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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1897)
Joe Simon will ba boss again: "Ring out the false, ring in the true.'1 The man handling a gun cannot be too careful. Guna are not footballs. There is certainly a big improvement iii tue business of robbers. After all there was an excellent holi day trade, probabiy more than a year ago. When a man has done all the good he can ia the world he has not done very much. The mistletoe has become wonderfully prolific in Oregon. This is undoubtedly a tp:eud:d sign. Representative Barkley will be on hand when the next legislature meets aud ill be heard from. Keep your eyes on the man who sets his own life no as the best example to follow. He needs watching. 600 people were at a banquet to Sara Bomhart which lead an exchange to say that Sara was nearly as great a man as Mars Hanna. The Three Friends has 70,000,000 friends in the IT. S. who are rejoicing over the manner ia which sne beat the Spar tarda. When a person does the best possible then there can be no complaint. It is the people who do the worst possible who deserve caatigation. Biker City is undoubtedly a prosper ous city. You can tell it from the man- ner in which iie merchants advertise It is a sure sign. Charley Xiekel has been on the Jack sonville Times twenty-six years. He has made it a success though he may have been unfortunate in outside specu lations. The Democrat always appreciates good words and expressions of appreci ation from friends. So does one in any calling in life. It is an interesting fact that one gets the least encouragemen often from those who -should give the most. Which had you rather have, a dinner without an appetite or an appetite with out a dinner? Albany Democrat. Weil, tor a change, we would prefer a dinner without an appetite. We have had a little too much of the o'.her thing Oregon Independent. The volume of bu4nea enjoyed by Baker City merchants this year will be far in excess of any previous twelve months. This is gratifying and gives confidence to be belief that Baker City nd the country tributary ia increasing n production and wealth generally. Democrat. You can't give a boy too good a start li e. The futnre depends on the boy of todav, and the Dsmocbat never men tions a subject of uiore importance to tbd people of the United States than that of getting the children oa the right road, as a rule the hoodlum has the elements of oae all his life. Before twenty you cau tell alaiost for certain what the boy will make. The Democrat coesn't always agree with the Oregonian, but in the following that paper Las come pretty clsse to bit ting the nail on the bead jast judging froci appearance?; Senator Mitchell's position U jest this: He wants to be elected and he wauts votes; and to get the votes he is in a position to take eith er side of the money question to teach that the earth is ronnd or flat, jast as the directors require This is the secret of all his oarefol avoidance of direct statements on the money question. He wauls some to vote fur him on the belief that be is for gold, and others to vote for hiia on the belief that he is for silver. VVnici) cort is to be deceived? Certainly oae or tae other. Car! Sehurz, after having expended much tiuis in assisting to elect Mr Mc Kicley, tl a big salary, now, when tell iuic the truth can do no good, and there fore do no iojiry to bis reputation, Bays: "There are real prongs, real grievances, real oppressions to be righted. Behind the late outbreak of Bryanism there was a cause deeper than any reckless whim' more chan a mere desire for change.' ' And William L Wilson, poslmaster-geo era), another supporter of McKinley.also tells that great goldbog paper, N. Y. World, that "it would be irrational to suppose toat all the millions of voters who massed behind the flag of free silver were conscious advocates of repudiation and disaster or less patriotic than the mass o: their countrymen." Mr Scbnrz further says: "The fact that Mr tfryan received so many votes as be did ia a result which certainty was not owing to ignorance and blind partizanship, but the existence of a discontent not entirely groundless. The Pendletoa E O wrote very nicely about Chiistmas on the day previous. It eaid : Tne greatest and best and love liest of days! At midnight tomorrow the birthday o Christ will have been Celebrated seventeen hundred and ninety-nine times. The first celebration of the event occurred in 98. For fifteen cent'iries the event has been celebrated on December 25tb. So better tidings were ever given to mortal man than Christ's first gospel message delivered to the bumble shepherds on the Judean hills . There surely was a special solem nity about the night and the surround ings, for the mind of Him would not have coined such a beautiful and poetic phrase as '-pease aud good will towards men," making His voice still heard to this day and age, if there had not been. Tbatheepoke wilh the eb.qo.ence born of zeal goes without ravin. That the shepherds heard Him glad.y is proved for we of this day are still moved and moulded by Uis influences. Ha thus gaye to us Cliriatmas day with its joys aud its blessings and nobler feelings to ward oue another. He taught us love, and, to the extent that He did, He re-' lieved us of the burden of hate. From 'lis teachings we have learned to live more for one another, instead of upon one another. We have become less lit eral and more spiritual, hss believers in the letter of'things and more in the spirit of things. We Lave caught the spirit of "Dj unto others as ye would have them do unto you," and we have xrown larger and broader because of ft A personal invitation, To sp Will & Stark's elegant stock f boods for the holidays. of There are eisns of a long senatorial wrangle when the Oregon legislature meets. A Missouri man with 13000 in his pocket committed suicide. Do your own commenting. It is a irood thins that coneress meets after the regular football season, else the papers would have no room for con gressional news . Dist. Attorney Black of Chicago, on a salary of several thousand dollars a year gets a pension of $100 a month for total disability. Doesn't that make one weary. A man writing a letter to a .friend in Sioux City, ia reported as saying, "I am getting pretty well acquainted with Mc Kmley. I shook bands today with a man who sold him a load of bay." That settles it. What postoffice or cabinet office does that fellow want? The Oregonian has the cheek to con tinue to tell what Bryanism did. That's past . We are getting what McKinley ism did now, and why didn't the Oregonian on Saturday give iU usual weekly report from Broadstreet and Dunn, showing the condition orhutiness in the TJ. S. A sample of the manner in which the income fails to meet the expenditures of the government ia seen in the expendi ture of $6,000 to get a red wood stump located in Washington. Another sam ple was $20,000 spent to get a star insect. Another sample is $4,800 spent annually by the government to inspect in a small town in Indiana, where the annual ex port was $305. A man who would do business that way would be called in sane. ,Tbe election of a populiet as mayor of Lynn, Massachusetts, on the issue of un fulfilled republican promises has created a flutter in the McKinley dovecote, espe cially as it is not an isolated phenome non. The democrats have been winning a majority of the municipal elections in Massachusetts during the past three weeks, and the evidence is incontestable that the republican tide reached its high? water mark on November 3d and has been running out ever since. Various explanations of this phenomenon have been offered, but one of the most re freshingly candid is that of tbe New York "Evening Poet." "Wages had not gone up" (at Lynn) says the "Post"; "on the contrary, cat downs had occurr ed in many of tbe shoe manufactories." Congressman Allen submitted tbe fol- fowing resolution: Resolved, Tbat a committee of nine senators be elected by tbe senate to constitute a committee on the use of money in elections, and tbat said committee be instructed to thor. ooghly investigate tbe extent to which money, if any, was used is connection with the recent pres'dential election, either in promoting tbe nominations or in influencing in any manner tbe choice of presidential electors, and to inquire whether or not any such expenditures were excessive, illegitimate, corrupt, or unlawful, and especially to inquire and ascertain to what extent for snch pur poses the owners of eilver mines, gold mines, the bankers, the manufacturers the railroads, or other corporations end millionaires of all classes made contri butions, and what contributions, if any, were made by persons and corporations residing abroad, and to report to the senate all tbe facts, and whether or not, in the opinion of tbe committee, any leg islation by congress is expedient and necessary to lessen or prevent tbe use of money in elections. Said committee shall have power to act by fnll or sob committees, to send for persons and papers, and sit during tbe present ses sion of consiesa and until tbe first Mon day of December, A. D. 1S07, the ex penses thereof to be paid out of the con tingent fund of the senate. All of which wilt terminate is smoke, thongh it weold be very interesting if the actual facts' could be obtained. Tbe Mortgage Tax Law. RoHEBCBO, Dee. 2oth, 1896. Editor Dkxockat: The most important measure tbat will come be'ore the next session of tbe leg islature will ba tbe reenactment of tbe mortgage tax law. It is to be noticed tbat the Oreg-mian is beginning to take an active interest in this just measure. If the wishes of tbe people are to be re garded in this matter it behooves tbe public press and the friends of the meas ure throughout tbe stato to be watchful and earnest. Tbe influence wielded by Mnltnomoh county has been sufficient in the past to control all legislation upon tbe subject, and it is evidently tbe in tention to again deleat the bill by means of political wire pulling. There can be no doubt but that a ma jority of tbe members of tbe legislature are pledged to give tbe people relief from the preeeot iniquitous system of taxa tion, but as Multnomah county will in the person of Joe Simon nnquestionably secure tbe presidency of the senate, un less some active work is done, the meas ure will again be killed in the senate committee room. Those members who favor the reenactment of the law should organize their forces at the earliest pos sible moment and see tbat the meat are secures early consideration. , Very respectfully, Fbed Floed. Short But Interesting. The common pond frog's natnral life time is 12 to 15 years. The common house sparrow flies at the rate of 92 miles per hour. Tbe crow flies 25 miles an hour, and tbe pigeon hawk 150 miles. A Warren County (Indiana) man thinks he has a fortune In a calf that has two heads and no tail. Naturalists who have investigated the matter say tbat a 'bat's heart is aided by tbe "rhythmic contraction of vein in the wings." A strong microscope shows the single hairs of tbe bead to be like coarse, ronnd rasps, but with teeth extremely irregu lar end iagged. There are t'.ree varities of the dog that never bark the Australian uog, the Egyptian shepherd dug aud the "lion headed" dog of Taibet. ; John Dennett of Santa Cruz, Cat., once killed a reptile of the common black snake variety, which had two perftct beads, four eyes, two tongues, etc. Tbe speculative astronomers are now arguing that the moon is in the shape of a plumb bob, and that the U'ge end Is always towards the eirtb. The remarkable echo at Eagle's Nest on tbe banks of the Kiliarney, Ireland! repeats a bugle call 109 times, each clear and distinct. Reaumur says that each threa t of what we call a "spider web' ia composed of about 5,000 separate fibers, and that it would take 27,643 full-grown spideia a year to spin a pound of such silk. Interesting Discovery. 'W P M" writing to the Barer City Democrat from tbe North Fork of the John Day river says : "A surprising and most interesting discovery was made by Elmer Thorn- burg on tbe North Fork of the John Day river, in the steep hiilb opposite his mine about nine miles above the mouth of Granite creek, tbat will add another im portant page in the history of the dim and far distant past. Mr. Thornbarg with four men in his employ has been engaged in driving a drift through the rimrockon his claim and, as tbe work was nearly completed, at the suggestion of the men, he BtarVed out to find a good tree for making snowshoes. In wander icg along the precipitous mountain-side his attention was attracted to what ap peared to be a narrow opening in a cliff. Upon reaching the spot, instead of find ing an opening, he found a smooth neat ly designed drift about two and one half teet in width, and five and one half feet in height, tbat was evidently tbe work of man. Thinking tbat it had been tte wore of some prospector in search l earth's bidden treasures, be entered the drift to investigate farther. After pro ceedlng for a distance of 30 feet, be was astonished that it terminated into what appeared to be in the semi darkness, a spacious chamber . He naturally a ban doned the mission for snow shoe timber, and returned in taste to where the men were at work, and reported his find. supplying ourselves with candles, we re turned with him to tbe drift, prepared to thoroughly explore the mysterious ock-bound room. Tbe tunnel wss thirty feet in length from tbe opening to Us intersection of the room, and the latter was U feet loog, 8,'i feet wide, and 7 feet in height and excavated in the hardest kind of black slate rock. Our surprise can be much more readily imagined than described. That tbe place had been tbe abode of man at some time was evident, and inspired ns to minute search of the premises in tbe hope that we would discover something tbat should throw some light upon the mysterious one-time occupant and, his most unique habitation. The first thing to attract our attention was a large nrn-ebaped vessel that bad either been monlded from clay or chis eled from some formation that would stand the action of . fire, as it was evi dently need by the strange occupant or occupants in lien ot stove for heating and cooking purposes . Bowls and other vessels of pottery were scattered here aid there, some of them being elaborat ely covered with what was cooeeeVed to be images of animals, but so indistinct as to preclude the possibility of identify ing what they were intended to represent. In one corner was a huge mortar and pestal, both made of the hardest graniu rock. Stone implements were found. demonstrating mot conclusively tbat the deoisen of tbe cliff lived before met sis were in nse or known to tbe people of his time. Tbe handles to theee im plements if they ever had handle, bad long years, perhaps ages ago, decayed. "In another corner of the chamber was found nearly a bashel of small pieces of flint and near this stack of chin pings was several spear beads and qnite a number 'of arrow Leads. Tbe walls were nearly covered with hieroglyphics, while in an aicome rudely cut out was ao image that we concluded waan idol. Tbis imae bad been made from a soft formition tbat had not resisted verv successful!? the ravages of time. Joe Watts who had passed years of bis in tbe Southern s'-ates, and wha found and examined the relics of prehistoric Aztecs, state J tbat he confident that lb inhabitants of life h tbe was tbe place were identified with the same peo ple who once populated the now arid wastes of Arizona- "Everything found ia tbe chamber was carefully removed and will be sent to tbe Smithsonian institute." Scientific Tbe blood flows almost as freely through tbe bones as through tbe flesh of very young children, but as a;e come on, tbe b!od vessels i i the bones are almoet filled by tbe disposition o! matter- Tbe B'l-lelin d'Apkullure states that holes can be easily drilled in glass with an ordinary drill, if tbe spot is moisten' ed with a few drops of a mixture com posed of twenty-five parts of oxalic acid in twelve parts of turpentine. Keep tightly corked. Mr W H Dal I, returning from bis ex aminatioo of tbe coal fields of Alaska, has brought back with him to Washing ton pieces cf lat of a mammoth preserv ed in ice, this beinx (he first discovery of a mammoth in the flesh on the Ameri can continent " 'Whatever success I have a'.UiLed at tbe bar was attained without a course at a law school,' " writes ex -President Harrison in tbe Jsnoary Lad'ea Home Journal in reply to a request from the Editor of tbe Journal that be would ans wer a correspondent as to tbe possibility of making a success at law without a course at a law school. ' "I studied law in the office of a leading law firm in Cin cinnati. That a course of lectures by able professors upon the law, as upon any other-subject, is valuable to tbe student, I do not doubt. But these pro fessors derive their information from books, to which the student has access, and be may grub knowledge for himself if he has the requisite pluck and indus try. Tbe observation and casual in struction wbicb a student gets ia a law office are of the fiist value to a practi tioner.' " It Is a good billing that young man from Nebraska, for whom nearl7 7,000, 000 "anarchists" voted for president was defeated. If be bad been elected every shaky bank would, have been thrown info liquidation by the Gold Lords and he would have 1een to blame for it all As it is he is not to blame for the failures that are coming faster and taster Journal. A good many of tbe applicants for pc ei lions are ex-member of the lejiula tnre. It Is an inteieninit 'act that being a member Is a stepping stone to tbe more lucrative position of clerk. The New York Son advises farmers to spend less than they ea-n and pay tbeir dehrs more promptly. That is good ad' vice fur anybody. But what is the farm er to do whose interest account is more than bis income. Cuba is entitled to her entire freedom from Soanlsh government, and that is what the peoole of the U. S. wish for. Asa land of the free, we should be quick to recognize the independence of other struggling nations. In view of the great boom Roland Grant is giving Oregon in the East an exchange suggests live advertising by real estate men. MISFITS. The man who votes for any new com missions in the coming legislature might as well change his name to Dennis. - Abolish the state board of equalization. It does more harm than good, instead of equalizing it confuses and causes extra expenses. In tan years there have been thirty six cold blooded murders in Portland, and only one hanging, and he a China man. Tbe Tendleton E. O. suggests that it will be a good idea for people before they "settie down" to work after New Years to "settle up." One of the sonirs of the Stanford Uni versity Glee club will take in Sa'em. It is entitled : "When Murphy Kicked the Goal," and Murphy will be there hi in set t. A Salem man, George Bunc, was ar rested yesterday for simply pointing a eun at another man, which served him rirfht. Pointing guns is a very serious matter. Rivera is all right. He has already given Weyler one "thrashing." If we are not permitted to give him open as sistance he has the universal sympathy of the U. 8. who give a shout at every victory no matter how small. Salem will come to Uie cominsr legis lature for another big appropriation for its capitol sewer, and it will not be sur prising to see it ask for numerous relief bills on account of the recent high wa ters. It is doing its beat to live on the state. "Can any of yan tell me why Lazarus was a beggar?" asked the female teach er. "Way was Lazarus a beggrar?" she repeated sternly. "Please, ma'am," re plied a small boy wboee father was a merchant, "because be didn't adver tise. Of course John Mints has to be a can didate for something, and he has con cluded to accept the U. S. marsbalship. Sheriff Driver, M 8innot and others are like Barkis, willio'. II. C. Grady, the preeeot official, who voted against Bryan, is also willing to retain tbe office on account of that tact. Instead of starting in to do away with some of tbe nselesa commissions there is already talk of mora commissions, su preme court and road commissions for instance. It is safe to predict there w ill be as many commissions established as are done away with. An Albany man yesterday advertised for a firl to do general bouse work, "bummers not to apply." He received eight or ten answers, Tbe advertisement suggests tbat not onlr as to girls but help generally, the world doesn't want bummers whree ambition is to run the streets most of the lime. The Astoria Budget sav : There were contractors in the city yesterday looking tor men to work on the railroad, but at last accounts thev Iiad not succeeded in getting a man. It is said tbat none can be had for the miserly wajes offered by the contractors $1.23 per day and $4 per wek for board, which means tbat the men will have to work for nothing, clothe themselves and peruapa ruin their health. "How ia business?" asked one Port land lawyer of another. "First-class," was the reply, "I have two rushed to death all the fo-enooa." "What have you been doing?" "Oh, I was drawinz up a mechanics' lien for a poor devil of a carpenter, and, when I bad finished it, I had to lend him a dollar to pav for re cording it. Could von lend me four tits to buy some mistletoe and holly?" Oregonian Tbe financial administration of Clack amas county has for years been like that oi tbe national government, uneconom ical. The county redeems anoually about ITO.O'O of warrants on wbicb from three and one-third to three and one half years interest at 8 per cent, has accrued, or about $19,000. Tbe county bas a debt of $150,000 in warrants and interest ac crued, and there is little bore, under the system in vogue, of ever w iping this out. Coarier. Under the text "Black '96 awl White "97," Rev. Copeland, at tbe UnaLarian ehurcb, Suiday evening, said some verv pointed things. For instance he pictur ed the year 'art blacker than one could hardly imagine, showing physical dis aster, floods, tornad, tidal wave, in nn lations, epidemics of suicide and d's ease, conflagrations, cruel wars and mas sacres, political upheavals and sick na tions, lie said our nation is sick; tanks and business firms are (ai.lnif, men are unemployed, woman and children are starving, business is stagnated and the nation is oeally sick ; no political doctor seems able to core it ; some have though t thAW t,ad tli 4-fiM Kit I, im ...1. denoted whether any permanent relief wiu vr me resuiu l ne man Who stanas bV Anil tjU-itl fWntlitl I h. M,n.lNlMH of cruelties and atrocities will in the end saner, so win a nation, eo will the L nit- ed States, for standing by, while a na tion of patriots are being slaughtered, their only crime being that they love libertv. Th 1 optimist and not a peaaimist and he aw ItArsIS Af kotlA timtm ;.. flT M3 ll.. w.wb s una u ut auu to tviitj duel ein being tbe growth ot cooper ative works: opening wedge to better times; it mav be one of the neftdixt linaln, ri.t A the sick nation. Journal. .MARRIED.. IIAND-BEXTLEY.-At the home of thobridein Albanv, Oregon, Decem ber. 28, 1896, Mr. Wm. Hand and Miss Clara Bentley, both of Albany, Rev. M. C. Wire officiating. Mr. and Mr HnnA d,va ii.. lui wishes of Albany friends. An important me tre often comes by toleirraph, but the most Important nn. saffe that ever .t a delivered to mankind has been g iven to them through the newspapers. It Is given again ia this article. It is the information that ?8 per cent of all cases of con sumption can be completely and permanently cured. There ia no doubt about it. Tbe statement is not made -'7t (ci wc ex cellence Of thousands haa tnntlo If on in. disputable fact. Consumption is not a dis ease of the lungs. It is a disease of the blood, which in weak luntrcd people man. Kests itself by the formation of tubercles 1l- the lungs and the wasting; away of lung tissue. Tbe cure for consumption is simple. It consists in the administration of a medi cine that will assist the lungs in throwing off tuberculous matter, and that will cleanse the system so that this refuse matter will be replaced by strong, healthy tissues. That sounds like a very simple operation, and yet consumption baffled the combined med ical skill of the whole world for hundreds of years. Consumption was considered in curable until the advent of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This great remedy is tbe most wonderful blood purifier and strengthener that the world bas ever known. It is the result of years of study and experiment, by a scientific physicinj and haa been tested In every way by him for over 30 years. It has an unbroken record of success. It cures a great variety of diseases, because almost all diseases have their origin and support in impurity and weakness of the blood. As long as a man's blood ia rich and pure, he is in no danger from diseases. The blood is the medium through which food is carried from the digestive system to all of the tissues of the body. If it carries impure things, or an insufficient quantity of good things, trouble will ensue. There is nothing about that so very hard to understand. It ia per fectly plain and natural and rational. The "Golden Medical Discovery" puts the di. gestive system in perfect order, purifies and enriches the blood and so puts the whole body into perfect tune. This talk Is continued ia Dr. Pierce's Common enac Medical Adviicr, This 1008 page book sent free on receipt of si one-cent stamp to cover cost of mailing emlf. World's DiaeaM aaa Manif.L aaaocuTrow, Buualo, N.V. TELEGRAPHIC. Denying Tbtngs. WasniNOTOK, Dec. 29. From official sources denial is made that lue Spanish premier, uanovas, nas sent to secretary Olney a communication accepting the me diation of the United fctatti in carrying out autonomy for Cubs. It is said no such letter bas been sent, nor bas anything of such a nature, passed through the 8 pun ih officials here. Negotiations toward home rule have proceeded for some months and tbe last phase of there negotiatiiuis indicated an enlargement of tbe home rule laws adopted by tbe Spanish cortes lat year, but not put in execution. flan mt tbe Advaare Ageal Chicago, Pec. 29. Whan Major Mc Kinley t.ikes the oath of office March 4, his personal escort will be formed of the Chi cago bumuira squadron and tbe Cleveland Urays, Cleveland's crack organization. The husMira were asked aud promised lust night in a big nieotinir at the Great NorlUrn hotel to accept the honor of the escort. Bring flatbed. Salem. Or., Dec. 29. Besides Baker, that was raited by the board of equaliza tion 10 per ant, and Clatsop 5 ptr cet on lands other than town and city lou yexter day, tbe nine class waa today raised 20 per cent in Multnomah, 10 in Lmatilla, 6 in Union and S in Yamhill county. Other counties weie allowed to stand as return- d by the county boards. This complete the work of the board, as far as the work of equalizing is concerned. S4 aire's Flgbt, Pi'OKasg, Wash., Dec 29. Senator w arson V hquire, accompanied b h'.e manager, C II i lagan, arrived from Wanh iogtou this afternoon and will leave tomor row for the hound to op-n an active cam paign, fie hus in his poaetition a copy of a letter from Senator Daniel, temporary president of ihe Chicago contention, to a prominent populiit of this state, urging Squire's re-election as necessary to the caute of silver. . BaaMihUg Tblagt ever WAltlftKniYW rtk. 00 ..t (I. .. ... ..... ( " . . UVUllUMCi Eckels said this sfurnnnn Ihal l U!i apprehension over the bank failures weich L . 1 L 1... .1' . .. uae w.uxim or iaie. 1 wo mors lailures tbe Commercial National, of Roanoke. Ta , and the Columbia National, of Min neapoliswere added to the list today. Tb?V are oomfmratirt-lif mall in.i,r,v. however, and under ordinary circumstances their failure, it is said, woxld only attract pasing attention. ery Cleanly Lim Avdrim I W xi il . --- rm w V Ml MJH atVI. official acts of iUjor Kaderwiil be to at tach his irnture to an ordinance making expectorations upon the sidewaiks of public streets, entrance to public buiiJuus or the 8 jori of street cars a uudetueanor, pon- unaoie vj eitner one or imprisonment, or both. Tfc mitst Medlaia Wasbixotw. Dee. 23 th IW .ill sav tomorrow: It haa ln IrarnAt frmm n xll.ti. source tbat Secretary O ny ana tesor ed the negotiations of tbe Cnb&a question. mt are i j oe tuummca to cttsgre when it convene, January 5. Tbe terras si tbe agreement are turd on recent offi cial communications from I'leniier Cano- . j j . ... auuirawfa 10 uie secretary or slaw. The premier sUU c!eriy the terms rtiii.K fthjin wilt . 1 ,A . . ; . . and j ran tod I y asks lb- United States tn propose these conditions to her rebcJUotu Subjects. They Are Xav I'lXClSS.tTt. !w. Tk I'nn-;.) Tnlrtise" fjtecul from Kej We jjs: loeUdTana rooming paprr yevrJy were sara. in tone acatcot tb L ciitd States. epci.t:iy aA-ain.t the policy that Permits i;.iSiiVr. iw . t., w. . and ilo the egf-rot of tee AmernJn press to print "masthing to diwry-dtt ffuo. is. 1 lie fatt or tae 1 uree 1 net! eTfxiiti :n a printed in New Yori U iud as lh- teit I. t s bitter asd arcslic, fating the ixwr oeoary, Irtr. re. 1. i tj Ihsie f jt baif the war triable." arecls al Im WAtusios, LVc. 2f. Hie Lvetuog St r today rays: The prwuJerrt bas had several conft-r- of late with the attar vy geirf-rai, tbe aecr-Urv t4 Us interior cd the ecre tarr of the treatury. with a view i speedv action f-r t&s adjustment of obligations of tbe facias raiirtad to the irorrraraead It baa been settled tJut t wiU short'y be taken for tbe foreclosure of the govern ment mortgage on these road, unless con grm shall make a provi.lon f or teule mtnt of the qati ?n at the prratct aesion. . Tartar Tlakerlac Wasiiisotos. IVjc 23. He bearinjrs which the ways and means committee, ot the boose a-i.'l give to the reprweiaUve of the various industries intereMed in tbe preparation of the new tariff bill began m tiw room of the committee at the ctiu4 j today, and will continue djiiy until Janu ary II. il.ich interest n tucif-ei. nd tee mom ra ct-o-Untij tbrot.k-.l with dViCjistk'Ds and rpiv-eoUlnr. i f rjiiojf trades. Ksaik ,ruDin.rr Bar vi. 11'., Dec. 2. -Tb liq-r J-tion of the Atlas bank, of Cbicii-. hs precipi tated tte uspt-oaoo of Ihe Van Ncrtwu-s bank, of liatavia. and tbe alignment It William S and James IS Van Nortwictt. of all their wt property iniervt. aggregat ing ri.5CO.0rt). to Ibe fquiUt le lrul Co., of Chicago ( Irrall ( nrt at Dali.a. Or.. Dec. 2. ("irruit court, department No 2, Hon. II H. Hewitt, judtre. convened here tooay. Tne docket is quite large, 67 caes. Many are im portant. A Terrible Wiwk. Maxi'iit. Dec. 27. A tpciai to fhe Commercial Appeal, from Birmingham, Ala., says: Fiends in human form wrecked Ihe Dir mink'ham Mineral paioengpr train No. 4 at Cahalta river bridge, 1 milt- from here, at 7:50 this morning, and 22 lives were lost That nn tuber of bodies have been re covered, and further search may swell the list of dead. The wreck is regarded at al most certainly accomplished by tbe removal of a rail on tbe middle span of the tnJle. This derailed Ihe train, which caused it to fall down the two spans and precipitated it into the river, 110 feet below. The wreck was the wcrst that has ever occurred in tbe state, and the survivors are few and so badly hurt, tbat they are uniole to give any detailed description of how it happen ed. A fterlasis Sllaallaa Jacksosvillk, Fla , Dec. 27. A Cili wn special from Tampa says: The developments in Cuban circles today have been startling, and the actors in the rcent tragedy who were on board the Three Friends are badly frighted over the gravity of the situation in which they have been involved . They fiud themselves, instead of lieing in a dangerous position as fili busters, in the unenviable position of pi rates, and the wisest Cuban beads have been summoned in lousultulioo. Ciettlag Ant Eai.Hr Chicago, Dec. 27. It was announced tonight tbat the Atlas Naticnal b ink will go into voluntnrv liquidation and retire from business. Tbe action is not consid ered as a failure in any sense, as the busi nefs was comparatively small It is not anticipa'ed that anv flurry in the banking circles of Chicago will result. Tbe trper Thing. Salkm. Dec, 27 The state hoard of equalization's 30 day session will expire Wednoiday. At fhe opening of the session, D. P. Thompson declared his in'ention to I introduce a resolution to cut in two tbe salaries of the member and clerks. The pay of secretary and clerk has been reduced fr iu $10 to (6 per ilny, each, and that of page from $3 to $1 50 a day. A TerrlOe Kxplawlasi explosion of firedamp occurred in the mine of of the Mau'e Coal Company, of this city, at 8:30 tbis afternoon, and ns a result nine or more men were instantly killed and four were injure One of the four taken out alive is dangerously injured. Weyler Bepatsed. CiNCiNHATt. Dec. 20. A special fo the Commercial Tribune from Key West says: Reports from Havana tonight are that an attack was made on one of General Kivera s foothill torts vesterdav bv some ot Weyler 's forces, nnd that the Hpanish were repulsed, the big dnamue gun be longing to General Rivera's comnmud so- curing the victory for tbe insurgents. Pure Dim g.Irrta Law tin's. , 1 . . . v. v f- X i ' ' 1 - - .'if - - " v."t" "' : 1 ; - JK .j " C- ' , . - ' I x -' 3 : . J " ;" Vt ' t K n-. - - ; - 'iJ is a book every OrejouLan ahould have. The introduction is by the co'e brated Kev. Frank W. Gunsaulos and the sketches br Oliver W. Nixon, D. D. fhe bjok is printed from large, clea new type, on extra laid paper. biunJ in vellum cloth, strmpei in gold, gilt top illustntted with 18 full-paie half tones cud retails at $1.75. Any subscriier paving a yesr in advance for the weekly or 6 months or more tor the daily can have it for $1 extra. Best work PR Office Stationery ft Speciaii? Give us joai Patronage. P SM ALSAKY WISDOivi You possess, if you select something among the many useful and orna mental articles we carry in stock and especially such as we have secured for the Holiday season. Fancy Baskets, Rockers, Tables, etc etc ALBANY FURNITURE CO. eelect tbe W averlv because 'thev have learned to know the dif Experienced Riders- ference bet ween a wheel i simply claimed to Waverly is the hicrhe?t jnj w, i'.io .t aru macs nv iNDIASA BIOYGLEcO. -KoiAKAroua, lfi R-l-P-A- N- ONE GIVES RELIEF. THOMAS Dealer in ALBANY. Albacv Steam Dveing and Cleaning Works. first Street Between Ferry and Washington, Dranch of tbe Sulem Steam Dye Works, Established 1884. Ladies and Gents Clothing and Fine Fabrics of all kinds Cleaned and Dyed, Carpets, Blankets, Silt Underwear, Ladies Hats, Straw Hats and Feathers Dyed and Renovated Sils bats Ironed, Sila Hats. Stiff Hat and Soft Huts Cleaned, Dyed, blackened and K-movated. By tlmoralite Dealing and Strictest AMeutiin t i H nines-i, i i'our I'atrooage. ' Waldiinar nv iv.uL.. 11 Promptness ILEY Ilea and Elegant De signs in Crockery Ware at C0n & HUSTON'S Sec il A re built in the largest inYr;! FQ and Best (Pj Equipped u accorv in Cf pi pd8 the World that is actually bich crude and one that be. Some others mav be rood brst tbe of ail hipb grade, t-orvher (3 heights) men $o.w and fS.W. A.J. Hodges, .Agent BRINK, s 5. Ml kinds of furniture and beddingr, and it you want the most complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. OREGOfi. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby (riven that the under signed have beed duly appointed by the Hon county court of Linn county .Oregon, executors of tbe last will and testament of Herman Arnold, deceased, late of said county, and sll persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same to tbe said undersigned t Albany, Oregon, properly verified with in six months from tbe date hereof. UafcKi at Albany, Oregon, tbis 9th day of December, I9O6. COKRADIN AkKOLD, . ROBEBT AftSOlD, Whitmkt tc Nwpot, Executrs. Attysfor Exs- ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice la hereby given tha tbe under signed baa been appointed by the county court of Lion county, Oregon, adminis trator with tbe will annexed of the eat.te oi Jane Fanning, deceased, late of Linn county. Or. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tbe same with the proper vouchers to me st Albany, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice Elkjks tc Cajkkow, Samcel E Torso, Attys torAdmr. Administrator with tbe will annexed Albany, Ortoo, Oct . 1896. Notice. Laxd Om at Okegos Citv Or December 23th. 1896. Notice is hereby sriven tbat the approved fractional plat of Township 13 Sooth, lianee 8 East has been received from the surveyor general of Oregon, and on Feb ruary B'-b at 10 o'clock aw m.. ot aald date, said plat will be filed in tbis office. sod the land therein embraced wt-le subject to entry oa and after raid da'e. Bosuvr A MILIXB, Wm Callow at Register. Receiver. KOTIJE OF FINAL SETTLEIiEMT. I nave this day filed In the County Cart ot L.inn countv my ncal account as admioUratrir de bonis non of tbe estate of James Knot decraaed and the judge of said ccnrt has appointed the 5th day of Jan- 16&7 tor bearing objections to said account and ihe settlement there of Dated Dec 3rd. 196- G. B. Haiqht, Administrator of James nnox. deceased. ADMISISTRATOS'S KQTICE. Sotice is hereby eien tbat P Y Dancan baa been duly appointed admtnttrator of the estate of A D Knox, Ut of Linn coun ty. Oregon, deceased, by the county court of Linn cooo'y, Oregon, and "hat be has duly qualified as soeh. all persons having claims against said estates are hereby not i!ed to present tbe saaie to me bth the proper vouchee under oath at the office of W R Bilew la Al&aey, Oregon within six mos'ba trom tbe date hereof. Dated this 1 1th day of December, 1896. P Y DrscAS, Administrator. Notice for Publication Lad Orncx at Oaasos Ovr, On. Dec 8th. 1S96. Kotioe is bervby tirea that Um foltosrisg nsmd m!U r hu tltd aooos of his intew lio to snak final pro f ia ssptmrt of bis chum asd tbat said proof will be nade be fnr th Reeiafar said Raons-er at Orecoo I City, . 00 jiaasary 25. IS57, via: tlmsttaa Anboid; rrs U s 7?74 for the S UofNE U. Lot I aad 2 Sac 3. T 10 S LR 4 E. H raaae the f itSowicg mitaeaM 10 pnm cm eoaanaoas resvasM ID'S ana ca'tiTsaoo of, Uad, riz: C I Eenk'ie, T Gorjce. G '-t Kaatsoa,C 8 Gaijes. all r4 S a. Orens. Ronaav A. Mum, Register. RQT1CECFFIXA ISFTTLEUEXT. JTotioe Is hereby given that toe under siaed ei-cntrt of 'die iat will aad te' ment of Nancy Bigger, deceased, has tiled in tbe county coort of Linn county. Ore eon, her Snal accwast as inch execntrix aad that raid coort has Sed Sstordav, tbe 9tn day of Janaary. 1S96. at tbe hoar of 9 o'clock a m at the coort noose in Al bany. Oregon, for hearing objections to raid acconnt if any, and the settlement of tbe same. DRK Black ncax U J 1Tsahs. A'tj lor Ex'ix. Execntrix etc. Notice for i?ublication. Ld Owen at Oaaoox Citt. Oa, 11. trfd aeuier faa ttkd wetrea of fa. Dlnn -a to mike fiaU pmef ia sapoort .f his e am. and iht d srkf ili tai!t hefnrc :be coantf etrk cf L'b evw-'y st Ai-nv. O n '"v Sh 197, tt: Mr- A-a.-OMf; II E l!032fj-:re f . V i "d W 4 of S E t4- 4 Sec 10 ? U 6 E. Be osai-a fm fa!i- i te. l- rrT hm ent"e.w r der.o .r-.a s A trftimio of. paid lard. '-;LCIv-, AT It., TO DaifortK, MS A M Ti !lrl rWutr. Orrfiwa. Koaxav A Xnxaa, Egiar. IwtiCEOF FIXAl SETTtEUDiT. Kotice is hereby given tbat tbe nnder tinned as administrator of tbe estate of J t Filce. deceased, ba 61 d his bnaj cxmnt m said es'ate with tbe coon'y clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and the coaa'-y court has fised Monday, the 2Tlh dav of January. 197. at tbe boor of t o c-'ock p m. of said dav for the final heHnjr of account and the settlement of said estate 4n and ail reron baring any objections to ihe same are hereby noti&ed to be prs ent at said time and present the am. J A Pet Weatherford Jt Wtatt. Admr Attrs for Admr. N3T1CE: Tbeancavl meednff of (be atockholders ot the Sugar Fine Mill & Fixture Co. wtsl oe held at their office ia Aiban. Otccob. on Tuesdy, Janaary Uth. 1S97, at 2 p. m., tor tne porpose 01 etecnair nve di rector, and to transact any other business which mav properly come before tbe meeting. Albany. Or. Uec a. I89K. C W SEAaa, D B MoxniTH. Secretary, President. ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE o't.-e is hereby t'ven that tbe nnder- signed has been duly appointed by tee l ounty court ol l.inn county. Ore-eon. ad minUtrator of the estate of Joacob C Mt- ew, deceased, late of said county, and he oas auiy quaiinea as men and ail persons having claims against said estate are here by requested to present the same to me at Albany, oreoon. pronetiv venned a oy law provued, within months from tbis date. Dated at Albany. Ore iron, this Ifith d of December, 1S96. D W Mtkrs. Whitna-v & awroKT, Administrator Attys tor Admr. NEW YORK WORLD. 1HRICE-A-WEEK ECITION . ages a Wed. 158 Papers a Tear. Is larcer Uiaa anv vmII, - weekly paper published and is the only raporiant democratic "weekly" pub IsbedinNew Yo-k Oit tkLiL- as larve aa the laadinn Miiii. .k lly of ew York Citr. It will be of ) ,ecial advantage to you d urine the residential CamoaUn. aa it is nub- tied every other day, except Sunday, ' " as all the freshness and timelinese daily. It combines all tbe news a long list of interesting depart is, nniqne features, cartoons and aic illustrations, tbe latter being a alty. I these improvements havw been jsus without any increase in thecist which remains at one dol'ar per year We offer tbis unequaled newspaper and the Wekklt Democrat together one year for (2.00. Satisfactory terms with TO THE I"- &k Z OIVM THE C"OIC Of TWO TKAN8CONTI5EK1 AL ROUTES great union PACIFIC rial via SPOKANE DENVER U1MXEAPCUS DHAKA asd Ann ST. PA'JL KANSAS CITY LOWRi'I&i TO ALL eastern .cities . rX-'EAN STEAMERS EAVE PORTLASD EVERT 6 DATS .. roa .. SAN FRANCISCO For raO details call e CcxkaX ft Mosteith. Albany, Or SB annaaast W H HUBLKUtii. Gr't Pa .Aaas K. UcNEILL President and Manager. PORTLAND, OR. EAST AND-SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE or THE Southern Pacific Co. OaEferaaa Kxprass Tiatsai a rsrilasm OHf rana aUr it lahS 1 Sar ir ' ! IS Ax I a us f im r UM a I L UlUa a I At Ailuy Abovs fii op at Ewt pirt'.anJ Oregon J:tf. WaadVam. m. Tar ner. SUrn, Jefferson, Albany, Tangent, Shed!. Haisey Eazene CreaweU, Cottage Grove, Drain, and ail stations frxKa Rtsebarg sm'bc to and ia ctading Asniaod. 9 ajasau aai'aaavs is A 1 1 Pnruua A- -T Ita r I L Alb; i. lasr assspa (Ax aim Ul aaauaes saum Uota!kaiTfcrUiaa TSaa Ami as A asnv nn SsU A Lean ASkmnf lor Man 1:1 r st Amu al Aibanj tramm lmmnm SaiSra Laa Alaasr tor Woadan tia WavOara anaxe IiUaB ArmaaaaibaaTtraa. faOara Jkrm LaanAaa,v XarM 5r Airin at Aibaaf bvaa Xatnra 1 POllMAr BiJn SUEPEEi. AJTD Oininr Cars oa Cgdea Route- SECOND-CLASS SlEtFiNS CASS ail.ifca I all TanicS Trm Vn re SttMIM. sctkiu rsrraAs saesais. Man, vui itnt 4 tm Saana; .s I Lt rtmiaat Ariasfri SUral Ar Cmaiia !-lllri Express train daily (except Sunday) at Albanv aad Corral i connect with train o O.C.F- a-. SSrSt T ra i at P I ar J -t LVlsAI Through Tickets ts at solaas ia Eaaara Siaua, Caaaaa aaS larn traaa C S. FaTWSK Arm, JtlbuT E tvUUB CPBstcrara, Maaacar W GTSri iRC03 CEiiTR II & EASTEP.ri. -YAQU1NA BAY ROUTE Connecting at YaquinaBav with to Baa Francisco and Yaqnina Bay Steaun hipOompanT Sleaiij "FaMoi' Sails trom Yaqnina everv 8 davs for San Francisco. Cuoa Bay, Port Or ford, Trinidad and Hnmbokit Bay. P iscit AcooxoDAnosr vrasru. Shortest roate betweeu . Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany and ooints vwt to San Francisco 1st class to San Francisco 19 CO txirac,s no Bound trip ITXC To Coos Bay Cabin M.0C To Humboldt Bav and Port Orford. Cabin 1 1S-0C YACJUINA BAY The most nnnnl.p KasM. T2a&Art nn the North Pacific coast. No undertow Surf bathing absolutely safe. For those ariaKin9 Ia MmKiiui Knntin. and fish i TUT with anaw anArt, ihia tw sort baa no equal. Deer, bear, elk, cou- wm iroui ana Salmon tront. caa i . i . . .... . uo mna tn aooiKLancn witnina tew hoars' drive ot the bay. 0T Reduced rates from all pot i Enwnr Svxxxa, Manatw. U. M ATO, T. dt k A. L. ffstots, A&U depot, Albany 0.C.&L R. R. C0. t Willamette RV ver Division, Steamer ALBANY, Capt. J. L. Smitn FfeUU and Passenger, Leave Albany for Portland Sundays. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Unsurpassed accommodations and Khedutea especially for the needs of np- er Willamette travel. Pscaie parties nn avail themselves of tbis schedule for nv desired point between Corvallis and Jalem, leaving in tbe morning and re turn in c in due time the same evening. Special rates for special parties of 15 or more. II. L. Wai dxh, Ageot, depot Caraus and Trmdo-M rkt vt tK:ooo. a-u4 ail FM-J aat anauMna conducted iu ss.-aaTt ms Oua "i:f it Oeeosrrc t H. 'ttnt Of Naa w. caa seiura paieot ia tea "sua T,t-tf & asotauwa waxuRetoa aat oi ai-n .n V S - c rr4 wot tx-x. A.iic..- I Fill P iW2 iii h