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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1891)
1 !1 s W4 New York World, "TH DEMOCRAT" V An ad. in the "DEMOCRAT" Reaches the Most People, and brings BIG RETURNS. It and the American Fanner, all ono year FOR Si SO. Weekly "St Klghts Icmocrst,f3 CO per year. VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1801. NO 33 Entered at the Post Office at Albany, Or egon , as second class mail matter. 1D A ii 1 r m in i f i ii y 1 r X ) THE CW TRUE Ft rr.V tfc RiJt i-ntWth Rll I HHt; NIMl KsMilwl') lt al U'ilb imm) VmS 'vvrtwsi M A'twiN lnJift tinn KsvItvt (- ,?-, nw f.rm 1 ti! ,lt.l if -, lifts. Hro u tWer. TOW IC i it 1 t-iir.c''i.r. lwi' iutf out uUI to I tKUuirr i t I 'm pr HAHtcH LtTTL CIV-? lUt'- ski ur Mit4jwv itt't, i ,ivr i,';. ti i ; T Hs.t . tt, tu ' Kxas st. 1 f.v.m 1". ituoli l r rr t til (n tsm, in j-v Dr. MAI YEW MtOIClMO.fCJ . HEALTH IS W15ALTH! PR. S. C. WESTS Krr r.a Piin TrwIiMiil Mini, H hr,ain Nrunli. ll.ui.lxh, Sryim iTiMrunui ciukj ir in iu ut J(vh4 r lulaimv Wakfullxas. Mental lVinnu, IvJt wlnjj n( lt Umn rriililuc In tiinuj ..) Ira, liny u n.lwry. Kx'D I iHitikin on moil-N't Inalmwit. II tbi or sii bo. I r tout by mul -0w4 on rv-iit e WE Cl'AR VXTHR SIX HOXKS TO Cl'tl AST MM, With wch orilvr rvtril br U4 fir u bti&M ernnipjtiJ ilb w Ku i Uw pun-hwwr mir wmm i nsmnu in U In trail- wil d a4 cu. Uiwrwil ImimJ only bjr J. A. Cutnotkii, lra;,it, .! Albn , nr. Albany IRONWORKS Manufacturer o' IE AM EKCIMES CSIST AMD SAW ILLMACHIfJEHY ISOH rKONTS W AIL Kim CF KEMY ANO LIGHT WORX, IN IRON KKD BRASS CASTINGS. loiiiiin tla of mi PaVv-rns Kad on Short Notfc S. W. Paisley, Albany. tna WII3f.ELE DEALEK.IS . 7j33j ail Cinra. STRICTURE ! Prrmai.antly enrd vfthoat Cutlln. Barnin; rr IM tatl'if. A f rlectly )inliMM trratiiient ami a xuarapr ! um in arery . no ciat'er h. k-n .tamli'c Tha Ueattnent, hir 8.ricn a. of I'r Uoacii' lb fr ati dianivarf kiiuwn to uurI:cir. It'liaa.lrca tfl nmpltiv rrro"Vi. th S:r. tu-e aithoutanaoy I or palo to tiia patieut. DISEASES OF fvlEM! Peculiar to thnr Hen. an I not prrtper ta nam here, ioclu.imr all hun dallcaU InflrmlltM ami Weak, ahich they wnold abriuk Iron, dikdinr to lhair family hyi?io, prrmaM-iiUy rurrd in ( tinia than aaa ever kaoan to MariMnn lfr. by tr Hoaell'a SvtAcm of Traatnmu" It rejuvata thtnito.anraryonfanaaud m.tiea wek men Mrot g Whan pomtriai, it b alway lvt to cail lor wnn eooauluuun and .(wciai rianiination. Ilm thow who cannot piaiMy call , ahotiM rit, autinr lhair caat fatly. Mnlwin unt by mail or tinnai, aralvd, trtrtm ail part, uf lha Pajifi Coaat. Vni. A. Boxcll, M. I). M raal t l.araury. Part land, rr(aa Corner t'lnit and i'u e trct U, over'i'oitjand National Bank Pouiiry Wanted. All kln.ia of p jultry, aliva or drMd t tti ev'ilUmeUo Picking Company' toi, Albany. Ore-get. . Delmonico Rtjstaurant. Ofpohiti Blcmbero. Block. Neva Room; -:- Seal Service; Cowl iedl$, Promptly Served, for Twenty-five Cents. Oy iters -:- in -:- all -:- Styles. Uourt'.ous Treatment First classOooks S500 Howard ! YTKffH jy th" phnfiy r f e-! fir any cw of f.lwW Jpati-ji or t fr.n'.t emr will W.;v eet U lti 1 lf r ! 1 1, 1 's d.nwt in -o itrtcttf ttft to if (V ttl Tt- tion. K nt? r ' o.rd '- (' ehii ,onl W Mjfll. I-iwan of to aMirfiW In... .10 j;.-'iiPii Munnsfjii-turf"! crtii br ALBANY :OR. nmW & HULBERT BROS,, Heal statf Agents Fnroif and Candies for falo. Alao oity broperty in Albaor ani Cc-ryaliin. Uoburg Iiumbep. 1 sell the tirxt lumbfir in the cruntj ; alt edar poata, hinnle, lath irnr an-l win 0 w moulilinp, ttc. Priors from $5 'o '22 r tliounaud. Yard at L-iwaon, on the Narrow Gauge. See me before pnrchaiin e'aewhere. , W W CnAWoRD. . Alr,PO Tallin, ). Fortmillet k living, , 2 -1 -FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Arterial Embalming Dona SciontU lcally. City Restaur Hiving been entirely remodeled, thi old and popular restnuratit wiil be matin flrHfc- clasa n every riwpect. Theiubtic will bt iven gtitid uifctiis t all hours for only 25 .ft' j. i.V'irj ' ".win ut and attraeMvr, Kssr .s n,ajfcl J P If mm YEGE1 BLE PANACEA RO( (TSiJV IIEROSi .iTHIC CUR1 or '11-!. '-jf.V.Mr AND ALL OTHER DISEASES AKI3IN0 FROM A DISORDERED STATE otvz STOMACH ON AN INACTIVE LIVER. run BALW BV All THE CRY OF MILLIONS t OH. 7tV BPCCKI tTOF IT NOW, IT WIIL BC TOO LATC. OON I hv I em trunhtrd monr vctirn wit h diaeftt of the kultiey And hnvr Irlcl ttMKT llir-rrn irmr.tir ,! ha niiiilit m Irura Uulrrrnt phv.kHrJ wilMuul relief. About lh tsih .f Al' I waa itiHcrinit trout a Triv violent attack tliat altwxt (irtxintirtl me in itch mnnnrr tuit I man hrnt over. Whrn I M dixra it nt alutrMt iiiiiKui'!e kr mc rt t.p ultiue. u to rnl on my cl.t!in. wte kliiJ ItoifiiW-iit- unit lr. Jttulev. u KIU.XKY TiA, ta my bUcL I immrdintely cummrnml ui.iC Hie tra. It had an altroat mi;aculuu tllrct, ao.t o th on iahiuiat of aU lh aueata at the hotel, in a lew day., I am bappr tu aute. that I n. new tuna. . rtcutnmcntt tlw tea tu aU aCifte. a I ba.a U.TU. C. A. TCrPER, 1'n.priHor OxMratat Httcl. haaU Kuaa. Cttt. iA fh 'i JILB1ST COtLEGUB ISSTITUTE ALBANY, ORCUON. 109O,i801. I flrat Teraa ?B4 ArteaiHer loir. I9 A full corpa of lnntructf-r, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Couraea 01 tnd7 arranie,J Kicet tb t I of a!l KradM of atudenta. Sfrcuil iuaucrment ojTtti la itmhntl from thriad. CT. ruin OSfcIT L.HILL, Physiciai and Sinueon, 0tUc or. f and Furry SiraoUi, ALBANY- OREGON On.CaVVATSOFJfSTCfl Physician and Surgeon. Ulnoo oppuxito tli bcnircrat. "OX. G A. WlIITNSYf Physician andSareon. Gndnate of Bellevn UuaPitai iltJIcal Jol'ege Now York City. , Diuaaea of womaa a ipcialty . trOTio r.nnai r.nck, Albany, Or. II. C. IVATSOf., Attorney at Law. ALBANY -s- OREGON. once la toe Blrabaa Elork. lnui.jy ilia Counsellor At La? NI- i'otar I'ubllc. . ALBA CHECOH J.E.'WEATHEIIFOIID, n onNm A J J.AV. A Lit I XV, OBI f.09 W R 1ULYEU, TT01tNlCY AT LAW And Solicitor ia Cfaaoecryi (J iHootlom pro-njUy milt on all po'nl MitnipiiVOton aonoia'-9rum . R. . BLACRBCil?, K0, W, WftlOIlT, (LACKBUnri & WillCHT. Attorneys at Law, V.H'iti3J ii !' ti Court 'of tin titj. YiHTRfi attotia: given t-j all bim .4 entia-. I 5 1 i." ' -OJioe Odd Felioxrf Toiipl , Atbay Q UEAL E-JTATK FOK ALE.I have a farm ot zo aorw, nar . TjOwar.D ipot. on the Narrow Gaue, 10 miles from Albany. All In cultivation. Fair bourn and bi u.,., t"t atv and domestic pnrpenm. Fine oak i?r . Alaoanothorfarm ol J 28 acres, thref . -.ta fro n lbanon. All in eultivat) Fair houao. XJood watar. IJotli f wheal fa ma. Also house and twe .jt on Fifth ADd Jiffrn atrt, Albany, ICor furth er narticulara oait on umpnrey.uontei . IT 1.1. - T I A II.. MM DrOCtnCl. Or o U.Wil, a irymu. aitihiit. jt, A UMI'IIRET. "OHELPS, Job Printer, Ji. 1st. St. o" Albany ' OH. Vi 11. DAVSS, Physicun and Surgeoi OiTiee no stairs in Strehan's Rlofl if y A pampbIM of hnformatkm and b-,7 y-"" 1 itrwHol law a, m g llw u- Ootain I"aleita, t araala. TraO f Uaraa, OpTrtiia, ami frit. I vv..hus co.yw l.OOAI. ItEOOHD. Crook Coi nty. Joo Poison wns p pointed toek iiidpeclor ly the county court t it f m week. Thero is inoro know in ttte inountalna tiorv tlmn there )ihh been ainec tli ftuter Tlie inof 1ms now been on the cronn for a month, ami thero is little itidica tlotis of its leaving lomoujetitnotocunie, County Court waaineepHlon this week The sheriff is not bothered theso tiinea w ritinv: tax reoeints. norare any o( tli buaiiH'!s men of the town greatly annoy ea tiy iicbtoi'9 paying tu easn. Tlie district clerk's annual census re port for tliis tchool diKtriet this year hiiows that the number ot youth iwtwee mur aim twenty year 01 ni:e nr mine ana a it iunus, or a tutiu ot ciuiure ol vehool nge. Tho delintjuent tuxes duo Croik couiv ty amount to tmm.-tliitiit over t MHK). A Kmnee at the lint allows that some of the tU'lunjtu'iitji aivucHii, nutuo in thu petii u nwary, niui some otttera now non-rest dents of tliCBtate. On Pundav nissht Alexander HimIkc dusl nt his home in. rrinevilie. after an illness a a little over two weeks with pnei iienmnnm. - Mr ItiMtKFH was lxrn In early nuo with his parent moved to Micriouri. In 1S40 he crossed the "plains' A . Ik I III to urogon. rrtnsvtuo papers. Not Kivals. ln'ono of Kugonet' "An ucuries" Kvnn nrtirlea npH'arinj; daily in me iirt-eimiun uio Iuiiowiiik ftpucars "I'ifty tltoui.ind dollars w ill he vpvnt by iitu cny in a acweraiwayaism ; meat reel railwar wtllciwt -M,(KK; tlie wtwKlcn ware factory tt ill put in $1.1,000; ni the cannery expects to atari with .'3,W)IJ uiiKcniitsi. Other inlutrics ill fol.tiw U'urkly, for the city is awake to its ad v;int;t.-i I-.ujfi'ne Iims no rival. A 1 bony is fifty mih's and Snlt tn t iblv in i It a away, and Kurne, the "liupcu City," at the Head ot the illamette valley, intcmls to ai'rt bcrHcif. not w ill, it "bubble liooin," but by di'vclopiiiif ait the Im- uufise resources tributary to her. Keep Tmrcye on i.Uk-ene. ine Mea thai Albany ami laiifcne are fart noueh awav not to lie nvnls is a ifood om. Tho two cities can well grow together. 8iieakiiig of improvements Albany already ha her eircet cars, ner .o.wki woolen mill, her wire works, nlanininn! Is.chair factor es. foundries, etc., and we are glad lo see that EiiKena is also atriving to get some improvements. Kkkp Yot Kvkson Saxham MrN H Allen l.assl.oun Uiolr.fcKt.TA letter from a 8an Francisco friend, in which It shows that nuite an interest a I read v is licitiif taken in tii f'antiAm mines. The Chronicle, Alta. leaditiif stock naoerand tt her journals have had prominent arti cles showing up the wonderful mineral resources ot the district, w lurh nrouiUo to lx tbf renlt r of a great mining excite rut nt. TJu iliatru-tis full f rich gold and ullvc" ore, in inexhnustiblo ledjies, and all that is luce rary is capital to do vetnpe it. A Ruard at tho mouth of the Ail-any I'onaexa mine speaks for the richnesa of ttie recent find ; but there are ono hundred mines there which when developed will no doubt prove as rich. Inide of a year Albany ill ie UironRt'd w ith people here to in vestlpate the won derful x.Hfibililiea of the Ktntiaut and CalijXMiia mines, Et-cKN-r. Mr !!ofkln,o! Albany, was heie lat week to oryanijc a Janclng school. !fe rlt:i!.itd about twenty acbol ar and It i expected enough more can be obtai.ied to make It pay, A family reunion was held at Mr An brey'a on llih aliett, Iat KaturJay tven the tir.t tlme tbe memtwra of the fitinlly have been together for twelve tcara. Thete were eighteen prent, the prr tuin ol'.r and her children, grand children and great grand children. On of our mlnUters went out Into the country recently to marry a couple. After the ceremony the groom aked the minis ter what Ida charges were. The mlnUter told htm that waa optional with him. lie then handed the mlnUter a atnad fro and a.aurcd him that he would not be put to any further cxpeme as the tlccnae wa paid for. Rei;llcr. a IUitikt Cuixr.sB Miamok. For the past two years Mrs I, J Trumbull and daughters have been engaged in Chris tian work auionjr the Chinese of Albany. An afternoon Kunday school hai been held every Sunday at the i'-aptistchnrch and during tho winter month a night school where instruetton iia lieen given in j-.nglisii. During the Iat few months seven have been baptized on profession of faith in Christ. The church Wednes day night adopted this work as one of its miHsion interests and arrangements are being made to carry on the work, as the present teachers are expecting soon to leave Albany. The Chinese members have fitted up a room on Second street for the school, and this encouraging and much needed work will be continued with a view to reaching others not now in me school. f-cio. Dr Ablborn. a araduate of the Michigan Medical school, Imi located here. 8 M Daniel and V l UfttiiHcy.and A J 'dlyeu, will erect brick block bcrothfa summer. Jack Houston w ill soon onen out a boot and shoo store in his building on the southwest corner of Mill and Main streets. D J Cole, of Kansas.national organizer of the Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union, will address the cit'zem of 8cio at the city hall on Saturday evening next.- PreHS. Cokvallih Mini Llda Rumbatgh. of Albany la visiting In thi ciy, the guent of her fcUter, Mrs Jobnuon Porter, bhe will remain here several months. J W Hanson, the merchant tailor, for merly of this city, but now of Falrhaven, Wash, has made an alignment for the nenent oi creditors. His liabilities are placed at $13,000 and his assets at $10,000. n win ne seen by the council proceed ini;, Arthur Spauldlug ba resigned the olliceof city recorder and Johnson Porter nas been appo.nted to fill the vacancy, Arthur Is In 4oor health ar.d has dete'r mined to make a trip to Arizona In about two month with the hope of Improving nt conaiuon, corvaiits limes, Ukidor or no EnincE. In convcra tlon with those interested and w ho arc en tended In promoting the building of a brjtlge at city we learn that the ojtlook is rather favorable provided material aid can ec secured In the way of liberal subscript 10ns from residents of uenton county. The general Imprrssion i that as much as t 1 should be raided In that county to 1 .1.- .... . . - uiaur? mc ucce 01 me enierpnte Saaious P bcticm. Jcke. Capt S C Sladden, of C Co, of Eugene, Is to be tried before court mars ial at Port and. on the 18th int. There are two charges prefered against him, one being that by a new member named Rider, who-n Sladden is chargid with having made the snort of the company while undurgolng physic al examination. The other charge Is made hi behalf of the entire company, he having Kiyen them an order the fulfi l ment of which would have made a fool of every member ot the company Around Yaouina Day, Ills reported that the Newport sawmill will start up in a few days on a contract of 400,000 feet of lumber that will be used In the construct ing of a hotel on the beach near Cape roujweainer,. inis aiso means that the motor line will be built. People there loolt lor the livelist year in the history of tne way. A Safb Investment can be made where there is a well established, enter prising town ; where large capital is already located ; where the boom has just Degun ; wnere uncle Sam 18 pouring ou ma million ; wnere vou can visit vou purchase, and have your money refunded and expenses paid i you are dissatisfied. Buy at Sidney now, and make 1000 per cent on your money. Only $75 per lot, $25 cash,$25 in 6 months,$je in 9 months. Attractiso Attention, The iol lowing from the Portland Telegram Is sample of ouuhic talk about the Santlsrr. mines i "A report comes from Albany in this stale, ot a rich strike of gold In tfc fUntlant country. Without doubt the MuiitUm mines are the richest at present on the Pad lie cont, and it will not be long before the United States will depend large ly upon these mine tor it gold supply, Aaot'hn Lkiianom. Our fellow towns man, u M vslfair, arrived borne from hi Iowa trip Just l ridar. Mr Cheney, a newspaper man from Dakota, wa in Lebanon Haturday. Mr Cheney line two or three newspaper pinnu ana 1 limiting lor a location. Married, at the home of the bride Hantiam nrecmct.Wedneirday, March II, Ituv U H I lanleiter ofnclating, W 8 Paul ami Lllla V Muiidortr. I4bahn Fire Company held their annual election Monday night, with the lot lowing result: Presldent.BMUarland vice-president, It U MeClure; foreman v C Pelron : first aaa stantJoel Marer second assistant, Aivin William; eecre- irv, j uii 11 nope: treasurer,.) A Kobert. The nrosnoct for a neaclt cron in this section 1 goon. ve asaeu a peacn grower last week, if the peach crop i a sure crop in i.inn county ; lie aatd bl crop had never failed but once and he ha been raising thi kind of fruit for manyyenr. Died , in Waterloo. Tuesday morn In ir. Mrs Sarah (iros. Funeral services wr comjuctetl by It t! riiierry in the 0 t church, in thi city, Wednesday. Da- ceased wa buried in the Maaonie ceme tery north of town. The bereaveil family are a stun red. of the svmpathr of a larae 1 re in 01 irlemis. a the da Parted was wiiitiy known and lusoected In thi county. Express. C'imino Fast. Iminlg'ants are arriv ing In Albany faster than at any other time for a year or two. Nearly every train brings several. Mane com from Nebraska and Kanaas; but they are from many states. They have beard of the wondciiul Willamette Vale with It remarkable retources.lts great wheat fields, ituu orchards and frull mine and Us msgnlrtcent climate, cyclone proof. They are here lo build new home. Lend them a helping hand. Albanv. lit rati. road and commercial center, is oravln a uiatniiuimt point, rrwm here tney can took over the county, the banner count of Oregon, and pick oul farm for their uture homes. Ulvethcm a heart wel come, and 'how them that you are glad to mi 111cm ana an not Willi 10 TOO I hem by unreasonable pric's or misrepresentations. TnV HAvt Gok For about a month cheap erpearinif atore.of a variety nal has been run In one of Ihe old Youn auves.on Flrat street, oppo.ite Fctrnlller .V Irving', b a couple young men, go ing by the name of Cuhlng. The seemed lo do little or no business, and a few days sgo. getting rheumatic, left t h city, tliey aald lor Nebraska, taking their goooa wr.n mem. A while ago there were several thefts of goods from freight car at Alblna, and the Dsmocw.t Is now Inform. ed that this wa probably one of the store or mc oi.poMi 01 me good. One mtn connected with the Alblna ramr has aU ready been at rested, and we ar Informed that warrant are In the hand of Portland official for tbeae men. Rtv II V RowiNOaa.of Portland, Or- gjn, wlio has recently returned from a llt to the Ho! Ind, will lecture in the opera house on T hursday evening, March 19. I".!, subject. "The La id of Pyramid td Mummies." This lecture will be illus trated by a genuine mummy j the only one ever brought to the Pacific coaat, per- iecv in tery respect, and a nne a speci men as can be seen In any of the great museum of Europe, Mr Romlngcr Is faking to crowded houses, end as a lee urer he ha few equaul on the Pacific coast. Remember day and dale : see bills. Labus Eastcsn Imkicb ation. Tbous and uf home seekers from Ksnaas and Nebraska are pouring Into vVashtngton na wregon oaiiy. 1 l.e center ol attract- nn In Vt ashlnkion now, is the site ol Ihe Navy yard Docks, and Oun factory on Port Orchard Day. ijldner commends Ihe situation. Buy now.and get lots in ihe town proper, with fine view of Hay and government wot a.,ior only $75. $25 down balance and warranty deed from bank ol Sidney. Morgan Baoa, Albany. To AcvKBTise Oatuox. Rev O B Whltmore, of McMlnnvllle, has made a proposition to the Albany and other board of trade of the state, bv which he will advertlae the dinerent places subscrib ing, through the east, by giving magic lantern exhibition and lectutlng on "Pkture.qoe Oregjn," charging a small admission fee. Rc Whltmore would be a good man for the business, and the scheme it not a bad one. $30 to $50 U unco 01 mc omerent ooaros 01 trade. WoNDEBrcr.. Prof J M William, for mcrly of Llun county, and I N Bunch, of Eugene, have Invented and put on the market a waahing machine, which, the claim surpasses all others. It will do a family washing in 20 minutes, leaving it wnue as snow, uuau icatlonsi no labor. no rubbing, no time, no fuel, no chemi cal', no soaking, no pumping or pounding, no noiiing, no wearing, r.o tearing. It must be a miraculous machine and we are anxious to see one with such Qualifi cations. It Is called the Pacific. FaoN Shanghai. Judge O N Denny writes as lonows, irom Shanghai, to a Salem friend : " We have at last left Cores lor good, and shall leave on the Milt of the Germain Mall, for home via Europe. We shall spend five or six week on the way extra which wl.l. we hope, land us In New York in May and In Oregon In June. We are Intending to visit the Holy Land, Turkey, Greece.Italy, raris, etc. Are both in lalrly good health.' Nxw Residences. Among the hand some residences that will be a credit to the city mat win go up this year will be one to be built by Dr. J P Wallace on Elswordi street at the site of his present resideuce, and one by Mrs Sarah Baltimore at the corner of Washington and Seventh streets, Ihe total number of new residences this year promises to be large. , Tub Government is behind Sldncv and when the government establishes Its navy yard and docks, other Improvements must follow. Buy inside lots while you can for $75 per lot; $25 cash, $35 in 6 montns, 25 in 9 montns. Morgan Bros, "HACKMETACK,' a lasting and grant perfume. Frio 25 and 50 cent, shay & Mason, agents. Ejan & Aobison handle tne celebrated Portland cement walls for iemeterv lots These walls can be furnished at half the cost efjany other and ara far snpsrisr. SHILOH'S CURE "will Immediately r lieve Croop.Whooping Congh acd Bronchitis. Foihay & Mason; agents. Whereto GstThkm. When wanting vi organ or plana call on G L Blackman h -e you can select from a first class to:.. The ONLY place ia the ty where East em tioketa can be purcha ia of W. L. Jester, at the Southern PaeiSo Co' ticket office ' French Tansy Wafers. wafers are a sure and safe rr cifi. kindsof female troubles anc w".' all obstructions to the moniilv no matter what the cause. Tt.o 11 what every woman need' at 1 ned with safety. For sale L th The for a remoi period are jt can be Livingstone Chemical Con also fron ou sole agent, J A Camming, druggist, Bn ti IKIit ARB rruAL, THURSDAY. Mr Chsrlcs Metxgcr, recently of Salem, I In the city. Miss Sarah Sternburg went to Corvallls today on a visit. J'jdge E N Tandy, of IlarrUburg.was In the city this forenoon. Mrs Etta Vassal went lo Eugene this noon for a several days visit. Joseph Peronl left todsy for Victoria, B C, where he intends locating, Mis Vest Mason Its returned from a visit with relatives at Stcl!acootn,Wh, Mr Coll VanClev. accomnanled bv several small Colls, left for Toledo today, to help get out the Post. D 8 Busey, of lUrrUburg , was In Ihe city today. He say that is a pcaebl community and ha no Important law suns. , Dr O 0 Aubrey has returned hotr.e. but owing to Improvements being msde In hi oince win not be able 10 attend to business unur Monday. A Bonnet soclsl still b given to-mor- sow evening at the residence of Mr and Mrs 1 f Conn, under the auspices of the C. E. society of the Presbyterlsn churrh. as. . . 1 . . . n come ami nave a rood time. There Will be muMC.both vocal and instrumental in attendance. The social elven lost nluhl b the ladirs of ihe M E Church, at the residence of Mr v A Brown, wa quit a success, every room belnif nacked with our elthten. Came were Blared, a nice lunch served. and taken altogether wa a social success. Rev M O Brink and wife, of Ne snort icu mis noon lor Toledo,where Re Brink will assist In revival services. He h-s just been at Yaaulna City several weeka lii I...... . ----- - -ry-i the mtdat of a warm and auccesaful revl. val meeting, and Is securing a good name as an earnest pre her. There Is at least on Oreo-on editor who Is not aaleen. The Orea?anian sava: f'ill Vn Cteve, the veteran editor of the Y- qulaa Post, and now sole owner of one of the largest and finest undeveloped coal vein on the Pacific coast, I In the city. Ml castle by the sea will be built ot To ledo coat, and will vie In magnificence with the famous palace at Ottumwa, Iowa, raiDAT. Mr A O Dorrla and family went In 1'nrt. land to-day looking op a new location. Mis Maggie Barker went to Mvrtla Creek yesterday on vialt with Her 1' A aioeea and lamiiy. Geo L Sutherland and Newton Crab- tree, of The Fork clld at thi nfll to. day and left ubetantial evidence of their visit. lion Harry Miller, of Grant Paaa.who waa heard from durlaa? the last aeaainn of the Legislature on several occasions.! in in city. r Miller I a rustler. Mr Take Wilson, of Boo them Oregon, Ped through Albany to-day with a pail of '-bull heads." which he will place In the Celapoola Creek running into ihe Umpqua. II called them cattish. They were caught at Kalama. Th member of the "Peak Shttera." who gave an entertainment In Albany eeverml month ago. held a reunion last evening at the residence of Mr Thomas tlopkine.wbere a lively time wa bad in a variel of amusement, danclmr. itr. The Peak Bitters area happ company of young people and last night caat off all tneir old lash toned Idea and went in for good time. t aATViDAY. 0 W Colvig and F J Miller, of the rail road commission sinecure, were in the city today. Xf ra Winfi, lit A lir.1 rata nf ttnaaduirai I visiting her cousin, Mis Ithoda Hail, in tbia city. Mis C II Balaton and dauehter. of Lebanon, have been visltintf Albany friend thi week. Mr Edwards, the painter, ha moved to Forest Orove with hi family.and will make that city hi home. II L and Z R Rudd. of Peoria., have been la the city for a day or two. They are contemplating locating In Albany. Mr Ulrich, tli rustling agent for the armertk Merchant Insurance Co.. of Medford, ha been in the city to-day. Mr Lee Brown waa called to Albanv thi week by the illnea of her eon' mother in law, whose life I despaired of. 8 lay ton Times. Mrs F A Watte and dauifhter.of Albina. arrived In the city this noon. and are the gnest of their former Bhedd neighbor, air v m imvu. , On Friday evening. March 27th. there ill be given a "Cunnndram" aunner and social, tinder the auspices of the pworth League, of the M Church, of hich farther notice will be given. At a bachelor's whist party in Cor- valii Mies' Maud Hoffman and Prof Letcher won the flrat prices and Miss Minnie Waggoner and Geo E Fish the booby prises, in a contest at drive whist. About fifty-five attended the lecture of George Edwin Bryant at the W C T U nan last evening. The lecture waa an interesting effort, well delivered, and gave one a eood idea ot interior life in Australia. 1 lie kangaroo hunt waa par- ticoiany na interesting episoue. Mr King. reDreenting the Standard Oil Works, has been in the city, with a view to establishing a branch on ware house here. He is reported to iiave secured an option on a lot near the corner of 5th and Railroad streets for the pur pose. Mr King pinned bis faith to this section by investing in some of the Al bany Mining uos stock. Matt Scott, sheriff of Linn countv.c,me down tbia afternoon with Tho 11 nick- ... . ' - - . M t . . lin. who wa sentenced to one year in the penitentiary, by Judge Itotse, lor lar ceny. This is the first man sentenced, to the pen from Linn county during the preaent term of court, which opened Monday. There are several other per sons to be given a hearing. The state prison was never so full as at present. journal. The bonnet social at the residence of I F Conn, last evening, waa undoubtedly an enjoyable affair, and conferred credit on tne ladies ot the rresoyterian etiuren who managed it. There were numerous schemes for the amusement of those present, among others, decorating some old-fashioned bonnets by the mtn, which displayed in a ludicrous manner how little men know about needles and thread, and taste in millinery. Th prize lor the bent dressed bonnet waa awarded to Prof K G LorillarJ. and for the worst dressed to Mr Jaa Wilson. A fine lnnch was served, at which all had an opportunity to display their proficiency. FOR DYSPEPSIA and liver Complaint yoa have a prints gnsrantec ou every bottle ot Bhiloh Vitalise, it never fails to core, Fosbsy St Mason, agent. .Cloaks at cost at W FJRaad's. For Sale. $500 to $1000 of household furniture In exchange for improved real estate. Inquire at othce ot Oregon Land Co. January sand, 1891. Notice to Fabmbbs. Wanted at once chickens, dacks, geese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, eggs, and all kinds of farm produce, for which I will pay the high est .price in cash or in exchangefor goods. G. W. SImpbon, Albsny, Oregoa One half dollar reduction on every pair Ludlow' fin shoes - A good line of them a SE Young's. Just arris d a full line of ladies, ehil cfrens, man's and boy's foot wear at O W Simpson's, which will be sold at bottom price. - , ... a. W, F. Read keeps the best assortment cf fawy poedsiatowB.' TOO HAUItOW. The OfttnUiHtH a recent arllcl,told Its readers that "On April tst sugar will foil from a to H cents a pound, or 33 to 40 pei cent in every city, village and hamlet in the Uni ted .State. On April 1st the McKlnley tariff act wlpts out a sniar tax of S6(,ooo,- 00C a year, and puts from $ lo $6 Into the purse of the head of every family. This mear.s from twenty to twenty-two pounds of fine sugar for a dollar instead of four-, teen to fifteen. Heretofore the government has collected from i', to Jtf cents a pound duty on the raw sugar from which our re fined sugars are made, and iK cent a pound on lower grade. The sugsr re finers have had to pay these duties and .' have cnarged them to the customers. All tne duties on raw sugars were abolished by the McKlul.y law, After April ist the candid farmer and worklngman will be dl,KiM-d to think well ot the McKlnley law and the part that enacted the act." We are glad to see our esteemed cotem porary take so practical and sensible a view of the effect of a reduction ot the tariff. True, that paper has on some oc casions, since the psssage of the McKIn ley bill, joined with others In saying that the Increase In duties did not result In In crease of prices, and If this proposition be true 'he counter one, that the rcductkm of duties would not result In decrease of prices, must also be true. e are told by that paper that the consumers of suga will be largely benefitted by putting sugar on the free list, and that the head of each family will save from $j to $6 a year, and that this means from 30 to JJ pound of nne sugar for a dollar, Instead of 14 to 15, and the OrrgoUt rejoices much at ihe sweet millennium just ahead, and declares that the candid farmer and the working- man wilt be dUposed lo think well of the McKlnley bill and the party that enacted It. It Is a genuine pleasure to be able to gree with "lie Ortgen'mn on a matter so seriously affecting the substantial Interests of consumers. It Is so rare to see a pro tection paper speak with any degree of concern about the Interests of consumers that i e heartily grasp the hand of the that paper across the political chasm and wel come It for once to Ihe army of defenders of Ihe mssae against privileged classes. It is really novel lo read In the column of that paper how the people have been ben efitted by the "free trade." scheme of Mc Klnley in putting sugar on the free lUt. People had supposed that the only virtue in the McKlnley bill and the republican scheme of protection wa to be found In the Increased duties which it provided fer, but here we find the Orrgoian hosting of the greet benefits of free trade. The real benefit, the only prae'leal benefit which that paper can point out as the result of that bill arc those that result from Its free trade provUlons. Now, then, unsophlca ted, but sensible people will be asking this simple question 1 If free trade In sugar Is u;h benefit to consumer why. not give the couo" ry more ot thi blessed thing? Why not give us free salt, lumber, coal, woolen good, binding twine, jute sacks, tin, etc., etc. Why is the Ortgom'a so earnestly devoted to free trade In sugar nd protection a to lumber, salt, binding twine, jute .sacks, etc. Simply because suear Is a southern, and the others noil it em products. Thai paper view on the tariff are governed and determined in every case by Its partisan piejudlce or monetary in'erctt. Tb Ortg-amam speaking cf the tariff duties placed oa imported foreign goods for the pur pose of protecting home manufacturer, lays: The object ol such duty Is undoubtedly to keep out the fore gn article, or to compel it, if imported, to cany a highes price, so that the domeetfc product may be sold 00 advantage ous terms." Of court that is the object, but the OrmUn might have made th whole mailer plainer by saying tbat the duty is lied ia order that the domestic product may be sold fur a higher price than could be obtained bad not the duly been imposed. One thing it true, if the p'acing of a duty on an article does not enable home manufacturers to aell it at a mere advantageous price than without the duty, tb law would be of no benefit to the msnufac turers. McKtntcV himself raise no question about the matte. He boldly proclaims that it ill make goods dearer and sneeringly say tbat a "cheap cat makes a cheap man" and that cheap goods are "nasty" goods and tha b despbes cheep goods etc. Notwithstanding this unabashed avowal of McKinlcy's sdhesion to the interests of the few against the interest of the many, republics n protection organs at over the country are declaring that the tariff does not incrcate the price of goods. If s man wsn's to find out whether it does or not he could get no better proof than the circular sent out 10 business men and dealer all over the country fiom manufacturers and wholesale dealers giving notice of an advance in conse quence of the passage of the McKinly bill. The Sslei.i Journal challenges the Democrat to point ts a single word uttered by Harrison on the silver question ia conflict with the platform upon which he was elected. Well there was practically nothing in the platform upon which he was elected concerning silver hence he could not stultify himself by going back on it. All tbat the republican party said, ia its national platform in tSSSon the silver question wai: "The republican party is in favor of the te of both gold and silver as money" which means nothing. The democrats said aothirg. Nevertheless that Harrison is op poses to the free coinage of silver wlil not be questioned by any one in the country but tbe urnal. We repeat what ' we said before. that republicans who favor free coinage, (and tha woods are full of them in the northwest and in the Pacific states!, may just a wel prepare to fall into line for a gold bug for pres ident, for the party will nominate no other kind of a man. ' ' . " The very accommodating associated press is now furnishing us with a very magnified view of tbe "war and dissensions" which it describe as existing among the farmers organizations of Illinois on account of Moore and Cockerell, two of the F M B A, voting for Palmer for senator. There is evident design iu all this. The republican leaders and newspapers a! along the line are opening up a virulent war fare against the farmers alliance, because Of the supposed dangerous effect the organisations will have upon the chances of electing a re publican president in 1 892. Hence the tw.e divisions they can create among the farmers the less danger their coarse have for tbe re publicans. From Illinois papers just at hand it seems tbat hundreds and thousands of telegrams and letters were ; re ceived urging them to vote for Palmer. . The farmers know they have a truer friend in Pal mer than they wouln have had in Streeter after ah the promises he had made to the re publicans to secure his election. The Portland Worldhas been sold by A Noitner to W JV Copeland and Robert Thompson late of California- The World will be continued as a dcror eratic paj ier. We I 1 it success. A ltI..'.llNIK'KM'E. Editors Democrat : A reminUccncj of the Santlam district, of "The Fotks," of "Canada," recalls o'd Johnny Crabtree, Peter Btlycu and others. But "Undo Johnny Crabtree," as be was affectionately and familiary called,! fore most In order. I met hiiTi first in tSf, on a Saturday, when there was a democratic meeting In Scio, at which Judge Powell of Albany and James O'Meara of Kucnc City discussed the excited political situa tion, before a large astcmbljge. Uccle Johnny Crabtree wai an eiilhu!atlc dem ocrat of the strictest sect, nn ardent advo cate of slate rights, a votary of Jefferson, he was a native of Virginia, and bad emi grated lo Oregon In the early period. After the meeting was over he invited me to ride with him to his home, a half dozen miles away, and there was tbait to the man thst caused me to accept the ccrdiul Invi tation, I noticed that ha had a fii.e rid in; horse; It evidenced his liking for good stock. On hc way be communicated to me the treat In store when we should reaih his home and I could see hi "nice Utile bunch of a woman" who was his v.' if-. They married In ' 0!e Vlrginny," he a widower, the father of nine children, she a wilow.the mother of nine children. They hltsl.ei matrimonially, and not long after wards started overland to Oregon. Their union wa blcascd in time with two chil dren of their own. He was of low stature, tough fibre and wiry frame, no superfluous fleb, strong bone and sinewy conformation and his spirit was alert and his resolution masterful, A stronger power physically might master lifir ; but all the powers of all the potencies could never bend that de termination of liU. His body was not yielding; his nerve and pltuk were as steel and adamant. Dynamite could blow rtim Into atoms, but no power of earth could bring or force Uncle Johnny Crabtree to a conclusion to which he refused to asset.t. lie weighed lest than one hundred pounds, but every pound was just where It did the most good. As he told me of his "nice tittle bunch of a woman," I surmised the mother of twenty children was a contem plation which Involved allowance for ap pearance. We rode and I a taaitcd. We had left Scio a little before sundown. It was early In spring. We reached the Crabtree farmhouse tn the late twilight. It was a capacious and comfortable home not of lancy architecture or glngerbtead adornment; but It was all there .and every thing cosy and sunny. He soon made me acqnalnted with his "nice litt'e bunch of a woman." Lord bless me.the lady tj whom I was Introduced as Mrs Crabtree, was taller than he or 1, and very stout. Uncle ohnny confided the important secret to me that night that the hut time they were in Albany down at Crawford's mill, she clghed two hundred aad forty-three pounds! A nice bunch of a woman, truly. Of the strain "Gather them In, gather them In," how difficult the task for the ordinary exhorter or preacher. Old Joab Powell would have been hustled to his hair line uf brow In the impossible endeavor. But that "nice little bunch of a woman' was a jewel ot her sex. a household treasure and recompetialng joy for all of lifetime. She spun, she weaved, she knitted all the socks, wove ail the woolens, and made the garments for all the family. She was boss and servant, all in one, of the kitchen If there was anything in the internal econ omy ai.d care of that sunny home of the Crab trees to arhlch she did not person ally attend, I didn't see it. She was not ubiq uitous, but she was there every time, at the moment somebody was wanted, She was a "nice little bunch of a woman," but It rejoiced me that ' Uncle Johnny'" so c tiled her and left not the description to me. More hopiiable keeping has not been my lot. A supper of gratifying quality and quantity, a night of comfort ing rest, breakfast to be remembered, and the hearty expressions of ''Uncle Johnny," hi "nice little bunch of a woman," and of "the boys," as I departed in the morning, are pleasant recollections of my to "The Forks" In Canada, and to the Crab tree home. Long Ago. The production of paptr in :l.e entire world Is etitt.ated to be 3,010,000,000 pounds per year. There are 884 paper mills and I too paper machines in Ibis country, Germany hsi $09 mills and 891 machines; I ranee, 420 mil s and 515 machines; England, 361 mills and jat machines; SvOllsnd, sixty-nine mills and ninety-eight machines; Ireland, thirteen mills and thirteen machines; Russia 133 mills and 117 machine., and Austria, 220 mills and 170 machines. - Most of the democratic papers of the State approved Governor Pennoyer's veto of the wagon road bills because Vh?y be lieve thev weic clcrrly constitutional. But It is not true, as stated "by an exchange that thev all endorse his views on the World's Fair matter. A majority of them favored an appoprlation. It is rumored that our foxy Secretary of State, Mr Blaine, is to be tuei for $i,ooo,- 000 by the widow of the lateGen. Barrun- dla. Mrs Barrundia evidently believes In reciprocity. She saja: "You take my husband; therefore you nay me $i,coo,- 000." Th state election in Rhode Island takes place April Ihe tst. A governor and state officers, besides members of the legislature and other minor officers are to be elected. The republicsns express the greatest confidence in their ability to sweep tbe state, but the dem ocrat are giving them a lively rattle. The man who observeJ that the Jirgest rivers generally happened to run close . to the large cities has now discovered that the firm that do the largest amount of business gener ally happen to have the largest advertisements in ihe papers. A dispatch from AlUntown Pa, siys. Tfce Adelaide siik mill today reduced the wage of heavy-grade ribbon weavers 10 per cent. And this in the face of the fact tbit the McKinley biil increased the taxes and duties that wages might be high. The quality of the butter fixes the price. It is better to make a pound of choice butter than to market two pounds of In ferior butter. If as much care were used In caring for the cream, churning and packing as in feeding and milking, mere profit woulc result. Qnalcers are a modest people. Very , fov democrats are Quakers, Salem Journal, .The editor of the Joumrl is not a Quaker. Missouri tax-payers supplied S7000 orth A f tobacco last convicts in tbe state pern ter.tiary. Good Vr'ork, Low I'ric v& Br.rjley. DREADFUL PSORIASIS Covering; Kntlro Body with White Settles. KuiTeriiig Fearful. Cured by Cutlcura. My dl'AMo (poriit.) flrat broke oat on my left hwfc, (.ulig aero my nom, and alnvwt tov-e-lns my . It ran itito my ay, and th. ,...,.. ,n ww airaui i would Hm my ayexleht a.t.i.tlirr. Jt .t.rt-i.1 ail over uav Wrf. ai.rf . Hi, ,mi vmt unw 1 waa entirely lisid bawled ; tUs broke put on my arm and f - r ihj .run were t 7 e J". Vila ir, it eovareil n. '".,'7 ru. 1 a-fitlra ttwfv mr, ilUHA l I nd ahntildar lielnir tlw wont. Imi whito aeaLa fi ll rou.tiu.ilv .,' fi.t nva.1, aowiMier., arms: the .kin would thicken and. b ril end very Itchy, and wotttd eraek and kteui tt ........ 1 ...t . . ., Ty" j many hundred cf dollar, I I 'if fM fVrieiiRA Htmimm. and after u'.irm "sr w U4 urinniuimafi inmrai.ia) -i i '.:l M t-TteCHA I:ioi,rr.T, 1 emitd m- a r ": ' ; end "Iter 1 bad uken fi.or bottle, I wa mi', .t '1'iit; mid wl.i-11 I had od is boltS nf ' " i...T,oiw box of CUTieirRA.atid n ia i , I nuTtf-t'tu Hor. I waa cured 0 ti. -I , !,,; .!;., frotn wokii I bad anffrred for Or r J. .1 ':).tswHha pv whU.ifr.rd -u .1 .,ui itv, Ititucmes. Tbeyaevad toy llle.atid I r l it ,,.y ,i.i;y v, reeommend thent. My hair ia rcJ' - I ff 1 a.ever.and ao I my eyciirtit. , 4U. Wis KJClXlf Hoeawtil Ctty, Iowa. Cu tic ura Resolvent ho J!!(m.I Po-lSer, Internally to eteana I of till Imuurilta .'( tin.. Ilia i.rcnt "f "!-T!( lin. Ilia rBBlf kin L'ure. and l -, ! " eITi.w rilin lieautiller, eatnnrally (10 ..f ia- am !,d -i,, and Kwtora tha hair), have "'I Ih.KiwwU of c. whera tha .liedrilttif of :"" wlMt a eavrt dally, tlw akin eraeked. oi..-. , 1 in.iiiir, ma itciiinif allriMt iKryond e, hair liiulpM or all gone, .uertng terrl . o-il Klbor rsmedtea have oual auiih eurear h ? : -vnrywhere, I'rto,. Cfmeva, Mc.1 Boar, i....r.fc, 61. 1-renarad by the 1'orrta I'M j t.: iliiei, 4L CuaroaATioa, Hoatoa. I '-e.ij. for " How la t'nta eklu iiiMaaea, C4 l ' '-, Ml liliutrationa, and H tUaionial. D J JJi'l.Kf. 1 Shell B4;d, red, rmnrh, rhappad.aad I li:l n l tnrd by CiTictiu Boar. ,13.. n IT 3T0P8 THE PAIH. fcidoey palm, weakDe, and nuiKuiar pain re. on minute by UmCsu. mm S'uuuer. -OF- i r . ! . I: arhe, - i'CW3 ti!i..ttin, f f- ' l,el In b fci V f Antl Special w Spring gtock is now Complete, Embracing all the latest Novelties in ' D ress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and -To The Make a Sneeialtv of Laf?ies . " -. lliDBED and Mcslix. My PiacES aro ile LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sobZgcnt for the Celebrated . S. E. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely- fast, and Free from Poison : To The Men : Call and Look at My values in Furnishing I have Large Stock at tbe Lowest I catry s ill line of the world -reno wed DROADHEA.D goods, unexcelled Goish. Lptge ock of Embboideries and Flooxcings. Cat ced that Albany ia the beat trading point in Oregon. for wear at acd be cot "77 lwE" - NEW STORED MITCHELL, & tiXAUER Agriciiitsrai Implements & Veliides ---'.Mi, , I,; ,,,. J; -; Porno and Ses Us. and get r.lOUE ana fslkL ! . V 1 1 II I 1 I llT-l"1.- "I ,l ten nan. f ill ki: Ml: I ubu u tVrife for oar New lUuBtratod Catalogue of THE LEFFEL WATER WHEEL & an 11 enrtn Mill VI) of ii bait Wis m b.vd kl Li t Conrad Mover. -PR .TKHCTra OF STAR BAKERY Gfiiuer Eraadalbin' and First Sts., e deaLku IX- bstd rrailK, 'si're. . le Fralte. , sbaveo, wngar ... lofler, Kp C'isniie leni, iirieenawar, fegetaitlen, Cfgars;. rTp'.a Teat, . reryibing tbat I kopt tn a va land fcrocory oro. fHghost rktp faJdfoy. MLKIliDSOF ilOOCCE. Beat etock of 2nd f-W ;ood tn the Va f, and tbnmostreasii aie price, both nb eellir.g. I have on hand 11 k!u mmmi, olUttO. IIftifA:;t eTrn , e tiiiiii, 1 c TBOMXS, BOOKS, PIOTCRES clqsxs, zmzim, ETC., ETC. wat of 8 IS Youag' olr inr L. COTTLILB Keep it u. your miod tbat Al'ca Bros pro. poae keeping the kind of grooerie tb public em anil a. Their stock ia a line ooe. 2nd y-J ... Store. .nnounce ment WASH FABRIC.""- Ladies, - Undervrear. in Kxit -:- Goods, Trices ever otTereJ i ttie Vailey. " - .EvL3Ea JZTlS tfSTNEW GOODS. LEWIS CO. Il arn. 7 ALBAKY, QEEBON. ANY "WMlaYeaWait," BUT CURES NOTHING ELSE. Albany Cigar Fact y, : J, Josein, -;- Proprietor. WHOLESALE & BETAIl HEADACHE aOnly While1 ahor Employea n3f 1 P017EH uso i.vj ENGINE CO. SPFJHSFiELD.Q., U. S.A. It you want the best anc. most durable furni tur ? that is manufactur- 3 Qed jn the city go to 1 f If j SI EL