tbe United State senate, 60 are lawyers, while of tbe 358 men now members ot tbe bouse of representatives 245 are lawyers. A brnte of a man in Cobnrg bas been arreeted for whipping his sister. That ia next to whipping a man's wife, and if it is found tbat he ia guilty, as tbe state ments publiahed indicate, it ia to be hoped tbat Lane county does tbe case justice promptly. The Klondike craze' is strikiog right and lei i. iwen:y five students ol Wash ington University at Seattle have al ready left for the north. Tbe foot ball players wilt be particularly fitted for the rough trip. The Oregonian charges for a one-inch OUplay advertisement for one year $262, which ia a better rate than moet country papers are able to get. Ex. In some country towns the advertiser would ex pert to get tbo whole paper lor that amount. The important news haa just reached tbe coast from tbe etst that in tbe last presidential election David B Hill voted tbe straight democratic ticket. There has heretofore si ways be n a doubt aa to bow be did vo e. Now that Mr Corbett has been defi nitely knocked out some people tb-nk Gov. Lord will call a special session of the state legisiatare in order to elect a U. S. senator. Tbo DaxotBAr'a g"es is that ha doss not do so. - There are said to be serral thousand men in Seattle on their way to Alaska, air. Ballard, a former Albany -man. of tbe SeatUe Hardware Co.. is one of tne i nos'ett men there :n the supply basUese. ' me steamers every berth is said to be taken for several weeks ahead. Follomiog is tbetotal gold pro ! at tion for a year in several gold producing coun tries OI coarse tbe U. S lead: United States $6UOO,000 Africa M.0O0.0O0 Australia 51 000.000 Mexico 10.000,000 VBM - 7 .500.000 India 7,000,000 Kwe 25.000.000 A correSfjoodent writes tbe Eogene Guard tbat a voang man of Trent recent ly sold bis vio'in. presumably all tbe property ne poasesswd. lor tbe purpose of procuring a marriago license. After this the fair and fickle one changed ber mind, and the affair was declared off. Now the young man baa little to live for having neither a fiddle not a wife. Mr. Hanna is becoming child'sb over his great joy in being elected. On reach ing Cleveland be said : "This homecom ing ia sweeter to me than any honor ever coolerred noon me. I have been ele-ted to the senate by the republican party. but hereafter 1 am a servant of all tbe peo ple." tie wid hare to torn over a new leaf then. The New York Journal received about $40,tXX for ths advertisements in its Christmas iaeoe Sixteen colored pages sold for tlXQ apiece. The live New York businete man counts on spending about 2 per cent of I i ytoja receipts on adver tising to order to u.- ancorsaiui. I; good n.le in any pUix. is a The qneethn is often asked as to what proportion of Linn county wheat baa been sold by tLe fartnera. It it tbe opinion of Mr. VYm. Vance, whose judg ment ia good in tbe matter, that thev hsresold two thirJs ot tbeir wheat, leaviog about one third aneoid, which is thought to be more than in most coun ties, particularly in Eaatern Oregm. The greatest sensation which haa vet developed with reference to the approach ing municipal campaign waa the "Mop" last night of Paul d'Ueirry from tbe ranks of the free silver republicans full into tbe midst of the populist camp. Seattle Post Intelligencer. d'Ueirry was a resident of Albany about eighteen years ago. He haa been prominent aa a re publican in Seattle lor a number of years Ths Woodmen of tbe World sav : "Tbe Women of the Woodcraft has a death claim of $1,000 at Salem, Oregon, which will be paid at once and leave a balance of $4,000 cash in the hank to the credit of the benefit fund, with no claim against it on file. The Women of the Woodcraft ia a success, shs is a daisv. The large grove of the W O at Helena, Montana, has unanimously gone into tbe new order, as has also South Side and H ghland Groves, in Denver, aod tbe grove at La Junta, Colorado, with sixty five members. Still there's more to fol low." The Tribune says In reference to the men just in from tbe Klondike: "In their eyes the government relief expe dition ia absolutely useless and the steam locomotive scheme of transport ing goods is laughable to tbem. In the first place, according to them, no relief is needed. Ia the second place, it could not be taken into Dawson until spring, if it were needed. The only means of transportation is by dog-sleds, ani onlv enough for two or three men can be taken on a sled. .Large quantities of goods cannot be transported till the river bas opened." All of which is good sense. The Corva'.lis Union man is aivins some good advice to ooys and young men, and it ia to be hoped thev tako it. though it is very doubtful. He is also presenting some excellent thoughts ca boys generally, tns idea that the bright est bova are the ones who as a rule amount to the least aa men, because they depend on tbeir brightness and not their industry, is about right, and the statement that education without char acter is a failure is correct. The edtica tiou of character I as important aa that of arithmetic and the languages. From the Eugene Guard : Another pioneer story is. about Unc' Eliaa Brigga, who took a donation claim where Springfield is built; going over to the McKenaie one morning early after he had been made aware ot tbe presence ot a camp of white people on the bank of that stream, nearly three miles from his claim, he found the old pioneer, Wm. Stevens at work on a cabin. The story goes that he vehemently ex postulated with Stevens tor "crowding" bim; that was in 1817, when the only white settlers within the prejent borders of- Lane county were Skinner on the -1 : & - - - - .-v'i i- :3 OS its (IS (iS (IS (is S ass as m to (ts m Compare the New with to to to to to to to to to to to to to to rifc. m Am PLUG TOBACCO (CHAMPAC:;S Forty per cent, larger than before the new Five cent piece of Piper Heidsieck Plug Tobacco has captured the country. Try it preeent ante of Eogene. Brig? and Stev ens in Springfield precinct. Spores, near Coborg. and Bristow, on Pleasant Hill. But tbe old pioneer bad a horror of being "crowded." An Albany correspondent io the Port land Tribune bas learned a good many things politically, be says: Solar aa I know, there will be bat one candidate j from this county in tbe republican state convention, xiun. v a j Diauouni lur attorney general Judge Black barn bs keen county jndge, and filled tbe posi tion satisfactorily to alt. He wiil un doubtedly have tre solid support of his delegation. Tbe democrats are keeping quiet aboat state place, waiting to see what is tbe outcome of the onion over tures to tbe populist. George E Cham berlain is mentioned as a possible dem ocratic candidate for governor. He now resides in Portland. Linn county baa a warm snot in ber booom for George, as he was a resident of tbis coonty-prior to the time be accepted tbe office of attor ney general under Penaoyer. Tbe dem ocrats of tiia city have 'aeversl candi dates for circuit judge, among tbem J K Weatherford. H C Vatson and W B Bilveu. Each ia qualified for tbe pla if elected. A M Cannon, a bright young attorney, is mentioned for rcxecuting attorney on the republican ticket. The popolista have no avowed candidates for state places, vet several names are fre quently spoken of. Dr J L HU bas been nrged to allow his name to go be fore the convention tor governor, and should be do so may lead the populists to battle. Captain C B Montague, the preeent county c ert, might take the nomination for secretary of state if it were offered bim. Hon J S Smith, conr- moniv caiied "Pop frmitb. wbo reprs eented this county at Salem during the late legislative vaudeville, is said bv his friends to be the ctrongeit candidate the party naa tor congress. LEBANON. From the Express. "Lucie Billy' Wruznt was in town yesterday, peddling horse radish aa us ual. He says Lebanon ia the beet town in tbe valley ,of ite population. B L Sim peon and family left this morn ing tor ring, v ash., with tee intention of making that place their future borne. jura. o. vs.Aidrtcb I en tbie morning for Portland, for treatment in the Good Samaritan hospital. Her daugbter.Mise Maud, accompanied ber. Dr. "ooUi. assisted by Dr. Foley. Der t lormed an operation on Jake Boeiar tbis morning, removing tbe pus from his lungs. The operation was a s access and jase ta now resting easy. Engineer Jaa Walsh, who baa bees running tbe eneine on the ran between Lebanon and Natron, has been transfer red to a might train on tbe main line. His p'are on this run baa been Uken by arcoie JU liter. W. J. Royce and Earl Carle' on bad a three round fight ia the S..jn hut rn- day. Those that saw it sav it w.s a hot fight. However, the city treasury gain- ea a rew dollars ny tne occurrence. J S Van Winkle, special deputy grand chancellor of the k. of P, is in the citv for the purpose of organizing a lodge here- There are about tea members here, and about twenty new name havw been secured. A preliminary meeting wiu oe neid tonight. "Uncle-ate" Keee. who was for a long time the richest man in Linn coon- J, is getting very feeble, tie ia con- bned to his bed nearly ail of the time, and at last has been compelled to hire a man to take care of him. The students at Santiam Academy are progressing mcHv with ttetr studies un der the supervision of George Kandie. Since fall work haa ended on the farms, the roll of students has steadily increas ed until now thet ears about 45 names on tbe list of those who are attending school at the academy. just Across the Way. At F H Pfeiffer "s you can get the best Coast and Eastern ovsters to be foond. lie also keeps t he best line of confection ary in the citv . Call on him for the best of everything ta bis line. TO CURE A C LD lXO.' DAY Take Laxative Broms Qiinine Tablet. All druggists refund the m ney it n fails oCure. 25c. Stop tbat Cough! Take warning. It mav lead to 'Coos Jinptioa. A 25 bottle ot Shiloh's Care my lave your life. Sold ny Foahay ft Mason. Catarrh Cured, weet l.fv-a.h sjcaril rn IttniJ; si i . A dear head ano with SiUoV LU ' . 1 1 ft M mi That dean sharp effect OB Ana Yirtntintv t is bad by knowing how to do rres work, IIA Ii. n;.n tk. 1..... , .,( "ariaj, Still tee price i no higher thaa tbe other kind Smiley, the printer. K ir! 'a Clover Rt Tea, Jor Oonslioa. tion italhilie'. auJ if after uing it you uu i say a , return tne Pactaee and g' your utJuey. Slid by Fojbiv A Mason J W Hentby, thepionwr ooot and ihie man, does first-clas work cheap. Call ea him, just north of the Dkmocbat office. Albany Market. Wheat 65 rents. Oats 23 Eggs 20 cents. Butter 15 to 22 cents. Potatoes 25 cent. Hams 11 to 13 cents. Sides 10 to 11 cents. -Shoulders 6 to 7 cents. V the Old Five-Cent Piece o V PER CK FLAVOR) EAST AND-SOUTH VIA rHE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co, CkSsmiB Csprw. Tra - VorttM saer. a.i t.. ,t sat. a SMaa) L tat s a I Ar AIsm; Asa rrs&OK- ArtsJSs UiaastB ' tne -ri-ii r-iO At aiiaa !wRi l't-iiil an 3iea tar r, Mar-a. iit-n Albany Tansreat, Sbedd. Hley Eaeeae Cottage Grove. Drain, OakUEd and aM ttattooa tPK3 nebarg so'B to ana 1B dading Ashland. SSSaa ld WW .!- letri.v Aliwr fcrf-Sjersi U:r ur hca-Mrr L. ' T tarn uaaaoa saaaca I laa aia. hr Mm tn' j AnmHAiHnlreaLAuH ISdS Aifcaty toe Lii isssr Ann. as aisaa? in. I nm TsST PUliaUf BfJtrtl SUlPUy a3i Oinine Cars on Ogdan Reutel SECQND-CU3S SlEtriKE CASS Attaekea S. ail TSnsrSTW 0 WSstolsm. xrmwK3 reaTLABs aa tiait4 waa ta tiaittnsilssai -''-Ji. .s L SWaafc arls-Ki ttdSratAr Cstcm t 1 1 S i , AxsmsTni. ffHi natf. iitf - j 44SV , fK1Mm MB1 trsl Ar BeMmmr&r 'IS Satrajar Umsaa Lt i SS DnMMMWCmttl Fi ml, m mul sa4 Paoc mis sswaskip Im riSul'.MIUtw amjlit IU1 aa4 ticket. " t r T ' A 5BT jaias. cBiysy EtruT i Araras- a uimI si ra.ssi. At trart - nilORTHERI PACIFIC Ii jN Pullman Sleeping ElfiP-ajit Dinire Gars, Toais Sleeping CJ1 at rauLon' Minneej Duluth frargo, m Grand forks Crookstoa Winnipeg Helena and Butt TROUGH TICKE S TO Tiicago rfaahingtoa Philadelphia Sew York Soeton and al fointa East and Sooth ThrouKh tkkdts to Japan and Ch i Tacoma and Northern Pacific steam- Co., an American tine. ,x. For information, time caros, maps an. tickets call on or write C ti Bnrthart agjdt, Albany, Or. a u t-tiariti. iien raw g Portland. O NEW YORK WORLD Thrice-a-Wetk Edition 18 Pages a Week ... 156 Paper K For One Dk rwaUaheaevery AMetwatewaj exeeprV ... v The Thrice-a-Week Edition ol Taa X K. I ork Woku is first among alt "weekly' papers m sue. tiwqoency or puuucanoa and tbe freshness, accuracy and variety cf its coi t?uts. It his all the merits or great $6 daily at the price of a dollar. kic It iiolitical news is prompt. com nlete. accurate aod impartial as all its reaaV ; . ... . . . ; . AM.; u . . era will reeurv. i .b""5 ""wp7 lies snd tor the people lt prints tbe news of alLthe wor d ba-v--ing specinl correspondence from all ira portaut nows points on the globe. It hi brilliant illustrations, stories bv rreat authors, a capital nuutor page, complete markets, departments for the household and women's work and other special da , , pattments. We offer this unequaled newspaper ansf the DaxocaaT togetharowo year for $ C . STBEET'RAILWAY KOTICE. The rnotot on tbe Albany -traet raii- wsy will connect rromptly with aU trams to and rrom tne de and from the depot, day and night, sJ Special trips will be a ade at special, a'es. t. F. Cosh. Conductor, - r - I 4 s I I