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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1894)
lite flciuortat. Washington Letter. From our rejrular Uorreapondeut. Was'.daglon, June II, 1894. Senator Harris believe that he can rtach the final vote on the UlifT bill before next Saturday night, if every Senator who has promised to vote for the bill will stand by him to the extent of a little personal in convenience and discomfort, and he has during the last 4S hours been trying hard to get them to agree. He has the promises of all the democratic Senators he has seen, but he had not up to this morning, owing to the absence of several democratic Sen ators, and the sickness of Senators Gorman and McPherson, succeeded in getting the assurances of the quorum it will be neces sary for him to have behind him to succeed in forcing a vote. It is now almost certain that the republican Senators have been i:fuilv deceiving the democrats in leav ing them under the impression that they were on the eve of agreeing to name a day f Jt taking a final vote. It is not probable that ihey will ever agree to set a date until forced to do so by the democrat. There is no earthly reason for continuing the de bate bevond this week, yet the republican are talking of keeping It up until the middle of July, and they will do it, too, if Ine dem ocrats do not prevent it by keeping a quo tum of their own present to shut them off. There is much dissatisfaction among democrats in the House ov;r the sugar schedule of the tariff bill as it has been adopted by the benatr. and the prediction j 111 aii " lUTTr will never to it in its present shape. I' is argued by tts opponents that the tariff on refined sugar is prohibitive and will re sult in no possible benefit for anybody ex cept tne sugar trust, and an attempt is now being made to organize the democrats In the House against it and in favor of free refined sugar. The only one of the reciprocity treaties made uuder the reciprocity clause of the McKinley tariff law that was ever of any practical benefit in increasing the sale of American products abroad that with Spain providing an exchange of certain products wi.h Cuba and Porto Rico will soon be abrogated by Spain. The State depart ment has official information that the Spanish Courts, will, by direction of the government, pass an act authorizing Cuba and Porto Rico to collect a transitory du'y of 24 per ce..t on all articles now on the free list of the reciprocity treaty. The House Commerce committee has de cided that rone of the Nicaragua canal bills before it were satisfactory, and ha directed a sub-commit'ee 10 prepare a new bill with these four objects in view : To prevent the payment to the present Nicar auga canal company of an excessive sum for its property and concessions; to keep speculators from profiting by the project; to provide for the issuance of United States notes for the cost of the construction of the canal rather thin bonds, and to secure complete and permanent cintro1 to the Uni ted SUies government. Members of the con.mii tee express the bilief fiat a bill along these lines c in easily be passed, and that it will be approved by the people of of the country. The overwhelming defeat in the House of the bill for the repeal of the tax on state bank currency is regarded as an indication th't there will be no financial legislation st this session of Congress, although Rep resentative Springer has not abandoned hope of getting action on h's bill for a na tion il currency. Coxey and bis two lieutenants were re- eased from jail yesterday, hiving served oat their terms an j paid $5. fines imposed upon two of them in preference to serving an additional ten day. The authorities refuse 'I t a-"- p-"'! for paf.i., iiiu. preventing a demonstration being made over their release. Sen tor Walsh, of Georgia, made a bit with his bill pruv.ding for the establishment of a peimintnt exhibition f the lslatrlal products a-.d resjurcea of all the states at the National Capital. Everybody talks in favor of it . ben a or Br!c give tne charges against bun in connection with the alleged sugar trus scandal a bad black eye when he wrote to the Senate investigation comn.i'tee offer ing own testimony and that of his clerks In Washington, New York and Ohio, to prove t.iat he has not bmjht a share of sugar (tock since he become a member of tae benate in lSot.and requesting his brok ers to milt- snown to thi committee ev ery stoc 'nnsaction of bis upon their hooks. In accord nee ith thai reiuest Mr Chapman a mem cr of the New York firm of Moore' nd S;!iley, stock brokers, testified that his firm had never bought any sugar stock for Mr B'i e, but he positively 'refused to sns wer questions coiceming the butdnesss of his firm wi'h utbeY Senators. The commit tee will ask the Grand Jury todeal with Mr C.ja,'n -ii. Nothing has so fai been brought oat by tne commit'ee reflecting upon the Integiity of any Senator. I: Is reported that Mr Donald Ii Kar quhar of St Louis has succre led in so con centrating tie electric light that it will il luminate the bialn. Tne ame plan can al so be adopted when it it necessary ti study the pa hological condition of other part of the body, A small cone of light from an eight hundred c in ile poer '.amp is made to penetrate the tissues, and it is said that broken bom cm be studied a id injuries learned that could not be determined by tne ordinary m:t.ioi of examina'ion. Wa'cr is compressible, theoretically, but not practically. Tbut is, she.i an amount of is subje:ttd to an additional pres sure of on atmupheie It is compressed One twenty thousandth pa t of it bulk. Thus for all practical purposes, it is correct to ay that ou cannot gel moie than four quarts of water in'o a gt-llon vessel under any circu-nstances. Tiberja, Palestine, ha a uiettoro'ogica! observatory situa ei 682 feet below the lave1 of l'e Mditsiranear. Sea. a curious fact a noted by S r Sam uel.Baker, that a negro has never been known 10 tame an elephant or any wild animal, Fuit ani.ot and freezing, because I ihc cells of the fruit and decay take' place. A branch always ciuses a knot In the tree, and ar.y ob.truc'Jon of th: fl iw of ap will usu llv cause a knot also. r he earth, loests bidy of wa er is the Caspian Sea, which has been sinking for ce'iuni-. It i sa' i that whale can remila under the A ihe ocean for an hour and a a f. Jupiter i inhiibite I the people there .-' .n .1'ei-e hellr. ot 6J feet, accord n; to the cintis . The Hawlian Question. Since the close of my college work for the year, for my own satisfaction I have given some attention to the Hawaiian complica tions. It has occurred to me that some of the readers of the Democrat might be in terested in the result of this investigation I will give it. In the fall of 1892, Hawaii was a Con stitutional Monarchy, which bad been founded in 1887 by a compact between King Kalakaua and the revolutionists of that year. Queen Liliuokalani was on the throne, having succeeded her brother, Ka lakaua, who died in San Francisco, Cali fornia, in 1891 . There was a Legislature composed of forty eight members, and a Judiciary appointed by the Queen, but in dependent of her and the Legislature. In January, 1898, the Legislature passed two bills, one of which opened the way to the opium traffic, and the otuer to the lottery which had been driven out of Louisiana. At the same time, it passed a vote of want of confidence in the Minis try, which, according to the Constsitution, vacated its office. The Queen appointed a new Cabinet and declared her intention of abolishing the Constitution and forming a new one, under which only native Bawaii- ans, and those who had married native Hawaiians, would be allowed the right of suffrage. The Judiciary was to be appoin ted by her, and thus the would virtually have control of the Legislature and the Ju diciary. This revolutionary movement on her part called forth a counter revolution, in which most of the leaders were American Hawa iians, whose interests were in the Hawaii- ibiuub. x uiuua.ii, ui caucus was called on the Uth of January, at which a Committee of Safety was appointed. Two days later another public meeting was held, at which a series of resolutions were offered and adopted, denouncing the action of the Queen, approving the action of the Committee, and empowering it to take such measures as it deemed necessary to secure the maintenance of law and order and the protection of life and property. In the mean time John L Stephens, Min ister at the Hawaiian Court, at the request of American citizens, orderel Commander Wiltee, of the t' S Steamship Boston, to land sailors and mariners for the protec tion of American interests. The troops were landed, and some of them were loca ted near the government buildings. On the 17h of January, the government buildings were seized, the Supreme Court was as sembled, and the Queen was pronounced a traitor. The Committee of Safety at once issued a proclamation that the Hawaiian ne Hawaiian Monarchia Government was abolished and a Provisional Government was declared established. The representatives of foreign governments were at once notified of the action of the Committee of ; Safety. The same day, January 17th, John L Stephens recognized the Provisional Government is the defacto Government of the Hawaiian Islands. And within five days a special Commission, with LA Thurston at its head, v as on its way to Washington, D C. to seek the annexation of the Islands to the United States This Committee reached! Washington on the 3rd of February . The next day, they had an interview with the Secretary of State On the 11th of the same month, a treaty of annexation was sent to the Senate by President Harrison, who recommended its ratification. The subject was discussed during the last days of the session, bat the Senate adjourned before any ac ion was taken- In the mean time a communication was received from Queen Liliuokalani, which gave another version cf the cause cf events on the Haws ian Islands. On the 4th of March, Grover Cleveland wa inaugurated President of the 0 sited State-. Oa the 5th he requested the senate to return tLe tla maiian treaty to the state department. This request was granted, and a lew davi hver Jame 11 BKMRH was cTgpatcried to Hawaii by President Cleveland on a special mission of investigation. Ill report was not in harmony with that of John L StcssfSM and the anneaa ion commission. In fact the two report, were u tt .-rly at -. a ian:e. It was, therefore, a question of veracity be tween John L S evens and James H Blount. In this condition of things a senatorial com mittee of investigation was appointed. This committee d'd no, moke its report till the first week of March, 1894. And then the report was a double one. Senator Morgan wrote the majority it-port, which was concurred in by all the Republican members. Il sustained ex-Minister Stevens in all that he did, txrept his declaration of a protectorate of in the name of th: United States The minority report, sign ed by all the Democrats (except Senator Morgan ; severely arraigned ea-M oi-hr Stev ens, and stood by Jas II Blojnt. The Hawaii complications were not, therefore, adjusted by this Senatorial Commission. In the mean time President Cleveland wa lampooned, vilified and threatened ith impeachment by new-paperg, editors ?nd correspondent throughout the 'ant; tut he is stii: President of the United Stales, and Hawaii is a-t under his dominion. M - - Dale and Company are disappointei In their expec ations and have taken e;s for the establishment of an indipe- dent gov ernment In Hawaii A constitution has been adopted, my,, led after that of the United States, and the "Island Kingdom ' baa become a Republic. I am quite well satisfied that such 14 the case. A careful Investigation of the pros and con in the matter has led me to the conclusion, that the Hawaiian I-lni's would not beade.lrable Udi ion to the erritory of the United States. 1 believe President Harrison made a mistake in n com mending the annexation of the Island with out investigation of the complications which must have come to his knowledge before lie tent hi meitage of recommenaatic n It teems to me that h: cou d not fail to ee that the movement for the d h-onement of the Queen wag the work of a few men with the express purpcie of seeking annexation to tLe United S'a'es . This is tvldem from the language of the Commission on i s r rival at WsMngion: 'An entirely new syttem of government mut be b)i!t up, and the only way la, 10 have ir e United Stnea take charge ol It." The thing is manifest in the ha-te made In every step taken. On th; 14'h of June, the so called meeting of ri izens and the appointment of a Commit tee of Safe ty. On the 16.ii, another public meeting and the au'.horiza Ion if ti a' niit ce to take any .tep J. man led by the lir. uinstai c a of the tiroes. O the 17 h, I he scixarr of Public Buildings unuer the rane of lie United State guns. The smbs Otf, the Hrovlajunal government was reciignla.o by J L Stever", and i'l leas Mrii flvf ihn ihe ajsucfes! 11 c .. c. n awning w irda Waaiiington. Their hate would have aroused my uspjcions, even it the Q kite had tent no prots'; and 1 hink iS s;ii( Cievelantdid light in seeking fuithrr In formation on the subject. But even if th m i.ner of .he overthrow of the QtstMa'a vevBHent wa peifectl judicable in every nip ct. the in-erratg of the United S'ai-H wou I not te promoted, in toto by annexation. Many advaniage would doubtless be gunci'; but 1 believe the disadvantages woul 1 be iai greater, Among these would be tne foreign element on the Islands. We have rcore foreigners on our hands now than wc can manage, as very well informed citizens knows, Nearly the whole p cpulation of the Island would be foreigneis all except about 2.000, "On the twelve Hawaiian Islands there are said to be abaut 91.000 peop'e. Of these 45,000 ate natives, 15.000 Chinese, 30,000 Japanese, 4,000 Portuguese, a.ooe Americans, 1,000 English, and 2,000 from the various (oun'riei of continental Europe. The annexation of Hawaii, therefore, would give us about unmanageable foreigners out In the Tacific oe tan, far from headquarters and hard to reach; and and I think everlasting gratitude i due to President Cleve'and for withdrawing the annxation treaty from the Senate. I did not help to elect him, but I am glad he is my Tiesldent, and not Sylvester Pen noyer, who would like to be. Caii.khoh. 1894 Is Not 181ML The unprecedented Republican success in the Oregon election leads Senator Sher man to predict that his party will sweep the country with "the flood tide of victory" r.ext November. The expectation is not unreasonable. There is time for many unexpected things political to happen between now and No vember. But the reaction against the Democratic parly is still powerful, and the leaders seem to be incapable of doing any thing to check it. The indications all are that this will be a bad year for the Demo crats. But it is well for exultant Republicans and despondent Democrats alike to re- i ,1 ...... mi I.. - 1 TwvjWl" of time bo'd the possibility of great changes through the heat and swirl of American politics. It covered the period between the triumph of the Republicans in 1888 and their complete submerging under the tidal wave of 1S90. It is not yet two years since the now depressed Democrats dislodged the strongly intrench ed antagonists who are today rejoicing at the latest turn of the tide. The great battle of 1896 will, unless the Democrats are unconceivably stupid, be fought with the advantage strongly on their side- The passage of a Tariff bill even far below the hopes and expectations of thorough going reformers will be accep ted by the people as a set-lenient of the question for the present. It will at least put the Republicans in the at'ilude of agi tators and disturbers of buaine should they assail it. A campaign for the In crease of taxes and the unsettlement of industrial conditions, so soon afte a long , , . 1 t and depression, can I . , . . T. i. tired of the question. Capital an ! laoor will unite in demanding a period of repose and of activity. In the nature of things the stagnation of busin-ss cannot last longer. Al ready there are signs that the passage of the Tariff bill and the confirming oMbe f set that our currency is to suffer no seri ous disturbance will mark tlia bediming of a sure if slow revival of industry and trade. The party in per in 1896 will i gain as much from the prosperity of the country as it is now losing from it adver si'y. It is a fortunate fact for the Democratic party that 1894 is not IMS X I WorlJ. Keep Your Mouth Shut. Great numbers of ptcple go through life with their mouths open day and night. They take into the delicate Organs of the ; mouth and the lungs the dast of the street. J which Is fided with the germs of di.eae,and they breathe in'o their lungs without the protection inteodei by nature the noxious elements in the atmosphere, and lay the seeds of pulmonary disrate aod of many prominent physican in Hoe oa, artieg a a throat specialist, remarked Matt he would have nothing to do II people could only be taught to keep their mouths thai. If you notice per hols on the street jou will find that s large prop-anlor. of mem keep their mouths habitaaily Oj-en, and that they bretthe through the mou'h instead of th: aostrils, never having been taught that thig is tie 'fecial fonc't-n a.vt use of the nose. In many cases the nostrils have be come so impaired by dause that they are oractically filled up so that U it Impossible to orexthe throag 1 them, and then It ly after a great deal of effort that they are ma;"e to resume their natural function. The importance of breatting through the nose is very great in the case of public speakers and readers, who. if ihey take in air through the mouth, are usually afflie'e-f and dryness of the thmat vbich speedily tievelopcs into tome form of bronchial dis ease This Is the origin of the clergymen' sore throat. People llvingin the coun ry.and never thinking of the use of the nsstiils, easily form the hal it cf ignoring their ue. It is said thai people who sleep wi.h tteir mouths open are u.ually snoreis. The habit of disusing the nos'r'.ls is one that is over come with difficulty, but unless it is formed, reople living in cities needlessly expose themselves to 11 sorts cf diseare that at tack ani euf e'lle the lungi. Tii? S picme Cau-t haa decided pen sion mo. ey cannoi be at artied fordebt.cven when it lias been deposited In a savings ban's. The statute exempts the money arbil - il it in possession of t i- pensioner, and tlie court now holds t' a' In depositing It in a bank it i no l-s in his possession than while it was on h's person. TI.e in v ulabllity of the pension is an essential pr!nci;, for if pension money could be taken for debt it would break up t be person al go rdians'jip which the Goverr.nre it as sumes toward ihe pensioner, and whi.h is of first importance in securing his protection against want, If the ether rule were to obtain the pentiiner might, i lnut fault of bis own, be so heavily Insolvrd In deb that all hi- persion m mey t.i I tie cl.ise o hi life would not cancel r. In such csie the pens!. in money would do him no prac tical good, and in rae of future war, when the help of volumeeia us .... d.-d, Ihe Government would have greater dlfficul'y In getting them. The penton i a deb' which has alwaj h ien given to volunt-er soldiers after each of our wars. Nottiin should ttawd bciven the .o'.ittera and ti t Governm tit firrevent ihis debt from he ing paM Workmonexcavat'n? at l).-iroit "ecenllv HStatartbed many relics of F"r I'on'.l'aitrain , htch form 1I1 v st .od in tin' city. The men fiiund ctnnon lull,, an .,J taiord blade, cannon swa'ia, pewtri dishes, an old millet o'd ' o. ol K i'g Geo'ije'a asea, coin an I Two loada of decayed gunpowdir, the odoc of hi h isas sliflinj-, weri rairied away. The Katd India Company, the most powerful enrporati m that rvrr was, came into existence Hie last diy of the year 1600. It I said that tbe oldest inhabited hjuse in the United States is that of Kiliacn Van llenssetarr, opposite Albany. It was built in 1642. cxo. A Jealous Mareleier. Maiuiipie.'.u, O.', Juno 19. News wa received hero tliis morning from L-e, a small settlement about lfi miles east of this placo on the north of the Coquille river, that a murder hud been committed. W H Hatcher, a farmer, had been out hunting during the afternoon and evening and upon returning home about 11 o'clock found Frank lilair, a school teacher of whom he hail been suspicious of undue in timacy with his wife, In the house. Hatcher immediately fired two i.bols, both of which took effect and caused lilair's death in about two hours. After tLe shoot ing Hatcher left the house tied has not yet been arrested. A Sealer Ia. Pokt Townsenu, June It). The seal ing schooner George R White, the first sealer to return, came in tonight from Sitka in obedience to orders from Captain Munger, of the revenua cutter Corwir, who boarded her off Middleton island' The white has 82 skins, and reports exceed ingly stormy weather along the Alaskan coast this year. The seals are very scarce. Captain Chenoweth, of the white, says unces the present regulation vessels are better protected under the British flag thou the American colors. Still Krunlr The load. Dm ah a. June 19. Today it was an nounced at Union Pacific headquarters that ono of the first prbolems McNeil will have to solve will be the repairs to the road between Umatilla and Portland, a distance of 187 miles, which has been se riously damaged by the recent high waters in the Colombia- It is thought the re ceiver's first action will be to issuj receiv er's certificates for the repairs of the sys tem, which is estimated, win cost any- here from 91, 000,000 to 11.500,000. The Wheal Market San Fsakcisoo, June 19. Too Itn- provetyeeling n wheat ,!i"ta" JMtMriac Was more prononnctxi tcday and buyers had mattes s less their own way. At the sime time, there ia no shipping movement of consequence. Still, the outlook is con sidered more promising, as advices from r.upiauu report a oe:ier condition ol anair in that direc'ion. A tawBttUl fr I.Iran BaYKKH C it v, June 19 A fearful acci dent befell K.ugene Johnson, a young man i empioyeo at me Uregon Lumber Com pany's mills, yesterday. His right leg was caught in the cogs of the rollers, and the memoer was torn in shreds, ncressia ting amputation half way betaeen the knee and nip. V vi Year. Sax Francisco. June 19 --The supreme lodge of the A O D W fixed (he date of the next session for the second Thursday in June, 1?9T, at Atlanta, Oa., and adjourned sine die A Stub I axles i'lrr Latah. Wash, June 18 Fire b oke out in the Bell building, caused by a defective ! flue, and an entire block was consumed.' fhe loss is S9J0O. and the insurance is about '2.'i00. The strikes t adlax. CoLfMnts, O.. June 1. Let'er and telegrams to the national headquarter of the Uni'ed Mine worker give unmiitaka ble evidence tjat the sentiment in favnr of sustaining the national officer is growing rapidly. It it believed at headquarters that at least Iwo thirds of ti e miner of Obi have resumed work. The men at Lost Run and New Straitsville. at a meet ing today, adopted the Columbus scheuu e and will resuui work tomorrow. Tae a a ad la. Pari Br Vax Cocvnt, B C, June 18 - Latest advices from different poinu s'ate that the F rawer has receded fuly six feet from ti e righ watermark at all points between t'opcum and Langley and plowintt and your Catarrh, perfectly and AV ...... ,1.. , i..i i... i J . ' . J ... ' teeuinff o me land uoverea nv me noods a fewd ays ago has cemmeno'd. .Steamers leave New Westminster tomorrow, with seed for the seUlers, and. if the fine weath er lasts, a larg- area will be uoier crop by the end of tbe week. raws Sttalag. Walt ham. Mass, June 18 Over 10. 000 people a' fended the bicye'e races thia aiu-r.iuoo- tiarry s- uuier oroae toe nail -mile record, held by himself, by onefiftb of a second The record now stands at 0:53 1-6. John S Johnson rode tbe fastest mile ever ridden before spectators, and estab lished a record of iMfi SA IttajscfSc. June IS Ca of a in Butila, of the sealing tcbooacr L ai-.. D. writing under date of May 16. from the Japan sea, 10 a friend here, says tbe seal en have been bavins a hard time of i. owing to bad wca her and the fact that j seals are scarce and wild. Nearly all tbe j vessels off tbe coast of Japan have lost waft, j ane Stealing. Ghast8 Pass, June 18. W L Brown claiming to be from Milwaukee. U is stole three horse from the bairn of Chariea Decker, at Waldo, Saturday night. Ieck er discotereJ the fheft about three hcura afterward, and immediately put men on the track. The bi-f was Promotlr over- r.-,. . hau ed, and 1 now ia the county jail here, ss ith a fai;- ; pro.pect of being sent lo tbe penltenttar. A BUs atrlke. ,. ,. , . Colimbls, Or, June 16. The great strike is abott to end rrpaident John McBrideand Secreta-y Patrick McBride of the United Mineworkera, with District President Adams and District Secretary I'eace, addressed an icmense meeting of miners at NelaonviUe tonight. McHriJe was cheered, and af'er the state ments of various speakers, McBride and Adams shook bands, and Ibe mcetiDK wound up in a general love feast. Adams, seeing that his endeavor to prevent a compro mise were futile, took the best course out of bi diemma Tbe miner adop'eu re solutions accepting the compromise. An laduaa t'relaae Evaxsville, Ind, June 16. -At 2 o'clock this afternoon a tarrific cyclone passed over the northern part of this county, totally destroying tbe bouse of James Merry, twisting trees into splinters and destroying other property. Harry Ferguson and son, who were driving in a wagon, were caught by the cyclone and carried nearly half a mile, icjurtng both. Tbe storm lasted about 20 minute. What Utblniag im.i Mknominek. Mich, June 17- Three men were killed and two seriously injured yesterday afternoon by a bolt of lightning, which struck the house of John Anderson. Those kided were : Nels Berkstrom, Peter Grenon and Peter Ilasmusaen. The injured arc: Swan Berks'rom and Swan Swanson. Tbe men were raUing tbe framework of me uructure when Hie storm came upon tbem About Tins rer II. W ashi.voton, June I7. Harris aid when the senate adjourned yesterday, that the tariff bill would pass the senate by next Saturday and Aldrich, the leader of tbe opposition, when asked what be thought of Harris' prediction, expressed tbe opinion that it could not lie entirely realized, but it would coma near it. a Three War. Dxarrsat, June 17. General John Ellis, of Columbia, Mo, died at (lie home of his daughter in this city Ian! night of old age. General Ellis was a pioneer, and took an active part In the Seminole and Mexicm wan, as well as in the rebellion A Vianilaland Accident. Pkhkv, O T June 17 Our ng 11 gar..e of baseball ut the park last evening bo tween an Indian nine and a while nine, the grandiand gave way and 500 people went down in a heap. Many were injured, i little daughter of A C Potter fatally. Wood Sawing. Tho undersigned is prepared to do wood sawing, and splitting ami piling if desired, on termx to suit the times. Leave order at the frfed storo of K M Robertson one door east of tho Dem ocrat office, fl S AnissoN. Go to Parker Bros for your gtocrries. r. Price's Cream Oaklng Powder A Fare arena Cream of Tartar Powder. Threo (Jni'ed States senators wore born in foreign lands McMillan in Canada, and Pasco Ireland. in England and Wii'sh in The rrica'e bird, the fastest of all fowl inflight, can cut the air at tliera'nof lOOOniilra an hour. St Pe'er's in Rome will 40,000 and 45.000 persons. I10M between Stamps at cost and Stationery In propor tlon at Fred .Jawaon little stoic on the corner. It costs no more, and gave tlrr.e, 10 buy vour quinine from F'red Dawson' at the little drug tore cn the corner. Will & Stark keep up with the time in the latett style of jewelry. You will not mis it if you call on them for anything In the jewelry line. Another Invoice of Gilbert fat black satteens In plain and brocaded. Also per- callnei In fart black snd colors and fast black orgrandlrs just received at Samuel Young's . Btm Wool, and Grais Mr A Senders announces to the public that he is in the twld to buy wool, grain, hide, potatoes etc. Cull on him at his headquarters at the store of M Sternburg, corner First and Hroadalbin streets, Albany. Moire silk f r trimming, in the staple and new shades, joat received at S K Young's. Mr J R Ream has purchased the marble works oft, W Harris. Mr Pat Carrel, will have charge of ihe mechanical de partment. If you want a Has amok' white labor cigars. nail for Joseph a Or. Price s Cream Baacrag powder Part Years Vm ar.3art. FULL STOMACH ought to cause you no discomfort what ever. If it does, 1 though if therc't any trouble after j eating take Dr. I'lercc'a i'loasant Pellets. They're j a perfect and con- ' venient vest -pocket remedy. One of these " tiny, etigar coated, ami bilious granules at a dose reirttbtes and cor rects the entire sva tem. Sick or liil ious Headaches, Constipation, Indi gestion, Bilious At-' tacks, and all de rangemcnts of the lirer, stomach, and bowels are pre vented, relieved and cured. They're the smallest, easiest to take, cheapest and best. They're guaranlta to give satisfaction, or ! monev is returned. Which is the best to try, if vou have Catarrh a medi- cine that claims to have cured others, or a medicine that is backed by money to cure you t The proprietors of Dr. Sage's r"-t-rrVi Rimprlv atnw to run? 3 MBiefy, or they II pay you $500 in cash. SHERIFFS SALE ' a fA Cirtm I C-xtrt of laV SUti oj Orryow f jr t kt crarar of Li. j J B C : i. . Plauntlff. jm,, tj shabaa f "wfendant. Notice ia hereby girt a that by virtue fan execution and order of ale 4ily assuavl out of the abivn named court in Ihe above entitle ' action to me directed and de. I vi red. I will on Saturday tbt 16;h day of Jun i. at the firaatl dooraf ID'Oowi nrmsj sste mT i-siny, I-ion County. Oresoo, at the hour of I o'clock p tn of said dy. Ii at public auction for cash I In band to the highest bidder Ihe rest! ; pmper'y described to said execu'i n and order at aa"e aa foiiows, towitt The South went quartaar rf Mac ln No. 13 in Townabip No. 10 South of Rene 3 Earn of toe vtiliauwetie iietidlan, in Unr I County .' retron. c-iotalolog 160 aerca The proceed ar aing from aa:d sale to be ap 'p 11 first 10 tbe payment of th cost and disburwitnenU cf said suit taxed a lri. and the emu of and up .r, aid ex . etutlon. Sewnd to U.e payment .f th n.n 01 f 25.00 aa a reaeonab'e attorney f. Thirl lo the payrrent to lb p(tn tiff herein , the sm offn in L'o.ted ! T M coin wi h aerruln - fnte e i ""sreon BA thenar of ten rer cect pe annom. rounn. 1 i -urp usn tnv iai !.,-,., v , , ,h, d.fer,.t., hi ) h-ir, or ,t,(irnh ,,r leeai iat rsi.i i. Dated this 15 h day f May. 1h9I c c JaCKaoM. Sheriff o.' i.lon County Ore Notice for PuHUcation u. - l.tst Orrt a, Ohicom Cit . . 1 Mav 7fc, ISO il.'. r !.-.!, Act Jane tor pal hcst.on. 3. 1378. Tlfia Notice ia beretiy arirrn that in cuu.liance with I In. j -. . - rt. - r l ..n.T.-. f Jana a. Ufa tttlad "An art f"r tlaeaal- .-f umber lac l. the autes ,.f ( ahforma. ttrei.n. and h;nr..n Territory." aa ex!.ndl to all .1... ... 1 .....i u.-, v.. , . . ..... rhart. H Ihdrrmi.le. of Albany. tountr "f'l.inrT. State ol Orvsun. haa this .lay filed in thia oflBr. mai - ..rii pi iirm. ni ia.i. jvap, mr trio j-ti r ..f the S K "f Section So S5 in Tuarnship Xo 10 8, Kanse.N-.S rjrt. and will oBer proof to snow ilia! 11... ixini M.nirlit ia more Tuuat.!.. f..r its . . 1 a... ...... . . ... . ,...o.ui 1. .nw, and to hi claim to aaid land lfore the Knntr ami ltevir.-r ot this ottir m ilreanm City, Unvn, on Knday. the lub day of An iruM, i-vi. He names as witnesses: F I. Holmes, F W Basasaan. A Wink. A KHoImes. ali of Altny. thro. Any and all persons rbumins; adrersely the nb-.Te descritM d Uiula are reijuealed to file their claims in thia 1. ti m or oefore aaid Iiilh day of Au gust, ISM. ItoBKBT A. Mill, Kea-ister. SUMMONS. In Ow Circuit Court for LiH Countu,Sttttt of Oregon; C W Cuahlng. Plaintiff v W 8 P..i ipsj, Defendant. To W Philii s. the defendsut atove namsd 11 THE NVMKOF THKHTATK OF CRBOOM; Vou are he rob v required to app"r and ana-ver thn comp'aint fi'ed agsii a' vou in tho above entitled actios, now on ri e with the clerk of the abc v entitled tfurt. by the rliti day of the mat regular term of tie above entitled court, next f r'l .w ug the expiration of tbe sbivIih 1 f -his no m. bv publication towlt: be tbe 'ounh Monday lr. June. ISMi, the Mime being the J5to day of June, 18l and If .vou fall so to answer, 'or want thwrttof the pi iutiff vrll lakn diidinent aiainst you f ir the am ount minded In the and co-rn'aint lawil "r tun sum oftsvo hunir. ' dot lam wi'h inteiest ihsreon from Ma f , IH93 at the rate of slyht per oeut per an num until pail t'g3thar withthaoiats and dibitraeinent oftbla action m bi tayed. and for an order of court fir the sale of S W of 8ee , I p 12 8 of H I K WM In Idnn County, Oregon, eortaln ing 160 acre, the strne f aving been hern totore duly attach? I by t'u. alieriff ol Linn County it. tbla aoUon- Tbi pbtioa io.1 Is made hv order of Hon Ceo H Burnett, judgs of Iheabote entiled couit. dily made in chain tiers in the city or 8a em, in Marlon County Or. gun on the 8th r. y taf May, 194, and now on file with tbe'elerk ol the atove entithd c urt. W VV McC.elie, A Wright ct Tuaalng. Attoruea for p aim iff f.irtlaiiit, oreipiu. A. J. Armitronir. 1'rln. aaaaeti aeaeoj 1 GarfraL Bus ixillk Salem, oresca Suns courses uf study, aaum rats of lultlos Busiiiesn, Hhorthand. Tyrwritif, Asananastlkawaf MM Dtfiartmtr'3 an.ili tUroiisbnut the year. Students adaa t auy time. Catalw-ia muu alther tctiuul, ttt at, afirafcSPy''' 1 ML, -O" 1M m PAIN, SPRAINS, BRUISES, The Oregon Vltn its home office at STLJ-DJVr - - iiie Gray ffVL, corner Liberty and M A K ES a specialty of Sunnyskle fruit tractb rear Salem Will soil 6, 10 or 20 ere small cash payment or particulas. NEW P M Y 8rOKK iS NOW FULL OF FIRST-CLASS FUKNITURK.ICONSIST1NO fcf bed roomet. ;ehaira, Icuoges, !., which I'will sell at BOTTOM ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH, Proprietor, For a few davs READ.PEACOCK&CO. Will give splendid value in plain to -d ladies shoes, sizes 2 1-2 to 7 1-2, IEegular price-, 6 00. now W 10. 4 00 " 2 V0 " 3 00 2 20 !tt a pair before the s'zes are broken. : As Many Pounds of Sugar. for a Dollar, and every thing eW- a- cheap, a at anv store j in Albany, at Julius Gradwohls New Store. at the corner of Second and Ferry Sti ?et J. vour groceries and crockery ware. G.C MOON. Su.cettr.r Flour and Has on hand a full lo, Back ansa', U H .ir. Ha.. O.t NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Notice it herebr given that the under- 'gned has been duU aprinted executrix ol the Mat will and testament ol 1 :a-r H Henderson deceased ate of Linn county Oregon. All parties having claims against said estate are notified to present tbem duly verified to the said executrix at her residence two south eat of Holier, Linn county Oregon wi.hin six ma.itha fiom the dale hceof. June I5 l8x. .l iiornt Ann HsarMaksM Execot r Notice for Pabiif.ation ITS LAttnOrrtrx, Orloon City, Or nHL N n.t is berehy giren that in camp isoce . ",lh x" provi-lon- of the act o! C-.mrea of June 3. 1S78. eotitta.1 " An set .or the 1 of lim er a "la io th tta'.s of Call- I form. Or-axc, N.ratt Tor Itary,' a extended ami Washington 10 all tii- uubiic land StaSaaa by act of Auga -t 4th I8K, Aa me Whitlock of O egon City, county oi (lackasnaa, stale if Oregon, ha thi day 1 - . . . . . . n.e-i in mi otnie nor oro statement ."So, qj a ,h. . v v 1 I '.. ' r T . S , t Hon .No 9. in toa nahtp o 10 aout.i rs ice j Mo 4 ratt, and will 1 tfer pro. f to aho'v that I the land at nth ismor - va'usb'.e f r ita tim ' tar o-s'oae than for agricultural parpoaee. and to estatlish rer claim 10 said lactl le I fora the reistar and rece rer of ihi office at Or.'goo Citv.Orecon on Friday , the 17'h lay of August, 1S94. She name as wit i nesses: Kont Catrell, J. K. Morrow, J. I, i Berry, W. T. Whitlock ait of Berry, Ore oo. Any and all person clsimli g ad vetsaly tbe shove drscrined land are re quested IO H e their claims in thi otnea on or 1 e.'ore s ud 17th day of August 1894. ROBERTA. MILLER. Register, Notice for Publication V s Laud Orrtfsi Ostwiii Cm-, Or. March 27th 1894. Notice is luTt-liy given that in eatnpli atie-i' with the provisions of the act of congress of Jutu- 3, 1878, cntitle.1 "An act for the sale of titiilair lands in t In states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and nsliington territory, u-s extended to all the- public HUM states lv act of August 4, 1892, Thomas Monteith, of Al bany, county of Linn, state of Oltsjon, has tliis dT filed in this ollice his sworn statement No 2968, for the purchase ol tin- S E '4 of N K U Section 14. S t, of N W A and N K 4 of X W l4 of section No IS, 111 township No 10 south range No 4 east, 11 ml will offer proof to show that tbe land sought is more- valuable- tor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to saiillaml before the register and receiver ol this office at Ore-gun City, Oregon on Friday, the 17tli day of" August, 1894. Ile names as witnesses : J. B. Comley, llcnrj- Suesens, of Alliany, Oregon, Jolin Hailey of Lyons, Oregon," John Se-hlosse-r of Albany, Oregon. Any ami all jH'rsons claimittg adversely the kboTC llftSI lllsstl lands are teqoestod to file their elaitus in this office on or before said 17th dav of August 1894. ROBERTA. MILLER. Register. NOTICE Notice la hereby given that I have the funds on hand and will ray all county Warrants stamped previous to May 1st, 1894, Interest on tho came closing at this date, the 15th of June 1894. Uric Wall ack, County Tieaaurcr. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, SWELLINGS, BURNS. Land 10 - OEH&O T State street, branch effice tn Porttanu acre lots at $50 to 60 per lort timoon balance UPN1TURE, PRICES. i'hos. Brink. Regular pri.-e 5 00. now 3 CO " 3 50 " 2 iO ' 2 60 - 3 OC Call there for to I A 3'orr'i Feed Store Oppotite Rust Hiuar. Ch yp d rc,Coavs.l s Fio , Brr, Shorts i;-rm Mia . .raw. f A. j'-s. 3 . , . OT FUOllcatlOn. Notice u. s Ijm) OrtKS, OssotlS Cirr. O Jaly II. I 93. N jtie- is t.erl y riven that 10 c. rop lane ith me pmnsioa of the act of congress of June 3, IS. S. rnt.lled "An act for the sl; of tttakSt laaJs in tbeatato of tjali- foms, t'egon, Nevada sod Washington territory ," as eiteaded to ali tbe public 1 .nd tute by act of Atatt 4, IS92 ffenrv M. Herber", of Green faun, c only of Marian, aiie l Oregon, has thus day rled tn this i ffi.-e lis sworn stateroit No 2S73 for the purchase of the S i uf N W I sec tion 27. 8 E U ut N K 4 ani N E of S K V of section Nc 2S in township No 10 south range NSaat, and aid offer proof to show that the land songht i more t.Ib- able wet ita timber or stone than agrscal tawnl purpose,, and lo ettabloh his claim to aaid 'and before the register and teceiver of thia offiea at Oregon City, Oregon cn Friday, the 17th daj of August. 194. He Dames as witnesses : Geo H. Lete'dier, H. Soseus of Albany, Oregon, f. L Berry ot Berry. O -egon. A. 8. Oliver, of Green Basir. Any and all peiaoo claiming ad versely the above de s:r,td lands are re qaMed to tile their c'aima in this office on or before asid l7didav of Anaat 1S94 ROBERTA. MII.LEIi. Krgister Notice for Publication. U b LesMJir i. k Ar Oreoon Ctrr, Ok. Jaly Uth, 1 $93. Notice is hereby giyen that in c rcpliaac with the prov.siona of tn? ct of coigre f Jnue 3 1878. entiiltsl "An act for the sale of tin. ber land in ttenf Cslifoma, Ore. gon, Nevada aod Wahimi;ton territory." as 1 vended to alt the inblic land ttata by act of August 4 1S92, Auga t Henneae, of Oregon City, county of Oacxamaa state of Oraat n, haa t'ua day tiie.i in this ctfice her sworn tatement N 'JSo7,for the purchaae of the S i of W .N E i of S W i and S .V f of N E i of Bsuriasj N. 22 in t. wnship No 0 i mith r .aa) No 5 eait.and will offer proof tn ahow that the land aoatn is more valu able for its timber or stone than foragricnS tot's! purpose., and to eatahliah her clsim to said land bef r,- t:i r.biaterar.d reoelvr cf thi t Hi -v a' 'irgoa C.ty, Or. g n, on Friday ihe i7 h day nl AuguH IS94. She namea a witne sea: J. 1.. Bclri.W. T. Whitlow, I. Peterson, J. .s. Smith all of Berry, Orego-i . Aoy and all person claim ing adversely above described landa ate le- iiu steti 10 nie meir claims in thia 1 thee on or bc'ore laid 17th day of August 1S94 ROBERTA. MILLEK, Kegiater, Notice for Publication. U. S. LAsnOryn-K at okkcon Crrr.Oa. March 29;h, 1S93. Notice ia 1. er(-by given that in compliance, with the prisioae of the act of congress of June .'! 187S, .-ntitled "An act for the sale 1 tinitier lands 111 aa states ol I ahtoruia. Oregon, Nevada an 1 Waahiogtoa territory aa extended tn all th public land atatea bv act uf Au ;n-t 4 1892. William T Whitlock of Her. v, county of Liun, state of Oretou. has this day tiled io this office hia aworn rtats tnent N -Ot'A. f ti the purchaae of the S of N K 1a and lot 1 and 2 of aection No 4 io lowuhip No 10 south range No 4 eaat, and will oner proof to show that the land sought Js more valuable nr its tim ber or stone than for arlcudural pur- Chios, and to ea'abliah his elal 11 to said nd bef. re tha register and receiver of thia otlloe at Oregon Ciy, Oregon on Frl day tbe 17th day of auguit ks94. He names as witnesses: J L Kerr v. Kobnrr Carrel), W 8 Smith, J Peterson a I of Bar i ry, Oregon. All persons claiming ad veree'y the abovo deuoilbsd landsara r quested to tllethelr claims in thlt office on or before said 17th day of August 1894 - iv incu i A MII.l.tR, I Register; ; NOTICE. U S Laud Ost k t tfMMS City, Or May 9;h, iS9t, Notice Is" hereby gun. that the approv ed p'at of survey of To nahfp r, South, Range 4 Kaat has oeen recelveJ irum the surveyor general of Oregon and on June 2ist. 1H94, at 9 o'clock a re of said day iid plat will be filed In this office and the lan i therein embraced will be subject to entry on a.d after said dare. KofsKKT A Miller, register. Pktkr Paql'kt, receiver. EXECUTOR' i NPTIOE Notice ia hereby given that tf.e u ider stgned was on the 2Vd day of March, byi, duly appointed Executor of the iatt wi I and statement of r. I. Knox, deceas ed, by the County Court of Linn County, Oregon. This is therefore to notify all person having claims against aaid de ceased to present the same to m-at tne Court-house in Linn County, Oregon with the proper vouchers within six months from the date thereof Dated this 6th day of April, 1894 W R Bilyeu, Nimrod Payne, Attorrey for Executor. Executor. NOTICE OF PIHAL SETTLfM Notice I hereby given t'jat the under signed, executors of the last will and tea lament of Permelie Jacobs deceaard, have fret their Anal account with the counts- clerk f Linn County Oregon, and that the county court of aaJd l.lnn eo'in ty ha fixed Monday. Jul 2nd. 1864, at I o'clock in Ihe afternoon of ai.i day for tbe hearing of otjsctioca If any to staid anal account, and ihe wtttatnent of aaid e'i Mated this Mav 2Ut. M. w v tr iiot G A Tayior, ASSIGNEE'S FINAL NO i ICE Notice Is hereby given that the un ter signed aasig-ee of the estate of I. T Hen ne an inao:veot debtor tus a ed hit) final account ss such aanignee with N P Payne, Counts Clerk, Uno eviuoty. Ore van. All risrnt haviior tj i-ption tn such fina1 ccotint will prtsen: tbem cn or before the first day of ibe next rgu : lr June term of the tin-oil court of Linn 1 County, the staece Uir g Monday. , leSI. T J McCt-caBt i AraiosEE SHERIFFS SALF. Miltoa Hale, PUintilT. TLe Banx of Orrgco. J V Taoir po a asaigoe f the Rank of Ore- Sf ri. Defer: daoU. Notice is hereby given that by r r an execntioa and order ofaaledaly out of the a Store named court ia the above anutlad sort to me directed and deli vred I will on Saturday Ue IS.h day of June, ioi", a, idi irani uw 'i uie vaairs naw in the city 01 Albany, l.i-n Ccootv, Oxegop, at the hear of 1 o ulock j- of eaki dav, sail a' public .action for c-h 10 hand t- tbe highest bidder tbe iesi property described in said execution and Order of sale as fol loaa. torn-1! : Beginning at a point oa the north boanday line of lot three (3) ia block nine (9) ia the city of Alnan; Lann Cooaty, Oregon, aix (Ct feet westerly fron the north east corner cf said "lot three 13) and rnnnini; thence westerly on the no, th line cf sa.d : ot twettj-toor i34f teet aod t-n in hence soother ly and paral lei wi'h tbe ait- b.cnaary o said lot One bstdrei feet or leas to tbe nor h ltse of the a! er ia said Moca .-.beoce easterly 00 -aid lite 24 feet sal ten ncbes. thea northerly to the nlace of begiaaiaa TL proceeds arising from said ie 10 be applied aa in sasd exe I cotun directed as f j'ljwa: First to the Ml mfnl r f iV.a m. I . nf . m-m . . A Av . ; 1 . ,sr ' - - ' k ii v, uu luc v ue:ui Stl of t,,1, P , ,hLiB itaeraoaa of S31 55. the ccf, ind expenses I "too tbe former execution and o the paj - : neat of tbe attctaeta fetio tbe suai of SiiO: second, o the (njn-mt -f tbe tsiojn doe to he plaint.ft fceieir, from tre U air cl VJreeon and J V I4:in tcwit: the som ; of J.?52.95 a-d mtereat thereon front the 2id day at Aovniner. 1 ''.".. at ti.e rate of 1 10 rr cent per and to the psamen . of the aaaoani die to the said pLaia'iff frctn , the Bank of Oregon al.W, tnwit: the (am ! of ffttUt with intereat thereon from: . tbe 2 id day cf Xcvctnrei, 93, at the rate 1 ' of 10 per cert per ano:r. and tbe. CTetpioa f any, will be paid over to tbe defendant, the Bank of Uretran cr ds retarnsesatativa j Dated .hit 9-.n day cf Mav. 1 jM. C C Jacksos. Si iffcf Lion Coanty Oregon .' I , By D S Smith Dapaty. 1 Notice for Publication I" S I a vn I fcrx-r-a- I Ivsrsr- . v fTVrv l it? M ri JmrSe 2nd. Notice L heneby pi Yen that in com- ' pliana-e with the provif ions of the act of v.Hiarrv 01 June -. 13... cnuue.1 An ' act for the sale of timber lands in the ' State? of California. Oregon, Nevada. , and Washington Territorr.' as extended I to all the Put die Land States lv act oi ' ' August -. 1882, Allen Smith, of' Niagara, I county of Marion. State of Oregon, has this day filed in This office his sworn i idaterurnt No 2910. for the purchase oi the W 's of S W i4 of sec 10 and W i' of S W i4 oi bettUon Ko IS in Tomsliip'No J 10 s. Range No 4 E, and will offer proof . , to show that the land sought is more ' valuable for its timl-r or t..n than foe : ', agricultural rrprses, and to establish his claim to said land ! forv tl Ke-srister : 1 and Recei ver of this orhiv .it 1 'revon Citv. Ore. on Tuesday, the 2Sth day ot Ausrust. I 1SJ4. He naincs as witne-ssee: J S Myvrs. B T Oeerge. W J Smith and C J Hinkel. all oi Niagara. Marion Co. Ore gon. Any and all persons claiming aei-vcrse-ly Use aVove-des.-ribed lands are re .juesteM to tile their claims in this office on or hefOTC said 2Sth dav oi Aturust. ;,.4. i I ROBERT A MILLER. Rtgistir. NOTICE OF FINAL SEITLEMENT. Notice is herebv'given that the under- J signed admtntstratrtx ot the et'ate of Al fred Reel, deceased, has fiieel her as- and the county court room. In Albany, Oregon, as the place, for the hearing of said accounts, and the settlement of ob jections thereto If any. Dated this May ijrd, 194. Mrs Sarah Mills. UeoWWrigut. Administratrix Attorney for Admts. SHERIFF'S SALE; j fie Circuit Q.irt sV tte Staff 0 Orrgom for tke county ft I. inn . B E Vpmayer, L H Lease) I and ' R Butkman copart tiers doing businewa under tbe firm name and style . f the Harrtsbnrg l.uiir er Company. vs Eugene Bashaw Plaiitiffs Defendant. ; ua.r i. ai puiinc auction, ror cash in hand to the highest bidder, all tha Huhr titleand inrertst of thn defendant to the raw property described in aaid elevation ani order of sale as follows, toa it: 14 No 4 ofthe tfarrishurg Land Company's Und aiirveytd and placed frotn their Fuller traot in Unn Countv, Oregon, the same h vig been duly attached by me In a,d actiou on the 2nd dav c f February. 1893. The proce ds arising from said sa'e to be app ied to tbe satisfaction ol aaid execution and the re sis and expenses cf said ante. Dated this 15th dty of May. IS94 C C Jackson. Sheriff of I.iun County, Ore, EXECUTRIX NOTICE Notice ig hereby given to all whom it may concern that I hay been duly ap pointed executrix of the last will and es tate of Michael Croisant, deceased, by the County Court of Linn countv. Oreeon. therefore all persons having claims against sain estate are nereov notified I niilrH trt r iy t I Is a ss. -a . i office ol W R nilyeuInTuci ; A,h.7 ! Uregon, .n, with the vouchers si,' I months from the date thereof. Dated June 1 5, JS94. Eliza Croisant. W. R. BiLYEtf, Executrix. Attorney for Executrix . count as such Administratrix, in the coun- ,or l- purchase f tee K j and tte N W ts court of l-inn county.Oregon, and said ol tne s K i- na the N K t. cf tbe S W court has fixed, Tuesday, the third day cf ' 'j SecHoj No 9, io township No 10 SLuth Julv. tSen. at 10 o'clock a m sa the li'm.. . 1-aoge No 4 East, ad will effer rrcof tn Notion is l-erebv iriven that iet e-ir, nt All Cn'UI III. Bill. iriTBT ... ..a I A .,1.1 .. . ...... I . . . . . jT , r I v U.'IU . T tl 1 1 out of ha-lxiva r. ."'.Tr" rMtycutrt n aP.,.:.,e.i Monday, Mad action , r.r.i zlzz? i ?r. oI Ju IS91 i ? -em .t ih. K...,.;; .,1".."" " eatat are i-oMtleil to l-e present at t - at'Mtt ui a vi t tii a 111 111 taint ft 1 ir . . DOLLARS PER MONTH In Your Own Localsty made easily and honorably, without capi tal, during your spare hours. Any man. woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand ily, without experience. Talking un necessary. Nothing like it for money making ever offered ix;for;. Oar workers always prosper. No time wasted ia learning the business. We teach you in a night how to succeed from the first hour. You can make a trial without ex pense to yourself. We start you, furnish everything needed to carry on the busi ness successfully, and guarantee you against failure if you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Beade?, if you are tn need of ready money, and want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send us your address, and we will mail you a docu ment giving you ali the particulars TRUE CO., Box -100, Augusta, Maine. HIM faVl.l aLsmalal ll-l Jl -I l Jlalt JTjlJTE Sal aaaaaBRal9 1 9Q. T)'H case rr will-not cimg. in mSSS IatxaUve and Kravr Tosn d br DrugxM or sent by naiL 23, 1 tXOOper patckace. Samples tree. 1744 MM aa The Pas tn lie Z'JJll 1 AU MM foTttx: Teeth gad Hrfsith.tto. tastntaa BmZmm aEEC San KkmMk am: "Ehlloh's Catarrh BenwdT at the fits SBWtkfrml hare ever tetnad that wonM da xts ! say good. FnceMca. Sold by LruyapaXB. SHILOH'S CURC Tbjs Gbxat Couoh Crst si'JtupOyewa SAentdl others fau. Tor Ceaatar ptiootthaa Sjf tjaaf baa cored thooaasda, kad -wi U CCZS TOC.U-taientntiine- SZst&r-L. i'SAUS SHERIFF SAL By virture of an exscstion and order of sale duly iaaued by the clerk of the eir- - ih. VMhJA rtt a, " in a c-rUin suit in the circuit ccurt for c ' - ' , Mil county ant sate wherein Cba-lee Henry a p aintiff recovered jadrmena aaint V. Vmsalatein, Annie L. Vast! , pCUn"d. oo the taafe day of Marco iSS. f ,r tbe sum cf $2718 and interests nu (90 tia. H. F. Pouad and Martha M. a iv per cent per annum ,n j interest ott f 1900 at 8 rr oeut p r annum, all from March 13th, 1&1 , an i rois an i disburse m-nu taxed at $r3.0, atd ii aa at tomev'slae. And wberesw by saaid judg me t order and decree, it was ordered, I a-"judged and decreed that the 1 U prop erty deacribed in p alct p mortgage .and complaint, Wjasst; TLe ivnatioi Land Claim of R A. Irvine, lot No. 58fS c alm No. 9), in sections 30 an-i 31. team hip 9 sooth range 1 east cf tne Wi.:Bia ette meridian; Ateo Ihe uorib ball of I northeast aaartr rf nnnh a quarter cf aection SJ, the south west qur.rter cf nor.heai ouar er of ten 35, tbe north war quarter nf n".rth quarter of cecti. m SS. tn townships , ranB 1 west rf th W i lameie 1 rn-natan. all in county r f L nn. state of Oreeon and containirs 42S ateraa more or j to autasfy said JodVmasnt ted u.&o7 'j mn aai; aiaijcw 'a IH re o , given that I will on Saturda given that I will on Sa tarda- the r t r . . . . . in Alby. ""XT. at . ne o'clock 1D ,he fieiD,,on ofaai j dav Bail at public j auction to tbe bigfceet b dder f r oa-b. ail of tbe right, titleand 'r,;eret which the sail def andantR or ei ii-r of thea or the ! oet-ndatii tetjamin H. Irvine assigned or 13. w. - oca 1, an ins... vent .!Unr, baa in tts d rea property on said 13 h day of March; lS9t .ossui-iy the said iLmani . j and Cec-ee totrether'wHh aU iasu and atsociasriit.Ls 1. at nave or mav c.c.jacks -n. Sbenffof Linn county a'ed t h the 3J dav of Ma r ia 91 In Pnaaatye. we trffl A SantanaV Easiasasnu taf taanaSS Kt ie, nr.n or Bsmrrrc POZZONI'S OWDER. i: saTtisei for arrtaaed Star fy ever triad its ft years, bat hare I TOO not. yew do not "lac POZZONI'S teatdea behy an irlaiiataSasiS ! i.-uurinnajBa, st etc.: tnfacstUsaa prtalaxsaun lo the tan at is Ton U X. POZZONI CO. St- Lou!. Ms Notice for Publication U. S. Lam j Orrica at Oregon Crrv.Ca. July 3 d, 1S93. Kuia is hereby giret. toat ie eooiphxEee with the naovuioa of tte act of Congress f Jure 3. 1S7S, entitled "An set for tbe saiecf timber lands in the s'ate of California. Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory, " as extended to all pablic land states by act cf 4. 1592, iTilltaro tth, at Niagara. of, state of Ores 00, ha tbia day filed ia this effice bi tworn sUtement No2S56. show that the land rcnght 1 tcor valaabia for it timber or (tone than for agri-altsral purposes, and to establish hi claim to said land before tbe Register aid Reatetyer cf this at Oregon City. Ore gen. on Wed nesday, the 1 Ith day of Jaly. 1894. Me names as witnesses: 6 T Geotge, J S Meyers, C 1 Hink.'e, Allen jinitb, II of Ntaga-a. Marie n Co, O tat. Any and all pe sons claimiagadveisely tbe above d se en bed land ae requested to file their claims in thia oihee cn or befoie said 1 1th day of Jaly. 1S94. Kobaf.t A Mil-. er. Register. MOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given tbat tha nnita. stgne-u exee-utors or tbe last a ill and tr tan-eot of Jexie Brr deceased have 8:ed inir nuai account wittt tl e county c rk v, erregon. a'ld Ihat tho tbe a sew jnt bav saiu be pre, nt the ssnie. May 15 1894. s V Ra i Weather ford A W ratt J F Bakr AttysfoiEx. Executors Notice for Publication V 8 Land OBlce Oregon City or March 7, " 184 Notlc is hereby given that iu compll anoe with the piovisiema of the act of Congress of June 3. 1878 entiled An act for the sale of timber lands in tne states of California, Oregon. Nevada and Wash ington Territory" aa extended to all the public land states by act of August 4. 189S, Collins W Elaine, of Albany. county of Linn state of Oregon. has tb s day flted in thia office his aworn statement Ho ajflj for the purchase of tbe Northwest hi of section No. 13 in township no. 10 s range No 4 Cast, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuabtefor it timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, a nd to establish his claim to said land before Ihe Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Or.on Tuesday the t9th day of J une, 94 He name as witnesses: Jos Whitney and O Wln.".l. Albany. L W Laughead, ot Hal 5'Mac " L,un"d,-. ol Yaq ulna City Oregon. Any and all persons c'aiminc 120 eeitscnaS eadelaiataaseaaraaas ! Kd.artaanuwsaaanr. Eteryarsare. anv anrr-n t adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 19th day of June lSot. Robert A MlU-SS, Reflate.