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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1898)
111 II 1M 11 1 1f mitt VOLXXXII1 ALBANY OREGON, FIUDA. JANUARY 21,1898. Entered rc tke Font 0(Bce at Ubany. Or. ItMid-tUii Hall Matin t r P KlTTIftC PablUkcr an Proprietor NO. 25 n 1 J ft Jllllt! i , - , 't , v IF mm .&elaMefreparatioRror As similating the Food andReguta liHgthfiStamachsandDowclscf ftofflotest)icstion.Checrrul Ttess andRcst.Contains neither toium,Morpliine nor Mineral. NotNahcotic. JtwAM Apefect-Remedv forConslina- tion.Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions .Fevcnsh ness and Loss of Sleep. facsimile Signature of TEW "YORK. MM if I EXACT vOrr OF WRAPPEH. I TP V nam Uk. CU f . I . X 4T 2 rTTTi avrTmt ...HAPPY NEW YEAR... RING OUT YE BELLS Arid teH the people far and wide that f the best GROCERIES " the best make of STOVES are to be found at R E. ALLEN & CO S. Wail Paper, iarpets, Lineolsum, Lace Curtains. Rugs, Portier3, Pillows Fnrmture Bedding. Fture Frames, Linen Warp Mat t in g, Oil iVaiD tings, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE CO. THE OPENING DAY OF The Second Term:- is Januarv 4, 1898 The .college mercial work very much, so usiness B qual to any in the state. Thia was not so in the past. It eis s now. Come and secure a thorough training in all branches ol a liberal education. Albany, Oregon, pjjjjf jjjy (Jggj BaaaaaaiMMMHHMHHMiwwaMMMaaHaaaaaaaaawi fp$ CANDY 25c 50c Tr"""' 1 " DRUGGISTS m ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY j. JOSKPI' Proprlelr SEE THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF 13 ON THE WRAPPER OF ETESY Caatoria Ii pat so ia eae-aia bottle only. It U act told ia balk. Doat allow anyone ts sell tob anything aba aa tbe plea or pnmia that is jtat aa goua'aaa "will answer awry pa: pote." W Bcs titat joe ret C-A-S-T-0-&-I-A. r Cu s?sr ll a PRAGTl(Ali Li- a. has strengthened its com- that now it has become a t i College THE POPULISTS. The meeting of Linn county populists was ended last evening, alter a session covering the afternoon. In which there was a free discussion of the matters be fore the convention, the leading one be- ing that of nnion. The following resolu tions were finally passed, and speak bet ter than anything else for the action of the meeting: Whereas we the members of the peo ples party central committee and other populists of Linn county in conference assembled, believing that an opportun ity presents itself to the reform elements ol the state of uregon, to relieve tbe tax pavers from the burden of excessive and ruinous taxation, foisted upon them through the improvident and wasteful management of republican misrule in Oregon, we therefore, to this end, favor a hearty cooperation of all elements within the state which are opposed to the vic ious and undemocratic methods of tbe now dominant republican party, and in view of the fact the 30,000 voters in tbe state of Oregon, were originally recru'ted from the republican and democratic ranks, ami believing that open fusion with the democratic party would culmin ate in a positive and open rupture of our organization, thereby imperiling the election of any ticket so nominated; tnereiore, - ; Resolved. We, the county central committee and other working populists ot tann county in conference assembled. co proclaim that it in our opinion early rebruary, state, congreaeional, judicial and county conventions, composed of regularly elected populist delegates should be called : that we earnestly rec ommend to such conventions the great est liberty in the nomination of candi dates for tbe various offices to be filled at the doming June election, to the end that all reform political organizations in tbe state may be justly ami equitably represented. Resolved second. We view with alarm the strong tendency of tbe present republican judiciaryof tbe nation and state to become wedded to to corporation preierment, and to the u n-Am erica d,u n republican, on-democratic and ever to be condemned government of the people by injunction. We recognise that tbit late of affairs places American liberty in jeopardy. We would therefore recommend that only hot e t, competent men, known to be opposed to such government bv io janction shall be nominated for judicial positions by the peoples' ptty judicia' convention of tbe Tbi judicial district of Oregon, for those offices, and that we favor tbe re enactment ot tbe principles of tbe Omaba and St Louis platforms, in our state platform and that all officers nominated shall stand for said principles. Resolved, t'orther: We recognize that tbe state central committee should alone have the authority to call a state con vention, fix the date and place of meet in (j, thereof, and believing that the said committee should have no right to dele gate this authority; therefore, we com mend the action of the state execetive committee in issuing tbe call, convening tbe state central committee on January 19, 1S9S. Mrs Rev Wilson, of Eugene, her husband in Ibis city today. joined License has been isauel for the mar riage of Charley Fergusen and Uiss Dell Adams. Duncan B Monteitb. o! Albany, re turned last evening from Juneau, Atesxa. Oregonian. Attorneys Bingham and Carson, of Salem, were ia tbe city today on busi ness mm judge llemitt. Miss Sadie Cohen has returned from a several months visit with her sister in San Francisco. ;Mr Seath Mc Alister will leave on to morrow's train for Albany, Salem and Portland where be goee in the interest of tbe Eugene Electric Light Company. Eugene Guard. W. W. Rowell returned I art night from a trip to Portland. He reports every thing Klondike there. Merchants are making a big effort to get tbe Wl in the kiendike trade. The young ladiee of the O A C have been challenged to a tame of backet ball by the female students of tbe Cbemawa training school, near Salem. They will not accept. Reeburg Review : H L Marstere bas returned borne from bis trip to Missouri. ae sold bis carload of dried prunes in boxes at 5 Vc in St Louis, which it I equivalent to 44C here. Bill Rylee. tbe well known Benton county street corner orator, was holding a large audience soell bound Ibis alter- noon, with his eloquence. His theme was prosperity. As an entertainer Alba lieywood is ot in it beside bun. M. II. Abbey was in Corvaliia Monday. tie recently returned from Arizona, and I is now on bis war to Alaska. Ed Abbey also passed through the city Monday aud win join bis father, wbo is now at heat lie, on a journev to tbe frozen north. Mort Abbey bungs rather favorable re ports of the ex-Corvallis people, wbo are now in Arizona Corvaliia Times. On its trip to Skagwsy the passengers on the U W Elder bad a New Years cel ebration, in which Albany was censpic. uoosly represented. V W Watts and U. a. Mooteitti were on tbe program com mittee and the former was secretary of the atlair. V atts recited Left Alone and an original poem once recited in Albany, A Storm at Sea. DiffcrentThino. Eugene Guard. A fine canvas boat with air tight compart ments reached Lugene today and wtll be used by Glen and Lew Powers in their trip to the gold field of the North' western territory. After being put to gether it was given a tet this afternoon. "Swiftwater Ed" McClanahan steered the craft safely over White Horse rapid, juit above tbe Eugene bridge. Three other men wers in tbe boat wilb blm. nd it lightly skimaed the top of the water. It has a fine carrying capacity. and is probably one of the safest boat ever built, besides being extremely light, and easily portable. Herman St I lair u m 03 hanged at Ida ho city tomorrow. In tbe Council Proceedings the state ment .hit Chief of Police Lee asaed the privilege of naming tbe uigbt watchmen bould have been to place them after tbe election iu refrrencc to tbe r duties and field of operation. A terrible tornado swept tbrcogh Ft Smith. Ark.. Tuesdav nislit. tearing down houses and killing about fifty people. Mr and Mrs Uetrire Dodder, formerly of this city, are residents of that city, but we do not see their names in any ot the lists, ana tbev were undoubtedly among tbe fortu nate ones. Itching, scaly, bleeding palms, ibapcleia nails, and painful finger end, plmplea, blackbaada, oily, motor akin, dry, thin, and falling hair, Itch ing, acaly acalpa, all yield quickly to warm baths witb CtmcnaA Hoar, and gentle anointings Witb Outicoba (ointowDt;, the great akin ears. mm TitaldtlmmabMitUt. world. Poms Dlco akd CaxlC Cobf.( Sol. Prop... Boaton. , as- " How t ttoiua Salt. WhIU Handt," fit. ' ITCHiNQ- HUMORS Watai? REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported bv the Linn County Abstract Company for tbe Dimockat, tor tbe week ending Jan. 12th, 1898. L Foley aud wf tol R Borum, lot 8, bi 3, j tl Kale ton 's 3rd ad to 1a b anon $ 275 T I Madill, et al, to John Savage, Jr, et al, agreement, to construct road from Quartxville road to cer tain mines, and furniBh and erect 10 stamD mill, for couaideration of one half interest in several Quarts claims M A Stone to A L Kirk, lot 5, bl 2, Kirs s add to Brownsville I'jU J W Uardman and wf to M E for- bune. T 11. 3 W. 53 acres 1000 54 D McDowell to J W McDowell. small tract near Brownsvill G O Wilson to Anna C Prill, small tract near Hcio 45 lips, T 9 and 10. 2 w. 216 acres 2000. Win Smith to Delia J Smith, tr dj Sodaville. 15 acres . E R Berwick to E V Berwick, S M N E hi T 12. 3. w 80 acres 2300 400 550 250 J Simpson and husband to N H Howard. T 12. 2. w 7 acres Gov Simpson and wf to E E Davis i is. 4 w, 33 acres..- Neil McRae and wf to J A MclUe, T 10. 5. E ICO acres O P Coshow and wf to Kate E Cavender.tract near Brownsville 1 F M Kedfield and wf to C N Red. field blk 6 and Iota 6. 7. 8. 9 and 10 blk 5 in South Albanv J K Reiley & wl to J K Reilev Jr. l If, Z w Love and affection M A Gates and buabaod to J Un- ges. T9. 3 E 35 Mattie E Roecoe et al toEFSox, pan of blk 15 Albanv A K Cooper to Geo M Fell. T 13. 1 E 80 acres 500 Ben Cleaver bv stieriff to K E Bowers et a, lota 7 and 8 blk 19 Kalston's 2nd add to Lebanon. . W E Arnold atd wf to O W Pbii- WHEAT. New York 92.Se. Chicago HCwC San Francio Iiverpool 2c. lower. Albany 65c U P Services. Last evening a rood sized audience beard Kev. Stevenson on Tbo Value of a Soul. Tonight be will speak on There Is No Difference, All Have Come Short of tbe Glory of God. Everybody Welcome. Police Regulation. Chief of Police Lee bas iaeued the fol lowing rule and regulations of general interest to tbe police: It ia tbe dutv of tbe oiabt police to take charge of the cty by night. From lb first day of October till the first day of April of each year, they shall go oo duty at 6 i 'clock p m. of each day, and continue on duly until 6 o'clock a . m of tbe next succredicg day and from tbe first day of April to the first day of O tober ot each year Ibey shall go oo duty at 7 oV.ock p. m. of each day and remain on duty until the hour ot 5 o'clock a. m. of the next succeeding day. Officers are expected lo be courteous and obliging, thereby it tuning tbe confi dence and respect ot tbe citizens of Al bany sod tbe public generallv. Special attention must be paid to tbe protection of women and children while on tbe streets, and other places if neces sity seems to require Boys, and otbers. are not allowed to stand in groups on tbe streets or in front of bus'ness bouses or eneage there in loud aud bouteroos talk; or on f .reel corners where churches aie located, dar ing religious worship, or disturb snv meeting of any kiotLeither public or pri vate. Special care mart be taken to prevent minors from frequenting saloons or ob taining intoxicating liquors in any way. Women are strictly prohibited from entering in. or loitering about aaloons. Great care most be taken ia tbe pro lection of propeny against- fire and thieves Special attention is called to a cloee watch of tbe business bouses in tbe city; it is neceesary to examine the doors both in front sod rear seveia: times dur- iog the night: At any time any eerioua circumstances arise and yon are in doubt as to what courae to purtoe, yoj will immediately consult the Chief of Police, wbo will in struct you bow to act. The use of intoxicating liquors is pro hibited while on duty. Consult the Chief of Police uocn all mattei s of importance. Ilarrbburg CM J Fellows Following new officers have been in stalled: - Wm McDonald. CP: (I W Isham. II P; W T Porter, S W; Henry Reams. J W ; T J Anderson, scribe: J G Senders. treasurer; Dan McClain. 1st G T; A L alenline,2ndG T, Tuesday night. Jan. 11, Wm McDonald. D D G M. iosUlled the officers for Three Link Rebekah Lodge No. 9, 1 0 O F. as fo lows: Cecil Ramnv. C G ; Mrs Laura Morris. V G ; Mrs Net tie Hendee, secretary; Mrs M Schooling, treasurer; Mrs Emma Anders, warden: Mrs Alice Hays, conductor; MrsT Por ter, cbap'aln; F 51 Hyde, J G; G W isham, K S . G; W Canter, L 8 N G; Mra M E Canter, R S V G ; J P School ing, LS V G. List of Patents. Granted to l'acihc Coast inven tors last week. Reported by O A Snow t Co. patent attorneys. Wash' ingtcn, D. C. F H Iieath.Tacoma. Wash, ball-beiring eccentric; TM Jones, Portland, Oisg. step-ladder; M Purdio, Med ford, Oreg, machine lor mating paper toothpicks. t or copy ol any patent send 10 cents In postae-e stamps with date of this paper to U A Know 3c uo., Washington, u V- St ed fob DAMAOBs.-Roseburg Review : 'U Goble, an old veteran wbo was form' erly a member of tbe soldiers' home, bas brought suit against Commandant W. H. Hyars, of that institution, for $0000 dan ages. The causes of action recited in tbe complaint are three, viz: For malicious discharge from the home, for a dishonor able discharge, which would prevent piaintitt from securing admission lo any other home, and straight libel, r.. V Stratford is attorney for the plaintiff." A Lincoin Co. Isjukctios. An in junction suit was yesterday filed by tax paters to stop the payment oi warrants for $4700, issued to G. A. Landls, slier-1 iff of Lincoln county ; also a warrant is sued to George R. McKenzie for expert-1 ing Lincoln counqr dooes, ior ov. New Suit. A. Bush, of Salem, has begun a foreclosure suit against J. O. Johnson et al. claiming judgment fori about $3500. The mortgage is on prop erty at and near Scio. Mr. Johnson is now a resident of Salem. a. I a . I... . a. and '07. long delinquent, should be paid 1 JlAlBKlO IDA UJUD W II.IU VUWI early before costs are aided. By order! tax collector. Regardless ot Cost. Julius Gradwohl intends to go out of the crockery and glassware business, going in to some other line ot bunioess, and hence wiil sell bis goods of this kind regardless of cost. When you call and get bis prices Aou wilt be convinced mat be means btsi- ness, and will believe wbat be says , Mcsic Miss Milarca Burmeater teacher of piano or organ. System tbs Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth street, opposite U P chuicb. FEIDAT Late Dawson Letter. F. A, Elliot writing to bis wife at New berg from Dawson in a letter just re ceived gives some interesting facts : We bad some very cold weather before we got our bouse up but at present we are having fine weather. Tbe Dr. bought a quarter ol beet tbe other day, 101 pourds at tl 50 per pound. Moose or Cars boo meat is selling at the same price. It costa a dollar to send a letter out. Flour $100 per sack, candles to work in mines ft to $1.25 easu and otner things in propoition. Webouvht 100 pounds of granulated sugar ior $:t0 which is the most reasonable article on tbe market. Our bouse is quite warm. Ice baa not formed in it so far and the thermometer bat registered 25 degrees below zero. This is the season of the vear when dogs are dogs, and from daylight, and even before, until late at night jou can see tea miters strong from Dawton op the creeks aa far aa there are any miners at I work, which is about 25 miles, with their teams ol two, lour, six, eight or ten dogs and one, two or three steda loaded with outfits hauling to tbe mine, and it is sur- F rising how roucb they pull with them, saw four little shepherd dogs pulling two sleds and 1000 pounds tbe other day and trotting along with it seemingly very easy, but lbs native Etikimo dogs that have ten brought up at the business and are generally quite a little larger pull about 600 pounds each where Ihey have good trails broken on tbe ice. At present dogs are wi.rth all tbe way from 150 to $300 each, and none for sale st these prices. They have nice little harnesa and sometimes a few aieigb bells on tbe leader and they look very pretty working tandem. A lady wbo came np on the steamer with os is getting $10 per day sewing Saw a little pile of waahing laying on a chair and another on tbe bed at a laty's house the other day and she said there was a tittle over $50 wor.b of washing in the two piles. Tbe miners bsve been on a strike ever since we arrived and there ia very liitle hiring going ou Mineowoert are trying to cut wages from $1.50 to $1 per hour, so the chances for getting work are rath er slim. ' There are quite a number of people still going out tbis winter, generally on ac count of shortage of previsions but quite a good manv on speculating schemes of various kinds. Regular dancing school tomorrow night at the armory. I. D. Miller s at Fruit Vale, Calif, for tbe benefit of his bealtb. Prof. S. D. Titus and wife.of Munkers, have moved to Albany to reside. Dr. Page, of Oakland. Or, a few dar ago took one hundred fret of tape worm from a pstieoi. A. J. Pitner. of Halter, is reported to be a candidate for recorder on the democratic ticket. J. M. Williams, the Eugene lawyer. was in tbe city this noon on bis may borne from a trip to Astoria Mr. Al Boenicke left this noon on his return trip to Juneau, and does not ex pect to be back bet re tie end of U.e year. W. B. Lawler. of Albany, wbo is inti- eted in mining properties in tbe Si n tiam, and lie, are at the Imperial. Portland Tribune. A man named Gallagher, of Seattle. died on tbe overland ttis morning ner this city, while oo hts way borne from Artsooa, wbete be bad breo for bis bealib. Mr. Edwin Stone, manager of tbe Cor valiia A Lastern arrived in Albany tbis morning from San Francisco, where be went several wet ks ao lor medical veal ment. His health is greatly improved and he feels like a new did Geo-ge W. Artnstroeg, of Harriabarg, wbo was injured in a gun accident a few weeks ago ia now able to be upon tbe streets. He La lost one eye. but is fort unate in not having lost bis life,to tucb the accident was a close call. Eogtneer A. tiler baa bt-en transfer red ior the present at lr-at. from Ibis division to Albany, here he ill take ibeeogtnecn the Albanv-stron run. will succeeding Engineer alsh who take freight ran betaeen Portland and Jurctirn. Roseburg Plaindesler. Mr. S. A. Hullo, the Crescll drug diet hss sold his slock of drugs to J. M. Volkmar, formerlv of Portland Mr Holm bas been offered a position with Osburn A DeLaoo in tbis city, 'lb whom he was connected in former years Eugene Reeister. A dispatch of yesterday from Was'iiu ton is that Kit si Lieutenant Clarence K. Dantler, Eleventh infantry, bas been granted four months leave, with permia sion to go abroad upon bis relief from the Oregon Agricultural collage st Cor- vaiiis. Fred Henderson, of Hesldsborg, Calif, Is in the city the guest of Harry Sacrey Mr. Henderson is clerking for Ed Smi h a former clerk of A. B. Mcllwain, of this city, wbo left lhr-e rears ago, lor Healds burg, and bas since been running a grocery store there. At a big mask party given last night by Superintendent Paine.of tbe -Insane asy lum, at Salem, the following were some of the characters taken by well known people : Li Huug Chang by I . L. Hodg- kin, Swe'l by Meve i--aniord, ioge oi Venice bv Judge Burnett, Abdul Hamid byO G. Bingham.t irand Duke by Judge Wolverton, O V. Gantieison aa tue iei low Kid and Dr. Williomson as Indian Chief, the last two being declared tbe stars of the party. Jest Fbo Skagwav. Mr. D B. Mon teitb returned tbis noon from his trip to Skagwav and Dyea. lie secured a couple oi lots at skagway and left a man in charge of tbem. getting the timber off. On tbe Z3rd he will return to mat pi ace accompanied by C. . Kawtings, and will go into business there. Mr. bower is also contemplating going at that time. l he steamer Oregon wm sail on mat aay with a big load of passengers and freight. nr. aiooteitn reports live times at caag- way and Dyea. A good many are al ready crossing over to Lake Bennett read v to start lor me mines, toe ai- baoy men at Skagway are all doing well. More men are now on their way to Alas ka than the steamers can take. aSSa 2 uonsumpnon Will SCOTTS EMULSION cure consumption ? Yes and no. Will it cure every case ? No. "What cases will it cure then? Those in their earlier stages, especially in young people. We make no exag gerated claims, hut we itve positive evidence that the early use of Scott's Emulsion ammaaaaaamwaBaaaaBBwajBaaBsaaaaawau of Cod-liver oil with Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda in these cases results in a positive cure to a large num ber. In advanced cases, how ever, where a cure ii impossi ble this well-known remedy should be relied upon to pro long: life surprisingly. joc and $1.00, all druggUta, trnrr a. ROWNR N.w York. I WHEAT. 1c higher in Liverpool. New York 91 o Chicago 90C. Sua FrancUco 81c. Albany 65c Dig Pensions. Following is a list of pensioners in Oregon and Washington receiving (50 or more per month : Andrew Johnson, Nsatllt, Wash... Joseph Large. Winlock, Wash Andrew M Ellis, Prospect, Or Jesse Hamilton, Centralia, Wash.. $72 72 72 72 72 72 George Diets, Oso, Wsh Jaires T Hood, The Dalies. Or Rollin T Reynolds, Chehali. Wash Wilbur F Cogswell, Portland, Or. . . Samuel Werner, Fulton, Or Thomas Anderson, Salem, Or Beni F lieollev. Oakland. Or 72 60 72 72 72 Charles Crossin, Seattle, Wash. 60 William TCainDbelLOirmnta. Wash. 72 Thomas O Espy. Toledo, Or 72 Martin B Henalee, Vancouver, Hash. 72 Solomon W Hardesty.Silverton. Or.. Major Johnson, Albany, Or 72 1 homes J Johnson.Junction City, Or." 72 August Miller, Port Orford. Or SO Benjamin J N ickles, Centralis, Wash 50 Omega Ohek, Baker City, Or 60 Robert Pool, Grant's Psss, Or 72 Hosea Brown, Olympia, Wajb 50 Mary J Mi'.roy, Olympia, Wash 75 Mra Wm L Spencer, Portland, Or.... 60 Martha F Woodrum, Gaston. Or 60 Adam Goode. ialem, Or 72 Henry A Kenwortby, Everett, Wash. 72 Abraham B B Lee is, Plymouth, Or. . 72 August McVllister, Salem. Or 72 Llmore Y Munsell, Nabcotts, Wash. 72 Accident at Waterloo Mill. ' Yesterday, at Waterloo. Frank Gal braitb, a son of J P Galbrsitb. of this city, met with a serious accident, lie wss running one of the machines when his jumper caught in tbe cogs and drew him quickly into tbe roller, tearing bis clothes partly off and a chunk of flesh from bis side as big as ones hand. At first it was thoopht 'hat tbe accident would be fatal. Dr. Booth, of Lebanon was sent for and upon returning ibis forenoon reported that tbe young man would recover, though seriously injured, ss no bones were broken and be was not injured internally. Fae Kosslakd. J. E. Sorbin, for mer lj of Albanv, writes from Rossland, B.C .to H. M.Bronk.oi the Occidental Hotel, Corvallts, from which tbe follow ing is an extract: "Times here are dull. with a good prospect for betterment next eommer. At present we bsve five bet of beautiful snow on the ground that compels as to be quiet. We bsve a No. l mining camp . mines are tnrntng out better every day, but tbe city is ahead of tbe mines and business is overdose. A Labcc two-color advertising sign for Tomlivson and Dubruille and a timed and embossed business card for tbs Al bany Steam Laundry, are recent samples of Smiley 'e Clean Priming. Lax-rcio. General Com peon, wLo ranks in btstory as one of tue leading characters in the great battle of Ge.ts- burg. wul lecture at the college cuapel next Friday evening. It will be inter esting to many Corvallteitea to koow teal Kev. J R S. B Ml. formerly of Ibis city, was oieof Gen. Compsou's prison- era. Corvaliia Union. DAVExma-r Dead. "Doc" Davenport, wbo was wkkJy known as a counterfeiter and who served two terms in tbe stale penitentiary for counterfeiting, died at bis koine, eight miles east of Lebanon on Wednesday, after a abort iiloesa. He gave up counterfeiting several year ago. Asothee Pxria It is reported th Lebanon iil have a Mitchell orga Arrangements are being made for eta mg a republican paper there in tbe ne future, and aa nearly as can be learned it will be fbr Mitcbe'il. Ar the U. P. Ciicsck last bight Rev. C. R Stevenson preached on "There is no difference ' at tbe time of salvation. all ms are equal. Tonight the sutject will be Christ beaang Sinners. An invi tation is is extended to all to attend. A Good Jen. Tbe DsMocaaT bas just received from tbe press of Smiley tbe printer some splendidly printed receipts. which it is snxious to nse ts last ss poe- sibls. Come in and see them. Tbe money order busioe of tbe Salem poet office lat year was $54,224 93 Among to wY will sail tonight from Portland for Skagwav are tbe fol lowing. O P Abram. G V Gump, Frank Mart rial, Joe and George Keeney. Durng 197 tbe A O U W in Washing ton paid to the widow ana orphans $123,000 at a coat cf 19 per member. That is a good showing. Tbe Combevt boys were released Wed nesday night by Justice McPbillip. of UcMinville no tangible evident being prodooed connect log tbem with the Sager murder. The Albany McKiaW c'nb will meet on Tburs lay evening Jan 20 and elect Dele gates to tbe meeting of the republican league of clubs, to take place in Portland on February 1. Oa the next day tbe state cen'ral committee ana tbe congressional committee will meet at tbe same piste. The Elder will rail fcr Aianka tonight with tbe iargest hud of pasneagert she has taken since ber first trip to Dyea, and be tween oUO and GOO tons ot freight. It was found necaxary to re I u we freight yest erday afternoon, and it is likily that a large amount will be left for the Oregon. L p to last night 106 cabin snd 10U steer Age pass engers were on tbe list. oregontn Made Permanent. The motion to make the temporary injunction per man ent. in the case ot the Standard Box factory et al vs. the Oregon r run x Pro duce Co et al. was argued before Circuit Judge Hewitt at Albany vesterday by Webster Holmes for plaintiffs and G U Bingham for Hanson A Landon and E C. Hansen, and J. A. Carson for the Cap iUl National Bank and C. A. Gray. The moti in was taken under advieement. Tbs temporary injunction was granted last week bv Judte lieaitt wnue Holding court in Salem. DIEO. WIN KLEY. Wednesday night, Jan uary Iz, 1893, at her borne nine nines east ot Albany, after an illness of about five weeks. Mrs. Charles Winkley, at the age ol 21 years. The ceceased had been married about one year, she was the daughter of 3. Bridges and was highly esteemed by alt knowing her. Tbe lunerat will be held at the Central I church, in tbe country, at p. m. to- morrow. WILSON. In Albany on Friday night, January m, isys, alter a lingering ill ness, Mr. Daniel Wilson, at the age ot about eighty years. Mr. Wilson, waa born in Michigan. where be resided at Oassopolis, for many years, oeveral years ago he came to Albanv and has resided with bis sister Mrs. Llizabtitu Blain. He was never married. unerai services will take mace on Monday at 20:30a. m. at the residence of Mrs. Elisabeth Blaln, ' to which all trienUB a-e invited. : MEEKER, On Saturday morning Jan. lb. isys. at ner borne a few miles this side of Jefferson, Mis. Melvina, wife isaao meeker, at tue age of 97 years. Tbe deceased was a daughter of Mr. William Hale and a native ot thia coin try. She was a woman highly respected. She leaves a husband and a son ami many friends to mourn her death . Royal saaka the food pars, wtMlasesaa aa4 daUctoas. mi PQVDER Absolutely Purs S A-TTTHZD-A." SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Jodge Wolverton, of the supreme bench, is in the city. Mrs. M. L Pipes, of Portland, pased throogb Albany for Lebanon oa a visit with ber pa.-enls. Aiex Renme, of Corvaliia bas accepted a position at Echo, Nev , and wiil with his wife leave for tber on Monday. The Mvnzanita Circle last evening in stalled tbe new officersfollowing it with an excellent program and a fine social time. Tbe social dance of the Albany orches tra will be held tonight in tbe opera oouae insieaa oi in tbe armory as stated last night. 8. G. Irvine, of Newport, was in the city today on Lis wsy borne from Port land. He ia an active candidate for col lector of customs at Yaquina. Bishop Morris is :n bis bed with an at tack of bronchial pneumooia.and is com pelled to recall a!i bis' appointments for the present. Telegram. Frank Bonner, formerlv of Rnnn and Miss AngieLockey.daugbterof John Lnckey, of Prineville, will be married next Sunday, Jan 16,at tbe latter plac. Mr. Dex Naab, well known in Albanv is on bis way to Portland, from Dawsoo, "here be has been tbe past year. He has an interest in several claims on the Klondike. , t C. Davia. advance agent for nrob- ably the best show of tbe eeasoo, was in the city today arranging for tbe presen taiion of Iogomar aod The lioochbacE in Albany next week. Sea advertise ment elaeebere and watcb for press notices. Mr. C.J Stuart, one of the old f. P. agents at Albany, as visited a few days ago at Purallup, where be is sgent for tbe N P. His wife is in Boston on a visit. Rov is in tbe s. P. o:fi -e at Lts Angeles, tbe daughter ia married ana tue youngest is alleoa;cg school to Minnesota- Henry M vers and Fred Morris eo to Ahuka on tbe next steamer. Otto Mar tin, tn. Savage and m. h.rt bsve lett to go oa the tlJer, a bicii aa led from Portland todet. but tbey may not be able io get berths ior this bio. in nbicb case they sill go on the following steamer. Ed Gtlker lea'res for Skazwav on th 'Elder today having secured s ticket some time a jo- Scio News. Rett of Honor. Following is tbe roll of honor oi tbe public schools for the past quarter. CSSTSAl SCHOOL. First Grade Edna Achesoo. Viva Archibald. Maode Blount. F.thet Cole. Bertna Lee, Myrtle Laotx, Margaret atonteitb, Erma Sprecger. Jessie Van Dyke, Sanford Archibald. Dav:d Kings- ley, atarton Rickey, Frank Tayter, Vic tor Long. 2nd Grade Ims Cur-ran. Erelice Verks, Alice Waidahl, Euiaa Wright. Ralph Ihodinger. Cheater Eoge, Rooert Hardman. M ardor k Kmgelrr. Willie bilhpe. Wiliard Ramp. Harry S'eele. Gwyn Watson 3rd Grade. BeJe Chance teacher Era Sternberg, Elva Rogers, Minnie Howard, .-tancy tiopper, tana ttossard. Per Wukins. Visitor: J R Wheeler. Sapt.. Mrs S N Steel 4th Grade Vea Marks. Martha Mon tague, Adele Goff. Visitors: Msmie Hail. hupt. heeler. Mrs Sehultx. Irene Gofl, Velms Davis. Neva Marks. 5.b Grade LI wood Svlvanus. Earle Fronk. 7lh Giade Archie Rie. Robert Tor- bet. Visitor: Rafos Thompson. Lair Tnompeoo, Vide Maston. Wm McGee, o. t-upt W heeler. Prof Torbet. Mus Maude Rneeell. 8tb Grade Agnes Butler. Mertice Gray. Ids Sbupp, Francis Grab ira, Ethel tucker, tieteie Beam, Anna Howard, Pearl jeaeil. Wiliarf Marks. John Bryan, Fred Tav. Rov Parker. ira Stewart, Lark Large, Fanny Helmick, tors craiora. visitors: Prof, lor Lett and Fred Harris. M ADISON SCHOOL. 1st CTAde Cecile Knox. A Hie Stillson. Dora Stillson. Tommy Barnes, Elmer Purdotn. Robbie Rainwater, Floyd Uam met, Leo Hammer, George Anderson, iliie Lipkie, Koy i-roman. 2nd grade, alary Illiams teacher Mate! Cane. Edilb Da vies. Carina Kooi. Andrew Rainwater, Bertie Tiiloon, Oliver wagstan, Oeca Zimmerman, frank Bryant, Walter kinimei, Lynn Mitchell, bugene Burns, Archie Burns. 4th grsde. Lvs Simpson teacher Vesta Conn, Olive Mitchell, Jeseis Michael, r red Forgey, Lrma Livingston, Ella Stewart, Hattie Rainwater, Fern Fox Dora Worrell. Hattie McRae. 6th grade, Nettie M. Whitney teacher Maggie Livingston, Kate Graf. Marcos Dunn, Jessie Cox, Ethel Hammer, Alice .Markhart, Clarence Parker, Lee Chap man. A Swedish colon v. There is a proa pect of a eclon v being founded at Jordan It will be composed of Swedes, snd, if tbe deed is consummated, tbev will put chase 3000 ares of farming land. The contractor for the colonv inspected the land and made a favorable report to the agent for the colony. All that remain! to be done is for the agent to inspect tbe land, and it suitable, tbe cjiony is a assured thing. Scio News. What bas become of that other colony near Scio Roskbi'ru's It. A L. A.. Tbe report of the secretary of the Roseburg Building and Loan Association at the annual meeting held this week shjwa that tbe presrni value i lue anx is, a iiicu mi run 108 months ia SH59 69. This indi- cates that it will take about two vears more for the stock to mature The withdrawal value ia given as $13S $4. The highest bid for nock last year was only 19 months, the lowest 1 month. . Froman Wos.-A live pigeon shoot w.. yeeterday sfternoon had on the range between Ueorge Froman. Sky Meek Phil Baltimore, F. t!. Pfeiffer and John VVinkley a. $10 each, Wing a purse of f.0. 1-roimn won $:lo on a record ol nineteen out of twenty, Meeks aud Bal-i- more divided $15 on seventeen each, and Pfeiier aud w inkley were out in the cold on fifteen each. The IXxis Wost Joe Warwick's hounds run down s wild est and killed It last Thursday. They bai been running it on Franklia Butte, when it struck across Richardson's Gap for the moun tain on other side, the dogs overhauling it within SO yards ol the limber line, on the mountain side. It was a pretty race, the cat running on tbe fence for quite a dis tance. Scio News. of ; To Cn. Conartpatlna vorever. Take Cusvarets Candy Cathartio. lOo orSSs. If C C C tall to cure, drukgitu refund atca.'. IMPORTANT REPORTS. Through the kindoex of a friend In Washington tbe Damocb at today received several important recent reports in reler ence to Northwe-t matters. Tbe report of John M. Wilson, chief of engineers on Ysquina to head of tide, including Big Elk, is that they are not worthy of im provement by tbe general government at the present time. Tbe report on tbe Ssntism river, re ferred to as practically u nosed, only one stesmer having been np it for years, is the same. The Siletz river, bar and en trance get the seme dose. Alsea r'ver ditto. The reports are based on exam ination! made by Cspt. W ' L. Fisk, corps of engineers. Interested parties are welcome to an examination of tbe docu ments giving the details. WHEAT. New Yote 92c. Chicago 90;. Sac Francisco 82c Liverpool Jc. higher. Albany 63s Purse ot $21 Solen. Fro at tbe Salem Journal : Mamie Taylor, is tbe nsme of an c sophisticated young girl a ;ed about 19 -an,who alighted from the northbound Roeeborg mail Wednesday afternooo. she came to Salem from Albany and up on reacbing una city, discovered that ner parse, containing aoout tit in money bad disappeared She promptly notified tbe Albany officials of ber loss, thinking that tbey would find tbe pure, being quite confident that she lost tbe same previous to leaving that city. A few boors afterwards tbe girt found the parse in ber valise where she bad misplaced it. Delighted upon recover ing tbe parse snd its "contents, sbe at once went to tbe postoffice to parcbaee the necessary etamped envelops with which to notify tbe Albany officials of tbe recovery of tbe pane. Taking tbe neceesary amoant from ber parse, which sbe left lving on tbe desk in ue post office lobby, tbe you tig girt went to tbe office window and purchased tbe en velopes. Upon returning sbe discovered that some one had stolen it in ber ab sence. For the present the girl is stay ing with friends in tbis city. Public School Entertainment On tbe evening of tbe 28th dsy of this month there will be a Public School en tertainment and graduating exercises of pupils from tbe lOtb grade. Owing to tbe crowded condition of tbi schools these students can not be retained till tbe end of tbe year without an addi tional teacher. The school board bas therefore ordered that public graduating exercises be held on tbe last day of this term of school. In addition to tbe reen ter graduating exercises we have planned otbr exerciKs crnsistingof music,drills, cantatas, etc, which wiil make a first ass entertainment. An edmiesion fee til be charged. General admission 25 cents; school children lOcenu Tbe purpofe of charging tbis tdmiseion fee. Is to pat chase a piano lor Madison scboo. and replenish the library. vt e expect the opera boose packed to its Kallest capacity. No extra charge for reserved seats. Respectful! v, H.TrarE, Sapt, Brownsville From tbe Times : Rev. W. Darts went to Stayton Mon day, here on Monday evening be ccm- commenced a senes of revival meetings. He will return tomorrow. Hat it Templeton, who spent tbe holi day vacation witb bis parents near this city, has retnrned to his studies at tbe ban Francisco Theological seminary. Mr. Oxford, late of Nebraska, brxbsr- o-lsw of Mr J. W. Roes, hss pnrcbssed from W. M Roberts bis 160 acre farm north of town and will take possession of bis purchase soon. We understand Mr. Roberts will reside in Brownsville. Mr D. r. Newman, whose wife lost ber life while skating near Sissofls, Cel., arrived here Staiar morning with tbe remains which were inte.'red in the rttv cemetery on Monday. Tbe sot row ing husband, children and other relauvss of tbe deceased bsve the sympathy of all n tbe boar of their bereavement. Tbe Mss's Cuts of the Congregational church of this city Un night at their roontblr meeting elected tbe following officers for the ensning year: A. B Woodio. president; Jadge U. U.Hewitt, vice president; G. W. Wright secretary and D. Buseard, treasurer. Tbe election as followed bv a lecture by Mr. n right. He showed that be bad given bis subject careful and earnest tbooght. He quoted John 4 4 and Revelations 9:11. In con clusion he maintained th it man can resist tbe evil spirit and sin onl v by aid of God and the spiritual strength tbst comes with abiding faith in tbe Divinity of Christ, and in tbe daily practice of the principles of cbnsfsnity. A very pleas ant session of tbe cub wss hsd and it is to be booed that much good aiay grow from its meetings J odge Hewitt was velected to deliver a lecture at tbe next meeting The Xew Pai-ss Vol. 1 So. 1 of th tbe Linn County Republic is oat this evening: It is neat ana newsy, eigni nsees. S columns to tbe pairs, si ;o a vear in advance. S-.UU at tbe ena Ot ine Tear. Portxa A Soxcss. editors and proprieters. Tax Lett. Tbe state Ux lew wss yesterday afternoon at Salem pieced at 3. mills, ,S mill less thsn last vear, rut mill more than it snouid nave oen aat year. This insures a low levy ior Linn county. - . - - , - , , m -rg I OXLv JLCrJvJ 6j I Both the method ana remilts when , svruD of FisM is taken; it is pleasant ' J , , , MJ reiresum- w genuy ye, ptvuiFuy uver ana ixiweis. ctesuises vuo ! tem effectually, dispels colds, head- ! aches and fevers and cures habitnal s, 1 constipation. Syrup Of x ICS IS toe onj- remedy of it3 kind ever pro- d pleang to the taste and so- r V . . cepuwuu w uio ewmwuu, a.wu.F. its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most health v and asrreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend n all ami bavo mada it tbe most Mnitta. vamAtlff V Tin IV M i i . . Syrup of Fig9 is lor sale in &u cent bottles by all leading drug' . ... . j gists. Any reliable druggist who may not nave it on nana wiu pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it, Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA F!t) STRUP CO. M nAUOSCO. C asy reer, jlk, HOME AND ABROAD. Baths at Viereck's shaving and hai cutting parlors. Razors hond. set and p?t ia first claw order at Viereck's shaving' and hair cot ting parlors. It is reported that the Elder went sgroond Lt night down tbe river from Portland off tbe Portland mill. The nomination of Jnde McKsnaa arxll not be confirmed fir at leas- a week, ail an effort i being mda to defeat it entire 'J' As equalized the taxable prcperty in Linn County am junta to $7 015,184 Tbiscoun'y will pay 124,553.15 of lb state Ux. Ed MrClannabtn, of Zonae, tbis week was tried for stbing two Chinese pbeas sou on tbe i:j.b of October, out of sLsoa He proved that he gave them away on tbe ltttb, and tbe jury foend him not guilty. A dispatch from Victoria teils of a great deal of isod jompisy at Skagway and probable trouble there. Mr Mon'eith, nbo kas jut come from ttere confirms tue re port, and before leering was obliged fcim Blf to sUs? off 03ie land jumpers with a Winchester. W H BruDk wiil ossjcxeded by George Engle as P M ot Aahland in a few weeks. "rank. who was once a resident of Albany. ba Already served is tbe tffic over four "tom'Eg the cfEce ia December. t is reported that a sswmiil plant np the Saatlam u to be bought by ,B eastern indicate and moved o Albany, where bwnea. be bereafter done, logs bnn hsuled here on tbe O V A E f or sue. Ir m tobehopea tfcat this trorMtn city (bould by ail means bave a saw miff. rrench tbe jeweler. Noonecaaaffrd t L with (Ml a r vV . see the low prices at Franca'. j?weiry storel Set your watch with French's renlaUtr if jou asct tbe correct time. If yoa want to -wa- tin' t r.. t dock at French's jewelry store. C B Winn, eitr tick etarant t:-v to all points in the east. Smile. 'a clean printing. Romott pore spices. Romona Bomoua pare exineta. Try SehiUicar'a Beat tea and haklna- pom-dor. Tbe Be4 Crackers in to we at C F Bn. ae-ls. Shirts aad eoiiara a amdaitw at tk tf.o aolia. Lanndry. Pictures from 7a em! to perd'sj a uongs gaJ.ery. Get a set of evvieg Knives f.r m, present at Hopkm Bros. Call at Hookin Hrr m. - r w-. ,' 7 .. ' 6 . wt ijlbc in we city. CrasrfordaV flarniaii for photograens Prices from $ 1 to per dozen. Be sure and see the anti rat tiaware at nop kin Bros, will las. lifetime. "Saow Flake" flaor is mads by the Red Crown Mills of Albany. A fine line of new macintoshes just re oetred az tue Biain Clothing Ce'a, -Try oar pop exn ; it never fails to pop. C E Bbowxku. "Red Crown 'the standard of color and strength in flour. All grocers bave it. Taxe the U C A E cteamer for Portland dan tiver on Sunday, Tuesday and Than day. Lsrg sits andanuE DroSt is the motto of Heparin aJra. and liiaa i why Lhay are always busy. When yon want a choice steak, a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry Broders. He keeps tbe best. 1 H. K. aad O. K. Bers offices aad residence in past oSce building. Special attention given to diseases of women. Ibe best meats of ail kinds sad rood treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, joit djwn Second street. Good weigbt and nramrjt asz& tton. It's tfc naiform Sn.b of th v fu.4 Crows 2 wr waica makes it so inpispea ab e to tbe pastry cooks. It can always oe reued opoa for ood resalts. Try it. ta kiU mt IW i 1vaur7anwfe.1t aaaSa a raa.iy c trauac tAj &aa wtta aarCl PWUJE B aak aw lal-rltt am 1 Na rOOti ItElEBV Bivi JaaaJ. Tara. afc THE Is the best and jet simplest type wnte m An a fact ami. the consnmmation of to aventors art. An exp? sieaograpa" .fta- nd.. t mac&ies. SAT- I con der tbe Yost Writing Machine far saper- or oaav I bave jet used us" at ine Dexoout office and see one of the type writers that bas to have a perrecs auigw- msnt, . , Alt Tpewr.ters supplies oraereu. F. P. JCctnsn. Agent. . . V- av aT vVaja Of. 1Q t3Lt Pweti-J.- w -b eo.t of aame t l C n. a. snow & co. r hrnr Omn. Waswiwerow. O. S)alllwwaaa' w s, ass renxrss raimuD procured. EUGENE W. JOHNSON, o'ictor aii Mijii PatsitCaiSa- tTtS s tars. Atw.. Waahlaataah CHEAPEST POWER Four Fans For Sale. The following desirable farms are foe sala AdCresa McMaater & Baintl, 311 Wor- oMte; block, riin., catl on C G Burkhart. Albany, Ors, tot u.rtkulan: .... 1 6 acres. no H'asy. haDLi'of DW Al!il-n. Sf8 I T 1 ' I j v T 13, S R 4. W VV M. So acres are c eara d no te C vatjoa, I r- ..n..- o,t wvh m It -.ber. aiB-a va r .ns sal a hni. fiw 13X. SO c- i ne miia S of Bro osville. R5. W V . At it I r i4. or n(l-' '-a t' - c, l' fjed, n I u g . r.w $1300 25 i . o b.i e S of B.ownv- I 3 . t ... ... i . . n.i T. 14. s u . " ' ,--,a,i,.-.i-t .atk bjM i V t "r. t ttvr, i od mii J'U a v 4 - 7SS -or., mv 1 ' ofL fc ,a W 15 uid IS. T 12. S R 1 W W M. This a v y g A .l;k J . at.utl00 aeroa are Hi -.b e. I w wt watered, aU foet al b acme fair nibllng. Pike $3500. Sw .! Ii.i Ir AantwMtr fal mi a tta ! riil.a rn i (n nSaa M w froj mi mry u.. mr - . Taaema k naaatat ao tortb. ana .aa SJBTeaa asS ta aa, gaa-aa-awiat wttS 11 nai wfca I aa V inAratawtein ''- SaawaaaawaJi-saaaaaBBaa numl xtafl liaaaSawBafaaaalBBSyara H Tw 1 - Sh&a mil 1 9 wy. MiaaSnH mmt aekv aaS 1111 Ma M in i r,l ln aaata.SaT, , ,L n,l,.J. .,, r, Kmmw. mi am. Otnacaaaj ii-lraniif-af rn i MiSi m I SjlHaa aay CJ .1 ai thsm Primary. f ii i ii i i j or Tn it. it f Wm w I rNAaaa Aai ra ravwatMv a Iwdaits.aMiaB' aa, 1 1 1 ii aaca!laayWaW tfcgwarta mrmtmm wa laaa t mu m. Taj a. .V as. unT, waW a. - a .ai.Mt i ni 1 1 i