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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1890)
lite gcuwflcat. FRIDAY AUGUST 1, 190 8TITE3 Klltor a it 4 Kurriaa triHriHr. LOCAL ItKCOlM) Tub Excursionists, A Dkmochat man and twenty or thirty oilier ettixena o( Albany were at the depot Saturday even" ing, at 7:4a, when the excursion train con J vevlng the. "Noble of the Mystic Shrine to San Francisco (topped at thl citv ten minute for water, it wm the llvest, bent nctuied crowd about ever seen ami the time was erient dancing jigs and singing popular tongs with a guitar eoi' Tnent.onthe depot platform. The party wm about evenly made up of men and women, young and old. The men wore their Turkish cap with the word "A! Kader" on them, a well a the badge of their office, and on the car In big letter wat the word Mecca, except the last car, which wa a l'orttand atta.hment,conuln Ing Hon E B McKlroy and other promin ent Masons. The 1'kmim.rat man had the pleasured meetlnif I Ion George Wrt, well-known New York Congressman and editor of the New Yoik 1'rcs, also a former friend of Hon Walt Mead, of thl city. Went U a bunch of animation and wa one of the llvest men In th crowd. The train wa in charge of Conductor Comer, who i making matters pleasant for the party. At Salem '.hey wer fruit ed In fine style, at Portland given a Mg re ception, and one of the party remarked at Helena given an ovation. CaooK OorNTY. Harvest is In full blast, anil farmer ar generally jubilant over the return they aro gittiig fnr their year's work. J L I.uckey and family will leave Trincville next Monday for their future home in Salem. Horace. Pillard returned last Friday from Hunts, and ia now making prepara tion to return thorp amm. lie t tn to again take editorial charge of the Har ney Valley Item. The recent count made- ly the etncim enumerator showed the tMiiiiilatioii of Prineville to bo MO, and that of the nre cinct to I KUa. Frineville baa no kick to make an her population is fit II v as great as anybody had estimated it to be. About one o'clock hint Monday after noon three stacks of hay, containing alniut fifty 4111a, were destroyed on S K Slayton's ptace, three miles Kve town. Review. Charley IUwitt. The wife of Chan II Hewitt give a sketch of his life in the Oregonian, making him out a pretty good kind of a fellow, lie was lxrn in i'latt.--burg, N. Y., Aug. 12th, IS."). Studied law at Albany, N. Y and afterwards came to Albany, Or., thence to Portland. She rcfera to "Ids character as follows: "He was of nervovs tcmpc-ratm nt, hi:li strung and nuiek temp- red, but ijuiek over it; and always forgiving. .s a youth and young man he was tein mto, only taking to the accursed cup w hen overtaken bv care and family troubles of early life. Mr Hew itt leave's a large cir cle of loving friends, connections and rel atives at the Fast, a hrotht r, I'ham-v S Hewitt, of Little Hook, Ark., one sifter, Mrs DeniU Rice, of I'oultncy, Vt., ibis mother, Mrs A U Vail, of Fairhavcn.Vt., died some five years sinew,) and a young, devotee! wife, w ho was u recent graduate of the Willamette Medical College, and one daughter by a former marriayc, now in Oregon, to mourn his sail and tragic death. I Sal gently with his faults, ami him "that is without sin among you iirt cast a stone." " Tm Pionser t Pt.xf.ras. The ven erable Lindsay Applegate. ..ho has been 'll during the past several ironlha, i well again and walking atnmd. He mar we!! be called the pioneer of pioneer, who led the hosts of civilization to Oiegnn. Away back in 1843 Lindsav Appleuair, with hi two brotners, started the fiist emigrant train for the land whose great rlvrrj-'lieard no sound save it own d.ihiii;," and he and G. W. Parker, are the only survivors, of that historic ttain. News of the death of Fremont, the "pathfinder, reaching the old veteran the other day, his clear gray eye lit up with remlnlsct-ncrs of the day's when John C.Fremont won the in glorious credit of having made th pathway which the Applegates and their companions brought into existence as e re ilt of their effort to get over the Koekics. The Applegates were the pathfinder-,, but Fre mont, without a scruple ot conscience, gobbled the credit. Klamath Star. Ilia Team Dihafi-eahld. Morday afternoon a fanner from near Millers station was in the city with a couple loads of wood, his son driving one ol the teams. In the evening the farmer left his teams near the Red Crown mill and came up town on business, and protiably to quench hia thirst. On returning he found the wagon all right, but his horses were gone and his son with the other team had gone. He immediately thought his team had been stolen and so reported to the police, remaining over night in the city to find out alxjut the matter. It is probable the boy unhitched tlicin ana iook mem home. nere were no circumstances to show that they had been stolen. A Lively Mektino. Tie railroad commissioners arc in regular session at the state house to-dav,"says the Journal. There is no case up Is-fore them and the only new business trans- cateu is the sending out blanks to all the street railway companies requiring them to make an annual report of their finan cial condition, the amount of rnd oper ated and the kind of power used, w ith sundry other answers. The law allows the commissioners to inuiri; into the condition of street railways, though it has not been required of them before. At th? Bay. Parties fron the Bay report live times there. Reporters are en joying themselves In a hug? manner, and Albany ha It share of tin in. Hiding, bathing, flirting, etc, Is the order. The ar rival of the strainer Willamellr, Sunrixy wat an occasion worth witnessing. The steamer (imply followed a tug ar.d passed over the bar a cadly a over a wave. Camper find living at the bay remarkably cheap. Newport ha some pleasant store keeper to do business with and their prices are down. Cheek. A pension agent advertises in a Lebanon paper that he "confers direct ly with the commissioner ot pensions. This !s first rate in it way, but It is a lung way behind the firm which adver tise that "John Raum, who will attend to all business in Washington,' I the on ef Mr Green B Raum, the commiss ioner of penstons. Ex. Fruits. Owing to a failure of theap pie crop In New York and other promi nent fruit states, tne price of dried appjfs this fall promise to be higher than usual, and good figure are sure to prevail, sav a good authority at this city, on the sub ject. Farmer should be careful about selling to traveling speculators; but wait until the market settles Itself, when local dealers will give the best figures to be se cured. Som New Men. The Oregon Pacific has a new Superintendent, Mr Stevenson having retired. Mr Denham is the new man, and he 1 from Florida. The road also ha a new train dispatche.,at this city, Mr Charles Clark. Mr Abbey, who has filled the position so well for many year, having retired. The Democrat will r.ot attempt to give the "ins and outs" of these change,and couidn 1 11 it desired. Aw Annual Occorrs.nce. For many years Mr William Peacock, of Clovcrdale, has Drougni nis nrsi ripe watermelon to the Democrat office, and the result is he hasTiouriBhed and prosperity has shone on him. This year he did likewise and tike all hi melons the flavor is delicious Hops. Hops are raising in good shape thl lummer, and good price will prevail, better than for aeveral year, and high enough to create a satisfied expression on the countenance of producer. Saturday a hop man will be In the cltv who will contract for hop at 17 cent per pound, and advance 6 cent per pound for pick Ing. Linn's Population.- Supervisor Kelly Inform u that the population of the three principal agrirultmal counties In the Willamette valley is as folio in round number: Lane, 14,000; Linn, R. It. Ri MOKfl. Thoso are the days o? Oregon Pacific rumors, and it Is a quiet day that dtcs not liavn a now one. "1 hear that the Southern Pacilic has got hold of the O V," aava one man. "Yes, where did you get that?" "Oh I I picked it up." Sure enough. Another man learns that the Union Pacific will get the roan, and if It does will push con struction with a vengeance, whereas the S P would do nothing. Probably tho nearest correct is that lMair and com pany, of tho Chicago A Northwestern, has secured a controlling interest in the road, and it is stated that they have nroliahly done so.or w ill lw able to do so in a short time, ' It has been generally understood for sometime that a game of freereout was Wing played, and that as soon as the game was finished the 5, tXHt.OOO secured on bonds a year ago, and sineo then in the hands of trustees, would immediately 1h put Into the con si ruction of the road. fh annual elec tion, it Is prolmbly correctly stated, has not yet been held. Isdng post (hiiici for divers reasons, and indicates somethiitg. Where there is so much, smoke there Is of course some fire; but it would take a prophet to get at the Uittom of the mat ter. There is little doubt thatsometliing is going to happen, ami that a certain amount of work w ill be dono this fall, how much is speculation, as well as which rumor will materialize. Sv to Siiovs Green Coffee, city cl.t tihhin ; that sounds we I, and front all re pot l m a merited honor. Mr John Simeon ha secured control of the St l.i warehouse and purpose using It for the pur.e i f hunillin outs the pres ent season. Mr V I lluhbaid.the veteran California hop man, with headquarter at Salem, ha been trni saoilng business in this eiiy. He made one offer of 1 7 j c. The I.ih.inon Kxpres alludes to our new rahn mines as In inn ''near l.el snon." That i nil 1 li'.ht, hi oilier, hut tie mine are eonsU, r .M neuter Sell than Lebanon an I should he tefeired to a the pairt ml. ten near Soio, all 'he same. Few ci'los; of the importance of Sclo can boal of n much irsi fenieiiire ocauty a Is kt ctt upon our lli.iiouyli.'itu s every Si nday fteinoon. It doesn't cost twentt live cent a box. either. All that class went to Alba. iv h swell the wimh Pres. A K I'.Aitiov, the Ktnixxh voiun. man riprcsentlsg blnisolf to le a SeatiV real estate dealer, ho lie. Walla Walla peop'e, "fe I Mit'01 g thieves," is poker sharp. In l 'd cl i, and wa relieved of his surplus null Tl.l the H-v), pel. Imp. .Ui. u he had no p.iv his hi:i at Walla Wnl'a Pendleton K t. The hero of the uhovc slseleh was In Albany a mrnih or m aijo, seliiug Seattle tors, 01 lv ilispissi.ig of one, on which he rece.vrd a Mtiall advance pan:ent. We are Informed no deed ha been recelv. ed for it; hut do nut kno.v an thing a In. ut the 1 htratter of Hilton ft cm li .Ihanv reco'd. v1- hi'e here he murdered lawn tenuis uini'; ?li:it is the only mean thing C know ahout him I r It s N. I It dawned iijtn the Ore goni.ots that the tk id I .king Unit cen sus wa ;H-rformvd !y then -elves, and if it was done in a !erpy w the fault may possibly have lain in the sVepine cd the H-..ple from whom were ie:ted the nun who took the cei:c. Live enutreraiors and skjh r i-M ni c (unl amoni; a live people, and that's what the mutter with the Oregon cn.u. - Spokane Review. Vurh ohlivjfd for the compliment to Ali'i'.s. 1 1n rr arc no buzzards on ti", u on our ct i.mis t.ikf-r "I be huiards Hew ni.'ili over Sab in and Portland. ONi VkkMI S OK I J. Wid I) Jtftkill, tiotter in nrwpi'per hart.. ., was at the head of the eii-ns'enutnera'ioti in Vah'd his -talc his n i iht to hi- p'oixi of his work, sav the I' Mereury. He surpiised the nati e bv the mountain of figure lie riled up. The census ol Oregon wa laker, by a lot of back inctn her corps, and the native have i!o twen surprised -bv tht-grave-vard populaiionof the stale. There i a heap of d fferrnce between the ani i.atc and the Itumiil.lte census-takers, Fko.m Gstcs Hasin. Mr. Richard Fox.atrived t'i the citv Monday from Green Hasin, bringing with him a couplw picture. one of his mountain residence, wiih hint self in the foreground, the other of some of the grand o'd trees in that Cuunlry; both taken bv Daisy Moore, the Green Basin saw mill started up Monday. It will have a capacity of eight or ten thousand feet per day, and has some of the finest timbei Inlheworlc to work on. S. W. Reece, R. N. Moore and family, are the Albany people now located there. A Si'Ecri.ATivK Woklij. It is stated that active work will noon be resumed up on tlie Oregon Pacific's road, which is now climbing the Cascade mountains, says the 1 Id. road w. II come 10 toiia within five year and will make one j of the most popular mi road on ibis coast, by reason of its magnificent scenic attract ions. It wi'.i also lc a very orofitab e line, tapping the lich valleys of Oregon and terminating at the finest harbor in the world, which I also the American port' nearent to the Orient, Quite a P.oiiiiekv. Mis Kev. Han leiter has returned from a visit to Staylon, where she was unfoi lunate in meeting with quite 1 oss by robbery. Sunday she went to chur;n with Mr W B Adams fam ihr, wiih whom she wa visiting. While gone a robber entered the house and stole in money and Sito worth of jewelry belonging to Mrs Hanleiler, beside other ardcles cf less va'ue. No clue w ac secured as to who committed th act. Evi KmkkbdOlt. .Vond'.y after noon Mr. John !!res!er, section band on the Southern I acilic, nt llalsry, was driving a pfl.t ,' h-n a glan- lug blow threw it direct !v 1 It his eve. Mirrahv gouging ih. f e 1 out. Dr. Maston, S I' surgeon, t. n.Utaphed for and went up on the rvciilng train funding the unfnr tunate man suffering great pain, Vnd did ifll that he could to alleviate the ame The eye, though, was a complete ruii . P.o.vm ok Tkadk. A special meeting of the I5oarl of Trade was held this fore noon to consider the matter of securing a re-enumeration of Oregon. On mo tion the secretary was directed to wire our representatives at Washington to use their bent fliorts to secure a re-enumeration. Albany has no kick lo make. In fact the work was generally prcttr well done in this county, but take the state at large and undoubtedly the census does not begin to do the state justice. Salem's B Si L A. - The directors of Salem Building and Loan association met at the office of the Union Title Abstract company In the Bush and Brey block last evening and loaned $800 at seventy-two months, interest in advance and $500 at sixty-seven months, interest in advance. There were some $600 left over, but there was no bidder for it, so it was carried-over to the next meeting, the first Monday in September. Statesman. Boat Riding. Mr Clyde Patterson, ac enmnanied bv a nartv of vouna friends. arrived here yesterday aiternoon from his home in Eugene, having sailed down the river in a boat of his own building, , -- - v .11 . which he calls "Pat." The party found the Willamette somewhat rough sailing in its present stage, between Harrisburg and Albany, but they made the trip all right, Salem journal. Rats. The Democrat is under obliga- a ! A A T CaaI 4Yia nof 1 inn sitMinr. IrlUIlB W JXm IDnif ItlJU lUDVll.ltj mer, for a basin of young rats.not old enough to stir, not even their eyes being ooen. Now. we truess Salem papers will never again refer to Albany as the little sister city. We dislike very tuucii though, to rob Seal of his supper. A Good Thresher. The threshing machine owned by Hammock & Wilson near Lebanon, of the Advance stylo of machine is a dandv. The other day Geo W Taylor feeding, it threshed 226 bush els in 84 minutes. This is hard to beat. Wall Papeb. I have just received roui the cut a lar3 invoiccof wall pa cer, borders, decorations, etc., including the plain ingrains which aro becoming very popular. These goods are better styles and cheaper than ever before, Samuel E Youno. Will Lcave 'tiie Strkkt. Dellverv wa ons will l"ave ths strest In the fore noon on lirt trip at 80'cloc k, sharp: ec nd trip at IO o'clock ; third trip at 11:1 1 o'clr k. Albany Delivery Co. Best roast eoflee in the city Conrad Tut Spokane- Exposition. The follow ing prises have been offered by this ex position : 100 in gold, to the farmer who har vests the largest vlold of oats on any one acre. UK) in gold for the lcst yield of barley on any one acre. With these iiddilioimt urUes tho not unimportant sum of fHHKt has Ucu con tributed to te eontcsiea tor among, ine farmers. The prixea are distributed as follows: , Best acre of wheat. fW Best UK) acres of wheat, 2(H) Best aere of barley, - - 100 Best acre of oats. - -100 Beat collection of minerals, 300 Kvery farmer w ho cultivates his land should enter tho contest. There is no charge for entry, and it w ill cost them nothing to take part in the contest. No tify J ll Townsend, of this city, In order that the proper record can Ihj made. CoavAt.i.ts. Mrs. Carl l.udcrman, her two children and Mis Ada Wallace, of Baker Cltv, arrived here yesterday, and are the guests ot Mr. II B William ion. We know of n. cases of l.t grippe In town, but we do know of alniut tsts'ioo ten penny 11 ills that have lost their grip on the sldcw'alk and are standi 11 if up like quills on an enraged porcupine. Who will s'rlke the first blow. The Second jury trial of Chas. Reed for cruelty to animal In Justice Carlisle's court last week resulted In Id acquittal, ll was all a mlsrake, Charley treated hi cayttse with all due respect and affection and the county's exchequer I the only thing that bn been Injured. Time. Trsrhrra KxamtaatlaM. Notice is hereby given that the regular public examination of teachers for Linn county will take place lit Albany, com mencing at I o'clock, on Wednesday, August 27th, lS'.H). All teachers th'siriug examination will please l present at the tiegiiitiitig. Teachers desiring state certificates should present their receom Herniations from district txmrd at the above time. ti. F. Id sski.i., k County Sclusd Stipl. St i.riiihKii (ikaI'1'ai.i.v. One O P man seems to le .solid w ith the Co. lie is the subject sketch : of the following social A novel surprise was given Sir l- C' I ruiavj Is iitg the -iOth anniversary of his birtlt day. The guests assembled individually as though simply making a call ; hyNiJlO all had arrived." He could not windcr staud why so many of his friends select ed the same evening to call, until Mr lit gers arose- and called Mr 1 login to the chair. When he ciiuiu forward he was presented with a line othec swivel chair. Corvallis Times. at J. i. rti it. i 40- Fh orange. F.jiU Ito-e and other petntocs, C'oklc and cri ktrs, Piled fruits. Fresh gaiden products, All kinds canned goods, Oa'mcal, corn meal, lionr, etc., I h kit, lel.shc, etc. ' Kvcrvlhlng found anywbeie. Jwsl Mrrrltetl Watermelons, Gtape. Kgg plant. Peaches, I'luills, Cabbage, 'ucumlM-r, Scjuash, Peppers, M usktneluns. Sweet potatoes, Tomatoes, Lemons, lilac klnl lies. String bean-, 'I iirmps, Apple. tiarilc. Call raily Aiul secure the best. Mui.i.iR A GAi arrr. Oi k Poet xation.--Business is often an imlication of the opti!atioti of a city. Julgii:g from the mnuber who rush into Conn A Ilchdricsoit'a for groceries Al bany is the largest citv in the valleyY This linn keeps a first-class stK-k of gro ceries and fresh produce, a fact generally appreciate.! by a large trade. For ber ries, lruits, vegetables, canned gisls, to bacco, crockery ware, etc., call on them and get bargains. Hlum's-i ' imported st-vlii.m Clanid 6075, Titus (.VJ34.) ciobs fwund st Tn e Hi o stahir, (Miktu,!!' ..I I st.t',).ht b wtl. n il. Inn-.ird l.tjitil.-r 'l mares t n the mi-, sun. New embu.Ueiies, flouncing, lace flouncing in-o'ton and silk, black and cream. Lace in imitation point, also new designs in b:c ...o white lace, Including Vandyr.k and Eifel Tower. New ruching. S vMi r.i E Yovno. Fixa Disi-lav The finest display of fresh frulis and vcgclfibles can lie seen at Mueller A: (Barrett's. Don't fail to read over their list and p ace an order. Wastmi. The undersigned detlrcs to purchase the usual amount of baled hay and cats for I.I- barn in this city. Vhosr having either or both to sell should call on ine at once. L, Skndkrs. Gan.vr .'Ji-Aftiiirta. G W Simpson ha made a great slaughter In price on ad summer good to close ihtn out ttatnely : Lawns tint we sold for uj 15 if, 16 reduced to S cents. All wool challir thul we -old for 20 25 30 reduced to 15 cent. CfUiiies that we sold for 10 12 ($ l(t$ reduced to 7 cents. SattccnsMuit we no!d fur lfj'i 20 30 reduced to 15 ces'. And a general reduction on all summer gondii. Look at display and prices in the window G. W. Simpson. Myers force pumps are the bast, at Smith &Sc:-ider's. Call and Settle. Those knowing themselves indebted to the old firm of Kraiisse ei Klein, will please call and set t'e at once. La oiks Sumvikk Biaousea the late n ivjp.t :. j 1 it r ;e ?! v.; 1 fr;n tui.inf ict- sum b y ex pro . Hamui l E Youno Quite Aktommiing. Probably the argest and finest line of fruits, vegetable, etc , ever brought to Albbny, may be seen at I r Powell & Co., just In from Califor ifa. r or peache, apricots, pineapple, bci rles, etc. Ca.l on them. A Bio VABiKrif'. It is always a priv lege to have a big stock to select from J F Powell & Co always have on hand the largest variety ol iruits ana vegeta' blcs of any establishment in the city, a tact easily learned by inspection. Ahead of Time. The freshest and best groceries and fruits in t!;c market at Jag F Powell Co's. Get vour canned trooda at Jag F Powell ac Co's. Jag F Powell & Co lead in the grocery business. Jas F Powell & Co are rushed with busi ness because they have the goods and give oargains. - . . ... Argana, uariana, superior and iflonarth Ranges, cheap, Smith & Senders. Muhlin UimmKwicAB. In great variety m styles at bottom prices. Samuel E Young Von hsvft s tig stock to lelect from at J F Pit" nil H Oo' - Wanted. 200 cords of body red fir wood at the Albany Woolen Mills. Call at the Mills for particulars. Furnished room to rent, C Dubrtiille, f.yoa St. loqnire of Mr Comets, Corsets. We make a specialty of ladle and misses fine rornets and waists. We also have a drive In a French satlne C9rset at 75 cent Kxtra good value. ' . . ' , Samuf.l E Young. J VV Bbotiey. best boot aod shoe maker ia city, opooaito Fort miller & Irying'e MISflTS. Those who cannot go to the seaside can stay at home and enjoy some magnificent seaside evenings. There are plentv ( pconie in Albany who do not mind In lug called sinner In a general way by the minister, hut let any one particularise and there will be a row. A woman In Mlsrnurl had her husband' name put down on the census emimera tor' report a lunatic because he had sold out two years ao and left Kanias. In Oregon they had them put down that way w hen they had gone to Salem, S V R Jones, the Mat Ion count v farmer bilked out of $5000,1 pictured In the Mercury; and If the old codger look any thing at all a MercurHd, he can be bilked most any day paiih ulai ly by a woman. Schoharie, N Y. has, according to the last census, about 4,000 less people than she had forty years ayo. It Schoharie Is anything at all like Salem we would hate to reside within a thousand miles of It, and If Purler doesn't get the "Old Harry "from Schoharie we ml our guns A good deat of Salem capital is being invested nt Astoria, Portland suburbs and other highly advertiso I and equally remote regions, says an exchange that has very properly heretofore I masted of its K'ing spent for home improvement. The editor of tho Astorlan calls the editors of the Columbian, the things, reckless villains. unprincipled whelps, reptiles, champion idiots ami snakes. F.vcn the newspajicrs sometimes run things into politics and get ersmial. It doesn't take many miles of travel for a rumor to work itself into a fact. The Astorian says: The Albany Herald re ports that the work of extending the Oregon Pacific road cast ward will U com menced in a few days. "Give inc a toboggan," he said to the barman. "W bat do vou mean?" "Why, whiskey, ot course. There's nothing like it when a man's going down hill U make the descent lively." The late Wbt Dexter, of Chltaiso. once made a remark that It had been the am bition of hi life to kill fifty mallard ducks in one day, and that be had spent $ 1,000 trying to do It. lie eveniurlly succrev'cd, md at his death be bad a record of one hundred and twenty five ducks day. I'M we believe equals lite palmiest record of Nick Shrengcr, or any of the Albany Hunter; here, though, It doc-n tcosl iv 000 to learn. She woie a sal'or bat I should i.ot have minded that, 1 or hrr lent leather shoe or gal'eretle; but 1 saw hrr on ItroadalUn only ju t the othir dav, and I thought it was tor hi.nher that I met. For she had a tlaniu I shirt and, what most my fcrlhtgs butt, a collar and a lie. a doub!e-breie.l sjtckwhlitwo but ton on the back, and a bhiomlng Kngllsh eveglass in her eye! Ar.d the lesutl was that he bioke the engagement. John Harris, the largest man in Illinois, died Saturday night, July It'th, at his home near Tuscola, lie was 70 years of age.attd hi weight for tuaiiv years past has been Is-twcen IKIO and 7iJ jouud. A big man indeed; yet we know small men who feel and act bigger than that, men whom it would take smile tate line to girth, if you had to go a round their feelings. In isso the total vote In Fast rn Ore gon was K.M'J and thn population was 39.0tsj.the ratio U-mk' OT to I. Now the numU-r of voters in 2i',iltM, according to the last election, and the population ia kMVcil as 4 1, OHO, the ratio l tliif 3.4U to I. Whereas it should be aUnit ft to I, as then; are proMirt innately many more families there than ten years ago. Tim ttopiilutioii U prolbly This shows thatsometliing is wrung in the matter. The Chinese are the most skillful In ventors In the world, and it Is not surpris ing that Wun Lung has" succeeded in per fecting a device that at one jerk of the string will outswear a regiment of lloang Ho fist-boat mates. Chinese oaths sound very much as If made by machinery, and so Wun Lung expert. 1 ted very lltlfe diff iculty in imitating them by a mechan ical device. A complrte swearing tna chh.c cons'sts of six cylinders, each con taining a complex swearer, and all worked by a string, after the fashion of a praying machine. By pulling the atnng once a man could wear more copiously than he could by a week' bard work in the old way. A Mall Kirk. NaweogT, Or., Aug. 4th, 18110. Editor $ Democrat; I desire permission to eater my solemn protest against the miserable mail facili- ics afforded iieople who come here on their summer outings. 1 hilly papers from Albany are more irregular and un certain than the pledges of (loliticlans. Out of seven consecutive Haii.t Hkmo chat's but three have ever reached me. "eoplo here generally attribute this mis carriage to the Newport postmaster, thers sav the clerk on the train is to blame. To the writer, the blame seems to be with the postmaster at Newport. If the matter is not righted a loud and pro- longcn protest w 111 iw heard from the visitors on the bay. A word to the wise is (or ought to lie) sufficient. Camckk. Frearh Tansy Wafer These wafers are a sure and safe specific for all kinds of female trouble and will remove all obstruction to the monthly periods, no matter what the cause. They re just what every woman needs, and can be used with safety. For tale by the Livingstone Chemical Co., also from our sole agent, J A Cummlng, druggist, Blum berg block, A Ibany, Oregon. New Hlackkmitii fiiun-. G V Willi ha just completed his blacksmith shop at the corner of Hecond and Kallroad street where all kinds of Iron and wood work can be had and done in first class order Bring on-your plows, wagor.s, etc., etc. for repairs. PAISLEY & FISH. JOBPhTnTE RS, ALBANY. Oul Yk. Call at J II Douglas' con fectionary atore for choice ice cream, 10 cents a dial), milk nliake, Scents, and everything elne equally cheap, lirst ireet, oppomie kusu House. Pababowi. I have iuat received a new invoice ol 1'arasolH. Samuel E Young. Warm Wbathbk. A fine stock of re friglators auu .v cicatn freezer may be seen at Stewart & Sox'. Nothing like tnem tor ine nouse. . It ia worth $125 net profit to an Eastern Oregon federul otlicli to btius an Indian thaiged with sell.nj l.qunr to Portland to have Judge JJeadv line tlie InUiatr IU aad tell him not to do to any more. Rightly worked, it is a great renerne. Letter Met. Following is the lUt of letter remaining in tb Post Office. Al any, Lido county, Ore. Ron, Aligns in, ibiaj. rersons oainog ior these letter most ptva the date on which they were ad vertuod 1 Ayers, MiLnn Bratton, Miss Iua BaskirR, EB Craft, ChaJe Cox, A B Case, Arthnt Douglas', Mrs A A Flory.Miss Fena F Hesa, H nry llssbol.Miss Faiildj Jackey, A J McDcune,Mis Joel . Msroeiuia, A Parent, John Reiner, Ms ry B Avery, Fill Brown. Wm H Kuskirk. Mrs Snrah L Conkle.Mr ME Calhono, Hjnry Clark, JW Festu. W M Oriy, Mr A A Heyne, Adam llaynes, Wm A Uabo, 13 Mrphy, Mark Isewton, F J Rfycolda, Mr E V Stetro, Miss E M Tsyk.r, John M Wallace, W R Woodward, W F R. Thompson, P. M. Homers, John M Taylor, Frank Williams, Goo H A nooTHie ArraiR, Killed. BjaatmjaBa Last Tuosday quite a ripple of excite ment was caused at Lolmtion over a fam ily airalr. Tho day Indoro Isaac Hants, and his wife had separated, Mrs Hants going to her father's, Mr William's. Mr Bantu, tinned with a revolver, went there at the time mentioned and asked for Ids wife. Upon K'ing refused tho privilege of arcing her he tried to force his way Into tho house, when Mr Wll lia;us and s son secured a shot gun and each II red at Ban la several times, one shot taking slight effect In Bantn's hand. Hants shot once with his revolver hut failed to hit anyone, llo then lied. A warrant was Issued fnr him. but nothing w as ddn then. This morning Bants was gone. Young Williams came to Albany to get an olllcer to secure his arrest, hut he has not yet lmen captured. The farmers ore all husv threshlng.hut as this is a year that crops are Unlit It will not la necessary for me to report the yield in full. A Y Smith gives mo the followlrrg figures. Mr HABamfordofr 20 acres threshed Md bushels of wheat, an average of 424 per acre. MrHavid Shearer's w hole crop averaged 40 bushels. These crops were Istth fall w heat, White winter variety. Mr It, two yeaia ago raised the same number of bushels on the same laud. This Is the result of sum mer fallowing, however Mr . is a tlrst class farmer and dors no half way work. Mr A D Gray, of Portland, spent Salt bath here. Mr Al Swartx and family, ot Crook county, are visiting at Wm Morgan's. Mr Joseph Medi an and wife, of Camp Creek, Ijiuo county, are visiting at the residence of Charles Paulson's. Mr M. is an old settler of Oregon. Mrs lrr V Smith and family, of Tacw tiut, are visiting their parent and other relatives here. Mr Keth Hullsurt, of Benton county, at tended the Y P C I'. Sabbath evening. Come again, Mr II. Itosa Ben. naovt sbillk. Items are scarce this week, and with your iiermisslon I will rcirsluce a re ceipt for killing aphis or apple tree lice. This was published In the I'kmockat and your correspondent has tried it and found It to In) uimmI. Take two and one-half gallons of water, add one-half pint of coal oil, one-half lb. Isirax soap, rook thoroughly ami when cold apply this to he affected parts of the tree and you have no more lice. Mr Wm Ihinn will soon U-gin the erec tion of a dwelling in the llausman addi tion. Ballard Tvcer. Frank Jack ami lames Smith returned the first of last week from a few days hunt in the mountains, having killed two nice elk and one deer. Your correspondent hams that Bert Wlllson ami Mis Anna Moore were mar ried in the parlors of the Uevcre House, of your city, on last Saturday, Kev 0 SjH-rry otliciating, all of this place. We learn from Mr Millard Stone, who rei-ently came dow n from Vaeo county, that grain, grass and thing in general loo well in that part of the country. Threshing is in full sway ami all are busy. Town is quiet but will soon take on s different air. The cottage in the Galbraith addition w ill be finished this week and w ill Is? oc cupied by two families, Kev Waldron, lute of II illljrotigh, ac companied by hia six year old son, also Kev I.indslcy, are holding ineetings in the Baptifl Church, of this place. The little ly dis s the playing on the organ, which is well iloue.coiisideriiig his age. I'd I'.vans while acting as road, super visor ran tell other men how to drive, but w hen he goes to the saw mill he w ilt sometime let bis own team get away from him ami kinsk down the jorcli posts of the hotel, a he did on last Thurs day. K L Power, formerly of Allmny, but lute of lialsey, has Uiught out the har ness business of i M Howe, of this place. Tub Hakvkst. Krtorts from tho har vest fields are good ours. The general yields, particularly on Allwny prairie, are large. Niinrod Price's fall wheat averaged 30 bushels. One large field produced a record of 40 bushels per acre. Saturday Wallace A Wallace, with a 3-2 inch Advance thresher, threshed !Mii8 bushels, and moved once, a fine record. Alt was wheat but 81 bushels. TEwrEatAMK Lt4 KJItsst by Altatity W, C T. V 1 1 11 run 'a large Wwery In Smth Pako ta will, it ia ail,l converted into a U-tt augar factory. . The rvtail liitior traffic ia now pndi Hi lled in aeventy-nine tnuuicipalitieaof tbo 1'rovince of Manitoba. It ia ctitiiiiatrd that in ninety per rent bf all caws coming before the police jua ticea of New York City, the fault way lo traced to tho ttm of liitoxicauta. General Minder Workman 1'owderly aaya: "One liogsbeatl of whisky in the city of New York, jtidictnuidy placed, may make or unmake a president." Out of forly-fotir ablernien elected at the municipal election in Chicago, furty to were officially endoraed by the exe cutive hoard of the tint diat'rict liiiuor dealers' protective aawM-ialion. It la aignificant that in anticipation of the labor deiuonntrationa on the Drat of Mav. all Tumor talcmna in Berlin were ordered cloned tliatdayanda,trongguard8. were to stand at the entrance The Reading railroad company ban Im- atied an order absolutely prohibiting its employes from using intoxicating liquor ii-.- I . . I . .; i... v mm tm tiuiy, nun liiHiructing iih Biter ntendents everywhere to give preference to total almtaincrs. Pacific Express. The work of tho WCTU In Oregon pitta to shame the common assertion that the organization neglects to care tor children. This state union, with an ac tive membership of one thousand, has secured the introduction of scientific temperance teaching in the public schools, established a large.humher of kindergar tens, founded a Rescue Home for erring little ones and a baby borne lor mother less castaways, and procured a law mak ing a kindergarten annex to ine public school possible in every town of more than live hundred inhabitants. Sherman county. Oregon, is the only one in the state without a saloon. The exception is tho result of an appalling occurrence and a young woman's courage. A saloon-keeper's son. a uov 01 niteen. lost his life by falling from a high bluff while intoxicated, ine young woman, Miss Mntririe Eaton, would not allow the truth to be suppressed, but made sure that everv voter in the county was in formed of the cause of the accident. The result was that the discomfited saloonist failed to obtain a renewal of iua license, rieased tu flail Remedy so Reliable, Dr HoMen: Mv children are often tnubltd with coughs and ooida. After trying a var. ietv of couah remediea without good effeot. I tried your Ethereal Cough Syrup,- Ism pleased to find a ramedy ro reliable. - - n . 11 . I J1BNEY C-8BHS.CK, DIOOKIOn. I.&rce s io $1, small 60 conta. Foriala by J A Cummiog, druist. HORN. CONNER. To the wife of Mr Ben Conner, near Millera. August 4th, a eon weieht 8 pounds. All doing well, esppc ially Ben whose face is twice as broad as it is long. LaFALLETT. On Sunday, Aug. Sid 1890, nesr Wells Station, to the wife of Chai. F. Lafaliett a son. All doing well 1)1 H. SEDGWICK On Monday morning August 4th, 1890. at his home, across the river, Ur. luiwara 1. ceagwicK, agea 57 years, 3 montl a and 5 day. Dr, . edg wick came to Albany about a year ago fiom Minnesota, but was previously of Wheaton, Id, He was a man of excellent character ; but being of feeble health had not done much at his profession here. HOMK AMU AKB04D. OKDAV, Mr Lnrenr.j Bass wst tu the IU) to nay. Ths population uf Prinev.lls I CD') by ths reosnt omiisim Mr (ii-rol.nT, tie Matin DvK nlAtnri, ha turn In tlie eiiv. Mr V Kt-s'er, t f thl county, returned tl U noun from a trip to Ysipiina Hay. Mis Vesta M tn ha returned lunuv from Ssversl wsek visit in Htilco mi, Washington, llis uutt of l)r Hmlpulh. Tli Soin Press sa, s tho Culestul fiiiiud lianitlng to lht t Muukurs a wiwk ago wa murdered and did tint commit sviuids. Astnrla claims thn credit of having tUi banner A O U VV Iim! of ths world . The membership Is 400, ar.d it costs f 10 60 to Jma II MuConanll and family leave to mot row for Toinlo, where tlisyrxpnot to rosiils for about thres months. l hsy have a rcidnce thsr. Ad organ and plsuo tuuur was arrested this afternoon for being druuk sod disorder ly and wa st to tuniiigJtbsralaluNise, w hich is vary much out i f tun. Mr Kainwatsi', a pi'inr-r ef '47. f lying doi(rmiy ill st hu h i nn njro.s the nvur. Mr Ashhy Pvaros, ho rros-ml tli? Isins with Mr It duwatar is sU.iiil. Mr J A Cuit rtt'i.K hits ju t rccivel nnw of ths hi.rst (! fnunlsin. rver s.tup in th valley, and nur ultixii wblaooii li ,v an up portututy to give it a tastts MrABhs!, th jolly and pupulsr ootn maroial trawler, Is doii.a bisiiiis in Halrm In cUy. IU make his linms In our hvly bttl sister. Alhmy. Hdsin Jjunisl. Hit I Mr A II 0 ttdau bas I. ft t th Dsskm sat ottltfs piatirr, whioh forsiav, holts si.d flsvnr. rather surpus nv eVnr left at any other pnut slui in ths U S An rolnid of tree riising uo!i fruit should lie a fortune to a man . Montsiiua & ,1nfi livs sold th ir firooery husnu..s in this 01 ty to Mr C A Kt'iiit.reoKtit Iv of Ksusss, Nml, aaaut. Mr Klsno uroptstes tosula'gs ths busiiifM, while M ti.tKU St S,m intend going into the whole sata tul.avco business at lilt oity. On a j;oliomii' ttyinn to arrnst her son Ceorgr, Mr lUtih.n, of Pottland, stt.cked tlieonp in a very tieioe nsinirr but (isorv wa arraeted all the same. Home inform a that this waa Mr Jimmy II .olon, formerly of Albwy. Tha Nalem StsUsmsn nine has been best ing all th other local Iiusiiiomi i.iiirs ily, but Saturday they met thrir sup. 101 in a club of kl.l," la to 10 year of w. who seily drfratd them by a score of 14 to 10, th kid ptsyiegsis to the printer eevrn inning. flsrry li llollins.liruker.of New York, the confidant, friend and ll-liin omianion of Mr Vanderhilt, ha jat psi I 1.0 Use than 13 0O0 tot'hatle Kt-sring of the same city Iik hi share of the li.ouig of the B andy Brook potds, where the an. all etr-am uf that nsmoempt. into the fttiiouche. Biit aa waa t he price paid b- Mr II dim.. Mr ' oitsew lurk haspslil stilt hi(her fov hi Mtwly ariimted riht. lie lies eiveu $35.- 0(10 forth aa Imoci tlstt nrf t rivilrgn of John and Hamuel Wilmot mt tnr lU.tnjoucho. In Linn coonl we if. t all the lhhin wn want and Uttrrtbau the .'I3 K) article tur the cost f tri,urtstinu end lishiuK tacklr. ttut thr siv I .t of f.s-la in this wmld. )v Tits A, & A. To morrow Mayor Cowan, J ti Wiltstnau and Chas fclfler, all director In Ihc double A raProad, will leave for Astoria, where ihey will take the cat for .Seaside and will Inspect the Ail-any road. Mr Wrltsman and Mr Pfrffer will take passage on Ihc hurricane dcik of cat u ptMilt s and sail for Albany aloua; the surveved line of the road, taking carrful note 1 1 the appearance af thing. TT'VSI'AV S4l.n1 ha .i-cnrf.1 a p of ; b pUjei flotll t'i lilotols. II en Horn Mid s jf went to V Bay tn-iUy. sipjlll Mr HirrSii,,.,, j, )-.,,, f,m ja j Kl uisih A '.ruef If H JltM. r, tl.r 1.11.1. r. i CinlUid tohis hcn.e tilh t) pht:d h vrr. I lien (Jtof(e Wanronc, of lie U ll Com , waa in the city this morion". alias Sadie Whitines, of McMionvdl'.i in the city, the goestol II J Suwer. Mr A BHeal aod clulibeu returned lo-day from a visit to Kueebtirg of sev eral weeks. Adiammer reeently ia the city said be had been enumerated Hvetimre, probably ia Tsoom or Si tie CoiinM-tieut is liable to !.. a Citirrs man by the rteent reitsu Urvgtm wa ha lls to gio one 1 tut it didi.'i. The t-Ul tsssbla property of Svattlo ia f.'0.34 1.845, mote than Portland's, da though to very pir ssaca-iajio Portland. Mr Waltrr Wile, of the Boo ton Couuty National Bank, ba been in tha city to-day. aod weal op to Lebanon on the sfternooo train. Cbie' i f Pnliee Hoffman wenttn P.TrtUt.d llua tn altrod a; of tha Clin f of IVIi.t of tlieoitit-t uf I'ta N'jtlh- weat. Judke Htrahaa ia mlrctyre-srranKinghi huildltigreoeut V orcupied as alauodry. and it will au mi lie the liMMtiuj of the lljbnnnico restaurant. Flour t P. iufville is wi.ri.hf7 pir harrel; haenn, IB eta pr pound: uw otstoea, $123 ir busb 1 5 enijs. 2i tts per d tun,and buttsr 'Jo ot por p..uad . A meetiiiK wf the Y' w! U hrld tbi eveeiBtf st the W JJTUH.I:. A lull at teiidnae i ilesiml, as bil-lncss of 1111,01 1 ano is to I trto;ttd. Tl.a atit osl talk ..f a dip for tK O P is hein heal. I, a, i it . to I,. it yt n -ttrush-. The u n. rd aouttiuoi.t I In favor of a Utii'Ui d, ,m I ,t t,t .iteof lh present S P depot. Pss'tile si W. .. it h.vo a tin v-r tli.C ti.eir nt 11. it reao'imj; ih.i 111...' all) tl'ii. 'Ill c litrantor. a.'i-. i.,t ..I lost fres, e t' 11 lnm..:f In-tmsK. Y ijid a Cuy sml N.wmrc in a row Ui,, ih urowd wait-. Ttm life ii.siiram it Uolii-v. nmii. t.., , tn I20UO, iuo ttto . f C li oeitier. dc-.l. if-d.v pll by h FMenill, bmnl mit f North Wrat.m Muual Li!a Iu-urat co Co., vt muwausee, a ii i' 11 id in Iwinu nn.le bv the pun oijial cnb at f Or. nm tn mi a rerun mratiiD id iIib 1 utile ttM Juit thf jinrn.l rnunt rliip, nn dmil.t vty in.ry taken. lli ststs wi'l cnntti.ue fur t-n jia will. uly one Coitroasnnii. W at.iUd Ytatoidav tint -t nt; Iw 61 all thu nuUidn tinrnt j islitiud ; jnjn tun evmnnii in AUtviv nun tt.f irms ha wsa i.lluied Cfi int t r hi the tiald. Now. wa cive it on. K Q Cameron and lien Winr.l.' t!i o ni- Ustanta in tho one hiinilrd yard raoe tthe fair grounda north uf this citv Uat 8-ir.dsv Iternoon. in which ths latter was drfratrd. have arraogtd for aimthni raua. Thn match will take plaoa at Uninn, Atieuas 17th,nd i lorflOOOaside, $500 foifitniy bi.gou. Baker City Demoo' at. A lively school olec'ion cootttrnl at Meha- niaSatuiday 0 D McCoy wa the eaadi date 011 one side for director and Jesse T Uennett on the other. Thirty -si k votes were polled, including six married Ladies. anrt Mr McCoy came ff viutor by a vote ot 111 to 17, Hie six Uiiv votera wets fvjnlv divided. ; ' . , , WKUNESDAV. John ohi'S, of Swiet Ho.a.lias beeu doiuu Ainauy to day. P M Sherer, of Lebauon, visiteiour sum turn while ia the oity. Mrs C 11 Monroe, d Silein, is i .tiuu frieods in this city. Francit Pfeiffur and wife have tone to uppir sola lor an outing. . . . . II YKukpatriok, of Lebanon, formeily of the Cuprous, has been tu Albsuy. to-day. Astoria olaima to be the third city io O. Hon in copulation, beatmu Oslem wiih 7200, exulusive of iditf and convicti. Mr Robert Brown, M Neil. Mrs CB Browned and daughter, Elliott Irvine, Mary Stewa t and others went to tbo Bay to-day Mr Birrows, teptesentinir tha Northwest. and Mr 11 a rd, the Nw York Life, are in the citj, .perfectly willing to insure your lives. . Jain Abraham, ' rf P01 thud , wbo is in terested wth our f.lbiw townsman. O Blackrcan, in a valuable stone quarry across the river, 11 in tne city. Last Ssturdaj thtnp(w-r part of the front of the Scio Bauk felt to the around, caused, we are informed, by aouie of the wood work swelling. , The Famous Elliotts re in the oitr, with their Jds, a line looking combination. A tine parade was given aud a big house i anti- o pited to-night. The report of the First National Bank tf Coivallia shows the loans and disc mots to be $64,056.64 ; specia,$12 709 45 ; deposits, $42,039.03. Total footings, $140,IG0.&1). Ia addition to tha large number of stoves and ranges that Matthew k Washbnrn are planing in homo b'ia Albany, they are st-nmnK tnsin to psitios llvitijjst Ysqniiis, Toledo, C trvailis, Mehvm. Mill Ciiv. Jstes. 8nio, Silvfrtnn, Lshannn, Brownrtille, llr- risiiura', ll-iey. JiirroH, Tutm r and H. -lent. Tnst' a rronrd to he proud of, Adayortwo ki near Nnw Alhaty, on Yaqniua By, Kd Mtewkrt and anotli. r boy were il'ggiiig a cav.t 111 hsaiiil,nu lbs bsnk lead'ug to tka beavh, when ths for net crawled Into It The sand caved 1 n h in co'iiplelely.coverintf him. and I nt f ir hud wm I. h) the nl her boy there would a-.011 have bi nt! a smntli. isd youug Htewart. MrUns HUinor and daughteis, Mary and AIum , ml Mr Mteinei's abler, recently Trom Olnn, tm k thelites', train thl rroroing fir a mounlaiii flip, Taey o to Albany, than tabs the OP toad sndgo a fr into tha moautsin above Mebam a they can find thrir way. When they yet tired of mono tain III they will gi to Newport for a week or auto iei, befot returning to 8Irm, Journal. mm VEGETABLE PANACEA PRtPARtD PROM ROOTS 4 HERDS. rostTHK cuac or AND ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO rtOM A DISORDKED STATE of the STOMACH on AN INACTIVE LIVER. " rOSI SALC BY ALL DRUGGISTS ft GENERAL DEALERS City Drug Store. Stanard Lkml Proprietors. SuccosBors to (3uiri8 fe Son. Dealers in tlriigH, jiiciJicincH and chenncaln,fancy anl toilet articles, gjiongeH, brushes, lerf:unery, school ami ar tistssu)ilies. Physician's prescriptions accu rately cotnpouniled. P. M. French, PSAICI IX Ssth Thomas W'aTCHES and CLOCKS, Waltham I n OPECTACLES HO O EYE-GLASSE Will & Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, aussts ra tiis cai.ssaT II. F. UllUcr, And ih Fsvorlla J. BAUER 00. PIANOS. I Also the Houeb Piccf "ElEEU'F," And other Flrst-Clasa O K G A N S.- Sole A(nU lor th ELBHEDGE B. -:- and -i-SEW ME Mewing Blstelilisea. OaoANa - Clkankd and RapaiarB. ALBA NT. OREGON ?acGCN0ipoppLKtrn-a. ''Xn; Lie a itu nr c-Tr nm VTTTvC HEALTH fiZSTCKER. UCC IT IT 13 TTTB TTilHATf MtlT)TrTTf'B1. It rouse Ih" I'jwrsnd KHIn. vsandSw.m irh, cure 11 i.l... h.-. IHape- si !' an Appe tite, Purilijs Wxc Im.uru BlooJ,-na WsVf a The V.VsV Strong.. Deed everywhere ft a bottle alx foitW. Twa Men and One Roy FOUND DEAD!! While trying to Crowd their WAY INTO , DEYQE & BROS Store, where they alwaya have t n hand the larg&it Stock south of Portland, of the latest Improved Rifles and Shot Guns; an immense stock of Fishing Tackle of every description; Tents, Hammocks, Camp Chair and thousands of ether things too numerous to mention. JElepair Sllop In connection wiih the Store, and one of the best workmen in the State to do any and ad kinds of work. Come one, Come all; No trouble to show goods. "Small profit and quick aW is out motto. W. W. EASTBUR1V, JT1. D. TaHYSICTAU AND VUSGEOJT, X OtBoe in Mollwaln'a br-ck. Cn h lound in effloe day or night. WHITE STEAf.l LAUflORY MM 1 ri r y -s- t. km Si S Smitb, White Steam Laundry. Poes general laundry wcrfc Knits clean, ed. Corcer4thBud LafayeUests, Albany KEEP ti Jy 1 --sv -ON Also idvance s-i Thresher 1 Self-Feeder and ESand-CuHer, 'Traction Engines; Automatic Stacker. Etc Also rcal what ojie of the olil men of Linn county gays about th am: Mii.Lraa, Ljxn Coi'XTY, OaFftOK.) Septcmbcr'25, ifcfcv f MR. Z. T. WRIGHT, ' Portland, Oregon, Hear Sir: In rrfe-enrc to our Inquiry as to U I liked my Advance Thresher, purchasrd of you this year, Will sav the Advance .'-. - rr.or ani better work than any other machine I ever saw, and I have seen all tb.-t rep resented In Oregon. It threshes faster, clears the grain better, run lighter and save the p-sdn t rtter front the straw, than any other .nachinr, ard seems to lie s'lroi.g and riurahlc. I ju, ready at anv time to go Into a I rial with any other machine xrept the Ar!vi ci ar.d ibre-it for from $100 to $500. They are the best in the without .' ul t. If ycu desire you can refer to me at any and IMgnecj I. V, MILLER. For further particulars address Z. T. WRIGHT, Albany, or Portland, Oregon. Send for his list of 193 names of parties who have purchased Advance Threshers in Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Big run on St ives and liangC3 this week. If j-ou want the best Ilangps hj i1k market buy the Jewel of us. We are tho largest handlers ofthis make in this section, and can make you better terms than others. Don't forget that we handle everything in the way of hardware. Matthews & Washburn. ographers of both sexes, attribute tiieir success to a course at the Portland Busi ness College, I'ortian.l, Oregon, or the Capital Business College, Salem, Oregon. IJoth arc iind-T the management of A. I. Armstrong, have same courses of study, same rates of tuitiim. Jiusincs. Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and Eng lish DcimrtMicuts. rile to ciUicr ior joint Jas. F. Powell & Co., Successor to Geo. C Henderson. DEALERS IX- pi mmmim Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Jiitc. Etc. Low Prices and Prompt Attention. -liM&sia 1 .1.1 k FACTORY D1X0N llitf EVERY PAIR 'or Sale By WHOLESALE 1 t am 11 -iiaana "'' T inn nil 11 i HaruWare;IroD) MM laclery. SOLE ACDiTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. These MacMnes are too well knewu to nee comieiit. Thoua-ads of farmers tava nied them and speak of them with, ltise. lfy are the only Harvesting Machines that win give ENTIRE tUT:3FACTI0H to the purchaser.- v .,. i . .. . Maa iimM MIUER'S STAR V1BRATIH0 THRESHER, ADLTHAN'S STAR TRAOTIOH EfifilNE, The inosa EfffjUve and Successful Combination for Threshing a4 Cleaning . Grain ever eonatructed. BUCKEYE STEJRAMITW!NE-31NDERSa tyThe Feature that distlnijnlshes this "Mne-Binder la the LiRhtness of Drelt, combined with Its txtraordinsry BtrenRth and Durability. The tinder Is ol the Appleby pattern, the only really suocenful one yet known. We have two styles, ths Etvator Binder and ths Platform Binder both exoeUeut bota noommsnded by hundreds ot patrons. - SOTTLER FABH TOMS, BUCK-BOARDS, FQUR-SPRINQ MOUNTAIN WAGONS, - . : BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, C0RBIN DISC HARROWS, - UODGES-H AWES HEADERS, , : HAISH BARB WIRE. cT?rnn for CIRCULARS - TVla-nnrfer, Albanys Oi TOUR THE - Their - ad time. HArrri!Ews& Washbur, ALDNV", -:- OP.EGoN fliriwire, Stoves, and Tinware. THAT CAN BK IsEDJKViyitf DAY i the kind that pays. Scores of young business men, and hun dreds of boolc-kecners and sten Catalogue ana specimens ol pcnmansnip. 1 " WhO'JthatloasUnrj apples T y . WARRANTED. RLE! BR OS pi iidm Front, First ana Yiae Streets, - PORTLAND, OREGON. DEALER IN Deere Plows, Deere suiicy jriow, Carriages, Phaetons, Top Buggies ' aaa 11 1-Sl