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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1891)
The Indication! now re that General Palmer will be elected aenator In Illlnot. Throughout France, gardening l practi cal! tauf ht In the primary and elemen tary achool. There an about of thete achoola. M-Li'-LXULJ LJJ8 Secretary Fuater'a Idcaa o( finance will be atrial jr political, and part politic have not m yet taken definite ahape In regard to the alWer quettlon. Contequenll he will jrobablr aet hi trap o a to "ketch the coosjelther a-jroln' or a comlnV Two stenographer took iao,ooo words of the aenate ailvcr debate, which cloted at mid night after Ustiig fourteen hour. They dic tated their notes into phonographs for type wiitera to transcribe, had all th copy ready for the printers by eight o'clock In the morning, and the Record was on the desks of the senators when congress convened. t he wheat crop of South Australia and New Zealand has just bees harvested. It i report ed , 000,00a bushels short, and as usaal with deficient crops, of poor quality. As the pop ulation of these countriea increase, without in crease of wheat production, it becomes mora and more evident that they cannot be consid ered serious competitors with psoducers of th United State. The yj to insure a quick an health groth of timber, according to the Ne braska Fatmrr, to mulch around the tree with straw, old ha, or trash of an kind. Such treatment will, It aaya, In the course of ten ears secure a growth of timber from one tree greater than that of half ccien of Its kind left to their own re sources. Gen. Lew V allace, the author of "Ben Ilur," a he can cure rheumatism In one night without tail b a poultice of mustard and garlic applied to the feet. It thia la true the other halt of the world's popula tion will now rite up after the care and call Gen, Wallace blessei. The miles of various nation, espressed In ards, are as follows: The Irish mile, 1240 yards; Swta, 9153; Italian, 1766; Scotch, 1984; Tuscan, 1S08; German,8io6; Arabian, 2143; Turkish, iSj6; Flemish, 6Sy6j Vienna, 8266; Roman, i6i3 or aoij; Werst, 1167 or 1337; Dutch and Prussian 6480; Swedish and Danish, 7Jft 4; Eng lish and American, 1760. Senator Gorman is a most metbouical man. He rises at 6 every morning, sits just fixty minutes at dinner, and never on any pretest permits an interreptian of his meals. He takes a alk of a fixed length even 'ay, bathes at the same hour, and never nscs to bacco or liquors. A writer nukes aa ingenious calculation a to the restoration of the potato crop, suppos ing it to be so reduced that only no tuber were left in existence. On the assumption that this solitary tuber produced tea sett, ibeir product the same, and to ou, in tea years the totil product would 1 I o, 000,000, oco, a quantity sufficient to stock the whole woild. ' The Supreme Court of Iowa has finally af finned the verdict below ia the famous Jones County calf case. Just what that verdict was everybody but those interested hat forgotten. It appears, however, that twenty years ago ti ere was a la suit btguo'aliout some caUc worth about f 15. Neither tide would owa ap beaten, so the dispute wss carried fora court to court, the costs accumulating no'U they at last reached (14 00. The first passenger cars for this country were merely stage coaches on the rail, and ia other countries tbey still keep something Of this form. Ia America large, airy car for passengers were early introduced, and the parlor car, the sleeping car, the hotel car and the dining car are all of American origin, and are little ased else here. The street tramway. or horse rail rot d, and the elevated railways for rapid travel in cities, were first used ia this country. , 1 it Politics In this portion of the county will be badly mixed hereafter, aa Is appar-' ent from the present trend of affairs. Re publicans are arrayed against each other and the bitter feeling existing will do con siderable towards insuring vlstory for the democratic party. Differences should be healed, and the Time$-Molaitr will take the initiative In holding out the olive branch towards any republicans who differ from It on local questions. Afovmuuntf. Sockless Simpson, the hayseed congress man from Kansas, was asked by a Wash ington lad the other Jay If It wa true that he did not wear socks. Mr Simpson had his nerve with him and replied: "Madam, I believe In the doctrine of re ciprocity. If ou will show me your sock I will how you mine." "Oh, my t" e claimed the lady , and fled. Yet the world must admit that Mr Simpson had a keener sent of propriety than the lad. 7V gram. The Hand of Juan Fernandez, once inhabi ted by Robinson Crasoe, it now tenanted by former Austrian officer, Baron Von Rodth, who, after being forced by the terrible wounds which be received at the battU of Sadowa ia 1856 to leave the army, grew tired of the mo notony of existence in civilized Europe, and determine ! to devote his fortune to a life of ad vent are. For fifteen years past be has been living on the Island of Juan Fernandez with a small colony of natives and ot European de serters from civilization, and only communica ting with the world once a year, when he sends hit fine sailing yacht to Valparaiso for pro visions sdd supplies. Ex-Senator Eaton of Connecticut, having said that tx prrsijnnt Cleveland it "no demo- ! crat," democratic newspapers all over the country are simultaneously reminded that when the Morrison bill was pending in congrer and the democratic party was comrniitcd to the doctrine of tariff reform as einlodied in that bill, Mr Eaton, who was then in the house put himself st the head of Ike republicans and the minority o( tht democrats and moved to strike out the reacting clause and thus sided In defeating it, lleissgainsl Cleveland, no fo his stiver views, because be agrees with him rn that nutter, but because Cleveland is a tariff reformer, while Mr Eaton it not. The to ctlled cities of tt United States, at( at the time of the adoption of the constitution 1775. were onl) vi hat would now be counted tawrt of moderate size. Hut in ea.h of these little capitals tnere wat sn aristocracy that af fected the style and fashion of the English gentry. Gentlemen and ladies gathered at liunaUc houses in the afternoon, and spent ttie time in talking and tipping tea from dtibty li tie china cups. Somttirret Urge paitiet rt de down to a public garden in the country, or a tavern by the sea side, to drink lea. In ni st of the chief tewnt there were held once in twe weeks "M'iiilii.,,or bslls. At these aMcmblics theie were stately minue's and co tntry dances, tad much money wat lost and wi n at card tablet in a room prepared for fashiunaMegambling, which wat then one 0 thr recognized amusements of good society. "Ioakij Wanted. A young lady wishes bo.ird and rented room, In private family (-Mii.anvrit place. Addrt, or call at' iSMoi.-KAT t,lf'.rc, for information. IN CONTROL, 1 The democrat Is In control In Massa chusetts, and young men are in control of the democratic part of lb at slate. The sceptre has departed Into new hands and new Ideas and new men are guiding In the old commonwealth. It I remarkable stor. A doscn young men, some of republican ant! tome ot democratic antecedent, met In a little room on State street In the fall ot 1SS8. They were, most ot them, young men of wealth, of collegiate U. lining and of high social petition. The f aimed a "Ycung Men' Demociatlc Club" and began a cru sade In behalf of "free raw material'' and M freer trade. " The club grew rapid!. The social pos ition of Its founders helped to make It pop ular. The work it was doing showed courage and unselfishness and young men all over the state hastened to join It, For two ear this work went on, and then came the election ot iyo, and member ot the club from ever portion of the state were elected to high official position. William E Russell, one of the founder of the club, Is at thlrt-four ear ot.age the governor ot the state. John C Crosby, the Bret president ot the club, I at thirty one congreseman-etect from the Twelfth or Berkshire district. Sherman Hoar, a nephew ot Senator Hoar, of Force bill tame. Is at thirty congressman-elect from the Fifth or Gen. Dank' oil dlstrl;t George Fred. William I at thirty dt congressman-elect from the Ninth district. Nathan Mathews, another ot the founder ot the club, I at thirty-six the Mayor of Boston. Harvey II Pratt la at thirty the District-Attorney tor the Southeastern district. Joslah Qulncy Is at thirty-four the secretary of the democratic state com mittee and the leader of his party on the floor of the house ot representative. The democrats have ninety-eight member in the lower haute ot the legislature, and the average ot their age I let than thirty nve. it nas been a uung move ment throughout. There ha been noth ing like It .before In Massachusetts and there la nothing like it to-day In any other ttate In the union. Every one concede that the work ot theae young men carried Massachusetts for the democracy. It la a cheering prospect, for the triumph of the young democracy of Massachusetts was a triumph ot Ideas It wat a vindica tion ot all that I best In A merican cltlien ship It was a proof of the superiority ot principle over venality In political affair. Major C Boyd Barrett, formerly of Leesburg, Va ,but for the past eight ears a resident ot Aberdeen, S. D, and editor of the Republican, of that city, waa In Washington last week. In speaking of the election of James A Kyle to the senate to a Washington Post reporter he said that It was a case of the office seeking the man, not the man seeking the office. Senator elect Kyle la a man of more than ordinary ability, and will make an able representa tive. His first appearance In politic was on last Fourth of July. He made a speech at Aberdeen on that day which attracted wide attention among the farmera for the position he took on the tariff and silver questions. He was shortly afterwards nominated a the farmers' candi date for state aenate, and after a hot fight was elected by a narrow majority. Sena tor Kyle was formerly a democrat, and his sympathies natural' lie In thit direct ion, though earlier In life he was a repub lican, and Mr Barictt believes that his election l the entering wedge toward placing the late in the democratic column in ioi. The Ameriun Ec.mvtuil, published In the Interest of protected manufacturers I putting forth herculean efforts to show that the McKlnley bill did r.ot Increase the prices of goods upon which the duty had been placed, while McKlnley, the father of the tariff measure, frankly admits that did, and boldly proclaims that that la the chief purpose of a protective tariff. Of course McKlnley knows that If protection did not enable the teller to get a better price, then protection would be a failure even to the protected. Taking this logical and thruthful view of the matter he bwldf avows that it Is not 'cheapness" of goods but "dcarnets" that we want. These friends of protection are driven to the wail, and hence we find them making all kinds of excuses for the working of 'protection." But the hand-writing I on the wall. Protection I doomed. It seem democratic paper are disposed to prejudge the commission. Their hope now seems to be In the courts overthrow ing the com m Union. Having power to fix rate and enforce It decision, pub'le sen timent should be directed to making the commission useful. There Is not a section of the new land that haa not been adjudi cated favorably in the courts. Give the commission t chance. Salem Journal. Not correct. The democratic papers have no faith In a law which was passed as the late law was. It was notorious that railroad attorney and henchmen were In the lobbies In Salem when the bill passed, and that the serate amendments were sug gested by the these men and approved by them. The railroads were then In force and helped defeat the maxl.num rate bill wih the Miller bill Time will prove the present law traluclgt. Friends of Harrison are pultlng them selves to the trouble of telegraphing all over the country that Dudley will not ac company him on his trip to the Pacific Coast. But no better selection could be trade than Dudley. Does not every one know thai Dudley, through his block-of . five scheme, (which enabled him to open ly and unblushing! buy sufficient votes to carry Indiana and New York,) secured the election of Harrison? Then why not make him a traveling companion? Gen Alger pasted Ihroi gh Birmingham A.', bama on Saturday en route to Florid?. While there he had a conference with soms leading republicans. These politicians have received a circular marked "confidential," which urged them to attnd a meeting of re publican clubs to be held in Cincinnati in April. The last paragraph of the circular savs: "Hon James G lilains and Gen Ruttell A Alger will be present at the meeting." Those who received the rirculsrs are of the opinion that th proposed meeting is to boom otatne tor prcinicni and Alger lor vice-presi- dtnt. At the meeting of the District Farmer's Al liance at Sioux Citv, Iowa, Tretident Powers, of the National Alliance, and Furrow, of the Iowa Alliance, i ein preten', it w: s voted to adhere to low tariff nd prohibition The question is raised whether Harrison will fill all the nine new judgeships with repub licans. Will a duck swim? Will it rain any in thit month? Will a moose eat cheese? Will a weatel kill chicken;? An old colonial t'atute hat been unearthed in Georgia which requires minister! to "read from their pulpits, at leas: four timet a year, the public laws, to that the people may under stand them." SHILOfl'S VITALIZEU it whit yta ossd foi Ooustipatioa, Lou ot Appeti'e, Dii Kn, and all tjinptorxt of Dyspepia. Price 11 and lo ee&u tier butc. r. WASHINGTON. (From eur rtaratar oo.-wpondsnt.) Wasiunoton, March i, 1S91. Senator Ingalls Is making the effort ot hi life to get Mr Harrison snubbed by the republican senate, and to get even with an old personal enemy at the same time, by getting the nomination of representative Anderson, ot Kansas, to be Consul-Gen eral to Egypt, which Mr Harrison tent to the sonate with that ot Senator Blatr to be mlclstet to China, rejected, or '-hung up," hlch would keep Anderson out ot the office until next December, The shipping bill In which the lobby was mostly InteretUd, the one granting a tonr.age subsidy to all American vessels engaged tn trade with foreign countries, waa defeated In the House, and the least objectionable bill, that authorising the granting ot subsidies to t4cam vessels, In the guise of payments for carrying United States mail, was pasted, with aa amend ment reducing the amount to be to paid. In principle one of thete bill I jutt a ob- ectto nable a the other, but I call the one that passed the least objec tlonabl cause It will require a great deal let m obody cvuld tell how much the other oni would have taken had It become a law. Through the machinations of .that enter prising lobbyist, ex-Senator Mahone, all present hope of a new government print ing office In place ot the tumbledown structure now usea as such, it gone glimmering, and It I much to be regretted that two such eminent democrats as Sena' tor Gorman and Butter should have al lowed themselves to be used as Instru ments for the accomplishment of Ma- hone's purpose. Finding It impossible to sell to the governmet.t as a site for the new printing office, for $150,300, a ptece of land entirely unsuited for the purpose, Mahone.through hiepard," Sena'or Cam eron, the man who couldn't see any harm In speculating In silver white a bill effaci ng Its vatue was pending In the senate, set to work to prevent the site recommend ed by the committee being purchased by me present congress. The scheme was well worked. V.'aittng until the closing rush ot the session began, when member are glad to postpone anything, a resolution was offered to lay ttie whole matter aside until next December, and It wa adopted. This Is all right for Mahone, but l.s rather tough on the more than two thousand men and women who sacrifice their health and endanger their live In the old build Ing. The question naturally arises t do these democratic leuators propose trying to help Mahone sell his ground to Uncle Sam through the democratic congress? I cannot bellve it. Mr Harrison now has a whack a the direct tax bill that Mr Cleveland vetoed, the senate having agreed to the House amendment. It is safe to say that he will not follow the example ot Mr .Cleveland in that respect. A llll allowing an annual pension ot $1,500 to the widow ot Admiral Porter Is also In his hands. Once more U S Treasurer Hustor. has resigned, and this time it Is tor keeps. He refuses to be Interviewed, but hla close personal friends do not hrsltate to say that It Is Mr Huston's Intention tn return to Indiana and put In the biggest licks In hi political blacksmith shop against Mr Ben jamin IIarlror, who, by refusing to make him secretary ot the treasury, furnished the last straw which broke the camel's back, which had been for some time strained to Its utmost because of social tight. Mr Harrison figure now on counteracting Mr Huston's opposition by the support of Mr J A Leacke, ex. state treasurer of Indiana (a Grctham man) who will be I. Is successor at treasurer. Senator-elect Kyle, ot South Dakota, Is a daily visitor at the Capitol. He aaya that on questions of tariff and finance he will act with the democrats; but that does not prevent the republican trying to win him over by attention and "taffy." Time only will tell what sort of a man he Is. GOOD NEW. A dltpatch from 'Springfield, Illinois last night says: There appears no doubt to-dght that fohn M Palmer, democrat, will be elected to the United Slates senate to-morrow. After a long talk with General Palmer this afternoon Representatives Moore and Cockrell Issued a lengthy add res to their party, the Farmers Mutual Benefit Asso ciation, saying: "The Interview was sat isfactory, even beyond our hope. While he doe not fully represent us, he hss forced us to believe he is an honest man. We are more firmly convinced than ever that the future prosperity and happiness of this country depends on the success and growth of an independent party. An In dependent political movement by the toil ing millions is the only hope of Use people. In view of the facts stated above, we will to-morrow tast our votes for John M Pal mer, and bring this prolonged contest to a dose." Representative Taubenock, the other Farmers Mutual Benefit Association man has repeatedly declared he would never vote for Palmer. - This la a great victor for the democrats. Wnen the legislature of that state convened Jan ist It stood as follows: Democrats lot, republicans loo and JPH B A. Neither party lud a majority but the in dependents held the ba'ance of power. Balloting has been going on since that time, the democrats voting all the time for Palmer, The republican voted for Ogles by awhile, but It soon developed that the Independents would r.ever vote for him. Then the republican leaders attempted to concentrate their fores on Streeter the Independent candidate but or 5 of their number would not vote for him. This re sult will be most gratifying to the demo crats of the whole country. A DEFICIT NOW. The cngrett just cloted, upon the merit of which the people patted last November, wss capable in its way. 1 he w ly, however, i not commendable. The appropriations ol both tettions were $1,000,000,000, a sum so great that i uman compre tension hardly grasps it. The treasury surplus, which gs Presi dent Cleveland to much concern and led him to plead for a reduction of '.ax leviet, will hsve ditappeartd by the dote of the fiscal year Republican extravagance has absorbed it all. When the demxratic house will assemble next December it will be confronted by a far more teriout problem thin wat presented by the famous message of Cleveland in 1887 Then the question was how best to prevent furtliur accumulation of a growing 'surplus, Th question for the next congress will be bow best to make up a deficit. This is an un pleasant past, but to thit complexion republi can extravagance hat brought the country. SHILOH'HCUEB will immediately re lievo Croup, VV hooping Cough and Ai ouchitis, Fo.hay & Maton; agenta. Wrbrbto Get Them. When wanting wi organ or plana call 03 G L Ulackman h -c you can seUr.t from a first class tot. - .- Wanted, to rent an organ for several months. Call at the Dkuocbat office. Paisley & SmlloyTh Printers, Fllnn Block Holme Bubinbs College, of Portland Or. will open Kept. 1st. J A Weeco, the leading penman of the coast, has become a partner in thia school and will make it the leading business college. Send forja catalogue. BBotrnrsriLLii. March Oth, 1801. The beautiful mow haa disappeared and spring la here. Home are at work in their garden and life haa taken on a different phaae to that aanutued one week ago. Oregon aauiniit the world and the balance ol tuanatnu. T B Pllkbitrr Is again down lib In flammatory rheumatism. Pick Bradley is now on the nek Hit, We eee 3 D Arthur in town, on his wav to vour ltv. Ha reports now to a depth ot 1 toee between here and hi plaea at Mountain itome. Wm A Dunn, of Mil ttlace. soea to lorn today for a copy ot our now charter, which oy tne way atiowa norm urown ville to bond herself tor the turn ot 110,000 to be used in the conittnictloti of water work, which will doubtled be done the commit lumtner We know of no place with a better chance or location for watur works than Brownsville. The hill near town will be a fine place for a reservoir and give en awiui lorce. A hie time at the residence of W T Cochran tonight in the way ot a Musing be. Correspondent not tnvtieo. Miner here are all excited over the big atrlke on the gantlain, and are con fident ot like development on the Cala pooia in the near future. MTill lerTnCKR B0CNO4BT. March Oth, 1801. Mr John Morrow baa gone to "Crook county. Mr and Mri Cavinesa, of Albany, have been visiting thelrdaughter.Mra rhltpot Mia MenU Boenerman baa been vieit ing tier itater, Mrt Camming, near Hal ey. William Horn, a throsherman ofKu aoae. waa In thia vicinity last Saturday making arrangement for threshing the coming crop. Bo me of our neighbor have ticen hav ing the measles. It i reported that every member of one family waa down with them at the aatne time. Clarence Taylor lost a valuable horse hut week from being snagged. Mr McNarr, o! Salem, is spending a few days with his son, Aogeio. Mrs Locke has uovea Into her new cottage. vAstMI.I. The Oakville Horticultural Society met on the evening ot March 3rd, and elected the following offlocra for the en suing year: KLHmith, president; Mr J ri Moiir, vice president ; ueo u uarion, ecretarv. Mr A M Acheaon, treasurer. The society will meet again ou Tuesday, March 17th. 1801. at 7 o'clock, p m. At Uiia meeting Mr Barton will read a pa per on "Insects, and flow to Extermin ate Tbeiu." The pconle of Oakville are often awak ened from their alumbers bv delightful music ; bat of late it ha changed Into profanity. The people anew ly this that he was a stranger, and on invest! ration it was found to be Thomas Ie Feline. Thomas is very nice generally but when he sret his back utwtie will swear. He ami a young man by the name of HAG Coon are looked upon with suspicion. Mr Wilson White, of f equina, is vis iting with D E Junkin. Amicus forgot to sign bis name last week. i'axsY. THE REMARKABLE EXPERIENCE IfW, r. fclMsrw, erlslra!alr It riaeaaasas stall) ! Ike C stab rat ssUsIsms. aa sssw H Wa aUasllesl a Dv Barrla. CiacXAMis, Or.. Feb !8. 1BI. Dr Parrln It Rives me a rest pleasure tn aay that the boron treatment von gave mo two year ego waa a f eefect sucosa. For ra 1 bd been afflicted with tuk or liver apota on difTarent part of my person. I v lotted yon one and lock the bom UeatmiuL" Io a tew weeka I was peimanenllv eurrd, and have never seen any symptom sine. Kfr to me. W. r.HUBBAK.r. Bw He al4 H Psaasts. Editor OrwffooUo-For twelve year past I have txxtt seriously afflicted with kidney and liver complaint, pain In the pioeana ii-cwbi, aitt nrsa ami frinsr ally oot rf aotia. With six tronlh' lo trto and home treatment b lr Darrln I am co rel of most of my trot, blea. Have gained 17 pounds In the time. TUOMAS BUFF, Macksbnrg, Oregon, Dr Dart la Is a mauler of the art and selencti of treating d ! by e'-cctr'.cJt, and stand at the bead of hla profession. Ill room ar crowded from morning te night, acd he ia meeting with the same marvelous auecess bare that baa marked hla eourno throoghout tb United butts and Kurope for the last 27 3 ear. Dr Dan in treat curable chrunlo, acute and private dUeaoea, blood taJiita, lose or falling manhood. Uervouadobilit.efJMta el error, or excesses in old or jot. nit, loss of nutnory, diseases caused by mercury In the Improper treatment of private dlaeaa Office 70 X Washington sl.,rortland.Or. Hours 0 A. M. to 8 P. M.. dally. Kaam Ination free and confidential, question blanks and circulate sent gratis to aay address, patients cured at home. Urders thai atTeet the Kidneys Are amTtg ibe mo formidable knoun, Di abtttet, Bright' disease, gravel and other complaints of the urinary organs tr not or dinartly earad in severe eases, but they rosy be aveitrd by timely meditation. A useful stimulant of the urinary glands ho ever tK n fontid in HotU-tUr't Stomach Hitters, a msdtcloo which not only afford the rcq niait ttimaliis whsn tbey become ioativo, but iccresaea their vigor and seotttive pow r. By i.)oreting the activity of th kidneys ud tladtlar, this mbdiuine hasthasddition sl effect of expelling from the blood impur ities which it i the peculiar t dies of those organs to eliminate and psaa r.ff. Th Hit ters is si'so a turiticr and strenglheoer of the howsla, an tayiirerator of the stomsch.atid a ma'bhless remedy for biliousness and fver and ague. It counteracts a tendency to pre mature decay, and suttiu and comfort th ged anp intinn. Matlmtrt k Washburn's -Line of a to vat and ringet, to ttako They tike the eske, why The brat to buy, no li. It boton pi or fry. Bay on and try, oh my, .Before you die and gel into the tky. Business Changr. Sul TI, for a long time with San Wa, a heap good man who sabct the laundry business, ha bought out Lee' laundry near the Revere Iioue,nnd will herealrer run It. Satisfaction guarsn eed. Relieved of Kidney Trouble. 8 J Cranio, Rotsiiui House, Toronto, Can ada write: 'I hav bean t.oubled with a backache for tome tltn past, and great difficulty in pass ing urine. Three weeks ago I applied an AlJouk's Porous Piaster, and hav done so every five days since. Almost immediately I had partb.i relief, and now I tm eutirely free from pain water jassir.g freely and, without burning. low my great relief to Aliock's Porou Plaster and heartly lecoonimouil tbem in any case of kidney t ooble." SLEIil'LESS NIGHTS, made mitersble by that teriitlo cough. Shiliih'sCure is the Unmedy ft-r you. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liv.r Complaint T Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaiaoteed to cure you. Freach Taaty Wafers, wafers are a sure and safe if ct6. klndsof female troubles anc -.v'i' all obstructions to the mom, 1 no matter what the cause. It.t ttwhat every woman need'. , at ised with safety. For sale t tin The for a remot period are ji can be ised wttn satetv. Livinsstone Chemical Co., also Iron ou sole agent, J ACumming, druggist, Bh in berg b)ck, A Ibanv, Oregon. TELEGRAPH 10 NEWS Oregon lariaeBiuars Salkm, March to. Oregon Pacific inten tion rumors tre egain flying thick and fst A few days ago a strange gentleman, an east em capitalist, with th interesf of thi Oregon racing at heart aieompsnied an' official over th road, examining various propertie in con nection wim witit in company, ana ram stray words dropped her and , there it is evldtut that th road is not going to "remain in its present unfinished eonditioa very long. The shops will have to be enlarged, and it teems it will btonly a short time until consummation of the building of this road will he effected. an Klcrtrle Invention. Eucknk, Msrch to Mr FT Crouch, ol this city, ho jutt com out with a new Inven tion which bids fair to revolution! the pres ent method of applying electricity to the pur poses 01 illumination, especially when on'y a few light are required. Mr Crouch's method Is to hsve a small dynamo In any building. Ills dynamo ia a real improvement on the old style, doing away with th biuthcs en tirely anj giving a much steadier light. The nnintulated wit may be add id the naked hands without shock. Ia this way a hout may be wired and on lamp may be moved about Hit building ind set in operation where ever th wire it touched , A rieaeer Dead. Salem, Or, March to. John Farrar.on o Salem' oldest and highest respected citizens, died this morning at 1 13 Deceased was St year old. II leave two Sons, on daughter and a wife. He was th father of S.iulis ratlsr, of tlilt citv. Th funeral will ik f Uce Wednesday afternoon at a o'clock. 'Mm EaKllah fredieiiea. London, March IO Theblhzard In South England continues, although the weather In London is milder. The rgltroads of Kent and Sussex are completely l,kx.ka.!cdj the neigh uming cvumry 1 coveien aeepty with snow. n uumiauc, wmcn accompanied the snow storm, hss piled the snowjrins os all attics, tupping an ironic on laitfoaj lines sod uikh country road. alary I arrested. Oaioot City Mwb io,Al a congrega tional meeting of ibe rietb)tcrun clutch last tight, stall ws extended to Kv C W Giboney to become settled pastor of the church a this city, Mr Gil oney has been with the church since January 1 1800. lie received unanimous call at the meeting last night, and hi salary wss increased to 1 ico per annum. A Big riawd. Okoina, Miss, March 9. Reports receiv cd show thst great damage hat been don thtOJgbout th countiy by lit floods of Satur day snd Sunday. Many btidges and turn pikes bav been washed away and railroads damaged. At Lexington, Miss, ibe storm was the most destructive ever known. Fainting is entirely suspended aad the land is badly wa-.h-ed out. c'eUyi-g planting two or thie weeks. A letrific sto-m pasted within thre miles of Ilrandcm last night, carrying destruction In its path. A rbeaatstteaat Kite. Nashville Ttan, Marh 9. The phenom enal iie in the river continues Ibis mora eg The gauge read 46 feet, a rise since Fildsy morning of a$4 feet. Much dsmage ha been done. Fiom 1 (00 in aooo ni.i hjv been dtivcji ftom their homes, and go) in wareb-stt and ceUars hsve sufleied mtt:h damsge. Tfc ralUansI ,aalrkt. Sah FaaKO eco, March 0 The C.liforr ia legislature a III tomotrow commence ballo'.W for United Sia e senator ta comtdete the un expired term ofGeorge Hearst, deceased The republicans hav 90 votes Out of a ttlsl of 13 in btfh houses. The csodi late most piumi nentty mentioned aiet Mottis M Lttee'ex-congressmsn Charles N relt n, M II de Young, George II Iloncbrake. ex-govrratr Getxge C I'etkins, Genen.1 N I' Chipmaa and cx-seaator A f Williams. A Long Trie. Poar -Townsjxd, March 9. After the longest pstsag ever nude beiwsen Great Britain and the Pacific coast the British bark Embleton arrived her lodsy. Sb was 613 day from the port of Androssao, In Scotland. The voyag was a series ot accidents that were caough to wear out Ibe patience of a Jolt. The tint leton left Aodrottan on July 3 1S89, for Tarotna, in command of Captain Bennett. A Wswles) UUt. Dallam, March 9. Prominent cltUei.s of Dallas are orgsnlxlng a joint stock com pany, with a capital stpek of $10,000, for the purpose of building and operating a woolen mill at tht place. There I noth ing visionary In the movement. It is an assured fact. a Sriiool Uerllsa. S.Lri,Msrch9. At the school election this afternoon W B Simpson was elected ciera and r R Smith, director. For di rector there was but one candidate. There were three for clerk with the voe as fol lows! Simpson, 417; S A Handle, 350; W a Uoggs, 171. A Tralat Wreck. Teoiia, March 8,-The Jacksonville & Southern fast passenger train, whkh left here st Itto thi mornintr. met with a terrible in dent st Havana, III. The train consisted of a baggage car, coach, chair car and two stenera and was sn hour sn J a half late, owing to a terrible ttorm raging at Havana. There is a thary curve one ami one half miles from the de.xit, and the engine struck th , curve at a switch snd left the track. Alt the cart fol lowed, piling op in treat confusion. Two were killed outright, Uo fatal injured and several injured. Itasehew Oat Washington, March 8. Senator Doh.h wanted $25,000 to investigate the subject o artesian wells in Eastern Oretjon in reference to their adaptability for Irrigation purpose, but the departmcat having made uo estinuto lor tin turn, It was knocked out on a point ol order. When henresented hit amenJmenl ka also gtve information which had been gathered l.y the agricultural department with refcr&nce to irrigation nutters in Orego. A Fatal free Ride. Trinidad. Colo, March 8. When the freigh' trsin on the Fort Worth road srrivtd here last night, tmoke wat tten ittning from a refrigerator car. The door was broken open, ami two men who were sualintf a ride were found 1 ini in th straw ufroctcd . A It's Bala Starm, Memphis, Tenn, March 8. The rainfall in this city and section ol the south for the past twodnyt has been I'oprecedenled. Nca-ly five inches have. fallen sn. this city during the pstt lorty-eijiht jiours., Specialt from adja cent country report a heavy rain in generri. The Tennessee river rose seven feet in twenty four hours ot Flo.ente Ala, and is still rising rapidly. ' Adjunrned Sine Die. v Olymphm, March 8. The legislature ad journed siue die this rooming at 3:40 o'clock and tonight not to exceed one-fourth of the members ar in towa. Nearly evsry one left town 00 the early morning boat and trains for their hornet. A Battle Won. Paris, March 8. Th French Senegal ex pedition hss won another battle on the Niger with the native troops. The natives of Diena were beaten with a loss of 600 killed and wounded, Including their chief. The French lost eleven killed and many wounded. Ottawa, March 10. Ptofessor (Virgins the weather prophet, ays: "There ia at this moment on the North Atlantic coast and approaching the American coast a greater storm than any that will happen during the remainder of this year or any during- 1893. There will be no earthquakes beyond a few shakes north of our equator during these two years. There will be some south of the equator. One half dollar redaction on every pair of Ludlow' tio thoot. A ;ood line of thtm a 8 E Young'. . : Just arrited a full line of ladiva, chil dren, men' and boy' foot wear at O W Sinr.psoa',, which will be cold at bottom price. "ilACKMETAOK, n lasting aoi Rrant perfume. Pric 25 aad 50 oaati. hay & Slatoo, agtuts. f ra Fo Ej.aa 8t Achiton handle tba celebrated Portland cement walls for cemetery lota. Thete walls can be furnished at half tho coat sfjany other aad ara fsr superior. TUB CS0l.lEN HUB tJAZtait, Has a forgo and complete line ol good, dolls, doll buggies, hoys' wagon, ve od pedes and many other goods which gol to make up n complete assortment, besides a 'complete lino of lnnins ol every description. China crockery, fancy decorated ware, glussware. bird rates. plush Kootls, inch as Albums, toilet suls, autograph books, ecrnp books, children's ADO picture books, and All goods that are carried in a llaxaar store, Including Hoger liroe. 1847 silverware. We wish to call the Attention of the public In par ucumr to ute 'wuitm Jtulo prize linking powder and ten, put. tip expressly for this trade, which gives the best of satis faction, as is ntteated by the hundreds who have used Uth the tea ntnl baking rowder ever nines Introduced bv th (Jolden Utile liarsnr. Knch tnckago of tea and can of bucking powder draws a prize in the shape of a line piece of glass- ware. He sore to call, when In Albany. At the Golden Kulu Huzuur, ss you will uo mire 10 una wuat you want, aim will lie shown over the store ami 1h treated kindly by my clerk, Mr. Miller. My good are all marked in plain figures so as not to deceive anyone, and I have but one price to all. Ji'i.U-a (Jhaowoiii.. Th ON LY place ia the ty wh. sro ticket eau It purohat is of h. Jnster, at the Houtlmrn I'soifio Co ticket nrllo NOTICE. rVO TUB X county TAX-PAYKIW OF LISN Th dollnauetit tax rol mot be returned to the eierk, April 1st lesii ah perona owin tr.x are nere bv not I Hod to make trrniit Immmikia ly, for If taioe are not pat J by that date they wilt le delinquent and I wilt be compelled to levy and aoll property to cQiioet tne same, a tu tx must ie eoi .eetofl, Isted March 0, IS?1, M. KCOTr, fht!ff and Tx Oolleutof, I OUBAIK-Two fresh milk ccwv Inquire of W W Crawford,, 1iBSALK0RIXCWaN(3ti.Iw;t sail (or esah. s fscbatiat tm a 4 stut. s euul Whits Scwttw fAVttles, Ua.1 at the Hats bn. J. II. ItoWitn. 'IiBESSUItrCHS NOTIOK, In pUU' .1 anos f an order tf anty oourt. holaer tf oounty warrauU are rvqaesud to prtwsut to aatne w mt ror payment Inuvteat will oes anor MsroU 0. IH91. V. K VVkih. Coauty Tioaaorer, 10 KKNT. A store room VixW fee aullahtefor bntla:emiUadv Innate Fr Mrttouiartt oaU at tha Lmmocra oOlo or on J at V J'lpo. ONEY TO J-OAN.-Xn niall and five yraia, on good Albany snd Unit x v at ptjinuuH.. Is rue amounu, from alx month to rou n 1 y rai euu. 1 mi on or aoor Mcrberaon, First Hi., All any , Or. rou n It rl euu. Call on or ddri VY ALBANY, CREC3K. Praw their own Bight Drafts on London, Paris, Frank fort-ou-tho-Main, Berlin and all lVncipal Points in ETJBOPE. DR. AI50RN, AT rOETUJt UTIL Jill 51B. tn AljORN.Pterthsiid Morrison iteata Tor tltn I, Oregon, the ut-l tuccettful pi j s efcsn r n oa the American con!ti.etit for the pedv, cxMitivs, atosoluU and peimtneot cur for IVorrh of the llestl, Athmt, flroachttia. 1'oct.mooi and Consumption. Twsttty-Uve years suecesaful proetiio, IxtUotAncom relief acd pcramccu onrei often effected npon first ccas'.ltalioD. Dr. Aburn, by hi original, ntcderr, somjO titio methftd, tffrcia Bpeedf and radical enrea of the meet ob- iticate ttd lorg nUading case of Vasal Catsrrli. Oaeno, i)-fnn.s, Dis cbr(?s from the, As;hou, IS oucbiti and ConsomHion. Also Stomach Disorder. Elliott Culic, Oslf Stoni a.d Janndice, Heatt, Liver, Kiiiopy, Jtladiltr r.d Servant Afl.clions; Ditesac of Men. Alo all aiitr.cnui prtu'.ip.r to womtn. Ir. Abi-m can he consnltctl fiom now until July S. when i leaves for Kurope. Nora Horns treimetit,:or.rely packed, so-t hy etrprws to any part i.f theF&cifc Cosstand Toriitwe for those who cunui.t yauihly cJl in parson. riirv imua ntore, Pfeiffer Block, Albany, Stanard & Cusick, fsoraiaroMi Druj. Slir.lne, C hemic', Tanry and Toilet ,rtlt;!e!s,Spoii;o, Hrtishrn. rtrfunicrv, Pctotil Iinkr, and Aitlitti' Kuppjia.". I'll) alelant.' preafrlptlona cure tolly eoiuponaded. Ubtdmndarltwamwl. Bnofeak ia one rafting, TwitirYioni.i. n p.rt of ttta glob. Prtfetu ro, arns a ptHotii to jfrot. lea J.IUI w lota, STRANEY & NAG LEY, PROPRIETORS OF THE , City Livery, Feed and Ut -STABLE.-: Bun Reanra! Hack lino to and from Cotvallls. Bt;t rlpa anr cher.xal iati ia the city. NpecUl attention uiven t tianaient sleek, fourth trrt, btwen llworth and Ljon, Albany, Oregon, J. A. Commirg. DrxijrH, Xtxint Oils, Oiatsw, into., onEcon. Dslmonico Rrjstaurant, Oppokitu Eluiibekg' Block. New Rooms; -:- Neat Service; Good Meals, Promptly Served, for Twenty-five Cents. . Oysters in -:-Vourhons Treatment ' all -:- Styles, 1 Vr t - ciu mCcoi The Rank of Oregon, 1:- m mm WaU Paper, 22s ui:iour of thi: conditio ov mm FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT ALBANY, IS THE STATE Or OftK'ION , At Hit etrnw ul bushiest, . fu zdtJi, iwrt. Kmourrrs 1 lansatnl itlMoti!iu,..,,..,.,,..ei7(l ?si.s1 ivirdrtiit,w'iiri!il ami uiMfimred...... MUOft U.S. UuiKla to sw.'tire elruulim ,,. SVjiki.ik) SUuks, imiurllM, elaltrin, etn ..,,.., l.flt.f.O line Irolo iRivo4 rnwrv nculi'ws.,. ,.,... S,Ufi5,Hl Due front miir Hiwl l!nk ll.wxi wi Hue (rout Htat lluika Slid btili t. ,..,,., (i.'.ir. !Ki Hocking hoiiM, fumllutt, and t!iur, ,,. itrnmi axiwniw ati'l tutu nil ....... ...... l. '.l mo I'mmluma mi t) S bunts. D.Hij.Mi Ctiwksaml uthiir mull ittus , ...,...., 44,t,f lillla irf ullior Hanks Mn ui raotlimiu 'r curritwy, nkkles and eonui 14.81 t H-la M.t rl M lAUtl hnulor ti'itm ,, , tUO,00 AwJemiitt'iM fund l'.lt IJ. M, 'J'rvasurvrtfiv or com 01 iiirauiauitti. J. ............. ...... T.ltl Liabilities 1 (".li4 V U paid In., ,,S',nrt.OO 10.0UMOII , M,W.7 . KUoO.'W ...llnt.M'i.SS mirpHiNrurKi,,, . livkltxi iir'.tlu NattimitJ litttik ff'iU uuutAiidlnlf..,. imiivuiiiM t!Btlui tmttjwltaiiiwli,, Demand onrtlrlcmUwof ictniSw.... ixts to t.tlier ,N .UIih.hI I'riuiks , . f)u to St( Uankt slid bankers. , . , .. .00 I&041 Total.. (( wttntun ,.,r2TS,S4M3! STAT or OKMOfl, CM'STT Of I.IS, SS ! 1, E. W,' n, t''f ot tlis l.or nun td bank du mtWmnly swesr tba'. Uu aburs tUtetnent is tru to Hit best of my knMii and l)l f. 1.. W. LANUDON, Csahtvr. Bulnorltiod and sworn to Wfi rs m lldte h day of Maroh, DJai. L SI CUIiL, (U a ) Kutary I'ntdie. CusKKcr- Attait i L. ri,tN.V S. K. VOl KO, V Olroetots. l. K. ULAINj EXCUr05'3 NOTICE. " OTICB IH lIBKKHy (JIVE.1 TI!T TSIK I'K Uar.fjnwa has ttn4titv eYritt'.r tif Uw ltuL will r,. tooUtmcnl. ij t.tft HC lllil. dectwd, latanl l.tuti euitttty, lirui(.ii, Alt erriiii haniilf rwlnui asitm said Mtatg u iicrciiy u4inu o nrowtii iiiout on r Boo. wmtiiti s.a luontlis ilalUatatutr 1. Itm in Albany, Unit otti'r, ur-itit. btiM tilts ctit ey of iur-.h, nn. J.I. HILL. , K. Vt s.Ttmsroni, r.-utr. Attoimj (urMtaM. (4-3) ADMIHISTEATOB'S HSTiCE. Tori-K ia gives that th vh ll tlcni.nrJ m. un llut S'.'tli dar ot iMortnbw. lw. dill, aitu'mtl sn.l qtuiifleit as sdminUtnitor s lli tUl of Mrt M. J. fturkhart, d iuid, tat al I.Uit nmntjr, Onattu. All pvrartis bavtna; claim Mrtnt mi4 alu rm rUtrc4 tu mnis lbn, ptp- any win, wiOiin tuutiths ltm It', dva la tin arta-t.a a1, th nai u vmi ot uarMuv a aMtirjr, Io Albr, Orrfoit. lld thia Tib ULI MarcK. isji . C. P llftlKIIAKT, (SIS) A4titiuitntor. ACMIHISTRATCR'S HDT!CE. N OTICB M IIKHfCnVOlVKNinAT lit utn!rt!. ru il has I ton duly epiitiUl adrntn:i ratr.r of the tsstaie of Nathan l'iiwtoll, dca-mod. br lb eoiinty ootirt of the atate of Orrn'in, fiir Unn Co. All prans liavintc rTatm asaitist aiu eatato, are hembv netlfJd to pr-Mnt tho saOMi duty Vfrlflnj to ma tn t.'orvnill, Iw.ntjno'iiiii'.y )rnin,w;tliln tx tnottlh Unm lb datt) of this inilu-a; and al (r eon tinvinif any 1 tTnt-i 1 atj dcoeatcd will 'Ivr.r the astno ovnr in inn Dr ted Feb 3, 1 h:I . K. K. W I f .SOS, tit:) .oit;lni'trIor ADIilKISTRATOR'S KOTICE. i NOTICE H HEBKBY OIVES Til it tha urtdcmlKii"! have th s day Ijooo uly appointd ami rjuli6l ts acimttusv trat"r and adtulnlHtrtstris f the e:a 'd Ktsiik Mlon, late of l.lnn count;, re Hon, dorwaxnd. Ail person havinx claim, aicalost SNtid estate are required to prtauut thorn prnperly veriflod, v.lthlo six months Irf.m thi date, to lht nndereigr.ed. at ttmir piaoo al 11 (:&, Lluo couitty. Orttou. Th a 8:h day of Janosrr, IS:t. VUVts MtWSE. T J MAI-ONK. J K WttiTRtsrJSD, AdmloUtratirs Attarnoy for eUM, (tii) NOTICE Cr FlHAt SSITLEiMEHT." NOTH'E 19 IlKRf.BV CtVKX THAT THE t'.V. ecratatwl h tJ his nlra!iut ss rutr ol lb cvtaUi ni W.rtiu l".t, it cor J, and that tit wanly court of Unit county, (v 'H. ha fisni Ut ib tUjf tA April. lt, at It o'ei.wk, A al, ot Amy, U C'tirl 5 i AflMtiv, Orvcim, lur the hor- ai at .t.troO .n, sbi anil Ui aUtUMtit (bertsuf. I11 llils Kith 1. t4 Fahruarr, M. V. Ik DfAKt.VS, CM W Wawm, Ksccutw AlUw.y Ll EcuUr. (M) PHOTOGRAPHER, Cr.r r crl riidJ'eriTM, AUny, Ol SUrERlOK ws.rk g!jarrUe I in ever; branch of the an. 3Knligfng c ail tinr' a tijx-clalty DH. W II. QAVI3. Pby sicitn -.ana aVTt'Oe no statra in Wtrshan'a Bloo Usy bo f' ttrri r.t Mis t-C:c city and ji'kI r. M. J. "'Patten.' -: SPECIALIST :- Eli IECCE ELK, SALfM.CB. AND PRIVATE - DISEASES," Ck i u!tl t n ontiti. f:c and at!t 11 ion (tnd a Cnc stock tf generally, 08 well as jewelry, AVstcbcB cloeliB, etc., at TOWN! HD & WILSON, Real Estate g Loan Broken. OflUc.-BALTIMOKK BRICK Javg a general Ir.tumiifs luflncfs. .Ttrtitf )sliln(r liiauraiict wlll't'o stelt to tea tttm. aoi'ftTs fok Aetna Insnranr rmulittDy, Tn corporal ed i chartvr pei'))tlial. Li cb nid ta 70 js , U4U,00a. Atsts,(9,78U,n6,C3, f.nnrtllnn In. Conipitii)', of I-ondott. Ettfrland Established 18.1 . Cop'tttl, tIi.C(J0,0t0. Total firs losuee pstil over s,0JU,(XX). iiitpflcan Fir Ins. rmj)8ny, of Fliilatlelplils, Organized 1S10. lah austits, ri,iiJ2,tit-0. Lodsts paid, tl),50i(l-ti8. Culnuiltta Fire t Marine Ins. tympany, a P.irtlttiid, Or. Asecti, ;uo,o72.tW. Tliisia out of Credit's best cotuiatttus. HORDES FOB 8ALM -On sorrel horse. 8 year old, weight MOO. One grey horse, 8 Tears oid, weight 1100. Also wagon, hack. liarna, eto. Will eel for cash or uselmnae for other property. Call at ttore opposite Kust housa, it. A, FRY. WILL a MNK, :usic:-:; Dealers, M JfollreearLlktoffltaes II. E. MILLER J. HAVER - & CO. Kr'1:"1'; VOSE & SON nsSrr t""." I'ttlatfi Bd Karlsnir 9fa frr otitBti ioi ) i m en a rjpeeiauy. Agrntaforth Xew Home, i:i'Jrflsr II. andoihnr Sewinc Mchlut. Knrl for all ktr.daof 8flw"ns Maohittea, Wa guard oar enntomrr Interest anrl guaran ice satisfaction. We ake earry a fall svsorlmrBt r Katie mna Ko.le Books. Cor. Second and Ferry sta,, We are , the People Who carry the most complete lino of Hard ware, Stovc, Ranges, etc., in the market. MATTHEWS I HAVE BEEN DOWN TO THE NEW YORK T ry our Jackson corset. If Al don't suit, try tho S. C In fit, stylo and quality they" are super B S o como in, dear friends, and price ' our underwea R T he good we carry in stock are strictly first-clas S Remember, the word ckedit is a thing of the pas T Under buy and under sell is our mott 0 E verybody likes our shoes, they arc made of Al leatho R THEY DO SELL CHEAP. WmilMlW THE PUCE McFarland Block, Albany. d ' a veryone laiKs arci;t m mm Largo anfi Clioico Display of Drv Goods, Clothing, Boots. Shoes, Etc., Etc., Etc., Including many novelties. A fine line of Sealetta Jack ets, Children's Iloods, fcc., c. "Ti a Feat to Fit its Feet, But ALLM BEOTHEESj WHOLESALES RETaIL GROCERS, CIGARS, TOBACCO. AND KIND?, IN LARGE OR IN THEIR Plinn Block -:- .:- r Blumberg's Block, filial lis i Stes, : - G. L. BLAOKaIAs), LEADING. A T,EA.ISr'3r DRUGS, HEDICII1ES INSURE of Albany Safe, Somd; gaiiffllliiiislitEo. : F. L. KENTON, :- -Dealer in- GROCE E3 f Tha moil pnpnUr ino among the world' l farncoit I'laoist. , Orir'toa, Onltara, Violin mnd (f - 'end for catalogue.) Albany. Or. & WASHBURN. m ti Hb Can S3 it ani do it Seat," CHOICE FRUITS OF ALL SMALL '.QUANTITIES, SEASON. - : - ' ALBANY, OREGON F8HST-CLAE8 GOODS, fieasonalla s i FrioES, A. coxnpJete line of Oen ts FurniHhiorrg. Albany, Oregon. DRU OT STATIONARY SO TN THIS Oregon, Conservative i Ll il iu w r 1E1 EflSi ; GGIST