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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1898)
Thousands of idle factory hands ic the hew England states is not creailn confidence in the Dingley bill. There are plenty of candidatee coir iog to tbe front for the office of judge in this district. It ia an honor able office and a lawyer may well be ambitious to fill it. The Senate ia having its banda full deciding whether McKenna ia big enough mail to fill one of those eeata in the U S Supreme Court. It ia the Democrat's honest opinion that he ia not big enough in the upper atory. The govenor of California has eet apart January 24,1893, the fiftieth anniversary of the admission of the golden state into the anion, as a legal holiday and it will be observed witi- appropriate ceremonies everywhere in that state. One republican party at a time, aaya the Salern statesman. It looks very much though aa if there is to be two ic Oregon, and the fact bo doubt iccited the Salem paper to make the statement- Even in Europe triers is a great deal of talk on the prevailing American topic, Klondike. The London paper full of it. The whole world ia dai- d at the mere mention of gold, with out a glimpse at the metal itaelf . Some day the bubble will burst. Cream is the name of a magazine published in Maine. If it ia really cream in literature it ought to be an excellent thing. Many of the magazines of today are simply ekim milk so far aa their literary merit goea. There la nothing but pictures in them. In thia respect they shine. It will cost La Urande $80,000 to get a beet sugar factory, bnt the money will be well expended. The farmers around La Grande had immense crops aud displayed good judgment in selling their w beat early, and hence have the money to put into the project, one any city might be proud of seen ring. Those government reindeer are on their way to Alaska, that is, they have started from Norway, and it is quite probable . they will get to Alaska in time for Uie relief that will be needed as much next winter aa thia winter. The government ia about as pigheaded as a male. Capt. Fiek is after the little rivers in Oregon. He baa made a report against the Umpqna and Scappoee aa well as againet the Santiam and Yaqnina and Sileti riveia referred te In the Dkmocbat several days ago. We will anxiously wait to see if the Calipooia is treated in the came heartless way. It is considerable to live in a prosper ous connty that also has the lowest levy in the state. 'The taxps in many counties here they are no better eff than here are. twice aa large as ia thia county, and in some counties more than twice as much. Immigrants coming to Oregon should take cognizance of thia important fact. English capitalists are willing to loan China (60,000,000 provided and tbereia is the joke provided China will give England several privileges that will mean an immense s'ght in the future, If China cares anything about her future as a nation she bad better borrow ber money of some other nation than Eng land. It is reliably stated that there ar j not now living 10C.O0O veterans who are in need because of iuabiliiy incurred in the civil war. To pay pensions to 100,000 veterans would not require trore than $15,000,000 annually. And yet there are l.UUO.UUU persons drawing pensions, re quiring $141,000,009 of the people's mon ey annually to pay them, nine-tenths of which is not deserved. Ex. ; Thomas A Edison, jr. has inverted a machine for utilizing the wave power of sea. When in place the machine will be 20 out at sea and will consist of a series of gigantic air pumps. The air compress ed by tbese pumps will be used to ran dynamos. For $23,000,009 Mr Edison can con struct a plant, be says, that will furnish 1,000,000 horsepower, enough to supply the entire atate of New York. He says that a powerful syndicate baa the matter of immediate construction of the plant nnder consideration. Bis plans ars said to be practically eompleated. An editorial In the New York World on Prodigal Poverty baa .attracted con siderable attention. According to it poor people are many- times to blame for their condition, and we can see this all around ns without going back to New York . Many is the poor man wbo grinda himself stili farther down by spending most of his money for liquor, and not alone for liquor bat tor other things that are unnecessary, an illustra tion being the manner in wbicb be takes his family to the circus when they . need the money for food and clothes. People need to be sensible on this poverty business. There would be more people in good circumstances if there was lets prodigality among poor people, and the WorlJ is undoubtedly right in riioet of 'te ideas. Chicago now has a sensation that places I'Uetgert and his eausaye vat en tirely in the shade. Dr William Smith, who runs a College of Otteopathy at Kirkevlle, Mo, having occasion for a body lor direction, cent an agent to tbe Cook County Insane Pauper Asylum at Dunning to find a suitable cadaver. There were none on hand, just theo, but according to Mr 8mith,one of tbe asylum autboritiea told tbe agentthat if hewould step into tbe "killing room" and pick ' out a likely t ubject he would guarantee to send the bod to him in a few days for $50 COD. The official explained that the "killing ward" was a name applied to a ward where were kept th most bopelece cases men who were sick, im beci'e and on the verge of the grave. Believing that the talk was only a joke, the d-Ktor's agent wsntway, directing that a body be sent when they bad one. A week later Dr Smith was informed that a rody was available, and in due time it arrived in Kirks ville. On exam ination it was found that death had evidently been caused bv blows on the head. When Dr Smith recalled the atory of hia agent' he promptly notified the Cook cotioty authorities and related all the circumstances. The system of furnishing cadavers toorder may - have some advantages, but we would suggest that tbe greatest advantage It could con fer would bs found in the hanging of tbe ;pen who operate it. Ex. More From Sttagway From tin OrvxUs Times, i K! itbt coutsgioj is riig:pg in . r n r.roHaiiig inti nity. The o i t ,t-w .JU.ioveries told in the nar -pairr ap people talking and the v ' ;yr I.K a s.'ror.g gra.-p on many a t ar t i. . A new btory published in a P rt ami pa v r veeteiday, telling of a rf it .j!v at-n locg in which nug- svi? arn lyir.g as plentiful as berries oo h bu.U at the heighth of the ie:on, turi-i.hrd new aad inflammable ne: tor tht Klondike flames. Several mi laeis hueo Kg tney iieara 01 it ana und folate only ia the fact that maybe after alt it was only like much of Ine other stuS printed atout the country, marvelous if true, but mostly untrue. .Among tte late items of interest on the eubiect is a leier that Charles Schmidt received yesterdav from his son William now at Skagway. The let vet Its had the effect to make the recipieut one of tne sickest men in Cor valhs. "I walked de floor till four rv'ol fu Br f l m niArn ! r . mitAnr Mrilan ' said mine host as lie spoke of the mis sive, I haf made a big mistake ; t went at de right time but I came away tco eoon." Mr. Kchmidt, as all know owns a lot at Skagway. There ia a house on the lot and the establishment ia leased until March 1st. The lessee runs it as an eating and lodging-house, and according to the best estimate that Mr. Schmidt's son can make, ia clearing from 150 to 175 per day, and that ie what ia the mat ter with Schmidt. It ia enough to worry any man. The fact is, according to the letter, that Skagway is having a boom far bjyond anvtbing that anybody has dreamed of. Blocks and blocks of houses have been added to the town, and the swarm of poshing, rushing people on the street is "like a Fourth of July in Cor vallia .'' This, with the prospect that the place is bound to grow in importance and wealth causes Schmidt to kick him self because be didn't stay on the ground and acquire three or four corner lota. Other information in Willie Schmidt's letter ia to the effect that H J Mooie. woo went to Skagway with the former, secured a position aa cook at t9J per month within a few hours after arriv'. Young Jenkins, from Oorvallls, a mem ber of the same party, also had steady employment at good wages. Jim Cro Carpenters, be says, are paid filly cents per hour, with all the work they can do showered upon them, while contractors are coining money. The letter conveyed no information concerning the whereabouts of Rothyo Turuey- Willie Schmidt had not teen him, and it was the supposition that he wl i.ot returned from bia trip over the Dira pass and wan possibly pushing bis way towards Dawson. A General Movement. Halsiv, Or, Jan, '93 Editor Dmockat: In the Oregooian of the 15 insi. we find (It. twllowing: WasBDiGiOX. Jan. 1-1 A the result f cooft-rf i.ces held arithin the last few iy r- -'!. Hie several leaders ot tr T'O'i i'ties. 1 is sa-1 that Uhairmao J .i ts m th democratic rational commit- ; (Jliairuia u Itr, o "he nooa iet niliiiac'aimi te.apd Chairman Towne ot the si ver republican national commit in, will ifwuo a joint manifesto in the early part ol next week, with a view ;o securing c-uiiui action b- th three or-g-ti Xa-.o 111 the political eobteet ot 1S9S. ! he drat of the document is now in i he eouna ot preparation. It i.l apr.ea' to ail tboe interested ia the cause "t silver to work in union and to avoid rival organizations by wLich their com mon a'rength dissipated. The tal among the silver men contin urd today, but they did not taae the shape of a iorm 4 conference. The feel ing wa zecsJally in favor ol the common action among the silver elements. Meaare Jones. Butler and Towne will confer further daring the next few days and the addresses will then be made public. On the 18lh inst. th Atrehcan Bimetallic Union.of which General Warner.of Ohio, is president, will hold its meeting here. and this is exptcted to give foriber c beaion to the joint silver movement. The question of onion of the silver forces aeems to be almost universal Pr UQuclml t'"ul " governmen throughout the Onited Sute. At . be keeps up bia fight for it. It may die popuiet committee meeting in Salem e J Pl" " ' the monied men of tbe ast Saturday out of a vote of 20, 18 were or a nnlon of forces, and I understand the sentiment in other counties is very much the same way. Kow will Linn Csuntj be tbe only one where the reform forces will fall to unite. II they do I fear tbe party or parties wbo prevent such a anion will find a large falling off of their vote. Silvkb Rkpcbmcas . A special from Bourbon Indnsays: Rev. Mr. Aikin, pastor of the Bethel church, on Suuday night took for his theme "His Satanic Majesty.". He is an eloquent man, and he painted tbe arch fiend in vivid co'ors. At tbe climax of the description, a being dressed to rep resent a devil, with a large bead and switching tail, ambled np the isle, blowing smoke from its nostrils and bellowing: "I am the devil, and I want jou ail." The audience became panic-stricken. Men, women and children were burled to the -floor and trampled upon in the mad rush for the door. Io the confu sion bt stove was upset and the build ing eangnt fi.e. Before the horrified members bad regained their senses, the fire bad made such headway that all rave th church were in vaib. Tbe next morning George Aiken, son of the pat tor, confessed that be in company wiib other boys, rigged up a devil sol!, and, knowing the sub ject ol his father's aermon, concealed bim'-eli and awaited Hie arrival of the audieuce. ' It 11 tbe opinion ot the Democsat tha t'. lodit-ine was made up of miifMy p rduistians or they would have wm '.- nvugh v appreciate at a -I ',(- vx - i rj?, and religion en-.' gl .'. t-t triguUtieJ even at a r. -. .-li v :. Tbe laiT'igraj-.t bil! he p-.xtd. It pruvidH tbai ll immigrants physical y Cii abie, anl ov.r 16 years ol age, sha'l be ab.e t-j read or wnte the English language or some other language; but a peion iiot ab'e to read or write, who U ow fifty years of age, and is the parent or grandparent of a qualified imm:grant ort 21 years 01 age, capable of support ing i-ocb a parent or gaandparent, may accompany the iminigiant, or the par ent or grandparent may b" sent for, and come to join the family of the cliil.,or grandchild over 21 yt ars of ae who is quallied under Him law, and the wife or minor child not able to read or write mav accompany or be sent for and come aod join tbe busbend or parent who i qualified. - Leave Kothimo to Lcck. But cill on Will & Stars They have a splendid stock 2 - Jewelry, Silverware, Novelties, in tbe latest designs as well as a fine line o watches, clocks, cut plasa ware,&c. They . wilt will please vou in goods and prises. "To tell the truth tny mother has lived with one foot ia the grave," writes Mr. Eugene Stant. senberg, of No. 1604 Walker Ave., Houston, Texas, in a let. ter to Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buf falo, N. Y. "With a most thankful heart I v will tell you about the won derful cure effected in her case. She has been a per. feet wreck for seven Ions years. No words can aescnuc wuw hk u uttered, sue couia noi iecp on aui severe paina. She tried every doctor around here and spent nunareas 01 aouva wiuwm benefit. After hearing of your wonderful remedies I wrote to you. My mother has taken six bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and six of the 'Favorite Pre seription, and is now perfectly cured. Pino Trt-f ivr the heartiest thanks and bles sings from my father and seven children for saving the life of dear mother. May God bless you and your Institution, is the wish of tout friend." Tens of thousands of women have found enmnlete and oermanent relief from oostl nate and seemingly incurable disease by nsing the wonderful remedies referred to above. The Women aieaicai uiscovery - nmutessea the necuhar property of nourish Fng and vitalizing the blood with the life giving red corpuscles which build tip healthy flesh and muscular strength. In the special weaknesses and diseases of the feminine organs, the " Favorite .Pre- acriotian " Is a perfect and positive specibc. It is the only scientific medicine prepared for that purpose by an educated physician and specialist in that particular held ot practice. For weak and nervous women these two medicines taken conjointly constitute the most marvelouslv successful course ot treat ment known to the medical profession. For nearlv V years Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting phvsician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical institute, Buffalo. N. Y., at the head of a splendid staff of associate specialists, graduates from the lending- tnea leal universities of America and Kurope. Walcott on International Bi-mct a I ism. Senator Walcott wants another trial at international bimetalism, ut lie bases bia arguments on the Euro-can masses and not upon the men . t-o run finances and politics in Europe. In a speech in the Sente be saya : "Whatever difference of opinion msy exist aa to the ability of thia country alone to maintain the parity between eilver and gold, there is no question that the concurence of other nations would help the cause of bi-netalum In the Uni ted States, and efforts to secure it ought to receive the support of every citizen wbo Is opposed to gold monometalism. Internationol bimetalism ia not a myth, a chimera. The people of Europe ars even as we are, struggling to keep our beads above water and seeking blindly for that which may make for them pros perity and progress. "Much of the recent legislation in Ea rope looking to the increase of gold hold ings and the depreciation of silver, finds its origin in tha exigencies of a nation where readiness for war ia the periinount necessity. There is hardly a ataUsman in E a rope who believes the Uet word has yet been said opon the question of the remooitization of silver, and hardly one who would not welcome ao effort to settle the question internationally. Only a fe r days ago, jast before Christmas, in a deba'e in the French chamber, M.Melin again declared from tlie tribune that tbe Frecch government was otie with tbe United Stes on the question ot bimet alism. "In the face of such a declaration it t as cowardly to at andon hope as it is faiee to ta'ik about failure. International bimetalism is' to tbe gold monometalisis a stumbling b'ock.aod to tbe silver moo omeialiet, foolishness, but is it not, nev ertbeless.a splendid possibility ? Its ac complisment weald be the greatest bless ing that could befall our people, and to achieve it we might well afford to sink for the time the hostilities of party and the bickering of tbe factions. " Some, peop'e are being tickled at a picture of the New York Journal's yel low kid flaring brjan because he keeps up his 16 to 1 free silver talk. Believing 1 ,ree silver is necessary to tbe pro- I . . m 1 & conntrv, but tbe masses will show the.r endorsement of it in a very emphatic manner in tbe near future whether tbe New York Journal supports it or not. Bis A . O. V. XV. Event. On Wednesday evening. January 24, Past Supreme Master Workman Tate will be in Albany, when be will be given a reception at tbe opera bouse, at wbicb be will deliver an address, lie is mak ing a tour of tbe Pacific coast, drawing big crowds everywhere, and tbe one) in Albany promises to be tbe biggest of the season. Mr. Tate is said to be one ol the most eloquent speskers in the coun try . No one can afford to miss bearing him. Just Across the Way. At F II Pfeiffer s you can get tbe best Coast and Eastern oysters to be foond. lie also keeps the best line of confection ary in the city. Call-on bim for the best of everything in his line. - A Laundry Nugget. Laundry patrons wbo want first class work done without paying exorbitant prices should patronize tbe Albany bteam Laundry which have employed regularly five of tbe beet band ironers on the coast for shirts, dresses, and shirt waists, and ten cents is the bigbeet price charged for anv of tbese articles. Trrtbe tea sittings at 10 c. Extra quality. U. E. Brownell. Home Hrst, The World afterwards. Get good ercceiies for your fami'y. Conn k Hus ton keep tbe best, which thev soil at tbe !ow4t possible prices. Freh vegetables and fruits accord ii-g to tbe season, always on bBcd. A Gne line of crockery. 'I hose Who Endure. The pains of rheum ttism should be minded that a cure for this disease nil belouad in Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tbe experience of tbose wbo have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for rheumatism, and have been completely and permanently cured, prove the power of thia' medicine to rout and conquor this disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla la the One True Blood Puri fier and it neutralizes the acid which causes the aches and paina of rheuma tism. This ia why it absolutely curee when liniments and other outward ap plications fail to give permanent relief. Be eure to get Hood's. Closing out. Crockery and Glassware at cost. CE Bhowmrix. Boat Totiarco SpH and -kih loar Mis Airsy. To q-ilt tobacco eusf'y and forever, be mag cello, full ot lilo, nerve and vigor, talis Nc-To-Uuo, the wondcr-worltnr. that maUes weak men strong. All drugclsta,SOoorll. CUIS guaran teed. Dnohlct and sample froo. Address Bterllnq itemedy ta, CUlcgj or New York. JNO-To-Cna ror Fluv Cents. . '.u.i-unioed tobacco hanii eure, makes vk niun ktrouK. bio1'- ur. SOs, IL All AtuffMla- 7 m m zw- w linn iMi ST MISFITS. 8aya the Salem Journal: What's the matter with County Indite Barton of Linn county for atate treaaurcr. The tax levy in Clackamas county hss been placed at 26.5 mills, which would be considered sky high in Linn county. It has been discovered that the letter 1 was left out of Mr Hanna's dispatch to the president. An exchange saya it should have read : "Go'.d reigna and the republican party atill Uvea." A night or two ago Mayor Bnrkhart was called on at 1 a m bv a niau from the conntrv who wanted to oorrow his lantern in order to get down street. This ia considered a joke on tne mayor. In order to heln the Alaska craze along congress has ordered 500,000 maps of Al aska printed at a big expense, regaraiess 01 big dencita. Congress can mane a 1001 ot itself ottener than a school boy. Kow that Oregon's Corbett ia knocked out it ia to be hoped that some one doea up the other Corbett permanently .enougn to insure hia retiremeut from the public gaze. From the Eugene Guard : Linn county comes to the front with a 12)4 mill tax. Rather a aharp contrast itn Clackamas, a couple 01 ccunties down the river, with 26. State Superintendent Irwin haa put a bill in for $758.45 for traveling expenses. without anv vouchers, mat aimpiy nis word, and the board will probably not allow the bill. Does be want tbe world. An exchange refers to the large amount of money left to fatten the sute treas urer and Mr. Bosh's bank. The bank can stand considerable more avoirdupois, but Brother Metachan baa about aa much corpulency as he- can carry physically, though not finabciatly. A Southern Oregon newspaper man who reads the Dihockat saya : The latest joke oat is t give your friend a handful of Carter's Little Liver Pills foi perfuming his breath. He will appreciate the joke aa soon as tbe coat- -Ug WUiil a . Three goldbug politicians decide! at Salem that labor organizations are con trary to public interest. Salem Journal. This refers to the recent college debate in which Willamette University won over tbe U. of O. and indicates that, the Journal evidently thinks the decision was a political one. Tbe 0XMOCXAT baa been-asked to put so many notices in the paper of men wanting dogs for the Klondike that it doesn't know where to start in.' Parties having dogs to sell can at least get all the inkrmation they wish on the sub ject by taking them as fast as possible to Will Pfeiffer, H. J. Sower, C. G. Raw lings, H. F. Mcllwain or W. W. Kowelt Perhaps tbe finest edition of a paper ever issued ia Oregon outside ol Portland and never excelled tbere in an artis-ic wav. ia the New Years issue of The Dalles Times Mountaineer, just out. It is a credit not only to the publishers but as well to that tnat ber enterpris ing businees rren made it possible to publish it. Medford Mail: "Tbe Eugene Guard is chock-a-block with half page display adverttsemenU of the merchants cf that city Eugene merchants evidently be lieve In creating a demand for their goods by persistently advertising them. In dull times trade can ofttimes be stim ulated by advertising special bargains for stated periods." There was a dance serosa tbe river in the grange ball last night. Dd yon be r tbe noise, tbe shooting of gans, etc Al bany Democrat. Must be tnat Governor Fletober was there. He goes to all tbe shindigs be can get wind of. Salem JonrnaL The Klondike craxe has struck even whist. In Astoria a Klondike whist party was held, the different Ubles being called Skagway, Dyea. White pats, Chit c ot pass, and so on to Dawson. Tbe table, seats, etc ..were in keeping witb tbe affair. It must Lavs been a cold party. The reports that come from tbe Klon dike continue to increase tbe gold fever. H. A. Thomas, wbo reached Portland yesterday, among other toe claim of Erkkson, a things told of young Swede, for which he bad been offered $450,000. He often took out 1,000 to tbe pan, and Thomas saw a pan of three shovels full wash out $994 He thinks tbe oar put from around Dawson nest spring will be from $3,000,000 to $12,000,000. One of tbe ear.y Willamette river boats was the Obio, or as it was known the O II 10. It wss built in 1874 by Capt U. B. Scott, just from Ohio, and was run a good many Tears, finally sinking in South Portland, off Eleven's nrint. where during low water the bottom and some of the knees may now be seen. The boat is referred to in Cant. Smith's rem iniscences in tbe Tribune. An exchange describes a situation which ia known in every newspaper of 0? .WDen 't says that a man doesn't think of bis mother's fselinss when ha ?:ets into a disgraceful scrape of deprav ty, but berxpects tbe editor to have the lenuerest regard for that mother's feel ings, and to omit mention of his name in telling tbe sbsmefol storv. Tbe Ikmo- caar has hsd such an experience only re cently. It feels for tbe mothers much mora than some of the young men of the city. About a year ago tbe editor of tbe cec ramento Bee was fined 1500 for con tern tt of court, because) in reporting a divorce c ise the paper not only told the truth but scored tbe judge, wbo seems to have been a man of about the calibre of Judue Lionel Webster wbo a few years ago sent tbe Ashland Record mac to jail because be had the temerity to criticise bis nro- readings. Last wees the Supreme Court of California reversed the decision and .he fine was remitted After all justice is not blind in the Golden state notwith standing occasional contrary reports. The following diapateh sent Preii lent McKinley by Allen C. Mjcrs, one of the anti-Mitchell 71 at Columbus, will indi cate how hot matters were back there : Your telegram to Hanna and bia tele gram to you are insults to every honest man in ths (Jailed States and an outrage on decency. Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Vou prayed while Dick and Hanna bought a eeatin the United States senate a fact tbat will be thoroughly proved. People wbo have pitied you as a dupe will now denounce you at a full, and not a silent, psrtner of this firm of conspirators against the great mass of the people. Tbe hour of judgment ia at band. Do you want to go to congress with a "G!ory balleluV" Show your money, Show your money 1 -Do pou want the very smallest smallest office in the land? Show your money, Show your money I The patriots day is over, and the poli tician'! rife. Show vour money, Show jour money I If you want to run this country for balance of your life, Rhow your money. Show your money I the What Ur A E Salter Says. BnrrAix). N Y. Gents: From my personal knowledge, ga'ned in observing tbe effect of your Shlloh s Cure in cases nf advaniwd Constioatlon. I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable Kerned) j that hss ever been brought to my atten-1 tion. It hai certainly saved many from Foshsy ;& Ma Consumption. Sold by sen. TELEGRAPHIC The Cation Mai Boston Jan. 18.-Griui dotirmination on tbe part of both sides, coupled with a defined issue between employer and em ploye, as well as practically an absence 01 any demonstration, were tbe features of the second day in -the gret.t strike in tbe cotton industry Interest is almost en tirely in iho strike at New lledtora, wnerc be disturbances of vesterday led to the belief that sinii'ur deraonairatioes tn'gbt be attempted today. Nothing of the kind occurred. Ills Export Washington. Jani 18. According to Htatixllcji at thn tronsiirv dpnartment. the value of pinnrla liv h United States for the ralendnr vnar 1897 airirreiraled l 100.- 000.000. an increase of 93,000.000 over A ntbr record was smashed with the trade balance of 356,000,000 in favor of Uncle Sam, the highest point ever reached in the history of this country. ad a Hearlas Washington. Jan. 18. Cuba had hearing in the home today and for a lime it Innkad n thnnih nnrliamentarv prece dents would ce set aside and senate reeolu- lion, mrntrnizinir Ihx inminirentS a beilg font won hi ha attached aa a rtdrr tO the diplomatic and consular apt r ipriatiou Din but tne republican! intended 11. Bala Sehene Logons. Ian. 18. The Shanghai cot rMnAmlttnr tf thA Miaii alia V ft the Kuaaian minister. Count Cassani, has iniormtd tbetsung-li-ya-men that iuime'lUtaiy after ir itaPttlrd. RuseU will rmt'nrA lnrt Arthur in iMlin and With draw her troops without demanding ia demnitv. In return, however, 'a corre ivinftAfit tan flhinA must emDlov It') excl.mivelv. to drill h troops and control her customs and railways. TfceHhtlM's timnt Washirotok. Jan. IS Arrangements am rnakin? for the entertainment ol I rv ident Dole, of Hawaii, on a scale befi ting hia rank aa chief magistrate of a nation It haa been decided be shall be regard -d as the nation's guest, and that onr govern menl shall bear tbe expense of bis enter tainment in Washington. Ia Marylaad Assapous. Md., Jan. IS. Tne Mary land general assembly began this morning to ballot for a United htates sen a or to suored Gorman, wboie term eipire in March, l!K. The opening of tbe fight foucd the republicans, wbo bve consider able majority in both bouses, diriaed a moog themselves. A Bit Thlas. LaUbasde. Or., Jo. 17 Saturday tbe buioeea of securing contracts for tbe mllivation of XtdO acrea in turar b-et was finished. This was the final conditio I to be compiled with before tbe signing cf tbe contract on tbe part of David Eocle for tbe construction of a betuKr factory and refinery of 350 tons dailj capacity at or near Ia Grande, to be in operation by the first of Uerember, IS A televram was sent Mr Eccies at Ogden. and in lad evenings mail a contract sigoed bv him sraa received. The contract provide that the snbaidr cf $30 000 in land and note shall 1 endor sed by the La Grande Commercial Club, as truU to Mr. rc'e. and plrd in escrow with the First National bank of Port land. A rut T Ike rinn Wakhisgtos. Jan 17. A t-!-i-r n j was received aithe deparmer-t from j A hyinvTMfllilffLO Dr. lacknon.atTrondbjem, Ncrav, sut-lUHj lUUIHVU ingtbatMr. Kjellnian wa on hi way) t from tbe interior with 500 fine r-indoer. S It. Iw. .Tlorrlw, .TianaBcr. which be tad purchawd together with a i uitable number of sleds and driver, Tbe i We have moved our store to the Wr had ail been dAorned, o that tcey . bam building, corner 1st and Baker Ms, may be salrly .hipped. j sod will te piead to meet all on naimn V sill ron'.inoe sellins on US lrSlrB II vVasnnoTJS, Jan. 17 election committee. No. 2 Th boose ha set tbe contested exertion ee from toe hrt Ore- gtn district. b tanaertiurg vs. 1 ti up 10 our oau m rappers. Tongue, for tomorrow. f llofttonMais flour Ju Wrmm 6-20 01 bars Seattle, Jan. 17 Tweety-lwa per- j 16 lb gran suar soos arrive! here today from D-wsoa Citv ! 10 Ibe best beans on lbs atmmer Cotona. briogiog with . 8 lbs rolled oa them a f mail amount of gold datt. and 3 quart botiles blueing drafts on the N-wtb American Tradio : 4cn pepper, niasuH, atispice or Transportation Comptny and the Alaka ' sage .... Commercial Company an antic to be ; 3 cans Cayenne, cloves or cmna- tweeo 0.000 and 1 .OOO.OOQ i moo . ..... 3-2 oi bottles extract lemon or va rwsrtnc a Ulll niJU Chicago, Jan. 17 The Veter rods 9 pa Rot al Java cof!e. are beginning to mooit v their e'imat 2 pa A'bockle ccf! grndtocroer of people o ili be Sxiod for laka ia , 2 -a Lioo corTee " tbe spriag. Tbe bann hi already be- J rdines fer box gun in a small way. but from all ibe evi-. 3 cans cove orsttrs.good ones uettce wbica tbe roads have been '! to 4 paprr coru'or glo s'arcb.. gather, the total somber of tickets that . ;-i gal nice peeled peaches will be sola 00 sccooat ol tbe Alaska bui- 0 t Arm A Hammer Scda (bulk) nest will not be over lOO.OoO. ! 10c pk Rising tun stove ps'Ssh rataiiv N't o1'1 candy S W!nnt urR.xs, ur. jaa. io. m wii mcv-s- net was fatally shot in the right groin bv ' j tbe accidental diwharfe cf a pwtot but 1 nigni m ine cauin occupied uy n:mrii . ana iw urro. 11 enj5 inai uiwi " ; puttinr on bis coat when tbe weapoa fell to tbe flr aod was dicfaargd Blaiivrwaxk SlraS Tntmsviixs, , Jan. 10 Hon Rsojamia BuUerorth, United Sute com misionr of patents, wbo had lw n til at I'mey Woods borl here for severl ek ; died at 3:15 this afternoon. He came here to rxcoperate from an attack of peu ' motix, and m-orered rapid y nnlil aboo f two weeks aco. beo be suffered from uremic con vuuion. rrom Ibat reUp be never recovered. r-i avarrjr a idun j Salem. Jan. 16. Ibere wiil be others than republican candidate fcr tbe two judgeships in this dttrirt Kx Mavor P H U'Aro.of &ilemhasaa eye on a jadge hir, and it ia qcite probable that be can get tbe nomioa.ion at tbe band of bis party, the der.ocratir, for t'-e asking:. If nominated ty tbe democrats, it can be counted that Mr. D'Arcy will not rvject ao endorsement by tbe populi- te, fuio'iats or any old pxrty tbat aires lit to hep him along. Am OhiahraM Min CntCAOO, Jan. Itf. A special Io the Chronicle from Guthrie, O T says: A terrific torntdo, accompanied by rain and hail, pawed acros Pottawatomie county, near M aod postogice last evening. Men from that part of the county say that the path of tbe storm was ball a mile wide and that Umber was blown down and brok en off so as to almost comol- teiy b'okade tne road. Nione was kil'ed. anas' la ftpad Ike Man. P srLASD. Jan. 16, Thos who have predicted 'bat 'he dovernment expedition to Aliska will lie abandoned would teceive impressions to produce contrary opinions by visiting Vancouver barracks. Tbe ao i i vi ty of preparation has been increasing 'here from day to day, and men and officers are busy carrying out the details incident to tbe voyage and msrcb, and in arraug ing their social and domestic affairs for an absence of several months. At avann Havana, via Key ft'et. laa. 15. Although outwardly order is restored here, great excitement continues, and unless the newspapers exercise, under tho present press censorship, great prudence, a gener al revolt is probable witb much bloodshed, because in such an event tbe army and vol unteers would fraternize. anna Wasted Ci.xvlakd. Jan. 16. Senatcr Hanna left tor Washingto at 1 :40 this afternoon, very unexpectedly. Ilia hasty deparlure is said to be brought about by the receipt of a message urging him to come to the cap ital at once, it is believed that the Ha waiian treaty will be taken up this week, and that bis presence was desired on that account. f HE PLACE TO BUY Your Uroeeris and Baked Goods fsat Parker Bros. Evervbody ki.ows where their place is. They keep a fresh stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, aell at reaeonable pricea and treat their customers well, al) alike. You may regret some atepa yon take In lifo tut none taken into the store ol Parker Bros. .... It ia a greit thing to be well fed. Par ker Broa keep good groceries. A loaf of bread ia not much but yon want it well made. Try Parker Broa. Ifvmi want a B.oo4 anil cleat J moke buy cigars made by our Al cany cigar laciorv O'BRIEN Selling at Cost. In order to liauidate our bills we shall sell our entire stock of Clothing, FurnishingGoods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, O'BRIENS. T.J. O'BRIEN, Agt THOMAS Dealer in Scenic inm hit 5 : sawA 71 ZZ POPUJl THROUGH liq CAR LINE ! amall margin of nroSls and :or cash o pro! nee Uken 00 a ch basis, M'e will guarantee Battle As Savon . Soap tbe betcn themartet. lu pat 9S 1 00 25 25 25 25 25 25 1 Ol 05 10 At Cora Cake tob an.l p 5 gal kerosene, brin rour can 3 io Pk Koret Soao Kxtrac. guar anteed bei'er tbanUod Da-l and made in Oreg in Si ft e aUo carry a line -f feed, coosisur.g of chop feed." brn, aborts, bay and straw. Come and see n m Urn in need of grx-ttiea and fred Reiuember the place, Cvr lt ani Baker S:a. 1M1 EAST aivca vas cHoica ov 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL CHICAGO OhtCON SHORT LINE via SALT LAKE DcKYER OMAHA KANSAS CITY Lowest Rates to all Eastern Cities Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 days .. torn .. SAM FRANCISCO Steamers monthly from l'ort land to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via, The Northern Pa cific Steamship Co. iu con nection with O R and N for tall information cap . . Cum an ft MoVTStTH, Albany, Ol in dikkkS! W n nUBI.Itbltl, Usn'l Par .Ansa Pu.iUnd Oi. a4a eo vcars KXPARIENI. TMADI MARKS DtSIONS. COPYRIGHTS AO. Ai.Tone MiMtlns a ikeuh nd aeaertptlon may oul'klrawrlaln, tmt, wlu.tlmr an luTWitlon li DrotMtMr ilntnbl. roiuniimlotillnii tiiHlf eiinmluntlal. Ol.l.ol r.c (;woirlii wtiU til America. W ! a V.'hliitiiu omce. PaumU lakon lliruuib atuua Co, Nowlvs spwial uullM In ll SCIENTIFIC ftMERiGAN, bwrntltullr llhutrnted, Inrmwt olrP(;ltlon ot nF-lonll3c Journal. wUilr.lnn.i.(W reat, SI Ml six inmitlin. Hiwlinin ooplw and ILAAB ItouK o 1'atkXTb wut f rw. Adtlroas MUNN & CO., Silt Broadway. Now Yrk. ANTED. A few more engage nieuls by the day to sow, Mhs K. fc. Owen. 1 5 Dry Goods, etc. BRINK, ! All kinds of furniture L and bedding1, and it you want the most complete floir safe, he has them and his prces the lowest World Cf Tic DQSVER BIO GRANDE RAILROAD. FROM THE w . - SkroaTLasn.os, DBvta.cotA ASD S00 PACIFIC LIHE. To HlFolnalirt Solid vestibule trains. coiisMting of pal ace sleeping cars, laxo ions dining cars, elegant day coacbea, magnificent tooriat cars md free coiooiM sleeper from tbe Pa cific to the AUastAC witnoot change COST DISKCT A50 CHEAPBST IOHI t lioolcnayj. 11 1 111 11 w S t jtiir.r. ucas crrv. ki a. .a District HUM!', El LAO. TRAIL, All points in the Okansgu Country. n MmnKUl trirtma a fall tU'MJIptkt i i Ikil anuUfii! Nan. Atk tbe affest j for a copy of tbe mining Iawst4 Britxr Colombia. Lowes rates o and fraaa Atlantic .teanwhip ine. Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo's Mail SteamSIliD I lino r flViirift ann .Tariin ' CasaDlAX aVSTSAUaN nusu Tt Mosou-Lr, rut axn ararsLAUa. Tbe hortct Ik to tbe Ccloeii. Tbesr steamns carrv if ernOi.J dicjj man. and a stewarvkw 'n W' For tiae tabks pampblct cr any id ormat:oa. call ea or address S N STEELE k CO. AgU. Albany Or. EJOOYLK. Ag Ul Third St.. Inl and. Or GEO. McU BROWN. D P. A. Vancoavsr. B. C Oregon tEn;AL & EASTERN R. B. CO.j -YAQUINA BAY ROUTt j Connecting at Yaqnina Bay with ibe San Francisco & Yanoina Bay STEAMSHIP COMPANY. i Sails from Yaquina every 8 Java foi Saa Francisco, Coos Bay, Humboldt Bay. Pamxoss AccostoDATtosr Cjiscarassst Shortest ronte between the Willam stte Valley and California. Fare tiom Albiny and points west u San Francisco Caws .t 8 Stbkbagb Round trip good for 60 days 17.0C To Coos Bay Cabin... t&M Steerage.... 00 To Humboldt Bav and Port Orfonl. Kbin . H0. jteerage 8 00 River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portland jnd Corvallis. through without lar-cver. leaves Corrall.s 6:30 a. ni. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sundays; leaves Port land. Yamhill street doc. 6:0C a. ni. Mondavi VYednedayaand Frida;s. Edwin Stoki, J O Ma'o ianager Sunt River Div Honey to Loan. We have a block of $40,000 to loan on good farms in Linn and adjoining count ies. , If you have good security aod poifm title, we can famish yon the coin without delay, aa we make our own examination of security. t all on us nr write 8, N. S-rsJtut Co, Albany, Ongon. FOR RSNT F.iihed rooms, with or without bonl. firms raasonable. Knquire at this oft'oe. WANTED A maa to attend to the Dnn o nty buainaa of the Singer Manurnoturiag Co. Call at the Store of F M French, Albany Ot. 1 OST.- A fall blooded Scctch terrie i dosr. eiitbt months old, iron gray $6 reward. Return to W S Toole, between Albany and Oakville. Name bonny. MIM1H L CCU REED bS AT SMAUyNy H V KhT ' Iht not twM J"M m V ftpin or 'r -g 3- v jr." !- -It iim s4''f ttf.? Rupture's in Ih9 not toMh nlHi ftpin or Rupture' tn ' re t9 reUin laairKAsWlr - montriS - . BmBM AW OC AatT WbOMlsBAAst it our TniawA l.jr. For tale by J - A..Curamimr SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. No question alnt full and prompt' ment of losses by fire on intutance ptax wits tbe leading agent of Albany. M. Sen ders. 'That's vtatHB iEsuresPeoplB Fgt .lon'l allow yonr-wlf to be roped imotn various -Local-aiiituAis " now uemg pa tbed on you as being "chea pest In- aura nee, when jou insure yon aonoi want to worry a boat getttcg yoor money " case of low. M SENDERS Insurance. Hay, Grain and A oo-. OUR CAPACITY Is Untquali In the Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurpassed In Oregon. We have the best stock to select from and our price? are always the lmrest, quality considered SMILEY, Albanv. The Printer SUMUONS. tie CircudOmrt State M Orepmjor Lin Violet Fo'd, pint;ff- Milton Ford, defendant. To Milton Ford the above rared de fendant. IS THE SAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon, yoa are hereby reqai-ed to ap pear and answer tbe ecmpUini of tbe plaintiff herein in tbe aNrre entitled cosrt. sow on file in the oce of the clerk of raid court, on or before ibe first day cf Uw regular Msrcb term ot said court, it being Monday. Mrch the 19th. 19?; and ys are hereby fariber aotiaed tbat in case yon faii to so appear ac-1 answer said compluit, the plaintiff wfll sop'y to tie c-Kirt for the eliet demanded tnerls, tnwit : A decree of tb above cour annull ing, setting ade and holding for naught tt bjtdjof miirniTiT b-ecfcre eiit mg between the pluntiff and defend ct and that tbey be forvr divorced- That) plaintiffs name be changed from Violet Ford to that ol Violet McXamea, ter j m idea name, and tbe b ve br wt and j aUbursemeaU ot b suit t oe taxed. g This sunimoas is pobiisted by order cf j Hon 3 H Hewtt jodge of said court made it cbambe: ia Albany. Oregon, on the j 12b day of Jannr . 1SW. 1 L H Mostastk Sos. I Attomvs 'o-' PlauitifL I tXECUTr&'S NOTICE To all ibecrditc-rs ani persons Ij m-m! in I he Klale ct H-tecca Smith, de d. Jon sre be eby totiied that 1 have l a'- .,.-nlnr nf u!i titmi !k. m-nunw rt n Lica onniv. Ore i son. theef-e. a!l peros having claims .-..ferf ,,d are hab ao iSed nd I . nnirJ In nmrr.t the same to tat wnh r flnirnl to rrrr-t the same to liv naiw vouchers, at ihe U ofic cf W K Bdyeo in A lnt. Linn counTT. Oregon. s thirt m .ia from the oate nrta liri this Is, day of Jarua'y. u. I SAVt EL REABKK. ExjCOtOT nEASOaER'SKOliCEKO.9 ! Notice is bereoy civn that funds aie j on handle ray city wsrrantsXos. ;'7 j to 415 inclosive" of Ue issue of 1SS7. lo j let est on id varraota will reaee with tbe IiI.ia nf trtia untie I Albany Or. Dec. 29. 1S9". . A.PiBKsa, City Treasurer. 1 THY WILL TOC SUFFER WITH VVc core, callous, is cring toe oa ) and . i.,,., ,Km witkont hub . or sutfqDent orB. no cutting. aClUS, PQl HOipiT m wmi,v.u w teea the corn and flesh and lift tbe corn oat who e. with a pare vegtsble oil. Charge? re.oiibl and satisfaction guar entretl. iostra chare? f-r caHing at your residence or place of busies. Room 26 Rum House. ADMIKISTFATOK'S SALE Kotics is hereby given tbat the aadr signed administrator of th asiat of Jaa t C trter. deceased, win in paraaance oi a rder of tha coaoty court for Lisa ooaaty. Crvcoa, duly made and vBterwd of record onhe llth dav of Apri:. 1S96. onar for aale at pabbc suction at tbe coorl hosse door oa the i9.h day oi Febraar, 1$9S, at the hoar of 1 o'cck p m of said day. the following deecrilxd real estate, towit: Lots Nos 4, 5 and 6, in b eck No 11 in Hackle mia'a sord addition to the citv of Albany, Linn e:aav, Oregon. Te'ma of sxla . oo half cash in hand and the rvmainder ia six months from da'e of rale, payment KBred by mortgage oa the propertv. This January 6, ls;S. Ed R M Carter, Admr "TOT. Jl tive gentlemen or iaoits to travel for responsible, established boose in Oregon. Monthly 65 .00 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. EocIcm self addressed stamped envelope. Tne Domin on Company. lVpt. Y Chicago. llEO E FISH THK PLUMBKR Tin roofing and 'plumbing, de opera house OpioaJ FOUND On Ferry street. Albany, a piir ol kid g:ors,new or almost new. Cull at the Postal ie'egraph office. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the stockholders of the Albany Cream ery Association will hold their annual meeting at tbe creamery buile ing on th 13th day ot January, 1S98, at the hour of 1 P M for the purpose of electing fi d rectors aud the transaction of any other business that may come before the nieet- December 15, 1S97. 5 Froman, E J Skbuev, President. SccretaiY. W nHILwA Ml. .-I 5 4TTTT 7 S "9" 10 JJi2 i.tei5 16" 17 18 19 20 2L 22 2il25l26l27t282!) FOR SALE. Whereas, by the consideration of tfe Circuit Court cf lb. State of Oregon for the Crnnty of l-inn, tn a caue tberelB pending wherein J Jt Mover, J. D Cole, t D Mover, and Mrs F F Cioft were and are plaintiffs and tbe Albany Woolen Mills Company, a corporation, was and is de fendant, a decree was duly reod-red.given and made on the 19th day :Sovenit-er, 1S&7, directing that the real proper y be longing to the defendant corporation and particularly described as follows, towit: Block one hundred and fifteen (1 10) ia m liacktnaa's Addition to tbe Ci y ot Al bany. L is county, Oregon, a the same appears on record 00 the map and plat rJ iatt ritv on file in tie office ot the- County Kecorder rt Wnn conmy, vicgun oge'ber with the buildings, future. m cbmrry and plant thereon sitnited, known, as the Albany oolen Mills property, with tbe sppartesaoces. be sold by the undersigned, tbe receiver of tne proper of the above earned defendant, 1 be said Albany H ooiea Mills p'ant consists of the oowing. towit: Two 2) Sets Davis Former 48iS lr Framo J Cards complete; Fonr (4, sets Joboacn k ' j Kaasett': e f operating Jack. 240 spindles I Tmn Orrmn'OM 92 is. Fancy i Luoms. 27 HarES. 4x4 botes; S.x (6 iCromstons iI5. Cam Looots i. 3 and 4 leaf, 4x4 boxes; Two CI) Cromptoss 109 tn. Fancy Lwcs 4x4 16 pattern; Six (6) Koowies 92 in- Fancy Loon- ) Hameas 4x4 box. in addition to the above tbere ia a wool opener, dusting machine, birr piker, fioUbing machinery, drying ma chine. 4ye vats, wool washers, and other machinery complete necesaary fur bofehing all aini of vool.-B goods. Tkere is also a complete pniWy attachtd to said milts. Now 'teteUirr, in obedience to Mid de cee and ia eeeordas with tne terms and prmaaot ttreof. the undersigned, as re ceiver aiowad, wiil eU ail and tbe wbsie of IS hfcreinbefors Vcribed rTOperty Bpnr, tbe trms a'd cosdiiioBs, and in ti' be anoer foi towing: 1 te aid poprry "ill be sod to toe higaest bidder, one half of tbe porcbase price to be paid in cash a the tune of thedeiiery of tne poneaaio thereofto t wrcbaser, Bamelj on or be lore April 1st. 1S9S, and tbebsbjutcro credit of ox months tbereaf ter. without tertst. i"h w co' liv to be approved tee coo't- Sealed bids tor said prepeT n-.Qvt te fi'-ed witi the rcet'ev at Albanv Linn county. Oretoi. cw or before 'he 5 h day of Febraarr. lsSS. nd bidder i requTrd to de sit witn bis bU. as a earaes: of good faith, a certiSd check payable to the order of the receiver for the sum "f to tbusuwi dollars (SiOOO 0 And all perv 'n tnterefed are bertb notified, that upon tt7lk day cf Febra ary. at the boor f 'en o'clock a m of said day at tbe court boose in tbe Ci t ot Albany, L'nn coonty. Oregon, all -1 received b the !d receiver will be o pe ed by the Hon H U Hewitt, judge af t said court. Tbe id court, by virtue aid decree bereistofcre referred to, re serves the r":ght to reject say and alt ted or said property. Da ed Decern T 2nd. 1S7. CMBXBXlsATB01t.S, LFl'ss ARorneys tor fiecner, R Cha-nb?r of Cotamerc?. Al"a Pot!aad, Oregon . D w k aw Scenis Line of the Wcrli Tn Cgten & Salt Late AH AUUtW Pullman Talace sleepiD?csrs srs rs 1 Puftmau tourist nr Free redlining chair car Are run through on trains. Best service Finest equipment 1 astest time. For rates of fare and all in formation call on your near est ticket asent or address R C NlCHOL, E B Dcffy, Genl Agt, Trav Pass Agt, 251 Washingtou St. Portland. Hooper, GPJcF Agt, Denver, Colorado. its ; Dr Adams Cueick Block Albany.Or Painless work a specialty. J. C. UfTLIS'S Ground Floor Dv-rttal OfTioe. Yard Littler. Assistant Broadalbii Alban ii i n Tt.- n.i Money ai -1 rer wui l nave a iimueu tmuum k,i uvorj w loan cn good fwority at 7 per cent inter est, five jears or looser. Interest payable annually. Address Box 128. Albany Or. L'NN CO. ABSTRACT COMPANY Albany, Oregon Offices, Bank of Oregon iluiMia. Only set ot Abstracts of linn County. Complete set ot maps and plats. Charfcw reasonable. WAN l'ED-UPRIG HT AS D FAITH ful gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in Oregon. Monthly $63.00 and (xpenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self address ed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. K. Chicago. winmq r wvi 1JtSsn jfj ww iap.ka 2uixu uivoj') s.ud 'JQ 1 WW f 1