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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1894)
ciuonat. Weekly Democrat. $i 75 per n advance. $J.oo at erd cf year. ) ear A Roi cm Trip John Stewart atid his boys returned Wednesday evening from Ciook county, where they went with a large band of cattle, and from all appear ance they were glad enough to get back. They experienced a very rough and dis agreeable trip, having much to contend with. The road was in poor condition and the driving necessarily slow, but the worst did not come until the snow line was reached. They found a snow storm racing, and it was with difflculy that they got the cattle across. The band was divided into several divisions, and the trail would fill with snow soquickly that it was hard for one bunch to follow an other. Hut for all this the drive was a successful one, aud out of the two thous and at the start, only twelve or fifteen were lost.- Register. All Summer. The light draught steamer Eugene, which has been making weekly trips between Portland and Eu gene, has demonstrated the fact that ahe will be able to run as far as Corvallis during the whole summer, giving the shippers along the W illametie a two-Irips-a week service, thereby saving them the exorbitant rates charged in the summer season by th railroads. In dependent. The "roat dt serves ihe pat ronage of the public. Axothkr Okkooh Boy. Ihe Demo crat continues to be proud of the Oregon boy. Whether the climate or the rich luscious fruit, cannot bs stated ; but he is always on top in competition with the world. Here is another case: William B Ladne took the highest honors in a graduating class of 53 members from the United States military academy Wed nesday. General Buggies passed the diplomas to the graduates as they were called npoo. There was great applause when William B Ladue stepped to the front and took the first diploma. Ladue is a son of W N Ladue, a banker former ly of Salem, Or. Dropped Dead. Shortly atUr 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon Ira Bowman, an old resident of Springfield, dropped dead near his home in the eastern edge of the village. The deceased gentleman was about 65 years of age and at the time of his death was engaged in mowing some grass in a small flald. Ryatanders saw him fall suddenly wh.lo whetting his scythe and going up to him found life extinct. A doctor was tent for but it was useless to attempt a r.-vival. Mr Bowman was a pioneer of the vicinity in which he lived. Eugene Guard. A Brave Editor. The Astoria Bud gett man at least on paper is a regular Corbett. Hear him: The Budget picked no quarrel with the Herald or the deputy district attorney; bat if he is banting for a little notoriety and adver tising we are just the boys who can give it to him. If you mean trouble, Mr Deputy District Attorney and Defender of Crap shooters and Vage, just pat up yoar dukes and jump into the ring with the rest of your kind, and we will proceed to give yon the best we have in the shop. Not Ykt Confirmed. The nomina tion of J W Bell for collector of customs at Yaquina, has not been confirmed -Though there were at least three appli cations for the position it is said there is only one app'ication now on file at Washington. It is probable one or two o'ber applications will have a hearing before the confirmation. The result will be watched with interest. Plenty Ok Applicants. Sheriff elect McFeron has received on an average about ten applications a day for the position of deputy sheriff, and one appli cation for the Albany post office. The clerk and recorder ere also kept busy in the same wa". A Bio Fall. Julius Joseph, the jolly cigar drummer of Albany waa in town Tuesday. He said that wheat bad fell two cents per bushel wool fell three cents a pound and rain fell every day since the republicans have carried the state. Lin coln County Leader. L. O- T. M. Attention. A special nfeting-is cal'ed, on Tuesday evening Jane 19th, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose f exemplification in the inaitory work. Every lady Haccabee is earnestly re quested to be present. By order of Nellie A La meson, Lady Commander. Kansas City, Linn County. June 18, 1894. Mr George Hawkins, of Kansas City, it engaged in the poultry business, hav ing several fine specimens. He is con templating a trip to California in the near future Miss Mable Knapp, of Albany, is spending a few weeks in Kansas City. Mr Charlie Marsh has hie lawn mowed and is building a new picket fence. Mr George Myers and family were vis iting in Kansas City a few days last week. Mr Lucocs Phelps from Waterloo is visiting hie sister. Mrs Charles Duncan. Sunday school is progressing nicely at the Central church, they bave a large at tendance Brother Snnderman preached at Central laet Lord's day at 11 a m and 5 p m in the evening, a large crowd was in attendance considering the rain day. We see Mr J K Douglass, the gardner, is driving a splendid new hack. It'a a 1 pound boy at Charles Dan can's, that is why he smiies so. SO-aTi Tills! Weofler C ue Hundred Dollars Bewasd tor uycasec! C atarrh th&t cannot be cured by all's Catiin Cure. t. J. (.FIEXEY & CO., Props. , Toledo, O. 7e t'..c o;.Jersi...-J. haTe known F. J, Chccey tot t'.:e last 25 yesrs, and believe Ma perfemy l-.n trabl.- in all business transactions tnd f.r.anrial'7 able lo car:. .at any obligation made by tbetf firm. WestTr'V.x, WuolessV T.'rieeiats.Toledo.O. Waj-disjo, Kinka & ;.1auv:s, Wholesale Drug Huts. Toledo. O. Ball's Catarrh Cure in taken internally, act Inn lirectly upon tlie blood -and raucous sur faces of tha vtem. Price 7.5c. per bottla. boM by all lituji:-. Testi-ioniais rree. Ivy Poisoning Eight Years of Suffering Perfect Cure by Hood 'u Sarsaparilla " 0. 1. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mas. : " Dsar Sirs 1 W have tried Hood's Sarssps rfila and find It to be all you claim for It My wife was poisoned by Ivy when a young woman. and for eight years was troubled every season Hood'siCures with the breaking out and terrible Itching and burnlnz. I thought bera was as bad a case as anyone ever bad. Bus was in this distressing condition every year until she began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, which has effected a per fect cure, without leaving any scars, and sbs has bad No Sign of the Poison Since. She is well and hearty. I have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla after the grip with good results, and have also given It to our four children. We are ail pictures of perfect health and owe It to Hood's Sarsaparilla." J. C. Fbexkax, Van- AmHm Illinois N. b. U you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa you decide to laxe hooo s mtmw be Induced to buy any other instead. rilla do not Hood's Pills are hand made, and perfect tn preporUon and appearance. 88c. per box. Regular meeting of th W C T V to morrow after noon. A new divorce suit Is that of Eflie Ea'd well agt Rilv F Hard well. The 1 O O G T and not the I O O V meet In Eugene to day. About a dozen trtmps ilept on box cars around the depot last night. A meeting of the Alumni of the Albany college will be held to night. Uffcers will be elected . Born, In Albany, on Saturday evening, June 16, 189.1, to Mr and Mrs Wi'son R Blaln, a son. All doing weii. There are I wo men In Portland for every job of work offered, notwithstanding the extra work causrd by the Hood, C Ker, of Portland has just obtained a patent for a car couple, and T J Thorp, of i L. . . - -' ' Forest Grove for a clu'.ch The Lutheran church of this city has secu.rd the services of Rev Deerlngof Portland who will preach at W C T V Hall every Sunday at in o'clock A M. Two Union Pacific fr.lght;trains passed through Albany to day lor Portland, with delayed fielght, which they aid bioughl around by way of Sacramento, on account of the along the Short Line. The Oregonisn has imported eight ex pert type machine operator. Thirtv regular compositors and a large number of subs will thus be thrown out of em ployment. A train loaded with wheat for Pot Hand was left on the track near the Wasco warehouse. During the flood th? water got into the cars to the depth of about two feet, and the reuit is a vast amoun of good chicken feed, The Dalles Chront cle. Rev Father White, of Salem, is in the city. Mr Arthur Porter has returned from his trip to Yaquina Bay. Mr Wrt Ralston is in Olex, E. O. on a visit with his con Lonner. Mr Chas Kennedy, of Coos Bay, ot former 0. P. fame as conductor, was in the city today. Mr Hate Backensto and family, of Dal las, hare made arrangements to retnrn to Vlbany to reside. Mr Robert L Smith .oi Oakville, return ed this morning from Grass Valley, Cal, where he sold an interest in a mine for $6000 cash. Mr Smith had owned the interest tor about twenty years. $3o, 000 wae paid for the mine. James A Moore and Eliza Moore were married at the residence of Oliver Treese last Tuesday night. They were first married about nine years ago, and were divorced at the laat fall term of court. Corvallis Times. Mr J C Nutting, of North tield . Minn, ia in the city the guest of his nephew. the Man about Town. Mr Nutting is on me fun suuui lown. nr tuning is on i his way home from a seversl weeks rift ' with two sisters in San Francisco and Oakland. Mr Allen Cham'uerlin, of San Leandro, formerly ot this city, writes that he is picking chtrries in a six acre orchard, j tie nas neen to me lair several times, and waa particularly pleased with the liberal arts exhibits; has seen a million bicycles, he bets. Did China town from 8 p m to 4 a m, with a guide, and saw wonderfnl sights of filth, lepers, white wotren "hitting" the pipe, etc. The Musical. The leading musical people of Albany were present at the evening musicale given on Saturday evening at the resi dence of Mrs Christina Monteith, by ihe Ladieb Guild of the Episcopal church. They were given an appreciative program of marked amateur talent, a musical feast. The program was opened with the rendition of a sonata, op 2 No 3 by Beethoven, by Frof W Gifford Nash. It was executed without music in three parts, speaking of the genius of the great composer as wei as the talent of tne performer, whose touch is true sensitive, and very sympathetic. Nash brings oat the conception of composure in a faithful manner, was also heard near the close of but Mr the He tl,e ! program in Liszt's "Dream of Love," responding to a hearty encore with a delightful piece of classical composition by Bacb. Miss Ora Spangler, daughter of Albany's former citizen Mr John Spanghr, of Corvallis, touched the keys for a waltz, a pretty selection well per formed. Rev E R Pritchard was heard in a vocal solo, "Where is Heaven." Miss Hat tie Friendly and Miss A W lummer.of Corvallis, rendered a difficult duet with excellent expression. Mrs F L Washburn, wife of Prof Washburn of the O A C painted five pretty pictures with a p'easing touch and did credit to Grieg. Mrs E W Langdon sang "Dost Know" in a voice that retains its superior quality and deep feeling. Miss Hattie rnendly would have dl:gbted ehu man in her execution of a couple pleas ing fantasies. The Albany Mandolin quartet, Misses Senders and Ball, and Messrs Mcrarland and GcfT were heard in a selection that brought a prompt encore, the program was loHowed with strawberries and ice cream. Each par taker was presented with a souvenir, that will long be kept as a memento of one of the most successful local musical events ever held in Albany. Indeptedness of Two Cities. Salem is gradually being plastered with debts beside which Albany is en tirely in the shade. At ttie last meeting of the city council this resolution was passed : We also, recommend that the council pass a resolution unanimously agreeing to use their influence in securing the passage 01 a bill through our nest legislature to amend our city charier, giving toe city council power to bona tne city for the necessary amount to com plete the city ball." Albany Democbat. Examination shows that tbi total of Salem's bond issues is as follows: First bridge bo-ds $30,000 Second " " au.uw Sewer bonds 19,000 Refunding " . .. 20,000 Laat issue of bonds 60,000 Total Total warrantaout, $10,000. $149,000 Total possible city debt, $169,000. The city debt of Albany is as follows, per statement June 14th, of C'ty Re corder N J Henton, to Mayor Gatch : Bonded debt $75,0C0 Outstanding warrants 21 ,000 Accrued interest 2,000 Total debt .$98,000 His would indicate that Salem's total This citv debt is $61,000 ereaur than Albany's Salem's debt ia Dig enough, too big; but considering that her property and taxable resources are double and treble those of Albany, the comparison is not discreditable to Salem. Journal. Salem's assessment instead of being double is buta little more than Albany's. Her resources may be double but not her assessment. Our assessment ia over $1, 700 000, what Is Salem's. Happy days and restful nights result from using A.yei's Sarsapsril'a. It so regulate all the bodily function and strengthen the nervous avitem that wor ry an J fatigue are comparatively unknown and life is truly enjoyed. It Is certalaly a most wonderful medicine. A gentleman , under fort' year of age, whose hair waa rapidly becoming th'n and gray, began the nas of Ayei'a Hair Vigor, , . 1 1 L. ! -, . 1 . DU ID VIZ IDOD1DI Hl llBir w TV I Hl W its natural color, and even 111 ire fian its former g.owth and richness. To make th: hair grow a natural color, prevent baldness,and keep the eca'p hea'.hty Hall s lialr Renewer was invented, and ha proved Itself successful. Judee Duncan returned from Soda- ville last evening, where he had been to see the opening ot bids lor the improve ment of the springs, under the s-HJ ap propriation. Ihe contract was let to J G Boyle, of Lebanon for $482.50. The newly elected state officers are being besieged by a horde of applications for subordinate positions. The bard time leads many to believe they were cut out for the positions that will be open to tbe public. H.Iks & MoKanaoa, tore, Albany, Oi . :he lealing lnt Aix Having chances on our bicycle should bring them in before July 5th . With every $1 purchase you are entitled to a guess on beans contained in jar. M SI-HUN HtIKi & Co. Clothers, Hatters, Boots, Shoes and Furnishers. One of the neaii st signs In Albany Is the ne Postal Telegraph sign. Those parlies who wish to furnish wood to the Democrat should deliver :t at once. Crawford & l'axton have some fine high water settles t iken bv Mr Crawford while In Portland. Two bicycles have bten x'olen In Salem recently. Look out for their. Every bicycle rider should keep his number. The todies of Downing and Weaver lost in the mountains In Lane county seveial months ago, have just been found. The men perished in the snow. At the recent Pioneers Association mee,1ng n Portland the iollowlng were ,.,r,,i ...1 frnn. 1 ' .... 1 II 1 , 1 1 . enrolled from Linn county : C P Bmkhart, llSI 1 C P Glover, lo-lo. There were several iS3 pioneers present and n.ore for each year afterwards. Poys and all others are requested to s'.op the placing of base ba'.l In ihe streets of Albany. The same will not be per mitted hereafter. By order of Ihe city marshal. Three or four small bora last night near the home of the Man about Town had a box of cigars which they were brard to remark they had stolen fiom a store. They were all smoking. A bsd start, boys. Lawyer James F Amis, of Eugene, was 10 the city yesterday. f Dr E L Iane, dentist, of Portland, was in the city this forenoon. .Miss Clara Coheu has just returned from a tisit with friends in Independence. Dr I N Woodle has returred to Albany after an absence of several months, mostly spent in Wcodburn. Judge Hewitt and Hon J K Weather ford were attending to law business in hugene yesterday. License has been issued for the man i age of J C Armstrong and Ella Cooper, Hague Parrish and Clara E Darby. Mr Frank Power, collector and book keeper for the Saiem Water Works Comp any, was in the city this noon on his way home from a visit at Halsey. Mr and Mrs E L Thompson, of Portland, who have been in the city makingarrange ments for the improvement of their Ferry street residence, reurned home this noon. Miss Pet Strahan. of Atlanta. Georgia, came up from Portland last evening, ac companied by her brother Claude, and will visit Albany friends several days. The following from a Salem paper is about a former "devil"' on the Democrat: It is reported that Edgar B Piper will ac cept a position on the Oregonian staff of reporters, commencing July 1. There is ! probably no vounir man in ihwon so woll and favorably known as Mr Piper. For a nnrnoex cf years he was city editor of the V- ti 1 - 7. t -T hlch emblr5k l? n newspaper business on the Sound, first 1- j coming city editor of the Seattle Post-In-I telligencer. and afterwards conducting the Seattle Press-Times on his own arc .rant. After disposing of that business he went to San Francisco. and engaged his services upon a mining and statistical journal of ! mat city, tor the past tew months he has been employed by the associated press. The Oreironian has made a clever selection, and they will find him equal to any position of trust they see fit to place upon him. His many friends of Salem rejoice to know that he has returned to Oregon to stay. Giving Reasons The Prineville News has been giving the reasons of all the de feated candidates for the result. 8 J New some, who has since moved to Lane county for the summer said: "I know of no other reason than enough of my friends failed to cast their votes in my favor, and, maybe, the manner of my electioneering, for an other. I always made it a point when I was called on to 'set them up' to answer. 'I will if you will vote for the other fellow; 1 want no vote that can be bought with a cigar or a arms. Mr Knox Huston was sitlintr on ih of the sidewalk . Looking blue don't ex- P1 .He appeared lie the growing : potatoes since tne late frrt In answer to tne Me.)t7si .juen-. M aid: upine cowardice of the democratic party of this county, was the chief cause that loosened the local avalanche. Individual mistakes gave it force, and stimulating hypocrites pushed the victims into its course to be crushed by its irresistable. but senseless force. A Bad Siti atios. The Pendleton E. O. tells of another serious result from the Columbia Hoods: Newspaper men all through this region and in fact ia Eastern Washington arejrperiem-in? great diffi- cully in aucuxiosr i-nfGcient of paper with which to print their issues. Especially is this true of the dailies which consume wagon loads in a very short time and for one of which even a carload does not last through so very many editions. Cut off from all depots of supply, the stocks on hand have been brought very low. Spo kane his lieen drawn on and bax sent out all the dealers they can spare. To get it from Portland is imposeible and will be for weeks to come, in al! likelihood. It will 1 soon be necessary to use straw paper. The 1 Tribune was compelled this morning to print a portion 01 ineir eaiiton on maniua, a very good substitute, indeed, for news, but rather expensivj. The scarcity of pa per is causing publishers to pray for rail road communication. A Loxs Fi.v. The Puget oond Horn ing Club held it annual race from Eugene Orego.i. to 1'uyallur. Wash. an air-line distance of 220 miles. Thunday. The birds were shipped to Eugene, by express, Tuesday morning, but owing to the in terruption of the train service, did not reach there till Thursday morning. After being watered in their boxes, they were set at liberfv bv Harrv Temnleton. of Eu gene, at 7:35 a m. The weather was clear, with a light wind from the northwest. '1 he birds thus had a head wind to fly against. Very good speed was made by the winning birds, however. The h3t arrival was at the loft of Fred S Meeker, at 2:08 p ni. His speed was 9-?25j yards per minute. The club will send its birds to Koeeburg to be liberated about June hugene Guard Back Actixo. Don t serd letters away to a distant postoffice to be rem ailed . Tbey are a give away, did you know it. The postmaster is obliged to stamp on tbe letter before sending it, "Received from to be mailed at Pendleton," or wherever the place. An instance is known where a young man, without having left town, wrote letters to a young lady dated at all the principal cities in the Union, his idea heing to convin ce her that he waa a great u"' n " re,turii fIom .f?" VWszsCU WUl I1C WOW iWUUUUUM Willi iitn letters, all decorated with tne"under cover-' stamp, showing that every one of them had been written from home, he felt more like traveling than ever before. A peculiak cask will be tried in Rose- burg. Aaron Rose, sr., has brought suit against H Wollenberg to recover the sum of $4903, which he claims ia due him, be cause of over-payment on his share of the Arrington treasury defalcation. It seems that Mr Rose quaiifed in the sura of 110,- 000, and Mr Wollenberg in the sum of $20,000, on Arrington' bondx, and the former now claims that be was therefore only liable for one-third of the deficit. As he has paid one-half the amount, he now sues to recover tbe over-payment. As American Lion. When W D Wheeler of Macleay went to look at his sheep Sunday morning, one of them was missing. Tracks in the vicinity of the yard indicating that a large animal was the robber, a hunting party was formed and the animal was run down and shot by Jack Patton. It proved to lie an American lion and measured 7J feet from tip to tip and weighed 99 pounds. Tho s'iin was a very fine one and was purchased by Lee Sterner. Statesman. At Any Piuce. A Corvallis dispatch to the Salem Journal reads: It is now said that the court will, at its adjourned sitting on July 20th, order a new sale of the Ore gon Pacific properties, at whatever price it will bring, regardless of creditors or court costs." This is undoubtedly the program, ana it is safe to predict the result. Mabbisi). On June 12, 1894, at the residence of B N Hardman, Mr John Buchner and Miss Serene Hardman, Rev A S Copley, of tho Evangelical church, officiating. Km Guvic. I have juBt received the new spring shades of the celebrated Centemeri kid gloves and also those with the large pearl buttons. I expect to carry these in colors to match the suitings. I rarry also lines of the Foster hnnlr. Ttinrrirz. ebamoia artA ai,nt1at I . ' ' 2"T J" j gioyes. o iS Young . lsssaBs CIRCUIT COURT. Court convenes in Albany next Monday, June 26. The docket will consist of 92 old cases, continued, and the following new cases: S M Hoagland admr agt 55 M Bates Recovery of money. W H Swank agt J W Swank pad John Brown. Partition. Herbert Ames agt M W Marry. Recov ery money; attachment. Lapp 'V Flesham agt W H Uootli. Re covery money . David Carey agt Farmers k Merchants Ins Co. Recovery money. Rosa Ferganbam agt I W Starr. Re covery money; attachment. Uregon Mtge Co Limited agt c u luirK hart et al . h oreclosuro . Laura A Caldwell agt Ellen C Caldwell et al. Partition. D II Peterson agt G 11 Wilkes, Supt et al. Writ of review. M M Morris agt Farmers t Merchants Irs Co. Recovery money. In estate of Martha Hunter. Appeal. Uuseppe MatUce agt Kate Matasce. Divorce. Alfred II Freerksen agt Tho Bank of Oregon. Recovery money; attachment. Linn County National" Bank agt The Bank of Oregon. Recovery money; attach ment. Albany B v L A agt Lizzie M Eels et al. Foreclosure. S A Nickerson agt Frank Jennings et al. Foreclosure lien. t, r irst tgt tanners A: Merchants ins Co. Recovery money. Evaritta E Warner agt S B Warner. Divorce. Evaritta E Warntr agt s B Wanier. Partition. J R Ream agt H L Cranor et al. Recov ery money; attachment. wl Cochran and O P Coshow agt William Cochran. Recovery money. Geo U Waud agt Ruth E Wand. Di vorce. Phillip Collischonn agt J P Simpson. Recovery money. Frank Bros Co agt H W Walker. Recovery money; attachment. Frank Bros Co agt W S Paul. Recov ery money: attachment Effie M Bod well agt Bailey F Bod well. Divorce. Linn County National Bank agt Bank of Oregon et al. To set aside assignment. H W Uoff agt Bank of Oregon. Recov ery money. John A Millard agt Bank of Recovery money. W H Vanscuyver & Co agt A A Recovery money. Oregon. Comley. E P McCormick agt Waterloo ment Co. Foreclosure. lVvelrfp- I W Althouse agt H J Maple et al. Foreclosure. S E Young et al agt I B Wirt et at. Re cover- money; attachment. S H Young et al agt W II McPherson et al. Foreclosure. J A Startevant agt J L Cowan and J M Ralston as Bank of Lebanon. Recovery monev. S E Young et al agt J D Walton et al. Foreclosure. Lena R Jefferis agt Leighton C Jefferis. Divorce. Medders Vanderuool asrl H C Kletter et al. Foreclosure. I N Main agt W H Booth, et al. Re covery money. J O Doathit and Sons agt A R Norwood. Recovery money. James Brooks agt Josegh M Nichols. Foreclosure chattl- mortgage . Oakville. Judge Duncan was here last week. He let the oontnu-t for repairing the bridge at Barton's. Mr Tilloteon was toe the uo cessful bidder. Who will be the next president? A prominent republican on hi way to market with his wool was asked by another ardent republican, "why not keep oar w.l till McKinler is elected treident?" "I am afraid my sacks would rt." wms the reply. The dogs made a raid on R A Bamford sheen Saturdav nk'ht, killing three and tearing others . Dogs are too plenty. Miss Crawford of Lowland, Colorado, is visiting friends here. We accepted an invitation to visit the nursery and orchard and flower ear Ion of Geo D Barton, and can aaidy say that be has the best assortment of trees we have ever seen and they are in a healthy trees we nave ton. His voaner on-hanl onl.- hnr mn old is tolerably well filled with truit. and then his roses ha has them of every shade and perfume.ux different varieties growing on one stalk. Barton can talk fruit and a wsJl a. he can politics Amcr Tar. Caors. Following i the report of the U S Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau, of the Oregon State Weather Service, for the week ending Monday. June 18th. 1M. 1 ne Columbia anl tributary rivers con- tinue to fall: since the ilh. when th luaxi- j mpm height was reache.1. the river ha taiien six feet. At a in of the 19tn it ; penses. What it would do were it ex read n.Q feet. At The Iialle the river has ! teoded over the mountains to connection nnen rrom JH... Ie-t to 4b.O feet: the water nn lolnr, ir Tv.- rw.ii ?LZ .V s T 3 KSMr l ttH" The weather ha been verv favorable to the growth of vegetation. The cereal crop is making excellent growth. Fall sown wheat is beading and spring sown is inlo! bonding the city's floating debt of milk; late spring sown is nearly as far ad- 00111 25.000, which cau be done for 5 vaneea as is the ear v sown On lam we ana rust is appearing but not siirheient so far to be of material injury heavy The hay crop will be unusually it is not ready for the shoaerv weather .Ul.v-s rutting TK hnnl mower, but the cloud v . . r- are growing unusually well. There are i appearances of lice so far and the hope that they will not show themselves. The acreage of hops has been increased which will result in greatly increasing tbe pro duct Straw! rries are ery plentiful and of a fine quality. Notice to Tax Pavers. All persons will take notice that I will be compelled to close the tax roll cn or about June 26tb. 1!M, preparatory to my settlement with the court. After that date costs will 1 added to all taxes. Pay while you ca.. save costs. Hated June 12, m. U. C Jackson. Sheriff. Jt 1. 11 .1 Gbadwohl informs us that hi branch store 01. Secon street will be open from this day on in regular form of business. The same will be a cash store. Come and try and satisfy yourselves that tbe cash system Is the only true one In business. If you take his advice you will never have any bard times. J Uradwoiil. To Th k Ladics. 1 will sell regardless of cost for the next sixty day my entire stock of trimmed and untrlmmed hats. Those wishing anything In the line of millinery will find it to their advantage to call early at Mrs M E Bllyeu's. Cabtage. Qreen P as, Celery Ss t Pot 1 toe, N 0 w Potato, Chenle At C E Brownell. New goods just received at Mrs John N Hoffman's. Hats sold for half what you pay elsewhere, call and be convinced. C Biownells grocery store isi increas n in popularity. He carries a fine stock in a light room, easily accessible and gives bargains. Next door to the P O. Kabo Corset. A nerfect diets foim Dresses fit perfectly over tnem. App ro vet by all dressmaker. S E Youko .-ventann c-re Cnstipauou a 'ache. Omall Ullo Uc-ana. U S Bakery bread i frt class. Ca at Second and between Ellsworthand Lyon btreel. Those Cape Jessamine buds from the Oulf of Mexico are just lovely. You should get one. Inquire of Arch pasturage cheap. Hammer tor good Hah. at Vierejka r.a ting parlor. shaving and hair Late silver sword Si Starks. corsage pins at Will MISFITS. Strawberries have been sold in Salem as low as twelvB boxes for twenty-five cents. That's too low. A prominent business man nml regular advertiser was asked the other day what he thought t he result would be should ho give up advertising. His answer waa: "Well, 1 should save considerable money the first year, but I should lose a bigger pile the next two years. MuBcatine, Iowa, Journal. A man came into the ofiic3 of a Maine paper the other day and thus addressed the young lady at the desk: "How you vas to day, I hope? I vanU for to alvertize mv leetle tog on der baper. He vas stiet-placlc tog in it white spot- all ofer him in blaces. His tail vas coot off close up to myselluf. und if any potty tints him. keep him, for 1 jielong to lam. How mooch vor two time?" One year ago yestor lay tlie Linn County National Bank and the Bank of Oregon closed their door?. It was an exciting period in Albany. With it began an era of depression, which continues, not only in Oregon, but in all tarts of the 0 S and most parts of the world. People have learned to live with close economy. Mer chants have almost generally demanded cash, and a different system to some extent prevails. The year has taught iU lessons. with its financial disasters. A new harvest bountiful in size is coming on, and even low prices will result in an increased circu lation for sales generally will be made early, lew will hold for uncertainties. The low price of production will give some recompense for the large amount of labor, Let us all look on the bnght side. I ma Hogg is the name of a daughter of the governor of Texas. A bill for $700 has been sent into the County Court of Marion county for print ing tne election tickets for the Jane e'ec tion. This is a ridiculous price. The Linn county tickets, the contract for which was let to the lowest bidder, were printed by P J Smiley for 1216 and a first class job was done, and Mr Smiley did not lose any ; money. The Man about Town has a warm feeling of friendship for Mr Buford. the new farmer stt the Reform School. At the same time we like to publish the fun the papers are : having over the appointment. A Salem paper says: Mr Hoffer thinks the man who had recently been appointed farmer at the reform school, knows as much about -farming as an old goose knows about the ' science of astronomy . The Linn couaty papers are booming one C W Watts for state gam warden. ' This is one of the office that could be ! easily abolished without any detriment to ' tne state. About the onlr thing ever accomplished by said official, is to draw a . good salary. Eugene Guard. On tie contrary the game warden hat done much ' to protect game not only in Linn county bat elsewhere. The law is respected far ' more lean previous y. Some time since we published an item tuat Dr Geo S Wright of McMinnville. had made the distance from there to Dayton 7 miles, on a light i pound Imperial wbeel in JJ minutes The following comments were made by other papers: "A Ir Wright weighs '250 pounds, ten timeo as much as the bicycle, the item makes vn interesting reading' Albany Ikmh r t "Dju speaks well for Yamhill county's roads.'" 1 Marion County Record. You will see some good roads in old Yamhill, and some not so good. Yet we hope to have better in time. Dr Wright has since made toe i miles la sf minutes, and ev pects to make it in 2S befote the season it over. Ir tu: is making better lime than you used to make bv "pony eipress" ben delivering the -ilrva laJk fcr the rns-en: , publisher of the ilerall. Time works changes. Dayton Herald Over ten years ago the Man alot Town saw Doc make some very fa. : lime in a dispute in a ball game, ami it was face forward : bat 250 pounds on a 25 pound bicycle. 7 mile in "J1 minutes over rough road is pretty good It- ill the leadinz lights of the republi , can pariv wuo perpeiraiea a crime,, can party wuo perpetrated a crime during the late election were prosecuted 'in r,ns:ihHl at thr itnrv,l i,ir ssd puaished as they deserved tnere would be immediate need of another wing to the penitentiary. Welcome One encouraaing thing after so much Muck generally is the promise of the 111 biggest crops ever known in this state. All kinds 01 crops, 10 all sections of the iiwuitc prunjiss E J itr ot an aouoaam yield. 1 lie people 01 Oregon will out all rhigt yet. Mercury. The Oregon Pacific is all right. hen nr.l K. nrnn.r n,...nM i,,r.o May it took in 1556 above running ex- Uh a transcontinental line ran onlr be I T . , ..' " , conjectureu. 1 ne Oregon raciuc win ne ! IF&JSZL I'k"!. FrOP'!y I ine city council is considering a ' le rer lii i mr es. b sides putting a large amount cf money in circulation. About a year ago an Albany man proposed this, when several of our citizens got decidedly hot about it. Asa matter of fact, as tne Datsw r, - ... :. - MIU lliril, f IS WU! Kit nSSHSS llIZ. We would mncb prefer to publish lavorabie items on the wheat question but a paper must give all sides of such questions Here is one from an ex : "Will there be any advance in the price of w beat is a question that appeal to every citizen . The Toledo Blade says that the low price of wheat shows no feature of possible improvement. It is offered to Kurope by oiber countries than tbi, at prices which render com petition impossible- On last Friday, Argentine wheat was offered in London, including cost, insurance and freight, at 54 cents. The world's stock of this cereal does not decrease enough to ma terially improve the outlook lor holders. The new crop is near at hand, and there is nothing on which to base the hope of arise. On the contrary, 50 cent wheat in Chicago is confidently ptedicted. Cattle Injured- Four loads of cattle were at the depot this noon on their way to Portland, when some of them got down, and a stampede followed. It was impossi ble to get them tip. Under the excitement they were trampled under foot, and it was thought several of them would die. It was found necessary to unload and reload them, and this was being done this afternoon. Died. At the home of his biother. W H Brown, of Ashland precinct, Monday, June 18th, 1894, Samuel Brown, aged 70 years, 9 months and 21 days. Deceased was bom in Preble county, Ohio", and camo to Oregon in 1852, settling in Linn county. In 1874 he moved to the Rogue River valley, where he has since resided. Ho was never married. Vegetables Thieves. Quite a number of cases of petty stealing from vegetable gardens have occurred in the city during the bst week. Incursions are made into gardans at night and onions and other veg etables taken. Shot guns in quite a number of instances have been put in shooting trim and a dose of cold lead will be administered. Real Merit I the characteristic of Rood's Sarsaparilla, and P U manifested every day in the remarkable cures tbU medicine accomplishes Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the kind. Try It. Hsod' Pills are the best family cathar tic and liver medicine. Harmless, re liable, burc. A lawn tennis club has been fotmed by six young men and a good court arrang ed. This is one of the linett games played and It ts hoped that other court will be established In the city. The handiest place In town Fred Daw son' Utile drtig store on the corner, for pills. . The ladies of the lt M E Church wit give a social at I be residence of Mr Geo F Simpson on Wednesday evening, June 20tb. Ice cream and strawberries will be served throughout the evening for 15 ctai h ildren, 10 eta. WE JDZLSTESID nOME AND ABROAD TheCoxcy boam la collapsing like a bubble. Work on the Nlearaugua canal cannot begin loo soon. It's completion means 5 to 10 cents more per bushel for whea. The hay crop Is laid to be a failure In California. If so a good price should prevail, though high freights generally render much profit irom shipping to Cali fornia impossible. Wallace McCamant. the joung Portland at'orney. In Albany a few dayt ago, will deliver ihe oration at Eugene on the 4th, Mr McCamant Is an orator of ability. RtfgblB'ag on Saturday June 23 ihe Oregon Pacific will sell round trip ex cursion tickets from Albany lo Yaquina for t3.So good for every day cf the week. In the official returns of the election as published Ul week J K (ieddes was put down as receiving 49 votes In Rock Creek precinct. Mr Ocddea Informs us that his official vote In lhat precinct was 59 One San Fiancisco firm bold $1 1,000 worth of Rambler bicycles In My and $6,000 worth the first half of June, which indicates considerab'e money in circulation for at leas: the necessaries of life.liae bi cycles. A Portland rirm, with about h x feet of water on its floor during ihe recent flood. ',ut j0 uf ducks in ihe show window and posted the lign "No hunting or shooting on theie preml'.es.'" Eugene Guird. A special train with to de eeiie to the Grand Lodge A O V W recently In sesilon in San Francisco, passed ihroiuh Albany at o a m lo day on their wy nome by way ol Portland, where they were to visit' Oregon's Grand Lodge to day. When Nathan Pierce was asked the other day what he was doing now, he re plied : '-I am oat looking for that 1 0,000 acre farm the republicans gave me In the campaign. It was my first chance 10 be come a land baron, and I don't want to lose it." The Grand Lode A O U W Is in ses sion in Portland. Grand Master T C Mickey. A D Barker and N H Allen, are In attendance as delegates from the Al bany lodge. Mrs A b Woocln and Mis Maggie Barker are also there as reire sentatives of the Degree of Honor. Get your fruit jar at Parker Bros. Ex tra top and rubber. A Free Picture: See Tinkle about ga ting a lit; t!ze crayon free. Did you know that Tinkle made the finest pho'o. sec the new sample and get his prices. Remember Tinkle positively guam'ee hi photcs, as cu will be sure to be pleas ed with your picture if hj makes Ihtni. Try him once. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL, Mr Toney.Klein, of.Saiem. ii in the city W C WrjosLrock. the Corrallu banker. waa in the city this afternoon. Hon T J Black passed throat Albany this soon on a trip up the road. C A Hitchcock, of Independence, has ln elected principal of the Ashland schools. Mr and Mrs Ciiut Monroe, who hare beea res ding in Portland. will spend the summer in Albany and perhaps locate permanently. Governor elect Lord and A Bash, of Salem, went to Eugece to-day to attend the commencement exercises of the State Cniversity. A surprise party w.' tendered Mrs T andel last evening at her home .... t worth street. There were so many "nun? K-aiures 10 ine event Ikal d ' fully before ai joo -nmeat. Geo W Davn. clerk of the board cf school land commissioners, came to Albany yesterday thence to the Pioneer stone jaarry on Yaquina bay. He is one of tix company now interested in getting out stone at that place. Mis Ulen J Chamberlain. B. S. precep tress and professor of German. English literature and history in Use Universitr of Washington, has been honored by her ama mater. tbe graduated from the il ,mCTJ utj? "r8OB-, 10 . . . v " TT " Kir in- j "T"""" in teacziing. mrjcn ot which time being devoted to teaching the nigner icancne. ror about eight years she ha been a member of the facnltr of the state university, and this compliment to her 'worth as a lady and a an Instructor of high attainments ia thoroughly appreciated here, especially as it comes from another PaciSc coast institution of learning of the . 1 : f t - - -. - nwuiK 01 eunmruc c Diversity, ails Chamberlain is now entities! to sign A.M. after her name and those who know her best assert that there are few people in this world who will fulSIl the expectations or requirements of such an boner with greater fidelity tnan ahe. -Seattle Telegraph. Av.n-iiKB Rctort. The grand jury of Marinnft Marion ronnty has made a report on the -v-a which i intersxim i. ' o' - contrast to aZISk Humane society: I he grand jury were permitted to inquire into the managemex,t of th State Reform school at present con ducted by R J Hendricks, as it soperin tenlent. They were conducted through every room and shown every department to tbe buildings. Found the 'rooms cltan and in splendid order. The beds and bedding I was new neat and dean. Tbev were the'e at tbe noon hour and saw with pleasure the regular order that prevailed. K verv thing moved with the regularity of a clock and not a sign of insubordination could be dis covered in anv quarter of the dinimr hall. 1 While tbey are of the opinion that the man- I a , ., . . . . a acemeni is (onti tnev suggest mat in ad j numbering corporal punishment that there i be more care taken to avoid leaving per ! manent marks on tbe person of the inmate ! and further that when the boys are worked j in the rain they be provided witn suitable clothing to keep fiom getting wet- An Kim dem ic Breeder. A Portland correspondent of tbe Actorian says: Front street continues as odorous as ever, enly more so. and in the lower end of that thoroughfare are some of the vilest, most filth-reeking localities that evsr existed. llie authorities, while seeming to recog nize tne importance ot this subject, are proving themselves lamentable managers. with no knowledge concerning the right means of immediately checking the eyil and avoiding serious consequences, the boast ed -clean up" so far has consisted in the sprinkling of chloride of lane in front of about thirty building? indifferent parts o the city. Ever cellar ventilator sends un into the centre of the sidewalkc the breath of pollution, and every hour, of course makes the nuisance more abominable. This rtate of affairs too. is confined to no partic ular section, but is common wherever the Mood lias gone. ON THE TOP SHELF of public estimation you will find Parker Bros. It ha taken year of hon est dealing, a store full ol the best goods, a continuous round of truth telling and, above all, the right prices for the right goods to lead Parker Bros to their present proud position. Their groceries are stand ard, their produce fresh, and their baked goods the best in the market, and of a splendid variety. Tub La irst Fad. Did you get one of those Cape Jessamine buds at Read Peacock & Co's. They will continue until the stock Isexhaua'ed, to give one to every cash purchaser of merchandise to .the valueof fifty cent or more. Clean towels to evorv customer at Viereek shaving parlors. The boatjroaat ooflss is the oity at Com ad idoye r a Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fal,-Highest Medal and Dlplom Highest Honors at" World's Fair DPRICE'S The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard. j Real Estate Sales. S W Warner to Emilia Warner. west one half of 1470 acrs,15 w :!.$ Evarilla Warner to 8 B Warner, the east half of 147!) iu res, 15 w :t . R C Mills to NO Britt, 100 acres, 15 R A J Zolmson to tho Buk of 8eio, 2ttJixl00fet, BetO Waterloo Development Co to A.-;i K Waters, 2 lots. Waterloo D B Monteith to O T Porter, Mock 41, Albany Wni Ralston to G W Aldricb.Wxliiy feet, I-ebanon A Montgomery to G W Fbiiiips, J8) acres, 10 w 1. Jas Elkins to Aloany CoMegiub; In stitute. 1 lot. hi 7. Elkins ad ... . H Bryant to J W Pierpont, 44 am--. 13 w 3 Martha E Rcwcoe to P J Pauley, lot 2. b! 23, Albany Wm Falicr to Albany Brewing Co, S W U bl 71. Albany Jos Bilyeu to Daniel I lonoliue. several pieces land 350 450?) i 225 10 20o! 25001 1 4C0 loOO I 4000 2000 1:06 500 M E Bilyeu to W R Bilyeu, lot bl li, Albany A J Fox to Daviu Link, 6 lots Pipe's ad B Johnson to Frank li Porter, Z iota, bl I, Shedd Vinnie Simmons to W S Simmons. lota 7 ami B, bl 6, Lyons Ella Wirt to Mary Dodson,240 acres, acres, 11 El C vV Barzee to Diana McAllister, 6 lots. Souaville I S Lowden to Elizulth A Hull, 140x140 feet. Amelea Mrs C M Monteith to Lyman E Hamilton, 41 1 ,xi:4 feet, bl 40, M'sS A B Burtenshaw to Harvey Raw-ling's, 100 acres, 12 w 1 M H and H Sbelton b; T E Streit- hoff 7 acres, 10 w I G T Cotton to Adelia Boyle. I bl, Lebanon 300j wot I .VX) 316 1600 ' 420; 2700: City Council. An adjourned raeetinir of the council was held last evening. Present Mayor Flinn, Recorder Henton, j Marshal Lee and Council men Whitney, Schell, Burxhart, Mandiall and Walters. Two ordinances were teported by the or-, dinance committee. An ordinance creat ing the office of street superintendent was : read and referred back to the committee for an amendment. An ordinance providing for the grading of the street was twice read and referred to the council at a meeting erf the whole for amendment at a special meeting to be held on Saturday evening. The Lebanon Celebration. Lebanon people extend a geuerai invito tion to the outside world to attend their cel ebration cn the 4th. It wiil be worth the troubie. Besides a big barbecue there will be some live contests in the afternoon, as follows: Hose race, wet test. Srst prize 40.0.j 15.00 5.001 10.00 , -' Vj J.50 j 2.50 LMj l.jOl Hose rice, wet test, fecood prue . Bicycle race, one prize Base ball, one prize Foot race. I-V) yards, one prize . . Foot race, 200 yards, one prize. . . . Ladies race. 60 yards, contestants n less than 16 years of age Fat men's ra 50 yds. one prize . Sack race. ' yds. one prize Potato race, one prize 1.50 The nam will be on Main street, and will be under J.e Mi;'r-i-ion of a committee ' who will guarantee a fair and impartial tesjt in all rassa. The Lebanon hoe team have decided to ' . allar rtnf si, a f.vw. t-, thtr rart anil The Farmer Feeds u s A II. The king may n'e o'er land and sea, rhe kud may live right royally. The soldiers ride in pomp and pride. The sailors roam o'er the ooaan wide; But this or that, white Vr befall. The farmer be must feed them all. The writer thinks, the poet sings. Tne craftsmen fashion wondrous things ; The doctor heals, the lawyer plead. The minor follow the precious lea-Is: But this or lhat. whate'er befall. The farmer be taat feed them ali The iiswi It nit be may buy and sell ; The tnarhfji do his duty well; But mcsawiay toil through busy day, Or men raav stroll through bosv vavs: From king to beggar, white er befall Tbe farmer be must foej tnem all. Tbe farmer's trade is one of worth; He's partner with the sky and earth : He's partner with the sun and rain: And no man loses for his gain; And men may rise and men may fall. The farmer hie must feed them ail. 1 od bless tbe man who sows the wheat. Who finds us milk and fruit and meat; May his purse I heavy, his heart be light. , His cattle and com an 1 ail go nrht: God bless tbe seeds his hand let fall. For tbe farmer he must feed them all. ! tlood Road A Woxdesfi l Fl'iuaa. Ss)SM day tbe who'e Willamette vaiU-v will be a checker board of electric railways with car pulled oy me power (a me niamctte river ai ; , Oregon City tails, says a visionary ex- j change. 1 he rapid development ot long I distance transmission of power is hasten- ing this happy coming time. An electric; punt transmits electricity from Tivoli to Rome, a distance of twentv miles, and liirhts the historic seven hilled citv. In ttermany there are longer currents, and from the falls of Lauffen. Switzerland, a current is carried to Frankfort, a distance vf 112 miles, with a Ices of only twentv four percent- Wvr It Abolished. Tin Linn county- papers are booming one C W Watts for state game warden. This is oee of the l,'f r-,-,1,1,1 Iw, oscllr !il.-,!,shAl w,tli- out any detriment to "the state.-Eugene Juani: There is cood republican doctrine in this. The office should be aboasbed and Watt along with it, if ncesary. Salem Statesman. A funny thing is that all these offices it i desired to abolish were manufactured by republicans for republi cans. This game warden office though only costs a small amount, anil is a good thing f jr the state. Cure for Crippled Children. The National Sunjica! Institute, No 319 Bush St, San Francisco, successfully treats all cases of orthopaedic surgery. One or more mrgeons of this Institute will lie at the Revere House, Albany. Thursday July 6th, one day on y to ; is now lwparea to receive a limited num examine cases The success of the He wUl lie at the residence nstitute in treating alleges of curva.ljyj Monteith. corner of 9th lure ui tut? epuiv, uisettgvci 111 uit nip auu kuee joints, club feet, crooked limbs and bodily deformities as well as piles, fistula, nasal catarrh and all chronic diseases has made for the Institute a national reputation. Write for circular. References may be had to : Rev R N t'ondit, Albany, Jno A Shaw, Mill Ci y. Judge Thos L Oavidson, Salem, W A Cox, Albany, and hundreds of others. You Ark Au Riuht If you take your washiug to the Albany bteam Laundry. If you don't you are not. Something is the matter of you. How can you go to a Chinese establishment wilii a tirat-class steam laundry in the city. Don't do it. Be all right by quitting it. Suppose you do make a few cents, what does il profit you, with the Chinese smell and lurking disease around. Patronise the Albany Steam Laundry. Jr. Price's Creum tiauing Powder Moat Perfect Mnde. KNOWLEDGE Brings ccujfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. Hie many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with leas expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products v the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it 'is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50 cent bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. III Agt. Albany, Or. Pcunt? Warrants Bought 2nd Sold. INSURANCE AND M0NE1 BROKER. Coisty Warrants ML Offitt, Mastun OffJOB. Blk; Alb PUKE BRED Silver Lad Wyandotte enrs for sale br D 0 Woodworth. Ews, iM!, bsbL Pare I red Silvs t-aced Wvacdotts. Egn for bm Aiiaj7 Poaitry Yard. From aad 2. $1.25 per 13; pe No. 3 tJEJ E FIH THE PLUMBER. Tin roofics; Opera Hoie. and jobbing. Opposite the IfJANTEli Pushing- Csnrasser '-taTanS good ad Iron liibsza, expenses paM weekly; Permanent poei lion. BROWN BKCWCo, Narservme ij Portland, Oregon. k. o. t. M-5srv.. me: s everv Maturday even rsr in K. O. i IT. MHail. V.sitiOE Kniebta invited to. s"uJ. A L Lamb, Com. f HxarBsEEics Ccrce acd pick y oar V oB strawbtniesat Un aad tweiv eeoUagal'oa. Caii at mv .ltc half seile eth ci Albany. W B Shs.oS. O rt)R STRAWBERRIES.- AH parties who wish to tick ineir own wtemes can secure tbe Wilson at 3 tsieriondandtheJesseasdSiuuTvl ' s t i cents per ponnd on tbe bush ! ' my berry fjld ooe mile uortb of this ! eiiy. W H WARNER. - IAN. -We bave a fe i M. dollars to loan on good r hundred real eiste ur:ty S N Steels A Co. Albany Ore. 1 ASH. Cusick Block j AHnv, Or. Filling and extracting of teeth without pain a specialty. WALLIS NASH, ATTORNBT XW. Will practice in all the court of the state. Office First Xat'l Bank kuiiding. Albany. ; Oregon. KDTiCE OScial notice fro-n Robert A Miller. 1 Register, and Peter Paquet, Receiver, at i Oregon City dated June 9. is that the land in tp 9 , R 7 West, will be subject !!,:r-v on Td Jo!y ,'- l 9 a n, Und in P S R 5 Ea. on and sfter July 19. at O a m. tp S S. R 2 East, on ai.J after July aj; tp S S, R 3 East on and after July 25, iSoi, at 9 a m. HAY 810BAGE.I will be prepared to store this season battel hay at reasonable rstee. cf M Senders. For particulars enquire R BARGAINS in rval ssjbktS add sV or e ill on W Card well & Co.. JerTerson. PIANOFORTE LESSONS. XX' i.; -.....! x-.-K and Ferry streets, on Wednesday after noons and Thursday mornings in each week, commencing on Wednesday next 9th iast. Alkeajr Market. 'V he', 40e. Oats, SOo. f lour, IS.9U. Butter, 13a. Eggs, 10c, lard, It to 15c. Pork hams. 12 to 15c; ahoulderw.BJtollOe: aldm. It to 13c, Hay, baled, 17. atoea, 4(K Apples , 4 Hops, 18e. Dried fruit pi ums. So, apples, 5c.5 Chickens, $i 00 per dossn. Be r, on f. of, lj(e. Hogs,, drr aseJ. 5)io BIDS FOR WOOD Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by tie" County clerk of Linn county, Oregon, up to 6 oclock p m of June 6 1S94, for 30 records of oak wood, either grubbs or split, lo be not less than four inches In diameter at small end of v. .-,.1 I., k. .t.,!l,-.l the Linn County Court House. NP May 16 1894 N P Payne. Coun'v C:erk. Ackowledoeo by All that M Senders while defeated for the office of J P is still in tbe led in the fire Insurance business, representing the leading companies writ ing city business and the old CONTI NENTAL of New York, the ONLY first class company writing farm business in the state. gSj Harness and Sad dies at c ost for cash at iflcFar land's old stand tor 60 days. Xext door to A It Me Ilwain's Star Baken on r .Hii,iti anil I rat . i CONSAD IVEYCR, FFiCPRiETf F, ssittst rrit.f. (sutrar, rfed fiolis, To ;, agar, ('flee, Et Cm tie He a. ((Bteaiwart Vegetables. Cigars) NpleeH. Tea, Cte.. rn tW is keel in rsriety aaxt raocery store Hj-hwt ssanut net tsu J for ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE DRUGS Stationery, Toilet Artialeg, Ku tut Initrumenii, Etc. Hodps & IcFarM, The Cornet Dn-g Store,". A tsr.ji Wall Paper, I'rtigrs, laintw. Oil Cat laMb, J-3tC J. A. ALBANY. -:- 0REC0 U S BAKERY. Fresh Br ad lY5ryD;j. Piss, Cakes, etc Special orders elicited. C D VANDYKE, Proprietor. 2nd street, between E.lsworth & Lyon AlbaDylDsararceAgency We have had over sven year. i ience in the Home office and Iocs 1 : t ance buir,es,and can guarantee It s. ; ; written bv a to be properl v lookec ;;i . The fcllowing Is a partial lis' of com pin. ; represented by 111 crefj-r. Xo-lh iBritisb i Mercantile, wkh Union, Fbcerii, London, Mao cr, Guardian, Sen, Caledonia). Lcc Larcathtre. iswi " esJchester cf "ew Yok. 1 nental of New York and Mac New Yotk The Con cheater t, ngiacd. wnie farm otssresy. 'aurg bc for the premium, with arrpie t:'rr.e payment. We repeclfu!y solicit Ja good business. OrS.-e opposite old cfEce. M SENDERS The car wi:i leave comer of First and Washington streets as f&low-s: 7o a to for Lebanon train. S:l5 " " Orehar.'s Home. 1 1 :w " ' Ncoa train going north. ii:i; p m for noon traic gcing scu'.h. I " " Lebanon train. 1 .30 " Orphans Home. tt , tt 9:55 " Ovcrlitc'tttir 1 c:rf icu For Orphan's Heme r. i-crcis car leave at 2 :3o, 3 -So acd 4 ypm 'Ifcecar will also n.ttt all ice trains on the Oiegon pacific raihoa C G '. I Oregon Pacific Relhodd, iHl f I El. Keeelver- Direct Lir Quick Dispatch Low Freight Rates Cuonecsin); with steamer quia and Su Frapcawa. H- Ker letvecm Ta raoa six riLisx sc Homei mi l Febv SOU?. Jlint i. It Xt, ul 3 1st, re.s nri!i. - H,nier sails Fb "th, Slirvh T, , l i i.7 th. The Company reserves th ngnt to bangs sailing dates w-'thout cot ice. For freight and pasxenzer rMes app'y to any agent. Char! J FWrdn. SB C. Xv i to s Huktt SI Sau FrsKitM Cast Claik re , C:,a Red CrownMillv JOHN ISOM, PftjPRlETO!?. sw r v-kss slops srrssios roa sasnu aire bakers sai. REST sSTORAGB FACILlfl S FOR SAN FRAilSCO The Steamship HOMER will ply between San Fran cisco and Willamette Valley points via the Oregon and Southern Pacific railroads, sailing with freight and pas sengers on or about the fol lowing dates: From San Fran cisco on Wednesday April 4. at 6 pm. From Yaquina: on next Tuesday, Arril It Fare from Albany and Corvallis to San Francico: Cabin, $12; Steerage, $9. Round trip tickets, includ ing meals and berth3, good for 30 days, $18. Chas 1 Heni-kv, 80s A Cu, Agents. No H toJS Market street, SFranci-