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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1890)
She gcuwerat. FRIDAY ..JUNE 13, 1890 8TITE3 & K.I liars a I HUTTING. Praprlrlar-s. LOCAL ItKCOill) A LtTTERB FXPKRIKNCB. A letter lie on the Democrat tabic put In ll lx by ' mUtake. It U well covered wllli postal mark and finger mark and many other kind of mark. On April IS It va vent to W C Shavr.Ucathiir ling. O X W T Ky. at Wallula Mr Shaw not beltitj there It wit forwarded to Portland; thence to Mantcsano; thence to I loquhim, then hack to Portland and to the acinic t hI Albany, after having two month experience with dirty hand. Postal clerk luive dirtier hand than printers, tho-h lhi would be questioned on looking ai some printer tuwal, whtch.walk at U month. The letter will now be aent to CcnlniM, where Mr Shawt l -.ld to b.! Mopping. Wants it Sroi-rso "Are you the man about town,,' ald a i;o d looking woman to a !RMocM.r man. "V e-," alowly, thinking he was bout to be pulled overthe coal. Well, '.here itoing iiiiUiiii dii k inn ing entertainment In the vesti'nile ot l he 0cra lloue, and it oUjjht l boloiH'd,' remarked the uinin with considerable emphasl And he wan light. It Is to be hoped he authorise will ImiiicdUtctv put a quietus to Ihl wry disagreeable Ji.ilnt In stouten In thi place. I.ct llie smoking hi done in the atnfcl and In 'ihiii-. c.irn TltR GREAT Yaqi'ina.--Mr J F Comp ton, of the firm uf Cotnpton fc Montague, hns returned from a trip to Ymjulua Iwy, while there ho initdo a thorough Investi gation of thut iruiniting Ideality. 1 Hiring li it hIhv there ho found work going on lively and preparation inado to com ineiiee on tlie government lettiei. The King Valley railroad is iH-fng surveyed to 1 aiiuina.aiul lie was astonishou nt the t . . 1 - - . . I ......... I. low priiu in rem vkihiv. u wii out fourth eheaper than hi other towns which have not the advantage of making a city like YaiUtna. The agitation on the depth of water he found to Iw a faree.and that they have fully as great a depth an Philadelphia mid lUiltimore.aiid live feet more will give them the sitine di'idli its New York or Liverpool, lie predict a general surprise In iviuituiero full, from a large of immigration, hen work i.4 resumed on the Oregon I'aeille railroad then will heanch a Iimim at Ya- iuina as has never leeii heard of. While there he iiciiturcil ooine very valuable ad ditions whicli he will place on the mark- et in ti few days. Portland Ueal listate He view. I. INN t'ol'STV N.VilOMAI. IINK. I.llnt Monday the I. Inn Oninlv Hunk v.ti melted Into the I. Inn 1'nuiity Suli, nud Is tut doing business. (. u h, with a capital id $nsi,ooo At a ...cciln o( the t:ckholik the tol.owlnj; directors were clcitcd : ) I.Conii, J M ttalsion, (ie- Kill lube-lain, t) A Archibald, J A I'liHV O tijlliaitul V S I H.l I. At I a inicii-rf if the t.iivcl.ti toe following; nitidis etc I. did : i J I. owan. Pildeiit 1 J M K.lisU'll, Vic; PlCsi.UMIt j i:-o K Ciiaui'ii r'rtin. i.'.t .lilcr ' O A Wchi'xlil, Assistant Cashier. Willi a I irt-c:iit i! hii.I llw in. lli. I ; l rc of tin" pct'pit th In i , ..Mill lll..;jiid afc lu.;iu WlM lv-.Wi.-Kcv Price, p.iNlor .f the M I. ihnnli. Smith, ill Snivir. lull Miatira. lVof CtttnplKdl, of Ilakor City, has licrn in Aioany trying lo iiell linker utty lots, Five train loads of enttlo patmed through Albany to-ilay for Portland and tho Sound, probably 1300 in all. That in treating a cattle country rather nhabhily. Two or thrca wind mills nro lieing put up m ttio city on neeount ot the Increased water rates, lkm O,uixoto must ho around somewhere. The man w ho said that buying lots In moiiio of the boom t'itic of the Hound country Is simply play inn with loaded dice about hit the mark. The man w hottells has the loaded dice. Some people think; others think they think; a few are able to think the thought that another is thiiiking.says an Kx., speaking almtit Carl Kini;, the blind render. The mind reader after all Is. the eavesdropper. Polities is barbaric business. Like In dian troubles, whisky is generally Bt the Uittoiu of a good deal of it. Thus re mark a paper that worked vigorously for riiniimsuii' selection and is now living on, YaJI'IN. Post I nils One id our young fiiend w coniJeraMy biitMorcd hy llie eleeil'ui. is he w.njovd ; iv, cnii fine bull on the cimnct uf the ch ed m of l the c' Jollv, and lol the hull. tmii-j tin- Election and warm caller h.i brought ; er Imm t'-e cm iu -incut or nut the nukc. A hue one wa ourro.inil- : iie m t i:il.,i nu-d, lie bre ed bra mo and killed W fdiid.iy. It meaoured 4S quarter I -clu lengthwaya of the buck vard. A parte of l lollv Tuledoun U for Rock" Creek yentcrday 0.1 a hunllnn and fikhliiK expedition, ore on hortrhack, balance In a wagon, ine party conit 1 train of Dan Hurlev, Kiank Wadiworth. ohn Ualther, H KJone. ohn AlilUrand Hur ley Lut. Tut vote of Silem wa 13. That ol Albany a 991. Th- cenu now being taken -will take the wind out ol Mime ail Salem' claim will looin ap by compari son. Statesman. I Tiie place that will have the wind taken out will be Salem, for it has been claiming j 10,000 to population. The vote, j which a probably i:otoi vx In the city, the 1913 being' for ihe precinct run ning teveral mile Into the country, Indi I calei a population of 7000 lo 7500. w h;ch j will probably be about the liu'c-, whilo j thoae uf Albanr will boalxuit 4000, whicl. . unit, Smiih, at Sjijccr, i ImiI.Ii,i. 1 o v i ill in. 1 lln nt n'inui! limiM- in the t'uiki urc I the 111 ciiuaii.wh'-tli nll'CI Im-, e ii- tl. nit mi d. I about the figure civeu by our ciilen generally. The PMocAr hainowind to loe In the matter. : Uiul is nn I'li-i .-klncivl lil'IH lvsl illMllle-. Di Hill has iven nucii.lins; bi'ii a i-.l tcr ' tilll 1..... I .1. f I I .. I.. !.,. fi,i.ii 1. ,v 1 ;i'i .1 1 1. n 111 UK illinu. outiilewa Incn- lit In Ml.nnv on Mi.n.l.iv : examine bt-fnrv a coininli-iii, declare.! nifjinc nn 1 lascii ri M t-ni on Ihe noon (in M -:ci riis. ArrangiiK-iit have 1k-c;ii .n t.L- fir u jjraiul ccurl,in from Alhi'iy to the fr uit 011 the Orrgo.l Pacllic U.ii:roil." ThN will iindoubtedlv j be the plciaiiti-ot ecuri.iin of the year, I ulvlnn -ery one a ch nice to ct oi.t In I the ci cl iiuiunliiin and ciul Ihe cjorkm I Fourth in a becoming manner. The prim fur nnn.l t r I j tickets has been placed at $1 01, children half fare. Ticket are ;.om 011 n.tle at Wt-IU Fargo & t'o'a ollice, and a- Ihey are limi'cd In number hnu'd be procured ear! v. A Point to !t. V puhliih tne fol. lo i tit fro 11 tins Salem Journal about a game of ball there Saturt.v liccin.e Tut Dalles to Pkixb-vills.-C Brown, an engineer In the employ of The Dalle Southern R R Co, n:nt fat Sun. day In Prmeville. lie jv the company U in earnett about building a toad from Tie Dalle reaching oulh into thU conn tynd thatacorsx of urveyor wi'l be put Into the field in about three week,w ho will locate the line a rapidly as roible. Review. it hat a point tv I.: Th : club from the Chcmaa Indian training c'kk1 de.atcd ! the Salem club by a tcorc of j 1 to 14, Ihe V victory being the result ot ilent, but united work on the art tf the Indians lieMdc saeur kraut. An Alluinv man. bv mistake, wauered that a candidate uiitioritv would U-,'."( I otilv intending to put Hie llgures at '.Tit I and then on a bluir. As thev tirovml to is over ..K the surprise was double. Sonic times elections are uncertain aUtiim like (leas and mnsittitiies The price of salmon has lieon lowered at the 111011II1 of the Columbia to 73 cents, tlniuuli the ilxheriiieu had sworn by tho greali st whale that tl was the Icast'thcy 1 1 . .... . ... . - ununi 1 ne suiuion market la as de pressed as Pixie III e. One of the latest freaks or pranks of the S P It U engines, says the Yrt-kn Journal, is, tliat last week at tiaxelle.lho I eow catelu-r iiiekvd up a mule owned by I Mrs Cuinpls ll, nud tlmig it at a mare low ned by Mr Jobn Farrelly.of Shasta val j ley, killing both mule nud' mare, j The last two years the drummers say l were death on cloak houses, three of tho j largest failing mid others Insing benvily. i Why? Simply because the circular fad is-cuired, nud uinucii wore circulars all overthe Fast, the sale of cloaks Is-ing small. Then the w inters were mild. Now circulars are clear out of style.and a very rough winter is expected, and as the wii tncu haven't Isnight for a couple vears, they w ill sail in heavily. The Albany market didn't do this, though, alone. The following from a Colorado paper illustrates the spirit of the age. Fvidciit ly every state for itself: "While the fanners of Illinois are Is-iugdrowned out w ith iiiccsKint rains, and lakta's ranch men are praying for rain, Colorado, with her grand mountain ranges covered w ith everlasting snows that p.ntr forth gener ous streams of pure water whicli til it the great irrigating canals and ditches. yrotu ises an abundant cr.-p to her thousands of hardy sous of toil." M.ithcw Frantovicli built a snug little eottace, then sent to Austria, his native laud, and the girl of bis heart came out hery a short time ago. A licence waa procured and last evening in the new cot tage Mathew was married to Katharine Frantovich, Justice .May tying the mup tial knot, and housekeeping w ill com mence at once. Katharine cannot speak Fnglish.biit she can keep house and cook in ner own inngunge, nud they willevi rOMMENCKMENT SKAtON. The commencement' caon of the Al bany Collegiate InMliuta opened Sunday forenoon with in able icrmon by Rev Ur Campbell, of A Moi l. Dr Campbell U a progresnlve talker, and having done Europe and Aula Is able to add much to hi lermon of vital Interest lo the listener, Mi (crtuo t In the evening to young pe pie, wn a very entertaining and hmtruc live effort, contaiiilnir ant llhutratlon that make a crtnon palalahle.and a well Impresne It more fmceably on the mind, Dr Campbell Ij a man of marked minister lal and literary ability and It U proving quite a treat In the friend of education to hear hint. To- night will occur the undnrgraduale entertainment, the program for which wa published Saturday. It prtnlcii to be a very in igni attair. 'lo-niorrow nluht Dr Cumnbrll will de liver tho annual addrc, which many win ne anxiou 10 near. NOT, Mr Lewi who graduate, will un lo William College, ItegiiinliM hi the Fall. ThU I the College from which Prof Fee aim Kev Roger are graduate. Mr () S Pollock, who has served ihe Institute faithfully and well for several ; ear, aiming wimueriuiiy to the literary culture of the students, working Indomit ably fur the good of lm school, will retire iroin lirr pr-cent ixisillon and return lo V H'tiinla where she will have charge of her own school. 4 11 the hands of other "luce her residence h -re. It v. Ill be with deep regret that mtiuv v.1'1 lea.n of this move. Mis I'nitlii-r, the ellicleut instructor of the primary class, will go Fast 10 pcnd the vacation season, returning In time for the Fall term, leaving on Thin .day. She will be accompanied by Ml liva Cowan esluc a Ihoroii-Mi disci.. Ine an.omr tbtm, the bent if 1 mining qualities and ' dently Is- as happy as the day is long, and physical powers that a ball game could not j ,M!,t is saying considerable lit this time in ilu least fatigue. Thev made a very l1' the year. Astoriau. gooi! record. I Dm.v'r Scccr.KO. Henry Miller, a con vlct in Mic penitentiary a. 'Valla Walla ! .i.nlm..l t, . . . ... I ... i t ltnri1u.11 tl, 11,'l.r-t lii:niin 0 f . TVI. I.. . . ,l I "".- v-v.i.j ji-i-s aic-iiieu 1.., .-. " ft - .escape by iumidng m a wauon and cover- ten pack mule come uown irom ruri- land, and they are to oe uea in iranspon tng supplies and baggage ol the nrveyor who are making the aurvey for the Albany and Attoria railroad. The party are al ready two mile beyond Seaside and trik lag out Into a rough section of the coun try, where there are no wagon roads.hcnce the necessity of using pack mules. The survey I lobe pushed ahead rapi lly. A tortan. A Good NoTica. Mr II C Watson, a for.ner prominent attorney at the Mem phis bar, ha removed lo Albany, Oregon, opened an office and resumed the practice of hi profession there Mi Watson stood In the front ra.ik In the profession, both in Tennessee and Mississippi, and being pos sessed of a clear analytical rr.ind he doubt, aoon take the same rank on the Pacific alope that be occupied h:re. ) Memphis (Tennessee) Appeal. Disorderly Conduct. Miss Ilurd, of Corvailit, a woman of bad repute, as 1 1 the city yeterday running around with a man, Becoming 100 noisy. Marshal Hoff man, after giving her a fair warning to Iev the cily,arrested her and tnok her to the callboose. The man went security for her and she was discharged, leaving for home. Mi llurd yea- ago was a sclnl gill in Albany. A Collection At Wrightsman Si Hulbert' may be seen a splendid collect ion of stones, coal, curiosities general!. collected by Mr Ell Norton in diflcrenl ! part of the world and Alaska. MrXorton j has some choice specimen on the tabic woith seeing even by a novice. Recently when In the aouth western part of Gillia.n county hetecured tome coal, which is the best yet exhibited here. Dray. The Sugar Pine & Lumber Co , being up with the lime have purchased the handsomest one horse dray, and with a big horse are prepared to do their own delivery with promptuess and care It aa.owt that theie i some ttyle to this com pany. Ahkad or Tint. The freshest and l--st groceries; and fruits in the market at Jas F Powell A (jo's. (Jet your canned good at Jas F Pow ell &Co's. Jaa F Powell & Co lead in tue grocery business. Jaa F Powell & Co are rushed with busi ness because they have the goods and give bargains. Probably a Mistake. Two married . women from Albany, it is alleged, are registered at a prominent hotel under ficticious names. The names of f-mith, Oray, Brown and Jones are exceedingly common. Two gentlemen seem very at entive to these ladies, but they are not leir husbands. Mercury. Emforcethe Ordinance J C Agnew wr arrested lt evening for violating the flre ordinance in building a fish market on Ellsworth street. He had been refused by the committee but proposed to build .. anyway. Ills trial will take place Friday morning. The Pioneers, The ceding of the nloneera of Linn county at Brownsville fast week wa a very entertaining affair. An ox wa barbecued and a good t'me gen. erallr had. The pioneer are poin.4 fast, These reunions are asource ol much sat- itfaction to them. Many Crook countylte have given up all hone of Hvlne to ee the O P com pleted! h roue the county. Review Keen vour coat on. The O P will reach Crook county all right. Big brn.le move lowlv and It take time to build railroad. Wood Wanted. Patrons of the Dem ocrat who wish to pay subscription in . wood should haul it in at once. Our sup ply mutt be laid in before harvest. Tux Glorious Foueth ! Will be cele brated at Brownsville. Everybody come. For particulars see large posters. Fruit Boxes. For all kinds of fruit boxes go to the Sugar Pine Door and Lumber Co. Bed rock prices. Seaaysld Pratt Farm. Salem continues to grow and the build ing Industry never wa so actively pur ued Jo thU city before. Thi activity extend to the section adjoining the city, and each contribute to the other prosper ity. This condition of affairs gives added value to those ten-acre fruit farms at Sunnvside. four mile aouth of Salem, for sale by the Oregon Land Co., and render them Increasingly desirable to those who wish to engage tn any tarm speciality. Ladies Muslin UNDERWEAa. I have tilt opened the largest line of muslin un derwear I have ever carried, and have marked them to sell at the least pnsslble per cent they can oe nanaiea lor. imams eree from 5. cent to $3.25 each; full lie full length; no china make, all white ' a. . ..-I IX . WW-, .yuarariteu 10 DC equal u nui super- Vnr in anything in the market for the V price AUo Infants caps and coats.' ing himself with liricks. Ihe ililier of1 the wagon discovered something ron, and diove the fitv mil called a police- ' man, who made a search and discovered and pciled out. lit- bad a kn'.fe on his person, and it I. suppose J that he ex- peeled to j;et free frum under Ihe brick ; and make an attack on the driver on ti.e road, thut hoping to escape E. (. Foolish Earmcr. Many farmers have i two or three crop of wheat on band, hold ing for a better market. For the wheat wnich nearly three years ago would bring 7 Cents now only Ol cents l offered 2.V) 1300 1 M YaiulerMul to K A VniuleriHiol, lots I. hi 4.S.hliivi!le Amasa K Shaw to W li Stiiison,.V.U ncres, 13 F. 1 Alv in tiiim i-t tlx to Akin tiinn, 3 lots, Mu-dd I owan, Ralston A I bumls-rluiil to Finn Co National Hank.'Ji; feci frmit, First St 15,000 Murk Hulbert to Harriet Maple. -:W.fi2 acres. 11 w 4 J S Ames to J K Kirkpatrick, bl 4, Sweet Home A J Sheltoii to W U Kay.lj.tWucrvs Hi I. I D irinjf the lime the wheal has !cen held, L J F McCoy nnd ors to D K Jillikin, warehouse expense and insurance batel nil interest iu ! I. C JasJiiiikiu consumed a large paitof ii. Nome uay I.illinii French nnd ors to I K Juu farmers will Icirn to follow 4 regular sis- j kin.all iut iu l I. ('Jas Jillikin tern of selling In Oioljer and November. J J Croft to Mary S ChaxUin, KH the highest average market. urn s, 14 w 4 .. . . 1 C iMirovertole II tJrovcr.S-'jacnii LURlot Co.v ().t! wo.!.-. T'i? city 14 w 2 father of South Oregon City ba.e Ijcco j J It Kirkpal.lck It .M Scott, 2 lots. provoked Into a deed which "has lowered j Ia lsiiioii the pri.le of all the tramp coivs. In accor- j J W Malum t- I S Million, lik) ncres I I. C Polli Itiirge a'kK) IldO 5a 2J0 1 1 2D0 5i0 Total for year iin.vx wilLsi:l.kiic 20,f.N 1 1, fiim,.';!) dance w ith the ordinance thry bad passed. the municipal pound master has sawed off j Ihe tails of those meandering boviius, and j now tiie city father are fattening on cow j tail oup. Or. City Courier. j The Athletic Clcu V in-.-eting was i i.i..i i . ti . t nciu ai me Brin:ri i.isi .unnoay (. itiaKe :iiWlU! I.. Vr. t..xt. arrangemenls f.,r oiginizii. an nihleti.. j I.umx-in, Or., June 1 1 Lebanon Is club O II Ir.ine .us elected ch-thinan making rla'kiratr prrprratioils for a grand and R L Lor-i, secretary. W J Mon- , 4U1 July celebration, and extends a cordial leith, RoU ilu-tonand O II Irvii.e vt-rc Invitation lo all lo be with them on that appointed a committee on permanent da; . Programme will be out In a f-:w da. ... . niiu a-, c SCS.U11 v c cotninui e I 10 worn up tin; clul, lo rejiorl at a meet ing to be held Thursday evening. The club promise lo b-; a success. Considkk Tun. By calling at Jas F Powell's you will see a large and fine stock of vegetables and fruits just receiv er! by steamer, consisting of fresh orange lemons, calllKigc, caulillower, onions, cel ery, riK! cherries, and choice fruits of all kinds. uudc Axooka floAM Wastkd. The signed wants to buy l'sj brad of Angora gouts. Call on or write to me at Albany Oregon. J It Btbivaktso.n. . . -s New embroideries, flounclngs, lace flouncing in cotton and silk, black and cream. Laces in imitation point, also new Vsign in black a:id wbiU: lace, including Vandyrk end fcifel Tower. New ruchlngs. OAMI'KL Ii YOUNG. As Honoii. At the coiuiiienct-meiit at Princeton Wednesday Mr James J Charl ton, of this city, was the successful can didate for one of the first prices. Mr Charlton's career has been a remarkably successful one. From the beginning be stood high, his manly Is-aring making friends for him on all occasions, and his studious, discerning mind irivimr him a j high rank. He was made President of the Senior class ami delivered the farewell address. His success will lie a matter of great interest to Linn county poople,gen eralty, where he has sjient his life. The eiilcrtulninrnt given nl (he opera house Inst Monday lo, the undergraduate of the Albany Collegiate (nstltuto wa a very bright and sparkling effort, pel hap the best In the hlsiui v of the school, con. fining credit alike 011 the participant and Mi Pollock, who bad the enleitaiiimcnl hi charge, spailng no pain to make It the ir littering su ceess Ii wa The opcia liouse wa full. A piano sulo hy Mamie Allen wa an appropriate begliiiili.g. A company of sUlecn small bny In ted and white suits, under ihe captaincy of llilgar Itludgctl, of F Co, went through some pretty tuaiteuvei thai merited the applause given the excii ls'-: The Rosy Ciown, by the Aurora class, consisting of six handsomely appareled girls, wa a pretty affair, Introducing some attractive movements, a well a some nice singing. Tho ljiy boys, transformed one al a lime Into ten busy boy, with shovel. at hoe, etc. wa well ptesentcd. Evening al the Farm, an elocutionary drill by the Mlcilor Elocution class, con tistlng of alout twenty young ladle was a very bright effort, ably rendered. The Sparrow' Nest, a ong by Ihe piltnary class wa prettily done. Mis Eva Cowan was beard In a piano solo, when Paradise and the Perl, one of Tbos Moore finest poem, wa given a arranged by Mr Pollock. Its execution showed careful preparation, and the stage effect wa good. Mis Vcllc Irving ap peared at Ihe heavenly gale as the angel guarding It, and did her pari welt. One morn a Perl al the gate of Eden stood ills consolatc. That wa Ml I.ora Vance,' who pcrf.xmcd the part with much credit. In turn she brought to the gate a drop of blood from the fallen patriot, represented In a tableaux by llarlton S ix, and a sigh from the lover, represented by Carlton Sox and Winona Irving, haying been told thai she must present ihe greatest of carUit y offerings before rnlcilng ; but the gate opened not. Then she brought a tear Irom a repentant sinner, represented by Edgar ISlodgelt ai d (arnle .Stewart, and the gale opened heavenward. Mis Maine Johnston, in a clear, well modulated voice recited the poem Illustrating the action of the event. Misses Mildred Hurmcsler and Rose Trumbull represented Ruth and Naomi. Their singing wa greatly ap preciated. 'Die Mikado by the Aurora Elocution L'la wa very prettily rendered. A piano quartet by Misc Eva Cowan, Edna Allen, Lora Vance and Maud Van Horn was heard and applauded. A Spectacular drama wa a peculiarly choice aflair. Bright costume added to the weil rendered part made ll an at. tractive exercise. LliH (ialhralth as the goddess of Llbcttv, attended by Kdgar lllodgctl wa offered the assistance of Science, Mis Anna Vanils; Agrtcultu e. Birdie Anslyn; Manufacturer, Lois Dyer; Seulpture, Olga Hewitt ; Music. Hannah Cohen; Literature, Mamie Cundiff ; and Religion, Ava Baltimore ; ech attended by sj pritpiately costumed young men car rying banner and emblem of Ihe part All gave the precedence and .Kwed ailcisance to the last. Religion. Prof l.oi lllard wa heard In the Hunt ing Song, Mendelssohn, at.d received a doubie encore. to praise for the muslctl part of the pro gram a well a for bis own rendition. Tennyson' Bugle the Altcrlor clsss, splendidly presented, closed the exercises. song brings back the memory of youth. Tho speaker knew a woman light and gay, whose heart was tilled with a gal lery of memory pictures that oiten f filed her heart with sorrow. A recita tion of a childhood scene was well done. "Oh, Summer days, fly not away." Mrs Ueo K Chamberlain sang Madeline In n t'linrinlng manner, her sweet, attrac tive voice always delighting an audience. LEWIS LICE then pronounced the senior oration. Ills subject was "The Post Olllee," and his thoughts entitled him to tiecomo a N as hy. In well-worded sentences lie nlc- 1 11 red the different people entering a post office; the young lady doubtfully j mo Mirange young man lor a letter from home: a young woman, bashfully, with a letter which only oue should nee, fear ful lest some one shall pry into it; one wtin a look 01 discontent, ana one lately bereaved, receiving a letter full of hoixi and sympathy ; another with words full of congratulation over some happy event; a man with a mind full of business, another with only amusement to bo se cured before him. Through the post olllee separated families nro united nnd the world is brought closer together. Then the speaker alluded to to the pre vailing influence of literature, naming me great characters in inn literary Ma lory of the world. Closing his well-pro nounced oration with the words hk am. A liliuio ilm-t bv F.diltt Allen ami Prof ixiriiiitrd was heard with Measure. Prof Coiidit awarded the certificate of graduation to the graduate, and the ex- (-rclnes closed with benediction by Hr Irvine. The friends of the institute are much pleased with the success of tho nnst veur and the future outlook is brighter still. -4 The annual alumni reception will take place to-night at the residence of 11 F Merrill. II OMR AND AIIK04II AKVILMt, The man with the magic lantern has wen hen-, but was not verv well natron- ixed. The reunion of the'White family wa ell a Item led. Itev H (i Irvine ureachml here on Fri- lay afternoon, nnd ! Black i.rcaclied on Sa blsi th to a crowded house. Mr and Mrs L K Bluin were with us on Sabbath. Mr Vaughn, of Olyinpia, Washington, visiting with Messrs llolstein ami ram ford. Mr J Fret! Yati-s. of Corvallis.called on is many friends lust week. Mr Y. la ashler of the Benton County Bank. He taught the nkville choof two years nee. There will Is a strawberry festival at e Church grove on the evening of the Uhattl:3ilo'clork. This festival is for in U'lielltiif the Woman's Missionary clety. Kverylsjdy is invited. Mr F B Stockton will go to fsh.vllle is week, where be will remain two or three weeks. Mr Arch Morrison goes to Olyinpia on edticsdny. He will i.rolmblv lie gone all summer. Mr J M lUmford baa a new nair of hair tiptiers and Is prepared to do hair rui ng at A I tinny prices. Amictr. mtL rtTTos, The Selraliae aelaiut. (Guarantees a successful treatment In disease of women And all private disease of either sex. Over fifty case of catarrh cureJ since Jan. 1st In 'this city, and no failure heard from. Dozen of ladle cured of disease peculiar to their ex and not one unsuccessful. $500 will be paid to any one he treat unsuccessfully after be ha agreed to cure them. ConsulUston Is free and ynu can freely call upon the Dr. Everyl'hbig I strictly confidential and pilvale. He prepares Id own medi cine and you do not have la go lo drug store to have your prescription filled. HI ollice I so arranged thai one patient doc not meet another. He Is not here for a few day only but ha permanently localtd and will stay. HI price correspond svlih the neture of the dlsetse and dcM-rv MONDAY. The silver bill paaied tit hmise Hatnrday A baishsll ground is' being srMnged la front of tbs Coin t Iloass, Thars are rumors about aoiiis 0 P eon- traots being Is , but nothing definite ha bssn traead. II B Crlaaman, nf the S and 10 cent store. earns up from bis Salt 111 store and spent Wab bath In town. Juibt Strslisn lufl lhl 'noon fur I'ornlle ton, where th Meurema Court will ouuvaue In th morning. A meeting of man interested in eriS'iixing sn sthlelio elub will b lisld to-night st the : armory at 7il0 o clock. MrO W Freeman wa in the city ovr Bumiay on hi way t.J the thuslnw, to look siur the govarnmant work at that part. Bishop J II Vinosnt, of Chautauqua fame, will preside over th Columbia uun'srsiica nf th M E Church, to ounvsne Iu IVidletoo July 77. The sawmill ataiUd up Tuesday for a Udy run, having eommsiiowl on an older or over 80 OXH) rt of lumber fur tlis new bridge. Urownsviba Tline, Poult, Ilk Ysn li'll nuidmer, aa found guilty ol niaulaef bur. A funny ler.luif, for if uuiity of aiiitluiu l a wa uiilivd murder Iuthe lirst il.'gru-, Mr T M Muiiker liu n turnrd from Al bany, what die ha Aiiting lirr daught er, Mia John Siiisllinnii. Mia Sinallmoo will aisin return tuber old hum, near Mun krr, where liermary frimU will Is glad to wohuins hor, -Cor. Jelfrnon Rviw. In respoaM to a subnlioou Marahal Iloff man wnt tit Kugsna thi nmm to appar ba 'ra th grand jury a witnosa in the ease of tha two young man atreitad for robbing store thsra id two eomphtle suit of .'loth. Soma handsome Mn-aio wimlowa hay tiean I lJl iu tba Prb tsriau Chuoh, aud, th intailur impiovnl in krapiug with tbsm, making a very atlracliva place in which to worship. Tiie )' If, rtx.rT.m., published by l.dgr 11 Piptr, i at bsod. It 1 llnsly got- tn up and displa) that energy aud push for which th young editor i to w. l known. It ha a larga patronac aud ill ! a d suecM. Mr Martin H,ud nil f airy thU noon from PecavtlU, P.ooatid ar tbgurUjf Dr Negu. Mr Duud Us brother of Mr Ngu, and iutsnd to go in o th black smitinnu businMa. in sbi.-k bn k.. I... I a long xprrinoc among th min of I'un-yUaaia. TCSKllAV. Hhoity Walker lft thi noon, MiM Aniii Ingram la htm frum a trin lo Washington. Tlior will b a dano at tha Ooora Hous. Thursday svaoiug. Mr A II Slsuson. of th OreKOoUa stsiT and wifa, are in Ilia city speading cm -aiancemot weak . H C Hubbard. I, Buckmsn aud liC SUnard ar to I'oitUud altvudina the drua- git conveuliuu. Th Uraud lxlg at Msomi eooveoea iu Portland to morrow, lion (loo K Climber laiu. l P iiwon, T I, Wll E Allen. I VHit.ii and Ana Mar. ball will aluud aa dalrgat fr. m th two Albsoy lodgr. Dr W H 1.U. CO Karkbart and I B Moutotlh waut to HUro to day, having bo subpss-ruuMt iu th ea of Mr Millar agt tbH P. fordamagoa cusil by th death of bar bosbaud in th trala wreck at thi city. WKtisssiiAy. Jaa Pow.ll Si Co. Hon faff Myr baa bet-n in lb city. J W Cusick ia in Koolhsra Oragon loukiag up hi mining intarrsi. It L r'aaglea, arrrvtcd for killing Moig Lillard, waa exaotinod at Corvallu,ud very propurly discharged. Tb MeUiuuvilIa Baptist Col leg is to b ramovfd to I'oitUnd, provided sutlioienl in duosmota ar olrvd. Muse Maud HofTman, Litxi Bryan and Nrln Mpenovr, of Corvalha, are iu th city, pending cotntneticcuiaut. Th Ceutral Bsptist Aaaociation cvuveawl at lb Baptist Church I hi altarnooo, and will bold suasion fur two or thro day. Itav A J lienaaker all wifa, of lodcpeo droc. Hon J II I'es-rv and Hour Cvrua. uf Tb Eoch." ar in th city allrndioe th TEHPRBAKt'B CO LI: Mil Killlod by Albany W, 0. T, V Nebraska prohibitionist are planning to hold a thousand meeting on the Fourth of July In the Interest of the prohibitory amendment at Ing poor sre treated free Patient out of i -ulsl Baptist Association, the city can be treated y correspondence, j First Assistant P M General Cisrksoo ar- 11 n I ess acute disease Onlce, Blumbrrg' Block, Albany. Residence 3rd and Mont, gomery. Olllee hour, 10 to II. 2 lo 4 and 7 to 8. The Dr can refer to any bank In Albany or the Pacific Coast a to" Ids relia bility, and to the Oregon male Medical Society a to hi standing In the medical profession. Ma wants but little here lie low . How oft the line we scan ! And, as many of us know, It's lucky for the man. I'... .I... I... . .1 .. .! the freshest fruits, the nicest canned rikkIs, and a fine line of ciockeryware to 'CU 1 . A, ll.....l.i..-....- Prof Lorlllard is .milled Z ' "i " . " "" , "I " . v . v j . . .. , v .iivii nsm- .tvviv nvl in Portland atrrdai lookssl lor in Albaoy d mouth. , and rosy be luring th c-iiiiiug The sum of $15,000 ha been offered for ine single Honor license to be Issued Draeut, Ma., Just over Ihe line from no license Worcester, Iowa had It firsforlglnnl package" case at lie Molne, May 16H1. It wm decided against the defendant and appealed Un ion Signal, The Irrepressible conflict between slate snd national authority, precipitated by the -original pucksge decision," ha begun In earnest j a Maine Judge fined a man f 100 and cost lor bringing liquor Into that state In original package, the iudue hold Ing that he wa amenable to the stale law. An appeal was taken. "A bill to protect the stale in the exer else of their police powers" Introduced Into the Hennte by Jam F Wilson and Mr Boutelle, of Maine, propose to the House tbl addition to the Interstate Commerce law i "Nothing contained in thi act shall be construed to authorize the sale or traffic In Intoxicating liquor In sny state contrary to the law 1 hereof." The passage of either of these bill would make coosiltutlonal the stale legislation which ha been de clared unconstitutional by the recent decision The liquor men have completely "given sway ' their plan of campaign sgalnst pro hibition, ll I tutnmanged a follow : Hubsidi.e the press j don't defend the rs loon, but talk high license and revenue ; buy the politician ; get a few preacnera lo preach high license as a temperance meas ure ; work the rursl district bv the cider snd revenue argument through bogus farm paper ; Impoit some hired liar to lay,"prohl!.ltion don't prohibit." "Would prohibition lessen the demand for corn i" ask the farmer. Statistic answer no Only a Utile more than one per cent of alt the corn prodused I used by Ihe distiller, snd even the best part of that I fed to the cattle and hog. Tbe"Wlllard Young Woman's Chri.tisn Temperance Union," of Ssn Francisco, I doing effective temperance work among lie sailor. Another large union at Kan oe, conduct a Iiyal Temperance Le gion of eighty children. Even Cope' Tobacco Plant, a journal of Ihe Hade, admit the evil of the nicotine habit. It : "Few thing could be more Injurious to boys, growing youth snd person of unformed constltutions.than the use of tobaccoln sny of it forms.'' The secretary of the treasury ha issued an otder prohibiting the sate of liquor In the barge office, New York City, This action wa in f espouse to petition from various otganlaailona, representing that the sale of liquor there I demoralizing to newly arrived immigrant. Moral : If you want anything, petition for it. FLsKENTOE Choice Candy, Kills Fruit, etc. NEARTHE POST OFFICE. Ii, C. Scarls, D j Goods, Notions, Bonti Furn ishings and COOTS AKD SHOES Our stock of boot and shoe i now complete in all line for spring rade. We will save iou monei n buying of us. faiiiii;, missel and children's fine shoe a pecla y. Exclusive 4 Kencv rr (be f.L'ULOW KIIOLI E. C. SEARLS, Huece-wsor to Barrow A hearli. P.lumbarg'a Now Bio-, Smoke the giagars a& ManuxOobred by Julius Josepi. IMPORTED AND KEY WEST GIUAKS Plug and smokdg tobaccos, Me'rschsuoo and briar pip an smokes arpulwi generally 8 The only remljf known which will Mzt the HctritlTS Processes of tie HiiiuLa Sfslei. lly thi natural aivl simple mean It quickly and p. rrasnriit y c't'KKH Alt Form of Dyspr-psla, ( nnsllpatlnn. Mental wad Nervous Knhaaitlon, Cnrwt IlablHly, Itralo 'ag. or any eahauslad or weak en ot eondlUon of the systrm, from ! rr cauoa, hkln KruplJons, Ilollo, Itnn nine Unr. B-rtful, and all Dlsamaa of the Mood, Stomncb, Uver and Kidney. S 1 .00. SIX BOTTLES FOR S5.00, Iir. 11llter'at pace book, dearrirrtlveof Hy. drasliue l!rstmu and hla oUter IteffiadMtv msUi In bf Wall. HILUS DRUB C0Saa Frmc!sco, CiL Th eycluna cuntiuua. V,strdy Si art Si Sua sold a thirteen bars traction on -Kin of Kuosrll St Cut msk to I tha M Kjisn b.aKoofn,the.Wu. foshay & mm. Albany, ocis YOUR Saw Filino ktc. Mr Jeph Rubell, anexpert from San F.anclscc, hts lo:.Hel In the Cusick lilock, on li.-oadalbin street, and is prepared to file saw,shorpcn raser, scissors, etc., in a tirst-riass manner. 2 aktk.i'.i.v Mkktinu. The (luarU-rly mfeting for the Ixlmnon circuit will lie held at LiU rly church the 21th and 'Jllth of June. J W C'uaio, 1. F. Scri.fuloii r-ruptiuni, such as pimpl-s, uisci uf th skin, especially on t&cr. are caused by impure blood aud will disaj- pear rap.iliy l.y using riumler t)reg n Blood 1'niilii.r. Da. Patton, the ipccialist on female and private disease, in Dlumbetg' Dlock. Olhce hour. Consultation Montgomery. 10 to 12, 3 to a and 7 to 8. free. Residence 3rd and Warm Weathkr. A fine slock of re frigiator and ice cream freezers may be een at Stewart & Sox'. Nothing like Hiem for the house. New .Scheme. On Monday and Saturday of each week, 11 0 Hubbard will allow a ten per cer.t disccunt on all cash purchases innde at his drutf store. Thi will only be allcwed on Monday' and Saturday's. WATEKLOO. Soda water is plentiful, cool and spark ling once more, after so long being cover ed over. No doubt the people have been waiting patiently, but now it ia open to the public Mr C B Montatruc. wife and son Robert are spending a few days of recreation at tins place ana enjoying me uu ici. Two camps have been landed on the camp ground this week. We noticed Mr Gross working on the snrinir on Wednesday last. We learned afterwards lie was cementing tiie crevices around the rocks to keep fresh water out, which improved the spring very mucli. Waterloo wan throncred with people from various parts of the neighboring cities on Sunday, who gathered here to hear the excellent mumc ol the isrowns ville band and drink soda. We do give praise to this new band, and it deserves it UK). We have counted 37 loads of lumler that have crossed this bridge within the lant week of April and the first week of June. The next holiday to celebrate is the Fourth of July. Everybody should re member Waterloo will celebrate in grand style and to the beet of our ability, we hope to have a good time and we extend a cordial invitation to all. I understand arrangements have been made for the best of music. ' ' Hope these few items will be of interest to your readers, as it has been some time since items have appeared in our excel toft ronnv paper, the Dekocrat. at J ia. r. Fsyy,it, a Fln orange. Early Rose and other potatoes, Cookie and cracker, Dried fruit. Fresh garden products, All kinds canned goods, Oa'.meal, corn meal, Hour, etc., I icicles, frhslics, etc. Everything found anywhere. Shki.vo and Bi'mmeb Dki.icacikh. The largest and finest line of foreign anddo inctjtic woolens in spring and summer novelties juot received and is ready for inspection at ZyACIIKH x !Son, Merchant Tailors and Drapers, Opposite Post Office. T Carprt llujer. We have- just received a new line of carpets, consisting of the latest styles ana patterns, both in Brussels and Woolens. Our stock is the inont com plete in the city, and in fact,too large for . 1 ' t . - i T 1 x , linn iiiarsei 111 oruer 10 reuuee our stock we have concluded to make a fur ther reduction in prices our loss, vou gain, we invite you to inspect otirstocK before purchasing eisewlieie. (jet our prices and be convinced. A. B. McILWAIN, In Lively Ilemand. The Astoria Columbian say real estate In that city I quite nrm, and eerythlng advancing in value. Demands for inside property are constantly coming in, an outside property including acreage and residence lots, t telling a fast as it can, be platted, livery one Is holding In antlcl nation of the consummation of the deal with U tf lluntingion.wnerehy the Astoria Si South Count railroad to IlilUboro will be completed. A soon a he sign the con tract value will be doubled, sad even the property will go at a lively rate. The lot on sale by the Oregon Land Co., in -the North Pacific addition to Astoria, partake of this activety, and are quite favorably regarded as an investment. . big, satisfied at bottom pricen. The occanlon of the annual addrcB ailed out a good sued and appreciative audience. The exercises were opened y a piano duet by Miscs Pearl Vance ami Fdna Allen, well executed. The Apollo club made their first apiiearniice. and the appreciation in which they will lie held was w ell displayed liy a Hearty neore. Dr I'ampliell was introduced and de- ivered an able address, such a one as should be fruitful to the student and the ndividtial generally, willing to listen to loL'ic. Tho topic whs Faith and Keason. The Hix iiker analyzed each in a tuastcrhy manner. 111s power 01 inumruiion in gixid, and some of his pictures were great ly appreciated. Once there was a tireek so iHiiiderously intellectual that he only bad failli in liimseli. His liean iiecame so heavv from thinking that he was obliged to stop occasionally along the streets and rest it against some marble column at hand. There are big headed Sophomores and others to-dnv w ho know more aliout re ligion than the students 01 uic-iong study. Truth is a good deal like the chunk ol mud, found aiterwarus, vy a varied proceas, in the nariphire with its blue ravs. the opal with its varied hues, and the diamond with its brilliant sparkle, set in a backing of snow, all Irom the same mud. Another song by the Apollo club closed the evening's program. Wall Paps. I have just received mm tho east a large iuvoiceof wall pa ner, Uirders, decorations, etc.., including flic plain ingrains w hicli are becoming very iopular. Theso goods are better styles and cheaper than ever lIorv. . . . . HAMl'KL B iOVHO Tbn Acaa Tracts. Some cliolce 10 and. 20 acre tract for garden purpose, just secured for sale at a bargain. Inquire of Uui& llrdrick. Conn St llendricsnn hay just lecetved tine Iut of cheese, aa well aa big assortment uf enoed goods which th publio should call and loapect. Dr. M. H. Klli. tihyaiaiaa and Albany, Oregon. (111 mada in nuutrv. ur-v a eity o Si'si-ve Mas Comc The stock of wall paper at Fortmlller & Irving' is larger than ever, being quite Immense and In clude many new and beautiful design. KEEP KZ'ZZ ONC0,8461. REC0RD,2:29-34; rV i AK -sw Allamonl'a faste-t aUllion and "Ire of Delco, Inading 4;'a grand e" '1--en wilb mi yiarold ncord i,t'l XI. lat dan lUill Price, the dam of Pricemont, j year old record. 2:5,and Zilar Uc2.35. will Iw kept at Albany, Monday end uaads' ; atalein, W'edneays aud Tburadaya, and at borne Friday r.d Saturday. Allowed to re maieaat tin to insure. ALTaGO, 9320. S ) ear otd ree rr, 2:41. Son of AiUmont, thohirwof regloiiat snd Meggte Arnold, record i3 (Pub Ic trial Zil ) iaubter of the famous brood m'. 4l;ce firake. the dam of fiormsn Medium, Will b kept at Independence Tuei-Cay and Wedoewiay ; at CorvalliM, Thursday and Friday , vt Ilou eKatnrdaj and Mcndsy. Allowed to aerve mart at tz: to imure. Koaoon coinmenriiig April li.t ard ending Joly Ist.and to rerttLUH3 im -d for accident. Thanking our patron for pant favoia we invito n'. 11 ij s 1 1 tb light harno horse to call and e us. A few boica breed trail ivi"c lo ) above hUUloi.., also c'-oiei young drivers And collnliin. ib m lol.i:i . W ill 11 e pleasure in showing Mock any y xilt Suniay. WICKNIGHT THE STANDARD BEED SULUOK -ON TIIE- Prance D 'D Thresher ! AUa Their- RECORD 2.20. Th Albany Woolen mill 1 api-nud fur aonl. rill pay 20 cent Laiues Summir Blovsrs, the lates novei'.le. jut rssslvel from mtnufact r by eiprec. - Samukl E Youno Albany Market. The Latest News. Fargo'a famous Sj.SO shoe at G W Simpson', ' - A fine line of lace curtflns and shades at G W Simpson'. Toscalace nets and dress flouncing at G VV Simpson', A choice assortment of infants robe, dresses, hoods, &c, at G W Simpson's. A large and well arranged stock of clothing, for men.' youth' and boys, Josle suits, &c, at lowest price at G VV Simpson'. Commencement exercises were opened Wednesday with prayer by Dr Camp bell. The stage of the opera house was nicely decorated for the occasion. Bo sidea the instructors and pupils, the trustees of the college faced the select audience. - - A piano solo by Mihs Lora Vance w as wen executed. Mr Carlton Kox then delivered ft junior oration on "Ideality." It was a plainly spoken ellort showing careful prepara tion. He said that the future rules the present, and it is the power of the fu ture that causes the progress of the day. Ideals are necessary, and they are of value to one's life, though not attained. We should develope the best in man hood," looking towards the ideality. A man without an ideality is like the man in the midst of building material without a plan lor his house. Binglenesa of pur pose is necessary to the best success. Too many follow the butterfly, securing little if they capture it. It takes years to define success and approach the ideal ity. Life is hard work at the best, but we should strive to do our parts well and faithfully. "Let us then be up and doing,' etc." Miss Anna Houck was heard in a skill full performance on the piano, when M'ihh Rose -Trumbull delivered a junior oration on Pictures," one that was full of orettv thoughts and nicely worded . 1 - . , . 1 . 1 . t pictures, rnotoiine lamoue pictures ui the Vatican or 01 raris wouia sue treat but of those locked in strong cases, of which everyon is an owner, of the pic tures 6f memory. What an influence on man's life. It is this picture that drives the convict to become a raving maniac, or that brightens the life of another. A beautiful picture depends on the light but many place the picture so as to re flect their own image. Like the house wife's things always with a place but never to be found, the aey to these pic tures often turns np unexpectedly. A Whoat-ftlo iot-33iv Butter 16c pr iu. Peg 20c ' Hay -9,00. Potatoe 75 ot rr bushel Boef on foot, H'e A pples 75 cent per bu. ' Pork 6jo per IF Ur-aaed Bacon ham, I2c. . shoulder, Ho. aldaa.lOo. rd 9o per lb. lflour-4.26 per bbl. blckens 8.00 por doa. till Feod bran, H.OOpar ton harts, ItS. middlings, 2ft. Cbor '0. Self-Fccdcir and Band-Cutler, Traction Engines; Automatic Stacker. Etc. Dletr. F.hrtv. record f3J. will ollke th a a'oon of lHtto, oommencinjr April 1 and ending July J at Marshals' amine, Allnv. Llnu county. Or. Kivinir ! Linn eouniy hoi semen chance to ;bnd to Lantiarcl home, with ale ana tpoeu uoi to b excelled in Oregon. DaVCRIPTtON ADD PEDIORKK. lok Flaherty Is a chestnut, f- mall strip In face, one whits ankle, tand in hand high, we'a-hs t-i0. winner 01 the 2:4i e'aa-i at City View Park September 13, 1888, defeating Oneo Knox and Harvest heats. Thin was Diek'a first rc. at which time h ma la hia rei-ord of 2:30. Sired by Flaherty' Frarnaugbt. by FoarnauRbt. Jr. 13 by Voirnausht, 133, reeord if 2:'23 14 (winnei of the 10 sou nurwe at Buffalo in lHtiS,defeatinK (eore Palmer Col Maydard, American iJirl, J J Bradley, Myron Porry, Victor Hugo and Moiiie), bs by young Morr 1. Ulclc Flaherty' dam. Hill Drew, nas paced mil in 2:30, by Dodd'x Nelsor, by John Nelson, 187, sire of Nevea, 23 12, Aurora, 2:27 1 2. Nemo, 2:30; by ImpTruslen, dsin, tUo Is'.dmuu md 5y Abdatlan "2nd -l am, Bu'tsrfl Id.sStCUIr. 3rd Uuui, by B.ack Leg, by BiggePJ Katllcr. 4thPam, by Jock Hawkins, by Bos ton. 5th-.Pam. by Old St Clair. Piahori)' Kearnaught dam, Haldee, by Old Culumbu. 2-lltm, by llarrrs' Haicblto nian. S Uaui. Boaiou Gi.-l. celebrated 3- srK srintOT 13, 1 miB ,ru, r h o1(, A bd.Uah. O tender. Maudi ji0 stallion with such a combinoU: lSr''? "r8ht fast trotlinir and producing blood 3n of has in Linn ever b?n ofiHred for aervioa county Oregon, before. TERMS. To insure. 10; season, $30. Mares bred by the reason, payable Joly 1. Mrea bred by insurance, payable when mares are known to be with foal. Mare, writ he cai-eft.ll, handled, bnt no responsi bility w ill be assume I lor accidents Uood pasture at f i a month. For further part'cnlai a address, jjE- LaFOREST, e'CHvuD Albany Or 1 Also read what one of tho solid men of Linn county .says about th am: Millkrs, l.iss County, Urrgon, beptember as, ibik) MR. Z. T. WRIGHT, Portland, Oregon, PearSlrt In reference to your Inquiry a to how I liked my Advance Thresher? purchased of you thi year, will ay the Advance does more and better work than any other machine I ever saw, and I have seen all that are rep. resented in Oregon. It threshes faster, cleans the grain better, run lighter and saves the grain better from the straw, than any other machine, ard seems to be strong and durable. 1 am ready at any time to go Into a trial with any other machine except the Advance and thresh for from $100 to $500. They are the bst in the market without doubt. If you desire you can refer to me at any and all times. . - S TV If TT T STTS For further particulars address Z. T. WRIGHT, Albany, or Portland, Oregon. Send for his list of 193 names of parties who have purchased Advance inresners in Oregon, "Washington and Idaho. A Sorer! Kennedy. Dr E S Holden . For coucrhs.cold and bronchial affections I consider your Ethe real Cough Syrup as a sovereign remedy. It has cured me quicker man anyming i ever used John jAcasoN,Stockton. Larue aize $i, small to csnt. For sale by H 0 Hubbard, druggist. MAltKlKD. NOLAN -THOMPSON. On Men dav mornlne. at the Catholic Church, by Rey. Father Baird, Mr.J E Nolan and Mls Kale Thompson. The wedding waa a quiet affair, and a surprise to their many friends, (.a but few had ever thought of the union until the announcement of their marriage. But Nolan could not hve don better, even if be had consulted tae entire town. Times MERWIN SHIELDS. On Tuesday, Tune toth, 1890, at the residence of the brides mother, in Albany, by Rey G S Han'.eiter, A I Merwin of Multnomah county and Miss Mattie Shields of Albany, long and happy life U the wish of the Democrat. "Xsvw-' HOMPSON-On Saturday evening. June 7, 1890, In Albany, Mr Hans Kuch and Miss Helen Thompson. The eroom iust arrived from Germany, and Mr Pete Schlosaer acted as lnterpretor, In the ceremony, he not being familiar with the EitgHsh language. 11, Sim Has just received his Spring stock of Clothing, Embracing a fine Hne of suits, which will be sold at bottom prices. ? In crder to make room for new goods will sell his large stock of Notions, etc., at) A Great Reduction. The best place in Albany for bargains. SSimiii s irnsiiwsMiwii'i ,u i i?umM V.H.11 Pront, First aMTme Streets, PORTLAND, - OREGON WHOLESALE DEALEH IN Wware, Iron, SjffOann Mm. SOLE ACEHTS FOR WASHINGTON ASD RORTHERH IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. Ttieie Kachnes are too well kncwB. to nee comment. Thouaads of farmers have vacd them and speak of them wjtu Use. they axe the only MarresUni Machines that will trtvs EKTITU' fc-riSF ACTION to the purcnassr. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTMAN'S STAR TRAGTIOH EHGIHF, The mas? Zfleitiva and Successful Combination far Threshing aai OleanUs Grain ever conatr acted. BUCKEYE ymJBAMETWINE-BINDERS: tSTha Frnture thai distinguishes this TXtie-Bindor Is th LiRhtnes ot Draft, combined with .ta Cxtroordinsry 8trri(tth and Durability. The Liader is ot th Appkby pattern, the only ittf !v slo-o;siui on yet known. W have two style, th Elevator Binder and the Platform Buidor bih eewlou,.-outu recommended by hundreds at patrons. , OOTTTTITIIIIT PD PI DM W k finTTCJ Deere Plows, Deere Sulky Plows, ucuuiiiiiaiii i'iuiiu. -iiiuui.U Carriages, PlUBtons, Top Buggies -av BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUHRIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS. . CORBIN DISC HARROWS, UODGES-HA'tES HEADERS, . HAISHBARB WIRE. CSEND FOR C3PCULARS. 33. THBAL1U Manager, Alliatiy, Oi'eon W