Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1897)
TERMS. DaiXy Democrat, 25 cents per month $3.00 per advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to ran over months. Single copies 5c. Weekly, f 1.25 In advance; $1.50 at e i of year; 1 1.75 for second year; $2.00 f. third and proceeding yean, when not paw .2 advance. Clubs of five nw subscriber ' or 15.00. Mr. Hanna endorses every word in, the President a message. &ireauy mere is a Die lawsuit over a & i i . . . . . .. Dyea right ol way. Laweusta follow in the footsteps ot civilixatio n. $20,000,000 in silver bonds bave J ust been issued in Mexico.with home takers. This looks as if they had not gone back on silver yet in that country. It is now in order for the New York legislature to pass a law against six day bicycle races. The enemies of foot ball should fall in line. It the cranks keep on making airships the first thing we know there will be one that will work, and then look out for a terrible catastrophe. A convention is to be held in New York city to consider primary elections. Aes me move spread out until some thing shall be done to remedy this blot on onr election system. As conducted now the people have mighty little to say who shall fill tba offices. The clearances in New York last wee k were more than all the rest of the United States together. The city with the greatest increase was Seattle, then came Tacoms, followed - by Portland. The Northwest.took the lead, a la t worthy of notice. . A Pendleton paper calls the O mis hievoua because it called the city coun cil down on its extravagance. The 0 does right. That city is ran at nearly doable the the expense of Albany and it ought to be criticised for it. A city of 4,000 should not be ran on a 10,000 basis. A $70,000 mortgage is being foreclosed on the A 0 UW. temple at Portland Big mortgage are dangerous affairs any kind of temples, and ehculd plastered with hesitansy . Unce ga med to a building they are as hard to off almost as leproasy. A man who started for the Klondike from the east on reaching Oregon made np his mind that we bad mining advan tages rifcht in this state that were deser ving of investigation, and he proceeded to look around . This is a sample of the manner in which this Klondike craze will work for the benefit of Oregon. A dispatch to the world from London says: : Lord Bevelstoke, head of the banking firm of Baring Bros., was asked today for his opinion on the effjet of Preaiden McKinley's message. Lord Reveletok said: "The currency suggestions bavs been decidedly disappointing. We expecteo something more tangible than a scheme contingent upon conditions whieh tne president gives no indication of any in tention to bring about.' ID ere la a movement for the revision of pension rolls. ' This is undoubtedly needed, for there is good evidence that there are a large number of dead men re ceiving pensions, that a good many pen sion bave been obtained through for gery . lbs matter should be sifted as i matter of justice to every honest pension er as well as to the public. Oregon rrom the New York Times The report of the stitistician of the state of Oregon for the current year will show it to bave been the most prosper ous in the history, of the common wealth. With 96,000 square miles of territory, Oregon baa at the present time less than 403,000 inhabitants. A Sbtckley settled as England, it wonld give subsistence to over 30,000,000 peo ple. It has this year produced 40,000,000 bushels of wheat, which brought an average of 75 cents per bushel an ag gregate of $30,000,000 for one ciop alone, In fruit, Intiiber, live-stock, fieh and mineral prodocts will amonnt to at least $50,000,000 more, making a grand total of $80,000,000 for one year's yield, or an avei age oi saw lor every man. woman and cbild within her borders. Umatilla woonty with a population of about 16.000 people, this year produced 5,000,. 000 bushels ol wheat, which sold fo (3,750,000, or $230 for every inhabitant in the county. Whitman county, with 23,000 inhabitants, yielded 6,500.000 bushels of wheat, which brought $4,875, 000. or $1 per capita besides hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of other prodaets.ench as wool, fruit, live-stock, etc Baker eonnty with about 11,000 population, has dog over $3,000,000 - worth of gold from her mines, and has realized half as much more in grain live-stock and fruits an aggregate of $4,500,000 for one season's yield, or an aveage of $409 per capita. The soil of Oregon yields from four to five crops of wheat from one sowing, and irtna wwn uubusw par acre is - lot neaal average. In a Maine or a Michi gan lorest from 6000 to 8000 feet of mawlianUHUl IfimKav ia a twnnA rn , m, t while in the pine and fir woods of Oregon a cot or from 150,000 to 250,000 feet per acre is not uncommon. From 500 to 800 bushels of apples and pears to the acre fa an Ardtnarv viald. anil frnm 9f) t. r " , ww .V CO bushels of Irish potatoes. The po tatoes grow to a size that seems almost incredible, many having been dug tfai season that weigned as high as If pounds. A recent shipment of apples to Chicago created excitement among the ! commission houses, for barrel after! barrel of them averaged over a pound ' to an apple each by weight. Bunches of grapes weighing fiom eight to 10 pounds are not uncommon. There is no donbt that prosperity has landed in Oregon, and the inhabitants of the state are greatly elated. The ban s nod the storehouses are filled to over flowing, the mines are giving np their treasures as never before, acd everything ii broming. On the Oregon Short Line and tbs Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company's lines, limited passenger and express trains are sidetracked to teaks '"I '!hT ,rei8ht' Thl' I' state of affairs tbat was sever heard of ' before in this state, and in aU probility .any other. It la almost impossibls get enough cars to move tbs vast crops of grain and other produce and to carry o tbs sndieis crass of machinery aid cJr Eastern-made necessaries. An Indiana paper says the presidents message was notab'e (or what it was not. A Salem diepath says there was no assessment oi the mountain wagon road in Linn Count?. A lia pa-.ed the Smiate providing iov a --i!tnd tiooiasteaii entry oi tou ores. It it becoram a law it win per mit one person to take up two home- S'rads 1 1 ied"s;n of a good mother the president of ti e United States his the tpmpathy ot every loyal American citi aen. Blessed is the man who has a good mother, whatever his politics, race or color. Some people would never have any- thing said for fear it would hart the town. It is a good idea to tell the truth, and lt that part of it take care of itself. This refers to Portland and Salem. Mr U W Yanderbilt has had his life insured tor $1,000,000, said to be the largest policy carried in a single com pany bv one individual in the world. It may be guessed tht the examining physcian was instactsd to do some Very careful diagnosing of Mr Yanderbilt a anatomy. A bill that is being pasned in Congress is one providing for a postal saving bank, A great deal has already been said on the aadject, with a good many warm advocates of the measure. It is declared that should it pass the govern ment would never again be called upon to issue bouds. It is a measure in the interest ot the people with small finan cial holdings, the limit being $300. In countries where it has been tried it is reported to bave worked in an admirable manner. A great deal ta being said about pen sions nowadays. That they should be confined to those deserving them is plain enough, and that is the question to decide . With congress it should be a business proposition. A good deal ot money wonld be saved annually to the United States if those not entitled to pensions were weeded out of the list. eer- ion I,, miTTi toot- occasion to bit the late lamented legislature in .be following manner: "I had as soon make an earnest prayer oefore the curtain of one of Sol Smith Russell's plays, and mnch rather, than l as I did last winter, offered np a 'a-r hefcie the gathering called the OriW Legislature.' miv- is ;i PiCg.tas to make the atne oi f.Mjt ban less rongh, and rales re heinir prepared witn that in v.ew. Depend on it though, that when the re vised game shall be played it wll liable to be a live, vigorous affair, or. it will 1-joee its interest for the average crowd. In the very nature of the game i t will bave to bave rough elements. Panting alone wooid not do, and when the men come together face to face in a contest to see which shall give stay whatever the form of it, there is go'ng tj be roughness The recent crop of wheat is estimated at 530,000,000 bushels in the United States. That is sufficiently large to in dicate that the farmer might just as well coant on depending on an average price for wheat. It is all guess work, bnt a range of price from 60 to 70 cents may parbapa be counted on. Tbere is money in wheat at those prices, and though not as dearable as 80 cents it will be phylosophical to accept the situation, continually hoping for a higher price, bat not depending on it. a good rn!e for the isra- and evc-ry bpJj i i,e ir to always accept ood th'cg. John Wanamaker's first business suc- was as a read mad clotbing man. A orotber of Waoama'ier 'tiates tbat John bad a way of gettiug a lulls closer to the bay seed wh enm to Ins etote than any satermsn they ev-jr employed. One schemi tba' teotkt 1 1 pnrfecli on was ery popular wi.Li Mr Waiiaroaker. Be wore a sack coat in t'ine dag and n the pocket tht re wonM always be a nandfol of chestnuts. Vheu a visitor m the rural districts req":ri;d a'teo n J U ai'.ed oa him showed t'tn s ai.r tu .t, munching a t'iMtnut Mmf , soi tbe trade progressed .0"-rtd his cnttumer sume, saying iu a companionable ay, 'Have a chestnut?' and tben the two rruDched together. No countryman ever visited the store in those Jays and got awav without buying a tub suit. Had Enough of Kansas. Tbe following letter created much in terest in the U S land office . It was in i-swer to a letu-r announcing the for leitnre to land in Kanras: Jobuion City, Tenn, Sept 20, 1897, Register Doited States Land Office, Wa fCnenry, Ks. My Dear Sir: Answering onr favor of the .Vd instact, referring to my entry fo 19,005, under tbe homi ttead law, will ssv that I have no cause o show within tbirty days (nor in thirty reeks, nor months even) why my claim should not be forfeited to said pieces of aud in tbat arid region, where rains are as rarce as the proverbial hen's teeth and a far between as angel's visits; h:re w'r is more precious tan dia- nicii.iir; ; -uife lean ana unvu'j cov- i tiA! i tu majestic siience of the l.neiv aud uop--ole1 prairie.-; wuere the festive jack rabbit wanders ncmoiest ad, lordly, m march of all he sniveys, id mooros bis lout companions, the dian, buffalo and settler, who are not. "I voluntarily surrender all mv right, title and interest in said land lorever and irrevocable to the eminent domain of our own 'Uncle 8am .' Blessed be bis magnanimous great hesrt tor that be neficent homestead law that plants the settler on his lonely claim fo ty miles from nowhere and out ot Qoils know ledge, to delve' a fortune from the bosom , of Mother Earth, to the tune q! blizzards, cyclones, grasshoppers and cinch ag, and after a few short and fitful years, full of sorrow and bard work, to seek bis llMt and only rest In the bosom of Moth er Earth, his only companion in bis iso lation. I congratulate his excellency, tbs president, on this magnificent addi tion to the public domain. I thought it forfeited yearf truly, o. I am yours very I Jaunty, f X1 5. w S L .aaww. No matter how much of a business wo man a woman may be, when the litUe love- od makes up is mind to shoot, there is no protection lirainat his arrow. Yet man' ny a young woman whose affections are alrea say engaged, nest' tates to assume the obligations of wifehood and motherhood, because she feels unfitted for them by some physical weakness or disease. The special ailments to which the femi nine organism is liable, not only unfit a wo man for happy wifehood and motherhood, but incapacitate her for any sphere of action. No woman can discharge tne daily duties of any position with comfort or satisfaction who is constantly weighed down by head aches, backaches and dragging, weakening drains. Troubles of this nature are not by any means a necessity of womanhood. They are positively and completely cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It imparts srenuine health and strength to the womanly organs. It was devised for this one purpose by an eminent specialist in this particular neia ot practice. " For several yeani T suffered with prolapsus of the ntenis," writes Miss A. Lee Schuster, bf Dox is, Rodney, JcSerson Co., Miss. "Our family pbvsician treated me for kidney trouble, and everything- else but the right thtnjt. I grew c.-ie and worse. Mv bodv was emaciated. Bands and feet clammy and cold, stomach weakl with great Dalnitation of the heart. I dreaded for Burnt to cosae for I would suffer with nausea all night and so I continued until some kind unknown friend sent me vour book with a marked pace I began takin vour ' Favorite PrtacriDtkm.' contrary to my family's wishes.and I began to improve rig awav. 1 have taken three bottles and now I a very nearly wetland am very happy, and thaaa sni to you. - Oak View Item.s Some may wonder where Oak view is situated. It is near the center ot Linn county just west of Peterson's Butte The Oak V lew literary society meets every two weeks, on Saturday evening. We have quite a large membership and expect some Interestiri; ilhcussiona this winter. We cordially invite all who wish, to meet with na whenever con' venient. Tbe first term of school taught by W F Wood tor the fall and winter of 1S97 closed Deo. 10. This makes months taught bare by tbe same teacher, and be has given excellent satisfaction. have one of tbe best schools in of which we feel justly be a Christmas tree at the the evening of Dec. 34lh, spices ot tbe literary society We expect to bave a pleas cordially invite tbe patrons school and every one who wonld spend a pleasant evening to meet with us. Tbe exercises will consist of sorgs and declamations by the school and others. There will be a Farmer's Institute beid atTangent Orange hall on Wed oesday and Thursday lec. 29. and 30, conducted by tbe Professors of the Oregon Agricultural college. These meetings are of vast importance to the farmers, as questions which all farmers are interested n, will be discussed. Everybody is cordially invited to attend these meetings and take part In the subjects which will be presented. Everybody is expected to bring their on dinner which can be spread on tbe table in the hall. Ih't coffe will be furnished by lbs Tangent Grange, also table furniture. It is essentially neces sary for the farmers to attend these as they are in need ot all tbe informa tion they can possibly obtain. Tbe Professors of tbe college kindly pre sent tbe different subjects, then it is expected those present will take np the work and enter into the discussion, fclnsic will be furnished by the Tangent Orchestra. I tbinc during ti.e winter when tbe farmers are not otherwise occupied, it is well for them to meet together and dis cuss the different methods of farming, and see if they cannot obtain some val uable information, by an interchange of ideas and experiences. 8ome would think the time spent in this manner entirely wasted, but let those who are skeptical attend a few of these meetings and tbey will change their mind. J. A GOOD PRACTICE. If You Want a Good Appetite and perfect Digestion After each meal dissolve one or two of I C-- . I Tv "T" I . .. Olo"rl AJyspepBiB laniett in trie inoum auu, mingling wiiu ine iooa, mey con stitute a perfect digestive, absolutely safe for the moH sensitive eton.ach. They digest the torn before it has timb to fekment, thus preventing tbe forma tirn of gas and keeping the blood pore and free from the poisonous products of fermented, half digested food. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets make tbe complexion clear by keeping tbe blood purt. They increase flesii by digesting ffeeb forming fondj. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the only remedy designed especially for tbe cure of stomach trouble and noibmg Une disease, one remedv, the success ful physician of today is tbe specialist. tbe successful medicine is the medicine prepared especially for one disease. A whol package taken at one time would not hurt you, but would simj ly te a waste ol good material. Over six thousand men and women in the etat of Michigan alone have been cored of indigestion and dyspepsia by tne use oi cstuarts uyspepsia la Diets. Sold by all druggists at 60 cents for full sized package. Send for free book on stomach diseases to Stuart Co., Marshall. Mich. We are receiving Christmas goods almost daily. You are invited to eai; andece. F M FRENCU. Notice. Tbe bill posters of the city will take notice that all paper upon being removed from boards, or wbicb falls off, must be taken care ol and removed. By order of the city council. , C. P. Lks, Marshal. Ladies wishing to bay, or take lessons, in embroidery will call at Mrs. C. M. Monteiths. Try our taa siftingu: 10 c. Extra quality. (1 . Brown ell. Bcr your Christmas candies, nuts etc, of C E Browned and you wiji get the freshest and purest to be bad . Ce'ery from Yaquinna Bay every day, C . E. b HOW NELL. Closing out Crockery and Qlasswure at cost, C E BuowHtix. A Stvlwix Link of drers skirts, in the new ottoman plaids, brocado slik, crepon anc? serges are being sh. wn at tbe Ladies rijizaar. Ladies wisbiog something nice for the Holidays should secureone at once. T-r t .o,i-T1piit;.,q rorstsr r:iliet;ajui-u Cun:.t ; . uihnnla las ortss. 11 C C. C. fall lollr'. urii..'i'H -'-funtl m n:v HORN. FROMAN. On Tuesday morning, Deo. 14; 1897, in Albany, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Froman, a boy. All doing well. Harrison R. Klnoaid, in kindliness faithfulness and independence, is easily the Grand Old Man of Oregon politics . Salem Journal. Jnhn n Rnrtrafollar 1st reoorted tO have lost is .000.000 in some Washington mines. It won't take him long to make it up in Standard oil. If trne look out for another rise. The Corvallis Times says Portland is to bave another paper in opposition to the Oregonlan, and tbat unsnes m- erve is in the valley in the interest oi it. Another long felt want. Annie Hatton. a young lady once re siding near Mt Ansel, in Marion county, is now said to be the Queen of Klondike. She is about to marry a wealthy young Englishman at .Dawson uity. ueiore going there her reputation was not the beet in the world. Another advertiser has iust done the city, and a good many invested small sums, getting little promised in return, besides leaving the town with some bills unliquidated, as our people always go into these things with, their eyes open there is no particular reason why there should be any very big kick coming. After all tbey hand a good many peo pie in California. AMender was banged Friday and the following are at San Quentin awaiting the nooee: Will Uurrant, Manuel Fellows. Wannel Cba vex, Louis J Searey, Joteph J Ebanks Benjamin L Hill, A L Knott, Dennis McCarthy. John Miller and Rico Mor- asco, On our editorial page yesterday a writer said tbe average yield of wheat in Oregon was fifty to eighty five bushels, This man may go to tbe bead as the biggest uar. The troth is sumcienu Tbe average yield is nearer 25 buihels. not over that, and that is big. A report of the weather in San Fran cisco for November, shown the Dxmocsat by a friend, is of interest. The mean temperature was 53. Tb average for November for 27 years is 56. Tbe tout precipitation for November was 1.05 inches. A vera? for 27 vna ra 9 fil inches Average precipitation for 26 wet seasons w o incnes. As a case ot endurance the recent bi cycle race in New York city, is not often equalled. C. V. Miller, who won tbe contest, was on the track 132 boors, off tbe track 10 hours, and slept only boars. On finishing bis pulse was 90 and his temperature tS,'. Rice and Sch inner the next men were each off tbe track 12 hours and slept 7 hoars. Since the Oreeonian published a list of satisfaction of mortgages from most of me counties oi tbe state several days ago, in order to show how our farmers were getting out of debt, it has since been revealed in many ot the counties that daring the same length of time tbere were almost as many new mort gages placed on file. In one or two tbe amonnt was more. "And now comes the second sten. tbe effect ot the new tariff, the improve ment in wages." says tbe McMinnvili Transcript, lee, really. IVe bave just read that the wages of 28,000 cotton operators nave ueen reduced 10 per cent, .aot mncn improvement in tus we are sorry to say. On Christmas day the Portlands and Moltnomahs will play their second game of foot ball. It is expected that this will be tbe liveliest game of foot ball ever played in Portland, as tbere is a good deal ot reeling between tbe teamn. Downs, formerely ot Albany, will plav right half back for tbe Portlands. At French's jewelry store yoo will find a beautiful display ot Cbristm as novelties. We invite an inspection of goods and price. Tbe people of Albany and vicinity are invited to call and see oar display o Christmas goods, come in whether 'von wish to purchase or cot, yon will be wel comed. Home first. The World afterward. Gt irood green tea lor your family. Cvinu iius- too keep the best, which thev set! at tbe lowest possible nruxa. Fresh Teeetble and traits according to the season, always on nana. A fine line of crockery. Magnolia Elevators. Tbe undersigned have rented the Magnolia Elevators at tbe west end of First street. Albany Oregon, at the ap proach to the steel bridge, and will coj duct a general grain warehouse bosioeas. Persons wishing to store or sell wheat or oats will do we' I to see as before mak ing ineir arrangements, r.o iois. w. I. Vsxra S. E. Yocsso. A f jiundry Nugget Laundry patrons who want fi-et class work done without paying exorbitant prices should patronize the Albanv tteam Laundry which have employed regularly five of the beet hand irot ers on the coast for shirts, dreese. ami -Iurt waists, ana in ceo's is tne liufest price rntrgea lor anv oi these article-". For Sale. a wen esiauiisneo ann god paying uusiresf in aioany. inquire t the Ladies oazaar. KclnL. '.--ore liwfirvT'.h r,.aru tor . If (.. C. C lajJ.druKu.wreiuuaicai-er J W Bentljy, tbe pioomr boot and sbo man, does first class work cheap. Call on him, just north of the Democrat office. If you want a Rood and clem moke buy ctgtrs mtls by .ur AI any cigar factory. Fonr Farms For Sale, Tbe fol'owios detiral )e fa mi are fr sit. Call on C G Burkbsrt, ibai.r, Oregon, for particulars: 1 . 1 6 acres, me mila w. st O Hslsey, jg the D L C of D W Alliosh m. i Sea n T 13, SB 4, W (V M. 35s esa s eWi and iile' coltlvation. the rat sin lar hoina euvared with small timber. fc,u :dy Creek runs through the prooertv. There is a small orchard. Price I13S0. J. 80 scrvs; ,ne rni'e S of Brownsville. fb tha D LC of Hsmnrl Johnuui in Nm 1 1 T 14, 8 R 5, W W M. All olesred land 6S acres under caltivaiinn, sit feocrd, no boi-dings, r-noe813UW 3. 255 sores, two mi 8' S of B oa-ns- vi'le, in Sees 13 and l4, T 14, 8 It 3, WW M. 120 sor s are tillahls sod th baltnoe is best suited f r psa' 75 acre are oodar crop, is all faaord, bas a good sup ply of water, good buildings aud onbrd Piios S250. 4. 785 aors, six miles east of Lebanon. in Seas 15 snd 16. T 12, 8 R 1. W W M. This is a very good stock farm, of which about 109 sores are tlllab'e. It is well wa'ered, all ferosd and has some fair boildtngi. Price $3500. JUST RECEIVED At . J. N, Eery A complete line of Japanese Holiday Goods, Handkerchiefs, Fans, Table Mats and Fancy Baskets. . Don't fail to call and get bargains. GONE. A Lewellyn setter, 7 m old, white with brown spots, spec nose, either strayed, lost, or stolen, turn to Al, Benders, Albany, and rec reward. The D;ea Fort. Washing row. Dnn. u e, k'n"i ?f California, and Senator Wilson, of sHuington, nave bad a consultation wlih Secretary Gage, in which they recommen oed that the support ot entry of Dyea, be auuusneu tney presented numeroui propositions lo this .ff, ted that Dea as a support now furnishes advantages to persons from British Colura bia which are not (riven llr.itd States ?iti7ni B0,n through t sfo, and to tue tvionuiite country, q A lr asperity lien Fall River. Mum. nn ft is learned that the committee of manufac turers which Las cbargo of the details of the pending arbitrations of the question of wages of mill operatives will recommend iiiut me salaries ot treasurers be reduced in the same proportion as tbe wages of the other employes. The ommittee also decided that all the overseers and others not usually included incut dewns should come under the order . Cartel! PaalpoBed WASniHOTOH. Iter. 14. Th montinor of the senate committee oa privileges and elecihns, which was callod for today to consider tbe application of Bon. 11 W Cot bet t, to be seated as teaator from Ore gon, was postponed to a future date upon tbe call of the chairman. Kebbera Kabbrd Rock Si'Kisos, Dec. Wyo., 14. Just few minutes before midnight three young men beld np Jack-Anderson's gam bling rooms They had been noticed sit ting around the room all evening, and took toe opportunity when but fuw were in the Snloon. and made the altonHanla hold nr. heir hands and rifld the cash retris ter. Tbe robbers are suoooscd to have taken about $600. A ImwI Trial Colpax. Wash.. Dec 14 Th trial nf Alfred J Srmea is now on. a iurv havinv been secured this morniug. There are 78 witnesses in tbe case, ') for the prosecu lion, and 49 for tbe defense. The case wan transferred on a change of venue from Adams county, wbere Srma was fnnnrf guilty ot murder in the second degree for killing L A Coulee, a constable of Spuague. Cattle Thieves Seateac. Baker Citt. Or., Dec. 14, Vred Hull, and Earl Wheeler, cattle rustlers, after a jury trial, were yesterdav sentensed by Judge Aiken to seven and fire years in tbe penitentiary respectively. Jast rrean (tawaasi Post Towhsrxd, Dec. 14. rhe steam erAI Ki arrived at 1 o'clock this morn mg, witn 4y passengers, nearly all ol wnom are rrom lire, hkaimsv an t Snm- dum." The Ai Ki brought but one man, a jur. ucaru, irom uawion city. Mearn and seven otters left Da waon to days aftr the Jack Dal ton pary. but 10 of the crowd turned hack alter sir dara' tmrei np the river. lie confirms the report that lood is very scarce and that tbere will be suffering on leas provisions arrive Ly the middle ot tebrary. retferalaaa af Isbar NASAViixg, Tenn. Dec. 14 The N UonsJ retention ol Ilor began its 17th annual session in tbu city today, with an attendance of more than 100 dolegaie i rum we uiuerrni states. Alter tbe meet inft bad bem called to order rt m Ainunn of the focal typographic anion, delivered an aareas ot weicom. freidnt Gompers riivoun mm reaa nis annual sail rem ("Mas la s tMvsaVtf St. PETTsasBCRO, Dec 13 The No vosu says that la tbe abmce of protests from the other powers Uomany's evident aetrmiKtion to remits at MwUhoo indicates that the partition of China has actually becda, and still proceue qoicklr Another newspaper expaNaes the be'ief that the totted btates. aaocff other Don er, ssay object to the permanent occupa tion ci iiao-inoa by uermany. m sua tksagra Cbicaoo, Dec. 1-1 A committee ap pointed by tbe conference ot the seven uni venture beld here Nov. 6. to suggest such change as aermed advisilie in tbe present rootosui ruie in order to make the game lees rough, will nauh the work tnic arrek and at a meefuoar lo be held in Chkairo. neat Saturday wi! decide spon t-echanr to be submitte l to the members of tbe conterecoe for tbeir action. A Blx Bcrrr.Mont.. Dec 13. W A Clark. the millionaire tnioeosroer, today sold bi outre properties lo tbe Uoiuu Parrot mining' A Smelting Company, of Spokane ictii.vsv.iw. air. vaartt and bu sou. Charles W Clark, are big stockholders Tbe sale includes four ra: sable mines and the BjU reduction works. a Ctaa fail PiaSK. Cal- Dee. 12. Homolt bar bas been very roo,h denag tne past few dAj-t, a heavy soutbwes awcil ttul teg nav igation dacireroos. The steamer Alice btaocbard. Captain wanter, bad a narrow esrape from biog wrevlt.d. bite cros sing in. in tbe wake of tbe steamer Pen oma, she bipped a bi sea which smashed in the after cabin. Hooding tbe dining room and bertha and ciu-iav grfat con- ternstioo on board. Hataer wrkvlsilev SVa4 Castox. IM-. 12. From rerfc-rt r. ceived here tl.ia ever.irg. it i exrwln tbat Sy-retarj H.i-i. ol thm in-r nr e i psrtmer t; Sertelarr of -r fc-t' Sec rxrtary t-f i;rH.lnre V i sun. A .r r. j Oener' ju Nenna. hi wile ..d tiiugli tr, ! tmaner lteneial b4 ttjr ec retarjrt.1 the irtrident 1'or ri .l ra-h brre 1 u-d it rAnminif r r Ihe i'mi y -vsnre lines lo attend lie lui -. jl teTTi.r ol Me.iii-r MtKin'ty. who citt te'erti nif.rnin. ; i A lun i'i; sja) ASiusoTojt. tW 1; 1 1,-. I'll! to Culled in entaUi-h lb-; u-u."iit uf i.j. Sa!e ill ..ain e itilr. Ourt eouse j cooitreMi iom .rn.w foe in.l.u ireM-ra' It ruia. pr-'ri.l,-i lor as n.-ilu!i' d of the hiKbrt Kil,le tp? Ii the gr .rig ales of acrreditml oil-fc-es and nmfitie onlr. wub peci r.-fcrvn-e to be r of oritcioo! nsrcb ar.d itivesdigiioi it, all important tie'd of ii,qu ry. l:e. Wihiaaaa Dead Meofohu. lec. 12. Rt. M A Wil liams, the Pioneer mioioUr of R igne nvei va!y, rued at bis borne two mile south of ileaf rd eterday. He mt t6 esrs of age, and had lived in Southern Oregot sitce tbe eany 6ftier. He was one of the best known pioneers of this tart nf ih. ctate, and was one of Jackson connts s The lasargeais T T . . . A m. Havana. iec. ibe clans of It. tnsurgenu to sinse a blow near the cit kn .L..L..I ... . ' "-w ujrviru. at. cart in tr in rn. tt,.,. at account, our tbe concentration of their forces is such as to make it nnlik.u tt.. tbe indumenta bands will inm..u spaoisa autbonties bave been bopmg. Letter l.Ut. Following is the list of letters remaiuins? in tbe fostorhce at Allmnr I.inn mtl "rep uec J 4, is7. Fersons calling 1 . uine nueri miui mnihadn unnwhij.. uey were advertised. Berry. Mr J M Rmnt. Mr Ush. Corrigan.Mr Andrew Dunn, Mrs Frank Duckin. Mrs Nettie Dies, Mr J II Prong, Miss Stella Fisher, Nellie D Green, Mrs J D Gaee. MrO W Hawkins. Mr TO Kopper, Eddie McKey, Charley Pavne. Mrs Kmma Jones, Mr Mithr f K a linger. Mr Henry Pyburn, Mr it II Keed, Miss Addie Randall, Mr Fred 4 ReaHer. Charl AV Summerviile, Mr rumpter, f anoie bummers, Mr Chas Snyder.Miss Martha Smith, LB H illiams.MrsNannie Waugb, MrsJ Wade. Mis Pheboe T. J. SriTts. P M Nohcks, So-jmns. WrKrna The. a are names that stand for tbe finest drugs nd sbemicals in all tbe world. Tbe kinds most 1 se J at our prescription counter. We iuu tor me oem, we bu the best, it is most ooatlv to ng. but we know that quali ty IS standard s ml ran ha l.n.ll nu. year in and year out. Bi-fkoaiit & Lee. When you are looking; tor Christ mas Roods do not forRetO cnllnt Irench'a Jewelry Store. OenMernen wishing Christmas present for their friends can fina tbem ttt Ltd les Baeuar. The office that does high grade printing m good stock, for the price of the other fcttmley, the printer. O'BRI Selling at Cost. In order to liquidate our bills we shall sell our entire stock of Clothing, FurnishingGoods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and. Caps, Dry Goods, etc. O'BRIENS. T.J. WaU Paper. Carpets, Liaeoleum, Lace Curtains. Rugs, Portion, Pillows Furniture Bedding. Picture Pramef?. Linen Warp Matting, . Oil Paintings, and Undertaking Call on ALBANY FURNITURE CO. Dealer in CHRISTMAS We all appreciate tbe good il' i which come at Christmas time. We all know tbat I he best is desirable for the dinner- We know that e want the beet. Do yoo know the beat goods for your beet dinner are to be foand at F. E. Alien A Co. Yoo want groceries tbat are high class logo with the turkey. Place your Christmas order a ith us and know that it will be alt right. Yoor wants supplied in a msnnrr that will make yon especially happy New ar rivals are ci tron, seeded raisers, cleaned currants, lemon and orange peel. New Orleans mcla,, mince meat. Hill's maple syrup, rtw buck heal flour, etc. F. E. ALLEN & CO.- THE KJSQ OP JUVENILES . . Z5c 50c '-'aaa-- CH ATTERDOK 1897 HLNDSOME COLORED 'HATES 'ADDED TO THIS YEAR'S VOLUME. Muxions ot Copies liave been sold. . OrSsr tress year BsaeissHsr er ESTES & LAURIAT, EAST AND-SOUTH THE SHASTA "KOU7E OF THE Southern Paciflu Co, Califurala (ia Ttaina .ss ronlaaa Pail Soo-.S 1 .1 L. lis rjiuiMi Albi Saa rranrtMS ar-SSO.a Ar J S 66 a Lt 1 SMI r 99a I !Mi a I Ar Abova trains tween PartlaaJ aer. Marlon, ot at s'aiions be and Salem To r JedVman Albany l'angent, Shedd, lialscy Eugene Cottage Grove, Drain, Oaklsnd and all stations frou Koseburg sou b to and in eluding Ashland. S.fUsa I Lt roruaad Ar Hits Ir.lariiLt Aibaaj L),N)ra .- a Ar HoOurs Lt I 7 i-t . uusoi saaaca Usara Albiov h.r Labanou 8 10 sa Amr. at Albaar Irom Libaoaa IOiSi) s a Uava Albanjr tor Lebanon 4 if r Arrirs at Albany tram Usbanaa TW6 r PULLMAr BJrFIl SLEEPERS ANO Oininsr Cai on Ogdtn Routt SECONO-CUSS SLEtPING CARS Atiatked la all Ttaraagb Tralas sTeM S(Se PMvUlaa. BVrvtEEH rOBTLa.1 AS COatVAlUS Matt vs BAUT(Kxospt8nBaay soasscsa a.ii saiLT tSUA I 11:11 1 a I Ponland Corvaais Ar I b ; Lt 1 1 M0' Ar Expraaj Train Dsllj (rpt Sundsr 4:50 I L TSnrul Ar Portland McMinnrllle ti.dsps deuce Ar 1 . a a tvli.Ss L 4 60 i I30r a Ar Dirant eoanwUmi at au Froaotam with 0nldsnt risntal and PsctAo mi ataamshlp Unas PA!an.lU)IIl U,llin las on apnltcattun stas aud tlcksts ') polnis snd Rnmp JA I AN. CI'IKA, llthtTLli and U8TR esn bs obtains! tram K fk eMIt, Afsnl osnjr . KOEHLBB M.vRKnAM, stsnaitsr Oen r P A Pnrtiaad Or.K. Portland Ae-To-Bae tor rttty Cants. Cuaranteed tobacco habit ours, makes weak men stromi, bltn"'. Hire. All Urusvtsia TT"TX T O'BRIEN, Agt 5 All kinds of furniture S and bedding-, and it you want the most complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. . THOUGHTS. CANDY CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS -1 Over 400 Pacts. I 200 Fan Pago IIIostratloBS. Several snr Blarlss. eacsi a b itadf. mm kaaaraaa al Start sUa, etc The east sissttls ClUtlSTMAS PRESENT far bays aad gtrta all agaa. et aa. Every Deaisr carrtas It. Publishers; r BOSTON. OREGOX t'EVTHAL EASTERN R. R. CO. YAQU1NA BAY ROUTE Connecting at YaqumaBay with the San Francisco & YaQQina ea? STF.AMSUIP COMPASY. Sleauiii "Presitot" Kaila from Yaonina every 8 days foi Sau Francisco, Coos Bay .Humboldt Bay FASSaXOEE ACCOMODATIOSS U.tSCBPASStt Shortest route between the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany and points west tc Ban Francisco Caws S0C Stxebagb Bound trip good for 60 days l'.OC To Coos Bay Cabin tS-OC Steerage w To Humboldt Bav and Port Orford, tibia . eerage , 9 00 River Division. Steamer "Albany" between Portland Jnd Corvallis. through without layover. Leaves Oorrallis 6:30 a. m. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sundays: leaves Port land, Yamhill street dock, 6:00 a. m. Mondays Wednesdays and Frid;a. OWINnOVE, dVJBlAT-o. Vasager Bupt River Div Krw San4 lUaway Absalatatr Ui ntM.i.,11 l'ii.i at Cans la W nnfmidu. f mws.i at Cans la aaya. v -SnSaiwt It m do aot i-nra. Voa osa ba trsassd as SOOOUOt ham. forth. ja. pries SUUSsa sad th i osa wbo aa pnarM ta eurs I j tbsmori aaaraa. i asraars smsi wtta taosa will eoatntm i at sosslas ralUaaS inn a bills, sad M.ka w. Ml Ckaraa,lt ara. 11 still hara aoHra and von AST. lasen ta moaib, Sm Tasaas. 4 Mft l lraiaoaans arwa SaUtaaaai, SMsaSary or Trrtlarj maraaSMlnsnra. l mUdtlha most sSalla. taewMeSrssaa wa was nas always saSfoa iwwMwwnwiaw aa.t rara. Tats 1I k. kUI ar taa 'araiaar TMtnwalMTSaasTlu,d. a srVclsitT ol aaiiaaas Ma Una I Sara SSI sa,ee ospltal baatad oar anooadiuoaal s. Wrtls as lurlssaM Wk and aaaalasa ni. aiaasaa wiia our t'trviLEXS aan va anarsnlaa aa. aonrMa a-isssss asssuv ... St Maaaale Tmel, S aieawa, IlllnaSa. is. sir. fj HeWt'.ssM' t'aUr. faw'l partot tnabuCJIalrar rfCJIt Is this Plrlsaarr. IMlORTHERfl 1U PACIFIC R. R. Puilman Sleeping Jars, Elegant Dinicg Cars, Tourisf- Sleeping Carp St Paul Minneapolis Dulutb . rargo, TO Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and ButU 7IROUGH TICKE S. TO tiicaxo ffashirjztoti rhiladefphia Sew York Jos ton and al. foinU Fast and South Through tickdts to Japan and Ch na, vis Tacomaand Northern Pacific steamship uo., an American line. For information, time cards, mapsanc' ucaeta can on or write v i norxnart agdnt, Albany. Or. a. jj ubanun. At t,en Faas Agt fortland. t" AID S00 PACIFIC LINE. To ill Points East Solid vestibule trains, consisting of pal ace sleeping car, luxu'ious dining cars. elegant day coachea, nuurninoent tonrus cars tad free colonist sleepers from the Pa cific to tiie Atlantic witnout change. cost Diaecr ao cheapest koctb t Kootenay? wTaW Miningr mAZr District I TRAIL. J aossijivp as All points iai the Okanagaa Country. Ge a pamphlet giving a fail dVschptioc of this wonderful country. Ask tbeairenl for a copy of the mining laws of Brttur Columbia. Lowes rates o and froaa ETJKOPE Atlantic steamthip ines. Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo.'s Royal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CAXADIAST AL'STt-SUAS STEAXEB LOTS Boxotxxr, win ajto rmua. Tbe shortest floe to the Colonies. These steamers carry aa experienced medical man, and a stesrardesa 00 every voyage. Tor time tables pamphlets, or any in ormstian. call oa or addreaa. S N STEELE A CO. A e-uU. Albany Or. E J COTLE, Ag't, 146 Third St-, Port aad. Or. GEO. McL. BROWN. 0. P. A. Vancouver. B. C Sale of Real Estate. SOTirE ia hejsbv prea that th. aa. iemgatd adakUustrtir with tae ail! aa ezed at lk ts jua ct Kobert lokea. da eisserl, will, ty viie of aa order of sal da!y wad aaa eaUrei 4 record, in Uw eoaatv e art (or I inn coant v, Cr on tbe it das of Xosessber, 1S97. aataorisiBg aad becasisc the an.lrrsioed aa such ad -.iaisasnr t sell all the rest aetata be loagiogtatb e.ata i f said, deceased, la pareaaace tbetwof 1 si I oi ."aardsy. Decent bar, 1H.1S9T. H tha asaau- i f 1 s'e oca: p as, of said day aa tha coaut boos dose a AJbaav. Lnm eoexty. Orcg-m. offer for sale at pabltc anaoa, to Ins highest btddav, tae flltw !i( real state: SS5 W acrea la Tp 3 R 4 nat. 3 43 acres ia Tp 13 R 4 wst 32 77 acre ia Tp 14 ft 4 w sit JtS 75 acrea ia Tp 14 if 4 wet Tha roatb H block 34, Hscklenss "s 2sd ad A b r. Lt 5e-l 0 b ock IS H?Vmi'a 3rd ad A'Unj 5l 35 avers in ll S R 4 sxt Lrt 3 ho A JCoss.'i ad t j Lrtco9 Let 1 b-cr 13 i 34 fiaWt- n xtoud, to Lebanon pa-Iv t 1 Hci 27 I XI Kavtoo's SacntHl Tbe M .te N H" oster of tack 129 in lic fsin't Ail o et; of A K.nj. 2 r5ac. I- Ve-lra a?d;! Al:iess rs :r. D I. J ? n Bir.bsrt ia Tp 11 iK3 wm: H ck 43 G !r P aJ to tU ri-. R-"c .0 tr ta t'.r . aiition to A Uc; 132 t y i4 t ftst in b.rc 66. Albany O.. bl i-j l l- 5 HackhsBaa's 3rd ad!itia to A b o - Ta S W qs.rtrr of b' 1S9 Hick'e nan's ii.i :i.i to A'oar. T-ams cf sa , e.h in hxed D.ted NoT.n,fcr 11. IS9T. J K IVaATMER Aiini DK'ri'or suh tbe il a hen'i of R ib.-.-t J a , dec KOTICF OF FINAL SETfLEMENT Notice is herebr given that the eader signed administrator of the eststo oi Tea M ore in, deceased, baa ti.i his tiaai ac eoant as socb admutstrator vith the clerk of tee coBoty roa't of Lioo ccanty, Oregon and that the Honors bio Geo O barton " judge of said court, h ac pouted Sstar day the II in day ot JJecenjber. ISS7. n.- the hour of 10 o'clock a m. as the time. ad in county ooors rronsat Alhaay, I rrgoo, as the place, tor bearing objections to said noal account. All persons are herebv notified that if thev desire ta make anv objection to said boat acoonat or settU meet thereof to be ard appear at ths above time and c'soe, or be forever birred. Lated November S, 1S97. Go W Wruiht, W G Moboax, Attylor Admr. Admioiatrator NOTICE OF FJKAL SETTLEMENT Notice is her by given that tbe under signed executor of the la$t will and testa ment of Loot's M K inter, deoaated, has filed with the clerk of the county court for Linn county, Oregon, his final accon.l and the court bas set Mondav the 6:h dav ot Decemlxr.iW at the hour of 1 o'clock p m ol stid da? to hear objections to said final account acd to setfe said estate. This me ;b day of October, 1897. Rs.NitT K INKER, Eieca'orof estate if Lonisa M Kinxer, eased NOTICE OF FINAL SETTIEMINT. Notice is hereby given that j mv V Morgsn. as administrator of the eta'eof Lydia Morgan, deceased, has tiled his hoal soooaot as such administrator witn the olerk nf tha eonnty ooort ot Lfoa cooaty, Oregon, aud that said court has appoint. d Satdrday the 1 1th day ot December, 1$97, St the hour of 10 o'clock in tha forenoon of said day aa the tints snd the coontv ooort room in Albanv, Oregon, as tba place tat hearins and settling said acconot. All paraoos are aotitied tiat If thsy have sny objections to sold scootint and final seula nant to appear at laid time andplsoeant, preset: t them. Dated Nov. 8. 1W7 Gso W WatoHT, Jas W H'obgaw, A-ty for Admr. Administrator FOR SALE. Whereas, by the consideration of tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for (he County ofLlnn,lna cause therein pending wherein J M Moyer, L D Cole, E D Mover, and Mrs P P Croft were and are plaintiffs snd the Albany Woolen Mills tympany, a corporation, was and ta de fendant, a decree was duly rend red. given and made on tbe 19th day of Novenuer. ' 1897, directing tbat the real properly be longing to tbe defendant corporation and particularly describedaas follows, towit: Block one hundred snd fifteen (11S) in liackloroan s Addition to the Ci v of Al bany. Linn county, Oregon, as the same appears on record on tbe maps and plats of said city on file in tae office of the Comity Recorder of Linn eonnty, Oregon, together with the buildings, fixtures, m cbinrry and plant 1 hereon sitoited, known as tbe Albany Woolen Mills property. with the appurtexances, be sola by the undersigned, the receiver of the proper tie of the above named defendant. 1 he said Albanv viooleo P-ant consists of the following, towit: Two 2) Seta Davis A i arber 48x44 Iran JTrame Cards complete; Foex (4, sets Johnson k Basaett - self operating aca. zj spmaies eacn; two tj wuiywum u. x Looms, 27 Harness, 4x4 boxes; Six (6) Cromptons ilS in. Cam Looms 2, 3 and 4 n. r, ,r.A i leal, 4X4 ooxes; lwo(4j unraiira. u 'n- r ancy loros socw vuI Knowiea 2 in. Fancy Looms .30 Harness 4x4 box. In adJi'ion to tne above tbere is a woof opener, dusting macntoe, birr pit ker, finishing uscbinery, drying ma chines, dye vats. r washers, and other machinery complete necessary tor nnuning all kinds of woolsa goods. There is also a complete pnlWy attached to said mills. -Now therefore, in obedience 10 said de cree and in accordance with the terms and oroviiiona thereof, tbe nndersigned. as re ceiver aforesaid, wiil sell all and tbe whole of .the hereinbefore described property upon tbe terms ar.d conditions, and in to - aTrnfcitowinrTbe said property will 1 , . . 1. l. : ..1 . 1 j 1 1 i ,1 the purchase price to be paid in cash at tbe time of tbe delivery of the possession thereof to the ptn-ehaaer, namely on or be fore April 1st, 1&93, and tbe balance oa a credit of six months thereafter, without in terst. witb seco'iiv to be approved by tbe court. Sealed bids for said property must re filed with the ree4er at Albaar, Linn eonnty, Oregon, on or before the 5 h day of February, 198, and each bidder is required to de?. sit with bis bid, as an earnest of good faith, s certified chek. payable to the order of tne receiver for the su m cf two tnoosxd dollars ($2000 00 And all pen ns Interested are hereby notified, that opon the 7tb day of Febra ary. ItSS. at the benr nf ten o'clock a m. of said day at the eoort boose in the Citv of Albanv. Una county, Oregon, all bid received bv the said receiver will be open ed by the F00 H H Hewitt, judgecfte said court.' The said court, by virtue o said decree bereiatnfore referred to, re serves tbe right to reject aay and all bid a for said property. Da ed December 2nd. 183T, CmambcbxaixA-Thomas, L Fl'hi Attorneys for Rtxxim, Receiver, Chamber of Commerce, Albany , Or. Portland, Oregon. KOTICE CF FIKAL SFJTLEMEHT s Kotice U hereby givea thai tbe Bade r "ft MrsjnrH-.ii atrsj catas, wiis. Vi trstament cf F F CroH. deceased, has eij ia tbe counts eotrt uf las eoaotj. Or gos, her final aecoant; a ad that said atiit DM appointed Mnaday, the 3rd of January" li&i, at the boas of tea o'clock ia the forenoon of said dsy. for the bearing of objections, if any. thereto, and the act tiemenr of the casta. XovKth. ISfl DBS Bfjusinur. Mr Ci oft Atty far serutrix. Esecatrix, ets. TO 1 Mt E A CITES THK CHOKt OS 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT OREGON K0RTHERH SHORT LIHE VIA. SPOKANE UIXXEAPGUS ST. PAUL CHICAGO via SALT LAKE DcKYFJt G Si A 8 A OD KAKSAS CITT Lowest Bates to all Eastern Cities Ocean Steamers Leave Fcrtland Every 5 days .. SOB SAN FRANC ISGG Steamers monthly from Pert land to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via, f he Northern Pa- Icifk Jrteaniship Co. ir. con nection with O K and N So ?al inf-Mt:itio r CtSJLaS & WcNTUt", -ny.Qt W H Hi'!-! X ''; I a- A. Pi tlud O: . Dr Adams Cnsick Block. Albany, Or Painless work a specialty. j. c. iimii's Ground Floor Dental Office. Broadalbin, St Albany, Or. Yard Littler. Assist tint. 11EU E Flsn VA -TM Ir PI tTKfOvti Tin rooSng and plutubiaa- Oppoalt he opera house ? OK SAUs A horse and mare, each weighing. 1400 pounds. Kor sale cheap. Call on Dr Wm Amos, 3rd wan. WANTED-UPR1GHT AND FAITH FUL gentlemen or ladies to traT for responsible, es'ablisheti coue Oregon. Month! v (65 00 and excesses position steady. Befeience tncloa setNaddreesed aranined earelone. Dominicn Company, Dept. H, t hicago. FURNISHED ROOMS With or with out board in a pritate family, centra -location, mature at this osfice. TREASURER'S N01ICE K0- Notice is hereoy given that funds ae on hand tc pay city warrants Sos, SSj to $21 Inclusive ot the issue of 1SJ7. In. t creel on aid warrants will cease a ith the date of this notice1 Albany Or. Nov. 27, 1S97. ' . A. Parks. City Treasurer. STREET RAILWAY NOTICE. The rnotoi on tbe Albany tret rail way will connect promptly with all trains to and from the depot, da; and night. . Special trips will be n ade at special a'e. I. K. Con, Conductor, Til F) &Fr