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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1894)
a. twmxat VOL XXIX. ALBANY.ORjkGON, FRI JUNE 2.). 1894. Entered at the rail onirc at Albany. Or-, ax ecoad-'l Mall Mallrn in;:, a VI rriTU, Pabllshers' aa Proprietors; S O 48 Mate He Pa-RONIZP HOM I FARMERS & MFRCHAMTS INSURANCE CO! Albany, rtKA-i, rreddmt, J 1, OOWAN. rrmaurer. ftowan, Mo V st-npsou, A? H" J K Wnuihaitorti. Kdll 0 J -ALSO DISTRICT several Solid Eastern and Foreign Companm UttVE W TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED TO FIND A CURB FOB RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO. SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, ie, Bl . v.ill Oar 200 MM book T:.rTiTt rr' Mrv iaaieacea cni. ota wnhaTaTeatnredthonaitndalo t l ; h.'alifc ud shown hr hundred, of casMttir . . rt e;i:.actlwr su,li ouw tiia.T muH.luuv ttwliom we bare strong-letters r xesi'.uMi WE HAVE . v.w 7..ESE-WK CAN CURE OU! GENERAL DJEBILI?'. Ci-D i Fr uciwco ftd a 11,1382.1 Dr. A. T. Sudan. l-ar Mr r- t. -... mm oir rxu I wm troohl-o with lost Tie. or vital .Uuw, a d almost com plot o loss of powrr. 1 rosjjj gei up with m wry tirna feeling, i nrv- or.ii 3, i.;ibc uina soar bolt Ih t- had m new ic of lif . I no-r enj.ij lifo betior th m 1 hro fort".. T ar st- lharth otmot onfidenm in roar treat it -nt. 1 on can liah thi. statement, Uo bar othors write or sjafl ct m. Tmlr roun, H. A. B09TtN: J6nd2tTuriiSt. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS CURED. Par ian.4, t'rv j- n, Apnl 18 mvL Dr. A. T. Ssndco. wmu flm Ti iff nm nm i Sato lor rhsomau.-rn, rrrm wni -n 1 off rod lMtiaKlaiMwi rtc. V.,nr ha': - d! jH ib in 1 nnsi n in tt wsj s u icm Lk coxntortsblr, and Toel lik a n-w man 1 maisJif. M. C HUGHES. Pr..pri.tir 1ul. butioaal HotaL NERVOUS DEBILITY LOSS OF VIGOR, Taooaoa VVsh.. October 34, m Dr. A.T StadeatTjMrtu: I b usin yoor 00(1-10 bak forjtanaral tterroo ooiiiry. and to-dsT I battar than fkargtar fisw yaara. Ibaaasainad i rlr daily. f-77nifiTlllHII THE DR. SAIwDEW ELECTRiC BELT a a MoSSM aaJranic battery, made Into a belt w aa to be easily worn doling w. rk or stfe't. and H srl.aa aoothuu. pr lonsed corrrate which are iactanuy felt throoabujt ail weak i.arta. or we forfeit O3,0O. It baa an I air re Tea Meetria riaayaaaery. taasiaatust boon erer wea loen.and we warrant it to core any of the abor j .nl and to enlarge abranken limb,, or nerta, or Money Kefa aded. Tbey are (raded In straneth to meet all stems of weaknesi In yocn. mkldloaceo or eld seen, and will cure the worst cases in two or tluwa MMtf Address for fell lof orsuakiev SAN DEN ELECTRIC CO-'" 3R0 ANOiWASHINSTOM PORTLAND Oh MANHOOD ftuarnu' fd tocurua.i itervouodl Power. Headacbc. Waietulnefa. lri,at atan)ud. Niat.i:y tu'lwuu. Nr' r.aii drams aiid iusr bT orereyertlon. yoeithrwl -rrsra, aowsaiT oe of t-bact -,op4.-m or sum ..;:. which lead u Inttrmlty. Consumption or Jr.-j - ' . an re cmrK in ret pocket. 91 pertxn.el fortVi, by mall 1 r- V crT s xlrr a wrlttes vsarsitee te osre or i-fsst' ( Hr iirts-rifitv Ak for it. take n other. Write fr!r 1 t lupvua wrapper. Address MKVsC3KDC " ro s ' a "an? .ore. . j. a. ci v v 1 . -. 1 be H?st Sh&t L. DCUCLAS Shoes arc tisfactlon at the prices advertised than a-.v Tinted. The stamping of W. L. Vc:: - '.. guar aea nntees their ralue, saves thousanos of AmT lor Uae lesst .omry. T tf- assBasaWSBBBBM M W BaSIISsJ fe 3H, G4 ana S3. . ssjaLkv oucra w its Trho vush the sale of W. 1. Pouelaa f .hoes train customers, which hc!r.s lr Increase the sales on tneir tuiji line oi rxxts. r.-y r-n .fr..rrl ta artl at a les r ' and we bellerw yon can sara meter K. I -, . . - -- r ,,r of te dealer a below. aattM xre xipo Mfcrflrrf . W. AJC. I A.i, Urocktia. hu. FOR SALE IBY THE L E BLAIN CLOTHING CO F0RTM1LLER Undertakcrr, and WE KEEP constant'i n 1 ard s full lire of metallc, clotn at ci wood caskets si coffins. Also battel totes and suits, in btndcloih, aatlt .! u.ett hlchwiMbe old at Tlie Lowest EMBALMING arui !ne proper 0 EXTRA. CKARCfc FOR IBANY, - - MASONIC 'he Oregon JLand Do Vl:n its SDLiHT - - .nr (jray HI.cL, corner Liberty and M AKKS a specialty of unnyside fruit iracr; real Salem- Will soil S. 10 or 20 re small cadh payment or particular. h ; -. 72l Cabinet photos from $1 ssfiX- . JL X - vper dozen. Enlaiglng ' r of x8 and .terasconl" tI - nr. i.v: ilftU kPHKKS INSTITUTION?.- Orgon J O WRPi.-iMAW. SeoeUrT Geo F SIMPSON. Vie Prrjildaiib -pirkotoe-- i) B tou'lti, vt -ttsrnrtorK.JJ W r; stuiu ' Wrttsman. AtlENTR TOR J DR. BAKMOrS ElECTTtfC BKt. with Electro Maenetlertaapen, rnirv itt cum without medicine ailorLV'sboretrouoies. Those who suffer from Srre Debility. I taMi Uralns, Last Ma ihaod. N cTTOlHBriit ! ' I'oor Mtmsry, al! VejaalaCesa- v.ta'n'.. and nrtnJ III heat.b. the effect of Uimi. excesses, worrj . -r-, ..; e. wm nml relief ana pro-opt -ru la oar marvelooa InvenUoa, .'i eh leqntres but a trial to ooartnea . moat akep"cL In ijruorxnc ofaf :-s yon may ha-e on inlr drain j, .nr r.j,i em of nerve force and tUMMi -whicl. la elrcJricltT-and this oiusto roar weakness ' .r lack of lorca, II joj reyiaeo into jour system tin eieniei ts i bus drained, which are re. quire. tar vigorooasuancta, too will remoTe t be cose ana health, swMEta ami r ail follow at once. Tall Is nor tun and treatment, and wi Hl.-'i. fVeeTDr. Sandra's Electric Belt is rt expert! Ihmi .1 IV Mlfl DT .Tery Til Ttmr. after ail other traatcvams taiieq. " tlielr recosery uaing onr Sbsm LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM D- A T Pander. LMir Sir r Vin af etttorar oard work, ocrabiacd wit. um .tma eoaiu n 'nr of a i nnits, me wm cwa of !im from which t suaerwd for pears. 1 was o hat Tt: l mil mi d n t S-trSr W as all dnAlad Bt lib it. 1 bought mm of yo .r bolts. It hsiasaV aa in ulo of tw dajs. a. 1-1 I coctin f i to wrsr it for foa moatho, wn; pwrtfct'v euros. 3 nsx was too wsrj t;o.fD-1 1 am s-fi t-U al'W was in DT Ufa. I know year belt well, a .d I kn w lota of OSPSSS wh hare beet, cored b i. Mau others aaad it, sad il ibay wou dttj u thoj wouic .S nd U tas aaasa aa I I4 tfit best rpmrv'nn ths wold. I am I nested Wrs permanently, and wi U 1 (W to talk with atu oaa wpr wants to inqa resK,u 1 , HO BERT briiltEL. EadtMer Hotel Pc,rUJB LOST VITAUTY AND STRENGTH. r.v. rstt. h, Jane tt, SSI D-. A. T. Sands . Dear Ptr: laoa wearla roe b-lt I have been croa "y benofltad. 1 faal my old as ro fa-t retornin. and afura mocth's aaa of the) bait I find mself twice aa r coroos aa befoa. My msasnry is vow nearly ; wfact. sad sau day ahowt for the) better. 1 f 1 macat r mn-r tea- before amine the belt. Vjarstiu.y. UEKT MUIA RESTOREDI T: wonderful mf sue a as Weak 1 r'unrr. Loas of H power 1 UaMreiiTe. tnrai. i f either sex cZT mam br iloDGKa m ' - DOUGLAS OE FOB GENTLEMIN, Dress Shoe. Police Shoe, 3 Sole: r Workingm . 75 for Boys. LADIES AND MISSES , 92.50 82, $1.7 CACTI OX If any deals you w. A.. Doocia. at a reduced price, ys ba has Ibera wilhr I th. mama stamper ute oottona. put inm down sssfiaa Etviish. easy fitting, and give belief anj be ccr.- other ma!.:. lr7 one pair - ' ntrne and price on the bottom, which dollars ani.t rliy to those vlio vrer Ihem. & IRVING Einbalinersa Liflag Frofitat. care of the dead a specialty. HEARSE OR SERVICt , TEMPLE, - - OR, EGO I homt office al - OBilG-O T State stieet, branch cfBce In Portlanu acre lots at $50 to $60 balance pt-r lorjr tirnc m THUESDAT Bryant or No Bryant. Governor Pennoyer eent for J B Stump today to learn more about the result of the invea tieation of alleged cruelty at the Reform gciiool. He expressed himself an op poeed to Bryant being retained as a dis ciplinarian. U is understood Mr Mr Klroy, of the board favors Bryant. Mr Heiulricas says there are thirty or forty of the young meu at the Hefoim school for states prison offences, and on ly a man who can inspire fear among them can govern them ai all. t o.- this purpose liryant is a very useful man in his opinion, and the school could hardly be run without him. Bryant is quick. stern and severe. and there is undoubted ly a torgh class of voting men there with whom only force has any effect The waifs, orphans, foundlings and depend ent class of children can be governed with Kinunees, out not ine vicious ciiminui class, convicted of crimes all the way from murderous assaults to horse steal ing. Bryant'a retention will probably rest with Mr McBride, secretary of state and third member of the board of Reform school trustees. The Salem Humane so ciety will probably at its next meeting demand tsryanl s discharge. Journal The Man'aboutTown knows Mr Bryant and always lilted him. Whether he should be regained, though or not, de pends on the actual condition of affairs, and not on reports. UaTOBt PirFicvLTiRs. The following from the Times - Mountaineer gives a splendid idea of the effects of the high water in that city: The force of the Times-Mountaineer have been houte cleaning for the past two days, and the job is not finished yet. On Friday, June 1st. the water encroached on the office, and that day the last side of the weekly was printed with three inches of water on the floor. The next dav it had in creased to a foot and a half, ai.d Sunday it had increased to fullY to feet and a half. On Wednesday, June 6th, the hightst water ever known in the Col umbia river 5tl feel, 9 inches above the ordinary low stane was recorded, and on that day in the T M tlie- it was 5 feet 1J inches deep. Last Wednesday was the first day we could enter the building, ana we have been doom cleaning ever since. In many instances a sediment of a quarter of an inch of very slimy mud covered the tvpe in the rase? . and this had to be washed off before type setting could begin. A Pioneer or 145 Mr William A reterson died at his home at the corner of First and Ferry streets on Wednesday night. June 20, 18S.H, at the age of 66 years. Mr Peterson was born in West Virginia in 1823 and came to Oregon with the earlier pioneers in 1S4.. He was married to Eliza Smeiser in 1SS2. He has five children, three of whom, Frank, Henry and Julia are now living. Mr Peterson was a descendant of John Paul Jones, of revolutionary fame. He was in good circumstances, being the owner of the Peterson block and other property. His career in Oregon was a long one and contains many interesting events in it- makeup. Maty will have a kind remembrance for one who has been so long a member ot this lactfic Coast country. Funeral services will occur to morrow, at Sand Ridge, where his remains will be laid beside thoee of his wile, who died in 1S67. A 0.vkeb Conveyance Considerable excitement was caused today by the ap pearance on Commercial street of a house on wheels. The covtyance belonged to M Laaley, who is moving hi wife and two children Port Angeles to the Rogue sec'ion. a distance of 600 miles- The houee is perfect, covered with shingled and fitted with windows. That it is the most convenient mode of overland travel ing cannot be doubted after a glance in side. The stove, always up. with a warm tire, entwined about with house plants, and the teds and table fold up in place aa a palace combination sleeping and dining car. While the husband drive the team the wife prepares the food within, so that wnen the halt is made nothing is to be done bu to raise the table and take the dinner from the e'eve. It is entirely original with Mr Lesley. and is a good pattern for others traveling 1 y team to copy after. alem Independc-'. Scuaoi NDtD bt ui.d.- -Happy isl'.ie city surrounded with gold' From what the Baker City Bedrock IVmocrat has to say concerning the mining operations 'n the county, we judge that affairs mast be very lively there notwithstanding outside depression. The othe.' day the owners of the Ked Roy mine at Clear creek opened up ami soon came in town with $2,i;00 in bullion. The Virtne is pro ducing from Slu.000 to $25,000 per month and has doubled the capacity of its mill which will increase the output. The White Swan is turning out as much. A Seattle syndicate has purchased 540 acres at Crane Flat and will spend $30,000 on machinery necessary. At Sparta every mine is going at full blast. These are fqme of the happenings and as tho metal is all gold, not silver, it is as good as cash.! A Field Hay. Following rre the winners at the Geld dav al Moniuouih this wee'-. : Pole vault Burch, 8 ftt, 10 inches. Running high jump F Tilton, 4 feet, 11 inches. Standing broad jump F Tilton, 10 feet, C inches. Standing high jump Iiavidson, 3 bet. 11 inches. One-hundred yard rece Pa'yew, ll,M seconds. Forty-yard race Ilia-Kins. 5 Forty-yard 3 legged race Higgins and Rindule. i seconds. One hundred and twenty yards, S hardies Higgins, 15 seconds. Cojiino to Webfoot. A party of trav t-lers from La Grande peeked through town Thursday en route to Webfoot. .hey gave rather distcouraiting accounts from (irande Ronde valley. Last seaon the farmers were unable to harvest their grain on account of rain, and the season has been bo wet that they have not been able to seed but a very small amount of ground this year. Keview. "As old b the hills" and never excell ed. "Tried and proven" is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the only Liver n l Kidney jedieine to which you can pia your faith tor a euro. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver n d Kid- l nan ueya. iry it. Sold hy all 11 L quid, or in Powder dry or made istoa tea. :li Ivlttfc tit Liver Mkttllcinos. 1 .! - 1 in initna Uver Reg ttM'ti itlioUHly hay II Ih the raise . t . .. It 111 . tti ad 1 1 ti hi ittt'K, I con.tder It a .i. '' 1 'it ;i.ll. Oko. W. JACR I :..-ttn;.. Yti,U. W-EVUItt PACKAUKIbe tt o Ctawaa In red m arras A barrel of German pickels just opened j at Parker Brov Wood for the Oregon cltv school has been secured at $1 . 70 a cord. The selaries of all Aslo:la .,-.. ..! teach ers have been reduced 10 percent. A chicken pie social will be given by the ladies of the Congregational church on W eunesuav evening ol next w;e. The amount of delinquent taxes In Umatilla county will be about $0.0,000. The delinquent oil Is being trade up. Prof Benj, F Parsons, special scientific opthalmy optician hai an advertisement In the Eugene Guard. Prof Parsons Is a of this city and a rustler. An old shoe arrived at the post office to day with this inscription on It : ' Formerly worn bv a Portland mailing cietk. They wear rubber boots .now" An exchange says that the downfall of Pennoyer is partly recompensed by the return of B S l'ague, the weather man from California. a young lauv in 1 ppcrtown, on a wager, drove la nails in a block of wckxI In 30 seconds. Who said a woman coudn't dilve a nail? Astorian. 1 here is on: thing in which Albany leads the world. Mr . E B an of this cltv has the largett and finest collection of water agates on this sphete. A fact A reform school sHou'd be esUaiUlied In Astoria without delay. There are at least seventy-five kids between the ages of twenty-one and fifty, who should be sent there as soon as the doors are open. Budget!- Albiny wovld not be a bad place for one likewise. There is nc reason why eggs should be hlghei in Astoria than in Portland and Ihe valley towns. They are quo'.cd in rialem and Altany at 3) and 15 cents per but In As'orla tnry sell for 35 cents. And yet tome people sav they arc not making a cent in the relatl grocery business. To bad. Budgeit. Arrangjier.ts have been made for tend ing a hse team to Lebanon rn July 4th and practice for the contest will begin at once. Otto Cielan has been selected as manager; ( has Medln, captain; Frank lannas, chief engHnee r. president ; and W H Warm-.- secretary. A large num ber will attend the celebration fiom Al bany. Van Alsline, who afflicted thtscitv with his presence a :o::ple of years.has recently be-n operating Ml Eastern Washington. He stopped at Garfield several weeks and repeenled htmsel as a fruit tree agent, and took a Urge number of o-ders which he neg'ected to fill, and he alto left IstsV den'y without settling a several areks board bill Register. There are four million feet ol logs piled on the barks of the UcKerzie river in the neighborhood of Waltervj le.Toe logs are piled along a distance of eiKht nlles, srd are for J C Goodale, of C'oburg. JJr Goodale is going up todar to begin the work of tcadng them, and wl en that I. finithexl they will l lun to his mill at Cobutg. Regiter. Ir Wallace, of Portland, came up on the noon train. A W C T I" social will U held at the residence of I. K Blain on next Tuesday evening. Program hereafter. An entettaiiing lawn axial was given by the ladtee of the M Fi church at the residence of Mr G F Simpson last evening. Mr A J Ansiyn left yesterday for Mis souri, where he will join Knox Height and K Thrall, and that state will be can vassed for the wynelle wagon. It had been intended to go to Texas ; bat the program was changed. Mrs Wm Montgomery, oi Scfa, eister of J W t'usict of this, is visiting the latter daring the last week. She wae ac companied by her daughter Mamie. Tbey returned home today. Don't Get Excited- The following from the Oregon ian undoubtedly gives a very exaggerated idea of the amount of anow in the mountains . "There are iboee who believe there will be another spell of high water this summer the next time a Wiliaaielte freshet awd mon- tbem can be counted R W Mitchell. Y.sterday he received a letter from a friend, living at Sweet Home. Linn county, written on June 17. which stated that snow was 1- feet deep on the summit of the Santiam range, and that night IS incites more had lallen. for the first time since the construction of the Willamette valley and Cascade wagon road, it wae imt assabie on June 10. An immense quantity of mow can be seen in the mountains in all direc tions, enough to keep the river well above low water matk all u miner, if a rapid melting of the snow does not pro duce a freshet." Died. -On Wednesday evening, June 20. lSi'4, at the home of his mother. Mr Cbarlea Mueller, after an illness ot sev eral months with consumption. The de ceased a as born in Brook' vn, N. Y., Feb. 7, IfW.and came to Albany in 1S75. He has been engaged in business al Al bany for several years, but recently for lew months at Kosehnrg. lie was a member of one of the Masonic lodges of hia city. He haves a mother. Mrs Fred Mueller, three sisters, Mrs Wm Garrett and Mrs O'Conner, of Portland, and Mrs Seck!e, of Montana, and Fred Schulrt, of Portland, and many friends to mourn Ins death. Funeral services will occur at the res idence of the mother of the deceased on F.llsworth street, at '1 oclock p m to morrow. A Chanoable Tbic Mr and Mis Farmer Powell arrived from Portland Sunday. Mr Powell says the trip from rortland to The Dalles is anything but a pleasure excursion. Passengers go by lioat from Portland to the lower fails. then they are landed on the north bank of the river, from there tbey walk a mile and a hall to the old u.'ia portage road, ride a half mil on the cars, take another turn at walking, ride a short distance in wagons, and finally are conveyed in canoes to the Regulator, by which vessel they are eventually carried to The Dalles. From The Dalles out he reports the loads in bad condition, but as they are being repaired as rapidly as men can do the work they will soon be passable Ochoco Review. LposO P Exi-ectationh. Ham New- som and Sam Smith recently visited their ranches on Tumalow, at the foot of the Cascades. They sav that par ties from Michigan have located all the timber land on 1 umalow and also a large bady of land on Matoles. Those who lo cated on Tumalow contemplate cleaning out the stream so that they can float log to the Deschutes, where they expect large milWwillbe built is toon ts the OP Is completed to an eastern connection. Ochoco Review. Foe 10 Cests Several Monmouth stu dents came over from that city to-day on their way to their homes. Their baggago was brought over in a wagon at 4o cents a trunk. The driver understood the price was to ue :to csnu, ana the result wan a de bate without any Latin. One of the young men proposeu mat me man to blame be published in the West Side. Just for the sake of making a scoop we give llle.o I act? rher: will be a meeting ol Mountain Climbers on the top of Mt Hood on July 19th. Any one will be welcome, and the person getting there wiM be ellirible to membership. mhbried. on June 20, 1894, at the residence of E C Rogers, in Albany, by 1 .! XT . . T .... ...'I J juBiice a ni isewport, mr jonn W Pat ersou and Miss Lillian McDonald, of hcio. The Ladies. 1 he pleasant efBect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Ihe California liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all wnwitwMB, maae h tnelr lavorlie remedy. To Ket the true and ei nnins article, look for the name of the California Via Svmn pimicj near r,ne bottom ol the pack age. FEIDAY Taken Foil A Tkayii-. - The following from llio Scio Press the Democrat pub- ishes at random without knowinir whom it hits: All is not irold that irlittcrs. neither are all men vagranta or tramps, whoso uttire seemingly indicates its wearer to lie of such diameter; at least such is probably .1... .ti t, 11 f r ,11 , in S.-L . tin- wyinsw us ouu 01 moiuiy s eiueieni hi- iiwemen now. !-verul days ago, Mr W II Roberts, one of our moet substantial and industrious farmers made a husinos trip to the county's inetroiiolH and when he re turned, he related iuit an experience. Mr Roberts does not deem it proper to wear purple and fine linen on all evasions and On this trip he was clothed in his ordinary, everyday working apparel. As he was passing through an alley, either as ho was going to, or coming Irom toe-ling his horses, he was brought to a halt by one of the police, thinly. "Hey there, What ore you doing? Where are you going? Do you know that Albany has a law against vag rancy? and several other kindred (questions, to all of which Roberts answered in a sort of a haphazard manner, rather increasing the aforesaid poliitnuan'a notion that he was a genuiue tramp. So certain that thiaJ wan the case that it rixmired considerable explanation on the pvt of Roberts to con vince him that he waa not a tramp am uwt e ma money to us said mat the nonceman anotlier part of town, when lie had become convinced of his misUJce. RoH dot not hardly know whether the joke wa up on the policeman or himaeif, but thinks Altany should have policemen who can distinguish the difference between a fann er and a tramp without biting told. B e is Dead . Says the Corvallis Times : For some time stories have been in circula tion in this city and vicinity to the effect that Dr Applewhite was not dead, and that instead of his lly the casket that was in terred contained a lot of rocks. Oje report says that he is in a hospital in California. and another that he was ikn in British Colum bia. A more absurd lot of rul.hi.h could hardly become current. Dr Applewhite is dead, ami was buried. Dr Henry Pemot, bis physician, ha made affidavit before a notary for the life insurance cumpaniea. to the effect Uiat be was dead, and undertaker Fitrpatrick has made four affidavits in earn of which, be swore that the body was duly interred. At 12:3U r m cr. the day of the funeral the casket was opened by William Holgate and the corpse was nvn insde of it by himself. Mrs S N Wtlkins and Mrs Raber, and from that time on until after the interment the casKet was constantly in full view of a dozen or more persons. There is nothing whatever in the report.. and the repetition of them is time wasted. AtaoaiA am PoBTiJtND The Astori an erems to have Useu feasting cn Port land's )ad luck ax.d taWc adrantap- of the disasters of the past few weeks to gite the following adtice: The report that some of the nwst prominent bu-inews men in tr tlctodesl district of Portland are considering the propriety of removing to Astoria, it gratifying evidence that this great and unparalleled disaster will not go down to history as an unmixed evil. It mav be that only thr.vigh . : - snch violent disturiiance .could the people of Portland have oesm anued to an apprecia lie sens of her commercial raedirajneni. There is no bone for Portland in the race with Tacoma and Seattle, except by a com bination with Astoria. With Astotia the terminus of deep water, and the I'pper Columbia open to rteamboat navigation. Portland's position as the great distribut ing tit-pot of me nrthwe-t would be im prcgTiahle. and hetween the two cities the entire incoming anl oulgotDar trade of this whole region could be controlletl for many years to come. A New Ixsett. The Huge no (,u.vd says: Rodney S-ott reports that the small, crecn insert, that has twen rtoticed in the LlkHig'as county wheat field, has appeared in Lane county, air cot at ire me. t appear between this rows of grain and are quite numerous in fieltb in bit vicinitT. No one seems to know the nature of the peat, but it is feared that it may prove de structive to the wheat crop. It resembles the aphis that i fcund on rase leaves. Mr Willaxd Sirtmons. of Harrisburg. staled to us today tnat the wheat held in tlu t vicinity, are covered with the insects, hardly a bead of grain being free from them. 1'nder a magnifying glass it has the appearance of a green grasshopper. The head of the wheat, also magnHsed. shown no damage thus far ha resulted. Mr Simmons i of toe opinion that the warm weather will cause them to leave the wheat, lie sav that farmers are irreat v alarmed over possible damage thai may I intucted by the unwelcome visiter. A Snaks Stout. An incident occurred during the Maennechor picnic on Sunday which was highly exciting and will ba long remeiuterod by tlve who were the pnnci tial actors in the scent. The little 4-vear old daughter of Mr and Mr Con'an. while playing about the edge of the picnic ground, discovered a water-snake an ; in nocently picket! it up. grasping it in her hands a few inches .below the head. She ran to her mother with the reptile. which would strike at the little girl's face as she held it before her. The sight was one which is lietter imairined than described. After re- iteated remiest the child wa indnoed to throw the snake fruu her, anj there was feeling of relief, especially among the lady si.vtators. altnotigh the snaKe was of a harmless variety.--Walla Walla Statesman health v LoxDiTioN. from the re ports of officers of the Grand Lodge of the A. O. I . V. we It am that the total mem bership in ' 'regon is 67y being a gain for the year ot 13i0. Ihis is a remarkable gain wlien the the times is taken into consideration. This marvelous growth shows the esteem in which the order is held by the public generally. The order in the state tor the war has paid out S0 OOC on heniticiary certificates, then? haying leen W deaths in that time. Ihe uealh rate is 7 111 the 1P00 members. At tub hacks in Salem ye.torday Clat tawa won the special trot, best time barrows llros. lhilin was second iu the first heat and thin! in the second beat. The foilowir.g account is given of the bicvoecon test: The bicycle nice wa now called with the following entries : C I- Howe, Port land; M O Collins, Portland; 11 P Hewitt Portland, ami C A Sears Albany. Sears was thrown from his wlieei by a poor put- off, but soon regained his loss, although he was not strong enough to return it, Hewitt winning in -:o4;, Howe second. Grand Lodoe Officers. The Grand Lodge A 0. U. W . yesterday ejected the following officers: Grand master work men, V W Drannin, of Pendleton; grand foreman, It D Knmsdell, of Portland irrana overseer. William Colviir of Jack sonvillc; grand recorder, Newton Clark of ot Hood River; grand receiver, K I. Our ham of Portland; grand treasurer, William Armstrong of Salem; supreme reprewmta tivee, J J Daley, of Dallas, i' C Muckay, I Sous Lohen, Portland. New Ofi'icers. At the regular meeting of Alpha Temple No. 1, P S, the following officers were elected : Mrs Alice Uicharils M E 0 Mrs Mary Kelley, E S; Mrs Flora Clifton, E J; Miss Lizzie, f turoll, M ot Mrs Hertlui Parker, M of R and C; Mrs Wood. M of F; Mrs Luru H sight PofT; Mrs Stta Wright, G of OT; Mrs Julia rarrell, trustee; Mrs -Maggie Will representative to tho Grand Temple. Need Aid. An appeal for aid has been sent out over the state from Ijonir Crock Grant county. About 830,000 damage was done, and unless thore is aid some of tho citizens will suffer. Persons wishing to render aid may send comiimiiteutions to Orin L Patterson, l-ong Creek, Or. New Postmavters. lSoujamin F Hon ham has been appointed postmaster at Salem. Tbos J Craig at Eugene, lames Crossen at Tho Dalles and Steven R Green at Oregon City, home of the appoint ments, though good onos, will tie surprises Married. At Waterloo, Oregon, Sun day, Juno 17, 1894, Mr Hogue Purrish and mL flarhir. both i f Sodnvillf. Uuv Plowman officiating. i cs sre worth $50 a barrel In Ch ' Counties weie carried by the poj ser, Loo, Josephine and Wal- nge picnic v.-ai being hdJat'lan- uav. isevtn! were oreenl from Albay. TILinn C'mwitv Keview again appears, tnarltjsd No v. 1 1 i . . C, I. Matters as i aleam mill at Green Benin has rchased by Allen Smith and P M ind aii! I e moved to Detioh ana opeia'ion. ocr at Waterlo.1 Saturday we rumored that the woolen mill at BBBBBBK would be in oneraiinn Strain it. lime. Riview. 'He came near havlrjf another Cue . W It Hardtnan's house cautrht thp trrra tolla flu; and it was hard and quick work that it wa -Review. on lodge, No 47. I O F. elected mowing clbcets at tlielr meeune evenlne :.' W Cruson . V fbavlt ; secretary. W C Fetettm: G II Ulan.!. ements are being made to SianfcrJ ball club to com: to for a game. If done, the best will be secured probtbly with Attorney John II Summers of this piace ha formed a copartnership la the law business with Judge Blackburn and Intend 10 move down to Albany about '.he first ofjuly. Lebanon Esirets. The committee on amusements is now raising a purse cf S40 to be given to th swiftest horse. The track on the eastern lbnitrof Ihe el'y is being put in condition, and ihere w',1 doubtless be several race. Lebanon Adrance. The Toledo leader tats the De noetat Is supporting C" W Walls for name ward en. As a matter of facMhe Icmccrat luu no cardidate lor game " warden. It has simply published clipping. in to the matter. J E Ci'twright recently . ndijjte for recorter on the populist ticket and fore man of the Populist slrce it Haiti d, has assumed control of ihe paper and wit! edit It hereaf'er. He it a touog mm of good habits. Chaille Williams, opposite the II -o-c at i not onl an extsert at blacking and pollshieg mens shoes; but he alto polishes ladies taaued shoe in an antttic manner. Left them wiih, or send them to him, and Ihey will be ;: ' . and cartfully dressed. 8 N W'ilkins returned Friday from Sodavllle, and repor, that town Iri a deso late condition as a result of the recent fire. Ine best block in the town. Including the two and only hcte s,a drug other business) houw, were totally destrottd. Tre b'J'g main s'ay. Its soda ,i'.-ig is till all rigiit. However, Corvaths limes Mr Cleru Irvine ha accepteI a positioa in the First National Hank. Rev W A TrJW to-lav reiirnsl his atoraSe of the Congregational church. Prof S T Atlanis. an a;pUcarit for the Albany school, ba' been appointed prin cipal of the Wood burn school. R M Robertson went to Portland this n. He will te a.vvmtinied borne bv his daughter. Mis Lilly.of Tacoma college. At a meetina- of the rot-mber of the congregaUon of the I'niled Pmbyterian church held last evening Rev Riley " Little rat unanimously elected pastor of the burch. a choke' that will cave irrncral satisfaction. The board of director of the V. M. C A. have extended a call to Walter C Paiire to the secretaryship cf the Salem association. Mr Paige la late- LTadnatc of the training acaocl m Chicago and it now atti-nding the summer school at Lake Geneva. If he accepts Ihe call be will assume his duties August 1. Mr llahcock. tlx- acting secre tary, will enter the unitersity Ibis fall for tegular college couiw. Independent. Mn Hi nt Aoais G W Hunt, once an 0 P contractor, afterwards connected with several big project, some of which downed him. again conies to the front in a railroad scheme. 'Ihe Oregon Iuid A- Irrigation corapiny. of which Mr Hunt i general tnana-rrr. MS taken a contract frrnu Use old vt!and Pa. it. Railrvvl LnBOBay, la Men it. ina cnuntv. nortlicm ('nJifornuu to crmtruct 100 miies of road . The line will commence at Fcrt llrairg. a coast harbor and run up Novo river, throuch the red wood torrsts. to the town of ill it, m Little I-ake valley, and to the headwater of tV I river. Thence it will run down the river to the main fork and up that to M taint t-mon coal mines. Iliee mine are lot? largest on the Pacific coast. From the mines the read is to run to Round vallev. Stirria OCT. l-at Saturday evening J'.iin Scanlan l i.tu-- i - :i.e tiisturlonce in 0 M. 1 vers saloon antl era thrown out. He galheml a rock and starteil back in but our city marshal P W Morgan was promptly on band and took charge of him and locked him up in tbe cooler where he remained ail dav Sunday. On Sandav nigiit some one gave him an augur with which he bored a hole throuch tne csila- oose floor and made hi escape taking with him he blanAets llongmg to the city. Mr Corneliou Cox reported that he passed his place about 1 o clock Mondav monung on his grnv imv with teverai blankets headed for the mountain. There has been a state warrant sworn out for John for stealing the city blankets and if ne is found it win ne maoe interesting lor him. Lebanon F.x press. A Bio Waterspout. We hear that W E Houk eon of J Honk, of this place, rec ently lost a wagon, loaded with wool, and three horses in a waterspout in Crook county. Then "spout" consisted of a wall ol water twelve feel high, and it swept the outlit down a canyon and into the Des chutes river. 'Kite' bad tied his team (the third horse was tied to the wagon) and waa holding a ladv a team, which was scared at the storm and threatened to run away. "EUc" has the svmpat'iv 01 n any irientl here. Guard. L.uioBKUK Wanted-Laborers on the Union Pacific, between Walhila and Port land, are paid $1 .(0 vt day ami board Men must furnish their own blanket. A letter from the head of the laboring depart ment says: 'Send a big lot of BMK, good workers. We will furnish tnuisixirtat ion to the point ut which we want them to utnelr ' SEK BP Paikcr Bros, grucera. New cream cheese just irceived at Conrad Meyeis. P J Smiley job printer, Flinn Block, doe iirst class work. Smoke the celebrated Havana tilled 5 cent cigar at Julius Joseph's, Dr M II Ellis, physician snd surgeon Albany, Oreno. Oat la male In citor country. I a.ronixe home industry by smoking th celebrated white labor cigars, maitafaotared by lu'ias Joseph. World Colaatblaa Itlsnoalllen. Will be of value to the world by illustrat ing tne itnprov ements In the mechanical arts and eminent physicians will tell you that the progress In agents, has been of equal importance, and as a strengthening laxative that Si rup of Figs In far In advance ol all others. When Baby waa sick, we gave, her Castoria, When she waa a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she rliiut; to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Hood't Pills are purely vegetable, and) do not purge pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists. Dr. Price's Cream Betting Powder j World's Pair Highest Award. m low.. Agra .-rut in Highest of all in leavening Power. ABSOLUTELY PURE SATUBDAY HOME AM) ABROAD Half fare ticket, any where on the S P on the 4'b of July. Even the East Orcgonian comes tc the Democrat office on tnanida paptr, H C Watson ar.d Lather Ellin have for t ed a partrer-hlp 'or the fracice ol law. Magnolia are noa In bloom A line tyra at Mr Martin Pawn's i furnishing some very large and e'egant bloom. 1 A business roit rtc State l,"nivera . S Mitchell, of Ptt!lleipha at teacher. Jar it, 00 Yaqaioa Bay peop'e a e tnUers I io faying that T J ltuford is (ally capable f M.ib the psHuoa of t.rtn.r tt the it-form schoo'. awtasrCtsTtaasaiag the a. -off 1 .t his be-ng fartrec A Portland rr,ar salt ihe who'eale Lu incts in that city ha Ir.en gradually im proving, and that col rctions ate much better. The Salem Independent continue its Sght agairst the trform school manage ment and publUhes sevrrat column, of very live siEdaviis. Mis Ora Spangler. ubt was at ihe re cent rsusUale i" A'bary has beei eltcied one of the MSMMt teachers in the Oregon city tchoo'.. A 'pler.did selection. Yamhill courty wi I par the deputy hfriff and de-vr.v clerk each a tear, cr S50 a month. Tli salaries for this coun ty have not yet been es'ablished- The Atioiia Budiett ta;t Hon C W Falton aBJ deliver the 4'n of July cration at Eugene ; but the Guard ta " Wallace McCainant, of Portland wi I deliver it. Last evening some one entered tne of Wait Mead and Dr Attain through a rear window; but failed to grt what th-v wanted, and took ixXh ing. Hodelson -vs be has establish ed an Jgercy for pi patent clothe line with Mr Talt at A'tany. They ought to make a svr.g team, a tfiey are both good canvas-er. Jtffe'son Review The Dalle. Chrcnicie say lh-4 a rattle tnakr, ihe cl twelve rattle, wa found In the Bildwin opera house, in ciear.ingit up SaWktay. It wa dead, drowt-de J The Dasi'acrAT is biformed that Mr (J Propat wi i re aprolntad deputy sheriff and Mr F M Redfield deputy clerk under the new admir.tttizthn. The c tanty court have not yet decid-d whether a de-mty recorder wi'J he allowed or not. The riorida man who bid for the North Yamhill and Tillamook -nail route, found lhat road in Thla-r.ook are net ballt Irom asphalt, and in order to sub-contract thg same, was compelled to experience a o of. $&.3o Ph'iip H) North "Yam htllJs the ,ut-conlraclor. A btcde'e contest bttween Lyie Rice, Ihe railroad man ol Ashland. ard Geo Parker of Ibis city, will take place Satur day. The disisnce I f;ve miles, on the road from Medford 10 Jacksonville. Para er will rlie an Ircpet-.,! wheel ar.d Rice a Victor. Rice made ihe cUiance n 15 minutes one dav recently. Ashland Tid ing. The bedv cf Leih Hunt, sort of G W Hun, who wa drowned in the- C-r.atiS.a rttrer setcral wexk ago. was fouod lodged against the btnk oi the nver near Echo I matula county, on Suttdiy. Ihe re-1 mains will b r shipped to Wa. t Walla fcr burial. Pendleton E O. i At trie meeting ol tne school board on i Friday last Prof S W Holme cf Pnion was eiecud principal of the Rardav school, i his salary 10 be Si 000. and Frol W rl Pow- ! et! principal of the Eastham school at $75 rt mon:n:v. ti vc prl.iC'.jMt 01 Barclay school al $tx per month. The salary for other L-achrr was rcJured lo $40. -Oregon City Orotic.-. Lieutenant Mcruca! cf the navy the houte committee cn commerce that ihe Nicaragua canal can be built in i year at a cost not rruch exceedi- g $fo- 000,000. and that contractor 'tand ready to undertake to co the woik for thi price Several tears SCO t-c gave a Mcber eti- rate of cost. This revised esii-r.ate i based cn addition- study cf the condi tlor . Hurrv u; a-.d j've U t".e canal. Get jour fruit -irs at Tatker tiros Ex tra top and ru!'rr. A Free Picture: .--"ec Tickle about ret ting a Me slxecri vi.n fiec. Did vou krow ihit Tinkle n-.sde the finest pho'os, sec Ihe new amp!rs and get hi price. Remember Tlr.kle posit ire It eearn'ee hi photcs, a tea will be sore to be r'ea- ed with your pictures If h makes tliem. Trv him once. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. iWSJohn brought the Sot water cn'-s to Albany today. Mrs K P Ketclnii;. returned this noon from a trip to Oiegon City. Silas Male-, who has tteen Msiag in Albany for several month, will retcrn to Newport to make his home.---Newport News. Mr F K Cheshire jastl through A litany today for Salem, he reircsents a iv'.ony ot lowr farmers who intend coining to OlfjgOU and locating on 'JUKI acre of our Ust farm Lbg land. Mr M S lUirrows. a brother ami Miss Kllen Murray, a daughter of Mrs Edward Murray, of Qui city, are in Albany oa their wuv from San Francisct). to their homo in Puluth. Minn. Mr Burrows is one of Cue prominent business men of that live city. J F Couey. of Fivmio, California, is now visiting his brother J B. of near Shelburn. Mr Couey states that wnen he left home they wore having plenty of nun, but it was too late to do their crops anv ginxl Scio Press. RedlgiouE 1'nilcd Prcslivterian : Subject o the morning svnuon, ' The Faith of Moses.'' In the evening un evangelistic serviiv will be conducted . S S at StSO, V P S C K 6:45. Strangers always welcome. Preaching at the Baptis ilmnli to morrow bv Rev W Sanford Ci'. of Mast Portland, nuvning and eveniiit. V M C A gospel mooting at -S p in to morrow. Bo there. !ev W S tiec, of Portland, will Midi CM tlie meeling. Hoar ye him. The annual Children's Day exercises of the Baptist Sunday school will U oboetvod at the cliur'h tomorrowing evotiing at 7:15 p m. All ate cordially Utrited. Pays i Ad lktisi:. One of the grad nates of the State Normal school .it Mon mouth was return' ng homo through Al bany yesterday, when she lost her diploma on tlie streets of Albany. A a now di ploma is worth millions to the owner an advertisement was put in the Democrat last evening, and this morning resulted in the recovery of the property, a dravn.un having found it. WanuiNa nvitavions. Wooden, Tin, Silver, Goldeus Common every day. MAT Shiley. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Powder I'iie Wheat Pk-t. Mr A L Lam'j re- tumetl last night from a trip through the country, extending over the entire day. He probahlv examined the wheat in over two i.undr -i fields, and found on all that he examined the insect heretofore mentioned by the Democrat. It resembles the bop louse and i everywhere found on the wheat A peculiarity is the fact that so far there i? no evidence of any damage. There an? fears though that thev will sap out the lite of the plant. Prof W'asiltarn of the 0 A C. makes th1 following report on the insect: "The inaect referred to is the grain iaphi avenaej. which has been at times w de s tractive in the Eastern states. It may be come equally destructive here though the will possibly keep it in check. No really pnu titrable remedy can be applied while use wneat is standing. It 1 true kerosene t Mttaaa will kill the aphis, but for rarioos n-aeona this treatment is harlly to be con i'lerel where the acreage is large. As - - .11 aa the wheat or other grain is har vested, burn the stubble and all straw, weeds.litter and waste on or about the nld. If the grain is not worth harvesting and is u- t toe green, it should be burned while standing. The presence of fences is against this procedure, but it is the best, in fact the only remedy knoam to entomologists.'' Hk-ii Fui . Klamath county teams began climbing the mountains toward the Rogue river valley in an animated way last week, sud when the drivers arrived in Aihlaod it was learned that the people over there were nearly cut of fl xir. Ranch er joan tsiiem nad about ait toe nour or g .:-i w-jjat th-re w, left 0Mj fr-tn U-t year, and be -et the price up to $1 a sack. $40 a thousand lbs. A flour was selling on this side of the mountains at $12 to 5I0 fr 1000 lbs, it started the freight wagons. A Dunlap. who came in to-day with -everal team, repoits the price at Klamath Fall now to be $1.50 per sack. Last fall and winter the Klamath ranchers fed all th-u- surplus wheat to their hog.. Tidings. Cxcebtaix Navigation. Navigation on tne v iiiamette above i.oTvaius cm- linoe to be almost impossible. The Guard say-: At the time ot goirg to press tbe (teaaner Eugeije baa not arrived here. although she left flaurisborg at 7 u o'clock yesterday morning. A party inform us that be saw the boat about five miles below bere at 11 o'clock this mcminir. A ray of sunshine comes from the fouowin? fr:ni the Corral! is Time: Captein Ilert Hatch. of tbe saag boat Corvallis. passed cp the nver oa the steamer Kogsae yesterday to begin the work of blowing oat snags in the channel of tne river between this point and Eugene. He will use a small boot. A Fabricator. The only thing the I'mocRAT cares about the office of name warden, it tbe fact that it ha been a great protection to game: we have no candidate, and as a raatv-r of fact had the Man ab:-at Town the appointing power he undoabted tv would net appoint an Albany man at all. a fact that knocks the bottom oat of tbe following rot from the Salem Journal Therefore tbey cannot tell the troth, you know. The Aibanv papers agree that the .See of game warden is an important one. of area: value to the people, costing but little, etc. etc. Of coarse they want an Albany ctaa appointed. And yet. gentle :. . r. -. . ; rt-t-:. ": to represent the great arrfiirnetlean fulcrum that move tbe world. , and you are moved even by the appetite of another for spoil. After ail the people are not to blame. It is the so called spoil p crs that corrupts them. Tin. A and A. If a railroad were to be Iiili from hereto the moon the Salem ;at.vrnan would claim a branch line. In thi resr. t it nmtmt, xnknJi.l oicfnre of optimism. Ine paper says: ow that the Albany A' Astoria railroad has been granted a right -of -way by cenjeres.- tiiroagh the Grand Ronde Indian reservation it is 'expected there will be revival of ta!k reia- use to toe (Ktitaing ci a line ot rail ltoui the vai;ev to tae ea- e are not very ror- titular what route th- line totes, for Sa-em wi.! have" it or a branch, no matter which pass it occupies. We believe this lice would have been built this vear had titae bn better. Died. On Satirday forenooa.June iv.'l. at her lii-me tn A!i.fiv. alter a lingering illttese, Mrs Cha s Metrgar. at tne age of about 3S years. The deceased wa a life long reaident of Oregon, her father Mr Thomas Powell being one of the pioneers of the state. She leaves, a husband and many relativiea and friends to mourn her death. A Lixi.y RfXAWAv. Tbe horse of 0 !. Reece. Of Bnton count v ran away yes terday, with the wagon well loaded with grvxvnej and otlter things turchastvl. part of the course being down First street. Mr Reeve secured a horse and followed the fly ing team, making the affair a lively one. The wagon and contents wore pretty well smashed to pieces. A Good Indi-strt. 'no of the credita ble industries of Aibanv is the chair fac tory of You. 1 Son. This reliable firm is manufacturing a good many 'goods, which have a prompt sale, not only plain work . but aj well a higher grade of work that compares favorably with imported good The Best Medicine. J. O. WlXSOH, Contractor and .iiildor. Sulphur Springs. Texas, thus speaks Of Ayer'a Pills: " Aycr's Piils are the best medicine I over tried ; aud. iu my Judgment, no bettor general remedy could ha devised. 1 have used them iu my family and recommended them to my friends and aniployes for nioro than twenty years. To my certain knowledge, many cases of the lollowing coinplainta have been completely and Permanently Cured hy the use of Aycr's Pills alone: Third day chills, dumb ague, bilious fever, sick headache, rheumatism, flux, dys pepsia, constipation, and hard colds. I know that a moderate use of Ayer Pills, continued for a few days or weeks, ns the nature of the complaint required, would be found an absolute cure for tho disorders I have named above." 1 " I have been selling medicine for eight years, and I can safely say that aycr's Pills give better satisfaction than any other Pill 1 ever sold." J. J. Terry, Spottsylvania C. H., Va. AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas. Evary Dosa Effective 1 ' . w A Pyre Hm&m oil is thrt l:inr! used in tint production Of S ott's Emul- r.-aV, Sion Pat , Sod: for feet ard I.imc and re .idrlH upon brain. nerve So rnvstery surrounds this fc it bui ttrer.j :ak of all at Scott's Emulsion will check Consumption and indispensable in -.vstinj; dis eases. Those. I aaPimplesj Are UTi-Ude symptoms thntvour iVa 4 ts nof right full of impv ritta, eotumg I a tluggxsk and untightbj tvmplezi- : A few bottles nf tS. H. 8. teilf rr-wi all foreign ana impure matter, cleanse J tAe tlooa thoroughoj, and girt a clear j and rosu complexion. It is most effect-1 vol, ana entirety harmless. Ctas. Ucrlon. 73 Liorel Strsst 7--jla nr: ? I have had for rears a haasor in my'doxlX w ai Ji made n- dread to ifcawi. a stoali batuor T pepk-s wonld be cat, tfcsa shirlr to! faeagreataiBcTaace, AisertiAus; there txr.iV-s . a.j tiie is aUcatarafld scacotri as! skaes, SHsft ssvl feei t-ke ma-:,, -j ? - I foc race all for tie use tf 5. S. Ttafisec ilrnt 111 1 ills lis Ml 1 niiPjiiTfiiii I SWIFT SPECIFIC CO- -r:--v-. Ci. Of Des M'.lae.. lows, wr.tes tcdei'Ute of March 23. IS33: S. B. Met. Mrr. Co.. Dafar, Oeess 70essea Or? arrifing b'e lt wtek, i fi al well add aaxkesly a-saitutg. Oar iittle sill, etshl and ooe-bslf years old, who baal waled away tat Si ;ccis, is t3 well, strong aatl it'rcas. acd well Seabed op. si. B. Cocgh Tare tuj-ae its wot itli. 8oti of the ct.tidieo like it. Yoar S B. Coogh Care baa cared a.i kept away all boarsesesa trorr me . So give it to every aoe, with gre-i:nsf- r ill; Wishing ;cw croseeti y. we are Years, Mr. A Ma J F Fokp. Iff . f.-l ,m -.A I 1 . it I ler U Sidir - w irt. deans k-15 rtssw writ vta iy taksar two or tare i.weaark -eek. b erati pv aattlasw i j rr.-. ve rssruue by I A CLAIMING. saata, .v.-ts-,ard gUBasai One cent a ccae. Tttts ft 3 eat Coroa Crkx tr:r wtere ail others fai Cc-iit:s. Crc;. Sarr Threat, Hcanecese. Whccfisg Ccb s&i Ath.t. For CotB3tstica it has no riva-i has cured 1hassa.ciM.1iad arUl ctkb Toe if txi-a in time, foia by Pra-gls-s ctt a truar se.tee. T"or a Lane Back or Chest, ii SHiLOH-S BSLISDONNA PLAitEKSc CATARRH REMEDY. I are rout tstrua r i teed t cere iYice. i-'cta. FCSHAY A WASO vaau ava axs saran, i)ruggistsand Bookseikt f pei.ts for Johr. l. Aider, a pntiv sa'seh w? aell at potdjaher'a J tkwii ataea(idsa? VI60R MEN Easily, rjaiekty. Peflaasaatlj SestefwC. WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and mil tb train of Tm txxm srarly errors car latear cx1l&. tia rr Malts of I'VWtlClk, liv'kQfSS, worrr.t'ti.. FUU strvaigt. tic Tvicru.etn ta icaw frtren "oaNry organ ariA ::.m of lb xtr. it m r- natural nwi hv-ia. lrti c la : I w pr wemu X sa. FHM'tmxiik. 2.iU I.MTOiX. BO" t- ssqajaajuwi aa 1 - niiueu vs--utru) res. ERIE KSDiCAl f Burrx rt." Caveats tadTrada.Marks cMa-csd. atsdaa Fat-J cnt t-ness cootlucteii tor Mozlr t: fet. Oua tmctiiCfotmUS patent Orr-;t and we can .secure patent la .tw Uaic uau usoi ,.,At.lnv. ,.'; r '-'Of.. i Send m xlel, drawing w pkcto., tt Stioa. We aitrise, ti rateftab or box. irteolv charm Our fee not due tu; p ten: i!.reu. e a rataeHtrr. "Bow toObt t Pateats," with cost ot srjie in the U, S. aua cigucoaaerktsj sent nee. Address, C,niWia w ww wr-. Ose. PATtsrr Orr.ct. vkashinqtow. a cj , ,.t.-'VV,-3S tlMaT RiTiaiU BK. or ALBA NT, OtMOS t. FLINT S. K.VOUSO W. LAN UPON Vhn Prwjidtsiil 3sakar. v 3 1 1 si a 3Saw MT3WsaalaS sTai fMEaassw r r- t- ia aaf iif 1 iTsTssm ttr-m 41 a. ar&l 4HIL0H'S 1 mm. rRASSACTS A QSNKRALkaattlBgooslasae AOCOL'XTS KKPT ubitt to cherk. SlGUTKXCUANGlt andtel Taphin transf r, wild New York, San franilsco, Chicago aud f tluid 'toXBCTIONS stADKon taiorabis eruss. atuaoMa a Yocsa K ,W .Lass oa L. Puss S Bus is, KsvAas I . Sox. Uuaranteed to euro Ttlitous Attach so -T Ottliou. Vitals Saie CM T-