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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1890)
Staff 3' J THE DEMOCRAT lliO I lit Advertising ntiliim In the Central Willamette Valley, THE DEMOCRAT, New York World and American Farmer Ono year for $2.80. VOL XXV. ALBANY, OltLGON, FRIDAY, JUNE J0, 181)0. SO 40 e us DR, y. ty I Special '"7' IliH HOME 1RCATMEMV t A Specif;; C.l.HlllETS HYPPASTINC r.Er.T0P.UIV-:M;,.M nutruu,-,. lnutP.,t .ho IvUsl. Cuit . l-.i .us, Lwi.tipatuu .ui.i MuT,-! (JTa ;-t 1 1, ii'u- aii.l trcnj:li liulMur. tut ant a'j Livct IrouUk. CUi! wl Ki7Vi.,f iTi,-auralFlVVtoU cwwtUUis. P?' J'f E ftT.flffl "LIl.' C"T Al,t ' '"' ntrrnli Caiarrr, tin.l CiUrthv! IWih.'aM' Uon UrtfvU.Jurv' MIjv. ;.!, t rimur)' ru.'uii.lul. i'MtiiiuO'iU, i.J rvlKtM cuuiuiu'l4ait. Contain noCi'litr. lurrji rm jiln I.) t.iimitiM. Try it WUgSP?PHTHERIA fl0 SORE TCTOU rK-fj roni. .ml curv. ii; htlwim. ttiil itivl vai n,i ; irxsU lu mill J I JtTur.i i"Ti:io tilu,) In 3 ,U). O-WtR-SPFVERCOnC. i nUo , s;i ,ni ,.,c: ,.t,,,a whh tit cur. VnutM V.r, SKftrUlU.s. h! M.i '. i. )U.i,n !.o.i:.l Ut!ii In mUl. Pil-L '"i'r-iJlprrr iTvrurc, ,.., n--r, ,: w,,,- , ,c, Ivw.r. f.iU. taim tW ( riv a! i r.u'if l .:::. r J"-c f t, tun lYi:;Uo, Cat. Namag 4, Wit, Units;. ut. in- i.j.i;uu:; i..' CT.l" "li ftu ia:t- Un-in. ( lu, Uun , UrJ i Tt.(.li-i .,1 r'i'l i'i 1. 1 an . u mi vWum I .ni jv r .1. :.:)...:. . $1.00 p,-r P.kA.o. i;X HiLLLH It UC. C-J.PA.;Y, omN Foshay & !ns,n, .Anls. Alba ny. i)r-Hi. DON'T Siuitli & W HI ' am THE STOVES AND RANGES bearbg tLi3 trade nark tn to-day maihsr irons W O World'. B8 homc3 coinfortabla ""'X' "nU "a VWiiCl liilUaU aVaA V istence. Thej are nudo b all etjla 12! kxm, both for Cooking and Heating, aul old at prioettoiuit the purea of tie rich or P0" - iit.tioni. ExMBla tto A;w w But Ji ar not lapoatd UJ 00 t I v, v - ' S5 cS CO H fiC 1 UJ Qa c: Gailend. - Superior - Argand, - Monitor - and - Gasoline Stoves and Ranges, All Fully STYLE, WOEZ NHW STORE. NEW (JOOl) Mitchell & lewis Co., 'Dealeus in Agricultural Implements AND VEHICLES ALBA?1Y, . - - QRldm COME iuTsTD SEE .U3 FURNITURE. It you want the best and most durable furniture that is manufactured iji the city go to Thomas Brink G L, BIiAOKMA'jkS The Leading Druggist, ALBANY DRUGS, PiEDIGIflES STA1 10HARY&C Hp!ciinie' Fln Tailot A.rtiolj, Porf iuii jr aa 1 NInlaxl.IastruBenti J'pi'icrlptlwa'l l'pclully esrapoau loc! diy anJ night, MILLER'S Prescriptions. CELF CUHE Hcmccy for Esch Disease. r ! i-ct'j. aMl "vv. rNMil citrra U.i,.. A , . i ! i.l , ot 1m,; j huk-.ii.'s fr S5.G0. i- . .".0, CAL, U. S. A. J FORGET Sejider.s' m Emm aiiaH-iiM fV &r upon I M J ra '.J x 15 S to -a S3 Warranted In- and PRICES. LOCAL HUGO HI) AtiMM Ukcici'i iiv. Tlie icoeptlon given by the Al.nnnt of Uio Albaity Col Irgp Init week n cf the plcHMint atinul iiioht aurreaaful In the liltrV of the t'mleiio, n rvninrkaltlo foellin; tf (jooil will i rillna the eveiilti;;'a Kilnn. The hnx-h arrvvtl Wiin if very choice nut tire, the tallies hcinjj loaitcil wlih the itellcnclex if the aeitaou Several tifier ilhtiicr peoihea oililcd npl.:e,u well n aomethlitK ei.,l, to the occitl(in. I'f l'nin,ihi;il, I'lealilent I'oiullt, C IC W olverton iin.l A II .SI;nK)ii each apoke In u very entertaining veuitjnlteextenipoMneoiialv. TltiJ prea. cut were lr itiul Mra Ctmphell, Prcalilent anJ Mih t'ontltt, Vint ami Mra I.ce, I'rot (.orlllnnl, Mlc t.lh Irvine ,I.ce l'lathcr. Annie Altlwnise, l.lllle anil Inn Kolteition, Klura Maami nnJ llellle Miller, M-.sra Qnlncev Propyl "'"I Collin Klklna, Mr Kate lluikhm t nml luulmnil, Mr Cor Slwntl ami huxliitiul, Mra Clara Wolver ton ant) li'i-lniiJ, Mra M;irv .slituiin nnj Iiii-Ihii,1, a'ul Mra I.llihie Meft III ami hna bitiul, with whoiit the reception W4 I tl I. Consih! R.Mii.K Smukk.- Mr J C A jjnew hna opened h'.a tlli market In the bulMIng, lor crettlnj; l kh he Ima hfen Arresteiltor lolalhitf the lire llmlta ordinance. One Kle of the building la a hlh bimid fence. Tlic front U onotber aide of the fence, iiinl altogether ihj for It did not roat ti. ueh over $1.50. It ia a good ttiln to enforce the l':re tirdlnnnce; but all ahoti'd he Irented !ike. The f.tct la anv number of little atructtne", no litijjer than tbla one have been erected In the 'rc llinlla. with out cat!lt'K rven n renmik ahot.t them. The man trying to net a place n which In earn an honest living :iouui not ne oi ctlnilnatcd acainat. Kut bv nil tnrana en- f rce the ordinance. Tiik Ar:ii.:ru' Ci.tit. An tuljottrm-il ttioetinx of the Athletic cltili vvtta lieM liiit week, rvrfuUiin! in the electioti o!j flie follow iui; oUicert: ( ieo K t'liiiinta-rlttin, rrH'xident ; () II Irvilif, Vice rreilettt; H lilaitt, TreaHttrcr; K I.Iorrin,NMTo- tstry. Tlienhove w itli.l lluyutt, att Montcith and K ht'tiey were eotiHtl- tttte.l a liinl of directoM. V. II Warner ami lAnhi tirav were iippoiiitcl a eotu- mittee toeirettlate the roil for uiulnlx'in. wax tiia.lo the initiation fee nml I a month the iluc4. A constitution nml by lnwa w ill tie ii.lopti-i at .1 future meet inii. when the chili will N more thor- tljhly or:titte.. A tJiitrrv I-ii. Ijint Samluy while W L Iynine;er w;n working with tt o!t, which w.t hitriicjtae.l, he awnyfroni him tin I Htarli.l to nut. Hi Voiiiik' hull by w .in nt.inlini; near nl .it oitee urnler- atiMHi the aitit.itioii. lie ran niter the colt 1111 I caiuht hold of the linen, which were Iravrintf.uml mieceelel in atoppuij; him, hut he K'"t away U(:iin nml attain the 'ht: enm:hl the line. The tloij at.iye.l with the c It in thin wit v. though he wna tuiiildi'.l nroutut in nil ("liatxx, until he t"pji"i lniii nlaitlt tn tiiilew went ol town. The colt wa-4 brought hack hv a tlein in e. union in from that way, lutt an the ilot: lt,l not almw ut Mr PvainT went sifter him ami fottml him badly tised up he cotibl not walk hack. Iv.t-lte Kt -OMter. K km tvs !'t t Nt. - Alxiut thrie weeka -i a oi.ii" man, llie on ol I l.otictt Mat, ,0! Wa-io couii!v, wlnL herding In (in the Nonlnve.lcru mt t f tlic fountv, found what he believed to be tlic remain of u man. Y i "il M'y aerted lb t the ku!l wai not burned an 1 ut what it wa ea tly reri;tiled B thai of a bnm. n. '1 he company who were with 1 im .i: !ht in i; lior.i thoii).),! hew a' mUtukei. lift! ma?e litit of tlic m.tttrr. ;ut jouii,; Mai w.i (Mi itivehe riht. "Ihl, it ieivof the fact that Gcorije Nuttht-j wa lat en in that nel(bbir- hood little ivrr a vrar ni"-, le,d ua to ii-ti ve i .at vut ij Ma tlht, and ih it the rem.i'i a are IHo-c ol "r Nutting -I'linevlile New a Ci'Kiii y.'. . I"! lumber yarda arc rushed with kninoi. I.oaJ fullowa load ad dav long. I' : lumber oea lnti new buiUI:iii;a, S' .r..l new nc. have been atarted on l-.a-t Miat street alone, wittiii a few week, and a larc nuuilier ( n on-' are aeen tn other part of the cltv. "More in jney ikgolnjg Into new bulldlnj;a" iyt an observer to a DKWocKAr mar., "tlian a u-ar A 'V at tliiatbne." Itualnea Is i;Kd u! -I the out took la rcmaria'dy hi ilit. There w i!i be new entcrnrUea of promise before tie er.d of tin vcar. The Oraori l'aclllc will atart up work during the aiimnn r. This is an old asvlii ', but it will b a fact. a will be more definitely learned In a few week at least. Aibiny proapecia were never teller than to-uay Jettiks at Vacj'.-iva. Captain Sy- mona, L'nlled "-trdea enlneer.haa returned frorn a visit to Vaq iin.1 lie aaya the j'-ttle have atoo 1 the whiter very well. The aaud is lormim; In behind Ilium and the have been of jfeat benefit to the bar. The heavy freshet of lat winter have hron 'lit down a treat deal of earth which haa made acme bara tn the river. Work will be atarted up on the jettlc a aoon aa the appropriation la available. The plant la now lieinir placed In readineaa, plana perfected and all arrangement necessary to that arc nelni' made, captain Nyino.ia will leave for l,'oo ba; next week to In apect the works there and at Other poln't alon the coaat. Oieonun. SomkTax 1'avk.ii. Ladd & Buh,f Salem, pay tatea on 95,000; ( W Ciray, 3H,?,:o. The State Inaurancc Co., that claim to have a paid up cash capital of $joo,ooo, and a third of a million asaeta. pay on $11,859 The Hat contain 66 name. While Albany, that doean'l boast of m much wealth aa Salem ha 68 who pay on $5,o,)o or over. Either there fa lotiof wind in Salem or elae the city I not half aaaeawd iS H Albany pay on . Slo.O'io or more to Halem 3j. Only two in .Sa'crn pay on $50 000 or over, wiinc '.lie iiumuer n viuany i jour Some more odlou compaitaon. FntriT rKriTM. James A Varney, Com in'iHHioner and ItiHpector ol fruit peats, is in the city. Mr arney is a iiurMerynimi in the practical Hcnue of the word anil is traveling through the state inspecting orchards ami vineyards, lie finds them infected with crulliii moth, wooly opliis and some othOr pests. lie will lie pleas ed to send every one who may apply to the Board a copy of their Bulletin, wetting out at length the pests and diseases to which our fruits are subject and the rem edies therefor. Address, Kthan Vv Allen, Portland. Natural Gas at Drain, The matter of the existence of natural gat at Drain la no longer a question ; It Is a reality and the only thing now to be done U to develop It. This la about to be done immediately. The man Corbett, who (link the immenae well for W S Ladd near Mount Tabor, has been plven the contract and he haa nearly all the necessary machinery on the ground, tome ot which is already tn position, and active operation In the line of boring will be commenced Inside ot ten days, lhere ia much excitement in that part of Dougla county and there will be a substantial boom there in a short time. Ex. Bjiownsville. A hack driven by Jode Pearl, a day or two ago, was upset in go ing over a bridgo and Mrs M A Keeney was very seriously nun. The bridge builders are arriving here ana preparing 10 go 10 worK on the coiin ty bridge across the Calipooia. After be ing: without a bridge for nearly six months it ia Iwped that some energetic worn win oe aone soon, uor. ur. Among the Conqtikhsmen. A sister of a Democrat man, who has been doing Washington, writes: "I have been to the Capitol several times and listened to some of the discussions in the Senate and in the House. I enjoy the Senate very much ; but the Congressmen appear to be rather an inferior race of men, and they are always in an uproar. You have one very fine looking (Senator from Ore gon," Iprobably Mitchell.J S noke the celebrated Jilavan filled oi ar, mauuf ictured at Jul uf Joirph'u cigar iictory. ujiy 0 cent. Ti'Kiit tl aim. -Mrs () H Pollock left Inst wwek for Jacksonville, tin a short visit with her brother, previous to her ilepar- ur for luriniiiglmin, Ala., where she will open a select ihiy school for younu Indies. She tmik with her the universal nood will of our citizens, and leaves a record as a teacher of which any woman might bo proud. Four years ago, on ac count of ill health, Mrs Pollock rcMiiftied the position of Principal of the Mont gomery Female College, at Chrlftinnhtirg, Vu., and cumo to the const on a visit to her brother, Col Juntos P (ioistiill, and to recuperate her health. She accepted a position in the Albany Collegiate Insti tute, and for three years has hud charge of the departments of KiiKlish literature, eliH'titlon, history and tisvchology, lilliuu her position with an ability, energy and faithfulness rarely cmtuled, seen ri nit the unstinted coutldetict of her associates and the love and esteem of her pupils. Under her clUcient truining the young Indies have tniulo a progress that hits U'en remarkable, and the ('llccts of her thorough work w 111 bo seen among the young people of therlty (or "years to come. With her health fnllv restoreil, and a ripe experience to hack her. she will Is) in a position to take charge of the !irmiii;hnui school In a milliner that en u not help building it J' an Institu tion of prominence and usefulness. The pKMocaAT commends Mrs Pollock to the lsst consideration of the people of Uir-min-.'hnm. In her new Held Mrs Pollock will have as an assistmit MissC W Ste vens, formerly principal of St Mary's Seminary at Itirminghiim, where she is already very favorably know n.nnd whom many of our citizens w ill rcnicuiler as luivinir spent a pleasant week in our city several months ngo, A Dkcimon.--A orreipondent In a CorvallU paper aava the legal piluclplca Involved In the caaeof the Oregon confer ence under the preld-ncy of J !!wero va. that under the preatdency of T How man are preclacly the aamc a Ihoac In volved tn the following tlcclalon, taken fiom nn Ottawa, 111 , paper : " motion fur dUaolutloit ol Injimctl 'il cane on for bearing tc-day lcfore Jude C It Smith In the mallei of the Naprrvitle church of the Kvanclleal Aaaociatlon. Tbc court con tinued the Injunction In an elaborate de cision. The coutt "lel.l lat, that llisliop Kaher waa lei-aliy auiended, ami could r.ot act a bishop; jd. the Illinois confer ence, preldcd ovei by Kliler Ilvera waa the legal conference. Independent of whether Kaber waa legally anpendcd or not and t t.a Kber'a conference had no ;w-er to aenda pteacber lotbc Najervtde church, and t.ial C I I-' rev la the trll a tor ol that church, and lb" truster were enjoined from Interfering with hUoccupa lion of the pulpit." Uki'i t.itkiX Sfb.AiiNo, The Albany Woolen Mills Co have received the ful lowing letter which explains itaelf lit ntt emphatic manner : Sr lM is, tune I I W0. Alhaiiv W.Hihn Mills t'omininv. Al bany, Or. ( ietitleiueti : If voii lire loan-tifiM-tiiriiig cloths, we i lmll W pleaseit to have samples, as we have tttiptiries for them Iroiu customers 111 ( entral America and Mexico, to w hich points we can ship from your factory to good advantage. Send us samples with your very lowest prices, cash at time d shipment. We have, as you know, in those countries a very 'nrge cotuin'titioii, and, therefore. trust that in naming prices you will lig- ttre ns low as It IS posailile lor Volt to m-Ii. Will there In- any relatte on your cloths for export? Yours truly, . C M k'MhlCK A Co. Sl..i's 4(ii. The follow ing Firemen's races w ill occur at Salem on the 4th of I lose race Ihstance, to run 100 yards to hydrant, lav 1W0 feet of how and get water. Prue'$HX). Kugiite race Kngine to Imi set n cis tern, run Us) yards, attach to engine, lay lUO feet how? and git water. Prize ."sj. Tender race Team to ls comocd of Itoya not over 10 years old ; run 1U0 yards. Prie, given by Chief F.ngineer Geo liingham, to Ik- twelve gold badge en graved w ith company's name and de partment. Two tender teams will probably go from Albany, the l- having already organized for the event. I'spokTi's atk AiriuKMr. Iatstweek Chas W llageti.n faithful employe at the Southern Pacific depot, in this t-itv, was coupling the passenger car to a ireight car on the train at this city, which was outside his line of duty, when he was struck on Isith shoulders by the platform of the passenger and end of the freight car. lloth shoulder Isuus were badly broken and he was injured internally slightly; but not dangerously. He was taken to the residence ,f Mr V . Jester, w here he Ismrds.und is receiving gissl at tention. DrMnston, . 1 surgeon, was railed and set the broken Ismes. Mr II11 gen is a sternly, reliable young man, and the accident is one greatly to be regretted fsAKTHM Koaos. County Judge Khaw and Commissioners Grim and Cornelius, have U-eii up in the Santiam country the past few days looking after county highways. In relation to the Minto trail they found that the O P company had men at work making a good and suf ficient trail wherever their road had des troyed it. and yesterday morning Don A Smith, appointed by the county court for that purpose, started out with a pack train and force of men to clear and open tin the trail where it lias not been touch ed by the railroad, so when this joint work is done the trail wilt 13 in the ticst shape it ever has lieen. Journal. Wit,!. Comhk.s'ck Work. George W Freeman, government engineer, was in the city the first of the week and left on the stage (or Siuslaw, where he will mako a survey (or the new lighthouse station at Heceta Head, ami also (or a A, . 1 . roati iroiu ine norm sine 01 1110 river, near its mouth, to the light station. We understand he will hire assistants down there, thus distributing money appriat- ca lor the work among the citizens in that section. The people there are anx iously looking for the work to commence Uegisler. Silve jtTON Motor Link. It now ap pears that the much talked of and much desired motor line to Silverton would soon be a reality. A reporter had a little talk with Gen W II Odell, and that gentleman gave the assurance that dirt would begin to fly In grading the road at an early date next month, though he could not state positively the exact day they will com that will depend upon circum stances not nowjsettlsd, Journal, Business Changes. Mr II C Hubbard has sold his drug business to Mr J A Cummings, of Clinton. Iowa. Mr Cum- mings was in Albany several months aso. and liking the city, has concluded to maae it tits home, lie is a nrst-class business man and will no doubt do well here. Mr Hubbard has not yet decided on ins iuture location. Mr A II Marshall has sold his liverv stable and outfit to Mr Frank Trites,who will hereafter run the business. Mr Tntes is an old resident of Linn county, wnere ne is generally well nkeu. The Monmouth School. Professor PL Campbell has been elected president.and rroi t'oweu vice president ol the Mon mouth State normal school. The board of trustees will meet again June 23rd to elect their additional teachers. Prof DT Stanley has sold out and gone to Chicago, where his family will follow him in a few days. His many friends gave him a farewell banquet Thursday evening. This is probably the end of the State normal school scandal. Would Draw Well. Efforts are being made to secure Gov Pennoyer to make the rourth of ulv speech in Lebanon In this we will doubtless be successful and we will have a man who will attract like a magnet people from all parts of the state. Standing room has been engaged for the many thousands who will visit Iebanon on that day. Kxpress. stlsrirN. Five Denver prprrty owne.s, who can not sign their names, are millionaires. Edwin Arden, the young actor, I mar ried to the daughter of Thomas W Kecne, the tragedian, lie used to support the father $ now he support the daughter. "Mr M J Kinney, one of the most prom Inent democrats in Astoria, voted a tailor's bill, and a cltlxen of Monmouth voted a bunk deposit check, thinking it was his ticket. There U a grojer on Nineteenth street, Philadelphia, named McGlnty, wno ha been so much annoyed ly the boy a that he ha had hi name taken from hi de livery wagon. A Dallas man told his wife ho was go ing to Asusangwatoiisogauingogwongtoii gown llahlhg, and then sent his friends to the house to ask where he was. When he returned his j"sr wife was exhausted she couldn't speak (or a week. German newspaper report that the heglra from IcelanJ heretofore noted in thcae columns I umli.g extraordinary proportion It I catenated that fully jiaa), about one fourth of the entire pop ulation, wilt emigrate during the preacnt year. From the Halem Statesman we learn that Mr Scott wllll given some light work about the yard and alsmt the pris on. He said to a McMiunvillu rcortcr that his sentence might as well have Is-en a life one as ho did 11 0 expect to survive ten years c mflnement wtilhin the gloomy structure. France IC Wlllnrd, In her walks about Chicago, has discovered women who make shirt at 75 renta a dozen and furnlah their own thread. She alao lliu'a children working twelve hour a day (or a dollar a week, May a mule kick u If ever again we growl at a delinquent subscriber. The IlllUhoro Indepemlmt give of Ita men a rather left haiulad compliment when It aaya: Walter S lluchanon haa left tbla oillre to aaal.t In the cenaua of the people. When he la about It we hope he wilt take advantage of the occasion tc Int. prove Ida own aenae. During the absence of Conductor Hut ton at Salem Mr A D Itarker'a portly form may be seen on the Lebanon I-sin. t he boy aay that when Marker yell ticket the ttaln (airly alopa with agitation. ready for the dlmlal of the pacnger In case of healtancy, Crn Henderson I doing the breaking. The mammoth show doing business til the Pipe block for several days has left for Corvallis. The alullcd cna-odile, the electric battery, the picture gallery, the fortune telling woman, and all the mar vellous curiosities will ); seen no more in our city. Mr Purnuni does not need to come to Oregon. Our apK-tites are giutti-d. The telephone company operitlng n thl city baa been obliged In upend oper at Ion. (or the present at leaat. An attorney of the Hell telephone monopoly waa In the city veaterday and threatened" to bring a law suit If Ihev didn't rcac operation at once, ami aa they did not waul an ex peiialve atiit they "closed their bulnca. The He. I company haa been after ihem from ihe lime thry alartrd, claiming they are Infringing on the Hell company' pa tent Kugcnc Kc&iater. Mary Jane I Inline, the popular novelist. and her husband. Daniel lolmca, of New ork, were In Seattle irai t ilday, on their way to Alaska. Mr I lolmca It one of the best known writer of A met lea, and her txaika ate admiicd by million al people. A WKMiK'NAr man lis paaaed her p'es.ant home at hrocUoti, N. Y , a great many time, an honor Mra I lolmca has probably never appreciate the way ane alioulil. ,t the wiailen mill the rahmere weav era have lieeii cut down from to D4 cents a yard, and the weavers of white blankets cent a yard, aaya the Oregon City Courier. This reduction is eotial to a reduction in wages ui from 10 to 13 jier cent. Cnder th former schedule o( rates tier yard the U-st cashmere weavers made from 43 to t-'2 n r mouth ami those less exierl iroiu 3tl to 40. It would seem that weavers wages here are low as the lowest. since last week a weav er went back to Philadelphia, because, as lie said, the pay Is Isjttcr there. The trartafer of the Stewart property to a gent'eman from Portland waa made lat l' rldav. The sale compriac one hundred and fifty acre on the hilt iut couth of town, and the purchase price la $125 per acre. Tbla transfer la lookek upon aa one of considerable Importance, but no one aeein to know what ue the property I to be put to. Register Such property at Albany would bring $500 an acre. rot S It rBSM EEPHti. Wedneaday, June II, 1870 Preacnt Mayor, Recorder, Street Coin. cnuncilmen French, Tablet, Smith and Garrett. The following billa weie ordered paid: U G llayne, $7.07; F L Kenton, $1.35; R Urown, $10; a twlng. $22; John Oil. well; $5; John Maxwell, $06.50; It M .Moan, $5; 1 haver il Tralnor, $1; N I llenton, $149,40: Coat bill. $32 05; Deyoe & Robton, $U o. Price k Robson. $5.00. The committee on Flieand Water rec cotnmenJed that the application f San vva to nulla frame building at second and Lyon street be not granted. Further time was granted committee in reference to electric light at Jefferson and Seventh streets. Matter of the bill of!Albany Engine Co continued. Street commissioner reported that John Schmeer had put In 1 1 to load of dirt at the bridge over the gulch near the Al bany iron work. No action by the Water Co. was re ported In reference tc the ditch adjoining P J Baltimore's proposed block. The r?port of Chief Engineer Stewart was read making suggestions and giving facts in regard to the condition of the fire apparatus, clstc- n, etc. Referred to the committee on Fire and Water with power to act immediately in conjunction with the Chlet engineer and Mreet commissioner, Petition of Chas Ffeiffer and others, asking that sewer on Calipooia street be extended so as to reach the Santiam ditch. Referred. A communication was read from Hon J N Dolph, annoucing that the memorial tora bridge had been received and would be presented to the senate at once. Matter of Foot bridge at the corne' of Fifth and Vine streets was referred with power to act In conjunction with the Street Commissioner. Bills of Electric Light Co, $194.50; J L Cowan, $3, allowed. At a meeting of the Building and Loan Association last Tuesday night a loan of f 1000 was granted to V L Arrlngton iS months interest in advance. The associ ation is doing a nourishing business. Roseburg Flaindealer. The size of the bid i not a good Indica tion, In Salem, Albany, Independence and Astoria It Is never less than fifty months now-a-days. A Freak.- There is now on exhibition in Portland a curious freak of nature, says an exchange. It la half man and half horse having limbs formed like a horse, and a shaggy mane growing on the back of his neck. His head is like thtt of a colored man, with a very Intelligent face. He can trot at a three minute gait, and converse freely with visltora. - A Fool op a Boy. Edward Gil van a boy aged 16 years, was accidentally shot while hunting near town last week. He was leaning on his gun with both hands over the muzzle when it was discharged, the two loads of shot tearing through his hands and face, Roseburg R'evlew. Athletics. The Athletic club will meet, beginning on Monday, every after noon and evening, over Stewart Si Sox's hardware store, temporarily, when Prof Wood 8 will be on hand to give instructions in athletics of all kinds. Those who have paid their dues will be entitled to attend. A HT.ITIIMi.'AN IMMrTKMT. The Chicago TiUmne I a republican paper, and one of the moat prominent or gans f the parly In the nation. It has fought valiantly for It party and protect ion, but judging from It recent expression on the McKlnley larlfT bill, It eye have been opened. It sec what protection, i. understood by republican congressmen of today, mcans.and what lijwlll lead to. In one of Its articles on thl subject the Tribnm iy s "The highly protected manufacturing district are mostly democratic, and the re publicans are losing dally the working rr.en's vote they once hud. Why? (jo ainorg the Made utdoii and hear their leader and walking delegate talk and learn the reason. These men tell their comrade that they are being cheated out of their share of the heavy protection dutlr alleged to be levied for their bene fit. The worklngtncn, most of them fotelgn born, remember w hat their wage were In the old country; they know what the high dutle are, and the Increased amount which their employer are enabled to charge con sumers by reason thereof and they believe Ihe harangue that they' are robbed of a good part of their quota of protection, and that the bosses get IL hi make them angry and aour at the patty that pnahr up the "protection' taxe. To punish the party the bosses support they go to the poll and voie for free-trade candidate. Thl U what make them so outspoken and bitter agalmt the republican party. They think they have been cheated out of their proper ahare of the plunder and It In furiate them. Nor will their anhcr te allayed If the McKinley bl'.l become a law. The hrst thing the worklngtncn In the shop, factoric and potteries will do w III be to ask their employer for the high, er wage coming t- them by right of the higher duties on the consumer. The boaae will refuac to give them. They will (hen be confirmed more than ever In tr-e belief 'hat the whole tariff ay .tern waa a fraud on thsin; putting up price, but r,ol wagca; hurting them aa consumer, but not aiding them a producer; and thoae who have aa vet clung to the republican party will follow '.heir comrade, desert It, and thereafter vote the democratic free trad, llcket out of spile of their boac." All kind of dangerous wiil animals, lions, tigers, wnlvr nd even elephant, aie diap prating rapidly tluongliout the old woilu aithc buffalo ha Intlii, and they can certainly be much better apaicd. Tlic demand of modern civ liation and the destructive agencic it fur nishes me making man's natuiat wild b-aa enemies hunt tluir ttu'c aa never In-fur;. I seems strange that tiger and tiuii have been comrron in count tie so densely ipulated aa India. The people ol that land are not a fight ing race, like the Anln Stxon. For sgc they have been taught that destroying the hie even of the brute was a sin. A for lion and tigers ith he weion th; people who lived in t'cif land could command, the beast often bad a better chance than the man fur ni-cc in a fair contest. On no continent have wild lean been diiven back mrc rapidly than in North Aaerica, It waa inhabited fiom the Tint by a plucky people, who considered the extermina tion of wild beast as scarcely Its iinfiortani titan cutting down the wilderness of trc that sheltered them, and turning it into fmitfuj idd. A number of interesting ohscrvaiion have lately been made on the destructive power o coffee upon various microbes, and they prove that the organisms die in a kmger or sltorter petind. Good and bad codec produce the same cfTcct. It is held that the antiseptic effect of coffee doe not depend on its calfcine, hut on the oils developed while toasting. If a piece of dyed cloth is damped m l rub ' bed on clean white paper, the absence of any stain shows that the dye is a "fast" color Another lest is to lay the ekith between two sheets of paper and iron it. There should be ao mark in this case cither, Again, if the cloth is covered with a perforated sheet of thick pajier, and cxocd for some hours to direct sunlight, the color of the exjocd pans should sot fade. The McKinley bill imjioses a fine upon every boy and girl who laboring by day endeavores le acquire an c lucation by study at eight. I1 imposes a mrgltty tax ujion lamp chimneys a fine upon the student. And the money col lected does not supply the needs of the govern mcnt, but is p'id over to mooolists, a mere ministration .o their greed for gold. It cost Uncle Sam to run the Governmen in all it branches upwards of $ 218,000,000 per annum. On the basis of 65,000,000 pop ulation, the cost of Goverment per capita is lj.3i or about $16,60 for each family. This is cheap compared with European countries. The cost of the German empire in 1889 was about $5. 50 a head; of the French Republic about $19 and about (70 per family. From several sources comes the reliable evi dence that there is a big revolt of Nebrask farmers sgaintt the high taxation Republican psrty.nnd the Republican "railroad and hood le" Slate rule; and that it isquite probable the State will go Democratic at the next election. In some countries it is not considered in strict accordance with social icgulations for a tony man to carry packages in he street, but in Iowa it is not a violation of any social rule for a man to carry an "original package" under hisvst. ' If the McKinley bill becomes a law say the Cleveland IMaihdealer, the republican party would not have claims strong enough to keep a majority of the New England states from cast ing their electoral votes for the next democratic nominee for president. A Kansas farmer sold a meteor which fell on his farm for $1,000, and raised the mortgage on hi farm. With a good stoctc of meteors, a bounty on cocoons and diamonds on the free list the farmers of Kansas may yet be happy. A practical hint of value Is conveyed in the statement that "manufacturers esti mate that twenty per cent, o! the wear of farm machinery comes from neglect lo keep tie bearings properly oiled." Judge Sage of the United States Court has sentenced a swindler to pay a fine of $500 and fifteen months In prison, for sell ing "electric belts." It Is hard to make the people understand why the belts can not hold any electricity. Agricultural colleges In this country established under the United States law of 1862, are now educating nearly 10,000 students. Wanted, cows to pasture, Woodi.1 & Tali Bros. The best lines of 5 and 10 cent cigars in the 01 ty arejt be found at Conn & llendrio. son's. IIIMHTO HOt HtKKKI'KIW. Jewelry can he beautifully cleaned bv washing In soap suds, In which a fe v drop spirits of ammonia are stirred, shaking off the water and laying in a box of dry sawdust. Thl method leave no mark or scratches. Women who wish to preserve th beau. y and contour bl their figure must begin by learning to aland well, says an authority on I he subject. That Is explained to mean the throwing forward and upward of the chest, the flattening of the back, with the shoulder blades held In their proper places and definite curving in the small of the back, thus throwing the whole weight of the body upon the hip. Gloves should never be rolled Into a wad or left lying outside Pull off slowly an J stretch ech finger t9 It full Icnith. Mend every minute rip with glove thread and needle, which come especially (01 the purpose. Wrap each pair In tissue paper, and keep In a long box, without folding Alter carpet are relald gooverthem and wipe with a damp cloth wrung out of warm water, to which ox gall or ox gall oap ha been added. If thl cannot be obtained ue spirit ot turpentine In Ihe proportion of two tablespoonfuls to a gal Ion of water. Ammonia should not be used, as It Is sometimes Injurious to deli cate color. To mend a very large hole In ock or woven underwate, tack piece of strong net ovc the acrture and darn over It- rhu mended Ih- garment will be stronger 'han when new, and look far neater than if darned In the ordinary way. In families where there are small child ren It I not enough to have vial contain ing poU s labelled distinctly. They ought al way to be kept In a different place from other liquid, and If possible in a bot tle especially shaped, with exterior rough nea, so that even In the dark the danger ous character of the content may be rec- ognlsted. Fruit, wlnc.inildcw or Ink stains on deli cate fabrics can be dipped In clear cold wa tcr, and then in a mixture made by one ta- blespoonfu! lemon tablespoonful oxalic tcld and one-half pint rain-water. shaken together. Grcaic spot can uaual ly be taken out by covering the spots with French chalk scraped on, covered with brown paper, and a warm flatlron set on it to cool. ADPHfXH TO rOMlUKU VOTElW. The ofikcisof the Washington Tariff Re fer in Club and Colored Bureau of Information have issued an address lo the colored voters of the United States, and csciaby to those of the South, in which the division of ihcir votes among all oliikal patties is at ked. The cir cular aays: ve cte once needed lo assault iorts on battle liclds, now we are needed at the ballot box to protect high t si iff monopoly, and when we cease to give aid lo this extraordinary high taiiff and thousand of whita Kepablkan office bolder, we will be abandoned again and rcte gated lo a oliticat aliado of quijtude." The circular says that all the love KepuLli- civ leaden have for the colored man is to re ceive his vo;c. It declares that the negro was ficel simply as a war measure. Two colored regiments organued in Massachusetts lay for a year without being recugnued as part of the Union army. Force of circumstances drove the country to it. "So you can see," continues the circular, "that you freed the Northern Republicans. Negroes differ religiously, why not politically, it is asked, It is declared that the Southern problem will not be solved by the passage of national election taws. Nothing but Christianity on the part of the white people and education and wealth on the part olthe colored will ever settle M ADE TO I.OOI NEW. Old clothing may be made to look near ly as good as new by puruslng the follow ing plan, says the Philadelphia Record, Take, for Instance.a shiny, old coat, vest or pair of trousers, of broadcloth.cassimere or diagonal. The scourer makes a strong, warm soapsuds and plunges the garment into it, souses It up and down, rubs the alrty places; if neccessary, puts It through second suds, then rinses It through sev eral water and hangs it to to dry on the l:ne. When nearly dry he takes it in, rolls it up lor an hour or two and tnen it. An old cotton cloth Is laid on the outside of the coal and the Iron passed over that until the wrinkles are out; but the lion U removed before the steam ceases to rise form the good, else ihev would be too shiny. Wrinkles that are obstinate are re move i by laying a wet cloth over them and passing the Iron over that. II any shiny places are seen they are treated as the wrinkles are; the iron Is lift ed, while the full clod of steam rises and brings t'-e nap up with It. Good cloth w ill bear many washings and look better e time because of them The window glass manufactures itt'e decid ed to close for the summer, to decrease produc lion, thus throwing their men out of employ ment. They have also made a combine with jobbers to increase the price of window glass. Thus does the McKinley bill cast its shadows even before its passage. It cuts the working- men on one hand and every man who builds a home or puts a new pane of glass in his windows on the other. It looks like Cleveland and Gray for 1S92 but it may be Cleveland and Pennoyer. The delegates to the Illinois Democratic convention were canvassed to ascertain their preferences to the next presidential ticket. The vote stood. For President, Cleveland 521. Palmer 67, Hill 7, Abbett a. Whitney 21 for Vice President. Gray 381, Palmer 1 12, Morrison 76, Black 30, Stoughton 21. East Ortgou ion. VALUABLE. PKOFEKTY. The Cuslck Addition to Albany ; has just been thrown on the market and will be sold at .such prices and terms as will enable the speculator to make cood money. This property lies just this side of Goltra's Park; Is high and sightly, overlooking the city and surrounding country. In the language of a First otreet merchant, "That is destined to be come the 'Bon-ton residence portion of the city." . Wallace & Cuslck, the agents (or this property, have their own conveyance and will be glad to show this, the best of all additions, to the intending speculator. HOW TO CERE MliSTUVaSESS. A body with a .nervous temperament will make known Its , wants through its natural medium the nervous system. If It fails to receive proper nourishment the nerves will be -the first to rry out. Dr Hitler's Hydrastine Restorative ensures perfect nutrition to those who take it, and a perfectly nourished body cannot be ner vous. For sale at Foshay & Mason's. New cream chess just received at Conrad Meyers. . a . OiVIS KiV JOY Holh the luelbrxl ondresults when .Syrup 'f ViffH is taken ; it is pleasant (1 ml ref reshing to the last, anil act gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, ver itii'1 J'owcIh, cleanses the syg b;i.i effectually, dispela colds, head aches and fevers ond cures habitual eoiitftipntioii. Kyrup cf Figs is the r.nly rciredy of its kind ever pro-dii'tf-d, j.leiwing to the t&ete andac--;.t 1W0 to the stomach, prompt to 1 l'-ti itt and truly benefleial in its ".'-li, i' runny r.sct lient qualities 1 .r:C'!id it to till. It is for r-ale in '. :iad CI boit!t:3 ly &11 leading 1! j;;ifti. H.--I ijr 1 cr-tr.t 1 r,m.Y try TMg ..urotiA no syiwp co. tn '"" ' . t:rw raw. u.r PAISLEY & FISH, JOB PRINTED ALBANY Special - Announcement ! OF- w. f. My Spring Stock is now Complkte, Embracing all the Latest Novelties in Dress Goods, liotli in WOOLEN and WASH FABISICS. -To The I Make a Specialty -of Lafies Underwear, in Knit, rtinr.KD and My Piucxs are the LOWEST anil my Goons the Best. Am sole agent for the Celebrated Y. S. F. HOSIERY, Guaranteed stainless, Warranted absolutely fast, and Free from Poison. :To The Men, : Call and Look at My values in Furnishing -:- Goods, I have Large Stock at the Lowest Prices -ver t rTWreJ in the Valley. I csiry a full line of t(t worlJ-renowed BUOADHEA.D good, nnenoHeil for wear aod Gutbh. Larr stock of and be CMivii.ced thf- Albar y i the A RARE OPPORTUNITY -Is Offered Evtry LT BROCK. PROPRIETOR. To get first Class FURNITURE, Latest Designs, at Bot tom Prices. New Goods will arrive Constantly. INSURE III THE ALBANY FARMERS AND MERCHANTS' Insurance Company. Safe, Sound; Conservative Oregon Land Company, WITH ITS - HOME OFFICE AT SALEM, OREGON, In the State Insurance Building. . . . iod Branch Offices at Portland, Astoria and Albany Has for sale a large List of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farmv Also City and Suburban Property. . SEND : FOR : PHAMHLET, : MAP : AND : PRICE s LISTS. M0NF.Y, cheap;money. We have made arrangements to supply money to all on long time at low rates o interest on Improved f.trms and city prop erty. Thsee who contemplaies ; building brick blocks or good brick business houses cm get money, see us. : Wallace & Chsick.'; Harry Jones' RES ATI) RANT AND OYS TER HOUSE. Juat opened, opposite the Ruts House. Prompt attention, andeverythiax neatacd clean. . Open day and night. First National Bank Of AUI4NI, OKKCOS, Praabtjwit . , Vic Prsaklaftt """ir"vtA ... Csaiiiar.. , K. w. laki,! ," T8AN.1ACTSACKNKkALaumlmliM.. ' ACCOUNTS KEPT aubjaa tortus. fclilMT s-rr-u mrp . 1 ..1 .... . . . 'i Mew rork, San risncls. ii;i(r suit V' tOLLBi TlOSr liADKon f..ral lanr JllkWlMM t. Yoe K (T. L4!, L E Buna, ,. fun, V.VMAfV V. 80X. Mi'o Co. National Hank. ALBANY - - - OREGON, CsPiTAb STOCK aiOO.MKI. Mtit 1 t. row T. o-Prsi,li,l J M K Ti .. Css.blar m...iiU K CIIAttHKRI.AI.V. ' twiCsshU-r O A AKCdlBOf,!'. 1) SW.-MSS, -i I, Wi). i it ftalaVm, B .hamlKrla'd, W s Lsitil, W H, J A r-i utA an1 O A Ar, hiVM. ' TRANSACT a s-twwal banklnir bustle.. DSAWSIKil'l liKsrrS'Mt 5. Vork. Kau lai nl . . ' 'jre$m UOA5 VOiiET a,) aaeaiit aW.RIVR ilatKMtta anhtont tA Hank (if Oregon. UBAHT, - - - OHtGCw eQO.OOO. rldnt If ItrrV NT Vice Prsi.lent II K, MK.'.Kf I I. Jasbler 3. W. P.LAI V r:M?roioi. fl.. Bryant, J VV Blsin. V Humphrey, 0 If ttWiit, Ai Laobiug; II F Merrill. ijht xohanr i .1 t I Ut1sar,.p!i',; trai h er 011 Nw X-trk, 11 VrwAntn tod all prldo'pal point la Oregon r.n-1 WkkblriKlOD, ollectlona mad on favorably tf-rms , re a: Ladies,- EMBROIDERIES and FlOCKCINGS Cat best trading point in Oregon. Day by the- MciNElL & HILL . General Blaoksmitliiiig AT THEIR SHOP, V Corner of Second & Ellsworth Streets. Tbey are prepared to do anything brougbt t them at reasonable prices. ART STUDIO, Irs. Dr. Fatten, Clumber" EIocl LESSOXS Given in Drawing, Painting and Music, Pioturea for sale or painteu to order. D.