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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1891)
IVH 1- J New York World, "THE D i MOCRA and the American Fanner, nil one year FOR S3 80. Weekly "State Klgbt Democrat, 2 00 per year. r I n m ' ? r An ad. in tlie "DEMOCRAT"! Reaches the Moot People, and brin BIG RETURNS, VOL XXV J. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1891. i Btitered at. ths Pot (fflc at Aihriy, ! egon, as second das mail matter, I iVO.-32- -.MM 51 r 11 mm Jm 0 i LITTLE DO MOT CRiPE, SICKM 09 CONSTIPATE. Sun Cvit rot Sick Hudumi, iamtMi or CoastipaUea. T fee Hlra!TIJntd to suit thaeaaa, a oa. pill b too Urva Ao. t..r la l t MMHuoh aiu, Sli pill. Bui up IK .Iron mat Whir rim bararrta tn m rnckit k lrl I Saf tra4r t V. fe.. U.lw. at,. "W.l'Tr.fc.rt, ft.14 rrT.k.M. uirK & s.4 Km aims. Or t. la Man. f DR. H ARTFR'S IRON TOMIO. V rrsiriK t n.i. :. i sth t. i.twsl SB.I kllSK-Nftn.l RICiToH I!.. W HI LIT tTKI' I V, MVALTtl M VtllulMM''. J rtllCMl ril..t V.H-rr THECB.NAaT;lKE0IC!KlC0.ST.LCUIS,M0i . hi hinfllMBlka ULui rVnnaetly ruri wfthon.1 Cnltlne, Tttritii ir Dl atline A rfHil7 pamla. tnwtriivi.l ntl a suanin l eur la enanr , n cuilivr h Uit .lai'ilp . Thl Inasnnaat. tor Blrtotu , o Dr H... li V , la th ft tt dtarovary known lu ainl elf. II dlaaolvaa ad euenplat! nantM th. Blrktai a Uboulutoojr- I ar laaia lo tha paUaol. DISEASES OF MEN! raaullar lo lhair Has. an a4 nmnir to Mum hora, iDclikjtn all lhaa dultrala InArnitliaa and Wak '. wbh-h ty wnutd ah rink foxa dirltn U) imUy ny4cian, Brmanriilly rarad In lm lloaa than aar kauan la Mmllnlna baira, by lw Buxalla " HraMot ot TrvUmant." Il rajunnau ih tanilo-anr try nrirana and auka aak aa Mrunc Wkaa poaatbK It at alvmy bm In tail lor iwamul nnraluuaa and anacavl axuainatifHi. But lh.Ma wbv aanaut pnatlblv call, ahoukl wrtta. aUunf lhair aaai lulijr. Mautvtiia axil ay mall or nimo, aaalad. iraa ironi axpoaura, lo all an of th I'aotae Cnaat, A Win. A. llaiell, 31. D. faal Uariurr. rartlaarf. amaa Cora or rirat anil l'tnatrco(9, irrrJl'urUancI XlaUiMlal tiaOK HEALTH IS WEALTH ! 1 PH. K . C. WESTS Xrr and Rraia rraatmrtil a uarand aprciOs Hntrria, INmnua, (Vmrul Iom. ri a, fiarroaa Kanralria, liamdarha, Vanout Pmatratlua) aautad br lha um u akxn-d or lobars. WakvtulnMM. Mmta Irpraaak.n, 4wnin 4 th Hrai. rarallln la laawita and ialin k ntaary, am ad daai. Braawtara old air, barrannau. Ia at P i eaimd by otrarx-ttruoa ol lha hrain Each ta. tontain. oua monMi'. tnaimaiit. It a a.- r alt baM a s aaal b nul pmpaul oa raciH WE GTMRAXTER SIX BOXES TO CI RK AXt aan. With aarh ontar raaalTad by m . an boxa. aeenmpaniad atlb i, w. a ill am i th run haaar otw wrlttan (wanlr l rdund lha any II lha Inal tant doa ant adart a cura. Utianntaa laauad aay by J. A. Camming, lru t&, aula ljnl, Albany, Or. Albany IRON VVORECS ilmiifrttir n o'-. 1EAM ENCSKES GaIST AH3 PHI on il MILLMACHISEflT 122H AU ALL K-'DS CF KEAY AKO LIGHT V03X, IM HCH AND BRASS CASTINGS. Ntjrwtal altAuUon l1 o fiiioa da of tnarhlrjen Patterns Kadc on Short Noti: Pouiiiy Wanted. . All of pjoltry, alire or dreasea at I be WHUmeUA Picking Compaoy'a aioi. Albany. Orejot. S. W. Paisley, tllbany, OrtgaB -W00LEJALE DEALER IN - Totea ail Cinr3. $500 Howard ! WF will pr th thev rewttrrl for njr f Urm otnptcvict, l-ffp-j, ftUk llMdtvr) JiuJ.'eiiua. Oory 4rttcm or CAtvortM rr nnoi isr wtl W-ttf cwp:ir4 with Th- r r"y Vari-tiibl,Eind nrr all toiv Mtlrf-U'C.nn. S iAr i'rti Lftrtf bor ontaC ti dfU. fla-Tar of rojnterl.tW ni m :-bi. BfaftctfartHnp. CfMl 19 J 4 (aHmiati . albany :on. WEITSMAH & BULBSET BROS,, Pea! Est&t Agents Farm) and Eannhea fer aala, Alae eity broearly in Albanr aaa Coryal'.i. EedCrownMills 0M, LA SUING & CO., I lOPLl', aiw raoca.' ruioa iiTtki'jit rua rAviua REST STORAGF FACILITIES. 1 Mftl CATARRH JiIiCJUiiHtiBm, Keura'gia, Cornft KtADAOPC. AnS ALL "AIM. t1 Calibrate l"t!t!y 4 Ijatle COURII CCUE cunii ceiot. khoup. cohsuhpiio. CH Vj til Drt.-i M Earl 26o, 60s 6 II CiJtli ' Sti.rrw'i. tea Arjlaa.Oat, Uoburg JLumbor. 1 ssll ths beat lqniber in the cruntj; alse soar potta, shioi;ls, latha dooi-s and win w muuldiDtr, etc. Prices from $5 to '22 e r thonaand. .Yard at Lnwaea, on the Nsitow Gsojs. Ses mi before purchaeiuf! a'sewher. WW CRAWfORD. Adre.t.P O Tilltti, 0 4CADi:my Our Lady of Perpetual Help, A in ANY. - - OREGON Conduced by the KUttt t Kt, Benedict Tuition kn soioct i.U.y school ranges from For wrms o" Bonrdlng Hb ot or sot i t !nv at the Acadernv orjj. F1'1 m w STRICTURE ! YEGEI SLE PANAGEk f mtO FROM not JSEfc Hcsrn!j. fyns. cuhk or . AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISIN9 FROM A DISORDERED STATE orra: STOMACH OR AN INACTIVC LIVER. rOP SALE BV Alk DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS THE CRY OP MILLIONS rt OH, TOY EKCKl TOP IT NOW. IT Will. BE TOO LATE. OON I havb Imulilcrl many arwith taraac rfth kulnryt ami lit "rft many eHifrrant tminli. and b k.iiwht a l from ili'lrrral ;.hYK-i.a without rrtlrf. th isth ol Apri" I waa iiUrrinr I rum a wry Ytolrnl attack that aioioat pioairair.1 m in aiKHa manner tuat mi nninw. a'hrn I at tknra it iraa almunt ImrKiaxiblc lor me tn ert l p aluoa, or In put on my clutbra. klml 1-n.yHlrnr arut lr. Ilruiry, wild l GKKGUN KIDNEY TKA, U my hotel. I immrvl lately comoirncrj uaioE the Ira. It bad an aluioat nitracnloD effect, and to the aatun lahttKnt of all Ibc gucata at Hi hotfl, la a lew daya.t am twKr lo (tale. thai I wa a new man. t wlll4 rccomiaentl Ike Ua to all aUIktoii b 1 Uta. O. A. TUrrEB, rtoprlrtor Occilratal ItUtl. ftauta H.jmn. Cal. j.s.raATHEEroiiD, VlVlltiiy A-l" LAW IRtLOt W K 1ULYEU, AT'fOKNKY AT LAW Atd 8Jif ilor ia Chanrr rji ALBANY. - OHrOOY. OVlo'tlii uaJe on all j-o'ii? a-ii.ijj;U.l oa waQtla:iu:a . .N.autcitacRK, a to. w. raictiT, ILACKOURr. & WCIGJ.T, Attorneys at. La7, Vdl p'tj.ij.i i i il! IHj Ciirt ltl. Pf ) il il it ; )0t; i ci .nil l i I l-l.i M t ' t i . I 1 1 ir Mi. (MlwOI I FuIIir Trn,l A;vy 0 H. C. IVAT3Q?J, Attorney at Lw, ALBANY -i- OiUXOM. Om,-e la IHe H(rakn B'a. k. , J. ViSilTFJEV, LUI..6J And Goncsellcr At La? ND- otiv Public, AL8A V G3EGQH L. !i!LL, hysiciai and Surt;eon, Office or. f t ADft Tnrry 8ircU, ALBANY- OREGON on, c.wATsofi mmi Physician and Surgeon. Office ojXM(le (he Dcisricrac. DH G A. WHlT?JSYf Phy3i3ii!i and Surgooa. Gradnate of Bnllavue lloapital Sledlcal JoDsge Now York City. Diaes cf womaa a Hpe'jialty . (30.110 rwtOA't's brick, Albany, Or. FOCMAY & rVIASO... - T IV lT41. - Unsagiijtsand Bctks?21t-r.s Arfi urcr jonn . AUibu's po.uea'lOEis, pirQ we bsii a uuliQfir r- srlt .gewuiiier USE I'CTlsrJSJIB .aA1Mi THE BEST. TMtt MC V. M. Fbky ii Co t Ii!uHrud, Uaactip i!unrud, Uactipt!v and Priced II SEED A For 1391 wi;ibi ANNUAL i mailed FREE ..'Vo at applicant, and to last seaaon't r 4 cuncomcra. mi DcurriniBBTir. I LA . Jtrery persoa uiin? Uardtn, J itvfr fr Htld Sttdi, t? liuu!d .end for ll. AdUreaa t i u rrniv a r r I trfrel HedimeM in th worM J DCTROIT. MICH. 1- 1 I if HP 1 0Tet. sua Trarln-Mnrk ohtalned and all Tat sat buiinmt eonrtneted fur Moderate Fee. Our Oflie is Oppotlt U.S. Patent Office, and we can mre patent in lei time tiiaa those remote from Waahlnirton. Bead model, drawine or Dhoto., with deeerlp- ten. We ndvlne, If jiatentablo or not, free ol charge. Our foe not ttae till patont in eecnreij. A Pamphlet, 'l!ow to Obtain .Patent," with same of actual client in your btate, county, of Iowa, sent froe. Addreee, c.A.orjow&co. fpptitlfo Patent Oiflce. Washlncton, D. C. :N. V Artarophletof Information andab-; .Ir.rt i,( the lawa. ihOBHJK lluw tos i t Obtuln i'ments, Caveais, Trade: X V ll,.ry. f!nnTriiht. nt jree.' V Aaaiw a UK II & CO. M lirondway, ' M kork. Tkacukks' Kxaminationh. l'rof odcr county ri-hool auperintcndi nt, has com pleted the examination of the paporao llioco w ho aotiuht crtillcatca to in thva county. It wsa a very untortutmto tent to runny ol the opidicantM, as twelve of tho thirty tuns failed to ecuro ccrtift entee.. Only ono was eueeoMnfuI in jct tint a firet y'rado. f-oven ohtniued aeeond ainUleven third itrado. Cnpital Journal. Tli 6 teachcra' examination hint week was unuaually ditUeult. Tliere were 2'J applieHtiti) ; of theo two received Int irittda certiorate, live 2nd trad, four' teenT.rd pi-ado ami eight failed ta-pnaa. McM The lmrd of examineri", nehool anper-Uitendc-nt 1) V J;u vi, and VivU J W Smith and A i Priif vr, tlntshed at II o'eltK'k last night the woikol exiiiinlin; the paper of applicant fur teueiiera1 rcrtitlcatea. Aa expected., thero were mnuy iuilureM, tliiilj-eiiit in all, out of rUty-one applicutioim. Not a (tingle tlret strudo certiiicate wna panted, and but three aeeoiid gradeg. reiulleton K. O. TIiiki' who get up tho exaininationa evidently expect curious qtialifleationa fir teachers. Tho hint named paper, in referring to the litt of qucKtiotiri, which waa tho gamu all over tho atate, say: "lu grammar th applicant ia reiuired, among luta of other things, to. 'write a aeuteuee contuiuiug a noun lined a an attrihule comphnieut; n hUlory to give the leading feature in tha jxilicy of the two great political parties during c rt:iin periixl'd; in 'theory and practice ol teaching' to answer. what is pnycli oWv; of what uho Is it to a teacher!' etc. riiere are ten of hint such questions propounded on very subject. Koine of the replies were amustnu'. One wauttiah applicant, ri Uired to give the names ot tno political partus during the revolu tt-in, wrto 'Hard sl.tll l'ptUts and timkcM.' Another, repilrcJ to write at least eik'lit lines aiKut r ru'iH'l, founder ot the ktnilcrgarten, whom Jew know from Julius t'u-sar, composed a clever bit of petry which earned him (or her) ten because of its originality." Wants 1'aktictiak,. A Nebraska man w riting to the Oregon Land Co., tf this city, is a little the moat inquisitive of any inquirers yet reported. Hero are ins questions: I. list is land worth inyourcouuty '.. 1 there tny govern ment l.ttid yet. 3. Is it timWr laud. 4. V hat are Imwi worth. W hat are cows worth. 5. What is lumler worth per thomtahd. 6. What are wagms worth. 7. What is work barnens worth. 8. Is there plenty of water fur stock. 9. Could wo rent a boue uctil wo lookd over the country. 10. How are you supplUM w ith churches and schools II. I tow cold is it iu w inter. 12. How warm tn summer. As the answers may interest some of our l'a';tern readers we give them as follows: Land Iswor'h $10 to j0 an acre according to location. Consiilerable government land, mostly timber. Oood work boisi s can he bought for !vj to I'.'oO. I.tiinlfcr In f 'J toll t por thousand rough. Farm wagons are worth about ;, wrk barntsjks, f.T0 a set. Plenty of water for stork. You could rent a house, for about $10 pr uiontb in Albany while looking aliut. We have tine churches and choo!snd plenty of them. H degrees above sero w as the coldest but w inter, and alxHit I'O degrees the warm est luat year. Our climate is a good one. Wavjei Ammomtios. Albsny.whlch hsi net Ixen doing vcty much In ihc way of advcrtUirg Itself the past tear or two. nil: gvt s gra.n of coinlort from the fob froin the Sulcm Journal, which woU indicate that we have reaped jut atiout a much jcueiit: "It arcm that Sslcm's animui i:lin has been wbUi1, snd like the o!J fcvoiuilonsry fllnliotk, kick harrt at the rear end. Htfore Tallin had a jSarlcd acctc'.ary ,f the board of Iraife, ihe cliy enjoted en bniT.enc tide of eaulern Ooring Ihe last tlx month e'.crrj sdvenl.lnjj i.not had the effect I: formerly had, iho' ths board ?a haj the ben. Ci ol a clerical ervlca coaiirg ovci $ IIMW a year." Lat yrsr Salem made a contract with Lord & Thomat, of Chlcsao. for advcrtls- ng In Eastern nanera. It was suivwjaed that all was paid but $160, but Mr Wilson, sn stent, wa present at a meeting of Ihe board of trade and In.Utrd UutlSnaaai d ie. The Journal says thit -bt hi fB ctuus manner he umcd thiit the Salem peo lc did not know how to conduct an ordinary bulnr meeting or enterprise,' experience u mat sdvertl-lng agel.t want to run the whole buslnei themselves and leave their customers a much aoon a po!b!e. The N'rw IIi l.w ..I T t Alfred Tennyson, the noet. Sio a' word for a poem, of which the following I SVjo worm or it: To sleep! lo alcep! e The long, bright day U done And darkne rises trom the fallen sun. To lcep! to sleep! naie er thy joy, they vanish with the day; Whateer thy grief, In sleep they fade away. To tcepl to aleep! Sleep, mournful ireart, and let the past be pasi ; Sleep, happy sou, all life will sleep at laet, To sleep! to sleep! A New J-EcaitTAHr. Mr II M Grant was recently elected f-'ecrelarv and Man- auer of the North went Ingnrance Com pany, ol Portland, to succeed Itockv Karbart, and passed through Albany Wedncsdar inornirK toaHRtime thedntira of the iwwition. Mrdriint ia President of the l'acifio Board of Underw riters. of a i j . i . ' mncir-co, .Buu is a iiioroucn iniiur- ancc man. The appointment is a fortu nate onr. The other officers are: 1 Loewenbenr. President: John McCrack. en, Vice-president: F M Warren. Treas urer; ana tlie lara of Directors are 8 K Young, ence. J Ixx Arnol Tiiohe 1'AiLtitEB. This week lias been rather prolific of failures in Benton coun ty, resultinc from ono cause or another. Clark & Itictiardson, dealers iri general mcrcnanaise at riewport,maleanasHitn ment on Tuesday to A E Acklom. Lia bilities, $2,400. B E Gardiner, who bad been conducting a saloon business in this city, failed on Monday with liabilities of 110(H), assets $0. Tlie most important failure and the one most to be regretted is ttiat ot J J) Clark, the well known hardware dealer of this city. OnTuca nay he made an assignment to 8 G lie Faddcn. The liabilities are $13,000 and me assets are about ff',000. Gazette. To tub Point. The Lebanon Express man is a sensible fellow, and we invite our County Commissioners and every body else to read the following: "F ll Koscoo of Albany was in town this week with a view to feeling the public pulse with reference to tlie Albany bridge. Let us regard Linn county as "one and indi visible" and build up the interests of the wiioic by strengthening the Individual parts. "Let there be no strife between thee and us." " Kr-n-EKHoN. A bridge will bo built across the rivir at Albany this year. Albany business men usually "get there" w.ben they undertake anything. Mr and Mrs Louis Seige, of Albany, wero visiting' Mr L Rayburn's fainilv Friday. Mr Beige will take charge of this section on the S P in place of L liay- uuru. Twenty-four new members were taken into the Evangelical church in this city last Thursday. The result of the recent meeting held here by Rev I B Fisher, of Albany, and Rev L 8 Fisher, ol East l'ortland. Review. Well Balanced tn the Corvallig school district there are 706 children of school age, and the number of boys pre. ciely equals the number cf girls being 353 ot cacn. uorvani takes a pardonable pnue 10 giving mis iaci 10 ine worio as an evidf-nceof ihe well regulated condition ot her alwirs. tjazeue, Albany, J 8 Cooper, Indepcnd- w T felatcr, Palem, V 1) Olipbant, wenlierir. John McCrackcn. K K d, II L Pittock and F M Warren. in. ati ngiiTr ETKitTiiMKT. The entertainment given by tht stu dents of tho College, at tho Opera House last Friday, was attended by a large audience, and was, as well, it literary success. Tl.e program was opened with musie by the College -orchestra, composed ot u It uart, i Acneson, it 1 1. arrlco, Clem Irvine.EUIot Irvine. S It Ihidley. Brcckcuridgu.Mack Denny, Prof Lee and Mildred iUiriucNtcr, with three violins, piccolo, flute, clarinet, cornet, baritone, bass viol and piano. Home tine orches tra musin was furnished durlnittiie even- ing, aittl enthusiastically encored by the audienee. Miss Moses recited "Au Itnliena" with flue effect, and was encor ed, happily responded to. The College t horns Biwig"Upidee"and "Polly Wolly" at different times, causing much merri ment, resulting in encores not responded to. Miss Kvalena Simpson recited "lllver mouth Ibs ks'disnlavlnif itreat Improve ment. Miss Simpson Is very graceful in me use oi gestures ana speaks witn good elocutionary filed. "Empanelling a. Jury," ft short farce, was quite a tunny aluir, causing con- siuerauie laugiiter. reveral local lilts were introduce!, (rank Mreckenrldira made a giKHl Judge, O Goodman was par ticularly eomputent as Clerk, II J Carrier) ana a uveal were tno lawyers, Mack enuy ine Mieriu. me jurymen exam ined, a'lof whom tried to le excused, were uugn nsner, u iougiiton, w Pea eock, o Turner, Cletn Irvine and Ola loiiluHon, an ol w horn proved charade r- taiie victims ol tlie jury system, Mr iotuason carrying on ine honors, s The Garroters, a charming holiday drama, by tho famous author. W In-aa Howclis, was presented In an admirable mauncr. It sparkles with portrayals of human nature, particularly woman's nature. Air Carlton Sox, as the con sctentiotis Sir Ldwsrd HoiH-rts, a young author, was well suited for the position. Mr Percy Young did well as Mr Willis C ampbell, the Joking brother of Mrs UoUrts.a bright character in the drama, Mr Edward N Uhvlgett represented Mr Hernia, Pr., Mr Hugh Fisher, Mr Alfred Hcmis, his son, Miss Pearl Vance, Mrt A urea Hernia. Miss Ava lin It mora. Mra Crashitw, and Miss Nina Galbraith, Hella. Jfr Jul ward Crossen was a good Ir Ijtwton. who rauitht on to thins in tuitively. Miss Mary Cunditf as Mrs i-.dward KoUrts. was the star of the drama, doing some of the finest amateur actlug witiK'Hscd in Albany, ttortraying the character of Mrs Hoberts. whom to appreciate one should read the three holiday dramas of lWU-4-fi, published in Harper, in a manner that would suit the eminent Boston author himself. LcasKoy. Two passenger coaches on the road lie t ween lA-banoti and Atluinv and two trains daily; this arguea acme ustness ior the lArbnnon branch road. L O Moruan. of Alltsnv. hiovmI into If C Hardman'a hotiae this week. Mr Mor gan will team for Jennings & Co the coming season. At the school election Monday. O II Halston was elected director ana IrL oley clerk. The enterprise which received a e-ood leal of attention here last summer, via: the building of a flume from Jennings' mm, eighteen miles up the Pantlam, lo, lAibanon, has lately been revived. Phil Smith makes pool time as asses sor; having assessed, the county several itnrs, to knows where to find every man. and what be ia worth when be ia found. You can't dodge Phil. J A Beard sold bis drug store laat week to Messrs J A Hoberts and Charley Miller, of this place. Although John w ill retire from the business, we are as- surred that be wiil continue to abide with us. Express. Evan a. Mr E R Sdlpwojih'. term of office s clerk of the supreme court ex pired Ut Saturday and he ha returned to l.ugcnc tor permanent residence. Mr McPhcraon has completed the school ceniu ot dUlrlct So 4, of Eugene. Of children of school sge he found 5B4 fe male and (,00 mate, lie aio took the eenusof Hie city at the earns lime and found iemale residents, ura males and 31 Chinamen, total 3.J13, an increase in papulatiun of about fifty over 1S90. Mr Whce'er ha completed the abatract wora in bugene precinct and turned the tame over to the sheriff. He found 27s ot unateed and the sheriff ha found about 50. making about 325 fn all, some of them in the business part of the city. One piece oi unattested farm property was found on which the tax wilt be $141 50. EcgUter. Stio. The Edward Barrett Comedy company will givo entertainments at the city hall tonight and tomorrow night. Admission, 33 cents. I)r Ahlborn. recently of Michigan: ar rived in this city Monday, and will lo cate and practice his profession in onr city. Ho has secured an office in the Bilyeu brick, where he can be found at an tunes. We bear of w bat came near belne an other fatal hunter's accident, that oc curred a few miles from this city last week. One hunter bad killed a deer and was carrying it on bis shoulder, another hunter mistaking him (the man and deer) for game, fired at him, the bullet going so close to hunter No 1 as to clip a lock of hair from bis head. Press. Cattle Dvino. Reports from all parts of the country a re that considerable cattle nave atcd duitng the recent storm, and are till dying. The old cows and young cattle suffer the most to. The eras wa poor jtt summer and' full and stock entered the winter in poor condition. A number who have plenty of feed font stock simply for lack 01 theiter. lots of horses Is re- ported Eugene Guard. Business Change. Sul Tl, for a long time with San Wa, a heap good man who tabes the laundry business, hss boucrht out Lee's laundry near the Revere House.and win ncrenircr run It. satisfaction guaran eed. Ok, Tffcst aa Awlal Brest-1 Ti er is nothing mors healthful than on ions. The trouble is that persons ar afraid to eat tin m because tbev msks th breath oufraumrit. Put trier is a lets fragrant breath than that freighted with onions. Ws mesn tbe breath of a persoa with a fool tomsoh. Take him away ! we inwardly cry wbon ho wMepera in our ear. . Do that vnar bieatu care. Take a few Bran areth's Pill snd regulate your livef.stomsch sta towels sod your brsath will bs sweet. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miterabla by that torrillo ccugb. Shiloh'jCnre j the Kemfoy lor y u. WILL YOU SUFFER with DvsreDtla tntt Liiv.r Uompiuiut I HtiiloU s Vttalixer guuiaoteed to cure ynu. (klldren Kajey The pluaaaat fltvci, geotle actiaa and sooth ing effects of Syrup of Figa, when in need of a laxative sod if ths father or mother bs costive or biiieu ths most gratifying results (mowing in us, so mat 11 is ths best tare y remedy known and eyery family shonld sva a bottle. A sure cure for tho whisky iiabit: Dr Livingston's Antidote for tlrunl cunee will cure any case of the liquor nabitin trom tea to thirty day, from the trodcrate driuker to tbe drunkard. Tho Antidote odd be siven in i cap of coffee without th knowledge sf tho person taking iw Ths atidote will not injure tbe bealtn in sny wy. Manufactured Lythe Livingston Chemical Co., Portland. Officio cr from J A Camming, cols sgeut Albany. SBIL0H-S CATARRH REMEDY a positive curs for Catarrh. Diphtheria and t'arikst-Meutli. tctksy K Muses, ifests 0111 ARB FKMOtit, TllCaSDAT, il J Hopkins and Win Richard went to Eugene U day to organise class In dsnc Ing. , .. Mr Morehouse, father of Mr George Morehouse, of the Albany Electric Light Company, has .been In the city severs! Mr L McKarland, ha moved from hli farm Into Albany to reside, and may be found in one of Mi Cundiff's homes on Broadaluln street. . fKltlAV. ' . : G L Blackman l home from a business trip to Portland. ' . A I) Mcllwaln was on the streets this morning, after a long Illness. Miss Carrie rfelfler, tho Dknocmat re grets to report, is considerably worse. A pleasant party was given last even ing at tho residence of Mr Thomas Hop kins. . 0 II Btewart returned yesterday from a business trip to Sweet Home. He '"unJ verjrhody in favor of a bridge at Albany, " ' b' ; :r At. l-i... 11.1... .1 . 1 . 1 He antlepates a large business at the" bay this year. Misa Isabel Gray, one of the teachers at thopnbllo Kbool, left this noon for the'sorlous IneirSlieroSrSia0! placa. Dr Rich, of Toledo, one of the Incor- c'"ljf dangerous, and that even 11 tree poratortot the Toledo. Airliedc Xaah.lsnd unlimited silver mine iL'i?.1!.1 1,MlTn ta lhe cit'l "? r- p.11. mu. 'iniu;iuBir ur Trjriiiir rioi ir 1 the line of t ie Diotmeed road. Mr W 1 ll.rt.n. O 1 aeent .1 Mill City, was in the city thla morning. He J reforiea nine snow at Aim city. A gen-1 ueman iroro DswM tialesvllle, Uwugh , reached, and there was no comnlaint u avii inn riKuvevn iwi uiata oi there because ol an Insufficiency. Rev W W Loffan will deliver a lecture on Friday-, March 20, at the U P church, In this city, on the "Ideal Man," which will no doubt be a literary treat. An admission fee of 25 cents wiil be charged, the money to go lor a missionary church In East Portland. Albert Rjv and family, of NewnorL started lor New York this week to be ab sent aome months. Mr Hay w ill make a trip to Knvland before bis return, it in said, in the interest of a scheme involv ing extensive real estate transfers in the western part of the county. Gaxclte. Mr. K. H. Dunham wis In CorvallU. Wednesday, for the nttrnoae of nisei her daughter In the Agricultural College. Mr. Dunham purchased a farm on the ud- per North Santlam ndl long lnce where Ihe family now reside. Mrs. D. I much pleated with the new home In the far west. Gaaette. Mr F II PfeUTer left this moraine- on the "Three fciateri" for Portland, with a fine span of liorsei. new harness and an elegant wagon, lettered "Imperial Bot tling Works, 100 and 109 Pine at," etc. The wagon was made by A J Anslyn aad is a une piece 01 work, besides costing 130 less than Porltand prices. Mr Pleif fer will begin business there at once with good prospect for a large trade. a" old routs' bistudat fabtv. Yesterday was the 70th birthday of Mrs Dr Stewart, and the event was duly I relehrftteti tit tit re. dene of her WJt I rC II Htewart. with an old folke party, which, the Dkmockat is assured was one of the finest affaire ever held in I Albany, and probably the most bar uionlous. Both a gay and serious time was bad. Probably a filler com nan of old people could not !e gotten together ia Oregon. A soinptuoue repast was served at 1 o'clock, with a display of youthful appetites. It would not do to narrate all the pranks and "carryingona" of the party. Among those present was Mrs Saline Gustin, an old eastern friend and neighbor of Mrs Stewart's, w hom she had not seen for thirty-five years, who recently arrived here on a visit with her. Those present were the following, all widows but one, Mrs Mary Miller: AOK. . mkTIIPLAC-E. Elisabeth Althonse, VI Virginia, Amelia Fisher. HM New York. Harsh Bentley, 82 Jane Fanning, 81 Sarah Hogue, ' bo Jane Clin, 80 irginia. Pennsylvania. Kentucky. Ohio. New York. Pennsylvania. NcwYork. 1 Kebacca Young, 77 Mary Miller, 74 Ellen G Russell, 74 vtcithaAi iiier, 73 Amanda Overman. 73 Elisabeth Blaln, 71 Ohio. Ann R Stewart, 70 " Salina Gustin, CO " Total 1074. Average 70 6-7. SATcanAV. H M Daniels, of Scio. was in the citv voaay. AS W Governor rennover returned from Ya- qnina Bay today. . If. ww n w-t, ii . jws! a 1 - a I Mr ji v uunn. ine riucienv nimreimi ui i f .Serve 1 m WA'al at I- 4 tiak J t ej ifblav I ' 1 TWltUI Kalai Viaan (ssiAl fB llija mat. I riageolWePaulandLillioDMundertr. NHw.aenv wee IsTvsa rrr vs r " tin ? 1 Dr O C Aubrey and wife went to Ku- gene this noon to be gone several days. The Doctor's dental officee are being re- moocieu ana improveu generally. Jlr Bert Van Cleve Is now ' pouring over tbe leaves of tht immortal Klackatoue in the office of Blackburn & Wright, with view to becoming a disciple of lex. II C Clement, of Tacoma. was in the city today, on bis way home from a visit to ma parents-in-law at hneud. Air Clement recently surcbased the Grand l'acifio hotel, formerly Tbe Abbott, of tacoma, a large, live-story brick struc ture. BlJlLUUa V ll ALIZ.KK IS WbSt VfU need foi Cosstipatioa, Lo nl Appetite, Dis- sinsts, snd all syatptont of Dypepis..l rics It aaa 71 esals per sett. -,r.. Exeltesaeat " Runs high in Albany at Fotbay Si Ma son s c rug store oer rmism rsuiiaer, s everybody is asina it for Cstsrrh of ths Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation snd lin ear Blood. Try it t ad tell ynnr friends aboat it ss it mast possiti woodtrful merita- wben aU tpeak wall of i. 'reach Tawiy srarar. The far a wafers are a sure and safe tr 1 ci klndsof female troubles'!1 remo period all obttructlon to the mor.u 1 no matter wnat tne cauie. ll i v are ji 11 what every woman neco . ai can be red with safety. For sale I th. L-tvinsttone inemicai to., alto iron v sole scent, J A v-umminir, druoclst, Bn n berg bixk, Albany, Orsgoa. FOE DYSPEPSIA and liver Complaint you bave a print guarantee ou every bottle ot Bhiioh a viunaer. it nsvsr (ail to curs. Foibay Maton, agents. CROUP, WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by SUiloh'a Us re. .'.., Naw Blacksmith Sbo.G V Willis has just com'pletei. his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds ot iron and wood work can be had and done in first class order Bring on youi plows, wagons, etc., etc. lor reps ir . A N&SAI INJECTOR free with each bottle rf bhilah s Catarrh Remedy. Price iO cents. Fcehay& Mason, agents WHY WILL YOU ooagh when Shiloh'e Cure will give immediate relief, Prioe 10 cent, SO eeut and $1. Foshay & Mason, agents. Tbs best roast foo'Jt.e ia Meyers. ' tie ity i-l Cxti MLVKit C F Black, the Wsthlntgon correspond, entofthe New York World yt: Let u see to what extent tht gleaming silver wedge which but recently was cal culated upon lo split the two national puttie and to recast congrsss and the elec torlfll college wilt likely operate, It was generally accepted as true that the wtt and the south were bent upon the psttage of a free and unlimited silver bill nd ppon the slaughter of presidential can didates and all others who should ssy them nay. I this true? W hat evidence have we ol Ihe fact? It hat been assumed that the farmers, and especially the mysterious farmer's alliance, were determined ta rush on to tl.U single object, trampling every thing else under their feet In the mad tumult All this was taken foi granted. Nobody stopped to Inquire upon what the assumption wa founded. Some newspa- na ome "pnaentallvea loudly pro- claimed that they were "the people" and were taken at their word. But time and discussion are vraduallv ntiltlnv annihar th. ! P... by .nd ' " " '"- ehi'1 -t b,e" P "re disappea'1 ling. When we get a clear view of the uth ana be west and they get a clear view of the tat, it will be seen that their 'TT f - afford or wllj press experiments which are pfomUed all the relief to the deblorclssses ,. ... ... .. whU h few of the,n eiecled from It, It moM tM remln mr Mnlmport- nt uwt,n In comrarlson with the que- "n 01 taxation In the weit and the south nd of borne rule In the latter. The silver question may be safely left to the dUcretlon of the democratic majority In the next congress for settlement. As' the M'orf bss pointed out editorially, the parly has grsppled msny times with more difficult subjects. ' White gold and silver are ihe constitutional cunsney which the dc-rocrscy his maintained from time Im memorial, no member ol that party h ever desired or ever will desire coinage of either metal of lets Intrinsic value than coinage of the other metal. The nest cor.gtes will assemble after six months further deliberation and diacussion . Both the public and Ihe party will have learned something In the mean time. "It Is a con dition, not a theory, which confronts us to-day. The condition I the dl.tre of abor and agriculture not In the west and Iho south only but every where produced I a t ...... . I oj t-crive ana unconstitutional monop oly taxation. This It is which is at the bottom of the universal cry for relief and which Induce men to jump at the sliver theory or the warehousing or any other which presents luclf. Will the coodilbn change In six months? Will It change until the monopoly policy Is reversed and nntll lighter taxes and greater freedom of exchange aie accorded Ihe people? If the condition docs not chance, when the dem- ocratic Datrtv iomti tnttft hs'. tw list rawnrsa BtAKlftttV.Ji tW a.M A SraMat .. wa aw l. ;" - """-","-. wt ln "l'nal conveullon.witi It agree thal l'er I any question at all lncoinpar- son with tariff tsxation In the west or free grvernment In the South? Those who conceive thst silver will spilt and wreck the democratic party, or even that it will shape the next presidential ticket and the next national plstioim.forget that the deep wrongs and the vital interesU of Ihe sec- tlons relied upon to push silver to the place heretofore occupied by the tariff. When the wet shall be asked to jeopardise the presidential ticket In the cast by the sub stitution of the trifling silver controversy for the momentous tax battle, its material conditio i, not 'em. lhn Us patriotism, will furnish the response. Jt cannot be done. The west must have rellef,and It can have it only by the restoration of the tax re-form parly. When the south is put to the same test her answer will be that tariff reform, heme rule, domestic liberty, are infinitely greater to her than any of the alleged and doubtlul advantages of tree silver. There will not be In a national convention a del egation from any stsle In the union which has recently catt a democratic electoral I vote In favor of endangering the presidency and the country by unreasonable persist ence on the silver line If there shall be a silver plank In that platform it will be i one upon which any democrat, from New York harbor to the Oolden Gate, can wf.u .r . . - TK Wt awrWMj Its I lrel s tail ! I Vta staafa. t O I v . . . a . . ... . . ,MIOrce Wl' lM niai gratituee oi lriotic democrat lor the splendid service to constitutions! liberty which the silver men then rendered; the sudden Intrusion i,nto ,he ,,.,-,1 wortd ol the cotoii,i Urstcrlous and unmca.ured force known ss the farmers' alliance, together with the r able and adroit management ol the silver producer, making every political advant age of tbe nxtraordlnary circumstances, have given the sliver question an adventi tious prominence which it is net likely to noiu. Th: laborers in the pulp mills at Oregon City Have learned ths lesson of the beauties of protectionism. Pulp is an article that has re ceived tbe fostering care of Ihe government by wsy of protection. When the schsne of pro tectioa reached its climax in the pastsge of the McKinlcy bill, the duty on pulp was raised from lo'per cent to l8! pea cent. This was done in order that our laborers might receive cood wace. Aid what do we see. Th pulp manufacturers st Oregon City bave r dnctd the wsges of their laborers about 12 per cent. It is tbe same old story. High wsges before election when votes sre needed. Low wages after elections when large profits are needed to meet the contributions of the next campaign. How much longer are men to be thus deceived by the beneficiaries of the robber tariff. But the campaign of education is steadily doing its work. At least one person in three bet ween tlie sge of ten and forty years is subject to partial deafness. The great majority cf cases deafness are hereditary, and dae to the close contangulnity of the pareats. : Deafness ' more prevalent among men tbsa smong women, because the former ate more exposed to the vicissitudes of climate. It is . thought that telephones tend to bring on deafness when one ear was U'ed to the exclnsio of the other. Circuit court convenes next week. It will not be a pic-nic of a time foe law . breakers. There are law brekers whose persistent viola tions of law should be placed before tb i grand jury that they may be dealt with by tbe court a niay be proper and meet. : All rubber goods at coit a&Kleaa Bros. For lame back, or side chest, a tSbiloh 'Tcwe.s'l'l.wier, I Vies, 53 es BAD roil THE MCKINLEY KIbU A decision was rendered in the United State d strict court at Chicago Tuesday whlch will attract geeeral attention, not on account of the pro forma disposition made ol tho case but for the expression of opinion by the court In direct contradiction to that disposition. The case wa that of Mamhall Field St Co, ugalnat the collector ol customs and involved the eonotltntion ailty ol the McKlnley tariff law.'. "In It general character the Chicago suit was similar to those entered in New York, Philadelphia, St, Louis and other place, all ol them lor the recovery of dutlc ex acted under the new tariff In excess of the duties Imposed by the tariff of 1S83. The ground ol each of those suits f that the McKlnley faw Is a nullity on account ot not being constitutionally enacted. There are three or four specification, but that chiefly relied upon Is that the bill lgnet! by the piestdcnt did not pat the house and senste In the form signed by him and theiefore is of no force or value. When the question wa first brought to the at tention of the board $f appraiser !n New Yorkftome members of that body held the objection to be well founded, but ft wa decided to uphold the validity of the law and let the importers csrry the mailer lo the supreme court If they saw fit. Judge Blottgett, lit giving his declilon yesterday In the Chicago esse, said he ws much impressed with Ihe chain of reason ing advanced by the appellant and it might be difficult for the argument to be met toy the other side, but In view of the serlou emUrrastment thst would fol'ow a differ ent line of action the Couit woutd follow the court e of the board of appraiser in New York ard uphold the validity of the law for the purpose of facilitating a final decision by the supreme coust. Technically the government won the suit in Chicago, but tlie court let it br dis tinctly understood that the cate of the government was a bad one. Had it been a final decision, Instead of a merely formal one lor the sake ol permitting an appeal to the supreme court. It It evident that the McKlnley tariff law would have been de clared unconstitutional and all the work would hate to be done over again or left undone. Judge Blodgett, It may be welt to remember lo this connection, I a repub lican, sat as a republican In both houses of Ihe Illinois legislature, and wa appointed ss arepubllcsn lo the Urlted State u- pieme court by President Grant In 1870 SO AKIUCAi JiEF-ii AITLY An American who has resided in Lon don for the pat year and engaged In sup plying rolling stock from the United States to rr any of the European countries, recent- I ly wrote soliciting orders in the Transvaal from a railway jest built there. He received the following Ignlficsnt response; " The agent and manager of the South African Rail way company bee to Inform you that orders for materia!, etc., are given exclusively to Ihe Dutch and German manufacturers for the reason that America does not deserves them or deserve to be favored In any commercial way after indorsing the McKlnley tariff. "J Observant citizens have noted that when ever schema in which Mr Btatne I Inter ested are pasted befote congress and seem likely to become laws the lobbies are at once crowded with the familiar old gang ol subsidy-grabber. These plotter be lieve It possible to attain tuch an eminence In their profession to be entitled some day to the sobriquet of "patriotic American erdp-bultder. Nothing so endears the lubbyUt to the heart of the average editor ol a triple-tax organ as success in plunder Ing the people as a bit! for higher ta x levies. Mr M cKsaly cites Italy, Spain, Mexico, SoatH America, Austria Hungary sad Rttssta as among the countiies that share the blessings of "protection" ia cotrmon with tbe United Slates. Hut the author of the tariff s 0 emrwbelmingly condemned by the voters o this country last year very prudently refrained from referring to tbe condition ol the laboiing wlatses to tbote foreign countries, or from ccn- trasttag their wsges wuh those paid iaEngland. Neither did be mention the fact that none o tke eMher manufacturing countries maintain a taxapoa raw ma'.e.iabor have an sverage 4aty of 50 per cent upon schedules containing thotttaads of article. Mr McKinly U discreet. Palmer 101 and Streetcr 97. Such is the eesult ol the vote for senator in Illinois Pal-1 r is a democrat and a statesman. Strecter it tbe independent or farmer s canuiua.e. Oaly a yesr since he wss a strong tariff reform-1 ex. but now be avows that be is a pro'ection- itt. This he dies to gt the republican vote fer Uniwd State senator, aad it looks very much like the republican party of Illinois, the state of Lincoln snd Logan, were , about '-to crook the utecnaat binces of the knee where thrift may follow fawning" and elect a cipher to the United States senate. When any portion of a dres Urt or drapery has been tori: or soiled, it can often be successfully covered by changing the arrangement of the draperies, or by an Ingenious disposition ol trimming, in harmony with bat Is already In use. A rent should always be darned with ravelled threads ol the material, and well pressed en the wrone side, on several thicknesses of heavy clolh. The Attorney-General has decided that no bouaty cn be paid this year ( on maple sugar produced before July t. Before the announce ment of this decision more than Joo applica tions tor license had been received from sugar producers at the office of the collector of inter nal revenue. " " ' ' - The election tn Canada yesterday n suited ia the election of a maioiisy of IS or I S con crvativestothe Canadian parliament as against a maiaritv ot Co in the last. The conserva . j lives are tbe government party, and' favored lest libers! trade while the liberals. favor mote liberal trade with foreign countries. of too f The people of Harrisburg have voted a three E wiiH tax to suroort a free school this year. This is a wise step and show that Harnsburg's citizens are waking up from the lethargy that bss heretofore retarded their, progress. Their faces are in the right direction. The Utter part of this month the District Teachers Institute will be held in this city. Evry teacher who intends to keep step with ihe progress of Ihe age should be here. The grand total of appropriations ma(!e by Reed's congress was'5980, 700, This will be a very heavy loador Reed and his party to carry Of the 17,000,000 wag earners in country, 7,000,000, or forty-four per cenl, engaged in farming. 1 Now let tie bridge at this city be built, buin tbSs yw. Delay fs ffe'tsHW. DREADFUL PSORIASIS Covering Kntfre Body wflh White Scale. Suffering Fearful. Cured by Cuticura. My lS-a (portl) drat broke out oa ml left elwk, prowling across tar nam, and aluioat eoy. erttiS my 1mm. H ran Into my eye, and th iliir.lnB wim afraid 1 would J . i..... aiUiKntli.r, It spread ail rw mt bead, ami m. p bur ail f out, until 1 wa ( 1 ' enwrety oaia-fwaaee ; 11 Uien ot on my arms and shoulder, until my arm were lnt or, tore. It eovered mv enure liody, my far. xf. rid shoulder being tit worst. tm while cab fell rm.ii.fitl. 1 fro f 1 -id z from my head, sbonbfcr, and arm; Hi skin would tbbkes and b red and wry tv.Uy, and would eraek aed tttaei 1 1 w.iL.J I. . . . u Alter apmitna . . - .'.. j ...,.. u. miliar.. I , w' ' mimvuncw incfiraoie. 1 hi-'l of ihe ccnciiBA fisssMEt, and aftr twlng tw liittif :irrit.cA Ukrolvsht, 1 could a and alur I bwl taken four tw tU-, 1 wa s:iti',", !-!fi.-it; nml whm I bad used ti boui- of . r;' i it I:koi.vrt, one box of Ctmctra. and en of C'CTKtra Boa I tu run-d of the a ! ji'Iimjm from which f bad orTtwl for Ihr fur-. I eatinol ilpriatllh a pen what I suffered t, I.,. -,tna ,( Itraams. Tbey saved my life, and I fwf it my Hisf to reeonimead them. My hair I fMimwl it ifwd a rr, and so ie my eyestubt. M;i. UtiiSA KELLY, UoekweU fill, Iowa. Cuticura Reselvent Tin new m, PoHfter, Intemally (to eleasts I : i.IwhI of all impurlUea od poiaoooa elemeDte). et.,1 CtTU.-fSA, the great tikis Cure, sod OiTicCkA .-p, sit qul.lle hkia iieauUAer, eiteiwally (to !' ! ! calp and restore the hair), have Mr. I UliMaaoil of earn where tb aheddinc '4 nwaenred a quart dally, th ekle crarkwl, t;vli Immloit. etui ltbfri almoe beyoad enIittn!. hair lifclea or ail suae, aaffert&x lerrl. ' bat other reined it bar made eucb etirea? f'. rverywbera. I'rica, Ctmcca. SO.; Boat, 31.: llt.Hf, ft. FreparwJ by the I'vTTsa titu'j a Mai( .l f'oKroaAVioa, isotoo. "t fr " How to l.'or rikla Iieaae, M ? iiliuuaUoo, aad luo taaUoKMaial. p ? t 11 ,K8, l.laekhead., ri , mh, r happed, and I ifl cU7 ko cared by Cum eat Boak if8T0F8 THE PA1JI. j ,T!- '. kMnej- pain, weakneas, E?-t..?.'-"'MMm, aad rouacular paio re II P'l " " rrilnuta by Uie Cats- T"W Autt-I'mJa Ftaater. ttta. -OF- Special W. F EE'M3. My Spring Stock is now ., the latest ress D Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRIC."". -To The Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in "Karn liicBED and Muslin. My Prices are He LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sol f gent lor the Celebrated 3lb '. S. E. HOSIERY,. Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison : To The Men : Call and Look at My values in Finishing -:- Goods, I bave a Large Stock at tbe Lowest I cairy a fur wear ai and be cor ill line of the world-renowed BROADHEA.D gosda, unexeeHeo 6nish. ' Iarge stock of Embroideries and Flocncixcs. C eed thx. A!tany i the beat trading point in Oregon. -if SaliM and get HIORE: ana EMfflMITIiBEJ THOMAS : j Writ for our New Illortratc i Catalogue of 1S81. THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL &ENGI HE CO. SFRiNGFlElJ3,0.. U.S.. mm - 1 - NEW STOKE.-3 MITCHELL, & LEWIS CO. jjKALBRS IN Agricultural Implements this are Us.) and Conrad Me ve- STAR 1$ AKKit'j Corner Broadaltih and First m -DEALEK IN sid rruits taaewwre, 'rm tten Prnffs. tobacco, :V., ' wgsi; Coffee, ' Ete,V' laeaed rsea; Qreeaastar fgelnblea, Cigars, i fp'.ca, I Tea, I Ct., I terytbing that Is kept la , f xacd grocery oro. Hfght u t va a rtet p fald-for flipjariBsoFEOooe - Fnrfrnil!pr ft Irvinrr uililllliui VX. lilliji -FUNERAL MRECTOLS.-j Arterial Embalmhi- Dona Scient: ; lolly, : : ;- ;. . j PHELPS, Job Print c lst.Sfc.Eo Alban IMio Complete, Embracing all Novelties in Ladies,- Prices ever offered" U tbe Valley. : Albany Cigar Fact y, J, Jestpn, -;- Proprietor. 0nly White 1 ahor Employel It you want the be? and most durable furn ture that is mamifactu' ed in the city go to BRINK'! POWER a a r&r uae bj t. Ts, C0EE3 V AKV lEFiDHIE! s "VsYibYcaWdCt BUT CURES ' I HOTH1NG ELSS. J tcTNEW GOOD & Vehicle. f T t 7 Goods, f i