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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1890)
A DILEMMA. Rrfore (he election republican newspa pers and republican i pea kern, on all occti Ions, warned the people that the real time u the larlft. Democrat, when speaking hopefully of the piospectlve election oi Tennoyer were told that that wat the Issue and that they might nettle down to the conclusion that the people of Oreg.n would not elect a "free trade" governor, and that Pennoyct being a "free trader" would be mowed under just like Gcarlu waa two years ago. Thompson announced just before he started on hi canvass that the tariff would be the real Issue, and that he was then convinced that the people of Oregon would never elect a "free trade' governor. Well ths election came off and the people e'ectcd this "free trade1 gover nor by 4.000 majority In a state where the Republican majority Is seven or eight housand. Now what do we see? Why, these same pa pets and speakers are laboring manfully, day by day, to prove that the tariff Usue was not before the people at all, The Ortgeniun says it waa not and others are doing likewise, Most of Ihem, how ever, say that the tariff had nothing to do n the election of governor, but every thing to do In the election of congressman The brethren ate In an awkward dilemma on this subject, meanwhile, the campaign f education la iolng Its effective work as will more clearly appear in the election returns from the several states this fall. L , I Til E I'KNSIO.VIOITLOOK. According to the Treasury statement for May the pension payments in the eleven months of the 6scal year have amounted (01103,177,727, If only the average is maintained (or Jum. the cost of the list for the year will be over f ll). 000,000. This is a fact which should lead Congress to pause ia its works of adding to this enormous total. Either the Service Tension Bill of the House or the Dependent Tension Bill of the Senate would increase the expenditures oa this account beyond the cost of the largest standing army in the world. And the worst feature of the matter is that It is a continuing expense, It mortgages the revenues of the future for a full generation. Reckless extravagance for one year might be sustained, but to enact legis. atkm which means excessive taxation for twenty or thirty years is a serious blew at the prosperity of the country. The cost of pensions for this year will exceed by more than $So, 000,000 the expense of the list ten yea s afier the close of the war, when it should naturally have reached its nvximum. Each of the bills in dispute embodies a wrong principle of pensions, in addition to being reck lessly extravagant. It would be a good thing if the deadlock should defeat both. A LIVE ISSUE. The decent delay of the Tariff Bill for con sideration in the Senate is deprecated by a Protection journal on the ground that It will "give the Democratic organs an opportunity to keep up the tariff agitation," Lay not the'flattering unction to your soul that the passage of the McKinley Bill would put an end to "tariff agitation." It would make that agitation more active than it has been in fifty years. The notion that this question will be settled by a law in-reasing the war duties in every schedule save one imposing taxes from 100 to 350 per cent on many articles of clothing and burdening nearly all the necessaries of the peo ple is really too absurd. With the McKinley Bill passed or pending' the tariff will be the main issue in the Congres sional elections this tear. It embodies a new irrepressible conflict. EYES OPENED, Senator Plumb, of Kansas, unlike his colleague, Ingalls seems to be getting his eye opened. In speaking the other day In favor of free coinage of silver he thus reffered to the McKinley tariff bill : "The senate was appealed to yesterday by the sen ator from New York (Hiscock) against the bill In the sacred name of pro lection. Silver was an American product, a much larger product than many others whicn were to be protected by duties of 300 or 3oo per csnt. under the tariff bill. He would like to ask the senator from New York, who waa so anxious about foreign commerce, what he Intended to do with the tariff bill, which. t would prevent the United States from having any foreign comn.erce. He hoped he might interpret the senator's remarks on tat point as a hopeful augury of the action of that senator In putting his knife Into the bill now be fore the finance committee; a bill rvhich would raise the p-iceof nearly everything used by the masses of the people." Thus do we find another republican leader hastening to adjust himself in line with the democratic Idea of tariff reform. la EHROU. Having voted solidlyln congress against ee sugar, the democrats are now voting gainst free silver. What Is going to be ome of the democratic party, anyhow? Capital Journal. The Jcurnal Is two reckless in Its state ments. If It mean by "free silver," the free and unlimited coinage of silver then does it misrepresent the democrats in con gress as they labored to amend the Win dom bill so a to secute free silver while thev were outvoted by the republicans lietter as' what 1 becoming of the repub lican party anyhow? The Chicago Tribune, the leading republi can paper of rhe west, states the actual results of the McKinley tariff bill correctly and com pactly as follows: Cr. Reduction by free sugar and to bacco $ 70,000,000 Dr. By higher price on other arti cle 237,000 000 Net loss to the American pie , peo .$167,000,000. The inducement held out by the Salem papers to the voter of Marion countv to vote Lr Thompson was, that If he should be Heeled, he would move to and reside In Salem, while Pennoyer would not. The 17 majority which Thompson got would aeein co Indicate that the people of that county did not want O p. It wat a very illy appeal for votes, any way. The latest report states that twenty one ob servatories are now engaged h the internation al undertaking of photographing the entire heavens. Each observatory will have to take about 700 pho'ographs in the zone assigned to it, and it is hoped to finish the work ia three er four years The new republican tariff bill takes about $9,nco,ooo per annum off the tobacco tax and adds over ft 5,000,000 to the woolen goods. Ought not the workingaian with a large family rejoice with exceeding great joy that the tariff i in the bands of it friends? The same American plough that is sold in Iowa for $6 75 It sold in Mexico for $5 57. The Iowa farmer it "coraieiisated" however by a protective lax ogainst he importation of the wheal he exports te England. Th Albany Woo loo mill will pay 20 neat A pound for wool. Frvm our rsirol&r eorrwimndtni, VA8HINT0N. Wajuunoton, June a, 190 Senator Sherman and ' Allison are at logger head over the craay quilt hodge podge known as the McKinley tarttl bill, and Senator Allison Is reported to be pre paring a speech to be delivered against the bill on the floor of the scna'.e, should he fall, a now seems probable, to carry his point In the Finance Committee. In Hie meantime the party leaders seem to have gotten the whip hand oi the kickers, cer tainly so tar as the republicans of t'.e com mittee are concerned, and the majority of the committee are working like beavers to get through with the bill, and up to date they haye made nochangesof Importance Some republicans say the bill w ill be re ported In a week, but It Is more probable that It will take four week to get through allowing that harino y continue in the committee, which I by no means certain Speaker Reed Is getting a good deal of cheap notoriety because he Issued an order prohibiting the sale of drinks In the 1 louse restaurant. The only effect of the orde has been to stop the sale ct drinks over the bar, and to put the proprietor to the trouble of serving liquor to his guests Mated Instead of standing, lit the good old fathloned wiv. Slttlnir at table to take - - jour whtske) Is a Botoo IJca. The fiery GAR orator, whose feeing suffered excruciatingly because the people at Richmond chose to etjoy a harmless bit of sentiment b exhibiting the fljg of Coufedvtfcy, was In his glory Inthl vicin ity on Decoration day. He was quite numerous but also perfectly harm lens. No sensible person does anything but laugh at him. Wnen Senator Stewart stated on the floor of the senate that Major Powell, A rvctor of the Geological Survey, wss at the head of "a lying-in hospital lor lame ducks," he struck the nalt square on the head. The Geological Survey occupies large and luxuriously fitted up quarters here, and no man has ever been ahle to put his hand upon anything tangible performed by that bureau, and it has long been a standing joke that only work performed by Major Powell and his assistants was In the nature of lobbying to get fancy ap propriations through congress for them selves. These fellows cad themselves scientists, and perhaps they are. Thty have certainly learned the science of living in style at the expense of the government. An Investigation would amount to noth ing unless the "pull" hl;h Major Powell has so long and successfully had upon con gress should fall to work. Assistant Post-.nastcr General Clarkson. who has of late been posing as the special j champion of the anti-civil service legion, has disgusted many of them by proving ! himself to be asgreata humbug as the civ 11 service law. Mr Clarkson recently dis covered that just as his official life was nearlng its close, the postal service on the Pacific coast wss needing an official in spection by him, and yesterday, having previously made arrangements with an obliging railroad official for the use of a private car, MrClaikon started on his farewell junket. At Des Moines his fami ly will join this model official who is d-dng his level best to reduce the treasury sur plus. As soon as Mr Clarkson gets tirtd oi travelling over the Pacific ilopc he wil j return to Washington, and resign. Senator Carlisle is tnt latest democraiic states to give the Farmers Alliance some good advice. In reply to a lctier from a gentlemen In Alabama asking his views of the bill, which ha been reported ad. versely by the House Cornmittee.on Ways and Means to providing for the establish ment of subtreasurcrs for the storage of agricultural products, Mr Carlisle says : "The farmers have been taxed so long for the benefit of other claun and have seen so much legislation for the aggrandise ment of corporations and syndicates that their patience I exhausted, and finding It mposslble, for the time being at least to abolish the system which has oppressed and despoiled the greatest Industrial Inter ests ol the country, they are now demand ng that the very policy, which they have heretofore denounced as unjust and ruin out shall be applied to the, or rather a part of them, for no scheme has yet been sug gested that will operate alike upon all foreigners. But no evil cait be corrected, no wrong can be righted by Increasing its magnitude and extending the scope of its operation. There U but one effectual remedy for the evil which undoubtedly exists, and that is to reverie the policy which produced It." Post -master General Wanamaker I earning the ill-will of all the small Wash ington pension agents, because he is allow I ng one large firm.which publishes a paper, o violate the postal laws in sending out copic of that paper. Like Mr iVanamaker, the head of teefavored concern was a large contributor to the republican campaign fund, which excuseth many things. Hon. Stephen M White, of Los Angles California, a leading democrat of that state announce himself at a candidate fur the United State Senate lo tucceed Senator Stanford. He will canvass the state dur ing the pending campaign making the question of amending thf constitution of the United State o that United State Senators shall be e'ected by the people his main Issue. He will favor the amend ment. The campaign In California prom ises to be somewhat tropical. The Vet( sayt'at usual It was a Waterloo for the republicans in Linn county. " Well, ye it wa the most overwhelming Waterloo that that party ever m?t in the county. The average majority for the democrats on ihe atate and coun'.y tickets was 346, the largest ever known. A Werthles '.Utt, Cincinnati, June 9. Dan Wilcox, an ex peeiencd boatman, jumped from the Newport and Cincinnati bridge, ninety feet high, into the Ohio river and received fatal injuries. A I5 wager wat the csuse of '.he jump. Wmkrkto Gar Thkm. When wanting in organ or plans call on G L Blackman a hi e you nan select lrotn a nrst class StOwA. Corsets, Comet. . We make a specialty of ladies and misses fine rorset and waists. We also have a 4 rive in a French catine corset at 75 cent Extra good value. Samuri. E Youno. Letter UM. Following is th list of letters remaining In ths Pjst Otfloe, Albany, Linn county, Oregon, June Uth.tMM), Persons calling for these letter) must give the date on which thev war sdvartlsod ! Amino, Chi B Bradley, A D Bortner, L W Carter, Mr Caaaidy, George Daoiherty,Mra Win Ermine, George PeDninger. John Porcell, TC Hiy, E A 2 Hodges, Martin Hownnd, Cha Jackson. Charte Martin, Mis Ollio Meneffi, J P Ni'tth, Mr Matti Ollenbaok, H BUker. Win Bernhardt. It P Olaik, Mn N A Caraon, Maynard 2, John E li', Mi R C Poet. Mrv Tiolor, J Harris, Hugh Hefner, Ph H.fe, W 8 Jaeohion, Henry Keenay, Mis Daiiey Martin, J Mulvaoey,Mi Annie Obnrn, Mia E Phillips, M T sontt, Mr Bettie Ssndon, Joseph Southard, Mr Annie 8-hweitgr, Jacob Wilon, Maty Wood,JC Wenner, C S R. THOMPSON PM. YTIUTItfcat IKtM' HILL KIM NO. 13. 01 tlio Oregon Stato Wwllier lturoiui, co-operating with U, H. Signal Horvlw, Central (.Hike, Portland, Oregon, for tlio week ending Saturday, Juno 7th, WKAT1IKR. The forepart of the week w an cool nml cloudy, with ruin, hail nml allow in the tnoiintiUiiH. Iho riMiirull wiih poorly din tritmted. Hint there vn not the UnHlt derived from it that waa expected. The latter part ot the ween waa elomlloHH.dry and warm, on Friday ami Saturday the temperature wan above 10 legre in ninny m'tlmm of tliu at ate. More rain in needed, liiiln ami cool weather w ill yet produce good crops. iVlaved report Jroni j'.iiNtcrn iircuoii bIiow that on May '.nth. zuiu ami stitli front occurred that did damage, to vegetable, especially po- trttoc, tomatoes and pea, corn, ryo ami mtney were Who injured. CHOCK, The month ( May had a litgb average temperature, the crop proopect are not no eiieou raging a might lie ilcHireil, expo' cially bay ami late now it grain. The full and early now 11 wlieiit, continue to have a favorable outlook. The fruit promrtrt are good. StrawU rrle are very plenti ful. Cberrie aro ripe and tlio tree arc louiictl w ith them, ttcneral report mill eate a light bav crop. Crop in Tillamook county are nil proiuUing. Througlmnt the Willamette vallev rain i hiutlv need ed. Wheat Held are burnt, in place. Much of the ypriug how 11 grain did not come up. In the I'liipiiust and Uogue river valley the pronpeet are brighter. The eoaat count ica ar especially proinm ing for good crop. The tirandc Rotate and Walla Walla valley, and a greater portion of rmatilla county a well a the major portion of I'nion count v, have the bent proapect for crop in luihtrrii Ore gon. In the valley of Wallowa county, wheat, oat, barley and rye are doing very well. Wawo.Sberuian and cctiou of Gilliam county appear to U the worn! affected by the dry weather. In Crook, Grant, linker, ltke, Harney and Klam ath countie, the front of May "Sth.'JVth, did the m oh t damage, and in tlmeo coun tie the gran i rapidly drying up. KIVKH. The cool weather etoppvl the melting of the Know in the mountain, a a result all rivers are rapidly fatting. The prewnt warm weutber may cuumo tlieiu to rie again. It. S. P.UIt K, Olworver V. S. Signal Service. Aswiwtant Director Oregon Weather Ibi reau : iiik tout a. The billowing are the subjects tteaicd of in the Forum for June. It is a highly intricii g number: New the New Tariff lull, Roger it Mill Culture and Cuirent Oi'lio-losy. Dr AJ K UctircnJa. Formalize Influences w 1: 11 leiky. The limits of Reilintu in Kiel ion. 1.4uhici. Goe. Genius an I Womnn's Intuition, I'tof Lester F Ward. American lateies' in Africa. Itcury S Sanfotd. Feticliuin in l'oii!ic. Henry Outlet Lea. Encroachments ol the Se. IW W J NLGte. Public Control of the Tclciaj h. litonson c Neiier. Ihe 1. una union of the Arsme Ijn !, C Wool l)avi. Ief-nsrl Against I'piilemic Iiease. I)r Cyrus I'dson. TjhXEGUAi'lIIC NEWS Charge ef Hrlbery. Olvmha, June 10, The Olynipia Tribune of this afternoon makes the stailliug announce ment that a charge of attempt at briliery was laid before the members of the s'ate board of education In scssioon this afternoon, ia the shape of a thcik for $5000 pven 0ne f (C mcmltcit for the purpov of moving a icconaid eration. This plain ikx.tiiucni.ity evidence fell like a bom"hcIl in tin loan). It was a reflection on at Icaat two other membcft of the hoard, because such a Urc amount of money would not have been given 'o one mrmber to make the motion unless thoe who altcmpted the hrllierv were suie tf Iwo Others. A llnril ! mean er would have mule a majority, the tioard being comtovrd of five mcm!-er. The exjiosure was made by I. II Leach.of Vancouv er, secretary of t te boird. A Traah olt. San Fkancisco, June . M Wunich & Co., filled suit this morning in the United States circuit couit against the Northern I'a cific Railroad Company to recover Jhe sum o' $21,874. The toni.iaiut alleges that on March 24, I P L'ienbach,a traveling nun for & Co, took a I cket fioin Spokane l-'allt for Missoula, cherking at the same time a trunk va ued at the sum r..)ed for. Ksienbach re ccived a check fur Ihe lransoilation of the truak, paying excess baggnge therefor. On the way to MissuuU the train wss wrecked and the trunk partially burned. The oruuimrr hauled the remains ol his sample trunk fioin the wreck, and purchasing a new truck, placed Ihe jewelry in it, showed it to the conductor, snd it was agreed Hut the s-ine should be de livered to him at Missoula on presentation ol his baggage check for the old trunk, Instead of doing this it is churned that Conductor Crandall tent Ihe trunk through to St Paul, Minn., and it has never been rctuincd lo him Am Indlaai I piislag. IlKI.K.A, June to. Authoritative repor'.s come in from Ihe vicinity of the Cheyenne agency that the bucks hsve left llitir regular camp and are gutliciing in smull camp ol from fifteen to twenty live, in the limner, and are acting in a most insolent manner lotcttlers firing at houses and making the rnOit threaten ing deironstralions. So aiaiming weie the re ports to-day that Coloi.el Swaine, commanding at roit Keogh, lelcgrni cd to tin dt-parluu-ni heautyuartcrs, and this evening a reply was re ceived Ordering hlui to send one troop ol caval ry and two companies of iidanuy lo the Chcy enne agency. At Prlnreluu. Princeton, NJ., June 10. Thit morning the twentieth annual garnet Occurred, in which thiee k'tcordt were broken, loo yard being run in even time, 220 yards i j 21 seconds, by Cary; and a shot being put thirty two feet and five inches by Janewuy. Alose-t a Plre. Silverton, June 3. V'estcrday about '2 o'clock the fire bell js rung, and it was toon discovered that the Commcricnl hotel wat on fire. The fire company and citizens responded to the cill, end toun the hotel was alive with busy men and women, endeavoring lo subdue the flames, which they accomplished in a short time. A Remarkable Kseaiie, Baltimore, - June 9. Harry Evans, ol Washington, D C, an insane man, in cha'ge of an officer, on hit way to the insane asylum at Albany, M Y ., jumped through a car win dow of the fast express train on the Baltimore & Ohio road yesterday. It was thought he had met a horrible death and the train was stopped bu1 no trace of the man could be found. To day he wat found wandering around Canton in an almost uninjured condition, found Dead, Salem, June 9. Charles' Stokes, a hosiler and buggy washer, employed at E lis & Whit ley's liveiy stable, was found deod in his room at the Cbemckete hotel this evening, and the supposition is that hit death wat caused by suicide. He had been drinking several days, and after being discharged, talked at if he had in contemplation self destruction. . Evea la Baseall. St Louis, June 9 L D Doziet, of this city confirms the report that a crackrr Lifcuit trus wat recently forn.ed- The New York Biscuit Company, with a capital of 15,000,000, the United States Baking Company, with a capital of $3,ooo,ooo,aud die American Biscuit Manu facturing Company, with a capital unknown, have I ought up all the cracker buiscuh concern in t'..c country. A Uari Wreck, St Lot'isjane 9. A raiiiond wreck occur, ted At Wnncnlcn, Mo., six miles west of her on the Wnlmsh road occasioned by two freigh tnlns colliding just outside of Warrenton till morning, Doth the engines and t8 car were wrecked, seven men killed nml severnl wound ed, Ol eight palace hunt ears laden wiih race horses enunite fur the Kaooa City rrn es two weie wrecked nnd seven, win in charge of the hoi scs killed, Fifteen ratal hoises were killed mid a manlier til train men liint. WmI tlfrlntrllj. Lonihin, June y. In the commons to-dny Vincent culled the attention of t le house to the fuL't that Uie hoiine representative at Wnnh- inglon paused a bill for enhanced prohibitory ilmicun cutlery, tin p'ntesml other articles of llritUh export, He asked whether the F.ugtiiOi government having regard for the dinasirous effect wliii h the senile's nppioval must have upon Slid lit Id, the Midlands, South oVnles and, would mllicte to their view that Hie iii)Kirt lys'cmof the United Kingdom pre cluded iiihtt action lo the ItiiiUh minister at Wasliinglon to represent to the United Stales government I lie injmy that sucli legislation would do the i'tdustiy of a fiii-naMy power, which in IKS') gave a fire nuikct lo $05,000, Otio vunili of Ameiicnn rompciiti goodc, uar Itrals KfcW YoKK, June 0 -Wult street wn krpt in a 1 11 1 1111 iil tluuuglaait Inst Week by wild line tutitiiitis ia sugui I nut slink;. On Kiidsylhe ninoaiilrd In 1 15,000 uli.'lr", riiinl lo one lliiol ef the lotuhlt'nliitc, uinn the lo k cIi;iiij; day. Jim Kcviie, of S.111 I laurisco, who is iniini pulling s tlr;il foi llie IUvrmr)cis is popular ly '.i ;ovi-.l luluivv m ale niiju line una f I, ooo.t 00 to $5,110, OllO, lilaltu 4 Mululua, Washington, June hclegale HiiIms ami Corey me Mlli.-r nniious about tlieadmis. tion ol Midio and Wyoming. It is well known line that the Momma influence is twing woik- ed very hard ann'i"! the connidciation of the hills in the sriiule. Tlic consiiletalinn of I lis l.ilU 111 tlic wn.itc. The tilv.-r legislation lini hud somcituni; lo ilo Mitli tioldirg hark '.lie nd iniion, Tlie inllucnue ol the tcniiiots fioni die new ly ailaiitlnl far Writern il.Utt 'ia lucn for silvci, and it is critnia that Idaho and Wyoming could also join Nevada and Coloiado on tilve' inutlcis. l or lids reason it is xjiitile tlist the t arttcin senator have some hesitancy about auttiiiting Idaho and Wyoming, Krvrrs Drowaftl ItoiioN.Jmic 8. This morning eight young men slatted for a lulling exvuision in a sailboat When about a mile fioni Thompion's Idsnd. in Dorchester hay, the boat was struck by a suall and capucd. All but one were swim mcit, tiu!,iui4d of living lo swim a!totc,t!icy turn in cuiiio 11110 inc ixmii, wiuctt w 0 heavily lmijltl tlirir weight would tnve ncr iH-ncaMi the suilac", leaving tlicm ttrui? ' gUng in the wster. In this manner the sircnifih or 1 11c men was csnautieu, anil nicy sunk, on iy one, until liul one was leit, I he survivor, j iinun, luu sunk I r tlie Ian time when the lat, in itmng, came up under him, III. lug linn al-ove the suitace A Tralw Kablory. .Srl'AU, June 81 he Norther I'tcific eat l ound p.iener train which arrived here 10 night was ichhed l ma.ked men neat New Salem, N D., last niglil. Hie engineer and fireman were surprised by two men climbing over ihe lemler and txilcting the train sloped at the oint of icyoUci. I st ies Messenger Angcvine, hearing the ho s hied lotwnid and sunpccting sumeihing. lad 0co in inuney the safe, put out Ihe light and tan back iwo miles to New Slcm. The mail car wss last l.uklc.l by the robbers and a numlicr of regis tcied kttcrs rifled, and then the iwo rotors ', turned their attention lo the express car. This inry Kiuna iHKttcii, mucli to their rliniMin, li. tlirir ; xi,c patcni;c! wnc not touehed. allaw M10I, HuttlNuiiAU, Ala., June K. In Winston county Ncut loe and Henry Urnl eld, tacm bcrs of a ging of horse thieves and outlaw have been terroibtng ihe people, comm lling many murders and robberies. Ten days ago Shetin Mitihed and a omc surrounded the outlaws. A pitched battle ensued and Bcn fitld was killed, but kowe estajrd, The pur suit was con'inued and last night the officers surrouni'ed Howe in the mountains Iwen'y live mile fiom Double Springs, This morning he (sine out and wss culled 10 suricnder. He re fused and the officer fired, killing him as he raicd lu Winchester to shoot. Dlterdrrly Vtesnr. llA.NVll l.l:,lll.,June 8. Two baseball cluU composed of women played game here to-dsy befure 2'iO pic. 1 bis evening United State Attorney lliackhurn awora out a wairanl for their arrest for diatmbing the peace. Officer Pattern., n arrested lliem as they wee leaving town in carriers far Covington, Indiana JOKX II. CI BIKY. Ina. It. Curler, th welt known men-hanl tailor, of W Market St.. 8. 7., write to lb Ed win W. Joy Co., that for year he was atTllrted with dyspc-ula whlrh nothing relieved till b eommenecd taking Joy's Vegetable. Barsaparilla. He continues, "I am still Uklug n. It mild lsxative efTccts are exceedingly gratefnt to lb ystc-m. It Is a pleaaaut surprise that await those who do not know what our vegetable do for debility, sluggish liver and Im paired d! goat I re organ. Will & Link, OPERA HOUSE MUSIC STORE, AOKXT MS Till! CKLSSSATSD II. F. Miller, And the Favorite J. BAUER & CO, PIANOS. Also ths louse Proof "EAREFF," And other First-Class O G- -A J' Q : Bale Agents for th ELDREDGE B. and SEW HOME aewInK . NttchlDCfia Organs - Cleaned -and - Repaired. ALBANY, OREGON. II. G. WATSBM, Attorney at Lw. ALBANY, 01Br,0N. Oflire in Ibe Mlraliau Bloc:.. I keep a full line 6f the above celebrated Glovea in black and colors, Am sole agent for Albany, Or. ',.,.' - , ... SAtfUEt E YotTKG. "llollol It.-lloll Hsllolll- " VVU what la tit " , ... "How Is vour molhor. thl niornlnirt" "Vnry much bctmrt she hail a r reifnl lp last nl lit 1 sh I alntnat rid of h-r tilirliU wiwla, ooiikIi ana ncrvouamw, anil la 1?"' in qullti clurrul. Hour nil f nl wo all ro to ynn for that hottln "f ineillaliai." " Ihin l SM.k of grwUtuJa. What doc tit dnitor say 1 " . , . "Ilo my lie never taw so wonderful a oli-intf.' In siinti a frloui lnn tinilil. lis 111 thinks vn am .irlvtutr hi medlelne. 1 don't Ilk" lo tjll hlai." "Ttm'.'a rllit. ll"' an old friend, you idi, I'tn sain yuur mother will t wi ll iiiwi hut yti won't forfel ihu nanio of tlat DiiTll.iur, tvlll yon 1" "Never I ir. Plerc' fl'dden Mixtloiil Ill- eoverr si t' hou nolo worn in miy. ami 11 Im uoiiio I 1 vy. I' oiii and wluit sun- sinini 11 nai aiaiiili '.I'.uaUl alitwl.aial l"t us laaak 'ldl'.' ''"..'i bre." i Tim fmv ',,!( i.a f sir rnw"tilntlon of a foil Very noma I'-iti! raee, ,,iilt'"a ;olivl liwiwjr" Irn 1 le.i '. wvnre, lliii"! 'us iuli Sim arr-OMi la'iis'iiiii'iiMi,, ur i-unv- i'Mim. Ill tliniiimiul t imui afli r 0.H t.. Imve fit.u l and utlier mnUeliies linve Ikk-ii trll and nlnn- iis'iiai'tlnn, or l.aiw-4'T'iui4l diiamt s lisi'lesN. 'I'lMI " IliMHilrfiy " ia II ill" aniseed in In-nerll or euro lis over? i sm-, if tnki u in tlaio and ylven a fair trial, or money will li lelniakHl. I". '1 1 111 1 . DR.fSACE'S CATARRH REMEDY nun s IUu worm iwi no 11 slu r ot how louy tundina. U) ouuu, by uru.ut. It) IIF.N l Nio furni.hed lent, liquii at thl lltliw. loams lo Administrator's Notice Nota i hervliy irivsn that th utidr ittned ws by ordtr of th County Court of l.inn county, Ore(rn.on the 4th day of June, 1 H'JO, appointed ailiniuiktrator, with ths will annexed, i ftliUt ofCliaa II Henoer, daeeaeMl, Alt wrons hsvinK claim ttinat snl sUt will them to me, at mv Cllloe in the "Hank of Oregon." in Albany, Oregon, duly verified, within til months from thtdi. luted June 4th. IS'.H). II K Mnihll L. AdminUtratnr, with th will snnese.1. of th eUt of Ch It KKn Uko W Wmuiit, cer.decraasd. Attutnay, N'OTICK 10 CON rilACTOKS, Kid for the building of a fram thqreh an tli corner of 3-1 and KlUworth street, At baoy, will be received at th i'srsonaite, till 6 o'clook, p in, June lliih. I'lans and o llicatlan can ! seen at tha oltioe of th Suitsr 1'ine Daor & l,umler Co, Alt'ny, Th trustre reserve th rit'it to r any r-r all bid. 'cl! I Master's Sale. t thf 1'ntifJ ,Stif4 Circuit Com t or the l)itttitt 0 Otrgoii. a a. MYeaa.etsi, (Notice.) v. 4SanlrT, Gavjast st4 A. C. Uaiaaav and fmujr ('ens and Jues Cossaa: Tortt K la IIKItKhV OIVE.1 THA t IN ft KM'- ae9e uf iIh, eaerce of aaid 1 4urt, ma4e and m tared U th alene sMIUed raaae Ml In tTtN Oay ol January, Isso, I, tlcotf II tiurham, ataatar In than eery i4 said t'un, wilt $ured to sll at ksvhtle swetiuti, to the li ghtt bidder far eaah la hand, eub Jeei lo fwWa..lUrtt, aa um sa ssecttiloa kawted on J (aliment at law. at the frutil of I ha t'uniily Conn bones, of Una eoukty, at Albany . In said Linn (oajbty, Oreewe,. ue Hafwrway. Jas talk. I), at the bmir ut 10 eVIuek, lo lb luretMaon, s'l th rlahl. tula ami Inlereal wbUb lb defendant, I'hll Itptirigahy, A 0 (Irigahy or Jane Mailt bad la tb beretnaflar daaertbed peary, at the dale of th el etiUonof tb asottage In the bill ai l derre beret et furlb and deae'lbed, or which tkey ur (ilher of Ibant now nav lhrein, aatd aurtgsved premteea be Kg deaertbed a Mluwa, le elt; v Tb land claim et William W and Sophie WUtoughby, being NiHlUdaUen Ssfi, stlitated ta ooa 10, It. 14 snd It. Township It. goal of Range 4 Weet ot lb Willamette meridian, containing two hundred sod ninety two and ninety hand reditu cres; alan, tha Mlowing, commencing at tb e ait h weal eorner ol the dunalira land claim aamber fli, NutiBantbHi T7, tbewe eaat M. eTthenot swrtbchajn t chain (take; Ikenc north. S degraea west, t. IS chains to tb center of Muddy ereek: thence down th sbe anderlng of aald creak to lb west line rf mid claim ; j thene aoutb ebaln loth plaee of beginning, I A.nlilnln, Tt ami S7 Itti rulnxtl K a.nre - alo iKr f. J- lowlng, beginning at the Houlheaet eorner uf claim number 02, KullflcatUm 2477, tbanc wast U chains , thenos north tl chalna ; thene aat tt chains ; thene south tt chains to ths ntae uf beginning, contain Ing e.' !rea, all I Lion county, Oregon, and con taining In tb segregate about 377.77 seres.. Held est wilt be srta In esllaf action at said decree and oata and cent of sal ; rajd deerr ta for fnont snd tb euela Used at li:l,77 UV.UtWK II. M ItllAM, Maat&r In Chancery V BCtr Court tiat Oregun. ted May Itet, tKiO, Summons, lit the Circuit Court e fAi lil'iie oj Oregon fur Linn County. i L llollid-, riaiiiUff Charles K llust and Clara V Simpson and William Himpaon, her bnsband, Dafeudaut. To Chsi'itKIluit, ClaiaF Simitonsnd Wil.isin Simpson the above named defen dant. lo the time of ti, State of Oieuon, jou. and each f ynn, r hereby required top nr snd answer the complaint of the above usmea plaintiff in the above-entitled court, now on tile wtli the clerk of aaiil o. urt, on or bofore the liist day of the next rQlsr lei tn o' said court, tn-wit, June 23, Ib'M. And von, aud usuh of yoo, are here by notified that if y u tail to appear aud answer wi f e-nnplibt a hereby required, the pl'i.ilit will apply to tho court for ihe relief iltniai ded in (aid ooinplalnt, to wii: a dieiee rt formica and enrrettinu thvi cortsiu ! ed uisilb by James W llust ami Sarah 1. Hust, hi wife, to John P Iteotnr, hea'tnH dale the 21st dsy of April, 1809, re cord) d on pue 7&U tt hook A, ot rrcoi'l ol deeds of Lmn county, Oiegon, so a to in- eludo the followiog described real propel ty, to-wil: JteirinnlnK at llie aoutbweat coiner oi aectlon II. iu tp 14, 8 K 4 W, W lllsnelte Mcriuian. in l.lun county, t'mtor, ti a ruoniug Kast 40 thalim, ttenoe north 85 chain. thence Kaxt 0.63 i 00 cbalna.tbei ce oorlii 5 cUaina, tbence weet 44 03 100 chain theiina couth 40 chain to the plm o cf belnDing , alo refeimlng and (Kirreutlng tba certain deed made by ' aid Jamex W Huht and Ha rah L, Haul, to aald John P Ktictor, but ring dale lie l'lih day ofFobruary. J8U. recorded on pine 610 of Book li of Deed Keoor.te.of Linn eoun ly Oregon, ao a to include the following drae-lbed real property, to-wit : Betiu niDK at a point 6 63 chalna east ol'the nortoeaat corner of th aoutb west quarter or aro U, t. 14, o H 4 w, wiiUirie'te Me rid an, in Linn county. Oregon, and run uing aat 9 rod, tnenno n a eoutberlj direction to a point 6 chalna aouth of the place ol begin ntDr, tbenco north 6 chain to the pace of beglunlnu. at id quieting ptttitiiilia title to aon or aatd trauia oi land aud perpetually enjoining and re straining you and each of you from a Ktrting or oluimlng any right, title or interoatln and .o either of aald l for lurlrprjcnt againat you forblacoct and JitburaemeuU bereln. Tbiseiiiiirnona la publlabed by order o Hon K P .(Mqo, Judge of the abovo entif tied Court, made at Chambers In the ntf of Salem, in Marlon county, Oregon on the 8th day of May, A. I) , 1800, ' Hewitt 4 Irvine. Alt'ya for Pliioliff. Administrator's Notice. Notice i hereby given that the under signed ha been appointed administrator of the estate of Miriam Harrel, deoessed. late of Linn county. All parties having elaims sg&iost said estate are hereby notified to present them, dnly verified, to the under signed at bis residence in Saio, Or gon, with in six mnnthg from tliU date. . Myl6tb, 1890. j J L Miller, ' Hewitt & Irvine, . Admin, Att'y s for Admr. of Pinal mont. Settle Nation islmruliv uivon that the exroutrlx of th last will and tnstament of Henry Fen land, dooiasrd, line llled in th County Court of Linn county, Oreann. her final account as sniiti exfontnx and lv order ol tald Court Monday, July 7th, 1HIM), nttb hour of 2 o'eliidk p, in,, 1ms been ft for hearing. All person ttitrresled are hmehy notitlrd to ap pear and ill hi or lis r oblentiim if any linos ii tnsalil stioaiintiioor lietors salt! day. Dated June 4th, IH'.K). M J PK"i,Am, J K Wkatiiukkoiiii, Kxeutttri. Att'y for Kxsoutrix. Referee's Sale. Statb tr Omnium, a. CotJMTY tir Ml'l.TMOMAB Nat in is hereby given that by virtue of a (Uorcfl of ia tttinn and ardor of tale made by and entered in the Cirouit Court of th state of Oreitnn far Mnltnnmsli county on th 15th day id June, 1HH7, aud an amendatory deoree nisda and enteind in sslit Uourt on the ZUth dy of Htiienilii.r, 1 Hw7, in tho partition suit ol Ainsinl Minn nl si v J l( fytiwh et tl. wtirroliv It was onlnrtd that the following rl iraiaiit onsurihed as follows to-wit! t nintiiiiK a iialattilnvi'D (II) uhainssnd six (lil lini-s nnlh, and soma ("1 chsius and I cik.tily (HU) links vi ait of the soul hxast earner it n et 1.. 11 i.iiiii. eii I III) In lawtislilo twi lv I 1 iji .111 it mi li hi.. lanr 11 wi, vtillini- M..,,, ,., llieao st lf y ",, l's) ""'I t 'r (fit) link t n-ani t 11 (10) oli 1 o j t haunt nsvt (H .a. l -ii and Its t y (,'i0) link thanre I i uih tun (1(1) chsius 1 1 hno south two (2) degree, thirty (311) minute west two (2) chsius and sisiy (()) links thntie south eiiihterii (IH) ih uree thirty (30) mirula,eit twenty (2(1) elmjinsnd ninety tlx (!Mf) link ; vaeuoe .v sisiy-sis ii)niuaias anil eiuiiiy I seven (Hi) links thi lire north five (5) d- grr ami t nirty 1.10; minuics eas t euty t-U) tihslns and 1. me (11) link , thenoa north ten (HI) degree end thirty (30) mo. nt. vol eleven (II) eh Haa slid aevantv (7U) link sndllal'iw Is twenlt-six (Sill rleuieee. west twelve (12) elisins and thirty (30) link t th daee of liegibutUa', ntaitiing two hundred and seventy three (273) acre, more j er!ss,baiu situated In I. inn county, Oregon, and belnv a uitt of section nineteen (19.) twenty C.'O) and thirty (30 )in township (12) south raniie four (4) west Wiiismett Mcrr- disn beius in oonnei lion with other real property lielonuing to the heir of John Smith, deceased, b (old at public anotioa, MHMirdlnif to law. to th hiaheat bidder. Now taerrfofe, by viitu cf ssid dere. snd S4id amuduint thereto, I, th ondet sine,who wssauly appoinUd by id Court to sell said real property, will on Teraday, Jaly I lib, la. at 10 o'clock a. tn. at the Cmrt Hons dnor of Linn county, Oregon, tell at public auc tion ia the lil)ht bidder, for cash, in pnran- snoe to said decree, all of the within de scribed real roperty. C II IUrrrv, Keferce. Summons, the Cirem Cuurt of tht Stnlt of (hreon fur the Cohn'w 01 J.IM I f Li J Haskell, rialntlir, v Annie V IIaakc.ll, 1'trc-ndat.t. In tlin name- o the Ute of Oregon you are hereby . utntnonnd and rt quired lo inar and answer plait till complaint nitxi in in aoova enuue-:i nun, m llie above entitled court, on ot before Monday. Use 3r4 day mt Juuc, tnu. that belt n the flrtt day of the tie-1 reau- lat term vt aald court, to be begun and hld at Albany, l.inn county .Oregon and rou are hereby notified that If ou fall ao U appear net snseer nanl cmiw plaint a herein requited. filali tllT will pply to aam court nr in fetter domaniimj in ald rouiila)nt to wll . Kora dor.-we dlaaoly. ing the uiarrii(e contrai't row exlatiog b-.twn jou nd pialnllfl. for onata and U latin rwn ent. of ibltkull and for uch other relief a niay be equitable an J Jual Thl summon la fubiinb1 In the Al baby Iumoohat for nix succewe Ive week y order of lion It F Hole Judge of aald eoiirt.whlrb order wu mtilt al Chamliera and berdat the btb day of May.lH'JO. Dated M y 8:h. fHUO. OtO. A. Dnttla, flfl'a AU'y. Executor's Notice. Notice 1 hereby riven tht the tinder algned baa txw n appointed by tb County Court of Linn county, Oregon, eiecu or Oi tbe lai will and testament and Mint of Camilla MeFarland. der-aajwei, lam ofj l.inn county, uregon. All parsons bar ing ctaluiaaaainal aald ealat are hereby notified lo prenent the h duly verified at but oflleo In Albany, Or eg in, witbin la month from tula date. May 1Kb, Ihuo j l n i ll. TJSTitM, Etecutor. Att'y for Etecutor. Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court of Oregon fur Mull, uornak County. F Klobot and T Klfin-t, partnr ra under me nrrn nameor r" Kiolie' .t Co, I'lalntifT, v George K Singlet. in, Defendant. Notice U hereby given that by vlitue or an exeoution uuiy laaunii tut or the above natnexl court In tbe above entitled action to me directed and de.lveied.I did In l.lnu county, Oregon, on the 8rd day of May. IKWl.duly lew upon all tbe right, title and interest of George K Singleton, the above named defendant. In ana to the real property hereinafter described, and will on lerdr. Ihe Urn tr ef Jaae.A. IBM, at tha Court House door In tbe city of Albany, Linn county ,Oregnn,at the hour of one o'cim-k p m ol aald day, sell at public auction tor cash In band to tbe filght bidder all of the right, title and Interest or the aald defendant, George K Sloitieion, In and lo tbe following do rrli-oil pretiiieea a folfowa to-wlt : Lot No 7. in b'o.k fo Id. in tbe city of Al lutny , Linn county, state ol Oregon. Tbe prm eeda arlalng from aui'b kale to beep plied', tint, t the ay ment of tbe coat o and upon ald executmn aud tbe orlgina coal. of euiil an it lamd at f 10 66-100 Hecon I, to t lie pay me ut of plaintlfrt claim a-iiounting to tho auin of $81 with Inter' t thereou at the rto ofHporpuit per annU'U frt.m tlie 10; h day of April, IbOO, the same being toe date or tbe reoovery r Judgment In favo or the above nssieii pfMiiititri and ag.tln-t t bo above named ti-renirfnt John Smai Lxio, hb'irof Linn Co., Or., by 1)8 Smith, deputy Administrator's IMDtice. Notice i. lie el j fivun that the nnder kiijiiud ad'iiin s-ia.ors of the estate of,Enooh Holt, dtva-il, have tiled with the clerk of the C..unr C iurt for Linu county, Oregon, their liusl account ia aid eatate and the said County Court baa fixed Monday, the 7th day of July, 1390, at the hour of 1 o'clook p. m, of ald day, for the hearing oi objection to said aoonnnt, if any.and to aettle aaid estate. This June 3rd, 1890. Sam Mat and W F Mkndeshall, J VC Weatiierford, Adtnrs, Att'y for Admr. (V)Rt-G0N8t00DPl!l?irirR. HEALTH RESTORER. use it: IT IS TKP1 rPTCAI, MBPTCTTTB. It rouse, the fjver and Kidneys and Stomach, cures llniiiliiche. PvHneesin, creates an Appe tilu, Purifies the Im.iure Blood, aud rVrs Tbe WenV Btrong. .1. s- psed everywhere, ft a bottle slx for $3. Administratrix Notice, Notice is hmehy given that the under signed has this day been duly appointed ad ministratrix ot the estate or Martin Wert, deceased, late of Linn county, Oregon. All persons having claim against aaid estate are hereby renuiree to present them properly verified to the undersigned at Albany, Ore gon, within tit month from tni date. May 14th, iS'JO, t . Sabah LLcpkr, Administratrix. I have just received a Urge invoice of lace curtains, ranging in price from one to nine dollar ajpair, torim, tnrtain net, etc. Alto a line of curtain poles aed fn-nitnrn cover ing. " Saicum, B Yotrao.-- Notice Riissel & Go's I -s ,rset ' c-ass1 'rwJClrw 'jzy AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, WAGONS AND BLACKSMITHS' SUPPLIES, IRON, STEEL. CHAIN, COAL, PAINTS, OILS, WAGON MATERIAL, BABY CARRIAGES, GARDEN AND GRASS SEED, GUNS and AMMUNITION. N0TIHE Telcai ar liat-anwicaT, ) oincscr Coarraiictaaor ms l i iiim i, , W sahing-ton, Mat Slat, liW. J Vtfcereaa. br aalUfacturv evidence ureM.iol Ia Ihe baa bean aude lo aar tlial I he l.lnaluaniv National Alliaa. in eitr el Albany, la the eouniv ut Llnu, ana state uf j Wet-on, haa eottilled a-ilh all Uie r-n IMnlia ul Ihe i Buuutea al tnel ntled Hiat, reculml In lx ruilied IIh Indure an sewetaUon shall be auUtoniUid to eutnniertce toe bualnea of tankltif . Kw. Ibererere, I, Vj ward lcr, l-..m;,tr..llr ol the C'urrvm-jr. turel.e wrlily that -The li.n OMnlir KaUuual Hank, al Albany," in IU city 4 Albany, iu theeonnty et Lltm, aud Male I Orrf-Hi laaulWIand to amtineuce th biuineM at Imikinj e liruTlded In Section Kiny mm hawlrrd and alii) Bin ut lb rerlaed eutute ot the t ulle-4 euie. In teetlmony rhenM,t e iinoaa me lua.i. hand and aeal ut alBc Ihia Slet la ol l"- I May, lw. p.. a. utv, CompUolNrr ot ll Curicncy. NO- 432C. S. IV. STEELE. leal Estate i Loan Brokei Large list of g nnl farm snd city ( r cit iw aaie , lna, moeey on real eaUte ia I.inaai d adjuining eoanlte. Ioanraace written op in rcl.aLle enmpa iee. Notary Tablieand conveyancer. Call oo or write me. S. X. STEELE, EZ3 Albany, Oregon. Farms, Farms. Those wishing to insist iu funi property should call and see r ur lot of farm and city property. We hate some of a good fruit ai d saidin land aa can be ft and in the i latn. Also stock ranches and wheat farms all near K It. Farm and farm pn p erty a specialty. Call and see us before purchasing lsehrre, Oifice, First Street, r.nt il,r to Thompson ft Overmau' llsroraa Shop, Albany, Or. T. B. C0RNKLL& CO., Real RnUle AgtnU. City Drug Sloro. Stanaid & Gusick Proprietors. Successors to Guiss ct Son. Dealers in drugs, medicines and chemicals,fancy and toilet articles, sponges, brushes, perfiiniery,school and ar tists supplies. Physician's prescriptions accurately compounded. " MONEY. CHEAKMQNEY. We have made arrangements to supply money to an on long nine at low rate iuterest on Improved farm and cltv moti erty. Thsee who contemplates building brick block or good blick business bouse can get money, see us. Wallace & Cnsica Harry Jones' RESATURAINT AND OYS TER HOUSE. Jest opened,- opposite tbe Ruts IIi u-c Prompt attention, and everj thi.ig neatard eiean. Open day and night. MciNElL & HILL DO . . General Blacksmitliing AT THEIR SHOP, Corner of Seoond & K'.laworth Streets. Thev are prepared to do anything brought to intra at reasonable prioes. Uoburg Lumber. I tell the best lumber in the count) ; also eedar poat. shinties, laths door and win dow mouldioff, to. Price from $5 o '22 per thousand. Yard at Lowson, on the Narrow Gauge. . See me before purchasing elsewhere, . W W Crawford. addre, PO Ta)lmaD,0i- ART STUDIO, Kn. Dr, fattti, Blumbtrg Block LESSONS Given In Drawing, Paintm MM t'oturet fr 8i or puinta to or 1 1.- . Good dry fir wood for tale. Leave orders at tbi ofhoe. Bargain at Read'. ALBANY OREGON, Ulnar run Engines and .1) DKALKHS IX.... L. E. BLAIN -AT 1 - HEAD Now the f treated Attraction is His. Large and Stylish Stock of LIGHT - WEIGHT - SUITS, Straw Goods, Etc., -In Iveepinyr With tlie Seanon If You Would be Suitably Dressed - Call - at - His - Store. - Jas. F. Powell & Co., Successor to Geo. C. Henderson. -DEALERS 15- Choice C1 (fm Produce; Crockery Ware; Tobac co Etc. Etc. Low Trices and Wait abit! A man broke his neck one because he was in a hurry! WT want you to know about our Stoves and Ranges, at prices from ten dollars upward. The newest thing in the way of household utensils are Oil and Gasoline st nTes.J Come and look at 'em. Wo do business to please our friends as well as to make a dollar or two. Popular prices prevail, Matthews & Washburn; , Montague & Son, aOIRZKnEIR HJ'IIRST & ZETEIRDRrsr ST3 Dealers in Groceries, Produce, Coniectionary. Etc, Pniduoe wanted in oxoWqe for gool ' or cash. Fist-olass cooda and prompt attr.tioo. TRY US- r10 RENT. A furnished cottage, five X room'1, with or without piano, for thre month. Inquire at this office. : This Trade Mai k on a stove meant it it the best thr ex perience and skill can con. trive. Sold enljr by Smith & Sender. Machinery. BUGGIES, LOGGERS A D THE - HIS - LINE! Groceries Prompt Attention. Matthews & WASnBURJV, ALDANT, OREGON HarflirarB, Stoies, and Tinware. Tobacco, Cigars. MONEY. Home capital to loan oa appro vod security. WE MoP'ler aon. Real' -tate aorl Insurance Broker, f"OR SALE. A carpet loom, with all ' fixtures and aitachmenra.on leauoo ao'oterma. Call o a John Medio, at .t Central Bcbool but diasr.