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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1897)
Ilcuwmtt. TERMS. Daily Democrat, 25 cents per month $3.00 per year,in advance, 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, lOo per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Single copies 5c. WbKKT.T. 81 9K In nHiranxa SI Sll ill And if year; $1.75 for second year; $200 for imra ana proceeding years, when not paid jn advance. Club of five new subscribers fr$5.00. Oakvllle. "A rolling stone gathers no moss" and 'a Betting hen never get fat," are two old proverbs and we have been acting the latter for some time, but on Christ mas morning we decided to take a holi day and go to Tangent and '-paint the town red." We borrowed a horse and after dressing in the best clothes we had we bade adieu to Oakville tor awhile, when we arrived at Tangpnc we dis mounted and shook the dust off our coat and hat. We then went to the depot, to find a large crowd of men. e soon heard the sad news of the accidental shooting of a son of Postmaster Beard but we didn't tarry long for wo had come to ake dinner with "Little Sunflower." We found our fellow scribe busy in ttie kitchen. He gave ns an "album" toi iook at, Dut we aian t see bat one tnrein it. mcj At the proper tfnie we were invited to tne amine call ana seate to a table loaded with the best that the land af fords, cakes and pies of different kinds. - i -. . i , . ' eimwuerries, grapes ana peacnes in abundance and in the center of the table was a dish of candy and nuts. We took a bountiful supply. We met Uncle Jesse McGhee, he is able to walk without a cane. Uavid Munn was ahle to be out. e burned back to our Christmas en tertainment to find a crowded house and among others was our county judge, but we wer surprised at him, for the first thing he said was "There is a picture for me. confound that school superintecdent he stole that out of my office." We .nope that he is mis'aken tor it would be rough on the other connty officials if Wheeler should be compelled to steal . The Christmas tree was well loaded with presents and the program was well per formed, specially the music. We thank our many 'friends for their kindness during the past week, Miss Gracie Wade for a generous supply of csokies and Mrs. Hamilton for pies and cakes. Ltttlk Rose Ccd Frd Piper, of PorUani, was in the -city over Sunday. Mr. Wilson E. Blain went to Salem this noon on business. ' Oje of the new councilmen of Mor mouth is Burr Sloan, a former Albany mm. Misa Hattie Warner and fris'cr of Drain, have been in the city on a visit with Albany friends. Mr. L. N. Stinson, of Salem, G. K. of K. & S. of the K. of P. of Oregon was in the city today. He is proving an effi cient officer. Thomas Parker has accepted a position in a big saw mill at Sissons, Calif., and will leave for there as soon as the mill starts up in a few weeks. C. A. Brown, a former Albany barber, is now located at Fargo, North Dakota, which is alo the home of . S. Kedeker and family, former Albany people - Prof. Heritage, of Salem, left last week on a trip -to Chattanooga, Tenn. The Demochav has been informed privately that the Prof, expects to locate in the east. Prof. Sox. Misses Bertha Ellis and Lora Vance and Mrs. Cutting went to Salem this noon to hear Ellen Beach Taw, the most wonderul sieger the world has ever known. Miss Clara Pooler w-nt to Albany Wednesday afternoon via steamer Al bany, wbere she wiii be the guest of Miss Addie Chamberlain daring the holidays. Salem Journal. t. G Irvine, county school superin tendent of Lincoln countv, was in Al bany today on his way to Sak-m to at tend the meeting of the State teachers association. Rev. Woody , of Portland, who preach ed in tl e Baptist church last night, made the interesting statement that he was "born in Linn connty. Bev. Woody is eaid to be the tallest minister in Oregon Mr. A. B. Hammond, president of the Oregon Central & Eastern railroad, and promoter of the Astoria road now under onsti action, is expected to arrive in Portland today from Missoula Mont. -Uregonian. Miss Comstock, who performed on the -violin at an Albany concert a ye&r ago, was manied in Portland a few days aeo to a young man from St. Joseph, Vo. Among the guests were Mrs. Van - Horn and daughters, formerly of this city Speaking of Dr. Roland Grant's lec ture a New Hampshire paper says : ''The audierce sat for more than two hurs without a thought of tiring, and when the end carr.e, went home with a firm determination to vi?it the great north -west when time ami money gave the op portunity. Profs. Chapman, Mc!roy and Letcher of the University of Oregon, Prof. Horn er of the O. A C, Prof. White and others went to Salem today to attend the meeting of the state teachers asso- cration to convene there tonight. Prof. Tyree and Superintendent ft heeler will go tomorrow morning. State Senator Tolbert Carter, of Ben ton county, and Representative Norman Miller, of Columbia cocnty, both repub licar s and favorable to John U. Mitchell's re-election to the United States senate. are seriously ill and it is doubtful if either ot these gentlemen will be able to attend the nineteenth liennial session of the Oregon legislature. Sa'em States man. Mi. and Mrs. J. B. Standish, of Los Angeles, Cau, arrived on the overland Friday night and expect to locate in this part of Oregon. Mr. Standish was look ing over this section four years ago and was po well pleased that he could not re sist the temptation of returning. Cot tage Grove Leader. And yet there are Oregon people looking towards Southern California for a home. A farewell pirty was tendered Mr. W. W. Ayer on Saturday evening at the borne of Dr. Cbamberlin, previous to hie leaving for California to reside. Mr. Ayers has been instructor of the literary class and this was given as an apprecia tion of his efforts. Crokinoie was played and a delicious" lunch served. Ihose present were Misses Ida Maxwell, Nellie Hogue, Nellie Elkins, Myra Heser, Mable Cole, Ella Mead, Messrs. W. W. Ayers, Vard Little", Jotepb Ralston, Luther Llkms, Allen Chamberhn. County Clerk Montague is rather busy iUew dara issuing licenses. Todav Mr. Bob M . 'Miller.of Halsey, one of the best vonnz men in the county was eiven li cense to marry I Miss Minnie G. Thom son, of the same place, and a most es t.U WAiina 1al0 Dn.1I f 111 Af1aAf HWBLHV j " j T avvj, .. V 1 1 , VTU? VM Scio s rising young men, and Miss Jen nie Turner, were also permitted to join their fortunes; also vv. H. JJogart and Hattie A Miller, and V. L. Davis and Miss Hattie Quigley. May happiness be the lot of all of tliem, The Sunday Oregonian gives the fol lowing account of a 'wedding in which a Linn county gentleman played an im nortant part: A pleasant wedding oc curred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A Ha worth, 1068 East Taylor Btieetlhurs- day evening, December 'li, at o ciock, on which occasion Mr. L. G. Thompson, ot Shedds, Or., and Miss Netee Menden hall, of Newberg, Or , were united i.i marriage by Rev. Mr. Arnold, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, of Sun-nyside- The bride looked charmingly beautiful in a traveling dress ot blue boucle cloth, trimmed in velvet and silk. Those present were : Mr and Mrs C K Fleming, Estell, John "and Clara Flern ing, Mrs F M George, Fred George", Mr and Mrs A T Haworth, Eliie, Ernest, Zella and Wilbur Haworth. After the ceremony there was an elegant dinner served, after which the bride and groom left under showers of rice for their future home in Shedds, Linn county, Or. Deeds, mortgages, noteB, receipt, etc., at way down price. Imp kitob Office. Use Dawson's furniture polish. $6.00 buys a good Mandolin with book $5.00 buys a good new Guitar with book. $1.00 boys 13 choice "cat gut" Banjo Is strings. $1.00 buys 12 choice 'cat gut" Violin E strings. $1.00 buys a fine Violin with bow. 25cts buys one dozen steel Violin 1st or 2nd strings. $25.00 buys a 5-drawer sewing machine; high arm, light running ; guaran teed 5 years. JPCSFrices on Pianos, Organs, Banjos sent on application. v E. U. Will Albany, A Series of Meetings. At the Cumberland Presbyterian church for three or four weeks our syn odical evangelist will preach morning and evening beginning Sunday morning. in accordance with the week of Draver (international) from Jan. Srd to 10th, also in accord with the appeal from the Moody & Sankev meetings, vix: That all christians (nd churches in America set aside their social encasements and work and pray for the salvation of souls. we desire to loin in wjtta this reat throng and make our petitions one unto Hiiu that hears his children Let all who believe in prayer and spec ial irfirk tAHva Arkiilo fwim on an.lfaaa hell come and help us, for one soul is worth well, no one has ever yet been able to compute the value of one soul . Let every unsaved person come and hear the Word of lif. Come. List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventor, this week. Reported by C. A. Snow fe Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. U. S. Patent office, Wash ington, D. C. GAabel, San Francisco, car coupling: R E Bnrke, Spokane, Wash, flower stand and bracket therefor; A Putxer, Deer Park, Wash, extension bedstead; MS Cody, Stockton, Cal, mail bag fastener: S Collins, Portland, car-axle box; J Gambetta. Stockton, Cal. construction and propulsion of vehicles; CGleim, Portland, hand protector; J T McCor mick, San Francisco, metallic furring for buildings; S Mikami, Oakland, Cal, po tato cutter; J L Pe'ithomme. Oakland,! Cal, car-axle box ; H A Rauert, Portland, , combined bicycle pants guard and lock; W H Smyth, Berkeley, Cal, can solder ing machine; A Sprague, San Le-indro, Cai, electric railway; O Nan Oostrum, Portland, garment ; C A Webster, Oak land, Cal. coin holder: J R Yonnir. San Jose, Cal, beer drawing apparatus. Barlow Free. Cass U. Barlow, who was charged bv Henry Will with the embezzlement of $1000 from tbe Barlow- ill Mercantile Ccmpaty, was to have a hearing before Mayor Straight last Fri day, but when the'tiaie for the examina tion arrived, there was no appearance against him. Attorney C. D. Latourette moved to dismiss the complaint against the client because of the lack of prosecu tion, there being eo witnesses for the prosecution present. Deputy District Attorney Porter offered no objection to the motion, saying he had been instruct ed by District Attorney Cleeton to have nothing to do with the prosecution of the case, inasmuch as the grand jury bad ex amined into the matter and failed to re port an indictment. Oregon City Cour ier. A Qcebt. "How many votes were re ceived by the several candidates for congressman at the last state election," asks a Holly man. 1st district. Thos. H Toneue, 19.355, W. S Vanderberg. 19.292, Jefferson Myirs, 7,099. W. C. Christensen, 1.356. 2nd district W. K. Ellis. 12,617, Martin Qmnn. li9. H. U. Northrop, 8,807, A. S Bennett, 7,0kJ, F. McKer cher, 775. Good Hop Outlook. 1897 contracts were closed today, at 10 cents a round in the bale with the.folioaing parties by the Uorst & Hachmund Co., of this citv: Wm Holmes, 90,000; Al Pettyjohn. 30, 000; F. Levy, 25 000; Pacific Hop Co., 20,000; H. C. CauSeld, 12,000; Craven A Bunyard, 12,000. This is a total of 189. 000 pounds and Is a very encouraging fact for bop growers. This is the first time in three years that dealers have been disposed to pav such a high figure for future delivery Salem Journal. To-NiGHT.-The following from a Salem paper is about an entertainment that will begin a three nights engagement at the opera house to-night : Professor Zera and company gave one of his unique en tertainments last evening.which, by-the- way, was one of the nnest ot its kind ever given in Salem and deserved a bet ter ffbuse than greeted it. Prof. Zera's show we ran hear,iiy recommend to any one and especially to young peop.e. There is not one objectionable feature in connection with the entertainment, everything being rstc.as9 and it is second to none of its kind in the country. Maxzaxita Grove of Woodmen of the World elected officers Saturday evening as follows: Worthr guardian, Mrs. Ray Allen; adviser, Mrs Rebecca Yiereck; clerk, Mrs Cora White; banker, Mamie Montgomery; magician, Mrs Annie Hawkins; attendant, Lillie Farrell; in side sentinel, Mrs Markhart outside sentinel, Mrj Jane Davies; physician, Dr. W. H. Davis; delegate to state con vention at Pendleton, Mrs Annie Haw kins. A World Bsateb. If any of our Wil lamette valley larmers can beat the record we are about to chronicle.let them speax up. ti. W. Mc Kinney butchered a porker that dressed 622 lbs, ye622. from which he rendered 150 lbs of lard Brownsville Times. Not a world beaUMr, for the Democrat man has seen a hog ia Oregon that weighed over 1000 pounds, but certainly very big one. There will be one assesnment in the A O V Vi for January. There is talk of a !ady minstrel enter tain merit in Albanr by local talent. A man, wife and thirteen children went through Albany this noon for Rot-eborg .None was lost. Mrs. A. Meadenhall, a former resident of Lirn county was he'd up in Portland by two men Saturday evening, bbe Bed and they got nothing. The reirular W C T U meeting will be held in their hall on fneadav. Dec. 29, 1896, at 3 p. m. A. full attendance i de sired. Secretary. At the recent e'ection in Waterloo Chas Younger was elected mayor on the temper- anc ticker, lie may be depended upon to do his duty regardless of consequences. A CrawfordRville man marked bis tur keys. A couple of them were sold by Mr Fox, of that place, having gotten among l.ia turkeys bv accident. He was arrested, but when District Attorney Dalrymplc learned the facts he had him discharged. The Salem Statesman has looked over tne aattesi-meiit rolls of Multnomah coun'y but the name of SylveHpr Pennoyer, the millionaire ex governor can not be found among the list of taxpayers. The States man probably didn't look very sTalght The boot an! riioe firm of Klein & Du- btuiae, of Spokane, formerly of Albany, have failed, bung plBced in tbe haods of the sheriff. 1'reviounly a cn;ittel mortgage wasnie-nn Mvorot A Klein, of Salem, for 114.000 and the S -okane National Bank for VJi)0. The big beef of the Albany Dresned Bsef "Co., which weighed 12(55 pounds alive, d reused 803 pound. The nearest gues was that of Mr- Moxier of the ! cent lunch counter, who guessed 802 pounds. The next nearest guess was that of G. W. Har ris, 804. At a meeting of the citizens of Scot-N Mills means were provided to prospect for coal, gas and oil in that vicinity. It was ' shown that there is a vein of coal there, and much evidence that oil and exist. The citizens are excited over j matter. Review. The residence of 3-E. Chioman at near gas tbe 8a- ! lem was burglarized Cliristxas morning : about 4 o'clock. The burglar was beard , and the family thinking it was some one 'else cried out "Merry Christmas.'' Tfe burglar didn't respoud. A jacket was the nly thin i sto'en . Frontier Style in Salem. A good joke is being told on one of Marion county's officials. It seems that on Saturday evening he was out rather Lie and, accompanied by a friend, dropped in at a papular restaurant on his way home and ordered supper. While awaiting the arrival of the same, in the conversation that ensued tie exclaimed to his friend in a very cool manner. "You have not nerve enough to shoot through a fellow's hat!" Now the friend is a fellow who dislikes very much to be eoresenled as a coward and, coolly draw- '. tag a 43-calibre revolver from his pocket, pointed wiv wtnpuu nit utoirimiu nuuuio- cuarged' the same. The bullet went true t the mark and erased the scalp of the auburn-haired official uncomfortably close. The bullet found a lodging place in the wall of the restaurant. Our gen ial county official will no doubt refrain from extending such a challenge in the future, or at least will remove his hat from his head before the firearm is dis charged.--Journal. Volunteers of America. Lieut. Ool. Blackhurst assisted bv Capt. and Mrs. llammill, will conduct a special service at the Volunteer Armor 2nd St. near Ramps' grocery. Services commence at 7 :45. Street service 7 :15. Dou't tail to attend this service. Also the watch night service held Thursday eve from 8 p. m. to 12:30 a. m. A blessed line is promised. Hope it it True. It is reported the O. C. & E. R. R. Co. have made contracts with the saw mills up the Santiam for 600,0p0,000 feet of lumber and timber the coming year, an indication of the extension of the road, if it proves true. Bold Paislkt Robrmv. Last Monday night Paisley was the scene of another robbery. This time the victim was Charley Campbell, the Paisley black smith. Mr. Campbell had been working rather late that night, shoeing horses for Bart Conrad and Frank Bunting, the stage men. He had finished his work and taken the boms to the barn, and on going back to the shop, two men stepped in and threw him down on his back. One band was tied to the anvil and the other to a ring in the wa'l, and he was gagged so that he could make no noise. Between $400 and $500 was taken from him. Mr. Campbell was not found until about 10 o'clock the next day, when some one heard him kicking the floor and he was rescued from bis trying pos ition, nearly frozen to death. Lake County Examiner. All Right. Zera's Royal Marionettes are all right. This was the general ver dict ot those at tn opera house last night, A clean, entertaining performance was eiven, one pleasing to people of all ages. The sleight of hand performance was first class, the ventriloquism was much the best ever heard in Albany. The special ties by the comedian and the little boy were good, receiving a aeries of encores. The exhibition of the Marionettes is an entertainmenment in itself and keeps an audience in a roar of laughter. The man ner in which the figures are manipulated is decidedly mystifying. The company deserves a liberal patronage. There wil'l be exhibitions with new features tonight and tomorrow night, and a matinee to morrow afternoon. Let the children see it. Admission only 10, 20 and 30 cents. OftBGOX DnCtfKRS. The Commercial Dmmmers' Protection Association of America, Oregon and Washington divis ion, held an annual meeting Saturday and elected the following officers for the year: T B King.president; D M Dunne, first vice-president; Robert May, second vice-president ; I Monheimer, of Seattle, third vice-president; M J Davis, fourth vice-president; Sam S Goldsmith, fifth vice-president; E Shelley Morgan, sec retary and treasurer; board of directors, PFDatlon, W E Prndbome. Walter London, Charles M (Stick, Harry Beck and E Cannon. In the evening there was a banqnet at the Portland hotel. The association adopted resolutions favoring a law allowing cotnmercUl travelers to vote in anv state they may happen to be in on presidertial election day. Tribune Too High for Sale. Misa Yaw waa greatly appreciated in Salem by those tortunate in hearing her; but Salem is too small for one of Mbs Yaw's stand ing. She was all that was expected of her, a wonderful vocalist in the range of the voice and marked in its culture and quality. Patton Bros, should be encour aged more by the people of that city for their great enterprise in getting a con cert of the rarity f Miss Yaw's. Those who attended will have occasion to re member the fact. Election. 151 voles were cist in the Prineville election last week. G. W.Barnes was xlected president of the council, D F Stewart R S Price and S I Be'lknap, with a tie be tween C W Elkinaand SSickel for fourth place; M II Bell recorder, M R Brigirs attorney, J S Terapleton treasurer, and Joe Dobson marshal. Hon. Jason Wheeler has returned from Stayton. C. H. Langhead and C. L. Back went to Portland this morning via the Wil lamette. S. L. Moorehead, editor of the Junct ion City Times, is a candidate for chief cltrt of the coming senate. Sol Baum, a former Albany boy, has made arrangements to open a fine res taurant on Morrison street, near 4th, Portland. C. B. Comstock dropped suddenly dead in Portland vesterday of heart disease. He was the father-in-law of Mrs. A. D Comstock, nee Maud Van Horn formerly of this city, lie was a pioneer of 1&Z Saturday evening at its lodge rooms R 8 Shaw, of Mill City, was given the highest degree of Santiam Lodge Ho. 25, A. F. & A. M. in the presence of a large number ot spectators trom tins ana Bur rounaing points. oiayioa Mail. The Man About town had the pleasure of ea'ing some eg and raisin fre-n from the dryer, sent by Miss Maggie Mcf arland from banfilrd California., to her sister of tbiscity. They are particularly delicious when fresb. The state teachers association will c vene in Salem tonight. There is talk of importing several new breeds ot ibiness pheasants into Uregon. There are at hast seven varieties, some more striking than the ring necked Mon golian, Proceed. Tbe state board of equalization his very unkindly raised the assessment on town lots in Linn county 10 per cent. We pro- tet. Tbe increase on merchandise is also raised 10 per cent. Commencing Friday. Jan 1-t, 1897, the 0. It. & N. Go's steamer "huth" will leave Albany on Mocda) s, W edneedays and Fridats at 7 a. m. for Portland and war landings, arriving at rortiana same day. Rich Red Blood la absolutely essential to health. It la secured easily and naturally by taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, but I lm possible to get It from so-called " nor tonics," and opiate compounds, ab surdly advertised a "blood puri fiers." They have temporary, sleeping effect, bnt do not CUBE. To ha v pur Blood And good health, take Hood's Sarsaparllla, which bas first, last, and aU the time, been advertised as Just what It la tb txwt medicine for the blood ever pro duced. It suecea In coring Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Nervous Prostration and That Tired Feeling, have mad Sarsaparilla Tbe One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. L w ntii ar purely vegetable, re- riOOd S PHlft Babl and btneAdaL Kloods Real Estate Sales. First N Bank to A Barhan, 85.08 acres 12 w 2 E. $ 877 Frank Peterson to II J Peterson, undivided hi interest in 34a feet front lot 8 bl 4 1500 NE Morgan to Jason Wheeler, undivided 4 interest lot3bl2 E A Eunice M Bolar to J P Tapper, 1 lot Lebanon Newtcn Lewis to B F Hester, 80 acres J R Davis to Dora Davis, 4 acre and 50x100 feet Juliett Hamilton to Mary Jores, 227.75 acres 1000 200 400 1050 14,000 461 350 J F Savage to Thos Kay, 476 88 acres i;i w 'Z and 3 John Buchner to S E Young, 40 acres 11 w 2 J R Bone to Mary E Cain, 2 lota Halsey , J K. Weatherfo'd to A llackletnan lots 7 and 8 bl 20 and lot 1 bl 122H'san E E Uprueyer to Peter Lukin, 1 lot Ilarrisburg Magjrie Black man to J P Wallace, all iuterest in Blackmnns sd to Albany A M Whiting to J F Whiting, 160 acres LJHoui-k to Mary A Mitchell, 5.06 acres Henry Kizer to Anna Meyer, 80 acres. T M Witten to Mrs L Kilter, 1 lot Waterloo Arnold Homers to Anna Somers, 25 31 acres 1 275 100 300 253 2000 300 400 C G Shramm to W J Drummond, lot 2 bl M it's 2nd ad II Bryant to Martin and Margaret Walter, 13 acres Martha Bobanna by sheriff to E F Wyatt, 432 acres Thoa Y Barber to the Investors Mtge Security Co, 255 acres Al KnigLten to Sarah Scolt,77.21 acres Lelia J Bran to J W Hereford, 120.42 acres W E McPherson by eheriff to Wash Nat Bid Assn. part of bl 5:0 275 7600 2430 20H's2od ad Sarah Scott to Lelia Bryan, 45.21 acres P O Smith to ilenry Meyer, 10 acres Scio .". Franks CawooJ to J C Cawood, 111 acres Lucy Wright toShedd U P church 2 lots W E Arnold to K J Compton, 33 li acres Fred Gilbert to Herman Uilbert, 160 acres Herman Gilbert to J W Schaeffer 160 acres 861.62 SS0 1000 650 S00 1000 1000 1000 100 J W scbaeffer to Bert Rathburn. 160 acres D Wright to Rebecca Hall, 102.41 acres K Jacob Kees to Mary Zigler, 16.68 acres R Custer by Sheriff to W II Ra- mond, 518.71 acres in three par cels W II Raymond to Mrs D McU- wain. interest in 513.71 acres Georgia Hannibal to Fred Snyder 83.31 acres O P Coshow to Phil WUUg, 2 lota Brownsville O P Coehow to J P Cooler, 6.15 acres 0 P Coshow to Lore a Hale, 2 lots Brownsville OP Coshow to ES Masters, IV,' acre-i Brownsville O P Coshow to C S perry, $.jx99 feet Brownsville 0 P Coshow to C II Cable, feet Browovii!e G L Black man to L B!uaiuer, 12 acre 10 w3 II Wadtli to F M Ilumbaugh, acre Sweet Home 1 M Ware to K M Rambaagh, 1 acie Sweet Home moo 500 3000 25 14 100 30 50 A YiciOKT roa! The Christ mas shoot at live birds not being satis factory another one was arraupt-d. Live birds were ihot at with the foUowing re salt. F. II. Pfeiffer, 5 straight on the first shots; C. G. IUwlings, 1000 12; Chaa. Pfeiffer, 011114; Al Boenicke, 1 0 1 0 0-2; C. W. Watts. 0 0 1 1-2. As the fifth bird aroe P.J. Baltimore volun tarily assisted Mr. Watts, killing the bird and it cost him 50 cents lor the fun. Some more matches are txting arraoged. Letter Ll.'t. Following i the lint of letter reffiia!ng in the PoitorEo8 at Altny. Linn connty, Oregoo, lec . 29, lsifc. Persons calling for Uwe letters tnact give the date on which the? were advertised. Abraham, William Edwards, Lewis Lewis, Geo, A Olsen, Morten Taylor, rl X Chance, Cart Elder, Allie Merrill, C P Smith, G F Taylor, A N T. J. 8ttte. p Aching Joint Announce Ihe presence of rheumatism wbicb causes untold tiiffencK- Rbentsa Us in it due to lactic acid in the blood, it cannot le cured by iinimenU or ctber out ward applications flood's pun fie the blood, removes the caoe of rheumalurtn and permanently cures the di eae. ftm is the testimony of thousand of peop'y wto once suffered the pain of rbeumatitm but who have actually been cored by taking Hood 's Sarva panda, lu great power to act upon the blood and re move every impurity i the secret of the wonperlui cures by llooo s Samparilla. For Musical People. Mr. D. M. Bartlett. of this citv. is can- voesing Linn county for membership in the American Musical Association of Chicago, under which each subscriber secures the privilege of purchasing any uiush;, tuvbi ur insiruoieniai. pu'jui'neu. at reductions as low as yu per cent oi the list price. An elegant book of vocal and instrumental ir.uic goei wi h the mem bersbip This is a splendid thing and every love-oi mnwic should subscribe, The cost is only $3. Don't patronize (he Chine-e. Remember Al bany bas good white laundries. Patronize them, they tpend their money with yon and employ wbite labor . Have tbe City L-aunury can ior vour nacliacre. Keason able rttes sad Dr-t cats work. C. Smpsos & Son, Opp St Chas Hotel. Prop's. My How Sweet. A common remark about tbosedelica'e and lasting a r I L - . . ... tturanari ec uee s drugstore. We certain ly have the best in tbe market aud higher in price than inferior goods. A Druggist Nowadays must hsv a complete knowledge of drugs, and know just wbat to loon for. Burkhnrt & Lee nave tbat knowledge. 1 bey make a spec ially ot compounding ail prescriptions using nothing but the best grade of pure urugs. Pay Conn k Huston. Pay Conn k Huston. Tay Conn k liuetoa . If our work and stock isn't as represent ed, you can get your inone; buck. Smi ley tbe printer. Stoves, Stoves, at Stewart & Sox Hardware Co.' Stoves Jewel Cooks, Ran gt s ht.i1 lKutcr at The Stewart k Box Hat d ware Co.'s. On the ticket. Will v Stark for vour holiday trade. They have the goods. We handle tbe famous Wbiline papers. and print tbem up for you at the tame price you paj for lufericr gradot. Smiley uis priuuir New macintoshes and box coats. ajuarai itcu wuicrprooi L. E. Blain Clothing Go's. For the best drugs, Dawson's. lOCUREA COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative R roino Quinine Tablet All druggists refund the inoneyil it fail o cure, 25c. The present state of the tea-trade can't continue. Americans drink the worst tea in the world, and pay double for it. Schilling's remedy. Proof: the your money don't like it A SchiHinc & Company So r rancuco Best is the grocer gives back if vou ten WE! ID OST 33313.-- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL E. R. Skipwortb, of Eugene, was in Albany last night. Mr. Steve Riley hrs returned from a two months trip to Ciliforria. Mrs. Thos. Hopkins has been in Salem on a visit with ber mother. Archbishop Gross is in tho citv the guest of Father Metayer. Mr. John Geiss, of Silverton, a former Albany druggist, is in the city. Mrs. r . A. neim, ot v orvains, is in the city the guest of Mrs. John Althouae. Miss Annie Grain, of Junction, has leen in the city the guest of Judge roweii. Rev. E A. Roi-8, the evangelist, who recently stirred up Medford, with a re sult of about 150 conversions, will preach in the M. E. Church South tonight. Judge Bryson, w ho is sufferioj with a tumor, will go to Portland today to have a surgical operation performed. He will be accompanied bv his wife and son Rock. Corvallis Timed. Among the Linn county teachers at tending the state teachers association in Salem are Prof. Tyree, Supt. Wheeler, 1L H. White. F. M. Mitcheli. A.N. Fulkerson, Z. T. Truelove, W. J. Craw ford, AIinu Margia Dunham, llda El kins and Hattie Temple ton. Senator Johnson has been in Eugene as well as in other placet looking up his interests as president of the senate. While in all probability he will Lot suc ceed he has the beat wishes of Linn county people in bis efforts to secure tne very honorable position. Ilarrisburg. Haiuusnt-BO. Dec, 30, IS. Mrs. Jas c Donald and daughter Ada are visiting relatives in Eugene. Miss Lrdia Hay spent Christmas in Brownsville. V. A. Bn. the ciocer. visited his I parents at Drain Sunday. Mis Carrie Have, of Gold Hill, is In the city visiting relatives. Born, to the wife of Orvitle Canning ham, Monday, Dec. 2S, twins boys. Miss Ethel Shaw, of Pendleton and a student in the State Normal school, is in the city the guest of Mus Lillie Canter. Mirs Clara PhiUpot. who is spending the winter in Portland, is visiting her fa ther near this place. Mii Anna Le!',e. a tndn'. cf the State Normal school, spent the holidays nuh her parents here. Mr. Virgil Davs, of f larritharg. and Miss Hattie Q'lia.ey, of Scio, were mar ried at the bride's home on Wednesday, Dec. SO. They have many friends who Join the writer in wishing ihem prosper ity and happineet. Henry McBee. of Alhanv, f peat Sun day at this place. Quite a number of our young fo'is at tended the Chriotmas bill In Junction and report a pleasant liu-e. Obituary Annie MinervU Ritter was born near South Bend, Indiana, Dec 22. 1$42. crossed the plains with ber parents to Oregon in 1S53, was married to John II . Wallace March 15. 1SG. died at her home near Albany lc. 24, lN.i, being 54 tears and two oars of age. She leaves an sged mother, three sis ters, a husband and seven rtaldren. be sides a host of relatives and friends to mourn ber lots- But our great loss is her eternal gain for she tried as she had lived, at peace m ith Uod and man. Death had no st ice for her. it was not death bat a pasting from a world of r-a n and j sorrow into a world of light and hie there with tbe redeemed ol Gol to wear crown of nghiecnanet. On Christmas dar while the sun flood ed the earth with golden beauty we laid her to ret by the si Je of her tw chil dren who had gone on before. Dear is the rpcl where mother sleep. And sweet tbe strain thatanseit ponr. Oh, why should we ia anguish weep, cue is not lost but gone belore. Gone to a land ol light. N here pain no more shall come. There by her saviors si de. She is wailing to welcome u home. 1! ta Chu-obe.. Witx Have x Cmumvkt. It ia almatt certainly settled now that the creamery enterprise is to materalixc. A sufficient amount of stock has been sahveribed to purchase nscbinry and etect a suitable building. The aggregate amount l tbe I (.MM mark, and it is nnderttooa that the creamery could be operate! with that amount of capital. As to wnen active work in the construction of a building will begin, nothing detinue is as vet known. The com t -a or mnt work nnder articles of incorporation, and nothing can be done until an organiza tion is perfected. Corvallis rimes. Hood's Pills act harmoniously ith Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cur all livet ills. 23cenU. Blood Ia Life and noon tb purity and vitality of the bl-od depends tbe health of tbe whole system Eiperieoce proves Uood Sarsatwnlla to Le the befct blood purifier. Satuso Nortcit. Steaner Uomcr will aiil from Yaoaina for San r rancisco Jan. 31st and tbe rarallon on Friday Jan ltt. Do YouUse It? It's the best thine for the hair under all circumstances. Just as no man by taking thought can add aa inch to his stature, so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done by Aver's Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and, lust as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow hair, -when the roots are nour ished. But the roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retain its jiormal color, or U you wish Pvestore the lost tint of gwgr or faded hair use Ayer's Hair Vigor. 6? HOME AND ABROAD. Sourwiir spoons at Will k Srarka, Holiday goods at Foshay & Masons. Genoine fruit candies at F H Pfeiffers. Bent candies of all kinds at F H Pfeif fers. An elegant display of fancy work U shown at the Ladies Bazaar. It & G corsets, 7$ cents and upwards at the Ladies Bazaar. Get F H Pfeiffers' piices before bayiog your candies and nuts. 'J 'mr-tby seed for tale at C. E. Brow neim 0 irVtmn candies and nuts at C. Browikll's. Tap corn that pops can be found at C, E. Bbownexis. Souvenir spoons finely finished at II. fcwerta jewelry store. 1 orgeat and bout sloes of holiday goods at rosnay Maaoas. .Minneapolis continues to prosper. Two bank filled there ; enter Jay. A J J Moore, of Coos countv, recently plum, up a gou nugget worm fouo. Crawford & Hamuli for photographs. Prices from II to $20 per dozen. An eJetru)t line of wafehM. iAwnlrv ail er ware, can be seen at H. Kwerta. Ben Waldt. a Corvallis saloon W tier was fined $25 this week for arllinir liouor to minor. Popil'ar roods at connlar nrinx in trrrv- eries and Qneensware, at C. E. Bnow- N2I.L'S. Men's heavy underwear, shirt and drawers 26c each at H F Mcllwain's cash tore. 4 papers bat red tip matches at II F Mcllwain's cash store for Sc. 4 packages Arbnckle coffee t H F Mc jMain cash store for 75c, single papers Men's suits, all Oregon wool, formerly $12.00 now H.50 at U F Mcllwain's cash store. PanUof the same $1-95. Information that is worth its weight in gold: Get your meats of ail kinds at Ilen ry Broder's, on Second street. Remember tbe watch social at the W C T U ball next Thorvlay night, A pro pm wilt be rendered and a good time bad. For choice meats of all kind, call on the veteran butcher, Wm. Fmerick. in tbe Bluniberg block. You will be well treat ed. Men's t-3.00 fine shoes at II F Mcll wain's rasb store tell for II .50. good boots for 1 1 -M. Call and see the great bargain that are offered. Remember Knecht Metier are closing out their complete stock of doll and toy for teas t baa cost. Call on them for the be-t bargain in this line ever offered in Albany. A grand ball will be given at tbe opera honse on Sew Years eve, when the old er will be danced out and the new one ia. Tickets will be only 75 cents. Untie by the Albany orchestra. Preaching at the Oimberland Preby teriai church duly at 10 a m. and 7:30 p m. by Synod ical Missionary Rev L D Beck. Subject tonight, "Ihl serf rignt eou man's way to heaven.' All are cor dially invited to attend. Some one says we had too many Cgore on th amount of lumber to be nwd by tbe OCi E reported retterday. We nmplf cave the report A a ntatter of fact order bv tt) given tbe mill for probably ?.V.tW to 3.003.00 ftof lamber ior improvement of the eattera division of to road. The seavn for making New Year' rea ola'ian i here One might as well not make them as to make and break them at once, at it only weaken tbe will power. People who wait till Jan. 1 to make a mo lotion are not very tpt to keep it- Tbe proper time i "now. " Mrs 1 M Mover ha eommM-id nit in , the state circuit court asaintt Mr M A V. wr L V Lot, I Ik Mover and Mr Mary Croft to recover VJXX) oa a note ex tented by the Alhaay Woo'-en Mill Com. fan j. A pnl 6, 1 835. payable to Mr Jtf jJorer. guardian ot Earl Brown, one ysar arter date. The note wa endorsed by the urfeodan'a. Lart Si! ard iy, Messrs. Severance and Phillip ptvtfrpker of ParUaod.boagtt oat G. . M key's interest in the Uo derwooj raikry. Mr. Mackey hat re-torr-edto Eageoe. Tbe genUemen who are now ia charje of the photo parlors will not throw tbi-tn open to the poUlto before next wec. Corvaittt Time. Regular Umbrella Thief. Dune Mocteslh was in Corvall'i Sat urday, recovering a stolen umbrella. He ha ! one that was valuable, and gave it to a traveling fakir to repair. Theumbre'la never came back, and tbe next beard of the fakir was that be wa doing Oorvai- li. Uunc arrival in town a search of the fakir' belonging brought j to light the umbrella with it stiver handle miming- Along with it waa! found an umbrella handle marked with the initials of M. M. Davis. Further search revealed tbe handle of Monteilh' umbrella on Davis' umbrella, and an ex- !iange of property wa the result. The thief waa allowed to go. The moral of the incident ia. that people with um brella oat of repair had better Lavetbem mended by local workmen, of whom each town ha a liberal quota. Corvallis Times. TniSou.iKRS Ho, A Rose bowman talks a follow in the Review: "Vour issue ol tbe 24th say the board of trus tee oi tne boidtei Home decided to recommend to tbe legislature in their annual report an appropriation to build a cottage for the officer of tbe Home. Now, Mr. Editor, in nir opinion, if the legislature will do a sensible thing, it win oe to aiapene wita a board ot trus tee in toto; also, reduce the officers sal si le to $300 and (400 per annum, allow them just office room in the building and no more, aiso, auow went a Den, a seat at the table the same other inmate of the Home and if that ia not sood enough let them go outside and get wbat uiey are wining and able to pay for. Unless some rule like the above i adopt ed we wilt niver have a Soldier' Home. Brrrcn Stat Atuorasan. The total Usable property of tbe thirty-tiro coun ties in uregon lor the year 1S96, as equal' ited by the state board of equalisation at it meeting which will reach final ad inurnment today, amount to $143,175 515, or 1,29,911 greater than that ot lffiw. The grot valuation of the pro perty as returned br tbe county boards assi42.4-iu,vi: thiiwas increased to 1151,863,214. The total amount of ex emptionsia 3 687,699. Statesman. Aoais Pleased. Zera's Royal Mar ionette gavo their second performance last night to a pleased audience. The exhibition is a good one from start to finish. The tricks are smooth and put' ilinir. the ventriloquism is the beat, the specialties are good and the Marionettes are quite immense, a good, clean per formance for a small price. This after noon a matinee was given and tonight tne closing performance will be given with Zera's "Black Art" as the center of attraction. Burned Oct. Quite a misfortune over- took the Nixon Bros, at their lowing camp near I'eoria last week. They were settins out the piles for the O. R. & N. company' whart now in course of 'con struction in tins city and in sora-j man ner their camp took tire and burned up everything they had in it. Corvallis Times. To Tns hkmbkrs of the Rath bone a! Iters. There will be a meeting at the tomple ihursday, Dec 31 at 1:30 p. m for practice for initiary work and tor in Btallatton ceremonies. There will be special meeting at the temple Friday Jan. 1, at 7:30 p. m. to initiate candi dates. A full attendance is desired. Maky li. UoacB, M. . C. II vou owe uonn s Huston can noon them nrd pay up. Wby isn't that a gol resolution, tor now it tne pay np time. Instrumental Music. Mr. II. M. Backenstoha located in Albany where he will give instructions in instrumental music. He teaches, violin, guitar, mandolin and a number of orchestral aud bras Instruments. M Backensto is a musician. Til well-known I ability in both practical ami theoretical music, and one of th moat Bucceeaful eachert in the state. uatcs. Gates, Ob., Dec, 29, 1806. Weather lovely. Mrs. O. L. Read made a trip to Lyon um ween. Miss Minnie Smith came up from Sa lem, where she has been attending school, to spend the holiday with her parents. Much praise Is due tbe energetic ladies that raised fund for a Christinas tree, by which 150 children were remembered with candy and nut. Even Con Sulli van and Conductor McErlane werenH forgotten Mr. Gleason and familv left todav far Loanon to visit inenas ana relative. Tbe masquerade ba'l given by the Gate orchestra in the cHy ball was a grand lueses. Tbe march, led bv J. Boyle of Mill City, ww beautiful beyond conception. Tastily attired in elegant costnnie of silk were Daisy Thomas, as innocence, Susie Ktaid as V anity, Val erine Staid as Cupid and Jennie Vorce a the Goddess of Wealth. The other merry maker were Mabel Smith, tam bourine girl: Minnie Smith, popcorn girl ; Sarah Stewart, sailor girl ; J. liiaey, red, white and blue; Ella Sweeney, star and stripe; Mr. McCarty and Winnie McCartv. fairv Queens : Annie Knntaon and Cora Young, evergreen ; Dora Pierce, sham-rock ; Elsie Diliey and Nora Pierce flower girls ; Ethel McCarty and Beryl McCarty. gypsies: Daisy Bills. Ameri can flag; Mr King, eclipse; Pbemie tlanes, ivy leaf; Iva Sullivan, American lady ; Fred Hester, clown : Bob Tbomaa. Turk ; Ed Stewart, base ball player; Ed Mccarty, Li Hung Chang; B Diliey, sailor; G King, U. 8. militia: Bert Hod son, coon ; Joe Craig, Bert Gates and Ed Heath, bate ball players; C McCarty, clown; A McCarty, Tark; Lee Stewart, clown ; L Drais, the Red Front Store; Alfred Heath, "tbe new man ;" Gerald Heath, Chinaman; R Lewis, monkey. A delicious supper was served at the Hotel Cos. Rax. Program Tor the Watch Social At the W. C.T. U. ball on Sew Yean eve: Male Quartet. Recitation Minnie Merrill. Song Emma Warner. Recitation Mabel SchnlU. Solo Mr. C. O. Lee. Reading Mrs. Nellie Lambeon. Song 8. N. Steele. Read'ng Prof. Helen V. Crawford. Solo Her. Poling. One of the feature of the evening will be response to toast on tbe leading topic of the day. Refreshment will be served and there will be game of various kinds. A good time for both old ai.d yonng, and all for 10 cents. Door open at 7 o'clock. The program will commence about 9 o'clock, giving those who attend prayer meeting an oppor tunity to attend. Door will be closed at 12-30 o'clock. Twelfth Xight Festival. On the evening of January 5th, 1S97, the ladiea of the Congregattcnal church will give a festival in the opera boose. Sapper will be erTed from 5 o'clock to 7 o clock. Following this and beginning at 8 o'clock there will be rendered a lit erary and musical program. After this refreshment will be served. Ice cream and lemonade will be told from hand omelr decorated bnotha. Spe ial fea ture will be introdo-ed during tbe even ing. Particulars tU be givm later. 1 or no at Last. Twenty-four Tears ago when Theo. Alexander waa married to a Mita Kiger in this city be bought ber a wedding ring, a cafom still in vorie They went to housekeeping on Third street, not far from where the Congrega tional church now taod,and a few days afterward the bride lost her ring. She hunted high and low bat could nnd no trace of it. A week or two ago Dick Rhode, a brotber-in-law of Mrs. Alex ander, found tbe ring while digging a ditch along the street in front ot the first home of the bride. This i like the sea giving np tbe dead, bat stranger things have happened. Corvaliia Time. Tascxxt Gaasoav Following are the new orScers : Master, A C Morgan ; O.. L B Lnper; L., J II ocott ; S., D S Bridgefarmer; A.S.,WLSharp; chap., J A McGhee; T., J EOwenbv; sec., Mies Minnie McGhee; G. K.. B S Mill; r., Mint Annie BridgeUrmer; F., Mis Ella Bridgefarmer ; C. Mint Minnie A up borne; L. A. S., Mis Elixa T Scott; dir ector. J A McGhee; organist, Minnie cunee; delegates to council, li a Bndgefarmer, Minnie McGhee, St Pcbeiss is to be in Albany on Jan! t- t - , tr-n- . . - i- a wr. unus a. X.1UOS, we live aavance fPn hM the DcnocatT. Tbe pees peaks burn I v oi sa ana ni iron p. i ne band ia quite a , . . - ... . . . sbowot iteelf. The Seattle Post Intel ligencer say there waa a large audience present, and from the rising of the cur tain in the first act until it fall at the close of the last, there wa every evi dence given of satisfaction and enioy- menu He's Aute. John Wood, ot Wallowa connty, a former Benton connty man, who waa reported for a good many years to have been banged by a vigilance com mittee, it transpire waa never banned, bnt ia alive and well to do a well a or derly. A sample ot the greed for spoil Is seen in tbe contest among the four electors to carrv the vote to Washington and get ma tsw mileage, it is reported that they will have to divide the swag and draw lots to see who will have the honor of going. Great politics! It i said Senator Mitchell will come to Oregon to take personal charge of the campaign, tenator uitcbel. is undoubt edly a valuable man in the senate for Oregon, and bat for hi repudiation of hi position on that railroad to Mars would have the best wishes ot many more tban ne win nave. Opponents ot the deadly cigarette will be pleased to learn that conirrees pro pose to take a hand in tbe bnainee of stamping it out. Five of the thirteen member of tbe bouse mdiciary commit tee have expressed themselves in favor of a bill to restrict the sale of cigarettes by imcrsuue commerce prouioiuon, ana it i believed there will be no trouble net ting a bill reported prohibiting the trans portation ot cigarettes trom one state to another. Lx. The Homer arrived at Yaquina this morning. You cannot afford to mis tbe entertun- tnent on Jan. 5th at the opera house. i ne Most ivev. Archbishop uross ar rived in ibi city Wednesday noon to spend New xears day at the guest of err hev. Father Metayer. Services will be held at the Catholic Church next Friday tne same as on Sunday, at lOUiUa m, when Hit brace will preach the sermon. An Important Difference. To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, but that the tvslem imply need cleansing, it to bring comfort home 'o tbeir hearts, as a costive condition it eawly cured by nsimr 8ruo of Fica Manufactured by the California Via Srron uompany oniy, ana sold by all druggists. Clubbing Offer. The Weekly Democrat and Weekly Vxaminer will be sent to subscriber for 2.S5 a year. This includes all the priv ilege of the Examiner bis premium cift in Aiay, tbe same a it you sent the reg ular subscription price ot $1.50 directly to the paper. Isn't that a bargain. Weekly Democrat and thrice a week N. Y. World, 12.00 a year. Cheap Rates to Portland. The Albany leaves Albany for Portland on Sun days, Tuesdays and Thursdays making the run th tough in one day. Fare to Portland, $100. , Round trip, 3.50. Hall' Hair Renewer enjoy the confi dence and patronage of people all over the civilised world, who use it to restore and keep the hair natural color. s Out glass That ha the ring to it at Witt & Stark p". f. , , ,""' r-v r. i n .EST with a big B. Black - lJurbam U In a elaa by coupon Inside Mela two - D pons loalda eacb (oar Vance fe of Blackwell's sis u r a ' I lionuine Smoking Woyabagof this eelebrwtad tobaeeo and rand the con pop wbicb i va eliator valoMif pgwitj aod no w u DO YOU A mans or boys suit, Overcoat, Slippers, Tie, Hat, Silk Handkerchief or Smoking Jacket. You can get little money at L. E. Blain ABOUT HALF Of the Wholesale Price Is how you can secure Albany Woolen Mill Clothing at WILSON R. BLAIN'S. Just the thing for a prest nt tor man or boy. Ferry Street. Albany. Umbrellas- A new lot just receivtd to tell at thj popular price. The winttr it only half over. There are still a few pair of those Albany Woolen Mill blaoketa- A line of those celebrated kid gloves, Foster bjok, are selling for 75c. S. E. YOUNG. Read, Peacock & Company We have too manv cance and jackets in stock and have decide u to take another liberal lose now, wLile there are yet sev eral month of winter before us. Here is an idea of bow we have cnt the price : Our 1 18.00 jacket reduced to $11.00 1 1&00 " "9 00 1 13 00 " " "8 00 ' 11 00 " "7 00 ' 10150 " " "6 50 10 00 " " "6 00 ' 8 00 " " "5 00 6 00 " ' "4 00 4 "2 50 2 50 " " " 1 75 Pino rednred in stama proportion The pick is worth sometime so call early. READ.PEACOCK & CO. Made Istatcs, Hi loj Got things spelled wrong and all mix ed up disylay waa poor type old fashioned press work bad paper cheap nothing as it ought to be? Well take your next job of printing to Smi ley the Printer and Fill Be Bone EiilL P. S. (Important). The price icr do ing t will be right, too. ailey's printing u fl printing. FARMERS FEED SHED BeUeen First and Second near Baker Team stabled for 10 cents. Ladies toilet and waiting room in c Dr Adams Cusick Block Albany, Or. Oua Judo, Detroit Or. nection. k well's Genuine Bait ItaeltV Yon wilt Cud one oawit be, and two cou uurn Tcbacco WAN' f them for very Clothing Go's. Prof. A. STARK Of Will A Stark. Optical Specialist Graduate of tbe Chicago OpthaimsE College. I am prepared to examine scieatifkally and accurately, by the latest and improve methods of modern science, any who de sire to have their eye teftevL Crack Block AliiST.Outei. MBSHHiR GILBIBT, Teasta el liana & Qua (Mason System of Technic) Careful Instruction of Children a Spec Laltv. Terms moderate. Washington St. south of U. P. church. 1EOEnH THB PLUMBER Tin roofing and plumbing. Oppot la he opera house J.M. RALSTON BKOIiLiKe Maston Block. Albany, Or Mnnev to loan on farm security, all small loans made on personal security. City, connty and school warrants bought. OoUections made on favorable terms. F insurance written ia three of the . 1 i i . i . arg compute ia u wunu, mt iewt ate. AT THE MIXES. Boarding. lodging and meals mav be secured of the sub scriber at tbe Santiam mines, at his place at the mouth ot Dry Gulch. a. W. Whit. COME gether I Is it i Reason To- not bet ter to bnv vour Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where they ns only the Best material why of course it yon dont want dyspepsia and yon. 1 never get it by eating anv&ing from ort store. U.S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Yaxotke. Proprieto k STEEETIRAILWAYi NOTICE. The motor on the Albany street rail way will connect promptly with all trains to and from the depot, day nd night. Special trip will be n ade at special ate. t. F. CosN. Conductor, K. O. T. M. Meets every Saturday evening in V. tj T. M . tiall. Visiting Knights invited t ttend. J. S. Vas Wissut, Com CITY TREASURERS NOTICE KO. 12- Notice t hereby given that fi-nds are on hand to pav outstanding warrant of the istue of iS96, bom No. 453 to 5ii, in clusive, interest on such warrants will ceae with the date of this notice. Albany, Or, Dec. 23, 1896. E. A. Pak., Citj Trea The Wmklt Dbmockat $1.25 a year and the Weekly San Francisco Fxanuner $1.50 a year, combined for only S2.35. This include all the privileges in the til)- lntr a $10,000 residence and a $4000 gold nugget. em m J