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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 25, 1896)
I ljJf"W Is ItA. II 81 II OLXXXTX. EsUered o4 lie Fcoi l,b"'' Or. Hall Mallei I ALBANY ORLGONe Fill DAY. DECEMBER 2o.l89tf. 9 r . XCTTIttt Faallsker ! fraprtetar NO. 21 ( 4 P., s i SEE ' p. jtt g I f'..'1 :. t i : v k' N S Afrgc table Preparation for As similating iheFoodanriReula lirg the Stomachs and Bowels of PromotesDigcstton.GSferful ticss andRcst.Contains neither Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral. KOT NAHC OTiC. AlxJmnm A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour StomaCh,DiaiThoea, Worms .Conyuisions.Fcverisli QSS sndLosS OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature of "NEW YORK. EXACT COPT CF i"RAPFEa. N lit Bp! I . y ALU i v 2 IV 9 11 1 a! THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE of T3 ON THE WRAPPER OF ETESt BOTTLE OF Cartcria is trct id In oas-sfss fiotika cd!t. II , ."- Mnl.l I-. V-tV TV-. A. Thirtieth Year. ANY COLLEGE Calekdab fos 1S9G-7 1896-Sept. 16 College Year begins . . Wedocsday Nov. 26-27 TbankBgivirg Day rece8, Tbars. nd Fn. Pec. 21 Term examinations" begin . Monday Dec 23 First Term ecdp . . Wednraday Winter Vacation of Twelve Days "397 Jan 5 Second term be-eine , . - . Tuesday Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, Monday April 6 Term Examinations begin . . Tuetxl&y April 8 Seoend Term ends ... Thursday Arbor Day Vacation of Focr Cays April 12 Third Term begins . . Tuesday June S Final Examinations begin . . Tuesday June 13 Baccalaureate Sermon . Sabbath forenoon lune 13 Address before the Y. M. and Y. W. C- A. babbatb evening .June 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees vone 14 junior . 1 1 InnA 15Peilar Entertai: June 16 Commenrement June 16 Alumni tie Monday even in the Conservatory of Tuesday forenoon Today erening Wednesday Wednesday eveuing sw,r nonrses of Instruction ieacirn to fl,,. vVell eouimied BasineM and .1 n jy r . . 11 jtfusic courses, wuu nnuH'"i rsipiomaa. uaialogue iree. r ur mi ijj. ,uiormanon. anaress WALLACE HOWE LEE. President, Albany, Or. ' s. V We have leased the Red Crown t Mills for another year, and we are now prepared to receive wheat on storage, and to buy the same Sacis fill lie tasM or appEcsiiei Jm - And Feed constantly on hand and for sale. Par' V having wheat to ncl! or tnn we will try and make it to their advantaze to call and see us. Fionr will be xchanged for wheal on the same terms as heretofore. W. L.TaD",1, ?a Coins, E. D. Barrett, S. E. Allen anl S. E- Yonii. N"t incoi porated. . iMusIcal Recital. The first musical recital of the season of 96-7 was given by the Conservatory of Music of Albany College lat night in the college chapel, to a fair sized audi, ence, who enjoyed the program, consist ing of tne following: The overture Massenillo, Auber, on two pianos by Misees Torbet, Alderson and Parrish and Mr. Chas. Cun tiff, artistioly performed; a piano solo by Mis Adda KchitUer, "Rowds Dance;" a vocal solo, 4,The Boone Sentinel," by A.W. Lunlell, displaying his excellent bass to advan tage ; a piano soio, oonato rio. lu iw thoven, by Mi-s Marie Parrish, executed in a manner to show the talent of the EBrformer; two songs by Messrs. Parvin undetl and Akers, "Bells of Memory" and "Familiar favorite;" a pin? solo from Schmolf, nicely performed by Miss Yid M?eton ; a vocal 60I0, "The Flower of the Alps," by Miss Maud Hulburt; a piano solo, Allegro Sonata No. 7 Bee thoven, by Mr. Chas. Cundiff, display ing a rare touch and excellent concep tion of the g-eat composer, warmly en cored ; a vocal duet by Messrs. LunUell and Akers; closing with a piano quartet by Misses Maston, Torbet, Lay ton and Sehifller, rendered in a pleasing manner Interesting Firds. The Eugene Guard tells the following of great interest : Dr. J C. Gray, of tLUcity, has a pafr of hybrids, the result ot a cross between the male China pheasant and the do mestic hen. The male has more cf a resemblance to the pheasant family, while the female favors the domestic fowL Judging from it color, the mile is supposed to be crossed with the Dominecser breed of ciickena In form it is an exact coun terpart ot the male pheasant, excepting the feet and legs, which resemble those ot a chicken. It has the head, long slop ing neck, body and long tail of a pheas ant. Its color indicates more than any thing else the cross with the chicken, being almost the same as that of a Doo- iatcker chicken. In action and habit the bird is like the pheasant, being wild, alert and always watchful. Owing to ita wild disposition and tendency to run away it is confined in a park with eon.e tame fowls. The female bvbrid is unmistakably a cross between the Brown Leghorn ben and the China pheasant. In form it is exactly the same aa the Leghorn ben, excepting hat it is smaller, more supple of body and has the pheasant feet and legs. In color it is aboct equally divid ed between the Brown Leghorn and the female pheasant. The bronse of the latter shows quite prominently on ita breist and back. In habits it is much the same as the domestic hen, not being so wild as the male, and is allowed its freedom in the vard with some chickens. Dr. Grav has been offered a Urge sum ioi the hybrids, but declined to sell- I'e will exhibit them at the poultry show which wi'l be held in this cty during the holidays, after which be will prob ably dispose of them. PORTLAND OREGON FRENCH A;. 1 .:. BUSINESS iiKA.N'CKfcS. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, telegxm'Siy. 2 THOMAS BRINK, All kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it you want the most complete flour safe, he has them and his prces the lowest. ALBANY, OREGON. Dealer in County Judge W. b. Cm well, of Jack eonville, who made one of the best speeches in Albanr during ilie recent campaign, went to Salem yesterday. Hon. J. M. Pomers ws in Salem yes terday. He is a live candidate for speaker. An Oreronian correspondent say: Mr. Somers will present a plan of reapportionment 01 the state at the next session of the legislartore, in accordance with the requirements of the constitution. BishoD Earl Cracstcn will Breach in the Methodist Episcopal church in this city Sunday morning Dec. 20. Bishop Uranston is the brst bishop ol that chorcli wno has resided on this orth 1'acinc coast. This will be h is first appearance in Albany. Mr. Fred truckman, of this city, has accepted a position as tnanaser of the creamery at Usk, near Spoka je, Vah., ana will leave next .Monday for that place. Mr. Bruckman has been with the Albany creamery for some time, anJ baa gained a splendid practical knowle Igeof the business. The Albany butter is un doubtedly the best in the north Mr. Bruckmau ha learned thoroughly bow to make it. lie is as well a reliable. steady young n aa. wars eb-m aura wsudisg. A Knox Butte wedding of much inter est took place last evening. At the pleas ant bomet the brides lather, ilr. 3iart Miller, on Dec 16, 1S96, at 7 :30 o clock, the first home wedding "ecu r red at Mr. Miller's. Mr. Frank G. Warner, a pop ular and prosperous young farmer, of Knox Batte. and Miss Iona Miller, one of Linn county's best young ladies, weie united in marriage by Rev. Arthur Cane, in an impreseiveceremony. Misses Jen n:e Clayton and Mamie Propet acted as brides maids. Messrs Elaot Miller and Lay ton Propst as best men. and Miss Docia Miller as maid of honor. The party were ushered before the minister to the strains of Mendelssohns wedding march, nicely played by Miss Maud Frotnan. The bride looked lovely in a handsome brown serge costume, iter flowers were rare ones for December, violets and pansies. Alter the ceremony warm ronzratuU' tions followed and an elegant wedding repast was served and greatly eiioyed. The happy couple were handsomely remembered as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Martin Miller with a family Bible and set of ivorv bandied knives and forks; Mr and Mrs Frank Propst, grandparents of the bride, silver knives and lorfcs: air and Airs A J Mil ler. parlor lamp;Mr and Mrs A J fronts glass set ; Mr and Mrs Frank Froman, desert dishes. Mrs J S Froman, half dozen fringed napkins; Mr J S Froman glass lamp; Layton and Mamie Propst, glass water set; Miss Edna 1 1-1 wf H I picaie uien ; juibs cmm juiuer, Kiiua castor; Ernest Miller, ink stand; Lena McCorouck, set fine glasses: Him Maud troman, glass bread plate: Mr and Airs F C Butler, glass cake stand: Mr and Mrs A Austin, large China vases; Miss Docia Miller, set bud vases: Bay Miller, glass fruit dish ; Thos Riley, beautiful frame picture ; Mamie Propst, fancy frame picture; little Adrian Jfroniar bis photograph ; Verle Miller, wire dish washer; J) rank froman, large carving knife made for the occasion ; E G Miller and Miss Jennie Clayton, silver fruit basket, engraved. A BRIGHT SWINDLER. $1200 Easily Secured by n Smooth Young Man. A young wan of excellent appearance came to Albany last June and began looking around for a farm. He said he was single but expected to get married and wanted a place in Oregon, lie fin ally settled upon the farm owned by Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Knox, of San Jose, Onl ifornia, located at Spicer, constating ot 318.75 acres of fine land, fie in add a good many inquiries, visUed Mr. P. S. Dougbten the renter, who began to get anxious aa ho thought he would be obliged to vacate it. Incidentally he ran around come with a real estate ageat and about selected another tarai for a brother, who wished to come here also. In the early part of July he went to the Albany Abstract Co. aul reported that he had made arrasgnnents to purchase the farm and would want an abstract of the title; he also had a doed made bv Mr. Ivuddt" send to San Jose for the signatures cf Mr. and Mrs. Knox. He was a cool young man who seemed to be in no hury, and w hen the deed came ami coold not be recorded on account of the scrolls be ing left otf, it seemed to make no dU!er erence to him; he took the deed and K re tended to send it back to San Jom to corrected. On July 13 he went with Mr. Rudd to the office of C. O. Bnrk hart, agent for the Alliance Trust Com pany and applied for a loan of $1200 oa the property, giving particulars as to im provements he intended t make. The loan was granted, the mortgage properly 1 executed, and the deed having bee a- cor- rec et on July 20 the deed and mortgage were both placed on record, Mr. tttigvt receiving hs 1200. Why be did not ant for $2500 is strange, as he' cou.d as ennly have secured it on the farm, which w valued at 10.000 at least. Mr. Bright shortly after dirappeared. Recently Mr. Knox wrob- te Wealtisr tord Jk Wyatt to look after the renUi af fairs of the farm, when investigation re vealed the fact that the entire transaction wai a grand twindle.the signatures to the deed Iwiug a forgery. The deed pur norted to be executed onJulr7. On July 3 Mr. and Mrs. Knox left San Jose for the seaside and did not return until 1 October. On the day he left be rwiwd a letter from H. C. Briprs at Portland sking if he wou'.d trade bis place wear llbany for one near Los Gat, Calif, but paid no attention to it at all. Brv evidently knew of the trip. TLe witnesses to the deed are G. W. Taylor and F. P. Black, two Saa Jose men, both forgeries; the name of the Notary is E. C. Clark ; but there is ao such man in San Jose, thoechonero 1 Be cabling the name tlieit there three- yers ago. The seal is fresh and was rm- doubtedly made fur the occasion. The signature do not resemble thtwe of Vr. and Mrs Knox, though that of the lattrv i a gcod imitation of a .ady's eignttana, j The man claimed to be 37 year of an. Driving that in tia application for the oan. said be wa sini-k but expected te be married when he would locate oa the place probably not for a year. lie was well dressed, nice luoklujr wUh large brown mustache and easy manners. This morning Weatherford k Wrslt attorneys for Mr. and Mrs. Knox f-ied a complaint with the clerk, againt . H. C Briggs and the Alliance Trust Co asking for a decree ot tl4 court declar ing anJ adjedging that the defendasia have no estate or interest or lien what ever in or to said lands and premise, that the tide of plaintiff U good and val uable; that a id deej, herein al-ve d scribed, be adjudged a forgery and rvtd and that the said mortd$e invalid and void and that the said doel and mort gage be cancelled by a decree of tni court. As it is a plain case it is doubtful if anv defense is made to the complaint The case prevents one of the brightest swindling operations ever reported, one carefully arranged and earned out wi.h remarkable nerve and coolness. ii is said the came scheme w as oper ated successfully in Texas several years ago. OUR PRICES are Bargains... Ex-SherifT CKborn. The experts, who for two months have wn going over the accounts of ex Shertn Ooburn have completed their work, and the county court has been appne ol the result. At the recent term no action was taken, and the matter was continued until the January term. Speaking of the case the ex-sheriff said : "I am perfect ly aatisSed with my report as it was sab- nutted to the county court when my term ot office expired. My accounts have been careiuny gone over y thoroughly co la pel en t experts and I have no important changes to make in my ffgurrs. I do not care to make public my figures tor the reason that tbey were practically alt contained in my various rport to the county court, and there is nothing near to otter on Ue subject." The matter will probably come op wr settlement at the January term. Co vallis Times. Compare tlictn olitfi otljcrs inl8 harness S 5 GO Team harness 18 GO Two sweat pads 65 3 hnggy whips 25 OUir goods in same ro portion. CALL AND SEE US POWER & TOMLIXSON. Important; Case. &a Irapt rtant iuj inction suit, was be- ftm in Albany last evening. It is en titled Moore, Ferguson & Co. ngt W. F. Crosby. Albany Farmers Co. and Oregon Ceatntl and pastern railroad. Accori- ing to the complaint between Oct. J7 and Nov. 6 the plaintilla sen t $3,000 to the de- teihunt air. uroby to buy wheat. Thai ne need it lor the purpose exctm-inj HxJ, the Mr. Croeby puicbied ol the Albany rarmers Co. 4j tons of 1imi anJ aiaoud it in three cars on the O. C. A but failed to send to the plaintiff w uiii 01 lauumg, ana re: used to do so, and i; wae alleil would ship it to other parties or theriedigpo?eof it although uoeght wuh plaintiif's money. The plaictiif tberefure ak for a decee ibat the wheat is plaintiffs and that the elea lanla have no riht to it, that the till of taad-.og be delivered to plaintii: and the defendants bo restrained from dativericg the same and wbat to any one twit Uie pUintiiTs. A tmprary Injunction was gran'ed be JnJ'.u ft-irlriin rMtnilin.. tl.. . I . . . . w . t t th cafc, II. (J. Wa.Ka app ars as attorney for the plaint iris. The case mill undoubtedly le contest ed, the above being onlv one tide of it. TUB retail mill be wat:hed with in'.eest Big Athletic Acquisition. The DtMocaAt recently referred to Mr. Braay Brnett, of Corn!'.!, going to b'latiard Caiversity to eater the law de partaietit, and to the impirutce cf the fact to fcUnfont athletics. This is evi- lnt! tliofwisrhly appreciated linre, for Wedaxeday'c CluonWe contains a .ante psctare of yojrg BuriieU over toe fjl lowinjt : r . Bar3tt, the p'seaoraiaal track man f the Multnomah Athletic club, w4jn wiJ Is? i:i Stniord's team neat eea- "af gives the following about it: K"g's star it B. i. liarneit. a rtlstaav wan ot gifat promise, w ho is a!o than to enter ?;anfrd Untversi'r. Baruett't elhiun o tne PaJo Alto track leant will b a surpri to most of the is me in athWiic taattvr. But be ha MMed hiexarnina'Joc8, and will eoler the univwsisy with Morgan at the l ginoin? of thc January term as a beta o&a attidest. Bcrnett rwa novice at the orninj cf the but fen. bat be biofomed out as cfumt ioa before the Naon cl ed. At ti 1'acirta Northwest AsciMion cnampioiW met at SatUe on Sp teitilwr 'XHh he ran in aU three diotance events, minniri: the mile in 4:10. the . tsiiu in i'AS and the Quarter in 0:53 3-5. A very kr;gfct future oa the track is predicted for the Toung man. wno has iJt attained hie majority. He (lands 5 feet S inches in bis running shoes and oeiliS 13 pounds. Coming SherlC'ti Sales. On Jan. 'A. 1897 at 1 n. m.. 1 lot. bl 37. H's ad Albany belonging to Casper Van- oran to sanely a Judgment of JJ. o. Smith for 045 .37 and costs and interest. On Jan. 2 at 1 p. m., 140 acres belong ing to U, M, Robert et al to satisfy a Judgment cf J. H. Kerr fo- $2,5C0 and interest and coets. 0 1 Jm. 9, at 1 p. m , part of block "9, AlUx , belonging to H. F. Merril, to WUya judgment of Alice P. Richards lor tuC6.70, interests an t costs. . On ian. 9, at 1 p. m , 100 acres belong ing tall. L. and John Rainey, to satisfy a judgment of W. E. Curl for $276.37 and costs and interest. On Jan. 9, at 1 p. m., 100 acres belong ing to Daniel Hart to satisfy a judgment of Jacob Keea for f 2,250 and interest and coots. On Jan. 9, at 1 p. m.t 253.60 acres be longing to James Hunter to satisfy a judgment of John Conner for 5,900.17, interest and coets Oil Jan. 16. at 1 n m . 1An aeiwa V.. longing to Mary A. Mcintosh to satisfy a juugmeut or jane onaw tor interest and costs. On Jan. 9, at 1 p. m., 3.58 acres belong ing to tne estate ol Kaoforri Cochran to eatify a judgment of Olive Templeton for On Jan. 9. 1897 at 1 p. m., 5x100 feet in Scio. belonging to G. M. Gaffer to nt. isfy a judgment of W. J. Vanacbo ver & iar f mjo 10 ana interest and costs, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Wnt ixiwer Interest, The committee on legislation of tbe Linn county council. Patrons of Hue baudry, ha recommended an amend ment to the laws regulating intemt charges in tbe s'a'e The recommenda tion lias been adopted br the order, and emuoaieu in a memorial to the legitla ture. topics of the memorial are bein? inne,i to tne dicerent members of the next legislature. The memoralisU rep resent : l hat the legal rate of interest in tin. state, and aa charged by creditors and money- toinert, for the use of money, is to great, being disproportionate to tbe production of the countrr: that nro. dacers anJ aanufacturers are now mak ing lesa than 4 per cent of their inveet menu. that we believe it to be the liorv of tbe legtslatare to render sach protec tion to I he weak and debtor clae as would render tbe advantazee aiualto the creditor and debtor. " herefore. it is asked that sections S"$7 and S&l of H li'i code be amended o rvaJ as follows: "Section 36S7. That the rate of inter est in this state shall le 5 per centum per annum, ana ao more, on ail moneys al ter the ame become due; on judgments and decrees for the payment of money ; on money received 10 the use of another and reuinei beyond a reamoable time itlioul the owner's coo -en t. expressed or implied, or upon money dne upon the settlement of matured accounts from the day the balance is ascertained ; oa mon ey due or to become due when then is a contract to pay interest and no rate tpeciaVp. That section 5H of Hill annotated laws of Oregon be amended to as to read as follows: 'Section 3591. JadgmenU and decrees for Dtoncr noon contract bearin inter - ei shall bear tbe same interMt borne by tuch contracts ; provided, however, that tuts act anau not be so construed aa to ai!ect or change the rate of inter ert to be rec,ved br Virtue of any contract enter ed into Leforw this act shall take effect.'' SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Jack O'Xeil, of the U. P.. was doing Albany today. Miss Cecil Rampy. of Harrisburg, is visiting Albany friends. Mr. Goodhue, the poultry expert, of oaiem, was in Albany today. Sheriff William Frazier, of Portland, nas been in the city baying rig bone. Mr. G. L. Black man and family left this vreek for their former home near Rochester, X. V., where the parent of airs. Biacxman reside. William Wallace, who is employed at the Palace Baths, yeaterdajr received the sad Intelligence by telegraph that hi mother, who live in Albany, this state. was dying, ite left for borne last even ing. Charley Cole, formerly with Rich ard Davis, ba taken bis place nntil his return. Astoria Budget. Mr. N. Armstrong and two eons arr rived on the last Farallon, Mrs. Arm strong is a sister of Mrs. L. Thorn ten, now in Albany, and she and her eoo are from Clem, Arkansas. Mrs. Armstrong is at present visiting her sister in Al bany, but she expect to be in this citv before long. Oregon will be her place of abode in fature, Coiral:UTinie. The Whiat Injunction Case. Mr. W. F. Crosbv has been with Moore, Fetguson & Co., wheat buyers of San Francisco, for sixteen rear, 'band ling hundreds ol thousands of dollars for them, and hence the injunction suit ajfa.tut him mentioned yesterday has created a great deal of interest. The DeMocaar was certain there were two sides to tbe case. Last evening Lie ane- er to the complaint waj filed .giving the other side in a plain way. According to it Mr. Crosby did not by tbe wheat in dispute at all wit their money or any onaelae's, it was bought by. aa Albany man. and tbe fact is proven br the arS- dariu of Mr. Oosby and Mr. P. B. si ar ahalL The defease denie ail the allega tions tn tbe complaint. In reference to a balance of f 1C15 claimed by Moore. Fer guson A Co. this is dispated, the defend ant alleging that be bad not been given Ian credit lor tbe wheat shipments, a minor matter when the ex'eut of bis wheat ceU are eousidered. Aa anllicatioa will be ma-ie before Ja lge Burnett at Salem for a dissolution of the injunction with the above facts in favor ot the motion. Weatberford A Wyatt are attorneys for the defendant W. F. Crosby, and i. W. Wright for tbe Albany Farmers Co Mr. Wvatt and Mr. Wright went to Salem this noon to attend to tbe matter. Brlgbt lib GraJcrs. VIRGIXIUS. The thrilling old Roman play of Vir giniui was presented at tbe opera boose last night before a large audience. Tbe story of the tragic death of Virginia at the bands of her father in tbe lor am at Rome, to save ber honor, is one that is always remembered by tbe student of Roman history. Tbe plar as arranged by Knowle waa put on under tbe super- v sion of Mr. and Mrs. Raemoa with ex cellent effect. In tbe leading parts of Virginius and Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Kaamns sustained tbe good reputation they secured in Damon and Prtbia. Tbey are strong, displaying a splendid conceptioa of tbe cbaraciers- In tbe support the leading parte were taken by Mr. A. M . Cannon in the difficult role of Appins Ctaodius; J. S. Van Winkle as tbe sturdy Den tat us wbo died for bis oantrr: L, L. Swann as tbe gallant Iciiins.Iover of the unfortunate Virginia, L. M. Carl a Namitorioas, brother of Virginias; Dr. Leineneer as tbe treach erous and servile Casio Claudius, and Mis Lillie Crawford as the fai'bful ber- via. The Roman people wbo could pot down even an Appius Claudius were well represented by Prof. Uowland as Titos, Joe Siernbargas Lucius, Arthur Simp eon as Servins and Judge Duncan aa Oneius. The Decemviri army were rep. resented by F. E. Allen as Marcos. Q. . Propst as Vibulanoa, A Freerkaen aa Spurios Appins, and Alex Dumond. Betmeen tbe acts solo were heard by Rer. Poling and Mr. Chas. Fuller, both encored. The play will be repeated tonight with an admission of 25 cents below and 15 cents la the gallery. New specialties will be given between the acts. It deserves a Urge boose and those w ho were nnable to be present last evening thoa:d no. mia attending tonight. The big Cascade Locks edi'ion- ot tha Oregon an i the best paper yet produced io toe Ncrtb went and confers great credit on Oregon s tcacing ionraal. Io one picture in tbe big edition rf the t irreaooian acrowi irom Airanv i. an im mene orchard reacbirg op tbe river clear to Eugene. Remember Knecbt Meer are eUmng out their complete stork of dolls ar.d toys for leas than cot. Call on them for the best bargains in this line ever offered ia Albany. Tbe O. C. k E. Co's steamer Albany wil! again resume tbe old schedule, going down to Portland next Toeaday Ihe locks at Oregon City are again in good re pair. It baring been reported Ibat wages have been reduced in tbe Salem Woolen Mil's Mr Kay ba come oat in a statement dent ing it. He aaarrts that cvrmir November fed people were employed, 40 men receiving an average of $1.75 being as low a (1 a day, eigut boys at 63 cesu, fifteen women at 82 cents, e'even iriru at 0 cecu. tn boors a day. HOME AND ABROAD. Mrs. Conrad Meyer is visiting relatives college farm An FiTly nt CorvalH. IYople who live in tbe vicinity of tbe college, and who aroee early Monday morning saw a strange sight, Al tbe ton of the ria mast there bang suspended wbal appeared to be tbe form of a man. Pinned to it waa a placard that bore an inscription reflecting on the president of the cJsiege. As soon aa discovered the efSgy was removed by employes on tbe I.!t of Patent. Granted to Pacific States inventor this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of American and ForerfcB patents, opp. U. S. Patent othce, W ash ington, D. C. M F Bishop, Alameda. Cal , axle and axle box ; S B Hlies, I'asadena, Cal, raie- in seeder; 11 II bewer, ran rranciran, strike plate for locks; J A Cavalll, &an rrancisoo. nailing machine lorlKxXaor shoes; G E Chittenden, Nile. Cal, Ul- der; M A Clennam, San rrancisco, nul; M Dillenburg, ban r raiitisco, trollty way ; M Grube, San Francisco, machiud for fixing threads in envelops; J E Haki away, Santa re Springs, Cal, gas gene rator; w B t'less, har t rariciro, dredg ing apparatao ; G O Thompson. Saiina. Call, tbill coupling; W V Thotnpaon, rasaaena, Lai, lasiener. 1 ' Altanv Steam Dveing and Cleaning Work First Street Between Ferry and Washington, (Branch of the Salem Steam Dye Works, Established 1884 Ladies ana uen vioming ana tne r aurics oi an ainos yieaneu anu uy, v,Hrpew. hp.- omniA ttm w;,h th following Blankets, Silk Underwear, Ladies Ha's, Straw Hats and Featbera Dyed and Kenoyated offi Pn!Bidellt Iobn Bane. vice DreMp. Wheat 71J cenU. A big snow storm is taging through tbe Atlantic coast itates. A wagon load of apples in Eocene re tailed at 11.50 a bushel on" tbe streets. Grants Pas is to be sued by Mrs. Sco- flfld for $2000 damages from falling otf a high sidewalk-. Astoria and Vancouver will play foot ball next Saturday. Tbe former eleven are being coached by Cbas Eastland, of Eugene. "It is reported from Brownsville that Ibe citizens have formed themselves into a strong organization, called tbe Citizens League, to tnforce tbe laws panned br tbe council to keep tbe city a "dry'' town. OA good roads meeting will be bold in Portland today and tomorrow. Good roads are the great need of tbe state and these meetings should be encouraged and sup- nnrtwl. A mnn7 thnce down for a diapna- sion of tffe different topics is Judge Barton I of this county. An Independent Biuietalic club lias Mas. . Stosu's Lkctcbe. Mrs. J. C. stone the temperance lecturer gave a very able temperance address laot nigh at the court house. She handles tha subject different from the usual ex pon nd er on that topic. She savs all progrea&ve movements and new ideas are "croaked" at by the"! told you bo's," bnt they ars always ready to get on to the new i Jftiia after they have been demonstrated. Bat they keep on "croaking" just the same- and will get tlte croakers re ward. (Hul is a member ot the W. V. T. U. and oth er temperance organizations. Come ut and bear ber, she will interest yon. Tonight and tomorrow night. Admis sion iree. inCorvalis Hon. Jeff Mvers ia stcdving law in -iera arvi intends to f racl ce when aa milted. Mr. Waller Lion. Salem correspond' ent ot Ute Oregonun. it in the city Ibis afteraoon. It U reported that Dr. John A. Ueiscn- dorier. ol Arlington, a graduate of Ai- any Coiicge will be married in a short lime to a prominent young lady of Idaho. t M. Bannas, now in the city, is a prominent candidate for reading c'letk of Uie senate. J A. Wilon of this city is being mentioned for assistant to the chief cJerk oi tbe senate. Hon. J. L. Cowan, the newly appoint ee apen oi tue arm f-prtng Indians, arrived frem Portland last night, and will leave tor U.e agcrcv tomorrow te lake charge of affairs there. The Dalies T. al. An L. O.T. M. ha bees O'g.ini iyl in bcio. pwntium P. ). ba ben movel ooe and a j.!jr miles soutbeart. Annnr.mciU being made bs rer'UnJ ne to kt nsie extensive U ggin up the S:nliim have fal'en ihmcch en xount ot tee hieh retire .licd f.r ttuiler cUimp, f rma tL to TS 000. TJie state lioard jf eqtaliea'ioa wiil prob- abfr rl hie a aetiaieot o r everrl tilings l Linn emiwy. B Itriiwuj of R-selnirg. wa rwntly Sirvl PxJ far fclicitojdy asiaul'.icg C H Fiiier of the Review . Pwiaw have been grant -dip Oregon as KUnmf. vrixinai, iiuruai I Kj.i'-ii. or li4rrul4irgoriiiirial widow's, Mry J Kef g, ot Albany. The editor ct an exchange encourages bis delinquent subscribers to use lew to twceo awl ant dnak so much whiskey un- y ibiv tv up whit tbey owe him. 4iua sfuna'.baa Bourne is lying reronsly ill -sTii'h symptoms tf pnminnnia, at his reif!ii'V. 331 Seven1 h street. For the preaent no fb i a!loweJ"tO sw biio. out side t"e faintly. Tribune. A tig eftsthnuake shook England jester- ioa-. 'IV ejirtbquake a dccompanied by a loud sound. Lsuiliuugs were vioUintlv kti.ikcn. fnriiitarn sbiftud, doors tluown open, pictures and other ornament juwet. The Inhabitant were panic strict - n and fled from their l.oties At one mKicc a woman died from fright In addition to tbe effigv there were le gends, expresing dissatisfaction with tbe president, on the froot step and storm doors of the main college boiiding. on the doors of the chemical laboratory .and other places. As quickly as possible af ter the discovery all evidence of the let tering were obliterated by a coating of yellow paint the Times baa no hesitancy ta con demning the work of tbe persons at the bottom of the mischief. A large body of stodenta yesterday morning adopted resolutions condemn ing tbe performance Time. As near as the DmiiocaaTcan learn Mr. Miller ia attending to his duties faithful- ! v as president of tbe O. A C , devot ing bis entire energies to the school. Lebanon. HEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A-YEEK EDITION , .jesaWcet. LIPapena Tear. I larger tbas any weekly or semi weekly paper published and is tbe only m port-ant democratic "weekly" put. iabedinKew Yo.-k City. Three time ft Urge aa the leading renoUkaa week ly of New York CU-. It wiil be cf -ecial advantage to yoa daring' tLe residential Campaign, aa it is pab iied every other day, except Sssday, ' as all tbe freshness and timeliness daily. It combines all the sews l,a king list of interesting depart a, unique feature, eartooca and lie iiiostratiocs, tbe latter beicg a Ulty. 1 these improvements Lave been u without any increase ia thecoet wbicb remain at one doTar per year . We offer this unequal ed newspaper and the Wrbxt DevocxjiT together one ear for f'2.00. Satisfactory terms with Tbe pupils of tbe 4th grade of the pub lic school last evening bad an oppor tunity to show their parent and friends bat they coold do in the entertaining war. Toe largest Dumber vet preeent attended the exercise and were greatly pleased wisb I be eificiency dip!aed under the excellent instruction of Miss Alice Temple, tbe 4th grade teacher. Tbe program opened sith an ad 1 re of welcome by Haiel Teller, nicely done. Emma Warner and frank t'attersoa sang a duet weU. There were well ren dered recitations by Linnie Kimeer, Roy v or icy, warren Robert. Mabel Sboiu. Eddie Havne, Jessie Hyde, Winfield Rovee and Horsrin MrSTe. tirace Rm nell performed nicely on the organ.Estel- la alcCoy read a good eseer on dragon riles, eight boys sang out boldly, a das exercise in arithmetic aieplayed, a prompleese aod accuracy ia tbe mani nlauon ol Bgaree Uiat was surprising. Roth Montague did well in an organ solo, Emma arner sang in a very pleas ing way, wits a cl orua by the sctiool, then Palaska Patterson was heard ia an organ sola. After tbe pro ram U- U. riogae and County Clerk Montague were called npon ana responded in a manner nt for the occasion. Tbe work of the pupils waa examined and admired. The Dexockat is pleased at tbe increased interest being taken in school work. Parents bave a right to know just what is going on, and these entertainment are proving just the thing for the purpose. J. A. Dobkins and family leave next week for San Ijeandro, Cal.. where tbey will reside. Mr.3Dobkins hopes to get tbe Best Manufacturing Company, ot that place, interested in some of hi val uable inventions. Attv. L.L. Burtenshaw and family, w ho have been viaiting relatives in Leb anon for some time, left today for their home in Myrtle Point. The Weber Dramatic Company played here Thuratar and r nday evenings small houses. The company ba been reorganized recently, ard ia bardly good as it was last year. One of the new members is Miss Buu, a school teacher of Silverton An ancle ot the young lady folio w I her to Ibis place and tried to persuade ber to return borne, but waa unsuccestlul. Died, near Plainvtow, Dec. 13, 1396, of lung fever, Arnie, only child of U. E. and E M. Parrish, aged 8 years, 2 months and 22 da vs. Funeral service were held in the Baptist church in this city Monday forenoon, Kev. usrpn Snerry. ol Brownsville, conducting tne service. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of many friends. Mr. Wm. J. Unger has made a cuckoo clock, which is a beauty. At each hour and half hour the cue too appear ana crows, and at each hour after the cuckoo crows, the clock plavs a piece oi music It has taken Mr. l ager two years v niakAthis clock. It is much admired by evervbody, and is a masterly riece of work. "It can be seen at Peebler gro- A Erctxt Case. Ham-y Thomas, aa employe of Bangs' liwry stable, assault ed earn Case,, the Eight street barber, on Olive street about 10 o while Case was escorting home from the lactate church. The lady in question waa the wile of Thomas. Mr Thomas, whose name waa formerl v Davidton.was married to her husband in tbe east, but left htm. The Davidson family came to Eugene from isconsin last April, being accom panied by Mrs. Thorn a. They bave re sided here ever since, and have been con sidered very nice people br those wbo know ttiem. In Jsly 1 nomas followed tbe family to this city and has remained bere ever since, thoueh his wile bad nothing to do with him. Guard, Casts Hour i TniMoRs txo. The An- cient Order of United Workmen had a great time Thursday evenin.. Ten ap plicant lor membership were initiated. Albany Workmen to tbe number of about SO ctsartered tbe train and came 0"r so parricipawi in iue wremoui . At an appropriate hour the ladies auxiliary (the Degree of Honor) appeared and sur prised with a tine supper, tjuite a good time waa enioved bv all. even bv those y . . .... who spurred the "goat," and the Albany people left some time between one and two a. m. Corvallis Times, Souvenir spoon at Will t Sarka. Holiday goods at Fochay Masons. GeEoine fruit candies at F H PfeiSers. Bet caoJies of all kinds at F H Pbnf- fen Tbe latest in kid gloves at the Ladies Bazair. Solid void ring for children 50 and 5c. at French's. lbrvare litte beauties, and entire' j new, those 10c bangle piss, at French's. Sonverir spoon, engraved "Albany Oregon"' 15c at French's- LiUie diamond ring f jr cbibhen 1-00 at French's. A a elegant display of fancy wurk ia clown at tbe Ladies Bazaar. R k G corset. 75 cents and srward at tbe Ladle Baxaar. Tbe cars are to ran from Portland to Astoria in October 1S37. Get FT Ffe;?-rs" price be fire baying your caodie asd ants. t Tnetiy teed for sale at C. E. Brow sou. CmUmas candies and eat at C. E- Baownstu.'s. Po corn that pops can be foocd at C. E. Bauws ell's. Souvenir poes oe!j EnUhed at E. Esrerts jewelry store. Lane est and best stocc of holiday goods at Fochaj Masons. Revs watches warranted one veer for f 2 50 at French's jewelry store. Yoa can bay gold Id watches a low a $10 at French's jewelry store. An eWgsst line of watches, jewelry A ail er ware, can be seen at H. tCwerta. Lincoln coantr wants to get back onder tne old lee system for economy s sake. Popa'ar roods at popalar prices ia groc eries and Vjoeenaware, at C Crow- SZLLS. Uarpy th-.nehts, Ch'itma pasenf, and low pnee a t rench s Jewelry store. The Lincoln coaa'y jo.lge ia the biggest fee clipper ia Oregon. He slashes in a live manner. Ladies and gents watch chains warranted ten years, 12-50 to 5.00 at French' jew- eiry store Tbe P O at Oregon City was robbed of $650 in cash and f 1,400 in postage stamps rnareday night. A full fine Rogers Bro. alerware for tbe bohdav trade, at reduced prices at French s jewelry store. A B UBdeiKMi bocght a car load of po- Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. - Boarding School for Girls. Thorough instruction Wholeswre diet Homelike treatment. Consider ing bard times, favorable reductions are made for boarders and day scholars. Studies will be resumed Sept. let. For urther particulars call at the Acaiemw or write to Sister Superior. C0NS1YAMY0F11 Albany College Teachers for the eehoai veer 1S96-1SS7 : ZLsri M. Parvin, Mas. Doc. director. Aeritxnt teachere-Martierit Aldersoa, B. M., and Mrs. Josephine Sharpe. Tnoroogh and erstetaaxic lnnractioa given in ail the important branches of music Best conservatorr rooms add Utgest musical library asd faculties for mo&ical work. Largest nnniDer ot con servatory stodenta enrolled of aay music school in the state, ierm low. bead for circular and catalogue, to W a mica How Lea, A. Si. Aibaxv. Ore?oa. K. O. T. M. Meets everr Satardae evening ! ST. y T. 31 . UaU. Visiting Knights invited t ttend. J. S. Va5 Wis tlx, Com STEEtTIRAILWATi SSTiGE. The motoc oa the Albany trcet rail way wVI coaeect prompdy with a I rraiw to and from the d?pX, day and niht. Special trip will be aiade at special a'e. I- r uh. woaivw, Cocs5 coarse of lecta'e and entertainments tor lie winter. Seasoe l ticket si. the vonege hopes that the pnUie will res pood gecer ooslr to this coarse, as it is intended foe Singe admission 15 cents. T"ifrLA FjrrEKTitsitErr JT The College ha established a The Wsxkxt Dsxockat 51-- a year atoe Thamlav. for which he Paid 30c per nd the eekiy ban I rancuco ra 'clock last night. 1 1 ij Ri I $1.50 a year, combined lor uy .. a young UAr Tri u w.h it. i,bt in indaiee all thevUe tbe f W - at lh M n I - . . - - ... nil rnunisnl lisl N lie usaiiurr ikjihi- The regular meetings of the LaOies Auxiliary will hereafter be held on the third Friday of each month at 3:3 o'clock insted of on the laet All ladies are cor dially invited to come and bear the Uhnstmas program tomorrow afternoon, as follows: Christmas Quotations. Christmas in Olden Times, Mrs Beers. instrumental solo, Wish Klin Mead. Reading, select, Miss Hopkins, Vocal solo Miss Eva French. Quotations. Guitar solo Miss Alice Ross. Recitation, select, Miss Ora Simmon. 1 Sil bats Ironed, Silk Hats, Stiff-JIat and Soft flats Cleaned, Dyed, Blackened and Renovated. Uj tlfmarabte JieSTmg an 1 Strlowit .v.teuti u to H iam, l i i c M Vour Patrouage. V" WaUiltr i s i t, i ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY dents, Dr. Jeffreys. democratic; A B Bureo, republican; S S Gimble. people s party; secretary, Oswald West; treasurer, Geo L Brown. eery store, where it is to be rallied off.. Advance ana r.xpress. Brownsville. Y. N. Wood, of Albany, was in Browns ville the first of the week, and made ar ranuementa to nut on a monumeut in mninnrv nf the late Wm. Hunter. Mr Wrwi has also sold a bandeome Barre eranite to the Harrison estate. In accordance with an existing city ordinance. R. A. Sander this week took W. T.. Tnriwraox axu IFK fiav trnrul-I nit a lirensa to run ft Dllliani nan lor bra, Jai. Wiibert L. Thompson and three months, paying lis ou tiiereior, wtfu larmeriy ot me aueipni Mission oi I According to mo pruvicu-Mo tlM city, now laboring with the Volun- nance no minor is allowed inside. tetra of America will conduct thoir fare well service in the Yolunteei Armorv on Second street next to lis nip 'g grocery, DiM'tBronx',-Henry C. Briggs, the tiauO awindier. stopped at the Ruas uousB. ih lie here, and was there thr.-o wsAa in aik Ho waa a pleasant I warder. Ooiloavim.-. shortly after getting his moilny, he said he was going to Eugene to 8ceao old friend he had not met for ten ve irs. and would be back in a few days and 1.0 hunting and fishing up the ftatitianm. He even irinde some arrange ments to buy harnetWfl ior use on bis farm. irs 'or tffspeps . and Liver Complaint yoa have a printed gua'antee on every bottle cf 8hflo's Vital izes It never faU to cure. For sale by Foshay& Mason THK STAT8 TIACHKHB ASSOCTATtOW will be held in Salem Doc. 28, 29 and 30. A program of interest will be presented. Tbe nrinclnal leaders in tha (iinii!ir.. will be Prof Tyree.Frof Reid. P 8 Kniaht. Rev Kantner, Attorney General Idleman, a r Armsirong, j i uregg, m o Koyie, F Berchard, J A Ackerman, Prof Tindsl and Prof Chapman. v. . r. ,ii umcill KJllinrrOW I i .il lLa 4 c.. - night. .Miss Rose Bloch, of Portland. Zl"' to'iLT was tow pnnia( onna ot the affair. She 1 " V.u soon a. ft i. .n. Sundav evening. Service commences at :b0. Cant, r-niith from Oilifornia is expected take charge ol tbe service every night. Welcome, Got ENoron or It. John Green, an indian student, lied froniChemawa Wed nesday night. Mr. Brewer, the disci- plinarkn we in Albany yesterday after him; but be hail returned, one night in the win being enough for him. jfnhn Edwards is now solo propr etor of the lion Ton barber ebop, having pur chased the came this wees oi l ki. m. Mr. Edwards has in his employ Frank Stimpson. an experienced artist in tbe tonsonai line. Tt Und ease. In which a large nura ber of our cltisens are interested, baa ntfiad. thn U. 8 land commission era having confirmed the decision of the local land oitice. air. vaiouuw uh i-iu over the money and i now prepared to make deeds to those entitled to same, upon payment ot their apportionment of the costs. Miss Myrtle N. Buff, who recently Joined the Weber Dramatio Co.. severed tier engagement wuu . ..v.... ... gold: Get your meats of ah kinds at Hen ry iiro-ier a, on seeond street. Have tou seen French s displaj of ChrUt mas goods. It will cost run nothing to look thea over, and note tne prices. The mouth of the Columbia is being thoroughly fortified. Four Albany men are helping in tbe woik at Fort Stevens. At a dance at the armory last eight tbe light fantastic toe was tipped by one set for one nuxber. A sumptuous repast was served. Ex-Ccoirressman Roswell G. Horr died last night at II o'clock at PlainSeid after an illness of two weeks with bronchitis and Brigbt's disease. Hall's Hair Renewer Is pronounced the best prepaiation made for thickening tbe growth of the hair asd restoring that which is gray to its original color. wai taken ill this week, and Mrs. Ed. . . ! I.. . 1 l.'i 11. ' ii ni.n- . . . iBW. " 1DH i B""v .uum.i juac, kb an y.r ' msnia t u ears V a resident 'hS. 1 " .hV, to loin ' bill of ,20, on thegroond that a newspa-, -k an Aiwory team. Aiierois no Albany - perUftht ' "a'warMwe.1 uiom. .. c ity f uesdap and returned to her home "K" at Silverton. Her withdrawal from the J gr j f; company lett them without, leading Jjw ?, Xin Across tub Kivkk. There will be an ; entertainment given by the Fairmount school, Itentnn county, in tne Orange hall jtiBt across the river on Wednesday, j Dec 2ltrd. 7 :30 r. m. Admission 10c. Tbe object is to raise money to purchase an organ for tbe school. A good crowd ts expected, who will not bedisappointed in tbe program as prepared by tbe pu pils and patrons ot tne scneot. Hxnrt Fronk's AccroEXT. Early this morning Henry brook was at work at the freight depot when he fell through a rotten place iu the a manner to scrape his right leg at the ankle, air. i. i . - . . . . - naravr iiunKi in a very serious manner lie received good treatment and this af ternoon was experiencing no pain from tbe accident. Fcbuc School Matters. Dr. Chap man of the State University and Pres. Camnbell ot Monmonth Normal school will visit the publio schools of this city next Tuesday. They will addreea the teacher at the teacher's meeting in the afternoon. Pres. Chapman's subject will be Elementary Science, and Pres. Camp bell on Literature, the mends ol the school are invited to attend this meet ing in the Central school at 2:30 p.m. They will also lectuie to the public in the opera house ia the evening at 7 :30. No charges. II. Tvrkk. According to tbe ruling of Judge Oliver, in the district court at Rock Rapids, Iowa, a man and his wile are both liable for the payment oi a newspaper taken nuy. a judgment Oliver to tbe Ger- mania Publishing Co. for a subscription ftV ul SK ing a $10,000 residence and a $4300 gold nugget. Buckincham's Pre for tie whisker U the best, handiest, safe, surest, cleanest. meet eoonooiKal and saHtaciory oye vented- It is tbe centkmen's lavante. XTEW HOME LAC SDK l. At t J. tug of tlb worth Street. Fnul washing taken. Particular attention pal to handle waihing and mtndicg. Satis faction guaranteed. Mas Chsustwek Poland China Pigs for Sale Anvone desiring to improve their stock" of hogs will ao well to see me be fore baring, at tne etwu piacwans mu north of Albany, on Independence road, I have several pigs, born sexee, rrom thoroughbred stock, which I will sell at hard time pricee or trade for fat hope, chickens, potatoes, grain or feed or sell cheap for cash in hand. I am deter mined to sell and win sen aiinow a a . man's own figure so call soon for they most go. Ikowiaineume togoracocu hoes while vou can get them eo resect able, for Logs can't stay so cheap. Jr . 11. nrousos, ue usruimr. per is ft honsehoid necessity. Both the method and results -when Syrup of Fisrs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta frently yet promptly on the Ividneys, Liver and Dowels, cleanses the pts tern effectually, dispels eolda. head. aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent Qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. tyrup of Figs is for tale in 80 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand vrill pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute, CALIFORNIA HQ SYRUP CO, M FtAKISCO, CL uvtsritu. nr. ew roar. str. CITY TREASURERS K3T1CE W.H- Notice Is hereby given that fvnd are on hand to pay outstanding warrant el the iue of iSS6, horn No 401 to 45iJ - elusive, interest on uch warrants wp eeae with tbe date of this notice. Alnv,Or, Dec. 4, liS E. A. Paxxxk. Citi Tre Rain and warmer tbia afternoon, to night and Friday. River 12.0 ft. I G. & E. R. R. CO. t Willamette River Division, Steamer ALBAXY. dpt. J. L. Smith, Ffciiljt and Passenger, Daily, except Saturdays, between Cor- TalUB, Albany, inaepeuunnw, lem, way points and Portland. Unsurpassed accommodations and Khedale especially for the need of op ter Willamette travel. Picnic Turtles tan avail themselves ot this schedule for my desired point between Corvallis and Salem, leaving ia the morning and re turning in due tsae tbe same evening. Special rates for special parties of Id or more. . . Leaves Albany down river at 7 a. m. Leaves Albany up river at 9 0 p. m except Saturday. H. L- W aldks, H. B. Sacrt, Agent, depot. Agent .