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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1891)
....MAUCH 13, 1891 STITE3 & KIKsM aa NUTTING. Proprietor. LOCAL 11KCOHD. Tub Y. M. C. A. Conckkt. A good au dicncewa present at the Opera 1 tonne last Tuesday to enjoy the concert given by the Y M C A, and the general cxpres- iuin via one oi commendation lor tne tine program presented. The 1'ollcge Orchestra opened the entertainment with a couple selection, anl were hoard at tlie beitinnina of the second part.furn'sti ing some choice instrumental nuiic. The Apollo Huh, fotirtee n members, td-wit: Mfwn Young, Littler, Achenon, MeKee, Mitchell, Fortuiiller, Hart, Gull, Miller, Bear and iton, Le, Hearst and - were heard second, ami on (our other occasione during the evening, ainging with great harmony ami receiving the encores they Unserved. The Walts oiig was particularly well presented. The I'.avarian Yodle, with Mr Hart on the nolo, was the gem of their number, re ceiving an enthusiastic encore. The quartets by Acheron, Littler.Mtller and Sours, "The WoU is on the Hill," Young, Hart, I-e and Sears, "Blow on ye W inds," and "Oood Night," were all well rendered. Mr Sears was heard in a laf solo. Miss Moses, of the College, rei-ited "The Message," with piano accompani ment, receiving a hearty encore, and "The New Lnctunvar." displaying a ver satile elocutionary talent. Mr S Dudley, ot Oberlin.O., was heard in two clarinet solos, doing some excel lent work on that popular instrument. Mrtieo Edwin Bryant, the canoeist and lecturer, from New Zealand, recited "Kissing Cup's Race," recetvlug a very enthusiastic encore. He is a talented elociitionist.with splendid stage presence. displaying great expression and a pleas ing voice. His portrayal o! how 'Kie- ing Cup" on the race wa an elocu tion arr treat ot much merit. Miss Mildred Burmester as accompan ist for the different parts it entitled to credit. Crook Cocstty. The Ochoco Keview of February 23 was ten dava in reaching Albany. e clip the loilow ing items Deputy Sheriff Flayton was over to Sisters the first of the week. He report ed twenty inches of enow at Sisters and from four to six feet at Matolcs. Tobboganing is the rage here. A good track has been benten ou the hill north of town, and every night a crowd gath era there and while away the hour coast ing down hill. Something of a prospecting fever is be ing worked up in tins section, rroe- pecting parties are going into the inonn tains every few days, and the hidden treasures ot tins county will no doubt be unearthed. Treasurer White is in receipt of a letter from Senator Cogswell stating that the hill increiaimr the salary of the county treasurer of this county from 2t0 to $ KX) year had passed both houses ol the legislature. Monday night Bob Harrington under took to eject Duly Strond from his (Har rington's) saloon, to which Billy demnr- ed, resulting in a pugilistic encounter. Billy was given a trial before a jury in the recorder's court, Wednesday, and waa found guilty of assault and battery. Saw Corporations Articles of in' corporation liar been filed in the secre tary of state's office as follows: The Ore gon Thrber Laiul and Investment Co, of Oregon City; capital stock, $50,000, di vided Into 2co snare. 1 he Squaw Creek Irrigation compnr, with the prin cipal oflice at Prlnevllle, Crook county; ctpital stock, Jjooo.dlvided Into 40 share. J W Howard, E T Station. T A Wren and G M Starton are the incorporator. The Finnish "Brotherhood association, of Astoria, Clatsop; real estate busine; capita) stock, $10,000, divided into 1000 share. The Luckel. King & Cake Swap company, of Portland; cat Hal Mock, $60, 000, divided Into 600 shares. The First Presbyterian churc, of. 'Myrtle Foint. The Portland & Orecon City Electric Railway company; capital slock,, $250,000 divided into sharctof $100 each. Oregon Tontine company, cf Portland; capital lock, $45,000, divided into 150 hare. ,The Bu!lard Creek Irrigation company, of Lakevicw; capitsl stock, $5000, divided Into 200 thtrc. The Riverside Congre gational church, of Hood rlvtr Wasco county. Oiegon. Am Ivsitio? Mr W D McGee, of Salem, formerly cf Linn and Lane coun ties, having taught school at Brownsville, and resided in Eugene many vcarr, h the inventor of a device which promises to make a fortune for him and at the same time save many hour figuring and much vexation wherevet the machine is ucd, says the Statesman . It U an (Merest and tax calculator, bated on the decimal sys tem. For four years Mr McGee-has studied his device, snd ha added Improve ments upon it until the little mechanism Is now complete By its ue In lest than two second time depending solely upon the dexterity of the manlpula'or the op erator can find the interest discount or taxes on any sum, at any riven per cent for any number of day.' It i simple in operation and construction, there being bar with figure on them, which, when lid out to the decimal (top-bar (declma1 point) show in blaek and whit the result of the calculation. The machines will be manufactured in Salem and wii soon be on sale throughout the country. A Rrxo 10 It. A despatch from Mr F L fcuch, owner of Cloverdalc, received today, authorized the putting of his name down for 12000 toward the bridge at Albany. There is a ring to that that is decidedly healthy. It adds inspira tion to the work of pushing the bridge movement forward. If is worth $2000 to Mr Such, it is worth many dollars to all of the residents across the river, who no doubt will generally give liberally, as well. Next iJtiriHtmas we propose crossing the Willamette on a bridge. To Editob Whipped Him. Geo A Banford, editor of the JeflVrson Review, waa in the city to-day. The pugiliiitic contest in which Mr Sanford was engaged Saturday, heretofore mentioned in the DEMOCRAT.occurred with Mr J H Rainey, -formerly of this city, and was the result of an item in the Review about Mr liainev wishing to bccumj a license for oDeninz a billiard hall. The report is that Mr Santord came out on top in quite an emphatic manner. Both were lined 5 An Implement Btohe. -W C Bavia & Co have rented the storeroom in the Benders building, at the corner of First and Ferry streets, and will run an agri cultural implement store, carrying the full line of Staver & Walker's agricul tural implements. Mr Davis, who re cently moved from Shedd to this city, is an old and reliable business man, well acquainted through the county, and the line of implements is a popular one. Indus Your Stock. To the owners of live stack and especially those who own stallions I desise to say that I have received Ihe agency of the Oregon Live f?tock Mutual Indemnity Association, and am prepared to insure all live stock at three-fourths their value. Owner oi valuable stallions especially should in ure. Call at my stables in Albany, cor ner Second and V aslungton streets. Frank Tunas. In Tubes Dats twenty-eight iols were gold in Railroad addition to Sidney, rr 1 T.Aa n m rnrviil rlr n Id v rliran at 7K and if vou want a choice lot you had bfitter buy now. First rst served. Iots cleared, and warranty deed from Bank of Sidney. Only $25 cash. Morgan Bhoh., opp. Masonic Hall Indicted. The grand jury brought in . indictment to day aI.iBt one Hicklin, for larceny in the taking t"ro-n the house of Mi R'.nehart, who live near Tangent, a Jot of clothing, jewelry, etc, and account of which wa publ.slied some ween ao. Many Failures. The recent teacher examination at thi city resulled In the grantln-jof cidiftcate n follows: Two first grade, seven econd grades, and six teen third grade. There wt-re thirty-four FRIDAY... Tn Bkt Pavxmk.nt.Iii view of the interest being taken here in the mutter of street pavements the report of Win Stevh, city engineer of Burlington, Iowa, miViliHhed in tlio Municipal Engineers Journal, will li of value: Ho compares the qualities of the different kind 01 ma terials which he had examined, and his oWrvations ranged from Toronto, Cana da, through Iowa and Illinois to Wheel ing, West Va. lie gays he found various pavements in use. but the following four were the least defective and were the only ones which had given general satis ' faction from a healthlul and economical standpoint. He compares them thus: Granite merits : durable, clean, health ful; defects : noisy, nncomtorlahle, slip pery when worn, and expensive, tlrst cost. Sheet asphaltunt merits: com fortable, clean, noiseless, healthful; de fects: short lived, expensivo to re pair, slippery on graded, expensive itt first coKt. Bricks merits: comfortable, dur able, clean, healthful, easy to repair; defects: moderately noUy,hioderate Hint rest. Wood blocks merits: coniforta We, noiseless, clean (wiieu new); defects: shortlived, unhealthful, moderate first cost. Ot these four kinds of paving Mr Steyh decidedly favor brick to bo ua-d iu the city of Burlington. Turn Yea Fob Ckrtvix. Tho follow ing item from the Corvaltis Times is a good one, and full of interest for Linn county people: "Mr Win Knmbaugli.of Albany, one of Linn county's honorable commissioners, lias leen viutting a few days in our city. He savs the bridge across the Willamette at O1.1t place will likely be built this year. It was tho in tcntuin of the commissioners to wait un til 'V2 beforo beginning work, but the people of Albany have shown such anx iety for its immediate construction by offering $40, (KX) towards building it this year, that Mr Kutnbaugh thinks that it will span the creek la-fore Christmas." Mr itumbaugh also gives the Dkmochit information that under the proposition made lie will favor the appropriation for the bridge this year, tooe paid next year. A Vau aui.x Lrrn b Book. One of the handiest, and at the same time, the most valuable little books we have met with in a long time is a littlo pamphlet etit led, "Comparison-Item by Item," of the tariff law of 1M, the Mills bill and the MeKinlcy bill as passed. Here in paral lel co'uuin are to bo seen at a glance the rate ot duties imposed by the tariff of ISH.1. the Mills bill and tho McKinley law. It is arranged in such a plain, simple way as to be readily understood by anyone of ordinary intelligence. Kv erv farmer, bo lie democrat, republican, alliance or other name, should send, by all means, and get a copy. This book is simply invaluable to evvryono wishing to study this great question. Send 23 cents in stamps toTariff-IMom, No. (W, William street, New Y'ork City, N. Y. A rKSDi.KTosTaci:DT. 5Ir W II Ray mond, special agent ot tho Guardian Insurance company, was in the city to day. Mr Raymond was in the sleeper going through Pendleton last Friday night, when a seriona affray occurred, Easton, the porter doing most of the firing. About twelve eho'e were tired, and Mr Raymond says he began to think lie might bo hit when it ceased. Ho kept his birth and did not tee any ot the fight. The Pendleton K. O. says Rulinke and English, insteal of the tramp, were the two men, it is alleged, who attacked Kneton and were driven away by his shooting, and Lindsey the man who shot at and chased him afterwards. It ap pears that on account ot an insult a job waa put np by Liudsey and his friends to scare the porter and drive him out of the country. They had prolably not reck oned on his having a pistol. A Driver Lost. News reached this city yesterday by private letter to the effect that the stage driver, who left Prineville for The Dalles, a week ago last Saturday, had become hwt in the blinding snowstorm and that he had not reached his destination as late as Friday when he should have been there Mon day. He had one passenger with him. It is thought he missed the road in the snow ard may come out all right yet. though fears are entertained for his safety. Salem Journal. Basic tT Sociablc There will be a basket sociable at Grand Prairie Grange hall, on the evening of March 20: h. fc very body invited : come one. come all. i and ladies don't forget to bring your baskets. There will be an interesting program in connection n i th the sociable. Y . J. MlHXSR, J. A. BODINK, Committee on Invitation. Friday Evkmxg. Mr George Edwin dryant, the eminent New Zealanj canoe- Utand lecturer, ha completed arrange ment for delivering hi lecture t.n hi canoe trip of a 000 mile down the Murray river, Australia, at the W CT V Hall, Fri day evening at 8 o'clock. Mr Bryant I an eloquent talker a was fully demonstra ted in hi recital at t ic Y M U A enter tainment. The lecture I one lull of ex citing and interesting event. Admission only 25 cent. What a Hat Did. There being a scarcity of items this afternoon, a Dem ocrat man invested in a bran new, lat est style hat at L K Blain's. Being entirely too tony for the subject, and offering a great contrast to the remain der of the apparel of the wearer, it at tracted some attention, causing nuiner erous impertinent remark, nearly re sulting in several cases for the recorder. "Where did yon get it?" "Shoot the hat " "What a sight." "A fire some here," etc. And ret there are people who would like to run a newspaper just for awhile. Aw Editor's Fight. There was a mill at Jefferson Saturday morning be tween Editor Sanford, of the Review, and Merchant Curran . 1 he latter had taken offense at something in the Review in ref- The taken 'before the recorder and fined $5 I r.. n j tf him Th. MnL.tintl were ! each.s-Salent Statman. According to report rcived here the fight was bs- tweeu Mr Sanfotd and a former Albany man who had failed to att a saloon license. There I no reason why an edi'or should net oi allowed to do hts share ot ngh'.ing. Card cf Thanks. We take this mean of returning our heartfelt thanks to many neighbor and friend for ympathy,klnd- ness and astlstance during the recent in ms and after the death of our rcloved daughter, Carrie, which have done mucn to lighten the burden of our great corrow. Mr and Mrs Ciias. Pfeiffer. New Spring Goods. I am now re ceiving my first invoices of spring novel -tie in wash good, print, gingham, eer sucker, etc., 1 have also just received a new line ct all wool summer plaid and beige. Samuel E Young. Bargain!! Baigain ! ! 100 pair of ladies black kid glove at 35 cents, worth $1.80. 500 pair of ladies.misses and children's all-wool hoae at 25 cents, worth 35 to 75 cent. Ladies corsets 35 cents, worth 75 cent to $1.75. Scotch Saxony wool 2 cents per ekein, worth JU cent. Remnants in drees goods at less than coat. These goods and many other bargains to be found on our counters for 10 day only. Call early to secure tho best oar gain while the assortment is complete. U w cimpbob, Cheap Wood. Good fir wood delivered to any part of Albany, for only $3 a cord Leave orders at P W Spinks' lumber yard. m m FOR DYSPEPSIA nd liver Complaint you have a prints guarantee on every bottle of bhiloh ViUliz r. It utter tail to core. Fosbay St Mason, agent. BoAnnitR Wanted, for table and one room. Inquire at Dbmocbat office. Cloak at cost at W FJUead's. A Pus stook of laea ourUins for 00 cuts fcoJIO to salt tb eistoniar, at Fortmiler & Irving'. A pair of fst black hoso free with every pair of ladle aborts costing ?3 or more at ...,!!) s'oro. t IK I It ttt KT, T J Porter eirl I C Elder. Partition. Continued. Tho Jeffernon ngt G S Montgomery Attachment. Continued. T Olltcnhoffer net Perry Smith, To recover money. Continued. State ngt Janus Bunnon. Burglary. Continued. Topllta & Co ngt Mary Cotijjll). To re cover money, Continued. P F Cromwell ct al sgt Dasle Kceney et al. l'ai tltion. Continued, Geo J Barner ngt Mnrv L'ouglll," To re cover money. Continued. En i' I Race rgt Senrl & Denrt. Attach ment. DUmlosed at cott of plff, Mooney, Valentine & Co agt Mary Cou gill. To recover money. Continued. Albany Fanner Co agt S S McFadden. To recover money. Continued for service . Ella Mcndcnhajl agt E II Itvlshaw. Par tltion. On docket by mUt.tko. W A Khnsev agt S M McDanltl. Par. tltion. Sale continued. " J 8 Antonclle gt Anna McNulty, Equity, Continued. May & Sender agt M TMcG.aih, At. tachment. Settled. Jcrrv Hnv ott 3 1 Schooling. Appeal, Settled. ' Jee L Adan sgt Mary A Adams, Di vorce. Dismissed at cost of pi IT. Deyoe & Rolwon at C G 3lahl. To re cover monev. Continued. W 11 McCoy ast J li McCoy et al. Equity. Sale confirmed. S A Crow dor ngt Sarah A Crow dor. Divorce. Divorce granted. . I) F LrUlngcr'et al ac,l Geo Rowcll. In. junction. Continued. Deyoe - Robson ai;t D T LeUlnger and B F Parsons. To recover money. Continued. Deyoe & Robon agt Wm Reeve. To recover money. Continued. Hart Saddlery Co agt Maltby & Carey. To recover money. Settled. Captltal National Bank agt F Crosby. To recover money. Continued. F B Prater afc't E B Kendall and wife. Specific pciformance of contract. Dismiss, ed at cot of pltT. E J Daly agt M Alexander. Damage. Dismissed' at cost cf plff. Washerman it Co sgt Mctxgar & Moes cngcr. To recover money. Judgment for want 01 answer. S Moor & Co ogt Mctzgar& Mossscn ger. To recover money. Judgment for want of answer. D M Osborns & Co agt Jesse M Scuth. To recover money. Dlstnhted. I) M Osborne & Co agt John WicMacr. To recover money. Judgment for want of answer, attached 'property to be sold. IV II Goltra sgt Win Sharp and Elmer Morris. To recover money. Judgment against Sharp, continued at to Morris. I) M Osborne Sr. Co agt John Brannhig. To recover mor.ey. Judgment for want cfaner. D M Osborne & Co at T J Montgom ery. To recover money. Settled. Hendikk & Woolxv agt W'm V White. To recover money. Judgment for want of answer; attached property to be l'd. I R Dawson agt f F Powell & Co. To recover money . bcttlcd. D M Osborne & Co agt Henry Bond. On note. Settled. I R Dawson sgt O Howell. To tecover money. Judgn.eut for want of answer, at laclied property to be sold. I R Dawson agt Blackburn St Perwnl. To recover money. Judgment for want of answer. Knapp Burrell & Co agt ChrUman & Beatty. To recover money. Settled. L E Blaii aKt I and If E Holman. To recover money. Dismissed without pre judice. D B Montclth,& Co agt E L Gcarhart, To recover mon fy. Judgment Or want of As!gnment Blackburn St PerinL Con tinued. J) M Osborne Si Co agt Henry Bond. To recover money. Settled. W 11 Goltra aSt John I Mlilcr. T re cover money. DismUscd. John Gooch ajjt B F Shepard. Specific peisonnl propcttr. Disruied. Geo Sower agt 11 J Sower. To recover 1 money. On docket ty mistake. Assignment cf R C vVarner. Continued. Ashby Pierce agt B Mill. To recovei mor.ey. Judgment for went of answer. Susan Martin agt Robert C Martin. LI vorcc. Nunc protunc order granted. Coolcy & Washburme agt Nathan B Standich. To recover money. Judgment and attached property to be sold. Dundee Mtgo & Trust Investment Co agt T S Thompson ; Confirmation, Sale confirmed. LEBlain agt R R Humphrey. Judg ment, attached properly to be sold. John IMatnond sgt Margaret E Findley. Foreclosure. Decree for want of answer. Knapp, Burrell & Co agt E tcckcr et ah Foreclosure. Decree granted. L M Curl agt J B Hughe. To recover money. Judgment for want of answer. Jamet A Robert ag. J B Hughe. To recover money. Judgment for want of answer. D M Osborne A Co agt R N Morris e al. To recover money. Verdict for deft, for $40. II R Bilggs agt Caroline M Brigg. Divorce. Continued. J F Htndrla agt Henry Bogg. To re cover money. Continued. Albany Iron Work agt. J W Brown. Judgement on verdict. Siop just about in the middle of the block, on First street, south side, be tween P.roadalbin and Ellsworth, and you w ill find a place where yon can al way 1 get first-class groceries and fresh produce at reasonable prices and bo well treated without e extra price. The sign "barker L row. ." and everybody knows the name. Their baked goods are the best. Their stock of goods generally kept replenished to sueet the demands of a grow ing trade. Pause a Momkst. If you want a tail nr made suit of clothe or any par of one, well made, of the best material to be se cured, have W R Graham do the ioh for I you. tic hts just received an elegant line ot idtlne.of unerior fabrics and dur. ble texture, lhan which no better have ever been teen in Albany, He has marked his flee down to bottom figure. Those eirlng to dre in yle should call on Mr uranain From now tfhtil April 1st you can buy a pair of t3 CO Imperial Dorey Wd shoes for 3. A genuine hand-sewed $4 50 Sel lable sole shoe at f 4, and the best brand of Imperial kid and all other winter good at a like reduction, as we muat mage room tor our large spring etock. which is daily arriving at Klein Bros exclusive boot and shoe store. Wanted. A elrl wants a place' to work in a small tamtiy. inquire ot thi omce Ja F Knott wo arreattd bv Marshall Huffman this afternoon in the Third wrd for being drunk aid disorderly. m Pataley & Hey, Commercial Printers Patroulzs Patsloy tt 83111-37. Oar Prlatsri Ticket lor ALL oMttsrn points, over ANV routa, for s!a by W. L. Jester, at ticket office. Ma and women do not alway egree In fact they frequently disagree and er- lously too, causing many divorce an collapses la the matrimonial market. On thing, though, they egree on, and that I that Conn & Hendrlcson keep the kind of groceries one need In housekeeplng.they treat men and women alike and giye them bargains in goods in their line, Call on them for groceries and produce. Foa Sale. $;oo to $1000 of household furniture In exchange for Improved real estate. Inquire at office of Oregon Land Co, January 22nd, 1891. Good Work, Low Trices, Paisley & Smiley. Hoaey to Leaa, We have plenty of money to loan oa real estate security, on two to five year time. Call on u at our office, opposite thi: Severe house. BURKHART Si XENEY. OCIAL AND PERSONAL MONDAY, Keen your eve on Pasco. It ha a o clal club called the Kaasle Dasxlo Five." Conrad Merer and family left on Sat urday night's train for Los Angele, Cat, on a nenitn eekirg expedition. Mr S A Banford, formerly a Linn county school teacher, how with Ladd Jit Bush, cf Salem, spent Sunday In Albany, MrtTl.oniA Montelth, r, and daugh ter, MUs Tiny, returned this noon from a several month visit with relative and old friend In Iowa. Prof Horner, of Uoscburg, was In the city today ond Id way nprth. The Prof ha Improved the public schools of that city in a mnrkeu manner. W W Francis, ot Myrtle creek, arrived at uaisey lust ihurday, and will remain for somu time under the treatment of Dr Mlchencr, . Mr G L Savage I in the city after a trapping expedition up the Wltlsmette, where he secured tome line fur. Beaver. otter, Ivnx, mink, muskralt, and other animal were trapped. Mr Fred Waggoner, recently of Los 'ingrie, wai , na twsn in tne city wlttt a view to locating and establishing steam laundry, Mr Wnggoner is an experienced man In tho business, and deserves encour agement In such an enterprise. Mr A A Ames snd Mr Mitchell re turned last Saturday evening from a trip to Iowa. W F Read and family, who went with Mr Arne, villi remain several week longer. Mr Amc report a good wii.ter thcie for that country. H'KKIIAY. Rev M O Brink, of NWrmrt. la In tha city to-day. . Mrs Adair, of Kmone. is In the city. the guest ot iter sister. Mr I II Town. send. S N Steele, who haa been confined to his home tor a week, with tonsiletui, li somewhat improved. Llcenie to marry have been Issued In I F Galne and Willi K Uueener, and R E Lee Miller and Edith Miller. MrW LCarter.of San IxjulsOblspo.Cal, who was In tho jewelry business in Al bany two or three year ago, la In Ihe dty. W II Parker, of Yaquina Bay, waa in Ihe city today, on his way to Salem, on a visit to Governor Pennoyer and several of his friends. Maridial W II Ramsey, ot Hclo, over whose head no man In Linn county can look, is in the city to-day. Mr Ramsey is said to I making flrat-claa oHlcer.a terror to evil-doers. Mr Walker and family, recently of near Knoxvl'.le.Tcnn., have arrived in Linn county and will make this their home. Mr Walker' daughter, Mr John Thompson, of Oak Creek ha resided here for thirteen year. Stephen rhllllpl, of Albany, a brother-in-law ot Abe WeU, of thi place, was on Tuesday's train with his family, going to Lo Angeles, and they were met at the Ashland Jepot by iclaiivet twre. -Athland Record. The Congregational Sabbath school held a private social at the church last evening, which the Democrat is informed was a very bright and entertaining af fair. Besides games, and a fine lunch, Superintendent Thompson gave a magic lanicrn exn tuition mat waa quite enter taining and amusing. WEtiJtEMpAY. Hon T J Black, of Halaey, waa in the city today. Mr Peter Hume, of Brownsville, was in the city today. Sir C II Hart, the painter, leaves to night for San Francisco, on a several weeks trip. Remember the social fo-nlght at the residence of Mr C A Brown, given by the Indies of the M E Church. A good time is expected. . Mr Geo II Coshow, of BrownsvllTe.was in the city today. Mr Coshow haa charge ot his father's business at that place, Mr Coshow being in California now on butl- MrGW Smith left for East Portland today, where ho will aasist for awhile in the hardware store of C M Smith A Co. He will then return to Albany forth summer. W N Miller leave tomorrow morning for his cranberry ranch near Keabeek, opposite Seattle, where he will spend the summer. It is situaUd about ten mile from Port Orchard, and i already a valuable property. George II Burnett, grand master of the IOO F, accompanied by Hon Phil Metclmn, state treasurer, came on th noon train today from Salem, and wil! pay an official visit to Albany lodge No 4 tonight. A alae Itsar Agrvcaseat. ' Memorandum of an sgrecroent made thj 35th dsy of February, 1891, between the undersigned contractor and building tradesmen of Albany, Oregon, vis: that on and after April 1st, 1891, nine hours shall conttitute a day's work at the usual rate of wsge per day, that overtime hall not be allowed except In extreme case and then only at an additional remuneration of at least one . half of such overtime. n C Schell, N I) Conn, I F Conn, R B Vunk, Peter Ructtncr, II A Crowdcr, G W EelU, J.B Cough!, . 11 C Chambertin, II F Russell, F P Kitchen, J R Chamberiin, J U Wilson, OH Wright, ' John A Hall, A P Chamberlin, II Barn, I L Underwood, RoblShahan, O W Crowder, L W Moench, - F 8tal, C 8 Headiey, B F Thayer, Robert Duane, J O Buhnell, W A Cox, Joe Clark, jr., August Liee Wei, M 0 Bingham, N BSprenger, J F Whiting, - G W Hamilton, T A Prlngle. McChcsnev, Geo I) Ridlnger, W C Cassell, II Miller, Skaar, C Kropp, F S Campbell, Y tngolj. W S Trainor, E Webster, M Brumlcy, W E Baker, V Oonlav, M W Orton, r Krutnrcl, M Hoeem, ark McDonsld, C E ilowlartd, An Alliance U JeflTerMa. jEFFERbON, Or,, March 7th, 1891. Editor Democrat : Bon D J Cole, of Kansas, had an ap pointment to be at thi place today to organize a Farmer' Alliance.but failed to make hi appearance, a he wa called to orgatdze at the Folli tchool house. He will organize one at Jordan Valley on the 9th and at Fox Valley on the 10th. Not- witntanoing ni absence here the xarmert met and effected a temporary organization by electing Hon Charle Mlller.President. ar.c Mr Libbya secretary. There teemed to be a great Seal of enthusiasm mani fested. The extravagance of the last three legislature has caused th taxpayer of Oregon to conclude that there mutt be something done. One speaker declared that there wa but one member of the legislature from Marion county who had the manhood and courage to denounce extravagance right in the face of those who were voting away the people' money, .a jr akmer. PiOTicE to x' ARMEitg.w anted at once chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, dried fruits, butter, eggs, and all kinds of farm produce, lor which l win pay the high est price in cosh or in exchange for goods. U. W. HiMsoM, Albany, Oregon , better List. Following is the list ot letters remaining in the post oflice at Albany, Linn county, Oregoti, March 11, 1891.. Persons calling for these letters must give the date 1 d which they were advertised. Bochart, Peter Crawford, O W OleasoD, W A Earnest, John Ernest, John 8ennl2, Jedadiah Baker, C S Graft, Herman Elliot, Kantian Kverhait, Carl J Kwing, Mra Ja Johnston, Mis Nellie Johnston, Mix Bell. Monroo, Alex M, D. Maa, James, F . Vattorsou, Mattie Verfecr, Mrs Nancy West, Itoaa .Lougbbottam, g (j McEe & song MoGhee, Mrs Carrie Vorter, J Ravine, Willie Ward, Miss Alia Wilson, J J Weber, Gattl'cb YouDg, Cbas. E. TuoMPsoirJP, M. MtsriTt. V. Albany Is destined to become the center of a grat mining xcitement,one that will mein mucn tor tne growm ot this city Big things are looked for from both the aantlam and Callpooia mines, trom which or hb been taken that rival the bct from the richest mines 0! th Coast, D C Ireland, th well known journalist, I again to live among the people. 11 he arranged to remove hi newspaper plant irom Astoria to aatt roniana, wnere he will publish the East llde Express, H win advocat consolidation. Welcome, Ireland I almost equal to J II Stln In starting new paper. , Charles Barclay, first mate of the ill fated shin Elisabeth, ha been presented with a nurse ot $1,000, subscribed by th business men of San Francisco a a testi monial of their appreciation of hi heroic services at th time of th wreck. Mr Barclay is an Oregon boy, born and raised In Oregon City, Welcome. Blaine Kluin. th 10-year-bld editor of the amateur paper, the "Talent IMrdsye," mad the Record a fraternal call Saturdar. inquiring to see the type-grinder, Italic space-splitter and other wonderful thine soma of the printer' devils had told him about. Ashland Record. Mr Robert T Porter, the census man. Informs the Dimoceat that the center of population In the U S Is at a point where 39 it 56 latltute meets 85 3a' 53 longl. tude, which Is In Southern Indiana In De catur county. In ten years It ha moved west 4ft mile and north 9 mile. Albany' rapid Increase in population In 'he last ten yesrs hi helped thi along tome. The movement westward I 505 mile since 1790 It ha gradually gone west from near Balllmore,on about the same latitude, .19 degree north, and I about even with Mirytville, Cat. Forth benefit of th Salem Journal wt will sUte that th name of the Kan- Farmer Alllanc Henator i PetTor. while that ofth popular proprietor of th Revere House, of this city, Is Ffcifler. It I possible Mr Pfelffer doe not car to b given a relationshlo to tho Senator of a drought-cursed state. Considerable amusement w as caused n the Court room wher In readintt the docket Judge Bjlse announced a cat against th Farmer Alliance, instead of th Farmer and Merchant Insurance Co. It allowed what the Judge ha been thinking rioualy about recently. McKinley Mitchell, who failed at Gcr vai a few day ago. owed i 40.000 and claim loO.OOO asset, but a considerable of it i in account it la probable they do not amount to a much. His failure i attributed to heavy losses on wheat and produce, uniy a lew day ago he sunk $2000 on potatoes shipped to Kan Fran- clsco.the market dropping lik a meteor. wasssasas Th people of Nebraska and Kanaaa bav their eye on th Willamette valley. It I th Mecca for farmer. The fluent valley in th world for a home. It cli mate I unequalled. It soil I inexhaus tible. It crop sever fail. No wonder they are looking thi way. Advance prospector ar coming to the state to look np home for them, and Inquirl? ar pouring In by every mall. Thev muld be riven a friendly retention. and II th advantage pomibf. This proia- lee to be a year of large immigration. R P Ear hart. Insiiector-ireneral and emeritus member of the supreme council of the Scottish rite for the Houthern ju risdiction ci in united Mate ha con ferred th thirty-third, or last, degree of Freemasonry upon Brother Andrew Roberta, Philip 8 Malcolm and tkth L Pope, all of Portland. This increase the number of Masons of thi degree in Oregon to ten, th other seven being: F N Shurtleff. John K Foster.I W Pratt, Chrl Taylor Joseph N Dolph ; honorary member. U P Earhart and John Mo- Craken, past, acting and emeritus mem- Mr ot the supreme council. Orecoman. The Balcm h talesman aays the name of ex-Governor K F Chadwick.of Halem, be longs to the lilt of thirty-three degree Masons in Oregon. Th degree was con ferred upon bim by Albert i'ike. A . Marion county school teacher Is In tronbl because h kissed the big girl. What made the trouble wa that ue of the girte that he bad been kissing made trouble. The girl didn't object a long a the kiasingwa equally distributed. Th other morning by some strange fatal ity he missed one of the girls ; that I to aay, tie missed kissing her, and she went on a strike. She gave away the whole snap" to her mamma, and now the deuce is to pay. Tb whole district ia in an uproar. The parent refuse to tend their daughter to school another day and one of the trustees ha petitioned the county superintendent to revoke tho young man' certificate. Astorian. An Albany man hands the Democrat the following as aa item worth perusing : According to an amendment of trie tchool law of the tate of Michigan, children suffering from consumption or chronic catarru must be exciudea irom puouc school. The circumstance is interesting a a first step toward the public recogni tion of a most important truth, the fact, namely, that the disorder of tne respir atory organa can be propagated by direct contagion, ana mat tne atmospnere 01 a consumptive' sick room, unless con lUtntir ventilated, ii apt to become a virulent lung poison. A Halveraon wa In Salem a few day bko. and brought more ne. of th rich discoveries from the Bantiam mines. To confirm what he aaid, he show ed several specimen of ore which had been taken from the mine of tho Albany company The experts here who examined the ore, fironounced it very rich. Mr naiverson ia been In the Bantiam mine two year, and is an old Californian miner, and an intelliaent man on other subject as well as mining. He ayt there are fine pros pect for some rich deve.opmenta to be made in that district. The last ore taken from the mine wa so rich trut a guard ha been placed over it by the company to prevent a possibility of any ot it being carried off. Free cold can be seen in abundance in the mass of ore that is now awaiting to be put through the mill. A much larger mill than the one now in use will be put in by the Albany Mining and Milling Company a soon a the now goes ou, and the recent, almost fab ulously, rich discoveries there point cer tainly to one of the biggest mining ex citement in mat metrici mat na ueen known in the Northwest. Salem Journal Hoveltles In Jackets. I have received a small assortment of novelties In ladies spring jacket, made in the latest styles of Blazers and Rerf- ers, in cheviot, diagonal and worsted. I expect to carry a full line of these goods. as well as all the leading styles in Ladies, Capes, beaded, crochet and in cloth. Order taken for special sizes and styles. CAM L tu XQVVQ. Fix a Oil Paixtiuqs. Mr A W Best, who has been conducting a large class in Balem, bas on exhibitition in tho store ... eiM.j . a- t: : . . . K,fJ 5 l!.'! . j ' Tu. .""tJ coast, the result of three years' sketch- WUV ItAVO BVCJl IUVUI w vo blio UMCBb ever exhibited in Albany. He has also some figure pieces by Tojetti, the famous San Francisco artist, who is acknowl edged bv all to be second to none in flesh tint. The object of this exhibition is to give the public an opportunity to judge of Mr Best's work, a he is here to or ganize a class in oil painting, and all who are interested in art should call and see him. They will be on exhibition for the next two weeks, during the day and evening. JExeltement; Ran high in Albany at Fothayf & Ma son's drug stor over 8yttm Builder, a everybody U using it for Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Im pure Biood. Try it sod tell your friends about it as it mast pottwondrfnl merits whes all pk wsJ of it. coi sen. raockjcsinca. TueJay, March 10, 1891. Present Mayor, Recorder, Marshal, fltreet Commissioner, and Councllmen French, Hawkins, Tablcr, Burkhart, uarrettand Bmith, The following bills were ordered paid; J W Recce, l'i (SO ; N J Hentcn. 25 69; W B Barr, tiXM J N Hoffman, V Q Hale, 2 60; Cost bills, 8 25: Albany Elec tric-Light Co, 2u0 60.. Petltlon-of T,J Btitc and other for aide and crosswalk was given a favorable repot t and work was ordered done. The recorder reported that a commun ication had been received from th re corder of Hlllsboro, that $200 of th $400 note du would be paid at once, and th remainder in May. Marshal Hoffman reported $376 of de linquent tax as paid since last meeting-, and wit given until next meeting to report list of name of those delinquent. Htreet commissioner Anderson report ed recommending several sidewalk and street improvements,' and that street sign be placed at the corner of street. Referred to committee. Petition cf I Conn and other. John Morrison and other. II Brvant and other, asked for sidewalk In their res- pective localities. Also of OB Iiarnlsh and other, and ot, II O Chamberlain. Referred. Petition of R Khrat and others aaked for lalteral sewer connecting new brew ery property with main sewer. Grant ed and work ordered done. On motion the council unanimously extended its vote of thank to linn F L Huch, for hi liberal donation ot $2000 toward Hi construction of th bridiie across the Willamette at thi city, the fund for which is now being raised. The matter of tirlntlna couiea o! the charter was referred to the committee on way and mean, with power to act. On motion the city surveyor was au thorized to make a map of a complete ewer system for the entire city of Al- nany. The chairman of tha committc on nr. dlnancca reported that ordinance 16 conform with new charter would be pre pared by next meeting if possible. Bill of Q W McBride of $43 for making certified copy of city charter, wa order ed paid. mi rTAT aiura. Peter Bilyeu to David hane, 40 acres, sec SO, tp 10, H R I w.. $ 650 A F Beard and Green Beard to JI Ray, 300 acre, sec 2U,tp 10, H Hit 6000 O D Hay ft at to E N Tandy. A acres, tec A, tp 15,8 R 4 w 25 Brownsville Building Co to PL Gerow. lotl,bl2, Galbraith'a A, Brownsville. 75 J A Tyler to T J Pattroo,lot 8, M 24, Albany., 1350 II Coagrov to J II Iiobb, lot 2, U ft. Halsey 240 R D Calavan ct al to Partbena Cat avan, SiO.M acre in D L C of Joel Calavan.......... I Partbena Calavan to It D and D L Calavan, 155.53 acre tp 10, B U2w 1 A J Johnson to O E HoUIridge, ' int in E half lot 35and3o,Kcio 100 Martin Payne to John Parson. E half of D LC of M Payne 1 Daniel Bridge et ux to II O Shil ling, lot 2. 3. 4. LI 3. B'aAto Shvlbtira. 03 1 Thomas lorn ft ux to School Dit M, 1 acre sec ?2. tpll.B K I E. J Geo Wyer tt ux to Add E Bryant, 41 feet off east aide blft. 11 3rd A 10 M II bhelton et al to G L Huther land, 12 i acre ec IS, tp I0.JS H 1 w J C Cooper to It Bryant, 92are . off th W cide.aec 3,tp 1 4,8 R wetivB cetsiDcaivo. F. M. Frtecb kswp railro4 tint. Kw eream ehe Just iaoiv4 at Coo rad Meyer. Eaa tt Achiaun ar Miliug mooamvot at Portland price. Mea.f ith ' and boy clothing tod furnishing good at t W Simpson'. Use yen scan the parlor uit that T Criok ha just received f Thy at nine. Great redaction inm"i' farnishina aood for th nt SO dsy at W F Road'. J W Beotley, best boot sad sbo inakerlla eity, thr door norlb of Dcmoout olSo. For bargain in monumtnts. headstone to., s to Kgn ft Aebisan, Albany, Oregon Raxe Harqaws. 30 dos men' laun- dried white shirt at 60 CtsWOrth $1 00 1 totl 23, 10 doz men unlaundried white ihlrt at 40 ctwertli 73 etc to II 00. 30 dux four-in-hand tie at 23 ct worth 60 ct to 75 rt. A few day only. Bale commence to day and for a few day . only at the above prices, at G W Bimpaon'a. Ten Ton of salt just received by R M Robertson, several grade, which will be old at wholesale and retail. Lime, ce ment, plaster, feed, oats, hay, etc., kept on hand and sold at reasonable price. I now in hit new quaiter just east of the Demo; at omce, where lie also lias a large slock of Hour for sale. A handsome tign points out hi plaoe ot business. CROUP. WHOOFINO COUGH and Bronebiti immediately relieved by Stiloh's Care. New Blacksmith Snor. G ft Willis hss just completer his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad street where all kind of Iron and wood work can be had and done in first cla order Bring on ynui plows, wagon, etc., etc. for rep - A N&SAI INJECTOR free with eacfc bottle 1 f bhiloh Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 cent. KothtySi Mason, ajent. Altai ED. MILLER MILLER. On Wednesday March 11 , 1991, at the Rut House, in Al bany, bv Geo. Ilumphery, Eq, Mr Robert E Lee Miller and Ml Edith Miller both of Miller Station. HORN. . ARNBERGER. On Saturday, March r. 1801. to the wife of Mr Frank Arnber- 1 ger a boy. A LATE Lisa S-B03X JuUTES. The Corrective Properties f the Jnlees of California'. Vegetable Alterative Almost tcaatlonal. A lady formerly of 1221 Mission Bt, bat sow of 400 Hays St, 8, F., write to th Edwin W. Joy Co. a follows: Mrs. II. T. Beverly, ot Se attle, redded with tn last winter. 8b had Iocs- been a saSerer from dyspepsia and waterbraah. Her itoroach wa so weak that for months at a time she lived principally upon milk and the whit of esc. Among other thing ah tried en of th mineral sanaparlllaa only to And that It cav her pain la th head and weak (Inking spell. Bavins takta Joy' Vcretabl Baraapa- nua myself with treat benefit In stomach troubles, 1 Induced her to discard th potash preparation and try your Vexetable compound. i i. ,ciu t -yut Rung net siomaco shq ia 'fort time helped h.r astonishingly. It im- proved her appetite and str.ngtk to that extent, LturN t too, BhB to Albany Market- Wheat 70 j. (at- 50 Butter 85e pr 16, Faara-SOt Hay lO.OCfto 18.00, Potatoe 6o oUi per buahsl Beef on foot, VJ to 8c, a ,iples 60 cent per bu, Pork h'Ao per lb. aroused. Bsvccna , shoulder 7o sides. 9o i'.rd JOoperlb. Flonrr-4.25 per bbl. Chickens 8.00 per dor.. 5 ill Feed bran, 14.00 per to shorts, 16. middlinsr, 20. OSwr,J. 100 6 (7654 HAM aJiD AtsttOAV MOSUAY. Fourteen tn xldur mistical od Chinese tdifia ant may t teen in on a tor window in Albany, Thy mk a pretty seen and all thy cost ta ? pie... Tbs State fair will open on Hoptimler 14, Fish po! hv bocd seen rivor bound to day. .- Th Y M C A oar ca te-n.onnw night Mid U a mnsiosl witicrrt will ue a privilege to atterd. Get y It fit itU rttnmd at Wil tUnfc'.. Our school director hv ttpoidd not to hv any spring term of school, and Prof Mioheni r has acwpttd a school at Tangent t eonnnetic the first week iu April. New. MeKluley Mitchell, th well known merchant sod tditnr of Gorvai, ha failed, with liabilities placed at $00 000. He was a rat!er but svt lontly overdid th buine. A lxit rce Iwtwusu th Northwest aud N M B.btley. Wtweeo Oregon City snd Salem, the Jouroal ay resulted iu a vio- tory for tu former, a tew beat, though tli Beotlnv wa at her wb!, and a h trtd klillhtly behind vi(iittiy wa juat a fsst. Mr W A Cox's rcsideno brn'og erected near be U P depot is not for the purnos of kep'iig bosrders, a reported, but fur hi pnvst as. Mr Cox announoa himself jm tb brlek mnn field rwtdy to do flrst-ulas work, that wdl trid th storms of wlnkr at bottom price. It i to b hoped a dozen blocks li errcttd here this uminr. Death on the Rail, Last evening a Southern Pacific train while approaching the city from the noith came In contact with a hore belonging to Mr Atf Cuirle. The horse did not survive the shock. The 8 P company will be atked to ((liquidate. The fotlowinjr arand jury wa empan elled at the conveid.ig of circuit court to day 1 John Isom, Samuel King, J K Mich ael, J V Pipe, I F lladlev, Solomon Dond and f ' P Dtakln. Solomon Pond wa appointed foreman. r M Mlchcll and C G Kawiinu were appointed bailiffs j School Election, At the school election thi afternoon there wa one ticket In the field, that f the present tfti clent official: llonj K Weathetford for airector and u u uuranart lor cicrx. i ne present board ha managed the school affair lo well lhat the people are very glad ta have the same board continued In office. Comiku Attbactiox. Geo Edwin Bryant, the Ne Zealand lecturer and canoeist, I arranging with the W C T U of Albany, to give hi lecture entitled, "Down the Murray River in a Canoe," under their auspice, on next Filday eve ning. Mr Bryai.t, learning that the Y M C A had a concert on hand, promptly vottunleered to recite for them the story called "Kissing Cup Race." Altogether the program mi be considered a very attractive one and will doubtlcs fill the bouse. The FfNEBAL. A large concourse of people attended the funeral cf His Carrie Pfelffer yetteiday, to pay the last ai re pect to one who wa beloved by all who knew her. The tervlce were conducted by Rev Dr Irvine, assisted by Rev I'rlchard. Music wa furnished bv a quartet composed of Rev I'rlchard, Prof Lee, Mr K W Langdon and Mr John A It house. The pad bearer were Chatlc Cuslck. William Cowan, Ja A Wilson, Richard Nell, Chat Casey and Bobett Strong. , TCPAT. S3mit a variety tinttr. A Bw ebcreb U Uing built at Piainvicw. Imgation eampatde are being orcautxed all ovs Oregoo. Prof Roork is ia Eustorn Oreccn organizing Farmers' Alliance. Tho Alitnnee will ob tain considerable streegtb ia O 'n. Tb Pndhtno E O ha figured it down to a fio pAat. Th new K of P Hall at that city wdl b 43,613 feet ia dimension. Th o w K. of P. fUli in th IUliimor Blook will b dodiostad on April 1st. I wdl b on oi tb mot elegant ! rovtn ia in vailoy. A aatietiuited by th I SHOCK AT yester day Hon J K Wethrford wa elected di rector of Districts and wU KurLbart clerk. Tb clerk will make aa awscssmeut cf th eity at an early day. An d loomed niceties tf th Prealjtery of tb Wlllsnitttfl 14 brtita held as the Prtbyteria church ia tl.u city. Thi lo oted all Ihs eburvhes in Msiiua, Polk, Bentoo. Lan and lisn courtie. Nearly every rart of Lion coauty i rep rwssnUd l--dy . Th Circuit Court i the eant of it. Among other part Sweet Horn oome ia for a lioti hsr, tb Evangelical church esse bringing many witnesses and df oodant bcr . Th Stat University of WMliioctnu was located bv the recont Ij-ii litura oi that :at Letneen Lk Cuioo and Union Bay n a very ho site, heeml Albany tneu own property in lhat v.cmiiv, which will b greatly echanctd iu vli by tin 'set. Tb rlU of Itey Romiover' leoturo on hi trip through Pltir.a is Thursday evoaing, March 19. b. Thr wid not only b a Ken tni dwlr to hear thi accomplished nuou. ter talk a'ocut hi trip through that country. bat aa well many wui wish to see his germ in mammy which he will hay on txhibiuoa. The rat otinsaratce iu Ashland ha been lowrd five to fourteen por cent, principally five per cent, which is not cathLctoiy tn tb people there. Thouch our liro-luo in Albany for five ye.its have averaged less than f 1000 a year, tho Paultio Tiust refuse to eom down even S p r cent. - Th follow in I aso..uit of the meelg of th Pendleton I uiliiinc and Loan AtoGi- tion, horn the O, will be interesting read ing to mmbets ot the Albany association: "Aboat f300 were loansd at th. Oregon Baildiog A Loan Atsoeiatioo last ere sing to J M Bentley, on a bid cf eighteen mouth. Tb secretary of tb association warns stock holder that aueotmeiiU runs ha vsia promptly or fine will be added, tie oanoot and will not allow delay." - A Burglary Near SorAviLi-n.Tho James wa arrested at Sodaviltc vcsterd.iy charged witi b.eaking into the house ol Mr t lory, near that place. Some money ! and household good were taken . James wa taaen to Lebanon, where his bail wa f laced at $50, w hich he did not furnUh. I to be given an examination to day. Wheat has taken another step up wards and 70 cent is being paid. Many farmers are consequently selling, five or six car loads a day leaving the Farmers' Warehouse. As the rise in price is due considerably to valley competition it ii not thought to be permanent, pence me chances are entirely in favor of those 'ho are selling. WEDNESDAY. 120,000 to loan darinj next tea dm by S N Steele, Hulia St Dawson, druggists, Buy your groeerws'of Parker Bro Fiae groceries at Conn & Hendrioaon's. Notioe th New York C. B. R. Store' ad. Pie plant root for sale by J II Townseud. Genuine full craara oboes at Mclhr & Garrett's. Buy Gasoline ttcves from Mathews & Washburn. Th Willametto river roia ahout th e ft lt night, at thi eity. Smoke the colnhratod llavaca fil.'oj 5 cent eigar at Julius Joseph's. Tb old wooden awnings are heinc culled down at Salem, They should Leat Albany. Alaraeatoek of wall paper, with late de signs at 1' ort miller a Irving sjaat roouived. See W F Read' lin of dre gocd and vilk before buying elao whore. Bargain in olioice groosriea' eao alway be'oecured of Alien Bros,, FlinaVtiloek, Highest market ptloe paid for egg) at tb New York V. J. li. Store, Waanlne. EOo a doxen, inetidine; for men Mr King8,jit east of the Dbmocbat offioa. If voa want any thing nica go to Muller & Garrett s, the only piao in town where you can get what you want. v We want the ladisa to stop and look at our lara va.ioty of Oxford ties just received ... .. . I. t..-, 'T . and tb latest styios at xuem nroe. J L Browne, of Spokane, paid $26,626 iu tsxes last year; the most paid by any oi.e person in that city if not in the state. SlBriahtcn up your old rubbers and old shoe and make tbero look a good as new. with Wolff's Acme Waterproof Polish. For sal t Samuel E Young'. From now until April 1st w will cell all of our rubbea goods at coat for the oasa only. Call e-"-ly while the assort ia still laraa tit kWin 1 ro. Mr A W Bast ha opened a stadie upstair In th building oecapied by Stewart Sc Sox, and all who wish to jnin hi class in Oil paiutluff, which will start on Satur4vy,Mrci 7th, at I p m, should call and him. The "Clmncese oa" ha reach 'd Or grm. Th fnmoiis rt'jdio toeo ht htma m jd i fled to that thr is nothing oliectiou W in it, r The largest evtr seta in Albany We mean tho largest assortment cf ladies awl rulsse Oxford tie in al! tle t Kliin Bro. xcluaiv hoe store. At the anna meeting Ctmrsd Meyer, 8 E Young, Ch KltUr, , JnUua Oradwohl, xiiiiua on'nu'i ami w u 1 we1al wr ieotid director nl th O F Build ino Assn. 1 iation. - " I W r ny to csst Albany' hop 'D- d-r a load, i.i.l Mr Cha Metcnar has ctianDd hit ttiid snd talk of looting at Newpoit. Yt ur hright viions i I lasUd again. Sale.n Jourotl. W have hea shown a mpl 6f bot.ef iiiad by Hob 2hr' Millsr, of Jferoo. from a Jry cow. It is as lio a pro fuel a wa vr exhibited any wher odpeks ia the blhet prsU of Mr Millr' buttar makiog qnalitie. ; Mr S E Yoona to-day reivd a desnafch from an attach of Murphy, Grant k Co., of Han Francisco, reqaswtlug bint to bay 600 Highest of all in Leavenlcj rower 3tB0 AClIalTEKaf PURE L.E. BLAIN'S COLUMN. Wi are now ready for Spring trade with the largest and best selected stock of ... Clothing that will bo shown in the county this season. All varieties and patterns to most fastidious. of styles please the Wo have many fine makes including Then we have the full lino of mens', youths' and boys' clothing in the A bany Voolen Mills goods, that we Etieciallv recommend to the public for trial, Tho largest stock of Mens' Shoes in the city, including many celebrated makes, Hats, from Stetson's best down to a two bit straw. Cannot enumerate Furn ishing Goods every de partment full. Have used cash this yea'r during tieht timts east o - ..... and can offer genuine bar gains in all my departments L. E. BLAIN. hsn of th Albany Mieicg Coi atock , wbiea show that the mine are getting a reputation abroad, . Kws wa received in Albany to day that Hon John Palmar bad leen elected senator from IHiooie, receiviug II I votes tocefry to hut election, th tw farmers alliance men voting for bim. Democrat her generally are rijoiciug over th tisws, Mr IJckley, cam from Eugene yesterday to Albany, 00 her -ay horn to Florence by way of Yqnina l'.y. iShe bd been to Kugn to inst proof 1fore the County Clerk on claim t.ten up near Florence. fcb wa found to t iussnn a thi city probably from ilifies, was ez'smiDCd by tha i reitolitr eoinmisnioij, found inane and this morn'.eg wsa taken to th aylaa. at Sa!m. Children Eajny ' Th pi'aot fl ivoi, gontle ac'.ion and sootb ing ffcts of Byrop of Fig, whooja need of laxative and if the father or mother ho costlv or bliiou thi most gratifying redo It ollowing its oee, o Hut it t th best fsra y rtndy known od e,ery family ahonld ay a I vttl. WHY WILL YOTJ when Shiloh's Cor1 will give immediate relief. Price 10 ceuU, 60 Ceot -jd $i. Fchay It Mason, agent. , '-'. I, fi. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, t3. TWO MEN AND ONE BOY FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd theii WAY INTO DEVGCaFnOfslAfJORGS Store, w here Ihey alwaj have en hand the largest Stock south of Portland, of the latest improved Rifle and Shot Gun; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle ot every description; lent, f iammocka. Cam p Chair and thousand ct other thing too pumerou to mention Xtepftir Shop tn connection with the Store, and one of he best workmen in the State to do any ind ail kind of work. Come one, Come all; No rouble to (how good. Small profit and quick W is ou! motto. iivJ -BOOK hO?4- COVL'n TO. COVER. J'!V ,J.r -ft V k'.'.i i ii Time. A GRAND INVESTMENT for tho Family, School, -r l'roj'-fsiottj I.ibntrj Tho Asthnntio V-b tor's TJerv. bridged XHclionitry, rr,ir.TvriL.c: tho iatt. of 1S64. & tSi, copyrishtnd pro party of tit vundersiixBcd, ia xtonr Xtoronghly R vised and Enlarged, andav adirtifcgniahtag tiils, bear tha xuunn of v'cbitr Latonia vionnl )letloaary. ditoria.I work upon tils revision hma bcn In aotive jiros;reja for over Tan Year. ?fotlc tinn Oic Itna tlred edi'-oriai lalsnrcrs L&ts been enirn.Ttd r.Tior. it. Or? 830,000 iyEile.T is it jtreparavticu be!uro tha i.rr. copy wna printed. Crltlealconrprricnn w it?t sty etiier Dlcttonavrj isij.v;:ti!. Oat tho Host, O. C. KiatUl.l.V X t o., rutiiiim, Sjtrirgf.r J, V.tirs., V. A. Sold by all BooUrciliTs. Kiusu-vcJ j anir-M.-tfreav 4 NNTJAL MEETING. Nftlee is here by tiTen that tbe cosual meeting of itockhold. rof the Albany Buildlcgr iba atMkbbincr 1 aanrii,tinn will be held at the office ot Iba Albany E ectrle Light Co.. en Broad albln trett. In Albany, t.n Monday, March 18 1S91, at 7.50 p for the el. . Ufin of itlractora. and such other business . as may come beforn the raeetir.g- IMted Feb 0. 1101. N H Allkf, W C TwsiMLR, - Secretary. Prasidoct. NOTICE 1 0 COSTKA.CTDES.-Con-tractors and builder desiring to bi-1 00 tbe nonfunction ot tbn new United Preabyteiian church bnudiEp, to be erect ed at th eita of the old luildmp, vlll find the plans ud epeomaations lor ma same, at the atore of Mevrart A Sox. "1 be data of cptnirg tics uul be accouocea hereafter. ALBANY! NURSERIES. I rE HAVE ON HAKD at our nursery f on xhe CWTalll rood, one half nil from town, a Ceo a lot of fruit Tec ofallklada as eac be found any shere on tbe coa-t. ir yon contemplate planting trees It tvlll pcy yoc to ee our lets irdfet rtil(.. Ct talrgee fiee. HYMAK EKOWKELL. GustomGhqpping. W hs,ve cn band at all times bay, . . oats, and chsp; acd wi l sell in quu Uty to suit.- Also wteat bought and aold. Farmer, biing us yenr wheat, oati an 1 bay. Highest cash price psid. Morris dc Blount, Comer Flrat and Baker streets THE JOURNAL OF SOCIETY. E. D. MANJI, rropriotor. FcBusnxn (Saw Yokk) Etxht Tsotsoax. "Bttwuen fh litui tf ratntnr and unfeton to no4 erso tossoiu life, morales aiut hop." The newstest, bri jbtaet, -wittiest, wbest, clrcr est, must original, aad moat entertaining pape evur publishei . , . A oomplata and perfect Journal for cultivated nien nd women, beUMf topical and out tpolcon eritta and oironide of tho events, doings, interest and taste of tho f ashiorabte world. It I aiwsva up to date, and carries wv 'a it the ataxs pbwo of the metropolis, - In purity and power of literary style it has S3 equui on tula con tinent. A wltabla byiiii osium of well-bred satire deftnnKi aad diiinti leas of touch; strength, inde pandisaoo and orijinality ot thought.; reflned L minor; caustio comment; pkjuancy of jest: altort sloriec; riuaical, drnmatic, literary acd art crliiclsm, an 1 topical Bkctciae. Tha famo of its l.rinaiiieial IepartEneot, a tha moat reliabl authority on finaadrj aub Jyta, iuTeatmsnta a; id speculation, is world-wide. It inlarwstis by di meana local; being the rer oicolxod journal of American society, it It equally entertah Ins in all parts of theennntry. For wte each wesl by all r-,K, a. r w-i ir ul -1 In America and Ei rop. trry newatiier wij keep aad supoly it it reoues-ted. TVew f 'l -'' r uiipolkiit by the tore a-i News t o , ' J it j Ktrivt.Now York. aa i 1 k!l t1) truuc 1 Kiwrubr subsrrlplini't ! ' " " ' J to ofli'W of pablimti n, frilTM if 1 -orsnuariptiooaiTcm r "i I "' ' ' $3.30; saree moiiUi. l '- sUi 1 Alreis'! ' ' ,J 1 21 WfSl i. s '- ' ' s - ' I : -WEBSTER'S I IOTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY V; 1 .