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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1897)
Plf' 1 i V X III 111 111 Entered as the Peat OSace at tlbanv, Beeewd-Claaa Mall (fallen ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY . DECEMBER 17. 1897. r F- tBCTTISS PaMUhcr aaa Prtritr NO.20 4 S In i 1 f.k fn- !lS, Hon iix Half eta fall AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA" AND PITCHER'S C ASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyannis, Massachusetts, vas the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne end decs nouj - on every bear the facsimile signature cf C2& wrapper. This i3 the original PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and s'ee that it i$ the kind you have always bought on the ana has the sigve of wrap P&r, No one has authority from me to use my name ex 'fept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. ) March8,lS97t . Qt K- ,j. Do Kot Deceived hili hvaeeepthuj. THTJRSTJAY COUNTY COURT. (Geo. Barton, county judge; Curl, Commlaaionera.) i M. Waters D. L, 78 con- Q W Wilson was elected J B of Diet 12 in piace or j Mr lougner, resigned Sale of land to U Bryant in 187 nrmea. rees Btate against Frod Waeikv . " ' " a.ov, continued. Bills allowed : Regular salaries of county officers. AidJW Cox ta. Ahrtm ta 11 Vail $5. Sarah Hinea S3. Mr xT." Barnard 15 H Myers 4, Mrs Adams 5, I Coleman $5, Samuel 5. Jas W Larue 4, Mrs Junkins $5, Mrs Steithoff 8. Mr Fouts SO. Hendersons 15. fir.rH n.. iS.00. ' r 7 00 9 00 5 00 4 65 1 80 2 00 16 13 4 00 35 4 SO 23 89 1 22 SO 00 4. 00 124 40 7 60 390 H M Jensen', acct doot . RAJayne, " ... F K Allen A Co " . . J Gradwobl, " . OMCurl, " UECbeadle, " Harriaburg Lumber Co.. lumW Geo Henshaw, roads and bridges John Miller, V a ll Irvine, Farwell & Bnar Lee, Brown A sons W H Roberts, H C Harkneee. c M A Fitzafcrald. ." LEBANON. Mrs S M Garland left this morning for a week's visit with Mrs Harmon, at Woodburn. re city a cheap substiSiti which some druggist may offer yo (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE 5lGNAUt ur Insist on Having The Kind -That Never Failed You. AT CO arness. Harness. Having purchased the stock of har ness and saddlery of Powers & Tom- linson we will sell ail the present stock of harness at cost for cash, to make room for a complete new stock. Now is the time to get a good set of harness at cost. T0ML1XS0X & DUBRU1LLE. - THE OPENING DATE i RkBlY COLLEGE urea koce, . . G B Mitloy, Pr"f:r-;- M A Fittgeraia, rou x vty . Dalgleiscb s tyereu, rasoru6 F U Porter, roads & bridges. . . , , Or irt Jaa Morcan. fees Cable & t-tanard, acct poor Gross & Erstberger " ..,,, 4 95 Mrs Ida Happersett 17 00 lobn Davia, stock ingpacter 25 00 J B Thompson, acct poor S 0 Brnker bon, roads and bridges 4 00 J P Ualbraith, acct Indian War veterans 10 00 0 F Swank, deputy sheriff 2 00 M Lud wig, acct O H 7 "0 B F Rarno. acct oor - IT 35 U jtr uoshow, tax re Dale iv rrl TUtiorii. denntv sheriff 3 00 P Cohen, acct Door oea Mary Bhamy, poor 800 Mrs Luct Byers. acct poor. . : . . . W 10 Froil Dawson. ' " and stationary 28 2U Knecht & Meiser. stationarv . . . . 2 10 Read, Peacock & Co, acct poor.. 3 16 H V uarkness, acct U 11 w P R Knieht. acct Freddie Pro pat. 7 50 John Usher, ianitor IS 00 : " . . ' .. M Art Irwin, uudson stationary. . . w w Or Tel Co. acct OH 11 95 H Shelton. acct Shenn i w D Torbet, teachers ex : 7 00 J a mith. " 16 00 R Wh-eler. " 15 00 M H Ellis. M I. attendance Mrs Chnitensen ou w Chas Prochnow, acct poor 1 7o Harris bun? Lumber JO 12 u. J M Wilev. roads and bndze. , . 1 80 B F Grimes. ,.. 17 so Al El Lit Co erl f! H 20 00 T J Stiles. touce 17 05 M stettar. acct noor t w J H Turoin. acct noor 5 00 r U Morns, acct noor i Smith A Dogger, stationary 13 00 C U Barnes, Dndges iw B Davidson, road 4c bridaea . 2 35 EL bite, ' 80 P W goink. " " 22 05 Wbilnev 4 Newport, mlscelos. , . 5 00 B A Stafford, acct assessor 156 00 C V Clifford, roads and bridged.. 101 45 E A Evans, roads & bridges 6 H J Bretce. J P actin 2 coroner in- cneet Thes Bergen J Ottn Adrian tVxir ...... "100 PG Morris, acct poor ',. HO J M Waters, acct bridges 5 95 J M Waters, as commissioner. . . 10 40 D L Curl, acct bridges 3 00 D L Carl, as commissioner b 00 M Sternberg k Co, acct poor 9 00 Mrs Mart Kiom was placed on the mH2 W. E .handler returned home Monday from Lower Soda, where she oas been for several weeka. Kho i. mi. improved in health. t-?6'1 Ibnon people ihtend to go to Klondike in the spring. Amoug those wu vo wulIy decided to go are Umphroy and son Ed, and I F Settle. Bill Smith and Arthur HarH V,,i .i-rapQu me street today, in which U1""u rame out second best. The jult will probably increase the treasury a few dollars. A II Snill. .1 I-.-.! . .. tbat bis businesa ia fnr n- r .11 ca . ii ri ( wi ii i . i. . i ' i K'v win WU(, ujp uro, oi feoruary lot VVUUUT, Pearl Rebekab lod?e at ih.t. ii. meeting elected the following officers: j "o anen, u; miss Annie lu mond ,YG;Mrs Huldah Miller, SeS; Mr. Alice Hyde, Per Sec; Miss Li.' Booth, l'reaa. Br08- 8tock enof Scio, are intending to ship a train load cf 8toer'l" next P'g. They have now over 400 head of one, two ind hree! year-old steers, and expect to double1 this number by spring. nii-dfJ,df?ichogein PubUc wnUcent t fall v -,liuw,lMa is proven b 3 00 uu vote fc,9t Sh Mond .- v 11 v-fnr. -5 ' n - -1 faOT at the license element. In 86 60 . a m a. th it . t v cieciiuo uaa imic iu the election on Monday the prohibition ele ment developed unexpected strength and elected its ticket by decided majori ties, except tue marshal. Mnitu mayor bv 43. Brown recorder by ul and tt-r councilmen by about 40, B Burtenibaw .nj danshter. Mrs Enoch Sylvester, left Sunday for Dallas Polk county, where the circuit court meets ibis week, and the trial ot young Allen Logan tor the killing of Enoch Sylvester will come op in tbat court this week. L M Taylor and Grant Lindley also left Sunday for the same place, having been subpoenaed as witnesses urs roiev and Jones will leave tor uauas ibis evening, having been subpoenaed as witnesses to give expert endence. J Eddv arrived in Lebanon Monday from Colorado, with a car load ot bouse had goods, and stock and farming im plementa. Mr Eddy comes here with tne intention ot locating, Uis Umliy win oe uere in a wee or two. At the reeular meet'ns of the A F A A M last Saturdav evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing term t fc Hammack, V M : S M Garland, S 1 W ; C A Smith, J W ; J Waworo, Tres I WM Brown, bee; John Morns, Tyler; E Keebler, trustee. At the reeular meetina of Honor lodge. iOl'W, Monday evening, the follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing term; S P Bach, MW: DJHi dretb. Foreman; A Umphrey, Overseer lit Kirkpatrick, Recorder: J F Hyde, finan cier: U T Cotton, Receiver ; td 1'almer, Guide ; Wra Roblna, I W; G W Cruson, u ; G x cotton, trustee. REAL ESTATE SALES. Reported by Ithe Linn Count Ah stract Companyl for the Democrat, for nt eauiuu uw, otn, lout U 8 to Wm Potr, w XL N E M . Sec 23. T 10 1 w 80 acres J L Cowan, by JF 8 marshal, to Bank of California, marshal's deed, Nw of bl 33, Albany. t 000 G F Harold and wf to N Hansen, ' wiy aeea, , s o n bee T 10, IE J C Bilyea and wf to J M Ralston, wty deed, part bl II Iialston's add to Lebanon Claud Strahan et al, by aheriff, to J M Kaleton,' sheriff's deed, part lot 7 bl 8 Albany Wm H Queener etal by sheriff to Laura E McLaren, sheriffs deed,' W M Sec22.T0 1. vr 320 acr. H K Arnold et aJ, to V E Arnold, at claim deed. T 10 1 w &s m 3 H Anderson and wf to D M Bur nett, wty deed, bee 34, T 9, 1 w 80 tens Jno W Geary and wf to E U I'e, wty deed, ondmded i inter est in 423 acr- in Tn it 3 v L"iie J Koa.t and tuaUrwt to Ed ward Johnson, wty deed, T 14, 1. W 12 arrva Q B Skinner and wf to H Bryant. wtydeed,TJl,2. w 39 cres. C 6 to Andrew Hale and wf, patent T and 10 3, w 320 ecus A Hackleman and w to J L Irvin wty dued.lot 0 bl 35 Uacklemans second ad to Albany Frank Wood to Eber II Rhodes, quitclaim deed, T 9 and 10, 3, w 3J0 acres 430 2500 850 35S0 1000 3000 323 10 10 WHEAT. The excitement continues in Chicago. The shorts are arettinfr tbe wont of it and are pavinsr high in order to make deliver ies. Unfortunately tbia does not help tbe general market. The Drira enntiniin. th ame in Albanr.64c. Livf innnl lo. Inmr and tbe other quotations are as follows for the May deliveries: Mew York 9:c. Chicago 91, 'jo. San Francisco 82Kc. Probate Record. regular poor list at 5 a month, payable to Bacn cam. Thirty-First Year OR T. BB ia SRTitfiTTiiip.p 15. 1897. Ths facilities for a fins lidiep Education offer ed by this institution ara of a Mgn order. Ins ollega is tnorougo in all its mil. tha faculty ismaae up of specialists in many mi iihanv is a aaffi ani uleasant residence for yonnff people. TnecolSge .-rfTnrs trinrniiffa courses in music, commercial work, normal Memic anl cijlleaiate Etndie?. Tle new Ca-alopemay te obtained upon application, ugrresponaence inyiKa. Wallace Howe Lee, President WHEAT. A Fbatxkxal GAUiraiNO. Tne Degree of Honor latt eight bold one of their most successful meetings There was a big crowd present, of whom about fifty Lwere from the Degree oi Honor Lodge ot Corvallia. bit new members were initi ated and some degree work shown. Tbe following program was greatly appreci ated, some excellent talent being dis played in several parts; Music by the Mandolin club. Recitation, in costume, by Ur Hark- new. illustrated reading bv Mrs. Hogae. Music by the Mandolin club, Recitation by Mrs. Craw, Drama, 4The Governor," by Mis Craw, Mrs. Hoeue and Louise McGee. Music by tbe Mandolin club. Tableaux. A delicious repast and anelaboraleone was nicely served, and when tbe Corvat lis members returned borne it was with teneral pleasure over the time bad anf tbe splendid treatment received. PLO wsT This noon Cbicaso wa the center of attraction on the wheat question. There is a corner on Uecember wheat ana men having it to deliver this month are pay ing dear tor tbe'ir whietlo. It went to $1 09 per ocohel, while May wheat is quoted at 92Vc. The other quotations are: New York May 94Vc. December about 100c. San Francisco 83c lor My. Liverpool lc bigber. Albany 64c An Albany Invention. Prof Lan', of the college, has iut re ceived a patent for a strop pitcher. It is so arranged that tne syrup W riot run over everything, making a must, and U a long felt want. Mr. Lenta has received several pro positions in reference to tbe pitcher, nnriniir!tlv the finest thing vet con ceived in tbe line, and will either sell the patent right or have it manufactur ed on a royalty. It will be the syrup pitcher. Tub Mixes. Mr. Lawler i down from the mines. It is reported tbat 35,OoO will a-on be spent on new macoinery and improvements, and tbat an expert (root San Francises, after Inveitlgation, has made an excellent report of the prop rtioa In thn mean lime little work will be done. The Minto correspondent ot the Statesman bas this version of the situation : The Lawer mines have closed down. Tbey promise to pat in more ma- l,!n.r anil the will start dd the mm .ai.i th ltef February. 1898. Some of ih. men trial naa famines iu moved out, but some are staying in wait ing lor tbe company to oegio ww Write F. I pri.i.ed . Raloh Knapp and Horace Ramsey, students at tbe tic Minnville col eve. were recently expeueu lor posting aburleeque on an order oi me f.r-nlt. nl tha coUece. Thev aoDeale-t to i j ' - - , ' the board of trustees ana were reiusiatvu pending investigation. Tbe mailer doesn't seem to have been a very serious one. and vet a great deal oi talk bas re su.ted from it. A Drellv Incident of the game bepuent ed at tbe O O A E station just before the departure of tbe special train carrying away tbe v aebmgton team and excur- eiorist. Several hundred people crowd ed the platform aod tbe Washington men gave three hearty cheers for Dr Grain, president olu A V, but tormeriy presi- pent oi tue Washington university oi which tbe visiting team are now sin dents. The act was a pretty testimonial of the high esteem in which the new O a C president is held by bis lormer stu dents in our sister state. lime. Captain Jack Craw lord, the poet scout, should cut his hair now and come in from tbe reservation. He bas betrayed one of tbe principal secrets of tbe long' haired tratertity. In a recent interview be explains that breaking glass balls with a rine from tbe neck of a horse is sccom plished by using cartridges filled with small shot instead ot a bulUt and adds "A man ought to be able to ride a streak ol excited lightning an 1 break glass balls I with such an outfit as thau" Alas ! Do all popular i iols bave feet of c!y Pen dleton E. Q. . r Pbokto Klav Hkrk. From the Eu gene Guard : Frank Fisher, of the Mon mouth normal school, is In the citv.wiih the obiect of trving to arrange a foot ball game between the team ol bis college and the U. of O.tesm. Should he la 1 in this, Mr. Fisher will try to arrange a game with tbe town team tbat recently pia) eu a tie game mm mu aiuau; ers. fcnouiu a game oe arranges it mu nrobablv be plaved on neutral grounds. snd Albany has been mentioned as the place lor tbe contest, ine ormai rlionl bova have a eood team and are very anxious for a "g. ll.o U. of U. or Lugene players should see to it ibat they are accommodated. Aichitect Burggraf of Salem, waa in tbe city yesterday. Prof. McEwen. the hvnnotis. is in Tbe Dalles this week, playing to immense bouses. The Magazine Club will meet tomor row afternoon with ' Miss Emma Pfeiffer. .Please bring your dues. Mrs. Merrill, ot Portland, is m ths ti'y the guest of her son Mr. II. F. Mer rill, having come up on tbe noon train. Mr. Joe. Kendall, of Astoria, is in the city on a visit. He is working for the Columbia Iron Works. Joe is a former O. V. & t. fireman. Tbe Sentinel, Salem's rtew weeklv pa- r, is out, with Claire B. Irvine at the ead. Mr. Irvine is a rustier, beoce it success tnsy be predicted. Dr. Hugh Thompson son in law of Hon Geo. . Dors, of Eugene, bas been ap pointed teend assistact surgeon ot the San Francisco city receiving hospital. W. R. Smith, who was shot in the less when CurteyCooledge was killed in the fend at Cbetooe, passed through Albany this morning for his home at mlverton He baa to um crutches to beip him walk. Mr. Will I9ote, who recently coached tbe U. A. C- foot ba I team so success fully, was in tbe city today on bis way to Omana, where u wiii go too busmces, He bas no superior on tbe coast as a coach. Yesterdav was tbe thirtieth anniver sary of the initiation of Mrs. E. M. Van derrort, of tlis city, tote the Independ ent Order of Jood Tern plart The Good Templars of Salem were invited to spend the evening at ber borne, rorty-ioor were present Siateeman. R C Sicbol. general agent, and Ed' ward B Daffy, traveling freight and pas senger agent of the jpenvrT and Kio Grand nilroad were in the city today reaching oat for business The adver tisement of tne railroad w.U appear in yie vxxocaAV. An old folk bait was reweaUy given at Jefferson, ana old fellows danced who bad not done so before for forty vears B. Uudleeon and Mis. Maud Miller lead tbe grand march, and some et tbe other old timers were Lncle Cbsrles Miller. Hon. John Lnoney, Chris. Fsr- low, R. F.Meyers.B F. Looney. About four hundred pec pie at at tbe sapper. Maosanitu Circle 3I celebrate their 2nd auniyersary to night at their ba'l. Cce musical and liteararv prorram will ba rendered, also a trie otteied in a ladies talkiag contest. Ail Woo linen and their families, neighbors and the-.r sweethearts are cordially inviud. Pro gram commences at 8:30 The neigh bors take notice, meetiur caiiea at , o'clock for tbe trjnsactionof regular bus mess. ByordrofU. N. Walt Sbicn. Salem's famous bicycle rider ame in on the Prioeviile stage iasl night and left for Portland on the morn- ing tram. Mr. Sbipp had gone to Prine villa for tbe purpose of racing a man from that place by tbe name oi it oases, ana bad been led to beiieve tbat all arrange ments had been completed for the race. but on Sbipp 's arrival Hoages refused to race, aad ail there was ten for the alem man to do. waa to return borne, out bis expenses The Dalles T. M. In estate of Peter M of personal property filed. In esUte of F F Croft, final bearing set for Jan. 3, 1898. . In estate of Clarissa Brown, personal property was ordered sold. In estate of Anna fn rrm w iaurIa.. Ued. - In estate of Harry Beamer. petition to require executor to pay legacy denied. In estate of Thrw Hnmnhr.. Pat rail vf sale of real property confirmed. In estate of Jos. Pearl, final account filed. In estate of D B McKerch.- ..'. personal property continued reported. In estate of J H McKercher, sal of personal property reported. In estate of Marv J. Ooatello. fin.i ... count ot executor allowed. George Edwards waa admitted ;r. zenship. In esUte of Arthur Saltmaeah. final bearing was set for Jaa. 7, 1898. A guardian was apoointeU tor Iaahl Paltmarsh. Bond t800. Bond of guardian of John Swank, in sane, approved. In estate of Jennie Vineyard, final hearing was ?-. tor Jan. 8, 1838. List of Patents. Granted to Pacific Coast inven tors this week. Reported bv C A Snow & Co. patent attorneys, 'Wash ington, D. C. C W Bemisb, Tacoma, automatic high pressure alarm; U K Bombam, Pull, man. Wash, band cutter; E A Cham berlain, Woods, Or., submarine buoy; B II rowle. apokane. ah. expansive bit ; A J Kellogg. Portland, advertising device; E G lidU, Albany, Oregon, syrup pitcher. t or copy o: any patent send 10 cents in postage stimps with date ot this paper to C A Snow A Go.,Washington, D C. A Fibemsk's Bai. -The fire department will give a bail on Christmas eve at tbe opera house. At a meeting ot tbe Vrd of delegates last evening tbe following committees were appointed : uenerai arrangements W W Rowel., M. D. Phillips. W. H. Warner. Noma Morris. Invitation M. D. Phillips. 3. W. White, A. M. Holt. Harry Hogoe. Peroration- M. l- rbiuips. Beni. Cle- Un, W. U. Warner. Chas. Medio, W. W. Eows.l, M. U. Bnck. Floor managera Frank Dannala. M. D. Phiilips. Bert Crawiord.Geo. E. Fish, O. CCleian. Reception J. L. Tomlinson, Geo. E. Fish, J K. Wra It, R. R. Finley. Reyal saakaa tks taod pnrt, wbelssesse aaa aallctoaa. FOVDEO Absolutel Pure anvtt mw.J.aiw., wwww. THE LOGAN TRIAL. The tnal of Allen Logan, of Toledo, for the murder of E. H. Sylvester, of Leba non, at a bop yard at Independence, was completed taat mgnt and tbe case given to the jury at 10 o'clock. Dr. L. M. Jones, of Lebtnon, arrived from Dallas this noon, having left there at 7 o'clock, and tbe jury waa still out. A telephone message received later though state that the jurv came in about 8 o'clock with a verdict of "not guilty" and tbe defendant was discharged. The case was ably defended by J. K. Weather ford, of this citv. Judge McFadden. of Corvallis, and 5. L.. Butler, of Polk county. The state waa represented by prosecuting Attorney Uayden and Judge Whitney. Nor a Cext Ot all tbe frait shipped a few months ago to the east with tbe green siiipmenu, not a cent that tbe Dkmockat can team, baa erer been re ceived for iu One man, wloee Hungar ian prunes, brought si.47, conai ierawe lenuuea w above the coals, this week heard tbat tbe 1 patronage. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haleey, were in the city today. Mrs. Kate Marinan went to Gate this morning on a business trip. Miss Iva Templeton, of Brownsville, ia attending tbe Drain Normal school. Mr. J. L. Underwood, of Corvallis, ormeriy oi tuts city, was in Albany wees. J. J.GrabaoJ. tbe back bob nop industry near Albany, visitor yetterday. Jootnal The heaviest individual Lane county is Mr. C. who pa a taxes on ft 1,973. Mtsa Mable Rich, daughtei Klh Sfcf Jalhaaw tat al.. R. C MUler.-Corvallis Times. J. B. one time editor Harrisborg Review, is now a resident Motley, Minn., but be longs for Oregon The college aociet' bell a nleaaant social hut evening in the College rooms, greatly enjoyed by tbe very lively comp any. Ed. Gilkey paid bis regular semi-ic-eaaional visit to Brownsville tbe first part of the week. There appears to be a magnet in this community which draws Edward here quite often Time. Three chnrch sotiala were held in Al hasy iast evening, one by the Mathodite at the reaideoce of Mr. Arch Hammer one by the Baptists at tbe church, and one by tbe V. P.'s at tbe church Mr. O T Sbavcr bas bought tbe grocery stork of Mr. Frank Kenton, a i1 will hereafter ran tbe store. He is entitled to bis share of tbe public WHEAT. Tbe quotations are about tbe same as yesterday. Albany 04 cents. HOME AND ABROAD. C B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the east. . Smiley 's clean printing. Romona pure spices. Romona Romona pure extracts . Try Schiiunrs Beat taa aad baking powdar. Shirts and collars a specialty at the Mag LAunary, Pictures from 76 cenls to f 25 perd'cn a uungs gallery. Urawford Harnisb for obotograchs. Pmaa. a, awi , " . .H-i uuui al w avv per aozen. "Soow Flake" flour is made by the wowii in mjji or Aioany. a ,: .... n uoe une oi new macintoshes just re ceived at the ttlain Clothing Co's. Ked Crown" the standard of color ana strength in Hoar. All grocers have it Taxe the (J C It E ctam (r- p.rfi..- down river on Sunday, Tuesday and Tburs Tbe Aibanv Dreaaad FWf Co . r. ning a bone mill for macing chicken feed. Call and get some. Tbe Church Orch-&tra.nt MM niaiua -.ill pwy at iflfe-reativsl of tbe Hoiidara." Admission 10 eenta. When von want a chaioa aiaak. a nuo rowtor meat of any kind, call on Henry Broders. He keeps tbe beat- Toe Deon ift 'a narlw rj Oa have decided to make direct legislation tbe leading issue at tbe next election. Dis. H. E. and U. k TW-. -R reatdenee in post office traildimr. Special attention given to diseases of women. You can get aliooiula nt 9 TJ Pf, .i ready ere pared for the table iwtixr tha. you can Lx tbem. Linn counrv ia alright also on tha miata queatioo. Teaterdav Mr W W Craarfonl lef " at Crawford A HArnuhM ri-ht -w toes that weighed almo-t 23 pooads. The forty an Corral IU people poiaooed by tbe head cbeeae a.w all out of dan-rer. ome having entirely recovered whne others are yet in bed. Dr. Farxa aars it was caosad by tav-teoa. I'.a tbe uniform finiak nt tk. v. D.J Crown floor which makes it an iaJian. it eaa alwav Star liatery Corner Broa Jalbin; and First St COXWD MEYER PROPRIETOR la- Canned Fruits, Glassware, Dried Fruit. Tobacco, Sugar. Coffee. Etc. Canned Meat Queenswava, VetcetaMeav Cigars, Spices Tea Etc. "verytiiBg that ia av-pt tn s good variety and gro eery store. Hig et pr'e paid for ALL mm OF PKODOCf av i n s-l ihett,- r CHEAPEST I'OWEtl ...HERCULES A AJD GASOLTSE Built ia special size tnr m r. and iMtoriea. State vnnr want. a write for oncea and term T!ir.. .t w-gH-i lornisnea iree upon arxiea taon. AtrixicAX iTn FornrnttBa' Co. PortUad.Oregoa. THE niie a t j-waa on bis way from Leta mTZ"j''m jTreai ng of ot acoupleof men made an attempt to had him op, baton hi palling oat his knife aad showing fight, tney let hint atone . Adtaace, A few days ago a little eon of Frank Macs, resddiog on the Saatiara north of Scio. fell in tbe nver. Mrs Mack jumped ia after him. and but for Mr Al Briggs would have been drowned. The boy caught bold of some willows aad pulled tunvself cat. matter was pending settlement with tbe railroad company lor ireight, and tbat there would be a report just i the freight eoold be adiaMed. Which means probably tbat even be will never get anything. i Helanidaled lookino- tramp called at tha DvwnrniT man s house last nigut He claimed to have very ewe eyes anu to I nwn an interest in a mine in Washington . As soon as his eyes got better he was going to set. le down to bnamess. ve mention him aa a namnle of the weary wanderer I of the tbe roac . Jar f Oit. Col. Jeff Myers, the genial ex-state senator from Linn county, and a silver leader, is no longer a member of tbe state board pt agriculture. His term of office expired on December 1 of the present year, and today the governor ap pointed as bis successor Hon. George Chandler, ot Baker City. Mr. Chandler was formerly a state eenator.bavtng been elected Irom Baker county as a democrat, in 1886 and served as a democrat In the legislatures of 1887 snd 1889. It is said . r . . t . , -i i that he is now a sicmmey goiu sianuaru man. Journal. 150 baJ of bops were nid in Eugene ertrrday at tea cents per pound. Manencouet), alwa.s slew, is caaaing a great deal of trouble fcy not, having its tax roll in. The store of T W ,rran. at Taqaina was recently burgiarisid of $500 worth of goods. M rotra were ca in the " recent ejec tion at Pendleton That is an excel'ent showing frr that city. Tbe New Scio officers ate w A major; R She tin' reeorderi J A Monaera, marshal, W F UiH, treasurer) T S Coffev. R E thliler. lohn Cjru. W Savage, H Uoiu, M M I'eerv and J j iJarnea. toun. cilmen. AlCroaainan. of Portland, made an as signment Uat night to P L Willis, for the heaefit of hi creditor. Total saaetta rK.000. liabilities $19,602 . Mr Croas man ia well known in Aloanv. lit was a former Saleuilman. 1 "be store of A U Croasmsn waa atfacb ed - v Ibe sheriff yesterday alter noon, in reanonw to a auit hied in the state circuit court by the commercial National bank, to nwover on a note, executed ia 1S1H, for 4U500. Several payments were made up on the principal, which bave reduced the original sum to iwu. telegram. Tut 7rs. That is the day on which the U of O. Glee Club will give their concert in Albany under the auspice of the Coliese. U is desued to greatly im prove tbe college library, and tbe net re ceipts wiil be used for that purpose. Be sides the regular blew ciao there wui oe 'pecialtiee bv talon ana lwpn, ana Cosier songs by Will Glenn. Tbe pro gram is said to be a good one and d-raerv- mg a large audience. Tall a. The following are given as Tallman's business directory: Harry Lynes, 8 P agrnt; L McUoeen, black smith; E Pugh, merchant; J bell, r M ; Chas toger, section boss; fc , Uem- mack, botcher; R L. Gilscn.sapenntenl ent o the wareb ie : J H Irvine, M D ; Buriey Davis, Am; t red haoJere, pho tographer; Mi'tUggett,singingtcacfaer; Geo McKnight, violinist: DBTroutman, champion checker player. Contract Let. A contract waa let at fnrvallia voaterdav to Jas Gibson for making a new index to the real estate records of Benton county, at $370. Tbe next hid was tbst of M. Powell, ot Port, land. 1373. and tbe next tbat of J.S. Van , Wink's ot this city, t m. The high est bid aa tbat of Robert Hswkes, ol Attune. iS.SOO. I-ey Oien.olCorvailis, wanted f 1.900. Some of the men evid ently didn't know what they were doing. Wkbx Ontor. The CorvallisGasette's Fairmount correipondent sajsi The marriace of Mr. H.J. Keece and Mrs. ie Walton was ceieorateo lnanaa- aivini evatiine. The bovs gave them a .. . . . . . . . i . : ( l . V. serenading mat sept mem awaaa vu iuj wea small hours, and the scampa were called into the house and filled with pie and cake. When will our boys and men be educated to tbe point cl not saaktng themselve odious in other words of minding their own business. Thx NtxT Snow. The New York Vaudeville company will exhibit in Al bany on Dec. 18 and 17, giving a variety entertainment, embracing a good many vaudeville features, besides an exhioi- bitionbytbe projectotcope. ths com. pany includes a number of expert artists. Admission iiltc. r0 exira coarge w re served seats. r. and Mrs. D. C. Psaan.ot Craw tordsville, went to Albany Monday to see their sob, L. L. 8 waan, w bo is quite ill. Mr. Swaan returned Monday even ing, leaving Mrs Swann to assist in taxing, care oi err sen. orowssviue Timet. Mr. Geo. Edwards, accompanied by Messrs. Oilie Knight and R L White, was in Albany Tuesday, mben Mr. Ed wards made final proof I lore Clerk Montague upon a oe section of Uncle Sam's domain. Brownsville Times. Jaa. G. Clark, the well known sing', who composed several songs of national note, died at Pasadena, Calif., a few days ago. Tbe DcmolSat man was brought up a few miirs lrom Clsrk s former east ern borne, and when a small boy. beard him sing. Carl vie Laugbeal, of Albany, was in Corvallis Thursday interviewing tboee ot our citiseos who are holding diied trait. He was offering 2.S and 3 cents for prunes and cents for apples. Ws un der land tbat be waa nut able to make any pircbase at these figure. Corval lis limes. Lewis J. Maris, s mining expert Irom Australia, left this city last night for San Fcancieco.after a week's stay at tbe Law ler mines, at QuarUville. His report is very encouraging. Mr. Lawler's comp- anv haa authorised tbe purchase ot l'. 000 worth ot improved machinery, which ia to be out in at once, and tbe mines will be woiked with a large fores ot mea. Salem Journal, aire. M. A Ramp returned Thursday morning, via California, from an extend ed visit ia tbe east. As a dtlesate from tha lrx-al V. C. T. LT . Mrs. Kemp at traded the international and national W. O. T. C conventions held at Toron to and Baffalo, New York respectively. Salem Journal. Mr. Graham, of Chicago, traveling of life Crescent bicycle, was in the T . . . i city today; w u u Deauauancrs at nwy kins Brotners, where be bas an 1S Orescent. An explanation ot tbe new lumm tav Mi. tiraoam convtncee ran nt tha anlendid workmanship of the Crescent, Tha entertainment given by the Man xanita lodge ot W . oi W. was enloyed by a large number. A pleasing program waa rendered consisting oi a duet by Pal rami and Geo Waahburn, cornet ana violin, a solo by Miss Lillie Farrel with Mrs Arch Goins as accompanist, a bv Millie Gotiieb and a solo and monologue by L Vierec.k Nearly an hour was spent in hearing the ladies talk, each going the rounvis, ana uiecuo- era neia oy iuo ) T Is the bast and yet am pleat type wnte maanfactored. tbe ccarammaticiii of tn inventors art. An expert; siewoKi after naisg qoany toachinea, says. I sss- atder tbe Voat ntwg Matomw ia rrZ or to any I bave yet used." Call at tk DiaicoLiv office and see one of the type writers that has to bavs s pertect sjugw- menu AU Trpsriters sves ordered. irrnsG. Agent. SCIO. Ma tot Ewiog vetoed city ordinance No. 44 relating to sale snd licensing ths sals of spiritnoos malt and vinous liquors. tie ess vetoed evtry ordinance) passed by ins council during his term ot office. At s game of cocked bat on the alleys hers, when eight men were bowling four on a side, the score was tied, each side making 12 points, which is good average bow .ing. Daring the evening mors than half tbe bowlers, averaged above $1. This as no crack team either iast men who bsppened in, acd none of them are steady bowlers. Take heed DenocaAi man before it is too tats Mr. Arnold Sommer, wbo lives south of this eitv hss left for parts unknown. leaving bis farm, aad tbe accumulation of years behind him. He was prosper ous, honest, hard working, and a good citizen. About a year ago part of bis family joined the "Saints." a series of meetings being held in tbe neigh boa hood. where be resided. Tbe diaereoc in re ligions views in tbe family, are supposed to be tbe mala troable at home. -Vet it is to be regretted, as be eras one of tbe solid farmers ot this section, respected by all who kuaw him.; HEW YORK WOKLU, Tsaricoa-Week Edition IS Pages a Week ... . . . 156 Papers a Tea. For One Dollar.. raslifcH T AtTaleaj cxrepS Tbe Thrice--Week Edition of ThsNkw Iobx WoBUJ is first among all weekly papers in sixe, tequeacy cf bh. Z tk. fMhneas. aceoracy and variety ea :.. tta It his ail the merits of t c ia;i at tbe once of a weekly. Its political news is prompt, eoss .dete. aeenratesd impartial as aU its read sis wiU testify. It isagainst the monopo lies aad tor the people ., i. tu J nf all the world. " i"- -- - . ... utg special corTe. "V"- portant nes potnm on uej a- r jrilhant illostration, stones by great .1. . nnaasr Cage. COmpiClS .uiin . ot . ' . s doliai bav- marketa,dc4trtent fx the hooet aad women's work aad other special de- PVoff'this unequakd aewvpaper aad the DxnocsiT togetherons vear for t A Klondike Letter. T. C. McNamer.of Forest Grove, wrote bis mother on October 17, from Dawson Citv. We give extracts from hisfeletter, ss it it one of tbe latest out : It ia now 10 o clock at night and I am writing by the camp fire. Candles are worth f 1 apiece in Dawson, and Sour 3 a pound, and other supplies in propor tion A bat can't Da nad at any price. The police are sending people down the ver to where tbe boats are, as tbe boats uldnot get np to Dawson. o are 3S lee rom Dawson and are getting oat aft of logs for a house, acd for firer k- ood, and are going down with them omorrow. We are well fixed with grub, wsbave the beet supply of any I have eesn on tbe river, and we are all O. K. From what I bear, we ought to do weu in Dawson, ss grab is what counts there. Our trip baa been a great one, will not attempt to describe it 1 don't think we will have any difficulty in standing tbe cold, for it was 10 degrees below zero the night of Oct, 1 , snd we did not mind it. There is no doubt bat whstthis iss great mining country. Clubbing Rates. The San Francisco Weekly Examiner next year will give to its subscribers a 10.000 residence in San eorent- ingforffSO month, V.Jotber tl 500 gold nugget snd hundreds oi other tbiiYoan get the xnerd WsxxLT Dwocwat for Mf'Tb. r rk.mftT bv mail for Il.-o.Dy earner i5.75"n advance- The Dxwo cbVt will ordei oalv on combination pay- vent -STLC-flS uc-SfS States, aad tbe Docat paid in advance; foconlysl Winter bas come Mr. Maurice Win IkdiasWabVetekass Several mem-1 ter, the genial Portland drummer Oliver Plows Best on earth. Everyone knows the Oliver hers met at the court house tun aiier rarn an4 n-fl in iiAHsion At vTfsBw lime I . -a lA,n KMHilinal Col. C. D- Montague inius n y ""f" neach nnd was followed by other enthu siastic talks. Resolutions asking recog nition from congress were being drafted and will probably be passed. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Flood have gone to Portland with a view of locating. They were recently married in this city . The Cardinal Quartet, of Salem, will Wasting in Children n T- . . Lmm Ih. l.iniP 1I1H .Ul I ft I Ull tPurnDin t,siiini.. "I - - mi . i..i.. Cnrralliis Union: Greenleaf Degree ol men, cpuunuat.p w - tinnne ana friends, to the number ng. Mis os;ct,ain l hL left for Aibanv. on s special train, the first prize .r. their sister lodge. They left I second. i,.r and returned at 2 a. in. ii harm, and well pleased with their Waixaci and was awarded Millie Gotiieb the Won A McMinnville dis- - I -'. . . . I visit. It is impossible to put on paper paten eaya iu -Vr"r-'. i pay snout ineir I prises ouonru uj ran Ke overcome in almost all casts .l.....nla,l.innnt han nn tha 27th I kw U tJ OI 2COtrS HmUlSIOn Ol instant. It ia composed ot Salem's best rj i :Vcr Oil and the Hypoptio'- taleut.who will give our citizens .. of Umi an(j Soda. Whlk musical treat. plow. Bill Sold only by PklNS BROS. Albany Oregon. ALBANY .1. .IOM3PI" CIGAR FACTORY Proprietor . .. dlaflgnrlng. andatttUdoseot Cuticuea bsoi,vs. - I. A throorhwt IfiSw phite lit Is a,v.- ciiu a. a .i t is a SCtenmtCiact vaat tu-ft sn AisnT'K i the most digestible oil. in ex gent Jones and Road Master Wait, oflfetence in SCOTT'S Passen Asrent tbe 8. P., were in the city today looking over Albany. Mr. Charles Meserve, editor of tbe Oregon City Enterprise, waa in the city venterdav. and paid tue .democrat dui - . ' . ,.r . . i.A-l l . .... .4,f a traternai visit. Mr. meserve is a '- u i. not only palatable dui it is ented gentleman whom it is a pleasure . . jfo.,.t,J An4 macJe ready to meet. ?--- ----- ,- u tu. . .M n a i ff trrvfriarriiii ir. BDMjruuuu ' a vrovva w sssuwaawa w -r- I of B. F. Ramp, of this city, bas been system. elected captain of tbe Stan lord foot Dan team tor 1898. He is 23 years Ol age, weighs 174 pounds and is a feet 8 inches tall. He bas played ban Dactt on iue 'varsity eleven two years. ' Bixty nine deaths have occurred in tbe A O U W in this state during the year, and every claim bas been paid in full. . Tbe resent storm did not miss ;tbe Bay, but swept along tbe coast in a lively man ner. The ietties at Yaauina were injured some and parts blown down, but not very It It also combined with tha ViwrmoKosohites.which supply a food not only for the tissues of the body.but foe the bones and nerves. and will build up the child when its ordinary food does not supply proper nourishment. I .-,-r-.T"Y-.c r; t.i- thai tha I v Be aura you b aw i j .mwi..... dalla man ana lun art on in. wrappn. i ajruiats All drugg1 J01' ana f i.oo, - v SCftTT POWNE, Ch.roUti, Htw Yoik. ail the nice things they say reception. Jese Spencer, a no was one nl tha visitors, savs : '-The Albany io nle are the best entertainers i ever -aw or beard of." Ti,a fniinwinir from the Junction Times is caustic enough for a place in tbe Misfit column: . . , U is a telrealung piece oi news to ieru that Mr. Cornell, the day man intne ae- ,i 1. utrnne. has Deen transierrvM iu anotner sution. Many from this section when they visit Eugene) return nomo the freight and it was next to impossible to Iarn anything concerning " " of the freight from MrCornell. He paid no attention to inquiries ana passenger, had to kill time untit 6 o'clock when Mr. Corno'.l was relieved. iue puouo ia en titled to courtesy ana civiiuy sou au fleer who will caretuuy guard tne inter ests of his employers will exercise these virtues without stint. That clean sharp effect on our printing is bad by knowing how to do rress work, and by using tbe best material, still the T l ll. 1L. n(a.A t-a.4 DriCfl l no liiKQr lima iu vmct t" At .1 S CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Minnville college occurred last night be- fnra an enthusisstlc audience. There were seven contestants, and meir suo- octa were well handled, ibe winner ... JT. S. Wallace, of Lebanon, class ot 'w. all the other contestants being of the elaaa of US. HisSubiect was "The Giant Awake." The giant was China, and tne oration was a masterpiece composition and suggestion, and splendidly delivered Wallace held first place in ths contest two years ago. Estella In oil won second prize tonight, and w. oawreiie mini prize. Ths prises were flO, 7 bO and A Lebanon Clcb Ouite s number of young men formed a club recently and h.M twien ocennving G. B. Hansard's building as a reading room. The club hss fast grown in membership and pop ularity, and they have concuueu tw w- aure a larger ouiiuing n uu apparatus and other features. This is a splendid move for the young men, sod in order to encourage them a number of Kitui naa men have offered to assist them in a financial way. On election day the kn.i atom! together and votea tne tern E ranee ticket, thus giving a good ma rity to that aide. Since that time tbey ve been called tbe Tammany club, but thev will soou give their club a name ol their own, and will adopt about the same rules and regulations as govern me tsoys club ot Albany. Advance. C.rt. MirosiT Ooxixo. Capt. Ma- honev, the Cuban patriot, will be in Ai banv tomorrow, being accompanied here on tne noon train by theChemaws band. At 2:30 o'clock, at ths opera nouee tue Oantain will deliver an address on Cuba in order to give our people an loss ot tn al tnatinn there From Albany he will go direct to Ban Francisco, theoce to ew Orleans, and aa soon as possible will be in Cuba to ssaiat bis countrymen. SCfcvaatsi Sac coat a i 4 l w v. .tim& aad all TaA aa com"" ' a-.adria. fclMdrt.nwiii.v-- . . ,,a of sanaaia tfca u.i .L.oM. Waawiwerew.ta.ej I . mniTml ft. AS rsstiu. PUB PROCURED, EUGENE W.JOHNSON, u?ictcff anl Ittjin PateitCaiss A Salkm Plav. Chas. H.Burggrel rs- turned today from Albany. Mr. Burg graS bas completed arrangements for the nraaantation nf hia comedy. tbS "Salem Social Circle" in the near future. The comedv will be presented under the aus pices ol the Albany woodmen oy ama teur performers oi mat ciyy juurnai. ITT Ha Tr Ave-. WaaMaatasMW-C tsss ! and tret 4" 5aX "r cash. Let everybody come to the Star Bakery loaves ot tresrt oreaa tor OMsvss. V R. O. OrrtcuKS Tba followisg of ficers were elected bv the W. R. C. yes terday afternoon: rruaiuent, airsja Crawford ; S V P, Mrs S S Train ; J V P, Mrs W W Kowell ; treasurer, Mrs How ard; conductress, Mrs A H Martin; guard, Mrs A B Wood in chapaiu, Mrs Steel ; delegates, airs uewitt, aira nn ton. Mrs Phillips; alternates, Miss Edna Allen, Mrs Height, Mrs ravne. Mill for Sale. in good running order. Tb's llf atlacentWalarge timber belt d has fine shipping facilities . H l bargain for aosae one. r or farter par i.TZH. .ni of The Stewart fcox Hdw Co., Albany. tXECUTOSS MOTICE. the uialier ot tne i may concern Just Across the Way. At F H Pfeiffer 'a yoa can get Pjuiat anil Raatara OVStera tO be He alao keeps the best line oi coniecuon. the best found. aw iw th ritv - - ., . . . v: i Call on him lot tne oees oi evorjuiui. his line. j -T . . . . filed bis final accou " T decead, and , eaUte of Thomw t mphrey ceaa. Kebf l0clockm f or beann. objecuonsto 0wting to the p" .;r:oTined to'tie .uch ob . , : a a a kaa sritartT. fair alaaxu v w jectwn. w r 7.-.. CarHRBT A.ftAaaaa SaStltB tl ALII. - . Att7 fcr Executor, J. Gradwoltl a a .1 a a. Iaforma the general pubiiotnu ne tellaslowaa anybody in the city for ash. Come and get prices before yoa boy Aprillst.1897. J.Ueadwohu Kxecutor fes aWTFTi . A meat W e?J a . .-.- Sff J Mas. R. more engage -j mn skin -tsJ ; as much.