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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1891)
J1 , til, , VM'W"lttav - ;nrVf a An ad. in the New York World, "THE DEMOCRAT and Uie American Farmer, all one year FOR S2 80. "DEMOCRAT" Kenclics the Most People, and brings BIG RETURNS. Weekly "Stat Right Democrat, 2 00 por year. VOL XXVI. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH (5, 1891. iVO 31 Entered at the Pout Offloo at Albany, Or egon, aa second class mail matter. rh i 5 K '." VA 2 -1 11 TEE (M TOE ED rfc CVfl rrtr IK M rwUti .. nH lMw ,, (h Hm4iI, , 1 wwi. 1 ' w rl S. of mr-wristO and Ttrl k Mi ttt ai.y wr-v, )4otlMS ntiaviM . Kunw roiT I A 1 I V 2 cwtiM tot-vir-w- will ftr. IiM..V lt-a.-9 U 1K UAMC&U IKON lOXLO mf .iut e n itivwt ivr, h.. tit. eiiiiiiiB. KroauilAui 'iU ftl em,t,.r in; vl auM Ul Miirtt f l oi-ik-uiKt. o pot aiiyri 'win uip 'ihm i Tltf tt LITTLS UVi.4 PILLS 'Uv't'ton, I.r iimi.u aui ; ) (J HM.iwl moil! i all Of HUt t Mrt Or. HARTaM MEDICI- CO., 8(.UkU, at Conrad Mover. F.UAPKlKTr',1 OK- STAR IJAIvKRY Corner BroadalMn and First Sts., -DEALER IN ! rruila, !aiivr, el rralt. ' abac, near cne. r.te,. lrecnsrr. Xr-tte. CIgatta, Rp' a. Tea. Et.. ery thin a, that la kept In 4 ra Trd groerT era. nigh tries, p raid for ALL KINDS OF nODUCH. . BE! FerwMe.wnUy nrri wfth-mt Outline, ftarnlnr rt DU aulnr A ewrtertljr peinlee treatrneul and a iuiur aeU cure in awr jeae, no cutter Iwiw lone .uiHiirg. That treatment, (r dtrirta lir UuxcU'a.ia the r elwa dteraeary known la wWieira. Ildievslrea ad ciMuplvulT rrpjT.-ih Hutla Uhouln.j- or (awa la th pUnt. DISEASES OF uEII! rmltr It XiM'.rtUx, w I Ml mTtn Mtrw h-, locliktui K l til m dli.-t Inftimttiw id WU. mmm, hi-h ikff would sKril k ffM diarl'Wny la Xht luni y phy wrnM'irnlt)r cured in im Um h w iw known to llrturi. t fir, by It Hi.i.ll'i "Hw Rrwura r4 Trwwmwnt." llrajiiTwiiat Uwt'nUo-ariraryoniknauMtmikM ml niMictruua Wbwa pnniul, II t b,t to (mil lur pwrw nt wanwuiwAliM Mid wclal .n.tin. Hut thw who mnixH f".itlr tll, huaM nu, rUtlng thwr ow fully. klnlNnn tont hf nail or wiprww. wMdwd, rw rmm xxwur,to til intul Um roi& Ct. 'xVin. A. Bcxcll, 31. D. t raat l Mpdaury. rr1laar. flrrcaa. Corner tint tod i'maitreati, 'T'JPoitlt:d Foifmil.'ei & Irving. -FUXERAL DIRECTOLS.- Jrterial Embalming Dona Sciontil lcally. Red CrownMills 15051, LAXN1XG 4 C')., V HOPE'S. aaw raocant rxoo irrav:oa rox rasrua jn eiKir.x (pi. . REST STORAGF FACILIT1LS. Albany IRONWORKS ManafatHnrera o' 1EAM EKGIHES 'CHIST AHD SAW V!LLf!AC!!IHERY hHCNTS m ALL KVDS OF HEAVY AHO LIGHT VORX, IH IROH AK3 CEASS CASTJHCS. tfieolal altuUon o - fvilrlna tit da of manhlner Falvrras Mad on Short Notice STEEL PEHS . Pamplfl Ten", fllfftrrent paHjm, In Iwl Alt k' 1 I'lated moti li Horn, out poat'itald m receipt c 1C Cli.i iSi. FERRY C? London, ricx. 0. t. OiRoa. 810 Jt0utn. Rt York. FOSHAY 1. f.lACOW, Dragcistsand Booksellers A(jri.u for John B. Alden'a publications, nmuwiiiM jrabllahore jrna wiu ALIIAMT. OKV.iHtR HEALTH IS WEALTH! KauT" to ft v.-'-'.'.iif,.-:.: iV t ATM tff DR. E . C. WEST'S Nnrv and Brain Treatment a iriiamnte.d pciJle for HytrU, Dizziiiwu, onvul ion, tit, Norrou Nural(fi, Hedach, Neryou Proatratlon canted by tha dm of alcohol or tobaoeo, WaktuliiHi, AUnUU KnjiroMion, Koftonluj of tl u.. rolflnif in Inaanltt and laadiiia- to rulMry, daoar wi d dea.h, iiremalur old e, barrennem, & ( , fcauaod hy over-Axartion ol tha rraid iroh vj qoiitaina ona ro-ntb'a tratmeut, $1 a box or aix boiM for j, wut by mall prepaid on receipt o ortca. wip ni-inAVTE! 6IX BOIE3 TO CURB ANT eaan. Wit b each ordor racoired by na for aii boiea, acc.mixuilod with $5, wo will Bond the punhaaer our n.,i.rit to refund the money if the treat ment d'X not effwt cure. Guarantee lueued only by J. A. Curmaiivg, lrUi((;Ut, foje affont, Aloany, or, ? It PfiUi U l i 'J U I Mva or dreisod ii a STRICTU V-r-r k at A M . T X, VEGEl 'BLE PANACEA RO .fSJa.- HCH3S, r- .thc cum or AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARI51N0 mOM A DISORDERED STATE erne STOMACH OR AN INACTIVE: LIVERa row SALaT BV ALL DRUuGISTS a GENERAL DEALERS THE CRY OP MILLIONS OH, 7tY BKCKl TOr IT NOW. SOON IT WIIL aS TOO LATI. 1 hart bn trooMcJ nuuv yritr w!lh at or lha kktnrrt auj bavc trtnl man v dUlervnt rrmnTira and br ctt aid rrua UKiFmil pbyaiuaw. wilbottt rwlirf. AKwt the mbof Apri! I waa auUcriti( from a very Hlca attack that atiuoat ruwawtrd etc in aucb a Manurr timt I waa l-nt vvrr Whrnl atdotra tt waaalranat InipuuJMc lur ra klnVl tn a tunc, ur to put on tnr cMitn, witr FrxwMmca aral lf. lltu.rv, u! OK KCON K1UNKV TliA, tu law butcL I Imturdiatrl cutameucvd aaiuff tha a. II had an almuat miraculoua (!rct, and to th atua khatfot of all tha ftrwt at th hjtel, ia a trw il,I am brry t autr. that I waa a new sua. . wil rtnmmmt th Ua to all a.'SlMc a 1 lu,re tca. C. A. TTITEa, ITuprlrtof Orri.WaUl ILikl. Kaau auwa. Cal. aldany :on. wmm & EULBES.T mi. Real Estata Agont3 FaTDti anj Kucltei fr tala. AIo city broirty in All ao aud C'-iaUi. ACADEMY - Of Our Ladj cf Perpetual Help. ALBANY, - - ORHQON Condncted by the Slalt.. f K. rfii!irt TniHon Id aoiect dr ' bol rang, from I' jar llns Kch ol or any prtlot lata arp.y altb Aradetn -rt-U ad cut S latar h u por iorsaa. 3 2 2 Z 3 C S 2 3'2 S. I) tub ci:i.r.pnsjt:n . . . . t4 ,. CWSTH & IVEliSOfJ : - - - ' .' b.1 .4U ta : S-rall ires Cor KL-oracluradJI M 'J- ii V : " elicap Iron Ivii'.ttion .. j t! Sc-i fr.-l"ti'r.! d Ci-'tr kJ Price t it topj CMJTM A. WESSON, .j I"" as i. t r; -. t-. 4 . im VJoburg Lumbor. 1 aeli the Wat Innilwr ia ihetii unit ; also dar pcrtM, ihinvlcii, la I lis dnra ant ir e w nioolJiiik', ic. Price from $5o"22 r thouaand. Yard at Iiwrn, ct the Narrow Uaaga. 2a mo brf ira j orchiaii. 'tenter. V W CuAwroED. A.lre.PO'fll l, ') i REAL E"(TA 1'K FOB &ALE.-I bave a farm or 2tw acr, near Uww depot, on tba Harrow OsnRe, 10 n.i!Mt from Albany. All in cultivation. Fair boas and bai-. it m for tAor nd domoatic pnrpew. Fine oak gr Aloano!herfrm oi 128 acre, threr . t.m froji Letanoii, All In cu'.tlvat) Fair bouM. Oood water. Both f . wheat fa-oia. AJao bouae and twe juto on f ifib and Jaffernon atreeta. Alba 13-, For furth er prtlcu!ar cn'l on .. Umphrey,eot"3i procinct, or o llawilt A Irvini, A!liny, ZH A UMlHItEY. H. G. aVATSSa, Attorney at Law, ALBANY -:- OREGON OOIce la Ibe SUrabaa Black. I? a tja VVr2ITHYa A.i.i)i..87 Ana Conneiior At La7 ND- Sotav. ruhliCw ALBA-V CHECOH , L. tslLL, Physiciai and Buroon, OfHoo oor, 1 aud lurry Street, AL3ANY- OflSGON C.l.C.VVATSOrJ HUSTON Pbyuiciaii and Surgson. Office opposite tha Deueocrat. S. W. Paisloy, Utbany, tyracoa W KO L? ALB DEALER IN - T0313C3 aii Cisars. ALBANY C0LLE3JATE AL3AP4Y, OFtEGOr.. 18QO. 18Q1- tirt Teviis Opeaed lO'.e, If)99- A full corpa of instructors, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, LITERARY COMMERCIAL AKD KCSHSAL LASSES. Oouwm or study arranged to uttmt ib' sod of ail gradea of student.a. S fecial tuauctmsntt ojertd la ttiidcnli frtm abroad. BET. BITJB8T M C OXDIT bo 00 WT. will po 7 tha nboTo r.-rrJ for tpy rw, ff I lv ompUint, L'y)'.-pia, Eick HwAnchi, lfi7-o'.tkn fiiiv .ipaiion or CoitiTenHBv. we fjiictt r;r witn w?t', Kf-tablw Mvar llila, when h airetlna araatrtotly o;;li?d wltk. Tir i-e purely Ta-efcfc, nsTM fl to ijlve ttif..a. iiar('eK.i. lArj, hoxee, ont':;: " ' 5 eeaw. Beware af er;;i!et fi-e ai-t .'.. . eenala aafitiv ! by 1 A 1KU'EKT8 CltAUACTBH. Moinltty cvcninir n indivMuat cflVctctl Rn cn trance at tlto rear of H Orahnm'a tlroa store anil atole n tmnntlt v o( clntliina nn n ruaor bolniwlnir to lftnry NVortlmiU A tramp who Rave liis imuie ns Walker w arrcMted on midpicion ami the ruxor found ir lila uonsraition. lie wa brought lH'fore J untied TuriK'V on WiHluvwiny nrifr.iixiii but wbilo lin Klltiif a conmiltit Hon MitUliiri nttormy, apart from thu oilicor in rtianre. tbo prwoncr iiuute n bnuk br liU-rtv. Tl .attorney, bo "iv the bv." in not bo aialo n m wna twenty veara hastily uinuioned Uie Mak ii . At omrtit tins culprit waa ro- caplurtxl, but blli lieiim conducHil to tlie intttioe'a ollK-e he broVe nway airain nud it wag nut until a Inna cxcltliitf cIuuhj had ki'ii isnntivuicd thai he was taken into ciubiv and hunled at the lnr of jutice. Tboevliicnt'o brouuhtoutat the trial waa anitU'iuut to warrant hi deteii tinn far Appearance- nt the r.sxt aeion of the grand jury. -t'lirvallis tiasctto. Look oi-r rcn Him. A fjrmcr living between Klgbt Mll and Dufur, v.a p- iiroji liej a f !.ir iL'ti bv nnnarent'r an honeat ttianrcr, who 1clred to purchase M farm, le stopped at the houe ee. era! ilv, made all Brratu-nrtriiU to pur chase the p'cr and on the eve o( departing lr rrtinu to bring lilt lamur here, when he ascertained tb deplorable lu-t that be bad loot bl pocket Uotik The farmer loaned hint $15, for which he received the atranyert note. On the day appointed the iitm:pcctlna farmer drove l.ito the ci;r, cxpectlne to meet the gentle man wbo purctuted hi place, but ha did not appear, and be ha not trcn or heard of blin alnce. Ilia experience coat blir. $15, and It waa very cheaply earned; be et-.r, by evcrjtbi'ig tacrcd that he 111 never ita.t money tt another lUaner without rolUtrial "accurity. The Uaile T. M. WiiAr Will Albany ii thla year to puh her Inlercata f.-rn rd. Other valley towns cpcl to money In advertU lni their retouicca, Albany ahould do likewlof. Thcalmot uitiveraal verdict ol nu n yUitlnj the chlea of wrtetn Oreii'in, tou'li of l'oit mid, la I'nt tlila city ha the beit advantage. llrr manufacturing In. tereats are -well atarted. Iter raliroud fa cilllie aje unqutttionalt'y the beat Al bany I the centjr of a ina niikent country and all that U nrcettry U enterprise to puh her to the front. The Idea abould not be allowed to prevail that it U nece ary to wall for ral mad building It tome dltccflon or other. We will no doubt gel more railroad, but whh pi cent facllltict we arc many year in advance of our neighbor anyway, U'atJca our btldije and ewer tein we hou!d puliTor waid in aii poll!c dircciion. Tiig Uioiit Max. lion, Georga E. 'liaaiberlitin, of thin citv, lg Ixrint nu-n- for the t Rice .f attorney ai-iural of OrciT'iii. under the new 'law jul A4ffd, and t!e T"vernir will ln ntited y the frit-nd. of Mr t'hamlK.-r!a!n, n ho re luuion. to name Idm for the Mmitiou. Mr rhauiU-rJain is not only one of iho U'Wit popular, but its Weil, cne of the tnot cumpttvnt lawyer In the atate. and Ida appointment would gire univer sal aatitnetion here, a well a wherever be ia known. Ti.e mention of MrTbam-bf-rlain for tli roaition ia a tinsf ly one. he appointment of a Linn eonnl.r man of Mr Cham lierluin'a reputation would 1 omv a tn-ii rttv.i;itii on ol the annre- latton tliciil.tre l for the tovernof at the ballot and oa all other occasions In old Linn. Ntwroar TorA writer frotw Newport to Hie Corvalli Tlmt cutlic B follow: "J alio cnd a rroifrsm of tn Id line 1 lay which wa Riven at the per bouse at Newport Thurdjy even- Men may tiavel In Luinpe fr re finement and renown; thry may eek the grtatct th2tc, In the worH to test the haractcr rf ihc actor; they may acek for gold and glory, for land and Uvc.fjr the akin of camel and for ttie soul of men; b-jt bad they been at Newport, the gret iiimmcr reort and waterlog place of the world, they could for only twenty- nve cent, nave round all lhee icreal hlng combined. Theri ha been noth- hi 1 ukc th! play l.i the annaltof the race. it waexccu!ed bv home talent exctuivc- lv. and why hou!d l not hive been? Hurrah for Newport, b irohl Attached. PhcriflT Scott holds J C Hughes' well drilling machine under an attachment, and haa placed it in care of air Joim jMaxwtii. to It ta rreenneu thoae who want well or rock drilling done noma aidrea the firm of heott A Max well, wiio will fro directly to the bottom, but wo hope ' wot. an it aeema friend lushes haa, for Hughes went down to tli bottom Like McGiuty in ocean, Till a creditor baa got him, Ana stopped abort every motion. He dooa well when at rhyuiinfr, ioie maite vt-rsea much neater: But big caidi haa quit chiaiing ma anon purso uoes not meter. A LoNfj Rcy. Last Friday Garrett Ixin'a two buiy animals broko bxiao at hia farm six iniiegBOutliwestof Corvallia, and with a top bonify attached to them started for Albany at a lively rate with im eviueni inieniion 01 urcaxina the long diBtonee record of their worthy ffranduire, Alexander's old Lexington. They reached and paused through thin city, at a apeed which bade fair to ac complish tiieir purpoflo, but arrange ments for the event were incomplete tne icrryooat waa on the cast bank. Undirsmayed, however, they plunged in to the river and headed forth opposite ehore. The weight of the bungy here proved too much for them, and but for tiemty assistance they would have been drowned. Oazclte. A Pkculiab Cask Several days ago Mrs Murray, of the Exchange llotel.had a severe cotigniag spell. At the close she wag astonished to learn that she. couiu nor. see oui 01 her left eve. which with the other had lccn all right before. She has eince consulted several sunreona. inont of whom think a blood vcbhcI in the rear of the eye ball was burnt. The siKlit is completely gone from the eye, ami it is doubted if it can be restored. Besides consulting w ith several Albany curgeons airs ,-viurray nus ueen to Raicm and wil) go to Portland, to lesm if there is any possibility of anything being done. Coal Instead of Prunks. Messrs Fraeier and Berry recently purchased tract of land about a mile and a half south of town, intending In plant the same with prune trees. Latt week while preparing the ground the woikrnen unearthed a fine coal vein about three feet In thickness. The gentlemen at once commenced to develop the prospects and have now dug down about fifteen feet and are confident they have struck a fine vein of coal of no mall dimensions. They intend to con tinue their prospecting until they find out the extent ol the hnd. Eugene Register Albany's Chances Good. It Albany were only advertised moderately in the east and Mississippi valley, doubt, cause a goouiy snare ot tho tide of western emigration to flow toward our doors. Although we cannot expect the government to pour out its millions to develop Albany, as it ia about to do for Sidney, 00 Port Orchard bay, yet a little wholesome "hustling," on our own ac count would at least put ua amonir the towns which are to liavo a phenomenal growth m the immediato future. Own Year. The Salem Statesman has already begun talking about celebrating theAthof July. Hy the way this is Al bany's year, and the celebration should be a big one. We have four months In which to contemplate the fact and make arrange ments for the greatest celebration In our uiBiory. New to Us, The Boston opera com pany was billed to play here on Monda and Tuesday evenings but became stranc ed at Albany .-Eugene Regiitet. Ni one here knew anything shout their bcirf A Finis CoKcxnt. rrof torlllftrd'i concert at the Opera Houso.laat evening, though not attended by large audience, a.. . a a. . a. a waa ncaru uy nn appMclallv one, wiiiioui itiucn tietiuiiiMiravion, it was ft musical Ifftht, uiicawltlt choice diahea The program waa opened with "Ethio pian l'.ui Icmiiic," two pianoN, with eight iinnun. u iH'ttuviiui prouuution, well Cxe ented by Mlwsea Kva towan, Joyce Brow nell and lid nit and Murnle Allen. 1'rof !,oriIlard was then beard in "Agitation Spring 8ing," Mendelsohn, and daring the evening in "Love Hong," (Serenade.) AJenneu; taniasie, (.Uoonroschen,) F Ib'ivdel: Value NoO and 0. Cliooin. all diiilcutt produclbna executed with line feeling, a truo tout b and the Prof's well knowu oxprasMiou, which it la always treat to lienr, l'rof lorillard was also iioitrd ia ducta, "Man ho Ti lunphalo," A tiorln, with MIms Anna llouck, and "Hcatitit sof lklitarlo'aaine author, witli Mita Nora Xeysa, both musical crnta, l'rof W II Ie gang l!g Ben and Fog Hell. both by 11 l'ontet, Miss Mildred Hur nu'straeeotniftnist, receiving mtich fav orable comment, a good critic at a Dkm-ci-mT man's back remarking that the Prof, did the best in the latter the had ever hoard hiin. Mim Leona Willis, of Halem. atnjf'o Irvine Heart Treat On." (iottechalk, and. "Appear Ioveatthy winiiow," urrgh, receiving enthosiaatle encore to each, happily responded to. The IV.wik'kat will agree with Kalem on M i iiiia' ability as a vocaiut. There will lie only hannotiy on this point. Her voice is wonderfully pure and sweet.with good compass and (treat flexibility, a cornet in clearness. It Is a genuine treat 10 near ner manipulate it. Tas Junction Fiat. The cry of fire, at about 3 o'clock this morning, called our citicens to witness the third conflagration which we have bad in less than thirteen months. The fire broke out on Front street, in the building owned by Tom nitiiorn ana occupied by Morgan llouit, aa a saloon, it was situated not more than 20 feet north of Ulluiore'e hotel. North ol and attached to this building waa the one owned by Messrs BeetM and Craiit, the south portion being occupied by Mr Ileebe aa a boot and shoe shop.and the north portion was Mr Cram's jewelry store. North of the lewelrv atore was the Farmer's Home saioon buildlna own ed by ck'hroder At Matt, the managers. In this buildimt was John Kirk's barber shop. And still north of this saloon was a building belonging to Casper Kick- ard, but known as the Exchange saloon. under the management of Harpool Itroe. A second tmrher shop, the one rerently o(Mneit by T Milliorn, waa In this build ing. 1 hese were burned. rot more than 30 feet north ol the Exchange saloon is (i M Jackson's store of a-enerai mer chandise. For a time it seemed a though it, too, must go, but by hard work our tire company .assisted by many of ourcitutens, became maalers of the situation. Uiiniore" hotel was on fire not less than six different times.but each time it was extinguished. The origin of the fire is unknown, though it presuma bly was accidental. l'ilot. Lxa.ixo Kxraxa Item. W I Guy has taken out a 000 liquor license under the new aduiinslration. Messrs Kixer te Wilson have leased some ground and will establish a nursery in Lebanon. Mr Kiacr is aa ex perienced horticulturist. Uco Cobble and Kobt Whitcd, of this Place, were np the Calapooi last week. and Oiey report the enow from five to six ivet deep at Huckleberry, twenty live miles from Lrownsvlile. The carixntcrs of lbanon. to the numtier of eighteen or twentr. wet Mon day, evening and took step toward or ganizing a carpenters- associauon. Jas MaU belt received a telegram laat Friday evening informing him that his son, !r Frank i Matchett. waa seriously III. Mr Matchett look the train Satur day morning for Kockford, Wash, the home of bis son. A skirmish occurred over In Canada last week, between Kobt Foren and Jas Bostwick, in which the latter, being a weakly man, was pretty badly used up. O W Wheeler sold hia saw mill in tow n to Messrs Preston & Weddle. laat week. We understand the mill will be moved to the vicinity of Sweet Home. CrtAKoco His Vora. An Astoria pa per lelt the following legislative Incident! Mr Fox, from this county, bad a bill that he labored long and hard for. There was obdurate member In the houae who not only purposed, and so announced, that he would buck against the measure, but made boat that he would defeat It. With out this, and by the way, the men came from eastern Oregon, Fox was In a pickle, and the bill was In danger of blng lost. The eastern countryman was being cultivated he was cultivated In a much finer way than Is the field that a harrow cot up. "That man Fox is the best speaker In the houae," said the bucolic a few days after he had voted are for the paaisgeof the bill. "Why did rou vote aye' after opposing the measure?" was aked. .Veil, I'll tell yeu, there was no way out of it; I had to do it. After I made my big speech opposing the bill Mr Fox called me outside and talked to me a long time. Finally he pulled a life pre server from his pocket and said, 'l'ard, let's take a light.' We lighted, and well I SAfAHl ra " U anil JV aa ?l Vn ITnM'j went back and voted for Fox's bill." The Gardbn Spot. J R Klrkpatrick writing from Seattle to the Lebanon Ex pre av: "There Is only one agent here for Oregon, that we have met, who U paid anything at all to help turn this vast stream to the Willamette valley, and this gentleman I from Eueene. All the farming lands, that we can hear of, that are accetsible and can be bought, are now being sold at from $100 to $500 per acre, and when I tell them Ihey can buy better truit, garden and grain lands In Linn county for $20 per acre, they look at me In astonuhment and ask me where Is Linn county? 1 have already Induced three families to start for Lebanon this week,and expect some more to go next week. The more 1 travel and see ot thlr world, the more thoroughly I am convinced that Linn county, Oregon, is the trarden spot of the world, and If the proper steps were taken by her citizens to sdvertUc her tim ber and mineral resource, water power, and also her fruit and garden would not De long before her material wealth and population would place her in the front rank of any other part of this coast. Bcio. Born, on Thursday. February I9tlr, to the wife of M M Peery. ol this city, a daughter, orthodox weight Een Irvine of near Jordan was In town Saturday lie stated that they had caught and killed five coyotes in bis neignoornooa tnis winter. 8 JI Claughton. our old time friend when a resident of Lebanon, but now a resident of Chebalis, gave us a pleasant can last iueciay All parties in this' vicinity who have not yet paid their county and state taxes can find a liat of the same at the bank cf Bcio, where the same can be paid. This is quite a convenience to our citizens. John Curl received some fine coal snec- imerirj from the Carbondale mines Mon day. One about the Bize of a prize pump kin he said he was going to send over to the O P It K at Corvallig. PreBS. Crook Count. Wednesday night Emett Hoi in an and Jack Knox had an al trication In Ed White's saloon, In which Hoiman slashed Knox across the face with a knife. v Hoiman was tried before a jury in Recorder Summers' court Thurs day on a cnarge or, assault ana nattery, and acquitted. . : .A few stock men fed their flocks and herds during a portion of this week not because they had to do so, but because thev did not want to keep over so much feed. Five feet of snow was taking a re,t on McKay mountain last Saturday, and the mail -wagon was gotten over it with much diihcuity. f rtneville papers, A N&SAI INJECTOR free with each t'e,f Shiiobs Catwrh Remady. Price KIAfc ARB rCBAONAL, TttCHAnAY. Jack Shepard, of Cottage Grove, was In the city today. E E Montague, ot Lebanon, was in the city this forenoon, on hi way to Portland. A J Wilton, of the large advertising firm of Lord Si Thomas, ot Chicago, Is In the city. Geo Rout Cairs, the evangetlt,who has been holding a series ur meetings In the lisptlst church In this city, left to-day for Olfax. Walla Walla Statesman, Mr Willis Emberton, a mining expert.of Leadvllle, Col., I In the city, end will prospect the San Ham country when Ihc snow got off. Hon 8 M Pennington and wife, return ed lat evening from a trip to Union coun ty. They report some snow, there; but fair crop prospects snd stock as doing we'd. The Assembly Club's ball takes place to-night at the Opera House. Parmns Orchettia. of Portland, probably the best In Oregon.will furnish music for the occa sion. Mr O H Irvine, of Albany. Paat Grand Chancellor of tho Knights of Py'.hla of Oregon, was In the city Sunday Instruct ing the members of the lod.e In ihl city In some fcf the secret work of the order. Eugene Register. Rev Ram M Driver, son of the dUtta- guUlied divine, Or I D Driver,! this city. i presiding cider 01 ins iiaker t-tty di. trtct. "Sam" was a terror In his youth. out nas long since made the amende hon orable and Is now a noted preacher. Welcome. The shsdow party eiven by the Bona e( Veterans laat evening, at the GAR Halt, was a social success. An cnjeyable even ing was the result Eight or ten young ladles were auctioned off at prices that were mere ahsdows of their resl worth, less than 50 cents apiece being paid. A man now In Albany who was resent Iv la Dead wood City tell about a saloon there, over the door of which I the slen: Headquarters for Hobo". That would be a poorly patronised place In Albany.lor our marshal rarely allows one to get as far within the city limits a the front door of saloon, fhey are sent to Eutfcne and Salem, anywhere but Albany . Last evenlne-a nieasaattime was had In social amusement at the fin suburban residence ot Mr. lame Elklns. The evening wss spent In maslc, gsmee, etc.. snd a nice lunch wss served. Thoae present were Dr J C Littler and wife, Mr C A Brown and wife, Mr Richard Conn and wife, Mltse Claypool, Welch, Elklns, Slarbuck, Mead,Ysntla.Conn, Gard, Ride. out and Miste Farrell, Meara Charlie, Collins, Luther and Frank Elklns, Iss F Hall. U G Hale, U G Hayne, Mr McKay and Mr Thompson. It is rumored that H A deck has tired ot city life in Albany and that he re turn to this county .-Ochoeo Rclw, This reminds us of a little Incident thai happened toMrCleek, resulting In hi toalng his way, on account of the metropo litan nature of our city and getting Into the wrong house for hi own several night ago. Mr deck Is anxious that his Crook county neighbor do not hear about It, and the Prtnevlite papers sre requested not lo copy this item. ratPAY. Editor Dnirger. of Bcio. waa in the citv this morning. The Assembly club ball laat evenine-. is reported an enjoyable affair by ihot-e who attended. A fine snnner was served at tha City rrstuarant. Prof Lorillards' concert occurs tonkdit. lie will be assisted by Miss Leon Willis. of Kalem, snd our beat local talent. One cf tho beat musical treat of the season Is promised. Mr E J O'Conner. the eivit cmttaeer. arrived in the city last evening on a visit to hia family and friends, after several months siMmt at hut profession on one of the Hunt roads, and In other part of Washington. He will remain several days and then return to Portland to fin ish np his work. Conductor C C Kennedy, of the Oregon Pacific, has secured a leave of absence, of two days, and will devote the time to seeing the sights ot Albany, Monday and Tuesday, his first experience here ex cept an hour or two each noon. We mention the fact before hand so that our citixens can be on their guard. Tonight seven or eisht new members will be initiated into .Orgeana Encamp ment No H.IOOF. It will be made an extra occasion, and. as a result a large number of visiting members will be pres ent and aasist the Albany members. During the night a repast will be served. Among those In the city are the follow ing, from Harriabarg Encampment, No w. 11 11 c-iicrriii, iion X ncnooiiuR, Dan McClain, T i Anderson, J It Cart- airlekt A T IWI.Iia T 1 I al V.I. -, . u, a, w MVi"! , entine, M Fuller, V Davia, M W Canter, u oi Aiiora, a u Morris and 11 Beams. atvudat. License has been Issued tor the msrriase oi j c jncviun ana Eimira Lunaway. Vice-President Wm M Hoas and a ecn tleman from England passed out In i special Tuesday evening. Th visitor was straight from London.and represent ed large capital. Business. Toledo Post The Odd Fellows of the Encampment orancn oi me order. In this city, had noUble meeting at Odd Fellows' Hall laat night. Viaitins brothers from a dig tance were present. There were thirteen candidates to take through the Patriarch al .Golden Role and Royal Purple degrees. The session lasted from 7 o'clock last night until 6:30 this morning. Supper was spread for 60 patriarchs at midnight. The amount of work done waa phenome nal as every mree-unker knows, it waa a great event among Odd Fellows. A fine time was naa. Hi Brr. A petrified piece of some thing resembling a potato for a long time naa a resting place on the counter oi tue baggage room at the 8 P depot. One day a collector of curiosities for a New fork muBOuni passed through Albnry on the cars and during his twenty min utes stop hare, saw the "spud." He was told that it became petrified in a field across the Bantlam. and that a bushel of petrinea potatoes raised in tue same field were exoectei in a few days. The mus eum man was presented with the potato and told that it he would write when he returned home, the bushel of petrified spuds would be divided with him, and went oft rejoicing. That potato by this time is probably being gazea at in tne -csew xork museum. CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shlloh'i Cure. . , . ' Frr af Herlt. , The proof of the merit Juf a'plaater s th enics it effects, and the volant ry testimo nials of those who bave nsed Alloook's Por ous Plasters daring the past thirty years niiimpesohabl evidence ot tbeir so per tori ty andsbonla convince th snost skeptical .Self-prsiae is no reoomrosadation, bat oer tificate from those who have nsed tbem are, Be wars of imitations and do not be deceived by misrepresentation. Ak for Alloock' ana let no solicitation or explanation inuac you to accept a sabstitote. Alloock suorn ana nantoa entius ceet quick snd certain relief. Naw Blacksmith Shof. G V Willis has just completer his blacksmith shop at the comer of Second and Railroad streets where all kinds of Iron and wood work can be had and done in first class order Bring on yottt plows, wagons, etc., etc. tor reps if WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspopsi. and Ltv.r Complaint t Sailob V Vitaliaar is guaranteed to oar ya. WHY WILL YOU ooash when! Shiioh Cure will give Immediate relief. Fries 10 oents, CO cents aad $1. gects. j . , l'T AS BAD ASTUBHUOr GVSI. The slate of Connecticut, In three presi dential elections out of the last four, has given the vote of her six electors to the democratic candidates once for Tildcn and tlco for Graver Cleveland, During the same span ot sixteen years she has, in most of the congressional elect lons,choen (he democratic candidates In three out of her four districts. Why, then, one ms pertinently aok, has It happened that dur ing the same time, since 1876, she has not chosen a single democratic United States Sen tor, and has chosen but two since the republican party was organised In 1855 Why, also, ha it happened that except once, since 1876, all the state officer have been republicans, although usually In a minority ot the .volet? The answer to these questions Introduces a system so out of Joint with every just theory of popular self-government, so atrociously unjust !n lis practical working that one hariMy knows whether to condemn most sharply the republican audacity which perpetrate It or the democratic cowardice which ha thus fsr endured It. Oln tha old day the Connecticut town was the primal unit of representation. Ttds idea, rooted deeply In the history, tra dltlont and habitudes of Puritan Connect icut, wss grafted Into the present State Constitution when our ancestor drew It up In the convention of 1818. They gave each town the representation In the lower house ot the legislature which It had before and to each new town one lepresentailve. By later amendment this provision equal ising the town In the legislature haa not been substantially changed,, But the sen ate, which that convention left a popular body elected by th vote of th whole state, was by amendment In t8.8 changed so a to be, like the house, a "territorial" and "town" body rather than a reprsenta tlv and popular one. The Mlown Idea'' was thus made prominent and domtnent In both liojacs, The system was not so stilctly unfair in the early part of the century, when the towns were much rute nearly equal than tbey are now In population and wealth. Tha unfairness ha come about with the growth of the commercial cities. In 1818 there were but five cities In Connecticut, containing a little lea than 10 per cent cf the total population of the state. Now the twelve cities ot Connecticut contain nearly one half ot Connecticut' popula tion. Yet their representation as towns remsin almost exactly what It was seven year ago. They have but twenty-tour representative out at the i$j la the Icgl Istive tower house. These twelve cities gave at the last election a democratic plurality of about 5,000 votes, which had lo waste Itself on le than a tenth part of the legislature. A candidate lor a tute office must have clear majority over all, the elect i an otherwise going to the mlsreprcscnUtlve legislature. Not once since the republican party was organ laed bave the democrats had a leg! latlve governor. The republican have had legislative governors in iS;S (Andrew,) In (Hsrrlson.) In 1SS6 (Lountbury,; In iS&S (Bulkeley,) and they claim one this ycr, although their candidate, Merwln, I 3.6S6 behind Morris, 7,351 behind a dear majority over ail, and Morris, on the face of the returns, hat 36 votes over ail. It was practically also by the legislature that Mar hall Jewell was put In over James E Eogllah In 1871. Along with the stale officer goes also all the appointing power and patronage. At to United Slate Senators, the dem ocrats have had but two by legislative choice since 1S55. although they have had majorities on pluralities for their state ticket In twtlve state election out of the last nineteen. The republicans have also a complete heck on a democratic govcrnor.when the party Is so fortunate as to elect one. In deed, a democratic legislature In the stale, no matter what the popular Vote Is, has come to be looked upon a a genuine phe nomenon. Some of the anomalies in representation am amanng The town of New I Uvea, ia 1553, cast 17,817 votes. It chose tw represente- lives. Tbe little farm town of Union cast 11S votes. It has also two representatives. In (bat electron a voter ia Union cast a ballo which was the equivalent of about 150 votes ia New llavea. Ths latter Iowa has a tax list of I50i739.530; Union has a tsx list 018116, 543. Each has t wo member of the legitla tare. This is tbe relation of taxation 10 rep resentation in Connecticut. Ia the election of 1888-selected here on account of tbe fulness or the vote-sixty f mall towns, with a total vote of II, 11.851, seat 76 represeatatives, o about three-tenths of tbe lower boose. The town of Hanford, with 13,331 votes, sent two. and Nw Haven, with 17,827 votes, sent also two. The twelve Connecticut cities, with 73, 033 votes, sent 34 representatives, and the four rural counties, with 31,669 votes, send 109 representative. Tbe twelve cities bad more than double the population of the four counties, yet sent to tbe lower house only about wo-ftinthsof tbe number sent by those coun ties. Ten of these cities had tsx lists mount ing to 1176,390,907, and ten small towns ending the same number of representatives had a total tax list of $3,069,600. Tbe town of New Haven always sends s democratic senator who represents about 18,000 votes, Tolland county scads usually two republican senators who represent about 5,300 votes. The figures cited- may be supplemented by a few others which were compiled a few da ago by Prof Hubert A Newton, the well known mathematician of Yale College. His tables show that tbe 134 democrats in the state legislature now represent towns and districts which cast last November 195,840 votes, while 141 republican members who last Wednesday elected Senator Piatt represot only 73,144 votes. The change from this system csn come le gally in only two ways. One is by constitu tional amendment, which requires a majority- vote in the lower house of one legislature, at two-thirds vote in both houses at the session, oi the next legislature two years after, aed. finally, a-ratification by th people. There- publicans have this passage double fettered and hold both keys. Over and over again they have deleated the reform, and, whiles posing this yeir as "'blind they may let an; amendment through the first stage, they wilE take pains that it can get no further two yearst hence . Tbe other nd only possible way ouc i a constitutional convention, wnich tonven- tion can be called bv knnt resolution as easily as a simple bill can be put through both legis lative houses. ' Such a resolution will be intro duced by ths democrats at Hartford this week. Two musket balls wete recently fonnd o the battle field of Gettysburg, with their- points so thoroughly telescoped that they could not be separated. ;' They had met ir mid air Had they juot passed, each might have kilici iVn - ' " - -j f 1 I- THE DKMOCilATS M HILVKIU ' The democratic party will not perish of silver. It has been afflicted with a hard money "erase" ever since the formation the federal government, but It has managed to survive a great many other parties which have come and gone Ir, the mean tlmr?. The party cf Jefferson, of Jackson at.c of Tilden may be relied upon to give th conntty a stable and sufficient currency. Its money, unlike that of its enemfcit, will be always cotisltullonsl. Its "mint-drops, H whatever form they shall take, will ring true on the counter, feel comfortuble In the pockets of the pi-p!e and stand the constitutional teat In the courts. The silver problem Is sn easy one com pared to thote with which the party of the constitution has to frequently dealt. A currency of gold and silver, or of psper Instantly redeemable, maintained by lit Own Intrinsic merit, Is tbe democratic currency. The Babel ot tongues over stiver is Idle and groundless. The dimocrscy, it should be remembered.comcs to legislative power In the popular branch of congress after March 4th. It will favora doubtful sliver dollar no more than a doubtful gold dollar. No one wlahes it. No democrat has ever ask. ed it. Mr Cleveland.ln his letter to the Re form CJuh,sys It must not be. Gov. Hiiljn Ism pre ample exposition to th Jefferson Club ct Brooklyn, declares It shall not be. No free-coinage man between the oceans but justifies his demand upon the dlatlnct ground that the silver and the gold dollar III be put upon an equality and will re main upon It, It Is ttds, and this only which he seek. Where I the mighty difference of prin ciple among democrats? It la a question Only oi expedients and of methods. Time and dlciIon will develop the solution. Tbe counsel which try every question by the unfailing touchstone ot established political and economical principles are never permanently darkened. They will clear In due lime, and democrats, when It assume the responsibility, will find the straight way to the object which It leader and people, with one accord, desire. Let the Bout bo n Federal rave and the Mugwump Imagine a vain th'ng. We are not Risking presidential candidate at present. It I no question between Cleve land Bad Hill or the east and the west. The business In hand It to produce a cur rency ot equal gold and silver, as Irrc -proacbable as that enjoyed in the better days of the republic, In the golden ae o democratic admlnUtraiion, and, In so far as the metals were .concerned, undi.turbed until 1873. That done, we wlil name can didate and elect them elect tbem by the votes vf New York and the gold slates, and by the votes of the west snd the silver stales, hitherto Impartially harried and pillaged by monopoly taxation. But for the continuous plundering by the republican party and the consequent distre ot all classes the silver question woutd scarcely be a attest loa to-day. It wlll be no question after the democracy has had a fair opportunity to deal with It. New York HW. One of the snost inexcusable Uun-iei made by tbe legislature was the' refuel tu make a suitable appropriation to mate a proper ex hibit at the World's Fair. The blame is no entirely upon those w bo were naturally opposed to any exhibit at alb Bat much of it is attrib utable to a self constituted few who took the whole matter ander their own gutrdiaa wings aad demanded, at if by authority, b-t $350, 000 should be appropriated, aad then pictori- lly represented all who opposed this sum as being hayseed' "moss back aad squash kind cf peoplelwbo were too ignorant to know what was best for tbem. Tbu created more ntagonism and prejudice against tbe move ment thaa was aroused by ail thereat oppo nents of tbe movement. Over-zeal is quite frequently more damaging to a cause than lack of it. Ignorance of this truth oltea leads thos to defeat a mcsiarc that they very ear nettl adorse. The republics a stale convention of Micbi gaa a few dsys since adopted a platform in favor of free and unlimited coinage of silver. Great Scott 1 What will the gold bug editor of the Orrfonin have to say about the recalcl tiant attitude of his political friends in tha sUtc? Here is a remarkable esse oi "principle1 that in the end will be sacrificed to the im perious demands of party necessity. These grand old republicans of the lake Slate will march to the polls in 1S93 and with great party enthusiasm vote for a gold bug candidate on a gold bug platform aad the Orrgouuin will lustily proclaim "great and immutable are the principles ol the g. o. p." To make an Impermeable glue, soak or dinary glue In water until It softens, and remove It before It has lost its primitive form. After this, dUsolve rt In Unseed oil over a alow Are until it Is brought to the consistence ot a Jelly. This glue may be usd for joining any kinds ot material. In addition to strength and hardness, it has the advantage of resisting the action of water." A queer phase of "the coldest winter of JIe century" In Europe I that in northern Norway and Scotland the season is milder than uaual The heavy snowstorms In Tunis and Algiers which have occurred latcly are event quite beyond the rang otthe experience of living men who have ever been outside of northern Africa. When Mr Cleveland writes a letter he doe, wot deem it necessary to ask its recipient to burair. His lettars are written for public craliay. - ' The republicans are wont to say tht Gov ernor Peaover is "cranky." W ll so he is just at the tight time, and most of his "cranky" acts stsrengtben him with the people. Ia Yorkshire the English peasant ii happens to see tbe new mcon without having i.r. of silver monev m bis pocket iramedi- - 1 - ately turns heels over head to cbange his luck The highest diurch-SDire in the world o - Jaat been completed. It is that of the catbed ral at 01m, Wtntemberg, and is 530 feet The question bow is what steps are to taken to proceed with the grsat bridge Alhanv. The matter should not be allowed - 1 Noticb to Farmkkb.-Wanted at chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, f raita. butter, eeca, and all kinds of once dried farm nwvlnr-a. for which I will pay the hi. Mi-. rrk:a in cash or in exchange wnrwlL &. W. Slat SOX, Albany, Orego ct F"Tr.y;ss 'NTO-HTS; made muirt; vt t -r;U tbiioh'sCtu ia t ODEfiDFUL PSORIASIS Covering Knl! re Body with White Scales, gafferlng Fearful. Cured by Cutlcora. Vf diwi fpeorlaela) rt broke etrt en mj left ehm-lt, eprvltg aroM my noes, awl altnoat eov ring my few.. It run Into my ye, and th hylrbMi u frel4 I won 14 loew toy eyrtlijM lto;'rtl..T. It urel ail ovmr my bead, and me rew hair all fell oat, until 1 waa morel raid.awaded; It UHm brotc oot on my arms erl ahonkler, until my arm war jiiet oiw until. 1 1 covered my ei'tlr body, my fane, head, owl houkir blfif the wnrat. Th white mbs fell eoneuuitiy from my heed, nhoutdt r, aud arm; to akin would thlckea and be red and very iw.hy, and would erark and bleed 1 anrabrbnd. Afwr apendtng many aundrada of dollar, I waa trnituiuiuwl tiHr.KU , f I or tR Cimenia Keitsmg, and after oelna tw lrttlf, C!TI!B ltKi,Va)T,I ftotlid M a fhia-J and atlnr I had tiskea four bouke, 1 waa t,n.,t ; ondwhon I hud. eire.l l bov.!e of l;;!..f l.i:...ttT, one bo of CtTicviMnd r;ki of 'iTic.t:n fci I wa ojrrd of Um d-4.vl.wl .i.v-r from w&ii-b I bad auffered for five , I .-r,n.jt enoraeewlth a pea what I en fferrd lH!f! -i-inx nt Urntoiea. 'J boy eared my life, and I fee I ii my duly to recommend Uien. My fcalr is rwlim-d ae r-od a ever, and o 1 my y!K-nl, Um. UOu.k K&LLV, UookweU City, luwa. Cutlcura Resolvent n..y THmoJ Pur! (lor. Internally (to !ese lb !;j of ail Ifftpurltie and poteoooua elemental, d ( .criccaa, the great Mkio Cure, asd CtTltua !, un iBin Mkia ftvauuner, ceternaily (to c'.-ur !b. and ecalo and feature Ibe kair),bV enre J lhues;Ki of caao where lb ebeoVll; of "-'' M-neured a quart dally, tiw akin cracked, b! -i)li', burning;, and Itching almoet beyond rmor..i-e, batr lilt lew or all om, an Serine- terri. b.e. w bat other rtwnedlw bave aud sues cure? P..:.J -vTjfwlMtrt. I-rle. Crmcrm, SOe.; Boa. iUwwht, At. 1'repaml by the l"OTT Hiwt Ann (-fiSHit at, Ccmi-obti'm, Uoatuo. t errm.t tot " liow to t or t-kta iHtnuut," M f ''. M idlrwUoa, asd 109 teeumooiata. DP-31 'K"i '''' be!,rd. rough, eharped,aod I I lit otiy eklfi cured by Ctmccaa Soar. IT 8T0P8 THE PO.- Bark ache, ktdtie-v nettta. hnflmaUea, and mtucnlar palaa ro lw4 In ona nlnau by the Ctul- " Aiio-iaia fiaatar. xc -OF- My Spring Stock is now the latest ress Both in WOOLEN and -To The Make a Specialty of Ladies Special D Ribbed and Muslin. My Pbices are the LOWEST and my Goods tho Best. Am sole agent . for the Celebrated F.H0SIE Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison : To The Men Call and Look at My values in Furnishing1 I have a Large Stoci at the Lowest 1 cairy a ill line of tbe worU-renowed BROADHEAD goods, unexcelled Gniah. Large stock of EktBBOlDEaiES and Flopscisgs. Cal ced Ihxt Albany ia the best trading point in Oregon. "W. . IE- 2E3 j: nn?. - for wear at and be coi v fur, n . i it i I "1 j U3 sadV-i .flasfrfi '.n'si Hi V f-':-wx-fcwa itiWaWTisis aTsa ..i mi it mmm -xmmm m m sm tmmmmammmmmmmm nanHmmams and ret lilORE POWER nmmm una uuu k&ww Writ foe our New Illustrated CtoloSae ol WATER WHEEL&EKS1NE CO. PniKCFlEsJP,00.S.A. THE LEFFEL WATER n Lf THOMAS he NEW STORE."a MITCHELL, has high Uiil igrlciiMaral loplcnenti. & c!iiclcs be tor ' City ; 'Restaoraat. ' Having been entirely remodeled, this old snd popular resUarant will b mad flrt das n every rerjfsct. Tbe public will be ivoa good meals at all hours for ouly 2.7 cent. Efortbii)K neat and attractive, i'rivat boxe. 0sttr lo vry stris. 0B. G. A. WHSTflEY, Physician and Surgeon. Gradnst of Bs!!vo Hospital Hsdlcal Jalleg Now Yrk City. , Disease of warca a specialty . sVOtfia tw' Rriok, Albany, Or. PHELPS, Job Printer, 1 st . Sfc. Albany r-ct stock or 2r.d $r ;ood in the V . ey, and tbe mont rea .ai price, both n I, . aclticg. i have on hand ll k'u FURNITURE, STOVES, TfHWABE toxs, books, mv&m CLOCKS, CRGCKr-JW, , ETC., ETC. 7 do.jr weat of S E.Young If store L. C0TTLI&B v City Heat Market. WMl UUt Prsprletorg. liwp full liD of maaU of all kiad, in a cool piae), compIsUiy pro SstAod; and always fraad. Store. Announcement Complete, Embracing all Novelties in Goods, WA3H FABRIC? Ladies,- Underwear, m knit .-Goods, Prices ever-offered i the Valley. AflY EADAGIIE linsYcuWair BUT CURES NOTHING CLSZ. Albany Cigar Fact y, J. jJesejjn, -s- Prcprietor. WHOLESALE & BET AIL' glfOnly White 1 abor EmpioyeQ n ii yy 1 ILiiLLi It you want the best and most durable furni ture that is manufactur n -i . i . i a jaljea m xne city iv BRINK'S rsrjfEW GOODS. & ; LEWIS CO El it II