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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1890)
rrerlsila DrtslL he DRUGS LQItlTARTICiri, irrur ml f ICR id I NS COU CMftS FRANCIS PFEIFFER. -PROPRIETOR OF - Albany Soda Works. -nd Manufacturer of- CHOICE CQHfMIONERY, A' ar low prepared to eell at whoU , al way free h and pui at t'orlUad V j to dealer. wt B.UM seep a rua fiats and Tropical Fruits, CIQARS AND TOBAOCO S. W. Paisley, a.ltay, t)rc. WHOLE 4 DEALER IN- Tobacco and Cigars. Order eolioitad from lk trad. ART STUDIO, In. Dr. Pitton, Cor. Ird lad Lyta Sts LESSONS Glvo lo Drawing, Palntlu. andMnalo, Picture fnraaleor paloto to order. OR. C. WATSON MASTON Physician and Surgeon. Office) oppoait tli Daasocrat. DR. W H.DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. jsTfflcnp stair In Ptrahan'e Block. Vay b. fonnd at hi offlc uay and eight. J. N. DUNCAN, ATT01HEY II LAW AND HuTART PUBLIC, ruffle lo atrahan'a Block, No'. 1 and a. A18ANY, OREGON. H. C. WATSON, Attorney at Law, ALBANY. -:- ' OREGON, tlw la Ihe siraaaa Blerk. P. A. P. IMCBBvR5, VXO. W. WftlUUT, BLACKBURN & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law, Will practice la all the CoarU of tht Met, rrompt attention given to all lusi aaa entioeted to oar can. OSoa OJd Fellow Temple, Albany, Ot MONEY TO LOAN. ta loan at I per cent;.. Im rated farai r city property. WallacbA: Jibscst. NOTICE TaauraT rnrrsaiaasr, Omci of Coarrmoua or nra Cruiacr, Washington, Maj Hat, 1MM. Whereas, hr tUtucinrf evidence pnuudt. Sh lu. been ai lo if w that The Uaa Coaaty .Vatloaal Baak. ot Albaey. in 'b. aft at Albany, la tha ooonir ol Uan, and slate M (Bragnn, hat compiled alia all Ui. provision of I ha Salatanf tbslniud States, required to beemnplied' VTla Belor an aMoeiUi'm ahall b authorise.! la Ih. boatnase of baekiDg. Raw. f herefare, I. Edward 8 Lacy, Comptroller at to. Camocjr, o nT.hjr err-ry that "Th. Llna Coontv Natloual Bank, of Albany.' la the city o( Albany, la tha coanty of Linn, aim! Stata f Orefoa Btaethoeiasd la aunuaanoa tba easiness of banking at provided In aactioa Fifty ona hitndrad and aistj ate of to. rariaed statute of tba L'ottad Bust. In taatfmntiy whereof vltnaaa sit band and aaal of offlca tbia Slat day of May, isv i. k.. LACT, Comptro.'er of tha CorroiMy NO- 4326. J. K. WEATHERFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW ALBAST. IK DR. JAMES l(EYDE?J, Graluat3 of Edinbarg, '8co?Iand, Haa l-viatel It llotir. Fix n b ICIITll r,t hl proiauifri 1 1 ilTprnnof I.) laraaaao o(ll r l-i a Otrtl -y Kilm i , hi hopia rD3rlttr)4 p'.r agi ot ta tnm lrivtret In ho run, oacle, nrjeep. a). Hiii alao reoommead hUaoiutl-n or llnarna or eore .tiouldara, a"r baoka, brolt ne, wou apr iin. Prl ;, oa. d? S j i i. f i Hi i a nrVlrary at Pianos. Tboa. r'ahfnir a flrat olaaa Inatromant, Ibaleat adatoatand tha ellmata of tba Coaat. cat I auited Sir calling at Mri B E Ujmw'i, oppocit tl.3 Maaon'o Tm- filo.on Ftral Htreet. Tha lateat vocil and oatromantal muxio kept for aal,alo tba largest aaaortinent of atamplrjs patteroa to aalaet f roin tbia aida of 'FrUao. lx eona given in painting and embroidering In per atudio over Linn County Baok. VJIti her your order and you will be plaaaad. - FOR LB ONLY! A PC1ITIVF " hkhooji MrUllllboiaralaiidMKVOOB tliaiXITTi iTTTT? '.koia of Body aaa Kind: llttU J of ErroraTEwaw.ia Old or Tmiaa, ailnm liWt BaHHIMID mifr Km la f.l.n, ,i aiFi.,iim aiii.t iiK. KMii-iuiHitiaa rtTH; tuut. aw.uif asnoiiM Hiiac miAtaiilT-au i. . lMMtrrttolpia. Im, fall .I.uiIot, a4 mmml mUIW tmt Bimtai taH avri Ate, a. I. Dl C. A. sVHirIHY, Pny3lcUn and Surgeoa. Oradoata of Bellvoe Hotpital Maillca) Jol'eifa Now York City. Oiara.ea if woman a pocialtr. irOlfie i..naia Brick, Albiny, Or. Ooburg Lumber. I aell tiie beat Inmbflr io the cconty; also adar poata, bioulea, lath doora and win ow niotildinir, ate. 1'rioea from- $5 'o '22 fwr thoiuand. Yard at Lowaoo, oo tba Narrow Oaoge. 8oa ma before purcbaainii .bewhure. W W Crawford. Addreai.P O Tal ln,vi, - Poultry Wanted. Alt Vln Uof poultry, ally, or drcaaerj aotad at tbe Willamette P tckiog Com paa'a Htora. Allmoy, Orator.. Red CrownMills SUM; LAXNIKtf & i").. I HOPE'S. Taw (VIUMikrW rutVB al'FKKlOR K)K PAMJ1.1VM AXD BAREIUJ C. UESTSTORAGF FACILITIES. r 3 a... 1 PTjACopspj Sura Jr J Cure. CURES PERMANENTLY SPBAINS. affaraH V.ara la rain. U Rumnar St., CtoTalaad, Ohio, In 1W1 I priiiad my arm cTvj m.i .urTaraJ nara In rain and c my i OIL atlmoBlaTaCharriSiOr anawa4. Chroalo Cum tha Ilaat Cii Tires TirpuiTeCa SjNnsClns. SWELLING3 .v. Surely' PermcnT)tly Wdruocists and dealers: fiUCHAiJOOiiaiR Co. BALTO.MCb EASTLAND SOUTH, Southern Paciflo Route SHASTA I-IN12. ynm Ttaltia la 'll,Jl?,l,J!J 8 uth2 I N-rtb :'!, TTV IWuaiiU Albtny Han 'fii'.'iao Arf " L I u;l A a rail I tU a i Ar L : it a Abulia l-.ln. .ton unit at Kdluwlnv (tatltaia north f kuukiin. kLa.L I iirt and. Orraiin lily. W.xnl burn, Cialaat, Albany, Tanitaut, Mh.Jd, HalMiy liar- rtobury, Juncltua City, Irving, kuua. auaaat atf aiu, aii.t. 8; W a a Lv U tor a I L o.ojra Ar IMrUaud Albany , Kja burf ArT 4 e a Uv I ! i L i im a a ALBAXf U'U PILT (l'rt TAt) tnora m r a Lv Portland Albany Ar r I ,0a a fj a;i a a LBBAaaa Baaaca. l.M)r a tan 7:30 a i.ttk a Lv Ar Lv Ar Altiany Lebanon Albany LabaniMi r Lv 5.OA Ar I : r Lv 0r PULLMAh BUFFET SLEEPERS. Tourist Sleeping Cars, Far Aeeeaaaao4aliai al Aeaa4-4 laa Taaaea aara. altaekealla Capreaa Tralaa. eat aide tllalaa. ' BrtviKKsr rMriAa km BsiLia. Hail TaA.a baui lltajaptaunaay.) 7.BUAB I 11.10 r a Lv Ar Pur and Corv . Ar i so r I li Mra axraaaa tbaii bailt (Eojpr Sunday. ir a Tiara Lv Ar Portland McMinnirilla Ar Lv I 0 A S.aa a Throat: 'l'lclcotw . To all pulnta SOOTH AND EAST. fai. iiifonutUoa raitardin, ralsa, mia, tic all na i:.Hiinr Aidant at A! nay. U HOKHLKH k P. K H1KK- Mananv aa'l 0. t. and P. A A New Repair Shop ilaa iu.t la uirnel na Fir.: strw t. op Mil. the Hub. Ii' um, al.cra .o cu ket al kiudso broke u articlv mvolril, click it 1 1 I lock. panrtl, krta Intnl. & V iff om tb u-jU i ii m t!) atutdtd TIIE YAQJINA UOOTh' fia Dev.u,iiiMnt tia'pny '. Miu;u ship l.tue 23 f.1IiS SHOSTER. 20 IIOJ?si LESS TIME 8.n by any othr n ju.. Kir A-cIbm lunula t.a-.tiar .od raJeht linsfro a Poniaod aud all poluu D the WUUmeU V atlov to ul from .-ki FAAciaoo, Cat. Tha : Orruuo t f.llio : Pupoular ! Sl'MMKK Exci'fcMOoSs. Uw Kl TiekaU are bow ou sale f r ni all V.l.-y I nii.t. to Y.ipllOa aod ttaluro. K h. a tnak. cUm oonocctloa at Aitian t.:i traina of IbvUregoo Paoiflo T!URHJIC it'LR (axorpt aaiHtsya.) Aloanv !- r. a.,ta Vauuiua. 6:Sa I : W r. a . Laa.a forrallu.lii US A, rrl Yanuiiia, i:M r. a Arn.a Aliaiy,.lt:l9 a. O C. trai connoirt t Albany and JorTalltv. Th above traina connect at Vacaiiia with the Oregon Davetopmenl Joaipny'a Line of Mteainshlpa between Yejinna and ao Pram inoo. Ml i.ifio DAT Ct . raoa TAnaA. WUIainetU Vall.y, July tmh. WManulte Vail.y, An-f Atb. WillunotU Vallry, Ana lotk: Willamctt. Vallry, Any ?8lb. vaoa ..a rAi.iM.'o Wi'juoetta Vallsy Au lt. Wlllamrtt. V.ilev, Ane 11th. Wtllametta Vail.y, Aug 21.t. WillanMrU. VaUe), Aug 31t. The Company rr-r ra the rto' U ihanze Milium daUa w'tbotit nollco. N. B. Panaengera from Por.l alio and rTlllajiieUe Valley poinla can rank oloee aonnectijn with the traina of the Yafjuina route at Albany or Cor vail U, and 11 dea dDed to Man Pranciawi ahould arrange to rrive at Yaq jloa tbe evening hofore tUtr f asulng. eeaer and r. rich Kale Laweal. alwaj in orluimmatlbn apply t' A H Chiman,rrcilit and ckat A-ant, Altiany, or lo C II llaavail, Jr., O. V. t P. Ant.. On-iron DtIo-. ant Co., M Monticomcry Man PranciKo, Cat. C. V. HOI. 1 1, A. O. r.vAt Aaan . Corval.ia. City Restaurant. tlsving been entirety remodeled, ibis old and popular rant u rant wiil b in.o firat elasa ia every revpeut. Tbe ptil.l.u will h jivea good meals at all hoar for only 25 cents. Everything neat and attrao'ive. Priyate boxes. 0tera la every style.' W. A. MoObb. I STRAY NOTr?E-fitrayed from my 'j place, ten miles aoutbaat of Albany, a am all, light gray mare, branded "21" on left aido. Kanaonalde reward to a.iy ooe who will retiir-i to ni or give I tfor aiatlon. to her w!x r-iatouls. Julv )0.b, 1890. Mcknight broh. City ,leat vlarket. SHULTZ BROS,, Proprietors.' K'p a full line of munia of all kinda, In a cool pluv, eouipMely pro tected; and al way a frea'i. a!b have conatantljr on hand aalmop od cttri fii-h. nn m tm IIU 1 Heal a'.ock of 2i.d jar ;ooda In the Val ley, and the urmt rf .Hie prirsea, both In buying an 1 aoiling i have on band W k'r.rla of FU3HITU.1C, STOVES, TIH?ARE, TRUNKS, B33XS, Plb'TUES - clqcxs, caaciWY, ETC., ETC. fr weit of 8 K Young'a olf etore. L. COTTLliB v , 128 Flmt atreet. Alhaay, Or. JAMES P. r.!AD, ittornaj at Lavaai Title Examiner ALBANY OREGON. Will practice in all thecoarta of tbe State. Abstract of Title furnished ou short notice- Ten years etperienor. it. M, IB, wuld nalitA r Ki. Jarabi iraa. nil 11 irt aw r ajp- Mnm. BIO ar wtwiwi She gcutotti't KIli KSirrOHTIN IT. Tne 7'tf.-im nearly alwaya put tt loot Into It when H opena lla inoutli to ay onuuhin mean nboui llio dcmocraU. Ycalerday It headed a dUpatcli: "Another Democrat Mr.kea An Ailack Oi .Speaker RecO. "Ek Speaker CilMc' rore eld up aa a Shlillny; Example," The follow Inc U the oUpHtch ; "In apeak! tic of oi.cof (he acnatetimend enta to the auml-v civil bllla Struble, ol owa, made ku attack on Speaker Ueed tor it aetioii lowanl the uciitlfmcn having n Intctett In the public IniiUllun 1)111. le contiaile.l tiie courtcoun nianner ol Speaker t'nillx'.c toward all gentlemen re- ue'.iiik reetKnii'"'i. wl' l,us a"'"'"' neeihiu n.anncr in ytlikii the preacnt neaker treated ui h rcciueM. l ne peaa er lieatel this mrinbiri ni thoiiKh they were bova. lie did not ini.poe to atanu Ihl aort'o! trentmcnl any lonncr without a protent. Should hc nicmi)er, tientii, ntiv lonuer.llWc coward., in thi d otat on of the apcakerr nnouiu hv not tather combine In an liuneat at temnt to have recnirnlilon? He ji for rcbelllnn almt u i uitn ti tne peuae n regard lo the public Imtuimn ini. Slruble'a remark were vlorouKly ap ptauded by dcmocrals." Now, the truth U, S ruble U not a tlem ocrat.'at all, but a republican v. hp ha been maJe to feel the rod he helped put Into Reed's hand to be ued exclusively on democratic back,but, fortunately, Reed ha taught manv of these gentry to know what the rod mean. Ueed la an autocrat of Hie tnot hcarttcaa kind but, that tact Cor not entitle Struble, to any ijitipathy, at all. Democrat vlrforouly applauded hvcau.e of tha dUcomtiture he had brought up'"1 hlmnctf. Who, line short year ago, would have entertained the thought foi a moment, that thl too t, leading republicans whoutd have been tlireutenlng to read lll.ilne out of hi party. And jet so potent I the Influence of "the campaign of educ tijn," t'-at. even Ulaine, heietolore lite mmt dl.tlitgui.hed figure In protccilon circle, has succumbed in part to It fjr reaching Infltience. In died, it I only a quclloii ot time, (and brief time At that.) when the whole fabric of protection will tumble ftoui It founda tlon and be known a a thing of the past. 8elah. Recent tatUiic .how that the peopie ol the United Slates are longer lived than tltoae of Europe. In thi county eighteen person out of every loco die each )ear. In Eng'and the average I twenty aj.J In Germany twenty i. Democrat ol Vivonln talk ot nomi nating Wm F Vila, Pctmater tieneral and Secretary of the Ir.teilor under Cleve land, a their candidate for governor. A RCA it ED EDITOn. A rurrt f-rm-r atalkd Into tbe aoetum With a huf wbtp utid-T hia arm. "B. you ttm rJiox? " I am," was tbe half apprebrrmlve natiy. " Mm's two dollars svnd oo tout paper, forHfo.b.-ait. You sr," be want on, "otir daurhtor wae kick and Uko to lt; alio dnmped and stpw waak and pah-, tiad bradachia, no aiiro tne, back acbed. banila and fnrt ilka kit. couldn't Bfp. bat'kmt UU ooutfh. and we thoutrbt she bad consumption. No medirln-i bln her ..... i I ... . . I. t' .. T. a riptun nwntl..or4 In your Pap-r. wbrn h D-vaa to rneoo in no tiroa ana I now well na bandaome aa a ruee put me down aa a life auhacr!r." Now tbn editor la looking fnr anoth-T arara. Tbe tnwdiotn. baa euni tlaiuramls aRlk-tod as was the farm-T'a daUKhler, r-wtoiinc tbe fn. male funntiona to b-withy actum, aod rrmnv. InaT the otawnirttnoa and Bupp-nauona wbluh aauard hrr trouble. It la a;uarantMt to Vive atifa-lkn In -vi-ry caae, or piioe (ljy) m fuoded. It's a b-eriumato nwdiitM, mt a bnv era. Contains no aibnt to IrwtinaUi ; no syrup or auiar u amir or formeoi la the atom, aeb and dnranr dlr-wttim. For a llook of l-o pairt-i on Woman : Hrr Planaai a, and How to Cur tlwm. lanit Bajad In plain anveloiM! enelnaB tm nrnta. in stamii. lowosui'i Iiiraaar Mbmicaj. Awocla. no, ho. 063 Main btract. UuSaiu, H. X. D3. PIERCrS PELLETS Purrly Vaw Ov !!. Omit It Lacativa, or I'atl.artki, aocordkia' to Mm of doaa. bmallnt, C'bapwt. Hinrar-criaU'd an4 Hailtwt lo take, f'ura Kirk Headache, niiaa cosHiMuga. ur aua 3i cvuta a viai. Fortmil'er & Irving. . -FUNEIIAL DIRKCTOrtS. Fronjpt itJ-f53iorj-7irst-cl,i8s Haars La H8LL, unci Suiueon, and Ferry NtruM, OREGON Physiciai Office oor. ALBA NY- SPECIALIST, Blunilierg I'.lock, Albany, Oregon. P.y the moHt iiiolern and ajijirovcd method curea FeniHle dineawH and Private ciin eane of either box. Ho Ikib a Kure cure for Catarrh of the head. CotiHultation in free amL everything "trietly conlidinf t. Ofilee ItotirM 10 to 12, 2 to 4 and 7 f S. HeBidenee. corner Third and Lvoi. '.trect. Csnr.ot bt (uccsufully traveled with out flood health. To reach wealth or any' eovstsd position l.i lira requires the full possession and operation cf all tha fac ulties kind nature hat endowed us with. Thet conditions cannot exist unlets the physical being It In perfect working order, and this It Impossible whsa the liver and spleen are torpid, thusobttruct Ing the tccrstiont, cautlng Indigestion and dyspepsia, with all of their accoia ponying horror. DR. HENLEY'S English Dandelion Tonic exerts a tpoclfio Influ jnco over the liver, excites It to healthy action, resolves Kt chronic engorgements, end promotes the teeretiont ; cures Indigestion and const! pai'on, sharpens tht appetite, tones up tht entire tyttom, and make lift worth living. WKBILYEU, ATTORNEY. AT LAW An d Solicitor in Chancery , ALBANY. . . OUEtiO. Collection promptly made on al! point tVoana negotiated on uasou&blft terms. tM 1 (H, 1 t .-it i.r'r.'ft i"--. ' '',' - The Rsad to Wea th P mEGIlAPHIO NEWS A nig- linmlBrallua t'omlna. Pallah, Or., Aug. t. Mr W L I)'ton, Sk ho several weeks ago went on a viit to the En.t, hns relu.ned, bringing wiih lilm thirteen fmijille., lw Imve settl I in Imlependence and I alias. Vlil a in ht IMul M- Ualion re- reived on ova ion in I lie simpa of a .cyclone, pine an enpeiience ior a iiciiwunr. siiraf . i. i . - r r.- - a i " immieiiiiiisarenowon the way to Oregon, I i .i : r ii .1 in i.- - I ... a I... 1. 1 Bn;i ,,. ,., ,,.. ! "' miksouri ami town. .no puuinoa n crupa rauscil ly uicuilis, sml Hie alarming freipiency rauscil uy urdiiii, ami aiming HciHcni') 1 or cyclone, cU.e them ;o come a land which .-I..L- i I 1.1..1. i... .rj.... . ... . v.v. ... ..-.y i.w -,-...w.i ... . .lei Willi everluMing liilliaml green torestt to inhiUier to man's for beauty and tocnnhle him lo reap the linivest ol industry A OaoruH Man. Oi l) Oiu ilAKl), Me., Aug, I. A Moiilrcnl .1 -I. Im -H -Lll- l...-..ll- - I . tti.iiii.i., itnuiij I... .um uuaiui.ig a i moving train at Old Orchard stailcm and was saved liom going under the wlicrls l.y Frank I, Mortill, a t.icorn peddled, has rewarded Ins re, tier v. llh a check lor fjooo. Mortill, who i) a J year of age, has lr nmny years supported nn nged mother and himself by selling popcorn. franiyt Ja.tlre. I.A LtHKRArtl), Aug. I. News I confirm t.l of the defeat of tieneul Kivixs l.y govern man troops under t.eneial I'.netn, Klvas it .1fial fftilla lilt FHfltlnt taBl flinllt. lilll (aVH-l tlliraai I I a I.I u.l nn.l Ink-M ru. miira nut nl ih I cily. This morning he was publicly Shot and l. nl Hiiau, im Ilia l'laya Annas. I 1 1 ' I a i 1'vriuaa. ' i roRTSMOl'Tlt, N II., Au. I. i esierdny I afternoon the town of Owipe ud Notth and East Wakefield weie vikitcd ty a cyclone. Tiers were blown down, barns uniooled, cojche overturned and heavy Unlit carried tlitoiigh the air fur a conitletnble uis'anoe, A a Old Will. Nkw York, Aug. i. (ienersl John Charles Fremont s will was discovered yesterday in the aicluves of Surrogate Random's office. It wts excuted August 19, 1854, and ilepmiied in the suitug.tte s 1 'due twodays later in a sealed en ve!u e. lis gives his tniite elate 10 Ins widow. IM Wralhrr. Naw York. Aug. 1. The number of vie tlinsof beat in New Yoik as ncaily as could be learned, thi. muming was 30. p.leven wcie killed by ii, and twenty eight piovtrated. Twe Craw lag Clttra. Washiaoton, July 31. The poaioffice al lowance for the fust class office! in Washing- tun state weie coniltrc by Ke;rcentative Wi'son and Oenerat ClaiLon again lo day and wish ilrlnnie and tuty icul', 1 he allowance f 1 r the 'I acoiiib olfice was incteaed to j'll.iKO, which U$iooo mote than i' pie, rnt altownnre. The total leceipts at Tacotnt for thcUtt fiscal jear weie shown to be l$7, o. At allowance of JiHnolor a money oidei ctcik at thi olVu wa found could lc under ihe law, granted under the rule of jV cent for evny tiantaciion; the ni-nimum allowable i ?7JS at thi plait. The allowance at Seat t'e wa lued at $15,200. A (aalratpllblr Trallor, I.A I.ihKkrAii, July 13 Ii is trpoited that GenrrAl Kiva. who w rccrnlly recalled from llonduis ly the Salvsdt.r government touite troop around C'ojmepc.pje snd join the main aimy, oriing ag.nnt tatiaicaiala, turned traitor, W hen hr wst it (wed to ! on his way to tht fiontiri, he luiurd bj. k, with a fjree of jux Indians, toward the cj i'l and atotiued the, hiyh ing Im n giv ing on two da), hut no tlctaila hsve been re crive.l, atvommuniraiion u interrupted. Kivi slatted a revolmion agsinu ihe gov. emmrnt aonir numth go, !ut wa defeated, lie then tied to llonduta.. A stawak fttwrlrae. 1' ANt;ci.r.i. V.liju!y 31 . Wuhan (ifcet.chsum.wtio tcnie lost in theOlytrpkS ws ftmnd ye.trrday afteinon about 3 P M about ihiity mile from where he starlrd. lie had lived .n toad', fidt and lcrrie sinre S41 unUy. I lis hand and leg weie Iwitly Ucer aicd and he was nearly ftnttshed, lie was p.ifedeli'ious ah night I ut is rational to-day. When found hi pocket weie filled with anj and diitr Its says he fell about two bundled leet one lime. He laid down Sjlurday and went to sleep and when he awoke it watdaik and a cougir was sf'rr him and be ran, t larrarr trh the Heajry. Sah Frascisco, July 31. The celeUatcd I lUylhe will cae, which Itfgun July 1$. 18S9, and progrcfted klcsdit) over a year, ended to day in Julge Coifcy rrndering a volumincHis dei ikion in favor of Florence, the illegnimant rl.ild of Ttiotna II lllythe, ihe deceased mil lionaire, awarding her the bule cf the estate, coniing of Kurssnd bmls in the city and other ptoj etty of ihe value of about f 4,000,000. tsr.ili .!.. Walla Wasj.a, July 31. About midnight a foe in Cliiiiatown c'c.tioyed tis I uilJingj lo, f Jooo. Outing the foe inicme rscit mcnt was cautrd by the sriureof Joarph ii.iucr a pioneer mrrthant, with apoplexy, death en suing in a few minutes, lUtirr had run fiom hi l.oue to the scene of the foe. a short dis ! tanre from his store, A'riving there, he Cell in a tit, Klulaa Altnaaf a Wrsworrat Washinotoh, July 30. The Star (repub lican) say to-night: " The indignation of re publican congiema over Mr HUinc's inter Icrence in the tariff discussion has lesched such a ocilicrrtnt atate that it is proiXMed, since the publication of bis last letter to Sena tor Fiye, that he shall be forced out of lht cabinet and if possible, cut of the party. This may seem extreme and staitling, but it is what It litis moment is lieinc setiously discussed by tho gemh-men in congress who might lie ex- peeled lo bear a feeling of angiy s-ntmicnt. Mrs Wkreter la JstvrdJ. Et'OENK, July 30. Mrs A Wheeler, wife of the proprietor Of the Springfield mill, met wilh a serious accident this sfiernoon. She bad been to Kugcne with her huband,wlio had re mained, wlrle thi drove home alone. A short distance from town tbe horse became fiighlen cil and ran away, throwing Mrs Wheeler out On the hard gravel of the road. She received a severe nervuus shock and bruises, but It is thought they are not necessarily fatal, The Jew in Rala. London, July 30 The Time says the Rustian government ha ordered the applica tion of the edicts of 1882 against the Jews. Jews must henceforth reside in certain towns. They will not lie permitted mown land or hire it for agiicultural purposes. The law limit! ing the residence of Jews to sixteen province bat been enfotced. No Hebrew will I e allow;.! to enter the army or any oilier profession. The enforcement of the edicts will result in the ex plusijn of over 1, 000,000 Jews from the coun try. - Baraluga Tewa, I oleuo, Ohio, July 30. A most extraor dinary condifion of affairs prevails at Bairds lown, an oil village twenty miles south of this cily. There have been fiye incendiary foes within a we k, and every business houte has been neslioyeil, (Tht cnuseis thought to lie ihe paWL;e by the authorities some lime aco of an ordinance foi bidding the sinking of gus or oi! wel t wiihin the town limits. t Craxy Truln, Tacoma, July 30. George Francis Train has made arrangcmin't wilh the Tncoma Ledger to make an attempt to beat the record for a trip around the world, lie will leave Tacoma August 7 on the steamship China, and calculates he can make the circuit of the globe in nny seven aays. The Bolvadnrs Victorians, CitY of Mexico, July 30. In the last rix battles in Guatemala the SulvaJorians lire re ported to hove obtained almost complete and decisive victories over their opponents. The bank's were fought near Juti;i"a, twenty five ruil; from Atescalempa, on I in main road to Guatemala City. The report oi Salvador vic tories against numerical otlds nn ch lur prise here, Lcok. at litis lam now prepared to administer either Gas or Vitalized Ah for the purpose of painless extraction of teeth. I uIko ue the latest methods lor replacing loit teeth. Artificial crowns, bridges, etc. OC Awbrey. Office In Odd Fellows Tempi Albav Marble and Granite Works. Hav ing lately purchased the stock of S A Itiegt and O W Harris, we shall be pleased to show designs and itive priota to all intend ing purchasers. Best of workmen employed and prices at low aa any for first-claas work. Visit at before purchasing elsewhere. Eoam & Achisok next door to Democrat office) Albany, Or. Miarira. It f ftantl. I M 1.1 fk u,taaB at A tltfina 3- ........... t llll- r. I . --llf...l .,1.1 I vun. I Miuari emi.n, " nlng a shooting gallery at Eugene Walter Eddy, the boy bitten by a rattle snake near Eugene, will probably recover, though It was doumiui tor awnne, as m w ot gve qute chough whiskey, n u remarkcd M a curou fact t! ccr,,kaUl renrMentlng one of our t that a silver ,,,Ibpm. i, P. ',mi inla Kt,iCo. can bn sold rled Into M - - - - - , , of more than twenty per ... ...ii .iiu.. .liiar h eh "si iuw i'.c.vmm .... . , contains more silver than our own The sheriff of Harrison county, Ma, - - t - - . .i l.... t f"1" in, ., 7' a H take back w i t lilm the forger, Arthur, l,f.,-TlrraiviB , i, 1 i. ii i - ' ". ," ,hlin t know hi blrJ had flown until he arrived there, lohn Merrtman. of Rhode himself a humanitarian and bought up a j . . . .7 : . 1 .1. 4 Hit oi oiu roiscsanu turncu .Htm uui tu end their day In peace, Hi had got anout tinny ami me papers were mff mm, wnen ni wue got a vorce n me groiinu oi eairemo oumr, m . proved that he almot starved her to ucam. A woman In this city advertise In the ui. ........ ... ...v Oregonlan that she I past 3o year, of age sua wumNn ol mcini ny lei-ure, una T, !Vr'., " a . . i ...lit. m ,.-it-.. i namand ha iV leiier. nt to the cari of a certain V. O. bott Advertising pava and the fool are not all dead yet, for that 1 . .... I . I . m M. ....... IhIIu.. mum.m I oo en iin- ii..". v. j iiiorning.r..Bcnu i-h.-.v.. A few iluva auo a little Child wa tell On . ....... I I the Iionl sleo ol Matt snore at cuuenc. i I The tiiiard snvs i Mrs Mall Miorc ha . . . - ...... it adotited the Mute k-l'l baby found In their yard la.t week. Mr Eccie had agreed to adopt the child but when aha cnt after It Mra Spores refused to turrender the child. The matter wa soon satisfactorily acttled and Mra Spore I the One who will acj a mother of the thl'd TKHrBMAM'K riUll. tJ'.tad by Albany W.O.T, U Specific initUncea are often more effec tive titan gencralixationa, however Bin- ludtma. I not tliv following auggealive 7 At Ularimla, Iowa, the year Udore nrohl- itttontiiere were live Biti.Hina paying a license oi ow earn, ih-bi-ic toia a taa i "n ..... ...... i'"y running exeniK'e of the town. At the anil i.f itm vpir tl.M liw-n u aa In ilf.lii.lmt I 1 ii i...i vi nr afir ih aaliHin uaaottu lais'iwt a tfintwliutf ru.iV.tit fair litili 1 1 1... I runnlng exK-nae of the town and left a atiriilii in the treaaurv. Hamilton, "nurm, hat a remarkably ... . . . Ili.iiriHliliiir W U T V wilh eeveittn'ii ...i..i- 1....J...... i.... it.v.iciT -o. -...n uri-siHuiiiw. eight, tiiouaaii.t ienijranre leaneia are publiahcu ami tliatril.utci monthly ; a reciie homo and a hoepttal library are wen ma niaine.1 ; ecienuno u intraiue tUBiriH lion liaa Hern aecuruU in Hie wiu lie -clioole; newiiNiiera are tupplted w IH1 sviiil'ianvsi.l.y i iisi.Kviiai,: woiai la vigorously kept up and the Young Woman'a Union look a after six ltnnde of Iloiie. two new In ir arliradt and one cuok- ing achool. The department of nodal purity la juat aUrting a neweboye' home and a working boye club. (Jeueral Clinton ft Fink, the a' rung and wiae prohibition leader, w hoee death or curred lat week, waa a fearlnw ulv-at' j party. One of tbe young btdie cehwira ofnatH.nal prohibition. n one occasion id her ISth birthday; had a campfire, he raid: 'Tlierum power In jlitlctla a huge devil-fiBli.wIioeo Uly ia at Waah- ingtonand whoae Blimy tentaclet reach clear acroB the land. Cut them olf, one by one, In Kaneae.Iowaand the Ihtkoue, and yet the octopus w ill live, ao long at our national policy aaya he may and should. The national policy it tax, It- reiiae, permiBlon, protection. I liange it to anything Ira than probibition.alter ail that hat gone before, and the mot at .-r will not be removed. TUB awl fM EBB. BeltRV. " Two threshing outfit began work In thl neighborhood thl week. O op are only faiably good, though much be'tcr than w thought poalhle during the dry weather In May. Four hundred and fifty of the Wrenn sheep were so'd at auction last F"rlJy Mr Spencer was the purchaser at $1.65 a head. II sold one hundred of tbe mutton sheep the same dav to an Albany man, but did not tearn on what terms. Mr O A Campbell and sisters, of Camp ''reek, were visiting friend on the Boun dary last Saturday and Sunday. Mr K R Luc key hat recently painted h t house a "beautiful" green color. Several farmer In thl vicinity put up hunting notice the past week. Too much wild shooting to suit the n. MrsGetchcll visiting Iter mother near Eugene 'at week, Nuk" Martin ha gone to California and It I said will icturn a benedict. The lUiutidary will lie well represented at ihe circus next Frldiy, A iieaeral Btrrak Daw a Of tbe system is termed General Duirtlity.'' Tbe body it not properly nourished; it ia io a starved ondttu.o The system cannot maintain itself. It is remat kabl-to see how quickly a person in thi condition will revive under th it.nuenc. i.f Dr Miller's Hydras tioe Reetorative. For Sale at Posbay St an Gift Extkbpbihk. Go and aee tha lieautiful gold watch at the "Golden Rule Kazaar." Julius Gradwohl the proprietor of the Golden Utile Raxaar.ln forma un that lie baa the Pruo linking Powder, and No 1 Japan tea, expreaaly up for hia bumneaa, and for the bene lit of hi cuHtomera, eaidi liox of baking powder will win a piece of fine glanaware and a!no each pound of the tea w ill win a piece of fine glassware, and cuntoinert who buy one pound of tea or a liox of baking powder, which ia warranted, will have a chance at that beautiful gold watch. He has a I ho added a tine assort ment of family groceries to his mam mouth stock of glassware and crockery, which is the largest in the Willamette Valley. Go and see Mr Gradwhol at the Golden Itulo Iiiuaar, and you will find that nothimt is misrepresented. rreaeh Tansy Wafer Thee wafers are a aure and tafe tpeclflc for all kind of female troublea and will remove all obitructlon to the monthly period, no matter what the cause. They are just what every woman - need, and can be used with aafetv. For ale by the Livingstone Chemical Co , alto from our ole agent, J A Gumming, druggist, Dl um ber g block, A lbany, Oregon. Furnished room to rent. CDul ruille, Lyon Sc. Ji quilt of Mr . The ralult and Ihe Blase, Rev F M Shrout, pastor United Breth ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan,, says: "I feel It my duy to tell what wondert Dr King's New Discovery hat done for me. My lung were badly diseased, and my parishioners thought 1 could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr Kinir'a New Discovery and am tound and well, gal.iing 26 Iba in weight.' "1 on hsve a higtockto aelsot from at J F Powell t o' Tbe Ladle Dellahled. The 'deHiit tffeot and tbe perfect if. ty witli which ladie may use the liquid fruit Ux stive, Sjrup of Fiyt, under all uomlo ons make it thsir favorite remedy, le isple-.lnit to the eye aod to the taste, iiectlo, ettir tual iu acting on the kidney a, Ii v r aud bowels. PEARL. At her home in Halsey, on Thursday morning, July 31, 1889, after a lingering lllnes. ofabout a year, the wife ot Revjat Pearl, atihe age of tlxty-'hree. Mra Pearl wat a pioneer of 1853, residing in Linn county since then where she wa respected and beloved by all, She was the mother of ten children, about half of whom survive her, together wl'.h her husband, now 83 yeart of age, A good moiher, kind wife and an upright neighbor ,another cf Oregon'a pioneers has gone. BORN, PARSONS. On Thursday evening, July 31, 1890, in Albany, to the wife of J D Parsons, a son. This is number fourteen and we are glad to report the whole family doing well. Talking about mlnlnif center. iut keep your onw9 on Aimny. ...( Al w ' " A11.n- - .11.1 I .-.1 rtllolMnt work Hraua day. Thore ftre no ..wvj unto UIU Kiuu MIIU iiiotniuiKN'M on incm. A cntIUl clt v eiccliftnira tint Ita fixit In it by Maying "JMoro you kick, be Btire tliore in aoiiHitlilng to kick nt. There In nothing like keeping no ones courage ami allowing a bowl front In this world. The Halern Journal aaya: "Oen aita, or no e'ciimoi.Halem la the iMtat ainnll city In Oregon." It la an Inlerosling (net that the men who took the recent ceiimm were all re publican", without an exception, and yet me iwrty paper are tne ioudeat in de claring it a grand botch etcetera. A t tin 4)1 M lililal ri illlif M aa1uai tiia'a in aaB. vv.m..-i wi.H. -vnwi - ponitlvely that woman la more nuperlor than" man. And the men are now jvt),( 0wn u,, tmfc ti,cy in ,,e "moat Infer or at" creaturea In e atence. Nevcriil of our exchange are making ,...,,.. . . , ... S."?.. . " " ' ; , ''yr r ; J" i a.lvertlae..,ent tor tbe town. In abort It im iviT iipiw-ti, i iirr hhv 11 ii. ii'nr - p1y know what i. what One of the nolo Indiana, recently im . . . I f -. . . . I! ... 1 1. . I .. . t . iiurici limn TOum Airn;w. in um tin. in ovt-n nv hii tiimuy inuii to auiiri-aa n " iwr ill H lliir llllllil nj a lie rw ill in ivnn .....Lu . .. ....... .L .1... I . .. ........ n. .u vi rciiinra umi, i. muii ourry up ami get nia icuer iiome, .. .. .t ... i . . i .. i . . If the clreim would get a more aticcta- Menauie It aliouhl do away with ti hell and otlicrawlii'llfr fo.lowing It up, ami Itobiimim la aahl to be trying to do Mint, having had a falling out with aoino of the men : and. vet. it ia excruclatinulv iniercNting to mm men make iooia 01 thcmaelvca by biting at theae anapa. After n Ikmih'kat man had handed hia rcaurve neat ticket to the man at the en trance of the acuta a rlreua lady with him wbm heard to remark : - "TIioho are the fdUm. w10 burn ua up after we leave n,ecity : but we haven't done ao.though fc (orvalIii &u,t who failed to get CHm,K, roMI,w ji.i OT a, lively manne; proliably BUggeeting the remark """" The Telenhoiu-Hek'lter. of McMittn villi-. aavN the F'.lectric Call IV alver- t"ug acheme, Using worked by a young man, in a Bwiti.He. Aa he hat not reaohed is 11 1. i : ii.i .1.1 1. iH !... ... I .liimuy is la iHiaaioio sum in im si.i.v v - ,,. i..iu i.tom in. thouth. I ...11.. ,....! i...... i.f .mr . 'i r "... .'. - 1 ntiM-na had rather be awindied man not. Kevcral of our buaineaa men will patron UM rat trap, unreliable concernt who rn),'t ., j(lrr,j u, UM tj,e clumnaof ha-al .tapera that work over three hundred ,rtyi( n n,,, year for the community Population of Albany and uburl-i, 6,8-0 air Vaqalaa stay Lellrr. IlALTtnoaa Cawi-,) Nttwroar, On, July 31, IS'JO.f Vc atill are enjoying ourwclvea. On hist Saturday evening wo had a birthday wn amig and wound np with a taffy pnUjng. Kverylo.y bal a fine time, and long will the fair maiden remember her IMth birthday. We walk here until we get too tired to gr 8ny longer. And audi appetite aa we liave, bow much we enjoy the fiah. s,me of our camtera catch nice liah every few day. TIiIh morning qtiib a party of u took our dinner and went over to Nye creek. W e found quite a number of neat tt- tagea over there; made a few calls on aome of the residents. I believe tmiat of the people there are from Albany. They are very pleasantly situated in their cot tage. Home of them have lovely view of the ocean from their seaside homes. After going around and having a pleasant chat with the Albany tenters, we found a pleasant place to eat our dinner; we had our spjictitcs alxrnt sharp enough to enjoy our g.l thing. At'XTT. Weather Summary of Meteorology for Jsly, 1800, from ohkervatinna taken at Albany, Lino Co, Oregon, by John Rriggs.voL ubeervrr foe the Signal Service, U S. Army. Highest barometer on th 13, 29 93. Lowest barometer, on th 6, 29. "X Mean barometer for tbe month. 29.90. Highest dsily average of bar. "'J 94. Loweat daily average of bar. 29.K3. Highaat temeratnr on th Ut, 94. Lowest temperature on th 10, 39. Mean fur the month 65.62. Higaeat daily rang of t her 00 tha 22,43. I .west daily rangeef iher. on the 6, 10. Mean temperature at 7 a, in. daily A9. Mean temaerataie at 2 p. in. duly 8 1.38. Mean temperature at 9 p. m. daily 61 29. Prevailing direo Uoua of wind, N. Ma Velocity or force, 3. Total rainfall or melted snow, 0 3S. ltoptb of snow at sad of muih, 0. Numlwr of days on w biuh .01 iucb or mor rairr foil, 3. Noinlier of day of cloudinea average 8 scale of 10, 5. Of 31 day obaervationa 19 were clear, 5 cloudy, 7 lair, 0 rain, 0 baxy, 0 overcast, 0 tmoky. Frost on the morning of 0 day. Temp. 0 56 00 average of 12 years. ' Raiufall, 0 21 on average of 12 yeara krir rralse. Self praise ia no recommendation, but there ar time when one must peimtt a tier eon to tell the truth about himself; W hen what he says 1 supported by the tettimony of others no irasouaLle mis will doubt his word Now, to say that Allcock't Porous Plasteia ate tbe only genuine and reliable porous piaster ms.le it not self praise iu the slightest des-r. e. They have stood the teat tor over tic 1 ty years, and in proof of their merit it I only locisaarv to call attentiea to the caret they hv dieted add the vol untary testimonials tf those a ho hay used them. Beware of imitations, sad do tot bade crived by misrepresentation. Ask for All cock's and let no solicitation or explanation ui.i.ioe yon taccept a tubattto'e. Allcook a corn ai d buoiou shields effect quick and certain! relit f Tub Records or Marion county show the platting of many thousand acres of land in small tracts of from 5 to 10 acres. (Japital City Fruit Farm of 640 acres.Sun nyaide No 1 3'-'0 acres, Sunnyside No 2 i acres, k-uonyside ro 3470 acres.and anuiuber of others have been placed on the records by the Oregon tfd Company of Salem, Oregon. This company is also doing business in Portland and Albany, and have for sale numerous other small tracts. The great advantage of . this plan is that it brings together in one community the class of people who are all engaged in the same business, vis: fruit growing.consequently there springs Up large drying and can ning establtshments similar to those in the city of Salem,wbich advantages makes profitable market for the products ot these fruit farms. Consult your interest by buying of the Oregon Land Company of Salem.Portland or Albany, Great Si.aughtkr. Q W Simpson has made a great' slaughter in prices on alt summer goods to close thm out namely : Lawns that we told for 12 15 ()) 16 tedticcd to 8 cents. All wool challiet that we sold for ao 2$ 30 reduced to 15 centt. Challiet that we told for 10 13 16 .reduced lo 7 centt, Satteens ihat we told for 16K 20 30 reduced to 15 centt. . And a general reduction on all summer goods. Look at display and pricet lo the window. ......... G. W. Simpson. This Trade Mai k on a ttove means It Is thn best thrr ex perience and skill can con trive. Sold only by imlth Si Senders. Wall Papkb. -I have just received ry:n tha eidt a Urg-3 iavoicojf wall pa oer, borders, decorations, etc., including the plain ingrains which are becoming very popular. . These goods are better styles and cheaper than ever before. Samuel K You no. nam Ann ABseto. THUHSDAY T J Ovarmsn is at hia N swport cottage. Parrish won't go not, say tho Puitland paper. The attend niioo at the olrcu this after noon was rather latge. Tha popalati in of Line county under the recent c.nsus will be about 14,200. The population of 8 ilt Lake City is in- oreaaml by tha oennuB ofllae to 43,0:13 against zu, ua ten yaara ao. Hnpa atart in at alvrnt 17 ont in thl valley, but aome urownr think they will net 20 before the swm is over Tht return gameo' bail between the flock Creek and the Lynn jbib wa tdavad Sun day at l.yon, thn so re ataniling 19 to 31 in favor of the Lyons. John Dw wm iu the city to-day snd. usual, waa diaord-rly, insulted pimple 011 the street, and acted enhecniiiiiiK vm...rlly. Tho result was another inmate for the cli- boose. Frof Loisette'a meiiiory tystem it crratinu greater interest thsn evet in ail part of the country, and persons wishing to improve their memory allodia ami'l for his propctu free, as adyeitised la anoiher column. llurr and Frank Power retnraed last even. ing from Tillamook eonuty, where thry have been with the Albany surveyiug psrty fur several month. The i rew are niw ah'iut thirty-five mile from Tillamook, and will be about a month longer on tho trip. Miss Urille flodine retumad list -vninu from a yeara trip east, stopping hi Undo for taveral waeke, She spent most of b"r time wilh her oouain, Mr, M .j. Powell, of Ht Louia. One of the Quest foundation ever built in Albany lathe new one Inst completed for tbe Baltimore block. It I wood iioul;Ii lor a ten atory hriok.snd aomntnne it i pi-aiM even Btorie will be added to thu three thxt will start it. J 8 Aotonellc, tbe ratlioad c;iitric'"r, ame in yesterday fiotn the Soot.d ai.d h ft last night lot the seme i f hi L; li smls Kliiin contract, whih he anilnntand to Im prautieally finished. 1 1 will return to morrow anil make bid for a ortn.t of the UnloB raclno taoondextentioii UreKonuu Mr FUrl Rica, cf the St.Cli trie II el, i- making tiMne neat Improvaiii-itit aroi.d hi. hotel, among other removing unit old l.uil l lok, on the site of which he wid build e line lawo tennia court. very popular and healthy game tht will be a great tirivth ge for hia guests. A match foot race lt Cmo on and Wingard, took place at the racetrack ye terday for a para, of t'.'oO Omeion w n eaailv bv thrae fnet. The two will run ' Walla Wall for 1 1 000 in a wwk,.i, Baker City Reveille. Cameron iC tmlli.' foot racer, who it aeama ha .wn 1 c ' what of a hlppodromer Thi r''lh i,h, it waaclaitoml. wa f-'f blood. Tiiav rouoiiT. A chco man and a Jordan Valley man got l ito a flHt in Baumgart's saloon, this forenoon, over Im aginary evil, resulting in a lively contest. The men were promptly arrested aod fined $5 apiece and cos'. Tne Jordan Valley man liquidated, while thi circu man went to the callbaoae. A Calacooi a Mas Mr Jodc Moore, of Browi.sville, wa In the city to dav. He Is a member of the Caiapnoia Mining Company there and report the trail pro gressing rapidly toward the mine. A report of the director show these mines to have some fine prospect, and there I no doubt thev will be heard from in an em phatic manner. Thb Best Yst, Mr Halvorsei arrived from the Albany mine on Ihe Sa"tiam yesteidav with the .blest specimen of ore ever brought to Albany. Their value I sin. ply marvellous, aud th best of il I there I lot like It In the mine .Some mall Bpeclmn are solid with the metal, fully half being gold, and in the Uiger piece the pure tuff can be sci free in all part. Nothing ever produced from the richest mine ol the world can surpass these specimens. There l no question at alf that the Santlam country 1 full of thUorc. and a soon a the new quar'x milt i made and put n the field,! here wiM be aome practical demonstration 011 the aubject. Some of the specimens brought down by Mr Halvotaen may be seen at Burkhtrt & Keeney's. Th crippled atreet merchant Lft I hi noon for SaWm. Mrdsi. ft.!ffr went to Salem to-d-ty 00 bo loea. Hon. AW Si.nard, cf Brownsville, ta 10 tbe city. A Catholie Church andSuter auboul ia to be located at (Iran' Pa, Mr Arch II tinnier and w if. are bom. from their trip to the niuunta'B. Mr EE Montague and family arehon from a several week trip to tbe mouuUu.a. Mr Hiram Thornton, with S K Yonng, left to-day on a trip to Y quins Bty aud tba Sound country. Rev 8 h Memiager ant wife and Mi. Mamie Johnston returned home to day fiom the Bay. Mr Outer Heudiicaoa ant family left to day for Fiudley Spring, where thy will radicate several weeks. Mr II Lmpmn, who liu beso traveling throutfh Eujtem Oreoo f..r the A Ivance (breaker, baa been ia the city. Last evening a eircut rider fell from his bora dislocating ooe of hia finger, which Dr cilia, who waa preacnt, attended to. Th reaidenoe of J L IIUI waa robbed Ves terday daring tbe absence of the family.'anr thrj revolver aod some jewelry takvn. Th Harney Valley J terns of January 8, 1890, arrived at Baker City, a few daj a ago, a marvellous feat of mail carrying. Dr Ellia left this noon fcr.Newport, to be gone two orth-eedays. Mia Ellis and sit ter, Miaa B. rtha, ha been there aome time. Several men are trying to work op an Anaoortea boom for Bay City, Till. uiook Bij , through tbe piper; bu Oregoniaos are get ting their eye teeth cat. Laat evening the litOo aon of J W C 11 son. of Jlbinon wa lost, causing CiiiaiderAble anxiety until be waa found before midnight, staodtur on the atep at the depot. The merry-KO-ronud, reo. pt ly in thi city, ia now at R.ieburg,and the wonnn with the shooting gsllery, recently there. 1. approach ing l ao the worlds kaleido koj keeps moving. A J Wagner baa leased the Chemekete hotel at Salem and Mr Monroe will retire. At usual at th different of each new admin istration it will be run now the way it onkht to be. It ha fsotthat may well be considered that Attoria's oentut was taken when tht flaWmen were a!L there, re.ll residents of tbeoity fir only two or three mo:i'.hs each year. Kara tux. Rev Chas McDonald, of Harriahuri-. w ill deliver a leotnre at tho WOTU hall next Sabbath evening, entitled "Eighteen Years Experience a a Railroad Engineer." He will also pr ach In the morniug at the same plsce. livery body invited. lit aatouishing to a oerton nnaconaiuted with Matthews & Washburn how thev sell suoh a large number of stoves and rsnues. oat an mspeution or their immense stock soon convtucr anyone that their stem i the rd0 to go w ken needing anything ja their line. The Tacoma Le.lier man must have been reading the Eugene paper, He aaya: fortland seems bound to be a more doduIous city than Taooma, even if ehe haa to annex the entire state of Oregon to accomplish the nobie am bit ion. We're afraid that even this deti?e wiil prove uuavaiiina. At 12 o'clock: lost niuht in a'arni nf fir. called th department to tho east end of Second Street, where an old hnue,of praotto ally no value. belonging to Capt K j Lanntng, wa loanu completely in Htraes, makmg big llaxe. Notwithstanding the lone- inn and the headway gotten the flame were ex tinguiehed, two atroamt doing yery active and effeotiv work . How it waa set riro i merely a matter cf BDeonlation s but it wss probably a eirou day affair. Attached. This forenoon, on com plaint of Mr "Nick Zimmerman, an at tachment was served against Chas Parker, the blacksmith, for about 90 due him for board, etc. -Price & Robson came in with a second claim of about 300. The sheriff now has charee of the shop and is settling the matter, though several harrows, claimed to have been delivered, are in dispute. Police Matters. Last evening after the circus, about 10 o'clock, Fred Ross and a couple other young men ' were sauntering away from the tent, making disparaging remarks about the performance, when thev were taken, to task in a very emphatic manner, by a couple prominent circus men, resulting in yonng Row getting a hit with a cane acroHt the now?, breaking it. Several men atenoed in. a revolver waa even popped out by a citizen who proponed to aee the circuit men brought to Justice. They were brought Iwfore the Recorder ana gave their namea aa lower ami Green, though we are In'ormed one waa a aon or M r itomnaon. JJotii pieau gnuiy ami were lined 10 and coatB. MArCBOAY. las F Powell & Co. Have Vlereck shave yon. A remarkably qnlat Saturday. The imputation ol Atir ni 167,000. Texas Tom and hit crowd art io Astoria, A popular plsce L Viereck't tbrviag and hair dressing parlors. A fust ola shave for only 13 cents at L Viureck'a, Kalttnarsb Kiock, Albany, Ur. Iliad Matthews & Washburn's new ad to-dy. 73 t;.:kcts had Un sold tl.U afteri oon for the excursion to Ysipiina Kay. A nw Im of Id ' h it Jaat recti vtd at the Lidi.' lli.iiAr. W If JUym-iud, tlin imuranre man, of Portlvid, ii in the city . MrTJStiter, of thi DkmOi'MAT we it to the Iliy t'tis noun Mi WimmIiii, of T-ooij,, i in the city tne kttBt 01 i r Mo',, Mr A IS WimmJid. 4 M lUrdue has so'd out, and nowofTot his furniture for rale. 'Cil rad for b. gsi i. S. rvuj. will i.chthl lo t.e li tiat church to .!nrro-, mo 11 ing snd vtni g, R.-v 'I'r.iinl u I pre king. Tim CaU;0'.U s. er list bti o fuii.lied to tho Sutism cnl, snd on hung (hul e-l w found to wik will, Hlo.l.i.. Until dcdd that Katsl. iiihiiu.i II It w 1 in t th? .f Wil .nun ai.aruii. In a yar fn.iu the wool clip of Crook cou nt ad, ii. 1 r.iu ht to Albany by way of llieO. P , .i.l n ait IIO prophet. J S Ai t x.tlie 1 exoitUd in AUunv m a fw .! , a to imike e-iin a',.. prepraU.ry to bidding on an O P contract. nevrrm ap..uaitio-ia lor pens! mi. oi lfr the new lw, hava lxn msla i.t ttno c It Among Mr K MeK eight baa aypl tf, R-v Rucr-.of Citalli, hia reigurt . pt .r ol the I 'otrel iouat ullnrch, at Col v.l is, i,. witl move to l'oilaid nd kt k!Bj;o in aun.e oilier l.usine.. Grade tlsl.i kayo I. en sit aloni; First street, south side, Inn ween Feiry and Wash iiiKl iii. piepatatory to utt'iij- ihe sidewalk oeiioins. on (.is.e. i Mra'Mnek tishow.ffoni the Warm Hpriuz 1 1 .1. ..... . ! i.iiu.n i.-. i.o, w as in vi n V 1 . 1 1 1 o if ac- waa 01 via 11 v a lew dij s the Utter prt of laat wk. ,"v.e a. i.t, to Albany Monday. uronn-tiiN limes. Rev W It Humphrey. r.:o n-Jy a reeident ol Ibis ei'y, who lo .v. dlo Concord, 21, is una a iciiic 't i.f lototto. ',('.. nti Coata uoiinty, ,i. W II .mutt ta .l.i'i.i the ilsy. Aa he ia aptilty ci.terpnsi.iif fellow we sa2L'et that he l.riurf l.ak a mlot-k "f "-jus'ic ti n"for the poor fallow w ho cau l go. The po.tollioe rtceipt ti Portland are mure than tnose of VUl nod 1 .coma com bined, i.l the probabilty i the population of Ihe city is as much a that of (he two Cltle C B Cili.le, at one time an Oregon editor, i now paatnrr.f tbe Corgrci;atinBl church. at K-coiidi lo, Cal. A tew years newspaper work ai.ould tit most any edit r to Iki a miaisler Itockry K.rhatt ha I en sworn in a col lector of customs, at Portland. J W Minto, though be cannot he cbirl of police, of Port 111. 1. will tie weigher aud ganger under Mr r.arturt. F E Arulierijersnd tm't leave to-n:Lt for a month tup to their former home at Sso Fratjcl c . Mia Eva Mi.Ioer will hsye charge of th- IWni Tt-;ej.rpb t-fC during Mr'. ift-.'lier verv painfdl aceid.nt Uok place in town lrt H.turday. Sc-veral children were ,.limt on the sidewalk in front of R C Warner'a la iitufi store, when a. woven wire b.iltk.twa leaning sg.u.-t the l.uildiuc, fell njK.n M. J C MvKr..u" little f.-cr year ohl au, l res.10 h a le at tl thtgh KroW n.v.lla Tiaie., '.Of the. nil e human iac 50Tf(iCO 000 are well clothed, lhat is they Wear nr".t.t aoine kind: 83O.00O.MI0 bl.:tOLj j sooaked, nd 700.tNBj,000 nuly e.v, r jr'sol the t-ody ; WKl.tNSJ (ssi live in h.Hi-e v. 7o0,O(X).0U0 in nuu aud caves, and 250,000 tJ viitu lly have l.o 1 h. iter. JaaFPoaill&Cc. Cusick' tdditioo. (Sold cine, at Will oi Stark'. F. M. French kevpt railroad time. Rock candy drip at C E Browueji'. t Jf jvcRIi in paraaols at S E Young'.. Choice tanned sweet potatoes at C E BrownvliV Prepsril mtckrel, in lib caos, at OE Browne!!'. He?uuaiiera ,f,r garden scedt at 'C E Bruwue'l. For artist' tupplie go to Stan.-ud. t Coiick's. The latest slid music, discount. at Mrs Ifyman's. , Deiicinu cauntd craulcraiea at C. E Br w cell . Spring over coating at Zck.a i 3en, rp-, postte Post. Qice. Genuine Iowa sorghum on draught at C E Drownell B. A largs and fine itx'k of gold' canes to se lect from at Will & SUrk'. Have you seen those parlor toils lhat T Briuk haa just received? They are nice. Spring jicketa and beaded capea at re duced priceaat Samuel E Vonng'a, If you wnt a fine toilet or bath stwp call 00 Stausrd k I uMuk, City Drag Store . When wanting the beat grocerioa ii th market at reasons1' price call on F r -ell A Co. A su-e care for the whisky h.ihit: Dr. Living, ton's Aotidote for Druukennea will cure any csae of the lliiuor habit iu trom l.n to thirty duva, from the mod rate driuker to the drunkard. The Antidote on I yiven 111 a cup ..f 0. ITne wiihont the k no a led e of the erMta taking ii. Tho Aut:d..r will not tiijtue the bealcn ia any way. Manufactured I y the Livingston Chemical Co., Portland, Oregon, tr from J A Cuunniojr, soie agent, Albany. New Blacksmith Shop. G iV Willis hat just completed his blacksmith shop at the corner of Second and Railroad streeta where all kind of iron and wood woyk can be had and done in first class order Bring on your plow, wagor.s, etc., etc. for repairs. J W Bentlcy. beat boot and shoe maker in oity; AMDusite Fortnuller Irv ing a I have just received a Urge invoice cf lao curtains, rarging in price from one to nine dollars a pir, sciim, vUrtaiu ueta, etc. Alto a line of curtain pVe si r! fu-niture cover- np. SamcklE Y'ocno. iflr RESTORATIVE PERFECT HEsfr , u . . "" . . . The only Kaneoly known which will Stimulate the Nutritive Processes of tha . Humaa'Sjstem, By thl natural and rimpte means tt quickly and permanency OURES Alt Forma of Dyspepita, Constipation, Mental and " kervous Kxhaustlon, General Debility, :rln Fag, or any exhausted or weak emed condition of the y stern., from what; pver cause, Skla Krnptlona, Holls, Kuj), ntngr Snrc. Scrofula, and all Disease p the Blood, Stomach, IJver and Kidneys, 1 .00, SIX BOTTLES FOB S5.00. Br. Hiller" 84 pairo book, descriptive of Hy drastine KestortiVB and hia olher liuaediel Scut free by mail. HILLER DRUS COsn Francisco, Csl JToa balb bi fCSBAY & KASCN, ALBANY, CCS.' Revsre House; ALBANY, - OREGON CHAS. I'FEIFFEH PROPRIETOR. willed ui In find-claim style. Table oippllcd wltb tba beat In tbe market, Nloe aleena apartment. (Umple room or commercial trayelera, Mrrr Cearw t. aeit freaa th sfetel.Tn FOSHAY & MASON, 5tiAte abb n Druggists and Booksclltra, A a n t for John B. Alden't publication, which weaell at publlaber' rrlee with tge'',' AI.HANT. OKKWfK CWT, ! mew hr in the country, a Llewelien red Better, whtte point, k 1, lral reward upon return or Inform tlon of C W Watt-, Al bany. 0- Pllal FOR AD ALL SKIN DISEASES 00S'3 CELEBRiTED fDiSOH CU Jtlt'sniIUninalkmsiiiIlrriUt;- .andialht anly ... destroyer of Hkroba sad ouier bai Faraaltia. fn ft. Price. 2 5 cents a Box. UAY h SKSTDERS. ES isalera in General Mernandi88. v - . 0 !U0 Wo have the txciutivo Control ot o c E K T S Anddot't hat lo ofer m prlrt to tH fe ' xa$.ortU'J$BtSTItA. ort Ctu koi4S OKE JIKD OXE HALF POUKSS. SAMUEL E. YOUNG, ALBANY. OREGON. 4. WHITNEY, ltd Oonnsellcr it Lai ND- Pabllc OSECOM Sotnv A IS A Delmonica Restaurant, "COBSEB F1T ANP ELLMVOBTH STS. Tie nnder-icnril havin pnnbaved tba old Hdr.ean Re.Uar..t t'Snd has opcoed ond.-r thaalove n ne a lirat'Siaat reataa 'i... We are tiiepared to fnruiah mewl ! for part tea or dance on srte-rt notice. Oys- tr aarred in every sty ia. eastern or oi; all kind -f H-h ti owj ia tbe market,, Employ only lir e'aB I eJp. kd waitieg wiil Irfi prompt od coorteoo. Regular tr-.eals 23 eti. Coffee of Crat-claaa quality 4 nd a cup of coffee and cake at from 5 to IS I U. 1 am well known In this city bd rwk " nest th. tiaeiia to give me a call. SAMGOETS' Proprietor " "MONEY. CHEAPrMONEY. We have made arrangemcntt to aupply money to all on long time at low rate o , Interest n Improvrd f.uni and city prop erty. Thee who contemplaje building, brick block or gopd brjck business hofise can get money. See u. Wallace & CnsMiB. . Albany IRONWORKS. .Mi. ufaiiu rem o lAM ENGINES CRIST ANO SAW mil MACHINERY IRON FRONTS WD All KIH5S OF HEAVY -ANO LIGHT WORK, IN IRON ANO BRASS CASTINGS. liiil attention jwiti o 1 plrina U da of machines PaUoros Made oa Short Notice. X. S. STEELE Real Estate I Loan Broker Large list of g' od farm and city property fcraa'e, ' Ians, moeey on real estate In Don 10& adjoining oountic. w Ioturaoc wtitten op in reliable ccnipa: it Notary Public i-nd eonveyanoer. Call on or write me. S.N.STEELE, Albany Oregon. THE PLACE. By all Oiea,H e)l Ojj Pae. Brothers. 'or out G roeeries, Froiucc. Baed Goods. Etc. Etc. 1 l.elr goods are tbe hpat a" ihf lr pfio wasonabi. ' ' ALBANY OR. WRITSIAH & HULJEET BEOS., I Real Estate Agents, Farn.e and llanuhea for tale. - Also city bro party in Albany and Coryallia. Conrad Mever. e-pRoptiiT, qjr. TAli BAKERY tCm-uer Eroadaluin and' First Sts., deaij:r in atssaied rraila, Caiunl .M est in, Havawre, . Qieentwar, . 9rtes. Frolta. FegetabJf , . wvwww. -.ari w, , v agmr 8p't. ' t'oflee. Test, Ete1,. Eto., ' r .v-et everything that is kept In a gen a t variety and grocer? ore. Highest o rket price paid for i ll iiinos of gnostic: t .WiiV' X I- KI Ur-r-2miV I I 1 X 1