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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1890)
Sit flf THE DEMOCRAT Advertising nrilicm In the Centra! Wlllamfttr Velley. THE DEMOCRAT, New York WorM and American Farmer Ono year for 2.80. AOL XXV. ALBANY, OULGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST J, 1890. XO 53 : .... .... v Special ?TK! , IS? HOME TREATMENT A Specific L- K?Ll tTS flYPPASTtNt! RSSTPtHTiVr. nimu: nutrition. t!. Must, cuca. l) .!,, UHiaii(Nuiuu n4 Utmvnu . A (-erlrvl Ui!c and s'.nng:li UulMw. li'A! I"-' ANTI-BIIIOUS STOMACH AT tl'FH CURE, cum mus. Mat an.l tj Lir, t'-MlM antl rVmr, iU.a.iii roTins, anaairjTaoUl cvmUtLma. ST?. 'SB'S rATAHRH Ci:nr. PcaLna. CUAranUKU tutu.-. W. urUca r.. hk! rr-'5 cwrm cure. Coma Colds, i':t.uto .1. ana r uM imuuu4iun. CouUlu. noO'.-UU. Cart, t; roup lu 10 uilnutoa. To-Ik g- jV' CK'S DIPHTHrRDV AND PORE THROAT Cttrg. rOT,nt. .BTcuri i i U i.l JHl iyr (.trust ia trviu 3 Ui u L. t.n. tinri yulii.)- In S Jay FEVER Cl'ftg. Indlsranwhla In a!l aruU illwn with rVvr. l-rtrcni a wl tr, skatUua, and alt-aslta. i:. tat.r shcuiU twar liu l:i iiiln.1. PH.V-f; stsnvoo osmtiTvctmE. k. .mi um i . iwt. :it.tvf lil tuj Kr Tut-atj Circulsr to liUi.-r liruj Ca, fou Fraiitlwo, Cst, !LwvJ!Ww ma Kryr.At.wc C-r. 0im N.ura., a, uout, Uaifca;o, anU .uu, Lj- uutr.ian tiHilTL aUk cauas t'tasn. Cf. if LUn-S TEETHING CURE. AM tb. p. l feebroawt .1 AM. Juriii "0 Itfilne t.elMnff ni,J .;,. i ith. an.1 prewnt Mi l ennw aia, UWktta. Uiolu Itaubln anJ U.t I Oouj lunlt. A Li..ti u Utut oiotlwr au4 cUint DR. HiltER'S VHnfPiN9 COOSH I CURE. m:. , l tr Wh.K.Pn cv Knra. a. - Wl!i ;m w . Ion cl Ir. II l'ur' " I'r ou-ht'ur 4 ulMi.aU livu lirtiafctA v Nat:ra ll IHt SI. CO per ru:kagc. Siix Tbmrawtir Vn tvult ,.l twtty.(lr r nusnmlwi lit rum al.c i at- ! t..l.k. bMm BTuaiiiH'U,,rui.Uiiilii iiutt rtuu.M.iw HILLER DRUG COMPANY, S;N n - i t.... rosuay utii, v'kus. .vii;iv. urffan. tague conisriUE, fiest Ion leii.iris Groceries, Produce, tonicciionary. Mc, Prodac aulri in hre tot foorli p mpt attanti.m. FL.KENT01Q B P Choice Candy, NEAR THE Jas. E. Powell & Co., Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. -DEALERS IX- 'Tip!l Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. Low Trices and Prompt Attention. FARGO'S 82.50 . 1 FOR CENTLEMEH Is the Best Shoo for the Price. -:Q. W. SIMPSON,:- WHOSE STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. CLOTHING, ETC., ETC., Is now Larj'or and NISYV STORE. Mitchell & Agricultural rvp 'ws-r s-rrtf txrZrsiJi rrrrZT AND VEHICLES COME FURNITURE. It you want the best and most durable' furniture that is manufactured in the city go to Tho mas Brink. DR. HILLER'S Prescriptions. SELF CURE Remedy for Each Disease. A.-i.t un eta.- bi UU-Mstlou. are UlowoJ, urai , an J Catarrhal uh nj rcfuuJcJ. iloarvnrra, Cnv!n. Ilrr-ncMtls, rt.urUr nl If rtr,;.'tlii liiMtoe'va. It. Ili:ler' liNt-r.rutt'a. llwbU.vv i nw.:i Ma in. u,i n TU t fumi. l U w. l;wi l y iu..i , t.n rtij.i-l ol ltH.. Pjtkages for S5.C0. t irfw:rial mm,Hm I'r. mi. t . 0. i ..u b...s -4 .lirw-Wia tj I )i.., 4-i-i, .i.'.r.. tw ai'plkatioa FHANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A. .. .it v k Son, & jt: LiXlTT ST3 Tobacco, ( igmv i r ch. 1 1ST iVats, Fruit, ;. p o in the Market Better.tlian Ever rJIiW GOOD lewis Co., DEALERS IN Implements or.? co?. LOCAL KttCOM)' An Inikkesiimi Escape. The Eu gene Rgt!tr kIvc Ihe following lit U-r I'ltilnjt accuunt of the ecnpe ot Ihn MUa inn l lorjjer, leretoKrv' moiuloneJ In the l)KMIK'tt.T. Arlluir, tho Mlnaouil furRcr, nrrcntcJ l.u t week bv conaiabld i'ochitin, hm jjono ki Into ti e tuountnliiH (or lila hcnilli, pre mnmblv. Lt week we save mi toemmt ot IiIh nrrent. Af'er ho liro;lit lr I''um'ne he mUl tilt horaa mul wayon nud rented htnio on 14th nd l'uHcrioi atrotu tor hU family, lie wim iot kept In jail but wita gunitled by (in Htillurd. tie was tuken to hi hUH time to attend to thine, mul ht Tlttiraday eve tiln,; Nkkctl tit pi lip and get stinte clean do! In and titko a Imth. Hullard tiwtk him up and at In the dtxr whllo Arthur wa jtettlnif bin cklhe. Suddenly Arthur atepped bclilnd a d.r and when "he came out had p klmt Kun pointed at llullnrd and told bint to throw up Id hand, tie did. lie thru told Mm to turn around lie turned, lie then atepped up and took hU revolver from M htp pocket, and told hlin to walk, lie walktd. Arthur then drove riullard nero the hill to the wood near the Mamdc cemetery. There he took the carlrl. !: out ot Hullard' revol ver and threw It to him, and told him to take it and k buck to town, he had no further tie for htm. Arthur then took to the brush and made hi eatfape and ha not been een lnce. He admitted hi guilt and aald there wa no how for him if he wa luken buck to MUtoinl. Only $50 rewnrtl ha Ix-eu cffereJ tor hi cap ture and It I nlj he ha bought off cv cral ollieera. Mohk ok Ir. Tho Albany cciimum r jmrt prolntMy iuclttiteK itome of lA'tattoit'a milmrlMUi t.AUiH. If co, the iulltttetl Kp ulution cnti ts iintinfuclirily Recount! for. I'baiion Kxpn!. Tlits littlo item hIiowh tmw Allwnv'n proKrennivo popu lation in trovbtmi: her ni'iKl'lx'rn every where; hiiiI bere in another of the- aatne ntripe from tho l'orvnllin ituxvtttf, whieh w it'wv to tih.iw liow jealoun rtoiue o Ilt are of Allwny'a j-roniK-rity : 'The Hiontion tif iMipulittioti in now uiider k'i'H eral (lim'tiPMioii utul there in prolmbly but oin town in Orepm whieh in Muttnliid with tin nuiiitn-r an jriven by the enu merator:', and it in probably the only town in Oregon in wbieli tlu rv in a w li dim-n-iianey U-tweett thi count ntnl tli aetual imputation. That town ia Al- tmny." Niiw the truth in. thouiili the lltm-a nltow up well fr the cil v, iiuito a imin- ler are know u to have been inisntHl. We do not w inli to make the wubjVet obuox iou; but it i interetiti(; to we how the rteult ntUftd the ublii', lu'iu-e wu nlialt keep our reader pouted. Pktti.k HiVAtRV. Frank L I'arker, who jiiut returned from Seattle, aaya the I'iiincer, t'-llrt nil nmuHiiiK etory of a little rivalry in buiMiiik'. Two buitineHD men eaehowiieit adjoining '.'5 fiMjt lots, and tbev areed to build each a four ntory building and make the roof uniform. The prueeedint; were carried out until the fourth Mtory w un rcarhed w hen a ntdit HTurred Ire twee n them. One of them immetliately onlered another atory Iuit on bin biiil.linj.', in that tie would mvo nothint; to do withhii ueichljor. Tiie extra tUory u no .otier raixetl than out cotnt a a atory on the adjoining Ktrueture. Xo 1 then put on the nixth etory, and i Htill followttl by No and FtiU not to allow the obiioxioun nt iliUir to approach hint he add the reveuth story, and No 2 contemplated follow in unit but be diiteovered that bin founda tion would Hot ftand the weight. No 1 Maid lie would have pone to the twentieth ntory Ix-fore he would have allowed the other fellow to get iKHvr hia roof. Ai.banv f trow Inn a treat deal Wcao.e the rvr.u how a population ol about 7,000 in the city ond orToumlln country. They call it tiie population ot the cliy alone. Ku; nr UeUttr. The I)r-.; ikai h- tcverrl time aaid that the pf)H.'n'i in of the city itaclf I probably abju' xo, making an etlmate for the p.ptititT in the precinct, and that U zixjo more than Eugene. Albany In thl re.pcct. I in the aamc boat with most of the other citle ol the vatley, and it hould ; retnemlrerd alo that only recent!y a precinct wa cut o?f entirely from the Albany precinct The Atbauv precinct' are no larger, probably, thn the Salem, or CorvaU', or Kugen precinct. What wa the impulatlon rt the I.ueene precinct, Mr Rcihtcr? Ixt u know, for coinparlaon. at you have been boaniing that Kugcnc was a Urge a Albany, C'knhus DoKr.t.. Quoting from the Cap ital Journal on the remtUM, the Albany iJemocrat Haya: "Tlio follow injr 1omc from the Journal, taken juxt Inrfore K"'"t to, will cure the worKt cano of iiiK'ht inare on record." I t it I hoped that the doKC had tho effect of removing from Allmny iiuiida the delusive niuhtmare that their population ruuehea within alxjut 4W) r.f that f Salem, for there nev er wan a w orrw case on record. Journal. That in about the way the census will no thtin'R-riu tlown the airea all the vaine, and mo far an the world ia concern ed local a.puealit w ill not change it, and really it mIiowh about the ditlcrcnce in the citien with the ttenitetittary, innaue asy lutn, imlian Hchool, ct:., Itlt out, aa they were in thin cane. Here in another pill we have to swallow from the l'acific ExpreaH, a moral paper: II13 Albany Deinocrat HUteg that the population of that city under the prenent ceiiMUH w ill be alxut 1000." Non to Rest. "I can't find a house to rtnt in the city," ald a man after mak ing a long hunt. Everything aultable l occupied, and litis I the heat of summer. Vjme one augieHtcd that we end to Mai em for noiiie apure houae. A large number of houne are belns built too in different par'. cf the city. There are no file or mosquitoes on Albany. Item like the following are going the round : "Albany, Urcon, ha maue aurprilng growth, It the estimate of it papulation, about 7000, I correct. Thl I only a little behind Sa lem." An Unckrtaiv World. Conductors don't always know which way the wind blows along the road. In order to be at Albany one of them traded positions and took a train going to the front, a it stopped in Albany from 4 o clock until the next morning, whereas the former train put up at May nights. Now the train to the front will stop at Gates niihu, while the con ductors family will be at Albany. There are, verily, lots of uncertainties in this life. Nicely Laid Out. At the show the other night the funny gave the place a third the size of Albany, up the river, a gooa send rlt: Torvallls is a good plo;c." "Yes." "Nicely laid out. Much better laid out than Albany." "Yes; but if Albany had been dead its long as corvallls '.t could be nicely la!d out too," Tape Woemh. Thre is a company of medicine venders who appeared on our streets last evening to sell their medicine rTher have just arrived from fialeui. We I are informed that it is their intention to return to Halein, when they will remain a fortnight, as they say there are more tape worms in that town (considering its 7000 population) than aiy other they have ever visitea. A Correct Version. The Salem pa per have right along been claiming from 10.000 to 1 1,00.1 population for their city, but the cenus shows that either the Salern paper, used poor judgment in their estimates, for their boom purposes or that the census was poorly taken. It is very probable, though that the census re turns are nearer right than the boom esil mate. Ashland I Idings : A Warning. Four logs during last winters flood lodced on the farm of Mr Avery in Benton county, lit cut them up and used them for wood. Mr. Max Friend- ly laid claim to them, and sued Mr, Avery Ifor their value asking for $43 He re covered $19 the Justice declaring that to be the law of the land. -,..-,, A UttAL Ehtatb Mam m TKottnLic. The Corvallis (lunette charges K O Beardsley, fornierlyof this city.wlthhlrlng a team of Mr Kglln on recoinm ndntloti of the pro prietor of the Occidental Hotel, and then after lining it that In left the team on n hack atreet, went to the hotel, took his grip therefrom, drove to tho Went Hide depot, reaching them in time to hoard the train as it pulU'd out for Portland, having wen red a boy to return the team to the stable. That Mr Kglln and Mr WilMns, who were Ixith at the depot, compared notes and found that he left unpaid his hoard hill, his stable bill, and several small sums of money Uirrowcd from real rotate men in ('orviilll. I'roinpt action on the part ot the credit ors cattHod his arrest when the train ar rived at Independence, when he settled the matter by paying the amounts duo. Mr Iloardrtley was a resident of Albany even or eight months, and the !kmo chat's experience with him was that he was a prompt, honorable man to do busi ness. On leaving for Portland he did so with ft square record ladilud him. Hence the almve charges of the (I axe tie sound ta titer unreasonable to those who knew Mr Meardslcy here, ami there Is probably a mistake. A RattlkSnXkk Hi l Walter Eddy, 13 year o'.J on f Jap EoJy was bitten bv a rattleanuke lat Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, In Coyote precinct, about ll inllea aouthwc.t ol Eugene. It appear thai be hat gone Into the Held, hall a mile Ir jiii the houe, alter tome hay and stepped on the anake which wound around hi right leg and thru! It poUonou fang Into the tower calf of the leg, lacerating It coiuld erahly. The boy, crying Irom pain and fright, ran home, arriving there much ex cited and very warm, the cxctcUe spread ing the noboii through the blood. WhUky wn Imniedictely glvvn him and the leg bandaged. Dicing the night he continued to grow worse, and the leg to swell badly. Wednesday .veiling a tnccue,er summon ed Or Mt Kinney, who attended upon the sufferer that night, tic found the patient In an extremely ciltlcal condition, and says he will probably die. Eugene Guard. llow 1 1 K Wa KieKKir. Irom !)r Maston, who ar lived luiue on the () I train, w. lear.i f-irtifr particulars of the klckini; of l.rc I'avne. nn of M Payne, by a hor.c at the Summit, on the U P road to the bay. It rem that wa vUlilug at tti J homeol hi uncle, Mr Galloway, wl o live two mile bevond thcaummlt. Lee was out In a Held or barnyard, near a bore that lay down 10 roll. While It wa il.iwn he ran np to It and threw tip hi hand to acarc It, when ll udJcnlv jumqrd up and kicked the hoy in me lace, knocking out ten terlli and cutting several frightful gashc In the face. The boy wa unconx-tou for nearly twenty .'tour hour. The Or brought Id in tionie t day on the train. while Mr Payne and wile came In with the team that look them and the doctor over thrre. The bov i beller to day. Uai Lcca About seventeen years ago L R GarrUon took about J.oooshrcp from here to eastern Oregon. A hard winter ratttc on and he lost nil but II Sod gave hem away. He returned to Lane rounty and for several yean conducted a dairy on rent Ki.ige ,ijoui a year ago he look 1 73 head of cattle and ii hore to eastern Oregon. Last winter be !ot all but 14 cattle and 6 hurse dining the severe win ter. He had eventcen Ion ot hay put up and fed that all out but It did not last long enough and he was un-i'tic to get any more. lie returned 10 l.ane c unty ut week and will again try to get aomctMug ahead. Kegtstcr. Convrmv-iom or M asii ls. A circu lar, the wcrding of anlt h la a folia. has been forwarded to the chief of police ami marshals ol the chic of Oregon and Washington : '"The second semi-annual convention of chief of police and ell y mar- shall, of Washington and Orrgon, wii be held at Portland, Aueu.t c, iSo. at 10 o' clock a.m. Tnc o.ljeet of thWconven- are to complete the organization which wa Inaugurated at l.u- nna, rebruary 5, lS, and devise wa and meant for the capture and dctenti.'t-. . I rriminil, and es tablish a thorough deUciive system. All chief and city marsh.i! jre requested o appear in lull uniionn. A Ubavk C'iukok. We understand that the merchants of Sweet Home are mis leading wool men from Eastern Oregon, who are bringing their wool to the valley to sell, by telling tltcui that the prices are better in Albany and that they can not sell their wool in Itrownsville. We wish to say that lirownsville pays the market price for wool, and if Uiomc people are directing wool men from this place they are telling that w hich is not true, lor i;rowtiviii is in the ical ana iiuys all the wod that comes, paying the high- esi , market price, and sella goods as cheap Allmny. Urowusville Times. Now. as 1 a . r - 1 .- as a matter of fact all the wool brought over the cawaiea that came to Allmny was started for this city in the first place, and Sweet Home men bad nothing to do w ith 11 coming to Albany Wish Him Lvck. Texas Tom and hi banjo band and Bridle Uill are at Albany, having been called mere to attend upon the IJkmockat man'a tapeworm, which the universal hope Is they will succeed In corrallng and lassoing. Statesman. As their medicine could nt even tickle the rough hide of the tapeworm editor of tne Matcsman, they say they will never tackle another editor and love or money could'nt hire them to lake our case. Pop ulation of Albany and suburb, 6,071 Enough to Cache Ruin. The other day we noticed a farmer buying bacon,1ard, nutter and potatoes of dealers In town. These are necessaries cf life which every farmer should produce on hla farm, and until the farrrers do o they cannot expect to become prosperous. With the exception of groceries, the farmer should produce everything at home that he eats, but many Crook county farmers do not hence the great drain upon their incomes and upon tie wealth of the county, --Uchoco Review, III Favored Machinery. A queer fa' tality pursues a car-load of machiney for the Crown mill, un the first journey hither from the eant the car and its load were wrecked and the machinery had to tie taken back to the shops for repairs. En route the second time, the car and contents were spoiled by a fire on the track. Now the machinery has to be built again. The railroad comnanv. of course, foots these losses out of its wat ered stock. Oregon City Courier. An Ahkemt at Stayton. R S Ilenline was arrested at Stayton, a low days ago charged with stealing tOS from the pock etuook ot J r liiomns. lie was Held to await the action of the grand jury under t'zw Donna which were furnished, in the examination ho was represented by Geo Downing and 8 T Richardson, of tsalern. the Dros3cution bv W HUnpenpr. The defendant was raised there, was re cently married, lias a grandmother and parents there. Tho affair has caused considerable excitement at Stayton. Was at Albany. President Fleming, of the Oregon Information Board, In giv ing an account of his trip up the valley mentions AiDany as iouows I crossed from Corvallis to Albany where my stay was onet, but long enougl to see that it was a live town with a bril liant future before it. Its citizens are wide awake, ambitious, energetic, and fully determined to go to work to build up their city and develope their tribu tary country, which is second to none in all the elements which go to make up a prosperous ana wealthy community, Widb Faces. It is always sort of quiet during the summer months. How can it be any thing else ; but soon there will be a hum and a buzz in Albany that will surprise people. Vv e are so informed privately and believe it. Something is going to strike ere long that will make everybody's face a mile or less wide. One cannot expect to have everything come in a steady stream, urni isn't reasonaoie, though Albany, to be sure, comes pretty close to it. In a short time there will bi some live facts to chronicle, roust it, rBOi-KKtmtia. Present Recorder, Marshal, Street Commissioner, and CouuclliiU'ii Iltirk- hart, Garrett, Hmlth. Tabler, lH-yoe and French. In the alstence of the mayor counclliiH'n Jbirkhart was elected chair man. . - The follow tug bills were ordered paid : Townseml A I.lnn. l 50; Foslmy A Mason, f'-'O 78; J N Hodman, $02 20 ; R A Murphy, 2 60; J A Warner, $44 00 J Saiitliuit lAiiiihfrlng Co., $10 O'J; 1 ey 00 A Rohson, $112 .1'.'; G I, Savage, t); W K Kelly, ft 00 j John Maxwell, $2U CO; W N Miller. 70s A J llnnt,H; WA McClalu, W, John Jones, ,70. The Street Commissioner reccommen ded that a pcw sidewalk be built to grade oil the south side of First street, adjoining block 10, and a new walk on the north side of Second street, adjoining block ; also new walk on south side of Heventh street, adjoining lot 4, block 55; 011 west side of Calapoolu street, adjoin ing lot 4, block bH. Ordered dune. Further time was granted on grading Sixth street from Montgomery to Maine. Application of IF Conn, and others, for a lalleral sew r was granted and sew er ordered buijt K thirty days. Committee on Firo am! Water rcmrt cd proirer repairs inado In tho rear of Thos P.riuk's furniture store. Petition of G W Anderson, and othcra. for extension ot the Kail road street sew er to Sixth strei-t, was referred to the committee on ways and means. Petition of Albany Collegiate Institute asking that the Rroadalbin street sewer Ui extended to college proiwrty so that the college outhuiiHes can bo connected w Ith the sewer, w as read and referred to the committee on ways and means. Petition of q R Skinner, and oUiera. asked that vlcr street, east line of Madison stieet to east line of Sherman street and Main, north line of First street to north line of Front street tsj graded and graveled. Referred. Ordinance 208 providing for grading certain portions of Ninetli, Tenth and Eleventh streets, was read three times and passed. Ordinance 2i, amending ordinance providing for established grade of streets was read three times and passed. Licenses wero granted John Giblin and Hoffman & Taylor. Second street between First and Wash ington street and alley were ordered pi are. I n grade within thirty days, and also sidewalks. THE Mi iStaHT TSWI. Ono other city in tho V. H. is as well satisfied with the census as Allmny. Ringhamton, N. V.. which had a tmt.ula- tioti of 17,315, in IHHO, now has double this amount, a (net of particular interest o tne .nan a trout I own, who was brought in twenty-three utiles from it.and where le bought his first store suit of clothes. whieh made him so conspicuous with their frrsh creases and generally green appearance that even the boot blacks re market! about It. It Allwnv can ever he roine I ho parlor city that Ringhamton as always been 11 will be a coiisimima ion greatly to be desired. There are finite a number of old maids n Albany who no doubt are lamrulahintf for a Utter-half, and Uf their benefit we give them an uusurpaswd tjortunity to get a hunband with money. "Mr J , 01 r renrii rrairn, was In Molalla hunt ing a woman last week. He savs he will give any man I'-IK) that w ill find him a woman, lie promises to give her 1 10.000 as soon as they are unite!, besides a tine Horse ana buggy ,aua if she suits lie w ill give her f W.oou at the end of a year. ow, girls, here is a chance. Strike while the iron is hot. Oliver Wendall Holmes says: The hu man race is divide. I into two classes thoftewhogo ahead and do something, and those w ho sit still and inquire," Why wasn't it rhino the other way." The Man About Town knows some of both clasres in Albany. Tho latter particu larly make themselves quite conspicuous frequently and sometimes ofleiier. There is a trcneral iniaithinir of teeth at Eugene, Salem ami a few other valley towns because Al!uiya population shows up well. The Man About Town ras hail plenty of fun readmit the crarv remarks of exchanges adout the matter, which we haven't half space enough to publish. The Eucene Guard publiHhes a laiseiiocMi or two in making a compart son, which is invidious. The Guard says: They are bloated with an undue idea of their importance, and assume the credit for the tow n of that which should le divided with the county." The truth is no more should be divided w ith the county than in the case ot Salem and most of the other places. The county is entitled to hint about 2000, probably a little less, and that is all. the matter of elections, school census, etc, have little to do with it. as the vote might not lie full and the school census hits no re liable basis. An honest census was ttn- loubtedly taken here, as in Eugene, and liecause wo have 2000 tho most popula tion is no reason whv we should be lied alsiut. VALUABLE I'KOl'taY. The Cuslck Addition to Albany has just been thrown on the market and will be sold at such prices and terms a will enable the speculator to make good money. - Thl property Ilea lust this side of Goltra'a Park: I high and sightly, overlooking the city and surrounding country. In the language of a First street merchant, "That ts destined to be some the 'Hon-ton' residence portion of the clly." Wallace 5c Cuslck. the a cents for this property, have their own conveyance and will be glad to show this, the best of all addltlsns. to the Intending speculator. llAitRisBt'Rcj. The mill of tho Harris- burg Lumber Company is closed this week, there being no more logs at the mill. It is expected that another drive will arrive some time next week. A lady understanding the millinery business thoroughly .will find a vorv irood location in Harrtsburg. To the right per- -I t t 1 L 111 1 - " son special inducement, win ue given. A street fakir, pretending to sell thousand and one tiiingg.was busy work intr on our streets last night. He suc ceeded well, as usual, and left on the early train this morning witu tne fair sized purse he made here. We are told that the greatest antago nism that has been seen in the city for a long while exists between the two boot blacks who occupy stands Here. They have reduced the price to five cents, and as each has resolved to outdo the other it is probable that "free shines will soon be their cry. -Cot. Junction Pilot. Brownsville. A very quiet wedding took place in town last evening, the con tracting parties being Mr Jos Hansard and Miss Rosa Brown. Rev C Sperry was the officiating clergyman. Our county commissioners have not yet accepted the bridge at this place.ow ing to the fact, so we are told, that it was not constructed at the place designated in the contract. It waa erected below where the old one stood whereas it should have been above. The bridge lookB very awkward as it now stands,and will make it necessary for $75 or 100 worth of grad ing to be done on the north end. Mr Noah Shanks and wife,of Crawforda ville, left on Wednesday morning's train for Post Falls, Idaho, where they will make their future home. Mr Shanks informed us that had he remained at Crawfordsville two months and four days longer it would have been, exactly 39 years since he drove an ox team up the creek and settled on his farm near here. We are sorry to loose Mr Shanks from our number, as he is a No 1 citizen. Times, ., , . ", ; KINCilXCl WOltPH. enatnr Voorhecs made a speech In the United States Senate the other day In which he criticised the tariff bill In detail and characterized It as a financial monster. The reduction In sugar and molassss was no reduction at all In the light of the pro posed bounty to planter 1, and the Increase In woolen good amounted lo $15,000,000 a year, Thl was simply piotrctlon run mad. Voothres referred to the recent. Stanley w edJIng In London and prcenl of fabu lous pt Ice. Among these was a gift of Carnegie, a gift said to be richer and rarer and far more costly than any that could bo afforded by the Queen of England or the King of Pclglum. The gift wss an uncut diamond of such sine and quality that neither the richest ot the crown jewels ot England nor the moonstone of India aa IB .Sl' could surpass It In value, llow came this , American mug 01 steei ana iron 10 nave such diamond? he asked. The farmers ot the United States paid for that diamond ten thousand time over In the last twenty years by paying an average duty of over 38 per cent on every article of Iron they used, by paying the lncreaed rates made necessary by the high duties on steel and Iron rails and rolling stock. If the pending bill became a law the farmers would have lo pay on Iron .nd steel an Increase of duty from 3S. 24 lo 51.75 per cent Voorhees passed on to the discussion of the proposed Increase of 1 20 per cent on tin-plate, In order lo protect an Infant In dustry, yet unborn, and give employment to 24,000 worklngmcn now Idle. It would be far cheaper for the country to pay the 4.oco Idle men average wages than to tax every square of tin roof, every dlnner pall, teapot and milk-can, simply to Lulld a dosen millionaires and enable Ihem to give coaching parties lo protection leaders and to founj libraries from the savings of a 15 per cent reduction of the wage of worklngmcn. Tin-plate had the first light to be on the fiee list, and he would at the proper tin.e move to put It there. There was no man. ufac'.urer of It In the country, and thrre was nothing to protect, even it protection wero right. All the Internal revenue taxes t'n manu facturer, brokers and dealers, bank checks and Income had been swept away, while the duties on trace chain, tin-buckets, flannel shin and the like had bad a manl. fold growth NKW KoR T1IK FAR KKM, Secretary Maine, in his tetter to Senator Frye o. tin McKintcy tariff bill says: . Tbere is not a section or a line In the emits (McKinley) bill that wi I open a mat Wet for another lushel ol wheat or another banc! of pork. Il appcar,then after ail.that that bill will be of no benefit to the tsiotcr if lliaine is right. Hut Maine's statement is absolutely t-ue and no erne wilt a tempt to cainsay it. Thus Is exploded one tif the most at nurd pre tenses that was ever attempted lo le totaled upon any intelligent people. If the McKintcy bill couli be fully understood by the people and they were stlowed to vote ujnrn it not one ia ten would voul.1 vote for it. Maine's proposition for reciprocity is free rade simple and pure, but under circumstance that are not creditable to protecltcn and pro tectionist, We have been imposing excessive duties upon many Spanish imports. Spain to retaaate imposes a duty of 4,09 cents per barrel on American dour. This drives Ameri ca out of Spanish market;. Maine, finding himself outdone at hi own li tic game of "pio lectio,," proposes to go to Spain and say: "Here now, le.'s quit this foolishness. You let my flour go into your markets free, and I will let your sugar and hides come into ours rse," However humiliating this may be to nn American, it is the natural and legitimate outcome of our so called system of protection, The Ccrvallls Cutrtte la oclly aching about the census. It savs that Albany fs the only city that Is satisfied w ith the work of the census. Well, now, we are not sat isfied, a quite a number of names have been obtal led that were not enemerated. We are not satisfied about this. Then we must admonish our young friend that we are not satisfied about tho relative popula tlon of Albany and Corvallis. We all thought here that Albany had four times as many as Corvallis but the returns show that we have but lilt e mors than three times as many. We would kick but what is the use of "kicking against the pi Ikes." There is money in climate. Cool weather in the interior has almost depopulated the Utecon s.csule resorts, ror no o'her one luxury do people spend as much n.oney as for climate. Capital JonrunJ, Our cotemporary hat been so long in the habit of looking at the tariff question in a one sided way that it unconsciously looks at nearly all other questions in a one sided way. Now, let us inquire of those who keep hoarding houses at seaside resorts, snd they will promply tel us there is no money at all in climate. The original package decision it being punc tureed at so many points that it will soon be the most completely collapsed bag the su preme coutt ever sent up from their judicial gas retort. Capital Journal. We are heartily glad at the wide spread dis position manifested among republicans to "go back" on the "original package" decision of the supreme court on the ground that it con travenes the rights of the states.fur it is at vari ance with Ihe true democratic doctrine of state rights. . . Judge B F Bonharo who was appointed con sul General to Calcutta in India is now on his way home, his successor having been appoint ed and entered upon his duties. The invoices for the judge's personal, effects have been re ceived at the custom house in Portland, hence it may bs inferred that the judge and his ac complished and much esteemed wife will arrive toon. They will meet a hearty welcome from hundred of friends throughout the state, Tub Records of Maeion county show the platting of many thousand acres of land in small tracts ot irom o to iu acres, Capital City Fruit Farm of 640 acres.Sun- nyside No 1320 acres, Sunnyside No 2 10 acres, Sunnyside No 3470 acrea.and a number of others have been placed on the records by the Oregon Land Company of Salem, Oregon. - This company is also doing business in Portland and Albany, and have for sale numerous other small tracts. The great advantage of this plan is that it brings together in one community the class of people who are all engaged in the same business, viz: fruit growing.conseqaently there springs up large drying and can nine: establishments similar to those in the city of Salem, which advantages makes profitable market for the products of these fruit farms. Consult your interest by buying of the Oregon Land Company of Salemortland or Albany. . ; U AH NKW YORK STOLEN IN HWHt I The Atbauv Arirus has been rnmnsrinw I 1 n the census returns with the election statls- j lies cf some of the republican counties in the stale, with the Interesting tesult ' showing the Insufficiency of the census enumeration, or else the stuffing of the ballot boxes. It says t Ou.iitlng Hudson, '.he fourteen ruial towns of Columbia were credited 31,628 population In 1880, and cast 7,938 votes for piesldent. In 1888 they csst 8,101 votes, yet now are credited with only 27,011 pop ulation. Thus, allhouhg these towns cast 350 more votes, they are said to have lost 4,5'jo In population. It Is notorious fact that republican repeaters were colo nized In Columbia cou.ilv In 1888, but It Is Incredible that so many could have voted. Thus, although Cathain, the home of the republican boss, Marshal "Lou" fayn, has diminished In population by 550, yet lis vote In 1888 was 1,100 agaln.l 1,301 In 1880, a loss of only 11 ( Cat ham Is 550 (mailer 1S1IS BPS aV I VliV (II IVU7 WUtllU MUTtS bce ,t ,e,fcl OQ ,eM ,, , 880t uncM than in 1880, Its vote In 1888 would have tho republicans swelled tho vole fraudu lently by bringing sixty or seventy repeat ers into tho town on election dsy. The census figures will give lht people of Col umbia county something to think about. I nlcss there were hundreds of fraudulent votes cast in 1888, the census of 1870 Is a fraud. Son.e of the other counties afford equally curious results. Be tween 1880 and 1888 the republican county of Oneida, omitting the cities ol Utlca and Rome, Increased their vote over 700 while the population diminished nearly 7,000. The r publican national ticket, It will be remembe-ed, was saved by unexpected Increases In the vote In the republican rural counties of New York, Here is one of them wnere the vole increased 700 as compared with 1880, though the census shows a decrease of nearly 7,000 In the population. Is it Mr Quay's count or M r. Porter's count that Is wrong? Mr Quay's count I the more tusplco'ii of the two. Oswego cou ty has a large republican majority; between 1880 and 1H88 the population of the county, outside of the city of Oswego, appears to have falcn off 9,000, but Ihe vote Inci cased 747. We ask the earnest attention af that eminent political mathematician, Henry Cabot Lodge, and that equally eminent mathematical politician. George Friable Hoar, to these highly suggestive figures. Comparing the census figures with the election returns from 16 counties In New York, the Argus shows that they are al leged to have gained 24,000 votes between 880 and 1 888 and yet to have gained only 27,000 Inhabitants between 1SS0 and 1S70 We would like lo ask Mr Henry Cabot Lodge If that I not conclusive evidence 'hat the ballot boxes wero stuffed la 18SS? The circumstantial evidence I sllil stronger when the vote of the cities Is sep erated from the vote of the agricultural district where the unexpectedly large re- publican vote gave Harrison New York State and the Presidency. In these 16 counties, 14 of which are republican and wo democratic, theie are 12 cities and large towns purport to have Increased their vole between 1SS0 and iS&3 17,000, and their popilailon between 1SS0 and 1890 64,000, This Is about four inhabitant to vote and is perfectly reasonable, but de ducting the vote and population oil the en tire countk-t and we obtain these startling and Impossible results for the rural and overwhelming republican tow ns In those counties: Decrease of population between 1880 and 1S00, 37.000; Increase of vote be tween 18S0 and 1S00. 7.000. Ibis la impossible; no one can for a moment that while the population decreased 37,000 the honest vote Increased 7,000. The republican census bureau af fords the evidence that the republicans secured the presidential election of iSSS by stuffing the ballot boxes tn the republican agricultural towns of New York State National lltfublican . DKMOCRATIC POLICY. There has never been any disposition on the part of the Democratic Senators to filibuster or unnecessarily to prolong discussion upon the Tariff bill At a politico -economic -ncasure the majority has a right to pass it. The Democrats could ask no belter Issue for the Fall election', and tor the Pi evidential election which will follow. han would be created by a law raising the taxes in all save one of the I arid schedules to a point considerab'y above the highest average of the war tariff. All that the Democrats Have asked is that they shall have an oppor tunity to discuss fully this important measure, according V the practice of the Senile for a hundred years, with a view to enlightening the country at to i's provisions. 'The Elections Bill, at We have before said, is a different matte. That strikes a blow at the freedom of elections and at the immemorial rights of the Stales and of citizens which will justify the Democrats in retorting to all lawfu means to detest it. But the contest can be made on that bill itself, or on the gag rule in voked in lit behalf.far more fitly and effective ly that on the Tariff bill. Mr Blaine it r'ght in holding it to be good business to trade untaxed wheat and pork for untaxed sugar and hides. But why it it not equally ptofitable to exchange any of our tur plut products for the products of other nationt which we can buy better and cheaper than we can make them ? It wat to bt the other Sunday in San Diego County ,Cal ,that boney wat melted in the hives Yet, despite the warning, the beet eit right on working. It ts a curiout fact that among the tl.ousatds of insects killed by the electric lights every night, there are no dead mosquitoes found. Self Praise, Self praise ia no reoomju ndation, lut there are times when ono must pturait a pet son to tell the truth about himself. Vt hen what he says is snpported by the testimony of others no teasoaablo man will his word. Now, to amy that Al'cook's Porous Plasters ore tho only genuine and reliable porous plaatnr made is not self Spraiso in the aliohtaat decree. They have stood the test for over th rty years, and in proof of their merits it is only tieeeasary to call attention to the on res tbey have effeoted and the vol untary teatimonials f those who hayo used them. Beware ot imitations, and do sot bo de - oeived bv misrepresentation. Ask for AH- oook's and let no solicitation or explanation induce ou taocept a substitute. Allooek's corn and bunion shields effect quick and oartatn relief, ' Albajv Marble and Granite Works.Hav ing lately purchased tho stock of S A Kiegs and G W Harris, we Shall bo pleased to show doslgna and give prions to all intend ing purchasers. Best of workmen employed and prices as low as any for first-class woik. Visit ns before purchasing elsewhere. EoAlt & ACHISON next door to Democrat offioe) Albany, Or. Fruit Boxrs. For all kinds of fruit boxes goto the Sugar Pino Door and Lumber Co. Bed rock prices. Uidli the nii'llioil aiiifi-eaiilta when Hyrtip of l-'i's U taken ; it is jilenfpnt and ref'reuliiiitf to the taste, arid acts Kftittyyct promptly on th Kidneys, Liver and Dowels, clennsr-s the sya teni effectually, dixtx-la coMs, hauA m l s find fevers ami cure bjiliihml constipation. Hyrun of Figs is tho only rcmctly 0f j, ind ever Tiro-du'-ed, pleading to tiie taeto and ao c j-tablo t'j thfl Homach, iiroimit in iU fctiori and truly IV.neficial in ita ff ct., ifa many excellent qualities ttohtntiMid it to all. It is for sale in VI,; n:,d 51 lo'tlcu by all leading i"iVf. CAUtnm: fm syrup co. t4" f:.Hj:f 1 f'.i ..EiL?AEY& F,SH J0S pkihteps ALdANi Lai - Annouiicemeut ! -OP- W. F. My Spring Stock is now Complete, Embracing all the Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, Both in WOOLEN and WASH FABRICS. -To The I Make a Specialty of Ladies Underwear, in Knit 11 ibb ed and Muslin. My Prices are the LOWEST and my Goods the Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated T. 8. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. :ToThe Men, : Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- Goods, I iiavrs a. Largo Stock at the Lowett Fricea ever offered in tho Vallet. I ciry a full line of the wo:U-roowed BROADBEAD goods, unexcelled for wear and fiuieb. Largr stock cf Embroideries and Flockcisgs. C.l and be convinced tht A(ba y i the beat trading point in Oregon. "7ST. 2EV B 2ES ZD. INSURE IN THE t ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS Insurance Safe, Sound; Smoke the giagars Manufaobred bv a IMPORTED AND KEY WEST CIUARS Plug and smokidg tohaccoo, MaMnchaum and briar p1 and amrkttH articles renerally. GLBIiiGElEM The Leading Druggist, AlEAsVY D DRUGS, MEDICINES Wait a bit PA man broke his neck once because he was In a hurry! We want you to know about our Stoves and Ranges, at prices from ten dollars upward. The njwe3t thing in the way of household utensils aro Oil and Gasoline stoves. Come and look at 'em. We do business to please our friends as well as to make a dollar or two. . Popular prices prevail. 1 - - Matthews Washburn. First National Bank OF A1MM2V1, OBECiON. " , L. fI.IXN t," i U , .1 . u r , . t .. . Cahl.r.... ...!:. W. LANOOOJi. TBAS0ACT9 A GENERAL banking tnut dm. ACCOUNTS KEPT tobjstt to hok. SIGHT EXCIIANOK snd trl rantile tranfr. sol inn lora, saa rranmaeo, ueago ana rax-on. lOLLETTnOXf (APE on rasurabla I siasorosa. E Toesa B,W. Larnsos E Buis, L. Puss, Kavsas P. Sox. Linn Co. National Bank. ALBANY - - - OREGON. CAPITAL STOCK 100,000. PriMtnt...... , J L COWA!, " Im r-ntstOmt J M RAL8T05. 'asbl.r .......OSO E t'HAMRKKLAl.f , AastCaahWr O A AK( HIBOLD. P BKcrrms. i L Cowan, i K Balaton, Hon K rrhamhsrlain, W a Ladd, W U Qottn, i A Craw tmd and O A An hi bold. TRANS ACTS a rroeral banking btwlne. DRAW Sltlfll PR ITS on Htw York. Ban tax it -.u I Oragon. LOAM MOrfiroa SfipfbfM' saswrlty krXClVKdtotritaTibi ebota. Bank of Oregon. ALCANY, - - - ORECaH. OAFITAXi, SBO.OOO. PnsMstil 11. ISKV NT Vice President II. K, MKKKI LL Cashier........ J. 'V. HLA I N PIUKCTOBS. II Bryant, J W Blaln. Ueo Humphrey, ! H ctownl, IC J Laoaing, H F Merrill. Might nxchane an I Ulegraphio traJ a for on Now York, San Francisco d and all principal point la Oregon and WasLlngton, ollnctlnno mad on favorable forma. READ. Ladies,- Company. Conservative Julius Jos on OREGON, STATIONARY-SC Matthews & WASIIBURiV, ALBANY, . .:. OREGON Hardware, Stoves, and Tinware.