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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1897)
fi pcmortat Lion county will be tbe best railroad tountyln the lUte. It has a good statu Buffalo are now so scare that thev are worth $500 apiece, A buffalo rob la the east will be a luxury. Ia Oregon we don't need them. This is Christmas week . Do not b stingy, bnt be sensible and liberal, and do not forget to give where it will do good and be appreciated. A Lino county farmer aaye that eo long ai he haa a cent any one In need ie welcome to assistance, and he will gladly gbe it. That ia excellent religion. A good deal of confidence it being ex pressed in the extension of the CorvaUia and Eastern railroad. There ie tome thing tangible in the present situa tion. A railroad through Albany into east era Oregon, will mean a great deal for thit city, which will become the dis tributing point tor western Oregon. The report of ever two feet of enow in Nebraska tends a chill through us. Three or four families from Nebraska, now in Albany, who came here to escape such things will rejoice at being this side of the Rockies. The New York World's policy is that pensions should be given to old soldiers 'n need, and that those not in need should be excluded. The Orsgonian endorsee this. Why isn't it good sense. The Mitcbel faction is already in evid ence and will be heard from in the next election . That looks to be the present program. There are some factional fights ahead in Oregon politics. The Oregon ian .eaa use the same pen it ie writing Penaoysr editorials with . There will be enough gall on the tip. Gage's financial measure will play an important part in the future politics of the country. The Dkmocaat gueeaes that the republicans will wish that Mr. Gage bad not prepared his bill, atd tbat congress at this session had turned its head in some other direction, a prominent republican alto givee that a his opinion. Meteors are always iniereting,whetb er in the firmament or in politics or businees. Just now, Joe Leiter, a young smnthe faced man, of Chicago, is the star of the businees heavens, a plunger from Plungerville, handling millions as ui oat of ns would dollars or cents. It goes into wheat just now, and if wheat goes np as be predicts the gains will be counted in numbers that will make even the head of J Pierpont Morgan swim. A Political Review From the World. Tbe year 1897 bas been a year or po litical importance, in the principal inci dents of the year we have combined to prove the inability of the Republican party to meet the responsibilities of government. The campaign of 1896 was waged partly upon the theory that a BepuMi- can victory would restore confidence and a revival of confidence would go far toward the restoration of prosperity. The first half of the present year so com pletely annihilated the eonfderee argu ment that it will not be able to do ser vice in another campaign. The busi ness and bank failures which followed ths election proved conclusively that the mere announcement rf a Republi can victory, so far from being a panacea, was not even a palliative- The President, by asking for authority to appoint a commission, to seek foreign .aid in the restoration of bimetallism, and the Republican Congress, in appro priating money to pay the expenses of the commission, presented an unan swerable indictment against the gold standard. It will not be possible for a supporter of the Administration to deny the logic of the argument that an at tempt to get rid of a system is a con fession that that the system is not satis factory. The Dingley bill, pasted at a special session of Congress, embodies in concrete form the Republican plan of relieving the people by increasing their taxes . The only affirmative aid promised by the Republican platform was an increase in the tariff rates, and in calling an extra seeeion of Congreee for ths sole purpose of administering to the people the stand ard Republican rare for all political ills tbe Administration exhausted its rem edies. Just as Congress was about to adjourn ths President recommended a monetary commission, toe purpose of which was to reform ths currency in such a way as to make it harmonise with tbe gold standard. This message was significant because it was equivalent to an an nouncement that tbe Administration did not expect the restoration of bimet allism, and by many the message has been regarded as a suggestion to England not to make any concessions to our com mission. Tbe subsequent failure of tbe commis sion to secure an international agree ment ie probably tbe most important political event of tbe year, because it puts an end to a delusion which bas for twenty years been employed by mono uetallists to pacify tbe people while the gold standard was being strengthened. The mask must now be thrown off and a foreign financial policy must be defended by tbe Republican party, not on tbe ground of it desirability, but on the ground that the American people are impotent to rid themselves of it. Tbe unsuccessful attempt made by tbe Republicans to turn to partisan ad ren tage an unexpected rise in wheat was important only as it proved tbe farmers' acquaintance with the money question ana nis anility to reason from cause to effect. The elections of 1897 were important because tbey showed conclusively that there is a growing hostility to the poli cies advocated by tbe Republican party Not to be overlooked is tbe persistent efforts now being made dy tbe national banks to bulldoze tbs government into a surrender of the sovereign right to is sue and control the paper money of tbe country. No recent year has witnessed such an exhibition of selfish disregard of tbe publicweal as that manifested in the demand of the financiers that they be permitted to regulate tbe volume of pa per money. Last, but not least,among ths political events ef tbe year may be mentioned the prompt action of the Senate to recognize tbe beligerent rights of tbe Cubans and tbe failure of tbe House and Adminis tration to support tbe Senate's position . William J. BavA. Indian War Resolutions. At their recent meeting in Albany the Indian War Veterans paietd the follow, ing resolutions : W herran. In tbe early settlement ol the country that now constitutes the States of Oreyon and Washington the numWr of (lie regular troops of tbe Unite J States service stationed in these territories was too small to be able to furnish sufficient protection to the While Settlers to protect them in their lives and propertyjlroni the depredation of the savage foe; and that whenever an attack was made by eevetal combined Indian tribes at tbe same time npon the Whites, it became necessary and im perative for the local governments from time to time to call upon the Settlers for Volunteers to aid iu protecting the homes of Pioneers from distraction atd the Settlers themselves ftom indiscrim inate murder of men, women and child ren in the most tortuiing and barbarous manner. Tbe Pioneers always respond ed to such calls a ith a patriotic spirit. Although poorly equipped with arms, clothing and provision, they took tbe field to chastise tbe Indians and secure for their wives and children homes that would be free from iuture attacks. In the discharge of this duty they ere ex posed to inclement winter weather in an open bleak country, with no shelter but a thin muslin tent, or the south side of a sage bush, at tbe same time gathering much of their piovision from a cocntry that had been raided and ransacked by banda of hungry Indians, and at times being compelled to subsist on boree meat as their principal diet. About four- fifths of these who volunteered in these Indian wars have passed off tbe stage of actioo, and those who remain are all old and infirm, not able by labor to earn for themselves a living, as tbe youngest are now over sixty years of age, it being now forty-one years since tbe clots ol tbe war of 1855 and 1856, and many of those now living, by exposure while in the service, contracted diseases wbicb medical skill cannot cure, if tbey had the means to employ such . Besides this tbe pay they fiually received Iron the Government was oilv a small psit of w bat was promised them by acts ol territorial legislatures. There Vo'.un tears were from tbe Pioneers who had lett the stales east of the Missouri River, crossed tbe plains, mountains and dee- em for some two tbourand Eva hundred nih-e, which required fiom five to nine month to make the journey, expectine tli. G jvercment to give them a donation of 320 r 640 acres. But when they made ee tlement npon their claims tbey ere iiunDelied to buy tbe land from tbe Indiana, who claimed to hoid the till and with whom tbe Government bad am vet made any treaty. There has been mucL opposition to granting a fail compensation to the Volunteer in tbe war of 1855 and 1856. because the; would not muster into the regular ser vice of the United States and place themselves under tbe command of the reautar officers of tbe army. These Volunteers bad been in this eouutrj some time and bad become familiar with the mode of warfare tbe Indians employed and knew that i n order to conquer them it required the same mode of warfare tbe Indians used, and tbey believed it wool 4 be folly to try to conquer the Indians by fighting them the way civilized nations flht one another, and as tbe war progressed it demonstrated that tbe Volunteers were correct in their opiuions, for before the Regulars got fairly in the fitld the Vol unteers had tbe Umatilla, TaHa Wailas. Klicfcitals and tbe Vackimas conquered and driven out of their native lands. The fact is, that tbe Volunteers did astlv more towards keeping the Indians f this Coast in subjection than all tbe regular troops ever in the service of this country. Therefore be it Resolved, That tboee Indian War Vet erads who are still alive are by every eense of honor and justice entitled to re ceive from tbe General Government lib eral pensiones to assist and relieve them in tbeir last declining Jars, and we res pectfully. ass tbe President and tbe members of tbe United States Senate and tbe Speaker and members of tbe House of Representatives to take up and pass Senate Bill No 344 or House Bill No 10 at an early date of this session of the 55th Congress. And we especially cat', upon the delegation in Congreee from this Coast to use all honorable means to ' secure aid and relief to all Indian War Veterans who served in any Indian War on this Coast prior to tbe year 1857. Resolved, That ws hsve 500 copies ol this Preamble and Resolution printed, and one of t he tame be sent to eacb member in tbe Cor greet of the United 8ta'es. On motion tbe tame wat unaoimoutly adopted, and on motion 500 cop'.et were ordered printed and aent to eacb member in (Le Congress of the United States. Ore of tbe latest inventions it a too tribution box with a bell attachment. When a penny it dropped in it ringt very feebly, a nickle maaee it ring a little louder and a dollar bringt out tbe fire department two blocks aoo the ttreet. It cxi Id be wonted in Eogene with but lifts- inconvenience to the fire depart ment. --Jix Congressman Charles A To oe of Minn e-'ta, one r the brightest men in the niun'ry and one of the ablest exponents of b roeUli-m, a silver republican in politic, will spend the month of Febru ary on tbs coast . H will make several speechs in Owroii . There are 100 000 unemployed in New York city, not counting the rich men wbo never do any thing. In the assessment roll of Marion coon ty, has been found a ease where a man was axsersed $100 on one hog. The Sslem hog is always in the front. That county evidently does not propose to be outdone in the state. A Pennsylvania man wbo has jnst been sent to tbe penitentiary for fifte en months wrote a history of his life under the head "A Smart Fool". The head is probably the most entertaining part of tbe story. The ice hat begun breaking fau lv back east. At tbis long distance it looks foolish for people to skate on unsafe ice, but if we wbo came from the east will remember our boyhood experiences it will brio, up many ticklomhemlers that nearly let us in, and perhaps someNmes did. - With cotton at only 5 rente tbe out look in tbe south in cotton raising is any thing but encouraging. There is no money in it at bat. Now there Is a movement on foot to restrict the produc tion of ir, wbicL brings forcib'y out the fact that alt these things are goverened by the law of supply as.d demand- Try our tea sif sings at 10 c. Extra quality. V. E, Brownell. Life is a battle field. Every day brings its fierce, unceasingr con- flict; every night leaves ita multitude nf ?ad and dying. The horrors of war are no greater than the horrors of disease. If all the nations of the earth were at war against each other there would be no such carnage TO-ougnr. wit inn tne year as that which is accomplished annually by one dread disease consumption. And vet this most fatal of all diseases is not without its remedv. It ia no longer the irresistible destroyer that it was considered thirty years ago. An entirely new aspect Is put upon the possibilities of this dreadful malady by the astounding remedial action ot Dr. Fierce s Uolden Medical Discovery, which cures consumption by nourishing the lungs with an abundant supply of pure, highly -vitalized blood. This stops the formation of tuberculous matter, and builds np fresh tissue, muscular flesh and vital energy. It gives digestive power to the stomach which is too weak to assimilate oily emulsions. Miss Lucy Klorffler, of Armada. Mich., writes : " When I was shout eight years of age I had in datamation of the lungs, and from that time np I was sick nearly all the time and had a doctor nearly all the time. I would take cold so easily it would go right to my lungs. At the age of nine teen 1 was Tgiy bad: there was pain in my lungs, tickling in my throat and my throat was studded with ulcers; there was hoarseness and partial sup pression of voice, and difficulty of breathing. I doctored with one of our best physicians suit he said he could not help me and just prescribed cod liver oil and told my mother I could not live tnt-7-t than three months. 1 kept retting weaker every day. when at last a friend asked me wh v I did not try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. 1 thought there was no use. no more help for me as consumption was in our family. My lather and also mv sister died with it: but after takinr the Srst bottle I seemed to feel better. My appetite was oeticr ann I Kept ngTll on taxing It, Wlin a Sottle of the Pellets ' once in a while, until I felt real well. Before taking it. I weiehed one nun. ared and tea pounds, alter taking it. one hundred aaa tmrtv. i nsv-M r.i a eoutih this wintesl Chandle r's Warning. Senator Chandler hss wiitten a letter to the Washington Post, in which he says: "If the secretary of the treasury and bis single gold standard associates will cease their demand for impossible cur rency legist ition, congr-'s lil pass tbe necessary appropriate a bills, probably take care of Hawaii and Cooa, there will oot be a serious party division during tbe session.and there will be an adjourn ment in May. Business will revive, tbe balance of trade will continue in our fav or, and tbe republican party will, in November, 139S, elect a majority of tbe house in the 56th congress. On tne other band, if Secretary Gage continues to press upon congress a bill, tbe object ot wbicb he eaye, ie first, to commit tbe country more tbourghly to tbe gold standard. and ths immediate result ot which is to throw doubts upon ths sincerity of the president's declarations in favor of ef forts to secure bimetalism, a political turmoil will arise in congress which will split the now nuited republican parly in to fragtnenU,wbile it wtli unite and con solidate tbe now incongruous opposition, It is not feasible to retire tbe greenback ttie.-e ia mors probability that a b'.ll will be sent to tbe president to increasa tbeir amount. It is not possible to secure the passage through either bouse of a bill making tbe greenbacks into gold notes, (or authorizing bonds payable iu gold. It ill also probably result in tbe passage ol a bilMortbe redemption of the green backs in silver dollars and for tbe pay ment of all United States bonds in gold or silver coin, Ha tbe discretion of tbe president, who will 'be commanded to exercise bis option for tbe ad vantags of tbe government, and not for the advan tage of t& creditors. "With-iucb an uproar in congress a these proceedings will create, with cer tain congressmen embroiled tberein,wilb presidential threatened by Sec eelary Gage, under angry discussion, it will hsppen that all business entert riees and funds anJ stocks will be disturbed, dices will tall, insolvencies will increase and the republicans will lose thecoegree sional elections in 1S3S, as ditast rously as they did in ISOO.and beyond tbs hope of a favorable reaction in 1900, at wbicb time, "therefore, a Bryan democratic president and congress wil be cbosen. "WhetVer we are to have one o! these rrsu At politic! safety or political Jes truction.depends entirely upon tbe course to be pursued by Sectetary Gage and tboee alio are pressiog bim forward. namely, tbe Gold Standaid League of New York and tbe self constituted mon etary conference. How much Secretary osge caret for the republican party it net anown. Whether President McKinley, wbose good faith toward bimetalism is coming to a test, will etop bis secretary, it not knewn. It i hoped be will. Bnt no political situation haa been clearer than the present one ie to touod eyet since the repubiicau party began us marvelous csreer 42 yeats ago. There are times for all thiogs. There is a time to move and to keep still.aad now is the time to so keep. 1 "It is simply absurd for tbe republican parry in tbis congress to arBimativelyop en the discussion of tbe question, and tbe briogiog of yea and nay votet on j currency legislation. Wa ought to await tbe progress of international bi metalism, tbe advent of business pros- j perity and tte filling ol tbe treasury by the normal workings, soon to be se id, cfthe tariff Uw. Shall we wait for these tbiiigs, or rosb on to self destruc tion? President McKinley mast decide. Will he a' t for his people, or for hie plutocrats? Upon bis answer will de pend the events of 1898. The Emperor of Germane is accused of being stark mad, and there are a good many things tbat indicate it pretty strongly. His conduct for some time hasceitainly been of a crazy order. If be gets much crazier he is liable to de clare war against tbe United States. j Secretary Alger refuses tbe one hun dred tons of stuff offered by the good people ol Portland lor tbe reliel of tbe Klondikers. Certainly, tbat is tbe poll cv of I ho government. There was a pre cedent for it only a few weeks sgo. Tbe government as such never puts itself under obligations to anv One. Iu the face of tbe action of tbs govern ment in sending money forward to help tbe etarviug miners on tbe Klordike thousands are already starting for the place, stilling to be starved and helped, at least akn wba comes, whether star vationornot. There are occasions whets relief measures are just the thing but this is not one of them . It lacks consis tency. For Sale. a. well established and good paying busirenf in Albany. Inquire at tbe Ladies Bazaar. Bur your Christmas candies, nuts etc.of U 13 row Dell and you will get inetresbest and purest to be bad. THrS 3 EST Clothes racks end ironing boards are made by E. B. Davidson. Sample at Hopkins b.-os. where order may be left- MI9IFTS W,H.,..T.,1D urrsnt ead Un January 7,1898. The man who pays a debt on Cu rift- mas eve will make a Dt-eaont that will rodound to his credit. Try it. Two well defined factions are being pushed forward into Oregon politics, Mitchell and anti-Mitchell. Mr Spainhowler ie ths chairman of a Cuban relief committee in Gentry coun ty, Mo. After all there is not much in a name. It looks as If the country miulit acain be visited with a terrible affliction. There is a probability of a second fight between Fitaaimmons and Corbett. An Albany family have iust mnvari tn Pendleton and a Pendleton family to A bany. As the Pendleton family was tbe larger one, Albany has made a alieht gain. William Rockefeller, worth 140.000.. 000. recently sued a widow for $17.50 for pasturage ot a horse on bis premises. Great are tbe Rockefellers. Three couples in Clackamas countv have been remarried since the decision of the supreme court tbst a person can not marry within sis months of a divorce. The decision is a good one, one that should be respected. Dr. Barker is said to be fattening a fine broad faced turkey for his Christmas dinner. It was received by express in a box alive, and upon escaping from tbe box captured tbe house. Several friend are anticipating an invitation. Shall owl'd lOrgot. At Skagway tbeee dave the sun risee at 9 o'clock and sets at 3 o'colck, giving six nours oi sunshine, borne days in Ore gon we don't see much of tbe sun, but it is better than that though behind Ike clouds. The Klobdike relief measure went through both houses a living and has already been signed, and there is '200, 000 for the Klondikers. Ths manner in which the relief will be given will be watched with great interest, beat least the Dsmockat man. Jim Corbett says of Kid McCoy, wbo whipped Creeden : "McCoy hss a great future as a pugilist if he follows the rules ot health. By that I mean if he lives a good, temberate life." If that is good advice for a pugilist why isn't it for everybody else. When men are drowned in tbe White Horse Rapids there is never any time tn hunt for tbeir bodies, nor is there auv effort at all in that line. It ie a part of tbe businees. Going into tbat country ia somewhat in Uie line of the Andrew expedition. A kinetoscope in Missouri has just beaten ths record for sensationalism . At tbe banging of William Carter at Liberty, in tbat captured tbe whole scene from the time the condemn ed man appeared on tbe sea Bold until after tbe fatal drop. It will be exhibited, but it is very doubtful If many will a ieli to see the horrible affair. They have two rival literary papers in toe society in Syracuse precinct oaung weesiy. Laut Saturday the pa per tbat was read amid tbat the editor of tbe other paper was caught with tue devil on his lap. As tbe devil is said to be a ynoog lady tbis caused a commo tion, and a pitched battle nearly follow ed. But it was only a joks and intended for fan. The Poutodum boys are a live crowd. Several California coaches are in Port land preparing the Portlands snd Molt nodrabs for tbe big Christmas foot bail game, to ba play ad in the afternoon. If you want to we tbe Dsxocsat man Christ ma i afternoon that is about where you will find bim according to tbe pres ent program. Mr Kelsay Porter wbo was recently banged in La Grande, uttered tbe fol lowing just before he pasted into etern ity : '-This is my last request cn earth. The real raose of my trouble is tbe way children are raised to try aod live too easy, regardleet ol tbe law of justice and right Parents, pleaae raise your chil dren with a principle that wilt defend their character." A Ban Francisco dispatch sat s tbat Francis M Waits, a real estate man, has returned from Astoria, Or. la conver sation be said: "With the completi-n of its railroad, Astoria will riral San Fran cisco in tbe amount of shipping ariiving at and leaving tbe port. Astoria is dee- lined to be the leading marine port of tbe North Pacific ocean. Nearly every! bushel ol grain formerly shipped from Portland will go to sea from Astoria. The many Portland friends of Dr Clyde A Duoniway, of Stanford Uni versity, whr- ia an A a ol Cornell and an A M and Pit D of Harvard, will be pies ted to learn tbat his "Doctor's The sis" has be-n awarded tbe Toppau prize in political science. While tne prise thus won is a material sain, the distin guished honor it confers places Dr Don- niway in tbe ranks of tbe leading schol ars of tbe world. Oregon isn. Dr Dun niway, a young man under thirty, was born 'in Albany, and tbe Mrs Man about Town once bad tbe honor when a very young girl, of roiling bim in a baby twig gy and tipping him out upon tbe side walk. The country hss s new meteor in tbe financial world. Jos. Leiter. ol Chicago, a yoong man of thirty, out of col?ege on ly six years, ia at tbe bead of the wheat manipulations oi tbe white city, a posi tion secured in six months, snd be con trols thirty million dollars slresdv. His syndicate is buying wheat right and lef, and already bas at least 6,000,000 bush els on hand. Leiter is the msn wbo says wheat will ko to $1.60 a bushel, and of course be win do his best to bring the pries np, bnt tbs affair ia now a gamb libg one.and if ths prise does go up some the holder of wheat had better not wait too long. Tbe following are a eamnle of he journalism in Portland : Prosperity is hit dis hloominir city and Plug hsrd . H H Wsgner made a raise is got a brand new stove-pips dioer. Under Socialism sll of us ould get s government jb. Its de only system where dees Is enough offices to goarouud. Lets all join de socialists. 'Think or starve" is de motto of de "New Time" magssine T ink and stai ve is as motto 01 dis paper, too. We lives on faith, 'cause ws aiut paid for our worse. Tbe Eugene Guard and the mayor are paving a live old quarrel on the tramp question. Tramps have been costing tbe city 75 to $100 a month. The tramps "ro vrcu umvcu, leu SDH put IO Work on the stree's, but instead of helping matters it hss made them worse if any thing. The old policy was to put tbem in the city over night and herd them out 01 tne city in trie morning, snd ths Guard asserts tbst it served tbe purpose just as well without any expense to the city. A good many columns have been Used in tbe discussion. The Klondike "kings" ars all falling victims of Cupid's wiles sines their re turn from tbe cold north. Following in tbe wake of "Swiftwater Bill" Gates' marriage in San Francisco comes the news from Plattsburg, N. Y., tbst Jos Lsdue, tha pioneer of tbe Klondike, was married there on ths ISth Inst. The bride was Miss Kittlo Mason of Schuyler Falls. Tbe wedding was conducted very quietly, and no one outside of tbe im mediate fsmilies was cognizant of tbe spproacbing marrisge. It is said tbat tbe couple became engaged years ago when Ladue was poor. Gentlemen wishing Christmas or their friends can find them at the Lad is i Bazaar. TELEGRAPHIC. after raina ONDon, Due. '21. A Gorman Chinese eoramusioa bas been arranged, Hccorriing tn a dispatch from Shanghai to the lhtily Mail, to settle the boundary of fie dia trict at Kiao Chon, and it i evident, therefore, tbat tbs occupa'ion will be p r-1 manenl. the same dispatch sat s it is rumored in Shanghai tbat the Bntitth intend to occupy fa-Lien-Wan, south of Tort Ai thur in order to guard tbe gulf of Pe-Cbi-Li. The aasaal Meeting Salkm, Dec. 21 .The annual meeting of tbe state board of agriculture was be d in tie capi'.ol to-lay. Nine of 'he eleven members were present. Holt and McAlister being absent.. All officers and superin tendents were re elected except Frank C Faker, wbo declined a renouiination for vice-president, and T F Walker, superin tendent of tbe dairy depart oi nt George Weeks was elected to succeed tbe latter. Mar be Serlaua Washisoton, Dec. 21 The depart ruent of state bas undertaken an investi gation of two very distagreeable incidents that may contain in themselves the of serious trouble in the neat future. Tbey are the killing by Japanese of two tailors attached tu the Untied Mates fleet on tbe Asiatic station. The exact condi tions under wbicb the killing occurred are not known here. - a De mar rati e Vlrtary oston, Deo 21. Major JosUb I putney, democrat, was elected today by a decreased pluralty over ex Mayor Curtis, republican, bit opponent of i-vo years ago, although tbe city went republican at the ttaU election last month. . ' Big Drawalag Tonawada, N Y Dee. 20. Tonight, on tiuot creek, tne ice aave wav and precip itated a party of four young people into the water. Three of tbem are drowned Tbs dead are: W A Newman, aged. 19 Win Hose Newman, aged. 10. Michael Coleman, aed 20. Ihe fourth memher of the party, MUs Lizzie Coleman, was rescued. after Btladeer WsniQTO!t, Dec. 20. Secretary AI ger today cabled to William AkeUraann, chief government reindeer herder, who is now in Norway, to inform tbe war depart ment immediately bow soon 600 reindeer can be hipped to this country. Tbeee are wanted to use as draft anatnalt in ie ing supplies to tbe miners iu tbe Klondike region. Tney must be liansferred at New York to railroads, aod in tbat msncer carried across tbe continent, aad again by sea from I be coast up to Dyes. Irw Tart's 14 Ie Nbw Vows. t ec. 20. According to tbe World, of 297.750 workers of this city. H tne records show tbat Stt.OTS are out ol work. Lvt year at this lime 125.375 were idle. Earnest Boebm. secretary ot the Central Lbor Union, estimates tbat fully 100.0UO persons are ia eatorsed idlenest. I bis estimate is probably very ... u i u taslaaS aatt Japaa Loxdoj-. Dec. 0. An unconfirmed re part is current oere that part of the Brit ib far eastern spuadron will be 'stationed at Wet-Hai-Hei. Ibis winter. If true Ibis indicates Ibat Great Britain is working in harmony with Japan, lbe latter power sun occupies nei-uai-net. (ending pay mfnt of tbe Cbioeae war iudemnity. Iaa T Saaw On aba. Dec 20. Another betry snow t'orrn is in progress in this state, Dorinc tbe last tea hours a grett quantity of snow has (alien, which, added to the fifteen in ches alread) oa the surface, makes it one ( of toe bear test snowfalls is the state's '. history. Out of tbe interior of tbe s-t tte snow is from t0 feet to thirty 1 cents in depth. As Waay as trrt WasuiOTOJf. Dec. No appoint ments will be made by tbe presiden dar ing the recess of congress except in case of emergency. IVpite tte announcement ol tbis fact, the somber of vUitors at the bi'e House today was unusually large. A Bis Stasaar Berrox. Dec 19. A prominent G-r- j man-Amcricao merchant of lbj city bast received a pr. vat cipher cable from Gr- J man capitalists adrising him to e-l out all his holdings ia Barton ixnjedi.telr It j is rumored that the cable dici.sJ a start 1 1. - i it- 1 1 uug wvy uDru uj imiouT, ana ex ,K. - t Af I. . . - loos German 9eU According 10 tbe di- ! patch, tbe fleet is really U-ir-g sent to ; a!ote supremacy tf the PadSc by seia ing Iiaail snd tamoa. Straws rHUintUr Lostviw, IVc. 19. -Tbe cempoodent of lbe Times at Peking say; China approves of tha Ruuo lropt wintering at Port Ankur, being p-ruaded tbat tbis action is tiken in lbe in'erert of Chins, and nranniUted by lbe ttrrmao occupation cf hiio Clou. A dispatib 'o the limes from httghai ssyatbe occaaatia of Port Artiur by Ruisia cannot fail to provoke pupular in dignation in Japan. A Bis Sr Loci, Dec. 19. One of the wvt sll storm ia tbe history of Texas pre- vailed in that .Ute today It is ipo. ble tonight to get any information from Dallas, tbe center o! toe storm section, a- all the wire are down- As shoving tbs t!01 iih' ,0B ,bt! tgrtvb COm BlalffllwA IBlll BP BBS SaA StAakSiaaV1 I 1 a 3 la S . 1 ka south than Waco, Marshal n tbe east. Eagle Pass oa tbe wtst. and some parts is the southern part of tbe Indian territory oa tbe north- , kill r at ereseaf My Okkiios Citv, Dec. 19. Mrs. Samuel Roake was tilled by tbe train at Eleventh strett crossing, in tbis city, last evening. A few minutes after tbe soul hi. 00 od overland train bad passed, tbe trackwalker David Close, founl the body Ijiog with tbe head near tbe oat si Ie of tbe easterly rail, and about 30 feet from tbe sHcwaJk crow ing. at the rear of tbe t'ongregational church. She bad been at cbun h t rrj Baabual Losdox, Dec. 19 The Madrid core spondent of tbe Standaid says: General Blanco ropoits that negotiotlons with sereral influential insurgent leaders are progreedng favorably; tbat be bopes to detatctj from I he rebellion important forces which are willing to accept autono my. Ths five senses are prettily illustrated in tbs following: Ons sees in mouotsin. vallcv. nlain. beauteous pictures enhance; another notes a cheerless msss, a lonesome spot, a drear expense. One hears ths busy hum of life as rhythms full of gladness; another bears discordant din that almost drives to madness. One sniffs an aromatic air and calls the fragrance sweet ; another smells tbe odor bad and mskes a quick retreat. One cmacks his lips with gnsto and enjoys a toothsome paste. Another sickens at tbe thought of its unsavory taste. One feels a glowing, tingling touch rod cheer from frosty air; another shiv ers, chilled, beuumbed with cold he scarce can bear. Lkavr othwo to Luck. But call on Will & Blurs for such thing in their line ss wiil suit you for holiday presents. They have a splendid stock of Jtweiry, Silverware, Novelties, , in the lstest designs as well as a fine line of watches, clocks, cut gins') war,A c. Tbey will will please you in goods and prices. A Fine Hcnter . Hopkins Bros., of this citv.have taken the ageucv for the nw International Domest'c Heater, which is a great thine forbousi keepers. It fits upon an ordinary cook stove snd beats the water in a tank without the old water back which so often destroys tbs cooking qualities ot the stove. They ut Uiza tbe waejte heat, taking the place of first joint of stove pips and are great fuel ssvers. They are sure to come into gen eral use. They can be seen at Hopkins Bros, hardware aod stove store. These heaters can now be seen in use at H. K. Iliydes and Councilman O 1 Dannals. The bejfc MsoTtoTfoTpTper, 6u velopea cards and printers stationary of all kinds in the valley. Smilkt the printer. O'BRI Selling at Cost. In order to liquidate our bills we shall sell our entire stock of Clothing, Furnish. ngGoods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Dry Goods, etc. O'BRIENS. T.J. CHRISTMAS We all appreciate the good think which come at Christmas time. We all now tbat tbe best ia desirable for the dinner- We know that we want tbe beet. Do you know tbe best goods lor your beet dinner are to be found at P. E. Allen & Co. You want groceries tbat are high class to go with tbe turkey. Place your Christmas order with oa and know tbat it will be all right. Yoor wants supplied in a manner tbat will make you especially happy New ar rivals are citron, seeded raiaeos, cleaned currants, lemon and orange peel. New Orleans molaeeee, mince meat. Hill's msple syrup, new buckwheat flour, etc. l E ALLEN & CO tj 9 fee ,vs f7p CANDY ( CJJ CATHARTIC j CURE CONSTTPATIOI THOMAS BRINK, I AH kinds of furniture I and bedding", and it Dealer iu yu want tne most complete flour safe, he has them and his i prces the iowest DOLLS WE Have Toys Ditto, About 2 bits a bushel Don't neglect your . . . soles . . ST LOIS RiXET STOR ! J , " .,. a e.v amain? UNN CO- ABSTRACT C3MPANK j ,,, - Albany, Oregon- ' Officss. Dins of Oregon duildiug. ! Only sef of Abstracts of Linn County . I Complete set of maps and p'ats Cbartes reasons b s T. O. Shaver. (Successor to F. L. Kenton ) SondSt. cprosite. Psmccbat office. Will constantly kep on band a good stcck of groceries. feb pr dues aad fmils, which wi I lie sold at living rnces. Ladies and Childrens Shoes . . "Cheapest in town." "4nleodid valuf s." 'Have found none f cheap' sre some of tne remarss made about my ladies and childrens sbopa, that 1 Isxe jus placed cn sale. W. R BLA1V (He puts the prior dow Good Money Saved' On Mens Goods. Shoes, Boots, Hais, Shirts, Ties and Suspen ders. Never Hip Pants Overalls, Blouses, gloves, etc, etc. Clos ing Our Sale. They wiil soon all be gone. W R BLAIN, (He Puts the Prices Down Commercial Printinq We bavs good stock, good and slew lyPe Bd presses and understand how to do good work and we do it at a very reasonable nrice. Iror neat and up-to- date job printing Call on. G. B MILLOY. i nuAPUaT row i: u ... HERCULES MAS AND ASOLJ?fE Built tn special sites for printing offices and factories. State your wants and write for prices and term. Illustrated catalogue furnished free upon app'lca- tion- - Amsbicam Tvfb Focndkrs Co. Portland, Oregos. ENS r O'BRIEN, Agt THOUGHTS. ALL DRUGGETS S. A SCH1FFLER k CO. Merchant Tailors Carry the largsst and most complete stock of Cloths ia the valley. 01. Siad in Fiinn BIsci. Dill' k anile Ui KAILRJAD : Sb-enis Line of ths World Til Ogisn & Salt Lake TO 111 Folnts East & Southeast Pullman Palace sleeping cats Pullman tourist cu-s Free re-'lining chair cars Ar run through on all trains. Best service Finest equipment Fastest time. For rat?s of fare and all in- rmation call on yonr near est ticket agent or address R C Nichol, E B Duffy, Qenl Agt, Trav Pass Agt, 251 Washington St, Portland. S K Hooper, GPiF Agt, Denver, Colorado. NORTHERN ill PACIFIC R. R. puilman Sleeping o'ara, Elegant Ding Oars, Toui8 Sleeping Oar' t Paul Minneapolis Duluth largo, Grand forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Butte TO ZdOUQH TICK E it TO si Chicago Ifashingtou Philadelphia !Jew ork ; goston and al. folnts East and South f Through tickdts to Japan ant) Ch pa, via Tacomaaad Northern Paclho steamshir, Oo., an American line. For information, time cards, maps ant? tickets call on or write 0 Q Burkhart agjnt, Albany, Or. ADCharlto". At Gen Pass agt Portland, O -r-CC 0 FOR SALE. Whereas, by the consideration cf the Circuit Court of tbe Bute ot Oregon for the County of Linn, In a caute therein pending wherein i M Moyer, L D Cole, K D Mover, and Mrs F F Croft were wo sre plaintiffs snd tbe Albany Woolen Mills Company, a corporation, was and is de fendant, a decree was duly rend'red.given and made on tbe 19th day of November, 1897, directing that the real property be longing to the defendant corporation and particularly described as follows, towit: Block one hundred snd fifteen (n5) in liacUoman's Addition to tbe Cty of Al bany. Linn county, Oregon, as tbe tame appears on record on tbe map' and plats of said city on file in tae omc ot tr e Uouuty Kecorder 01 Linn county, wregon, together with the buildincrs. fixtures, ma chinery and plant 1 hereon situited, known as tbe Albany woolen anus propeny. with tbe appurtenances, be sold by tbe undersigned, tbe receiver of the proper l;e. of the above named defendant, lbe said Albany Hooleo Mills "p'ant consists of the following, towit: Two 2) Set Davis k Furber 41x48 Iran Frame Cards complete; Four (4, sets Johnson k BaascU': e:f operating Jacks, 240 spindles eacb; Two (2) C'omptons 92 in. Fancy Looms, 27 Harness, 4x4 boxes; Six (6) Cromptoos 115 in. Cam Looa.s 2. 3 and 4 leaf, 4x4 boxes; Two (2) Cromptons 109 in. Fancy Looms 4x4 1886 pattern; Bix (6) Knowl.s 92 in Fancy Looms 30 Harness 4x4 box. In addition to the above there is s wcol opener, dastit-g machine, birr pUker, finishing machinery, drying ma chines, dye vats, soot asheis, and other machinery complete necessary fr finishing all kinds of wool gootis, Ttere is sUo a complete r.ullry attached to said mills. Now therefore, in obedience U said de cree and in accordance with tne terms and provirions thereof, the undersigned, as re ceiver aforesaid, wiil sell all and the wb?ie of the bfe'eir. before described propert upon the terms and conditions, and in to re flnnpr following: 1 be said property will be sold to tb highest bidder, one half of tbe purchase price to be paid n cash at tbe time of ibe delivery of the possession thereof o the pvcLaser, nanHy on or be fore April 1st. 1V.. and tbe balance an a credit of six months thereafter, without ia terst. with sccuiiiv to be approved by tbe court. Sealed bids for said property mnt Ie !ed with the reet-er at Albany, Linn coordy, Oregon, on or before the 5th day of February. 198. and each bidder is rninMt tn do-, ait with his Wd. as an earnest ot itood faith, a certified check. payable to the order of tbe receiver for the sum cf two thousand dollars (52000 00 Aoaallcersma Interested are neretsy notified, tbst upon tbe 7tb day of rebrn sry. 1". at tbe boor n ten o'clock a- ra. of said day at Use court house in tbe Cits of Albany, fjnn county, Oregon, all bid received b the satd receiver wia c open ed by the Hon H U Hewitt, judge of tn said court . Tbe id conrt, by virtue o said decree bereittofore referred to, re serves the r'.ght to reject any and alt bid for said property. Da"ed Dtcem -xr Una. jcj. Chamhs-baais A Thomas, L Fl'ss, Attorneys for Receiver, Chamber of Commerce, PotlaBd, Ures 00- Keceie A.5-iiy. O SajBW-aJMBJtv J SBSBBBSJSsajaw iixlo IU I Mb E A SITKTSICHOKS OS 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES CREAT NORTHERN VIA SPOKANE M1XKEA.PCUS ST. PAUL ASS CHICAGO OREGON SHORT LIKE VIA SALT LAKE DZKYER CttAKA an iaksas cm Lowest Rates to all Eastern Cities Ocban Steamers Leave Portland livery 5 days .. sua .. mi FRANCISCO i Steamers month Iv from Port jland to Yokohorua and Hong i Kong; via, T he Northern Pa-Icifiv-Steamship Co. ir. con- nection with u n ana a tmi. lafot cation sal oa CrsjtAX A MoNrciiH. Aibsnv.Ui a a W H KL"Kf.Klm. isn't. Pas .Asa Poland Oi. e va-As EXPCKISMC. 4 TRAOC MARKS, nitlRts. Itl"1 COPVKICHTS C Aunmssawniw a aksfk and iHscrtpOca Bar cai ar.raia. frv. wbbr an ibioi W amxUJr ralarlaKa. tajBn(U ttj-K-tJ IWMMW. OS3 trKtW11 Ofi' la Aaftn. lar a wiia oflfcoe. rwiu takn thraat Xa A ca. racaiT SBWUI BOtKM ta tb SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, tMattfallT innoratoa. Hrc- rtrreltAUm S anr KHwilr --urcni. StJ ffw.- SUVhx KHvitHa, MwMa wninolluxi feudal n" rAT&xn acot m. Aifclress MUNN & CO., SSI Brtaiast. Sew Vara. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe stockholders of the Albany Creanf ery Association wiil bo'd their annual meUng at tne creamery ouut ing on mt 13th dav ot January, at Ihe hour of 1PM the mrmss of electing fir di rectors and tbe transaction cf any other business that may come o iora tue meeting-December 15, 1S97. 1 J From as, EJSeatJtv, - President. Secretary. Maui Pliia lis. I wish to announce to the farmers with in the vtdnity of Albany, especially those interested in hoir raisintr. tbat I have rmr- chaaM the hog known as Common's ideal. No. ltbJ!3 recorded in tn American Pol and China Iw.'coid Co, the one tbat took the second premium al tbe fair this fall. He is a fine hog and a good breeder. 1 solicit the patronage and inspection of parties interested iu good boss, lie is accompanied ly a yearling of my own rais in which is recordable. I bavs three thoroughbred sows which I am raising pigs from. 1 have a few pigs at present for sale, all recordable. They can be seen at tbe Steels place, one mile norh of Albany. F H HLGUSOX. The Uardener WHY WILL iOU SUFFER WITn corns, callous s, in crowing toe nails and bunions. A E liess, tbe old-time chiropodist wiil remove l htm without pain or subsequent soreness, oo cutting, nor acids, but simply lanse a separation be tween the corn and fle4i and lift the corn out whole, with a pure vegetable oil. Cbarires reasonabls and satisfaction guar- enteed. No extra chartre for cailing at your residence or place of business. Koom 26 Ruse ous. F" OR SALE a a.""1 general delivery and Express business for sle ou au ctrnnt of sickness, one wagon and 2 CantakeAanreJanljt, W. Privw u. Call or write to tjeo W W He. ville, Oregon FODND On Ferry street. Albany, a pair of kid gloves,new or almost new. Cal fat tbs Postal Telegraph office. 1 rJLkEXg av t s at TERMS. m.LT DanocmAT, 2o em per month $3.00 per advance.. monlh not in advance. By earn, 10c " week. 10 per cent added if lowedu tun um iiJVBiui. oiugw Wkskxt. 11.25 In advance; fl.50 at of year: 11-75 for second year; $2 Oil e , tor pais bers S third and proceeding years, when not pai . advance. Clubs of five subscribers r 15 00. Four Fans For Sale. The following desiratls farms are for as la. Address McMaater & burrill, 311 Wor : easier hloctt. roruaol. I regon, or call on C G Burkbsrt, Albany, Oregon, for particulars: 1 . 1 6 acres, me nil w-st of Halsey , ia chs D L C of D W AUinb.c, i gee 35, T 13, S K4, W ffM, 35 acres ars e eared and under ca'tivai ioo, tie remainder beirg covered with small timber. MMdy Creek rons thrcagh tbe pioaerty. . There ia a small orchard. Krice $1300. ' 2. 80 aero; rniie S of Brownsville, iu theD L C of 8snal Johnson, is Sec 11, T 14. K 5, W W M. All cleared land 65 acres ander cs'tiva'ioo, all feoced, no baitdirgs. Frit $1300 3- 255 acres. t0 rr.i e" S of fVons m i!C4 13 and 4, T 14, 8 E 3, W W M. 120 scr era til iabla aad tbe balance is best soiled f piatnrage. "5 sere are noder crop, ia al' -ed, baa a gmxi sup ply of watr, gcod buildings aad orchard Piies $3250. 4 765 aero, six miles east of Lebanon in 815and 16. T 12. 8 EI, W W M. Tbis is a very good stock farm, of wbicb a boot 100 acres are Hi lab e. It is well wa'ered, ail feoced and bas ansae fair baildingi. Price $3500. Hair Price Store? Would t-e an appropriate r.ame for stcck of Boot's fur old aad young, offiafH books, offce. fixtures, files.inkstands, draw- ing tools, inks,guea, mucilages, art novel- j ties, envelopes, cheapest to tbe very finest ; arming paper, tablets, a large k of both;! boilers, pencils, pens, notion, biotting pads, tissue, etc, at the rate of 11 fworta , for SO cenU. W R. BLAIN. (He puts tbe price down FOR SALE A re a i ai Little Vllk wishes to sell his 10 acre tract, eon listing of 20 sres clea-vd.10 to be cleared, with 18 or 20 toss cf bay, 150 bushels of potatoes is tbe groaad. 10O bull U some cattle and tbeen. la a nice I Icr UCCC. ! EXECUT033 NOTICE. 1 Notice is hereby gtvea to all Mt I - - w f kwb ,hmt the mndniffneL niea nis nnai accofir-i in m-vervH estate of Thomas Utnpcr-y, deceased, tbat the county court of Linn county, (sob. ta fixed SatardayJanaaxy Sib.1 at the hour of 10 o'clock a m foe neai oMeetion to the same. AH persons dfr us of objecting tof samv re theretore counrd to tue socn jectkms with 'he clerk of said ecurt ri before said date. Alpest Ustf, Kbxlst & Cckl. Attys fcg ExccotJ!-. TREASURER'S KOI Notice is bereoy given that funds I on band tc pay city warrants Xos. f to 321 inclusive of Use issue of 1S97. terest on aid warrants will cease witif 3 date of this notice. Albany Or. Xov. 27, 1S97- City Treasurer, ilCECFRKAL SETHEKEKT No'iiT U herebv etvea that the under cLmed as execona at the last wid ar? trstameot cf F F Croft, deces.ed, has fik is tbe county coart of L so county. Ore gon. her final acccuat; and that said cor bat ap?o':n'e-J Monday, tbe 3rd of Janosw 133, at tbe hex" cf ten o'clock is f forvooon of said day. for the ln. objections, if any, tberrto, and hs tLen nt lh al- S Nov 27 to. D R N BLAcaarsrs. Mas Attv for fjcutrix. Execn taBMS aaTal Ycacaakma4 Iclkaaitm SSO aad t mm wmS. arfta taeaa afea 1 sroraacsaas tani aila, m r I t at Orn rrlairt ra. Taal - I as aaa ta atfilaS'tW far xMiSe a RwaTl a" SaaSvSsa aaai liaiaa aar wmaas (or 1 ajrf a. w- TmaSa. t alcaara. 1" ANTED. A few more en cents by the daj to sew. Mas R. fe. Ow WAS TED-UPRIGHT AXDF FULceoUemea or ladies to for re-pensibie. efr'ablisbi Orecoa. Monthlv 63 00 roeition steai?v. Reference seifaddressed stamped envelope. Dominica Companv, Uept. H, t bicsgwrj STEEH RAILWAY KOTICE. The motor on the Albany trtet ran waj will connect promptly with ail train o aad from tn depot, oaj ana nigni. Special trips wil' be o ade at spec a'e. I- V Coss. Coducto -arWT-AXTFllTRrSTYVOIirHY Afl W tire gentlemen or iadie to tr for respocsible. established boasJv Oretron. Monthly S65 00 and expeay Position steady. Reference. Endows af addressed stamped envelope. Tbe Dwm oa Compaey. Dept. Y Chicago. 1 Honey at 7 Per Getf I have a limited amount of mo xtr load on good security at 7 per cent iij est. five years or longer. laterest rJ annually Addre Bnt 12u. Aibanj. Oregon Uexthals & EASTERN R. R. CO, -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE v: m. Vainmsi lUv V.tll ihf WUOCVUU a s-ui"- mj SanFracciscofx YaQiua cay; STEAMSUIP COMPAS V. Slsaillj "PreaJeil" Sails from Yaauina everySdar- ssaa trancisco, vosiay,ru n st"n XI.. ... . FA6SSGXM ACCOMOOATlOSr TJ Shortest route between tte Valley aad California. Fars from Albany and points Ban Francisco OasiM 9s 3TKCBAGI Round trip good for 60 days To Coos Bay Cabin bteeratre J To Humboldt Bay ana rori ""ory. Whin tlG-M f - He rage 6 00 River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portland jnd Corvallis. through without layover. Leaves Cor rail .a :30 a. in. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sundays; leaves Port land, Yamhill street doc-, tirOC a. m. Mondays SVednsdaysand Frida;. Eowis Stob, JOMJ-rt Manager Sunt River Pi Ta Car CauiuaUMa varavai TkIii Outfamli rfetbartie. V30 It C. C. C tail to cure. SruKKUia reread Bios. laSaW7 -3 f r saw 1 theX