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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1897)
VOL XXXIII Catered s.0 tfce Test at Albany. Or. all Malftri ALBANY OREGON, PRIDA. DECEMBER 31. I89T r p kctti Praarietav NO. 22 f - Q AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. "MCE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "C ASTORIA " AND "PITCHER'S C ASTORIA," AS our trade mark. I DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Hyannis, Massachusetts, is the originator cf " PITCHER'S CASTORIA." the an ma was the originator ct that has borne and docs now bear the facsimile signature cf This is the original - PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers cf America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY ct ike wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always boinH 0 - on the and has the signature of 2LMcJz: wrap jper. No one has authority from lie to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company cf which Clias. H. Fletcher is JYesident. ; j March 8, 1S97. " Q&C &t-, ,. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some cLuggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies oa it), the in gredients of. which even he docs not know. . "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF S7? - w Insist on Having . The Kind That Never Failed You. MC CENTAUR CMHUIT, Wt THE OPENING DAY OF The Second Term is January 4, 1898. The college ha3 strengthened its com mercial work very much, so that now it has become a usiness equal to any in the state. This is so now. Come and secure a branches o.'a liberal education I A ITianVTTTr " c ricbiueui mum j luiiege I III Iff II V9 tU. 7 Ti::; A. t1" W t 4 Of. AT CO H arness. Having purchased ness and saddlery linson we will sell stock of harness at cost for cash, to make room for a complete new stock. Now is the time to harness at cost. TOMLINSON Wall Paper, iJarpets, Lineolsum, Lace Curtains, Rugs, Portier3, - Pillows Furniture Bedding. Future Frames, Linen Warp Matting, Oil Paintings, and Undertaking Cull Oil ALBANY ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .f, JOM2Pf! ine same on every wrapper. I HAT TCCT. MCm TOMK ftTTV College was not so in the past, thorough training in It all kpF>ICAli OORES5IYE oh PORTLimCE Harness. the stock of har of Powers cz I om all the present get a good set of & DUBRUILLE. FURNITURE CO. Proprietor ST. ft n THTJRSTJAY How it Happened. The accident to Ross Deyoe near Elk City was more serious than was first re ported. The Leader says: He had his ritle sitting with the stack on a log with the muzzle pointing up ward, and as he started up the rifle slipped off the log, and was discharged as he grabbed for it. The rifle was a 38 calibre, and the ball came very near ending the boy's life right there. It took off the end of the right thamb.bad ly lacerated the two middle fingers of the left hand, tore a hole through the fleshy part of the left thumb, then en tered the left side iuet above the hin ranging npward struck a rib which caus ed it to glance outwaru, ana it lodged in the flesh just back or under the shoulder. The wounded boy's cries soon brought companions to jus renei. isincing up his wounds the best they could they started for home, which was ten miles away. The first two miles the bov was compelled to walk, and then they got a horse and be rode tbe rest of the way to tilt city, arriving tbere about 7 o cock A Recital. The Conservatory of Music of the Al bany Col lew save the first recital of the winter season last evening in the rooms of the Conservatory. It was greatly en joyed by a number of invited Irtends.wbo appreciated the different selections, giv ing hearty compliments for the talent displayed. The following program was rendered : Overture, "Calif of Bagdad " Boieldea Misses Howard and Parsons and Messrs Strange and Fox. Allegro, bonata 2o. lo. Mozart Misa Tanneclif. The Reign of the F.osts." Lourthan MissOhling. Valse in E flat, Op. 83, Durand Mr. Clyde Fox. "The rtlgrim Fathers." Brown-Parvin CollegeChotalClub. Andante. Sonata No. 15. Mozart 4fr. Data Strange. laranteiie'Heller-Miea aina Wads- worth. Mona." Stephen Adams Mr. Henrv Morgan. Rondo SonaU Xo. 11, Moxart Miss Edna Howard. overture. "Romeo and Juliet." Bellini Misses Smick and Wad worth. REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by the Linn County Ab stract Company, for the Democrat for the week ending Dec. 21st, 1897. Carl H Young and wife to J N Fitzwater. T 12. 1 W. 80 acres. t 223 X P Tomlioson and wife to L Lew is. T 9. 1 W, 120 acres, to J Temple 1000 1000 Irena Bozarth. T 14, 2 W, 80 acres and IM acres L i King and husband, to David McDowell, S K of David Mc Dowell D L C 62 3700 Thoe Umphreys by exr to Hiram ramer.T 12, 3 W, 237 acres. . no K Baiiey and wile to W B Wria-ht. 1 lot. Shedd Willamette Real Estate Co to W B Wright. 2 lots. Shedd 10 II J Johnson to R H Johuson.T 14, 1 W. 80 acres L Foley and wife to S M Garland, etal, Lebanon property R Kirkpatrick and wife to S M Garland, et al, Lebanon prop erty 560 1300 Almon A Dow and wife to V A Sboaah, t mi, T 1. JO Miet and wife to M 15 EI- - son. Fart block, Lebanon 100 P Humphrer and wile to A J Johson. T 9. 1 .25 acres. I 325 u!ia A Bilyea and husband, to S 1 bQore, 3 lots, ccio . ; . F Morrison to D Morrison, 4 lots. Maple wood ad to Albany. 300 D Hart and wife, by sheriff to Julia Downing, Til, land 2 W, 100 acres . 1S00 Albany Ice Co to Albany Brewing Uo. lot 8, block 13. Albany... 6900 Ida I Carter and hoband to Alice P Richards Part Block, 51, Hack- lemm a Second ad, to Albany. 600 4 to 1. Tbat was tbe score last night in the beet indoor game of base ball of tbe season. The big end waa in favor of Co. The company has an advantage in tbe superior box work of Capt. Phil lips. Layton of the Boy s club was bit un a club slipping Irom a batter s band in tbe early pan of the game and had to leave the box. Mrs. Perry Conn is It ing seriously ill at ber home in the first ward. Harvey O A C's famous tackle, came over today to spend tbe holidays with bis folk in the country. Mrs. E. B. Piper, of Seattle, is visiting at the bomeof her parents, Mr. and Mrs Jbeo vi iiiia, bavmg come up on last night's express. Statesman W. H. (Billy) Miller, has retained to Albany, after an absence of several Tears, spent in Spokane, and will run a blacksmith shop nere beginning tbe Oral of tbe year. County Clerk L. V. Eb'en bra issued a marriage lieenee in behalf of William P. Mulkey and Miss Clara R. Stout, both of Mebama, and the happy young people ill be "made one' by Kev. J. M. jones. at tbat tbrifcy little mountain city, this eveniog. btatesman. B. F. Ramp and C. G. Moon left yes terday for Alaska, to look over tbe field. They will probably not go into the mines. i. a. sionteitn expects to go tbia week, and others will probably iol low, several having Alaska seriously in view, some tbe mines, others only tbe different towns this sice of the CbUcoot pais. The Coe estate doo't seem to bellqui dating for its taxes very fast. At tbe sheriff's sale in Corvallis the property of tbe es'ate was told to M M Davis to satis fy f 822.81, taxes due. The state fair has decided not to isur any more passes, as over sw were issue? at vear it is about time such a decision was come to if they would keep the fair going. Tbe Democrat doeen t care, it can get along without comp, by tbe way a nuisance anyway, as a paper li always eipccteJ to do five dollars worth of sdver tisiniMoroneof conip?. the sooner tbey are knocked out tbe better it will suit this office. Tbe Fruit Farm Association, of Blalock in Gilliam county, Messrs C. R. Bmead, Geo. E Chamberlain and W E corporators with a capital stocx of toO.000, UDiect to ao a eenenu iruii. mm hit du ' . . i t 1 nursery bosiaess, was incorporated jester day. An aent of tbe Soreckels sugar refinery waa up the road a short time ago and made contracts with Mr Correll ot Berry, for stave bolts. They want some 600 cr 800 cords. Ouite a number ot tbe people tbere are cutting bolts; they get $2 50 per cord f . o. b. cars at Mmto. Moit torturing aad disfiguring of Itching, burning, scaly skin and scalp humors is In. Untly relieved by a warm bath with Con cuka Soap, a single application of Ctmci BA (ointment), the great skin cure, and a full doae of Cutiouba KzaoLvesT, greatest of blood purifiers and humor cures, when all else faila. Coarriopk,BaiD. " How to Cr. Slt Klmim," lc- pJEOfPl FALLING HAIR Flmplr rM, Bbr mmUbu, CuraS bj UvTiova or. WHEAT. We are glad to quote a cent higher in Ainany, to wit, ea. New York 94?4c. Chicago OSc. San Francisco 83W. Liverpool a Llgher. LEBANON. From the Express. I. R.'Borum.ot Albany, was In Leba non yesterday. Ed O'Neill left this morning for Cali forma, to spend Christmas with his lamily. The K. 0. T. M. tent here paid Mrs Alice A Miller, last Saturday, 2000, the amount that her husband carried in that order. R B Montague passed through Leba non last Saturday evening, but we rrom. ised not to say where he was going. mere will be a masquerade ball in tbis city, Ubristmas eve, at Union hall Tickets, including snpper, SI. All maskers free, bpectators: Genu 25 eta. l-j: i ' auiea tree. Invitations are saiponncing ila weddlnrot Jotl G Mrer and Misa An. nie Duraond, on December 29. at 11 :30 a. m., at the residence of F Allen, in Albany. Ex-Governor J H Fletcher, of Salem. will lecture here on "Tilling the Soil." Wednesday evenimr. January 5. Mnaie and a few recitations will be furnished by the public school for tbe occasion. Attorney S M Garland has mirrhaiuvl the tesidence property wnere he lives Irom Rev J R Kirkpatrick ani wife. Mr Garland also bought several acres of land adjoining from the trustees o( the Lebanon bjuak. Jay 8wank, who was brought to this city last Wednesday from Lower Soda, on a stretcher, stood the trip well, and is getting along nicely. Dr Lamberson, who so faithfully stayed with Mr Swank, is receiving much praise for his good work. Married, December 21, at the home of tbe bride's parents, five miles north of this city, C W Mariels, of Mill City, and Miss Emma F Hart; Rey O B Lamar officiating. The happy conple left yes terday evening for a visit with relatives at Salem. Buried With Her Money. John Clay pool, of Prineville, knows the spot in the forks of the Saotiam where a 5 gold piece baa been buried for nearly 50 years, save thd Crook Conntv Journal. Tbe ajgry is interesting in il-1 lusiraung toe c, n mil ami prevails among the Oret- Jjans. The wife of an old chief citdL The aged squaw bad become possessed of 5, which she bad earned by picking beriiesanl sell ing them to the wbite setters, and tbe money was hi the form of a 15 gold piece. As she Beared the confines of the"bappy hunting grounds," tbe old chief, intent npon making sore tbat bis squaw should carry her possessions with ber, made her swallow th& gold piece, and assisted In tbe operation by ramming it down her throat with his finger. The squaw died aod was borScd. and the money has Uid in this stracge casket for well-nigh half a centorv, says tbe Journal. "Many a time," John eaya, "whea I was a boy, I have looked at the spot vhete the old squaw waa buried and witihed I had the $5 gold f iece tnat was buried to her craw." New Officers. Raihbone Sietere C, MA.frM Oorl m k v, airs u w wnght; saites Uiga Hewitt; EJ, Mrs H R Hvde;M Of T, Mrs. Conn; ! of R and C. Mrs CO Hogne;MofF, Mrs EU Wilt; PolT. Mrs W B Goisnees; OG ofT, Mrs J O'Brien ; Trust, Mrs M J Kelly. Bayley C bapter No. 8. RAM: C B Winn. H P: H L Walden. K: F M Red- field, S; r J Miller. C of H- V? F Read, P 8: D H James. R A C: E W Laoifdoo. Trees: EW Washburn. See: ED Co- tick, GMJJYjJN Duncan. G U 24 V r Sperzer. G M 1st V: W E Baker. Sen- unei. At tiik Catholic Ciirwu. Cbistmas eve, tnday the 24lh, there will be avid- night mass at tbe Catholic church. Ail friends of the church will be welcome. The service is a commemoration of tne birth of Cbriet who waa born at mid night It is a purely religion service ac cording to the liturgy of the Catholic church. Tbe pipe organ that is being built for the church in San Francisco will be put in place only in July, 1338. Tbe bell will ring first at 1 1 -.30 p. m . and then at 12 when the service will be gin. Ushers will be in attendance. Faox mi Mtxaa. Geo. Ricbter. who haa been working in tbe Reeves mine up in tbe fcantiam country, came down yee terday to spend Christmas with bis mother. He rays tbat they have tbe mi'l all in and set up. but bave not started it as yet. He says tbe quality of ore in the ledge just struck is richer in quality than any tbat baa formerly been assayed l bey expect to start tbe mm shortly after the first of the year. states man. At Albany Next Monday. From the Eugene Register. Tbe U of O Glee Club gave a farewell "siDz"-at assembly tbis morning, af fording a treat to all present- The club leaves Monday morning for the Holiday tour of tbe valley .also singing at Astoria. Tbe Register heartily recommends tbe club and Ita work to tbe music loving public. Tbey are as Jolly and as musical a set of young fellows as ever reptesent- ed a college or university . Their reper- j toire consists ot a bappy combination oi tbe sweetest harmony, scholarly ability, funuy melody and melodious fun. Such organizations and entertainments serve to unite more closely tbe educational fellowship of tbe state, and all colleges which enjoy broad minded management co-operaie m iue imercoiiegtaie spirit. PROGRAM. Part I. Until the Dawn Glee Club Impersonations C V Galloway Coster Bong W KGlen Hassa'a in the Cold, Cold Ground. .Olnb Piano So:o W Gilford Nash Monologue (Cupid's Victim. Allen Eaton FART 11. Friendship (Canon) Glee Club Solo living M Glen Till Day Fades. . .Glee Club Piano bolo . . w tiitfor.l Kaah Such is the State of Man". Allen Eaton Good Night Glee Club Manager and pianist, W Gi fiord Nash, Treasurer and baritone, Irving M Glen. I r ist tenor ty M jfaterson, A hUard-l net. Alien taton, j u van winaie. Second tenor A L Gilleland, Arthur Frazer. W G Beattie, Percy Garriaues First bases u V roale, J H Barber. U K Handera. Second basa-W K Glen, E P White. j jm Doipn, Jonn retort. ... .... . . All tbe churches will have Christmas exercises, tomorrow evening, oi different kinds. Catarrh in the head, that trouble some and disgusting disease, may be en tirely cured by a thorough cojrte of Hood saraapanlla, tbe great blood puriber. Hood' Pills euro nausea, sick head ache tnligettion, billiousness. - All drug giati o. Stop that Cough! Take warning. It mav lead to Consumption. A 25a bottle of Shiloh's Cure may iave your life. Sold by Fosbay & Masou. Jut received an elegant line of holiday handkerchiefs in all the latest designs be Ladies bazaar. EdaeiM. Yonr klowla With (Jascareta. Caniy Cnthartle, cure constipation forever. 10c. SOc. If C. O. C. fail, druKsisut refund money. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Will Simpson returned last even ing from a business trip lo Portland. Firemen's mask tonight, at the opera opeia house. Tickets only $1. Admission gallery 15c. Air. Lear, foreman of a paper at Gold endale. Wash., is in the city the gueet of his father. Miss Cad Warner, who baa ben resid-i ins in Portland several months, is home lor the holidays. Mrs. Geo. Humphrey, is in Portland tbe guest of ber son, m. Humnhrer. tor uae nouuajs Reuben and Lair Tbompami. of lie Minnville college, loot ball ists, are in the city for tbe holidays. Misjes Annie and 0a Flinn arrived home from Stanford University yester day for the holidays. Miss Abbie Fry, of the public schools. will go home to-night to spenl Christ mas with bsr parents in Lebanon. Miss Jennie Clayton, bow a resident of Portland, came up to Bpet.d the holi days, end is the gooet of her sitter Mrs. rinaiey. - Miss Elizabeth Jackwy, of Portland. isinthecitr. the guest of Miss Mary Stewart. J. Myron Isham. a former night oper ator, of tbe S. P. at this city, and Mis Klla Kent, were married at Drain this week Frank Allen, who has been attending tbe military schosl, at Vaahon. Wash.. came home in full uniform last evening for the holidays Joe. Sternberg, now a medical sta- dent at Portland, and sister, Mrs. Wolf, same op lat evening to spend the holt- days in Albany. Mrs.T. Wandel and son Lee returned last evening from their trip to Iowa. alter an absence of three montbt, coming by way of Denver. Miss Celia Pennington was accompan ied home from McMinnville, last even ing by Alias Jdilia aod Mr. Sigmuod Pennington, who will spend tbe holidays here. Cbas. McCullagh of the Holmes Busi ness college, was in the city ou bis ay home for the holidaya. He will be accom panied to Halsey by bis sister, of the public schools. Mr and Mrs S W Crowder returned to Albany on the Roseburg train yesterday noon, having been guests at the Welch- ictermute wedding. They were ac companied by Mrs. H . M. Wintermnie, who wtll spend vbnstmas in that cuv. Sutesma n When Mr. Gileon went to his barber hep tbis morning be was surprise'f to and it elegantly decorated with ivy and morning glory in bonor of the Christmas season, put np tbe evening previous after be bad left tbe sbop, b his assistants, Messrs vtbeeier and Crawlord. Tbe morning glories were made by Sirs. Wheeler. Tbe Yale Alumni Associat:on of Ore gon ottered a cash prtxe last spring of 10 to tbe Oregon boy w&o passed tbe beet examination for entrance to any de partment of Ya'e university and matric ulated after having had his preparation wholly or in part in Oregon. The com mit It e unaoimooslv awarded this prize to Robert Brcre Wilton, Yale 1901, son of Mrs. R. B. Wilson, of Portland. Stayton was very onfertnnate last Fri day in toting cue of ber f ireet daughters, in tbe person of Mies Louie TUlock, who lelt lor dan r-raoctseo. via foniasd. here sbe spent several davs visitins rel- Jourcey on direct to San FrarJ here tie ex pec u to remain wilu an uot until spring. Louie will be greatly sniesrd by ber large circle of menus in burton. Cor. Journal. Last eveniog Mr. John KaaSman and Mies Mary Haioea were uniied in mar riage at tbe parsonage of tbe First Pres byterian church. Rev. Win. S. Gilbert, pastor, officiating. The weddieg was very quiet, and marked by simplicity. After the ceremony was performed a wedding supper was served at the home of the bride's psn-n's. Mr. and Mrs. W. vt. tiaices. on bast Mn lb street. The bride is a life-Ion resident of Fngene, and one of ber fairest and most popular daughters, and contains tbat rate grace and-cbarm of manner inherent ia ladies of the west. Tbe groom is a younx man promioeot in buineascircies,anj during bis short residence in Eugene, has made staunch friends. Eugene Guard. The bride has several fneods in Albany who will ezteni best wishes. Regardless ot Cost. Julia Gndwohl intends to ir out of the crockery aod glassware business, goina- in to some other line ot buioeM. and benoe wi.l sell bis iroods of this kind refanlles of cost. When yoo call and get bis price iou will be convinced that be means bui- ness, aad will believe what be ears J Gradwolil Inform the general public that be ell as low as aavbilr ia the city for tasb. Come and get prion before you boy apni ist, . j. tiFJtowoau A Bahhel of genuine maple syrup at parker Bros. Take your bur set and get erne. It is cheap but good. DoatTofeaneStit aaa feM lew lfe ?. To a tilt tolKicco eui'j and forerer. be mag netic lull of life, nerre and visor, iaks No-To Bsc. the wonder-worker, that make weak men strong. All drucclsta. toe or (I. CulO guaran teed. Booklet and aamnlo tree. Address Slerlutc Kerned? Co, Chicago or Kew Wk, MARRIED. B ARSES HI RON'S. On Thursday, Dec 23. 1897. at the court house in AlbaiiV. bv bis Honor. Judge Geo. D Barton. Mr. E. B. Barnes, of Mon mouth, and Miss Minnie llirons, of Shelburn. Weak Lungs If you have coughed and coughed until the lining mem brane of your throat and lungs is inflamed, Scott's Emulsion la . , . . . K ot tJod-UVer JU wiu sootne, w strengthen and probably cure. The cod-liver oil feeds and w strengthens the weakened tis- sues. ine giyccnnc aoovaca and heals them. The hypo- ohospnites OI itme ana sooa w . ll Impart tone and vigor. Don't w . . .4 t- r . neo-iect tnese couzas unc bottle of the Emulsion may do w more for you now than ten 3 can do later on. Be sure you o I at I get SCOTTS Emulsion. All druggtatj soc and Si.oo. SCOTT 4 BOWNE, ChfmUu, Mtw York. sacs--CCCC3;C Royal auksa tb food pars, wbolnuM and dsUcloee, I3 F0V7DER Absolutely Pur HOME AND ABPOAD. 0rkgW:tfe 27lh Smiley printed the Elk invitations, an elegant piece of work. O B Winn, cite ticket agent Tickets 10 an points in tbe east. Smilej 's clean printing. Roinooa pure spices . Romona Romona pure extracts . Try Schilling's B tea and bakloc powder. Tbe Bet Crackeis in town at C E Brow- ne-'l's. ShirU aod collars a specialty at tbe Msg nolia Laondry. Pictures from 75 cent a to $25 per d'.n at Longs gallery Get a set of carving knives for an xmas present at Hopkia Bros. Call at Hopkin Bros and see tie pocket knives best line to the city. Crawford & Harnub for photographs Prices from II to $) per dozen. Be ture and see the anli rot tie ware si Hopkia Bio, will Us", a lifetime. "Saow Flake" flour is made by tbe Red Crown Mills of Albany. A fine line of new macinUwbes just re cen ed at the Blain Clothing Co's. Try our pop corn ; it never fails to pop. C E Baowssu. "Red Crown"' the standard of color sod strength ia flour. All grocers have it Tase the O C k E ctemer for Portland down river on Sunday, Tuesday aod Tburs day. Sectre your seats at Barkbart and Iee drug More Friday, fur tbe CoiWe l.'U Club. Larcre tales and mH profits is tbe motto of Hopkin dro. and ,hai l why lhay are alwajs busy. Wheayouwaata choice steak, a nice roart or meat of any kind, cailca Henry Broders. He kos the best. I- H. E. sad U. K. B-trs office' asd ruNdence ia pott offic baildisg. Special attention given to dmmaes of women. By arteadin 7 Lh coacert aext Monday evening, you help to tatla up the Albany College library acd gain a pleatcot even iog. Albany boilers wua t tr coecluaioEM with Oorvailis cocked haters and as local alley devotes are Dot tbaa wl'ing it is probable that a meetinir will occur soon. Corral lis Gazette. Tire beat meats of all kinda aad good treatment at the Albany Dreaied Beef Company's market, ju.t d)wa Second itriMit f.,mirf,irTiLI , pr--Tpt frwl II tb umfbrm Daith of tbe Xew F wrown nyat which makes it o iajUpen -sab e to tbe ptry cooks. It can always be relied upon far gaod remits. Try it. Toe Y M S R club has received a aal nge from the Boy's Club of Albany to play a game of indoor beb ill. Our boys are sot very familiar with the game, and bavca't a suitable buildinr ia which to practice, so ctooot aceept the challenge. Lebanon AdfanO. Nor TuaocGH Thbsscisig. Sir. McEt- boe returned last weec from the Big Bend cdTjDtry, Washington, where for tbe past three months be bss been work ing in the harvest field at good wages. lie reports tbat tbey win not be Uirouge threshing in tbat country for a month yet. Some farmers with immeoee fields of trrain have not yet been able to secure a thresher, tbere cot being enoogh es- chines to do tbe work, and no more tor rale. Lebanon Advance. Look Oct Rots There is complaint ot boodlnmism and lawlessness around the postot&ce wa.ling room, particularly on Sundays The walls bave been literally covered witb pencil marka, some of it vile stoff, and there is genera! rowdyism. Tbe marshal gives warning that il most be stopped so look out. Bowxtso Mr. Drum, of the bowling alley, has received a letter from the Scia bowlers, stating tbat the kind of bowling contest they dee ire is for each side to bowl at home, which of course will be refused here; Dut if Scio will send a team here the Albany team will give them all the bowling thev wnt and make tbem think tbey bave struck a Kansas cyclone. What Or A E Salter Says. Bitfalo, K Y. Gents : From my pen-onat knowledge. ga:oed in oberviog the effect of your Shtloh't Cure ia cases oi advanced Constipation. I am prepared to say it is the most remarkable Kerned) that has ever been brought to my atten tion. It hat certainty iaved many from Consumption. Sold by Fothay & Ma ton. Hoiicay ExcrastON Rates. It has! been arranged bv tbe O O A E R R Co. to make a holiday excursion rate of 1 1-5 1 fare lor round trip tickets good between all river points. Tbe tickets will be on saie.and will be good going irom De cember 23rd to 2Sth inclusive, and to re turn January 4tb, 1&S. J O. Mayo. s?up t Kiver Division. Chkap HoLioar Rates. The 0 R N will make round trip rate of one and one- fifth fare bnween all river point. Tickets good going D3 S3 to 23 inclusive aod to return Jan 4th ISM. Just Across the Way. At F 11 Pfeiff jr's vou can get the best I Coast and Eastern oysters to be found. lie also keeas the best line of confection ary in tbe city. Call on him for tbe rei. ot everything in bis line. Home First, The World atttr ward . GU good groceiies for your family. Conn't Hut ton keep the best, which thev sell at tbe lowest pisiible prion. Freih vegetable! and fruits according to the season, always on hand. A line line of crockery. Catarrh Cured. A clear head ano weet breavh sacuw I with SUiloV Ci j arrh :t n iW 1 1 d ' ' t ' it aitn w Let everybody come to trie Star Bakery J and get 4" loaves of fresh bread for i.oe O Mavaa. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY 4) Tik L ttlvs Brum IQulntne Tablets All Druggists refund the mousy if It fall o Cure TO CURE A CoLD INONl! DAY Take Laxative Bromo Uuinlne Tablets All drugjlots refund the money if it tails oCura. 25c. H F Merrill buys City, County and School warrants. (Jttice in Utmocr uilding. WHEAT. Armour and Leiter, at Chicago have fumed tkeir tttentioo to May wheat, and an upward tendency is anticipated. New York 95?c. Chicago 04 c fun Franciaco S-ic. Albany 6oc. Tonight and Saturdaf rain temperature. Kiver 6 feel stationary Off fur Alaska. Twenty-five people In all have left Al bany tbis year for Alaska. Tbe last to go were D B. Monteitb. Mrs Becker and two children, G. E Wood a brother of Mrs Becker, and Mrs Rock ford and cuuu, wno went to roruana this morn ing. They will take tbe next steamer at that city for Skagway. The women will join their hn(band, who are already there. Mr Monteitb will look over the field for a business opening, and will soon return. Several other Albany peo ple are contemplating goin. , A Late Dawson Letter. Under date of Oct. 22 a Umatiila coun ty young man has written his father: This not a pleasant place to be in just now. ii me river does not rise soon boats cannot get here, f hank goodness we have lots of "grub," but if others have none tbey take ours. But every body thinks tbe boats will get here. There are six more to come. We have eatea tbe last of our granu lated potatoes. -Afelbw came ia last night witb a hundred sacks of rto'atoes. and what do you think he waa'ed ? One dollar a pound, everybody is in hopes the boats will get in, or a few people will have to "fly tbe coop." With the crowd tbat is here and others on their way in. and tbe winter close at band.1 bines look gloomy. it baa snowed here very bard already but all has melted away again. Myself and Charlie have built a doable boose to rent at $100 a month, which is almost completed .and Charlie is building a little caoin tor bimseit on the same lot. we do not want to stay here anv longer than this winter. It is a hard looking place and it ia just as hard as it looks, lhieves are stealing everything tbey can lay their hands on, and people are obliged to leave their bacon in caches ontaide. Every ooce in awhile yoo will bear of somebody's cache being robbed bam. bacon and evervtbinr rone Charlie sold bis revolver for $40. and I wish now be had not parted witb it: but tbey will not try to rob us unless they think we have a good sum of money. We Dougbt a cice large stove, and it keeps tbe cabin warm t warm now. Wheth er it will be warm enoogb this winter is aquestiw. Important Decision Ia the case of G W Honeaker. plain tiff vs G L Brown, as county treasurer of Marion county, aod rug u & Urav. de fendants, brought to restrain the pay ment of warrants calling for a boat f 1800 issued by the county court, yesterday Judge Hewitt found "That tee said war rants were hened by tbe county clerk of Marion county, Oregon, without author ity of law aad are void ; that a decree should be ectered perpetually enjoining the said defendant O. l Brown, as treasurer from paying tbe said warrants or any part thereof out of tbe funds of the said Marion county, Orecon." Ltavr XoTHiso TO Lccs .But cil on VTi'LJ f are tor sack thiagt in their Umm it I'M (urn I illlf J.-jet "Tv Jewelry. .n.- Silverware, . Novelties. ia the latest dndgns as wtll at a Sae Hoe of watches, docks, cut glatt ware. Ac. Tbey will will please yoa in goods and price. Those Who Endure. Tbe pains of rheumatism should be. minded that a cure for tbis disease tnt t be fooad sn Haod'a Sareaparilla. Tbe experience of those who have taken Hood s barsapariiia lor rheumatism and I bave beeo completely and permanently cured, prove the power of this medicine to rout and cocqoor this disease. Hood t i Sareaparilla is the One True Blood Puri fier and it neutralizes the acid which causes the aches and pains of rheuma tism. This is whv it absolutely cures when liniments and other outward ap plications fail to give permanent relief. e sure to get Hood s. Tbe bet assortmeat ot oaoer. envelopes card and printers stationary of all kinds m the valley. Sxtlet tbe printer. Em-tlMKly Says e - CereU Casxlr Callwrtie. tbe most wroa-dert'-l Hitu-3ti ni-oierr of tlte ace, p eas ant unJ refr-siiino' to tbe tasie, act ireouy rod miUv!y on kfcioeya. lit er and howeis, cleausng the -ssilire sratem. dtsi! coidv cure lieahtaciie, lej-r, habitual mnMlioa and b:inw. Piemse bov ami try a hox Of C C. C bwtar; Hi, i SO cert, boiuaad guars "x-d to cure by ail druggists. XO CURE-NO PAY. That b th wit all riru-glsts sell GROVrTS TASTKLES-i CHILL. TOS1C for Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is imply Iron and Quinine in a tasteleas form. Children oveVu Adults d rater 1 to blt'er, najw'ing Tontor Price. 53c TOCURE ACOLO IN OXE DAY. Tats Licuiv Bro-nt Qalnlne Tablets All O.-ug.-itts rsfuif pe may If it fall Cure. 25c J W Bentljy, the pioneer ooo4. and shoe man, does first -claas work cheap. Call oa him, just north of the Democrat office. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. TWhs- 1 h em ww ftfauart tf KIT A TRIFLE? Til AT COM MOX TROUBLE ACID DYSPEPSIA, OR SOUR S TOM- -ACH. j Now Recognized as a Cause of Ser ious Disease. Acid dyspepsia, commonly called heart burn or sour stomch, ia a form of indi gestion resulting from fermentation of the food. 1 he stomach being too weak to promptly digest it, the food remains until termenwuon oegins, nuing toe stomach with gas. and a bitter, tour burning taste in the mouth ia often pres ent. This condition soon becomes earon ic and being an every day occurrence is given but little attention. Because dy pepsia is not immeuiaieiy uiaujr rveope oo notuiug lor ui iruuum. Within a recent period a remedy has been discovered prepared solely to cure dvspepsiaandatomacti troubles. It is known oa Dtuart a isyspcraia iuii ml ia now becoming rapidly used and nrescribed as a cure lor every form of dvsoepeta. btuart s jyspepsia lauieio navo wen placed before tbe public and are sold by v.r . i . i i druggists everywhere at 00 cents per package, it is prepared py tne eiuart Co., Marshall, Mich., and while it promptly aod effectually l est ores a vig orous digestion, at the same time Is per fectly harmless and will not injure tbe most delicate stomach, but oo tbe con trary, giving perfect digestion strength ens the stomach, improves tha ppetite and makes lite worth living. Send for free book on Stomach Diseases by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Edward B. Fleck. Dec. 30 Following are a few of tbe flattering pross comments on the playing of Prof. Fleck, tbe great pianist, wbo appears here the first time December 80 in con junction with tho Cardinal quartet: Prof. Fleck delighted the audience) who nis interpretation oi loe great mas ter, Liszt, and rendered tbe Polonaise Heroique witb a master touch. His en core was exquisite. Prof. Edward B. Fleck ia tbe new piano director of tbe College of Music, in New York, at a grest expense and large guarantee He is a native of Vi enna, Austria, a graduate of tbe Imper ial Conservatory oi music at St Peters burg, Russia, aad a pupil of Anton Rabenstein. Tbe public is ss-ured of sn evening of rare pleasure ou the coming of this com pany. Reserved seats 35c, now on sale at Burkbart A Lee's drug store. To-Night. There will be Christmas festival exer cises to-night ss follows: At the Presbyterian church, Around the World with Christmas, a tree aad other exercises. At tbe M. . church, two trees and an arch, aod appropriste exercises. - At the Baptist church, a tree, a sleigh and Santa Clans, and exercises. At the Congregational cnurch, a tree and exercises. At tbe M. E. Church South, a tree and exercises. At tbe U. P. church, post office, bank, and Crowning of the Holids-a. At tbe Catholic church, midnight mass. First bell at 11 :30 o'clock. At tbe Evangelical church tree and ex ercises tomrrow night. At Salem To-norrow . . Co.F.O. N.G. Salem T.M. C. A. F. C. Stellmacher e Will Evans b John Chase M. D. Phil'jps Frank Wire 1st b Ralph Cox 2nd b Albert Disque 3rd b Ralph Terrei r ss Bert OZinger 1 es Geo. Brawshaw Grant B ration U. L. Harntsh Frtd Wesibrook L Lore J.N. Wy man fielder Harry OUnger Substitute J. A. Finch. Dee Farrar. Chauncey Bishop. At tha opera bonse at 4 p.m. Admis sion 10 cents. Ir ut RtofEMBKZtKD. Lest cummer when the excursions of tbe Christian En deavor passed through. Salem, many of our people distributed fruit and flowers among tbe paateogers. Tbis good work is bearing fruit ail tbe time, aod oclv yesterday one of tbe young la !ie wbo distributed boquets received a beautiful circular calender with the following note. wbieb would indicate wbenee it came: "To Miss Lelia Risdoo. f-om one of ber friends from PhiiadeJrjhia. to wfae-n be rare flziweri " Lt wefa rood work b done tor Salem whenever the opportnn- uy oaers. Journal. Magnolia Elevators. Tbe nodereigned have rented tbe Magnolia Elevators at the west end of First street. Albany Oregon, at tha ap proach to the steel bridge, and will coj duct a general grain warehouse business. Persons wisbtag to store or sell wheat or oats will do well to see ns before mak ing their arrangements. Ed Gora, W. L. Vsjkz. S. E. Tocxe. Attention Ladles. Have your visiting cards written by ot of the finest pamaa ia the state. Cards furnished and written, at tbe fol- lowiuir prices. 1 dot's "Ju ceots. 2 " 35 3 " 50 " Pack age ri 50 cards 60 cents UExar Esons Card Writer, at W R Blaia'a Store. Closing out. Crrckery aad Glassware at cost. C E Brows ill. Mas Ashbt has jost received a fine line Stamped linens, perfect beaa'.ie. Handkerchief, hose, tacinator. Boas, mitts' fans, Cbatalaia bacs. Call aad examine the line ot fancy I actions. Wearerjtsiv:-t tC t.-ntn tt almost J til Vjii-: iiv;t call and at F '.ft FRE goo Cxi CU That cleaa sharp effect oa our printing is had by knowing bow to do rress work. aad by using tbe beot material, still the prion is no higner tbaa tbe otaer aaau. Karl's Clover Ro-t Tea, Sor Constipa- tioo it's the Be, aad if after using it yoa dont say a return the package and get your money . bold by i oshay x llaso a FraaMEx's Bau The annual firemen's ball on Cbristmae eve. will be a masked affair, and no pains ia being spared to make it a success, rtrst class borne mu sic. A DDronriate decorations. Good or ier. novel coetnmea and a fine time. Ball tickets $1.00. Gallery Ucketa for specta tors 15c CsnusTMs Cakdies. The finest aad largest assortment ia Albany at F H Pfei- ffer s. In large or small quantities. A Sttush Lisa of dress skirts, ia tbe I new ottomaa plaids, brocade silk, crepon aad serges are being showa at the Ladies I Bazaar. Ladies wishing something nice I for the Holidays should secure one at once. I Kdaeate Tor Rowela With Caaeaiwta. Canity taMtarttc, cure eonattpattoii Tor er. IOc.Sc.'rraliuMlBcaey For Sale. A well established and good paying buire in Albany. Inquire at theLadiesl Bazaar. Brv your Christmas candies, eats etc.of C E Brownell and you will get the freshest I and purest to be had. THK 3 EST Clothes racks and ironing boards are made by fc. B. Davidson. Sample a Hopkins Bras., where order may be lett- Gentlemen wishing Christmas presents for their friends can find them at the Lad ies Bazaar. To Cnw CovVMitUMt va ISke ("!vcrrts famiv falhartic lOo wtSk It C C C fait to cure. ilrukvts vnd nkUt Mrmr. Miss MUdrca Bunaeetei teacher ot piano or organ. System the Mason touch and technique, jtesiaenre fifth street, opposite U P cbuich. The office that does high grade printing .o good stock, for the price of the oher and . Smiley, the printer. Albany Market. Wheat 65 rents. Data 23. Eggs 20 cents. Butter 15 to 22 cents. Potatoes 25 ce-nts. llama 11 to 13 cent. Sides 10 to 11 cents. Shoulders 6 to 7 cents. To Cor CoutipalKMi roravev. Take Caacareta Candy Cathartic. 10s ortSa It a C. C. fail to cur, drttgststa refund moaey. NHsiiniNTFn li 1 1 iiv DLmBER SUN MQMiTUE jWEDjTriUjFRllSflT O (D Q i 2 3 4-- 5 6 7 6 9 10 II 12 13 i-q- 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Q HEW YORK WORLD , 1 hricc-a-Wek Edition 18 Pages a Week ... 156 Paperaa Teat For One Dollar. rwbilaateae very aJSeraate Bay eaves Saaa The Thrice-a-Week Edition of The New Toaa World is first among ail "weekly papers in size, frequency of publication aad tbe freshness, accuracy aad variety of its eoi tents. It hit ail the merits of a great $6 daily at tbe price of a dollar weekly. Ita political news is prompt.eom pJete, accurate aad impartial as ail its read ers will testify. It is against the monopo lies aad tor the people. It prists tbe news of all the world, hir ing special correspondence from all ioa portant news potats oa tbe globe. It haa brilliant illoetratioos, stories by great authors, a capital aamor page, complete zoarketa, departments far the household aad women's work aad other special de partments. We offer this unequaled newipaper aad tbe Daxocaar togecberone year tor$f (4t JUST RECEIVED It ffi?. J. H. MBit sery Store. A complete line of Japanese Holidar Goods, Handkerchiefs, Fans, Table Mate aad r aocr tiaEksts Dou't fail to call and get bargains. Clubbing Rates. The Saa Francisco Weekly Examiner next year will give to ita subscribers a 1 10.000 residence in San - Francs sco rent ing for tSOa moots, a 1S,S90 U. S. hood .a $1,500 gold nugget and hundreds of other things. -Yoa can get tbe Examiner and Wczsxy DeaocaaT for $2.50 a year, with tha Daily; DxaocaaT by mail for $1.55, by earner $o.75. in advance. The Dxxo cbat will order only on combination pay- t ST L0C15 REPCBUC. semi-wkly osa of tbe Dest papns iatbe United States, asd the Democrat paid ia ad ranee, for only fl 75. m '-..I.. ! T--? HxrtsoMaSsfd tal all Sect siaM cuodactcd ror Medents Fees. I latest t.aocsnd. A Pmorpblc-t -&o toOb- oi-' ; iLeJ' l BiiPHno." visa cost of natli t C aadxsrtcocsaiassent&Mk k Am snow & co tmr enci. WuiniKTM. D. & rAlDluo pnnr.iiRFn. EUGENE W.JOHNSON, oUctor aal ittjii PatsitCansB IT S Irktn,WMalatMB,C nE.PEST POWER ...HERCULES fxASAIwD GASOLINE Built in special sizes for printing ofEcea and factories. State your wants and write for prices and term-. Illustrated catalogue furnished free upon appUca tion. AaaaicAS lira Forsnaas' lo. Portland.Oregoa . Dr Adams Cueick Block Albany, Or Painleea work a specialty. j. c iimm Ground Floor Dental Office. Broadalbin, St. Albany, Or. Vard Littler, Assistant. GEO E FIH THE PLUMBKR . Tin roofing and plumbing. Opposit he opera house LINN CO- ABSTRACT CQMPANK, Albany, Oregon- Offices, Bank ot Oregon Building. Only set of Abstracts of Linn County. Complete set of maps and plats. Charges reasonable . EXECUTORS NOTICE. Kotice is hereby given to all whom It may concern that the undersigned ha. filed hie final account m the matter of the estate of Thomas Umphrey, deceased, and that the county court ol Linn county. Or eson baa fized Saturday .January 8th,lS9S, it the hour of 10 o'clock a m for hearing objection a to the same. AH persona desirous ol objecting to tbe anrt ire therefore notified to file such ob iecUons with theVlerk of said court on or before said date.? Alfmt I MrHRv Kkllat k Ccau Executor Attysjor Executo". . mi r