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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1897)
VOL XXXI 1. Entered t.C tee Font e at Ubawr. Or. a'Iast Mall Mallm A LB ANY OREGON, FRIDA , JAN UARY 8,1 89T. r P ,. Hl'TTISC Palllir awe rr.psieter NO. S3 THOSE UXEQUALIZF.RS. NEW YEAR'S EVE. DOINGS. NEEDED LEGISLATION. s ) j 1- j r?- . 11 111 I-,' -II li i-'-l -r li i-; ; - .J I ctablc?rcpsrc!lo?. for As similating ihercxxsasuir.- ti ling the Stomachs ariIxAvcls of SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Ptomotesl)i$csUon.GxcrfuI ncssandRcst.Contains neither Opium,Morpliinc norlEacraL ISot Narcotic. Iiiil i jn i item? Aperfecf Remedy forCcnstiDS- hon. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea. orns,Convu!sioiis.reverislv ncss andLoss of Sleep. ' lac Simile Signature of "NEW "YORK. joilllllilll 111 13 OIT THE m WRAPPER OP EYEET BOTT3LE OF Cia'xrfi Is tret st in D-ij tattles only. It. .. . ia nrt nM t-i knTV. TWt .11.,. II jen acytiiEg elsa on the plea or promisa that U I Jsj is as good" and "will eiswar every p psa." 3See that yon C-A-S-T-O-K-JA. -4 A DESERTER wwjptr. Thirtieth Year. ALBANY COLLEGE. Calendar fob 189G-7 lS96-fpt. IS College Year begins . . Wednesday Nov. 26-27 Thanksgiving Day recess, Thurs. and Fn. Bee 21 Term examinations begin . M onrfav Dec 23 Wednesday Tuesday Monday Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday -First Term end? Winter Vacation oi Twelve Days 1397 Jan 5 Secorfd term begins ... Feb 22 Washington's Birthday a holiday, April 6 Term Examinations begin April 8 Second Term ends . , . Arbor Day Vacation of Four Days April 13 Third Term begins June 8 Final Examinations begin Jane i J riaccaiaureate sermon . Sabbat i forenoon I cne 13 Address before the Y. XL and Y. W. C- A. Sabbatb evening Jane 14 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees Monday afternoon Juno 14 Junior Orations li.n is Graduating Exercises of Music June 15 Pcyular Entertainment June 16 Commencement June IS Alumni R-nnion Monday evening the Conservatory of Tuesday forenoon Tuesday evening Wednesday Wednesday evening Four Courses of Instruction leading up to deyree. Well equipped Business and Music courses, with appropriate diplomas. Catalogue free. For further information, address WALLACE HOWE LEE. President, Albany, Or. Captured on the Eve of His Wed ding. Wil'iam Gould came to Albany about two months ago from the north. Though an entire stranger he became acquainted with Miss Faunie Miller early uid it was only short time before thev were engaged to be married. Miss Miller's father being satisfied Gould was not the rroper young; man for a son-in-law ob jected very emphatically to the marriage: but they were bound to get married, and Gould told the Dkmochat man several days igo that he would marry her any way, and the event was to come off to morrow, we are infotmbd. But it will be postponed indefmiieH. A little over two montea aso Gould deserted from the barracks at Vancouver. Chief of Police Lee discovered the fact that he was the man wanted there for desertion, and this morning arrested him and placed him in the county jail. Maj. Wilson was noti fied and will send a detachment after him. Gould admitted to Chief of Police Lee that he was the man wanted, and said he had been afraid he would be dis covered. . The people of Albany evidently ap preciated the departure of the old year ur it was walchrd out generally in dif- terent parts of the city, in different ways, and 1897 was joyously hailed. At the M. E. Church South a watch meeting was conducted by the evangelist E. A. noes auu a nuiuiwr were prenenl when the o caangea to t. At Beckers hall the citizens of the eastern part of the city celebrated the transition. A very p'easant vent was the leap year party givei mine lormer tort miller & Irving etore, the largest ball in the city. The young ladies had decor ntod anil (urniifhed the room in a vorv whereas, under the mkr I n,nnir ml diil rivrnkin,. resolution parsed tv the board Ttieedav. ' .U J.,- tl, in;m-rnt and I, ,.,.... the cost for the clerical aid i IC78 37, or , their guests, .he irentlemen, who were The state board of so-calle 1 equalizers adjourned last night. Iie.'oro adjourn ment D. P. Thompson of Portland in troduced a resolution to abolish the board and have the eovernor, secretary of state and ta'e treasurer act as board of equalization to equalize tte arsees niema of the counties for state purposes only. This was defeated, Mr. Thomp son s being the only voie to support the resolution. At the beginning of the session the salaries of the secretary and clerk were fixed at 6 per day each, and that oi the messinger at f 1 60 oer day, and, at that rate, the cost far the work would have been 40a, How lie Viewed Oregon. , A man who visited Oregon during the summer has written backto a friend in the following very interesting manner: Ever since I was a bov I bave read of Oregon as a wet country, and that the people were web-footed so they could walk on top of the mud like geese and that the boys had to vet the girls on drv lau 1 before they could catch them, and to thin I that 1 found it as you might say. without a drop A rain for six months is beyond my comprehension; bt sides I think the country is badly railroad bound and there is no possible show for relief in any reasonable iime. If you should raise a dozen hogs and ship them to market, the railroad would get four eta. a pound and you two. The same way with fruit also, green or dry, they will get the lion's share, while the producer gets next t j nothing. The only chance yon have of relief from the great Southern Pacific oc topus is by an east and west road to the coast, built tT an independent company of gentlemen not hogs, who will allow the peop'e a living for their la Dor. Ilad Behavior. Claud Mcliargne, who was sent to the reform school a few years ago, who has been at home on a furlough during good behavior, wui bave to take up hu resi dence again in the reform school. Yes terday he etote a stove from the new Hill building belonging to Dr. Hill and sold it to M. Gotlieb at the 2nd hand store. It wae traced up and young Mctlargue was lodged in jail pending the arrival of Asst. bapenntendent Kmc, who took him to Salem this noon. Beaidea the stove McHargue recently stole a diamond pin and necklace be- loosing to Miss Tunnicliffe and an um brella belonging ta "Pat." The latter ras settled by the payment of f 12. The boy is almost 20. lie will be kept in the school until he is 21, and then if he doesn't turn over a new leaf decidedly will land in the penitentiary. A Hotel Thiuf. YerterdaTeveuins: a thief entered the room of Mr. Homer Craven at the Kevere House and title his brown coat an ! vest and black panta loons. On the coat was an Elk tin. highly valued .and the clothes were in ex cellent condiJon. There was no clue. but suspicious aa to who the thiet was. Ko Footbaij.. The Albany Torna does will not go to talent tomorrow to play football. The Salem team is dis organized, bot agree to get to-ethr on Jan. 9. As the Tornadoes hare been preparing for ;be contest tomorrow it s quite a disappointment. Albany Bed Crown Milling Co. "We have leased the Red Crown Mills for another year, and we are now prepared to receive wheat on storage, and to buy the same Sacfa iH tie taste J ca apjliKfisi Bur And Feed constantly on hand and for sale. Parties having wheat to sell or tore; we will try and make it to their advantage to call and see us. Fkr will be xebanged for wheat o; the same terms as heretofore. W. l.lm f 1 SoIm. 3. D.Earrstt. S. H. Al!en an3 8.E.teima. Not incoiputated. Wool to London. The Baker Citv Democrat says: It is generally agreed that London fixes the price of the world's markets for all commodities, which is in a manner true, bnt it does not follow that the prices on some commodotiee in Lon don prevailed throughout the world. This appears to be true reference to wool. Aot being tatts&ed with the prices that prevailed here lut fall. Jf ax Kich ter, Xlount Vernon, Grant county. determined to try the experiment of shipping his wool to London, and he rites to a mend in that city that be baa received returns from tha sale thereof. The wool brought 12 cents and the ex pen of shipping were 'J cents, leav ing air rittcner if cents net lor ins wool. His wool was not of an extra quality, the best offer be cou'd get here bt-ing 6 rent, so be has cleared 3 cents per pojnd by nipping to c.ngiand. A Wosuebfcl Gcn. Mr. Savage, of Ltica, A. 1 ..inventor of the svage gun, was in the city yesterday and made r- rziigimenta with btewart & box to car ry the gun. The rifle is a wonder. Mr. havage save an exhibition ol what it will do. He fiied a lead bullet clear through a K inch piece of iron which another con only indented. Into the end of a piece of 6r he fired a bullet 29M inches, in ceatue toe ouuet went inches into the end of a cedar log. The gun is concede! a marvel. m IS: 1 US1MESS V he. ak& SsaeJ LmaN" PORTLAND ORulG;! ' 1 ! !. BUSIMLSb BWANCHirS. SOOKKEEPINO, SHOXTHANO, li 'y tOOXKEEPINO, bHOHTHANU, TLEG!!APHV mm THOMAS BRINK, All kinds of furniture and bedding-, and it you want the most complete flour safe he ha,s them and his prces the lowest. ALBANY, Dealer in -'4J..i more than was agreed upon at the lime the session opened, which is a fair sample of the calibre of the unpopu lar concern. The following table gives the gross valuation us returned by the different county b ards and as equalized by the state uoara : Returned Equalized Baker $ 2.273,354 ft 2.40M.612 lientou 2.900.133 2..n2 Clackamas 4 8'ti.l79 4.915.726 Clatsop 4,116,9.-i0 4,443.2;i2 Uoluiuhia....... 1.44.3o7 1.4i4.ot7 Coos 3.070.250 3.024.8 Curry 692.349 592,349 Crook l,804,7tH 1,854,194 Douelas I.147.f00 6.277J4 GilUatu 1,5,579 1,372,6m Grant. 1..W4.249 1.421.829 Harrey 1.774.457 1.879.909 Jackson 5.013,479 5,008.575 Josephine l,286tt:;i 1,292.805 Klamath 1.C14.46I 1.584.245 Lake l,4-.5,!48 1,425.147 fjine 7,139.S5 7,221,319 Uncolu 907.930 923.434 Linn . 7.502.235 7.672.49(1 Malheur 1.232.414 1.2:45.920 Marion 8.tW.l6 9.233.952 Morrow 1.199.621 125.f95 MuliDomah 41.695,490 52,659,555 Polk 5.369.992 4 3S9.KM Shermail 9i0.60.J 1.0C.699 Tillamook 1.251.263 1.268.426 Umatilla 6.435,;S7 7.044,964 I'nion 3,516,185 3,4;R.39(i Wallowa 958.783 9051-315 Wasco . 8.115.268 3.121.375 Uashinuton 4.827.435 4.813.620 Yamhill 5.512,591 5.712.652 Total . . . .14i.449,S2l 151,S64.670 t-ctttr U?t. Followinif in the list d Wttr remsiainz in the Postoffice at AHioy. Lion county. Oregon, Dee , 2J, 136. Fenoc calling f'rt3eeiettirsmut givcthedA'.eoo which the were advertised. Abraham, William Chance, Cart Edward. Lewi Lewis. eo. A Olsen, Morten Taylor, H N Elder, AJ'.i Merrill. C V Smith. G F Taylor, A S T. j. Stite. P PEIDAT Tacen to VAScorvtR. Corpora! Chan dler and Private Kinder, of the I". S. army at Vancouver, arrived on the over land last night an t return.! tins noon with WiMiam Gould, wanted there tor desertion. As tlra was Gould's second offense he wi'i probably co to Al catrox for two years. Xlis Miller, hU affiance paid him a vi.t this forenoon before his leaving, re miining with him until the train doubt declaring eternal faithfulness. Private Kinder, above was an old neighbor of H. J. Hopkins and once vent to school to bim. greatly pleased iih the attention paid liimr a itiiifB. Alio grnnu utarcii was started at 9:15 and the twentieth numlier closed the Hucceeaful parly al 2:30 a. m., Jan. 1, 1897. The f .llowing were pres ent: Mrand Mrs E W Langlon, Mrand Mrs Dr Mai-ton, Maj. aod MrsTelfer, Mr and Mrs Thos )l pkins, Mrand Mru Cha Pfeifler, Jfr and Mrs F 11 Peiffer. Mr and Mr A Cannon. Mr and Mrs C KFrouk, Mrand Mrs An-Ji Allen, Mr and Mr E 1) Uutick, Mr and Mrs E E Goff, Mrs Miller, M' Clint Mouroe, of Salem, Mifaea Van W indie, of Salem, Lyda and Hattie Galbraitb. Iora Vance. Emma Pf.i.fer, Flora XI won. Marguerite i ... . r nopaiu, Aiauu t rocov, reca. Canron. Hattie Ka!i, -inRS lloiick, Dr Ellis, Phil Goodwin, Harry Walden, it J Hopkins, Geo Kinder and Corporal Chandler, of Vancouver, Ja A Wilson, J E lirown, Dr Keene, E M Horton and Mr Jackwav At the residence of J. W.Cusick proli- uiy ic mwi crowu in Aiinor iuoii- antly awaited the hour in a marked party. Many original and brilliant - tumea were setn. The company con sisted of sweet sixteens and young men under t-senty who had met with XI r. Harry CuMek to blot out the memorii a of the clonii.g year and see the old tcy the man oi lc give war to the caching yuuug . it was a diciuM jnveniie success. At the W. C. T. U. Hall th re was a big crowd who eniored theuiselves until after the mi-Instil hour. A crram was rendered con iiting of lively songs by Messrs. AchUon, Sot and Irvine Brothers, a recitation delushtfulir ren dered by Xlabel fthulu, a solo by S. J . Stteie heartily applaudt-d,a pieasing rec itation by Minnie Merrill, a well render- iered solo by Mrs. Lee. a readir.e bv Mrs. Lambson, an appropriate e Years reading bv Xli Helen Crawford and a solo by Eev. Poling that cheered everyboiv. With Prof. Carlton Svx as toast master toasts were heard from Ar thur Foehav on the past rear: K. P. Nutting on the coming womau, Slics Xfae I'ol'o. k on tbecoaiitig man aed i!:t Ethel Kedtie'd on the young people dur ing the corning e':A, years. A lunch was served and panics played. A large num ber were prefect when isv dita-eared and the bet. i-sjan to nas. it the opera house w'i'.lj niul.- 1 y the Albany orchetra a good maov triptJ the fuotas::e i for nt lime aiter a new jear had eomeaad retwrt pU'aant time. the M. E Rev. J.R.N. Bell has reconsidered bis resignation aa pastor of the Preby terian church at Baker City and will re main. S. S. Train and family and XIr. J. R. Whitney went to Eugene thisnoonto attend the weddii.g of Miss XIaggie Whitney and a young man of Eugene, j During their absence Mr. W. H. Parker will mount the tripod. One of the tileasantest c'.'nsing events of the year promises to be a leap year party to be given by some of the young ladies of Albany tonight in the old rormilterft Irvine store. The young ladies will have full control. Mr. John Sommerville. of Creyman & Sommervillo arid Mrs. Hiram Mitchell, bis daughter and daughter-in-law of Hon. J. If. XI itchull, returned borne yes terday after a visit in Albany the guests of Xlr. and Mrs. Otto Lee- The senior and junior classes of the college met last night with Miss Ella MctJoy at her home on v ashmgton street and passed a delightful evening, jocular ly, sociably, amusingly, happily, bril- uni y, aoing aivers tnings tor earn others edification. These classes are well constituted for enjoying the good things oi lite. A pleasant party was beld last evening at the home of Dr. G. W.XIaston. Whist was played and a delicious lunch served. The following were present : .Mr. and Mrs Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Weatherford, Jndge and Mrs. Hewitt, Mr. and Xlrs. Fort miller, Xlr. and Mrs. Altbouse. XIr. and Xlrs. Teller, Xlr. and Xlrs. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Wocdin, Mr. and Xlrs. Train, Xlr. and Xlrs. Lansdon. Xlr. and Mrs Cannon, Dr. and Mrs. Mas ton, Xlr. lienry Hopkins, Aiivt Lizzie Cannon, Xliss Vida Xlastou, George Mas ton, XIiss tlora Mason. Oldest P. M. in in U.S. A dis patch in the Oregonian yesterday from Pbiladelpbia.aseerted tbst Joseph Strode of Milllin count', was the oldest poet master in the CniteJ States in continu ous service, bavine been in office since 1845. That is a long time, but Roswell Beards'ey of North Lansing, Tompkins county, N. Y., beats this 17 years, bav ing been postmaster of that tewn con tinuously since 1823, when he took the office at the age of 19 years. Xlr. Con rad oi this city came trotn the same place and is pe-sonallv acquainted with him. A pair in his poseetion verifies the fact. Lebanon. W. Cra:?, the new past rr of church. SKUlh. arrived i"ed- necday from Spokane. He will otcvipy an pulpit fcunl.y mormcg. Dr J. P. Wallace, of Allwinv. a?'.-;ej by Dr. Booth, perfuriued an ore-it. on oa Mrs. Frack i'arrich. lat Thurtdav. Born, to the wife of Ed Morgsson, Dec -K a sou ; to the wife of Mr. Me ter on, Dec. 23, a .n : lo the w ife of Jat. CariUe, Dec. 28, a dAisghter Xlrs. H. C Vaton and her mHhrr. Mrs Jude Morgan, of Allanv. wre the gueU of M rs. Gartrndoa Xlon Uy, and have t oe to Slariiie on account of lbs lieilia of Mr. sSorjjan. A magazine club !if len farmed in ihe city wish the folowi.i meaiU-r: Dr. Cheadle. Mrs. U E. Chandler, Uie Miw Chead'.e, Miss Duniood. Edward AldricU and Walton McKt-e The clab bat sabwerired for the fol!wSrg maga zines: Cntcry, lorom. Review of Ue xiews, Ijpilie's.Coaiupolitaa. M uowv's. and McCture's. T!.e niarazine will be passed around among the member, so that each member may reaJ all of them. Arthur SaHmarb died at his home. 'out a mite east of tbis citv, lnt even- of catarrh of the bowels ai.d ctcmach. Mr. Saltmarth was 73 vmars of ase. He had been in poor health for several years, but had only bean contined to his house about a week ptiortobis death Mr. Saltmarsh was an old pioneer of tnts place, and was an honorable and upright man. Exprt and Advance. Siiedd, Dec. 29, 1896. Pursuant to a call of the citizens of Shedd precinct for a mass meeting to dis cuss the passage of laws at ou next leg islature that would be the greatest good to the greatest number. li. B. Siireuger called the meeting to O'der and on motion J K. Davis was elected chairman and II. 11. Sprenger secret,, rv. The chairman stated the object of tbe meeii- g was to discuss the repeat ol cer tain I. as on the statute books, and the enactment of laws that would give the greater good to the greatest number. it was moved and seconded that it is rente of tho citizens in mass meeting as sembled mat tne law CrealiLir the rail road cou, mission should be renealed as it has utterly failed to perlorm what it was created nr. Alter a lull aiscussion of the question the motion carried unanan imously, it was moved and seconded that it is Iho eene of the legal voters of this pre cinct that the cilice of game warden should le abolished and the law enact ing said office repealed. After a discus sion by several gentleman the motion carried. It was moved and seconded that the leg islature tie asel to pass a law reducinv tbe legal rate of interest to 5 oer cent. After some spirited remarks on the Ques tion the motion carried unanimouiiy. ' It was moved and seconded that oar legislature be aked to propose an amend ment to the constitution of the stale of Oregon so an to enact a registration law and submit tbe same to the legal voters of the state, motion carried. Moved and carrried that we requeil the legislature to pas a law creating pre cinct asceseors, and to repeal the law creating county assessors. After some remarks by a gentleman lately from the east, where they bave townthipafaeseors, the motion carried. it was moved and soconJed that the othce of district attorney be abolished and county attorneys elected instead, motion carried. It was moved and seconded thatacom miltee consisting of C. J. Shedd, H i-'reerkien and U . M. Powers he ed to prepare subject for diacnseion at a meeting to be held January 5th at 1 o'clock. Motion carried. Xlovtd and seconded lo adjourn. Mo tion carried. H. B. Spkxoeb. J. It. Davis. Secretary President. 0 i i . a The absolutely pure J BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world eel- et rated lor its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc, healthful, it assures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the cheap brands. aovai 8aki soweea co , rw voaw. rOTA,''VlT' Lh4 of Patents. ' Granted to Pacific States inventon this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. U. S. Patent office, Wash ington, D. C. G L Baker, Waterford. CbI , permit? tion padlock; L L Hill. Bourne, Or. wrench; B Holt, Mocktor, Cal. traction engine end arrester attachment; C V Lent, San Francisco, odorleee crematory; E J Lotze, North port, W ash, revereibld plow ; 8 E Maxoea, Portland, mirinu velocipede; J II McDonald. 01mpia, Wah, propelling mechanism for boats; A C Moore, Los An. eles, photographic printing frame; W Muir,Xlicbigan Bluff, Cal, ejector for mininz ard diedging;C H Olson, Tacoma. Wash, dredging ma chine; F XI Phillips, Portland. Or. ex cavator; EJ St Croix, Seattle, Wab, air ship; J Stemrerger, San Francisco, fastening button for cloves :CG Thanen. Oroville. Cal, eight for firearms: F Wit- tram, ban Francisco, propeller. HOME AND ABROAD. Jaaaar) 5th at the opera house. Genuine fruit candies at F H Pfeiffera. Best candies of all kind at F H PioiF. fers. r inest candiM and BBOwKtix'a. Tiojotiy aaei for aaie at C. E. Erow- IEUI. The dwaif a escra koosean Jannarr 5th. 1S37. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL R. D. Cooper, the Independence bank er, baa b-. en in the city. Geo. Rilielan, now at Sacramento, bioke one of hi" legs at the ankle a few- days ago. Mr. Wilbur Ayers left on the overland for San Francisco, where be will have a clerkship with the Great Eastern Tea Co. ris brother, S. t. Ayers, now has charge of tbe company's store at Napa, Kev. and Xlrs. Poling were married in Independence on New Year's eve. Dec. 31, 1891, and hence last evening was the wooden anniversary ol their marriage Tbe members of the Congregational ctiurch remembered tbe happy event and as well showed their appreciation of the popular pastor and hisestimable wife by giving them a surprise. Thev also took along a rocking chair lor each ol tt.f ru . The affair was nicely managed. Albany Steam Dveing and Cleaning Work First Street Between Terry and Washington, Branch of the Sulem Steam Dye Works, Established 188-1. Ladies and Gents ClothiDg and Fine Fabrics of all kinds Cleaned and Dyed. Carpal. Blankets, sue Und Sila hats Ironed Renovated. Br ITour Patronage. ' VVaUJinar ients ClothiDg and Fine Fabrics of all kinds Cleaned and uyed, Carpal. Underwear, Ladies Ha's, Straw Hats and Feathers Dyed and lionovated i, Kilt Hata, Stiff ilat and Soft Hats Cleaned, Dyed, Blar-kened and iloaora'xe De.ilittz and Str'tdK .Ventt -a to B tnw, 1 ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .JOSEPH. Proprietor The mail route from Gates to Anidem will be discontinued on January 31. i he outgoing city council of Sulem has left the city about $17,000 more in debt than tticy round lr, uertainly a poor snowing. liamb'er bicycle of tLe 1897 model will be old at 80, while the '96 model will tro at $60. It now looks as if the days of tbe $100 wbee's are about numbered. Ex. ' The Crosby wheat case, in which the dis solution of tbe Mocre, rerguson&Co in junction was asked, was arguod yesterday in Salem before Judge Burnett and sub- mi'ted. rpragun, Washington, has no news paper. The lait weely papftr suspended a few days aero. It once supported a daily but in late years a weekly could be barely kept Mrs James Crosby of Monmoutb, Oregon, n a tamiiv uitiie. printed in the year 17J1, in hdinbunr, Scotland, that ha beei handed down in tho family for several ireu eratons; crossed the ocean to America and now lies on the center table of Mrs Crobv , ot JHOnuiouto, uregon. A Natural Meaatiaer Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood and gives a clear and beautiful complexion r or u'e uy cmaaj anu ma ton. 1897. Wheat 73 cents. One assest-ment in Ihe Woodmen for anuary. There wss some sliootire ut tho iau.e today at blue rocks. Ihe real estate office of Ilnlburt & Finch has been moved to the Hill blxk. Clarence W. Ida has been appointed re ceiver or to property or Klein. Hiibruille Co., of Spokane. Honda 115,000 . i an jewport ei gives an rem in this way: "Soymor Meyees; alias "frilbv. Iab3 peanut butcher on the O C & E h is accepted a position as new agent on tbe S t overland. ' William Miller of Scio has 1200 bushels oi potatoes for sale, which he ezpcts to get a good price tor. lie did not have any injured oy trie November treezes. General Maceo is rim in alive, lie was thought to m dead, and the report was al lowed to go lorth in order to save him Now it is declared he is actually ulivo and gradually recovering. Cbas E Cree, who left Lebanon about two month aa" for Arizona on Dec. 22 was oiling some machinery in a coppnr mine when he slipped and fell between tome cog and wo Kill-d instantly. Ross McCcrmack, a Sa'cm tniiL'h. ha been trying to whip the men of tint lity I generally, runntng up against severid and landing in jail. He was effectively knock ed out by Bert Lynch. Tte Democratic Time of Jacksonville has been gold at sheriff'! sale to C W Kah ler, Cha Nickel thu retiring after 2e year of constant work at it head. Outside peculations was the causa of tbe failure. Scio. G T Coffer i the new C. C. of the K. of i-.; T J Munker. M. XL of the A. F A. M.; t I Shore, N. G. of the I. O. O V O Jetrrev. 31. V. of tbe A. u. I. 'V ; (i W Mnnlcors. C C. of the W. af the W.: A G Prill. S. R. C. of the Mac- eabee: Ms L T Xlont mery, N.G. of the Rebeccas. Last week the firm of Hibler A Sin-re, one of cur leading mcrchandi)-iiig Urme, was dissolved bv mutual conwnt, lr Shore retiricu. Mr. It. E. Hibler, will continue the business. Ernest Cole is now a student ot the Al ban? College. He ill lie in attendance with the opeolmr of the new year and term. It la safe to sav no brighter nor more senile Jianlv student will attend that institution. He is a graduate of our public scbfX'lf, heme the vaiediciorian vi his class, llaviru no bad habits he is sure to reflect credit upon his teachers wtnie in pursuit ot a higuer eoucaiu' which we wish him the best oi success Pies. Usa Biu.v's Vin.-Mrs I.vdia Wriirht.wife of "Uncle Iii'.Iy" Wncht, the wellknown scissors grinder and hon-e radish prddler, was committed to the insane asvlum yesterday afternoon by Conntv Judce G . P Terrell afer an ex. . . . . t t 1 . I . . T1 amlnation contuicteu wiore nun ny ur. Reynolds and the district attorney The unfortunate woman has been an in valid for several months past and quite reccntlv her mind became demented which caused her to make threats against the lives of her children and her self. She is 51 vears ol age and was born iu Illinois tatcsroau. A Stheei Umlway Sou At 1 o'clock veatcrdav afternoon Sherill r.T. N right man sold the Salem Consolidated Street Railwav iUi't lines and other appurten ances on execution to satisfy a ju.lgmen hold atminst the company bv E. P. Xlc- Oornack for $22,082.74. A. L. Itarbur, of Portland, was the only person to bid, and tuc property was boiu,ius uiu u-mn ? iu,. 000. It will probably bo a monui or si weeks before the sate can tie confirmed and the new managemnnt take charge of the property. Journal. The man who puts a two tin i local in his ho re panel once a year and thinks be will build up a big trade and imag ines the printer U getting rich eff the profits, should bear in mind that the last page ot Xlunsey'e Xlagazine has been sold for one year to four advertisers, each of whom occupies a quarter of a page and pays $6,000 a total of $24,000 lor the page. One line in tbe Youth's Companion costs $3, whilt a page in the Ladies Home Journal costs $4,000. Ex. At a mask ball in the court house at Toledo Bon Jon-8 took the part of Mark Hanna and made a bit. Another char acter was Gen. Weyler by William Woods, Buffalo Bill by Cbas Miller, tbe bloomer girl by Johnny Akin. Mr. J. P. Feaster. recently of this city, ha located in Eugene. XIr. and Mr. II. F. Meliwain expect to leave a boat tbe 10th of this month fur Chicago. Prof Tyree. of R. C, brotLer of Prof. Tyre, of Albany, U in the city on a viit with the Albany Prof. !i9 Eva Simpson returned this noon from a tr:p to Portland, and Xlias Emma Lardeo from Baker City. The Stanford Glee Club pae4 through APfaay this noon lor Eugene where they will perform tonight. The regular njf-tintr of the Ladies Aid Soarly cf Albsty will be te'.d al the re-d-oo of Mr. S. S. Trua oa Xfcaday the 4:ii of Jan. 137 at 2 JJ) p ni. Lawreoce Meyer, of Albanv. has len visiting for a few dart past Lis rel atives, XIr. and Mr I'hitiip Phil. He rvlurcs home today. Corvallia Time. A battle of tknnk mask w emptied on the tt-wr of Ibe SaivaUon Army barrack at Corralli tbis ft. and it will proba bly t a nr-iinli before it gH out of tbe too 3D. Rev. C. II. McKee has received a call to the pattorate o( tbe Baptiat church at La iirande and mill probably accent. The Dewockat heartily commends Mr. McKee and Lisetlimabie family t Ihe people of that city. There mas a ooiet weddinc at the res idence of Mr. Xtary A very at 1 o'clok Tbursxlay afternoon. Tha high con tract - in: parties were Dr. H. S. Pernot and its Ocie Avery, ei lest daughter of Geo. nd Mary Avery. The knot ws tied by Ke. Frank Abram Powell. CorvwlisaJ Times. Hon. J. M. Somer. of Albany, who is well known in Jacksonville, having managed tte making of the present- ner book for Xleears. Markley aud Booth, spent several dava io the valley during the past week, looking: up W. C. Urosbr a wheat-buy ng transactions, lie s a member ol tbe Oregon house of rep- reeenialivea Jacksonville Times. Two young people, well known in this city, were unit-d in marriage last even ing, i hey were Mr. J. U. Welder and XI ia Margaret Whitney. Tbe wedding ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride' mot her, Mrs. G. M. Whit ney, on Sooth W iliamette street, at 8 o'clock, by Dean E. C. Sanderson of the Eugene Divinity school, asaieted by Rev, M. L. Rose, pastor of the Christian church. Only a few of the relative) and nearest friends of the contracting couple were present, it eight o clock little Miss Arlene Train of Albany was seated at the piano. Ac ahe struck tbe note ot a beautuui wedding marca tbe bridal couple entered tbe parlor. Tbe groom was attended by bia father. J. XI w enter, and the bride by ber brother, J. R Whitney of Albany. 1 be couple ad vanced to the center of the room and were met by Dean Sanderson, who In brief manner said the words that made them man and wife. He was followed w ith a short nraver bv. Kev. Iie. after which the newfy-tnarried couple were introduced to those preoent and received the nearty congratulations and well wishes that awaited them. A wedding upper followed. Eugene Guard. Tbe I'kmocrat unites with others in wishing the bappy couple happiness and prosper ity. A SKW TEARS SWEPT OX. One ot the nicest social event of the saason was tbe New l ears reception given by the members of the Magazine club to their friends, at the residence of S. tt. lonng. trotn S to 6 o clock in the afternoon the large parlor were filled with guests glad to be entertained by so bright and popular a club ol young la dies. Upon being met at the door by the three polite door girls, Misses XIary Stewart, Elizabeth Jarkway and Emma Sox, one was at once impressed with tbe beauty of the appointments. The ruatu decorations were ferns, ivy, holly and mistletoe, their beauty striking one in the subdued electric lights. The yourg ladies made their guests at home at once and ontertalned them during their abort stay in a warm and pleasing manner, not the least of which was Mips Lora Vance with her musical discs. Light refresh ments of cocoa, coffee, cakes and con fections were served with rare grace and appreciated for the cordial spirit dis played. Probably one hundred accept ed the invitation to partake of this New Years cheer with the Magazine club. Those entertaining were Mrs. F. A. oung, Mrs. E. D. Cusick, Mra. Otto Lee, Mrs. Walter Peacock, Xlrs. Ander son Cannon, Misses Flora XIason, Lora Vance, Olga Hewitt, Lida and Hattie Galraith. Velle Irving, Emma Pfeiffer, Bertha Ellis, Mae Pollock, Xlary Cundiff and Xliss Peck. nuts at C. . Whuker VM Im sndcotd to 5 cent a. ghta in li SI hl Tha State snJhisi 1st aonlatt will be held1 at Newberg February 26. l op corn that pops can be found at C. E. bauwxau'a. Souvenir coons finelt GniJ-.nt t H. Ewerts jewelry store. Crawford t Harnuh for nhrJrarar ha. Price from II to $20 per dozen. Wbo shall be Kin and Qjoen fn lano- ary 5th, 1;V7, at the opera house? An eitjrant line of watches. iwe!rr k. til r ware, can be aeea at B evert. Popu ar eoods at popular prieea in rtoo- erv and (jneenswaie, al C . Buow- XiUJ. s. Toe "coronation exercie of the Twelfth uht Festival' will be a naiaoa feature cf thevrn-ng. Ietbrmatioa that 1 worth ita weiubt in goid: Gt your mau of alt kind at Hen ry Sroder'a, on Second ttreet. Don't forfcet that 10 cent sees) ret tie bet teat in tbe opera buote, oa January 5th. lxJ7. The proi-ram will b first claaa. For choice meat of all kind, call oa the veteran batcher. Wm. Emerick, in to Biamberv blott. Yon wUl be well treat ed. A rood resolution for 1847 is to call in at Haisrht Bros, and order some of tbeir cboice meat. Their constant resolution la to treat tbe poUic well. A first claa sapper! When? At tb.e opera home By w bom (riven? The ladies of the I'oogrevatiooal chsrvb. At what time? From 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock, and all for 23 cent. The most ictt rating social event of tbe aaoo will be The twelfth- nicbl Festi val" to be given by the ladie of tb Coo- gregvtiooal church next Tacsday evening at tbe opera home. Do not mua it. The nomine of 1 Lore For Thee" by the male qoartette at thj opera hooe cevt Toesday evening will be Riperb. Pot thia ii yotir mind and fail not to be presect and hear it. Commeacinsr Friday, laa 1st. I;37. the O R N Co s steamer "Rnlh' will leave Albany oa Moo dart, Wednesday and Fri days at 7 a m for Portland, and way laod- laff, arriving at Purtland sume day. RecordVr Kocera opened the bid for fur nishing the city wood, -pasterday, and the council contracted with Wiibor riibbsfor 400 cord and Lee Laadiagbam 200 cords ot young sr. at $1.20 per cord. l b- con tract for Urge Er was let to seven different parties at fl. SO per cord. XicUiar die Transcript, Ring- phone 9, or Smiley tne orinte Gonfideoce ha nothing lo do with holi day prices at Long's ptoto ialiery. A fine line of Cock Randta and Heat ers at The Stewart t Sox Hardwmre Co. 'a. Dr. G. W. Maston. pnvicwa aad sm geon, Albany Or. Call answered prompt ly in city or country. If you are in need of a benunr stove call and examino tne Roval Jewel at TU. Stewart A Sox Hardware Co. 'a. Dr. H. E. and 0. K. Beer ofUcee aor residence in the post oflice building. Spec ial attention given to disease ot women. Clothing cleaned and repaired by ilrs A E Owen. 3rd between ElUworth anu uroad albin. ' 16 chances to I that von will be pleised it von get joar tneat of the Albany Dress ed Heef l crararv, (Jcr. '2nd and Ellsworth treeu. Fia$ eUs meats of all kind at reasonable rtiarr. PROBAPLY MURDERED. Jame Eglin, of CorvallL-i, Perhaps Killed and Thrown in tbe Willamette. Jas. Eglin, Jr., the well-known livery man of CorvaUia, waa in Albany las night with some parties, and left Scbmeer'a livery stable for home a boot 10 o clock, arriving in Uorvailu aoool 12 o'clock. What followed after his ar rival there is mostly conjecture from circumstance. Failing to appear at the hoar be waa expected at the stables some one went to look for bim and learn by he waa tardy. Tbe circumstance luat were learned indicate that on reach ing Corvallia when about three block beyond tbe street going to tbe ferry be found bia carriage to be broken. Un hitching the team he left the carriage, w here it waa found, and drove tbe team down one of the street toward the river. the track could be plainly traced, aa be walked behind tbem. Aa be went along it is thought he was stood op aad struck on tbe bead, hi team tan away and his body waa dragged down to tne river and poshed in. Hia hat waa found oa tbe bank of the river and there were mark where be went down tbe steep embank ment to indicate that it waa with aa- sictance. Tbe horses returned to tne barn alone thia morning. Thi la the theory gener-JJy held -in Corvallia, aa told by a young man who came down from there this forenoon. A search waa being made lor tbe body which undo i bl ed I v is in the nver. Mr. Eg'in was about forty year of age and leave a wife and child. He waa an old resident of Com Hi and waa well known in Albany. Twelfth Xlght Festival. What i a Twelfth Night Festival? It i a general merry making that waa in stituted in "ye oldt n time" in England a fie general wind op of the Cbristm festivities. Such will tbe Ladie of the Congregational society endeavor to do on Tuesday evening next. It will be a gen eral merry making and good cheer festi val. Two enormoo caaee, containing the conventional "bean and pea." will be cot, tbe loeky holder of tbe bean be ing crowned king and the bolder of tbe p-a to be ciowned qaeen. Tbe corona tion scene will be highly pleasing, as will also the little dwarf to appear oat of tbe pie tor tbe coronation speech, x oa can not afford to mua it, aa it will be on woe and entertaining. There will be plentv of good thing to eat, and pretty girls to serve yon sweets and delicacies from the booth . Tbe king and queen will be found, Xfnsie and joy will there abound, Out of the pie the dwarf will come With bound, On the TweL'th Night Festival eve. Sapper to be served from 5 to 7 p. m. Sapper, 23 cent. Admission to evening's entertainment, 10 cents. Do not miss it. At tbe opera bouse January 5, 1837. Situ, ox Dene The Jacksonville Time arrived thi morning with Cbaa. Nickel etill at the bead. Tbocgh the building and lot and plant were sold at herifT eale.Mr- Nickel waa equal to the owu-. and Kid enoozu material on hand. to continue to publiih tbe paper,and hat ordered more. The Tidings ears fn reference to the matter: C. W. Kahkr has filed l plevin eoit, the Tiding la informed, to recover the Drooertv removed from the Tunea building, at Jacksonville early Christmas mornings noted in last laeue. Mr. Nickell aeta up the claim that Mr. Kahler never had a lien on the property iw question, bat was deairooa of getting oae. and the sole purpose of uia early morning removal wa to protect hi poprvty which cooli not be protected in any outer way. A ran axxxt Joa. A- W. Moses, wife and two children, arrived in thia city On Wednesday from South Dakota. He and hi wife came to visit their friend and relative, who live in Benton and Linn counties. Mr. Moses waa raised m unn coontv. Far several years he has been eneaoed in teachins: in the Indian de partment, and comes to bpeno nia vacw- uoa wun relatives and inepda, n tm tram the home of tbe storm kiss, where tne blizzard snort in all their fury. In run of two thousand mile, they were be hind when they arrived in Portland only 12 minute, lie entered tbe government service under tbe civil service require ments, and has been informed from tne depart metitment in Washington that his nmtntioo baa ended, ana luai uo hut regard himself in ita employ, as long aa bia work M en:cieni. orraius iunca. Swak's Rits-!n. L. L, Swan in the W oodman wrtaaa np a recent event here in tbe follwiog pieaaing manner. Ca December 11th the side decree Hilario Jocundi waa put on and wa pronounced by all present a great succeea. L. Vier eck. aa the piLmm from the outer world has to this day scarcely found ont where he is at. Tbe circle ladies have the abil ity to set np a decidedly delicate lunch and they exercised their genius at their last meeting when your scribe with sev eral other rode the often heard ot but seldom sen eoat. I can say that he waa out in all his glory on that night, and oi an ride mortal man lias taken 1 am sure none hu ever exceeded it. My fingers are so sore that I can scarcely work the typewriter frtn Uie effects of holding so tight to his mane. I thought th boys at Helena had an animal that could not be beaten, but they have been outdone. A t are 'ily three children are Ml subject tc crrmn: I te ecraphol to San rancisca. not All KMora-aeiici' It. ifot ft dan dozon uotnesorij o uougu vure. Ask your phyicUn, yonr drugKist and It i a perfect remedy. God bla you for your friend about SbilolT Cur for ron- it- Yours, etc., J. II. Uozirtr, GranU amotion, 1 hy will rewmmand it. tfoi Pa, Or." For sa'e by r othay & Mwon at alaby Fm,ity& Masoa. Oc por bottlo . Ofhckrs Installed. The following o (fleers were installed in Beuiab. Ke bekah Lodge No. 35 I.O.O.F. last evening. N. G., Xliss Clara Gard: V G, Mrs llardman t secretary, Mr l at bear ; treasurer. Mrs Elvira Uradwohl; Ward en. Xliss Julia Tavlor: Con. Mrs EJ SeeleyjIG. Mrs Delia Hodges; OX, Mr T li Meramla: chaplain, Mrs Cora Ileadlev : R 8 N G. Xlrs Svlomia Burk hart ; L 3 N G, Mrs Ella Merrill ; R 8 V G, Mrs Jennie Lee; LSYO,Mias Let tie Needham. It Bave UveICvery Be Taouiind of case ot Cor..u mptlon AHhmi, Cough, Colds and Coup ai ro i evjry diy by &&non ours. HEW YORK WORLD, THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION . ifs a WctL IiS P7i a Tear. I larger than any weekly or semi- weekly paper published and ia the only mportant democraue weetiy pun iahed in New Yo.-k City. Three times aa large aa the leading repablican week ly ot ew lork Citj. it wui ne ot -eciaJ advantage to yon car. Eg toe residential Campaign, aa it ia pub fced every other day, except Sunday, a all tbe freshness and timriinefa daily. It combines all the news a long Eat of interecting; depart V, unique features, cartoons and lie illnetzauona, the latter beina a airy. .1 these improvements Lave been without any increase in the evet which remain at one doi'ar per year We oner this tmeauaied cewsptper and tbe Wxxxlt Dexocsat together one year for $2.00. Satisfactory terms with C0HSE1YAMY0P1SIC Albany College Teachers for the school year 1896-1S37: Zianri M. Parvin, Mua. Doc director. Assistant teachere-Marguente Aklerson, B. XL, and Mrs. Josepbine bharpe. Thorough and systematic instruction ciTen in ail tne important Drancce o music Best coneervatory rooms ana Utgeet musical library aad facilities for mntkal work. Largest number of con servatory students enrolled of any mneie school in the state. Terms low. Send for areolar and catalogae, to Wauacs Hows Lzx, A. M. Albany. Oregon. Academy of Our Lady of Per petual Help. Boarding School for Girls. Thoroazh instruction Wholeso'ee iirt Homelike treatment. Consider ing hard times, favorable reductions are made tor ooaroer ana cay cciwtara. Studies will be resumed Sept. let. For urtber particulars call at tbe Academ or write to Sister Superior. A vrmi in Deserttjl. Last niebt a voucg man arrived in Albany ana thi mornimr rave mmnrti ud u vum w v- lice Lee aa a deserter. He gave hia name aa Wm. H. Shores and said be had left Fort Sherman in Idaho on Dec 17th II wa tired ot tram pine and wanted to get back to the tort. Ubiet Lee te ecraohed to the proper aatnorv tie and waa notified that a detachment had started at once after him. IOCUREACOLU IX ONE DAT Take L.x.tive Bronao Qainine Tablet a All druggiwa refand the moneyU it lau ocure. Stigma A lb ant CoixstB will open the 2nd term of ita Thirtieth vear next Tuesday. Jan. 6th. Last term ita enrollment ex ceeded the total enrollment for last year. Arrangvmenta have been made for Ger man classes to be formed at once. ? Thia will be without extra charge to those regularly enrolled in other classes, and a nominal fee for those desiring German alone. A beginners class will le lormed and also a second year's class. It is hoped that this opportunity will tie eiexed upon as a competent teacher hat been secured, Mv Ilow Sweet. A common remark about those delica'e and lasting rerfumea at Uurkbart ec lee s drugstore, we certain- ly have the beat tn the marknt and no higher in price than inferior goods. A Drusalst Nowadays most have a complete knowledge ot drugs, . and know just what to look tor. riurkbart & Lee nave that knowledge. They make a spec ialty ot compounding all prescription using nothing but the best grade of pure drugs. rr tMur "I am 65 years old; have h id kidney disease arid constipation for 25 years. Am now well need your S . B . Headache and liver Cure one year. Used 6 bottle al 50 cent each . J H Knight, Rutledge, Or." For aaie by Foahar Mason ai 50c per bottle. rrniDPo poison I I tairTrV''- nntir III uoarw. losemsw""""' I LJ i-J mas prk aodsrsaasc awwrwaty. It I Jsmsxwrar coMkr w wmwotwwa iMBtopunitnMli.-tultoulbtlli.iMM ( w tan to Mrw. IX row biitamatr; cwry, kdia wotwao. ao4 bUU fcavearMacaa uakwow ytel la Boat. Sore Thxwe. runt urf us Han ii Ute waria fa ru w MMot ear. JiimiIwi -md tbm illl oZ t Bot .mlMSl phymi 3eOOe cwpnal bsaioe wr wneaoa woowlswaraiu. AkolatnraorseeMiedoai For Sale. OXU$ ENJOY Both the method and resnlta wliien Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts Sntiy yet prompt! J" on the Kidneys, ver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro dnoed, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in L ita action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. feyrup of Figs is for tale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand wUl pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. substitute. CALIFORNIA I have two house and Ms in LaTton. Washington, lor sale er trade. Would trade for town property or a small place in Oregon. The house are situated on 5th street, one house has 6 rooms, the other 4. good wells on both lors, peachf enough for family use on eacn lot, near tne central school and college. Any one wish ing to trvie for this property win piease replv to H. A. Hala, Albany, Oregon. THE RUSH Continues in our job department. We are receiving orders daily from the beet business firms in this and adjoining mnntiea. We invite the public to in- habitual r"?i "d Ixfsxxt Job Orrie. FARMERS FEED SHED. Between First and Second on Baker. Team stabled for 10 cent. Ladie toilet and waiting room ia con nection. D. Btjssatad. , T70R SALE -Cheap, a grass mower, P Buck eve 4U ft cut. two sickles in Do not accept &nv mod repair, also a l.-ood Rosco hay rake Itea feet wide, iron w seels elf dump, single or double, have been in use only one year and a half in Neoraska. Call at Cat I Boxkhart't harncss shop or address W L Tbomreon. SAM fUtOlKO, CAL totssraie. nr. asm roar, air.