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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1898)
urn in 71 voLxxxm Entered cfi tke Pout OBlee at tlbaay. S)r. a Beeewd-Class Mall Mallrii ALBANY ORhGON. FRlDAY. JAAUAltY28. l89S. r ;r JirTTISC Paallaber aatf rranrtctar Ml 26 1? AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT Tf trE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD C ASTORIA " AND "PITCHER'S C ASTORIA," as OCR trademark. 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CAST0R1A," the same that has borne and doci r.rj on every bear the facsimile signature cf &&T&cji& wrapper. This is the original PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers cf America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always boinht on the and ha3 the signature cf Cz&ffi&$Xi wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex- yvrv TFia fsnt-tsrtm "Vi t r - v v ...!. "I. frr rr m ,cjjy Aito wihuui vuinjjuny vj President. March S, 1S97. Do Not Bo Do not endanger the life a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you. Vjcuiusc iic inaKes a iew reaients or which even no docs not know . "The End You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SlMlLE SIGNATURE OF .s Insist on Having The Kind That Neyer Failed You. MHTU CCMNMMT, TT Mi ...HAPPY NEW YEAR... RING OUT And tell the people the best GROCERIES the finest HARDWARE the best make of STOVES are to be found at R E. ALLEN & CO S. ' inmMUWM f -afKOJ III. y .,v 1.1331 4 " Wall Paper, iJarpet8, Lineol'sam, Lace Curtains, Rugs, Portier3, Pillows Furniture Bedding. Future Frames, " Linen Warp Matting, Oil rein tings, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE CO. THE OPENING DAY TheS is January 4, 1898." The college mercial work very much, bo tsusmess A ual to any in the state. This was not so in the' pa3t. It is 8 now. tome and secure branches o." a liberal education. Albany, Oregon, ?fflMfiut AMltf COllSg) - 25c .50e - .J--??e WMZ&P ALBANY CIGAR' FACTORY . .IOEi. Proprietor! wucn uias. a. netcner IS Deceived. cf vnr rh',L more pennies on it), the i a- IVMHAT Htm VOM MTV, YE BELLS far and wide that 9PVUaR$ RAOTICAIi 4 1- j- e. ' OF econd Term ha3 strengthened its com' that now it has become a Allege a thorough training in all CANDY CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS WHEAT. New Yorit 93?4'o. Chicago 91,"8c . San Erancisco 83c. Hverpool lc. higher. Albany 63c. The True Situation. Dr. E. W. Crojp, has just returned to hie home in Walla Walla from Dawson after a perilous and tedious trip to Skag way, and civte the honest situation as follows, and everybody with the fever should read: 'Of course there is sold there and lot of it too, but it is not where the ordinary person can get ai it. 1 Declaims on lion ansa and Lldorado creeks are rich, bnt tliese are taken np long ago and are now oeing operated by men or counivaniea who can anord to nav their hired hand fi an nour. wmie fl an houi would seem big wages in this countrr. in Klon dike it is littlp enough, as a man can on ly worK irora lour to six hours a da?, and uneaoes not uave Dis on provisions anu qo nis own cooKing meals cost him per day. "Hundreds are disgusted with the country and are either commeout dur ing the winter, over the ice, or will leave oy boat as the river opens to navigation. which will be about June 1. We lived a long time in a small log cabin built on claim No. 27 below Discovery, and worked tha plain, m IK. bK.p I ... autn Iahj that it did not pay .and hundreds of oth ers are Having the same experience. -as 10 tne reports oi starvation in Klondike, I will say. it is a fake. There was a time during the fall that provisions were scarce, and at that time flour brought $100 a sack, or 92 a pound, but before I left there the price dropped to a sacs. Meat is there in plenty and mere is no danger oi the miners suffer. mg greatly from the lack of substantial food. lla. Cnmmins and the rest of the nalila Walla boys were not doing any thing when I left Dawson, but they had put in one day's work, matins til. Be sides prospecting on one or two braccb streanie, they have doce hardly aar thing except ait in their cabin. Tbev al so appear somewhat ditgusted with the country and I expect them to return to their homes as soon as spring opens the irausporiauon lines." Tbey Favor Union At the meeting of the populist state central committee, held in f atnoU ball yesterday, the action of the executive committee in calling the state convention to meet March 23 was indorsed. The quea:ion of fusion with the union-reform party was discused for boars, and at Ust a resolution instructing the several coun ty conventions to instruct delegates for or against fusion was adopt-d, with hardly a di6sentng voice. U'Rens motion to change the convention to February 23 waa lost 'i to 4. and that auiinst nmon 9 to 4. many not voting. E. C. Neil was the regular delegate from this county, bu; Dr. J.L. Hilt.Judge Harmn, U. tJ. Montagce and J. S. Smith, were present. During tbe meeting a fight between U'Rren and Stephens i reported. lue Tnbane evre fc. C Neil of Linn aided U'Hen with his eloquence. It also gives (be vote as 19 to 8, instead of 23 to 4 ui given by the Oregooian. B. F. Tinkle, the. photographer, la in the city. T. P. Haoklemnn, ho graced the le gal profession at Albany, waa a visitor in salein yesterday. halem statesman. Hopkin Bros bavs received the firt 18&3 bicycUa an- hae a fine stock of Cm enta with alt the lateu improvemeot ou band Call and tee them W. IL Jlartlera, of CorvalMe, was in the city today on bis way to Alaska. He reports nearly everybody in that city having tbe lever badly. Dr. Wallace returned tli'u noon from Jefferson, where he performed an oper ation for appendicitis on Mark Wa'.kim, with prospects in his favor. H.J. Sower. W. F. Pf-iffer, C. U. Rawlings. B. F. Thayer, and W. E. Kel ler, are now in Portland awaiting tbe sailing of tbe Oregon on next Sunday. Mr. R. A. Rampy. who closed his bank at Harrisburx a few years ago on account of poor health, ha reopened for easiness, tie baa tbe conndence ot bis fellow citizens. The Eugene Guaid says : County Clerk Jennings tbis afternoon issued a mar riage license to tbe following youtnml persons: J. Modi, 75 years, and .Sarah Cantrell, 05 years. Their total ages are 140 years, ilr. F. II. Pfeiffer. one of Albany's most enthusiastic NimroJs, is sporting in a new bunting arrangement just re ceived from tbe east. It is a semi boat and Kuit , that is blown up, after being out on, and Boats aalely witn tbe legs free for action. It u being use J in tbe east with success by hunters. Mr. Pfeif ler is the envy of all tbe duck burners. Geo. E. Fih has taken tbe agency fcr the Rambler and Ideal and will sxa bate some in stock, when von will be able to get a 6m bicycle !?r$40 op. Here is a genuine tiger story from tbe Bangkok 8iam Free Presi, just sect tbe Democrat by Minister Barrett: A cur ious story comet from Nongkbai that throws some lieht on tbe folklore of tbe na tives. For tbe but two months a tiger bas terrorised tbe neighborhood of Nongkai This dreadful man-eater ia said ta have destroyed no let than 40 persons . N o one in the dittrict dare go out after dark and even in tbe daytime tbe villagers go in eroups for safety. All attempts have hither" o failed of either sbootinu or pois onine the animal. The natives alleire that tbe animal is possessed by tbe spirit or a Uurrnan. Two brotbers pre said to nave practised tbe blade art and to have been able to cbaega themselves into tigers or other animals at will. One, however, like All in the "Forty Thieves, forgot the magic word tbat made bim a man . agaiu. It is this unhappy Burman, tue people al lege, who is no ravaging tbe country in the form i4 a tiger. MARRIED. HUSTON MILLER. On the evening of January 18, 1898, at the home of tbe groom' brother, Mr. E. R. Huston, in Albanv. bv Rev. Corvea. Mr. Ubarle Huston and Lottie Miller, recently of Plainview, and daughter of Mr. Chas. A. Miller, for many years O. C. A E. aeeut at Yanuina. Mr. and Mrs. Huston have the best wishes of many friends. Whether itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, pimply, or blotchy, whether simple, scrofulous, or hereditary, Irom imanny u, s. speedily cured by warm baths with Ctrncua Soap, gentle anointings with Ccticura (oint ment), the great skin cure, and mild doses of CcTiconA Resolvbst, greatest ot blood purifiers and humor cures. . ln!4 thmtirfcoatth.worfl. Fott DEC abdCmM. Coir., Sola Prop.., Bo.lo. aW-'Uowlo Cura k.,rj Blood lloaior,riaa. FACE HUMORS ufillr ulS'ifctwuLM BldPdDCl H11IMDF& ticiira REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by the Linn County Abstract Company, for the Democrat, for the week ending January 19, 189S. John Gum and wf to W A Salt marbh, N E of S w i Sec 8, T 12 t.w 40 acres John SchlosBer to Geo Humphrey, blk 49 Goltra Park add to Albny G B Needles and wf to VV L Tvler, lot 11 bl 6 Harriaburg J 6 Thomas & wf to R L Thomas, T 9 and 10 1 E 240 acres. R L Thomas et al to Charlotte Thomas, T 9 and 10 1 E 240 aca. N E Morgan & husband, to Jason Wheeler, part of bl 18 Albany. and lots 7 and 8 bl 25 Hackle man's aHit In A IK.m 150 820 8000 C Pperry & wf to M Hale," tract in N Brownsville J D Hearst & hUBbaud to E F Hall part bl 28 Albany W H 1 login to Barbara J Hogan. 1620 iota o ana o. tiiii s add to Soda- ville. M J A!!n to L N and D L Allen. T12, 3&4 wl63 acres... E Brown to Santiam Lnmbering Co, lots 1, 2, 3 & 4 hi 106 . Hack. leman's add to Albanv ' J Shea to Bettie Erickson, lot 2 bl o roster, uregon Wm H Tearl & wf to HB Kirk 1 executor, lota 6, 4, fi & 6 bl 17, S W A s s Hivm ad.t in ni, 1 0 A Curran to Emma Curran, lota ana o ui a tiackleman s 4th to Albanv. Oreaon 200 L S Adams & husband to J ilen- dersm, N Sec 18.T 14. 1 E 1CO0 E Schnider A husband to I Brown, 8 N EJof 8 W i,'. SmIS.T 9,1, w20 acres 600 School Entertainment Three will be a Public 8.1, lenainmeot attbeUnera hnnu VA evening,Jan. mencmg at 8 p. m. l, IHAf ni.....: . :,i - it., iiik . j Kraiuaie Irom the 10th grade. The exarciar. .in sist of three orations by ls of theclasa, and Longfellows Evangeline by six girls of the graduating slass. In addition to the above the High school girls will give a drill entuIed"The Revel ot the Naiads." ot twenty tbiee beautifnl P.t. -. beone ' h most beau uiui anna ever given in Albany. The iiuauuoill eri.ibs Will vir . n I . . ertit!ed"The Secret" by thirty borsand girla. Tte full program will appear is the city prea next wee. A cene-al ad mission fee of 25 cenu and m Mn. ... school children will be charged. The Madiaon school needs a piano and the school library needs some additions. The proceed of the entertainment will be ap plied for this purpose after Oura Hmiu expenses are deducted. The grada.tea will be Misers Edith Kowell, Annie Marshall,LoA.tta Stewart. Ltcel Bentley, JUida McCoy, Hatrie Ol "n, ernon Kamp, Jas. Bryant and Harry Cameron. as. A. Wilson, Deputy Marshal. From the Oregonian : James A. Wiimm ilu.l" - day 'assume th duties of office of deputy under United btates Marshal Houser. taking the blace ot Hrnr, n it,..i. ODe ol the deputies noCer former Mar shal Grady. The Wilson was madecotun iimnii.. shal Houser, ani yesterday ita approval "- v. . ' jusnce was received Mr. it l son came ta llrxmii in lew t cuusjiTania.and tirst Kated in Joseph tue county, and engaged in, merchandis ing till 1890, when he moved to Albany. He bas beea prominent in republican party affairs, waa a delegate to tbe fir: .."fi,0015"''0"1 conventions in IS34-1S9C. and secretary of tbe aatiie rd tbe congreseiooat committee He is also a member of the fir diaUict executive commitiee. The Youngest Soldier. The Corvallis Times uti that V i Hubler, of that city, is probably tbe youngest onion soldier in th I7niiwt States. The Dkmocbat ia rnvnamd m present a caudidate for the honnr who will prohibit knock Mr. Hubler oat a. eral yeare. P. A Land is. of thiaritv. nn May 9th. 1861, enlisted in tbe Irtih In. diana, F. Co. and served rontinuonslv brousb tbe war. later In ir.i h In.t He was in 113 engagemenU and skirm ishea. including Ft Donaldson. Ft. Hen ry, Shilo, Vicksbnrg, and Sherman's march to the sea, in one being under Ore steadily for twenty one days. II ia reg iment marched over 4000 m.U. Me Landie was only 13 jears and less than 1 month old on entering the army, and mere boy when the war closed. He is ??w ?er oI lte. Let hear about Mr. Hubler. Mim Wallacx8 Will. The follow ing from tbe Statesman will bo of inter et lo the Democrat's readers: Miaa LUza B Wall-ce died at Wallers Park. Berka county. ra on tbe 12th of Ubc. last, leaving an estate is Marion eonntv. Oregon, valued at about $5,000. On the ZtUi ol October she executed a will in which she provided certain beqoesta to relatives and the remainder of the prop erty she stipulated should be used in paying he way of needy students at Knoxville (Tennesseel col lese.esoeci ally the girls, or it may be divided into scholarships of 30 each and given lo pirla making tbe highest grade in con duct, bousework and sewing, also les sons.taking an a versus of tbe four itema. She nominated her brother. 11 F Wal lace of Portland, as the executor, and on tbe will oeiog admitted to probate 7esteiday by tbe county court. At IlABBiBBuua. Tae following Ma sonic officers have been installed.Thurs ton. No. 28, A F & A M ; Sam May, W M ; R L White. S W : Jas McDonald, J W ; Perry Hyde, Treaa; D Smith, Sec; J Hay, Tyler; S 11 Lasseli, 8 D; ME Hearn. J D. Uarrisborz Chanter. No. 13. R A M 8am May, HP; LHLasell, K; Rob L wtitte, o; M Uumminir.C II : O P Hvde. P 8; B E Grime, R A G; J ti Bosetnan, G M 3 V; Jerry Hay. GM2V; DS Bosey. G M 1 V: G W Brand. Guard: isamon omitb, irea ; w tsriggs, bee Wast to Play. One of the most non- clar gymnasium game is indoor base tall, and at present it bas taken a strong bold on U ol U. athlete, wbo practice almost nightly. A team from the uui versify wiil make an effort to secure i game witb Albany college to take place at the time the intercollegiate oratorical contest comes off, which will be held al tbat city. Guard. That Siam Papzh. The Dkmockat has read with a good deal of interest the Bangkok Slam Free Press. It is a daily evening paper, delivered lor month, or 15c a single copy. The size is four pages of five wide column. Buttar in Bangkok is 80c per 1 lb tin, barbers charge 40 alts for haircutting and 20 atte iorsbavimr. The Portland papers had a sensational article abouthow Frank Atkina camo down from Dawson with! 25,000 in sld dusc, and had disappeared, with the prob ability that he had been murdered along tbe river iront in rortund. not bavins been seen since the first few day of hi arrival, ah the time Atkins was in Ku gene at the home of his mother. He left this week on his return trip to Diwson Another lake item punctured. Installation. McPbereon Post and the Relief Corps last night held their aa nnal installation rer vices and tbe new officer heretofore given were placed i charge of matters, Mrs. Cruson of Leba non installing the Corp officer and Mestrs. Wood in and Train the Post offi cer. Afterward there were remark by .Col. Montague, a reading by Mr. lUrk ness, recitations by tbe Misses Steele and a reading by Mrs. Cruson, besides a eason of sociability FEIDAT WHEAT. New York 937,'-. Chicago 91J,c, San Francisco 64c. Liverpool 2c higher. Albany 63c. Mr. Chris Houck is lying dangerously lit at bis home In this city. Miss Palteron, of Eugene, is in the city tbe guest of Mrs . J. O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lawler retur&) last night from a trip to Portland . f Tbe Maeazice Club will meet tomflr row afternoon with Mirs Lora Vance. Mr. Fred Rosa this week returned to his home in Wallace.Idabo, where he baa steady wirk. Mr. C. H. Markham. O. F. 4 P. A. of tbe 8 P was in tbe city today in the in terest of his company. Thos. McFadden died at Saiem letter- day at the age of 75 years. He was the father ol Judge McFalden ol Corvallis. Miss Dora Alterotalt, oi this couutr. bas accented the position of musical di rector of Pacific collrge at Newberg. Mr. Hugh Fisher and family hove re turned from Portland to Sodaville to re- eide, and have taken charge of tbe store again. Mr. Graham has told bis interest In the tai.orinif business to bia partner Mr Coin, and will move to Seattle tore- side. Mr. Seman Mever. the Anollo of ti & noiei runners, went to Portland this morning to resume his ol I position ol news agent on tbe S P. He has been succeeded by Mr. Maggie White. Bradley Overton, of Brownsville, for several years a student in the University Uregon, has commenced the study of la in tbeofliceof Walton A Markley.intbis cuy. cugene uuard. Amougthedelegatesfrom the MrMinn- ville club to the oaeetine ot republican clubs in Portland are O. H. Irvine. Jas. McCain and Dr. Wright. Mr. Jack Olinhant. parser on a lower river boat, has charge of the O R. 4 N. office at tbis city, during tbe absence of Mr. I,. O. Kaalmes. who lias a tbrea months leave of absence Oratorio society of Eusene on Febtn ry 18 will present the oratoiio "Stahat Mater."uoder Prof Nash, with Mrs It. C Brook. Mias iiaud Deinmore. t'r-f. Resler and Prof Gieno in tne lead.n parts. There will be a chorus of forty voices. The Woodmen of this city on Febru ary 21 will present "The Social Circle," composed by Mr. Buritgraf of rale in It will be given by oodtuen talent under charge of the composer. It took well in aleji and promises lo be a dramatic treat here. A report wt received in Portiacd that Hon. John Parser, a brother of Mr. Moeea Parker of Uis county, was sick in the hospital at Dawson, and had prob- blydied. As be was a ire when the last person left it is to be hoped tbe next information is that be had recovered from bis illne?. Pete Lmdgreii of this citv has been em ployed by the Wo l A Z wicker concern of fort land as a machinist. Mr. Liodtren has bad a large and varied eiperieoce n tbis l-ne of work and will prove an e(- ncieot maa in ailc aaresol it. Hciliun vil'e T. R. Pete at one time resided io Albany, and is a brother of J. Lindgren of the Albany Iron Works. Mias Fannifi Hares, of Harr inborn, who has been ae.iog as nurse fur Mr. and Mrs. Drew Gritiio's little daughter dur ing ber ilineea, relumed home today, her patient having almost compirtely rWov ered. Mias Have is a gradual of the trained curse department of the Portland Good Samaritan hospttal an J is mot pro ficient in ber cboaen calling Eugene Register. Mr. II. B. Saerey ha accepted the position of manager of the I'oata! Tele graph o3i,- at Assoria, ani wi I soon move to that city witb. bis family. Mr Saerey ia a uleodid operator and a eood ciicen. and in these re-pecta b's better- half is folly one-half. The Astoria oifiee ia fortuna'e in securing them to ron ii. In Miss Verle Saerey Astoiia will secure one of tbe s eetest singer in Oregon . Today at Eltnira, the holy bond of matrimony have united aa man and wile Mr. J . Modie, aged T yean, and Mrs. r-arah Caotriil. 6j year of age Tba brido is a resident of Elmtra wbile the grocm cornea from Albany. Tbeir ex treme age wiU permit of a brief marriage life, but the few remaining years, we trust, will he crowded with joy and felic ity. Tbe Register extends congratula tion a. Eugene Kegisler- Mr. S. Burr, of ShedJ, Orrjon, and Mary B. Pcgue, of Eugene, were united in marriage tbia morning at the home oi Mr. W. i' tbis city.Uev. Robert Leslie, pastor of tbe First Paptist church o:nciaung. Tbe ceremonial wa per formed in the presence ot a few intimate friend of tbe contracting parties. Mr. and Mr. Burr were passenger on tbe 10:50 local for hhedd. which will be tbirir future home. Goard. Ksox Brrrx Gkakoi has elected tha following officers: J. S. Froman. M. M. U. Wilds. O.: Rebecca Morris, L. : Frank Trites.S.; Ala B. Marshall, A. S.; Marion Prorst, chaplain; E. ti. Cox, treasurer; J. A. Archibald, secretary; Start M iher, ii. K.; Jessie Komioe, Pomona: Maria A. Miller. Flora i Aman da Archibald, Ceres; Mattie Marshall, L.- A. S. A. It. Morris and J. A. Arcu ibald were etocted as delegates to the Linn County Council. DIED. EWING On Wednesday evening, Jan. 19. at ber home near Albany, airs. Debt rah Ewing. at tbe age of about 65 year. Mr. Ewins? waa at the supper table when she complained of a areat pain in berrbest. and leaned her head upin the back of ber chair. Not changing her position som one went to ber and fount! tbat he had expired. She leave a fam ily oi several cmiuren, iier uuiuiu ing died several year ago, and many friend wbo will mourn ler ueawi. eJtlSL SLS Good ax Scottt and we sell it much rhnrr." is a statement sometimes w r . . . . c . . , made by the droffgtst wnen xon s Emulsion is called tor. I ms snows that the druggists themselves regard Scoti'o Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypophos- t,-TVZt tLv. .rn as the phites of Lime and 2oda as the standard, and the purchaser who desires to orocure the stanoaro because he knows it has been ot untold benefit, should not for one instant think of takinc the risk of using: some untried prepa ration. The substitution of somethlnflr said to be "just as food for a stand' ard preparation twenty- five years on the market, should not be permitted by the intelligent purchaser. TU, aura von sret RCOTT'S Emulsion. Kes that tba man and nsh are on the wrapper, and ti-oo. all druggists. SCOTT A BOWNR. Chemists, New Vark. Ar rested at Wheatland. Constable W. L. Jones, of Jefferson, passed tnrougn tuisclty on the south' bound Itosebure mail this morning ha. ing in charge Arthur Ed wark Cooty .alias n nuur oaiem.tue young man wbo lorged yieoameoi dis employer, Hon. V. a. Looney at Jefferson, Wednesday after noon. The supposition of Constable Jones tbat tbe young forger had gone via boat from Albany to Whtatland, where hU sweetheart resides, was well founded aa Subsequent facta nraved. - Mr. Jnna alighted from tbe Roeborg mail at Ger- vais, secured a team and drove to bt. raul where at 10. o'cl ck last avenintr Cooty alias Batein was arrested. It no develona that f!ont alias Rata. lorgod two orders lor 3 eaca on Smith 4 Jones and T. M. Witten, respectively, which he wassuccesalnl in bav;ng cashed. In addition to tbia be purchased some goods on Mr. Loonev'a ciedit. Among . - - j ine articles tbe man bought waa a pair of hoe kid gloves which Cooty alias Batein 1 presumably intended as a present for his best girl. Journal. List of Pbtcnt. Granted; to Pacific Coast inven tors last week. Reported by C A Snow A Co. patent attorneys, Wash ington, D.C. F If Ackerman, Shedds, Or, gisin feeder and band-cutter for threshing-ma- cDines; t u uouina, Vancouver, aeb, wrench; F P Hunt, Aurora-Or. bicvele uttaclwaawt u& B . fihti -ertd, Ot. pencil-holder; A A Smith, Aberdeen. nasb, change-making device; F M V alker, Portland. Or. niannt-heater. For copy of any patent send 10 cent in posuee st imps with date of tbis paper wwa enow a uo., Washington, I) U. unn county is making an excellent showing ia tbe poul try show in Portland. Part of tbe prize were announced last evening The following unner in wuicn Linn county stood so far aa reported: Dark Bramab puiiet r. Hulbu-t first at 90 piidt Prtndge Cochin cockerel, F. halburt nrt. Stt.'i, e b. 5 hedd second, 91; Black Lanir-haug cock D. O. Wood worth. firt, f; none I'iymoutb Kock ben L. W. ko second at 93, cockerel. L. V. Ross nrstand second at S3 and 92; Black J iva pullet Graat Thompson first at 90; Silver Wyandotte ben D O. Wood worth (tit; at VI: Wyandotte cockerel D O Wood worth first and second at 91 1 and W.': Wyandotte oulleta D. O Mtond. worm urn and second at 94 and 93'.'; it yandotte pen I). O. Woodwnrth fi-mt at 185 1-12, beating W. S. Faiiing;White W yaedott cock C. D Bates first at 92 !. ben, U. V. Bate first at 94 rnd second at 93 The remainder of tbe pre- : .. : . i I .. . uiuui win ue anoounced tomorrow. Uavis A Sox Scad Journal: Tbe concluding argument in the case of J II. and J. M. Howell arainet George W. Davis A Son were beard by Judge Fol- lerton in tbe state library, Wednesday, and the cause taken nnder adviawmeat The owner of tbe Pioneer o, carry are J. If. Howel., janitor of the state house, and J. M. Howell, mail carrier for tbe state boo. They leased the quarry to Davis A Son in 1S95, tor a period of eight year. The suit was brought to termin ate the lease, and restrain th defend ant from the n of tbe premise The grouodf alleged as the basis of the com plaint are that Davi A Son are retlin 'one from an adjacent quarry, using a rauroia awiicncortmicied lor tbe rion r q aarry, and selling th one a Pioneer quarry stone, at.d that lb Mono is of in'enor quilitr, and plaintiff re ceive no royally ihereirotn, aa provided in tbe terms ol the lease. Tub SMrretix Case Tba followiog ap pear in th Cirtwtt Court proceeding of Lane ounty a pootisbed in tbe Regis ter: Jennie Smitsoo v Tbe Southern Pacific Company ; motion for a new trial, the defendant alleging tbat the court erred in instructing the jury that if tbe plaintiff thought tbat tbe train waa mov ing so slowly that sLe coold get off tbe same without in jury .that abe waa entiled to recover. The case waa argne i by W, ! Fenton. f Portland, fer th company ad by H. W. Thompson and U. D. Nor ton for the plaintiff. Tbe court took the motion under ad via menu It will be re membered that th jury gave Mis S tuit ion a verdict for $10,000 lamage at tbe last term of tbe circuit court, for tbe loc of ber two lee- A decision will be handed down Feb. 5, 189S. PtarnrAi. Munox Machisx. D. E. Swank, of Aumrville, believe he has in vented psvpetual motion. He leit for bone today after leaving an order in tbis city witb a machine shop to put up an ex perimental machine. Tbe power ia de veloped by means of a pump which b has invented tbat will lift water 100 ieet as easy as 10 feet. Mr Swank bas been notified from Washington tbat hi inven tion is patentable, and if he succeeds ia applying tbe power be has discoverd he may visit tbe fans exposition witb it tn ivjo lie to give anytbing pe- citic for publication, telling the reporter wbo ran acros some of tbe machinery that it was "a running gear to a last year's dock' nest." Salem Journal. Eucctsd Dklet.ate. A meeting of th McKinley Republican club of this city was held last nigbt at the court boose. itb the president Dr. Elli in thecbair. Th following delegate were ele ted to the meet-n 2 ot tbe republican ctuo in Portland on February 2: M. U. Ellis. delegate at large, L. D. Casick, J. A Wilson, D. r . Hard man, J. K. w bitney. G. L. Rees. A. M. Cannon. C B. Winn. J. R. Wyatt. J. A. Mcreron,. M. Jw- port. r . J. Miller. J. 5. Van inkle, J. al. comers, the treasurer s omce being vacant by the removal ot E. M. Hoton Irom tbe city Mr. J. u. Irvine wa elected Tbe President sailed at 10.35 a. n. today for saa rrancisco Yesterday a burglar stood up th casU'er ot tbe bast rortland Uitizens bank, nut be proved a brave man and tbe ouly shot fired waa by him- Tbe new rate to Dyea and Skagway. wbicb goes into effect at once, is: First class. 150; second class, $35. Tbe, rate on freight ia advance from 110 to f 13 Secretary of Stale Kincaid is having some fun with In county court of Marion county, but tbat court is used to it, and tbe secretary as well has had experience. A farm band of D. U . Looney on Wd- nesda, secured f 30 of Smith & . Jonea of Jefferson on a forged or ler, and skipped out, coming to Albany. He could be traced no further. Ia coming to Albany yesterday Mr John Conser lonnd a 810 gold piece which W H Bowman lost in the road two veare ago. Knowing tbe circumstance and the loca- ivoowiDir lue tirvuiuawiuwa sou t ti0D r Mr returned the money to the owner Hon J II Mitchell left Portland yester day for Washington, D C, to argue before the supreme court ot ttie united states, the case ol the city of Walla Walla v the Walla Walla wa er company, on behalf of the city. Bia tfforts are being made lo have tbe Astoria road finished by March 1, as there ia a large, amount of freight thatitis de- ,ired IaBe 0ver it by that time Mr uamn,oud, ol the road, is expected in Al- bany iu a few weens to toot over tbe ground preparato.-y to tbe extension of tbe Uth road. Hold your breath while you read the following from tbe Grant's Pas Counei: "Col J, A. Straight, of Eugene, is interestid in Southern Oregon mines, arrived in Grant's Pass Wednesday morning direst from New York and reports the 'The star of Empire' looking decided ly westward. He says Southern tVegoa is the cycosure or tbe Eastern Argonaut and many a Jason will seek lbs golden fleece 1 in this region, in tb pring, ' The best assortment ot paper, euvelopes cuds and printers stationary of all kinda in tbe valley. Smilet the printer. Royal aukaa tbe food awra, wfcoleaoaaa and dallciow. F0t'DR Abaolutely puro swa aiinwa nmon m.. arm vmu 3 A.TTJIl2D-cV SOCIAL AND PERSONAL - - MM Mi Julia Taylor of the Gate school wa in tbe city today. George F. Horton bas been appointed postmaster at Oregon City. Jos. Concklin, a veteran of (be war of of 1881, died at Toledo on tbe 18th in stant. . Dr. F. I. Ball and wife, of Poillandre in tbe city tbe neat of tha f.M-mra 4 saotber. - .. .- - Rev. W. E. Copeland. th Unitarian minister of Saiem, wa in tbe city yes terday. Mr. Richards, manager of the Wald- ori company, is an oil acboolmate of U. J. and Tho. Hopkin. H. Lampman, a former resident p,' Al bany, baa jut been appointed one of tbe bailiff in the U. b. court at Portland. Jason Wheeler, after a abort visit with relative in the city, returned to Albanv Tuesday evening. Independence Enter prise. Mr. and Mrs. Jame Git hem and daughter Irene, of faoria, have been visiting tbi week at th home of Jtr. and Mr. A. H Free kt on. wr. Barlow, of Gates, has rented a boose in Albany and in a few week hi family will come to this citv an hia cniidrea attend our schools. j . veyoe and u. U. UcBnde, two T nr vv n lormer reaident or Linn erwniv. am K- ,uS mrouoDeo i or aoeriu on tbe repob- uvu waw vt uocoid county. Attorney I. R. Wvati of Alhan last Friday night in tbia city looking af- ter "i tmuxrw peruining to state school land in tbi vicinity. Browna- ville Time. air. liarlan Hnlhnrt and tn ,., :.. ,f.-i . . r . - ntaa Jiswi re-.urnea yswierday irom San r rancisco. where they have been several " ""'"i ias aiaua caving everai en gagement a a soprano. Mr. Pollock, a sister of J. M. Scrom. wa a gaet at his reticence north of town a few day the latter part of iaat week. Soa returned to AlHanv. her uome, rrtday evening. Independence Enterprise. Dopoty County Clerk Montaa-ne op from Albany Saturday evening last, viaitinr over Sunday, and returning borne Monday We bare given in trac tion to tbe foreman to ke-p the above pereonal (landing for weekly nee. Krownsriile-Iuacs. Tb list of patwetrp-sw for the Omnn to sail tomorrow for Aliaka follow g familiar nam A- Dell Lamp man, If. J. Sower, JobnLamar, D. B. Monttth. C. ti. Rawlinirsl W. V fl-i fer, tt. M. Williams.B. F. Vbayer, O. B. Marall. W. t ReJIy, liady Burnett. W. EL Wreoa. 1 A. X. Cochran, ot Arliotoo. mad Wr. and Mxa G. W Cochnwb. of Tanirent. were recatly called to oodtnrn ht the dangeroo iTTprsw nKheir mother, who has regained ber health She is now at George'. After an abence of ei-bt years Mr. A. J . Cocbraa ia at Tangent on a visit, Mrs. John KeUay and caozbter. Mis Anna, expect to remove to Pasadena. Calif., within the next days. Tbeir determination to make the change wa prompted by a desire to be near Mr Kelsay'a mother, Mr. Konr. wbo baa property interacts in tbe locality men tioned. Corvallia Time. Z. U. Rudd, of tbi city.ia in Southern California on hi way home from a trip eafct. While totog tbroagh a tunnel in Arizona .his train came very sear being wrecked- Just befot a two men working in tbe tunnel were killed by timber that were burned falling upon them. HOME AND ABROAD. At a result of a revival at Lebanca 19 new member have beea tatca into tbe M b church. Polk coon-y total county levy is 16 mills, tbat for co jnt expenses beiog 6 5 mm. G W Swioeo'rt expected te reach Daw son in lime to start a daily paper there on Jan ii. lie tateaded to charge a Cellar a cop j. ti. A. Dyson has written to his wife at Brownsville from Saagway that the snow was 6 to 8 laches deep and the wmf was bowling. rwentyone accessions to the M E church. South, waa tbe r sun of a four weeks re vival meeting just concluded at Peoria, by ttev. j tentoa. French tbe jeweler. Romona pure spices . Smile)' clean printing. Romona Romona pure extract . Try ScoUUoc' Beat tea asd bakta powder. The Best Crackeis ia town at C E Brow-ae-'l'. Baths at Viereck'a shaving and hair cutting parlors. Pictures from 75 cents to 1 25 per d'j at Longs gallery. Get a set of carvinir tnives for an xmas present at Hopkin Bros. Call at Hopkin Bros and see tbe pocket knives best lice ia the city. C B Winn, citv tick etagent. Tickets to all point in the east. Set your watch with French's regula'or it you want the correct time ir i . . i... . -i i i .1 jvu M ' ,v rr up lujiHWWUi I . , ... " . , FtJZL 1 cluck at f rencb s jewelry store Prices from II to f-'O per dozen. Ue sore and see the anti rut tinware at Hopkin Bio, wilt las . a lifetime. "Snow Flake" flour is mad by the Red Crown Mills of Albany. A fine line of new macintosh just ceived at the Blain Clothing Co'. Try our pop corn ; it never fails to pop. v. DuauniiiUa "Red Crown 'the standard of color and strength in flour. All grocers have it . No one can affurd t be without a clock, see tbe low prices at Fraoch's jewelry store. Take the O 0 & E cteamer for Portland down river on Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs day. Razors bond, set and put in Erst class orJer at Viereck'a sharing and hair cut ting parlor. Large sale and smut.' profits is the motto of liopkm liros, and thai t why tbay are always busy. When you want a choice tak, a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry Broder. He keeps the best. Di- H. E. and O K B-ere offices and residence in pool olhce buiidiog. Special attention given to diseases of women. Tbe best meat of all kinda and good treatment at tba Albany Dressed Beef Company s market, just djwn Second street. Good weight and prompt attend tion. It's tha uniform Gnish of tbe New Red Crown flour which makes it so inpispea sabie to tbs pastry cooks. It can always be relied upon for good results. Try VI . WHEAT. New York 9i,c Chicago 93c. San Francisco 63c Livrpool J4C higher. Albn 6 Jc. SCIO. From the Press : Frank Moms and Ira Bilyea were awarded tbe contract for tbe dip ing of a tail race, to be nsed by tbe electric light plant, which will be run by water here after. Mr. A. J. Jaroigan bas rented the farm of Mrs. Cornell north of town, and will move onto it immediately. Mr Cornell, wbo ia jutt recovering -rom a se vere s.cknees, will live in Salem for a Mme, and then will go to Grant' Pas. Mr. T J. Munker returned from Forest Grove Wednesday, where he bad been visiting bis brother-in law, Mr. Theodore Mchamer, wbo has just re turned from Dawson. Mr. MtNamer says the reports are no exaggerated, but it requires a strong constitution with a willingness to work to make money in that country. Married, at Salem, Or., January 18, 1898, Mr. Frank Doran and. Mrs. Anna Dugger. The bride ia a daughter of M V. Bilyeu, one of tbe big bop grower of tbi section. The groom is a locomotive engineer, w irking in Montana, Mr. Doran at one time run the locom Jtire for tbe Mill Co. in Una place Tbe enthuaiastic meetlnsr of tbe Pan tiara Republican Club waa beta on Mon day evening, at which the following of ficer were elected to serve for the en suing year, rresicent, Lrr S U Browne; 1st v-ce president, C T Johnson; 2nd vice president, W E Catterlin; secretary. ueo w rbiiiips; treasurer, L. w Ktrn ardaon. henator A J J oh neon waa un animously elected delegate at Urge to tbe Kepubiican League (invention to be beld in Portland Febrnary "th. The remani ng delegate have not yet been selected A Remarkable Contract. Lane county bas just made a remark able eonfaet witb Dr Koaaell for th keeping of tba poor- Here it is: that aaid party ol tbe second part will proper.'y board, el Abe, lodge and ear lor tbe paoper of said Lane eoun.y, for tba term ot two ears Irom the data hereof, said care to include all washing, mending, medicine and medical attend ance Decejsary for aaid paupers; that he furnish sufficient good, wholesome and proper food, eafScient clean and suitable nothing, och a is reasonably reqn red to keep them warm and comfortable; that be will keep not ooly the pauper now being supported oy said Lue coon ty, but any and all that tbe party of the first part may choose to consign to hi care, and that he wilL at hi own ex pense decently and properly bury all wbo may die during the term of this contract. In consideration whereof tbe party of the first part hereby promises and agrees to pay said second party tbe m of (2 per week each, for aaid pauper; pay- menu to be made montbiy ia county warraat ot aaid Lane county. (No charge are to be mad for chil dren two year old and coder, over that f 2l Said party ol tbe tecoo-i part ebaa have tbe right to the reasonable eervicea of thos pauper who are well and able to do so in caring for and nursing the sick ones, eo far aa aaid eervicea are available for said purpose. Tne medi cal attendance here provided for is that of said party of tb second part himself. -aid party of th tint part abail have the right t- visit ra'.d paupers at all reasonable time. College Xbtes. Gleaned from the Albany College Journal just oat: lb conservatory about tne nnt ot February will give an entertainment by the students of the conservatory atsisted by talent from abroad. Alice Clara Moms, a teacher in tbe college five year ago, leaving here four years ago, bas been engaged to resume ber old position, and wnl be bere about tbe first of March. Tbe officer of the societies are: Ero de! phi an, Ada Morris president, A. Chamberlain nee pres 4!a 3lcUoy secretary. Or Dubrnilie correa ponding ecretary, M. E, Hopkin caitic, N. Fo shay trees , Ida Mellmaker ee-geant. A C.LS..LA Wilev pre . F. C. Stell- maker vice pre., J. H. Ral-ton See , C A. Mnlkey treas.. A. W. Wight critic. W. M. Pirry atty. M. Marcello is president of the oratorical association and R. Wealherford of the athletic so ciety. The Youngest Soldier. Tha DeiXt recently pubhsred an iUm abou-.S. A. Land is, of thi ios amonz tbe vocnseet soldier ia tbe war of tbe rebellion, enlisting when 13 year of age John Catlia. of tha city, better known as Warm Spring Johnny, present a record tbat beat thi. When eleven year of age he enlisted as bugler in Co. A. 5th New lork. and rvei con tinuously through the war. his discharge papers showing that he waa discharged on July 19. lS6--.wben he enlisted in Co. h.. and serred in Atiiona, ti is regiment waa in 1&6 engagements, laid to be tbe record ia the war ot the rebellion. John ny was under Gen. Com peon at one time. On tbia coast he wa in nearly if aot all of Indiaa engagement after the rebel lion. Mcsic Miss Mildred Bursnester teacher of piano or organ. System th Mason touch and technique, tieeiaenc Fifth street, opposite U P chuieh. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in ita effects, prepared only from the most healthy and aCTeeableBubstances, ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most i popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 j cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who mav not have it on hand will pro- cure it promptly for anyone who wisnes to try it. substitute. caufcrkia no mu? CO. SAM fMAKiXO. CM. ' 5 MIOLEY, iraiNim vJ An u A FlV $ 6Urt Mow re&'rVetfflit) R & Tte &a 4 2, 3 4 5 6 7 8 J-iO-ilii. 13L 14 15 16.17 18. 19. 20 IL 22 25 26 27 28 29 ...HERCULES AD GASOLINE res - Built in special size for printing office -and factories. State your wants and write lor price and term-. Illustrated catalogue lurniaced tree upon appJiei tion- Amkbjca Tttx FotnrDwaa' Co PortUad.Oregow. THE I the bast and yet simplest type write maaufactured. tbe coasnmmatioa of ta in ven tors art. Aa expert stenograph afwr using many mac3i!e, J- "I cob rider the Yost Writing Maculae rax oper- io but I have vet need Call at tbe Dkmocxat office and see one of the type writer that has to have a perfect aiiign- meat. AU Typewribr supplies oraared. F. P. Xtrmaa'. Agent. Clubbing Rates. The San Francisco Weekly Examiner next vear will give to ita subscribers a $10,000 residence in San Franeiae rent ing for S60 a month, a 13,390 C S. bood,a $1,500 gold nugget and hundred of other things. Ton can get the Examiner and Wbxxxt DaxocaAT for $2.50 a year, with tha Dailt DxaocaaT by mail for $L25,by earner $5.75. in advance. The Dswo caaT will order only oa combination pay- went , 8T LOUIS REPUBLIC, semi-weekly one of tbe best paper ta the L attest States, and the DaxocaxT paid ia advance, fox only (1 To. aTtijI.MawaB a Baa, iw t&2 Primary. m'. tL -r-v- .WWI T r X wZ avSMl Wwl TOOIfc srxBBv at - Four Fans For Sale. The Wowir B deairmfcl farms are fur sale AdVrcsa McMaater bairtil, 311 Wor- easter block. rosuaao. call mCG Bur, hart, Albaay, Urego, K partiohsra: - : 1. tscrr.w,i' na"?j," tha D L C of D W Aluoih.wt, U See 35. T13.SR4, W W M. 35 acreaara e'eand and aader catUvwtioe, fla twcaaiwder beirg eovared with aeaall Umber. Ma tdy Creek is thrcaffc tb property. I Ber ta smalt orchard. . Price $13). a. 80 acr; ,o nulw S ot Broxanle. w thD LCof Stanscl Joaaaon.ui See 11. T 14. R 5, W W M . All cleared land 65 acne wader cwltiva'tea, al- tsn-ed, ne beildiDga. Fries JlJUO Sv 2o5 acres, two mi e S of B ona vi'le, i Sac 13 and l4, T 14, S R 1. W W M. 120 acv are tillable aad tbe baHnee ta eest sailed far paatarage. 75 acre ar aadwr crop, ia all feaced, haa a gomt sap ply of water, good batd'BS ana ors Piio r 4 -S5 acra. six wiles east of L-baaoa, ia SwealSand 16, T 12, S Rl. W W if. This is a very good stock fum. of which aboat 100 aerea are tUlab'e. It is well watered, all feeced and aaa aom lair a lid ing s. Price $3700. VKAKS UPtRtENC. THADS MAKK.S, '"I.' COPVKtCHTS e. AvraMavnftrw a skew an aaatytwttosi mmj JSSSSitSLOid imeinj i-a to nw. W a W aatuh 2ra Paieou take thmsb Mana Cw. rwolT apactal nouoa la ttw SCIENTIFIC HMERtSAM, SiJe nx nxxohv pecaaen eoae and UA1 book ox rarasvs aem Cm. AAlrwas MUNN A CO., 381 Brwwdwav. Sew Yark. NEW iPRT WORLD Thricc-a-Wetk Edition IS Pages a Week . . . ... 156 Papers a Yeat For One Dollar. rwaUaavedevery Alteraeajr ex era . The Thrice-a-Week Edition of Thb loac World i Erst among all "weeklj paper in sis, frequency of publieaticn and the freshness, accuracy and variety ol itaeot-nrs It h'-s all the merit of a eat Sfi daily at the price of a dollai i weekly Us political news is plete, accurate and impartial as all its read ers will testify. U is against the monopo lies and tor the people n ... It print the uew of all tbe world hav ing special correspondence from all im portant aewx pouts on the globe. It has brilliant illastm'iona. storie by great ait swT MMktlm tutmi aun r iii 1 ii j Tmi, VWMaalSlaaR I lj.Bia.oa ilill .laua aa .wy awaW IWIvaalaeaS , arl taw aaja lor. Do not accept any authors: a capital nuunor pagtvcunipw not, mxe. aujr mBrkrt depa'tuients for tbe household and women wora snu wmwr w ipartments. t We offer this uneqnaled newspaper and th DaVatocaAT togetheroae rear for $ ofl