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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1890)
mt sDcuwitat. A GREAT REVOLUTION. Soma time ago the Salem Jenrnul said the Interest which Oregon farmer feel In hop rtlting It affected be a protective tariff. Very true, thou who ralsejiops In Oregon art benefitted by the protective tariff but how about those people In Ore gen who do not ralte hope. There are hundred people In Oregon, ajre more, who do not raise hope to one who does. Have these hundred no right and Interest to b considered a well a the one who raise ho,? To Hat thla question It to antwer H with all reasonable men. But the irost muting part of the JourmtTi article It found In Itt reference to the report of a committee appointed by the English House of Commons to Investigate the depression In the hop Industry. The J turn J goet on O say that, From the facts brought out In this ex amination It sp(esr that hop growing In England Is not menanced or the Intro duction of substitutes) that It'ls not tnjuied Ty the lessening quantity of hops used per barrel In the manufrctureof beer; but that It Is handicapped by the enormout Impor tation of German and American hops. The English grower cannot raise hop as cheap 1 at the German or American grower." Now, then If thlt be true the pertinent question tt,why do American hop-growers need any protection t all, It they can rale that product cheaper than Europe t This fact hat long been hidden from hop-con - tumers ih America, but thanks to the healthy "campaign ot education" to qulct ly but effectively going on, people are merg ing Into the broad light of day on thla tub ject, and In the very near future one of the mot remarkable revolution! In public sentiment that has ever taken place In the civilized world will take place on the sub ject of our robber tariff tystem. Mark this prediction. '( HAFT1NO A thorn TKEtO ON A rut IT The Salem Capital Journal sayt the above It what It would mem It Blaine' reciprocity proposition shou'd be tacked on to McKlnley't tariff bill. The JoW It entitled to both acumen and candor In the above. The McKlnley bill and Blaine's reciprocity proposition are the very antlp odea ot each other. The former It the protection Idea gone to seed.and the latter I "free trade pure and simple forced upon wur government oy npain wnen we learned that that country can, and actually hat, beaten ut at our little game of pro tection, by putting duties so high on A snertcan flour In Cuba, at to drive ut out of that market. The Journal thinks demo crats are not gratified at lilrlne's attack apon the McKlnley bill from any love of Mr. Blaine or appreciation of his talents. Of course they are not. It I not a question of "love" or "appreciation of talents. But they are gratified that one of the most distinguished advocates of protection in this or any country, should have been, while going down to the - "Damascus" of American diplomacy, subjected to the ex periences et Saul of Tarsus, who, while yet breathing out threatenlngs and slaughter" against those In his day who were walking in the path ot light and knowledge, saw a light that "shined around him" and immediately there fell from hi eyes as It had been scales: tnd he received sight forwlth It Is because of the Rlorl shis visitation ot this light to Blaine, beam lag out at It does from the great sweep of the "campaign of education" that demo crat aie thus gratified. They are grati fied at the significant and highly-Important evidence of returning reason in the vety sanctum anctorum of the party of pro tection. BOUND TALK. Senator Plumb of Ksnsas Is a very zeal ous republican, but he does not think that a man has to endorse,under the party lash the protection vagaries of the McKinley bill In order to be a good republican. In making a speech the other day in opposi tion t that bill he said : Then Plumb too a prominent part in the discussion Inveighing against the ex otbltant stands of the high protectionists The American people were entitled to have cheap goods If competition could bring that about. Wheo.he asked,was the time coming when the people of the United States would get some benefit from the es tablishment of some Industries? Just as fast at the point was arrived at when lower prices might be expected.the manufacturers came and said they wanted more duties, whereby the downward progress of prices anight be checked. He had no Idea that what he might say was going to affect the vole of the senate. He could conceive and he could now see that the cohort of pro tection were so orrnized that the bill was to go through substantially as it came from the finance committee, lit believed in distributing the duties necessary for the purpose of raising revenue for the suppor of the government in such a way as to cqialize the conditio! existing be Iween the manufacturers of this country and those abroad . If he were In doubt h would resolve the doubt In favor of tne Ameriran manufacturers, but If he knew the exact conditionshe would put t ie home and foreign manufacturer on the same footing precisely. The senate, he con'lnucd.owed some duty to the American people as well as to the manufacturers. That so furious a bloody shirter as Field Marshal Murat Ualstead should now go back on the Force bill fills the soul of the Hon Bill Chandler with grief and alarm. He had al ways regarded Ualstead a a "great leader, but ow be brands him as an apostate, Ualstead hi reply, says that hit apostacy consists mere ly in "hostility to fads in legislation," and as to the charge of abandoning ' the fifteenth amendment he says: "I do think the amend ment unwise, bnt did not think so whin it was proposed and had something to do wan pro curing its ratification by the State of Ohio which was essential to its adoption. The amendment is right, but as smeasure of recon traction was no, expedient, and I employ tha exact language about the Lodge bill," Two repul lican senators, Plumb of Kama and Paddock of Nebraika, are voting with the democrats on quite a number of items in the tariff bill, The constituent of these two seiatots are nearly all farmers, and these senators have heard what the farmers of the northwest are saying about the Bill McKinley tariff bill, With these two senators snd Blaine taught up and carried away by the potent in fluence of the "campaign of education" and converted to the doctrine of "free trade," we may look any time for the unreasonable to bap. pen in republican politics. The farmers of the Sixth judicial district of Kansas have petitioned the judge, in view of the disastrous failures of crops, and general stringency of money matters, that the proceed ing in the forecloseure of all real estate mortage now pending, or that may commence within one year from date be delayed Nobody caret whether reciprocity is "the highest form of protection, "a Secretary Blaine says, or the lowest form of free trade, so long as it opens Lew markets for the products ollhe United States and improve our industrial and commercial tystem. The A'chison, kni5u, Chiimion a strong republican paper hn come out boldly for "free trade." There i a gre-U falling to piece go ing on in the rank of the republican Fartv just now. Let the falling to pieces go on. The work is a good one, I WHAT TH B VAItMElW fsKP, The western farmers, uul) Ing ovir the McKlnley bill In their Intervals ol toll, have been unable to see thut It doe anything for them. In the language of Mr Illalnc, there I not a section orIlne In the entire bill that wilt open a market for another bushel ot wheat or another barrel of pork,' The farmer can see how certain coromant special Interests will be helped, and more money be given to those who have much already , but they do not see that they are to sell more, yet more tor what they sell or pay less for what the) buy. They were Inclined at tint to think they might ge more for their wool, but they see Its price does not go up a copper In spite ot the headway the McKlnley bill has male. With a prospect of higher duties their wool sells for four cent a pound lest than last year. Chicago Tribun. The efficiency of the American mechanic t every where recognised as being super ior to that ot anv other nationality. The French teem to come n!t In dexterity and activity In handling machinery, perhaps the Enk lUh next, wl;h the German the most plodulnir of all. There Is no doubt that on Iron -working machinery, for in ttance.oreven In wood-working machinery the average American mechanic can do twenty-five per cent, more work than his German or English neighbor aero the water. Thut we can always manufacture certain classes of good at cheap or cheap er than they can be nmnufactured In Eu rope.' One great Incentive the American mechanic always has to achieve excellence In his work It that ot becoming himself an expert workmen, and finally a master mec.ianlc, and owner of a shop, a forge or a factory. In Europe the average working-man has little or no nmbillon t- become anything but a working man. ills opportunities for becoming a master mechanic or the owner of a shop are so improbable that he works on In a plodding, mechanical way, doing the same to dsy a he did yesterday, and the same this year without making that progress which I In spired by the ambitions of the American mechanic. Our free Instltuilons, our re publican form of government, our equality between man and man, the wlJe field to rise In any of the departments, are among the factors which go to build up the enter prising mechanic and the prosperous man ufacturers In this country. When a democratic administration w as conducting the negotiations with Great Britain for a settlement of the Behrlng sea dispute there was a great deal of pr tisan talk about Itt lack ot "backbone" and want of consideration for American metal. But now the rTrMaa-, In very proper appeal for a patriotic support of the present administration in its cot. teuton cn the iitne subject, say thut "the policy asserted bv Mr Blaine I. In all respect that which hi democratic pTdccessoi defined." It declares that "President Harrison U to-Jay willing to confirm in a treaty the arrange ment proposed by Mr. Bayard In 1 883 and definitely accepted by lord Salisbury.' This tardy admission that democrats were right on a question of national honor and interest ought to leach heated partisans to be very slow In impeaching the patriotism of their fellow-citizens who diflor with them on polkicsl issues. - 1 There can be nothing more significant of the purpose of the Republican party in revising the taiiff than the voe on Senator McPhersun's amendment. On a stiict parly vole the Re publicans refused to agree 10 the projoiliou that tariff taxes should not exceed the average ad valorem war tarff rate of I&64. In other woids, the Republican Senators announce that they propose to lax the country on imports more heavily for the support of favored manu facturers than it was laird for the support of troops for the suppression of the rebellion. I be vote is a frank admission that the tax is not for revene nor for protection to "infant in dustries," but for a bounty to hoary at 1 rick monopolies. It meant that in the esteem of Republican Senator manufacture in peace are war bier than told ert in war of the people's support, Senator Vest U entitled to the credit cf exposing with the kcennest ridicule the republican abandonment cf the poor old home market humbug. The protection ists have fooled tne farmers to the top of thetr bent by promising them a home market if the si m fie agriculturists would only contribute to the brilding up of the mauufacturcr. But a hundred years have patted and the farmer i (till sending a broad the surplus which remalna after the home market has taken all it can consume and now the manufacturer themselves are aiking for a wider market and are urging the making of reciprocity treaties. Here I a real free-trade victory in protection rank the meaning of w lilch no cll-claimer can change. There Is not a scc'ion or pa.araph in the Force bill that is not grossly and out rageously partisan, and while all are b;ij in the extreme, perhaps the worst is thut which robs the 'people who may be brought up before United States courts for trial for allsged election offenses of the privilege of having a non-partisan jury. This striks at the tap root of American liberty, and no matter what other changes ere made if this feature ts left in the bill it wilt still remain the mcst dangerou measure proposed in congress In a quarter of a century The Blaine's "free-trade" reciprocity on the ground that the South American states with whirh such reciprocity is to be established are republics. This Is about as sensible as that a Methodist should trade with a Meth odist merchant because the merchant I a Methodist. Some of the talk of our pro tection folks is becoming thinner than weak tea . The general election in Kentucky and Alabama look place yesterday. In Kentucky the only state officer to elect was a clerk of the court of appeals. The democrats carry the state by from forty to forty five thousand ma jority a Urge increase over the majority hereto fore given to that party. In Alabama they sweep the state The republican leader in the senate and house may be able under the potent ln flue nee of the party lash to hold members to their suppoit of the McKinley tariff bill, but the result of the elections this fall will show their utter Inability to hold their rank and file in line on that subject. Eveiy orator in the South Caroliaa cam paign makes frequent use of the phrase, "I say it regardless of consequence," That is the great trouble with the Souih Carolina cam paign. There is too much disregard of the consequence. Gladstone makes it a rule never to travel on Sunday, and ex Governor Curt in m-kes it 1 rule never to travel, on any other day if it can be avoided, And they have both lived to a ripe old age. .,w crxarn chee iua reo.jivit"t Coi.rad Meyer. 1 1 Kaunas iha boat ami corn crops sit ahout a tatlurf, and Vbt- LgiUiur will he asked to exteud the Ue ou uicataes one TIIR OF SMAIXFACrORIKA. cn factories each employing ten men are worth far more to a community than one fac lory giving work to a hundred men. Ten fao toric each with a hnnlred operative are more to be desire! tlinn any thousand handed mono poly. We want the big Institutions ts we can get them, but we need the smaller ones just as badly, or worse, A strike in one line or th c'osing down of a factoiy because the maiket was against it has been known to paralyte the business of a com munity, and In even the largest cities when great number of operatives are tlitown out of wotk, trade is seriously affected. The stability of local business depends to a great ett'.ent upon the practical impossibility of such a state of things occurring, It cannot occur with a multitude of small factories in different line. The null season varies, The demand for certain Jaisei of good may be active when there i no call for sums other class. There is safety in divcttity. Seattle hat room fur any number of small concerns and they will prosper here. There is n U'e in her inmortini:. cither for her own home purines or her jobbing t mile, blacking, or broom, or candle, jtr clock, glue, itik, matches soup, varnish, vitugnr, button of certain kind, or a uoxen oilier mini; that are now in the list ol imortations, when these can be nude just as well here. lbs chamber ot commerce coinmitteo is. presumably, cn the outlook for and ncgotiut ing to secure large plants; do not let li-r nrg- lect the smaller oucs, easily induced to locate with the proper ("encouragement .Seattle Journul. vnutarat titor ttmi tn i. si. Of the Oregon Statu Weather IUircau co-siperntiiig w itli U. 8. Signal Service Central OtlU-e, Portland, Orvgoii, for tlio wwk ending Sntimlny, Aug. 2ml, ISUi): nie.vriiea. The temperature has been belrw the average for the wcck.and has ranked from 45 to 90 degree. Except a few local sprinkles along the coast and a sprinkle at V alia Walla on luly rain Is reported to have fallen In the state. The day have been cloudy or partly cloudy In th; mornings, the afternoon have been cloudless. rnoin. The cool partly cloudy weather was very favorable to harvesting opera. Ion which have continued during the week. The. 'weather condition have also been favorable to the crop not let matured and to the ripening of fruit. Die wheat and oat are generally yield ing better ihan was expected. 'Ihchtiv crop was much larger than was expected; 1 he peach crop Is poor; the apple yield will be fair The codtln moth ha done considerable injur, l'luin and 1U lines win oe especially picnutui. jne grape 11 t,c city j iil, but talk of lynching being give promts of an abundant leld and', , . ., ,, ... ..,. vineyard, .re reported lu be In a heaithv i'fVi v xi 1 h' n Vu X. ''" M ' condition and U.riving. The , leld ol corn ! V 1 , . .""J-i. T" 7 ..... ... i of Jul anil brouetil linu 10 r.i'eiistuii lor safe will not be op In the average on at count j , ' , . of the dry srii'hcr slim seeded and crxd i cl'", flights during xm I111; season. t lrll sijir, Wheat y ii t.l-of 40 bustu ls per acre are i'fcts.N, Miss., Aug. 5. Light miles T i.1? '"'"! v.,r!o" I'alitics. Henatnr j , of ,teiJctn Sunday ni eht while a rty E T Hatch, M to-, Polk county. reports : -,.,, . . . . . -I had fiin v-thsce acre, wh ch lelded 40 ! ' C"U"C;' ;f,u""nK " and one-half uuslu Is per acre, 'l hi iv j l!c "c, '"" be considered an Ind.. -ntlon of hut suni". ,lcn,1 M k'"ca "'!,mlJ'' ",1,,,,,crI "''"l. mer fallow, heat will average In this j J 17'. """''' woumle.1. It is not locality " known what wa the mottvc ! the deed. From the W illamette valley general re. 1 l'"c n,lt lo ,",m ,lu"'1 ports a lo vlek's have not been recorded, i I "''''' toe r.umiicr ui iwmicis per acre irorii Eastrrn Oregon will average well. Was co, blierinan, tfllitatn and Morrow court, ti a have very saiisfartorv crops. In L'matila to tin- west of Pendleton the wheat is poor. Some will not tlcldovrr in bushel per cere. To the north and east of Pendleton it will avirar tutly 35 husit el ,K-r a re. L'i.l"n u un'y wiV. average front 30 to 40 bn-hi ls p r acre. The nut satisfactory reOiUi are received from all counties. It. H. l'AOl K. Olwervcr U. S. Sigiuil Servio. Axniatant Iirectr Oregnii Wintlu r Ilu reau. c'i!sTV tvtttr risiiiLnt R. X. Bl, kburn. JisJk. ; D. W. C..r tn Bumtiaugh. tHuniUHHm.) 'm. Warrant were onli-red draw n for the following bills: A SaltmaxMli, luinlit-r i M rVott, Sla-riir KTT1 hdu-r, dirvtvor AU. Klertric Light Co Kucker A Lyoim, luinlx r ... O 1 OjhIiow, nil Utile fiimily ( C ('oolfv, aid M rs Clark Indies Aid Srcii-ty ('ox A Findley, aid ilt-mh-rsnriH. . Trite l5roH Sy I venter Hall, rougar scalp Vv K Curl, Miliary (Jeo Young, work on Siintiain 1.1 50 30 -'7 30 17 1J 10 no 0 IM) , 10 (i I 10 00 5 50 fi 00 W 33 bridge 2 00 W At ox, work on jail I W Kpink, lumUr. . . : C I) Montague, aid for poor IhtviM ISroM, material Miller A Hart, painting K (Joan, aid for poor A n ton 11c di? CY'hta, i-Xbiniiiing. . . (i F KufHIfll, r'UJit J It Fitwater, ueet por IVyoe A F'rrnrian IIiom, Paiulcy A F'inh, FM Carter, w ork 011 Hidewalk. . . . Hall A .MclioiiaM, booku, etc. . . . li li Mover, lumber Wt'Mtonlx iHygcrt, roll N I l'pync.fer. S W Ross, gravel Hamilton & Andrew ) Hart, keeping poor Townsend At Kuuttner, repair on jail II M $lonc,Rock creek bridge. . . Adjourned to Santium river. 9 :r 3.H 70 1.1 00 70 i t,2 IXI J3 IX) 14 Ot) Zi cr H 1:0 2 (H) 0 M 70 no 4.1 00 : 'jo 22 00 '9 55 18 00 10 00 Cut 7 35 fJO 00 Take Caret llicie I DangerSS allowing inactivity of the kidneys i'.o In ur. w through nr-sltfCt. The da!ly kli of Brighl's tluruH and diabetes mil wrr-ek thenoud.v bark cf h.altb if it is allowed to drift ruddrlt upou them. The blajidor, too, if iuaclive, and judioiou inrdioatiou does not soetdily direct the hfdm toward the tot of safety, t ill be whelmed by the qaicksacd of (iirease. In abirctiuft- a diure tic, let your choice fall upon Hostettcr's Stomach Hitter, which stimulates the renal organ without irritating ami exciting thcrn, two effects o be apprehemded from tha uo mediuatel stimuli larntly resorted to. These have a tonduuey to react prejudicially 1 he Hitters invigorate tho ki.loey and bladdor. in common with tho nerves and the diper r,iveor,au.. and t' afford Isttiut! aid. lu a' aostf nd du:d assin'ance iu preventing and curing iutHrtnltt. ,,t and VKinlitent feve-.' fiilinuf amr, corn r 1 patiou aud dieuinut iit it also sbbjugaten. A Vlllanlnas Preaeber. Atlanta, Gi., Aug. 3 The attempt of a colored preacher named W II Boone, in Gor- I lion county, to kill by poisons family of ten pci suns, inrec 01 ins vic.imt Deing now oeau, has created intense excitement and the prisonei and bit wife are carefully guarded in jail. IU put rat poison in the lood of a colored familj named I -alley. e1! ruE it- Bj.F,cfi.i:n. Prel ir. riceker, an old tlm n"WsTnper and fliciuriml ntaii, write from the liuhiwin Hotel, J. "No oniiuary occurretn-e coniil iniluce mo to ftll ivr my name to ho wici, hut I have teen troul.lrd with d -nTurwie. I 1 li worst form ar.ii Iniil-'sti1"'- litsion I t 'cl Joy's Vege (.i.lo Ka.s.ipNi'ii'.n, i j.--nt r.i.i iy a rlollnr on r..-.utu without tvV i. fy misery was so p.'i.tat vlmcslt wrmcd ui If I f't'iuld die. In ini. ufiiivH I found Juy sva,m si.n t bottle, and tl 9 Sui-oud put mo on my ii;uL it will cheat X... J grave ot inasy a vi.rtlui. ir... idlliliiissWei'Siipplvp -or II MflQT IMC E3J,3s? 3HE O 352T - In the selection of a rnsidenoe lunation no . slniilii alvmnnt cnutrilmtes so muoh to ths bealthfulnett of a lootlity as water supply. In this -ut Miuthorn Sprites Is easily superior to any residence local, ity in thetfity of Pun land. It 1 high, and drainage Is omniilst. The water supply is from a spring o.pnblo of abundantly supplying from the river of one-half mil plaoes it out cf works will at ones ha constructed, so that partis building wilt have an abundant tuppl nf pureoold water direct from the spring, Sonio Facts In Regard to Its Loctfon In Reference to tha Business and EmplojmoDt Center?. POUT OIITI.AND is the grs.t inanufaaturirg power Tor uianufaoturtnu purimses ron City. Already 'he 111 mufioturlnj intrsta( Portland, n.natlv oouduaU.1 i at Oregon City, prod.i ia an inomno of prna.i'M an inoomo of $ gruwing amllnorussing. 1 ut grost n.anuf ml inorussing. T iU ifrost riisnuf loturin coutor it dtatai horn Hprinpa. whilo Portland, tlm uiant ... center of the North I'actllo o-ust, I fij md.t piirrtmisrr..unol l.nsKinsllon to aoo that the country intervening tten Portland and Orrgon City it has nf power supply it tha natural rssidanee lunation of the bi. Mi nes mn, aiid busy worker and wag -arnrt who keep in motion the various en ter prtarsof th cummmuial and maunfauturing interest of ths North I'auillo coast. The Oregon Land Co., 1 loins o III ai', S ili'tn. TKLEGRAWIKJ NEWS The f 'rasHs, Wasiiiniitom Aug. 5. Ttlcgramt havl lecn ouiiri in on the Oregon delegation ai day. Not on'y are tin Hoards of Trade pro testing r gainst the itcflicicnt census, but private individual and prominent men all over the stale are demanding a recount as an act of jusli.-e to Oregon. The scnaims lo-day called ii I on Super iutciutent Porter and made a formal request for a re enumeration of tfie slate. 'I he telegram prcsente I by Senator I'ktlph and Mitchell yesterday from the Hoards of Trade in Oregon were one each from Poitland.SjIcrn Albany, Astoria, HakerCiiy, McMinnville and Kcscburg, The secretary expresses hi wish 10 comply ilh the reiue made when theie i presented a spccilie statement as to the allrg ed iinK-rlcH'liiins in the ccmus, He say (hat no proof have been submitted a to censu error and that all charge of incomclenry ami error have been disapproved I y lite scisl sgriti of the department whowas directed to investigate matters at Portland. A Traaesty mi Mlrasliarg. i:i.l rsMit k:, July 5. Yesterday shortly after noon at Host) n, Pat liaivy, a while livrtyman kccpr, and Mile Mayo, a colored man, ipurrcled alnut a horse, lUrvy struck M iyo, when the tal'cr pulled a large pocket knife and plunrd it into lUrvy. U penetrat ed a lung, making a very dangerou and pro bal.'ly fataly wound. Icuty Sheriff Mat Mil ; lc. unmeJitrlv Mnoiml lo l.-ml him A M LH: rirale. I'l l.b.t 11, N )., Aug. 5, A desperate fight occurred at a picnic of the Arbieicr Turn Verein at Lller'. grove last niohi, nearly loo men taking part in the silts y. St ;icrrnen were bahly hamllcd by inluiutcl anarchists. Outing the riot the Amerirsn flag, floating from a stall at the entrance of the gioiinils,wa turn dosva and trampled uodci loot. Warrsnt arc out for a drcn ol the rioter, Vtsrid's Irrard Bralira, Ito:ruN, Aug. 5 At I'cacon pain to day J II CUusscn, of llos.on, of the Athletic asto ciation.surceeded in b'raking the world's ama teur record fcr a running Imp step anil a jump, making 41 feet 5indies,aa:ns M W r old's recurd of 44 I V inches.made in New Vork in May last, Arrws I be vfalrr. Iv.Nsi ai'i.K, Aug. 4 New i received of a railway horror that happened at Ilocl's, a tia lion near her. An express train sud.'cnly left the rails and rot'.rd down an embankment, three cat falling into the stream. There arj 120 (trnple in the carsni the time. Their strtiggle were tcrrih'e. It i lltevel the lost of life will lie very high, some plncing it at one hun OICll Waal Ike alia s, A at. Sea 11 I E, Aug. 4, 1 he Chamber o( Com 1 nierce this afternoan adopted a resolution re- piecing Seattle's rrpresrnlative in the nation al O A K encamiiiieiit at 1 Union lo invite the Grand Army lo hold lire nest encampment in Sraitlr, and secure ihe assistance of other Washington delegal to that end, Highest of all ia Leaycning Power. 3SQWYEVt PURE :L. E. BLAIN IIoh XSoen -AT ,Now tho Greatest Attraction Stock HEAD IN HIS LIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS, Straw Goods, Etc., In Keeping With the feqanon If You Would bo Suitably Dressed - Call - at - His - Store.- element Is so Important as that e-f hWthful- 23 ,000 people with wafer. A distance isauhof m.l.rU. A system of water oouter of the Northwest Portland's source it at tha of th. Willan.etU rlv.r .1 S'JO.INNUKMI annuill W.UOO.IMW annually. They are constantly toturini eonUr i. ilislmt on ona aide Nl it. tin. dUttut in tho opposite direction. It re- metropolis ana business Hotel Portland, PortlsnJ ad Mrslraas. San Antonio, Tex,, Aug. 4 An attsck wa made upon the tewn of Shaflcr, Picsidto county, this morning, by twenty five Mexican State Ranger Graves was killed, and Deputy SliciilT I-ee seriously wounded, A posse of ranger snd deputy slier ids hsve left Mai fa lo capture the marauder. It it retried thai Shaflcr wa sacked and buincd, tar Reesnal. Wamiinuton, Aug. 4 Scna'ois Mitchell and Dolph lo day went to the census office and presented a tepirt for an entire count of the Mate of Oregon. It was represented that the increase in the past len year ty all othci sta tistic showed that Ihe population was much greater lhan the returnt of the present census indicated and thai th people of Oiegon uni versally liclicved that the census had lie-n very inefficient. Superintendent Porter tele graphed Supervisors Kelly and Strange 10 le pott at once upon ihe ituailon. The census official do not incline toward a recount, be cause there are, no doubt, other state who would join in a like demand and the censu people would find themselves in a whirlioolof discontent snd congressional piessure. which would mike life burdensome to them. t-ts)4 Retreat, Panama, Aug. 4. It is believed here that San Salvador i now in a most precarious situa tion. Her whole available ttiength of 3",Ouo troop Its lieen thrown into uaulemala. Flashed with repealed lucccss, this little army growing smaller with each engagement is push ing itrwaid into the heart ol the enemy ttoun try. It i lo be feared, however tht when Guatemala an. I llomluias have mobilucd their furve lite) will ovchchn lint little army wlmh setmt to have alreaily anlcel hryonJ the lines of a osiI.l retreat. A Trrrlslr starsw. Nsiv RitllLAMi, Minn , Aug, 3. A mofl terrific wind and hi.iislotm visited this section tins forenoon. The windows on ihe Wes'. and north st'lcul building in Ihe village, and lor milts to cither shie in the toui.'iy, arc broken, 1 he storm was slajul fifty mile wide and ten nnUrt lung. All uncut gram in its path is a tout loss. The tost is estimated from f7 5,000 tc 150,000. Hug were killed nd bunurcd of chicken eiisl,cl. In some instances piece of ice were uuven snb u.b fone a to pierce thiough the roof of buthiings. A IU4 Tiasap. Raci.sC, W'u,, Aug 3. Adam Young, ol IviiuiHrttviilr, Ind., a prufrs iunat Iramp, had a narrow cscaj'e, lo-day, flora I) m lung. The cause of Voung' rough t'catment was a Inutal assault made upou the Rev Father Fcsslcr, ol Si Joseph's Catholic chaicb, at the home of ihe cletgymsn alwut noon to-day. Voung stent lo Hie Uor ol the prtcl home and uc mantled something to eal. licfore Father Fes tier could dorige, ihe tramp, fur reason! un known, itruck him on the neck. Tne priest tan out i-f the ha-Jt door with Voung in pur suit. The clergyman was overtaken by bis assailant knocked down, pounded in .he face, and had hit nose smashed. liy this lime a crowd had congregated. Some one shouted, "hang the brute, a rope wat placed around the neck of Ibe tramp, and but M ihe timely arrival of olicemen,be would have been dang ling in Ihe air from a targe tree near by. Voung was placed in jail rrabably Only Hanatte. I'.tsi.iN, Aug. 3, Prince liisrnarck'a new. papvr organ, the Hamburger Nachrichten, at seria that General Count Von Waldersee and other eminent and well known person, in (he entourage of Kaiser Wilhclm, are sttonjy urging upon the k titer their belief that both the lime sad the situation of Furoptan affairs sre now opjtor'.une for the consummation of a combined attack by the powers of Ihe triple alliance, toge'her with '1 uikey and Bulgaria, upon Russia U. S. Coy't Report, Aug. 17, 1M9. Oeclcireil THE - -LINE! is His Large and Stylish of MINTHORN SPRINGS. THE BEST SELLING Citation. I h Coitty Court 0 tie Mot qfOrtgon fir th County of Linn, I.i lha iimttnr of lhr (state or HUTU intAIMlf AW, Deceased. ! To Jan W batr, Thomas Clemens. C hibClmiimi, i:ilxelU Adklu Jessie J Clemens, Mnoy A lion!, William demons. Worth K Clrnixni, Nancy A Clemen, WillUtn N Clamona, Sarah K Clemen, Anna K Herron, Oliver T Merron. ORKKTINO: 1MK NAME OK THIS IVTAI K OF Orr-R'ni, You are hereby clt'Kl and ie- qutrrwl in sptx-wr in the County Court, of the Mai i f t.Kon. for Ihe Couu.y of Linn, at tne eoutt room toereof, nt Al bany, lu tha Co.inty of Lion, on stay, lb 1st star f Hrplrmhrr, ISM, t the hour of 2 o'clock, p m, of that day, then ana thnrn to show cuw, ir as y tbnrtbe, wLy William Clemen, admin intialor, Of 111 IMate of Ruth IJradshaw. dcsaHl, khotild not be licentwd to swll the real propwrty of said Ituta liradabaw, devwaaed, dor lbed a follow, to wti: lhKlonlng at theNW corner of John n FaJmooson cloiiallon land claim, no tification ro lociH, claim No 6t, in Tp 12. NK 4 W, running thence vt St M chain tbiice south 34 49 chain, there wki 31 (til rha'nj. tnene nortb 81 40 chain, o Ihe p!ae ol to((lnning;,coiita nil g 1)0 crest, an in i,iin eout.iy,uiegoi. siei.Haiti: IWialnninir In the intr f tk Cwlapoot ertM-b. 00 ihe nH b undsry linn or Ibe Mthl John II KdinouMon'a do nation Sand tiim, notltlosUon No KW and o aiiit 1.0 M in Tp IjHH 4 W, end ruunliiK I'ifiiie aouib li 60 chain lo the outfit corner of iho ntnh 34 of ald dnt.atlun laud t-lalin, Irenes 4 2b chains Ihe ct-i.ter of the .nsln channel of aid CalapooU crisnb: thai rm tip ttm en lr of tbe inain chammlof aatd ertek to th p. son of U-K'nnlnic, conialultig 20 wereai, an in Lion county. uiei(on Pons by order of ibe Hon 1 K N Blar-kburn, Jodjre of Ibw County Coori. ol tho Ut of - - i:Kn. for tne County Llnp, f M , I wlllr the ! ol al4 court 1 Tax I I s ibis 1st usy uf Au;u4, A 1). . IS.ffl. (Atic-i) NIM'AYNif, C-iuniy C'erk. Summons, Ut CireuU CiUrt of the SltU oj Oregon fur the County 0 Limn, J.H ANTOXKLLK, rialut ff. " 1 AV.MK McNULTY, Somn IIUI4S4 known by the naruo of I Annie Antoneile, Derendaiit. J T tO ANNIE McNULTY, NOMKTIMrM known bv tha name or Anuie alio nolle, ibe above namwt defondanu J n th name of tha hum of Uretron yon are boreby required t app aar and an war the complaint of the abova plaintiff. In tha abovo entitled court, now on file with thatlark of aaid court, by tha first nay or tne nest regular terra or said court wbleh d term of ronrt begin oa Monday, tba 27th day of October, iM, at th 1 Court ttouaa. In Albany, Linn ooumy tiregon. Ai.d you are ben b farther no tilled that .f you fail to u iar and an swer sal l com by tba tin-a afore aid, end a hereby nqulrad, the plaintiff will uka a dtcraa against 'n for tba relief pray d for In toe complaint in tu'a eiusf, to wit: Uirectiriir; jou la carry out tha iruKt at forth In aaid ootnpfaio. and k do-d to plff by kioI r-nd aoflict ant (Ih1 all . f tha following described renl atitata to wit: iWlat-IOst In tha cooler of tua north bonntai v line of tot t, in B'.ock 0, lu tba city of A.baoy, and ronnlna; Ibertre wea Urr.y on said north boundary line 8 feet, tbeuon aouthfrly par.llnl wl h Ferry at, in aaid city. 100 feet to tba south bound ary Una or said lot; thence eaatai l v on the aoukh boundary Una of aaid lot 25 feet, tbenca nortnerly parallel with aaid Kerry 'trcx-t 100 loot to the nor'h bound ary Una of aaid lot; thanne waalari 17 fret to l ho plaoa of beginning, all of aaiil laud abutled lu tba oily of Albany, ur eon, within 30 daya from tha rendering of final dre In aaid oauast and that In o.m yon full to in ike aucb detd to plff, witbln 80 from t'ie tuidaringof mipU final ( ert a, that Iha same aiaiu aa ami for au'-'i rlred and that jou ba par ius!ly er J .inr-l frcin dotting said land or any s,t thr-roof to anyona axr cpt p'alutitf haiein, and that piamtiff have Mid rto'Vr h.a loau aud dit juraeirenta hen-iti of and fri.rn you. I hi-Muiiiinona M I'libllithi'd lu pursu t noti ot .n order or the lion K f 1mIn, 'odge of said court; made ai cLaiubar in tha ciuy f hale in, On gen. ou tba 8tb day of Jut", mm. I'ubluhed lirsttinie thi loth day of Tale, ism W. U E'ii vku. Atl'y for llit.t;iT. Administratrix Notice, To all pnrar.nN ba Ing claim against tl estate or jnooo stover, deceaaed : All neraon bavins claims against aaid entatt- are briy notified Ibat ou the Sid n. y ru ire. ihvu, ton unnera gnert waa duly appointed adncinistra'rlx oftheea lata of J 10 b Stover, doceaaed, by the t.'ounty conn of Lino count, Oregon Ail njracna bavins' olatra against said estate are therefore hereby required to present me same wim toe proper touch t re to the undersigned at her residence near rci , unn county, ureKon. witbln six monins from tba date bereor. J:atnd thi 11th daynf July, 1800. Mra, A. W. Stover, W. R Bilyeu, Administratrix, Attorney. x Executor's Notice. To all persona havlns claims again it Ibe estate 01 j antes w aisu, aeouasa t All pereocA having olalma against said a' ate are ben by notified tbut on tha 3rd rla.. of Ju.y, ISOt), tba undersigned was dul aooointed executor ofth. last will of aaid deceased by the County Court of jJdn county, uregen. ah persona nav- nceis'ius agatuistaaia estate arethors- lore hereby no.ltlod and rtquired to pre sent the giiiie with Ihe proper vouobera to the undtirsi2i od at hia residence near the city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, vwthln alx months from the date hereof. rated in a I8th day 01 July. ibUO., - W, R. Eilyku, . Kxeoutor, Attorney. Administrat or's Notice. NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned have been duly ap pointed adtninfatraiora of tba eatae of William Cyrus, deceased, late ot Linn county. Oregon. All peraonk having claims ngilnst aaid estate are hereby no tified to present them, duly verified, at 1 be rHldtuix) cf t'lthor of ni, about seven miles fouther. f S'tto, in s-atd Linn 1 iiotniiv. t'lftf'it. wl bin a-x in miha from tl.H nln !)-?! J.. j U, ihM) 11 RY ClKl'St, JaMKS 11 FtSt-str, JK oathi rf .id Aduttaisirattiri 1 Ally f'ir Aiiuir-'. DELIGHTFUL At T cnnnnn I OUflUOD SUBURBAN PROPERTY. I am at f 0 1 b W fi ia 1 111 Russe A Co s Engines ana Machinery. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AND BUGGIES, LOGGERS AVD DLCKSlVilTHS SUPPLIES, IR0W, STEEL. CHAIFJ, COAL, PAINTS, OILS, WAGON MATERIAL, BABY CARRIAGES, GARDEN AND GRASS SEED, GU-MO and AMMUNITION. Assignment Notice. NOTICE 13 HEREBY UiVEN ThAT tba undersigned baa been appointed assignee of the estate of Charlra VV Parker, an Insolvent debtor. All persons having claims attain at aaid estate are hereby untitled to present the same nroi . eriy v annua to tne undersigned at Al bany, ureen. within three moths from tbia date, Dated tbia 5th day ol August, 1890, W. E. Gulrt, Assigree. Executor's Notice, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tha undersigned hai been appointed by the County Court of Linn county, Or egon, executor of the last will and testa ment and estate or Jane lirtnuham. de ceased, late of Umatilla oonnty, Oregon. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them 1 duly verified at his residence iu Albanv. Oregon, within six ruontba trout tbia (Into June 27th, lcDO 8. M. PENNIN'UTOS TJSTtraa. , Exocutcr. Atl'y for Eecutor. mm Ar .aoTt.WR-rs, his Time wnjBxammsi If? Ecaclicd in 4 Ways. VERY CONVENIENTLY. ' FIJtST. By Southern laciflo traits running through ths property. KKC0ND. By Wlllamolte river atesmers running every hour in the day. Sctnt far. TillUD. By Portland and Willamette Vlle trains to the White II 00 so and aorta the furry to the property. i'OUUTH f By crrige oil the Uantifnl drive controlled hy the Maltnomsa Driving A'Mouiatiuri. Th m't bcuti(ul carriage way in tb United State, coinmaDilicg the n ht kHuti!ul cn:-ri worvled hill on ono 'side, Willamntte river on the other, and sno cpiud mou.itaiii in the liataiic The besotifol diive i kept sprinkled during ho entire suininor st.inon. Soma Fasts laEegard toits Lcaon ia Eeferenc to Eapid Transit Facilities. K1HST. The Southern I'acifiy lUilroad, whose line mos directly through this beae tiful Villa, hKn riioniii eaoh way triiee rnvular trains, aud U onsidering a propositloa to inaugurato un hourly sulmrlian Survive from l'ortiand, giving a fare of 10 cents for tba round trip. hf'VOKt); Tba Woolatock Motor Line, alreat'y r'.d to a pr.lot within tne and oiiii half nii'.-, will tV'tituatly lc extended 10 this prprty. 'I'liltlUi A cnnipany ibuorporaUd in Or-vn tJity to run an ek'ctrio motor line from 11 ;. 1 ity to l'urrrd piopose to ci.stiui;t tlmir line thrcngh M in thorn Hpriogs pmp rty. I"(;UI!'i'if . A oiii'7 1 oiv tfjHiiixfd and stock snlMcriiir-d to batld a steam motor line l.i... 1. I'oit! ind ur il Oir'. try will tun their line kithin a quarter of a mile of the Mintlir-tn ' prints property. For aa'e by , Hollir ' III- f, S W, . anl O warn qo - A LI 5 A NY. -Aotxra roa- l AND DEALERS IN.. - v- . . ist-.' 10 iii INOUCCTOI final oettlO- metit. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersiKnfd, adnilaLstra'or of tbe estate of Helen K Atlen, dnoeaaed, ban tiled hit final account w it h tho clerk of the County Court, of Linn nouDty. Or. ptfon, snd tha said court bait fixed Mon day, AUKUdt the 4tb, 1890, at 2 o'clock. pin, to bpar obK'ciiotiM, ir uny, to said aaoount and to atttllo aaid esUte. li H Allkn, TJStites, Administrator. Atty for Admr.' . T0CKHOLDERS MEETIXG-KOTIDE ia hereby Riven that the .annual mett tf stockholders of the Capital Gold and er Miuiuc C?. consolidated of tha nitv SUem, Oiogun, will be held at the cilice tne company in said city, 00 the seooud uuniuay me nin asy or August, ISDO, at g o uiock p M, for tho eltctiou cf director ana tor such other business as may ocme be fore the nieetinp. Sjlein, 0., Juno 3. 1S90. " J H Stxicxlkr, secretary. 171 OR RE55T. M bnildliif on Broad ; albln street, between, H- oord and I bird, good for olflcesoremnll residtnoo. Call on 1, Viereck. I Mini! srsndorine mmd. Bonks Iranoj - inw ruauiiiK. 1 Mlbimoiuais trm sit Sp.irts of tha trlobe. Prtwnectus post ' i t men. sent w annliostiun to Prof. I W S ' 4-. Uusut.u. 21 tuuiin, iSow York. if ,2 $ f -s. ---sir T'- -l- j sj." t 1 fTTi V' T ()HE(;()X, fj M- the Property Tho Oregon Land Co., Hold Portland, I'oitisud. sT li 9 oenaers . - X.. .-4L l I M T?DR WKLL BJR1NQ, ROCK DRLfi- ingand proapecUng, write to J. B. uugnes, AlDanv.ur. xaiikijfiukn I am prepared to deliver milk to all parts of the city. Guarantee tha bast quality. Leave order at C E Brownell's eroeery store., . . Wm Flct. LITTLE LIVI i La Ha i 00 KOT CRIPE, S.'CKEft 03 CONSTIPATE. Sunt Cm rot Sick HraOAertf,' . uvmuwinunf zroaft ladieestioa er Comti nAfmn. Thsdflst;iibnlral7a(ijaatii to suit th 000 mm one pill ea nvr bs toe larK s 'lose. aar to ti'k bs bo nincli sur. 49 pills pnt upin s stro.t sial Whwtarsn billrrf6d I n iwt Jiock. t A Oreat Csavata. lo JnwU-rm sad Huaii-eK. Sen. Oi-aulaa wha- 011"TrsJwa,rli. Kvry vh.rS lattta. (uarLK eosa . bkki a book rr ui u r-".Tl DH. HARTER'S IROM TONIC. E SBi Km.VEVSsilJ HKSt litKStbe DXflLiTATFD i St to I1KA1.TH aadl ViaOKC Us M KKNITH tr Totrra TH C8. MASTES A.EDil IKE C8. ST. LZ'i'.Z, t:3. i