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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1897)
ha r I von XXXI 1. ,JF" t ssw...' Is u Vif & & i3 j -. 1 3 : AVbgetable Preparation f;.-As -slmilahng uterocd and Ik da ting the Stomachs andBo. cf I A3 3 m.y.'i - ftomolcsDigcsUoTi.C'iCciruI ivcss and RcsLContains ncitficr Opium,Morpliin(? nor lEBcral. Not Nauc otic. 3x1 33 ittt KirmSvrJ- S3 A perfect Remedy forConslira- tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoca. Worms .Corwulsions.Feverisli oess and Loss OF SLEEP. Tic Simile Signature ot TEW YORK. Thirtieth ALBANY MUMm, 'j b. -,fr El - " i 1 i-ia II III . Ky'tnrr? ?; 10. csria ia ii . Mfj&y"-" rYifrrpnsvnrj'OaSBre 1 v-4 r- '.a 0 Calendar roa 1S96-7 iS96-Sept. 16-College Year boy r.s . . Wednesday 5ov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Iay receB, Tbura. and Fru Dec. 21 Term examinations begin . Monday Dec 23 First Term en Je . Wednesday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days . V5y Jan 5 Second term bepna ... TaeeJay Feb 23 Washington's Birthday a holiday, Mor.ony April 6 Term Examinations begin . . Tuesday Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days April 12 Third Term begins . . Tnesday Jane 8 Final Examinations begin . . Tuesday June 13 Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath forenoon fane 13 Address before the Y. M. ami Y. IV. fi. A Sabbath evening Jane 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustee Monday afternoon J ace 14 Junior Orations . . Monday evealnz Zojk i3 Graduating Exercises of the Conservatory ol Maeic . . Tuesday forenoon June 1-5 Pernlar - Entertaixaent Tuesday evening Jane 16 Comnenrement . . . Wednesday Jane 16 Alumni lie-union . Wednesday eveuing Four Courses of Instruction leading up to degrees. Well equipped Bceinees and Music courses, with appropriate diplomas. Catalogue free. For turther information, address ' WALLACE HOWE LEE, President, Albany, Or. Albany Bed Crown Milling Co. We have leased the Red Crown Mills for another year, and we are now prepared to receive wheat on storage , and to buy the same Miii Is ImM ca appfclia 'Bit And Feed constanflv on hand and for sale. Parties having wheat to tell ot tore- ve will try and make it to their advantage to call and see us. Flour will be xebanged for wheat on the same terms as heretofore. Fa. S.H. Allen Ea4 gjg Sot incoipo.-ated. THOMAS All and Dealer in he ALBANY, Allan v Steam and I irst Street Between f Branch of the Salem Steam A-.a. .nj r.i. rw,,. oni Tina EVI Blankets, Bill: Underwear, Ladies Has, Sila bata Ironed. 8ilx Hat. Btifl Hat B.nAMf Bv Hon rAM IWlin aa.l your Putrouae. t tBAf3Y CIG j. JOKPU. ftgj; .; fax ekouSc .(- JyA. . BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TCLEGRAFHY." 'f V Kliy boabimg mmmv lasies mm Entered t tbe Feat OUee at albaay. Or. a scead-ria (tall Ifattci i -BeMaME-'v,TaB THAT THE FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF ' ZJ ON THE WRAPPER or EYEST BOTTLE 033 Castarfs Ii pit up ia ose-elrs Ixrttk en!y. H osu. i'aot anew anya to seU else on the or Bjon&a liat h peed " trd "wi3 aaswer cwy pt tirf yoa get 0-A-5-T-0-S-I-A. Year. Boins, i. C. Barrett, S.S.YcTm7. BRINK, kinds of furniture bedding-, and it t M "aHHaMMaMMa you want the' most complete flour safe, has them and his prces the lowest. OREGON. Dveing Cleaning Work Terry and Washington, Dye Works, Established 1884 rirflnf all kinds Cleaned aad Dyed, Carpeta. Straw Hats and Feathers Dyed and Renovated and Soft Hat Cleaned, Dyed, Blackened and Strintast .Uteutl n tlim I ! tl SI Wt'.Js at" i s Ar; FACTORY Proprlelor lO-NIGIlT. S.inta Claus will appear at the churches to-night about as follows: At the Evangelical church the Shep herd, wise men, Mary and the manger will be seen. Program begins at 7 :U0. Everybody invited. At the Christian church a tree and program will be the order. At the M. E. church there will be trees. The program will consist of a Christmas Holiday cantata in which Sana uiaus win nave a prominent part. At the U. P. church there w 11 be a fire place, with electric display, and San ta Clans in a Christmas drama. At the M. E- Church South there will be an arch, with Gates ajar and a fine program, to which all are invited At the Baptist church there will le a big tree, several small trees and some pleasing exercises. At the Presbvterian church there will be two trees, some novelties and an entertain ing program. At the C. P. church a tree and exer cises. At the Coneresational church: A Christmas service, to commence prompt ly at 7 -3fl nM.irV will ha rn.lanwt V. the S. S. at the Congregational church thi evening. A special service, "Christ mas in All Land," will be given by the adult scholars. A winter forest, instead of a Christmas tree, will contain the presents and gifts for the school. Santa Claus wiil come out of his house and greet the school at half past eight. All who wish to renew acquaintance with "Old Kris" should be on hand at that hour. Lebanon. Miss A blue Fry. who is teaching school in trie Denny district has made ar rangements with her pnpilsitc have an entertainment and Christmas tree. Lewis Crandall returned, on lart Fri day evening, from Anaconda, Montana, here tie has been working since last May. Miss Annie DuMond and Dr. Foley have each purchased a fine oiano from the Wiley B- Allen Music company. C. D. McKnight has moved to Tennes see, alter an absence of over a year. lie will be a great help to the neighborhood. He was nominated for president of the literary society the very evenmz of his arrival. Alfred W. Long, who resided at this place 13 years ago, bat now lives in Mos cow, wash., is in .Lebanon visiting friends and relatives, lie baa not been here since he left 13 years ago. A the last regular meeting of Lebanon Lodge So. 44 A. F. A A. M., the follow ing officers were elected for (he enaing vear: , iu Mammock, v M : Jl A Miller, J W; j W Burkbart, S W; V V Hicboa, sec; J Wassom, treas; John Morris, Tyler. Express. A Good Snow. One of the best holi day shows on the coast is billed al the Reed for this, Christmas week. Pro'. Zera and his marionettes and pantomini ists opened there last night to the small est house be will have daring hi engage ment. His slight of hand work is simply wonderful. Young Lawrence in bis fontra and sayings is excellent, rrot. Zera, as ventriloquist, is as fine as can be ieen or heard anywhere and the mar ionettes are the most novel and enter taining of anything that has been shown here in years. It is unqualifiedly a good show and is adapted for the amusement of children, yet the elders can well af- tord to patronize it and lancn wuii them. Statesman. At the opera bouse next Monday. Bow t isg To the bowlinz contest of 5 games of 10 frame each three bowl ers are through. F. Patterson averaged 5.32; O. T. Porter 32. and Chas Pfeiffer 29.16. Of the others Drum average 23.95 for 19 eames, O Lee 31.41 for 17 games, Ed Blodgett 32-C tor 12 games. r.. liorton 3U lor 3 games, Ii j Hopkins i9 'for 14 games. J t. Brown 2S.4S for 13 games, PJ Smiley 2667 for 9 games, 11 B Miller 31.23 for 13 gamre, A K McCoy 34 for 5 games. Dr Beers 42 for game and Barr 28 lor 1 game. VrttusraAs nw tub ruua i iouuit time here, for charity, was that eiven vesterdav b the children f-f ih. fientra! arhnnl Th anhiivt had hMi m.ntmrt by tbe teachers in the different grades and at Monday'! assembly and most nobly did tbe children respond to the call for a free will ofiering, almost every- btnz in tbe line of provisions aad cloth ing being given . Thanks are due also to the markets for generous donations of meat. Holt's giving 10 lbs of bacon and also Messrs Beam, Allen and others for bread, batter, etc., and especially to rarner A Mi.ler for tbe ase of team and wagon with which Masters Turner, War ner and Lambeon delivered tbe things. There is an amount of clothing at the chool house which will be given to needy children who will come for it at any time between 9 and 12 on Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Delia V. Pf mrra. of Portland, la in Jacksonvil e accomnanied hv her liantrhter. Khe comes hern for thn ban-1 efit of her daughter's health and will re- main some time. Ashland Tidings. I Rev. Davis is teaching a singing class at present. Mr. Davis is yet a stranger to most oi the people oi Aieea.but be baa the appearance of a nice man and the eood people seem well pleased with him. Aleea Cor. Times. Last night in Salem at-tbe borne of tbe bride, occurred the marriaire of Miss Ada, only daughter of M r. and Mrs II. Staple ton to Joseph Baumgartner, as sistant cashier in Ladd & Bush's bank. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Magnan, rector of ut Paul a Episcopal CDurcn. Mr. Robert Huston and family are in me city lor uunsimas. . Miss Jane Morris came nr from Salem today for tbe holidays. Martin Ludwig and family went to tugene today tor uuristmae. Mrs. Rogers, nee Miller, arrived in Al bany this noon on a visit. Mrs. Judge Holgate died at Corvallis yesterday at the age of 56 years. Reuben Thompson, of the McMinn villa college is in the city for the holi days Rev. P. A. Moses, of Corvallis, went to Millers today to visit with 1. D. Miller, who is seriously ill. Mr. John Johnson has resigned as sec retary of the Y. M. C. A. and will go to California on a trip. Mr. Hart has been elected to fill the position. Miss Zuia Winn baa accepted a posi tion in the chashier's department of Wells Fargo at Portland. Hlie is a com petent, reliable young woman who will nil it wen. Wheat 72 cents. A eood many college students have been going through Albany for their homes F M Black, a iuryman in the Jones case being tried at Portland, died during the iria1, necessiutung uegiDmny over again Tbe post master is advertising for bid to carry tbe mails from tns office to the te- pot. Apply to him tor blank form ot bids. The new Eastern Star officer are: Mrs E W Langdon, W M; F M nedfield, "W V; Mrs r K Allen, A M; Miss Flora Ma son, Sec; Mrs F Redfield, I'reaB; Miss lula Winn, Conductress: Mim II a' tie Gal braith, Associate Conductress; Mrs H H Hewitt., Mr C O Kelley. and Mrs Tohn jAltbouee Truntees. See French's thousand dollar shew window. Futal Accident. The Express gives the following par ticulars ot a fatal accident at Fosters in which Al. Wodtli lost hi life: It seems that Mr. Wodtli, who has been working in ma miner's mm at rosier, was out ii the timber doing some work, when some one caaie to the mill to get some grist ground. Mr. Wodtli started to the house after the key to the mill, when he discovered that the house was on fire. The hooks belonging to the mill were upstairs, and Mr. Wodtli, not heeding me impending danger, rushed np stairs after the books, but he never returned the flames did their deadly work, and the dead body of the unfortunate man was not recovered until after the llamcs hadeu'jsided. It was certainly a very sad ic idenc. and the bereaved relatives and frier.ds, cf the deceased have the sympathy of the enure community. ilis sinter, who lives in Albany was leiegnpneu lor. Another Version. Search has been made at Corvallis for the body of W. T. Rocket, 1 the Gypsy nightwatcb, supposed to be drowned at that city. One memtier of tl e Gypsy's crew how ever, casts doubt over the theory of drowring, says the Times. This is Purs er M. F Jamar. and he said : "It is mv candid opinion that Rocket t was not drowned, either accidentally or other wise. 1 believe that he l in good health some cere on dry land, and that his disappearanre was with malice afore thought. Rorkettwas a Hiuhtv sort of a chap, and tie aa involved financially. tiis wages were recently garnisbeed. aud since that time he has been in a devil-may-caie Irauie of mind, and I do not think it at all improbable that he has concluded to give his family and debts the slip and has gone to try his hand in new and greener pasture. He may of coarse have attempted to board the boat, have slipped and fallen intoihe river's bottom, but 1 seriously doubt it. Anv report to tho effect that there play in the case ie certainly foundation or justification." Nose Broken. was foul without Doc. St Clair ha i his nose broken last night in about the following manner, as nearly cs can be learned: lie was in Keia a saloon talking with amend, when James Blackbnrn came up. A very short conversation ended in Blackburn's strik ing St. Clair without preliminary work, bitting him fairly on the nose, causing a bad break. Dr. Davis dressed the wound. Marshal Lee at once arrested Blackburn and placed him in the calaboose, where be was kept until this forenoon, when he was released on bail. M. Clair was not able to be out today and the cae was not disposed of. r.Aiscs Fisb Fowl. Mr. C. D. Bate will accept the Pr.MocaaT's thanks for a fine dressed chicken, a plump, well-rais ed fowl. Mr. Bates, who resides ism beyond the fair grounds is makii.g a specialty of blooded fowls, and as well wiil raise chickens for the market. This one dhows that be knows how to get them op in a manner to suit the most fastidious epicure. Gar a Pie. The Albany Prccted Beef Company will give a pig to the customer guessing tLe nearest to the dreseJ weiglst of a beet. Gross weight I'-Vi. Try it. The Lady Maccabees will give a Christ mas tree and entertainment al the ar mory. Members and Sir Knsghu and tbeir families are invited to attend and participate ia the exercises. Ring phone 9, or Smiley tse prinie OoaSieK hu nolbtntr to do with holi d prkei at Long' ploto giliery. A fine line of Conk Ranees and Heat ers at The Stewart k Sox Hardware Co . Dr. G- W. Mart on. physician and t:r geOB. Albany Or. Caiin answered prompt iy in city or country. If you are in need of a beatinir tovr call and examine tbe Roval Jewel at TL. Stewart k Sox Hardware Co. s. Drs H. E. and O. K. Beers office ai residence in the font office building fcpee iaJ attention given to disease, of worsen Clothier cleaned and repaired by -Jr A , , . . 'wcaa"CCTH' ,n" 7? wi oe p ei 'M ? J0"" mr l the Albany Drew ' ouipany. t-Or. iod and fclUworth rreeta. rirat ciaa meat, of all kinds at reasonable priors. Oar alaadlaa ax Si aaa tumiT out of eery 6re bottles of medi cine sold in th ) lat 6rt years are S. B goods. The 3 Ii lleadacbe and Live Cure 1 one myself a geueral phyic If von are sick and want to eet well. tb quickest, cheapest and aafet method i U buv tbe o a. remedies and use a airecjea C. P. IUlch. Dni(it, Dufur, r ' rot aalA by Foshty & Mason at 5"J els per bot- A. Instrumental Mnsie. air. 11. aim tsackensio nas inraieu m Albany wbere he ill give instructions in instrumental mnsic, lie leacnrs Violin. BOItar. mandolin and a Dumber of orchestral aJ brass instruments. Mr cacsensio u a musician oi m-u u aDllUV in uoin practical aim mvureiii-ai music, and one oi me most euccesaiui . - . . . . . . eachers in the state. fares p. My three children are'H subject tc croup: I telegraphed to San Francisco, got eoi a bait dozen bottles of IS l-ough cure- It is a perfect remedy . uod ble you lot it. Yours, Cioner, Grant Past, Or. I or sa'e by Fobay & Mason al 0c per bottle . BE POUT OF TIIE CONDITIO OF TRS FIRST NATIONAL BANK. AT ALBANY, IS TUB STATE OF OKF.iioM At th doae ot buitneM,Dk, p 7th, IS!. Keraaree I Loana and dtoonon . ... .(1 bl.tiS . 77 Overdratuecund and umncured 10,t s 87 U. 8. Bond to aacon circulation. .. iO..lKi Pratnluma on V H bok l.ntyo.w Htoclu, tpcurtt,etc .... W.U UarkliiK Buuag, lurnituie, and nxtuna.... xn.oo).wi Othr real wteta and mortcfaa-na owi.rt VI.I19.M Due Irom National UankafiHA reMtveJNOiUta 12.72U.H Due from Stata Uanfca aud bankera. 12, SI) una irom atiprovaa reasrva aawiu, .... l,ii 01 Checlu and other caah item SU.U6 Nutaa oi otnar Hatlonal Banka..... ... lon.OP Fractional paper currency, nlckola and oeota 6. Si Lawrrt, Mokii'Hiuiervi is viz: Specie .... M.47S.00 Ijeffai tenabf noten 1U7.00 BedempUun I und with V . H. Treaurer(ara par oont ol clrculatlou.) BOO 00 Total ...... . . . Liabilities I ...3'2a.23 Capital ftnek paid In.......... ..,. Surplui fund , 10,001)00 Undivided pruflta, leaa eap niea and taie Piu....... .. National Hank notea ouutanding.... .. 17,000.1X1 .CO 805 l-8.50S.i7 43 Due toother nauonal Ilanka Dim to Utata Banka and banker Individual deooait aubject to cbotk.. Demand certiflcateaof depneit.,...n... Time certificate of depoait CertintU . ht k Vaahler'a chec-ka ouUundibg Total ...... ....................l318,J6,a3 Stats or Oasoox, Covktt or Lian, as : 1, B WJxaDO, Caahler of the - above n ed bank do aolemnly awoar tbat the above tatatcment la the bo t.of my knowlwlge and bolluf. E f LANODON, Caahler. Bubtcrlbed and tworn to before me thia X.h day ot Deeember, 1806. i K WyATT. (I- a) I CoaaacT Attest i Notan- Public L. F1.INN, B VOL'NG L E bLAJN, t Director, ALBANY OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 1.1891. ' 01R PRICES are Bargains . . . Compare ihcm ixJitfiotfjcrs ingle hmm 8 5 00 Team harness 18 on Two 8weat pans - 65 3 bnggy whips 25 Othf goods in same tfo portion. CffLLfWDSEE US POWER & TOMLINSOX. S A.TTJIRID SOCUL AXI PERSONAL Mrs. Marx Baumxart and children a ent Christmas in i'oaland. Geo. Bingham of Corvallis, is to move to Rowland with tiii so-U plant. Mrs. A. Merriman. of Medford. snent Christmas with her daughter Mrs. C. K. Frouk. Mr. and Mrs. Chat. Warner, of Scio. spent Christinas with the "old folks" in this city. Cheater G. Murphv. the faniou quarterback, is in Oregon milu tiie Stanford OIe Club. Roy Bent'ey came down from Water. loo to attend the masquerade ball, ami visit with friends and relatives. Licenses have been issued to (1. Wigle and Flora A. Footer and Cart Carl son and Josephine A. .Nelson. Mrs. Mirt Roggers. of Astoria, came up to to eat Christmas dinner with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller. Mr. Euiil Howard went to Vancouver! Christmas day to visit relatives and will ! vieu in roruand and balem on bis wav back. ' ! Mr. Chester D. Edearda. citt editor of the Guard and Mis Xeihe M Owens were married at Kucene Wednesday evening. The Democrat extends hearty congratulation. The Corvallis Gaiette say : "Dr. C. O. Beam, as optical and au'ial snecUliat. has located in Corvallis and has oshces with Dr. Farra. Dr. Hvain come to Corvallis well recommended and we trust be will meet with tnccees." Among the teachers Mis Julia Taylor cm to Philomath for t'Lri"ma. Mi Ma lUxwi-il to iialsey, Mu Nettie Whitney to Eune an! Miss Euitua l.arvieu to Baker Oisy., Mrs Leiden Warner, a resident of Al bany for a year or tao. hx-i returned to ber farm near Ilarrisburtf. and wi:l make that her home, fiie has already bai.la20s30 chicken house and ISxJO hog pen and ia the f prin will erect a big barn. There was a lanre attendance at tbe opera hoaseatthe firemen" roait l:l 4at evening. IVsides aloul filtv coat.'.e on the Boor the gailery was fiUeJ t:h pecuton. There were about ix?y maskers, a great variety of roatume be ing J;sp:yed, mottly of an econoaii'al makenp, in keeping witii tbe time. The prs-aiiiog opinion was Ciat ilr. Krt- chel a the beat gotten up ot Use men and Mim Maud lioUmrt of tbe Iviiee. Kxcclleut lttusij wa ta.ulfiied by Al bany orchectra. A Siamese Letter. A letter receive! oa Dec 24, by Mrs. J. M. Marks from her daochter Mrs. Rev. Calender, was dated at Menam River, Siam, Asia. OcU 13, and left lianchkok. Oct. SO. The hater, which the Democrat wa permilted to see. wa s ritten on board of the foal on Menam river. The boat was 30 feel by 10 wide and wa rowed by men on one'side of it, tbe goods in the center, the cover being of bamboo. They were located in a cabin lOxS (eet, containing a chair, box. folding Uble and shelf. Tbe boat i. topped three limes a day for rocaisand take be tween for the rower to eat rire and rest. The rowers wear sort of a cloth tied around them and occasionally on ha a jacket, sometimes nothing "but a belt. The power wss not like steam. Mr. and Mrs. Cailender had a teacher and were learning some of tbe Siamese language, which though is alow, without any Eng lish with it. The scenery is beautiful. On both sides of the river, '4' mile wide in most places and in son.e there are green iiees, vines ard palms in abund ance, leople live all along the river some in good looking boo. tea. Tbe (am ilie are very large, too many to count; some of the men have two and three wives. Buddhist temples are seen along the river. Some advice was never to go to 8iam withunt patting dried truits and all kinds of eaubles in tin boxes. Their stock had been found to be aHve for wantof the knowledge. Rev. aud Mrs. Calender were to be located temporarily at Lakawn, Loas. Rbcovkheii $500 Damaofs. Last Jan uary T. W. Oowan of Yaouina had W. Murphy who owed him $37 00 arrest ed as an absconding dehtorand he aae imprisomed for fifteen days. Murphy sded Gowan lor $'00 damage, and the rase was tried before Judge Stearns at Toledo last Tuesday. J. K. Weatherford and W. S. McFadden appearing for the plaintiff. A judgment tor the full amount was awarded the p'aintiff. The caae will probably be appealed. It is said to be the first case of the kind ever tried ia the state. A Raise. The state board of equalisa tion voted to raiso the clast of merchan dise SO per cent in Linn county. Raises were made in other counties as follows: Coos UO, Gilliam 50, Grant 60, Klamath 20. Lane 10. Multnomah 25. Polk 10. Sherman 30, Tillamook 15, Umatilla 20, iamhill 10. The price oi cattle was raised 25 percent in Linn county. Horses and mules and sheep and gt als remain as assessed. The assessment ol rolline stock in Jackson county has licen made to con form to the rest ol Oregon. HOLIDAY GOODS Vlllbc Sold at Cost wohl. by J. Grad Mr. Julius Gradwohl will tell his large stock of holiday goods, including China, si.ver ware, etc, etc, at the cost of laying j down in Albany, in order to close them i out, preparatory to putting in a stock of general merchandise. He has a fine ar-! gortnieni ana me prices are Douora one. 1 Patronize one who has helped to build up the city. It Save Llvea'Cvery Da ioound( of case of Coi.siimpt'on AnthuiA, t-otiK", toitii and coup ar r-)d erf dy oy ahiloh Cure. a Fact VTarta Staawiaa. Con"iDtin, LaGnppe. t'neiirauiia and all Throat aii Lung d'aenaes are cure bvsbiloV Cure, rorsaieoy Shy Mason, Tbe Ilia oaara Contipation, canae nior than half the 111 m IT.. I. -I 1 1 . . ',- .. i'ibui wouica. nan a Kiovrr ivoot it- i a pleasant cure for constipation. For ah by Foshay Mason . Deeds, mortgage, notes, receipts, eto., at way aown price. Impbimt Joo Office. Use Dawson's furniture polish. CHRISTMAS DOINGS. Sanfa Claus did his duty Christmas eve in a very nice and modest way, pre senting his favorite- children with pres ents suitable to the times. Beginning in the east at the O. P church a pretty tree was seen and a nice urogram given. A t tbe Christian a well laden wide spreading tree gladdened many atearts. ltie program was good. At the M. E. church south a beautiful arch as well covered with presents. i wo k.iuen sates were used in an ex ercise of much interest. Tbe proeram was extensive and appropriate. At the Baptist church some fine trees held the presents. The program pleased all who heard it. At the Evangelical church a beautiful cantata was presented in which me manger wim wary at it, the hep- herds and witfo men formed part. The presents were arranged on a large arch. At the M. E. church some well-shaped trees well tilled were the center of at traction. Santa Claus did his duty in an eminent manner. At the Catholic church appropriate, exercises were held and at midnight a mass heard. The Cecoranons were ver pretty. At the Congregational church a snow bouse in tbe midst of an everereen forest r resent ed a pretty sight. Old ban la Claus came out afier some pleasing exercises and made many hearts leap for joy. At tbe L . P. church a Christmas drama or can tata was given in which old Chris Krin- cie was captured and tied to a chair and then gave an exhibition with his elves, fairies, Jack Frost, snow man and big pie. At tbe Presbyterian church an im mense tree held the presents. The ex ercise greatly pleased those present. Fale Reports. This refer to a go I many reports ol hot guns heard in the southwest su burbs of Albany on Christmas day, lol- towed by misses. In shooting at live pigeons in the afternoon K. H. PfeiftVr droppeloniy4 out of 12, to his oppon enta 8, as follows : fclffer 02000010001 14 Hi opponent 0 0112 1210 10 18 In another contest arainst Al Boeoieke Mr. Pfeiffer killed 5 oat of 7 to Mr. Boenicke'a 4. Daring the day from about 10 o'clock until nearly 4 there waa a constant hooting at blue rocks, until the air waa tun ol cracks, for turkey and otherwise. .Some expert shooting waa done. The rromaa were present in force, George, Dave. Grant. Jim. Horace. Frank, with Uljvid Sr in the audience. An Albany man occasionally got a turkey, bat a a rn!e the country hoy took the gobbler. A ntmrod in speaking of the cost eati- mated that everything considered every shot meant an expense of r early 10 cent to somebody. Two Fix as. Wednesday evening Mr. Jaa. Blackburn waa 6ned to and oust lx asauhn; Mr. St. Clair and the same waa paid. Mr. M. Clair wishes bts ver sion of the matter given. He was stand ing in Mr. Keur saloon ta.kicg with a friend when Mr. B lack bum wbo had beea drinking at tbe bar came np to him nd eatd I ooderftana roa bare been talking aboo tr.e." U answered, call ing htm etraneer. not being aoqaainled ah him at alt, telling him that he did not even know him, aad adding that be be d-d not want to, turning lua lace Slightly to one Side, At the came time without any warning Biatk barn struck him a terrific blow on the com, knocking him down. Tbe bone of the noes era broken in three place. Mr. u Clair tars he had had nothing at all to do vita hi assailant before. Today Blackburn wa arrested oa a warrant Haed out of Janice Uawkin' court on the ratue charge, and, pleading guilty, waa lined f an dcoet. Sit. Clair' noee wa so badly broken a to permanently deform it, and lead some to suspect the nee of t-raes knockee, bat there is do evidence to that effect. Wants to Be President. Tbe following was received at the DxitocXAT office today. Tbe indications are the writer wilt not land where be is ambitious to. Take it for what it ia wortii : Lowell, !-. Dec 311, IS96. Peas Sis, Please publish: I hope the Second Jackson Clubs will Send roe a Collection of money. I am poor. I want to go West and South to boom mvsell nn for the Presidency of 1900. I believe as Mr. Bryan does In a "Government of tbe people for the peo le and by tbe people. ReapectfoJly Rev. WttxtAM . Jacxaoic, Ja., No. 30 Cabot Sueeu CiiaisTUAS ExTEKTaisNisr. The en tenaiomeot given last bight by tbe La die of tbe Maccabees and tbe K. O. T M. at Armory Hall was a socceaa in everv particular. Ilie Ubristma tree a loaded heavily and muca pleasure I and amusement accompanied the a is in-1 bu'ion ot presents. An entertaimrg program was rendered. An Important Difference. To make it apparent to thousand, who thick themelve ill. bat that the syrtem simply need cleaaoing, ia to bring comfort home 'o their beam, a acoative cnaiuon i y cured by ming Svrup of Fig Manufactured by the California Fig Syrnn Company only, and sold by ail druggists. Send lour Bundle. Care and in nMlinnm in Unnderine clothes has-had it eff.-t it i reponible5 p m,-Boena Viau, 7 JO p m; Albany for the iucccm f the Albany Steam iLaun . . ... dry. Send a Ion 2 your handle to the beat laundry in tbe valley, or let 41 em l u rbillip know and be will call tor it. If von are not a patron of the Albany Steam Laundry tell the proprietor at once to od for your handle. Unce a custoruci always a customer. mm Removed, Removed. The Imprint ofTiee i now located in it new and coramodions brtcs oince on r irvi St.. nait to the Rum House, wbere they are better prepared than ever before to ex ecute vour order for neat and nobby job pnating at bed rock price, van ana fcet . ... r-i . i , . ur price. If vmi want a eood and clean smoke huv cigars made by our Al bany tignr factor v. Stoves, Stoves, Stove at Stewart & Sox Hardware Co.' For choice meat of all kind, call on the I veteran butcher, Wm, Etuenck, in tbe I Bluuiberg block. You will be well treat ed. Mcsic Miss Mildred Burmestei teacher of piano or organ. System tb Mason toucii and technique, iteeiaencc Fifth street, opposite U P chuich. Far 1 e Klelaey "I am 65 years-old; bave had kldnej diaeaae and constipation for 25 year. Am now well used your 8 , B . Headache and liver Cure cne yer. Used 6 bottle at 50cen ecn. JH Knight, Kutledge, ! Or." For sale by Foshay dt Mason at out per bottle. Jewel Cooks, Ranges and Heater ai The Stewart ft Sox Hatdware Co.'a. 4LB4RT RllalT. Wh?qt. 72c Oats 25 Fbur, $4 00 Butter 173 Egg 30o Lard 6 to 6c ' Pork hams, 8 to 10e,houlders 4 to 6. Sides, 6 to 8, Hay baled, cheat, 3)7.00, Timothy, I. W Highest of all in Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report OSOIstUTEZX PURE HOME AND ABROAD. Souiir spoons at Will k S'ar'.s. Holiday goods at Fonhay k Mason. Genaine fruit candies at F H PfeilTers. Best eandiea of all kinds at F H Plpif- lers Koliu gold ring for children 50 and 15c. ai r recto a. Ibeyare koanliix imI nlitoW now, mo4e tuc bangle pins, at reach s. botvecir inoona. encfravnl All-in Oregon'' 15c at French's- Little diamond rinn for childien Slim at rrenco's. An elegant display of Lincv w.,rk 1. shown at the Ladies Bazaar. RAG cornets. 75 ami and nnwarrfa af the Ladies Bazaar. Get F H Pfeiffers' prices before bovinir your candies and nat. "i mythy seed tor sale at C. E. Buow aaiaV C JrWma candies and Baosratix's. nuU at C. E Pop ton tbat pops can be found at E. BaUWXECX's. C. Souvenir poona fineij finUhed at H. Ewerta jewelry store. 1 argest aad beat stocg of holiday goods at FochayA Maaons. An etwarr proent IOOF ioaUtnted at Yaqulna hut Monday. Rowland. B. C. is now said to have a population ol 5000 and 32 saloons. Boys watches warranted one year for r2 50 at French' jewelry (tore. Too can boy gold 6!ed watches a low a $10 at French jewelry store. An elegant line of watche. jewelry A u Ttr ware, can be seen al H. twerU. Pcpa'ar coods at popslar pricea in eroc- aad goecssware, at C. E. Buow- u.i. Happy tbioghta, Cnriatmaa p'jaenti, aod low price as French's jewelry tore. Men's beary odevwear, shirt aod drawer 2oc each at tl F Mcllwaio's cah store, 4 paper be. tied tip matches at H F Mcllwain' cash store tor 5c. 4 rjackage Arha:kle coffee at H F Mc ia " cah aiore for Tic, s'ngle paper Ladies an I geat watch chain warranted tea years, fi 60 to to.00 at French's jew eiry store. Men's ;iU. all Oregon woL wmeriy $12.00 now $4A) at H F Mcllwain'. cah Ure. Pact of tbe tame $1 5i. Tbe raS of the oil painting at Curran k Mooteiib will Uke place tonight at 7 o'clock at Wi!l Lam Pfeiffer". Aboat $250 in gMd ia a tneltd maa m found betide tee remain of jckon Wadtli baraed at Focters. WL'liatn Dyer, an old time botcher tl Corvallu and a piooeer of ls52 Led ia Benton osoaty hutToetday.- St. Joha' Lodge Xo. C2 and Corin Uiiaa Lodge wiil meet ocitfbt at S p m aad holJ a )ou.t inaullattoo of ocer. E. P. Greffttz. a jeweler ha a regulator which had never atopped rifting for 2S ear uoui iai Moeday, woea it dij to became not wound np. Iix. Information tbat U worth its weight ia go d: (irt year meal of ah kinds at Hen ry Broder ', oa Second street. Dare you eea French' display of Christ ma good. It will cost yua nothing to look tnem over, ana note the pnee. Remember the watch social at the W C T U hail next Tharvday night. A pro- graat wm be rendtred and a good time Men 13.00 Eoe shoe at II F Mcll wain' raao store eil for tl 50, good boot for 1130. Call and ee the s-rewt tamiu that are nffered. Wm. Hyde, of Scio. ha b-ea arretted tor practicing medicine without a license According to tbe Press be ia coauderaUe of a quaes. Remember Koecht St Meuer are doting out tbeir complete stork of dolls aed toy for lea than eet. Call oa them for the beat bargain in thia line ever offered in Albany. A grand ball will be civen at the mm boose oa New Years eve, when the old year wiu be danced oat and the new one in. Ticket will be only 75 cent. Music by the Albany orchestra. The S. P. Co ha announced another in- ereiM in paateager rate on the "flyer"' between fortlaad aad Fan Francuco. The raite is $2 per ticket for both Srst aad second c2a passengers, making the rate no f ji ai,a f 14 respectively Corvallis to Portland la One Day. Tbe steamer Albany elemutlv furnbhed. including new piano, rdna between Cor- valli and Portland on the following sche dule: Down river. Tnesdaia, Thursday and Sundays Leave Corveltia 6 am-. Albany, 7 am; Boena ista, Sam; Iade- pendenos, a m; brlem. 10.30 a m; Newherg. lpn; arrive Portland. 5 pm. tpmtr, Aionoaya, eaBeaaays ana r ri- aay. ueave rortland, earn; Wewbcrgj I tO:3D m: Salem. 3:20 n m: Independence. r .rark 1 1 - w . .a - :p m; arnva uorvailia, 1 1 :-X p m. ine anove Kbeduie mean no more UT-I overs at alen. r attest time and a de Kghtiul trip. Portland dock foot Yamhill !t. Edwin Stosb. J. C. Mato, Uuum. Sopt River Dir. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bramo Quinine Tahleta. aii druggists refund the money if it fads to cure. sec. . and G. Corsets and Corsets. Kid Fitting I bave lust receive.! a full line ia both mase oi me celebrated coraets and am I prepared to give extra valued 50c. 75c and I tl in black and slate. Aim keep better I graces and extra sizes. The $1.00 corset i worthy of special notice. Ask to see our I 50c 75c and $1 .00 corset. Samckl E. Too no CASTORIA For Infants and Children. nth. it all hi m atsuian at ajji Let everybody come to th star Bakery andget v We ot freah bread for ti.o C Mavaa. Dawson will treat you right. Karl's Clever Btt Tea t a ure cure for headache and nervoni disease No'.hlng relieves o qnickly. I r or saie by t onav Mason. We keen the only complete stock o printer's stationary in the county. Smi- I ey the printer. Some new atvlea tvne and borders . buy the secona best printing when the best cost no more V Smiley, the printer. . ur. rnce a wrearn mkidx r-owaar wan fair niattaat ivuaai au uipMaaa. Try Dawson once on school boka. T i JUTTIJItl rattlleber sad frearleter (6? FATAL ACCIDENT. Roy Warren, aged 14 and Earl Fronk, aged 10, last Thursday afternoon went dock hunting np the Caliaooia. They returned towards home late in the after noon. Not carrying to remain any longer tbe Fronk boy came home alone, leaving the Warren boy alone in tbe field beyond tbe slaughter bouse, near tbe Masonic cemetry. After he bad gone some distance be beard a shot, bat thought nothing of it at tbe time. Not returning borne the parents of the War ren boy became anxious and Mr. O. W. Warren went to the home of young Fronk and with lanterns, lead by Earl, a searching party went after him. In tbe field where be had beea left be waa first found by the Fronk boy aboat 6 O'clock, lying dead with tbe gun beside him. He had been shot in the right breast just above the nls the shot going op into his neck, th rough thejogalar vein, causing instant death. Tbe indi cations were that he had been walking along carrying tbe gun by the muzzle and swinging it along as a cane, it ia said be was in the habit of doing this, ben it waa diacbarged by tbe stock striking the ground too heavily. His body was taken home and eared lor. Coroner V. t . H right, of Hamabonr. came to Albany yesterday afternoon and called a jury, consisting of F. M. Red- neld. rrof. W. tl. Lee, r H. Lhinbam, Frank Blodgett, E. L. Power and Wil liam Fortmiller. with C. K. Fronk as' clerk. The testimony showed that Roy arren and Urt r ronk started oat Irocn home about 1 :30 and went oat beyond tbe slaughter house. The Warren boy shot a crow and carried his gun cocked over bis ihoulder. Tbe two boys sat oa a log for a long time, until aboat 3:20, when yoang Frank said be moat go home. Re eaid he expected another boy and would wait and go np a eloogh and try and get a dock, and started off. He bad been in a cheerful mood, aad waa antic ipating a nice time at Tangent, wbere be expected to spend Chritimaa. When b body was iooxmi a boat e clock it was nearer 'borne than wbere Earl bad left him in tbe open field indicating that he bad started for home. Tbe ball entered hia body at nearly right angle and the gun most have have been resting against hu clothes, indicating tbat be mav nave stumbled tailing over against it jost as it waa discharged. Ibe load struct the collar bone and just a'jove it making a hose aboat one and a bail by two inches. going through tbe jugular vein and lodg ing in tbe back of tbe neck. Ibe jury tried to jar the hammer of the gun down when cocked, bat it would not drop. j Tbeir verdict was accx-rdirg to tbe facta that death was caused from a gun shot wpund by the accidental discharge of the gun. The deceased was a son of J. J. Beard of Taazfnt, but waa adopted by Mr. O. W. Warren when qur.e young. He was a quiet boy and greatly beloved by bis parents who bave the sympathy oi ail in their great lam. The deceased waa born on Christmas day in 1&S2. Poland China Pigs for Sale Arnooe desiring to improve their stock of hogs will da well to See me be fore buying, at tbe Skeels place one mils north of Albany, oa Independence road I hare several pigs, both sexes, from thoroughbred stock, which I will sell at hard time price or trade for fat hogs, chickens, potatoes, grain or feed or sell cheap for cash ia band. I am deter mined to sell and will sell almost at a man's own figure so call soon for they most go Now ia the time to go in good bogs while voa can get them so reason able, for Logs can't stay so cheap. i. 11. Ucorsox, tbe dardiner. ARE YOU GOING Remember the Children and " 1- riends oa Christmas. To Thia is a vear that suggests sensible presents, those that will be appreciated and be useful aa well aa ornamental. Yon can get them at Foehay A Masons. A finer stock haa never beea seen in oarutv. It embraces an elegant line of books tor voana: and old. 1 be beat acaortment ot oy lar in tbe cit v. An e.egant line ol aibama ana outer plash gcods. borne cne totiet eass, A cho'ece lot of the best perfume, Some beautiful vasea and A large assortment of np to date no tions, from which voa can not fail to I lect something at a reasonable price that -ill be suitable lor a gift. Don't bay until you have seen them. Loot al This. I have 48 lots with fair boose. AH kinds of fruit, all in one body, close to college and city public school, to trade I for residence ia Albany. Look this Up. Good plceo make money or tor epecu- latioo. G. W. Maston. To CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tak laxative BromoOuiniee Tablet. All Jroggits refund the money if it fails to care. 2oc. OXT3 UrCJOYO Both the method and rwtlts -when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts eently yet promptly on the hadneys, Liver and liowcls, cleanses the sys tern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the onlv remedr of its kind ever Tro- duoed, pleasing to the taste and ao- Iceptable to the stomach, prompt in its acuon ana wuiy oenenciai m i effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its manv excellent anaiiuescunuiwiiu i to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup ot figs is ior laie m ou cent bottles by all leading drng- cists. Any reliable drumrist 'who Vhy may not have it on hand will pro ic- ... . ... j cure it promptly for any one who I m:uaa ,. TV not awnt anv al v..o.o -j r d ,nbstitnte. I t.irr.OUia rtH VVOftBM. UAkMr vnmn rni vi iiwi vw nAKtsco, cu touisvusE. r. hew romtj it. 7 ) Higher Than Patti's. i THE WaSbEBItX kttcr. p RKsi'H raw ic SALEM IS TO HE A If IT- Patton Bros, engage the coming linger for a concert. Yaw's interesting per sonality and remarkable eareer. The managers of Heed's Opera noose hare arranged with that phenomenal singer, Ellen Beach Yaw. to give a con cert in Salem next Mondav evening. December 28. I Mis Yaw i aomethinir mnra tlian 9 fine linger; her voice ie a phenomenal oi;e in the falleet sense of t';t much abased term. It extends over nearly four octaves, from G below E in the al tissibo. The world recxrds only one other singer approaching such a range Lacrezia Ajagari a protege of Mozart, and Misa Yaw goes four full tone higher. Aside from tbe extraordinary compass Mii Yaw's voice has received high praie for it parity and sweetness of tone. Missj Yaw'a appearance there will be an event tbat will Le looked forward to, not merely by musicians, bat by all mo aie lovers, aod a large number of others will undoubtedly eo from the same mo tive tbat would prompt them to see a freak of natnre in some other direction. It ia expected that a great many peo ple of thia city wid go to Salem next Monday to attend this great concert. HEW YORK WORLD. THR1CE-A-YEEC ECLTfCM . Jges a Week. 151 Papcn a Year. Is larger thaa any weekly or aemi eekly paper pabliahed and ia the only mnortant democratic "weekly" pnb- labed ia Kew Yo.-k City. Three tune M large aa the leading repabJican week- y 01 ew lork LH-. It will be of "ecial advantage to voa darins the residential Campaign, aa it is peb -fced every other day, except Sunday, Sac all the fresh nets and - timeiinees daily. It combines all the news la king list of interesting depart 3, oniqne feature, cartoons and lie illustrations, the latter being a ally. I these improvements have beea ju without any increase ia the cost which remains at one dol'ar per rear We offer thia cneioaled newzparer and the WezcLr Drxocxar together one year for $2.00. Satisfactory terms with "7 GOHSERTATOSY OF MOSG Albany College Teachers for the school vear IS55-1S37 : ZLsri M. Parvin, Mas. Doc director. Assistant teachers-Margoerite Alderson, B. M and Mrs. Josephine Sharpe. Thoroagh and systematic instruction given in ail the important branches of music. Beet conservatory rooms and latgest musical library and facilities for magical work. Largest nun. Jer ot con servatory students enrolled of anv mceie school in the state. Terms low. Send for circular and catalogue, to M tinrx Hows Lex, A. M. Albany. Oregon. Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thoroozh instruction Wholesome diet Homelike treatment. Consider ing hard times, favorable redactions are made for boarders and day scholars. Studies will be resumed eptl let. For nrther particular call at the Academv or write to Sister Superior. J.M.RALSTON BROKER. Maston Block, Albany, Or Money to lean on form security, all small loans made on personal eecrrsity . City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made oa favorable terms. F uoorance written in three o the arg ccaaraaies in ice wona, m lowest ates. AT THE MIXES. Boarding. lodging and meal may be secured of tbe sub- aenber at the Sntism rr-ines, at hi place at the month ot Dry Gakh. tl. W. White. TV If T? Let VW 1V1 H. getherl Is it not bet ter to bay voar Bread, Pies, Rolls.Cakes, tc, at a reliable store where they use only the Beet material why of coarse it you dont want dvspepsia and yon I never get it by eating anytLirg irom ori Store. U. S. BAKERY Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. VaxnTKk. Proprieto K. O. T. M. Meets every Saturday eveninr 7 . T. M . Hall. Visiting Knights invited t tiend. J. S. Van Wi.nklx, Cora NEW HOME LAUNDRY. kf Sett and of ElUworth Street. Vamil wa hire taken. Particularattention pai to bundle washiog and mending. Sati taction guaranteed. Mas Chkistsm Porrtaa Extebtawmsst Oomsa The College haa established a course of lectures aod entertainments for the winter. Season ticket 1- The College hope that the public will respond gener ously to this coarse, as it is intended for all. Sing'e admission 15 cents. The Wkeklt Dkmoc&at $1.25 a year and tbe Weekly San Francisco Examiner $1.50 a year, combined for only S2.S5 Thi includes all the privilege in the 10 -000 premium list of the Examiner includ ing a flO.UOO residence ana a nvw go;a aagget. HELP WANTED 41ALE. WANTEIV-SOLICrTORS FOR cam paign book, "Krran, SewaJi and Free Silver." anlborizei bv Bryan, written by R. L. Metca'f, Editor Omaha World-Herald, appointed author by Bryan. Contain ipteche and platform. A bonanza for agents, a free silver mine for workers. Only 11.50. ne owy autnorueu ooo. ou per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Begin now with choice o rritory. Permanent, profitable wcrk Address The National Book Concemr Building. Chicago STEEEU8A1LWAY KOTICE. The motot on the Albany atrcet rail way will connect promptly with all train to and from the depot, day and night. ' Special trips will be n ada at special a'e. I- F. Cos. Conductor,