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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1894)
VOL XXIX. Enured at the Foil Offlee at Albaay. Or., as cctad-'IasM Hall Knltcri ALBANY,ORKGON, FR1DA1. JUNE 2. 181)4. irjTrH A SI .TfMli, PoUIUhfr.- and l-reprlelorss SO 47 for Infants and Children. Castor I a Is so weil adapted to children that t recommend it as superior to any prescription sown t me." II A. Abcbkt, SL D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brookrn, N. . li The rse of 'CastcrU b so universal and ta merits so well known hat It seems a work if supererogation to endorse it. FW are the telllgent families who do not keep Castoria rithin easy reach. Cablus JUrm, r. XK, Stay York C3ty. Castoria cures Colic, ConsUpatton, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dl gostion. Without injurious medloctioa. "For several years I have retMcimeadec four 'Cestoria,' and shall always continue V do so as It has invariably rroiaecd benencia lesults," Edwd F. Pardee, M. D., lth Street and 7th Ave., New York City Tub Ctamnr. Company, 77 Miukav Strext, New York Citt. FORTMILLER A IRVING Undertakers -:- and THUESDAT W - Enibalniers. E KtEP constantly cn lard a full line rf met .He -lrM n a wf v rit coffins. Also biit'ial lobes and suits, in biciCclo'rt. Mtk ralrwiir He old at which will be Th Lowest I.iTlnjr IrMi. EMBALMING and "'" proper care of the dead a BprrltUy. 180 EXTRA, CNKt FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE W ALBANY, - - MASONIC TEMPLE, - - OREGOl VLv . Sj2. 'HE I.V. i nil); PnOTOGRAPHGRj) Cabinet photon froi., St. to to i.oo dozen. Enlaiging pictures a ialty. tVt:2o cravom framed o.oo. e tarrv a laree stock oi 5x0 ana steresccn'e views of Oregon PAR0NIZ HOMs' INSTITUTIONS.- TM FARMERS & MRRCHAHTS INSURANCE CO' Albany, Orejroi w b Kai), President. J L OOWAN, Treasurer. J O WRriialA;r. Societs. Geo K SIMPSON, View Pra aUub Diiixcrosw - 1 Cowan, Geo F Simpson, 9V K Head, D R Montatt' Mrni"r,'J W r.. J k Yveathsrtord. OJ ituajrul n Wrltaniaq- I ALSO DI3TB1CT AOKVTS rr.R 7" Several Sol Eastern and Foreign CsptAi HAVE U TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED to fisto a am tor RHEUMATISM. LUMBAGO, SCIATICA. KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS; DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, ft SR. SAXDEN-S El.ECTR.rC BELT with Eleetrt IeitDrtle (taiKa un w,!l mm writ Em. waodlela. ail of the trouble. Tlrawtwfea purer from Nervosa DeBiuty. Laaaew. Drains. Ixut, - -r Y" u - n ess. Meeatei :i'r Herasry, ali 1 em.le of ' 1. :.i.'.rl III heath. r.I.-;eriect.oi .OHM, (loan, mm frrv sure, will find relief and pro 1 t rp In nor marvelous Invent .. rh reanires but a trial to coovli 1 slv n.r.t .kere;il. In limorsaee of w.... . - I..., mml. Ai mtwimJt jtnUJMtaj of nerve force snd vitality wbicl. Is elect rtelty and thtz ais a fan Keaansat'ruekof force. If you repsce into Tour system tat slemenu tbos drained, which are re. Qtiirel lor vigorous suwnatsu yoawiu m.iur.ibe muse and health, strength and vi r wi 1 follow at once, TbH Is oar loan and treatment, and wt mjtr,nf. a ears or refnnd nfbnev. a Hit beak'. C rT,SS!SO'P EK." thoal.l be read by every yeaB, Mla-ced -nfi elomaa. Bant r-s:c1, frre. lr, S mdfsi Electric Bel t U M exparlmans as wo nave rel"rea inunfiia, t-'Dlpi. ' ' aim .ik. ..aifc. ' L1 . sbown by hundred, of cases thro.isl.i-al IBasaaV 1 '.I.erKd.)..: S w .rid tlsdly testify, and UC3 BSSM Of whom wehavestruug letteio ber.!i..ft tuit:i- jf to iBmrreco crt atcraaingoar Meft . M . , ( , . r , . v . . . . . f . . . . . . , m- 1 . 1 M m mm tf A ... WC tnVt lit! ft I rSBAA WB .1 bUKC TWUI Wsr.AsKw 2. J-saUft gDB. SARDEN'S ELECTR!3 BELT JrffSI flnr mid. Mil I'r tss. itrx, f i. a -1. h r-sn Dr. .. T. HsUMra. L-fir Mr ?- Ma o l ii -k a ui ottt I wu tronbie-u with lot i -nr. fful r .ne a, b i Iwnat m eomlKo (w of pawar. 7. a"- J ri up wi-ii a van tttai waliauc. tti4M altit-fc. u . m ore csIsir joar bait 1 h fi ka a d kata of ill , Jnu-reajoy lifa bsyttar than I aara for ta. 7 aT t-aat. I have ha BsMaat euBfltfaoea 1a vonr LffMlR r.t Yon ecu ir- Uah thie ataassUMsLalao bavaotber write or call oa ma. Trnlf foura. H.A. iiO ,?fcN Sod 2b Turk St. RHEUMATISM AND CURED. Jor lead. Orcj-n, April J Tr A. X. ntnfiio. Inuxr Hit: 1 1 ol oi. t runr baft t tor raaumat ifrti. Iroiu wh -& l aancrM vaars. For tbe in ku mou'lu J bad not Vaam ablato w rk. Y or bait haa t-'.-f oi ' .a in aimoat HaHaBt baalui la tba two aw ka I hnva u? it. 1 can walk ooBfortabtr.aod faal like a new nic panarallr. M. K. HUOHES, Prprlotor Iittarnational Hoial. NERVOUS DieSfLITY-LOSS OF VIGOR- Taaom. ..-li.. toner JA. HHBz. Dr.A-T PsDden,Da.r Kir I hues i eau.iogyonr Klectno Mlt larHDAW nervous, ana u- i :i ' flssl beUor tnan 1 naVSTor fare rests. 1 Uavs la visor daily, and tun .t rone 1 n every F-ftt. Yours grstefullr, CII AT-. LTTFTKA. LAME SACK AND RHEUMATISM. Portend O-asan. Sepucibar at. WA Tlr A.T.flaa.r . Iw.r Sir : Yesrsef exnoenre sad as .-d wove. eomn. - o witnuie strain eaaason l. of sasin. a. - m a severs ease ox lama The Crom. FolloTving ia the report of the U S Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, of he Oregon State Weather Service for ths week rnding Monday. June 11th, 1S1U. Muring tiie paet seven days general rain has fallen iti amount froin one-half toone inch. Tliere was a dehViencv in the amonut of sunshine and a deficiency in the temperature; the mean tem perature ranged about 54 degrees, while the extreme ranged 48 to 04 degrees. All vegetation lias made excellent growth during the past week ; the weather conditions weie very favorable. The hay crop is unusually heavy and ij now ready to cut ; in some sections the rains have caused it to fall down. Warm, dry weather is desired to enable haying to progress. Some of the fall sown wheat is showing the effects of the damp weather ; tut no serious damjge is an ticipated. Spring sown graio is rery promising. The grain has a'.l Btooled well and has a very thrifty appearance. The outlook at the present time is the most flattering for a very heavy yield of gram. The cherries and strawberries are ripening ; a few davs of sunshine will cause them to ripen very rapidly. Emits and berries, while they were generally slightly injured by the late frosts of May, are very promising. The flood of the Colombia has done very little damage to vegetation, except to the hay and vegetable productions along the north ern edge of Multnomah and Columbia counties and the islands close tLereto. A PataiAR EwEniExoE.-The Pendleton Tribune savs: Joe Combe, sheriff of Grant county, arrived in Pendleton Thursday, with a prisoner sentenced to one vear in the penitentiary. The sheriff and "his charge tiropried in at the Transfer house liar to enjov a nice invigorating Irink. The prisoner made up his mind that, after mature deliberation, that he did not wish to sH'nd tin- coming year in Oca close quarters as would tie accorded him in Salem, so made adash forlitiertv. He ran out the side door, the sherifi !n swift pursuit. He then ran along the porch to the west end and iunuod off. thinking to alight on solid ground, and would then lie able to get away.the night being dark. He was greatly horritied w Iter, he alighted, to find himself in the small stream that flows alona there, and after floundering around and having be come thoroughly satiiratcd.was captnred. llie slientt took Ins linsoiier out ol town on the next train and gave him no more opportunity to give an exhibition of his foot-racing proclivities. As Age or Liaks. Not only has Thes Dalles been afflicted with very high wa ter; bat it has also been afflicted with liars ; whom the Chronicle stirs up like thie: I nan its and Sapphira, sacred history tells as were destroyed becacee their stock of troth had utterly given oat. It is unfortunate that the'r demise did not occur before their progeny be came so numerous. Their descendants have grown and multiplied like a weed in a bog garden The other day one Rosenblatt fold the Oregonian the Cma tilla hoqe had jrst floated by Vancouver, and that tbe whole town had turned out to see it go by. The Umatilla house is 52 feet high, and is In the wa'er to the depth of 7 feet. It Rosenblatt, or any other of the great army of flood liars. ran mange to float such a building in that depth of water, they ran get a perman ent job in the navy department. The other single-handed liar who saw the opera-house go ont before he left and the L matilla house all afloat, can no longer be classed as an amateur. A ra.tur's Bath. A few days ago a tramp took an involuntary and novel bath while tailing a brake-beaut ride from Portland on the Southern Pacific overland . When the train strnek the flat below Oregon City, where tbe water is over the track, it rolled op over him in great shape. He thought that the train was off tbe track with htm pinned down) bat hit fright a the con- uat with aUusmter dH n?t present Jilm from yelling most lustily lor heln as won ae the water was cleared. When the train drew op at Oregon City 'atio beeraw led out looking like a drowned rat, anore deed than alive. A ew Dsstist. We find by calling at DrChamberlin's old :!i a dentist Dr Adaane, who come, well supplied with know ledge obtained at tbe Ameri can College of Dental Sorgery on all work of the prof?,ion. he has also pre pared himself for the painless denta work and cava fill and extract teeth without pain.; we also find that his in struments are of the latest improved and aria ability of doing painless work assutes hits success. Bat Road's. Mr Eawks, of Eola, was in tb city to-day. He came across the plains ia 1851 , and has liveJ in Polk county eince that time. He says the roada were worse tne past winter than ever before, and thinks the road laws ought to be bo changed as to allow every district to select its own road master. Journal. Mabbied. Or. June 5, 1894. at the home of the brides parents, in Albany, Mr J W Warner and Miss B Steel, by Mr Curl. The far p. couple went to Salem cn a bridal trip. Mining, Claims. OMtaUmi people and s-iy Uiai t) Abo laisa tuat 1 linstiaa aMmmTTaaaatri YtraW wnto I tern this kind nitisit 1 tb u J oo-lJ not b no o r bcs. evere eu. of fame back. red fur mirm years. I h o bad m as air w IS it. I bousiit or. of yotir belts It fae.jea ase in ideof tw aSBBj st.d 1 continue to w-.-r .t tor rr.nv mcutb., being perfertw ebted. That wu two rarf mmm end I am a. eel tvd.v mm I wu m mv life, f know roar belt well. ei.d I in . looj of people wbtf bare beet, eared by ft, Mmr.r others need it. nd it they wou'dtrj It ther wool", nl It tbssaiae as If it the bt.t remedy In the world. 1 bd located hi-v permxnentlr, snd wt 1 beclsu totslkaith u,ouviu waats to lnaareabou l, KOBEBT BCBReL. Eodnaer Hotel Fortlaad LOST VITALITY AfdD STRENCT A. Everett, W a.h, esse IS, mm D-. A. T. Bands-, Ter Blr: "-ince voo blt I have been BTea 'y benefited. J feel my oil en- ray fait retarnlnsi and afters month' nee o th belt I find n.Mlf twice se v soma. s. beTe&-.. Hf memory ie bow nearly r 9rf ect. and seen day J bows for the better. 1 t el much stronger tfta- b-forw using the Selt. Yoorstialy, XIENHV bCHULZV THE DR. SANDEN-V ELECTRIC BELT 'toaeomptataaalvsnicbsitery. made Into s belt so aa to be easily worn daring work or attest. and tt vaa soothing, pr loosed currents which srs Instantly felt throagbout sli weak parts, or we forfeit 5,000. It bas an In proved Electric Sussnssry, the greatest boon ever given weak men. mm we warrant it to ear any of tba abovj, and lu enlarge shrunken li mbs. or parts, or Money Refo nded. They are graded In strength to meet sU etaaas of weakness In younu. "'-Ir mgr 1 or tjld aim, and will euro the worst cases In two or three months. Address for tall information, 8ANDEN ELECTRIC CQ-' 3R0 AND WASHINGTON, PORTLAND, OH 'v I MWK sC T ir 1 in 7sJ&. 1 fBBWBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBV- t M '. SJ. W I. DCUCLat Rho During the past few wee'ts eeverat mining claims have been filed for the 3antiam district, as follows: It J Mlno to the White Bull and Black Bear exten sions; J V Pipe and W Y Read to a Dry Galch claim ; C C Smith and otliers to tbe American Eagle ; Amos Strong and 6 others too Yoeka ; W S Smith and 6 other to a claim ; J W Fox and G others to the Eureka; C H Bain and 3 others to a Dry (iulch claim ; Amos Strong and 3 others to a Dry Oulcb claim; H B Lawler and Anos Stong to a claim one mile from the A M and M o'e: W B Lawler and 7 otliers to 1GI acres in lots of 20 acres. These partirs re mostly fc'alem people. Eugene will celebrate the 4U1 of July. Inquire of Arch Ifaninier for good j pail u rage cheap. Rev U M Weimer has resigned as pastor of ti.e Christian church of Eugene, and Rev Blxlr of the C P church. Eoshay Mason are making arrange ments to IT ore their drug store Into their building opposite th?lr present store. The Sieamer Homer rs expected at Yaqutna Bay to day. hut had not reached theie at prsss lime. The O P pay car went ovir the read to thy liquidating for last mo nth. Thii U the v.ay Receiver Clark does business. Several buildings In Grant, Sherman county, have been swept away by the high water, among olli-i the S75,oro dls.lllerv. In the base ball game at Independence yesterday between the Albanies and In e pendenee juniors the latter club won bv the scote of lo to 6. The excursion to Portland yesterday arrived there about 4 30, and left for Albany at 6 o'clock this morning, tt will probablv arrive here some time during the nisht. Ava Bal Imore. Mae Poll'ck, Mary Cundiff, Anr.a V amis, Nina CiAlbrsilh, Eva Klmpson. Josephlre l.aSelle and Maud Deyoe of the normtl department of the col.ege have been granted state diilcma to teach. '" """ The grand lodge of the Independent Order of Good Templa:s convene in regu lar sesgirn at Eugene on June 19 at to e'e'ock. It has been over ten years since Albany has had a Good Templars lodge. The Salem Rod and Gun club hrld ibetr regular shoot Tuesday af.emoon, lor the Lefever gun, with the follewfng score; Adams, 11; brooks, S; flarrltt, 17; Ryan, M; Thomas, 16; Adams, 14; Olmsted. 9; Brooas, to; OlmMed,i5. II W Goff repretenting fifteen or twenty ctrdhort and J.- M .1 i. twelve or fifteen creditors, hive each biought suit against the Oregon Bank.f jr sums amount ing to several thousand de'lars. Black burn and Watson are attorneys. There it no ditputiag the fact that IJnn Wood is one of the moit popular men in this community. He never fi:s of elec tion when he rjns for office. Although the two Prlnevllle precincts wert republi can by 36 majority list Monday, Linn "was elected constable by a ptura.lty of 16. Prinevl le News. The following are the n;w officer of Crook county: Countr judge, M E Brink; county clerk Arthur Hodges; sheriff-John Combs; commissioner, Charles Requa; treasurer, H P Belknap; assessor, WC Congleton ; surveyor. Jit MtUer: school superintendent, P. McEiriard ; coroner. O M Pringle. Hon J K Weatherfor has been in Ea- gene attending circuit court. MrV C Brock and wife, of N acx. Shtrman county, are visiting with Dr Beers. Mrs Karl, of the college, left yesterday for Deer Lodge, Montana, where her two daughters graduate from the college of that city. Judge Elect II H Hewitt, bas been walking with a limp, caused by stumb ling upon stepping off a moving street car ia Salem. Hon 0 N Denny arrived in Albany this noon on a short visit with his sisters. He had been to Jefferson, where his mother resides. A deputy sheriff, of Junction, was in Albany this noon on his way to that place with a young man named Martin arrest ed for horse stealing. The evidence was said to be strong that be had nothing to do with the stealing. Prof J R Wetberbe willgo east on the completion of the school rear, and will take a summer court at Harvard during the vacation here. He expects to return and resume hit position in the university in the fall. Eugene Regiaier. Mr Eabi. ne;ial agent of the Fire- luarils Eund waa in the city and appoint ed J UilUt "TIiJBrWBCTr vmw- I event on 'swrvrunt rt the narreg reinewswu tns uusinews ui wi Oakland Home. Jodie Powell it alto a local agent for the Fireman's Fund. Last evening a very pleasant surprise aa given Rev G M Weimer, pastor of the Firtt Christian chorch, and wife, by members of hit church and friends to the number of about 75. The occasion was the tenth anniversar ol their marriage, and it will long be remembered by ihoe present as a most happy event. The evening waa eoent with music and social chat uotil about 10 o'clock, when the ladies served an elegant io which all did ample justice. Eugene t.uard. alcmm aarxiox. The annual reunion and banquet ol tbe alumni of the Allatny College occur red in the college onilding last night, and was an affair o( much enjoyment. An excellent repast was served ; when another kind of east wat indulged in. Mist Annie Flinn in fit words welcomed the new class lo the alumni, and wat responded to by Miss Pearl ance, pres ident of the U4's. Miss Lena tfef ormtck was heard in a recitation, when toast master Condit took charge of proceedings and called on Prof Torbet for a toast on "the class, " which was responded to in a twenty- five minute speech by Prof Torbet. who analy zed the class humorouslv, includ- itiif a complete diagnosis of the names for instance hrailh means broad, and evtrr body knows what gal means. hence (islbraith means broad girl; Pol meant head and with lock you have head-locif, Deyoe meant to do, etc; from all these conclusions were drawn. Ava Baltimore answered a toast on Milton, Elliot Irvine on Shakespire: Mora Mason on Walter Scott ; Prof Howland on Lonzfellow, Pi of l-ee on Dickens Mirawbr. and udae olverton on the Supreme Bench. In the course of hit remarks he moveu a reto;uiion requirm II lady members to present the aiumn nth brothers-in-law, so as to increase nis support upon the expiration present terra of his office. The came to a close at about 12:30 very pleasant experience. FEIDAT WAS A WOMAN. Sweet 1 Ionic has a sensation. For a good many yours Oito l.ubker and another (ierman have been "biu-hintr" together in a small houee at that riiy.Tivintf in peace and harmony. A few !aysro Mr Lubker's partner died, when the fact was learned for the first tinia that the mantras not ti man, hut a woman, who hid besn living as a man for years without detection, and doing the work of a man and belavetl by ull to be one. Even Mr Luhker det lares that ke was absolutely ignorant of the fact that his companion was a woman. Her history is not known. She was boried at Sweet Home, leaving a mystery turrmundirg her strange life. Aii Answer. OsKvaxK, June 14. In reply to the letter written from H.ik- ville, 1 will say in reforonfee to Uie heathen style he stoke of, tne cnriaiari people had uismiioed tiieir meeting uejore there was a gun is red. or even a cneade. e dent- any disturbance of tho we further more Albany Budding & Loan Association meeting 10 night. II M Stone went to Yamhill county, wheie he has the contract for building a couple county bridges. J R '.Vtalt has been appointed attorney for the boaid of school land commission ers, succeeding Judge Wo'.verton. The overland from Poittand artlvea at 1 2 rja at night, waiting In Portland for the N P. Th's will probably continue severs! weeks. Linn covnty it making a splendid thowir.g, the treasurer ii pat'.ng off warrant made piior to May 1st. Interest stops to-day. The contract for rebuilding the bridge across toe Muddy, at Eagy's, was let by the county court yesterday to J B Tillotson for $!C9 Among '.he Benton cjunty real estate sales is the following ; "Alice P Rich ards to M P IH1I, 1S5 acres four miles northwest of Albany, (1,003. In the base ball game at Independence Albany won and net Independence ai stated. The gtme was a hotly contested one, and showed the Albany boys to oe a crack juvenile club. Governor Pennoyer ha jut Issued naidons for nine more men. among the number being Hearv Miller snterctd from Benton county in 18SS for Kit ing a boy named Wright at Yaqula Bet . The Hattltburtf Courier has tu.;ri.d.d at less: temporarily. Mr Motin ai l go to Independence to run hi paper already well established there. The Courier msy be sold nd reissued. Mts Josie Mansfield, a ho acquired great notoriety on account of her connec'ion with the Eiek-Stoke shooting scrape, in New York twenty years ago, is said to be now a resident oi Oregon, living a life of seclusion in Portland. Mr Isaac Bants, of this city, hat in vented a machine for mining blsck sand, and is operating it at Yaquina Bar, or rather between Yaquina and A e. where men are taking oat several, do'-lars a day, and It Is asserted are saving 93 per cent oi the gok). Nearly fifty- men sic at work along tiie beach. V A Well of Corvallis has Kased from A L Maxwell, receiver ol the O D Co, and will this season oprra'-e the grain warehouses at Hrenn, Bfodgett, phil omath and Mt-nWer. along the iine of the OP. He will give etcptoyment to twelve or fifteen bands daring the grain season. On M wider afternoon Mi Ollie Arm ors r M Mtsser. slipped The Reform Bciiooi.. The com initteo aiiDoinh-d hv Iha 11.,,,,..,,.. Society of fealem to investigate tht charges ttKuiiint ssts manairement ot the Reform school have reported. The Independant publishes the teK)rt under the bead: For a eiiange. Humane Society 'a Committee reports. Very damaging verdict inhuman treatment practiced at the school. They motmiiend a change. .Hie committee iimU that the nmnageiiieiit is incompetent and should lie discharged. Following ure same of the findings : 'I he evidence gained by your committee show that nonie of the lmv hv ln whipjied, and in a few cases, severely, and that such puniHhuient was administered by the disciplinarian at his own diacrvfinn It is evident to the committee, that the (fficers of this institution !i:ive :ii.i!iiri' their positions through political prefer ment and conseoueutlv tile tmhordinutoa consider themselvea restonsible to tha board of trustees rather than to the super intendent . This condition of affairs is. and always will be a cause of intri.m.- nd lac't of harmony amomr the orticers of the institution and the effect of such e.-m- ditions on tbe hoys is, and always will l detrimental to their best interest. This lack of harmony results in tin nrfirorg for feiting the respect of the inmates and ail efforts to control them through an appeal to their higher sensibilitiea will be Irak- t&M IvWedn I I V- L OOU&LA. 3 SHOE 6EJrflEH0L 35, 04 ana 83.60 Dross Shoo. S3.5C Police Shoo, 3 Solo! 82. SO, 82 for Worklngmef $2 and 81.76 far Boys. LADIES AND MISSES S3, 82.50 82, $1.7 UADTiOH,-If any deal, ' offers you W. L. Donalsy. . euuve mm m icuunn unre, r 'a aaijs as nsi inein svitii out tho name stumtiea tbe bottom, pat hlta aowu avaarnsasv arc stylish, easy fitting, and elve bcttet satisfaction at the prices advertised ilmn any other ma!.:. Tr7 one pair and be con- visjecd. The stamping of W. L. Douglas' n.-.-ne and price on the bottom, which etajrintees their value, saves thousand of t'olte's tnticrtly to those who wear them. pc.irs who push the tale of W. L. Xw !a Shoes gain customers, which help It: Increase the sales on their full Hue of r - . r-n rfTorrl to sen at a le. i and wo believe yon eou save iimi ' ? i ; -r e r-,-'w-Hr of tiie dealer i . 1 ttsest botow. Slatoloerue rso vipok. up,..:. .. ...... ih.vix. AH, I!ru.tic:i, iuu FOR SALE' BY THE 1 E BLAIW CLOTHING CO MANHOOD RESTORED! rfZ STuaruuo.ed to curvsii nervous disesseM.sucli ss Weak Memory, txisseftsaSevi. Power, lieadocue, WttUetulnens, i.ol Manhood, Nightly KnilitHtons, tr nes.,slldrslnsandlosof powerM Generative orsan. of either wlises. ty over exertion, youthful Trera, exccsbive use of tobacco oplani,oratlas ulaiits. which leaotointlriiiltr.f ,nsuniption or liisuniir. Oin he carrl-idiu-, vet pocket. SI per box, for',S. by mail preoniii. wu us mer lalve a written taarustesU rure or r, Tune (I money Hold I. y druiiiiiAt.. Axk for It. lake ii. in. her. Write for In. .' -lienl IkmiK sentir lu plain wrapper. Address Maf I VS3sU CO., M i ic'l'eniole.ClL'fll Fo. sale i A' J. A. CUMJalMU aud'.y IJODOEo H" "Ai.. . b. itnuturT; " A? oli W the hills" and never exceii ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. S i m m o n a Liver Regu l.'itor 13 the i a 1 y iiver Mad Kidney jedicino tc which you :an pia your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, purely ; table, ing direcliy on the Liver si n d Kid- stan. Try it Sold 1-y all n Liquid, or in rowde." dry orm.'vieintoa teA. Khtg of r Mdlc'nes. n . il roufrtlaunoaal 1,1 VI' r ItemV bstAr BAM' en i on-. -tenuously aay It is tho kit!', ot lilt 1 1 me. II. HUH, 1 COIiel It I II B .lieMleill" ' -I IIM-II. tilCOs W. JAOK- r?o.s . 1'lsetnua, eVasftlngtoil, fjKVKiV I'ACKAOIiTtA y l e . t.titio.i In tt-i rvrapssaes Bettet Than Pills of the reunion after and vc-act- . utkeii i E.103 Li s, r.ous, Kotis. Pure bred silver Laced Wvandoltt. Egus for the Albany Poultry Yards. From pen No. i and 2, 11.25 per 1 3; poa No. 3 11 per 13 B Plymouth Rocks, 75 cts per i3. J " Brush, AibJcy, Or. Coi 4lh tn d Musical "Abend." Given at the residence of Mrs Christina Mnnteith. this eveninir. June lbth at o'clock d m, bv the ladies guild of the Kpiscopal church. 1 . Sonata C mai on 2 No. 3 Beethoven Allegro coo Brio Adagio Scherro Allegro A seat. W (iifford Nash. 2. IrnDromtu, B flat mai. Theme snd Variations Schubert. Miss Ethel Fisher. 3. Sane "Whre is Heaven' -Marti Rev E R Prichard. 4. Duet "Midsummer Night's Dream MendelHsoh.i. Miss H Friendly and Miss A W Plummer a. Lyric pieces iirieg a. Arietta, b, Valse ; c, 'The Watch man's rionif." d, Dance of the Elves ; e, Folk's Song Mrs F L Washburn. 0. aong "Dost Know" Kotili. Mrs E W Ungdon. 7. Fantasies, a, Evening; b, Soaring Schumann. Miss Hattie Friendly. 8. Dream of Love, No. 3 Liizt. W viitTord Nash. 9. Mandolin Sehottiehe F J Kugler, Miss Amelia Senders, Miss Hattie Ball, Mr 0 C McKarland and Mr E E Goff. Ice cream and strawberries will be served from half past five and through the evening. All are cordially invited. While You Ark At It you had better quit being a clam and take your laundry to the Albany Steam Laundry. Only white labor is employed, the clothes are done up neat and clean, there is no lurk ing Chinese disease lefttn tbe goods, a fine looking wagon driven by a gentleman snd not a Mongolian, delivers and collects goods, you help support an Albany in stitutlon that spends all Its money at Dome besides gtttlng cheap rates and first class work Perhans vnu area clam: then I quit it. You cant off ore) to be one fvr a ' law COI i. her rim b. usat. pretty bad brak, but He Is restlaa e-atv the accident occurred ir. in tatd t: Mrs Ml. ler's. Lebanon Advance. At tt e rronthlv Mascot ,hl .esler- dav lorn Waller broke ;j bluetecst ou of at. and won the sold medal, David Frotuan wot the silver medal on it feorge Frontai stopped at jo, Grant r romsn, 17 . r rank r toniin, t; iKrace roman. 1 t.tnd Ed Huston west, r leather ornament on a score ol 14. Several r ro- tnans were unsb'e to be presen Mr Collins Elkint was in "rv " C y BM : : . Krevl W HtaaaaaV. the new recorder of C matilla county, has lajen in the city. Prof I W 1 r.iwfor! went to Salem this noon to attend the closing esen-ises of the public acboois. A mon 7 th. who left for San IrtnciH." thi noon bv war of Yaiuina were Mr and Mrt W r Lrwhy, t hark iwv.. ind Arthur Po.-ier. Mrs Holrt wili deliver aa addrevi to- niirht at the court house- bh? wi'l show up the fraud at the recent election in Port ind. It will pay to ber- lont foraet the strawlwrry social at Cumberland Prebyterian cbtirch tonight ' MeaVM of fun and straw l-rnes and cream and cake for only 15 cts. The excursion partv returncl from Port laml laM niifht at II :0U " el. K. alter plensont extierience. tho-.iirh the ride ue- tatne some Wl1.1t ti-lio;is. ever.u left and came up on the train. Jones, the H P man. was in the city yes terday and told about a trip down the Col-1 timliia on the tsjsoin ot tne nooti. r.e saw fine lixiKine two story- Boasts sail by and one story frames. A D Barker and anolher gentleman. frcm Mbanv. were in the city today, and we un- destand were here for the purpose of ar ranging for an A O t" V liosket picnic at llnghtenbufh on July 4th. Corvaiii News. The Mnsieaie to lw given by the ladies guild of the Episcopal church, at the resi dence of Mrs Christina Monteith, to morrow evening, the ptogrum for which which was published yesterday, promises to lie one of the best affairs of the season, and there promises to be a large attendance. maintained but we are convinced that more kindness and leas punishment would result more satisfactor ily to alt concerned. It is the sen?e of rour committee that the officers of tbe institution, and especially the disciplinarian, should be men of mid dle age. witli some experience in dealing with ixiys, and who poetess those mental and I hysical qualities which will at once command the respect of the boys ot tbe mstituUon arid tend to develop their lamer natures. There are men who can rule throutrh the force of consistent will power and personal magnetism, and not by inspiring terror. Sari are list men to be employed in a re form school. In a card Mr Hendricks, the superin tendent, and a bricht you n if man with an excellent personal record, assumes all per sonal v for punishments in flicted, except illegally bv ditchanred employe, to whom he lays the blame of the present trouble. Pbob ste Record. In the estate of Samuel Atiridge final accounting set for In estate of Jacob Newman, Sarah E Kinder was appointed admrx. lionds $4000 . Bond approved and appraisers appointed. In estate and guardianship of Samuel Foster. W S Foster was appointed guard saa. Bonds $vtrx)0. approved and ap praisers appointed. John Harder admitted to cititeaship; Coron M inert admitted to citixenship. In estate of Wm Henderson, inventory tiled. Real property. $200; persona, property f 10. In .-state of Robert Foster. 471.57 was ordered distributed to each of four heirs. n estate of Samuel C Faster, a minor. mtentery hied. Real estate, $.rT'4.4'.': personal property, 9471.57. a Tuibible Coxmnos. Tbe Pen . sav: Charles Wilkin- it home again from The I telle, where he h-ts lasen emrjknred on the 1 tm-Mountaineer. When Mr Wilkin left The Dalles onlv t feed boanl of the power preen in tbe Moun taineer orfice was to be seen above the water He left that city the night before election. Ninday. June . arming here Snoday morning. June 10. it 4 o'clock. The route via the Columbia and from (.etilo cn the Alniota. For four days be was kept at lteschutM and had at a daily c rapation walking over tne sand bill Grant s, savs Mr iikins. is entirely washed awnsy. He thinks not three miles of good track re main betwtwB Coyote and Portland. The rails are twisted and curled into all sort of sometimes resembling links in - 11 iii i- - - fnt. In the 1" matilla bcose the water is op to the second story, although the building is in no danger of ooutg Cut. since toe wa ter is subsiding-. Business is practically amended. Mr Wilkin? will remain m fnettdleton. Six boxes of stra aberrles fir 3? cents Is cheap enough. Thos H Toncue will deliver the oration at Ash'and on Jutt 4 ,. The Grand Lodkc of Odd Felluws con vene in Eugene next Tuesday. At the Willamette field day Chester Murphy won the one mi:e bicyc!e race in 45- 1a7-ws 1 ia:ssswav (..apt bach la making arrangements to establish a gua fac ory i.i Eugene for the manufacture o! his ham merles gun. At the meeting of tiie Bui ding of Loan association last night a loan was made to F M Mllchell at 76 o-onths interest in ad- Good Selection. The following item from the Statesman about one of Albany's brxitbers-in-iatr will be of interst to oar reader. It was a happy incipient in tbe celebration of the golden anniver sary of Willamette universarv and a high compliment to Prof W C Haw ley when the board ot trustees at their recent meeting elected him to trie president 1 chair of that ::.- "! s'. Mr WTtjntltetfl Me tbe saenuhc course ot old tvulatnettee in 1S4 anil from the elassv-al antl law de- tartmants ia 1"S. The opening of the school year ot ;h wui timl hint at the head of this institution and that he will be highly successful in its management rv mains undisputetl. Honors never come sintrlv. it lieing remem'ierpJ that M liawiev was also elected president of the alumni association of WiUamette. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report a. X Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE HOME AND ABROAD ! Will hot Start. The Statesman says that the executive committee of the Marion Coucty Fruit Grower's union retcctatitly announce that they are compelled to relin quish tbe starting up of the cannery as was expected. A closer investigation into the existing conditions cf the canned fruit market reveals a most demoralized trade. and for us to attempt to place a new brand ' when old und well established concerns are suffering, would be to invite disaster v This is all tbe more painful to us from tbe fact that there is no prospect for a market for much of tbe fruit grown hen. We counsel growers not to order too heavily of box stuff. Hood river growers have many car V s . .1 1 . I . A Fore Norn MM oil is the kind used in tl:e production of Scott's EmuL. sior. Hypophos pliitcsof Lime ar:d Soda are added for their vital ef- SfV fect upon nerve ana Drain. ;o ivl mystery surroundsthis formals the only mystery is how quic'.: it builds up flesh and tHnrs bat k strength to the weak of ail ages. Scott's Emulsion wil! check Consumption ar,d is indispensable in all wasting die eases. Pre.re4 hy SOnlt k TJi-r. S. V. A.t rl.aevifc iGRD, aSfaffixeMst . i rust awWiWes ill eals.a I - . to dry tne! Of Des M.reee. irwt. I nnops. It it believed it will nay blackcap raspberries, and you shoo Id make your arrangements at once to dry them. Cherries are more promising, and will bear shipping. we believe. Executive cwmrnittee. vance. F C Hickok, night operator at this place has been promoted to chief clerkship at Albanv. The change will probably no: be d ade before July 1 . We congratulate Fred on his pro.not'.on. luncttoa City Times. T J Buford hat betn appointed farmer at the re aim school. Tom Is about such farmer a. B ' Nve. and fie onlr kind of a fence he can build is a political one. Verily, no lime Is 'oat In reward! ig the faitMu!. JeHersjn KevSew. E I Fiasier hs so J to W u Bu.-tge. a conductor on the OVR It 15. 75 acres in Hendricks' addfion. ve learn that Mr Burtges w ill build a neat residence or. tbe property and otherwise improve It. Eugene Guard. Several reform sch-ol sppotntroents have been made to fid the vacancies caused bv recent rcnovalf. T J Buford has been appointed farmer ar.d Mrs Bu ford a teacher; Joseph Jane, nigr.twalch : Allen Rhode-, gardener; t w smitn, of Fort'and, chtef cook; John King, assistant farmer : C W Wassorn, at one time super intendent at fill fait, nead teacher. Frank Davev.of Foret Grove arrived n the citv tcJv art" tt is understood tt'St ie wilt assume a poetticn cn the editorial force cf the Statesman in the near future. He it look-re; about for a house, and wil) move his family to this city, rhis will be welcome news tc many old time friends Salt tr. Jourral. 3 B Mep. farrh 23. ISW: Mm Co.. Dofor, Ors gtw SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. A social dance wa given at the opera house last night. Mrs T A Powell went to Albany 'td- nesday to vis-it Sits t'has Metxgar, who is very ;ck. Hary News. The ite cream and strawberry social given last evening by tbe ladies of the C P nurcn ares a p.eaaaBt onoir. Marshal Lea left this afternoon on a visit with friend at Buena Vista- iHiring his alsenc? Frank Wheeler will act at marshal. Mr John Nelson and daughter, of lid. were in Albany today, and paid the Drjs -oratAT otbc a pleasant call. This was Mr V" 1 . . . :. , . ,t .t.- .LmS a year. Mrs! H CetXaMtJL who bas bea-n in this rr-rei we- pst I UH mi mii ISIJI IHU wi home in Aitanv roesday. She was accctn panird by her daughter. Mrs W A Caider. BrownsviUe limes. Eslirar Blotlsiett and Van Wilson left at 10 o'clock today for Eugene which they ex pected to reach at 3 o'clock. They will spend Sabbath with Rev and Mrs Wilson. They rode bicycle. The Albanv Social Club last eveniflg gave their first pubiie party in their new and pleasant rooms in the Baltimore block. A large number enjoyed the fes tivities of the evening and the good treat- meet of the younfr men. A Pits Birr. As the champion pie biter of Benton Co, Lemon are about even be tween Geo Desman and Dick Smith. They wag'-red a pie each on seven diScrect candidates at the recent election and last Saturday night tbe bet was paid. Seated around seven of tJodea A Hall's large pies tbe two began an eating contest in which each evidenced much natural ability and careful training. At the end of the eighth round each showed a weakness and when tbe faith pie had been devoured tbe pan were done up and friends were called to their assistance to eat the remaining two The effect on George was most disb easing for a time but in the morning be had en tirely recovered. Not so with Dick, how ever. His pale thin- face indicate irttatw suffering and loss of sleep and the mere -isrht of a Die trivet him a feeling akin to that of sea sickness. Corvallts Gaxet'e. Staviso Qt AUTiEs. The Indepetwietw- Ettterprise give? the following aeeooxtt of tbe recent game of base ball in that city : I tie came placed bv tbe Juvenile base dui nines of Albany and lnderandence at the laimage grounds .vteusesaay eveniw as instructive as it was um-.-ue. 1 n pendente team played a leading game until the 7th inning when the pitcher became too fatigued to do good work. Owing to this fact tbe Albany boys were ertahwHl to run up a high score in the 7th inning an J won the game in a gallop with a score of 9 to 6. Ther? is talk of a return game between the same teams. Score: Independence 0210100 2 04. Aibaav 00020070 9 Lowering A Mci xtais. The Lbtlkt Chronicle. June 11th: Parties who hare been over the ground between the Locks and Bcnneville sav that the whole side cf tbe mountain has l.en broken up into series of btnehes. There are holes large enough to bury a box car in. Tie big trees are cointuur in all direction, and the CTonnd keens sli mum? towards the river All who have been over this pert of the road say that the Cnioa Pacific will hare serious trouble in settick- over or around it. and that nothing at all can be dine until after high water. Bao wjs svTiXE TEAonKats.- - At a meet ing of the board of directors of the North Brownsville public tenoot on aaottoay even inir. Prof 1 K Stanton, who hat been pnn cipal for the pas two years and hat met wiLa decided swxess, was re-eiected W a P.lrW tsKirtter i lilt l BBS primary department, which position she has held thrve conserot: ve vear?. In South Brownsville Vv I. Jack-a and wife, ot Stviavilsa. hate) been hired and will soon move to the city. Times. QtmUrmrn .- Oe arriving hxne si week. 1 fcatdal well and anxiously a-xaitiog. Oar little etsbt and one-kilf years old, who had wa ted away to 38 poattds, it wow welL suong aad vtgerce, and well desbed cp. S. B. Ccogh Care 'r.11 1! w its work well. 6otb of tne etildrea like it. Yoar S B. Coogb Core bat cored and kept iwsy all hoarseoeaa from ose. So give it t. sery one, with gre-nngs f.jr : 11 IJfiefteaJ jot prosier 11 y. we are Yoarr, V. .: b. Ma. J F r ota if fn wiet, feet una are! cases fa kW use aWsSSBft wnra. cieSKSe tiareJBt. Uewiisae UK Uvjy Care, by "inereesch .ttm. .. . tt tie f.tiff two ee tares SO easts pw botl by ail irzrp-. t i aader's positive rtatrssJac VIGOR - MEN The Ladies. The pleasant eftiect and perfect safety with which ladies may use the California liquid laxative. Syrup of Ftgs, under ali conditions, make It their favorite remedy. To get the true and g nuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup 0o, printed near the bottom of the pack age. Parker Bros, lead in baked goods, weil as in groceries. This Is the truth, as can be easilv learned by a trial. When trading with them, you get what you call for. Do not hesitate to Plnctt your cash with them. It buys guantlty, quality and first class treatment every nay in tne weex An Old Bei.u The court house bell which has done such good service for lo these mtuiv years, waa ruined this morn ing while being rung by I W Cherry lari1 crack appeariag. I he bet I wa an excellent one. and could be heard for mile, although it was not a heavy one. It was cast in England, and was brought here fro.-.i Portland in the sixties. Hereafter all meetings at the court house will have to get along without a bell. Guard. !! Dns. On Friday morning, June 15. IJOI. nt her home in Albany, after anill nests of seven weeks. Mrs Sophia Van Win dle. at the age of 67 years. The deceased had been a resident of Albany for 27 years, and was highly respee'ed. She leaves two daughters. Mrs C 11 Monroe, of Portland. and Mi Minnie Van W indie, both of whom have lieen at their mothers bedside during her illness. Mineral tat I ite at the family residence at First stn-et and the I P railroad at 4 D ni to-morrow. A. 0. U. W. Picnic The members of Safety Lodge No. 13 A O U W will give an excursion to the front on the Oregon ra cific R R on the 4th of July. A basket pteoit- will Is? held mid music will enliven the occasion. The fare for the round trip has been placed at $1.00. Ti :keU may be secured from the committee or from the nir-inbers in business in the citv. Secure tickets at once as only a limited number will be sold. A few may be had at this omce W ten HI Ml MVITATlONa. Wootlen, Tin, Silver, Goldeti" Cunmon every day. MP Smiley. Lebanon. Peicy R Keily. referee, and Bert Veal. stenogTalier in the cases of the Bank ot California, and tbe Linn c-tinty National Bonk against J L Cowan and J M Settle. W B Dcoaca and A J Roberts, trustee, have been in tbe city two days taking evidence in said cases. Mr J R Stockman cf Albany wa in the city to-day looking about the warehouse that he his recently purchased for the Red Crown flouring mills. They will tae charge of the wareh ue July 1st and have secured Mr J M Sett e to run it tor them this year. They could not have found a i?ttT man and one the people have more confidence in than Mr Settle. At the annual meeting of the stock hold ers of the lebanon canal the following were elected directors for the ensuing year: Dr L Foley, t O'Neil. Jos hlkins. w H Ponaca. E'tioan. M A Miller, and W C Peterson. The directors then elected the following officers: L Foley President. F O'Neil Vice President. V C Peterson Secretary. E Goan Treasurer. Express. Removed. G W Shelton is homo again, having lost his position at guard at tht penitent-.ary. As Ueorge is not chariretl with any dereliction of duty he is at a loss to understand why he was discharge!. J h Ihotuas of this place is the lucky man to take his place. Gtiorge thinks an influence has been brought to bear to cause his re moval. Scio Press. I ACCilMIXG. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, ad aH tie trarn cC erCa f 1 1 ial 'y erKcstwlssar 1 satsveak, BSatatatsH . roxxT.etc. Vaatstreawta, deweicpEaexi sal 11- BSwaa - e an aatflia ef toe isxty. 1---. mm . It - -rs: .:-. ; " area. Fatntre tBSpoa-;3. U 1 all mi B -V swaeaaaaaav aa-t set aaaaeUteaaaatl yee. ERIE BEDttAL EU rf". - ft. aaej.a.aa. wssjweejeewesv2Wa ' mmm MmXm il aaawal aa IIV PM' sr.. .TW.tlett c Vtilaiii. x-ra sH Pat-J cate-a iiiiaaaasai in 1 jait 1 1... a tB9R Ot &mct is Ccs-rx U B. Pstts atat art cart jetmre rwieci ia -sa tos.c 1 1 nil., frwa VVeh ee- " Scxtd it jiri. d-iwaa a- pfcotos. -wa rV-wvtp-4 Scasrwe Ctarieenntcae": ? ier.:-ss ?ri. a rasrewLCT. 1 ' - 1 . . -cast ot sum is tie L'. S. aoa jensga coa: sect tree. Arcs. mfm e a taw Mm wee w w v was 1 5 oa. ssarrarr Crr.c c. WiswscTesi Wa, a BSaaSasaaSafl B- e f . J K m Ig JBkv BMaseB a a W 1 W KBamTeaW -WBaLaSBaaSPW'. Lose. -alSaaBtaBffia Reliniotis Serviees. If you wisli to la interested gvi to the Y M C A hall to-morrow at 4 p m. Mr Louis Anderson will speak. Servicos at 10.110 and 7:43 at the Con gregational church. The evening service wilibe conductesl by the Sunday school in recognitton of Chiidrens' Day. AH are welcome. M E Church : Preaching at 10:30 bv the pastor. Subject: "Individuality in Christ tan work and experience." Class meeting following the morning tat IMC. Sunda School at 2:30 p St, devotional meeting of the Epworth League tf:4." p in. Children's lay exercises at 7 .45 p in. lhe program is entitled "The Church of the Future." The public are cordially invited to aU of these services. Prevention ts better than cure, and vou mav nevent that tlted feeling by taking Hood's Strsaparllla, which will koe- your blood pure and free from acid taint and germs of disease . If vou desire a beautiful complection absolutely ftee from pimples and blotches purify jour blood by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Removes the cause of those disfigurements and the skn will take care of Itself, Be sure you get Ayer's Sarta parilla. The nip of a poisonous snake Is but a tlightremove from being more dangerous than the poison of Scrofula in the blood. Aver's Sarsaparilla purifies the vital fluid, expels all poisonous substances .supplies the elements of life, health, and strength. jr. IVtce's Cream Halting Powder Mast Perfect Mnde A ..mh1 A iipe I lie Always accompanies good health, and an absence of appetite is an Indication of something wrong. The loss of a rational desire for food is soon followed by Isck of strength, for when the supply ot fuel is oit on the fire burns low. The system gets inlo a low state, and is liable to severe attacks of disease . The universal testimony given hy those who have used Hood's Sarsaparllla, as to its great merits In restoring and sharpening the appetite, In promoting healthy action of the diges tive organs, and a a purifier of the blood, constitutes the strongest recommendation that can be urged for any medicine. Those who have never used Hood's Sar saparilla should surely do to this season . Sweeping Reduction, in Millinery. Owing to the hard times all millinery at the Ladies' Bazaar will be greatly reduced for the next thirty days. Wo extra charges will be made trimming. This will be an excellent opportunity to secure hats for yourself and children, call and get our prices. Fob Game Wakdkn.C V Watts, cf Albanv. is prominently mentioned as the proper person to fill the position of game warden. A better selection could not be made. He has for some time past served as deputy game warden nnd ischurged th? duties well and promptly. Charlie is an enthusiastic sVortsman himself, and realizes the necessity of having the game laws rigidly enforced. Jefferson Review. Hsu Tiiosk Nkkdin- It. Any of our ituens having clothing that has been cast off can render a good service by leaving the same at the store of Klein Ar Imbtille s for a deserving widow, rcstding in Sau tiam precinct, who has the support of eight or nine children, boys and girls. Anything suitable for either the mother or children will be acceptable. OrKiciUis Elected. The following are the newly elected oSeertof Uetilah Reliekuh Lodge No. 15, 1. O. O. F: Mrs J G Cherry. N. G. Mrs T J Stites.'V. G. Mrs Huldah Hunt, R. S. Mrs A L Lamb. F. S. Mrs J Gradwohl, Treasurer. Ackowledokd it v all that M Senders while defeated tor the office of J P ia still in the lead in the tire Insurance business, representing the leading companies writ ing city business and the old CONTI NENTAL of New York, the ONLY first class company writing farm business io the state. A Little Daughter Of a Church of England minister cured of a distnaniiiR rath, by Ayar's Sarsaparilla. Mr. Richard BtKKEv the trell-knavrn Druggist, 207 AIcGill st MontreaL P. Q . says: I have sold Ayer's Family Medicines for 40 years, and have beard nothing but good said of them, i know of many Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, one lu particular being that ot a tittle dataghter of a Church of England minis ter. The child was literally covered front head to toot with a red and ex ceedingly troublesome rash, from which the had suffered for two or three years, in spite ot the best medical treatment a-.ailable. Her father was in great distress about the case, and, at my recommendation, tt last began tc ad minister Ayer"a Sarsaparilla, two Un ties of which effected a oomplet. core, much to her relief and her father's delight. 1 am sure, were lie here to-day . lie would teatify in the strongest terms as to the merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. C. A yer & Co., Lowell, Mass. C ires others, will cure you Seta. ti,a"d ; : -0 per I One cents t Tuts C.?sat Corott CrxB patretptty eura where all others tsji. Cooits, Crc:. Sore Throat, Hearse 2 esa. WeaMtriBf. Ccnch and Asthma. Foe Conurrtioa it has no nvaa hat cared tbooaaada. Vd will CTBE TOC tf taken in time. BbM by Druge-is-3 oa a guar antee. rr a Lane Back or Chest, us I L0 H'STVCATARRH REMEDY. teed tc cure you. lYiceasWcfiaV litxtiar f r?e- s n. It. UYDE. W. H.PINDISOKK. D. It. JAMB ALBiVNT FOMlTUi CO, PCSHAY A MASON tjBBBJBJBaB ASS SSVATA jirvi&gistsand Boukselki e I.V. TV A nnhlW, Vrtni. - r fSI.Wlur.uiei u. aiwu, l " - aieh w sell at ecoltsher rrie- v ataatavtdBr LB4r, attrtso k tBBaatayw'Bi ai'j'l.lwft . &eb1 mmL a Tt TTt t n r-TTBaB-attsaSsBB. W COPYRIGHTS. For a CAM I OBTAIN A PATKXT tweanpt answer and an honest optcwo, write to l rS N Jfc CO.. wbe havu had nearly ilhv years experience in tne rsvti nt wisiyeiai tAaswiucica tlons strtetly etwSden-.taj. A 11 a a da-eat. of I- ooaeernirat r-ateata anu now so tw sct free. Also a cAtaUcyue ot mtehBSr. leal and aiaillllli Isnnka ant Tree. Patents taken tkreocti Vana 4 Co. rteerrt aaaotal DOtroe ia tba Selentttc ABserleaa. and that art brought widely before the patlSc with es east to tat inventor. This sasenstt paper, awaed weekly, etecani ty tlrastrateo. has by rartha estreat cvroalaBon of any sraeatrte work ta tba world. S3 a year. Sample copses sent frees Balkrlrw Edtuon, rremhly, SiMa year. Sins entesa, via osnta. Every nomber eontaioa beau tiful plates. In colors and pootcarraphs of tu t k lasts, with ptana, etatunst buitdons to show tt . latest desurtu and ItJ BK BBtAtaeSa, Address TOTJHiX LXvTSatA-OltS.. StiT BkuADWA xarco: UHiraore Blork, - Albany, Ore. FURNITURE complete line of lAwERTAkHG in all its branches. EMBALMING atpetialty. Restdence c tier 3rd andtapooia Jtfin to St t oo PER DAY tt home seliimif Lmhtnini; Plater and platleg je elry, watches, tableware, etc. Every house has goods needing rlating, Iso ex nerlencetno capital: no talking. Some agents are mak'nz Sis. a day. Permanent losltion. Address 11 K Delno & Co.. Co mbat. U:uo. ttKST NrVTlOSAl. BISK, Or ALBABT, OBBOO-t resident Vv President . Cashier . LFL1SS 8, S.TOUXO .K. W. LAStiDOS rRASSACTS A OKNERALbaBktnd-bualaeeS AOOOUSTS KEPT sabjest to heck. SIGHT BXCHANCiB sadtel Tsphic transf r.aas N.wTork, San Prsuclaeo, Caicago sad F'lUaad stroa CO JUSCTIOSS BaJaSta fatorable wui Toe as (utBCToaa K ,W .LaawBOB L. runs Kbbasb t . Sax. A LBANY COLLEGE.::::: Send for Catalogue Address, RKV. K. S. CONDIT, Albany, Oregon Battta rwiwi innuty. " ' BBBBaass -0 a 9 Tl CURE-AKE made only by Fred Dawson, Chemist, Albany