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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1894)
"ffiafc tight! VOL XXIX. Knteretlat tkr Vot Oalce at Albaay. Or., a hrrnml- Mali Mallrit ALUANY,ORLCON-FUIDA, JUNK 15. 181)4. riT .'. N! I TIM., fubli.lirr. an.l Froprlrlor.: MO 4f 1 for Infants and Children. " Castor-la is so well adapted to childroa that (iwommflid It ns superior to any prescription hwvra ts on." It A. AaciiEr, M. P., HI Oxford BV, ErvwUj-u, K. Y. 'The wso of 'Cjstcris l! so universal tuid its merits so well known I hat It aeerns a work f supererogation to endorse it. Few ara the etalllgent families who do not keep Castoria ritkln oasy roach." Ccblo ILtaYVN, P. I, Kc York City. Caatorla cure; Oottc, (Ywstipatio'i, SocT Stomach, Diarrhoea, Cruel at ioa. Kills Worms, gives sleep, tad NWM ti rrosttion. Without injurious ta.-i'.les;:on. "For re-coral yecru I have laOMBBMBsM your ' Ovtoria,' and shall alwayc continue tc do so as it has invariably ; roCuoed benofkia i osults." Edwin F. riunrn, kt D., ISta Street and 7th Av., New Yoak City Tnu QBRaEB CcarPiXT, 77 Mutiny Street, Xrw Vom Omr. FORTHILLER & IRVING Undertakers ani Euibal liters. WE KtEP constantly cn I aril a full Rat of rretalic. clctn nrtt v.rrd msketsai coffins. Also battel lobts nitd fulls, tn tnacololb. Udl.,rl ft .n.tlt which will be old at The Lowest I. mIm- l'rofita. EMBALMING nJ lhe proper care of the dea.l a sifdalty. f are KO EXTRAS em ti: FGR HEARSE OR SERVICE , ALB AM Y, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OR.EGOF fJJ cPer doj . HF. I.K IN 111 OTOtJ KtPH Kits Cabinet photos from $ 1 .50 to $4.00 cozen. rinlaii na picture a i'ot;o c jvon: trawled 0.00. v e car?v a large stock of sxS and k'freKCP1'. views of Or egon . - - PA'3J1Z: HOM 'INSTITUTION; THf FARMERS & MERCHANTS INSURANCE CO' sKa-. rrss1dtat. I. iO WAN. Treasurer. I Cowan, ie FSiaapson, V F J K Woatbertord. J O WRri.iHAS. sestet i. Geo F SIMPSON. Vise Pre i laub Kaad, ! B Montelt'i. M Strnt.rit,' 3 W f J tait WriUmtn. ALSO DI.TRICT ac ents sob - ; several Solid Eastern and Foreign CoipMie HAVE 1 1U TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED r TO FIND A CUItE FOR RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO. SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS. DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, tc ;rt. ISK JT ..ITSv- -an" t from Srr -A ir ;: i.,.-. Drain., f . ; iS 1 l? Sunium v.S-iY-,; - ' bonk '-TI.nET: CfA SAH DEXS EI.F.l TEIC BKtT wit.i Electro ?lat nrtie fur. v : care witb.Bt Mrtlclns troubles. TBwe.M rr.a. urniur. J.oI .us. iBooa, MvrtltwSiSk 'mlu' if, si'-ttf-.eral III krikbi anf nTiri reuses, worry ore. will a ic relleiana prompt ir iusr'eli'US inTeDiivc. smM fsep-ie..:. isiiraoranceofv iiKji ., , 10a Biay bA"e uniulr drairei rW v jrfT''.eniotr.erTeffresliilTLsitty . hiei. I. eleotrletCT-sjm th ctusiJ jonrwesJuieesorlackof fore, .y if oj tep'ace into yonr system to. emaass ilins drsjned. which are re q-iirel tor vipomas si rensh. too wilf eg ovethe enasesna bealth. Ireqetil , sd ti. r wi I follow at once. Tbl i -ijr Man and trestment. and w. n'ee cjre or reiona bwist. snouiit be resd or .Tery isns ,?,.f ..;ed, free. IJr. Sat: fs f.iecinc uei m cj r"" fiLafiSjgfSsael shown hyhundreilsnf case, if r ish I 'hhisado fcer.-tat js.t In would sl.dly testify, andrreai WE Hi-"fi '.;i rff.'J lr--t,fc W. UsM CUHt TUI CENERAL DEBILITY Ci P.U, hail I r ntltro. e.wt 1 trn t 14, 1.' Dr. A. T. flaiHBO. b-ar Mr b i i 1 1 tiU I wu troabUd with lo ti or. vi . u woajtBaMa, r ' ku, wne. m..iK. . .from WBub I LAME EACK AND RHEUMATISM. P r! i OiMan. Seotecber 26, TflBSL D'. A.", fin:' fc. I';ar Hir 7 Yejiraaf ipooaro icd lb irtj - . coa. d 1 fNT ttrsd Ieeiin2. mar bolt 1 b .Teiud a v 4 01 1.1 . t now ersjo, l. I if baitarthan 1 hava fortaM 7 an fA- I hstvtiaoK, Dtmoat cunndaotaa in roar treain -'ii. it. can uo t '1 laa strain comlns from th $sti m a a"ro riM of : mm Dacy ?t 1 -i5 for b-t jaarm. I waa bad L.1 l;;Lia, "UsUJ OO. J1-WJ U Bah thia atatemaatsS'sMO bavaotheia vrr !t or. 'TuikSS. RHEUMATISM NO UMENES.8 CUREP. For land, UiW'm, A; ... .1 Dr. A, T. BsndflRi. lbr Hir: I K'jLor . 1 you be.Lr two irwkiito for rbVDrpR'.i-m, from hi h 1 Baffarwd tor aavaral yaxa. ForihetM aiziaoi tba i ba4 not baanabletow rfc. YturbWlt ban p;rtct-d main almost barf act baaitb in tb two we J r-,- v qm: It. 1 can walk comfortably und feci lifci a w mnn lencrally M. K- HUOI1X.S, Prri tec In. motional HowJ. NERVOUS DEBILITY-LOSS, OP VICOR. Taooma taib., October m. Has, Tr. A-T Pandeia,lBr hir: I Lie b -n usios your Vle rsasl. for rs, neTTa", ...uiiif :. rul tO-4a lac I better than IbsnTor five years. I txvt galncsi al3fd idn of tw day,.- 11 : I totstlaci ta wmrix for tour in rbmr daily, nnd am stronK in cvar7 tnrt, Yauragratefnlly, CHAC . LTTETKA, mni.1 Kasitis ru r .---'i - .resd -iiftE WII IVO ?4n a. o.and I am te - .y aa I ever waa in my life. I krowronr beft wo... ai J k w lotaof peoplewn bare bceL roxco h. 1&. .1 .r.j othr need it, and it they won dtiy U tfc eevk. ,'tnd it ti. taimeac 1 1 14) tbe btt renet!yiu te witM. J im located hirr pnniDet.tly,and will 1, anonaiv wanvc to inqn re rvK-u IV . . HOHF.KT HI I; 'KL.Knjrfoeernotc! Por.laJ.d- LOST VITALIT f, AN D STRENGTH rett. Va.h. June M. Mtaf !-. A. T. fiande'-. TVr 8tr: '-iuce wearlnc youA b It I hare been frrw '7 benefite'l. 1 feel my old en riry za-t ajtantan and ulira mouw n nee 01 ina hSm 1 nnd ir-ynelf twice aa t sorrus aa beloii Mf a-root 1 is low nearly 79rfnct, and eacl: day jbowi for the better. 1 f M 1 nmch strnneer tlia- befor oain the belt. Voura truly, liE.SKY bCHULTSLe THE DR. SANDEItf ELECTA. C BELT la a etmiKlateaalTsnic battery, made Ir: oabelt so aa to be essilr worn d oritur work nr atout.and it fTB sootbtna, pr .longed cu -rents which are Uistantly telt tbronitbout all weak parts, or we forfeit 3,000. It has an Improved Electrlo Kaspea.nrr, theareatest boon ever given weak men, and w. warrant it to cure any of tbeauovj wsakne.sea.anrl to enlarge shrunken lirn'm. or or Moaey A. CCMXlKll ll.dbT 1IOIHJKS li L S OE FOB gentle: Yo 'KHAIiitinj.lVc'JlJ Ihe Best Mioes for the Lcm : ""Cr'fTp af 53 m 2 fk lSSl-r-T-Si.. : "."'LJIxTt. ". ...r.. I la-sl IsllssnalllW I I III 1 Mil Uf .IaDI tl Bsw sFrlls THTJRST3AY DlDH'l Ksnit sK. The following from tlie K 0 of l'endleton ta gooil ufter flection readint;: Candidates Galloway, Havidson and Re Id came to I'endletonand Umatilla county barely unannounced. A fev Portland urinted poatere wero stuck up on telegraph posts in Pendleton MVcr& days before their arrii-al and the newapaperii gen rously published their eomint the day baton ihey Bhowed uc Tlie county committee are not, as yet, hardly aware of their coming and going. It w;9 not molested nor disturbed in it3 peaceful sleep. James Sovereign, the headlight of the Knights of Labor, came to Pendleton in the puiet hours of the "knight" un heralded and unsung by populists, or the people's party committee. He came in defense of the new party the people's party but liis reception at the depot waa as cool as a cucumber on ice. Barely a soul knew he was coming, lle.hardly knew he was here himself. Sunday morning there reached town a dignified looking gentleman w itli a min isterial, but rather well fed countenance, and an air of ''honors well won and glo ries well eung.'' After passing raider the suspicions glances of the depot loungers and the Emma Abbott voices of the hotal rustlets hn managed to discover that this was Pendleton which had been reported as the headquarters for East.-rn Oregon of republican enthusiasm. He could hardly believe it. There was no sign of the truth of it and he was a judge of re publican enthusiasm. He had furnish d nil styles of it hi .nself at s J much a style He reached the hotel and after a little of the right kind of tbe hotel entertain ment felt relieved to such an extent as to confess to the hotel proprietor that he was a republican speaker of national fame and his name was Roswell G Horr. PaUf MM DSATH. J li Todd, wa con victed oi mail robWry in Southern Ore gon when .1 F Watson wa.i United States attorney, in lSi."5, and sentenced to im prisonment in the penitentiary at Salem lor life, and who is said to be a distant relative oi Mrs Abraham Lincoln, has petitioned the prt-.-ideiit for a pardon.' In his letter to the president. Todd prays that it be ordered that he bo -xivutod rather than to remain in the penitentiary the remainder of his life. He claims that he is innocent, and that be as convicted on circumstantial evidence only. The pardoned clerk has reierred the matter to United States Attorney Murphv i..r, investigation. As Judge lVadv is dead. he will have to consult with Mr t atMB and such of the jurors as he can find and ascertain the merits of Todd's plea. Ixto thk Cave The Examiner cave party has been heard from through an illustrated letter in that journal. The ex plorers had penetrated to a depth of three and a half miles with the aid of lanterns and picks, the latter being used to knock the limestone projections oat of the a ay to admit of access to new apartments. The way is vary difficult and a good part of it is gone over on hands and anees. The caverns are dripping with the step age from melting snows at this tima of year. Flash-light pictares reveal weird and ghoetly chambers, statuary almost human in its carving and contour. It will take nooey to render those great caverns accessable to the average tourist, who prefers walking erect in search of the curious and rare in natare. More letters are yet to be published 'n the pa per regarding :hee great caves. and will cure the worst cases In two or Uum months. Address for full luf ormati SAN DEN ELECTRIC CO- 3 1 J AM J W . iHIM ITi) I, RUTLAND, 0 MANHOOD RESTORED. S suuruii' tea 10 curt-' u. 1 nervou aieue.suc.i y eau .Memory, Lssoi uy" 1; wer, Walii'jiiineiifl. Lost Man !.'!. r.'!.'liti v Kiul Prions. Nr' neaB.all drains and loh.of power ' t Genera tivtr Orur.n of either sex ckZ'. 'm y orer exertion, voalkful -rrora, oxcosmvo naaj of : tbaei ..oplunj or stfm j ai't . which I'-od t Inbrnilt c, niuni-ii' .11 .r Inssrd ' . i nn be carr. -d In , v t pockeu 0 ft per bx, for HA. by mail pre paid. A'm, '4.1 ir1er m Jal ve m W rllte sriiun.ntee to rurc r r-fniM i. tMy H'lid bT ' )drawicilL A for 11. tuke 110 other, w rite for in . :-i - tuwm mm rj-f I '1 uliilri wrfltiii. r. AiiiIii-m F.ltVEilKKI) t j . i-'Wu. 4' 30, 34 ana S3.50 Dress Shoe. S3.5C Police Shoe, 3 Sole- f2.50, $2 for Workingmei 52 and 61.75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES 33, $2. $1.71 rxVTJOn-lt any deal oiVcr you W. I,. xoula. aUone at s reduced irlcev or umj be tiaa (hem wtlla- out Cum name lUmver the bollom, put hint. down u a rraad m DCUCLAS Shoes arc ai.riUh, easy fittine, and give beffrr tfttisfactlun at the price advertised than a-.v other ma!.?. Try one pair and be con vinced. The stamping of W. I, pr-i: :!.. ,' name and price on the bottom, witJch. ruarnntee their value, saves thousai;. '.1 i' .: atti.0X.Uy to those who wear tlicm Peal Its who push the sale of W. I.. Iot:j 1 tc 'iocs gin customers, which helps ta Increase the sales on their full line cf ' '-.n ?iorti town at a lea pro', and we bellere you con pave moi.i'y T ' , . ; f 'Wffir of llie dealer advtw Used below. CatalMffu roo lipo. axT.- . .. lua DCJCLASa StrocktoUf THaaa FOR SALE1 BY THE I E BLAIN CLOTHING CO Cabd or Thanks. The family of B W Michael, wish to express their sincere thanks to the friends .. to kindlv as sisted them in their sad affliition. also to the members of Chanty grange, for their assistance, in pa vine their 'resrects (o an honored meratjer of tbe order. Mm K. '.MsMUslaxb Familv. Browasrille. Oregon. Out Hooks. Richard Thornton has pretented a couple of very old books to the museum at the university. One ws printed in 1004. nd the other in 154. The latter is printed on hand made pa- ... . . , .I per. Both are cieariy prinieu arm e bound and covered with a material which will last for ages Eugene Register. The latter is the first boo' mentioned older than the one owned by Ir Irvine of this citv, being a car older. 'TKti-K nv Lh.iitnim;. The Unite-! Brethren church at t;hcn was ftnick by lightning last Saturday evening. The lightning struck the steeple and tore off a number of shingles from there and the roof of the building, and passed dow n the himnev and entered the stove anl lamagcd it some. The building did not catch lire. Htgfster. Celebkatin'.. The republican ratifica tion meeting will jcciir at tan city to morrow night. It will lie loud with MsW, lire works, and sra-aking. list night a couple carloads of men went to jA-banon ami jubilateil hilariously with the citi- rens ol that populislic city, oeiwii democrats went along. They are taking tbe matter philos-op'iicaUy. Live SnooTiNG.-Ed Scott, Corvallis' toughest citizen took several shots at Policeman McLagan on Monday evening. Mc Lagan returned the fire, but no one was hit. Policeman Taylor and Frank W iiliamson also took one or two soots at bim and lleputv ShtriffKiley followed suit; likewise El Warren. Scott was finally arrested. It was the livest affair in the bistoty of Corvallis. Abrbsteo For Jabcenv. In Augu-t Charles Nelson secured $4.00 from Parser Bros, in a manner that amounted to iarcenv. He agreed to settle the matter bit skipped out. Yesterday Marshal Minto, of Salem, arrested Nelson, and Oeputy Sheriff Smith brought him to Al bany this noon. He will now have to anw. for tiiis old offence. "AS olrl ut tbe bills" and never exceli t " Tried and proven" ia the vcrdirt 0 f millions. Simmons Liver Kcgti- 1 itor ia the only Liver u'l Bjdaev jcliciai! to Mfhi'h you can i;i your faith for a cure A mild laxa tive, a n d uroiy veg etable, act ing directiy on tlio Liver si n d Kid neys. Try it, Sold by nil Druggista in Liqnid, or in Powdta o lo taken dry ormade intba teft. Eugene city has begun making arrange ments for a 4th of July celebration. Theie were no bidders at 'he O P said at Corvallis lodny. and it was again post poned. An exclusion train will run from Salem to morrow evening to the Albany ratifi cation. One of ihe elicllon boxes received at the court house had the kev hole staled lusteau of the ticket s'.ol . The Members of the county court went to Stayton this afio'noon to examine (he bridge just erected near that p:ace. An Albany man suggests a cheap excur sion by th" Southern Pacific to Portland so that the valley people may s;e the high waters there. A good many would go from Albany. One of Ihe features o the celebration to morrow evening will be the .nanufac lure of populist money, with Uov ernor Pennoyer plctureon it' Several million dollars" will be distributed fiee. . The nip of a poisonous snake I a but a slightremove from being more dangerous than the poison of Scrofula in the blood. Ayer's Sarsaparilla purities the vital tluU, expels all poisonous aubjUnces.suppliesthe elements of life, health, and strength. If you des'.re a beautiful comple:thn, absolutely fiee from pimples and blotches puiify jour blood by : lie use of Ayer's Sartaparlila. Removes the cause of those disfigurements and the skin will take care of itself. Be sure you gel Ayer's Sarsa parilla. Quite an imptrtant railroad change, in augurated by President CP Huntington, went into effect on thefiist of June. The new order Is to the effect that all Dlvhon Superinte.idcnts will have co nplete charge of the depaitmentv under them. Hereto fore it has been the custom for the heads of departments to s-nd their reports to the general office at Fourth and Tow r. sand streets, SanFrancisco. Mr Harry Prioa former Albany man. was in thecity this noon. Rev and Mrs Trow have returned from a month's lojourn in The Dalles. Uev and Mrs W'il.on went to Eugene this noon where they are to reside, a big bargain for Eugene, for their influ ence is always a strong one for good, a loss for Albany, for she loses Brwt class citizens. Superintendent W.lkes.Prof Mkhenor, and Rev Prichard went to Jefferson this noon to act as judges in an oritorica! contest )etween teu of the students of Prof Barzee. Thia will be a featnre of the closing exercises. The M iccauee Picnic The Maccai ee picnic on next Monday at Hackleman's grove will be a live affair, a picnic with many attractive features. A base ball game between Albany and Corvallis is one, lively talks will be made by Hons W k BUrao, of Albany. M a Miller and I'r Lamlrsjn. of Lebanon, and Chas W Hodes. Esq, of Corvallis. Also Nellie H Lam t sou, L C of Albanv Hive. Tbe Mechanic's Band will furnish some popular music. In the afternoon there will be a variety of contests as follows: Tug of War, for case of soda water, presented by City Bottling Co. The handsomest boqtet, ladv's hat, presented by Mrs W H Bilyeu. Tbe Nicest old maid, a fine etching or engraving, presented by tbe Aloany rurnlture Co. Tbe nicest man, a necktie, presented by S E Young. The tallest lady, a pair of silk mitts, presented by Read, Peacock A Co. The shortest ladv, a photograph all-am. presented by f A Cumming. The leanest man, a bottle of Sarsapa rilla, p re a n ted by Hodges & HcFariand. Tbe most portly lady, a covered oup tureen, presented by Perry R Conn. The la test man, st waste basket, pre sented by Periy R Conn. Boys' foot race under !0 years-1 a silk handkerchief, presented by The I. E H!avn Clothing Co. Bo s' foot race under 15 year,) a necktie, presented b The L E Blain Clothing Co. Boys' bicycle race, a pair of tennis shos, presented by K'ein A Hubrille. Wheelbarrow race, a double shovel plow, presented by Mitchell, Iewis A taver to. Ladies" foot race, a $'.'.50 set nnt crack and pick;, presented by Matthews A Wash barn. Fat men's race, 2 lbs Oolong tea, pre sented by R U Walton A Co. Potato race, box of cigars, presented by .Vm Pfetffer. Jig dance, $1.00 Ocarina, presented by tx.i v. - i lit S UIUBII B UtC. 1 he omcial vote lor Linn county was being counted this afternoon, and we will proliably be able to give the exact pluralities to-morrow, though there : not mucb concern on the subject, there being no veiy close votes. FEIDA' THE. OFFICIAL FIGURE County Clerk Payne, and and New port, completed oi me vuin ot Linn com shows the following votes col 80TBX1 Win OaHoway .las Ken ned v Wm P Lord I'ien-o . ! w . ntv Urta sUrREMR.II l)s;K. A S Bennett U P Boise... T 1' Chaa Haiklennui K Wolvcrtoa . . . i t. SKCBETAltV OF STA' H It Kincaid F M McKercher Charles Nickel Ira Wakefield STATE BP Caldwell 1543 TL Davidson 125S Phi! Metschan 1899 Isaac N Hichardson 137 ATTORNKV IHB11II CJ Bright 109 W H Holmes PJU Cicero M Idleman 1858 M L fHlUinl 1529 SCHOOL SIT'BBISTEKUEVr. . Helen D Harford 121 (i M Irwin 162 TC Jon- 1471 O US beM Ii44 STATE rlllSTEB. VV H Leeds 18S0 Jas H McKibben 110 John O'Brien 1277 O il iMon ISS ( oXOBEss, 1st (list. BSagHT Hermann 1842 J I Hurst 87 Charles Miller 14,'5 J K Weatherford 1433 CIBCt'lT Jt'OtiB. John J Ialy 1241 H II Hewitt --'lO Samuel li Mott 1506 niSTBlCT ATToliNET. C B Dahyaapts 1150 las MeOan 1918 L H Montanye 1225 V : Mi: I H STATE DOAItli 'AMZATIOX. B D Gibson 1-4 W F Uilkev )-'4 J P stobertaoai 16 STATE SEXATliKS. WI Bilyeu S A Ihiwson J C Hutton A J Johnson Asa Iirwelling Jefferson Mevers . . CPSteen " C H Walker. naninn - J M Archibald Jos C Brown John Chance J Clem N P Crurue F M Kuer J M Phiipot W M Koberts 3 II Stott T F Smith W A Templetoa 3 J Whitney cor. ntt ononwMean. A L Bri-igefarrwT T 3 Covle W E Potter J M Waters tj:kk W F Hammer Nithan Nedhaiu C L Stanard KKA C.BOER. John Cartwrigbt I F Hardruan R Sheltnn SZ Taylor SI1KRIKK. 1 R '.hran C C Jaikson las A MeFeron A J Sbelton I or, 1-13 103 1738 ?426 1217 1 944 1U9 ntKAaruJL jgsAdbWim The Caora Following is the I Irepartment oi Agriculture, Weather Bureau. Crop-Weather Service for the week ending Monday. June 5th, lv.'-t 1 uring the fore part of the week tbe temperature sii altove the normal. bile tbe latter part was below the normal ; llie mean temperature lor Hie eek, in the agricultural districts, rang ed from l to (15 degrees. eneral bowers prevailed on May 30lh. On une 2nd general and in sections heavy thunder storms prevailed. At liout dale, Multnomah county, a man was illed by lightning. From the thunder storm the ram was heavy and in places iare hail Hones fell. The storm was one of the most severe on record. The weather has been extremeiv favorable to growing vegetation. Little damage was done by the thunder storm ol the -'nd. the hay crop will tie very heavy, which wilt bi to ihe advantage f the farmers as the bay crop is "hurt n aiitorma. J-eeding is practically II done, rail wheat has an excellent H'aml and is heading, there is some danger of its falling down. Hops have vigorous growth and no lice yet ap- E L 1 1 n an Pi Moms Jode Pearl W P IVakina J B Oibbeard. W albsce st It on. J H Oeddca ... F M Mitchell. A H Rutherford WmFChacc.... ETT Fisher . MT.IllSTr.MltCNT Better Tb an Pills Tim Kiln; til l.iv. r Mullc'nes. "1 awvji uspd .voursininionsf.lvi-rneirti-luto- mill can etttlsclcntktaaly suy It Is the kin..' of all lie t metlli In. 1 consl ler It a meiTlcin '! 'n Itaelr. Uao, W. .Iaok- oi. Itooontm WisabliigUin. ea-KVKKT PACKAOH-'ia if o - ItAtup in rei on -tiapsaw J.MIWT NATIONAL HANK, OP A I.HAN Y, (1RKHON Frank Farrail. K A Javn ti Prill .... 131 106 9 : ;-i 1170 l4-6 1176 1H5 1749 17-4 17" 1215 US 1517 1300 1 4 151 173 147-1434 174 1415 106 1475 10a 1539 1279 2017 1455 am 44 2037 ISM 13-V, 1- 15 iota 2- 0:1 139f. lv I3SB TheSaiem public schools c!o ie to night The total vote in Marion coui'.y was! 7. j Only about 150 populist vo'.ei were I cast In llcnton County. Strawberries, home produced, are be coming plentiful at IOCttt a box. A new restauranl, to be run on ihe French Bti e ts 10 be opened In the tladt building Latest reports a.-; ih .t f f Slan'r.-i. republian, has bcea elected sheiiff of Lincoln county, J L Underwood, a lonner ilbany man .-ecclied (2 votes for henff of Benton county, tunning ahead of his ticket. The San Fran. lsco Bulletin published tbe lax li.t of that city In large pamphl.t form of 100 three column payes, contain ing about 3S,oco names. There will be no service at the Method ist Episcopal church Sunday morr.irg at 10:30 m account of the Baccalaureate sermon at the Cm ed Presbrtertan church. . commencement txercisea of lh State Agricultural College will occur on Wednesday June 27. Rev Rowlard I) Grant will deliver the address to Ihtf gradual ing claai. If YamhiM County Judif-. Wolverlr.n has a plurality of 7 2 2 ; Herman's plurality 735- The average republican plurality is about 700. The demociatic rota was about 150 mere liian the populigts. There are now twelve Inmates ot thi Oregon Soldier's Home. So far there have been 2.1 applications for admission and It is expected that several r ore will be admitted in a few diys. The vote for county seat tf Lincoln county wis as follows: West Yaquina, 336; Toledo. 70; Newport. 17S; Elk City 44. As a majOthS is required this will keep ihe connty seat at To'edo for two years. To-night the big repub.ican ratification occuis. The pocc'sioT will start at 8:30 O'clock, down Lion strcer. 37 iruns. representing ihe numb;r of republicans elected in shis county, will be fired. Tbe repubiUant liave several live and realistic features lor to nights ratification. At press time it Is raml.-j; enough t-j damp en matters tome; but the Celebration will go on, probab'y in the presence c-f a very big crowd. A private letter ton Crook re ceived in Albany tc day announces 'thst thecniire republican ticket was elected with the exceplijn f Authur i todies de.noctattc candidate for rountv e'erk. who reccned a popular plurality." Mr Wm Lev etts pasted thrtuEh oi;r city SaturJ.t, with f$oo in geld Just, the product of a partial clean up of his placer mine in the sicinity of fialloiBla. placer mines (if South Douglas count win soon irat-'gurate a new era of pro perity In thi. IfCtlsW Riddle. Enterpri-.e. Smi'ev I, printing a iiuyenlr bok f ir the Acrtcnltural students of Cjna'.IU. which prumises to be the finest thing eerr sent oat from an Albant oSce. It id be ; rotates illustrated with original cats and the lndicatw.s are wi. I be up to the standard of eastcn souvenir coilcge editions, which alwats attract to micli attention. Mr Clay Humphrey, tiie Eugene banker. was in the cite this noon. Mr ti W Wright is mitint: relats-. -BrowasTiUe this wek Mr John Culver, who has been working at Leedy's saw mill for several months, is in tbe cat v. Miss Clara Guard went to junction City Uua,noon to attend an entertainment to be given there tonight. Mr IxKkwood. the junior memW of the firm of Lock wood A Sons, of Portland, has been in the city set era 1 days on business. J W Sillers return ?d from Crook county, crossing tiie mounLiins. Use tn-jw is ten feet deej in places and the trip is a rough one. Mrs Km ma Iatham. for a couple years at tbe head of the Kimienrarten left last night with her family f;r Michigan where sue will join her tiu-Utnd ani ixseafter re side. She takes with ber tbe best wishes c-f many .Vbany people. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report HBB, Evangelist, Ro a v Baking Powder of Dea .nes, icws, 'yrit'is Matah 2S, sSSti Maa Co.. fiofnr, Oreym of U'nUrtrsii ABSOLUTELY PURE ; four ttle ht and or.e-liitf vearz (AA, xvl.'i had aay la Z6 sMMsMa, : r.:.w well. SATURDAY HOME AND ABROAD Lebanox There will l a match game of ball in Lelmnon tomorrow between the Albany College club and tbe Lelanon club. Ja Munev and Chas Smith sbirted to Albany last Saturday evening L-hind Mr niunsey s nign-siepping mv. .nisi oui-uie of town the horse got scarel and ran away, taking nothing with him but the thills of th" buggy. He ran up Main street and into the liverv stable on Bridge avenue. A party of six who attended the repub- ii-iin i owout in Allunv us! .itiir '.iv evening, had pretty lianl luck, they having to walk home, on acrjunt of th -ir team running awav and brooking down the hack. a little wavs out from Albany- The fol lowing gentlemen composed the party: T Bryant. J r livde. lra rr.ui.iau, .n vt Smith, A Tenney, Poll Boslar.--Advance The Ci "sick Bail k. An impci tant in 1 iiihtt Pats is Jail. .har:e e.-m yesterday afternon pleail guilty of the larcency of $4 1 from ParJter Bm in Augast, an.l .ntenceJ to imprisonment in tbe county jail for thirty days. The Salem lnJctendent speaking of him says: Nelson is well known in the criminal circles of this city. About a year ago he entered the .edging house of Mrs Crump, at the comer of State and r'ommercial strive and carried awav a nu saber of articles. He was axresied and indicte.l by the grand jury, nut through some techoi- -ality of law lie eoar---l going to the peni- tcntiarv. No. Btan OFKtt KBs.-At their meet ing lat evening USB member of Alliany Engine-Co. No. 1 elected officer as follows: P B Marshall, president. I Strainey. recording secretary. Fred Blount, financial seiTetary. D 0 BeiatL treasurer. 0 P Dannals. foreman. Albert Stellmaker, 1st assistant . Homer Phillips. 2nd assistant. Lively Bbowxsviu.. Yesterday wa- livelv dav in Brownsville. At a row in Heno's saloon tieorge ientrv. a spectator was shot by Joe lh-inkard. who was intox icated. Ihe wound l not a dangerou- one. in another rov itw.e!i mree men named Moon-. McCabe and tsVME the latter drew a iistol an.l was knxkeM loirn. l orn? and Mct'aU- were arnvt-l. Istiist lia will soon nana Corvallis if such transactions occur. Bin RattSTCATIOW . The republican ralificaiion over tiie victory in Linn county last niuht waa a bisr tnioir certafnfv so fur tmTnrttirjpr imd noise were concerned. Big delegations -.mie on special trains from Lebanon. Brownsville and Salem. i he latter citv sent up :i train bad. among the numlwr leing Phil Mull Inn anil Frank llevlgkin. The parade formed on the streets running jiaraliel with First, emptied into Lyon and marched and count er marched up First ending at the court house, several luid- were in line, and banners and transparencie. containing ex aggerations enough to mit Bill Nn-. w?re ouried by the crowd. One, a pi ture of a burning hotel, with the lain-!, "a pnTlWllS tic hre" with a hit at I r Hill on tbe rfr verse si.le unntces?arily lirotiglit into the matter a misfortune containing no politic. A cadaver of lev. ernor Pennoyer was burned on tbe public wiuare. In tbe midnt of the parade the Albanv overland as it rounded the comer a, the Ruts Hc-uv. was taken by a ( oX'-y army, and recaptured opposite the dd rellows Hall by a s-juad of Pinkertons un-ler Maj Thornton, a maneuver weil carrie.l Mst. At the court house anvils loomed and sky rockets rrs- ed the skv. A machine manu- factureii popaltat money by the thoufands. wiiiih was franti .v t.tken m l-v the cr-.-wd. Some speeches are .aid to have been made by several candidates: hut IT at'-. who wi$ hanllv a voter in the county at the recent election, did the principal rejoicing. AH together it was rase of tbe higgot po litical demonstrations ever held in Albany. At tue ilBJM School. The Salem Independent say on the object of the reform school : The latest and most in human Cling which has vet been chronicled during the scandal, is tnat recently there waa considerable outdoor rork to be per formeil. and to assist in this work Super intendent I Owning, of the pententiary. al lowed quite a number c? convicts to be taken over to the school- Working side by side Were the cnvicta and the boys of the school. Presently a heavy rain K?gaa to fall, which lasted for a long period. The oonvii-ts. un ier f a g-aard, were taken to a place of shener.bat the poor uttle boys were forced to remain out in the rain and work, and when toe time arrived to luit tbey were drers bed to tbe skin. Is this Bja wav to make bocest mn Tdt of the box? .' A ladv who resides in tbe vicinity eCusereCora achooi was recently fkung along by there and hearing the piercing and agonizing cries of tbe boys stopped for some time and listened. r.- stateil tual tne bratal wtipr-ing ctntistK-i untii -be could stand it no loogsr and she drove home and related the circumstances to her hus band. Csder I'lFKtcvi.TiEs. The Daises Chronicle says : " We are getting out this issue aa tbe water come in on us. A fore of men are moving oat oar stock of type and material, and hence we can gather but little new. !n fact there is none to gather. there is nothing but water and plunder. moving boat, gam boots and larsUY, and over and above all an anxiety as to the oat come. First steeet is a river. Second a canal, and Third a lake and still it comes . Several lni.iding. among others tbe open house, have been wept away. A Terrible Acctden't. Tae infant son ef Long, of Tab Kim. met lish a terrible accident IX arsdav afternoon. 1 or informant states that Mr Long left his shot gun upon the bed. and his eidet son. a"ed 7 vears. discovering tbe same c'irabivl un to it. and iu-t at that moment the little babv crawled in at too door, when tbe g was (-iiiargtJ. two shot stnkins the child on the bead This morning the little fellow was paraiv.t and it IS thongn1 that it is imposible for it to recover. - Kr wnsx ille Times. Op atlistnn aasol ist w-k aell and aanrjewaly a'vaitiDg. irl, c s wa ltd .irnr.g aa vig'.rca', and wt:l desbed op. S. B. Cough Core h. its work well. fVrthoftbe cMliten like it. Y'oar S B. Cough Care has cured and kept away alt boaraenesa from me. So eive it to i; cry ooe, with gr-i:Dj for tJl', Wibing job (.rosseii y, we are Yoors, Mb A Mrs 3 V For::.. Umiatd U to have electric lights. H H Hewitt's plurality for ciicultJudec is about 4oo. A camp mee'ing it to be held on Xye , ",MU. h1x "ra xni ' '"'If f v- . . , ' I rjr uwspr.nif t work, cle.-.; j r.r ti..m n!i ifie Creek, Newport in July. Ha.w.hTsn.. Osce, kj Lx.n " Ai JOhnabn waa elected sheriff in Lane com ty ard senator In Ltnn county. was the banner popu'ist state, judging from the county of : vote. Mr John Settle ha sold the Lebanon war.-house to the Red Crown Flouring Mill Co-npaoy.of Albany Exprats. C i.nty treasurer Wallace received this morning a cneck for 820.35S. 33 being the proceeds cf the sale of the twenty thou sand dollar bond, voted by the Albany tchool dUtrY't to build a new school house. We stated In our last Usoe that R Cun ningham ar.d Had gone to Califor nia, but we are in reccpt of a card from him elating that he has located in Aibiny and will saon return tothe mining region of the Ca'apooia and B'ae River. Brownsville Times. Talk about hard tirr.e. A whole vil lage in New Jertey is to be sold for d-.U. The nortgae which i being foreclosed Includes ei ery house and lot, every store, chutc'i and school house in the pla-e. This is foreclosure by tbe wholesale. Ex The steamer Colurrbia tailed tester diy from San Francisco for portlir.d. and carried a large number of iteerage pas sengers, who nave been attracted to the north bj leoorts that laborers ate making 75c and $1.50 an i o-jr. by working in the flooded dis-ricts of Oregon. Washington ad British Columbia. AViut Soo votes were cast in Lincoln count y. The repub ican ticset was elected with the excep ion cf three. Geo Landia '5 reelected iheriff bv a plurality of 33 over .Stantor : Jones clerk by a plurality of 3 and Ted parier ateessor by a pltraliti of 3- A private letter iccetved in A'.bai.y from Ed Parker, cf Crook county, trlls of a big thunder storm there on the day in which this valley was -sited by one. Mr Parker was riding, when the lightning struck the ground .m y about fifty feet :wey, knocking bi b"se down, and stunning him tome. V. ctfcts v Hi "Jr,.t?rs rC ecirai't Hjj I A CfJXMING. n Cri-.E PTn:: Cocrhs. Cro-. Sere ITctu uoeomt&d Tun Cfi-it Core wh re ru otbers tail. Throat, Hctrvesiu, Vi:c,-. C Astima. f or It i.13 no r has cured ttoots-da. iid wiil xee Ten if taieaia time. 60- try lrazgiz-z aa 3 guzr antee. Tee a Luae liick or On. tisj SH1LCH 5 BELLADONNA Pi;. : T CATARRH RErVtEDV. lave rout .tarr. : Ta.s rerac-: teed t j cure trice.i.'c. X. pear. Tbe cherries are ripening and j provenient in Albany this summer will le will be an average cr.-p strawberries ate ripening rapidly, reaches have been most injured I by the late frosts. Some reports show that come damage was done to tbe prunes. As a w hole the present conditions indicate a moat bountiful year for the tiller of the soil A HEAR hroiiY. 1 at lhompson re ports to tbe Ashland ridings a bear story from Climax, on Antelope. James and Dave hummel and Jas YYorlow started with their dogs 011 a hear chase one day about a week ago. Up near the head ol Antelope tliev started a big black bruin. Jb or five miles the men kept its trail but the dogs wore unable to tree it. Finally the bear came to stand and a battle with the dogs began. Ihe bear succeeded in killing two ot the dogs before he succumbed to the lead tbe boys pumped into bim when they came up. une ot the clogs was killed aher the bear had received a fatal shot. Both the dogs wers valuable onee and had been in many a bear tight before, though this was their li rat and last one this season. The Rummel and Worlow boys have chased big game frequently before but they report this to have been tbe biggest black bear tbey had ever met in the woods. A Bridcie Contract. The county court yesterday awarded to J B Tillotnon, of Albany, the contrast for the construction of 11 new bridge on the road near Riiinwaters, a mile and a half this Bido of Albany. There was u wide diversity of opinion among bidders for the construction of the Rainwater bridge. The hitrhoat bid was $24K und the lowest $100. It is said that 0,000 feet of lumber will lie required in its construction. Corvallis limes the erection of the Cusick bank building at the comer of rirst and Brcadalbtn streets. The following bids werj opsneel for the entire contract excepting the iron for the vault and one or two oilier things. They are as follows: Louis Mocneh, -,H Frank Thayer. 4.1S17: Ciconre Hnu kiiinn S4107. Trainer .V Oambcr. M197: J A Mc- Clicsnev. 43ii0 : I 1 Conn. S4372t I II Cougill, c4!'50. The contract was let to has the SOC.I A L AND PERSON AL. W Wright, the lawyer, went to Salem this coon on legal banness. Ham Bcrtoo. the Chicago boot black. has been in Portland this week. Hon Jeff Meyer carse up from Salem last nigh: with the excursion and was in duced to join in the precession. Jesse Barker and James Blackburn have been in Portland running a high water boat: Mr Bi-ickttim retorced hoe this noon. I W Cusick. D B Mc.nt.vtfa. J B Wyatt -&? riff elect McFercn and otners went to S a'eni this noon to attend tbe ratification to come off to-night. J T Ecan. who has been conducting the Star restaurant for several months, moved to Albany Tue-viay and will engage in the restaurant business in that city. Junction City Times. K L Thompson, general road manager and adjuster of the northwest It-sarance Company of Portland, was in cur city yes terday ci his return from Sodaville where he had been to adjust the ! of the fire . He informs us he paid W R Hard mac in full the amount that be was insured for POSHAY ti MASOSi -rtxj--ip.i a.s aaasia- ;.!r yjigistsand Bookseii : retts for John B. A'dsc'a ; a6lW'ior .tiieb we ell o-:'si;aera prWs. vr ttaaearider' I.BAStY. i.KIIWi' SHERIFFS SAL. Mil on Hilt, t nr'eTTT TLe Bank of Oregos, J W TTaoBpeca as asaigoee cf tbe gen. Rlai 3 scd TV S Bank of Ore-I'.'ccomt.. which was f31t. Lebanon Fj VfTER Tut CoBOXCIlL-UlI are tei hnir a -l "... :::.. -Tae lojs Toner. He baa MOB OOt rustling for tx est 1 aqmna lor countv seat ami last wvk went up to Little Elk with the "sack" to try his band up there, t-ome of tbeia go: haw or nun and got him into the notion of running for coronor. and to ne Mowea nu -tun in on that and let the county eat go. The result was that bo p-t 2t votes for coroner in that precinct and West 1 a-imna only got 9 votes for county Lincoln Countv Leader. Justk and Coostablcs. Hist. 1. resilient .,, .. Vice President Osahlsr LKMNN a, B,YOUe ...K, W. LANUOON rRANHACTH A OKNK11AL bsiiklngluslnes. A.CCOUNTH KKPT subject to elites. SIGHT EXCtliANQE sud tl Tapblo trsnsi r, told Nsw York, San Kranclsoo, Chicago and r'-iil.n.l .iron 00 XKCTlONf MADE on Isvorstile erics. BissoToas. K. Toms K ,W h. no bos K Bladj, L. run bmii . sox. Parker Hre is. lead In baked goods, as well as In groceries. This Is the truth, as can be easily learned by a trial. When trading with them, you get what you call for. Do not hesitate to Place your cash with them. It buys guantity. quality and first class Mr Mo-.-nch. II C Chamberlain sub-contract for the brick work. Unfortcxatk Portland. People who have been in Portland say that the work of the hiitli water there has ln.en very deva hiting, causing untold damage to property Business is completely paralysed in the in undated district. Those located on higher ground are reaping the lieneht. It claimed tho water will prohahlv remain threw weeks. When it subsides it wi leave the streets in a lilthv condition, am will nrobablv cause a depreciation 111 tho value ol the lower proiM-rtv of fullv half Employmcat will Ihj offered to all tho idle for weeks in cleaning up. If disease docs not will be a miracle. Swank's Thbory. D E Swank, pop tills candidate for joint senator explains it all this way: "It was all done with money. If the pojmlisU had had the money tnat the republicans had to spend, they would have won the im'iie. lirihi-ry ami cor ruption was practiced 011 every had. Money was sprint at every cross road. As soon as it was known that the republicans wero go iug to down Pennoyer tor the Cuited Etates senato, money tiowi-d 111 ironi the east une wider. That's what done it." Mr Swank is again selling Hour for a living. Salem Journal. Bio Hail Ihe 1'rineville News says: Tho stage driver informs us that on Wed nesday just us ho drove out of Cow canyon, there came up a hail stcrin 111 which hull ten us largo as eggs, killinrr a lot of uoultrv in that neichlior- hood. When the umbrellas wore raised to protect tho passengers the heilstone passed through t hem as if they hod been tissue paper'. In fact Uiis is peculiar weather we are having. Did any of you notice the panorama of tbe elements Thursday evening. Jury List. Following i the jury list for the cir uit court which convenes in this city on June 84: Lebanon C T Leever. farmer: P An drew-, merchant -. H K Savage, farmer. Albanv -M 11 Wilds, fanner; H A Hecker. farmer; W li Milhollen. farmer: K s Crosby, psvintar; ! D Hajckleman, H I) Liissell. farmer. Harrisburir S Brown, f.irmttr: i' H llnsev. fanner. Brownsville C IA I alee, merchant; 1' H Ambrose, tanner; Lll G rover, fanner Crawfonlsville J H l-Mwnrds, millman Sweet Home J R o reon. farmer. Henry Nye. farmer, llatea W J Tnniridge. farmer. Scio tieorge Harris, farmer; J fanner; Jhn Miller, farmer; Allen, farmer. Shell-urn II J Follis. farmer. Jordan -HH Phillips, farmer; AFarWW farmer. Tangent John Calavan. fanner. Oakqille J Y Met 'une. Farmer. Sodaviilo A K Waters, farmer. Following were the votes lor Justices ami Constables through the county. The fig m will show who were etocted. jisncfs. J C Towell. 'Jl'l : M Senders. & C tl Btirkhart.2PJ: A Frerkcn.-V-1. S. tl W Hams. 116; Stuttering. 6 4. Jonas Pavis. 154: J V EIHsBSI, 44. 5. Wm Stewart, 198, 6. Ueo Howell. '-74; scattering, l. 7 S P Boner, S1; John Wolfe. 110. s. I F. Adeox. 17?.; C A EUaoa, Si; G 1jvelee. S3&. S W BJ Pam-h. 138: T L Kiev. 104 lu. A C Buck. S3: P II Pro-ton. SS; Pavid Wright. 4-. II. PC Swan. 103; 1 B McDowell, It, II K Arnold. 212; A .1 Jarnigan, 1 13. I J Ellvson. 201; N Young. ItU 14. I UteWauSS: H LyoR,89. Crist Wm M t.nraa Ilea. VI bo doet nearly all the washing in At- ., .... .. . i . r. . Beayr ny. tne nillOPJ tw i-ianary. WbV. Iscaus. tbey do first-cl.i werk at low prices. W no patroniites the Chiname a 'f On y a verv fe-y. Don't mention it. Have you seen the new v-agon. Its mcoeni imd hcilds a stack Of c.otces. ltieir big business demands it. Bichards Jr rnulip:- made it . 1 cev snow cow. as wea as how to do l HHP 1 1 washing. The Steam Laundry washes tor nco ana poor and dees good work for all alike. Trv it. try" it- Sbd.vh's Vitaiixrr ta what you need fcr dyspepsia, tcrpid llrer, yellor 3k:n or kid ney tremble. It tsarsnted ksA(iM yea Isl'stllisa I'ric? 75e. Stldiy Foshay 4t Masse. WataooM vvrTAVioss. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Ooldeu Common everv day. Notice is tereVy tivca rx: I.r v as execatioo and ocder of sale da y out of the aeote oased oowrt m the Tan&vs entitud BaH to me directeel and de't'rrred I sill oc Sa'cda; tie i-'ch day of Jccc. 1594, a', the frot coor of the Ccart Hj-.-t in Lie aty Albany, la-.n On ty, Oregor, at tbe hear cf 1 .!ock p tt ci swi-t day, sell at poblio .ac'-i. n it ia hat. i t" the highest bidder tee tea. projerty described in said execctico ud Order ot sate h fol io rs. tow ii: Bs,innic at a p:-ict oa tb cortli lnsda-y line ct lot three 3 :- tlock oite (S) in tie city of Alnacy. Lisa County. Oregon, six (G( feet westerly f.-on th- rotth at iomcr efasxid thre 5 cd rc-cioj thence sttter t cn the soita !xe c-f said lot twtr.;--f -or 24) fet and t-.n tccaea, hecce s-jnheri) axd psrallt. wi-.h the awaf ernb.asdatv aid lot one hsid ed feet more cr is to the cc-rta bne f tke alley ia a:. -.lock:' heoce e u:er!y cn -aid bxc 24 feet sl tea tcbet. tterie toitXfi'.y to tba pi.e ot beginning- TLe prcceis ari-icg from said sale to re aBaktad aa ia sa-.d exe -eali&n direcUd as t--:Uws: First to the pavsiTnt of the oo-u of aid :p sa d exi- cotioa and expetie c f sale and the ctuical costs of tait t.xed t feiS.SO , and the far ther scm of 35, th ccs'.saod xpec?es ttfoo the fa.-m.rexrcatit acd to thi pt; -meat of the attcrcejs fetlr. tbe sum cf 52o0: teivcl, otbc paim-- i the i3-.caz.t doe to tbe plain'itT bweip, from th Bscr .f Oneicon and I W BUia tc-wit: the sura af atSSSLSSaad ictsres: therven from the :!addi.f Xutfn tvr. iSt-3, attfe? rste cf 10 rr cent per aaneta. and hs tie payment si the amount d'te tc tba sai i ; I -:.-. -.rf r'.-cnt the Bsok of Oregca ? ne. : t: tie sunt cf $e!25t.S5 with interest there-trt front the i.d day af Novcnite'. IS'.C. at tke rite ot 10 per aatsl per as:am an i tbe, ovstplcs f any, will be paid oyer to the defendant, the Bank of Ore.' n cr its representative -. Pat?d this 9 dsy cf Mav, IMM. C C Jackson. Shsriffcf Lao Conaty Oregc-a Bv D S Smith D pa ty. -RILEY . C- NST.UU.I'S. Pist. i07. Kl. 4. 8. il. 10 M HEl.Kiiors Seryic ks. There will U no service at the Methodist Episcopal churel Sunday morning at 10:30 on account of the Uaeeahuireato ermoii at the t nitivl l byteriun church, other services us usual. Preaching at 7:45 ni by the pastor, sub iect. "Sinnin.r Still.". All are cordially invited . Rev Ooo W Qibonenr of Oreuon City will aildiess the iin-ns i.nvting at 4 p ai to morrow at the Y M C A hull. An inspir- inc meetimr is exnected. All men and boys are invited. There will bo no preaching services at the Congregational church to-inoirow on neeomit of the Collem- anniversarv. Pon'l foriret the Sunday School at 1'J o'clock and Christian Linlctivor atb:45. Waria ttolwsnbUB tStxposltlan. Will be ot value to the world by lllustral Ing the Improvements In the mechanics arts and e.ninc-ut physicians will tell you that tHc nrottress in medicinal agents, has been of equal Importance, and as atiengthening laxative that Syrup of Figs Is far In advance ol all others. II. 12. 13. i i i; w tangoes, an; c att Cbaa Metger. 174; C P Giover F T Blount. US; scattering, I. 1 B Comet t. 188: Frank Powers Ed M Jewitt. 204. Pan HcCIain. 287. F M r.nvell. 270; W Waters, 101. P w MargaMia,234; A ostium. 215. Newton Hudson. 108; J B Pound. 1M. John Bath Wl Br) s;t: John (Invn. C2; C-v Stetei:s.l4;Khn tlanehott,4'.'. W II Scott, 90: J.ts Kuv, 4i M t' UoiaOa, '.'44: .1 W Sboltot Bilveu, 1"7: A P H irons, Bern . 96: K 0 Better, S3 .1 A J l- 104. 2J1. asaaiiua IT WILL I'.rive the humor from yoaz system, make your slan clean and saw iota. Those rimp!s and lflotches w hich mar TOOT t . auty tire eaaaal W iMPUKt kuvjcju. Thev can be removed ia a short time". If you are wise and nse the ,-r-at blocsl pnriner. Sulphur Bitters, CK asar u k, do. RHsvl ,x cent Psakat Brea, gtwoara, iiew croai-i ohrsr tscwi .St.", is. P J Smilcv job printer, l b. Srst class work. imoko the erh-ln aU-d llav.i cigar at Julius Ji.-pli's. Bt M H KlK Baysietsn Albany, tbe i iVIls al oountry. la.rnniaa bOBM in lustry bj -iiiosmg lb iolebrate.1 W hit.' by la'in -l.-e; ; u,l aorgaota atkk ' ' lab ir c gr, nni.afaetMred j When Hal-v was sick, tav -ti her CVawiam, Vhen she was a H.tUl, SBS eri.-l for CWstOtsa, s"hen sli.- bseasae aaa she clanr OatOrwi Wben she had ChtMntt,sSegaTOthesta iTwtera P I (21 tit! I t 1 .4 I I t I I natural color to agaol old glen. of tn ! s; i! i tn i it ni ply Hall's Hair Renewer. i o bv A Dr. Dr. Price' Cream Basaajr Powder Price's cream Bcklni- Powder World's Pair Highest Award. Mrs. J. II. IIoksxydkk. 1 52 Pacific Ac. Santa Cruz, CaL, writes: When a girl at school, in Keading. Ohio, 1 had a severe attack of brain fever. On my recovery, I found myself perfectly balil, and, for a long time, I naiad I should Ihj permanently so. Friends urged me to use Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, and I now have as fine a bead of hair as ouc- could wish for, being changed, how ever, from bloude to dark browu." " After a fit of sickness, my hair came out in couibfulls. I used two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair Is over a yard long and very full and heavy. I have recom tmondad thia preparation to others with like good effect." Mrs. Sidney Ca;r, 14A Uegiua st., Harrisburg, Pa. I have useet Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years and always obtained satis factory results. I know It is the best preparation for the hair that ts made." C. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared by Dr. J. C. A jer & Co., Lowell, Mass. TcyTE TO-OAY. TnivsrrfferwtthPet'.s? Whyr-e with "that terrible Headache ? W hy ltv and to on that bed of -tain with RHEUMATISM? I" so Sul phur Hitters. Thev will eu-o you where all others fan. The cose is caall onlv a teospoonfu TRY T and you wit. be sat istiv-d. The young, the aged and totterin-j are soon t wm welibr its as Bemomltr what von read bore, it mav save your lite, it has SAVED KUNDPEOS. If you are suffering from Kidney Disease, and wish to live to old are. use Sulphur Bitters, They never BW to cure. Got it of your Druggist. 4oONn WAIT. CET IT AT ONCE. t Sulphur Bitters will car- Liver Complaint. Dou't bo disccuraceJ: IT WILL CURJ YOU. Send 3 1 Ds)l stamps to A. V. Wrltwa Co., Boston, Most., tor tst liiiNlica! work poMiihcd VISOR 0F MEN Easlfr. Quickly. Permanent:? gestured. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and ail the train of tK fTim early errors r later iic-.-'M -, tae MNsasi ot over work, t e k a e s, worry, etc FstrvtLfT h. t'.ev-.! 'pli-cl;! and ' o.veit overrorsan aou p. 4 ti on of tb tK T. gimple. nai oral meihovls. Xmnwatetuipneme aeeLs. Failure aaOSHMa 2,io trtKtettc&L Boofe . exptauattdi an 1 pK ' ERIE MEDICAL E , BUFFS. . N. " treatment every day In the week Forty Yuan f ie easoard.