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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1897)
Notions & Fancy Goods, Art Linen Grades at 40o 50c 75c 80c. India Linen Shear goads from 10 to 40c per yard. Handkerchief Linen Tbree (rood values 65c 75c $1.00 per yard. Embroideried and hemstitched hand kerchiefs 2c 5o 10c 20i 25o 40c 60o75o W 25 Drapery Goods -Siikoiine at 10c ; Silko line at 1234 a ad 15c; Drapery (roods at 50c and5o. Down and Feather Pillows Prices 25c to $175. New and complete hne of Brainerd aad Armstrong's Embroidery silks in Filo, Belts wiih purses 25c 50c (.1.00 with out purses 15c 20c 50c. Pu rsea 10c 15c 25c SOc 50c . Monkey skin 75 c.Fterlinar trimmed seal and alliga tor 75c 11.00 $1.25. A new line of gentleman's neckwear, latest styles in puffs tecks and bows. S E Young & Son, Albany, Oregon. HEAD, PEACOCK & CO, 'Albany. Oregon. Iu Dress Goods, Hosiery and Under wear you will always find our stock up to date. But just now we want to men tion a few new things we have for the Holiday trade: Handkerchiefs, a complete line a:l styles and prices Irom 2c to $1 25 T". I 1 1 . ... a-ocaes dooks ana unateiains, a very iyusa assortment Kid gloves in popular shades, either io clasp or foster hook. Umbrellas, a catchy lot, sterling silv r aiuuuww, win nieiai roas Roman embroidery sets, a nice present ur a may Belts, the new fancy metal goods, very stylieh Pen knives in fine pewl handles lor ladies use Feather boas, the latest patterns Table linens and napkins, no better goods shown Jackets and capes in novelty effects, something just out As a special inducement for cash trade we will five away the Genuine Koger A 1 Silverware, which is also very suit able for a holiday gift. The way we do it is this, with each purchase of fifty cents or mire for cash we present you a ticket representing ten percent of the nurchase. When von I bold tickets amounting to one dollar or more they will be redeemed by us on de mand in said silverware, which we have on display. It will pay yon to trade with us, we guarantee our prices to be as low as the lowest. Read, Peacock Co., Albany, Oregon. The Ladles Bazaar have the best Selected line in Ute style handnerchtefs ever brought to Albany. Prices from three cents upward, also tbe up to date pocket book 8, purees, chatelaine and shopping lags. The Coming Extension Mortgage From the Oregoniaa : The Corvallii & Eastern Railroad Com pany, incorporated a few days ago at Al bany, was organized for tbe purpose of financing the project of extending the aquina bay line through Eastern Ore gon. Tbe objects of the incorporation are to buy the 142 miles ef completed track of the Oregon Central & Eastern (tbe old Oregon Pacific), on which stock and bonds will be issued to rake money for the extensiou east of the mountains. There ia not a t.ent of indebtedness now against the Oregon Central & Eastern, so it is in good condition to get money for any extension enterprise. Within the coming few weeks tbe mortgage covering the present line eaet from Yaquina, given to secure tbe bonds to be issued, will be filed for record in Lincoln, Benton and Linn counties, where the railroad ia located. While no official announcement has been made of the amount of bonds that will be issued, it is intimated that the mortgage will be for about $15,000 per mile, or a total of $2,130,000. Tbe new corporation is au thorized to issue stock to the amount of $2,S00,000. These figures are compara tively modest for so important a project, especially when it is remembered that t,he books show an expenditure of more - than $16,000,000 on tbe portion of the road already built, but it is easy rail road building through tbe part of East ern Oregon selected for tbe new lire.and the track will be stretched out rapidlv over the plain at a mere fraction of the cost per mile of tbe portion crossing the two mountain ranges. Tbe papers are being drawn in New York, and tbe preliminary arrangements may be somewhat changed before tbe documents are signed. There are indi-j cations, however, tnat railroad construe-: tibn will begin on tbe eastward exten sion as soon as the weather wilt permit in tbe spring. As to whether construc tion shall proceed from both ends or on both main main line and branches. Mr Hammond who is the prime mover n tbe enterprise, is not prepared to say now. "There's many a slip 'twiit tbe cup and tbe lip,'- said be, "and it ia of no use to declare cur intehtions ' before all arrangements ate fully perfected. Of coarse, our general purpose is set forth in tbe incorporation articles, and we ex pect to carry out that purpose. But many of tbe details remain to be per fected, and modifications are always possible in tbe formative stsje of a busi ness enterprise like this." Tne Johns Sale. Tbe sale of real estate of the estate of Robert Johns deceased, took place Satur day afternoon and resulted as follows: 385.80 acres, and 3.43 acres in T 13, S R 4 W, to Penland for $6553.05. 322.77 acres, and 28.75 acres in T 14, S R 4 W, to Win. Vance for $1900. 13 acres in T 13, S R 4 W, to R. B, Montague for 130. Tbe south M of block 34. Hacklemau's 2nd ad. to Albany, to II. L. Walden for $145. Lots 5 and 6, block 16, Hacklemau's 3rd ad. to Albany, to R. D. Snell for $70. 61.38 acres in T 11, 8 R 4 W. to Ed Goips for $905. 3 lots in Lebanon to R. B. Montague lor $37. 1 lot, block 120, in Hackieman's ad. to Albany, to i. S. Van Winkle for $260. 2.35 acres western ad. to Albanv, to Geo. H. Hughe for $460 ' 20 acres, T 11, 8 R 3 W, toThoa. Johns for50Q. J block in Goltra Park ad. to Albany to Milton Hale for $83. The Van Horn residence, to H. Trin- with for $1045. Half acre in block 5, Hackieman's 3rd ad. to Albany, toThoa. Johns for $405. 2 lots, block 129, Hackieman's ad. to Aiuany, to X. J. Tillotson for $251. Bowi.isq. Mr. Drum, of the bowling alley, baa written the Bcio bowlers, who have been so anxious to play an Albany team that tbey will be accommodated any evening at this city, in a friendly same, at the alleys. If the contest potnes o? the following team will prob ably repiesent Albany: Otto Lee, P. H. James. A. R. McCoy, Dr. Beers and Dr. Trimble. Nkw Ofhckfs. Manianlta Circle No R3 W of W.elected the following officers! PGN. Rebecca Viereckf G N, Mary vtf!iin?A. Mamrie Moe.O.Cora White; B, Mary McHarguejM, Lillie Farrell ; A, Laura PolleiH; P, Dr W H Davis; I S. Ella Vaughn ; O 8, Pearl Cameron ; C of G, Ray Allen ; M, Zoe McClain ; mana gers, Jane Davies, Orpha Tyree and C G ISurkharK Chbap Holidat Ratbs. Tbe 0 R N will make round trip rate of one and oner fifth fare between all river point. Tickets good going Dec 23 to 23 inclusive aod tq j-eturn Jan 4th 189,3. IRdaeitTanr liuwelt Witb Ciwearets. pabn''Hc. cure constipation forever. VK.Sk. It C.C.C. tail, druggist, refund money $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book 5.00 buy 8 a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 buys 16 choice strings. catgut" Banjo Is $1.00 buys 12 choice 'cat gut" Violin E strings. $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine; nign arm, light running ; guaran teed 5 years. JLs9 Prices on Pianos. Organs, Banjos sent on application. E. U. Will Albany WHEAT. The tendency ia upard. New York 954c. Cbieago 94o San Francisco 85o Liverpool ?4'c higher. Albany 64c. Watt Montcith Won. "Watt Monteith ia conceded to be one of the crack shots of Portland's nimrods Jimmy Rutherford ia known bv the si washes throughout the entire Northwest as "Death In the Ducks Path," but the the reputation of Herman Burrell eclipses oom. t rom me uuii Mates to Skagway hunters and sporting men speak of him as i he". Man with Two Guns," he at times carrying a breecb loader and a muzzle loader with bim on his huntingtripa and wiu these be does territhc execution. Saturday morning last Monteith, Ruther- lora and Burrell left down river on the hunters boat for a f-hoot on Deer Island, It was to be a pool shoot. Each had put up (5 making a sweepstake of $15 and the man killing the most birdi was to take $10 of the pot, the man firing the most snots winning second moner." aava the Mercury. Then follows a h amorous account of how they tried to set ahead of eacu oilier, uurrell nrcine in two (runs. But thev did some bis ahootinir. The party brought in a beg of 163 duckr, of which Monteith killed $4, Rutherford 43 and Burrell 41. Burrell fired 109 shots, Rutherford 104: but when tho handican of the six shots fired from Barren's muv ale loader waa taken into account by Mon teith who had been named referee the latter decided tnat Rutherford had won second money by one shot. i 3 Some Alaska Advice. Kuthyn Turner, of Corvallis, writes from Skagway, that he ia about to start on trip over the Chilcoot pass and that he intended to go to the mines on tbe ice. He gives the following advice : "You say that Corvallis will send a number of men to Alaska in tbe spring. Well, I don't know wbo they are; but if they are my friends I am sorry for them. Most men fail to consider that when they start for tbe mines they are chasing a chance, and they make no allowance for the hardships they are to undergo when on tbe journey to the heart of Alaska. Many of them must 'suffer the agonies of the damned.' But let them coae; ex perience is the best of teachers. I hope them every success, knowing fu'l well that many will regret the move. Remem ber that there are many lies in the paper regarding Alaska." A Printer Robbed." This heading appeared over a short article in a Wood land, Cal., newspaper last week and caused considerable surprise, as tbe average prioter seldom has any money says an exchange. However, a perusal of tbe articles proved that this man was not an exception, as the only articles found on his person by tbe robbers were a packrge of cigarettes and a corkscrew. Ex. Judf e Cook oi San Francisco on Fri day decided that nic tie-in the slot ma chines are not a lottery, but a device for amusement. Judge Geo H Burnett is new the new W M of of Pacific lodge A. F. A. M of Salem Sam Lewis and Albert Riggs, supposed tu be lost in the enow at F.sli Lake have returned home all right. Mrs. Arch Allen, of Portland, is in the city on a holiday visit, the guest of her parents, Mr. ana Mrs. jas. vsnnau. Skagway Schmidt and son, of Corval lis. were in the city today. The latter will leave next week for A:aska. Mr. August Stark, who has been at tending tbe medical school in Portland, came up Saturday evening to spend the holidays and assist in the holiday trade. The children's singing of the Conservatory of Music ofJ the college. gave a very entertaining missile last Saturday evening in the college. 1 1 was a meritorious affair. Mies Eliza B. Wallace, a sister of J M.Wsllaceof Salem, recently died a Cambridge, Ohio. Miss Wallace for a good many years was connected with tbe colored school at Knoxville, 'IV nc, and several years ago, was in Albany on a visit. Dr E. P. Geary, of Medford, has sold his business to his partner and also bis1 fine residence in that city at a price ot $3,5f 0 and will seek a location in South ern California. Dr. Geary was once an Albanv b'iv. and has been Orand Chan cellor of the K of P of Oregon. Mr. John 8-ikeliammer, the silver tnngued cralor and Linn county'a most erudite citizen, was in tbetity today.and informed tbe democrat man tnat in about two weeka be expected to deliver lecture at the ooera boose on Corpus cular which he has delved extensively. Statesman : "Billy" Wright, tbe scis sor gnnder and horse radish man, return ed last night from But'e. Montana. where he spent the past twomrnths. Business is lively in Montana, he ett, and he did very well wbile tlere. He will again make valley tours irl his regular business, with headquarters iV Sa.em. On last Saturday evening a lew oi tne many friends of Mrs. Kate B. Montague, fit being tbe occasion of ber birthday) came in ou her at ber home by surprise and spent a very pleasant evening wi.n ber and ner iamuy in social enjoyment. Refreshments were served after which an elegant, unique souvenir was presented by one ot tne guests on oetiaii oi tne others. The wbole affair was impromptu and a success withal. The Journal ears the aaiem indoor base ball team are practicing bard for tbe game to be played on Christmas day at 4 P M with tbe Albany club. Alfred R Ockerman. of Portland, is said v, M:aa:n ua im aAi-rptrv of tbe Eikfi. I IV W iumiu . j f and it is thought he may possibly hava gone to Canada, but it is not yet known whether be is short in his accounts. Those Dreadful Sores They Continued to Spread In Spit of Treatment but How Tney are Healed A Wonderful Work. "For many years I have been a great sufferer with varicose veins on one of my limbs. My foot and limb became dread fully swollen. When I stood up I could feel the blood rushing down the veins ot this limb. One day I accidentally hit my foot against some object and a sore broke out which continued to spread ud' was exceedingly painful. I concluded I needed a blood purifier and I began taking Hood's Barsaparllla, In a short time those dreadful sores which had caused me ao much suffering, began to heal. kept on faithfully with Hood's Barsapa rllla, and in a short time my limb waa completely healed and the sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful tor the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rllla. has done for me." Mbs. A. E. Qaeos, Hartland, Vermont. I AMMVaSUUf V ood 1 Sarsa- O par-ma Is the best In fact' the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's PUIS cure all liver 1IU. 25 cents. T? TJRNISHED ROOMS With or with X1 out board io a private family, centra oca t ion, inquire at mis ouice. CAPT. SMITH ON THE VILLAM ETTE. In Sunday's Portland Tribune, is tbe first of an interestsng account of the his tory of navigation on the Willamette, bv Capt. F. J. Smith, the pioneer steamboat man. It is well told and will be reid wun general interest. It begins with comparison of steamboating now with seven boats on toe river, and four lines of competing railroads, with that of the nines wnen mere were no railtoads and tne steamboats had a monopoly. In 1856 IE cost zu cents a bushel to rtarrv i from Albanv to Portland Anil til A Inflra got half of tne mcnev. Wher fift- pie would be an excursion party now, in early days two hundred regular passen gers was not uncommon. The changes in the channel were noted in detail and a description of the river ia given from Eu gene, the head of navigation down Where Long Tom was once navigable now a skiff could hardly get up it. The following about the Linn county line will be of particular interest: After leaving Cotvallis (once bearing the name of Marysville.) the city ot Al bany is reached, which ia now one of our beet commercial towns in the state, not only outgiowing its old name Iakenah, derived from the Indians who had their neaaquarters at that point, near the mouth of the Calipooia, but it has now two lines of railroad running through its streets and branch line to interior points of the county. After leaving Albany the river has not undergone very much change in the last ou years, until tue mouth of the Santiam is leached. This once navigable stream has also at time been an important feed er to tbe Willamette. In earlv days boats have ascended as far as Jefferson, where full loads of grain and flour from the mills have been brought to Portland. At one time it was considered one oi the regular routes, and later an account of a steamer going as far as Lebanon landing will be related. Many steamboat men oi today will not believe it possible, as the stream near that city at tbe present time would bardlv im Dress one with tha thought that ever a steamboat could be 1 made to ascend that far. But the captain ) buu part oi me crew ot tne memorable boat are still in service.and can subs tan tiate the story. Since that day two rail- roaas nave their bridges across the chan nel, and tbe passing trainsof another can be seen from4he river, making it an im possibility to ever have river service again. TTJESDA X M tinkers. Mcnkkks, Or. Editor Dimocb at : Dec, 21, 1897. As it baa been some time sincewe have heard anything from this locality, we have concluded to give you some of the dMngs, at least hoping thereby to inter est some one in this work with more avility and brains than we have, to whom we will glaJly deliver over our pencil whenever they will take up tbe woik. The present cold snap seems indicative of scow. Mrs. S. P. Hansard is on tbe sick list at this writing. Have not learned the nature of the maia iy. ' The political pot has already begun to ooil in this locality and some of our heaviest guns are being exploded occas ionally. There has been a large acreage of fall grain sown round about here and looks very promising for this season of the year. Out genial merchant, ivalmiitor R. H I agent, etc., will have to stand the brunt of tbe political turmoil at this place as his is the on I j lesort in town. We feel for you, E. .. but can't quite reach vou. Preaching last Sunday at the Kelly school bouse by tbe Rev. Streyffeler was welt attended. Rev. Strey ffeler ia in ex cellent speaker and will not fail to enter est any or all wbo go to bear htm. Jn Donahue who has been down with long fever for several weeks past is slow ly but surely improving. e are glad to see Dan op once more as be baa bad a pretty hard struggle of it. E. V. Smith, our merchant, seems to be in the stock raising business also, having gurchased a thoroughbred animal of the horse kind. He (tbe hone) looks rather the worse for wear at present ow ing to tbe hard winter, but we predict that be will pat on a better appearance in the spring. We are inclined to think tbe puicbaee was made for speculation pur-pot as. F. P. DeVaney was in our midst last Satnrday. Uncle Frank is pretty badly crippled with rheumatism Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Sloan left tot!ay for Pendleton to reside. License was issue.t today for tbe mar riage of C. W. Variels and Emma J. Hart. Miss Bertie, daughter of T J Buford. died at Newport yesterday, a the age of 21 years. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geiendorfer. of Lower Soda, went to Portland yesterday on a visit. Dr. C. H. Cusick, who returned from MUga! pa, Nicaraogaa.catne down from Albany this afternoon. Salem Journal. Mies Winnie, daugbter of Banker Munkers of Scio, who baa bees pacing Albany friends a visit returned home to day. Mr. Chester Murphy, the celebrated hero of the Stanford gridiron, wilt case through Albany this Week for Salem, to spent! tne holiday season. Mr. Morrison, the rustling sgent of the Salem Statesman, wis in the city today on his way home from Southern Oregon, where he baa been for two weeks. Mr. XateXeedbam, ex-county clerk, baa just returned from a trip to bis o'd borne in Iowa. He got a taste of 10 degrees below aero while gone. Kev. j. l. aDbett, ot tugene, was in the city today on his way home bora McMinnville. where the new M. E. cbnrcb was dedicated last Sunday free of aeot. The Sunday schools of the city are making arangements generally for the annus, festivities of ChrUtmaa eve. There w.ll be a variety of programs pre sented and some novel leatures. Miss Dora T. Page and ber classmate Miss Ada Morris, will arrive in Oakland on next Thursday and will spend tbe Christmas holidays here. These young ladies ate both members of tbe senior class of the Albany College for 1898. Oakland Cor. Roseburg Review. w m. Tuns, recently of Kansss City, Mo., has taken a position in the Ladd & bush oana, ot tuis city, oiled lor some time acceptably by Harry Btapleton. The latter becomes receiving teller in place of Joi. Baumgartner, who for the present Ukes a position in the Klein shoe store, Mr. Klein going east on a visit this week. balem Journal. The regular meeting of the Progress club yesterday afternoon, at the resid ence of Mrs. Dr. Keller, was of particular interest, i nere were two or tbree sur prises. After the regular lesson the teacber Mr. C. C. Hogue. was Dresented with a translation of tbell'nd in a hannv speech by Mrs E. E. Goff, and Mrs. Kelley, w n has so generously given her rooms for a meeting place, with a volume of the Odyssey, by Mrs. G. W. Hocbsted- ler, in a tew well chosen remarks. The company were then invited to a lunch, in tne Dasement, gotten up without tbe knowledge of the hostess. Those tres- ent were Mr. and Mrs. Hogue. Mmee. Kelley, Goff, Langdon, Weatherford, Sears, Monteith, Craw, Hocbrtedltr, Clifton, and Misses Henderson and Kel ley. Akothes Accident. While hunting a few mires from Lebanon yesterday Hen ry Sylvester was shot by Ashby I itz- water, tbe load taking effect ia the thigh. The shooting was purely act- dental. Dra. Lamberson and Booth were sent for-and attended the victim of tbe accident. At press time tbis af ternoon they bad not returned to Leba. non irom tne scene of the accident Sylvester wss a brother of the tuau lour- aered at Independence. Fuwmen's Ball. Tbe annual foremen's ball on thiistmae eve. will be a maWa affair, and no pains is beW soared to make it a success. First class home mu. sic. appropriate decorations. Good or qer, novel costumes and a fine time. Ball tickets $1.00, Gallery tickets for specta- Ao-To-Uao rorTTiTv rent. Guaranteed tobasco habit cure, snakes waak saen Btroiw. blooc Dure. too. II. All druggutu. The most money is made on cheap things. Be ware of cheap baking powder. It contains Sum and other things bad for you ; or it is weak and wastes money. If Schillings Best could be made and sold for the price of the cheap baking powders, we should be only too glad to make it and sell it so; for the whole mar ketyes the whole world would be ours. Your grocer knows ask him. WHEAT. Chicago is the center of attraction with a fierce fight between the bulls and bears. December wheat is over a dollar, me May quotations are: Chicago 93ic. New York D4c. San Francisco 84c. Albany 64c. From Skaitway. A man spending tbe winter at Skag way rites to iriends in Salem that the thermometer has not been down to zero there yet this winter. The sun rises now at 9 o'clock in the morning and sets at 3 in tbe afternoon. He says that by January 1, there will be a wagon road completed to the top of the divide over the mountain pass and that a rich comp any which has constructed tbe road, has a large force of men at work on it, and and will keep it in repairs next year. He says that pck trains are going and com ing back and forth across tbe mountains toward Dawson and that business ia gen erally booming. Tbe poorest kind of lumber in Skagway is worth $10 per thousand and that many substantial buildings would be built if insurance could be procured. There is a great opening for insurance business. Farmers Institute. At Tangent. PROGRAM. Wednesday, Dec. 29 10 a. in. Mu ic. separating aud churning. Prof. F ,L Kent: music, discussion. Ba-ket dinner. Wednesday. 1 :30 p. m Mus ic, Plant diseases, Prof Moses Craig; d cuaeion, music, essay by W J Fisher, discussion, music. 7 :30 p. m. Music. Paper Tbe Grange and what It has Accomplished, by C H Walker, discussion, music, lecture on beneficial and Injurious insects illus trated by atereopticon, Prof A B Cord lev, music Thursday, 10 a. m. Music, Silos and Silage, 8 F Smith, discussion, music. Nature Study in the Public Schools, Prof A B Cordley, discussion, music. Basket cinner. 1:30 p. tn. Mosic,Paper Road build ing. Prof U N Sketton. discussion, music, Se'ect Reading "Tbe Farm Mot tgage"by J H Scott, music, adjournment. Paraltzco. Mrs. John Sonimerville, mother of Harvey and Mack Sommer ville, who resides a few milee west of Harrtsburg, waa paraltzed at an early hour this morning, and at last accounts was unable to speak and is in a precar ious condition. Mack Sommerril'e, wbo bad purchased tickets, and with bis wife expected to leave for a visit to San Fran cisco tonight, left for hit mother's bed side as soon as be heard of the unwel come news. Mrs. Sommerville lived in Eugene for a year or more Guard, of Dec 20. DtcormoM Uaesmr. Mcro Observer: Word came to this office yesterday stat ing that Mr Walker, wbo ia known as "the Morrow county fat boy," bad died early that morning. He was a son of A. L. Walker, of Eight Mile, and though not more than five eet tail weighed about 400 pounds. Although Mr. Walker bad taken a great many anti-fat rtmedies, be waa not successful in reducing his fiesb. On the contrary, he grew fleshier and ot late bia burden of fieab has been imped ing tbe action of the vital organs aad life became a burden. His datu was not unexpected. Had Bees Lost. Upon some jewelry being missed from an Albany nocse the chief of police was notified and ail the tramps round about were searched, when it was ascertained a little boy iu tbe fam ily while playing; with the 'property, to which be h d helped himself, bad lost it under a sidewalk, where it waa found. D F Macey. tbe CaHforniaa, sSipped sixty Ceietials from Salem to f.'aiifuruie yes'erday. An n?ine and fifteen ears rtaed tbrootfh Albany jes'erdar for Uob. where j tbey will be placed on tbe new Astoria railroad. On Janmrr 2G tbe fapreice Lrctarer . f the A O U W of the United States will be in Albany when be will ce aien a recep tion by tbe Albany lodse pronator in the opera boue j Monmouth's new officers: Valor Ira C Powell: council men. W J Holier. V A Wann. C B Lewis. C G Pisber; treasurer, A A Bentir; recorder, L Groonps; marshal ; L-wiu W Waller, Wbit is claimed to be the tbe record la knvk -uU was made last-night at the Hcffmao Ulah, Lon. Mass. when Mite hig?ins put Tom Forao. Af Maiden, out in 5 seconds. Tbe previous record was six seconds. In a 50 same bolioe tournament at Pendleton Fred VV Hendle) made a score of 2o5o. averaging 51 1 in each (tame He ba sUrtea on his second 60 game, to try to bat tbe record ot 4-3. It is believ ed be will do it, as be is an exceedingly careful bowler. Ch histm as Vow t.s. At tbe shop of the Albany Dreed Beef Co. will oe found a fine display of fjwls frr tire Chri'tmaa trade, turkeys, geese apd chickens Leave your order early. CbristmsS Candies. Tbe finest and 1. it (rest assortment in Albany at F II Pfei ffer's. Id large or small quantities. BORN. ROGERS. On Dec. 20. 1897. at Millers. to Mr. and Mrs G. VV. Rogers, a son. CUSTER.-Oo Dec. 20, 1897, near A) bany, to Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Custer, a girl. 293C8) BEPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TUB FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AT ALBANY, IN TUE STATE OP OREGON Atlbeciaaeol ktttlnoM.Dcc-mbcr lUh, 1SS7. Reaearees 1 Loan and dixxwnta T.6S SSS.Si Overdra!U,acurod and uraecred. S.SSt.iO U. 8. bond to aecura cumlaUon.. .. u,MO.0G Premiums on U 8 boot. l.MU.Oa Block, awuritt,lo ,;!. IS Bar kini bouae. lurniuua. and Sxturea. . . . 1&.0OO.0U Other real mtata and nwlva owLad. 17, MS '6 Puefrom ftaUonal Baukrnot raaafTa agents SS.C32.M Due from State Bank and banker 2,OP3.1H Due from approved reaerva agenla...Hm. li.A.7i Checlu and other cash I tem. .... . 12U.6H Note of other Nallinal Bnk......... . 10 0C fractional paper currency, nickel endoente 201.00 Lawtvl Moxrr tUasavilr Diss, ix: 8peds ....................................... 40.4 T.r4 bem lender note ... w.uu Hedemntion fund wttn u . n. Treasurer (ave per cent ol circulation.) eoo.oo Total.. ...418,37. Liabilities I Capital stock paid In . w.ooooo taxes 11.643 17 surniua iuiki Undivided profile, leas exptnaet and paid National Hank note outstanding-... U.SfiO.OO 4, t MS l. SI IT Due to other National Bank Due to 8lte Bank and banker. . .. Individual demelta luhjecl to check Demand certificate of denoit....... 64,113.14 .00 Time certlfloete of deposit Certified cha- k. ... .,.... Cashier s check outstanding Total...... ..HiMia.H BrATf or Ossoos, Coi'ktt or Lws, as : LEW Lasodok, Oaahlar ol the above embank, du ao'.eqinlr swear tUal the above statement is true to UK nam oi my Knowieiufe ami oeiin. K W LA.NQDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn in before ma this 20th day of Member, 1807. ALFRED U FBEERKBKN, (l. a) Notary Public for Oregon Coaascv Attest : V. FMNN, 8 K VOUNO Directors. P A GOODWIN,) 223f wvejdetjej t) a -v-jz SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. R. G. Watson is in the city. D E Kenwortby, the restaurant man. is now located at Oregon City. Richard S. Smith has been elected Captain oi the U of O foot ball team. Mr. and Mis. E. L. Power, of Leban on, were iu the city today on business. Bert Westbrook, agent for the Chcago Picture Co ,ia in the city for the holidays. J. D. Lrslie and wife, of Calif ., am in tbe city the guests of Mr. W. II. Goltra. O. H. Dairy m pie, the Gold Hill attor ney, made us a pleasant call this morn ing Jacksonville Times. Harry Schlosser, attending the Holmes Business college in Portland, is home for the boildsys. tie is greatly pleased with the school. Mrs. C. E. Iiam kimi, who has been or ganising lodgea of the Pacific Circle of Woodmen, in Washington, returned last night. Mis Louis Weber re urned Friday from Washington where she has been traveling In the intetest of a beneficiaty order. uorvains itmes. While coupling cars on the CAE east of Albany yesterday afternoon Win Melline, one of tbe bands, had one of bis bands caught in tbe bumpers and two fingers broken J. W. Cusitk. I. F. Conn and J. M. bomers went up tbe v. x b. to uerry this morbing to examine the Enterprise Mill property, recently bought in by Mr. Cusick on a sheriff's saie at Sjleru. Mrs. Martha Hoffman, mother of the accomplished and ahrrming leading lady of Willard's great theatrical company, leaves in a day or two to spend the hol idays with Mrs. D. P. Mason, of Albany. Corvallis Times. Miss Marie Long left Wednesday for Toncalla, tbe home of her childhood, to spend Christmas with her aged mother aad other relatives. Prof. Lantz will have charge of the photograph gallery during ber abeeoce. At the Congregational church latt evening tb members of tbe organization, in appreciation of ber worth as a num ber, tendered Mrs K. D. Sloan, a fare well reception previous to ber departure for her new borne in Pendleton, where she and Mr. Sloan will go tomorrow. A pleasant evening was spent. HarrLsburg. Born, to tbe wife of Too Anderson Tuesday, Dec. 14, a girl. Illness prevented riro p perry Iroia holding servkoe latt Sunday, it being hi regular day, and on that account there were no eervteea. Jake Perrin baa disposed of tbe meat market to Meters Ed Driokard and Jno Rayburn, wbo will take charge cf aame Jan 1st, Mr Perrin will remain here here for the present. Mieses Alma and Ella Kreisel go to Portland soon, the latter to attend busi ness college and tbe toruer to make an extended visit. Mrs Marion Cuoningham and daugh ter, Mrs A Valentine, visited friends in Albanv this week. Mrs, P Sommerville is dangerously m irom aa liacK ot peraivsia. i j Sommerviiie is one of Harrisburg's old- i est settlers and notwithstanding berate, 78 years, opto this time baa enrored f l- . i.u1t t. A moos tboM who attended the Cbrie- tiao church dedication in Eocene from tbis place were Mrs Canter, M s Mou sob aad Prof McDonald. Georve Armstrong, who resides just ai'rnaa tha rirar. mt with an airltlont. which may prove fatal. While attempt-! ing to kill some birds w tn a incbeeter ride, the go a exploded and a part of the bricn loader entered bis right ire and came out jot back of the ear Dr. Mack ey attended bim and thinks be may re cover. Cbriatous exercises will be held at the opera hooe Christmas eve. Arrange ments are being made for a very enter taining musical program, to prrceed dis tribution of presents, and on Chiistmas day a number ol dinners will be the or der of tbe day. Mita Nettie Art.os, of Lebeoon, is vis iting re.a lives here. Drain Normal Notes Tbe entertainment to be gWen by the Pubic school next Friday afternoon promises to be well attended. j About forty students will return to their respective homes by rail and stsge to spend the holidays. II traveling showmen roulj alwava bare their way, and if all their tnade-to- order arguments were heeded, stuieots would attend tbe school every ay ana a show at night. "Its always just tbe thing for student." The esoenan socielT operated d tne lady atudeota, has closed lis doors till af ter 'tne holidays. The young men a oratorical ciuo is oe veloping some real sil ver-tongued orators. 11 you waot to know aoy ana an ma latest news attend the current event club, served fresh from England, Coba, Hawaii and Alaska: meals at ail Hours At the close ot the entertainment to be given in tbe Normal next Friday even- ing, Dec. 24, an oyster supper will bej served in tbe boarding hall. A large crowd will be present and the after part of the evening will be spent in songs speeches and games. Ctsaa. The Cabdiic vt. QcaaTBT and Prof. Fleck at the opera house ou Thursday evsning, Dec. 30. The Htatcsman says of the lat ter: Tbe few who have heard him are unstinted in tbeirpraisecf bim as a great concert player, lie has a large reper toire of tbe greatert concert numbers played by the world's greatest players. Vhe fbnterirg press notices that he has received, both in Europe and America, are a very sure guarantee that his play ing betmagnitlcent. Mr. Fleck is a na tive ot Vienna, Australia,, graduate of the Imperial Conservatory of Music at 8t. Petersburg, Russia, and a pupil of Anion Rubenstein. MARRIED. THAKP FLOCK At the Congrega tional parsonage, this city, by Kev. D. V. Poling, Mr. Frank Tharp, and M'es Addie Flock, both ol Benton county. Mr. Tharp is a prosperous and popular young farmer, and the Iride is a former school teacher, an accomplished joung lady of excellent character. They have tbe best wisties oi many u tends. TARTER HAIG IIT. At the Congre gational psrsonaee, this rity, on Wed nesday, Pec., lftth. 1897, Mr.' Henrv Tarter and Miss S. N. Uaigbt, both of Polk Co, D. V. Poling officiating. Mr. Tarter ia a prosperous youmr frm er, who resides on the big Luckiaiuute. Miss Haignt is a i on county gin, and is highly respected by all who knew ber. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remaiuinir in the Postoffice at Albany, Linn county Oregon, Dec ), 181)7, Persons calling for these letters must give the date on wnicn they were advertised. Ackertnan, Mr F Cooper, Mr Otto Crsin, H N Uealiur Mr J J Griffin Hdrv Co llastie, Mt Omer Jones, Mr Mithra 2 Jones, Miss Haiti Lants, Jfivaieenr weal, Mr Charles Keninger, Mr W M Wheeler, Miss Y A Rinebeart, Mrs Cora Wade A B Thomas, Mrs Lucinda Doyle.Mis Eleanor T.J. Bms. P M Aa elegant line of handkerchiefs and neckties at tne blain Co's for the holidays. WHEAT. Even Mr. Leiter Is not able to bull the price of wheat any higher. 'The inelin. ation is now iower. Today's quotations i re : ' New York 93ic 1 Chicago 93c. San Francisco 83,',. ' Albanv 04c. ! JAVA ROBBED. Two Ilaisey Young Men Arrested for Robbing Three Japs. Halsey has a case that is exciting a great deal of interest in that city and vic inity. Last Friday nijht about 8 o'clock three Japs were visited at their room in tbe section househy two young men with handkerchiefs over parts of their face. One of them flourishing a revolver de manded tbe money of tbe Japs, wbo were known to have been paid off recently. Tbe Japs handed out about $25 and the young men departed with the money that was to cause them a good deal of trouble. The Japs positively identified one of tbe men as Clarence Morgan, son of F. M. Morgan. During tbe evening young Morgan and Walter Smith, a son ',of W. C. Smitb, bad been seen together, uatiog started out on a bunting expedi tion. Both young men were arretted yesterday and in tbe afternoon inneared before the Halsey Justice, J. R. Wyatt, of this city appearing for them and Judge Whitney for the prosecution. Tbe de fendants waived examination, and were held under $250 bonds to await the action oi the grand jury. Some ooe who knows young bmitb says he haa always been a fine young and does not believe be could be implicated io such an act. HOME AND ABROAD Smiley printed the Elk invitations, an eiegant piece oi work. O B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in tbe east. Smile) 's dean printing. Romon pure spices. Romona Komona pore extracts . Try Schilling's Bst t- aad baking powder. The Best Crackers in town at C E Brow nea's. Shirts aad collars a specialty at tbe Mag uuim iaunury. Pictures from 75 cenli to $25 per d' i uongs gaiiery. Yeaterdav and toda day of the year. A Lirmer institute will be held at lial- T beginning January 4. Get a set of euving Knives fjr u imu pment at Hopkin Bros. Call at Hockin Bros and Mil rwirkt " uc iice in ioe city. Crswford A Harmth for pantographs Prices from $1 to f?0 per dozen. Be sure aod see the aati rut tinw are at Hopkin Bio, will tat. a lifetime. "Soow Flake" Soar is mad by the Red Crown MilU of Albany. A fine line of new madotosbea just re ceived at tbe Btoo Clothing Co's. Try our pop corn ; it never fails to pop. C EJiaowxau, "lUd Crown" th standard of color aod strength ia floor. All grocers bare it Taae the U C A E cleaner for Portland down river on Sunday, Tuesday aod Thar day. Ijsrge amlea and imsH oroStt is tbe motto i of liopkn tiro, and .bi it why lb ay are always boT. The Aikeny Dreeaed Be f Co. are run ning a bone mill for raaein cbickea feed Call and get some. When yoo want a choice stak, a nice roart or meat of any kind, call oo Henry Broders. He kdeos tbe best. Is. H. E. and U. E. B-rs offices aad residence ia pot office building. Special i... i ... . iriiijuB eitvo io uueaaes ot women. I ' " Henry fejsais is located at the 01 " B liiaia. where be u prepared tr ! c. on uj ornamental penman- Ithin mtnlli. ship generally. The best meats of all kinds aad good treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef Company's market. jot dwa Second street. Good weight and prompt attend Uoo. It's I h uniform finish of the New Red Crown II Mir which makes it so iapispea b e to tbe pastry cooks. It can alvars be relied epoa for gaod results. Try it. The statement of the First National Bank pablubed yeetesdty. was tbe beet in tbe btttory at tbis st leadidly managed back. It is a soli J inUitutica. Tbe snag haal Matbtotsa Is now work ing between Eogene and Uamsburg It ia not probable though that tbe stream there w ill ever be ia the cooditiea that will induce steamboat men U ute it regularly. McClore Bros fsd down the river Toeadar moraiBg with a raft of 20.000 feet ot ash log destined for Newburg. Tbe raft was brought from wear Harribar( to Corvallis intwosectiooes. Corvallis Times Had Ample Warning. ilABaisBrao, Or., Dec 21. Mr. IT. R. Lewis, Secretary Klondike Relief Com mittee, Portland, Or Dear fcir: Yours of roeect date, asking for donations of supplies, money, etc, waa duly received. We are not prepared to do much, and are disposed to do less We look upos socb schemes as advertising dodges, of interest only to the place concerned. As to starvation at Klondike, we nave no knowledge. That there will be and ought to be suffering we know. Those wbo went there last summer had ample warning, and knew tbe conditions fully before going in. 1 do not think we should waste any sympathy on people who went to Klondike witti less than a year's supply of everything. As to re lief, I think worse things than starva tion could befall a d n fool: For ia staoce.he might survive and come back; and, if we 'relieve bim this winter, his tribe would increase to a hundred thous and next winter, and clamor for more relief. We will take care of our own poor (if on account of our "board ot immigra tion" tbey do not swamp ua with num bers and needs), but we decline to cou tribute either sympathy or substance to Kloodikers, boutti bea islanders, Hot tentots or what not We are not heart less, merely sensible. In conclusion, when you wsnt contri butions for tbe widows and orphans of tbe improvident ones, who crowned a useless lite by starving to dealu, wa are with you. lours truly. JAMES aiCUOKALD, Mayor of Harrisburg. Gc.h Accidbst. This is evidently the season for gun accidents. ord received from Elk City, on tbe Yaquina. tells ol tbe experience ol Ross Deyoe, a former Albany boy, now eighteen years of age. While hunting be stood bis gun on a log, when it slipped off and was discharged. Of course the ball bad logo for some part of his person, but fortunately it was in his hands. One thumb was taken off, the other injured and several fingers hit. Mabohic. St. Johns Lodge, A F A- A M elected the following officers last even ing : W M, J V Thomas; 8 W, E D Cu sick t J W. W F Read: Treas. D P Ma- ton; See. J P Galbraitn; Tyier, W E Baker; Trustee, LC Marshall. BasiBall TomoBT. At the opera bouse at 8 o'clock. F Co. vs Boy's Club. Look out for a live time. Ad mission 10 centss. The members ot tbe Simonton Band are requested to meet at 7 :30 o'clock and play lor Mr. Macey.the Chinese pheasant man. was in tbe city, alter tbe remainder of the Chinese pheasants of the Vandran Bros., which will be shipped to Califor nia tonight, lie has now secured about 360 live birds.pairwd for propagation. Wm. Faber. tbe clever manager of the Albany Brewing Co., interviewed his numerous customers in the valley last week. He reports business better than ever. Jacksonville Times. Ce'ery from Yaquina lay every day. C E. BaowKELb. To Cm Constipation Soraver. rake Cuscareta Candy Cathartic, loo or tie. It C C C. f all to cura, druulala refund moa.'f. Many Cases of New Goods at the Blain Clothing Company's. Seasonable and Nobby Suits for Men, Pretty and Durable Suits for Boys. An elegant line ol Furnishings in the Latest Designs The Best Underwear for Winter. Stylish Hats and Caps. The Styles and Prices Will Satisfy You ED1CAL T 0 U LIEUT TRIAL To Any Reliable Man. MiwaJam appliajM ant) mm wmtht nuiifsn pc-rcTWui be toot on Ulavt. aXou mn9 sMsiic pymmt. by U l'miosK eiBpsnv ta it wosrtd tn tbm ttwLUiamtt ct b wa. fcrofcsm, dia xmrmMm4 t rot 0c'.s of r swiam. worry, or aw. vort,st. liappv Karri' t aw-smred. xapi4 rasw tttio or lotiiiri ut mtt rHwUC Cuadiiaotuu Tb Umm Of in a, oOrr a ItaoltswL o C. O. ia. sKfetBi no tfewfict'.a; no cifMirt. A.4rtm ERIE MEDICAL COSfr I eath of Sylvester. Word was received from Lebanon thia morning that Henry 8y" veater, w ho was accidentally shot bv his brother-in-law. asDury ritxwater. wniie nonung, had died Irom tbe effects of the wound. Tbe scctden; is reported to bare happened in tbe following manner: eylvea'er and ritxwater were crossing gulch. v!veeter bad ascended tbe bank of tbe golcb and was about 10 feet in advance and about 10 feet above Fits ater. Fiuwater was carrr his sbotenn by tbe barrel, with the muzzle rjeintimr loiward, wben tbe hammer caught in bis bootstrap and tbe gun was diachanred.the contents striking ylveter io tbe ri?ht tbigb aud ranging upward, striking tbe bone but not breaking it, gome around on the outside of the leir.a tew soot enter ing tbe groin. Tne gun was loaded wi'.n o. 4 shot, which, being fired from a dis tance of only about 10 or 12 feet, made a dangerous wound. At the College. Tbe December College Student is out with considerable matter cf interest to the students. Tbe f stloa ing are some of tbe smaller items : j J. C. Irvire ia preparing a lecture on! "Proposing to tbe Society." w hicb be will deliver to the Erode! phis us. Those selected to appear in the ora tor ical contest to ctioosw a repreeentative in the itate contest are M. B. Marcelioa, A. W. Wight, J. E. Tyree. C.C.Bryant, R F. mick aod i. E Torbet. W. E. Stewart, "96, may be loind from 3 to 8 a. m. at tue electric light statioa- A. M. wai'iams, '6,0! VisaUa, Calif., is quite ill. Mrs. Kate Burkhart, '73, is visiting Portland relative. New Grange Officer. Halsey M, Mrs Laubner; O. P I! Freerksen; Lee. Mrs Anderson; S, P T Starr; Aset S. Cbas Bond; Chap, Mrs Tavlor; Treas, Mrs Davis; Sc U C Davis; UK, P W Quinn; ?. Miss Cummings; F, Mrs P H Freerksrn; C, Mrs Quinn; LAS, Mrs Smitb. Instal lation to be the 3rd Saturday in January, 18H. Harrisburg W M, E E Upmeyer Overseer, Con Meyers; Lecturer, B A Beamis; Steward, A D Morns; Asn Stewart, Laura Morris; Chaplain, Mrs B A Beamis: Treasurer, Mrs U Casey ; Secretary, N J McMeeken; Gate Keeper, D S Busey: Trustee; v J XcMtexen; delegate to Count Council, Mrs N J McMeeken, S S Tram. Attention Ladles. Have your visiting cards wntteu by ooe of the finest ptnman ia the state. uaru inrnianea ana wruieo, ai ice fol lowing price. 1 doses -JO ceo's. 2 " S5 ' S 50 " Package of o0 cards 60 cents Hebt Eknis Card Writer, at W R Btaio's Store. Wtvraa Arrucs will be sold on T-urs dav onl v for 25 cents per busbel . I all on W Hand, opposite be Kuss House. Dox'r (ivK"S. Perfams art c?rta into oWase her. especially when yoo give Pal mer's, the bet. ee our assortment ia fane boxes also our iine of Toilet cases. albums, glove and handkerchief boxes, comb bruab and miner seta. All new and up to date gods, wj ask your - inspection. M-RERAHT A L. At French's jewelry store you will find a beautiful display of Christmas novelties We invite an inspection of roods and prices. The people ot Aioaoy and vicinity are invited to ail aod see our display Christmas goods, come in whether you wish to purchase or not. you wilt oe wel comed. If vou want a. a ood and cleat molte buy cigars raaJi by our AI any cigar factory We are receiving. Christ mas goo d almost daily, louarc tnvttca call and see. F- M. FRENCH Closing out. Crcckery and Glassware at cost. C E Bkowsell. THE PLACE TO BUY Your Urrjccries and Baked Goods Is at Parker Bros. Everybody kuows where their place is. 1 hey keep a iresn stock of groceries, produce and baked goods, of all kinds, sell at reasonable prices and treat their customers wen, an a, ike. You may regret some steps you take in lifo tut none taken into tbe store of Par tar K ma lt is a srest thina to be well fed. Par ker Bros keep good groceries. A loaf of bread is not much but you want it well made. Try Parker Bros. m e Mas Asrbv has jast received a fine line 0 Stamped linens, perfect beauties. Haudkercbief. hose, facinator. Boas, mitts' fans, Cbatalain bass. Call and examine the line of fancy notions. When vou are looklnu tor Christ mas Roods do not foruct to call at r rencn'a Jewelry Store. Kdaeate Your Mowel With Caaearata. Caadw Cathartic, euro constipation forever. I0S.SSO. '1UUO. tail, drocKlsuu-etuiKl mouej. DECEMBER 20, 1897 GREAT CLOSING OUT H. F. MclLWAIN, CASH STORE The entire stock of Dry Goods. Clothing. dies and Cbildrens Underwear must be days, as I have made pimns to leave for stock at cost and less than cost to close business soon aa poeeime. an eany. Brown Shoe Co's. 5 shoes, in all grain kip and in fine shoes will be sold for one dollar per pr Mena oil grain and kip boota... $1 o 9 pas Ar buckle or Lion coffee 100 i mens all silk neckties I 00 Regular 35 and 60c ties in above lot 6 bars Codahys Diamond C soap, the beet laundry soap made ,-- 25 8 spools Wm darks new thread 25 16 ox plosr Battle Ax tobacco to Mans ILSOFadors bats 75 Ktaytoa Flour, per sack 1 00 5 gallon keg syrup. 85 U F McILWAlTS CASH STORE STIWABTAM S0X1DI.C0 Dealers in Hirdware, Paints and Hili. Wigon lattrul Iron, Etesi, Cc&L. Chain, etc- brovsa Wheat is a good price ao i there is no reason in the world wby you should not buy your wise a cook stove. e can tt yoa out with anything- in tbe line of ttovea and range, having a large stock ot "Jewels" and "cniversals" constantly on hand. (im a.vd imrsraox Hunting has now commeaced aad wa sua prepared for it with a fine !ine of guns aod a big stock of ammunition. Oure'ockof sbou guns is particularly good and the prices very low. Call early and get yoa "caoice. BicTcuts We still carry tbe two beet bievdes ia tbe market the ''Columbia" aod "Hartford." There isn't anv other wheel ahat w.ll give aa good satisfaction. and the people are beginning to find it out. We also have a repair chop, so if your old wheel needs anv work, come around and we will put it io good shape lor you. Jawaxlhsr HaaBows Does your old disk harrow rear op in tbe middle un less yoa run a rail into UT ben you get a "Jewel" you won t have this trouble. It has a solid steel frame, is the most durable harrow on the market, and if it doesn't do as good work aa any of them yoa can bring it t ack. Plows axd Hamaowh You can't raise $0 bushels of wheat pet acre unless you get tue ground in good condition and we have the implements to do it with ana want to sell them. We can sell yon plows that will be 'ight draft and will scour in any soil and we don't think any one can beat ua on price. Tax Best Bcxjgt brouxht into tbe val ley is Stndebakor's "Irter," and we in vite you to come around and take a look at our stock. We Lave them in licht and heavy eUes.brewster and end sprints quarter leather an J lull leather tops aod tue gears in three dicerent colore. 100 Bchels of wheat m a common every-dav load for a SKs Slndetaker wagon. It is not warranted by tbe mak era under such a load, but it carries that much right along danuK tbe straw-Laal- ing season. However it is warranted to carry as much as a Si wagon of any other manufacture. It yoa w ant a wag on that will last you during the test of your life, buy the "Studebaker." Srrcaioa Danxa Wm Jordan, E D Farwell, Jno Hutchins, Wm Walker, J Arcmbeld, B J Becker, AI ferry, S Freerksen. Geo E Edge, Z G Hayes, t rank Trues, D Barrett. If you think the Superior drill is not right at the top. ask any of the above named gentlemen, each of w bom bougbt and used one last spring. We have just received a car load for the fail trade, and tbey are not old bankrupt stock from Portland, but were shipped direct to a from tbe factory Aug. 1st. Come arc end and sea the very latest and beet drill. Don't Fobuet that the place to buy al these arucles and many others that we have not mentioned, is at the store of the STEWART SOX HDW.CO. X7aaTED. Girl, of good mora f jf character, to do general housework. Clt at the U km oca at office. AT CO ssr H arness. Having purchased the stock of har ness and saddlery of Powers & Tom linson we will sell all the present stock of harness at cost for cash, to make room for a complete new stock. Now is the time to get a good set of harness at cost. ran VW(V 1BV. a-VSAT C- BfTniaITlf Y IU tUiULIftSUN Boots and Shoe. Groeems. Hens, La sold without reserve within tbe next 60 Klondike about that time and will sell ail JUst Now Is the time to see the best assort ment of Holiday goods ever shown in Albany. OECHT 4 IHSEB offer them at pri ces it will pay you to investigate. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines at The Fair. Cot Prices lor Christmas. Resptfaliy J. A. Weaver. Bananas, Oranges, 4 Sweet potatoes g kai o 0" Candies, Nuts, New dates. AO. BEAM. BKO E riSsM -THE PLUMBER Tie roofing aad plumbiajr. he opera house Or posit Harness. a UUaUii.lJIL.lsE.. TT