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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1897)
The misery of it is awful, USE a SCIATICA You'll feel It Is worth Its weight In gold LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany. W R Bilyeu, Foehsy & Mason block, JRN Blackburn, P O block. H Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon. PO block. J N Duncan, P O block. T P Hackleman, Pearce block. O E Hawkins, Cusick block. Judge H H Hewitt, V O block. N B Humphrey. Kelly & Curl, bank bcSJing. L H Meatanve, Pearce block. J C Powell, P O block. J M Somers, P 0 block. H 0 Wateon, bank building. Weatherford & VVyatt. Bank bnilding. Whitney & Newport, Cusickjblock. G W Wright, P 0 block. Lcbiuion. 8 M Garland. Brownsville. A A Tussing. ' OR.C, U, CHAMBERLIFI HOMOBOl Treats tumors, strictures, facial blem nes, neuralgia and other diseases, with gaivanic electricity. Office on Ferry St., aear 3d street. DR. J. L.HILL Physician and surgeon. Office, First St. ROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW ORXQOS CTTT, OREGON. Land Titles and 'Land Office Business a Specialty. FIRST NATIONAL BARK, or aXBAxrr, oaaeos P.-eetdtsBt Woe Praidaat . LPLINH .. S,E,TOUHQ . W. LAJtGDON TSAS8ACT8 A OwiKliALhanMngfoasassa ACCOrKTS KKPT tabject to hck. IQrVt UCSANGI and t.! .graphic craasfar. W a Nev York 8. rract.oo.Ctalco d r"' t'v. OL'jtCTIOSS aADEon toraM. Urms 3 K Tottae W Unni P A Gooswnt, L, lun C. S. Fuss. CHEAPEST POWER ...HERCULES W AS AND Ci ASOHNE Built in special sizes for printing offices and factories. State your wants' and write for prices and term. Illustrated catalogue furnished free upon app'ica- tion American Ttfe Focnders' Co. Portland . Oregoc . LOOK HERE. The Oregon School Supply Eonse, Incorporated, of litany, Has come to stay and is now prepared . to furnish school districts with every tninz needed in the line ot school inrnt- tore and apparatus, such as seats, desks. maps, charts, globes, blackboards ana in fact ail of the necessary articles which go to and are required in the school room. We are also ' general agents for the famous Kennedys Diesectiog Mathe matical blocks for teaching of mensora tion and teachers instructions. The blocks are indespeosiable in the school room, and boards of directors will do well to come and examine them and see for themselves. These blocks are uni versally endorsed by the beet teachers and educators in the land and are to be seen to be appreciated. Give us a call Our prices are the lowest and our terms the beet. Office b.rahan, Koom 20, oy stairs. Obegox School Supply Hocbs, Dr Adams 5 Cusick Block Albany, Or Painless work a specialty. J. C LITTLSE'S Ground Floor Dental Office. Broadalbin, St., Albany, Or. Vard Littler. Assistant. Hall Price Store would re an appropriate came tor my stock of Books fur old and younsr, office books, oB.ce fixtures, filee.inkstands, draw inz tools, inks.R'nes, mucilages, art novel. ties, envelopes, cheapest to the very finest; wn'int' paper, tablets, a large lot of both; calling cards. ticke's. S S cards cheap, pen hoi iers, pencils, pens, notions, blotting pad--. riMue, etc, at the rate of $1 00 worth for 60 cent. W R. BLAIN (Be pots the prices down. JUST RECEIVED At Mrs. J. H. Hoftaa's HI- jery Store- A complete line of Japanese Holiday ; Goods. Handkerchiefs, Fans, Table Mats , and Faucy Baskets. Don't fail to call and get bargains. IfomylfTto Cent. . I have a limited amount of money (o loa on good security at 7 per cent inter est, bv jears or longer. Interest payable annually Address Box 126. Albany Or. Honey to Loan. We have a block of $40,000 to loan on good forms in Linn and adjoining count ies. If yon have good security and perfect title, we can furnish vou Ihe coin without delay, as vre make our own examination of security.. i all on us or write S. N. Steele Co, Albany, Oregon. 'j.otVralston R HOKE I?, 3 Doors East of Democrat Office. Money to loan on farm security, all mall loans made on personal feenrity. City, countj and school warrant bought. Co' action made on favorable terms. Fire nrance written in three or the hw t mpiinies in the world, it Inwett r itew ST. JACOBS OIL ill 'if-i- i in rrn - Star Itakey Corner Broadalbtr: and First SU CONRAD MEYER PROPRIETOR- -Dw In Canned Fruits,. Glassware, Dried Fruit?. Tobacco, Sugar, Coffee. Etc. Canned McM Queens a. if VenetaWe Cigars, Spices. Tea Etc. erything that lo Ejpt in a tood variety and pro eery store. High est pt'e paid for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCI SENDERS' COMPANIES Always Pay. No aueetion ahont full and prompt roent of losses by fire on insurance pleot s with the leading aoent of Albany, M. Sen der. "Ms ThatHe tares People ftr. Don't allow vonrelf to be roped into th. various "local Aiutuais" now ueins Dusbed on vou as being "cheapest in surance, when you insure you do apt want to worry about getting your money i case of loss. M SENDERS Insurance. Hay, Grain and Woo- The Magnolia Laundry C SIMPS0I1 5 sow SaMaitl Piices Work f arranted Millfoi Sale. F"r sale or will exchange for improved real estate, a large, well equipped sawmill, in good runnicg order. 1 bi mill is su atel adjacent U a large timber belt and has fine shipping facilities. Here is a bargain for some one. For further par titulars enquire of The Stewart A Soar Hdw Co., Albany, Or. FOSHAY & MASON -Wholesale A Retail ERUBGISTo OD BOOmilM A LB A ST. OBEGOH. Pure Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. FRANK SKIPTON Successor to John Fchmec. Livery at Reasonable Hate. W Jl keep teams for lOeents, with feed 40 cents, all night $1.00 OUR CAPACITY Is Unequaled In the Valley. OUR WORK Is Unsurpassed In Oregon. We have the best stock tt. select from and our prices are always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, Albany. The Printer FOR SALE A W ShPS to sell A mil at Little Elk his 40 acre tract. c"n Mating' of 20 acres cleared, 10 to be cleared. ith 18 or 20 tons of hay. 150 bushels of botwtoes in be ground. 100 fruit trees, and some cattle and sheep. In a nice location, fr , .-Jill. V lint tmr filiM. ar-'ne r ' btmofi --it uses Ruoture't own force H retain Folio outnietf'nia o nirs yw. , w nouthr :-ltc-, mci At OVU AOKr t, , , u .,ri4j 0U our TruawsL LrB about thU grmmt pm4. mm . taiem Wck ftutooiaiticai.y. For sale by i. A u,.i . tr. NOI ICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT No'ice I berebv ciren that the under siirned us execu'rix of (be last will und U-nta'nent of S" F Cro't. decce ed, has riled in tbe county co irt i'f L nn county, Ore It' n, he finsl account; and i bat said oJrt has appointed Monday, tbe 3rd of January I I89H. at the hour of ten o'clock In I lie I forenoon of said day, for tbe t earing of objections, if any, t hereto, and ih set Nov 27th. 1897 D R N Blackburn. MayCoft Atty for Exeeutrix. Executrix, etc. K. . T. M. everv Saturday eveniog at K. O. Visitin ' Knight, inviied 'o J. F. Ieoutman, Com. T. at- & a AT SMALL,-" v If i?031Vf V 3 V IffF not Kw'fc - ' . "3 -VS-- r'ne t J 3 Ti kn-tmei .. Ao Ohio baby wa teeeuily named Prosperity. The child will go through life handicapped . Mi. Sauguilly will go back to fight (or Cuba. It is a great relief to know that Sanguillv no Benedict Arnoid. The annual coid wave baa been strik ing the east. The Pacific coast is olten followed by a wave in miniature, just to show how the thine is done. lieimany certainly haa the big head or something of that stripe just now, judging from it treatment of a few weak nations. Perhaps William's head is not just level It is an interesting fact that of the thirteen hundred men flyiug from Dawson, on account of fear of starva tion, a good many of them irtend to re turn. They evidently believe in the Klondike. A pleasing item in the papers is that J Pierpont Morgan recently lost $300,' 000 in street car stock . It really does one good to see Pierpont lose ore' sionally. Now it is declared that some of the Spanish generals declare the Presidents message an insult. We have been fear- ing that it suited Spain loo well, hence it is good news that even a Spanish general ,ia insulted. We hope lo see them get real mad. Hanna prosperity has struck Haverill, Mass., where wage have been reduced 15 to 30 per cent in the factories, for the benefit of which the Dingley bill was nassed. The men not appreciating the keeping of promises are striking. A new scale of price ! at just gone into effect at Pendletou n the basis of a 60 cent advance per cord, all round These rates apply to sawed wood deliver ed, and are as follows; Blue Monntain wood. f5.60; Cascade wood, $6 ; oak wood $7.50. For tour-foot wood 50 rents cord lees is charged E O The Taroma News has aa idea that prosperity's a-comin and a-bnmir in' " and it cites several incidents to prove the assertion, such aa an Illinois wo man got $55,000 tor a breach of promise, an Ohio wife U suing for $65,000 for th alienation ot her Husband's affections and a Spokane roan wants $50,00J for diversion of his wife's lova from the proper channel. Clifford W Kantner.the accomplished son o! Rev and Mrs W C Kantner, ttrs city leaves this morning for Nash ville, Tennessee, where he will at once rrsume his studies in music, under the tutelage of his former preceptor Emit L Winkler. He will graduate from tbe full course there and proceed thence to New York City, where be will prosecute bis profession along the erecial line of composition, for which be has s stroog forte. Salem Statesman. The Rev Thomas Keith, pricked by bis conscience, recently returned nil his pension money.some $465. to tbe govern ment, and now he has wri'ten io tbs New York World explaining bis motives of conscience and hooesty. In bis letter be cites a case in which s Presbyterian elder is drawing $30 a month 'or deaf ness while managing a long distance telephone as aa occupation. Publish tbe pension list ! E O. The Guaid says it costs f 100 a month to feed tbe tramps, which is done out it tbe city's money. It is no more a city's business to feed that kind of paupers than it is any other kind of a pauper. Again it is a good way to foster tbe tramp nuisance, Wneneverthe tramp is starved he will stay away, and that is a ft rod way to solve tbe tramp problem. We bave enough poor at boms who de serve what little we bave to spend be sides wbat we need to run onr owo institution. A man awhile ago left hit family in Kansas, and can-e out to Oregon. Tbe wile and children have had to go to tbe poor bouse. The man located In Eu gene where he was soon found out, and the Guard calls him a brute, which is tameenooxh. His name is Wick am. He would look well inside of a cost ot tar and feathers. Such men sbonld be made to know that there is no place io society even of the lowest order for then.. In his report on tbe reindeer in Alaska Commissioner Harris thus describes the useful qualities of the animal: Provi- derce seems to have a lap ted tbe rein deer to 'he peculiar condition of Aretie life, and made him at once tbe best helper to man in the transportation of aupplies.the surest sonree of animal food and the producer of the warmest cloth ing. His horns and hoofs furnish the brat material for the making ot glue, his hftir, on ecsount of its extreme lightness s the best for use In the construction of ife saving apparatus, and he also furn ishes tne possibilities for large a nd wealtL producing industries. Chairman Young ot the populist cen tral committee of the slate has issued an ad dries advising tbe party l go it alone, and to refuse all p'ans ot union with other forces. Chairman Young, ot the state Union organization, has issued en address advising a union of forces, urging the organization of onion clubs, aud closing; with the fallowing: It we can get a non-partisan ticket nominated on the lines proposed, we can carry the elate by 10,000 majority. Plain open handed honesty in want ed. Let the union movement be what it pretemls'to be. and tbe aim be "on to the primaries." The primary meetings in our little country schoolhouses are of more value to American interests than fie star-chamber work of politicians. Let the oid parties be maintaiced. However, it is better that a'l parties, factions and leaders be swallowed np than that the people he swallowed np by th money oligarchy . 'United we stand; divided we fall." The advice to let tbe old party organ- I IzaJons be maintained, is particularly I acceptable to members of the democratic r well as in local politics. Tbe democratic ; party here is too closely identified with te history of tbe nation to give np in fie least Its identity. There might be cases where the union of forces would ee desirable and practicable, but every movement should be weighed with j greater object ahead than merely tern- J porary benefit. For Yaquina. The Yaquina Bay Committee appoint ed at a citizens meetinx several weeks ago have prepared the following, letter and ttatisticr, which have been mailed to Congressman Tongue: Albany Or, Dec. 16 1897. Hon T H Tonous, Washington, D C : Dear Sir: In compliance with your request while hers a few weeks ago, t committee which was appointed to col lect statistics in regard to the output which was sold in tne year 1807 in the different counties which would be mate rially benefitted by the improvement ot the harbor ot Yaquina, aud the exten sion ot tbs Oregon Central and Eastern R R into Eastern Oreoo, after a great deal of labor in collecting them, beg to submit the enclosed report to you In addition to this report we will say that the future prosperity of this coun try depends largely upon the completion of the Oregon Central ti Eastern ,R R on through our great timber belt In the Cascade mountains and Eastern Oregon, to connect with some transcontinental railway, giving ns an oppertunity to market our vast timber output. In the Cascade mountains, in Linn and Marion counties alone, a conservative estimate is 800,000 acres of as fine timber as man ver looked upon. This at 40,000 feet per acre amounts to 32,000,000,000 feet. Of this amount probable one-fourth is accessible to the line of the Oregon Cen tral & Eastern R R, being 1,000,000 car loads of 9000 feet each, or 40,000 train loads ot 25 cars each. Trusting that this may be of sent ence to yeu and your co-workers from Oregon in eecuriog.tUe improvements ot Yaquina harbor, I remain, ery truly yours, S X &TKKLS, Chairman ot Committee. Tbe report is in the form of a tabu lated statement, showing tbe annual output of principal products of the couu ties tributary to l equina h arbor. The figures for L:nn county are as follows: Wheat 1,200,000 bu $900,000 Oats 400,000 bn 120,000 Rye 18,000 bu 9,000 Hay 50.0C0 tons 400,000 Hops 3(3.000 lbs 32.000 Cattle 10.700 160.500 Hogs 11.000 87,600 Sheep 18,400 36.400 Wool 300.000 lot 39,000 Potatoes 216.000 bu 61.300 Dried fruits 453.000 lb. 18.300 Green (raits 4.500.00C Iks 13.750 Poultry 26,000 dox 52,000 Eggs 2400,003 dox 250,000 Butter 800,000 lbs tSO.&.'O Lumber 20,000,000 feet 160,000 Total f2.4C9.500 Tbe totals for the other counties are as follows: Benton $131.175 Clackamas 1.367.000 Crook 851.750 Douglas 1.335.400 Haroey 830,753 Lane 2.069.000 Lincoln.... 325.323 Marion Malheur... Polk Yamhill Washington. Total.. ..2.49S.000 ...77 .520 2,25.515 . 1.626,199 . 1,800.200 .19.611,624 VVauthlnxnMi Frew wregvlv Waahinrfoo. Dec. 30. ISO Tbe man wbo would bave predicted the present condition ot tbe Washing ton end of tbe republican party a '.ittle more than a year ao, when it bad just elected a President and a majority of tbe House, would not have been given credit for a good jodgment, even by the bitterest enemy of that party. In fact, ft is difficult for any one not in Wasbincton, to believe tbe extent of the disruption of the party. Nothing can better illustrate this than the attitude of to republicans in Coogrese towards the recommendation made by Mr. Mc Kinley's message. Not a siogle one of tbem haa tbe support ot anywhere eear the solid republican vote in either branch of Congress. Mr. UcKinlry asked indireclly.Secreiary Gage directly, ior tbs retirement ot tbs greenbacks but if the populists and democrats re frain from voting, it is doubtful whether a bill providing therefor could pass either branch of Congrets; Mr. Mo Kinley's Cuban policy is cooUotly and openly assailed by republicans ; l.e ask ed for the immediate ratification of the treaty for the annexation of Hawaii, bat not a move haa been made in ihat direction in the senate, and abandon mtnt of tbe treaty la looked lor; be de fended the ci ril service law, and one half of tbe republican members of the House are openly engaged io an effort to break down that law. to fact, every tbinc Is tending; towards a restoration of the democratic party to power, and tbe once boasUd solidity of the repub lican partv. which was for years its most noted trait, has .gone, apparently forever. Reprssntalive Sullivan, of Miss., in bis speech against the payment of pen pensions to wealthy men quoted exten sively from Gen. U Y Bojnton's recent arraignment of the injustice of the pension laws as no administered, be cause he endorsed what that gentleman bad said and knew that nobody could raise any queslson lo Mr Boy nton's riuht to criticize. Although the pension bill passed by the House, carries an appro priation of more than $141,0110,000, something like $2 for each niau, woman and child in tbe U. 8 it ai rushed through the House in an hour or two and every amendment proj-oied by the democrats was voted down. Represen tative Diogley's remark that of every $5 paid out by tbe government $2 went to pay pensions and fifty cents went to pay interest on the public debt, although probably not made for such a purpose ought, in view of tbe probable pension deficit ol $10,000,000 in the next fiscal year, and the announced desire of the administration to increase our bonded indebtedness, to cause many persons to put on their thinking caps. The report that Czar Reed Is in sym pathy with tbe fight on civil service reform, because he recognizes it in a means of lessening Mr. McKinley's chance for renominatior, was partia'ly confirmed by the attendance at a causus of republican Representatives called to consider ways and means of fighting tbs civil service law, and bring about its modification or complete repeal. Will Durrant hang on January 7. That is the question again being asked, with at least two answers. Mr. Dnprey and a few others declare that he will not. Tbe public are anxious for the agony to oe over m auape. me case has already attraated more atten. tion than it deserves, or is good for the public pulse. Letter. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. At leant one man took the Democrat man to task lor omitting his Saturday night thoughts last week, and remarked that it must not occur again. We hope they are of sufficient interest that others also missed them. It is very pleasant to be roused personally when one is ab sent, and the same sentiment exists in a case like this. Thia week Webfoot has continued to be Itself, with a mixture of chill, hardly deep enough to be called i old. An important event of the wask was the reorganisation of the company run ning tbe railroad beginning at Yaquina Bay and now ending somewhere up in tbe Cascade mountains, in a manner to make it evident that the road will be extended into eastern Oregon, a consum mation devoutly sought by the people of tbe valley generally. It looks lias bnei tiess, aud besides Mr Hammond's wotd is at the back cf it. It may be remem bered that this is the firtt time that Mr Hammond has msde a direct statement mat the road would be extended. The 0mocrat now believes It will be. DuriDg the week Durrant was senten cea to be tanged for tin fourth time. It is no longer necessary to go into detail wnen you mention htm. lust bis last name Is enough. It has become s com mon word. Durrant is now at the head ol the class in notoriety in tbe criminal aistory oi tne coast. It will not take a.k long though to forge 1 him when the noose shall have done its work. An Albany man just mined a steamer by an hour.and the steamer was wreckej and most on board drowned. That was acioee cau. Keally Iile coirea preity close anyway to hanging by a thread . This week a seven year old boy namsd Uyron Uiloert, at Topeka, Kan., passed tbe required examination tor admission to tbe bar, with the order that ce be . i . .. . ie otceteary utploma upon reaching tbe legal aire. That is a freak that only a freak stale like Kansas coald ever present. The Demockat nredin. r that the boy, prorogue brain wil be hl medal and physical ruin. Most bjyt know too much for their own good with out being as forward as that. Yesterday the Dkmocrit ta-n was signing an application for an advertise ment, in which were the words, reiig ions, agricultural, and a blank for the politics ot the paper, ;t a political paper, it being intended that tbe ones not need ed should be scratched out "Put tbem all in," said a f resn J standing near. "that will be all right." The Dr.tiocaAr is a newspaper first and then .int.. be lor tbe right, without or tireeome. beiog narrus Tbe boring of Christmas preols has becun. re. I. a. ian. .n ,v.uin i i - ir j . .. doean't lake any lUk ta this 1250,000 be perwn who can afford .t as t h re is. ; nUrt b ,hl r,liroeJ lllfo0tn I: is certainly blessed lo gtve, uj by all ; centre-. It is very doubtful if toe il means do it, sod io a sn.ib: way . twtion juiiCe it, and it looks very much as il it is a achem lo flreoe the ' government, which by li e way ha no In Ihe death ot rtou. U F Crasford. Linn coonty l&ie. a faithful aod va'.na-' ble citizen, one who in his life lime : served tbe county well, ibooeh lor a! aumbtr of year living a quiet aod re- tired life. Tbe A. C R. K. From tbe Astoria News: Mr. Hammond arrived in town last evening alter having inspected the condi tion of the grade of the A AO K R. from Uoble lo tbie city. To a News re porter Mr. Hammond staled to-day ih.t the grading is completed ai'.h tbe ex ception of about a mile and a half. This, he stales. will probably be completed be , fore tbe lstot January, when track-lay- ;n w. i,-. i ... w. i - thousand tons of railroad Iron are now ;taprore! until he sa w that the rails mere doe here from the east, and are exp-cd ' not '""i 001 ?f he 'lfCtr,c dailv. It is probable that trains wiil be corDt-, The e.eclncal d.Play wa. pro roomng on belioe before the expiration . 00,J laAi u' lh ' ffe,e ot February. Mr. Hammond, who was two days and a had in cojiing down the grade, was considerably need op from the effects of his bard trip, and this morning remained in his room, having contracted a severe cold. t.,-,i r., i r-. Th. .. Francisco News Utter" has published t,.. h.niir.,t t;,,o. ,,, the iseue tor IS97 will be far suoer or to ..ikin iinr. tk. number consists of one hundred pares of .Ytt!!enL itlrarv m.ltAr. and t tentv. t five engravings drawn especially for the number by the beet local painter. It is a handsome contribution to the Holiday literature oi tue year, and win oe pnzeu by every lover of the beautiful, in art ana literature, at nome ana soroaa Mailed to any address in the United State by the Publishers for fifteen cents per sopy. Bevt are of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain .Mercury as mercury will surely destro) the scueeof soell aod completely derange the whole systen when entering it tbroogb the mu corn sunacts. sucn articles snojid never be urd except on prescript iocs from reput able physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can pos.ibiy derive from. Hah s Catarrh Cure, tnanu factured by F J Cheney & Co, Toledo.Ouio, contains no mercury, aad is taken intern ally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous Kurfaccs of tbe system. In bo iitg Hall's Catarrh Cure he sure you get the genuine. It is taken interualiy, and made in Toledo, Ohir, by F J Ctenev Co. Testimonials f.-et. Sold by drugir'sts, price 75c per bottle Halls Family Pill are the best. What Dr A E Salter Says. Buffalo, N Y. Gents: Froui my personal knowledge. ga:oed in observing the effect of your Shlloh'i Cure in cases ot advanced Constipation, I am prepared to say it is tbe most remarkable itemed that has vcr been brJUhl to my atten lion. It has certainly aaved man, from Cousu tic ton. Sold by Fosbay & Ma son. Lenvi N'otiiinu to Luck. But c on Will A SturK for such tbing in their line as will suit yon for holiday presents. They have a splendid stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Noveltie., in the latest designs a well as a fine line of watches, clocks, cut glass ware, 4c. Tliey will will please you in good and- prices. Don't Run Any K isks about health . Avoid coughs, colds, fevers, pneumonia, and all other similar ailments hv keeping year blood rick and pure with Hood's oarsaparilia. Hood's Pills are purely vegetuhit and do not purge, pain or grpe. AH druggies. S op Cough! Take warning. I m' lead l Cons Jin .itiiin. A 25 i b'ttt of 3liil irt; ire m tr 'av! your life. Sold by ronhity & Vttisou. Mrs Asuby hm j ist rt eiveJa tine lineo Stamped linens, perfect beauties Haudkerchiefr, hove, facinators. Boas, mitts' fans, Chataluin bags. Cull and ex iruine the line of fancy nciious. When you are looking for Christ mas Koodst do nut forget t ) call at rrencriB jewelry store. R1aei..nVaiir Ilowels With Caseareta. Can-iy mtlinrtlr, euro constipation forever tor, nac,,druglaUireruBdiuoBey. MISIFT9 Maggie White was married in Portland this week. The best X-Rays for today aro miss ing. No southern exchanges Salem Journal. Thanks, Colonel, Mr Mustard didn't make a very hot run for mayor of Albany, only receiving forty votes. It must be that Albany people want a milder tonic Journal. Dun-ant ias been sentenced for the' third time to be hanged . The date is January 7. He should either be banged on that day or discharged. The agony uas iasteu long enough. The public is tired. C. W. Watte writes to Albanv friend. advising them not to sUrt for the Klon dike nr. til at least the middle of January. The Dkmocrath advice is not to start at all unless foot loos and in s position to do so. A Seattle paper sara the nonulatlon ol Seattle is 73,000 and that of Tacoma 35, 000. Now will some Tacoma paper give the population of the two cities. A com parison will be of interest. a portion oi u,e fcUtfene firemen ara a .! . t in favor of the council changing tbe form ot electing a chief and assistant en gineer. They want the mayor to ap point them inttead of having them elect ed by a popular vote ot the firemen. We are too trreen to burn. The fire inturauce companies collect about $75, a year in tbis city, and we don't have fire losses on an average ot $3, COO a veer, and maintain a good ff re department be sides. Salem Journal. Ditto Albany, cn'.y not so much. Leiter. a big Chicago wheat man, pre dicts that wheat will uo to $1 60 a bush el in that city. That would mean f 1 .25 at least, in A!bany. Just wha. Mr. Leiter is basing his predictions on is not known. It Is easy to predict A man reached Pendleton this week from tbe east, on bis way to Klondike, who so far bad spent 15 towarda getting there. Tramping may do in the U. S., but when he gels np into Alaska he will find that it takes something else be sides gall to get along. Condon haa no marshal, and tbe town is run wide open. Recently the to- council ordered the marshal to stop all games ot chance and gambling, and near the town ot tin horns. The miabal. not wishing to depopulate th town, handed in bis resignation. 1'rineville Journal. In speaking ol bis Central & Eastern road and bis new plans for making con nections with the wheat fields of Eastern Oregon and Washington Mr Hammond said: Tbe O. CAE wil: Up that ter ritory and will make connections with the Aeloria roid it neceetary. Mabel Fuller, ot Eugene, met Ed. St. Claire at a ball in Sao Francieco, n j ears ago. He went to New lork. She cae to Eugene. They Ao engagement followed. corresponded. Kecenuy ebe went to New York to take part in a wed ; ding. He got bold of tbe wedding ring and pawned it. She bad him arrested. I The court discharged him Silly girl. ; " S The DsHovaT candidly admits that it ' orp!us for tbe purpo-e. The Kageee Journal ha made a borne application lo ihe following current joxe: A little girl apprrwche i the stamp win dow at tbe poetorTit-w tbe other day aod railed for ten totae camps. Clerk Bmtow asked her what denomination she wished and abe replied -. -1 dou't kojw, but mamma is a MetbodUt and I reckoo she wants that kind. From tbe Roeeborg Plaindea'er: Dur ing a th tinder form o Triurvdsy last in the Willamette valley, atlistiof light ning t ccorapanied by a d-(emng peal of thunder shook the earth and played around the reus and wiree immediately in froot ol tbe south bound local near Junction cilr, to such ao extent that tbe engineer shut on steam and wa loath Skaj.ay has had it first election Sevt-n directors were cbnen to run the town There were two ticketa io the field aed about eight hundred votes were cast thocgli tbe Telegram givcetbe nam- i her es l$tJ. The name of the tickets j b modern soond. ln-Jependent, Mu nicina. and Citizens Municipal. Dr. ' Wulefield and H. E. Briltin formerly of s Portland, were on both ticket, like gen- ui. politicians, aod of course were elect- A write from Pampart City, : on the l nkon river, abont hnosekeemnff jn u,e K.ondike. "Itis impossible to . escape the dirt Every pore of the skin is filled with it and all clulhing is ruin ed. There is some sort of mineral de posit gold perhaps which arts upon tbe skin and clothing and grinds into them. Washing does not remove it. but produce a gummy substance, whch the etrongeet soap won't cut. This is the hardest thing I have to endure Here is the history of the Pur rant case Chronologically, (hoatog tbe law a de lava in California: April 14. 1S95 Durant arrested for murdering Blanche Lament and Minnie Williams. April 16 Coroner's inquest. May 22 Information for murder filed in the superior court. July 6 Case bnught to trial; seven weeks wasted in securiog a jury. September 3 Opening statement te jurv by district attorney. ivovember I eruicioi murder in urst degree. November 8 Day of sentence post poned to 22od. November 22 Day of sentence post poned to 27th . riovcinuer ' fav oi sentence post poned to December 6. December li ireain warrant usueo; day of execution set tor February 21, 1S96. June 29. 1896-tp to this time attor neys for defense occupied in preparing transcript on appeal for filing in supreme court February, 1897 Supreme ccurt beard arguments and affirmed the conviction. April 3 The lemittitur filed in super ior court. June 11 Day fixed for execution, but a few days before.the federal courts were asked for s writ ot habeas corpus, which the United States suptenie court finally denied. November 11 Day fixed for execution again. December 11 California supreme court athrms decision of lower court and orders that the remittitur be sent foith with. 5 Decembt r 15 Sentenced to be hanged on Jan. 7, 18.i8. Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment aud putrlly In the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, Hood's huomlna, nervousness, and, a,- a it not relieved, bilious fever I rp 1 1 -we or blood poisoning. Hood's III riUs stimulate the stomach, w rouse the liver, eure headache, dlrzlness. eon. It Illation, etc.- ss cent. 8tU by alt drunimts. sueouiy rum w uus wiia ziroou s i tiarsaparllla. w eniram- ments by the day to sew, alas. Jt. K. Owen. TELEGRAPHIC A Wide Open BUI Washington, Dec. 17. The passage of tbe pension appropriation bill does not by any means end the agitation noon bat subject in this session of congress. Representative How, of New fork, has thrown down the gauntlet with a bill only ten lines Ion? that repeals all present pen sion laws and suLsitutes a provision that all honorably discharged Union soldiers who are dependent upoa their own labor for support and who are incaprcitated be cause ot disability to fallv eft rn m. tnnnnrt "dwbo ghall make affidavit to that effect soau receive a pension of $12 smooth Ail otner Union soldiers who bold an hon orable discharge shall receive $8 amonth. Fear Kyaebleg Colfax, Wash., Dec. 17. "Dlackev.'' or Chad wick Marshal, aa ha mn hi. name when arrested in Oakesdale, now knows that his confemiou of the murder of Orville bay den is Known to the officers and u trying the insanity dodge. He fears he will be lynched. Should a mob visit the jail, it is almost certain that Alfred Symes jack I-eanord and two other men charged wan the murder of Hayden. would be taken trora tbe jail and banged Beswrt New Yore, Dec. 17. R O Dun k Co'i weekly review will sav tomorrow; Oloee to its annual holiday rush business is surprisingly (arte. Payment. IhrAtirrh banks sre again 2 5 per cent larger than 1892, heretofore tbe yeir ot greatest pros perity. The production of iron, woolen., boots and shoes is larger than ever before. Exports eclipse all past records, and t e lauurcs ior two weeks have been t smallest for the corresponding weeks h' nve jean. The Cleveland Port Townsexd. Wash., Dec 17. The tug Wanderer returned tonight from Bard atsoond, where the Cleveland is a.hore, brut-iog in two members of ihe crew wbo were in Captain Hall's boat. DapUin tfaily says the actual damage to tne Cleveland "a boll has not yet been aacer lawea. tr tne weatber is Calm for a fe days she will probably be saved. Tke CreateM MUSIe Weicbt New Tore. Dec. 17 Norman Selby of uaro cunoiy, imuds. better mown ta pusitistic circles aa "Kid McCo ." i. . douhtedly tbe middle weight champion of tbe world. He met Dan Cieedoe, of L'ew Aeiana. locignt in tbe arena ol the Puri -tan Atble ic Club in Long Island Ci'y and after 6,'hticg 25 11 rely rounds, made the foieoer throw up the sponge. Will Klraauhers WASBisorox. Dec 16. Congrees bas teeded the petition of Portland Or., for appropriation foe tram portal ion of soppliea to tbe starving Kloiioikers. Tht bill wbicb passed the boose appropriate. $175,000. and the senate reflation f 000 It will be neoesearv before either brcomts a law, for congress to get together on a common basis. Tbe CM Tae St. Pai l, Dee. 1 The merenry drop ped to 10 below zero this morning. ia nipeg and Cylgary reported 26 below; Havre. Moot , 24 Burners, 16, Miles Cr?y 24: Huron 12; Moortead. 18; Dulotn. 8, and Port Ar.tmr 10 below zero. James Schneider of South Park in s bt ot delirium, last eight, left his borne witboot any clothing, and bis frox-o body wa found this morning. A Bece4ty Uw Way Saiem. Dec J6 L J Adams, brothei- jo-law of A I foolidge, jr , recently kill ed by Ihe aa PelU retarord today from Gold Bearfc Curry ormoty. They report iue , u en. are to aou nave not been confined to jail. Ob reaching Gold Beach at 10 o'c'oci Sutday night, Dec 5. Adams ud Car tnsugb were met at the ho et dour by the j Van Pe;i. It was f ined Ib.t lt Van feits and Hu-ib-a. clured -no k Ihng joang- L-Miiii.f, are stopping at the botei j at tbe ex pen of Curry ctunty. w bu h is ram aa ImsIsm.. tVAsnisoro. IVc. 16 The president today sent tbe following nomination to tbe senate: Joseph McK'enna, to be a.ocia ja Uoe of the wprems cook cf the Ceiled States. Cbariea G Daw, of I iliac U, to be con troller of the convney. The rreeideetaiwaeat a large somber of appotntmeots made during the recos of the senate. The tmr asm . wHISCTO!t" Fee. 16 Toe correncv bill framed by the rretary ot the treuory wa lotrodooed in the hotue today by Chairman Walker, of tbe biasing and currency committee, immedia'e'y afier the opesinr. Tbe bill, as submitted ia iden tical with ifce bill submitted to the com mittee. awSX eaw Paris. Dec, 16. Alpbooae Dauletdied at f o c'ock tonight. He was dining witb his family wbea death came. The rtevelanw Waasee Victoria B C Dec 15. Tbe Reamer Cleveland Captain Hall, was wrecked in Barclay sound, and three boa's containing 24 members ot tbe crew and three pa sengers are mrting. 1 he captain, purs er, chief esgice-r. one James Utbbury, sal a Loti". crew, reached L'cicldt, after (pending Ihe night in aa open boat wita a big s'orm raging This is the story told ty Purser hitbetk, wbo arrived at Naoaino at 3 o'clock this morn ing from Aloerni. and came lo Victoria on tbe soon train. Is Weather Omaha, IVc 15 Within a few hour tbe thermome:er fell trora 39 above to 6 degrees below xero. This severe cold wave is accompanied by a temSc wind and a slight fall of snow. Ctudron, Neb. reports trains blocked and all traffic sus pended, lo South Dacota lira storm is general, and paints in North wut Iowa, report a bowling blizzard. A SUE Fwrgerv S SEATTLr, Dec. 15. A warrant wsa issued today for the arreat ot U H Hard ing, wbo is accused of forging an &O00 "rait Tbe draft wa drawn on a bank in Greervilie. N C and was cashed by Dexter. Ucrton A Co . of this city. Harding left town immediately after cashing the flu-alt. rieelac rrana K a a JrsKAf. Alaska. Dec. 8. Tbe steamer Ai-M has jnst arrived from bkaguay, and win stop out oo minutes. be baa on boaid two men direct from Daw-on City. Nine arrived in Skaguav over thtt trail tbre days ago. Tbav bad a successful trip up the lakes. Between Lake Bea ntt and Dawson City are camped 1000 men Tbey left Dawson Oct. IS and came ou on account nf the shortage of j prorations. oat win return in the srrimr. The dav they left, 300 start! down for Fort Yukon for food, Sff .r ILe KlMdla. New York. Dec IS. For the of'succorirg sUrving miners of the Klon dike, and inadentaliy to aid to their stock of worldly possesion. 35 women. wbo are not afraid to brave the danmr. tbe Yukon valley will sail for Alaska at 3:20 p m tomorrow on tbe steamer Oily ( Columbia. On 'he vessM will be 20 ru bo go to the North as tt in uvh gold. Those Who Endure. Tbe rains of rheumatism should be; minded that a cure for this disease mi t be fouad in Hood s Ssrsapariila. Tbe experience of those who have taken Hood's Barsaparllla for rheumatism, and have been completely and nermanentlv curd, prove the power of this medicine to rout snd conouor this disease. Hood Ssrsapariila Is the Una True Blood Puri fier snd it neutralise the scid which csuses the aches and pains of rheuma tism. Tbis is why it absolutely cures when liniments and other outward ap plications fail to oive permanent relief. Be sure to get Hood's. If you want a rooJ and cleat m- b ty nrs rn i U by mir any cigar taotorv. MARRIED. SHELTON MILLER. At the home of the bride's parents, on Sunday, Dec. 12. 1897. byRey. A. J. Jarnigan. Mr. John Shelton and Miss Caroline Miller. The groom is a prosperous young farm er, a son ot Lee Shelton t the bride is a daughter of Mr. Walter Miller, who runs the saw-mill in Bilyen Den. Tbey have the good wishes ot thojr many friends. New. Make No F '., I L. . . A t I ?V . ( There is only one " best " tobacco, and t'.at is GHAAPAQNE FbAVOR The new 5-cent piece of Piper Heidsitck nearly half as large again the old has the deserved reputa tion of being the best quality and flavor ever price, "and the largest tobacco ever otiered your dealer for one o-ceni pieces. AID S00 PACIFIC LINE. Tom Points Xart wti:I .MtitmU tnina. coosistinBT of neJ- ace eleepinz cars, luxu'ioos dining can, . . " t :c . eiegant oay coacnea. uaaTiuiiiii. unuu. cars ind free colonist ieepers from tbe P dSc to the AUaotic without change. COST DIRECT ASO CHEATEeT EOCTE J Koolcnay) Minlnsr ) District 1 5AICr. si oxrvxa, SUICAS CITT, XELSOjr, EALSO. TRAIL, EOS6LA3D A All points in the Okaanatan County. Ge s pamphlet giving a fail deaxriptiot of this woederf al country. Ak tbe aveo! for a copy of tbe miaing law of BribsF Colnmbt. Lowe rates o aad troaa EUEOPK Atlantic steamship ines. Canadian Pac. Ry. Uo 's Boyal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan CAXAOIAX anTRAIXAX STEAJCEa LOTS aosoLcxr, nn ad acstealia. Tbe shortest lioe to the Cclonias- Thae stetmers carry an experieaced mebca! man. aad a stewardess oo evenr voyage f or rime tables i-ampblct. or aay ia orm&tioa. call on cr address. S N STEELE k CO. Ap-ntvAiban; Or. E J OOTLK. AeX 14 Third SC. Port asd. Or- (iEO. McL. BROWN. D P. A- Vancoarer. B. C NORTHERN 1 PACIFIC R. R. Pullman Sleeping Jars, Elegant Dining Cars, Tourisr Sleeping Car" at Paul Mirnearolis rargo, rn Grand Forks Crooketon Winnipeg Helens and Bntte iaOU3H TICKE . TO Stst Chicago AT..hinetnli t Philadelphia 1 Sew ork Soeton and al I foints East and Sooth I Through tiekdta to Japan and Ch na, vts Tacoma and Northern Pacific steamshii Co.. aa Americaa line. For information, time cards, maps and tickets call on or write C U Borkhsrt ifUt, Albany, Or. ADChsrltnx. A-t lien Fas Agt Portland. t Oregon tEvntAL & EASTERN R, R. CO. -YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Connecting at Yaquina Bay with the San Francisco & Yaqaiua Bay STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Sleiij"Pniiiiil" Sails from Yaquina every S days to San Francisco, Coos Bar, Humboldt Bay. P Accomodations. U.carAS8xt Shortest route bet ween. the Willam atte Valley aad California. Fare from Albany and points weet tc fan Francisco Caws 8 0C Bteeragb ,fx Round trip good tor60days......,.l7.0C To Coos Bay Cabin ,oc bteeraee 6 00 To Humboldt Bav and Port Orford, Whin ,.I tl0.Pl teerage..... S 00 River Division. Steamer ".Albany" between Portland iad Oorvallia, through without layover. Leaves Corrall.s 6:30 a. m. Tuesdays. Thursdsysand Sundays; leaves Port land, Yamhill street docE. e:0C a, xa. Mondays Wednedays and Frida;. tDWINbVO.VX, V- Manager Supt Kiver Die Edneata Your How.l. Willi Ca.ear.tfc CanilT Cathartic, our. eonstipaiioo forever. 10c, Sic iaC-C. fll.r.K's,reiuodiaoo. Try our tea iftias at 10 c. Extra quality. U. E, Brownsll. L - Jf " it- - ; 4- j'.i tobacco as to offered at any plug of choice lor 3 cents, ask of the new 0&$i 11 e sr---' ILEY BiTER Cal oar BER KM SUMK0!liTUE jrVEDiTriUjFRlTSAT 0 Q) Q 1 2 3 5 6 7 e 9 10 II Taf"l5"TT 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 "S03ll'O Albany TradingG) R. X. Morris, lanaser. In order to red ace oar stork we w 1 make tbe following prices for cash only : 7 lbs rolled oas Leans sardines..... 25 25 23 25 23 23 30 25 25 06 SO 1 00 25 10 C5 Scans deviled ham.. 6 lbs Arm St Hammer Soda (ba'k) I gallon nice peeled peaches 3 cans oysters, good ones. Geld Dost Wash Powder, 4 pkgs. S cans pepper, dotves or allspice.. 3-2 os bottles extract 5 papers matches Gunpowder tea, good Best rloor pr sack v S quart hollies blueing Large lamp chimney Small " " Christmas esndtes. new. goods jat received Plain mixed candy .... 2 ILe nice new waioute,not the lat years stock, special prices given for Christina trees - Corn Cake tob ami pips. ...... .. Uncle Ned tob and pipe 5 lbs Lard 16 lbs gran sugar 3 pa A'bnckle ccSee grad to oruer 2 pa Lion coffee " " 2 pa Koyal Java coffee, " 1 5 gal keroeene, bring your can.... 50 lb sack suet .. 1 gal best evrup, bring yoar backet 1 gxl best cider vineesr 20 os bar Battle Ax soap 6 pk Eed Bell imo tob The above prices ere only good stock now on band. Come and see 25 20 20 45 00 25 2a 25 S5 45 50 15 05 for na. Large orde s discounted from theeepri csa. Cor Scocd and Main S:e. EAST AND-SOUTH THE S HAST" A ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. raSoraia Xnpriw Ttaia. : Partlaaa Dall 1 ar SU a Ar I &- . Lt i M r a SteaaiLT an 1 i A Ar 8aa Above traia atop at i'a-ijai be twecn PorUaal and Saleoa Tor aer, Marioa. Jefferson Albany Tangent, Shedd. Hatsey Eocene Cottage Grove, IVaia. UakUsd and all ttationg f roa oeebur su'h to and i dudiag Ashiaad. SSUAS t u fctwra I Ar AX S r L itjera Lwl 1 ' Laura Albuiir kr Uteun imn at aiSwav (root Lti.iia ate a ) Uara AibnT for Lnaoa Amv. mx Albwjr truat lbaaoa iers Twra PULLMAr BJrFtI SUEPESw. Oinine Cats on Ogin Rou s) ccrnNn-n its ifi-finr car attache I. all Tbr.ak Traia arm ski ieteass aas sut km V AttUEM.S" soaaaea tiv :So l&Hra I1" li' Porlw4 Oorrvul. ArA L. II ExpraTnia DaUjr (rct 8aa4r tt.rtluil Vowuiarii). i,ill a LtISWai ""aeis rf K'"P roniud 0r rUw TREASURER'S N01ICE KO-7 Notice is hereov given that funds are on hand tc pay city warrants Nos 293 to 8-1 Inclusive ot the issue ot 1897. In terest on Jaid warrants will cease w ith the date ot this notice. Albany Or. Nov. 27, 1S97: E. A. Pasekr, City Treasurer.