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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1898)
n VOLXXXII1 Eatered tt Ike Foot Offlen at albaay. Or. at Seeewd-Clasa Mall Matteri ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14,1898. VI r RCTTISV raDIUatr aaa Prearleter MI.2C Mm t 5f II IJ III II IH II r 7 AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERT1XG IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT Tr "THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORI., " AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Eyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator cf "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and decs rx:3 on every bear the facsimile signature cf za&ZcaU: wrapper. This is the original u PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers cf America for oyer thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought nf? snr TTT on the and has the signature of Qut&f7u&jQA wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President nZ , March S, 1S97. Q& t4U ..,. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life cf your child by accepting , a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he docs not know, "The End Ton Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. INK OK UTAH a COHMMTi T BilMV STMCCT. Mt tMTV. THE OPENING DAY ; OF The Second Term is college January 4, 1898: The mercial work very much, so usiness -qual to any in the Btate. This is so now. Come andtecure a branches o."a liberal education, Albany, Oregon, Wall Paper, tJarpets, Lineol&am, Lace Furniture Bedding. B 3 K' 17nV-. '-KTffi I ' I lllll II V9 IU .7 tt-IT; H UEBTOAg T'ture Frames, Linen Warp Matting, Oil Paintings, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE CO. ...HAPPY NEW YEAR... RING OUT And tell the people the best GROCERIES the finest HARDWARE the best are to be found at F. E. ALLEN & CO S. y) CANDY 0e pffnif ALL 25c 50c "-W 7, m DRUGGISTS ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY ! JOSEPH Proprietor has strengthened its com that now it has become a College was cot so in the oast. It all thorough training in President Albany College &RB$SlVE Curtains, Rugs, Portier3, Pillows YE BELLS far and wide that make of STOVES THTJESTDAY COUNTY COURT. (Geo. Barton, eountr Curl, Commiwiaoari.) Judg.; J II. Waters D. U Bill Chas. Hegele & Co., $12 00, con tiuued. Resignation of H J. Breese as J. P. was accepted . Bill H. B. Moyer, acct allowed. poor $10 die- . Vr. Wilson of diat 12. was appointed J P. Disallowed bill of Irwin, Hodson A Co, 61.85. Petition for tedistricting J P diat 19 disallowed. Resignation of C. E, Hawkins as J P of dim it accepted. Geo II Bruce was ap pointed. Note J P Wallace et al ordered collect ed by district attorney. Dr Trimble was appointed county phy sician to attend all the poor at f 100 a year surgical and medical . Bills allowed: Fees county officers. ACCOUNT POOR Aid Cox, Alberts, Alma Vail, Sarah Hines, Mr and Airs Barnard, Henry Myers, Mrs Adams, I Coleman and wife, Samual Keith, Larue, Mrs Junkins, Mrs Streithoff, Mrs Fouts, Henderson, Ed ward Bowen, Hockenburg, Mrs D M osier, Fred Dawson Lucy Byers ., J Gradwhol Chas Prochnow DECheadle Hughes A Trouttnan B F Ramp Ladies Aid Society , H O Watsen O UCbamberlin EC Rogers Ashby Pearce ROADS AND RBIDGB9 Harrisburjr Lumber Co W O Jackson 25 00 . 20 25 . 4 65 . 3 50 . 2 00 . 3 00 . 18 45 . 10 00 . 7 CO . lu f . 2 25 4 00 2 14 2 50 1 85 7 50 1 89 1 50 Wm May... A J Davis Karwell A Bonar W F Terhune Wm Marks John Moist GVHall W H Roberta 1 50 2 7 37 2 I 2 I 3 10 40 10 60 50 Crume A Davij Silas Gentry Geo Ross 10 74 SO Mrs Sol Ritter B A Stafford Barnes A Munkera.. 10 95 4 20 IS 00 La Harris B lErichson M Cunningham S Harrss Weddle Bros EN" Smith 1 45 1 20 5 00 4 38 Miiler& Turner. 6 50 B W Spinks 8 34 H H Chance 7 55 D W Hardia 6 00 H Moist S 75 S A Gentry 3 75 G W Cruson 2 95 J W Burre l 31 50 MATitgerald 8 25 Prank Lee per 2 50 Jos K earns... '.. 1150 F J Miller et al Gates bridge.... 347 55 DLCurl 9 S5 ACCOUNT BOAD SC F ItRV ISORS . Dist 33 CTIsom 28 00 "49 J P Weber 40 00 " 5 Robert DeVanej 75 CO ' 45 l Cunningham 1 20 "46 C L Rains 13 00 "50 ALGustafson 22 00 " lSi F Ter'iune 24 00 " 19 W W Fronk 29 00 " 22 S II Bryan 51 00 " 7 John Bryant 4 00 4 W H Roberts.. 70 00 "13 J Clem 48 00 . "18 J Hutchins 32 00 " 9 G W Harris 53 00 "51 JWHa!ser 40 00 Peter Smith 34 00 EE Hammock 43 00 " 52 Oscar Dilley 48 50 " -0 C DSteen , 49 00 "44 J W Grimes 21 00 " 8 B A Poindexttr 40 25 "14 J D Burkbart 62 00 " 3 CR Irvine 29 15 " 1 Wm Potur 8 00 12 Wm Metker 27 00 " 10 J V Burrell 42 00 "11 M A Fit nerald 46 00 " 24 V E Githens 23 50 "27 ArBlackbvrn 18 00 "41 A A Thompson 46 00 " 7 C D Compton 76 00 MISCCLLANEOC8. John Usher 10 00 H Hefner, pre ex 1 50 W A Long 2 75 G D Barnard & Co, stationary. . . 5 48 a a Manora. assessor 78 00 J J Whitney, pre ex 2 50 Oregon at Westbrook 28 60 inquest Rebecca bmttu 17 25 Or. Telephone Co 9 20 Al. hi. Ugbtco 20 00 Smi'ey, printing 13 60 Drawing justice jury 7 00 S P Barner, drawing jury 5 00 Or. agt Jas Morgan 170 C E Roberts, acct ehiriff 600 Water Works 15 00 C E Hawkins, jury list 7 00 Or. atrt Kidd Marcos....'. 15 35 T A Kiggs, jury list 7 00 T J Stiles, postage 4 45 J lycer, road supt dist 31 I4M a j kimc, sopt di8t&: i w V W Robnett, supt dist 25 56 00 R L White, disi 42 18 00 Jas Fulbrigbt, supt 46 00 w m May, dist 0 4Z uo Elmarion Smith, supt-dist 33 66 00 Frank Johnston, " " 26.... 58 00 J N Wright, " " 29.... Si 00 Syl. lach, " " 35.... 26 00 rrancla beeper, " " 34.... 28 00 d h Crimes, supt 20 00 O C Cleland. acct fuel 5 25 Mae Kbamr. acct poor 7 00 J A McFeroo, " ' 66 J J W lutney, acct dist atty 8 40 W C Miller & Son, roads and bridges 2 50 rlerry Kaltrides.road and biidses 1 20 Indigent soldiers 20 00 Albany creamery, rebate tax 14 88 E G Cox, roads and bridges 6 90 ilart Miller, sup A roads A braes 53 60 A J Kirk, sup 6 00 I H Turptn acct poor 5 00 J M Waters, Commissioner 19 40 D L Curl, commissioner 12 00 Judges and clerks of election were an notated as follows : JUDGES. CLIBKS. S Brownsville- Baxter Henderson, p Peter Hume, r Henry McFarland d W C Cooley N Brownsville B F Childs, p Wm S perry, r Jobn Arthur, d B S Martin J J Brown Sautiam J P Crabtree, p L A Tucker, r Jas Peery, d Henry Cyrus Edward Morgan Fox Valley A ti Wyatt, d J S Miller, r I N Brotberton. d Heory Lyons W ii Swank Crawfordsvil.e Thomas Thompson, p Robert Glass, r W FWileond Shedd J A McBride, p Frank Porter, r John Duncan, d Sbelburn S P Muiikers, p F M McLean, r It 8 Devaney, d Jordan Pom Ray, p Benj Irons, r Geo Bender, d R W Moses Jas Rice W W Poland S N Allen N B Washburn W Wilfn H 8 Williams J a Bilyeu Orleans R L Smith, p E Daw, r A S Stone, d Price James Sbelton, p N Bridges, d Geo McKnight, r Geo Henderson t, jr lraax N M Clom K L Burkbart Rock Creek G M Stafford, p E S Chase, r W B Robertson, p Foster Geo G eieendorfer, r W H Prest n, p West Albany A M Palmer, p L II Starr, r W A Kimaey, d Center M Syder, p D H Wheeler, r H R Powell, d N Harris burg Con Meyers, p b Nixon, r J 8 George, d 8 Harrlsburg A J Hill, p MCunningham, r BE Grimes, d Franklin Butte -B Smith, p D E Rerden, r L W Pomeroy, d Scio Robert Carey, p M L Gill, r Hiley Sbelton, d Tangent A Blevins.p S W Newcomb, r W O Hudson, d Eaet Albany J G Norman, p John Robson, r H B Miller, d Albany C 8 Harnish, p Percy R Kelley, r 8 M Pennington, d N Lebanon J W Burkhart.d Brown Hanson, p E Boelar, r S Lebanon S M Garland, d John Nichols, p rrnk Nickeraon, r Sweet Home John Burnett, p A O Buck, r A J McClure, d Sodaville J W Wilron, p W W Parrish, r Jas Vanderpool, d Waterloo J W Bishop, p 1 U Tornin, r Frank Winkler, d E N Cbatfield E C Hester O H Erickson John Thompson B" M Payne A M Hammer W W Ciawford Ernest Winkley B A Bemia O P Hyde J J Baker Wm Dunn Newt Crabtree V B Go n V B Cyrus M M Peery L B Lupei J J Beard Ed Iluelon Wm Richards O D Vandyke A Senders T M Settle B O S.nrm Jas Boyle G W Rico O F Bigbee J P Habn F G Burkbart J R Geddes Chas Younger LW Eldridge supervisors were The following road appointed: Dist. 4. W II Roberts Jof Seio. " 7,'. John Mrrant. Jordan. " 9. Geo W Harris, Larwood. " 19. E E Hammaca. Tallman. 19V Taylor fcvans, Lebanon. 20. Frank Simons. Lebonon 45. 60. 49. 3. 44. 38. 52. 43. 6. M Cunningham, Uarrisborg. Jerrr Shea, Fosters. J P Weber, Brownsville. C E Irvine, Jordan . J W Gnmes, Harrisborg. L C Isom, Browntville. 0ar Dilley, Get. T E Grimes, Harrisborg Wm Mar, Soo. A O Morgan, Tangent. Frank Johnston. Plainview. Eltnarian Smith, Halsey. J M Long, Brownsville. R L White. Rowland. Francis Leeper, Halsey. J S Morris Scio. Richard Grusicg, SodaviX A H Wvatt. Lvons. 22. 26. S3. 32. 42. 34. 5. 27 I. Frank M Smith. Lebanon 17. 16. E Scholl. Albany. Denver Hackleman. Oa account of a laree amount of nrr- bate business the court did onlv a small amount of business todav, and adjourned to Monday morning. Janaarv 17. The petition of Cbes Kirk et al II for was change of boundaries of district granted. WHEAT. Something mart have troc the Liver pool market. Liverpool o',c lower Xew York 92,4c Sa Fraocitco V2c Albany 66c. Forged a 30 Check. Lee French and Rome Miller, of Jef ferson, were brought to Albany jeeter day afternoon by the sherlif on the charge of forgery ,and this afternoon were examined before Justice Powell. On Tuesday a check for $30. signed by Otto Sbulu, the Jeftervon miller and payable to Henry French, was presented to J. W. Cusick A Co .endorsed by French, by two young men, and paid. French was ar rested but discharged, as it was learned that be had nothing to d with it. His brother Lee was the offender, and with Rome Miller were identified as the ones who bad tne check cashed. The examination was in progress be fore Jostice Powell at press lime, before a big crowd. Uncle Lil y Wright, tbe borce-radiah man, ia in tbe city. Mr. Hugbes. of the Lebanon Electric Co., was in tbe city today. Dr. Kolderwar left last night for Rose- burg, to enter the soldier's home. Hon. M A Miller went to Portland to day to attend the meeting nf tbe state democratic committee on Saturday. Owen Beam and Lvle and Clayton Sneer went to Portland today to attend the state convention of tbe college Y. M. C. A. Miss Baker, who sang so well at tbe Elk's reception in Albanv. is a daughter of rrol Baker of tbe Lebanon public schools, but is a resided ot rortland. A social dance wiil be given by the Albany Orchestra ia the opera bouse next Saturday night to which those with dancing sebcol invitations will be admit ted. Mrs. Mary Fiessler.a sister of Mrs. J. A. Gross, was taken seriously ill yesterday afternoon at her borne in this city where she resides alone. She was attended to and her son in Portland sent for. C. B Winn returned this morning from bis trip to Sacramento, where he spent the hoiidats in the W F office. Afterwards he was in San Francisco for about a week. Mr E B Piper, of the Seattle Post-In' teligencer,joined his family in this city, ana will remain a day or two on a visit. His brother George returned on Monlay from bis eastern trip, all right, after short siege of illness in Chicago. Tbe 6rrt bicycle of tbe season waa sold to fay by Hopkins, Bros., a Crescent. They are aotuipaUng a big sale tor toe enure year. A Salem Real Estate man advertises: A few years ago a man owning one of Salem's handsomest residence could of bad $12,000 for it. In a few years more it will agaio be good tor that sum any day. But we can now sell it tor $4,000 P FOR SKIN-TORTURED q) a io)n stiisii withCirnotiaABOAV.andasingleappUoaUoa Of Cunocsa (ointment), tha graat skin care. ConotiBA Ebtmmbs aflord Instant relief, and point to a spesdy core of rtrf'1S" agortag.kiimUlattag.ltohtog.hurnlng.bta foVTerosted, scaly skin and scalp humors, with loss ot hair, when all else fails.". OTTaaDaeACBiil. SKIN SCUP "lcM . WHEAT. A little higher today. New York 93 Xc. Chicago 9 1 c. San Krancitco 84c. Albany C6c Officers Installed. The Degree of Honor on lat We-f day eve installed the following otin . Past Chief of Honor, Mrs rren ; Cbi( of Honor, Mrs L A Fnrdam ; Lady of Honor, Mrs Henry Harkness; Chief of Cerimoniee, Mrs Sears; Keco d er, Mrs Bertha Parker; Financier, L E Gray; Lajy Usher, Edith Chiswell; Receiver, Mrs B F Ramp; Inside watch- man, Jxmis Mcuee; uitstde watchman. O P Dannala; Muscians, Mrs Bessie bwan. The lodge initiated three new members alter which a beautiful lunch was served. The officers of Albany Lodee No. 4. I. O. O. F. were installed on Wednesday evening, jan.o, u. v. u. ai. nm. M Donald, of Harrisborg otneiatinz, as fol lows: F M Mitchell. N(i:UC Jordan. V G: Henrr Barnes. R S: J Gradwohl. reasurer; J o Littler, r s : A J Haat, 8 N G ; J G Cberry, L S N vi O C Riches. Warden: H H MeElmnrrv. Cm. uucior; n J Keese, K B H ; W E Baker, L.S8; II Broders. OG: t has Modina. 1 G: E J Seeley. R V G; R L Burkbart, L V G ; C W Sears, Chaplain. Prizes Won. At the Poultry show in Eugene Linn county men won ttie following prises : Vacee, $1.00; to D. O. Wood worth, best black Langsban cock. Poultry food 75 cents, to E. Adsmson; best black minorca hen. Lodging $1 00; Minnesota Hotel to E. Adamson; best black minorca cock. Dress good; 1.00, to Mrs. L. B. Wit tel, best buff Iehorn pullet. Sailor hat; 1.00, to Mrs. L. B. Witxel, best buff Leghorn pen. Tea pit 75 cents; to E. Adamson; bed bronze turkey cockerel. Setting dues eggs HOP; to Austin Hulbert; best white plymouth rock cockerel. Pooltry cui50 cents: to Frank Hnt- bert; best pen white wyandottea Pipe 50 cents; to Frank Hulbert ; best white wyandotte cockerel . Board, Hotel Eugene 1.00; to E. Ad amson ; best pair pekin docks. Setting bronze turkey eggs 5.00; to . Adamson; best display turkers- , Package each lice killer, bird seed and poultry cure fl.50; to D.G. Wood worth; best S L wyandotte pullet. Insane Asylum IliJ Accepted. Eugene Mill A Elevator Co., floor, roller and graham, 13.49 a barrel. Harritt A Lawrence Salem croceries 6-50.78; beans, 4102.60; sugar. 11945.75; rolled oats, 400 44; dried peaches, t2 30: prunes, I ISO E H Ingham, Eugene, tobacco, $715. D J Fr, Salem, drugs, 404.21. R M Wade A Co, Salem, hardware, "4.90; tmning supplies 96.01; miscel laneous, $79.15. Jobn Hughes. Sa!em, syrups, $735. Fleiscboer, Moyer A Co. Portland, drv goo s, $1900.70 liamtt A Lawrence. Salem, aoan. 168.56. G Stolx, Salem, vinegar, ttt for lOM gallons. Knox A Morpb. Salem, plambin? supplies, $51.97. vteller Bros.. Salem. erockerv. f 154 SO- coffee, $814.73; brashes and brooms. $117 22. Gilbert & Patterson. !a!em. oils and tnrpentioe, $156; cbceee, 50; drvo xp- fatloon Bros. Salem, atationerv. $11.70. F C Barnes, Portland. 6tb, 6c a poeed. Krautse Bros, boot and shoes $264. Tbere are no awards on meats Doos roa Kundikc Frank Aliins. the Klondike man, who has been spend ing most of the winter in Lane county, i preparing 10 leave lor bis claim near Dawsoo City in the near future. Yea- terday be purchated two large trained dogs from Loo Moore.of llnscitv. Terms, pnvate rrevioaa to this purchs be bad purchased toreecanines,aod expects to buy two or three more. A rrroler team, be says, cootia s of six dogs.-- Mr. aioore nas seven more larxe canines bich be is training and baa banraintd for three or four more. He tar. it lakea about two weeks to learn tbem tn march wvog ruiary ana tnei about a morilD more before the will draw a load. Eu gene Guard. From tbe Oregon iao : Milton A. Miller, of Lebanon. wBillr" Bryan's particular friend who wants bim ss a running mate on the 1900 ticket ar rived at 4:3i. He bad no sooner spread bis autograph on tbe register than he made tbe sensational announcement : The next democratic national con vention will be htld at Lincoln. Neb.. the home of Bryan, who will be nomin ated for the presidency by acclamation and unanimously elected." fhe Dkmocxat is informed bv a down- the-river editor that (he Portland Tribune, will bean out and out Mitchell orgao, and that ia what it i for. Mayor Burkhart went to Portland thia morning. Installation cf Maccabees tomorrow night. A full attendence is desired. Hod. W. R. Biiveu went to Portland this morning to sttend the union conven tion, also Judge McFsdden of Corvaliia. Among the newspaper men who went to the union convention at Portland were Ira Campbell.of the Eugene Guard. Chas Fisher, of the Rose burg Review, and Chas. Nickel, of the Jacksonville Times, all tn lavor of a union of surer forces in tbe state. Oregon City is giving itself up to roller skating. there was a partial eclipae of the ino?n beginning at 3:37 o'clock ibis ai ternoon. There are three wemen in tbe peniten tiary, Mrs bllen Johnson. Mrs Kate ban ders and Mrs Annie Melcher, all from Portland. Iee French and Rome Miller, the two Jefferson young men examined before Jus tice Powell yeoterda afternoon for forgery were held under $500 bonds to await tbe action of the grand jury. Irsanb AsYLt-M Report. Tuesday at ternoon Sunt D. A. Paine, of the insane asylum filed his regular monthly report with tbe board ol trustees at mat insti tution. The following statistics are taken from I be report: No. I'atients aov. 30 1113. Received during December 18, re' turned escapes. 1. Total. 1132. Dia cbargod recovered, 2, Discharged much improved, 2. discharged not improved, I uiea z. eiopen i. iuwi -" io maintng Dec. 31. 1121. MARRIED. MORROW LAWWILL. Mr. M. B. Morrow.of Port Townsend, wash., and Miss Lora Lawwlll, of Linn county, on Jan. 5th, 1898, at the residence of J. Bentley, in this city, Rev. D. V. Pol ing officiating. M. Morrow ia a firemen on the N. P. R. R. and Miss Law will is an estimable young lady. Tbeir future home will be Port Townaend. GALBRAITH OWESBY. At the M E. church, at 9 p. m., on Wednesday evening, Jan 5, 1898, by Rev. M. C. Wire, Mr. Jessie 0. Galbraith and Miss Sarah Owenby, both of Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith left on tbe night train on a bridal trip to California. They are two of Albany's worthy young people, and have the best wishes of our happiness citizens generally lor prosperity. Hanged Tm rrant ead Durrant Died Protesting Ilia Inno cence. San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 7th. W H. T. Durrant was executed at San Uuentlo at 10:35 o'clock for the murde- ol Blanche Lamont, committed April 3, inn. mi . r . .. " inua. ine scene waa witneaatHl bv lullv nunured men. prominent througb uwaiate. Currant died with protests iuas or mnocence on bis lips and with a KayerUsGod to bring the guilty one to tice.' aje was very nervous and sent or a uattiolic priest before going to the scaffold. The execution was without a hitch, death resulting fifteen minutes af ter the bolt was drawn. Durrant d'd not fall asleep until 3:30. At 6:15 he aweke and ate a hearty break fast. His mother and father arrived at 7 o'clock and remained near their son un til the procession of death commenced. He walked upon the scaffold alone, though very nervous. Lebanon Advance Items. Mies Madge Marks is now in the Wo man's Hospital In San Francisco, learn ing to be a trained nurse. This is a fine hospital, kept op and managed by wealthy ladies of the city. Henry Smith left this morning for rortiand, where be will attend t isk's mining school for a month and then go u Aiasta. e nope he win make a rich airiKa O. B. Hansard went to Albany today to consult physicians is) regard to his eyea. and may go to Portland on the same mission. Rev, E. Eccleston is now pastor of the Pi ret Presbyterian chnrch nf P Cat. This church baa a membership of about 300. and tbere are two ciiurcnea oi the same denomination in the city, rresno baa a population of aonut id.uuu. J. W. bcanland iseirtnlatinaarwtitinn for the pardon of his son John, who is serving a three-year term in the peniten uary on tne charge of passiog counter- leu monev. The netition ia htrii.v n eraily signed by our citisens The youog wan uaa tervea a pout thirteen months oi ins sentence. The Presbvterian rhnrrh ataa fill,! In overflowing Wednesday evening on the occasion of the lecture nf Hon. J. U. Heichtr of Salem on "Tilling th Roil " The lecture was pointed, practical and rpniue, who enough bum or to make it enjoyable, and all attending were well plvaeed. The speaker showed that fann ing is on of t be most honoraole ofoo cupalions. and that it alao nhnnl.l h nn of the most dignified. pleaaant and profit able. The lecture was of an elevating character, and we wish more cou:d have beard it. Mr. 1 inkle in Eugene. From the Guard : During i be past few days a meek-eved, mi d-mannered, wandering photographer baa been noticed taking views of Eugene business bouses. Being accosted by a Guard reporter, be statd bis name was F. B. Tinkle and that bis object in thus forming lasting impreseionsof Eugene was to assist Goodall A F?encb, of San Franciaco, who wiil write a new direc tory of the city this spring. Tbeir solid tors will commence work in the city in about two months, and will make a com plete and thorough directory. Tbey alii also teoe a eoaven x book, containing half-tone views of various points of interest in tbe city anH vicinity and a panoramic view of K city itself. Tbe firm has headquarters ia Chicago and only recently established the San t-ranebco branch. According to tbeir pro pectus, tbe firm has unlimited facili ties fordoing their work in a I borough manner. A Staj ton Man Robbed. Tbe report that Leottirb. of Slarton, bad been beaten and robbed at Seattle some lime ago proves to be true, aa it is corroborate! by a paper published in that city, lie wis enticed oat of town by a suppoeed frieod, w ben a maake 4 leaped from the brush by tbe roadside and commanded Mr Lenttica to "throw op bis banc's " Tbe old gentleman re sented the order and struck tbe robber with an nmbralla wbidh be carried in bb hand He was no match for the rob ber, however, and a the supposed friend refused to interfere ia his behalf the old fellow was overcome and beaten down with tbe butt end of a revolver and rob bed of about $270, which be carried in bia pockets. The two men then west away thrtugb tbe brush together leav ing Mr Lenttich lyiog in aa almost in sensible condition. Alter a time be managed to get back to town and waa taken to the police station, where be told his story . A Usiox Coxvaxnox will b held in rortland to-morrow. Deligates have been appointed lo it from several coun ties, and a good many not delegates will attend. At a meeting in Corvaliia Yes terday resolutions were adopted favoring tbe initiative and referdum and against we single goia sianara. r ive delegates were appointed of whom John Burnett and Eugene Palmer were in the citv to day on their way to Portland TL Duggar also went down on the noon train to attend the convention. DisTt-BBKD a Mebtixo. Will Hall and Kidd Marcus, of Crawfordsville. were ar rested this week at that place for dis turbing a religious meeting, by pounding upon tne ouiiutng. Mall was fined $25 and Marcus waa discharged, not being guilty. Tub Installation of tbe officers of tbe Home Forum No 634 took place Tues day evening, January the 4th. The fol lowing were installed : President. Liuie A Craw; 1st Vice-president. Dr J LHili; ina ice-prestdent, Hattie Mevers; Sec retary, amy Livingston; 1 reasurer, Charles Knecbt ; Historian. B E Hvman; Orator, J L Mao; Assistant Orator, Katie Meyers; Guard, Elmer Wagstatf, Physician J L Hill: Pianist. Beie Swann ; Trustees, 8 Livingston, E Wsg- sian, it v Hardman. A Popcust Mtrnsa. E. C. Neal chairman of tbe Populist county central committee lias issued a call for meeting to le held at the court house in Albany, on January 12, at 11 o'clock a. m. tie also asks that tbe members ot the committee bring along witb them as msny vigorous, substantial Populists as possible, as matters ot vital importance to the reopies party win come np. United Artibakb. The new officers are: Pant Master. John N Duncan Master Artisan. Dr J C Littler: Superin- intendent, Sadie Clevenger; Inspector, Henry ousted t; Secretary, T Wendell Treasurer, F M French ; Sr. Conductor Mm Eva Wandell; Master of Ceremonies b (J Everett ; Instructor, M E Everett Jr. Conductor, D R N Blackburn; War der, L W Ross ; Medical Examiner, Dr L Hill. rc its irns W.. The Democrat is informed fbat neither of tbe present nightwatehmenwill be a can didate for reelection. The Oregonian gave tha amount of tbe recent forgery in this city as $3000, which is 100 times toe much, the amour t being 130. A. W. Prescott hss been appointed ec ei ver of the property of the law firm and! t O arson & Fleming, ot Salem. At . i . : i I . t. I. - . Royal POWDER Absolutely pur 3 ATTJBDA-y SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Installation of officers at K , O . T. M tonight. John, son of Mr. Cal Barkhart, ia ill witb diphtheria. A new aoit for divorce is that of Viola Ford agt. Milton Ford. MonUnye A Son attorneys. Mr. Will Lyon, of Pullman, Wash., ar rived tn Albany last night on a visit with Aioany mends. If. C. Nute, of Medford, is in the city on business He is the administrator of the estate of Dr Rich, and will today sell at public auction, at the court boose a portion of said estate. Corvallis Times Mr. Elias Keeney. of Contact, Moa. is in tbe city on bis wsy to Dawsoo, where he proposes to do some mining me coming season. Mr. Keeney was a resident of Linn county twenty-fie years ago, and has been away from here about that length of time. He wishes the Dxmocwat to extend bis regards to old friends of those days who stood by bim wtien be needed mentis. Miss Jessie Davis. M. D., of Silverton, Wb3 baa been viatong friends in this city, returned borne on today's local. Dr. Davia is aa alumnua of tbe Academy of Sacred Heart, Saiem. and of the U. of O. medical college, Portland, in tbe former school being a classmate of Miss Flora Young of tbiaeitv. Ootoftwentv- five members of her medical class, sbe ranked first, and is mainuin ng a similar rank among her cotemporanes in tbe active arena of life. Dr Davia is think ing of changing ber location to which case this city ia to be congratulat ed upon the acquUition of such a cul tured, talented and highly estimable young lady as is Dr. Davis. Eugene Register. Installation of Officer. Tbe foil wing o&cers for Alpha Trm- p.e o. I Ktthbooe Slaters were in stalled last Tuesday evening. Jan. 4th: PC, Mrs AnoaCorl; M EC, Mrs Etta Wright; E S. Olga Hewitt; E J.Mrs Liuie Hyde- M ol S, Mrs rlorence Conn; M of R A C. Mrs Mary Hogue; M of F, Mrs Maggie Will; p of S, Rebeka Gcie neai; G of O T. Mrs OHie O'Brien; Trustees. Mrs S .rah Hochsiedlerr Mrs Bertha Parker, Mrs Mary ke ly. At a meeting of Beuiab Lodg o. 35. I. O O. F. lat evening tbe following officers were installed by D D G M Iriilia M Seam, lor the ecsatng term : u, h Julia Taylor; V G, Virginia Gordan; Recording Secretary, Kate ti Montaoye; Ficaacial Secretary, Emma Brack man ; Tranrr Klrina tiradwaht: Cbanlain. Elisabeth Shaw. Warden. Ella Merrill. Good actor, Flora Clifton; E G, Joa Maning; O G, Robt L Bnrkbart, K S G, Icilha M Sears; L S N G. Maiy I Sutes; R S V G. Mary Baker; LSVG, Carrie Salt marsh. Alter installation a datntv lunch was served and a choice program rendered, thus ended a very en joyable evening. Tbe Union Convention. Hoo. W. R. Bi yeu. Mavor Batkbart, Judge Burnett and others returned ast mgbt from the Union convention in Portland and report it a success The attendance was large, and from al! over tbe state, and tae sentiment trocg in fa vor of a noioo of forces in the next elec tion. Resolutions were paseed, as fol los: Sa recogtiixe that the general wel fare of our country is opposed by a com mon enemy that should be met by a solid phalanx of Ameiican citiaena, who love their country and desire the greatest good to tbe greatest number. We therefore recommend thst tnis meeting request the people of tbe populist party, the democratic party and the ailver-republi-can party to use all lair and honorable means to secure a proper alliance of these parties ie district, atate and county or ganization!, to tbe end that en-operation may be bad at the coming election. There are cleatv of good men in any or all parties, pare in principle and tried m pa rioiiaro, to uu tiu uuuur v &ucu tonatitoents tbe trusts to which the peo ple would call tbeir servants by popular vote. 1 here fore we would hope: First That the conventions of tbe sev eral parties be held at tbe same time and riace. Second inatmey endeavor to agree upon tbe same principle and candidates maintaining tueir separate party organ' ixations. Third That the county organisations endeavor to govern themselves by the same co-cperation similar to that of tbe district and stau organizations. Fourth That alt work togetner tor such a victory as is sure to follow har mony of action for a just cause.ror n un ion tbere is strengtc. Tub College Y. M. C. A. of the Northwest in session at Portland elected the following officers: President, S B L Penrose, of " hitman col lege; nret vicc- Dreeideut. J T orbnrn Row. rortland second vice-president. President W H bee. Albany college recoraing secretary K larsen Blanck, freattie; nrst aesisuiot, It K Voautv. Portland, and second as sistant, W II Phillips, Washington agri cultural C3l!ege. The delegates from Albsnv are: Pres. Wallace H Lee. Professor C E Sox. L H Speer, J II Rals'on, Owen Beam. J Moelinke. L.AWitev. Clayton speer, Hans Hansen, C C Bryant, William M Parry. Tub Statu Tbbascby. Governor Lord has ma lo public the report of the secre tary of Slate, on the examination of the state treasury January 1, 1 80S. There port shows there wain the Oregon state treasury on that date the sum of tS67, 763. Newspaper men have been trying tor months to get this statement The secretary is required to make examina tions semi-annually and report to the governor. It would be a matter rf fur ther interest to know just wnat is be ing done with th'S money at this time. Will Comb to Albany. Supreme Past Master Tate, of the A. O. U. W will shortly visit this state nd deliver a number of lectures lie wm oe at ai bany on the Stith inst, and there Is a ka Wrva-er mun saml lsaiTraaA. of Corvallis, to cha.ter a train and ena- hie the members and irteuus at mis or- sanitation to hear tbe distinguished vis itor. Committees appointed for the pur - pose by the orders named report favo - ble chances of obtalulng a train at a Bg- ure which will be reasonable. Times, Notice January 6, 1803. Hereafter we the underaikoed will not make any charges on Laundry work under 1 . . .it. c . r .... j4 tha . XVI cents. Aioanj owiu .uuuiji Magnolia Laundry. HOME AND ABROAD. A $5,003 addition is to be built to tbe Salem woolen mill . ine receipts of tbe Ul t K last year above expenaes are given by tbe railroad commissioners as $16,000. Tbe road is being well maocged. ' In the estate of Let Gerhard letters of administration have been issued o Henry Gerhard, and bis his beau lite Jit $i,65u. Times. Free lecture to night. W D Frazee, of Oceaoside, Cel. will deiirer a free lecture at the Christian chorch, subject "Tbe Di vinity of tbe bible shown by tbe fulfilment ot prophecy according to in6dl testimony 1 be lecture will be ilia tinted from a Ions cb irt. Lecture begins at lamp-lighting C B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the east. Smile ' clean printing. Romona pure spices . Romona Romona pure extracts . Try Schilling's Beat tea and baking powder. The Best Cracker in town at C E Brow-ne-l'.. Shirts aad collars a aoecialtv at tha iSasr u Laundry. Pictures from 75 cents to $25 per dVa Longs gallery. I - . r . vcv a mot carving knives tr an xmas preaent at Uopkia Bros. Call at Hopkin Bros and see tte pocket knives best hoe in tbe city. Crawford tlarnish for photograchs Prices from $1 to $?Q per dozen. Bs sure and s?e the aoti rat tie ware ai nopaia oio. wm las. a lifetime. -Saow Flake" flmr is mada by tbe Red Crown Mills of Albany. A fine line of new macintoshes just re ceived at the Blain Clothing Co's. Try our pop corn ; it never fails to pop'. C E BaowxiLi. . 'Rsd Crowe'' -the standard of color and strength ia floor. A U grocers have it . Tae the O 0 E cteamer for Portland down ner on Sunday, Tooeday and Tburs day. La1 and mU profit is the motto ot Hopkin lint, and thai ii why thay are alaaja busy. W hen yon want a choice steak. roat or meat of any kind, call oa Henry nrooerm. He kdepe tbe beat. Dts H. E. and O. K. IWr nffir. a residence in post office building. Special Mtcauun giTea to aiseawa ot women. The beat meats of all kinds and wt treatment at tbe Aibuy Dreaaed Beef Compaay'a market. jot djwn Second rtreel. Good weight and Dromot atiwl tioo. It's th uniform finiah of tha Vr f?- Crowe fl ur w'jtca m it so inpispea abetothsputry CMkt. Itca always oe reuej upja tar 1 resalu. Try it. REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by tbe Linn County Ab stract Company, for the Demoolat for tbe week ending Jan. 5th, 1S97 Wm Ralston and wf to A McCor- dy.tractadiotning Lebanon t SO C S to Wm Deaklns, T II, 1 E, loO acres H M Smith to Charles A Smith, un divided 15 int in lands of P M Smith, deceased 440 Thos Umpbreys by exr to M Gor man. T 12. 2 W. 127 acre 1784 Anna Vaatu to N. McCormick. un divided hi int in V3 acres 1000 D B Monteitb and wf to W J Torn- idge.Tll.2W. 12 acres 240 120 10 M E A Swank et ai, by sheriff, to W H Swank. T 14. 2 W, 2fW a-res.. E Ptrin and wf to B E Rayburn, l.H lots. Harrisborg " D A Osbura and wf to Sol King, 20 acres D A Oiborc end wf io Sol Kics. a boot l!8acre C S toO A C R R, T 14, 2 and 3 E. -.Ml .Jo acrea C a to Demosthenes Clifford, T 10, l t. too acres - M D Hogan tiJE McCardr. T 12. . u acres 1(00 Fanny Williams to ! E McCardr. T 12, 2 W, 105 acres . 125 300 E N Chat field and wf to Elia Hall. T9.3 E. 6 acre J H KWney and wf to Z ? Thomp son. 4 lots. Sweet Home D McKercherto Mary McEercber. T 14. 2 w. ICS acres 1695 F S Poaell and wf to Marv E Weie- ner.T 11.2 W. 160 acre 3150 Asbby Pearce and wf to Alma Z bow, 3 lots, oodie a Riverside ad to Albanv 300 Jos R'adlev. Deed, bv City Marshal. ioT R larker, lot 6. bl 103. Albany, U Huston and wl to S K iliis. lot 8, U 104, Hackleman's ad to Albany 800 WHEAT. New York SS'c. Chicago 91 San Krancico S3c. Liverpool lc. higher Albany 66;. Palraa. tbe bead of the Cuban junta ia the United States, writes to Oregon that Capt Mahoney, who was recently ia Uregon, waa a bilk, was not autnonxea to collect money tor the Cuban peopie. BxrrBB Or it It. ComD'aint haa been made t- tbe marshal of tbe continual violation of tbe bicvele ordinance by tbe riling on the streets prohibited by too ordinance, particularly on Second and Broadaibin, by several men who are known, but can never be caught at it by tbe officers. They are warned to quit it. 11 F Mi.viil nir "Vy. Cjm'y SA! wtrrnt. 05:i lo Oaavs tldi n. Both the method and reenlta vhen Syrup of Figs is taken; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta pentlv vet nromptlv on the Kidneys, Liver and IJowels, cleanses the cys teru effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cores habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste ana ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy ana agreearjie BUDeiances, its ; many excellent qualities commend it tx all and have made U the most ; TOpular remedy known. . rr-L : " t... Mi ? urt a - 1 ojiuy v iSo . " cent DOtUOS Dy au leaoine "S' i gists. Any reliable aruggis wno may not nave it on nana wm pru cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try iu Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FJ3 SYRUP COL sam nvuKtsco. c-t-uumiLU. a. ew roK ux Albany TradingCo Have Moved to Graham building Cor. 1st and Baker Sts- -W PRIC&-" It. X. Jlorri, Manage r. 7 lbs rolled oas .$ I cans sardines 5 cans deviled bam.. 25 25 25 25 25 25 20 25 25 05 30 00 25 10 05 8 lbs Arm A Hammer Soda (balk) I gallon nice peeled peaches 3 csns oysters, gwd ones Gold Dust Wash Powder, 1 pkg. 3 cans pepper, cloves or allspice.. 3-2 oz bottles extract 5 papers matches Gunpowder tea, good Best floor pr sack 3 quart bottles blueing " large lamp chimney Small " Christmas candies, new. treell goods just received Plain mixed candy 1 lb nice new walnuts, not the Iact years stock, special prices given for Christmas trees Corn Cake tob and pipe... Uncle Ned lob and pipe..... 5 lbs Lard 16 lbs gran sugar 2 pa Arbuckle ecSe grad to oraer 2 pa Lion coffee " " 2 pa Royal Java coffee. " JO 10 20 20 45 1 00 25 25 23 85 45 50 15 ft 25 for 5 gal kerosene, brinz vour can 50 lb sack salt 1 gal best syrup, bring yoar backet 1 gal best eider vinetrar 20 ox bar Battle Ax soap 6 pk Red Bell smo tob The above prices are onlv eood stock now on band. Come and see ns Large ordes discounted from thesepri- ees. nie : RAILRJAD : : Ms LLn8 cf th Wcrld Tn Ogflea & Ealt Lab TO All Feints last & SQHtll6a3 Pullman Palace sleeping cais PulImaTi tourist cirs Free redlining chair cars Are run through on all trains. Best service Finest equipment Fastest time. For ratss of faro and all in-i'-rination call on your near est ticket asent or address R C Nickol, E B Dctft, Gf nl. Agt, Trav Pass Agt, 251 Washinetou St, Portland. S K Hoopee, GPiF Agt, Denver, Colorado. Ta l- I -ki. -r a. -1 mum ttat i'i vtu cor CI FKLEXE aad a ssa.i anal tietamx car aa AdOrrm TimmttDT I P I III .K KB I TOOK HI ltDl ;., 5I Mmm mtr T.feUw. IlllaaSa. THE lath WuiJ vet aimpJest type yme maaufactured. the consummattoa of tr invwtow art. An esprt ateao?rapi after asing nanv machiaea, y- 1 coa aider the Yost nttng mavniE or 10 any 1 feave jet wa- w luc Dbmoc&at office and see one of the type writers tha haa to haie a perfect ahign- ment. . , . Alt Typewntere stippnes oraerea. F. P. Nrmxs. Ageat. PATENTS PROCURED. EUGENE W. JOHNSON, oUctor an! Mljia MestCaise imx iaraaw.waaiaa;.c CHEAPEST POWER mmiv(wvvA T aa CawataaaaTraaa X??! tT..c.a andfowlsaooBi"JMaaaititfc J s A. SNOW & UU. 5 Opts lwrr Orve. WfttMlltCTO. 9ymmm TXIi-l NEW .ORK WORLD Thrirr-a-Wetk Edition IS Pages a Week . . . ... 156 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar. raltoa4everr aiteraatcway eaevpt ! The Thrice-a- Week EdiUoa of Th a r. m Ioks Woku is first aueg all Jf1! " papers in siie. fluency of P' and the freehnew. accuracy and variety ol ts cot t-nrs. It h all the merit, of a great $6 daily at the price of dollai weeklv Its political news is prompt. com plete, accurate aad impartial as all its read era will testify. It " against the monopo lies and tor the people It prints the new. of all the world bar ing special correspondence from all i tm r Mtaat news pomU oa tbe globe. It has jrilliaat illustrations- stones by great authors, a capital humor page, complete markets, departments for the bousehold Ud women's work and Other special de- We offer this unequaled newspaper and the Dkmocbat togevherone vear for f tt ill ft I IIIA I. 3IIU v. b. r ai in 'y'yy a f-mml mtt a . "Tom em aimmlt ms vih ttunm waa IBI sna-taaaK.. m eaamet to cmw 1 11 icrpjniii mma roBl.f. ULManurMi UmXm mM-m UCDI rfctii. it IaII , ffaMBW MfMaaMul ear. B fc aut mi i I Iji. j i. iim p.,a.Tni fail mm acbo ul Jfj aua. M.i tm Facta bMaia.Sv.ThMt, J PllwCm rr t.mmr. al rinnoMf -Jbk;adr , ! t ITT tT 7 T'T B J a &t M lit fcotite. al. I mm) mtmBgrnw r a4ifemUl.tcHf m U 1 1 ?Vff?i?