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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1897)
it i VOLXXXIIl Entered cfi tk.e Foot Oflet at tlbaay. Or. at Beesad-Claaa Hall HalKii ALBANY OREGON. FRIDAY. DKCEAfBER 24. 1897. r r JU1TISC Tm Prsarleter Ml. 21 -7 I t r 1 If 5 AcgctablcPrcparationfcr As similating theroodandRcgula ting theStomachs and Bowels of 33n RomotesDieslion,CltteTfuI Ttess and Hest.Coatalns nciOier Gteiutn,Morptune iior Mineral. Not NAac otic. WZf li-SIXCllElTC-ER Abctmam Iaiiri7i f Aperfeet Remedy for Cons tipa uon,Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca. and Loss or SLEEP. . Xac Simile Signature of XEW "YORK. r 1 lf "WIV fit , 3 EXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. m ow Oliver Best on earth. Everyone knows the Oliver plow. Sold only by HOPKINS BR the opening! "Bate OF ALBRNY FOR Thirty-First Year is Septemoer 15, 1897. Ilis facilities for a fine Higher Edacation offer ed by tMs institution are of a Mgh orer. Iab c UegB is laorougn in all its work. 5hs faculty is mane up of specialists in many jines Albany is a safe ana" pleasant residence for young people. Eie college offors thorough comes ia cinsiD, commsrciil wori, nonnil academic and collegiate studies. The new Ca'a'ogaemay be ohtaiue3 upon application. Correspondence imrited. y Wallace HowLee, President. 1 : . ' oftlKo arness. n aril iif,M winn wnixami "at cost. naVing pUIUItWCU IHV OIAWV va sav. ness and saddlery ot Powers cc 10m- linson we will sell all the present stock of harness irmke room for a Now is the time harness at cost TOMLmOtf a L 3 AMY CIGAR FACTORY . .iOsKi'l' proprietor SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF- 13 ON THE WRAPPER OF EYEBT .BOTTTF, TP Caztoria li p-st cp in oasU bottles anly. It is act acid ia balk Don't allow acyooa to call yoa aavthinr else an tlte t"a or vromiaa that h 1 is "just aa rood" and "will ixswer every ft pose." -Eoa thst ysc get C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A 2s MZ . . sET hea Plows Nil II lH IMS OS. Albany Oregon. BOLIM THE RAGTIWli xiarness, ai cost ior casn, iu complete new stock. to get a good set of & DUBRUILLE. WHEAT. New York May 9S7'c. Chicago 92,io. San Francisco 83.6-3 Albany 64c. Liverp!gl,Jf,h'fttier. Rports?!ijaiitrou8 raina in Argen tine are liable to affect the price of wheat in the right direction. i REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by the Linn County Ab stract Company, for the Democrat for the weekfnding Pec. 14th, 1897. Geo Woodward and wife to E A Uoodnough, wty deed. T 14, 2, w 559 acres $ 2500 Cbas GoOdnougu and wf to L A Gooanough, qt cl 480 seres, T, 14, J, w S A Hulin and wf et al, to Antoa O Toaier, T 15, 4, w 125 acres. . . E J WBionghbyet al by sheriff to Wai Carnes, T 16, 3, w 320 acs E X McOaw and wf to RB and Aana M Stewards, wty deed, 21" acres J McKonkie and wf to Keziah Gibbs, wty deed, tract in town of Peoria E J Penect and wf to W E Gibbs wtv deed, See.10, T 13. 4, w 6 A Phillip Faal, by sheriff, to J E Yeoman et al, tax deed, Sec 15 T 9, 1, w 60 acres Sam King, Jr, to J E Keoman, qt cl deed, und , of Sec 15, T 9, 1. w 40 acres J E Yeoman and wf to dm King Jr, qt cl deed, nnd i bee 15, T 9, 1, w 40 acres The Elk's Bill. 2000 850 1400 37 Some very pretty invitations have been Usued to tbe grand New Years ball and reception ot the Albanv Lodge of Elks, No. 359. Grand march at 10 o'clock sharp, reception from 8 to 10 o'clock To ba given in their hall. Tickets in cluding banquet $2.50. Following are the committees : Reception J K Weatherford, C G Bursbart, W R fiilyeu, S M Yoran, R W Mitchell, F A Moore, Fred Page Tustin, Edwin Stone, Otis Patterson. Invitation J A Wilson, P J Smiley, C G Rawlings. H J Hopkins, W F Pfeiffer, J H Howard, T Howard, J R Wjatt. General arangenenta J R Wyatt, Henry Hopkins, H J Sower. P J Smile. J A Wilson Floor managers H J Hopkins, H J Sower, J H O'Neil, DrWH Davis. J A Wilson, E J Seeley, J R Wyatt, J C Mayo. R B Montague. J A Cummin?. A M Cannon, Albert Sternberg. Resolutions of Condolence. WiitKEAS. the Almishtr hath seen fit I to remov from our midst, our belcred friend and brother, FriUZuhlsdorf ;b it Reaolve.1, That we, in behalf of his classmates, do hereby offer words of condolence to hia bereaved relative and lrirnd Be it further Resolved, That a copy of (lies, resolu tion be sent to the family of the de ceaaed, and also to the weekly papers of Alhany for publication Signed bv Anna Marshall, Mr rie Gas ton, Edna Lear, Florence Marks, Alma aievere, committee. Will Go East President A. B Hammond, of the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad, ia out on the line of th road making a personal inspection of the work. When he returns to Astoria he will meet the chamger of commerce and the Astoria Progressive Commercial Association to discuss method of adver-1 using Astoria. When be Khali have j compietvd this work be will go . east on buainefi connected with the company. Portland Tribune. On tbia trip Mr. Hammond. It is undrstood, will com plete nis arrangements for the money lor extending ttie Uorvallta tastern R. R. The CABorwLQcABTrrand Prof. Fle k at the onera house on Thursday evening, Dec 30. The Statesman says of the lat ter: The few who have heard bim are unstinted in their praiecf bim as a great concert player, lie has a Urge reper toire of- the greatejt concert numbers played by the world'a greatest players. The flatterirg precs notices that he has received, both in Europe nd America, are a very sure guarantee, that his play ing be:3iagnmcent. Mr. Meek is a na tive of Vienna, Australia, a graduate of the Imperial Conservatory of Music at St, Petersburg, Ruesla, and a pupil ofj Anton Kubenetem. A Kcpobt. vonsiUerable interest was taken in a report today that A. Be:ker and nine others bad been drowned at tkiguay, but Mrs. Becker knew nothing about it, it and could m.t be traced np. Mrs. Rev. J. T. Abbett arrived home on the afternoon local after a three months' visit in the east. She came dir ect from Hals ted Kansas, and reports having had a very enjoyable trip. Eu gene Kegister. Capt. Knhn, of the S A returned ves- terdav to his work at Roeeburg, alter a vacation of two weeks. It is reported that the ( apt will some day return with an Albany young lady as Mrs, Kuhn. Jay Swank was brought from Lower Soda to bis Home t Lebanon yesterday evening. He was brought by ten men in charge of Dr. Lamberson, who had re gained with him from the time of the accident. He is gradually improving and will probably recover, a result not expected at first. - The Boston Beacon, discussing the new play, "The Physician." in which Maud Hoffman, appears, savs: "Miss Maud Hoffman, as the heroine, Edana Hindes, W charming the has made tremendous aius since she began ber career here in Boston some lour vears szo. and even in the pabt year. She plays the heroine With n'ce discretion and excellent judg ment throughout, and in the scene where she overhears ber lover's confession of tils weakness to the physician a scene wkeie a hint of overdoing the horror and consternation that overcame her she arises to the full requirements of self-re pressed, overwhelming - despair. Her future is certainly one of great promise aco. her work in Mr. Willardi other plays with be looked forward to by ber many aanurers in uoston. Mr A M Talt last evening was aoDoint- I ed lion County agent fur the Ladies I Home Journal, br W H Daniels the Pa- cific Coast agent, and will push tbe work tor to greatest or ladies journals. In lenognrion of the prowess in win-? ning tbe college championship of tbe Pa cific northwest tbe O A C football eleven has bee presented by John Rtckard with nve no tat turkeys. iqi j r In all the world there Is no other treatment 0 pore, so awaet, o aafe, so speedy, for pre serving, parifjtag, and beautifying the akin, calp, and hair, and eradicating every hu mor, aa warm baths with Cdtkicba Boap, and gentle anointings with Cuticuha (oint ment), the great akin core. Iticira tm old ttsMMiwHmvt thm worlaL. VOTM Vro rCHM. fjuBPtsol Pnp, Boston. a-"AU About Uu Sua. gulp, ud Utlr.'tnt. Mi 11 DEATH OF IR, CRAWFORD. Dr. Geo. F. Crawford died at 5 o'clock this morning at his home in Corvallis, where he had resided only a few weeks. The Willamette valley thus looses one of its pioneer and most respected citizens. The immediate cause of his death was dropsy. Dr. Crawford was born in Grayson countv Virginia, on January 1, 1818, and thus lacked a few days of being eighty years of age. He niovel to Warren county. III., in 1844, where he studied medicine and wai admitted to practice as a physician. He was married in 1845 to Miss Mary Giltuour, who survives him. In 1852 they moved to Albany, in and near which he resided the remainder of his life. His record was a clean one.snd he leaves a name for integrity and fair dealing of which his family may be proud. Besides a wife, 6ve children survive him, Mrs. T. L. Dugger, J. G. Crawford, W. W. Crawford, Orville and Helen Craw ford, weil known and prominent residents of this city and vi:inity. Mr. Crawlorl represented Linn countv in the state legislature twice in a credit able manner. He was president of the Albany Farmers Co. for a good many years. Though owning a large farm Dr. Crawford resided in Albany for; man t years. His death will be greatly regret ted. Funeral services at the residence at Ellsworth and 4th streets tomorrow morning at 9 :00 o'clock. Following will be the pall bearers t L. E. Blain; P. B. Marshall. L. C. Marshall, M. rayne.E. V. Langdon.C. H.Stewart. LEBANON. Miss Edna Allen, of Albany, was the guest of Miss Magers Sunday and Mon drv, returning home Tuesday. G. W. Cruson ha ssld his hardware store. The name of the new company is the Lebanon Hardware Co. For the present Mr. Cruson is employed as man ager. Mrs. F. U. Hickok returned home Sat urday from a two months' visit to Los Angeles, San Fiancisco, Stockton and other California lowns. She says she had a very pleasant vUit.' Arnold A Lampman's Greater New York high class vaudeville comoanv will show at the Band ball Friday tvenine. Dec 17. Matt. Farlev. superintendent of the Waterloo woolen mills, has resigned He passed tbroueh Lebanon Mondav on bis war to Dal Us to take a position in the woolen mills there. C. E. Uoolbrook andO. W. Thompson. of Salem, were in Lebanon a couple days this week. The former advertised that he would give an exhibition of mesmer ism and hypnotism Monday evening, bui the audience was to small that be post poned the exhibition, and the next day Mr. Thompson and the "Great Hoi brook" walked out of town. X. B. Further particulars next week. The vonne men of the ''Tammanv" club organized last Saturday otght an ! adopted by-laws. They named the club the loons- Men's Social Reform Club They elected officers as follows: Geo S Gilstrao, Manager; Lewis Crandall.Jobn nope, td L mphrey, Arthur Haidy, Ljle Baker, Assistant Manager: ti W Crasoo, Pre: Henrv Smith. Vice Pres: Herbert Simpson, Sec- W VY Eikins, Treas. Af ter the election of officer the club was given a royal banquet at Miller' hall, by the ladies of Lebanon wbo wished to en courage them in their new wort. The club has rented the vacant bonding next to Dr. Foley drag store, and will soon occupy their new quarters. Oatville. As we sit sod listen to the patter ot the rain we feel happy that we are in a land where excessive cold and storms never come Smitli of the corner store is 1 yicg in a supply of 'wood for a coid day and alo a supply of candy and nuts for the holi days. Mr. Will Barton will accept our tbauks for a nice piece of beef. Come again ! Mr. Tom Kadford and wile are visit ing Mr. Ks brother Mr. James Morgan. We are glad to announce that Jim is get ting along all sight. e are euad to see the familiar note of oi.r "dear friend" Belinda Jane again. Where have yon been so long? n hue e were in Isngent last week we made some inquiries about cur fel low scribe "Vouog America." learned that one youn lady heard from him frequently, bnta? we were in a hurry. Y. A. or we wi l give you away. Sabe! Miss Stella Hamill save us a nice loaf of bread of ber own make, wtucn we found was very good. "They who give to the poor loan to the Lord" and a goad a-t is never thrown away. Anseline" call as yon pass and we will goto "Smith's" and get some candy. tie has some of the nicest in town, lie u-e and call (?) Messrs. Palmer and Mark Curtis passed through here yesterday. We asked them if the "aaveof prosperity had struck them yet. Tbey were not slow in inform ing as that on account of the condition of their farm the "wave" hd pased clear over them. Beggars have come to our town. They don't want food nor clollun. nothing but silver. They want it to buy randy for the Xinas tree. Pro Bono Publico. Nika halo chickmen. Nextl Lmui Rosa Bi n. List of Patents. Granted to Pacific Coast inven tors this week. Reported by V A Snow A Co. patent attorneys, Wash ing ten, D. C. H Anderson. Summ.r. Wash, stirrup: II P t hese, Salem, Or, stovepipe-bolder; A G Dehlin, Seattle, Wash, potato parer nd sheer: W X Lvon, t'ortland, ur. dental appliance; S E Maxon, Portland, Or. ventilating show-wiudow: W Mas- cher, Portlmd, Or, relief-valve tor toree- pumpe; U M weymano, ban rranct3c: Cal, electric elevator controller. tor copy of any patent send 10 cent in postage stem ps with date ot this paper to V A Snow & Uo., Washington, U v. Card of Thanks. In onr sorrow, connected with the last' ta jf kl ndness snd affection to an age i I nsoand and father, we do not forget to I xpress our neartietttnanks to irieods in Corvallis, wbo assisted as so kiudly in starting upon the sad journey, to the I old friends who assisted in the short fun-1 eral services in Albany : and to the old neighbors at Sand Ridge wbo performed tbe last aina acts, io you one and an we feel deeply grateful May you wneul called upon to undergo a similar be reavement meet with like kindness and affection. Mas. M. E. Cba wibd and family. Houcay Excrwnox Rates. It has been arranged by tbe OO&h It H Co. to make a holiday excursion rate of 1 1-5 fare for round trip tickets good between 11 river points. The ticket will be on sale snd will be good going from De cern oer 23rd to 28th inclusive, and to re turn January 4th, 1898. J C. Mayo. bup't mver Division Home Urst. The World afterwards. Get good grcceiies for your family. Conn & Hus ton keep the best, which thev soli at the lowest possible prices. Fresh vegetable and fruits according to tbe season, always on nanu. A fine line of crockery. Don't Guess. Perfumes ar carta into please ber, especially when yon give Pal mer's, the best. Hoe our assortment in fancy boxes also our iine of Toilet cases, albums, glove and handkerchief boxes, comb brush and mirrer seU. All new and op to date goods, ws ask your inspection. bUBKHABT A LVB. WHEAT. Friday noon Dec, 17. New York 03c. Chicago 81?4'c. San Froncitco 83c, Liverpool, no change. Am Hoi aUiitiND Death. A letter re ceived this morning from Seattle an nounced the safe arrival there of Dr. G. W. Maston on the last steamer from San Francisco. 114 had intended going on the ill-fated Cleveland, and was on his way from Inalsside to take the steamer when a collision occurred with the San Jose train and 'the train was delayed so long that when the doctor arrived at the wharf the boat had been gone aa hour; otherwise he would have been in the wreck land probably drowned with the others. The Doctor will leave in a few days for Alaska to look over the field, be fore retiming t Albany. A marriage license was issued to Frank Tharp and Addit Flock this week. Ga setle. . . . C. B. Winn wid go to Sacramento this week to fill a position In the W. F. office during the holidays. The funeral of fcjr. Q. F. Crawford was largely attended this forenoon. Mrs. Reed, of Lebanon, made the talk for the occasion. W. E. Foster, upon whom an opera tion ior appenuicitis was performed, is gradually improving and is thought to oe out oi canger. J. H. Thatcher, the telephone man, Is in the city. Mr. Thatcher is about to let the contract for three thousand telephone poles. Among the Udder j aie the San- tiam Lumber C , of this city. Mr. Mark Peery ia the new C. C. of the K. of P. lodge of Scio. W. E. Savage is the commander of the Maccabees and Mattie Savage of the L O. T. M. J. Simpson is the new N. G. of the Odd Fedows. A reunion of the Apollo Club was held lagt evening at th residence of Dr. i, C. Littler, to be followed later bv a reor ganisation of it. Avervlive as well as musical time was bad. games were plsy- i ana a nae mncn served During the evening Prof Lee attempted to make a speech, but tbe report is it never ended. Did Mr. Sear Steele Irving' Sox. If you hear such a report deny it. Those present were: Mr and Mrs G S Ache ton, Mr and Mrs. Sear Mr and .Mrs EE Goff, Mr and Mrs 8 N Steele. Prof Lee and wife, Mr Simon ton. Miss Mildred Burmescer, Clem Irvin, Mis Ina Mc Culkugb, Prof Sox, Marguerite Hopkins Mrj fc BroD, ai Anns Fort miller Mr and Mrs Veal, and Mr Yard Littler' The marriage of Miss Amelia Met. chan to Mr. B Frank Meredith was. cel ebrated on Wednesday evnning at the Dome oi air and Mr 1'hil Metchan on State street. The ceremony was perfor med at 8 o'clock bv Rev G W Grannis. of tbe M E church, Miss Lillian Met chan played the .edding march. The onus entered upon the arm of her fa ther. Miss Lena A Itorkhart, Portland, maid of bonsr preceding them to the lavifhlt decorated parlcr. where the bride and groom took a position beneath a bo neb of mistletoe Frank A French, of Th. Da'ie. was best mai,. The bride was richly attired in abite crded i k, with a train trimmed to point lace and carried a boqoet of whit carnations tied with white satia rolj n, her cos tome being completed with a heavv white veil. Journa1. Wedoealay ereoioi last, the friends and neighbor of Mr. and Mrs. Cbaa. LaFolIett gave them a very pleasant farewell reception at the home of Mrs. L' parent, Mr. and Mr. Niinrod Pricv. Mr LaFoltett and family intend leave to a few davs for Southern California. expecting to 6nd a borne in or tear the Ked Lands" district tc that state. hence iLts gathering of friend. A most eo lov able evening was spent and a very iovit ing lunch was served brought in by the neighbor. Tbe everinz'e service) of ong closed with the hymo, "Blest be th Tie that Binds." Tbe following are the principal families represented: A Her man's, Kodine'a.Dav son's, M. Froman' Tbo. and Frank Hooter's, Laei!es, Perry's, Peeb'er's. Parson's. Payne's. Tiilason's, and Walker's. The Scio creamery ca cioreo tor aaLile. The new M E church at ktcMionviile ia to be dedicated next Sunday. Eugene Uto bave t poollrvsboa' Iiec 30. 31 and Jaeaary I. Tbe preparation aid prizes indicate a successful affair. TkeAlbant TraJirg Co haareuled toe at. re lately occupied oy Grabeni A Kob ann's implement stock sod aboot the first of tbe year will move into it See tbeir new advertisement. Faber. tbe Allans brewer, sold 0 bales of hop from his Corvallis store this wet to a Sn r ranas- firm. They were from tbe Wbitaker yard. Tbe pnoe could no! be learned, but it it Uougbt tba', it was about IS cents Corral I u Uaxette Uarecce Turner has been SDcointed lo cal agent for the Portland lnbuoe. and will start out with a good ltt of auWri ti ers, iiie rnbuoe will be delivered everv noon immediately after the arrival of the 1'ort.and train. Lena L QowelL the cirl fir whom tbe county judge baa been meeting a guardian has at last found a troxl home. Mrs M E O Kelly, wife of tba pulx of the EvanI gel toil Church, ha been appointed ber guardian by tbe court. Corvallis Gazette. The four years detail of LieuU Dentler as militiry inttrustor at tbe Oregoa Agn- cultuanl college expires Feb 14ih. and he expecti then to leave immediately and join his regiment at Fort Apache. Arunna ii-enameot b;s successor has not been learned. Gazette. A San Francisco dinpatcb aa that tSe general opinion of shipping men l" that the three masted schooner reported by the impress ot India, as anore three nines outside the Carmanan point, ia the Bella i be Uelu waa commanded by Captain i bmi'b. She was built at Acme, Oregon in 1?V7, und is owned at l equina. Or The Corvallis cidsr mill this fall nianu factured 35,000 gallons of cider from II 600 bushels of apples. Thin Blood "Where the Mood loses its Intense red grows thin and watery, as ia anemia, there is a constant leeling- oi exnaus tion, a lack of energy vitality and the'sptrits depressed. Scott's Emulsion i ri rt;! with Hvoo phosphites of Lime and Soda is peculiarly adapted to correct 4 this condition. T he cod-liver otC emulsified to an exquisite 1 xinenesSr enter anrl feeds its every corpuscle. restoring the natural color and system. The hypophosphitcs V1V111V TiF ... reach the brain and nerve centres and add their strength ening and beneficial effect. If the roses have left your r f- it w. a orennrinrr l.ircc&Jf u r thin and exhausted from over- S work, of aire isbeginningr to telL use dull i o ximut- s Biurt you ft SCOTT'S EmuUlon . All drusirUnj yx. and ii.oo. J SCOTT A BOWNE, Chcmltu, Nw York, BwCCCCis- A Corvallis View. From the Gazette : Corvallis to get the name and Albany (perhaps) tbe game is the latejt evolu tion of the road, which started out as the WilUmette Vslley A Coast Rai road. There is not unmixed joy in the above news. The honor there is in the name will hardly compensate Corvallis for the loss of the central otlices, bus it is under stood, however, that fn the articles of in corporation the bead office is not defin itely fixed at Albany, but it is a case of perhaps. As tbe "business end" of the road will, of established where it will be most convenient, and a Mr. Hammond need not necsssarilv give Corvallis anything, whatever chauges are made, our people can only smile and ssy they like it. Mr, Mayo said to a Gazette that he had little information to give more than that in the Dexochat ar tide. He knew, however, that the cen tral offices would remain at Corvallis for several months, anyway. Cobi bcj fiitioGE. The disabled ap proach to the Coburg bridge ha been taken down, and the commissions court has hired L. N. Honey to superintend tbe construction of a 100 toot span in place of the same. He is ordering the proper timbers today. Tbe court concluded to d the work at once and not advertise for bids a the road is travelled a great deal and it was thought best to do tbe work with the smallest possi ble delay. Guaid. On Dsc. 30. Of Salem's nomeron trios, quartettes, glee clubs, etc., the Caidinal Quartette is one of the most popular. Accompanied by Prof. Fleck, Salem' ta'ented pianist, this accomp lished quartette will give a concert in tbe Albany opera house Thursday evening Dec. 3kth. Those forming this company are: Misses Genivieve and Ethel Hughes, Miis Esther Collin and Mis Oskie .Mathews Salem Journal. The stock of A B Croasmaa k Co. was sold yeaterday by A P Wiliis, assignee, to A bram Bros-, of San Francisco, for 60 ceo's on the dollar. wbL-b. including the tbe fixture, realized $9456. The value of the stock. a inventoried at coat priee. waa 5.423 .67. Tbe amount received, with otwr aaaeU, will probably pay cred iiors aUtut 60 cents on he dollar. Oregcn in. Tbe Postal "Telegraph Co proposes lo spend $l,000,0u0 in reaching oat into new territory. Tbsy intend to extend Ike line in the Meet, to Ogden md Salt Lute, en tering lbs state of Utah. Wyoming. Mon tana aau Idaho, lbs chance are that tbey will sooter or later have lines to Klon dike. BLra Rnrra Mixes. George A. Dyson, of Brownsville, is in receipt of a Utter from Mr. J. E. McCsuley, now at Blue river, which as: "Mr. Cbadocey Date is now in Portland, organising a stock Company to work the old Excelsior mine. tie shipped out 300 pounds of ore from hi seven-foot ledge, to Professor fric. at Sao Francisco. Cal , and had the same worked by tbe free-muling process, and it yielded at tbe rate of $51.72 in gold per ton. Now, when $10 ore would pay a profit in this camp, w bst will the above pay ? The new company eipeot to have their stock all taken by responsible parties this winter, and in the spring they wilt be p re pa re 1 to put in a miii and commence work on a large scale, and thus be tbe pioneer in taking gold from this camp." A Bio Covraacr. The Telephone company bave jnst let tbe contract to Hemes vav & Buct bolder, of Cot tape Grove for 1 4.000 cedar pole and 19,000 red tir crota arms, tosoe used ia tbe line between Eagn. and Redding. Calif., to be deiivarsd wysApril 1, l&ta. It wilt take a force of onfe hundred men to get them, cnt Railboao Rraoa. Rose bars Review: There are rumor in railroad circle that a role will be put in force on the first of January prohibiting paseeoger from riding on imgbt train. It is also by lie ved that the Rosebors local will then be rao rybl through to California, giv ing tbe psop'.e south ol Koseburg two trains a day. This change is said to be couleojo'a'ed because of an expected in crease of passenger busioess, mainly oa account ot tte Kloodtke excitement. G. A. R. Or ncrns. Folloaing "were elected last evening to serve tbe coming year: Commandsr, DevHTorbet; S. V., Ribert Brown; J. V., W. B, Babbell; chaplain, J. B. Barber; office of the D., John Catlin; surgeon, J. I. Miller; of ficer of tbe guard, C. M. Wcetbrook; quartermaster, W. D. Breckeoridge del egate. J. K. Davis; council of adminis tration, J. P.Galbraith and S. S. Train. SnortD Hays Besx Massla touts. Tbe Dallas Observer speaking of tbe Logan trial saya: Laying aside all friendliness for the Logan family, end due allowance for tbe young man' ge. the general consensus of opinion l that tbe evidence justified the finding of manslaughter. As x ior to Bowi Tbe bow'eri in and around Scio think tbey can make an in teresting game tor an Albany team ot bowlers, and are willing and anxious to trot them a beat," if arrangements can be made to tbat effect, Scio bas good material, but ia lacking some in practice, nevertheless tbe team has confidence and wsnt a game with some ot the Albany teams. Scio News. kdir No 20 All member of Com y F, Second Regt O N G are hereby erea to assemble at tbe Armory on day Dec 19!h 1S37 at 7 o'clock P M in cnifotm, ta attend devine service t Coogregatiooal Cborcb. By order Capt MD Phillips. Regardless ot Cost. Julius Gradrohl intends to go out of the crockery and glassware business, going in to some other line of business, and hence wid sell bis goods of this kind regardless of cost. When ou call and get his priest aou will be convinced tbat he means bti ness, aud will believe what he savs J. Gradwohl Inform the general public that be isll as low as aayboJy in the city tor tub. Come and get prices bftfore you buy April 1st, 1897 . J. Ueadwouu A Bakrki of genuine maple syrup at parker Bros. Take your buctet and get ome. It is cheap but good. TlltS UK51 Clothes raks snd ironing boards are made bv L. B. Davidson Sample a Hopkins bro., where order may be left. The best arsortment of piper, envelopes cards and printer stationary ot all kinds in tbe valley. Smilkt the printer That clean sharo effect on our printing ia had bv knowioir how to do rress work and bv naiog tbe bet material, still the once is no higher than tne muer xina - . . .. ., , Smiley, tbe printer. TO CURE A C'fLD INOJtgJ DAY Tnlr Liv.tive Kroiuo Qjinine Tablets All drugjis refund the money it it fail o Cur. 25c. For Sale. w A wall established and good .paying business in Albany. Inquire at the Ladies Bazaar. Catarrh Cured. A clear head sno weet breath secured with Suiloh'a C arrh Kioiely: said)' Vt Sc Misjn A STVUsn Line of dress skirts, ia tbe n.m ntlnman nlaiilu. bracado silk, creoon anc serges are being shown at the Ladies bazaar. Ladies wishing something sice for the Holidays should secure one at once. Rsyal asakss tb to4 pars, wbelcsoaM and delicto. PQVDER Absolutely Pure Wal POtWOr fin.. MfW WML. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL A Mr. Hawkins, of Albany, an attor ney of that city, was in Toledo Wednes day, ur. Uawkma i seriously con templstiog locating in Toledo and eo gaging in tbe practice of law. Leader Mrs. A. Becker received a letter last night irom her husband to come to Skag- wj ai once ana aiso lier,t)rother,ss there was plenty of work, lhere was nothing in the drowning report. Mr. Becker win leave oa edoesday. Mr C F Lafaliet and family will leave tonight for California to locate. Judge J tar . . ,. . . oa airs n oive ton, ol baiein, are in tbe city to see them cff. The best wishes of many friends will go with them. Miss Rose Bloch. Portland's leading vocalist, will sing twice at tbe Elk' re ception, in ttia city on New Year eve., Dec 31. A good many Albany people bave desired to have th privilege of bearing this tal ncd soprano. A recent letter from John Simpson announce mat Mmsell and lataiiy are in tbe best of health. They bave San rrancisco next ednesdav for Los An geles. Tbey recently made a trip through tbe Hopkins' residence, and were amaz ed at its elegance Corvallis Time. B F Ramo'and son. Rollie. will leave next w elnesday for Tacoms, on their was to Alaska, the latter (or th mine. O u Moon, John Iaoro, jr., and Tom Simmon will take the next steamer at Portland, for Alaska, with the mine in view. A Successful F-ntcrtaiament. A verv large crowd was present at the opera house last night on tbe occasion of tbe Festival of the Holidays, arranged and presented by the members ot the Congregational church. It was a mark ed success. Booth, nkelv decorated, were ar ranged around the room, representing tbe different bolidavs, one St. Valen tine's day tbe big heart would tell that in which delicious enroa as kept ior sale; Washington's birlhdav . tbe 4th of Jalv with iu ice cream, alaay. relished; Christmas wuh its store of suitable things for Santa Clan' pack. Then there was a Klondike booth witb iu mine of pennies aod IrigiJ things. Tbe a hole presented a tair use appearance. At 8 o clock a f ne program ws be gan, with Jadge HU as master ot ceremonies. Tbe new orchestra waa heard at the opes ing and afxerwaras, giving some excellent music grtatiy appreciated. A drill by fonrSlitUeenrle, in , white dreseewani night cApffT bduLifoJ tbuig and received ae app.ane it de served. Mia Olg Hewitt u entitled to credit for the excellent arrangement of this. A tableau had a prMty effect. M'te Porter, of Corva.lis, a popil of Mis Helen Crawford, assisted by Miss Pratt a reader, presented in pantomime r aradise and tbe reri, and with a t boron of voice, "My Failb Look L p to Tbee," displaying grace and exce.lent training. Mis Maud Laoghead a a htard in a humorous recitation about tbe boy and hi printing free tbat caused a lot of trouble, a tainting presses sometimes do. The Mandolin Clob a usual pleased tbe audience with a eSl rendered selec tion. Rev. Poling an singing "I Fear no Foe" received a hearty encore. The program doted witb a ribbon drill and tableaux by sixteen ladies, nia"i bv Mr Craw, well earned out, a drill of graceful maneuvree, illum inated by pretty face and nice manner. The booth were vara uoeraiiy pauuu ixed, and sociability prevailed. Lbxa's StATaMiEvr. In view of a form er residence in Albany and considerable interest taken in tbe matter here, we publish tbe folloaing statement in tbe Times from Lena Howell : In reply to Mr. Woodie' letter jobheheJ in the Time of December 1 lib, in respect to his treatment of mvself.and also the conduct ot Mr. Emertck.I hereby give a most em nhatic denial to his statements in regard i to Mr. Emenck. who ha done nothing but befriend me and tried to protect me from tbe cruel treatment to which I have so lone been subjected bv Mr. aod Mr Woodie. Further proof of all I have stated can be given to anv one deeiring if they will applv to me at Kev.u rvei- ly at any time. Pascbr Hiard i-'aoji. Mrs John Parker, of Portsand. bas recently re- eeivmi a loiter from her husband at Dawson Citv . He had prospected some, but bad struck nothing of value. At the time of writing he and bis partners were getting out logs op the river ready to raft them down and DU11U a UO'iee wr i he winter. He had plenty to eat, and his letter did not indirate tbat starve tion was prevailing. Capt. Smith. Capt. Smith, who ha haen naviralinir the Willamette since 1451 in toinonnw t'ortund lnnune, which will arrive on tbe noon train, will criva a reoiinircent account of river navigation, covering the historv of V.'il- ! ' T ,- ... lamette river swam boating, it win re an article manv will wish to read. The Dsoer will tie on saie at r nr inn ..... i . j i Cheap Holiday Rates. Tbe O R N ill make round trip rate of one and one- fifth fare brtween all river point. Tickets good going D1 23 to 23 inclusive and to return Jan 4th iwt A Fine Heater. Honkins Bros., ot this citv, have taken the ageucv for the nnw International Domestic Healer, wtncti is a great tning for housi keepers It fits upon an ordinary cook stove and heats the water in a tank without the old water back which to often destroy the cooking ouaiitiss ot the stove. Thev ut ilize tbe waste beat, taking tne place 01 first joint ot stove pipe and are great taoi saver. Thev are sure to come into gen eral use. Tbey can be seen at Hopkins Bros, hardware and stove store. These heaters can now be seen in use at II. R. Hivdes and Councilman O. P. Dannals. A Laundrj Nugget. Laundry patron who want first class work done without paying exorbitant price should patronise the Albany Steam Laundry which have employed regularly five of tbe beet hand ironer on the coast for shirts, dresses, and klnrt waists, and ten cent i the highest price charged for anv of these articles. m m last leceived aa elegant line of holiday . handkerchiefs in all tne latest designs at the Ladies uauar. WHEAT. No change at Liverpool. New York 93 Chicago 02 Kc Saw Francisco 84j. Albany 64c. HOME AM ABROAD. Smiley printed the Elk invitations, an elegant piece of work. C B Winn, citv ticket agent. Ticket to all poinU in tbe east. Smile) 'S dean printing. Romona pure spices. Romona Romona pore extract . Trr ScblillDg's-Iicst tea and baking powder. The Best Crackers in town at C E Brow ne.'1's. ShirU aod collars a specialty at tbe Mag noli Laundry. Pictures from 75 cenls to 125 perd'cn at Longs gallery. Get a set of c wing knives for an xma present at Hopkin Bros. Call at Hopkin Bros and see tie pocket. arrive oeai une in toe city. Crawford k Harnisb for photographs Prices from tl to ?0 put dozen. Be sore and see the aoti rut tie ware at nopxin Dios, win laa.a lifetime. "ftaow r lake" flonr ia mad by the Keu Crown Mills of Albany. A fine line of new macintoshes just re ceived at the Blain Clothing Co's. Try our pop com ; it never fails to pop. C E Bbowxsix. "Red Crown' the standard of color aod strength ia floor. All grocers have it . Taxe the U 0 k E cteamer for Portland down river on Sundav, Tuesday aod Tburs day. Lye tab and tins!! oroSts is tbe motlo of Hopkin rfrjr, and that ir whr thav are ala)abuav. Tbe A i ban j Dr-si Be--f Co. are run ning a bone mill for raicinj chicken feed. Call and get some. A b-n yoa want a choice stcaa. a nit roatt or meat of any kind, cation Henrv Brodert, He kepa the best. D a H. E. aod O. K. IWn offices and residence io pod otSce building. Special attention given to diseases of women. Mr Henrv Ennis is located a' Iks tr of W R Blain. where be is .repared to write cards, snd do oraamentai nnman.i ship generzUy. The best meal of all kinds and mvt treatment at the Aibsnv Dnwed iw company s market, joit dwn Second street. Oood weight and prompt attend tion. Brownsville. From the Times: Mrs. J. P. Cooler departed Tneada morning for Wilcox, Arizona, wherw she wil! spend the winter tor the benefit of her health. Dr J. F. Henry and familv are ex pected back lo Brownsville to reside again in the near future. They are not dleased witb California The hrrpe grown in this via nit v are mostly in the band of the growers as vet. Joseph and Perce Hume and Michael Weber this week shipped their U7 crop to a st lork ccmmieeioB boose, aod the bop men are anxionsly awaiting the mors o' hi shipment. It waa correntlv re tted that A. C. Hausman bad dispo- d. o hi cron to Faber A Nei at 1 cenU, but for reasons known to U emi slve t'be bop were rejected. Where is John Long. Frooi the Corral I i Times : A letur received in this city tbe other day recall the sodden exit from Corral- li about a year ago of John Long. He, aent. a everybody knows, without hi family, and the sadden departare at tbe ante time of a certain woman led to tbe probably comet conjecture that Long aod the woman had concluded to join fortonee in new and greetier pasture. Tbe woman in the case was Mr. Hattie Brown, aid the letter referred to ia from a relative oi ber. The wrirer lives in Oklahoma aud announce the arrival there of Mr. Brown. No rxenUoo I made of Lont. and tbe recipient ot the letter, supposing that thev have separ ated, wonders wbat bas become of the man who left Conrailis with the woman, aud a bullet in his jaw. Tbe relativas of Sirs, Brown in tne east are said to tie ul tra respectable people. The democratic state central committee will meet in Portland oa January 8. Persimmons are now ripe. There are several trees ia Albany. It's th uniform finish r-f the New Red I Crown floor which makes it so inpispen tab e to the pastry cook. It caa aiwavs I be reued upon for good resatts. lry it. Tbe inventory and appraisement of the estate of Root. H. Sent. bo died near Wood burn several weeks ag.. was le4 ia he Manon county clerk s office yesterday, I be total valuation of tbe ptoperty is $75, 57S.53. A dsJ mute bilk who has been doing the Taller succeeded in making some Scio to believe b Lad a family at Lyoas who were starving, and sbtatneJ about io in cah and some Dour, and men wext on a apree As he doesn t even knew tbe alphabet it u very doubtful it he is deal ana aumo. Being a sheriff consists of a good dm! more than drawing one s saierv- tne Kemster savs. Sheriff Johnson is oa any thing but a pleasant trip at present. He left fcr gene Monday morning to serve torn papers in tbe Five Rivers c? ntay in tre extreme northwestern part of tbe county. He was obliged to eo around through Ben ton countv. and reached Monroe loesaay. lhere be leaned that toe geoueniaa oe is oblige! to bnd lives fifty miles from Moo- roe, oack in an almost unknown mountain region. NO CURE NO PAY. That ha th wtv all drn-els's sot! GiWVFSTiSTKLESl CHILI. Ti'ISIC for Malaria. Chills and Fever. It Is simplv Iron and Qjlniue in a tasteless form. Children :ov r. aiu.m nrerw 1 to btt'er. nauseaUtg Tontcar Prise. 50e TOCURE ACOLU IN ONE DAI TjitI,iTi'lt R.-om Quiutne Tablets All Druggies rstuud the uiausy if it fails o Cure :-. Krerrbody Says aa. Cawnrcts Candv Cathartic, the most won derful medical ilisooverv of tiie ace, pheas ant und rvfr-liin to the taste, art genuy n.l iuMirli-pl aii kititeva. hirer and bowels. clransinir the "nlira system. disiel colrts. cui-w liojuluoiie, lever, natwuat i-oimiiwuon ml l"inti!nni. I ease Mtv ami xrr a vox of t' t C Uwlnv: l. &V!Mrenia. JSolJanU guar:- xhI to ciiro by all dru-gisia. TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Tatt Ltvitivi Br-n (l t:ni ns Tab'et Alt D.-Uf Ttstsrsfutl tn ixy If t fall Cur. 300. Wo-To-I'. rur Firry Cec:a C.a.rntel tac baMt enre, naSp wsk : ien sironir. b- " Hire. Ksi. AUruirma The office tbat doe high grade, priating good stock, for the price, of the eihsr rind . Smiley, the printer Just Across the Way. At F 11 rfeittvr yon tan ret jbe toast ana EJisiern oysiers o v found He al keeps the best be of confection ary ia me cut. Call on him for the best of everything in castor fA Tor Iiiaats aaJ CiilJrea. Tkaft. aiaiia atguiars t Usi S. A SCHIFFLER & CO. Merchant Tailors Carry the largast and most complete stock of Cloths ia the valley. 013 Siani la Hi Bloct. Ladies and Childrens Shoes "Cheapest in town." "plendid values." "Have fonnd none so cheap" are some of toe remarks made about my I idles aod children boea, tbat I bave ioa placed cn aale. W. R. BLA1T (He pots the price, dow q-Fru HEW YORK WORLD, Thrice-a-Week Edition 13 Pages a Week . . . ... 156 Paper a Teai For One Dollar. INiMlaIe4eveTaiserwa(eBayexfeaBWs)4 The Thrice-a-Wk Edition of The New Ioix World is Eras among all weekly ' paper in cize. frequency of pablieation and the fxeahoea, accuracy and variety of tU cot tents. It bis all the merit of a great $6 daily at the price of a dollai eekly. Iu political newa is prompt, com plete, accurate aad impartial aa all iU read er will testify. It is sgainct the monopo lies ana ior tne people It pnnU tbe new of all the world, hav ing special correspondence from all im portant news points on the globe. It has wtiiliaat illastrVoooA. stories by great author, a capital cursor page, complete markets, departments far the booaeootd and women's work and other special de partments. We offer this uneqaafed newspaper and the Demockat Ugetherone Tear f ar f 09 THE Is the best and yet simplest type wite maasxtactored. the coarammatiosi of ti inventors art- An expert stenographs sfternsiay muv macbi sea, says. "Icon nder the Voat Writing Machine far saper or to any I have yet used ' Call at the DnocsAT office and see one of the type writers tbat has to have a perfect a.'iga- Btst. AU Typewriter oppt es ordered. f a. a EUGENE W.JOHNSON. ilctor aii Itijii IBEilCace mil wrvwWatarsv,aC L-avaatsaeaTrUs starts oMaiarf ( Jmrtbirraorclak. KarffB.Ci. wita etI aaaais c a. snow & CO. PeifCs-Hf Ovvvesc. WwlCT0, O C' kyaaaSaey'ra mmn "sassj n 1 wr vs a 1 ra - . llrtaaJaawiaa' - - Suenis Idiis oftl3 forli T11 Oglsn & Salt Lais TO ill Feints last & Southeast Pullman Palace sleeping cars Pullman tourist cars Free redlining chair cars Are run through on all trains. Best service Finest equipment Fastest time. For ratss of fare and all in formation call on your near est ticket agent or address RCNicHOL, E L Duffy, Genl Agt, Trav Pass . DuKtr & i Gink 251 Washington fct. lor -gt, SKHoortR, GP .eland. I Denver, O' s' Act. lorado. jotf .KECir"RSK0TICE. mar is ' given to all whom if s- , concha, ibt tbe andmigaed ha ..ed hl& tnal account in trw nuu ,j n. eatahs , at Thomas Umphrey, decead, and tha.1 she county court of Llaa county , Or egov bas fixed Satorday'annary 8th,'lSS8 at the hour of 10 o'clock a m for hearing oHection to the sasae. All persons desirous of objecting to the an re therefore aoti tied to file iectlon with the clerk of said court ee or before said date. Albkjit Umpbrxt Kellst A Ctrl, Xsecutor Atty for Executor. WANTED-UPRJCHTANDFaITH-t UL gentlecsen or ladies to trav ior repoatuoie, established house Oregon. Menthlv f65.00 andexpeesew cositioa steady . Refeienca. Enclow self-addressed stamped eavetope. Dominion Company, Dept. H, Chicago- EVERY HU310R !$S?&2 J